EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     THIS EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT ("Agreement") made and entered into this 7th day
of  January,  2004,  to be  effective  as of the 7th day of  January,  2004 (the
"Effective  Date"), by and between  Financial  Industries  Corporation,  a Texas
corporation (the "Company") and J. Bruce Boisture ("Executive").

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, the Company wishes to secure the services of the Executive subject
to the contractual terms and conditions set forth herein; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Executive is willing to enter into this  Agreement  upon the
terms and conditions set forth herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements set
forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     1. Employment.  The Company hereby agrees to employ the Executive,  and the
Executive hereby agrees to accept such employment with the Company, all upon the
terms and conditions set forth herein.

     2.  Term  of  Employment.  Subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of this
Agreement,  the  Executive  shall  be  employed  for a  term  commencing  on the
Effective  Date and ending on the third (3rd)  anniversary of the Effective Date
(the "Term") unless sooner terminated as provided for herein.

     3.   Duties and Responsibilities.

     A. Capacity.  During the Term, the Executive shall serve in the capacity of
President and Chief Executive Officer subject to the supervision of the Board of
Directors of the Company (the "Board"),  and shall continue to serve as a member
of the Board.  The  Executive  shall also  continue  to serve as a member of the
Executive Committee of the Board.

     B.  Full-Time  Duties.  During  the Term,  and  excluding  any  periods  of
disability,  vacation  or sick leave to which the  Executive  is  entitled,  the
Executive  shall devote his full  business  time,  attention and energies to the
business of the  Company.  During the Term,  it shall not be a violation of this
Agreement  for the  Executive  to (i) serve on  corporate,  civic or  charitable
boards or committees,  (ii) deliver lectures or fulfill speaking engagements and
(iii) manage personal  investments,  so long as such activities do not interfere
with the performance of the Executive's  responsibilities  as an employee of the
Company in accordance with this Agreement.

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     C. Standard of  Performance.  The  Executive  will perform his duties under
this Agreement with fidelity and loyalty, to the best of his ability, experience
and talent and in a manner consistent with his duties and responsibilities.

     4.   Compensation.

     A. Base  Salary.  During the Term,  the Company  shall pay the  Executive a
salary (the "Base Salary") of $33,333.33 per month,  prorated for partial months
of employment.  The Base Salary shall be payable in accordance  with the general
payroll  practices of the Company in effect from time to time.  During the Term,
the  Base  Salary  shall  be  reviewed  at least  annually  by the  Compensation
Committee of the Board (the "Compensation  Committee") and may from time to time
be  increased  (but not  decreased)  as solely  determined  by the  Compensation
Committee.  Effective as of the date of any such increase, the Base Salary as so
increased  shall be  considered  the new Base  Salary for all  purposes  of this
Agreement and may not thereafter be reduced.

     B. Annual  Performance  Bonus.  The Executive  shall be eligible for annual
discretionary  bonus  awards of up to  $100,000  payable  in cash or  registered
common stock of the Company, as determined solely by the Compensation Committee,
based  on  performance   objectives  determined  annually  by  the  Compensation
Committee.  For calendar year 2004, the Executive's  annual bonus shall be based
on  the  Compensation  Committee's   determination  of  the  Company's  and  the
Executive's  performance  in  the  following  areas:  (a)  progress  towards  an
acceptable return on equity;  (b) cost  rationalization  efforts;  (c) potential
best ratings  improvements;  (d) progress toward growing sales internally and by
acquisition;  (e)  assembly of an  effective  staff;  and (f) earnings per share

C.   Long-Term Incentives.

     (1)  Subject to shareholder  approval of a new long-term incentive plan for
          the  Company  (the  "Incentive  Plan"),  the  Company  shall grant the
          Executive  a  non-qualified  stock  option (the  "Initial  Option") to
          purchase  150,000  shares of the  Company's  common  stock  ("Shares")
          pursuant to the  Incentive  Plan.  The  purchase  price for each Share
          subject to the Initial  Option shall be equal to the Fair Market Value
          (as such term is defined in the  Incentive  Plan) of a Share as of the
          Effective  Date.  Subject  to the  terms of the  Incentive  Plan,  the
          Initial  Option  shall  (i) have a  ten-year  term  measured  from the
          Effective Date, (ii) become  exercisable as to one-third of the Shares

