Amendment No. 1


                              Employment Agreement

This Amendment No. 1 to the Employment  Agreement (the "Agreement")  dated as of
December  13,  2002  ("Agreement  Date")  by and  between  Financial  Industries
Corporation,  a Texas  company  ("Company"),  and George Wise  ("Executive"),  a
resident of Texas.  The parties  desire to enter into this  Amendment,  which is
intended  to  modify  certain  terms  and   conditions  of  the  Agreement.   In
consideration  of the  mutual  agreements  contained  herein,  the  Company  and
Executive agree as follows:

1.   Section 3.1 of the  Agreement is hereby  amended in its entirety to read as

          3.1  Employment Period. The term of Executive's  employment under this
               Agreement (the "Employment  Period") shall begin on the Agreement
               Date and end on March 31, 2004.  The Company  reserves the right,
               at its sole option,  to establish an earlier date between January
               1, 2004 and March 31, 2004 as the ending  date of the  Employment
               Period.  Executive  shall be  entitled to receive the payment set
               forth in paragraph 6 of this  Amendment  No. 1 to the  Employment

2.   The parties  acknowledge that Executive received a letter dated December 3,
     2003,  whereby  Executive  was assigned to the position of Chief Actuary of
     the  Company,  reporting  to the Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,
     effective  January 15, 2004.  The parties  agree that said letter is hereby

3.   Effective  January 1, 2004,  Section 2.1 of the Agreement is hereby amended
     in its entirety to read as follows:

          2.1  Duties.  Company  shall employ  Executive  during the  Employment
               Period as the Chief Financial  Officer,  and Executive shall have
               the authority,  duties, and  responsibilities as are commensurate
               and consistent with such position and title,  and as provided in,
               Company's by-laws. During the Employment Period,  Executive shall
               follow the lawful directives of the CEO which are consistent with
               stated Board  policy.  During the  Employment  Period,  Executive
               shall  perform the duties  assigned to him,  and shall devote his
               full business time,  attention and effort,  excluding any periods
               of  disability,  vacation,  or sick leave to which  Executive  is
               entitled,  to the  affairs of the  Company and shall use his best
               efforts  to  promote  the  interests  of the  Company;  provided,
               however, that, on and after January 1, 2004, Executive may devote
               up to  one  day  per  week  to the  business  of  Actuarial  Risk
               Consultants,  Inc. ("ARC"),  which business  Executive  purchased
               from an affiliate of the Company as of December 31, 2003.  Except
               as provided in the preceding sentence, Executive shall not engage
               in  any  other  business  or  commercial   activity  for  profit,
               including  service on the board of directors  of any  corporation
               other than the Company,  without the prior written consent of the

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               CEO. The preceding  sentence is not intended to prevent Executive
               from acting as a passive  investor in any business which does not
               involve  the  personal   efforts  of  Executive.   The  Executive
               acknowledges  that his  business  time is not  limited to a fixed
               number of hours per  week.  Executive  agrees  that  neither  the
               modification of his duties nor the close supervision of Executive
               by the Audit  Committee  of the Board of Directors of the Company
               constitutes "Good Reason",  within the meaning of Section 1.21 of
               the Agreement;

4.   Effective  January 1, 2004,  Section 4.1 is amended in its entirety to read
     as follows:

          4.1  Salary. Executive shall be paid in accordance with normal payroll
               practices  (but not less  frequently  than  monthly) at an annual
               rate of $152,000.00 per year.

5.   Section 4.2 is hereby deleted in its entirety.

6.   Article  IV  -Compensation  is  amended by the  addition  of the  following

          4.2  Severance  Payment.  In connection with the early  termination of
               the Employment Period,  Company will pay to Executive a severance
               payment in the amount of $310,000, one-half of which will be paid
               on January 1, 2004 and the  balance to be paid on the last day of
               the  Employment  Period.  The Company  will deduct from each such
               installment  any  applicable  deductions for federal income taxes
               and other related payroll taxes.

