Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of report (date of earliest event reported): December 31, 2003

               (Exact name of Registrant as specified in charter)

          Texas                       0-4690                       74-2126975
(State or other jurisdiction   (Commission file number)         (I.R.S. employer
 of incorporation)                                           identification no.)

                      6500 River Place Blvd., Building One
                               Austin, Texas 78730
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (512) 404-5000

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Item 5 - Other Events and Regulation FD Disclosure.

     (1)  Sale of New Era Companies:

          Financial  Industries  Corporation  ("FIC"),   through  FIC  Financial
          Services,  Inc.  (a  subsidiary  of FIC)  ("FICFS")  sold  the New Era
          companies which it had previously acquired in May, 2003, pursuant to a
          Stock Purchase  Agreement dated as of December 31, 2003 (the "December
          New Era Stock  Purchase  Agreement").  The companies were sold to BCDP
          Holdings,  LLP, which was  established by five of the  individuals who
          had an  ownership  interest  in one or more  of the New Era  companies
          prior to FIC's purchase of those companies  (Scott Bell, Mike Cochran,
          Wayne Desselle, Chris Murphy and John Pesce). The companies which were
          sold are: (i) Total Consulting Group,  Inc.  ("TCG"),  (ii) JNT Group,
          Inc.  ("JNT") and (iii) three  companies  collectively  referred to as
          "Paragon" - Paragon  Benefits,  Inc.,  The Paragon  Group,  Inc.,  and
          Paragon National,  Inc. FIC has agreed to indemnify the purchasers for
          a portion of specified  liabilities  relating to  operations of one of
          the New Era  companies  during part of the period it was owned by FIC.
          The  December  New Era  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  provides  that the
          consideration for the transaction is $1.00.

          Prior to the closing,  intercompany  payables or loans owed by the New
          Era  companies  to FIC or its  affiliates  were  satisfied  in full or
          canceled,  and certain tangible and intangible  assets used by the New
          Era companies in connection  with the operation of their business were
          assigned to Paragon National.

          FIC expects that the sale of the New Era companies  will  contribute a
          loss in the amount of  approximately  $5.0  million  to its  financial
          results  for the fourth  quarter of 2003,  before the impact of taxes.
          FIC has not determined the amount,  if any, of tax benefit  related to
          this loss on sale.

     (2)  Termination of Employment Agreements.

          Also, at the time of the sale, Messrs. Bell, Cochran, Desselle, Murphy
          and Pesce each resigned their employment with FICFS. In addition, each
          such individual entered into an agreement releasing FIC and FICFS from
          all obligations under his five-year employment contract with FICFS and
          from any claims he may have under the May,  2003  purchase  agreements
          under which FIC originally  acquired the New Era companies  (including
          any claims to the restricted shares of FIC common stock held in escrow
          under those agreements). A total of 155,597 shares of FIC common stock
          had been held in escrow for the five  individuals  under the May, 2003
          agreements.  Each of the  release  agreements  also  provides  for the
          release  by FIC and FICFS of any claims  which  they may have  against

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          each of the individuals  (i) with respect to his employment  agreement
          or his  employment  with and/or  resignation  from FICFS,  or (ii) the
          acquisition  of the New Era Companies by FICFS,  except for any rights
          that FIC or FICFS may have to enforce the terms and  conditions of the
          release  agreement or the December New Era Stock  Purchase  Agreement.
          Under the agreements,  each of the five individuals received a payment
          of $10,000,  which payment is treated as wages and subject to standard
          payroll deductions and withholdings.

          The  December  New  Era  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  and  the  release
          agreements  do not  release  FIC from  obligations  to deliver up to a
          maximum of 65,294  shares of FIC common  stock to any of the six other
          sellers of the New Era  companies  in  connection  with the May,  2003
          transactions  or any claims of  liabilities  of such persons under the
          May, 2003 purchase agreements or related employment agreements.

     (3)  Sale of Actuarial Risk  Consultants,  Inc. and Amendment to Employment
          Agreement of George Wise.

          On December 31, 2003, FIC, through  InterContinental  Life Corporation
          (a subsidiary of FIC) ("ILCO") sold Actuarial Risk  Consultants,  Inc.
          ("ARC"), an actuarial  consulting  subsidiary which it had established
          in December,  2002. The sale of ARC was to George M. Wise, III, who is
          currently  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial  Officer of FIC.  The
          consideration  for the transaction was $10,000.  Prior to the closing,
          all  intercompany  payables owed by ARC to FIC or its affiliates  were
          satisfied in full, and certain tangible and intangible  assets used by
          ARC in connection  with the operation of its business were assigned to

          On December  31,  2003,  Mr. Wise and FIC entered into an amendment to
          Mr. Wise's employment agreement.  The amendment provides that the term
          of the agreement  now ends on March 31, 2004,  instead of December 31,
          2005.  Mr. Wise has agreed to continue as Chief  Financial  Officer of
          FIC until  March 31,  2004.  Effective  January 1,  2004,  his rate of
          compensation  was reduced to $152,000 per year and he may devote up to
          one day each week to the  business of ARC.  Under the  amendment,  Mr.
          Wise will receive a severance  payment of $310,000,  one-half of which
          is payable in  January,  2004 and the  balance on March 31,  2004.  In
          connection  with the  amendment,  Mr. Wise  released  FIC from certain
          claims he may have, including claims related to matters arising out of
          his employment agreement or his employment relationship with FIC.