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          subject  thereto on the date of shareholder  approval of the Incentive
          Plan, an  additional  one-third of the Shares  subject  thereto on the
          first  anniversary  of the  Effective  Date,  and as to the  remaining
          Shares  subject  thereto on the second  anniversary  of the  Effective
          Date, provided in each case that the Executive remains employed by the
          Company on such anniversary, and subject to accelerated exercisability
          as provided in Section 4.C.(4) of this Agreement, and (iii) have other
          terms and conditions  consistent  with the normal terms and conditions
          on which the Company  grants stock options under the Incentive Plan to
          its senior executives.

     (2)  Subject to  shareholder  approval of the Incentive  Plan,  the Company
          shall grant the Executive a restricted stock award under the Incentive
          Plan  covering  50,000  Shares (the  "Initial  Restricted  Stock" and,
          together with the Initial  Option,  the "Initial Equity Awards") under
          the Incentive  Plan.  Subject to the terms of the Incentive  Plan, the
          Initial  Restricted  Stock shall vest with respect to 15,000 Shares as
          of the  date of  shareholder  approval  of the  Incentive  Plan,  with
          respect to an additional 17,500 Shares on the first anniversary of the
          Effective  Date,  and  as to the  remaining  Shares  as of the  second
          anniversary  of the  Effective  Date,  provided  in each case that the
          Executive  remains  employed by the Company on such  anniversary,  and
          subject to accelerated  vesting as provided in Section 4.C.(4) of this

     (3)  In the event that the requisite  shareholder approval of the Incentive
          Plan  is  not  obtained  at  the  Company's  2004  annual  meeting  of
          shareholders,  then the Initial  Equity Awards shall be void and of no
          effect,  and the Company shall (i) pay to the Executive within 10 days
          following  certification  of the  final  shareholder  vote a lump  sum
          payment equal to the product of (A)  $51,041.67  and (B) the number of
          months  (including  partial months) between the Effective Date and the
          effective date of the salary adjustment referred to in (ii) below, and
          (ii)  increase   Executive's  Base  Salary  by  51,041.67  per  month,
          effective as of the beginning of the next calendar month.

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     (4)  In the event that following shareholder approval of the Initial Equity
          Awards and while the Executive remains employed by the Company (i) any
          SEC Person becomes the  beneficial  owner of 50% or more of the shares
          outstanding or of voting  securities  representing  50% or more of the
          combined  voting power of all  outstanding  voting  securities  of the
          Company or (ii) the sale or other  disposition of all or substantially
          all of the  consolidated  assets of the Company is completed or a plan
          of liquidation of the Company is implemented,  then the Initial Option
          shall become immediately exercisable and all of the Initial Restricted
          Stock shall become immediately vested. For purposes of this paragraph,
          "SEC   Person"   means  any   person  (as  such  term  is  defined  in
          Section 3(a)(9) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange
          Act")) or group (as such term is used in Rule 13d-5 under the Exchange
          Act),  other than an affiliate  or any  employee  benefit plan (or any
          related trust) of the Company or any of its affiliates.

     (5)  In  addition,  the  Executive  shall be  eligible  for grants of stock
          options,  restricted  stock and/or other  long-term  incentives in the
          discretion  of the  Compensation  Committee on the same basis as other
          similarly situated senior executives of the Company.

     (6)  All  Shares  delivered  upon  exercise  of the  Initial  Option or the
          Initial  Restricted  Stock shall be registered as soon as  practicable
          following  delivery  pursuant to Form S-8 or its  successor  under the
          Exchange Act.

