AGREEMENT OF SALE AND PURCHASE



     THIS  AGREEMENT OF SALE AND PURCHASE  ("Agreement")  is made by and between
("Seller") and ASPEN GROWTH PROPERTIES, INC., a Texas corporation ("Purchaser").
Seller and Purchaser are sometimes referred to in this Agreement individually as
a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties".

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

                                Sale and Purchase

     1.01 The Property.  Seller hereby agrees to sell and convey unto Purchaser,
and Purchaser  hereby agrees to purchase from Seller,  for the price and subject
to the terms,  covenants,  conditions and provisions  herein set forth, the land
which is described on Exhibit "1.01" attached to this Agreement and incorporated
herein by reference  (the "Land"),  together with all of the buildings and other
improvements located on the Land (the "Improvements") and all of Seller's right,
title and interest in and to all  appurtenances  benefiting or pertaining to the
Land and/or the  Improvements,  including  without  limitation,  all of Seller's
right,  title  and  interest  in and to all  streets,  alleys,  rights of way or
easements  adjacent  to the Land,  all strips or pieces of land  adjacent to the
Land and all utility lines and  facilities  located upon,  within or adjacent to
the Land (the "Appurtenances"). The Land, the Improvements and the Appurtenances
are referred to in this Agreement collectively as the "Property".

     1.02 The Personal  Property.  Seller will,  within ten (10)  calendar  days
after the Effective Date of this  Agreement,  provide to Purchaser a list of the
items of personal  property which will be conveyed to Purchaser  under the terms
of this Agreement (the "Personal Property").

     1.03 The  Leases.  Seller  will,  within ten (10)  calendar  days after the
Effective Date of this Agreement, provide to Purchaser: (a) copies of the leases
and landlord-permitted subleases (such leases and subleases being referred to in
this Agreement collectively as the "Existing Leases"); and (b) a rent roll which
includes a list of all of the Existing Leases and which sets forth each tenant's
name, amount of monthly rent,  amount of security  deposit,  expiration of term,
current status of payments and amount of any advance rentals received (the "Rent
Roll").  Seller may,  at Seller's  option and  election,  enter into  additional
leases with  respect to the Property and may permit  additional  subleases  with
respect to the Property (such additional  leases and additional  subleases being
referred to in this Agreement  collectively as the "Additional Leases") prior to

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the Closing (hereinafter defined) under this Agreement.  Purchaser's approval is
not required for any  Additional  Leases which are entered into by Seller during
the period of time between the  Effective  Date of this  Agreement  and the date
which is seven (7)  calendar  days  prior to the  expiration  of the  Inspection
Period (the "Seller Leasing Period"), but copies of all of the Additional Leases
entered into during the Seller  Leasing Period must be delivered to Purchaser on
or before the final day of the Seller  Leasing  Period.  After the expiration of
the Seller  Leasing  Period,  Seller will not enter into any  Additional  Leases
unless such  Additional  Leases are approved in advance in writing by Purchaser,
but:  (a) Purchaser will not unreasonably  withhold its approval of any proposed
Additional Leases; and  (b) Purchaser's  approval right will terminate and be of
no further force or affect upon the termination of this Agreement.  The Existing
Leases and the Additional Leases are referred to in this Agreement  collectively
as the "Leases". At the Closing, Seller will assign to Purchaser all of Seller's
right,  title and interest in and to the Leases and Purchaser will assume all of
Seller's obligations under the Leases.

     1.04 The Seller  Lease.  The Existing  Leases  include that certain  "River
Place Pointe I Lease  Agreement" by and between  Seller as "Landlord" and Seller
also as "Tenant"  (the "Seller  Lease")  pursuant to which Seller is occupying a
portion  of  the  Property,   as  more  fully  described  therein  (the  "Seller
Premises").  After the  Closing:  (a) Seller will  continue to occupy the Seller
Premises  under the terms and  provisions of the Seller  Lease;  (b) Seller will
continue to have and enjoy all of the rights and benefits of the "Tenant"  under
the Seller Lease;  (c) Seller will be responsible and liable for the performance
of all of the obligations of the "Tenant" under the Seller Lease;  (d) Purchaser
will have and enjoy all of the rights and benefits of the  "Landlord"  under the
Seller Lease;  and (e) Purchaser will be  responsible  and liable for all of the
duties and obligations of the "Landlord" under the Seller Lease.

     1.05 The  Purchaser  Sublease.  Purchaser  may, at  Purchaser's  option and
election,  sublease from Seller a portion of the Seller Premises under the terms
and provisions of a sublease agreement in the form of Exhibit "1.05" attached to
this Agreement and incorporated herein by reference (the "Purchaser  Sublease").
Purchaser must exercise  Purchaser's option to enter into the Purchaser Sublease
by delivering a written notice of exercise of such option to Seller at least ten
(10) days prior to the Closing Date under this Agreement.  If Purchaser does not
deliver such written notice of exercise to Seller within such time period,  then
Purchaser  will be deemed to have  waived  Purchaser's  right to enter  into the
Purchaser Sublease.

     1.06 The Tenant  Improvement Loan. Seller has made an advance in the amount
of $1,127,085.00 to SBC Services,  Inc. for tenant improvements in excess of the
agreed upon level of  landlord-provided  improvements  (the "Tenant  Improvement
Loan").  The Tenant  Improvement Loan is further  described as the advance which
was made by Seller to SBC Services,  Inc. as the "Additional  Tenant Improvement
Allowance" under the terms and provisions of  Paragraph 20(c) in the body of the
"Standard  Office  Lease" dated July 28,  2000,  by and between  Investors  Life
Insurance  Company of North  America as  "Landlord"  and SBC  Services,  Inc. as

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"Tenant",  which said advance bears interest at the rate of 10% per annum and is
payable in  installments  over the initial  term of such  lease.  Seller may, at
Seller's  option and  election,  accept a complete or partial  payoff (at par or
with a  discount)  of the  Tenant  Improvement  Loan any time at or prior to the
Closing.  If the Tenant  Improvement  Loan is not paid off in its entirety at or
prior  to  the  Closing,  then,  at  the  Closing:  (a) Purchaser  will  pay  to
Seller/Landlord,  in  addition to the  Purchase  Price,  an amount  equal to the
unreimbursed  principal  amount plus all accrued but unpaid  interest  under the
Tenant  Improvement  Loan which is outstanding  (but which may or may not be due
and payable) by SBC Services, Inc. as of the Closing (such principal and accrued
interest  being  referred  to in  this  Agreement  collectively  as the  "Tenant
Improvement Loan Payment Amount");  and (b) Seller shall assign all of its right
and  interest  in and to the Tenant  Improvement  Loan to  Purchaser.  Purchaser
acknowledges that Seller and SBC Services,  Inc. have, prior to the execution of
this  Agreement,  discussed the possible early payment by SBC Services,  Inc. to
Seller of the Tenant  Improvement Loan Payment Amount.  Any payments made by SBC
Services,  Inc. to Seller with respect to the Tenant  Improvement  Loan prior to
the Closing will be deducted  from the Tenant  Improvement  Loan Payment  Amount
otherwise  payable by Purchaser to Seller at the Closing.  If Seller agrees to a
discounted  partial payoff of the Tenant  Improvement Loan prior to the Closing,
then the Tenant  Improvement  Loan Amount payable by Purchaser will include only
the discounted  outstanding amount of the Tenant Improvement Loan as of the date
of Closing,  including  the  discounted  amount of all unpaid  principal and all
accrued but unpaid interest.

     1.07 Service  Agreements.  Seller will, within ten (10) calendar days after
the Effective Date of this Agreement, provide to Purchaser copies of the service
agreements  which  currently  affect the  Property  and which will  survive  the
Closing under this Agreement (the "Existing Service Agreements"). Seller may, at
Seller's  option and election,  enter into  additional  service  agreements with
respect  to the  Property  prior  to  the  Closing  under  this  Agreement  (the
"Additional Service  Agreements").  Purchaser's approval is not required for any
Additional Service Agreements which are entered into by Seller during the Seller
Leasing Period,  but copies of all of the Additional  Service Agreements entered
into during the Seller  Leasing  Period must be  delivered  to  Purchaser  on or
before the final day of the Seller Leasing  Period.  After the expiration of the
Seller  Leasing  Period,  Seller  will not  enter  into any  Additional  Service
Agreements unless such Additional  Service Agreements are approved in advance in
writing by Purchaser,  but:  (a) Purchaser  will not  unreasonably  withhold its
approval of any proposed  Additional  Service  Agreements;  and  (b) Purchaser's
approval  right will  terminate  and be of no further  force or affect  upon any
termination  of  this  Agreement.   The  Existing  Service  Agreements  and  the
Additional Service Agreements are referred to in this Agreement  collectively as
the "Service Agreements". At the Closing, Seller will assign to Purchaser all of
Seller's  right,  title  and  interest  in  and to the  Service  Agreements  and
Purchaser will assume all of Seller's obligations under the Service Agreements.

