This Agreement is entered into between Fluke Corporation, a Washington 
corporation (the "Company"), and each individual listed in the attached 
Appendix A (the "Participants"), as amended from time to time pursuant to 
Article IV.

Whereas, the Participants are valued employees of the Company, and it is the 
desire of the Company to continue the employment of each of the Participants 
because of their respective experience, reputation and contacts in the 
industry, and knowledge of the affairs of the Company; and

Whereas, the Company wants the Participants to concentrate their efforts on 
the development and growth of the Company; and

Whereas, the Company desires the Participants to remain in its service as 
consultants and wishes to receive the benefit of their knowledge, experience, 
reputation and contacts during their retirement; and

Whereas, the Company is desirous of the Participants retaining a friendly 
interest in the business of the Company and not entering into any business 
which might be competitive after retirement from active employment; and

Whereas, the Company wants to provide each Participant the financial security 
of a competitive level of retirement income; and

Whereas, the Company, in consideration of each Participant's past and current 
service and such Participant's agreement to be available after retirement as a 
consultant, and not to enter into a competitive business, is willing to offer 
the respective Participants a Supplemental Retirement Income Plan; and

Whereas, the Company and the Participants have previously entered into a 
Supplemental Retirement Income Plan dated November 14, 1991, which was amended 
on June 22, 1994, and it is deemed in the best interests of the Company and 
the Participants to amend and restate said Agreement;

Therefore, effective September 11, 1996, the parties agree as follows:


For purposes of this Agreement, the following words shall have the indicated 

A. Plan - This Supplemental Retirement Income Plan as amended and restated as 
of September 11, 1996.

B. Supplemental Retirement Income Fund - The aggregate of the annual 
allocations and allocated earnings set aside as a matter of record upon the 
books of the Company for purposes of this Plan and representing an unsecured 
contractual liability of the Company but not a particular asset or pool of 
C. Participant - An employee or former employee of the Company who has entered 
into this Agreement, as amended from time to time, and who has been credited 
with an allocated share of an annual allocation by the Company to the 
Supplemental Retirement Income Fund.

D. Participant/Beneficiary - A Participant who becomes entitled to a 
distribution of such Participant's allocated credits under this Plan due to 
retirement or inability to continue gainful employment by reason of sickness 
and disability.

E. Beneficiary - One to whom the distributions of allocated credits and/or 
life insurance proceeds pursuant to Article VI shall be paid in the event of 
the death of a Participant or Participant/Beneficiary.

F. Retirement Date - The last day of the month following the later of:  the 
date the Participant reaches his fifty-fifth birthday or the date the 
Participant retires from employment with the Company.

G. Fiscal Year - The annual accounting period adopted by the Company. 

Company Contributions

The Company agrees to establish a corporate liability for amounts credited 
under the Plan in a manner determined by the Board of Directors of the Company 
in its sole discretion, which will adequately provide for the accrual of 
Participant benefits at the times, in the amounts and subject to the 
conditions hereinafter set forth.

Covenants by Participants

Each Participant, individually and not jointly, agrees as follows:

A. During Active Employment.  During the period of such Participant's active 
employment, to faithfully perform assigned duties to the best of such 
Participant's ability and in accordance with directions of the Company; and to 
devote to the performance of such duties full time and attention, and not 
become associated with or engage in or render service to any other business, 
except that such Participant may invest in and have an interest in a 
noncompeting business so long as it does not appreciably interfere with such 
Participant's active service with the Company.

