Asset Management Agreement

     This ASSET MANAGEMENT  AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"),  dated October 20, 2003
by and between  Investors  Life Insurance  Company of North  America,  a company
domiciled  in the  State  of  Washington,  (the  "Company")  and  Conning  Asset
Management Company, a Missouri Corporation ("Conning").

     WHEREAS, the Company is engaged in the business of providing life insurance
and annuity products and services; and

     WHEREAS,  Conning has  expertise  and  experience  in providing  investment
advice,  portfolio management,  and investment accounting and reporting services
and the Company  wishes to engage  Conning to provide such services as specified
in this Agreement.

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  premises  and  of  the  mutual
agreements  and  covenants   contained  in  this  Agreement,   the  receipt  and
sufficiency of which are  acknowledged,  the Company and Conning hereby agree as

     1.   APPOINTMENT.  Effective October 20, 2003 (the "Effective  Date"),  the
          Company appoints Conning as the Company's investment manager to invest
          and reinvest the Assets (as defined in Paragraph 2) of the  Investment
          Account(s)  (as  defined in  Paragraph  2) and to  perform  investment
          advisory and  portfolio  management  services in  accordance  with the
          investment  guidelines  set  forth  in  Schedule  1  (the  "Investment
          Guidelines").  Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the
          Company  authorizes  Conning to  purchase,  sell,  exchange,  convert,
          surrender for redemption,  and otherwise trade  securities  (including
          swaps, options,  futures contracts and other financial instruments) in
          the  Company's  name  and,  in  connection  therewith,   to  sign  any
          subscription agreements, stock and note purchase agreements, financial
          instruments,  or other documents and vote any proxies on behalf of the
          Company and to issue  instructions  to the  Custodians  (as defined in
          Paragraph 3). The  Investment  Guidelines may be modified from time to
          time in accordance  with Paragraph 16  (Amendment) of this  Agreement;
          provided  that,  any such  modification  shall be effective no earlier
          than  fifteen   (15)  days  after  the  Company   receives  a  written
          acknowledgement  from  Conning  confirming  Conning's  receipt  of the
          modified Investment Guidelines.

     2.   INVESTMENT  ACCOUNT(S).  The  "Investment  Accounts" shall mean one or
          more  segregated   accounts   established  by  the  Company  with  the
          Custodian(s)  to hold all Assets  that from time to time are placed in
          such  account(s) for  management by Conning,  including all changes in
          such  account(s)  that  result  from  purchases,   sales,   and  other
          transactions  effected by Conning in accordance  with this  Agreement.
          "Assets"   shall  mean  all  cash,   cash   equivalents,   securities,
          investments,  and other  property,  as well as accretions of any sort,

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          including dividends,  interest, sinking fund payments, accrued income,
          stock  splits,  and  realized  capital  appreciation.  The Company may
          withdraw any or all of the Assets in the Investment  Account(s) at any
          time. The Company shall make best efforts to notify Conning in advance
          of any additions or withdrawals from the Investment Account(s) but, in
          any event,  the Company agrees to notify Conning within five "Business
          Days" (as defined  herein) after any such  additions to or withdrawals
          from the Investment Account(s). The term "Business Day" shall mean any
          day on which the national securities  exchanges are open for business.
          The  Company  shall  be  responsible  for all  fees  and  other  costs
          associated  with the  establishment  and maintenance of the Investment

     3.   CUSTODY OF ASSETS. The Company will select and engage at the Company's
          expense an  independent  bank,  trust  company or other person (each a
          "Custodian")  to serve as Custodian of each  Investment  Account.  The
          Company  shall  provide  Conning,  in  writing,  the  identity of each
          Custodian,  any  change  in a  Custodian  and  all  other  information
          regarding  the  Custodian(s)  required  for  Conning  to carry out its
          duties under this  Agreement.  The Company shall notify each Custodian
          of the  appointment  of  Conning  and of the  authority  of Conning to
          effect  investments  with  respect  to the  Assets  of the  Investment
          Account(s).  All  transactions  authorized by this Agreement  shall be
          made by payment to or delivery by the Custodian(s).  Conning shall not
          act as Custodian or at any time have actual  possession  of any Assets
          in the Investment Account(s).  The Company authorizes Conning to enter
          into an  agreement  with each  Custodian to use the  Depository  Trust
          Company's  Institutional  Delivery System for trade  confirmation  and


          a)   Conning shall manage the Investment Account(s) in accordance with
               the  Investment  Guidelines  and shall  perform and provide  such
               other investment advisory and investment accounting and reporting
               services to the  Company as may be  reasonably  requested  by the
               Company and agreed to by Conning.

          b)   Conning shall  provide,  or cause to be provided,  to the Company
               the reports set forth on Schedule 2.