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     2.01 Purchase Price.  The purchase price  ("Purchase  Price") to be paid by
Purchaser to Seller for the sale and  conveyance  of the Property is ONE HUNDRED
THREE MILLION AND NO/100 U.S. DOLLARS ($103,000,000.00), payable in full in cash
or other readily available funds at the Closing (hereinafter defined).

     2.02 Earnest  Money.  In order to secure  Purchaser's  performance  of this
Agreement,  Purchaser shall,  within three (3) business days after the Effective
Date  of  this   Agreement,   deposit  ONE  MILLION  AND  NO/100  U.S.   DOLLARS
($1,000,000.00)  in cash or other readily  available  funds with Heritage  Title
Company of Austin,  Inc.  (the "Title  Company")  at its offices at 401 Congress
Avenue,  Suite 1500,  Austin,  Texas 78701.  All cash  deposited  with the Title
Company pursuant to the terms of this Section 2.02 will be placed in an interest
bearing  account  approved by the Parties and all such cash,  together  with all
interest  earned  thereon is referred to in this Agreement  collectively  as the
"Earnest  Money".  Purchaser's  delivery  of the  Earnest  Money is a  condition
precedent to Seller's  obligations  under this Agreement and Purchaser's  rights
under this Agreement. The Earnest Money will be held and disbursed in accordance
with the terms and provisions of Section 7.05 of this Agreement.

                               Pre-Closing Matters

     3.01 Inspection  Period. The period of time following the Effective Date of
this Agreement  until the date which is forty-five  (45) calendar days after the
Effective  Date of this  Agreement  is  referred  to in  this  Agreement  as the
"Inspection Period". If Purchaser  determines,  in Purchaser's sole and absolute
discretion, that the Property is not satisfactory to Purchaser for any reason or
for no reason, then Purchaser may terminate this Agreement by delivering written
notice  of  such  termination  to  Seller  on or  before  the  final  day of the
Inspection  Period.  Without  limitation  on the  foregoing,  it is  agreed  and
understood that the obligations of Purchaser under this Agreement are contingent
upon the following,  all of which must occur during the Inspection  Period:  (a)
Purchaser's  inspection and approval of the physical  condition of the Property,
the zoning of the Property,  and all other aspects of the transaction  evidenced
by  this  Agreement;  (b) Purchaser's  review  and  acceptance  of  all  leases,
contracts, studies, surveys and other information pertinent to the operation and
ownership of the Property; (c) Purchaser's review and acceptance of a commitment
for title insurance;  (d) Purchaser's  review of Seller's existing  surveys,  if
any,  and the  preparation  (at  Purchaser's  option and  expense) of any new or
updated survey which may be desired by Purchaser.  If Purchaser  fails,  for any
reason,  to deliver a written  notice of  termination to Seller on or before the
final day of the Inspection Period, then all of the contingencies  referenced in
this  Section  3.01  will be  deemed  to  have  been  satisfied  or  waived  and
Purchaser's  right of termination under this Section 3.01 will be deemed to have
been waived.

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     3.02 Property Information. Seller will, within ten (10) calendar days after
the Effective Date of this  Agreement,  provide to Purchaser  copies of surveys,
soils  reports,  environmental  reports  and/or  other  reports  relating to the
physical condition of the Property,  if and to the extent that such items are in
Seller's actual possession and/or available to Seller at no additional cost (the
"Seller Materials").  The Leases, Service Agreements,  Seller Materials, and all
other information and materials furnished by Seller to Purchaser with respect to
the Property are referred to in this  Agreement  collectively  as the  "Property
Information".  Purchaser agrees and acknowledges  that:  (a) Purchaser  will not
disclose the Property Information or any of the provisions,  terms or conditions
thereof,  or any information  disclosed therein or thereby, to any party outside
of Purchaser's  organization,  other than Purchaser's lenders, proposed lenders,
consultants,  attorneys,  engineers and agents  involved  with  Purchaser in the
acquisition of the Property;  (b) within Purchaser's organization,  the Property
Information  will be  disclosed  and  exhibited  only to those  persons  who are
responsible for  determining  the feasibility of Purchaser's  acquisition of the
Property;  (c) the  Property  Information is delivered to Purchaser solely as an
accommodation  to  Purchaser;  (d) Seller  has not  undertaken  any  independent
investigation  as to the truth,  accuracy or completeness of any matters set out
in or  disclosed  by the  Property  Information;  (e) except  as set  out in the
"Express Warranties" (as defined in Section 5.01 of this Agreement),  Seller has
not made and does not  make any  warranties  or  representations  of any kind or
nature regarding the truth,  accuracy or completeness of the information set out
in or  disclosed  by the  Property  Information;  (f) except  as set  out in the
Express Warranties, Seller shall have no liability or culpability of any kind or
nature as a result of providing  the Property  Information  to Purchaser or as a
result  of  Purchaser's  reliance  on  any of the  Property  Information  or any
information set forth or referred to therein or disclosed  thereby;  and (g) the
Inspection  Period will not be extended in the event of any failure by Seller to
furnish any Property  Information which may be required under this Agreement and
Purchaser  agrees that  Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by
Seller to furnish any Property  Information  within the time period required for
the  delivery  of  such  Property  Information  under  this  Agreement  will  be
Purchaser's  right to terminate this Agreement on or before the final day of the
Inspection  Period  under the  terms  and  provisions  of  Section 3.01  of this

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     3.03 Purchaser Access Rights. Purchaser and Purchaser's employees,  agents,
contractors, subcontractors, consultants and other parties operating by, through
or under Purchaser  (collectively,  the "Purchaser  Parties") may enter upon the
Property  and  conduct  such  on-site   testing  and  inspections  as  Purchaser
reasonably desires;  provided,  however,  that: (a) the right of entry hereunder
will terminate  automatically  upon any termination of this  Agreement:  (b) any
entry of Purchaser and/or the Purchaser Parties onto the Property is at the sole
risk of Purchaser  and the Purchaser  Parties;  (c)  Purchaser  hereby  releases
Seller  from all  liabilities,  obligations  and  claims  of any kind or  nature
arising out of or in connection with the entry of Purchaser and/or the Purchaser
agrees to  indemnify  and save and hold  Seller  harmless  from and  against all
liabilities,  obligations,  claims  and costs of any kind or  nature  (including
court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or in connection with
any activities of the Purchaser and/or the Purchaser  Parties upon or within the
ARISING OUT OF SELLER'S OWN NEGLIGENCE; (e) neither the Purchaser nor any of the
Purchaser  Parties will disturb,  interrupt or interfere  with any activities of
Seller or Seller's employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors,  consultants,
tenants,  invitees,  licensees or other parties  operating by,  through or under
Seller  (however,  Purchaser  shall be entitled,  subject to compliance with any
applicable  requirements  under the Leases  and  subject  further  to  Purchaser
providing  Seller written notice at lease three (3) business days in advance and
Seller being able to accompany Purchaser, to enter into and inspect any tenant's
space,  which  entry  shall  not be deemed a  violation  of this  section);  (f)
Purchaser shall pay when due all costs and expenses related to the activities of
Purchaser  and/or the  Purchaser  Parties  upon,  within or with  respect to the
Property and  Purchaser  agrees to indemnify  and hold and save Seller  harmless
from and against all such costs and expenses and all  obligations,  liabilities,
claims and costs arising in connection  therewith,  including without limitation
court costs and reasonable  attorneys'  fees; (g) Purchaser shall not permit any
liens to attach to the Property by reason of any  activities of Purchaser or the

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Purchaser Parties;  and (h) prior to any entry upon the Property by Purchaser or
by any of the Purchaser Parties,  Purchaser must furnish to Seller a certificate
of  insurance  and evidence of payment of all  required  insurance  premiums for
insurance coverage insuring Seller from and against any and all claims,  demands
and  actions  arising  out of any  activities  of  Purchaser  and/or  any of the
Purchaser Parties.  Such insurance must:  (i) provide  coverage for injury to or
death of any person or persons and damage to or destruction of any property,  in
an amount  not less  than  $2,000,000.00,  combined  single  limit;  (j) provide
coverage   for  broad   contractual   liability  in  an  amount  not  less  than
$2,000,000.00;  (k) include a waiver of subrogation in favor of Seller;  (l) not
be subject to change or  cancellation,  except after thirty (30)  calendar  days
prior  written  notice to  Seller;  and  (m) be  underwritten  by a  company  or
companies  reasonably  satisfactory  to Seller  which are  fully  authorized  to
business in the state where the Property is located.