D.   Benefits.

     (1)  If and to the extent that the Company maintains employee benefit plans
          (including, but not limited to, pension,  profit-sharing,  disability,
          accident,  medical,  life insurance,  and  hospitalization  plans) (it
          being understood that the Company may but shall not be obligated to do
          so),  the  Executive  shall be  entitled  to  participate  therein  in
          accordance  with the  Company's  regular  practices  with  respect  to
          similarly situated senior executives.  The Company will have the right
          to amend  or  terminate  any  such  benefit  plans  it may  choose  to
          establish.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  while the  Executive  is
          employed  (i) in lieu of the Company's group term life insurance plan,
          the  Company  agrees to provide the  Executive  a term life  insurance
          policy  providing a $1 million death benefit  payable as designated by
          the Executive and (ii) so long as the Executive's primary residence is

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          in  Hartford,  Connecticut,  in lieu of coverage  under the  Company's
          group health plan,  the Company  agrees to reimburse the Executive for
          the cost of his health insurance coverage through Connecticare up to a
          maximum of $12,000 per year; provided, however, that the parties agree
          that this  reimbursement  arrangement will be subject to review by the
          Board as of October 31, 2005, and that, in any event,  upon relocation
          of the Executive's  primary residence to Austin,  Texas, the Executive
          will no longer be eligible for such reimbursement but will participate
          in the  Company's  group  health  plan  on the  same  basis  as  other
          executives of the Company.

     (2)  The  Executive  shall be  entitled  to prompt  reimbursement  from the
          Company for reasonable  out-of-pocket  expenses incurred by him in the
          course of the performance of his duties hereunder, upon the submission
          of  appropriate   documentation  in  accordance  with  the  practices,
          policies and procedures  applicable to other senior  executives of the
          Company. From February 1, 2004 through  October 31, 2005,  the Company
          shall provide the Executive with the use of a furnished  apartment and
          a  leased  automobile  in  Austin,  Texas,  and  shall  reimburse  the
          Executive for the expenses (including income tax costs incurred by the
          Executive)  associated  with  air  transportation   between  Hartford,
          Connecticut and Austin,  Texas,  airport  parking,  and a private club
          membership in Austin, Texas,  provided,  however, that the cost to the
          Company of the  foregoing  (including  any gross-up for income  taxes)
          shall not exceed  $62,400  during the  12-month  period  beginning  on
          February 1, 2004, and shall not exceed $46,800 during the ensuing nine
          months of the Term. If the Executive relocates his principal residence
          to  Austin,  Texas  prior  to  December 31, 2005,   the  Company  will
          reimburse  the  Executive  for moving  expenses  associated  with such
          relocation  to the extent  such  reimbursement  can be  provided  on a
          tax-free basis to the Executive.

     (3)  The  Executive  shall be entitled to four weeks paid vacation and such
          holidays and other paid or unpaid leaves of absence as are  consistent
          with  the  Company's   normal  policies   available  to  other  senior
          executives  of  the  Company  or as  are  otherwise  approved  by  the
          Compensation Committee.

     (4)  The Company shall continue to provide  director and officer  liability
          insurance coverage at least equal to the levels and terms in effect as
          of the Effective Date.

     (5)  The Company shall reimburse the Executive for attorneys' fees incurred
          in connection  with the review of this  Agreement,  up to a maximum of

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5.   Termination of Employment.

     Notwithstanding   the  provisions  of  Section 2  hereof,  the  Executive's
employment hereunder shall terminate under any of the following conditions:

     A. Death.  The Executive's  employment under this Agreement shall terminate
automatically upon his death.

     B. Total  Disability.  The Company  shall have the right to terminate  this
Agreement  if the  Executive  becomes  Totally  Disabled.  For  purposes of this
Agreement,  "Totally  Disabled"  means that the  Executive is not working and is
currently  unable to perform the substantial and material duties of his position
hereunder  as a result of  sickness,  accident or bodily  injury for a period of
three months.  Prior to a determination that Executive is Totally Disabled,  but
after Executive has exhausted all sick leave and vacation  benefits  provided by
the Company,  Executive shall continue to receive his Base Salary, offset by any
disability benefits he may be eligible to receive.