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          c)   Conning  shall  execute  and  issue  to  brokers  of  its  choice
               instructions  or  authorizations  to  purchase,  sell,  exchange,
               convert, surrender for redemption, or otherwise trade in and deal
               with securities of the Investment  Account(s).  Conning may place
               brokerage with broker-dealers that provide services beneficial to
               the Investment Account(s) or to other accounts managed by Conning
               and  whose  commissions  include  a  reasonable  charge  for such
               services.  Conning  shall  confirm  or cause to be  confirmed  in
               writing to the Company each security transaction executed for the
               Investment Account(s).

          d)   The Company  shall own,  have custody of and maintain its general
               corporate  accounts and  records.  At  reasonable  times and upon
               reasonable notice,  the Company shall provide Conning,  and shall
               cause each  Custodian  to  provide  Conning,  with  access to all
               books, records, accounts,  facilities, and personnel necessary or
               appropriate  for the performance of Conning's  obligations  under
               this Agreement.

          e)   At reasonable  times and upon  reasonable  notice,  Conning shall
               provide access to all books, records,  accounts,  facilities, and
               personnel  that relate  specifically  to the  performance  of its
               obligations  to  the  Company  under  this  Agreement  and to the
               internal and independent auditors and regulators of the Company.

          f)   Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall be deemed to impose on Conning
               responsibility   for  the  preparation  of  Company's   financial
               statements or the Company's other financial and regulatory filing
               and reporting obligations.

          g)   The Company shall promptly  notify  Conning,  in writing,  of any
               change in the  Investment  Guidelines  that is necessary  for any
               reason,  including  but not limited to a change by the Company or
               in any applicable law or regulation.

     5.   FEES

          a)   The  Company  shall pay  Conning an annual  fee,  as  provided in
               Schedule  3,  on  the  Assets  for  which  Conning  is  providing
               investment  management and accounting services.  The fees payable
               to Conning shall be  calculated  commencing  the  Effective  Date
               based on the Average  Monthly Market Value (as defined herein) of
               the  Assets  in  the  Investment  Account(s)  for  each  calendar

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               quarter,  as determined by Conning but subject to an audit by the
               Company.  All fees will be payable  quarterly  in arrears  within
               thirty  (30) days after the date of  Conning's  invoice.  Any fee
               payable for less than a full calendar quarter shall be pro-rated.
               Upon any termination of this Agreement other than at the end of a
               calendar  quarter,   the  fee  shall  be  calculated  as  of  the
               termination date.

          b)   The  "Average   Monthly  Market  Value"  of  the  Assets  in  the
               Investment  Accounts  shall be determined by adding  together the
               market value of all Assets  (including cash or its equivalent) in
               the Investment Accounts as determined as of the last Business Day
               in the  month  which  immediately  precedes  the first day of the
               calendar  quarter for which the  calculation is being made and as
               of the last  Business Day of each month which is included in such
               calendar  quarter,  then  dividing  such  sum  by  four  (4).  In
               computing  the  market  value  of any  Assets  in the  Investment
               Account(s)  for the  purpose  of this  Agreement,  each  security
               listed on any national securities exchange shall be valued at the
               last sale price on the  consolidated  tape on the valuation date.
               Listed  stocks that are not traded on such date and any  unlisted
               stock regularly  traded in the  over-the-counter  market shall be
               valued at the latest  available bid price quotation  furnished to
               Conning by such sources as it may deem appropriate.  Fixed income
               securities, including those listed on a securities exchange, will
               be valued by an independent  securities  pricing service selected
               by  Conning  unless  Conning,   in  its  reasonable   discretion,
               determines  that  another  valuation is  appropriate.  Short-term
               money market  instruments are valued at amortized cost. Any other
               security or asset shall be valued in a manner  determined in good
               faith by Conning to reflect its fair market value.

          c)   The Company is responsible for  out-of-pocket  expenses  directly
               related  to the  provision  of  services  by  Conning  under this
               Agreement, including, without limitation, any custodial expenses,
               brokerage fees and commissions,  interest on borrowings,  if any,
               taxes,  and fees  which are  directly  related  to the NAIC asset
               valuation  system  ("SVO")  and annual  licensing  fee.  Any such
               reimbursable expenses shall be included in the quarterly or final
               invoice  prepared by Conning and shall be payable  within  thirty
               (30) days after the date of such invoice

          d)   Unless  specifically  provided  for in  this  Agreement,  neither
               Conning nor any of its officers,  affiliates,  or employees shall
               act as principal,  broker/dealer or receive any compensation from
               the  Company  in   connection   with  the  purchase  or  sale  of
               investments for the Investment Account(s).

