REGISTRATION RIGHTS AGREEMENT

     This Registration  Rights Agreement (this  "Agreement") is made and entered
into as of  this  4th  day of  June, 2003,  by and  among  Financial  Industries
Corporation,  a Texas corporation (the "Company"),  American  Physicians Service
Group,  Inc., a Texas  corporation  ("APS"),  M&W  Insurance  Services,  Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("M&W"),  Equita Financial and Insurance Services of Texas,
Inc.,  a Texas  corporation  ("Equita"  and,  together  with  APS and  M&W,  the


     WHEREAS,  pursuant to various  purchase and option  agreements,  the Buyers
acquired shares of common stock,  par value $.20 per share (the "Common Stock"),
of the Company and/or options to acquire shares of Common Stock; and

     WHEREAS, in connection with entering into such agreements,  the Company has
granted  certain  registration  rights as  described  in this  Agreement  to the


     For and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants  contained in
this Agreement,  and for other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency  of which are  hereby  acknowledged,  the  parties  hereto  agree as

          Section 1.  Registration  of Shares.  For purposes of this  Agreement,
     "Holders"  means the Buyers and (to the extent not prohibited by Section 8)
     any transferees of the Buyers, and "Registrable Shares" means any shares of
     Common  Stock  held by the  Holders as of the date of this  Agreement,  all
     shares of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  exercise  of  options  held by the
     Holders as of the date of this Agreement,  and any and all shares of Common
     Stock  issued  as (or  issuable  upon the  conversion  or  exercise  of any
     warrant,  right or other  security  that is issued as) a dividend  or other
     distribution  with respect to, or in exchange  for, or in  replacement  of,
     shares  of  Common  Stock  held by a Holder  on the date  hereof  or issued
     subsequent  to the date hereof  pursuant to an option to acquire  shares of
     Common Stock held by the Holders on the date hereof until the date on which
     (a) the  resale  of such  share  of  Common  Stock  by a  Holder  has  been
     effectively  registered  under the  Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the

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     "Securities   Act"),   and  disposed  of  in  accordance   with  the  Shelf
     Registration  Statement (as defined below),  (b) such share of Common Stock
     is  distributed  by a Holder to the public  pursuant  to Rule 144 under the
     Securities  Act,  or  (c) such  share  of  Common  Stock  may  be  sold  or
     transferred by a Holder  pursuant to  Rule 144(k)  under the Securities Act
     (or any similar  provision  then in effect).  The Company  shall  (x) on or
     prior to October 1,  2003, file with the Securities and Exchange Commission
     ("SEC")  a shelf  registration  statement  pursuant  to Rule 415  under the
     Securities  Act (the "Shelf  Registration  Statement")  on Form S-1 or Form
     S-3,  if the  use of  such  form is then  available  as  determined  by the
     Company, to cover resales of Registrable Shares by the Holders, and (y) use
     its  commercially  reasonable  efforts  to cause  such  Shelf  Registration
     Statement  to be  declared  effective  as  soon as  reasonably  practicable
     following  its  filing  with the SEC,  but in any event not later  than the
     first anniversary of the date hereof;  provided,  however, that the Company
     will be  deemed to be in  compliance  with this  clause  (y) if such  Shelf
     Registration  Statement  is  declared  effective  on or prior to the  first
     anniversary  of the date hereof (and, in such event,  the Company shall not
     be liable  to any  Holder  for  failure  to cause  the  Shelf  Registration
     Statement to be declared effective prior to such date). None of the Company
     nor any of its  securityholders  (other  than the  Holders  of  Registrable
     Shares in such capacity or other shareholders having registration rights in
     effect  as of the date of this  Agreement  permitting  them to  participate
     therein) shall have the right to include any of the Company's securities in
     the Shelf  Registration  Statement.  The  Company  shall not be required to
     effect more than one registration pursuant to this Section 1.