     C. Termination by Company for Cause. The Executive's  employment  hereunder
may be terminated for Cause upon written notice by the Company.  For purposes of
this Agreement, "Cause" shall mean:

     (i)  conviction  of the Executive by a court of competent  jurisdiction  of
          any felony or a crime involving moral turpitude;

     (ii) the  Executive's  willful  and  intentional  failure  or  willful  and
          intentional refusal to follow reasonable  instructions of the Board or
          material policies, standards and regulations of the Company;

     (iii)the  Executive's  material breach or default in the performance of his
          obligations  under  this  Agreement  that  results  in  a  significant
          financial detriment to the Company;

     (iv) the Executive's  act of  misappropriation,  embezzlement,  intentional
          fraud  or  similar  conduct  involving  the  Company,  or  any  act of
          dishonesty by Executive which significantly affects his performance;

     (v)  the  Executive's  continued  failure  or  refusal  to  faithfully  and
          diligently  perform the usual and customary  duties of his  employment
          under this Agreement; or

     (vi) the Executive's gross negligence or willful misconduct with respect to
          his duties under this Agreement.

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For  purposes  of this  Section,  an act or  failure  to act on the  part of the
Executive will be deemed "willful misconduct" only if done or omitted to be done
by Executive not in good faith and without  reasonable belief that his action or
omission was in the best interests of the Company,  and no act or failure to act
on the part of  Executive  will be  deemed  "willful  misconduct"  that was done
primarily  due to an  error  in  judgment  or  mere  negligence.  Prior  to such
termination,  however, the Company shall provide written notice to the Executive
of the reasons for such proposed  action and the  Executive  shall have ten (10)
business  days from the receipt of such notice to cure such alleged  deficiency,
if such deficiency is capable of correction.

     D. Termination for Good Reason. The Executive's employment hereunder may be
terminated by the  Executive  for Good Reason on written  notice by Executive to
the Company. For purposes of this Agreement,  "Good Reason" means the occurrence
any of the following circumstances without the Executive's consent:

     (i)  a material  reduction in the Executive's  salary or benefits excluding
          the substitution of substantially equivalent compensation and benefits
          which material  reduction is not promptly remedied upon written notice
          by the Executive to the Company;

     (ii) a  material  diminution  of  the  Executive's  duties,   authority  or
          responsibilities as in effect immediately prior to such diminution and
          which  material  diminution  is not promptly  remedied upon receipt of
          written notice by the Executive to the Company;

     (iii)the  occurrence  of an  event  described  in  Section 4.C.(4)  of this
          Agreement;  provided that the Executive  offers to remain  employed by
          the Company for at least three (3) months  following  the date of such

     (iv) the failure of a successor to assume and perform under this Agreement;

     (v)  The Executive is totally and permanently  disabled, as such concept is
          defined  in the  Company's  long-term  disability  plan  covering  the

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In the event of resignation for Good Reason, the Executive shall provide written
notice to the Company of the Good Reason(s) for the  termination and the Company
shall have  ten (10)  business  days from the date of receipt of such  notice to
cure such alleged deficiency.

     E.  Notice of  Termination.  If the  Company  or the  Executive  desires to
terminate the Executive's  employment  hereunder at any time prior to expiration
of the Term,  it or he shall do so by giving  written  notice to the other party
that it or he has elected to terminate the Executive's  employment hereunder and
stating the  effective  date and reason for such  termination,  provided that no
such action shall alter or amend any other  provisions  hereof or rights arising

     F.  Resignations.  Notwithstanding  any other  provision of this Agreement,
upon the  termination  of the  Executive's  employment  for any  reason,  unless
otherwise requested by the Board of Directors,  he shall immediately resign from
the Board of  Directors  and from all boards of directors  of  subsidiaries  and
affiliates  of the  Company of which he may be a member.  The  Executive  hereby
agrees to execute any and all documentation of such resignations upon request by
the Company, but he shall be treated for all purposes as having so resigned upon
termination  of his  employment,  regardless  of when or whether he executes any
such documentation.