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          a)   The Company represents,  warrants, and covenants to Conning that,
               as of  the  Effective  Date  and  throughout  the  term  of  this

               i)   The  appointment  of  Conning  as the  Company's  investment
                    manager has been duly and properly authorized by the Company
                    in accordance with its charter, by-laws and other applicable
                    documents   ("Corporate   Documents")   and  the  Investment
                    Guidelines are in compliance  with such Corporate  Documents
                    and with all legal and regulatory restrictions applicable to
                    the Company and the Investment Account(s);

               ii)  this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of
                    the Company,  enforceable  against the Company in accordance
                    with its terms, except to the extent such enforceability may
                    be   limited   by   applicable    bankruptcy,    insolvency,
                    reorganization,  or  similar  laws  affecting  the rights of
                    creditors generally and by general equity principles;

               iii) the Company has legal title to the Assets in the  Investment
                    Account(s) and no restrictions  exist as to the ownership or
                    transfer of such  Assets  unless  specifically  set forth in
                    this Agreement;

               iv)  the  Company  is,  and will  remain  during the term of this
                    Agreement, engaged primarily in the insurance business; and

               v)   the Assets are not subject to regulation  under the Employee
                    Retirement   Income   Security  Act  of  1974,   as  amended
                    ("ERISA"),  nor do any Assets  constitute  "plan  assets" as
                    defined under ERISA.

          b)   Conning represents, warrants, and covenants to the Company that:

               i)   It is, and will remain during the term of this Agreement,  a
                    registered  investment adviser under the Investment Advisers
                    Act of 1940, as amended (the "Advisers Act");

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               ii)  this Agreement constitutes a valid and binding obligation of
                    Conning,  enforceable against Conning in accordance with its
                    terms,  except  to the  extent  such  enforceability  may be
                    limited    by     applicable     bankruptcy,     insolvency,
                    reorganization,  or  similar  laws  affecting  the rights of
                    creditors generally and by general equity principles; and

               iii) it  currently  has,  and agrees that it will  maintain,  the
                    skilled personnel, computer hardware and software, and other
                    facilities  necessary to prepare the reports and perform the
                    services required by this Agreement.


          a)   This  Agreement  shall  commence as of the Effective  Date as set
               forth in Paragraph 1 and shall continue in force until terminated
               by  Conning or the  Company  upon no less than  thirty  (30) days
               prior written notice to the other party.

          b)   In the event of termination of this  Agreement,  this  Agreement,
               except for  Paragraph 5 (Fees),  Paragraph  9  (Confidentiality),
               Paragraph   11   (Limitation   of   Liability),    Paragraph   12
               (Indemnification), Paragraph 13 (Arbitration), and this Paragraph
               7 (Term and Termination),  shall immediately become void and have
               no further force or effect.  Paragraph 9 (Confidentiality)  shall
               survive for a one year period following termination date.

          c)   Upon  termination  of this  Agreement and upon  specific  written
               request, Conning shall within twenty (20) Business Days return to
               the Company all books and records of the  Company,  and all other
               information  relating to the  Investment  Account(s)  then in the
               possession   of  Conning,   except  for  any  software  or  other
               intellectual  property  that  is  proprietary  to,  or  owned  or
               licensed by, Conning or any of its affiliates, which shall remain
               the property of Conning.


          a)   Conning and its  officers and  employees  may act and continue to
               act as  investment  managers  for  others.  As such,  the Company
               understands  that  Conning  will not  devote its full time to the
               management of any one account. Nothing in this Agreement shall in
               any  way  be  deemed  to  restrict  Conning's  right  to  perform
               investment  management or other  services for any other person or
               entity,  and the  performance  of any such services  shall not be
               deemed to violate or give rise to any duty or  obligation  to the
               Company  not  specifically   undertaken  by  Conning  under  this

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          b)   The  Company  recognizes  that  there are  certain  inherent  and
               potential  conflicts  of  interest  that may  arise in  Conning's
               management  of  the  Investment  Account(s)  and  its  investment
               advisory  activities  on behalf of other clients with the same or
               different investment  objectives (some of which are affiliates of
               Conning),  including the  allocation of investment  opportunities
               among  accounts  and  the   acquisition   and  disposition  of  a
               particular investment on behalf of different accounts.