     3.04 Purchaser Due Diligence  Materials.  All studies,  reports,  analyses,
market  information,  engineering  work product,  conceptual  plans,  conceptual
drawings, architectural renderings, building elevations,  construction drawings,
construction plans, construction specifications,  landscaping plans, site plans,
site development  permits,  subdivision plats, and other data,  materials and/or
information  of any kind or  nature  which  Purchaser  or any  employee,  agent,
representative  or consultant  of Purchaser  generates or acquires in connection
with the  Property  and/or  the  transaction  evidenced  by this  Agreement  are
referred to herein  collectively  as the  "Purchaser  Due Diligence  Materials".
Purchaser  shall pay all expenses  incurred in connection with the Purchaser Due
Diligence Materials and Seller will have no obligation to pay any such expenses.
In addition,  Purchaser  shall  provide  copies of all  Purchaser  Due Diligence
Materials  to Seller as and when the same become  available,  whether  during or
after the  Inspection  Period.  If this  Agreement is terminated for any reason,
Purchaser will execute any documents and take any and all other action which may
be required to effectuate an absolute  assignment of the Purchaser Due Diligence
Materials to Seller free and clear of liens and encumbrances.  If this Agreement
is not terminated and if the sale and purchase of the Property  closes under the
terms and  provisions  of this  Agreement,  then Seller  will,  upon  request by
Purchaser,  release and relinquish  unto Purchaser any ownership  interest which
Seller has in and to the Purchaser Due Diligence  Materials,  but in such event,
Seller  will be  entitled  to  retain  copies  of the  Purchaser  Due  Diligence

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     3.05 Proof of Financing.  If Purchaser  does not terminate  this  Agreement
during the Inspection Period, then, on or before the final day of the Inspection
Period,  Purchaser  will  provide to Seller  evidence in writing of  Purchaser's
anticipated  sources  of  equity  funds  and/or  loan  funds  adequate  to allow
Purchaser  to close  the  acquisition  of the  Property  under the terms of this

     3.06 Title. Seller shall, within ten (10) calendar days after the Effective
Date of this  Agreement,  obtain and cause to be delivered to  Purchaser:  (a) a
title  commitment (the "Title  Commitment")  pursuant to which the Title Company
commits  to issue to  Purchaser  an  owners  policy of title  insurance  (and at
Purchaser's  election  and cost,  a  mortgagee's  title  policy in the amount of
Purchaser's  purchase  money loan),  on the  standard  form  promulgated  by the
Department  of  Insurance  of the  State of  Texas,  providing  title  insurance
coverage  with respect to the Property in the amount of the Purchase  Price (the
"Title  Policy");  and  (b) copies of all title  exception  documents  which are
referenced in the Title  Commitment  (the "Title Review  Documents").  All items
which are  reflected or disclosed on or within the Title  Commitment  and/or the
Title Review  Documents are referred to in this  Agreement  collectively  as the
"Title Review Items".

     3.07 The  Purchaser  Survey Work.  Purchaser  may, at  Purchaser's  option,
election and expense,  obtain  updates to the surveys of the  Property,  if any,
which are included in the Property Information or obtain a new survey or surveys
with respect to the Property  (the  "Purchaser  Survey  Work").  Purchaser  will
complete the  Purchaser  Survey Work within twenty five (25) calendar days after
the date  upon  which  the Title  Commitment  is  delivered  to  Purchaser  (the
"Purchaser's  Survey  Period").  Prior to the expiration of the Purchaser Survey
Period,  Purchaser will deliver to Seller and the Title  Company,  copies of all
updated  and/or  new  surveys  which  have been  prepared  with  respect  to the
Property.  All items  which are  reflected  or  disclosed  on any  survey of the
Property  provided  to or obtained by  Purchaser  and all items which  should be
reflected  or  disclosed  on a survey of the  Property  are  referred to in this
Agreement collectively as the "Survey Review Items".

     3.08 Objections.  Purchaser shall complete  Purchaser's review of the Title
Review  Items and the Survey  Review Items during the period of time between the
Effective  Date of this  Agreement  and the date which is ten (10) calendar days
prior to the final day of the  Inspection  Period (the "Title  Review  Period").
Purchaser shall, on or before the final day of the Title Review Period,  deliver
to Seller  written  notice of any  objections  which  Purchaser has to the Title
Review Items and/or the Survey Review Items (the "Objections"). Seller shall not

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be obligated to cure any of the Objections,  except that Seller shall remove all
monetary liens and encumbrances  other than  non-delinquent  tax liens and liens
which  were not  created  by,  through  or under  Seller or  assumed  by Seller.
However,  if Seller  fails or refuses to cure any of the  Objections  other than
those Objections  Seller is required to remove per this section,  then Purchaser
may, as  Purchaser's  sole and exclusive  remedy,  terminate  this  Agreement by
delivering a written notice of such termination to Seller on or before the final
day of the Inspection  Period. If Purchaser does not deliver to Seller a written
notice  of  termination  of this  Agreement  on or  before  the final day of the
Inspection  Period,  then  Purchaser  will be deemed  have  waived  all  uncured
Objections,  if any. The term  "Permitted  Exceptions" as used in this Agreement
shall mean and refer to all of the exceptions  and other matters  revealed in or
by the Title Review Items and/or the Survey Review  Items,  except for any items
which the Title  Company has, as of the  expiration  of the  Inspection  Period,
agreed to remove from the Title Commitment.

     3.09 The Title Policy.  Purchaser's  obligations  under this  Agreement are
contingent upon the Title Company being committed,  at the Closing, to issue the
Title Policy  subject  only to the  Permitted  Exceptions  and the terms of such
policy. The Title Policy may be delivered after the Closing if the Title Company
delivers to Purchaser,  at or prior to the Closing, an irrevocable commitment in
writing to issue the Title Policy in the form required hereunder.


     4.01 Closing  Date.  This  transaction  shall close at the Title  Company's
offices or other location  acceptable to the Parties on or before the date which
is thirty (30) calendar days after the final day of the Inspection  Period.  The
closing of this  transaction is herein called "Closing" and the date for Closing
is herein  called the "Closing  Date".  However,  Purchaser may elect an earlier
Closing Date subject to  providing  Seller and Title  Company with ten (10) days
written notice of such earlier Closing Date.

     4.02 Seller's Closing  Obligations.  At the Closing,  and as a condition to
Purchaser's  obligation to close escrow, Seller shall, at Seller's sole cost and

     (a)  execute and deliver to Purchaser a special  warranty  deed in the form
          of  Exhibit  "4.02(a)"  attached  hereto  and  incorporated  herein by
          reference,  with all blanks therein  completed as necessary and with a
          description of the Land attached thereto as Exhibit "A" (the "Deed");

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     (b)  execute  and  deliver  to  Purchaser  a bill of  sale  in the  form of
          Exhibit "4.02(b)"  attached to this Agreement and incorporated  herein
          by reference,  with all blanks therein completed as necessary,  with a
          description  of the Land  attached  thereto as Exhibit  "A" and with a
          list of the  Personal  Property  attached  thereto as Exhibit "B" (the
          "Bill of Sale");

     (c)  deliver to  Purchaser  the  originals  of the Leases,  and execute and
          deliver to Purchaser an  assignment  and  assumption  of leases in the
          form of Exhibit "4.02(c)"  attached to this Agreement and incorporated
          herein by reference,  with all blanks therein  completed as necessary,
          with a  description  of the Land  attached  thereto as Exhibit "A" and
          with a list  of the  Leases  attached  thereto  as  Exhibit  "B"  (the
          "Assignment and Assumption of Leases");

     (d)  execute and  deliver the  Purchaser  Sublease to  Purchaser,  with all
          blanks therein completed as necessary, with a copy of the Seller Lease
          attached  thereto  as  Exhibit  "A"  and  with  a  description  of the
          "Subleased  Premises" (as defined therein) attached thereto as Exhibit

     (e)  deliver to Purchaser the originals of all Service Agreements, together
          with  all  permits  and  warranties,  if any,  which  are in  Seller's
          possession  and execute and deliver to  Purchaser  an  assignment  and
          assumption of service  agreements,  permits and warranties in the form
          of Exhibit  "4.02(e)"  attached  to this  Agreement  and  incorporated
          herein by reference,  with all blanks therein  completed as necessary,
          with a  description  of the Land  attached  thereto as Exhibit "A" and
          with a list of the Service Agreements  attached thereto as Exhibit "B"
          (the  "Assignment  and Assumption of Service  Agreements,  Permits and

     (f)  deliver to  Purchaser  physical  possession  of the  Property  and the
          Personal Property;

     (g)  execute  and  deliver  to   Purchaser  a   "non-foreign"   certificate
          sufficient  to establish  that  withholding  of tax is not required in
          connection with this transaction;

