Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

       Date of report (date of earliest event reported): September 6, 2004

               (Exact name of Registrant as specified in charter)

           Texas                     0-4690                     74-2126975
(State or other jurisdiction  (Commission file number)       (I.R.S. employer
of incorporation)                                            identification no.)

                      6500 River Place Blvd., Building One
                               Austin, Texas 78730
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (512) 404-5000

Former name or former address, if changed since last report - Not Applicable

Check  the  appropriate  box  below  if the  Form  8-K  filing  is  intended  to
simultaneously  satisfy the filing obligation of the registrant under any of the
following provisions:

[  ]  Written communications  pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act (17
      CFR 230.425)

[  ]  Soliciting  material  pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act (17
      CFR 240.14a-12)

[  ]  Pre-commencement  communications  pursuant  to Rule  14d-2(b)  under the
      Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

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Item 4.02 - Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial  Statements or a Related
            Audit Report or Completed Interim Review

     Upon reviewing the estimated  adjustments and write-offs  described in Item
8.01, below,  management and the audit committee concluded on September 6, 2004,
that,  while the work to finalize the amount of such  adjustments and write-offs
has  not  been   completed,   the  Company  will  be  required  to  restate  its
shareholders'  equity as  reported  in its  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q as of
September 30, 2003. The Company  currently  estimates that these adjustments and
write-offs  may  aggregate up to $49 million,  after  taxes.  The  shareholders'
equity as of September 30, 2003, as reported,  is $160.5 million.  Corresponding
adjustments  to  other  accounts  in  these  financial  statements  may  also be

     As described in Item 8.01,  below, the write-offs and other profit and loss
adjustments relate primarily to periods prior to 2003.  Although the Company has
not  completed  its work,  and has not yet  determined  the exact  amount of the
adjustment  to  shareholders'  equity as of September 30, 2003, or the amount by
which the  estimated  write-offs  and  adjustments  will  affect  the  Company's
financial  statements included in the Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q as
of September  30, 2003,  the Company  nonetheless  cautions  investors  that the
financial statements for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2003, and the
three-month periods ended September 30, 2003, June 30, 2003, and March 31, 2003,
should no longer be relied upon.

     Currently,  the  Company  has  not  completed  its  work to  determine  the
reporting  periods  to which  such  write-offs  and  adjustments  relate and the
amounts of such write-offs and adjustments for each period. However, as a result
of the  additional  work  done  recently,  management  and the  audit  committee
concluded on September 9, 2004,  that  restatements  of its balance  sheets will
occur,  and it is likely  that some of its other  financial  statements  will be
restated,  with  respect  to  periods  prior to 2003.  Accordingly  the  Company
cautions  investors  that the  financial  statements  for the years 1999 to 2002
should no longer be relied upon.

     The Company's  management and audit  committee have discussed these matters
with the Company's independent registered public accounting firm.

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Item 8.01 - Other Events

   The Company has continued to work on its financial  statements for the year
ended December 31, 2003, and for the quarters ended March 31, 2004, and June 30,

     As previously  disclosed,  the Company has tentatively  identified  certain
balance sheet  accounts that it expects will need to be written off or adjusted.
Although the Company's work on these matters is ongoing,  it currently estimates
that these write-offs and adjustments in the aggregate will total  approximately
$9 million,  before estimated taxes.  While these relate  principally to periods
prior to 2003 and relate to certain receivables, equipment and other assets, the
Company has also  identified  adjustments  to various  liability  accounts.  The
Company  is  continuing  to perform  additional  reviews  of its  balance  sheet
accounts to determine whether additional adjustments to its financial statements
may be required.

     In addition, the Company has continued its  previously-disclosed  review of
intercompany  accounts  among itself and its  affiliates  that may not have been
adequately  reconciled.  The Company is performing a detailed  analysis of a net
cumulative  out-of-balance  condition  in  the  intercompany  accounts  that  it
currently estimates would result in an aggregate write down of approximately $10
million,  before  estimated  taxes.  These  write-offs also relate  primarily to
periods prior to 2003.