     9.   CONFIDENTIALITY. From time to time in the course of the performance of
          this  Agreement,  the Company and Conning will be providing each other
          with certain  financial,  strategic and other  information.  Except as
          required by law and except as otherwise  permitted by this  Agreement,
          all such  information  of a non-public  nature that is obtained by one
          party pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be held in confidence by such
          party and may not be disclosed  to any other person  without the prior
          written  consent  of the  other  party;  provided,  that  Conning  may
          disclose  information  it receives from or on behalf of the Company to
          officers  and  employees  of Conning in the  course of  providing  the
          investment  management  and  accounting  services to the Company under
          this  Agreement,  and Conning may publicly  disclose the fact that the
          Company is a client of Conning.

     10.  RELIANCE ON  INFORMATION.  Conning shall be entitled to rely,  without
          independent  verification,  on the  accuracy and  completeness  of all
          information  obtained  by  Conning  from the  Company  and from  third
          parties reasonably believed by Conning to be reliable.


          a)   Conning  shall be  liable to and  indemnify  the  Company  to the
               extent any loss, liability, or damage results from the negligence
               or bad faith of Conning,  or the reckless disregard by Conning of
               its obligations and duties under this Agreement.

          b)   Absent any fault on its part, as described in sub-paragraph  (a),
               Conning  shall not be liable for any loss,  liability,  or damage
               incurred by the Company as a result of any  investment  decision,
               recommendation, or other action taken or omitted in what Conning,
               in good  faith,  believes  to be the  proper  performance  of its
               duties  under this  Agreement.  Conning  does not  guarantee  the
               future  performance  of the  Investment  Accounts or any specific
               level of performance,  the success of any investment  decision or
               strategy  that  Conning  may use,  or the  success  of  Conning's
               overall  management of the Assets.  The Company  understands that
               investment  decisions made for the Investment Accounts by Conning
               are subject to various market, currency,  economic, political and
               business  risks,  and that those  investment  decisions  will not
               always be profitable.

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          c)   Additionally,  Conning  shall  not be liable  for any  liability,
               loss,  or damage  resulting  from:  (i) the  willful  misconduct,
               negligence,  or  bad  faith  of any  independent  representative,
               consultant,  independent  contractor,  broker,  agent,  or  other
               person who is selected,  engaged or retained by Conning on behalf
               of the Company in  connection  with the  performance  of services
               under this Agreement,  unless such person was selected,  engaged,
               or  retained  by Conning  on account of bad faith in a  negligent
               manner;  (ii) any act or failure to act by any  Custodian;  (iii)
               any  investment  made by Conning  consistent  with the Investment
               Guidelines;  or (iv) the  reliance by Conning on  information  as
               provided in Paragraph 10 (Reliance on Information).

          d)   The federal and state  securities laws impose  liabilities  under
               certain  circumstances  on  persons  who act in good  faith,  and
               therefore  nothing  in this  Agreement  will  waive or limit  any
               rights that the Company may have under those laws.

     12.  INDEMNIFICATION.  In the event the Company seeks indemnification for a
          claim  alleged  by a person  who is not a party to this  Agreement  (a
          "Third Party Claim"),  the Company shall,  as a condition to receiving
          any indemnification  pursuant to Paragraph 11 (a), give prompt written
          notice of such Third Party Claim to  Conning.  Conning  shall have the
          right to elect to  investigate,  negotiate,  settle,  and defend  such
          third  party claim and, if such  election is made,  the Company  shall
          have the right,  at its own expense,  to participate in the defense of
          such Third Party Claim through  counsel of its own  choosing.  Conning
          shall not be required to  indemnify  the Company  with  respect to any
          settlement  of a Third  Party Claim that  Conning has not  approved in
          writing in advance.

