AGREEMENT AND RELEASE

     This Agreement and Release (this  "Release") is made and entered into as of
the 31st day of December,  2003,  by and between  Chris Murphy  ("Murphy"),  FIC
Financial  Services,   Inc.,  a  Nevada  corporation  ("FICFS"),  and  Financial
Industries Corporation, a Texas corporation ("FIC").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, on May 30, 2003, FICFS acquired all of the shares of capital stock
of Paragon Benefits, Inc., a Texas corporation ("Paragon Benefits"), The Paragon
Group, Inc., a Texas corporation ("Paragon Group"), and Paragon National,  Inc.,
a Texas corporation  ("Paragon National" and, together with Paragon Benefits and
Paragon Group,  "Paragon")  pursuant to that certain Stock  Purchase  Agreement,
dated as of May 30, 3003 (the "Paragon Stock Purchase Agreement"),  by and among
Murphy, Scott Bell, Wayne Desselle, FIC and FICFS;

     WHEREAS,  pursuant to the Paragon Stock Purchase Agreement,  105,593 shares
of common stock, par value $.20 per share, of FIC (the "FIC Shares") were issued
to  Murphy,  Scott  Bell and  Wayne  Desselle  and  deposited  in  escrow  to be
distributed  to Murphy,  Scott Bell and Wayne  Desselle upon the  achievement of
certain  financial  performance goals as set forth in the Paragon Stock Purchase

     WHEREAS,  on May 30, 2003,  Murphy became an employee of FICFS  pursuant to
that certain  Employment  Agreement,  dated as of May 30, 2003 (the  "Employment
Agreement"), by and between Murphy and FICFS;

     WHEREAS, on May 30, 2003, FICFS acquired (i) from John Pesce, Mike Cochran,
Arthur Howard,  Geoffrey  Calaway,  W.M.  Hartman,  Edward F. Harman,  III, M.B.
Donaldson,  Alycia Andrews,  Charles  Francis,  Tom Cook, David Allen and Marcus
Smith all of the shares of capital stock of Total Compensation Group Consulting,
Inc., a Texas corporation ("TCG"), and (ii) from Earl Johnson and TCG all of the
shares of capital  stock of JNT Group,  Inc.,  a Texas  corporation  ("JNT" and,
together  with  Paragon  and  TCG,  the  "New  Era   Companies"),   with  Murphy
participating in the negotiations and sale of the New Era Companies to FICFS;

     WHEREAS,  Murphy has resigned his  employment  with FICFS,  effective as of
December 31, 2003;

     WHEREAS, Murphy has asserted certain claims against FICFS and FIC under the
Paragon Stock Purchase Agreement and the Employment Agreement,  asserting rights
to  recover  certain  amounts  allegedly  owed to Murphy  under  the  Employment
Agreement in connection with his resignation,  including  accelerated salary and
bonus,  and demanding the release of the FIC Shares from escrow  pursuant to the
Paragon Stock Purchase Agreement and the Employment Agreement;

                                     - 1 -

     WHEREAS,  FICFS and FIC have at all times denied, and continue to deny, any
liability  to Murphy and have denied,  and continue to deny,  any and all claims
asserted by Murphy  arising  out of the Paragon  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  and
Employment Agreement;

     WHEREAS, Murphy, FICFS and FIC have agreed to resolve fully and finally any
and all differences between them;

     WHEREAS,  the parties  recognize  that  arbitration,  litigation  and other
disputes between them are expensive,  uncertain,  and  time-consuming,  and that
settlement on agreeable terms is preferable to ongoing disputes and litigation;

     WHEREAS, the parties desire to provide the below-described  mutual releases
of claims, and Murphy, FICFS and FIC desire to enter into this Release and agree
to the terms and provisions hereof; and

     WHEREAS, the settlement provided for herein is not and shall not in any way
be construed  or deemed to be evidence or an  admission  or a concession  of any
fault,  liability,  fact or amount of damages, or any other matter whatsoever on
the part of the parties,  and the parties are entering into this Release  solely
to avoid the substantial expense,  inconvenience and burden of litigation and to
completely and finally put to rest all claims;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises contained in this
Release, the parties agree as follows:

     1. Any and all Murphy Claims (as  hereinafter  defined) shall be and hereby
are  fully  and  finally   settled,   satisfied,   released  and  discharged  in
consideration of (i) the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS  ($10,000.00),  which shall
be paid by FICFS or FIC by check  delivered  to  Murphy  upon the  execution  by
Murphy of this Release,  and (ii) the release by FIC and FICFS of all FIC Claims
(as hereinafter defined) pursuant to this Release.  Murphy agrees that FIC's and
FICFS's  release  of any and all FIC Claims  pursuant  to this  Release  and the
above-described  payment are contrary to FIC's and FICFS's  normal  policies and
interests,  and are good and valuable  consideration for Murphy's release of all
Murphy  Claims  pursuant  hereto.  Except for the payment to be made pursuant to
this  paragraph,  Murphy  agrees  that FICFS and FIC have paid him all sums owed
Murphy  by  virtue  of the  Paragon  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  and  Employment
Agreement,  whether with respect to past, present and/or future periods of time,
including,  without limitation, any and all vacation pay, severance pay, salary,
bonus,  stock,  variable  and other  wages,  and any and all other  compensation
amounts and expense  reimbursements,  and that he has no rights, with respect to
past,  present  and/or future  periods of time,  to the FIC Shares.  The parties
agree  that the  described  payment  is to be  treated  as wages and  subject to
standard payroll deductions and withholdings.

                                     - 2 -

     2. Any and all FIC  Claims  shall  be and  hereby  are  fully  and  finally
settled,  satisfied,  released and discharged in consideration of the release by
Murphy of all Murphy Claims  pursuant to this Release.  FIC and FICFS agree that
Murphy's  release  of any and all  Murphy  Claims  pursuant  to this  Release is
contrary to Murphy's  normal  policies and  interests,  and is good and valuable
consideration  for FIC's and FICFS's  release of all FIC Claims  pursuant hereto
and for the above described payment to Murphy.

     3. For good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency  of
which are hereby  acknowledged,  Murphy,  for and on behalf of his  present  and
former  assignors,  creditors,  assigns,  heirs,  executors,  spouses,  personal
representatives,  administrators,  transferees and attorneys (collectively,  the
"Murphy  Releasors"),  hereby  knowingly and  voluntarily  and forever  release,
acquit and discharge FICFS and FIC and their respective past, present and future
parent companies,  stockholders,  owners,  subsidiaries,  divisions,  related or
affiliated entities,  predecessors and successors,  their respective present and
former officers,  directors,  partners, limited partners,  principals,  members,
stockholders,  owners,  employees,  agents,  servants,  subrogees,  insurers and
attorneys,   and   their   respective   successors,    predecessors,    assigns,
representatives,    heirs,   executors,   spouses,   personal   representatives,
administrators,  transferees  and attorneys from any and all claims or causes of
action, including debts, suits, rights of action, dues, sums of money, accounts,
bonds,  bills,  covenants,  contracts,   controversies,   agreements,  promises,
damages, judgments, variances,  executions, demands, rights, liabilities, losses
or  obligations  of  any  kind  or  nature  whatsoever,  matured  or  unmatured,
liquidated or unliquidated,  absolute or contingent, accrued or unaccrued, known
or unknown, suspected or unsuspected,  whether heretofore or hereafter accruing,
whether or not asserted,  threatened, alleged or litigated in any forum, at law,
admiralty,  equity  or  otherwise,  including  without  limitation,  claims  for
indemnity or contribution,  or for costs, expenses (including without limitation
amounts paid in settlement)  and attorneys' fees which any person or entity has,
owns or holds, or might have had, owned or held, formerly had or hereafter might
have,  own  or  hold,  directly,  indirectly,  individually,   representatively,
derivatively or in any capacity for or because of anything done or omitted prior
to and  including  the date hereof  including,  but not limited to,  those which
arise out of or are  directly or  indirectly  related in any way to (i) Murphy's
employment with and/or resignation from FICFS,  including,  without  limitation,
any and  all  claims  for  sums  allegedly  owed  Murphy  under  the  Employment
Agreement,  including,  without limitation,  any and all vacation pay, severance
pay,  salary,  bonus,  stock,  variable and other  wages,  and any and all other
compensation amounts and expense reimbursements,  or (ii) the acquisition of the