     (h)  execute and deliver such other documents as are  customarily  executed
          by a seller in connection  with the conveyance of similar  property in
          Travis  County,  Texas,  including  all required  closing  statements,
          releases, affidavits, evidences of authority to execute the documents,
          certificates  of good standing,  corporate  resolutions  and any other
          instruments reasonably required by the Purchaser or the Title Company;

                                     - 10 -

     (i)  execute and deliver to  Purchaser  an  assignment  of Seller's  rights
          pursuant to the Tenant  Improvement Loan (provided,  however,  that if
          Seller has  accepted an early  payoff of the Tenant  Improvement  Loan
          Amount in its  entirety  prior to the  Closing,  then there will be no
          assignment of rights with respect to the Tenant  Improvement  Loan and
          provided,  further,  that if there  has been a  partial  payoff of the
          Tenant  Improvement Loan Amount prior to Closing,  then the assignment
          of  Seller's   rights   hereunder  will  relate  only  to  the  Tenant
          Improvement  Loan Payment Amount which is outstanding at the Closing);

     (j)  As a further  condition  of  Closing,  Seller  shall use  commercially
          reasonable  efforts to obtain and deliver to  Purchaser,  prior to the
          expiration of the Inspection Period, an estoppel certificate from: (i)
          each tenant leasing more than ten thousand  (10,000)  leasable  square
          feet; and (ii) not less than tenants representing seventy (70) percent
          of the gross  leasable  area of the  remaining  tenants  (i.e.,  those
          tenants having leasable space of less than 10,000 square feet), as set
          forth  in  the  Rent  Roll.   Each  estoppel   certificate   shall  be
          substantially  in  the  form  of  the  certificate  attached  to  this
          Agreement as Exhibit "4.02(j)" and incorporated  herein by reference ,
          with  all  blanks   therein   completed  as  necessary  and  with  all
          attachments  made thereto as necessary (each a "Tenant  Certificate").

          For any leases  shown on the Rent Roll for which a Tenant  Certificate
          is not provided  from Seller to  Purchaser,  Seller  shall  provide to
          Purchaser a Seller's  Certificate,  complying with the requirements of
          the prior sentence, and signed by Seller. If any Tenant Certificate or
          any Seller's  Certificate is not on the  stipulated  form or shows any
          material  deviation  from the  matters  set  forth in the Rent Roll or
          indicates any claim of a material  breach of landlord  under the lease
          which is the  subject  of such  Tenant  Certificate  or such  Seller's
          Certificate,  then Purchaser  may, as  Purchaser's  sole and exclusive
          remedy,  terminate  this  Agreement by delivering a written  notice of
          termination  to Seller on or  before  the final day of the  Inspection
          Period.  If Purchaser  does not deliver to Seller a written  notice of
          termination  of  this  Agreement   prior  to  the  expiration  of  the
          Inspection Period, then Purchaser will be deemed to have accepted such
          Tenant Certificates and Seller's Certificates as have been provided by
          Seller to Purchaser  prior to the expiration of the Inspection  Period
          and Purchaser's  right of termination under this Section 4.02(j) shall
          be deemed to have been waived by Purchaser.

                                     - 11 -

     4.03 Purchaser's Closing Obligations.  At the Closing,  Purchaser shall, at
Purchaser's sole cost and expense:

     (a)  deliver to the Title  Company  the  Purchase  Price  (less the Earnest
          Money),  plus the Tenant Improvement Loan Payment Amount plus the full
          amount of all expenses  and other sums which  Purchaser is required to
          pay  under  the  terms  of this  Agreement,  all for  disbursement  in
          accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement;

     (b)  execute  and  deliver  to  Seller  the  Deed,  the Bill of  Sale,  the
          Assignment and Assumption of Leases, the Purchaser  Sublease,  and the
          Assignment  and  Assumption  of  Service  Agreements,   Permits,   and
          Warranties; and

     (c)  execute and deliver such other documents as are  customarily  executed
          by a purchaser in connection  with the conveyance of similar  property
          in Travis County,  Texas,  including all required closing  statements,
          releases,  affidavits,  evidences of  authority to execute  documents,
          certificates  of  good  standing,  corporate  resolutions,  and  other
          instruments  which are reasonably  required by the Seller or the Title

     4.04 Closing  Costs.  Seller and Purchaser each agrees to pay the following
costs at Closing, in addition to any other amounts set forth in this Agreement.

     (a)  At or prior to the Closing,  Seller  shall pay: (i) the basic  premium
          for the Title Policy; (ii) Seller's attorneys' fees; (iii) the cost of
          any tax certificates required under the terms of this Agreement;  (iv)
          all costs incurred in connection  with the preparation and recordation
          of any releases of existing  liens against the Property;  (v) one-half
          (1/2) of any escrow or closing fee  charged  in  connection  with this
          Agreement;  and (vi) any other  closing  costs  customarily  paid by a
          seller of similar real property in Travis County, Texas, except as may
          be otherwise provided in this Agreement.

     (b)  At or prior to the Closing,  Purchaser  shall pay: (i) all charges for
          any  endorsements to the Title Policy,  all charges to modify the area
          and boundary  exception in the Title Policy,  and all inspection  fees
          and  other  additional  premiums  or  expenses  of any kind or  nature
          incurred in connection with the Title Policy;  (ii) the full amount of
          all premiums for any mortgagee's  title policy requested by Purchaser,
          including   charges  for  any  survey   endorsement  or  tax  deletion
          requested;  (iii) all costs and expenses  incurred in connection  with
          the Purchaser Survey Work; (iv)  Purchaser's  attorneys' fees; (v) all
          expenses relating to Purchaser's financing (if any), including any and
          all costs,  expenses and fees required by Purchaser's lender; (vi) all

                                     - 12 -

          recording  fees charged in  connection  with any  documents  which are
          recorded  pursuant  to the  terms of this  Agreement,  except  for any
          releases of liens to be recorded by Seller;  (vii)  one-half  (1/2) of
          any escrow fee charged in connection with this  Agreement;  and (viii)
          any other  closing  costs  customarily  paid by a purchaser of similar
          real  property in Travis  County,  Texas,  except as may  otherwise be
          provided in this Agreement.

     4.05 Prorations. The Title Company, in the capacity of escrow agent for the
Parties,  will  cause  to  be  pro-rated  and  will  prepare  estimated  closing
statements  for  Seller's  and  Purchaser's  approval,  in  connection  with the
following items:

     (a)  All normally and  customarily  proratable  items,  including,  without
          limitation, real estate and personal property taxes ("Taxes"), utility
          expenses  and rents shall be prorated as of the Closing  Date,  Seller
          being  charged  and  credited  for all of the same up to such date and
          Purchaser  being charged and credited for all of the same on and after
          such date.

     (b)  If the actual amounts to be prorated for Taxes or utility expenses are
          not known as of the Closing Date,  the  prorations of such items shall
          be made on the  basis  of the best  information  then  available,  and
          within thirty (30) calendar days after the actual amount of such Taxes
          or utility expenses are known,  adjustments,  if needed,  will be made
          between Seller and Purchaser.  Similarly, if it is determined,  at any
          time within one (1) year after the Closing  Date,  that any  proration
          under this Agreement was incorrect when made, then such proration will
          be  corrected  within  thirty (30) days after the mistake in proration
          under this  Agreement is  discovered.  After the expiration of one (1)
          year after the Closing Date, all prorations  under this Agreement will
          be deemed  final  and no  additional  adjustments  or  corrections  to
          prorations under this Agreement will be made thereafter.

     (c)  All deposits held by the providers of utility services to the Property
          shall,  at  Seller's  option:  (i) be  refunded  to the  Seller by the
          appropriate  utility  providers;  or (ii) be assigned to Purchaser and
          reimbursed to Seller by Purchaser at the Closing.  Purchaser  shall be
          solely  responsible  to  make  arrangements  for the  continuation  of
          utility services to the Property,  including without  limitation,  the
          obligation to post new utility  deposits in the event Seller elects to
          obtain a refund of Seller's  existing  deposits  from the providers of
          utility services.

                                     - 13 -

     (d)  All security  deposits  paid to Seller under the terms of any existing
          leases shall be delivered to Purchaser at the Closing,  and  Purchaser
          will assume all  liabilities  and  obligations of Seller in connection
          with such security  deposits.  All  rents collected by Purchaser after
          Closing  shall first be applied to current  rents,  and  thereafter be
          applied to any delinquent  rents which relate to periods of time prior
          to the Closing,  and such  delinquent rent payments shall be delivered
          promptly  by  Purchaser  to Seller.  Seller  agrees  that  Seller will
          utilize the same effort to collect  delinquent  rents under the Leases
          as it uses to collect current rents.