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     13.  ARBITRATION.  In the event of any dispute,  controversy or claim which
          relates  to,  arises  out of,  or is  connected  with  this  Agreement
          (including,    without    limitation,    the    creation,    validity,
          interpretation,  breach or termination of this Agreement),  each party
          shall  designate an officer  whose task it will be to meet and in good
          faith resolve the matter amicably.  Any such matter which has not been
          mutually  resolved by the  parties  shall,  on the  written  demand by
          either  party  to the  other  party,  be  determined  and  settled  in
          Hartford,  Connecticut  by a panel of three  arbitrators in accordance
          with the  Commercial  Arbitration  Rules of the  American  Arbitration
          Association.  The award entered by the arbitrators  shall be final and
          binding on both  parties.  Such award  shall  specify  the factual and
          legal basis for the award, shall not include any multiple, punitive or
          exemplary  damages,  and shall  remain  confidential.  The cost of the
          arbitration  shall be borne  equally by the Company and Conning;  each
          party shall bear its own expenses (including counsel fees) incurred in
          connection with the arbitration.

     14.  INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The relation of Conning to the Company is, and
          shall remain during the term of this Agreement, that of an Independent
          Contractor.  Conning  and  the  Company  are  not  partners  or  joint
          venturers  with each other under this  Agreement,  and nothing in this
          Agreement  shall be  construed  so as to make them  partners  or joint
          venturers, or to impose any liability as such on either of them.

     15.  NOTICES. All notices and other communications required or permitted to
          be given pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be
          considered as properly given or made if (i) sent by overnight delivery
          by a  nationally  recognized  air courier  service,  or (ii) mailed by
          registered  or  certified  mail,  return  receipt  requested,  and  if
          addressed to the respective address listed below:

          A.  If to the Company, to:          Investors Life Insurance Company
                                               of North America
                                              6500 River Place Boulevard
                                              Building One
                                              Austin, TX  78730

              Attention:                      George M. Wise, III
                                              Chief Financial Officer

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          B.  If to Conning, to:              Conning Asset Management Company
                                              City Place II, 185 Asylum Street
                                              Hartford, CT  06103-4105

              Attention:                      William M. Bourque
                                              Vice President and General Counsel

          All  notices  will be deemed  effective  upon  receipt.  Any party may
          change its address for the receipt of notices by providing  notice, in
          the manner provided in this Paragraph 15, to each other party.

     16.  AMENDMENT.  No amendment  will be effective  unless first  reviewed by
          Conning'  legal  department  and in writing  and signed by each of the
          parties and no waiver of  compliance  with any provision or condition,
          and no consent  provided  for in this  Agreement,  shall be  effective
          unless in a writing  duly  executed by the party  sought to be charged
          with such waiver or consent.

     17.  ASSIGNMENT.  This  Agreement  shall be binding upon and shall inure to
          the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective successors and
          permitted assigns.  Neither party hereto shall assign (as that term is
          defined under the Adviser's Act) its rights or obligations  under this
          Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.

     18.  GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement  shall be  construed  and enforced in
          accordance with the laws of the State of New York,  without  reference
          to the choice of law rules thereof.

     19.  SEVERABILITY.  In the event that any  provision  or  condition in this
          Agreement shall be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable under applicable
          law  of   mandatory   application,   the   validity,   legality,   and
          enforceability  of that provision or condition in other  instances and
          of the remaining  provisions  and  conditions  shall not in any way be
          affected thereby.

     20.  HEADINGS.  Section  headings are for convenience of reference only and
          shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.

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     21.  COUNTERPARTS.   This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in  two  or  more
          counterparts,  each of which  when  executed  shall be deemed to be an
          original and all of which  together  shall be deemed to be one and the
          same instrument.

     22.  FORCE MAJEURE. Conning shall not be considered to be in default in the
          performance of its  obligations  under this  Agreement,  to the extent
          that the  performance of any such  obligations is prevented or delayed
          by any cause which is beyond the reasonable control of Conning.

     23.  PRIOR AGREEMENTS.  This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding
          and  Agreement,   and   supersedes   any  and  all  other   proposals,
          understandings,  and  agreements  between the Company and Conning with
          respect to the subject matter hereof.

     24.  ACKNOWLEDGMENT  OF  DISCLOSURE.  The Company  acknowledges  receipt of
          Conning's  Form ADV,  Part II at least 48 hours prior to signing  this

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This Agreement contains a Binding Arbitration Provision which may be enforced by
the Parties.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have executed and delivered  this
Agreement by their duly authorized officers effective as of the date first above

                               Investors Life Insurance Company of North America

                               By      ______/s/ George M. Wise, III____________

                               Name:   George M. Wise, III
                               Title:  Chief Financial Officer

                               Conning Asset Management Company

                               By      _____/s/ Salvatore Correnti______________
                               Name:   Salvatore Correnti
                               Title:  President and Chief Executive Officer

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