6.       Payments Upon Termination.

A.   Upon termination of Executive's  employment  hereunder for any reason as so
     provided for in Section 5 hereof, the Company shall be obligated to pay and
     the  Executive  shall be  entitled  to  receive,  within  ten (10)  days of
     termination,  Base Salary which has accrued for  services  performed to the
     date of termination and which has not yet been paid, as well as payment for
     any accrued but unused  vacation time. In addition,  the Executive shall be
     entitled to any  benefits  to which he is  entitled  under the terms of any
     applicable  Executive  benefit plan or program,  restricted  stock plan and
     stock option plan of the Company, and, to the extent applicable, short-term
     or long-term disability plan or program with respect to any disability,  or
     any life insurance policies and the benefits provided by such plan, program
     or policies, or applicable law.

B.   Upon termination of Executive's  employment by the Company without Cause or
     by the Executive for Good Reason, the Company shall be obligated to pay and
     the Executive shall be entitled to receive:

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     (1)  all of the amounts and benefits described in Section 6.A. hereof;

     (2)  a lump sum  severance  payment equal to $400,000,  payable  within ten
          (10) days  following  execution  of the release  described in the last
          paragraph of this Section 6.B.; and

     (3)  six  (6)  months  of  either  (i)  continued   reimbursement   of  the
          Executive's  health  insurance costs as provided in the last clause of
          Section  4.D.(1) or (ii) continued  coverage under the Company's group
          health  plan on the  same  basis as  active  employees,  whichever  is

     Payments under Section 6.B.,  with the exception of amounts due pursuant to
Section  6.B(1),  are  (i) conditioned  on the  execution by the  Executive of a
release of all employment-related  claims against the Company and its affiliates
and (ii) in the case of a termination pursuant to Section 5.D.(v),  to be offset
by the value of any disability  benefits to be received  during the first twelve
(12) months following the Executive's termination of employment from any plan or
arrangement sponsored by the Company.

C.   Upon  voluntary  termination  of employment by the Executive for any reason
     whatsoever  (other  than for Good  Reason as  described  in Section  5.D.),
     termination  by  the  Company  for  Cause,  termination  due to  death,  or
     expiration of the Term, the Company shall have no further  liability  under
     or in  connection  with this  Agreement,  except to provide the amounts set
     forth in Section 6.A.

D.   Upon  voluntary or  involuntary  termination of employment of the Executive
     for any reason  whatsoever or expiration of the Term,  the Executive  shall
     continue  to be  subject  to the  provisions  of Section 7 hereof (it being
     understood and agreed that such provisions shall survive any termination or
     expiration  of  the  Executive's   employment   hereunder  for  any  reason

7.   Confidentiality, Return of Property, and Covenant Not to Compete.

A.   Confidential Information.

     (1)  Company  Information.  The  Company  agrees  that it will  provide the
          Executive with Confidential  Information,  as defined below, that will
          enable the Executive to optimize the  performance  of the  Executive's
          duties to the Company.  In exchange,  the Executive agrees to use such
          Confidential Information solely for the Company's benefit. The Company
          and the  Executive  agree and  acknowledge  that its provision of such
          Confidential   Information  is  not  contingent  on  the   Executive's

                                     - 9 -

          continued  employment with the Company.  Notwithstanding the preceding
          sentence,  upon the termination of the Executive's  employment for any
          reason,  the Company shall have no obligation to provide the Executive
          with its Confidential  Information.  "Confidential  Information" means
          any Company proprietary information,  technical data, trade secrets or
          know-how,  including,  but not limited to,  research,  product  plans,
          products services,  customer lists and customers  (including,  but not
          limited to,  customers of the Company on whom the Executive  called or
          with  whom the  Executive  became  acquainted  during  the term of the
          Executive's employment), markets, software, developments,  inventions,
          processes,  formulas,  technology,   designs,  drawings,  engineering,
          hardware  configuration  information,   marketing  finances  or  other
          business information  disclosed to the Executive by the Company either
          directly  or  indirectly   in  writing,   orally  or  by  drawings  or
          observation of parts or equipment.  Confidential  Information does not
          include any of the foregoing items which has become publicly known and
          made generally  available  through no wrongful act of the Executive or
          of others who were under confidentiality obligations as to the item or
          items involved or improvements or new versions.