     (e)  The provisions of this Section 4.05 shall survive the Closing.

                     Warranties, Representations and Notices

     5.01 Seller Representations and Warranties.  Seller represents and warrants
to Purchaser the following:

     (a)  Seller is a duly organized and validly existing  corporation under the
          laws of the State of Texas,  with full power and  authority to perform
          its obligations under this Agreement.

     (b)  All actions  necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of this
          Agreement by Seller have been taken and this Agreement constitutes the
          legal,  valid and binding  obligation of Seller,  enforceable  against
          Seller in  accordance  with its  terms.  Upon  execution,  each of the
          Seller's  closing  documents  will  constitute  the  legal,  valid and
          binding obligation of Seller, enforceable against Seller in accordance
          with its terms.  No consent of any third party is required  for Seller
          to transfer the Property to Purchaser.

     (c)  The  execution,  delivery  and  compliance  with  the  terms  of  this
          Agreement  will not  conflict  with,  or  result  in a  breach  of any
          agreement  to  which  Seller  is a party  or by  which  Seller  or the
          Property  is  bound,   or  any  law  or  order  of  any  court  having
          jurisdiction over Seller.

     (d)  Seller is not a "foreign person" within the meaning of Section 1445 of
          the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

                                     - 14 -

     (e)  No act of  bankruptcy  has  occurred  with  respect  to  Seller  or is
          contemplated or being considered by Seller.

     (f)  Seller  has  received  no notice  of any  litigation,  arbitration  or
          administrative proceeding (including condemnation or taking by eminent
          domain)  against  Seller  or  the  Property  which  could   materially
          adversely  affect the  Property or Seller's  ability to carry out it's
          obligations under this Agreement.

     (g)  Each Lease  delivered  from Seller to  Purchaser is a true and correct
          copy of the lease agreement between Seller and such respective tenant.
          Except  for the  Leases,  there are no other  leases or  occupancy  or
          rental agreements affecting the Property.

     (h)  Except for the Service  Agreements,  there are no property  management
          agreements,  landscaping  agreements,  maintenance agreements or other
          agreements  of Seller  which will  survive  the Closing and affect the

The warranties and  representations of Seller set out above in this Section 5.01
and the special warranty of title to be including in the Deed are referred to in
this Agreement collectively as the "Express Warranties".  Purchaser acknowledges
that  Purchaser  will  independently  cause the  Property to be inspected on its
behalf during the Inspection Period and that Purchaser has not entered into this
Agreement  based upon any  representation,  warranty,  agreement,  statement  or
expression  of opinion by Seller or by any person or entity  acting or allegedly
acting for or on behalf of Seller as to the  Property  or the  condition  of the
Property.  Purchaser  agrees that the  Property is to be sold to and accepted by
Express Warranties).

     5.02 Purchaser  Representations  and Warranties.  Purchaser  represents and
warrants to Seller the following:

     (a)  Purchaser is a duly organized and validly existing  corporation  under
          the laws of the State of  Texas,  with full  power  and  authority  to
          perform its obligations under this Agreement.

     (b)  All actions  necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of this
          Agreement by Purchaser have been taken and this Agreement  constitutes
          the legal,  valid and binding  obligation  of  Purchaser,  enforceable
          against Purchaser in accordance with its terms.  Upon execution,  each
          of the Purchaser's  closing documents will constitute the legal, valid
          and binding obligation of Purchaser,  enforceable against Purchaser in
          accordance  with its terms.  No consent of any third party is required
          for Purchaser to purchase the Property from Seller.

                                     - 15 -

     (c)  The  execution,  delivery  and  compliance  with  the  terms  of  this
          Agreement  will not  conflict  with,  or  result  in a  breach  of any
          agreement  to which  Purchaser  is a party or by  which  Purchaser  is
          bound,  or any law or  order of any  court  having  jurisdiction  over

     (d)  No act of  bankruptcy  has  occurred  with  respect to Purchaser or is
          contemplated or being considered by Purchaser.

     (e)  Purchaser  has received no notice of any  litigation,  arbitration  or
          administrative  proceeding  against  Purchaser which could  materially
          adversely  affect  Purchaser's  ability to carry out it's  obligations
          under this Agreement.

     5.03 Notice Regarding District. Purchaser acknowledges and understands that
a portion of the Property is located in River Place Municipal  Utility  District
(the "District").  Purchaser understands and acknowledges that the Property will
be conveyed at the Closing subject to assessments and assessment  liens in favor
of the District, and Purchaser acknowledges receipt of the notice regarding such
assessments and assessment  liens which is attached hereto as Exhibit "5.03" and
is incorporated herein by reference.  Purchaser agrees to execute and deliver to
Seller, at the Closing, an additional notice in the form of Exhibit "5.03", with
any  modifications  which are  necessary to  incorporate  therein any updated or
changed information.

     5.04 Notice  Regarding  Possible  Annexation.  If the property  that is the
subject of this contract is located  outside the limits of a  municipality,  the
property may now or later be included in the extraterritorial  jurisdiction of a
municipality and may now or later be subject to annexation by the  municipality.
Each   municipality   maintains   a  map  that   depicts  its   boundaries   and
extraterritorial  jurisdiction. To determine if the property is located within a
municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction or is likely to be located within a
municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction, contact all municipalities located
in the general proximity of the property for further information.

                                     - 16 -

                            Condemnation and Casualty

     6.01  Condemnation.  The  obligations  of Seller and Purchaser to close the
sale of the Property shall not be affected by any condemnation proceedings or by
any pending or threatened condemnation proceedings. However, at the Closing, the
Purchase Price shall be reduced by the amount of any condemnation proceeds which
have been received by Seller with respect to the Property  between the Effective
Date of this Agreement and the Closing Date and, in addition, Seller will assign
to  Purchaser  all of Seller's  rights to any  condemnation  proceeds  which are
payable to Seller,  but have not yet been received by Seller, in connection with
any  condemnation of the Property  occurring  between the Effective Date of this
Agreement and the Closing Date.

     6.02  Casualty.  The  obligations of Seller and Purchaser to close the sale
and  purchase  of the  Property  shall  not be  affected  by any  fire or  other
casualty.  However,  at the Closing,  the Purchase  Price will be reduced by the
amount of: (i) any  insurance  proceeds  which have been received by Seller with
respect to any fire or casualty  occurring at the Property between the Effective
Date of this  Agreement and the Closing  Date;  and (ii) the  deductible  amount
under such insurance policy. In addition, Seller will assign to Purchaser all of
Seller's rights to any insurance  proceeds which are payable to Seller, but have
not yet been received by Seller,  in connection  with any fire or other casualty
occurring at the Property  between the Effective  Date of this Agreement and the
Closing Date.


     7.01  Purchaser's  Default and Seller's  Remedies:  If  Purchaser  fails or
refuses to timely comply with Purchaser's obligations under this Agreement or is
unable to do so as the result of Purchaser's  act or failure to act, then Seller
may, as Seller's sole and exclusive remedy, either: (a) terminate this Agreement
and (i)  recover or retain  the  Earnest  Money as  liquidated  damages  for the
failure  or  refusal  by  Purchaser  to  close  the  purchase  of  the  Property
("Acquisition  Default"),  (ii)  recover  damages with respect to any failure by
Purchaser  to comply  with  Purchaser's  Post  Termination  Obligations,  and/or
enforce specific  performance of Purchaser's Post Termination  Obligations,  and
(iii)  recover  from  Purchaser  all costs and  expenses,  including  reasonable
attorney's  fees,  incurred in connection  with the recovery or retention of the
Earnest Money and/or in connection  with the  enforcement  of  Purchaser's  Post
Termination  Obligations  or  the  collection  of  damages  arising  out  of any
violation   thereof;   or  (b)  enforce  specific   performance  of  Purchaser's
obligations  under this  Agreement.  In the event of an  Acquisition  Default by
Purchaser,  the  Earnest  Money will be  delivered  to or  retained by Seller as

                                     - 17 -

liquidated  damages,  and not a penalty, in full satisfaction of Seller's claims
against Purchaser with respect to the Acquisition  Default only. The recovery or
retention  of the  Earnest  Money by  Seller  will not limit  Seller's  right to
exercise the remedies  outlined in subparts (ii) and (iii) of clause (a) set out
in the first sentence of this Section 7.01.  Seller and Purchaser  agree that it
is difficult to determine the actual amount of Seller's  damages  arising out of
an  Acquisition  Default by Purchaser,  but the amount of the Earnest Money is a
fair  estimate  of those  damages  which has been  agreed to by the Parties in a
sincere effort to make the damages certain.