7.   Section 7.1 is amended so as to substitute  the phrase "March 31, 2004" for
     the phrase the second  anniversary of the Date of Termination  (whether or
     not during the Term" in the second line of said Section  7.1.  Accordingly,
     Section 7.1, as amended, reads as follows:

          7.1  Non-Competition.  Executive  shall  not at any  time  during  the
               period  beginning on the  Agreement  Date and ending on March 31,
               2004, directly or indirectly, in any capacity:

               (a)  engage or  participate  in,  become  employed by, serve as a
                    director  of,  or render  advisory  or  consulting  or other
                    services  in  connection  with,  any  Competitive  Business;
                    provided,  however,  that after the Date of Termination this
                    Section  7.1(a) shall not preclude  Executive  from being an
                    employee  of,  or  consultant  to,  any  business  unit of a
                    Competitive  Business  if (i) such  business  unit  does not
                    qualify as a Competitive  Business in its own right and (ii)
                    Executive  does not have any direct or indirect  involvement
                    in,  or   responsibility   for,  any   operations   of  such
                    Competitive   Business   that  cause  it  to  qualify  as  a
                    Competitive Business; or

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               (b)  make or retain any financial investment, whether in the form
                    of equity or debt, or own any interest,  in any  Competitive
                    Business; provided, however, that nothing in this subsection
                    shall  restrict  Executive  from making an investment in any
                    Competitive  Business if such  investment  (i) represents no
                    more  than  1%  of  the   aggregate   market  value  of  the
                    outstanding  capital stock or debt (as  applicable)  of such
                    Competitive Business, (ii) does not give Executive any right
                    or ability,  directly or indirectly, to control or influence
                    the  policy  decisions  or  management  of such  Competitive
                    Business,  and (iii) does not create a conflict  of interest
                    between  Executive's  duties  under this  Agreement  and his
                    interest in such investment.

8.   (a)  In consideration  of  the  obligations  of   the  Company   hereunder,
          Executive  hereby  releases  and  forever  discharges  the persons and
          organizations  specified in Section 6(b),  below,  with respect to the
          matters  described  in Section 6( c ), below.  Executive  acknowledges
          that the consideration is in addition to anything of value to which he
          is already  entitled.  Executive agrees that this release is on behalf
          of   himself,   his   heirs,    executors,    administrators,    legal
          representatives, successors and assigns.

     (b)  Executive  releases the Company,  any parent,  subsidiary or otherwise
          affiliated  companies,  successors and assigns, and all of their past,
          present  and  future  officers,  directors,  agents,   administrators,
          trustees, attorneys, insurers, successors and employees. Collectively,
          these  persons  and  organizations  are  intended  to be  third  party
          beneficiaries  of this agreement and are referred to in this Agreement
          as "the Released Parties."

(c)  Executive  releases the  Released  Parties from all  existing,  known,  and
     unknown claims, demands, and causes of action for all existing,  known, and
     unknown damages and remedies of any nature, which have accrued or which may
     ever  accrue,  to  me  or to my  heirs,  executors,  administrators,  legal
     representatives,  successors,  or assigns. This release includes but is not
     limited to (i) all claims under any federal, state, or local employment law
     or regulation,  including without  limitation Title VII of the Civil Rights
     Act of 1964, as amended,  42 U.S.C.  Section 2000e,  et seq., the Equal Pay
     Act, 29 U.S.C.  Section 206, the Americans With Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C.
     Section  12101,  et seq., the Fair Labor  Standards Act, 29 U.S.C.  Section
     201, et. seq., the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended (except
     any claims  arising after the date of this  agreement),  29 U.S.C.  Section
     621, et seq., the Employee  Retirement Income Security Act, as amended,  29
     U.S.C. Section 1001, et seq., and the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act,
     Texas Labor Code Section  21.001,  et seq.; (ii) all claims under any other
     state,  federal,  or local law or regulation  and all claims at common law,

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     including without limitation negligence,  contract, or tort claims, and all
     claims for backpay, front pay, damages,  liquidated damages,  exemplary and
     punitive damages,  injunctive relief,  costs, or attorneys' fees; (iii) all
     claims which Executive could assert now or claims Executive could assert in
     the  future,  concerning  the  terms  and  conditions  of  his  employment,
     concerning anything that happened to Executive while he was an employee, or
     concerning the early termination of the Agreement; or (iv) all claims which
     Executive could assert  pertaining to the matters  described in a purported
     letter  agreement  dated July 22,  2003,  between  Executive  and Eugene E.
     Payne,  which letter  agreement  was  rescinded by Executive  and Eugene E.
     Payne in a document dated August 20, 2003.

9.   All capitalized terms in this Amendment shall have the meaning set forth in
     the Agreement, in the absence of a different definition set forth herein.

10.  To the extent that any terms of this  Amendment are  inconsistent  with the
     express terms of the  Agreement,  this Amendment  shall control.  All other
     terms in the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Company and Executive have caused this Amendment to be
executed as of this 31st day of December, 2003.

Financial Industries Corporation

By:     /s/ Theodore A. Fleron

Title:  Vice President and Secretary

        /s/ George Wise
George Wise

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