                                     - 3 -

New Era Companies by FICFS,  including,  without limitation,  any and all claims
for the  release of the FIC Stock to Murphy  under the  Paragon  Stock  Purchase
Agreement  and/or the  Employment  Agreement  (collectively,  "Murphy  Claims");
provided,  however,  that this Release shall not include a release of any rights
the  Murphy  Releasors  may have to  enforce  the terms and  conditions  of this
Release or the Stock Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of the date hereof (the "New
Era Stock  Purchase  Agreement"),  by and among BCDP  Holdings,  LLP, a Delaware
limited liability partnership ("BCDP"), FICFS and FIC.

     4. For good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency  of
which are hereby acknowledged,  FICFS and FIC and their respective past, present
and future parent  companies,  stockholders,  owners,  subsidiaries,  divisions,
related or affiliated  entities,  predecessors and successors,  their respective
present and former officers, directors,  partners, limited partners, principals,
members, stockholders,  owners, employees, agents, servants, subrogees, insurers
and  attorneys,   and  their  respective  successors,   predecessors,   assigns,
representatives,    heirs,   executors,   spouses,   personal   representatives,
administrators,  transferees and attorneys (collectively,  the "FIC Releasors"),
hereby  knowingly  and  voluntarily  and forever  release,  acquit and discharge
Murphy, the New Era Companies and their respective  assigns,  heirs,  executors,
spouses, representatives,  administrators, transferees, past, present and future
parent  companies,  subsidiaries,  divisions,  related or  affiliated  entities,
predecessors and successors,  subrogges, insurers and attorneys from any and all
claims or causes of action, including debts, suits, rights of action, dues, sums
of  money,  accounts,   bonds,  bills,  covenants,   contracts,   controversies,
agreements,   promises,  damages,  judgments,  variances,  executions,  demands,
rights,  liabilities,  losses or obligations  of any kind or nature  whatsoever,
matured or  unmatured,  liquidated  or  unliquidated,  absolute  or  contingent,
accrued or  unaccrued,  known or  unknown,  suspected  or  unsuspected,  whether
heretofore or hereafter accruing, whether or not asserted,  threatened,  alleged
or litigated in any forum,  at law,  admiralty,  equity or otherwise,  including
without limitation, claims for indemnity or contribution, or for costs, expenses
(including  without  limitation  amounts paid in settlement) and attorneys' fees
which any person or entity has, owns or holds, or might have had, owned or held,
formerly  had or  hereafter  might  have,  own or  hold,  directly,  indirectly,
individually,  representatively,  derivatively or in any capacity for or because
of anything done or omitted  prior to and  including the date hereof  including,
but not limited  to,  those  which  arise out of or are  directly or  indirectly
related in any way to (i) the Employment  Agreement or Murphy's  employment with
and/or  resignation from FICFS, or (ii) the acquisition of the New Era Companies
by FICFS,  including the Paragon Stock Purchase  Agreement  (collectively,  "FIC
Claims");  provided,  however,  that this Release shall not include a release of
any rights the FIC  Releasors  may have to enforce the terms and  conditions  of
this Release or the New Era Stock Purchase Agreement.

                                     - 4 -

     5.  Neither  this  Release nor any  payments or  performance  by the Murphy
Releasors or the FIC Releasors  shall in any way be construed as an admission by
the  Murphy   Releasors  or  the  FIC  Releasors,   or  any  of  their  parents,
subsidiaries,  affiliates,  or  related  companies,  of any acts of  wrongdoing,
negligence, or violation of any statute, law, or legal right. The parties hereto
are settling any and all FIC Claims and Murphy  Claims solely in the interest of
reasonable compromise.  Neither this Release nor any of its terms and provisions
nor any of the  negotiations  or proceedings in connection with it (a) is, or is
intended to be, an  admission  by any party or any  evidence of the truth of any
fact  alleged,  or the  validity  of any claim  that has been or could have been
asserted,  or of any liability,  fault or wrongdoing of such party, or (b) shall
be offered or received in evidence in any action or proceeding of any kind other
than such proceedings as may be necessary to consummate,  defend or enforce this

     6. Murphy represents that he has not transferred or assigned, to any person
or entity, any Murphy Claim, or any portion thereof, or interest therein.  FICFS
and FIC represent  that neither has  transferred  or assigned,  to any person or
entity, any FIC Claim, or any portion thereof, or interest therein.