          The Executive  agrees at all times during the Term and thereafter,  to
          hold in strictest confidence, and not to use, except for the exclusive
          benefit of the Company, or to disclose to any person or entity without
          written  authorization  of the Board of Directors of the Company,  any
          Confidential Information of the Company.

     (2)  Former Employer  Information.  The Executive  agrees that he will not,
          during his employment with the Company, improperly use or disclose any
          proprietary  information  or trade secrets of any former or concurrent
          employer  or other  person or entity and that the  Executive  will not
          bring onto the  premises of the Company  any  unpublished  document or
          proprietary  information  belonging  to any such  employer,  person or
          entity  unless  consented  to in writing by such  employer,  person or

     (3)  Third Party Information. The Executive recognizes that the Company has
          received  and in the future  will  receive  from third  parties  their
          confidential  or  proprietary  information  subject  to a duty  on the
          Company's part to maintain the confidentiality of such information and
          to use it only for certain limited purposes.  The Executive shall hold
          all such  confidential  or  proprietary  information  in the strictest
          confidence  and not  disclose  it to any  person  or  entity or use it
          except as  necessary  in  carrying  out the  Executive's  work for the
          Company consistent with the Company's agreement with such third party.

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     B. Returning  Company  Documents.  At the time of leaving the employ of the
Company,  the  Executive  will  deliver to the Company (and will not keep in the
Executive's   possession)   specifications,   drawings   blueprints,   sketches,
materials,  equipment,  other  documents or property,  or  reproductions  of any
aforementioned  items  developed by the  Executive  pursuant to the  Executive's
employment  with  the  Company  or  otherwise  belonging  to  the  Company,  its
successors or assigns;  provided,  however, that the Executive shall be entitled
to retain copies of "Rolodex-type" personal contact information.

     C.  Solicitation  of Employees.  The Executive  agrees that for a period of
twelve (12) months  immediately  following the  termination  of the  Executive's
relationship  with the Company for any reason,  the  Executive  shall not either
directly or indirectly solicit, induce or recruit any of the Company's employees
to leave their employment,  or take away such employees,  or attempt to solicit,
induce,  recruit,  encourage or take away  employees of the Company,  either for
himself or for any other person or entity.

     D. Covenant Not to Compete.

     (1)  The Executive  agrees that during the course of his employment and for
          six  (6)  months   following  the   termination  of  the   Executive's
          relationship   with  the  Company  for  any  reason  (other  than  the
          expiration of the Term),  the Executive will not compete,  without the
          prior  written  consent  of  the  Company,  as  a  partner,  employee,
          consultant, officer, director, manager, agent, associate, investor, or
          otherwise,  directly or indirectly,  own,  purchase,  organize or take
          preparatory  steps for the  organization of, build,  design,  finance,
          acquire,  lease,  operate,  manage,  invest in, work or consult for or
          otherwise affiliate with any Competitive Business;  provided, however,
          that the  beneficial  ownership by Executive of up to 5% of the voting
          stock  of  any   corporation   subject  to  the   periodic   reporting
          requirements  of the Securities  and  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934
          shall not  violate  this  Section 7.  For this  purpose,  "Competitive
          Business"  shall mean any person or entity (and any branch,  office or
          operation  thereof) that engages in, or proposes to engage in: (a) the
          underwriting,  reinsurance,  marketing  or  sale  of (i)  any  form of
          insurance,  annuity or financial  product of any kind that the Company
          or any of its  affiliates  as of such date does,  or has under  active
          consideration a proposal to, underwrite, reinsure, market or sell (any
          such form of  insurance,  annuity  or  financial  product,  a "Company
          Insurance  Product") or (ii) any other form of  insurance,  annuity or
          financial  product  that is marketed or sold in  competition  with any
          Company Insurance  Product,  or (b) any other business that as of such
          date  is a  direct  and  material  competitor  of a  Company  and  its
          affiliates to the extent that prior to the date of termination  any of
          the Companies or its  affiliates  engaged at any time within 12 months
          in or had under  active  consideration  a  proposal  to engage in such
          competitive  business;  and that is  located  anywhere  in the  United
          States where such Company or its affiliates is then engaged in, or has
          under  active  consideration  a  proposal  to engage  in,  any of such
          activities (the "Territory").