     7.02 Seller's Default and Purchaser's Remedies.

     (a)  If Seller fails or refuses to timely comply with Seller's  obligations
          under this  Agreement,  and if  Purchaser  is not in default of any of
          Purchaser's  obligations under this Agreement,  then Purchaser may, as
          Purchaser's  sole and exclusive  remedy,  either:  (i) terminate  this
          Agreement by giving  Seller  timely  written  notice of such  election
          prior  to or at  Closing;  or (ii)  enforce  specific  performance  of
          Seller's  obligations  under this  Agreement  if and only if Purchaser
          complies with all of the  preconditions  and  requirements  set out in
          Section 7.02(b)  hereinbelow. In addition to the foregoing,  Purchaser
          may recover from Seller all reasonable  costs and expenses,  including
          reasonable  attorneys'  fees,  incurred in connection with Purchaser's
          enforcement  of  Seller's  obligations  under  this  Agreement  or the
          recovery  of the  Earnest  Money  deposited  by  Purchaser  under this
          Agreement.  Except as set out in the immediately  preceding  sentence,
          Purchaser will not be entitled to recover any damages from Seller.

   (b)  Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, it is
          specifically  agreed and  understood  that Purchaser will not have the
          right to enforce specific  performance of Seller's  obligations  under
          this  Agreement or to place a lis pendens on the Property or otherwise
          encumber  the  Property  in any way  until and  unless:  (i) Purchaser
          timely tenders full performance  under this Agreement by delivering to
          the Title  Company,  on or before the  Closing  Date,  fully  executed
          originals of all documents  required to be executed by Purchaser under
          the terms and  provisions  of this  Agreement,  together  with cash or
          other readily available funds, or an "Acceptable Financing Commitment"
          (hereinafter  defined),  or a  combination  of cash or  other  readily
          available funds and an "Acceptable  Financing Commitment" in an amount
          sufficient  to cover the Purchase  Price plus all  expenses  which are
          required to be paid by  Purchaser  under the terms and  provisions  of
          this  Agreement;  (ii) despite  such  tender  of full  performance  by

                                     - 18 -

          Purchaser  at the  Closing,  Seller  fails or  refuses  to  close  the
          transaction   evidenced  by  this   Agreement;   and   (iii) Purchaser
          institutes,  within  thirty (30) calendar days after the Closing Date,
          an action under the arbitration  agreement  referenced in Section 7.06
          of this Agreement (the  "Arbitration  Agreement"),  seeking to enforce
          specific  performance of Seller's  obligations  under this  Agreement.
          Purchaser will be considered to have provided an "Acceptable Financing
          Commitment"  only if Purchaser  provides  evidence to the  Arbitrators
          which the  Arbitrators  determine  is adequate to  establish  that the
          written financing commitment provided by Purchaser: (i) is issued by a
          lending institution which has adequate financial strength and adequate
          readily available funds to satisfy its obligations under the financing
          commitment;  and (ii) is  prepared in form and with content  providing
          adequate  assurance  of  availability  of funds for the closing of the
          sale and purchase of the Property (and in this regard, it is expressly
          agreed and  understood  that the  obligations of the lender under such
          financing   commitment  may  not  be  subject  to  any  conditions  or
          requirements  other than the  closing of the sale and  purchase of the

     7.03 Notice and  Opportunity to Cure. For purposes of this  Agreement,  the
term "Non-Curable Default" shall mean and refer to: (a) any default by Purchaser
to deliver the Earnest Money on a timely basis as required under this Agreement;
and/or  (b) any  failure by  Purchaser  to deliver to the Title  Company,  on or
before the Closing Date, all funds, documents and other items necessary to close
the  transaction  under this  Agreement.  In the event of any default under this
Agreement  (other than a Non-Curable  Default) by either Party (the  "Defaulting
Party") the other Party (the  "Non-Defaulting  Party")  will not exercise any of
such  Non-Defaulting  Party's rights or remedies under this Agreement  until and
unless the  Non-Defaulting  Party has provided to the Defaulting Party a written
notice of the default or defaults of the Defaulting Party (the "Default Notice")
and the Defaulting Party has failed to cure the default or defaults specified in
the  Default  Notice  within  ten  (10)  calendar  days  after  the  date of the
Non-Defaulting  Party's  delivery  of the  Default  Notice.  In the event of any
Non-Curable  Default by Purchaser,  Seller may, at Seller's option and election,
afford notice and opportunity to cure to Purchaser,  but it is expressly  agreed
and understood  that Seller has no duty to afford any such notice or opportunity
to cure to  Purchaser.  Rather,  Seller may, if Seller so elects,  exercise  any
right or remedy which Seller may have with respect to any  Non-Curable  Default,
without necessity of providing to Purchaser any notice or opportunity to cure.

                                     - 19 -

     7.04  Purchaser's  Post  Termination  Obligations.  If  this  Agreement  is
terminated  for any reason  (either by Purchaser or by Seller),  then  Purchaser
shall:  (a) restore the Property to the  condition  which  existed  prior to any
inspections,  tests or other activities of Purchaser and/or any of the Purchaser
Parties, to the maximum extent that such restoration is reasonably practical and
to the extent that such restoration is not reasonably practical,  Purchaser will
compensate  Seller  for any  damage to the  Property);  (b) return to Seller all
studies,  reports,  surveys and other  documents or  information  of any kind or
nature  which  have been  provided  by  Seller to  Purchaser;  (c)  deliver  the
Purchaser Due Diligence  Materials to Seller;  (d) execute and deliver to Seller
an  instrument  assigning  to  Seller  (without  warranty  or  recourse)  all of
Purchaser's rights, title and interest to the Purchaser Due Diligence Materials,
authorizing  Seller to contact any third parties who generated the Purchaser Due
Diligence  Materials,  and  containing  an express  agreement  pursuant to which
Purchaser  agrees not to release or discuss any of the  Purchaser  Due Diligence
Materials to or with any person  without the prior  express  written  consent of
Seller;  (e) remove  all liens against the Property which have arisen due to any
activities of Purchaser or any of the Purchaser Parties;  (f) indemnify and hold
Seller harmless from and against any and all  liabilities,  obligations,  claims
and costs of any kind or nature (including court costs and reasonable attorneys'
fees)  arising out of or in  connection  with any  activities  of the  Purchaser
and/or the  Purchaser  Parties  upon or within the  Property  INCLUDING  WITHOUT
OWN NEGLIGENCE; and (g) reimburse Seller for all expenses, costs and liabilities
of any kind or nature (including  without  limitation  attorneys' fees and court
costs)  incurred  by Seller in  connection  with the  enforcement  of any of the
obligations of Purchaser  under this Section 7.04 and/or in connection  with the
performance  by  Seller  of any of  the  obligations  of  Purchaser  under  this
Section 7.04.  The obligations of Purchaser under this Section 7.04 are referred
to in  this  Agreement  collectively  as  the  "Post  Termination  Obligations".
Notwithstanding  any  provision  in this  Agreement  to the  contrary,  the Post
Termination Obligations shall survive any termination of this Agreement, and the
Post  Termination  Obligations  shall not (regardless of any liquidated  damages
provisions  in this  Agreement) be deemed to be satisfied in whole or in part by
the delivery to Seller of all or any portion of the Earnest Money.

     7.05 Disposition of the Earnest Money.

     (a)  Notwithstanding  any provision in this Agreement to the contrary,  the
          provisions  in this  Agreement  relating  to the  Earnest  Money shall
          survive any termination of this Agreement.

                                     - 20 -

     (b)  If the sale and  purchase  of the  Property is  consummated  under the
          terms and provisions of this Agreement, then the Earnest Money will be
          credited  and  applied  against  the cash sums  which are  payable  by
          Purchaser at the Closing.

     (c)  If Purchaser  terminates this Agreement under the terms and provisions
          of Section  3.01 of this  Agreement,  then the  Earnest  Money will be
          promptly  disbursed to Purchaser  after Purchaser has satisfied all of
          Purchaser's Post Termination Obligations.

     (d)  If Purchaser  terminates this Agreement under the terms and provisions
          of Section  3.08 of this  Agreement,  then the  Earnest  Money will be
          promptly  disbursed to Purchaser  after Purchaser has satisfied all of
          Purchaser's Post Termination Obligations.

     (e)  If Purchaser  terminates this Agreement under the terms and provisions
          of Section 4.02(j)  of this Agreement,  then the Earnest Money will be
          promptly  disbursed to Purchaser  after Purchaser has satisfied all of
          Purchaser's Post Termination Obligations.

     (f)  If Seller  terminates this Agreement under the terms and provisions of
          Section  7.01  of this  Agreement,  then  the  Earnest  Money  will be
          promptly disbursed to Seller after such termination.