     7. The parties represent and acknowledge that in executing this Release, no
party has relied upon any  representation(s)  by any other  party,  or agents or
attorneys of any other party, except as expressly contained in this Release.

     8. The  parties  hereby  expressly  waive  any and all  claims  based  upon
representations  that are not set  forth  in this  Release,  including,  without
limitation, claims for fraudulent inducement of this Release.

     9.  The  parties  agree,   each  to  the  others,   that  the   statements,
representations,  agreements and covenants  contained  herein are contractual in
nature and not mere  recitations  of fact, and that the agreements and covenants
herein   shall  be  binding   upon  the   parties,   their   respective   heirs,
administrators,  representatives,  executors,  successors and assigns, and shall
inure to the benefit of their respective heirs, administrators, representatives,
executors, successors and assigns.

     10. The language of this  Release  shall,  in all cases,  be construed as a
whole,  according to its fair meaning,  and not strictly for, or against, any of
the parties.

     11. Should any provision of this Release be declared, or be determined,  by
any court to be illegal or invalid,  the validity of the remaining parts,  terms
or  provisions  of this Release shall not be affected and any illegal or invalid
part, term, or provision, should not be deemed to be a part of this Release.

     12. Each party agrees to enter into or execute such additional documents as
are or may be  necessary  to carry  out the  intent  and  express  terms of this

                                     - 5 -

     13. This  Release may be  executed in any number of  counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall be deemed one
and the same instrument.

     14. Each party shall bear their own costs and attorney's fees in connection
with this Release.

     15. The parties  agree that any disputes  arising  under or related to this
Release shall be submitted to binding  arbitration.  Such  arbitration  shall be
conducted  pursuant  to  the  then-current  rules  of the  American  Arbitration
Association  ("AAA").  However,  AAA need not conduct  said  arbitration  as the
parties  may  agree to  utilize  any  other  commercially  suitable  service  or
qualified individual.

     16. This Release  shall be construed  and enforced in  accordance  with the
laws of the  State of  Texas.  The  parties  agree  that  this  Release  affects
interstate commerce and that the arbitration,  referenced in paragraph 15, shall
be subject to the Federal Arbitration Act.

     17.  The  failure  of a party to  insist  upon  strict  performance  of any
provision of this Release shall not constitute a waiver of, or estoppel  against
asserting,  the right to require performance in the future. A waiver or estoppel
in any one instance  shall not constitute a waiver or estoppel with respect to a
later breach.

     18. This Release sets forth the entire agreement  between the parties,  and
fully   supersedes  any  and  all  prior  and   contemporaneous   agreements  or
understandings,  oral or written,  between the Parties pertaining to the subject
matter in this  Release.  This  Release  may only be  amended or  modified  in a
writing duly executed by both Parties.

                                     - 6 -


     Witness my hand this 31st day of December, 2003.

                                                /s/ Chris Murphy
                                        Chris Murphy

     Subscribed  and sworn to by Chris  Murphy  before  the  undersigned  Notary
Public, on this 31st day of December, 2003.

                                        Notary Public for the State of Texas
                                        My Commission Expires:  ______________

                              * * * * * * * * * * *

     Witness my hand this 31st day of December, 2003.

                                        FIC Financial Services, Inc.

                                        By:     /s/ Theodore A. Fleron
                                           Theodore A. Fleron

     Subscribed and sworn to by Theodore A. Fleron before the undersigned Notary
Public on this 31st day of December, 2003.

                                        Notary Public for the State of Texas
                                        My Commission Expires:  ______________

                                     - 7 -

                              * * * * * * * * * * *

     Witness my hand this 31st day of December, 2003.

                                        Financial Industries Corporation

                                        By:     /s/ Theodore A. Fleron
                                           Theodore A. Fleron
                                           Vice President and Secretary

     Subscribed and sworn to by Theodore A. Fleron before the undersigned Notary
Public on this 31st day of December, 2003.

                                        Notary Public for the State of Texas
                                        My Commission Expires:  ______________

                                     - 8 -