          Section 2.  Effectiveness of  Registration.  The Company shall use its
     reasonable   best  efforts  to  keep  the  Shelf   Registration   Statement
     continuously  effective  for a period  ending on  March 31,  2007,  or such
     shorter  period that will  terminate  when each of the  Registrable  Shares
     covered by the Shelf Registration Statement shall cease to be a Registrable
     Share. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon the occurrence of any event that
     would cause the Shelf  Registration  Statement  to  (a) contain  any untrue
     statement of a material  fact or omit to state a material  fact required to
     be  stated  therein  or  necessary  to  make  the  statements  therein  not
     misleading  in light of the  circumstances  under  which  they  were  made,
     (b) not be effective and usable for resale of Registrable Shares during the
     period that such Shelf  Registration  Statement is required to be effective
     and usable or (c) contain  financial  information  that no longer meets the
     requirements of any applicable rule of Regulation S-X, the Company shall as
     promptly  as  practicable  file  an  amendment  to the  Shelf  Registration
     Statement, which in the case of clause (a),  corrects any such misstatement
     or  omission  and,  in the  case of  clause  (c),  updates  such  financial
     information.  In the case of clause (a),  (b) or (c), no offers or sales of
     Registrable  Shares  shall  be  made  pursuant  to the  Shelf  Registration
     Statement  during  the  period  that the Shelf  Registration  Statement  is
     unusable  and the Company  shall use its  reasonable  best efforts to cause
     such  amendment  to be  declared  effective  and  such  Shelf  Registration
     Statement to become usable as soon as practicable thereafter.

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          Section 3. Suspension of Registration. Notwithstanding anything to the
     contrary in this  Agreement,  the Company may prohibit  offers and sales of
     Registrable Shares pursuant to the Shelf Registration Statement at any time
     if (a) (i) it is in possession of material non-public information, (ii) the
     Board of Directors of the Company (the "Board") believes in good faith that
     such  prohibition  is  necessary in order to avoid a legal  requirement  to
     disclose such material non-public  information and (iii) the Board believes
     in good faith that disclosure of such material non-public information would
     not be in the  best  interests  of the  Company  and  its  shareholders  or
     (b) (i) the  Company  has  made  a  public  announcement   relating  to  an
     acquisition  or  business  combination  transaction  including  the Company
     and/or one or more of its subsidiaries  that is material to the Company and
     its subsidiaries taken as a whole and (ii) the Board believes in good faith
     that it  would  be  impracticable  at the  time  to  obtain  any  financial
     statements relating to such acquisition or business combination transaction
     that would be required to be set forth in the Shelf Registration  Statement
     (the  period  during  which any such  prohibition  of  offers  and sales of
     Registrable  Shares  pursuant  to the Shelf  Registration  Statement  is in
     effect  pursuant  to clause  (a) or  (b) of this  Section 3  is referred to
     herein as a "Suspension Period"). A Suspension Period shall commence on and
     include the date on which the Holders of Registrable  Shares covered by the
     Shelf  Registration  Statement receive written notice from the Company that
     offers  and  sales of  Registrable  Shares  cannot  be made  thereunder  in
     accordance with this Section 3 and shall, with respect to each Holder,  end
     on the date on which  that  Holder  either is  advised  in  writing  by the
     Company that offers and sales of Registrable  Shares  pursuant to the Shelf
     Registration  Statement and use of the prospectus  contained therein may be
     resumed  (a  "Resumption  Notice")  or  receives  a  copy  of a  prospectus
     supplement;  provided,  however,  that Suspension  Periods in the aggregate
     shall in no event be longer than  forty-five  (45) days in any one (1) year
     period during which the Shelf Registration  Statement is required to remain
     effective in accordance  with this  Agreement.  The Company  agrees that it
     must promptly  deliver a Resumption  Notice to each Holder when none of the
     requisite  conditions  for the  Suspension  Period  continue  to exist or a
     prospectus supplement as soon as reasonably practicable.

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          Section 4. Damages. The Company recognizes and agrees that the Holders
     will not have an adequate remedy at law if the Company fails to comply with
     this Agreement and that damages may not be readily  ascertainable,  and the
     Company  expressly  agrees that, in the event of such failure,  upon proper
     proof a Holder may be entitled to  (a) specific  performance of any and all
     provisions  hereof or (b) enjoin the Company from  continuing to commit any
     such breach of this Agreement.