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          Also, in connection with the sale of ARC to Mr. Wise, FIC entered into
          a consulting agreement with ARC. Under the terms of the agreement, FIC
          and its insurance  subsidiaries  may (but are not obligated to) obtain
          up to 2,000 hours of actuarial consulting services from ARC during the
          period  from  January 1, 2004 to  December  31,  2005.  The  agreement
          provides that  actuarial  consulting  services  provided by either Mr.
          Wise or Cory Zass (the President of ARC) will be billed at the rate of
          $125.00 per hour.

     (4)  Agreements.

          The  descriptions  of the  agreements  in this report are qualified by
          reference to the complete  agreements  which are filed as exhibits and
          are incorporated herein by reference.

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits .

         (c)  Exhibits

    Exhibit 10.1    Stock  Purchase  Agreement  dated  December 31, 2003, by and
                    between BCDP Holdings, LLP, Financial Industries Corporation
                    and FIC Financial Services, Inc.

    Exhibit 10.2    Acquisition  Agreement  dated  December  31,  2003,  by  and
                    between  InterContinental  Life  Corporation  and  George M.
                    Wise, III .

    Exhibit 10.3    Agreement  and  Release  dated  December  31,  2003,  by and
                    between Scott A. Bell,  FIC Financial  Services,  Inc.,  and
                    Financial Industries Corporation.

    Exhibit 10.4    Agreement  and  Release  dated  December  31,  2003,  by and
                    between Mike Cochran,  FIC  Financial  Services,  Inc.,  and
                    Financial Industries Corporation.

    Exhibit 10.5    Agreement  and  Release  dated  December  31,  2003,  by and
                    between Wayne C. Desselle, FIC Financial Services, Inc., and
                    Financial Industries Corporation.

    Exhibit 10.6    Agreement  and  Release  dated  December  31,  2003,  by and
                    between Chris  Murphy,  FIC Financial  services,  Inc.,  and
                    Financial Industries Corporation.

    Exhibit 10.7    Agreement  and  Release  dated  December  31,  2003,  by and
                    between  John  Pesce,  FIC  Financial  services,  Inc.,  and
                    Financial Industries Corporation.

    Exhibit 10.8    Amendment  No. 1 dated  December  31,  2003,  to  Employment
                    Agreement  between  George  Wise  and  Financial  Industries

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    Exhibit 10.9    Consulting  Agreement  between  Actuarial Risk  Consultants,
                    Inc. and Financial Industries Corporation.

    Exhibit 99.1    Press release dated  January 6, 2005,  issued  by Financial
                    Industries Corporation


On January 5, 2004,  Financial  Industries  Corporation  ("FIC")  issued a press
release  announcing  that it has  sold  (i) the New Era  companies  which it had
previously acquired in May, 2003 and (ii) Actuarial Risk Consultants,  Inc., its
actuarial consulting subsidiary. A copy of the press release is filed as Exhibit
99.1 to this report and is incorporated herein by reference.

     NOTE: The information in Item 9 of this report (including  Exhibit 99.1) is
     furnished  pursuant to Item 9 and shall not be deemed to be "filed" for the
     purpose of Section 18 of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 or otherwise
     subject to the liabilities of that section.  Such  information  will not be
     deemed an admission as to the materiality of any  information  contained in
     Item 9 that is required to be disclosed solely by regulation FD.

     Statements   regarding  the  effects  and  results  of  the   transactions,
     agreements and other matters described in this report,  including  expected
     losses,  as well as any other  statements that are not historical  facts in
     this report,  are  forward-looking  statements  that involve certain risks,
     uncertainties and assumptions. These include, but are not limited to, final
     accounting  results,  third party claims and other factors  detailed in the
     company's filings with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (SEC), which
     are available  free of charge on the SEC's website at  Should
     one or  more  of  these  risks  or  uncertainties  materialize,  of  should
     underlying assumptions prove incorrect,  actual results may vary materially
     from those indicated.

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     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
     registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
     undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                        FINANCIAL INDUSTRIES CORPORATION

Date: January 6, 2004                   By:   /s/ Eugene E. Payne
                                           Eugene E. Payne
                                           President and Chief Executive

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