     (g)  If Purchaser  terminates this Agreement under the terms and provisions
          of Section  7.02 of this  Agreement,  then the  Earnest  Money will be
          promptly disbursed to Purchaser after such termination.

     (h)  If Seller  terminates this Agreement under the terms and provisions of
          Section 10.18 of this Agreement,  then the Earnest Money, if any, will
          be promptly disbursed to Purchaser after such termination.

     7.06  Arbitration.  In order to resolve any disputes  which may arise under
this  Agreement  and/or  under  any of  the  documents  which  are  executed  in
connection  with  this  Agreement,  Seller  and  Purchaser  are,  simultaneously
herewith, entering into an "Arbitration Agreement" in the form of Exhibit "7.06"
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.


                                     - 21 -


     7.08  Enforcement  Costs:  In the event of any dispute  between the Parties
arising out of or in connection  with this  Agreement,  the prevailing  Party in
such dispute shall be entitled to recover from the  non-prevailing  Party all of
the  prevailing  Party's  costs and expenses in  connection  with such  dispute,
including  without  limitation  court costs,  expert witness fees and reasonable
attorney's fees.


     8.01  Delivery of Notices.  Any notice,  communication,  request,  reply or
advice  (severally and  collectively  referred to as "Notice") in this Agreement
provided or permitted to be given, made or accepted by either Party to the other
must be in writing.  Notice may, unless otherwise  provided herein,  be given or
served:  (a) by depositing the same in the United States Mail,  certified,  with
return  receipt  requested,  addressed  to the Party to be notified and with all
charges  prepaid;  or (b) by depositing the same with Federal Express or another
service guaranteeing "next day delivery",  addressed to the Party to be notified
and with all charges prepaid; or (c) by delivering the same to such Party, or an
agent of such Party by telecopy or by hand  delivery.  Notice  deposited  in the
United States mail in the manner hereinabove described shall be deemed effective
from and after the earlier of the date of actual  receipt or three (3)  calendar
days after the date of such  deposit.  Notice given in any other manner shall be
effective  only if and  when  received  by the  Party  to be  notified.  For the
purposes  of notice,  the  addresses  of the  Parties  shall,  until  changed as
provided below, be as follows:

                                     - 22 -

        Seller:            Investors Life Insurance Company of North America
                           River Place Pointe I
                           6500 River Place Blvd.
                           Austin, Texas 78730
                           Attn:  Mr.  Tim Casey
                           Telecopy No.:  (512) 404-5212

        with copies to:    Investors Life Insurance Company of North America
                           River Place Pointe I
                           6500 River Place Blvd.
                           Austin, Texas 78730
                           Attn:  Mr. Theodore A. Fleron
                           Telecopy No.:  (512) 404-5051

                           Investors Life Insurance Company of North America
                           River Place Pointe I
                           6500 River Place Blvd.
                           Austin, Texas 78730
                           Attn:  Mr. Bruce Boisture
                           Telecopy No.:  (512) 404-5129

                           Armbrust & Brown, L.L.P.
                           100 Congress Ave., Ste. 1300
                           Austin, Texas 78701
                           Attn:  David B. Armbrust
                           Telecopy No.:  (512) 435-2360


                           Armbrust & Brown, L.L.P.
                           100 Congress Ave., Ste. 1300
                           Austin, Texas 78701
                           Attn:  Samuel D. Byars
                           Telecopy No.:  (512) 435-2360

        Purchaser:         Aspen Growth Properties, Inc.
                           8799 Balboa Avenue #270
                           San Diego, California  92123
                           Attn: Mr. John Tworoger
                           Telecopy No.: (858) 268-0337

        with copy to:      Mr. Dietmar Schott
                           8799 Balboa Avenue #265
                           San Diego, California  92123
                           Telecopy No.: (858) 268-0337

                                     - 23 -

The  Parties  hereto  shall  have the right  from  time to time to change  their
respective  addresses,  and each shall have the right to specify as its  address
any other  address  within  the  United  States of  America by at least five (5)
calendar days written notice to the other Party.

                             Real Estate Commissions

     9.01 Real Estate Commissions.

     (a)  Seller and Purchaser  acknowledge  and agree that the only brokers who
          have  been  involved  with the  origination  and  negotiation  of this
          Agreement are C.B. Richard Ellis,  Inc. and FIC Realty Services,  Inc.
          (the  "Brokers").  If, as, and when this  Agreement  closes and Seller
          receives the Purchase Price in good funds,  but not otherwise,  Seller
          agrees to pay:  (i) a real estate  sales  commission  to C.B.  Richard
          Ellis,  Inc.  in an amount  equal to  one-half  of one  percent of the
          Purchase Price;  and (ii) a real estate sales commission to FIC Realty
          Services,  Inc.  in an amount  equal to one-half of one percent of the
          Purchase Price.

     (b)  The above  referenced  real estate  sales  commissions  will be deemed
          earned only if and when the Closing  occurs under this  Agreement.  If
          this  Agreement  fails to close for any reason,  including a breach by
          either  Party,  Seller shall have no  obligation to pay to Brokers the
          above   referenced   real  estate  sales   commissions  or  any  other
          compensation,  costs,  expenses,  fees or  other  sums of any  kind or
          nature.  Without limitation on the generality of the foregoing,  it is
          expressly  agreed and understood that the Brokers will not be entitled
          to any real estate sales  commissions  if the Parties agree to rescind
          or terminate this Agreement.

     (c)  Seller and Purchaser  each  represents and warrants to the other that,
          other than the real estate sales commissions payable to the Brokers as
          specified  hereinabove,  there are no real  estate  sales  commissions
          payable to any  person or entity in  connection  with the  transaction
          evidenced  by this  Agreement.  Seller  and  Purchaser  agree  to hold
          harmless,  defend,  and indemnify  each other from any and all claims,
          suits, liabilities,  losses, costs, and expenses (including reasonable
          attorneys' fees and court costs) resulting from any claims made by any
          broker,   agent,  finder,  or  salesman  for  any  real  estate  sales
          commission or other compensation, reimbursement or payment of any kind
          or nature which is alleged to be owed based upon an agreement with the
          indemnifying party.

                                     - 24 -

     (d)  The Brokers are not parties to this  Agreement.  This Agreement may be
          amended or terminated without notice to or the consent of the Brokers.
          The  absence of  Brokers'  signatures  shall not in any way affect the
          validity of this Agreement or any amendment to this Agreement.

     (e)  Purchaser understands and hereby acknowledges that neither the Brokers
          nor any agents  operating  by,  through or under the Brokers  have any
          authority  to  bind  Seller  to  any  warranties  or   representations
          regarding the Property,  and further  acknowledges  that Purchaser has
          not relied upon any  warranties or  representations  of the Brokers or
          any agents  operating by,  through or under the Brokers in Purchaser's
          decision to purchase the Property.

     (f)  Purchaser acknowledges that Purchaser has been advised by the Brokers,
          to have an abstract of title on the  Property  examined by an attorney
          or else to  acquire  an  owner's  policy  of  title  insurance  on the

     (g)  The obligations of the Parties  contained in this  Section 9.01  shall
          survive the Closing or any termination of this Agreement.

                            Miscellaneous Provisions

     10.01 Survival of Covenants:  All of Seller's and Purchaser's  obligations,
representations,  warranties, covenants and agreements set out in this Agreement
or in any of the documents executed or to be executed at Closing,  shall survive
the Closing and shall not be merged therein.

     10.02 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the
Parties  hereto.  There are no other  agreements,  oral or written,  between the
Parties regarding the Property and this Agreement can be amended only by written
agreement signed by the Parties hereto, and by reference made a part hereof.

     10.03  Binding  Effect.  This  Agreement,  and the  terms,  covenants,  and
conditions herein contained,  shall be covenants running with the land and shall
inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs, personal representatives,
successors, and assigns of each of the Parties hereto.

     10.04  Effective  Date.  The  Effective  Date of this  Agreement  and other
similar  references  herein  are  deemed  to refer  to the  date on  which  this
Agreement has been fully executed,  initialed, if applicable,  and dated by both
Seller and Purchaser.

                                     - 25 -

     10.05  Time.  Time  is of the  essence  in  all  things  pertaining  to the
performance  of this  Agreement.  All  references in this  Agreement to specific
times shall mean and refer to local time in Austin, Texas.

     10.06  Business Days.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  the term "business
day" or "business  days" shall mean and refer to all calendar  days,  other than
Saturdays, Sundays and days on which banks are required or permitted to close in
the State of Texas.  If any deadline set forth in this Agreement  falls on a day
which  is not a  business  day or if any  period  of time  provided  for in this
Agreement  ends on a day  which  is not a  business  day,  then  the  applicable
deadline  or period  shall be extended  to the first  succeeding  day which is a
business day.