          Section 5. Further  Obligations of the Company. In connection with the
     registration  required  under this  Agreement,  the Company  agrees that it
     shall also do the following:

               (a) furnish to each Holder  such copies of each  preliminary  and
          final   prospectus  and  such  other  documents  as  said  Holder  may
          reasonably   request  to  facilitate   the  public   offering  of  its
          Registrable Shares pursuant to the Shelf Registration Statement;

               (b) use  all  reasonable  efforts  to  register  or  qualify  the
          Registrable Shares under the applicable securities or blue sky laws of
          such  jurisdictions  as any  selling  Holder may  reasonably  request;
          provided,  however, that the Company shall not be obligated to qualify
          to do business in any jurisdictions  where it is not then so qualified
          or to take any action which would subject it to the service of process
          in suits  other  than  those  arising  out of the offer or sale of the
          securities  covered  by  the  Shelf  Registration   Statement  in  any
          jurisdiction where it is not then so subject;

               (c) permit each Holder or its counsel or other representatives to
          inspect  and  copy  such  corporate   documents  and  records  as  may
          reasonably  be  requested  by them  related to the Shelf  Registration

               (d) furnish to each Holder copies of all documents filed with and
          all  correspondence  from or to the SEC in  connection  with  any such
          offering of securities;

               (e) use all  reasonable  efforts  to  insure  that all  necessary
          approvals from the National  Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.
          ("NASD"), if any, are obtained; and

               (f) use all reasonable efforts to list all Registrable Shares (to
          the  extent  necessary)  on  each  securities  exchange  or  automated
          interdealer  quotation  system on which the Common  Stock is listed or

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          Section 6. Further  Obligations of the Holders. In connection with the
     registration of Registrable Shares pursuant to this Agreement,  each Holder
     agrees to timely provide to the Company,  at its request,  such information
     and  materials  as it  may  reasonably  request  in  order  to  effect  the
     registration of such Registrable Shares.

          Section 7. Expenses. The Company shall bear, on behalf of the Holders,
     all reasonable costs and expenses of the  registration  required under this
     Agreement, including, but not limited to, the Company's printing, legal and
     accounting  fees and expenses,  SEC and NASD filing fees, blue sky fees and
     expenses,  and the  reasonable  fees and  disbursements  (such  fees not to
     exceed $10,000) of one counsel for the Holders; provided, however, that the
     Company shall have no obligation to pay or otherwise  bear the  commissions
     or discounts  attributable to the Registrable Shares being offered and sold
     by the  Holders,  or the fees and expenses of more than one counsel for the

          Section  8.  Transferability  of  Registration  Rights.  The rights to
     register Registrable Shares granted by the Company under this Agreement may
     be assigned by a Holder,  provided that (a) such assignment is only made in
     connection  with an  assignment  by such Holder of not less than 100,000 of
     its  Registrable  Shares  in a  manner  permitted  by  this  Agreement  and
     otherwise in  accordance  with  applicable  law;  and (b) such  assignee or
     transferee  must agree in writing to be bound by all of the  provisions  of
     this  Agreement.  The  rights  to  register  Registrable  Shares  cannot be
     transferred in connection  with a sale of Registrable  Shares to the public
     pursuant to an effective registration statement or Rule 144.

          Section  9.  Mergers,   Etc.  The  Company  shall  not,   directly  or
     indirectly, enter into any merger, consolidation or reorganization in which
     the Company  shall not be the  surviving  corporation  unless the  proposed
     surviving  corporation  shall,  prior  to  such  merger,  consolidation  or
     reorganization,  agree in writing to assume the  obligations of the Company
     under  this  Agreement,  and  for  that  purpose  references  hereunder  to
     Registrable Shares shall be deemed to be references to the securities which
     the Holders would be entitled to receive in exchange for Registrable Shares
     under any such merger, consolidation or reorganization;  provided, however,
     that the provisions of this  Agreement  shall not apply in the event of any
     merger,  consolidation,  or  reorganization in which the Company is not the
     surviving  corporation  if all Holders are  entitled to receive in exchange
     for their Registrable Shares  consideration  consisting solely of (i) cash,
     (ii) securities of the acquiring  corporation which may be immediately sold
     to  the  public  without   registration   under  the  Securities   Act,  or
     (iii) securities   of  the  acquiring   corporation   which  the  acquiring
     corporation  has  agreed  to  register  within   forty-five  (45)  days  of
     completion  of the  transaction  for resale to the public  pursuant  to the
     Securities Act.