     During the course of the work on its financial statements,  the Company has
undertaken an analysis of deferred  policy  acquisition  costs (DAC) and present
value of future profits on acquired businesses (PVFP). The Company's  accounting
policy, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, has been to
record the present value of future  profits on acquired  businesses and to defer
and amortize the costs of acquiring new business,  which are  principally  first
year  commissions and certain  expenses of the policy issuance and  underwriting
departments,  which vary with and are primarily related to the production of new
business.  The Company's  analysis has related to the method of  amortization of
such costs as well as the recoverability of such costs. Although the Company has
not  completed  its analysis,  it currently  expects that it will  retroactively
correct  amortization  calculations  for a  substantial  portion of these costs,
which  approximate $30 million as of September 30, 2003.  These  adjustments are
currently  estimated  to result in aggregate  write-offs  of  approximately  $20
million,  before  estimated  taxes.  These  write-offs also relate  primarily to
periods prior to 2003.

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     Also as part of its analysis of DAC and PVFP,  the Company is reviewing the
accounting  for its  remaining  DAC and PVFP,  of $47 million  and $25  million,
respectively,  as recorded at September  30,  2003.  Although  this  analysis is
ongoing,  the Company expects that it will refine its methods with regard to DAC
and PVFP  recoverability  calculations.  The Company has not yet  determined the
amount of, or reached a  conclusion  regarding  the  effective  periods for, any
write-offs. If a write-off occurs, management estimates that it could be upwards
of $22 million.

     The  above-described  estimated  adjustments and write-offs could aggregate
upwards of $61 million,  before estimated taxes. It is unlikely that the Company
will be  realizing  a full  statutory  rate tax  benefit  for these  write-offs.
Depending upon the circumstances, the Company may not be able to realize any tax
benefits with respect to certain periods.  In addition,  the otherwise resulting
tax  benefit  may result in deferred  tax assets  that are not  realizable.  The
Company  currently  estimates  that its  maximum  realizable  tax benefit is $12

     The Company emphasizes that it is continuing its reviews and analyses, and,
accordingly,  refinements to the adjustments and write-offs  described herein or
additional adjustments to its financial statements beyond those described herein
may be required as a result of these efforts. Further adjustments and write-offs
could also occur during the  completion of the audit of the Company's  financial
statements by its independent auditors.

     The Company's work is being conducted by its internal  accounting staff, as
well as several accounting and actuarial  consultants.  The incremental expenses
incurred  through August 31, 2004, in connection  with this work  approximate $3
million, and are not included in the above-described adjustments.

     In connection  with its work, the Company has identified  several  material
control weaknesses which it is in the process of remediating. Accordingly, there
is uncertainty as to the Company's  ability to complete its remediation  process
and satisfy its required self-assessment  procedures under Section 404(a) of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act on a timely basis.

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     The Company's  management and audit  committee have discussed these matters
with the Company's independent registered public accounting firm.

     As  provided  by the  safe  harbor  provisions  of the  Private  Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995,  Financial  Industries  Corporation cautions that
the  statements  in this Form 8-K  relating to matters  that are not  historical
factual information are forward-looking  statements that represent  management's
belief and assumptions based on currently available information. The information
contained  in this report  relating  to the amount and periods of balance  sheet
accounts that may need to be written off or adjusted, any after-tax effects, the
amount  of the  net  cumulative  out-of-balance  condition  in the  intercompany
accounts,  the  amount  and  periods  of  write-offs  of DAC and PVFP,  possible
additional  adjustments  to  the  financial  statements,   the  non-reliance  on
financial  statements  for prior periods,  restatement of financial  statements,
amount  and  realization  of tax  benefits  and  deferred  tax  assets,  and the
contingencies and uncertainties to which the Company may be subject,  as well as
other statements including words such as "anticipate," "believe," "plan," "may",
"estimate,"  "expect,"  "intend,"  and  other  similar  expressions   constitute
forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995. Such statements are made based upon management's  current expectations and
beliefs  and are  subject to known and unknown  risks,  uncertainties  and other
factors that could cause actual results to differ from those contemplated by the
forward-looking statements,  including the timing, completion and results of the
Company's  reviews and  audits.  Investors  should not place  undue  reliance on
forward-looking statements. Each forward-looking statement speaks only as of the
date of the particular  statement,  and the Company  undertakes no obligation to
publicly  update  or  revise  any  forward-looking  statements.  There can be no
assurance that other factors not currently  anticipated  by management  will not
also materially and adversely affect the Company.

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Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                        FINANCIAL INDUSTRIES CORPORATION

Date: September 9, 2004                   By:   /s/ J. Bruce Boisture
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer

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