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     (2)  The Executive  acknowledges that he will derive significant value from
          the  Company's  agreement in  Section 7.A(1)  to provide the Executive
          with that Confidential Information to enable the Executive to optimize
          the  performance  of  the  Executive's  duties  to  the  Company.  The
          Executive further acknowledges that his fulfillment of the obligations
          contained  in this  Agreement,  including,  but not  limited  to,  the
          Executive's  obligation  neither to disclose nor to use the  Company's
          Confidential  Information  other  than  for  the  Company's  exclusive
          benefit and the  Executive's  obligation  not to compete  contained in
          subsection (1)   above,   is  necessary   to  protect  the   Company's
          Confidential Information and, consequently,  to preserve the value and
          goodwill of the Company.  The Executive further  acknowledge the time,
          geographic and scope limitations of the Executive's  obligations under
          subsection (1)  above  are  reasonable,  especially  in  light  of the
          Company's desire to protect its Confidential Information, and that the
          Executive  will  not  be  precluded  from  gainful  employment  if the
          Executive  is  obligated  not to compete  with the Company  during the
          period and within the Territory as described above.

     (3)  The covenants contained in subsection (1)  above shall be construed as
          a series of separate covenants, one for each city, county and state of
          any geographic area in the Territory.  Except for geographic coverage,
          each such separate  covenant shall be deemed identical in terms to the
          covenant  contained  in  subsection (1)  above.  If,  in any  judicial
          proceeding,  a court refuses to enforce any of such separate covenants
          (or any part thereof), then such unenforceable covenant (or such part)
          shall be  eliminated  from this  Agreement to the extent  necessary to
          permit the remaining  separate  covenants (or portions  thereof) to be
          enforced.  In the event the  provisions  of  subsection (1)  above are
          deemed to exceed the time,  geographic or scope limitations  permitted
          by Texas law,  then such  provisions  shall be reformed to the maximum
          time,  geographic  or scope  limitations,  as the  case  may be,  then
          permitted by such law.

     E.  Representations.  The Executive  represents that his performance of all
the terms of this  Agreement will not breach any agreement to keep in confidence
proprietary  information  acquired by the  Executive in  confidence  or in trust
prior to the  Executive's  employment  by the  Company.  The  Executive  has not
entered into, and the Executive  agrees that he will not enter into, any oral or
written agreement in conflict herewith.

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     F.  Remedies.  In addition to all other  remedies at law or in equity which
the  Company  may  have for  breach  of a  provision  of this  Section  7 by the
Executive,  it is  agreed  that in the  event  of any  breach  or  attempted  or
threatened  breach of any such  provision,  the Company shall be entitled,  upon
application  to any court of proper  jurisdiction,  to a  temporary  restraining
order  or  preliminary   injunction   (without  the  necessity  of  (i)  proving
irreparable  harm,  (ii)  establishing  that monetary  damages are inadequate or
(iii) posting any bond with respect thereto)  against the Executive  prohibiting
such breach or attempted or  threatened  breach by proving only the existence of
such breach or attempted or threatened breach.