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          Section 10. Indemnification of Holders of Registrable Shares.

          10.1  Right to  Indemnification.  In  connection  with  the  Company's
     registration of Registrable Shares pursuant to this Agreement,  the Company
     will  indemnify  and hold  harmless each Holder (which for purposes of only
     this Section 10  includes such Holder's  respective  affiliates,  partners,
     principals,  officers, directors, managers, members, employees, independent
     contractors,  agents,  underwriters,  representatives,  and other similarly
     situated parties, and the successors, heirs and personal representatives of
     any of them)  (collectively,  the "Holder  Indemnified  Parties")  from and
     against any and all losses, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities, joint
     or several,  to which such Holder becomes subject under the Securities Act,
     applicable  state  securities  laws or under any other statute or at common
     law or otherwise,  as incurred,  and, except as hereinafter provided,  will
     reimburse  each  such  Holder,  if any,  for any  legal or  other  expenses
     reasonably  incurred by such Holder in  connection  with  investigating  or
     defending  any  actions  whether  or not  resulting  in any  liability,  as
     incurred, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, expenses, liabilities or
     actions  arise out of or are based  upon any  untrue  statement  or alleged
     untrue   statement  of  a  material  fact  contained  in  the  registration
     statement,  in any preliminary or amended preliminary  prospectus or in the
     final prospectus (or the registration  statement or prospectus as from time
     to time  amended or  supplemented  by the  Company)  or arise out of or are
     based upon the  omission or alleged  omission  to state  therein a material
     fact  required  to be  stated  therein  or  necessary  in order to make the
     statements  therein not misleading,  or any violation by the Company of any
     rule or  regulation  promulgated  under  the  Securities  Act or any  state
     securities  laws  applicable  to the  Company  and  relating  to  action or
     inaction  required of the  Company in  connection  with such  registration,
     unless (a) such untrue statement or alleged untrue statement or omission or
     alleged omission was made in such  registration  statement,  preliminary or
     amended preliminary  prospectus or final prospectus in reliance upon and in
     conformity  with  information  furnished  in  writing  to  the  Company  in
     connection  therewith by such Holder  expressly for use therein,  or unless
     (b) in the case of a sale directly by such Holder, such untrue statement or
     alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission was contained in a
     preliminary  prospectus  and  corrected  in a final or  amended  prospectus
     copies of which were  delivered to such Holder on a timely basis,  and such
     Holder  failed to deliver a copy of the final or amended  prospectus  at or
     prior to the  confirmation  for the sale of the  Registrable  Shares to the
     person  asserting  any such loss,  claim,  damage or  liability in any case
     where such delivery is required by the Securities Act.

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          10.2 Procedures Governing  Indemnification Claims. In order to provide
     for just and equitable contribution to joint liability under the Securities
     Act in any  case in which  any  Holder  seeks  indemnification  under  this
     Section 10  but it is  judicially  determined  (by  the  entry  of a  final
     judgment or decree by a court of competent  jurisdiction and the expiration
     of time to appeal  or the  denial of the last  right of  appeal)  that such
     indemnification  may not be enforced in such case  notwithstanding the fact
     that this Section 10  provides for  indemnification  in such case, then the
     Company and such Holder will  contribute to the aggregate  losses,  claims,
     damages or  liabilities  to which they may be subject  (after  contribution
     from others) in such  proportion as is  appropriate to reflect the relative
     fault  of  the  Company  on  the  one  hand  and  of  the  Holder   seeking
     indemnification on the other in connection with the statements or omissions
     which resulted in such losses, claims,  damages or liabilities,  as well as
     any other  relevant  equitable  considerations.  The relative  fault of the
     Company on the one hand and of the Holder on the other shall be  determined
     by reference to, among other things,  whether the untrue or alleged  untrue
     statement  of a material  fact or omission  or alleged  omission to state a
     material  fact  relates to  information  supplied by the Company on the one
     hand or by the  Holder on the  other,  and each  party's  relative  intent,
     knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent such
     statement or omission;  provided,  however,  that, in any such case, (a) no
     Holder will be required  to  contribute  any amount in excess of the public
     offering  price of all  such  Registrable  Shares  offered  by such  Holder
     pursuant  to such  registration  statement;  and  (b) no  person  guilty of
     fraudulent  misrepresentation  (within the meaning of  Section 11(f) of the
     Securities  Act) will be entitled to  contribution  from any person who was
     not  guilty  of such  fraudulent  misrepresentation.  Except  as  otherwise
     provided in this  clause (b),  the provisions of Section 10.3  shall govern
     the  notice  and other  procedural  aspects  of any  indemnification  claim
     brought pursuant to this Section 10.