     10.07 Assignment.

     (a)  Purchaser  shall not have the right to assign its interest  under this
          Agreement  without  Seller's prior written  consent.  Seller's consent
          shall  not  be  unreasonably  withheld,   conditioned  or  delayed  in
          connection  with any assignment by Purchaser to a limited  partnership
          in which  Purchaser is the general  partner,  and/or to an  individual
          investor   affiliated  with  Purchaser  to  facilitate  an  "Exchange"
          (hereinafter  defined) for such individual  (which individual will own
          an equity interest in Purchaser or the entity formed by Purchaser). In
          all other instances, Seller's consent may be withheld,  conditioned or
          delayed  for any  reason in  Seller's  sole  discretion.  In the event
          Purchaser  makes a  permitted  assignment  of its  rights  under  this
          Agreement, Purchaser shall not be released from any of its obligations
          under this Agreement.

     (b)  In addition to the above,  each Party may assign its rights under this
          Agreement  to a qualified  intermediary  to effect an exchange of real
          property  under  Section 1031 of the U.S.  Internal  Revenue  Code, as
          amended  ("Exchange").  Each Party agrees to cooperate  with the other
          Party in completing the Exchange, and each Party reserves the right to
          convert this transaction to an Exchange at any time before the Closing
          Date.  Seller and Purchaser agree,  however,  that consummation of the
          transaction  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  is not  predicated  or
          conditioned  on completion  of such an Exchange by either Party.  If a
          Party  does elect to  complete  an  Exchange,  the other  Party  shall
          execute all escrow instructions, documents, agreements, or instruments
          reasonably  requested  by the first  Party to complete  the  Exchange;
          provided,  however,  that the other Party  shall  incur no  additional
          liabilities,  expenses, or costs as a result of or connected with such
          Exchange,  nor shall the Closing  under this  Agreement  be delayed or
          otherwise affected by the Exchange.

                                     - 26 -

     10.08 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is illegal, invalid,
or  unenforceable  under present or future laws,  then, and in that event, it is
the intention of the Parties hereto that the remainder of this  Agreement  shall
not be affected  thereby,  and it is also the  intention  of the Parties to this
Agreement  that in lieu of each  provision  of this  Agreement  that is illegal,
invalid,  or  unenforceable,  there  be  added  as a part  of this  Agreement  a
provision  as  similar  in  terms to such  illegal,  invalid,  or  unenforceable
provision as may be possible, and be legal, valid, and enforceable.

     10.09 Waiver. Any failure by a Party hereto to insist, or any election by a
Party hereto not to insist, upon strict performance by the other Party of any of
the terms, provisions, or conditions of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be
a waiver thereof or of any other term, provision,  or condition hereof, and such
Party shall have the right at any time or times thereafter to insist upon strict
performance of any and all of the terms, provisions, and conditions hereof.

     10.10  Applicable  Law and Venue.  The  construction  and  validity of this
Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Venue shall be in
a court of appropriate jurisdiction in Travis County, Texas.

     10.11  Paragraph  Headings.   The  paragraph  headings  contained  in  this
Agreement  are for  convenience  only and shall in no way  enlarge  or limit the
scope or meaning of the various and several paragraphs hereof.

     10.12 Grammatical Construction . Wherever appropriate, the masculine gender
may include the feminine or neuter, and the singular may include the plural, and
vice versa.

     10.13 No Recordation.  Seller and Purchaser hereby acknowledge that neither
this Agreement nor any memorandum, affidavit or other instrument evidencing this
Agreement  or relating  hereto  (other than the closing  documents  contemplated
hereunder) shall ever be recorded in the Real Property Records of Travis County,
Texas, or in any other public records.  Should  Purchaser ever record or attempt
to record any such instrument, then, notwithstanding any provision herein to the
contrary,  such recordation or attempted  recordation shall constitute a default
by  Purchaser  hereunder,  and, in addition to the other  remedies  provided for
herein:  (i)  Purchaser  shall be  personally  liable to Seller for any  damages
incurred by Seller as a result of such  recordation  or  attempted  recordation,
together  with all  attorney's  fees and other costs and expenses of any kind or
nature  incurred  by  Seller  as a  result  of  such  recordation  or  attempted
recordation;  and (ii) Seller  shall have the express  right to  terminate  this
Agreement by filing a notice of said termination in the Real Property Records of
Travis County, Texas.

                                     - 27 -

     10.14  Force  Majeure.  If  either  Party  is  delayed  or  prevented  from
performing  any  of  its  obligations  under  this  Agreement  (other  than  the
obligation  to pay any sum of  money)  by reason  of  strikes,  lockouts,  labor
troubles, work stoppages, shortages of materials, transportation delays, failure
of power,  riots,  insurrections,  war,  acts of God,  floods,  storms,  weather
(including  delays due to rain or wet ground),  fire or other  casualty,  or any
other cause  beyond such  Party's  control,  the period of such event,  plus the
period of delay  caused by such  event,  shall be deemed to be added to the time
period herein provided for the performance any such obligation by the applicable

     10.15 Confidentiality. Purchaser agrees to keep the terms and provisions of
this Agreement and all other information  relating to the Property  confidential
in accordance with the letter  agreement  regarding  "confidential  information"
which Seller and Purchaser have previously entered into.  Purchaser  understands
and  acknowledges  that Seller is a publicly traded  corporation and that Seller
may be required to make public  disclosures  of this Agreement and the terms and
provisions  of this  Agreement.  Seller has the full right and authority to make
any and all disclosures or announcements  regarding this Agreement as Seller may
desire, in Seller's sole and absolute discretion.

     10.16 Exculpation.  Notwithstanding  any provision in this Agreement to the
contrary,  it is agreed and understood  that Purchaser  shall look solely to the
assets of Seller in the event of any  breach or  default  by Seller  under  this
Agreement.  This  Agreement  is executed  by an officer of Seller (the  "Signing
Officer") solely in the Signing  Officer's  capacity as a representative  of the
Seller and not in the  Signing  Officer's  own  individual  capacity.  Purchaser
hereby releases and  relinquishes  the Signing Officer from any and all personal
liability  for any  matters  or  claims  of any  kind  which  arise  under or in
connection with or as a result of this Agreement.

     10.17 Execution.  To facilitate execution,  this instrument may be executed
in any number of  counterparts  as may be convenient or necessary,  and it shall
not be  necessary  that the  signatures  of all Parties be  contained in any one
counterpart hereof.  Additionally,  the Parties hereto hereby covenant and agree
that, for purposes of  facilitating  the execution of this  instrument:  (i) the
signature pages taken from separate  individually  executed counterparts of this
instrument  may be combined to form multiple fully  executed  counterparts;  and
(ii) a facsimile  signature  or a  signature  sent by  electronic  mail shall be
deemed to be an original signature for all purposes.  All executed  counterparts
of this instrument shall be deemed to be originals,  but all such  counterparts,
when taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement.

                                     - 28 -

     10.18 Acceptance Deadline.  The execution of this Agreement by Seller shall
constitute an offer by Seller to sell the Property to Purchaser on the terms and
conditions  stated in this  Agreement.  In order for  Purchaser  to  effectively
accept Seller's offer,  Purchaser must, prior to 5:00 p.m., Austin,  Texas time,
on March 18, 2005 (the  "Acceptance  Deadline"):  (a) properly and fully execute
this Agreement  without any  modifications or changes;  (b) deliver at least one
(1) original  counterpart of such fully executed and unmodified  version of this
Agreement to Seller;  (c) deliver a copy of such fully  executed and  unmodified
version of this  Agreement to the Title  Company;  and  (d) deliver  the Earnest
Money  to the  Title  Company  in cash or  other  readily  available  funds.  If
Purchaser  does  not  comply  with  the  foregoing  requirements  prior  to  the
Acceptance  Deadline,  then (regardless of whether Purchaser later complies with
the  foregoing  requirements)  Seller shall have the right at any time after the
Acceptance  Deadline to terminate  this Agreement by delivering a written notice
of such termination to Purchaser.  If Seller terminates this Agreement under the
terms of this Section 10.18,  then the Earnest Money shall (if the same has been
delivered  to the Title  Company or to Seller ) be  returned  to  Purchaser  and
thereafter  neither  Party will have any further  rights or remedies  under this

     EXECUTED by the  undersigned  on the dates set forth  hereinbelow.

SELLER:                                 INVESTORS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF
                                        NORTH AMERICA, a Texas corporation

                                        By: /s/ J. Bruce Boisture
                                        Printed Name:  J. Bruce Boisture
                                        Title: Chairman & CEO


PURCHASER:                              ASPEN GROWTH PROPERTIES, INC.,
                                        a Texas corporation

                                        By: /s/ John M. Tworoger
                                        John M. Tworoger, President


                                     - 29 -