     8. Arbitration.  Any dispute or controversy  arising under or in connection
with this  Agreement  (other  than any  dispute or  controversy  arising  from a
violation or alleged  violation by the Executive of the provisions of Section 7)
shall be settled exclusively by final and binding arbitration in Austin,  Texas,
in accordance with the Commercial  Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
Association ("AAA"). The arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreement of the
parties, if possible. If the parties fail to reach agreement upon appointment of
an  arbitrator  within thirty days  following  receipt by one party of the other
party's notice of desire to arbitrate,  the arbitrator  shall be selected from a
panel or panels of persons  submitted by the AAA. The selection process shall be
that which is set forth in the AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules then prevailing,
except  that,  if the  parties  fail to  select an  arbitrator  from one or more
panels,  AAA shall not have the power to make an appointment  but shall continue
to  submit  additional  panels  until  an  arbitrator  has been  selected.  This
agreement  to  arbitrate  shall  not  preclude  the  parties  from  engaging  in
voluntary, non-binding settlement efforts including mediation.

     9.  Notices.  All notices and other  communications  hereunder  shall be in
writing  and shall be given  (and  shall be deemed to have been duly  given upon
receipt) by delivery in person,  by registered or certified mail (return receipt
requested and with postage prepaid thereon) or by facsimile  transmission to the
respective  parties at the  following  addresses  (or at such  other  address as
either party shall have previously furnished to the other in accordance with the
terms of this Section):

                                     - 13 -

                        if to the Company:

                        Financial Industries Corporation
                        6500 River Place Blvd., Building One
                        Austin, Texas  78730
                        Attention:  Theodore A. Fleron,
                                    Vice President and General Counsel

                        if to the Executive:

                        J. Bruce Boisture
                        49 High Street
                        Farmington, CT 06032

                        With a copy to:

                        Jeffrey W. Hurt, Esq.
                        10670 North Central Expressway
                        Suite 505
                        Dallas, Texas 75231
                        Fax:  214-382-5657

     10.  Amendment;  Waiver.  The terms and provisions of this Agreement may be
modified or amended only by a written instrument executed by each of the parties
hereto,  and compliance with the terms and provisions  hereof may be waived only
by a written instrument executed by each party entitled to the benefits thereof.
No failure or delay on the part of any party in exercising  any right,  power or
privilege  granted  hereunder shall  constitute a waiver thereof,  nor shall any
single or partial  exercise of any such right,  power or privilege  preclude any
other or further exercise  thereof or the exercise of any other right,  power or
privilege granted hereunder.

     11.  Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement and all Exhibits  attached  hereto
constitute the entire agreement  between the parties with respect to the subject
matter  hereof  and   supersede   all  prior  written  or  oral   agreements  or
understandings between the parties relating thereto.

     12. Severability. In the event that any term or provision of this Agreement
is found to be invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable,  the validity,  legality and
enforceability  of the remaining terms and provisions hereof shall not be in any
way affected or impaired  thereby,  and this Agreement  shall be construed as if
such  invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable  provision  had never  been  contained

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     13. Binding  Effect;  Assignment.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and
inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective  successors and assigns
(it being  understood  and agreed  that,  except as expressly  provided  herein,
nothing  contained in this Agreement is intended to confer upon any other person
or entity any rights, benefits or remedies of any kind or character whatsoever).
The Executive may not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of
the Company.  Except as otherwise  provided in this  Agreement,  the Company may
assign this Agreement to any of its  affiliates or to any successor  (whether by
operation of law or otherwise) to all or  substantially  all of its business and
assets  without the consent of the  Executive.  For purposes of this  Agreement,
"affiliate"  means any entity in which the Company owns shares or other  measure
of ownership representing at least 40% of the voting power or equivalent measure
of control of such entity.

     14.  Governing  Law. This  Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Texas  (except that no effect shall be
given  to any  conflicts  of law  principles  thereof  that  would  require  the
application of the laws of another jurisdiction).

     15. Headings.  The headings of the sections contained in this Agreement are
for convenience only and shall not be deemed to control or affect the meaning or
construction of any provision of this Agreement.

     16.   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument. An exchange of signed fax
counterparts  between  the  parties  is  considered  delivery  of  the  executed

                                     - 15 -

     IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement to be executed by
its duly  authorized  officer and the Executive has signed this  Agreement as of
the Effective Date.

                                        FINANCIAL INDUSTRIES CORPORATION



                                        J. BRUCE BOISTURE

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