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          10.3  Indemnification;   Notice  and  Settlements.   A  party  seeking
     indemnification  pursuant to Sections 10.1 or 11.1 (an "Indemnified Party")
     with  respect to a claim,  action or  proceeding  initiated  by a person or
     entity who is not a Holder Indemnified Party or a Company Indemnified Party
     shall   give   prompt   written   notice  to  the  party   from  whom  such
     indemnification  is sought (the  "Indemnifying  Party") of the assertion of
     any claim, or the  commencement of any action or proceeding,  in respect of
     which indemnity may be sought hereunder;  provided that the failure to give
     such  notice   shall  not  affect  the   Indemnified   Party's   rights  to
     indemnification  hereunder,  unless such  failure  shall  prejudice  in any
     material  respect the  Indemnifying  Party's  ability to defend such claim,
     action or proceeding. The Indemnifying Party shall have the right to assume
     the defense of any such action or proceeding at its expense,  provided that
     no settlement  shall be executed  without the prior written  consent of the
     Indemnified  Party. If the Indemnifying Party shall elect not to assume the
     defense of any such action or proceeding, or fails to make such an election
     within 20 days after it receives such notice pursuant to the first sentence
     of this Section 10.3,  the Indemnified Party may assume such defense at the
     expense of the  Indemnifying  Party.  The Indemnified  Party shall have the
     right to  participate  in (but not  control)  the  defense  of an action or
     proceeding  defended by the Indemnifying  Party hereunder and to retain its
     own counsel in connection with such action or proceeding,  but the fees and
     expenses of such counsel shall be at the Indemnified Party's expense unless
     (a) the  Indemnifying  Party and the Indemnified Party have mutually agreed
     in writing to the retention of such counsel or (b) the named parties in any
     such  action  or  proceeding  (including  impleaded  parties)  include  the
     Indemnifying  Party and the Indemnified  Party, and  representation  of the
     Indemnifying  Party and the  Indemnified  Party by the same  counsel  would
     create a  conflict  (in  which  case the  Indemnifying  Party  shall not be
     permitted  to assume the  defense  of such  claim,  action or  proceeding);
     provided that,  unless otherwise  agreed by the Indemnifying  Party, if the
     Indemnifying  Party  is  obligated  to pay the fees  and  expenses  of such
     counsel, the Indemnifying Party shall be obligated to pay only the fees and
     expenses  associated  with one attorney or law firm (plus local  counsel as
     required), as applicable,  for the Indemnified Party. An Indemnifying Party
     shall not be liable under Section 10.1 or 11.1 for any settlement  effected
     without its written consent,  of any claim, action or proceeding in respect
     of which indemnity may be sought hereunder.

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          Section 11. Indemnification of Company.

          11.1 Right to Indemnification. In the event that the Company registers
     any of the Registrable  Shares under the Securities Act, each Holder of the
     Registrable  Shares so  registered  will  indemnify  and hold  harmless the
     Company,  each of its  directors,  each of its  officers who have signed or
     otherwise  participated in the preparation of the  registration  statement,
     and each underwriter of the Registrable Shares so registered (including any
     broker  or  dealer   through   whom  such  of  the   shares  may  be  sold)
     (collectively,  the "Company Indemnified Parties") from and against any and
     all losses, claims, damages, expenses or liabilities,  individually and not
     jointly and  severally,  to which such Holder may become  subject under the
     Securities Act, applicable state securities laws or under any other statute
     or at common law or otherwise,  and, except as hereinafter  provided,  will
     reimburse  the  Company and each such  director,  officer,  underwriter  or
     controlling person for any legal or other expenses  reasonably  incurred by
     them or any of them in  connection  with  investigating  or  defending  any
     actions whether or not resulting in any liability,  insofar as such losses,
     claims, damages, expenses, liabilities or actions arise out of or are based
     upon any untrue  statement or alleged  untrue  statement of a material fact
     contained in the  registration  statement,  in any  preliminary  or amended
     preliminary  prospectus or in the final  prospectus (or in the registration
     statement or  prospectus as from time to time amended or  supplemented)  or
     arise out of or are based upon the  omission  or alleged  omission to state
     therein a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order
     to make the statements therein not misleading, but only insofar as any such
     statement  or omission  was made in reliance  upon and in  conformity  with
     information  furnished in writing to the Company in connection therewith by
     such  Holder  expressly  for use  therein;  provided,  however,  that  such
     Holder's  obligations  hereunder shall be limited to an amount equal to the
     proceeds  received  by such  Holder  from  Registrable  Shares sold in such

                                     - 9 -

          11.2 In order to provide for just and equitable  contribution to joint
     liability  under the  Securities Act in any case in which the Company seeks
     indemnification  under this Section 11 but it is judicially  determined (by
     the  entry  of  a  final  judgment  or  decree  by  a  court  of  competent
     jurisdiction and the expiration of time to appeal or the denial of the last
     right of appeal) that such indemnification may not be enforced in such case
     notwithstanding that this Section 11 provides for indemnification,  in such
     case,  then the Company and such Holder will  contribute  to the  aggregate
     losses,  claims, damages or liabilities to which they may be subject (after
     contribution  from others) in such  proportion as is appropriate to reflect
     the relative fault of the Company on the one hand and of such Holder on the
     other in connection with the statements or omissions which resulted in such
     losses,  claims,  damages  or  liabilities,  as well as any other  relevant
     equitable considerations. The relative fault of the Company on the one hand
     and of the Holder on the other shall be  determined  by reference to, among
     other things,  whether the untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material
     fact or omission or alleged  omission to state a material  fact  relates to
     information supplied by the Company on the one hand or by the Holder on the
     other, and each party's relative intent,  knowledge,  access to information
     and opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or omission; provided,
     however,  that,  in any such case,  (a) no  such Holder will be required to
     contribute  any amount in excess of the public  offering  price of all such
     Registrable  Shares offered by it pursuant to such registration  statement;
     and  (b) no  person  guilty of  fraudulent  misrepresentation  (within  the
     meaning  of  Section 11(f)  of the  Securities  Act)  will be  entitled  to
     contribution  from  any  person  who was  not  guilty  of  such  fraudulent
     misrepresentation.  Except as otherwise  provided in this  clause (b),  the
     provisions  of  Section 10.3  shall govern the notice and other  procedural
     aspects of any indemnification claim brought pursuant to this Section 11.

          Section 12. Rule 144. The Company agrees that, from and after the date
     of this  Agreement  until  such time as the  Holders  do not own any of the
     Registrable  Shares,  the Company will (a) use its commercially  reasonable
     efforts to ensure  that the  current  public  information  requirements  of
     subsection (c) of Rule 144 remain satisfied and  (b) cooperate  promptly in
     providing  any  information  or  documentation  that it needs to provide to
     Holders to enable  Holders to sell  shares of Common  Stock  pursuant  to a
     transaction otherwise  permissible under Rule 144.  The Company agrees that
     its  cooperation  pursuant  to  clause (b)  of  the  immediately  preceding
     sentence  shall,  with  respect  to any sale by a Holder  of not less  than
     twenty thousand (20,000) shares of Common Stock in any one transaction,  be
     at the  Company's  reasonable  cost and  expense  and,  to the  extent  the
     proposed sale can be effected under Rule 144,  include a "Rule 144" opinion
     issued by counsel  of the  Company's  choice.  The  Holders  agree that the
     Company  does not have any  obligation  under  this  Section 12  during any
     period in which the Holders  are able to sell shares of Common  Stock under
     an effective registration statement.

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          Section 13. Miscellaneous.

          13.1 Successors and Assigns. Except as provided in Section 8,  neither
     this Agreement nor any of the rights,  interests or  obligations  hereunder
     shall be  assigned  by  operation  of law or  otherwise  without  the prior
     written  consent of the  parties  hereto,  which  consent may be granted or
     withheld in the sole  discretion  of the parties.  Subject to the preceding
     sentence, the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure
     to the benefit of, the permitted  respective  successors,  assigns,  heirs,
     executors and administrators of the parties hereto.

          13.2 Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement  embodies the entire agreement
     and  understanding  between the parties  hereto with respect to the subject
     matter  hereof  and  supersedes  all prior  agreements  and  understandings
     relating to such subject matter.

          13.3   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  several
     counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but all of which
     together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Signatures delivered
     by telecopy shall be considered for all purposes to be the same as original

          13.4 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held by final
     judgment of a court of  competent  jurisdiction  to be invalid,  illegal or
     unenforceable,  such invalid,  illegal or unenforceable  provision shall be
     severed from the  remainder of this  Agreement,  and the  remainder of this
     Agreement  shall  be  enforced.  In  addition,  the  invalid,   illegal  or
     unenforceable  provision shall be deemed to be automatically modified, and,
     as so modified,  to be included in this Agreement,  such modification being
     made to the minimum extent necessary to render the provision  valid,  legal
     and enforceable.

                                     - 11 -

          13.5 Governing  Law;  Venue.  THIS AGREEMENT  SHALL BE GOVERNED BY AND

          13.6 Notices. Any notices or demands required or permitted to be given
     hereunder shall be deemed  sufficiently  given if in writing and delivered,
     transmitted or mailed (with all postage and charges prepaid),  addressed to
     the  recipient  at the address of such party as set forth on the  signature
     page of this Agreement, or at such other address as any party may from time
     to  time  designate  by  written  notice  to the  other  parties  given  in
     accordance with this Section 13.6. Any such notice, if personally delivered
     or transmitted by facsimile, shall be deemed to have been given on the date
     so delivered or transmitted or, if mailed,  be deemed to have been given on
     the day after such notice is placed in the United States mail in accordance
     with this Section 13.6.

        13.7 Further Assurances. Each party to this Agreement hereby covenants
     and agrees, without the necessity of any further consideration,  to execute
     and deliver any and all such  further  documents  and take any and all such
     other actions as may be reasonably necessary to appropriately carry out the
     intent and purposes of this  Agreement  and the  transactions  contemplated
     hereby.  Each party will use its good faith efforts to carry out and comply
     with the provisions of this Agreement.

          13.8 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Except as provided in Sections 10.1
     and 11.1,  this Agreement  shall not confer any rights or remedies upon any
     person  or entity  other  than the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective
     successors and permitted assigns.

          13.9 Amendments.  This Agreement may not be amended or modified except
     by an instrument in writing signed by each of the parties.

                                     - 12 -

                                 SIGNATURE PAGE
                          REGISTRATION RIGHTS AGREEMENT

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Registration
     Rights Agreement as of the day and year first above written.


                                        By:  __________________________________
                                        Name:  ________________________________
                                        Title:  _______________________________
                                        Address: 6500 River Place Blvd.,
                                                 Building One
                                                 Austin, Texas 78730
                                                 Attn: Gene Payne and Ted Fleron

                                        Facsimile No.:  (512) 404-5210

BUYERS:                                 AMERICAN PHYSICIANS SERVICE GROUP, INC.

                                        By: ___________________________________
                                            Kenneth S. Shifrin,
                                            Chairman of the Board and
                                             Chief Executive Officer

                                        Address:  1301 Capital of Texas Hwy.,
                                                  Suite C-300
                                                  Austin, Texas 78746
                                                  Attn: Chairman and
                                                        Chief Executive Officer

                                        Facsimile No.:  (512) 314-4398

                                     - 13 -

                                        EQUITA FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE
                                         SERVICES OF TEXAS, INC.

                                        By: ___________________________________
                                            Richard G. Wolfe, President

                                        Address:  11551 Forest Central Drive
                                                  Forest Central II,
                                                  Second Floor
                                                  Dallas, Texas 75243
                                                  Attn: Richard G. Wolfe,

                                        Facsimile No.: (214) 553-5384

                                        M&W INSURANCE SERVICES, INC.

                                           Richard G. Wolfe, President

                                        Address:  11551 Forest Central Drive
                                                  Forest Central II,
                                                  Second Floor
                                                  Dallas, Texas 75243
                                                  Attn: Richard G. Wolfe,

                                        Facsimile No.: (214) 553-5384

                                     - 14 -