B. Services During Retirement or Other Termination of Employment.  During the 
period of a Participant's retirement, or after the termination of employment 
with the Company for any reason, to render to the Company such services of an 
advisory or consultive nature as the Company may reasonably request so that 
the Company may continue to have the benefit of the Participant's experience 
and knowledge of the affairs of the Company and reputation and contacts in the 
industry.  The Participant shall be available for advice and counsel to the 
Company at all reasonable times by telephone, letter or in person; provided, 
however, a failure to render such service or to give such service or counsel 
by reason of illness or other incapacity shall not affect the Participant's 
right to receive supplemental retirement income hereunder during any such 

C. Noncompetition and Investment During Retirement.  During the period of a 
Participant's retirement or after the termination of employment with the 
Company for any reason, not to become associated with or engage in or render 
any service to any other business competitive to the business of the Company 
for a period of three (3) years without the prior written approval of the 
Company's Board of Directors; provided, however, that this shall not prohibit 
the Participant from purchasing stock or other securities of any corporation 
and, provided further, that the Participant shall not be prohibited hereunder 
from making any investment in a noncompeting business or from becoming a 
director of any corporation conducting a noncompeting business.

Eligible Employees

A. Current Eligible Employees.  The current eligible employees shall be the 
Participants listed in Appendix A.  

B. Additional Eligible Employees.  Additional employees may be approved from 
time to time by the Board of Directors of the Company for eligibility 
hereunder as Participants, provided that the Company and each employee 
thereafter execute a copy of an agreement to participate in this Plan.  Such 
additional Participants shall have no interest in allocations already credited 
hereunder to other Participants.

C. Removal From List of Eligible Employees.  Any present or future Participant 
may be removed from the list of employees eligible for participation in this 
Plan at any time at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the 
Company, subject to a Participant's right to allocated amounts already 
credited or accrued at the time of such removal.

Allocation of Contribution

A. Record Keeping.  The Company shall maintain a separate record to which it 
shall credit each Participant's annual allocation and allocated earnings 
thereon, as defined below, adding the same to the individual Participant's 
previously allocated and credited account.  At least once each fiscal year the 
Company shall furnish each Participant with a statement of such Participant's 
current account balance.

B. Participant Allocations. 

1.Each Participant's account balance is the aggregate sum of all contributions 
credited to such Participant's account which have been authorized by the Board 
of Directors in their sole discretion and all allocated earnings thereon.  

2.With the fiscal year beginning April 30, 1994, the amount credited annually 
on the last day of the fiscal year to each Participant's account shall be:

a) the lesser of twenty-one percent (21%) of the Participant's base salary on 
November 1 of such fiscal year, or the annual contribution limitation amount 
pursuant to Article VI, section D of the Plan, and 

b) the  allocated  earnings on the Participant's aggregate account balance 
during such fiscal year which shall be computed using an assumed interest rate 
of one (1) percent over the average three-month Treasury bill rate for the 
fiscal year.

3. The amount credited to a Participant's account for the fiscal year during 
which the Participant retires shall be prorated based upon the number of days 
of participation during the fiscal year.

4. Once a Participant becomes entitled under the provisions of Article VI 
hereof to distribution of the credits allocated to such Participant under the 
provisions of this Article V, such Participant shall no longer be entitled to 
annual allocations for future years, but as a Participant/Beneficiary shall be 
entitled to the allocated earnings defined in 2 b) above.

5. For those Participants who retire prior to the end of fiscal 1999, a 
calculation of the present value of the Company's pension benefit will be made 
as if the maximum amount of annual compensation which could be taken into 
account in the computation of pension benefits is $235,840, the maximum level 
prior to the enactment of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993.  Any 
difference between the present value of the actual pension benefit to be paid 
and the present value of the pension benefit using the $235,840 limit (the 
equalization amount) will be accrued as an additional allocation to the 
Participant's account in such Participant's year of retirement.  The Company 
has increased by 1% the annual allocation to each Participant's account 
beginning in fiscal 1995.  This additional 1% allocation will be deducted from 
any equalization amount paid to a Participant pursuant to this paragraph.

6. The foregoing allocations may be modified for future years at any time at 
the sole discretion of the Board of Directors of the Company to meet corporate 

Distribution of  Allocated Credit

A. Conditions

1. Attainment of Retirement Date, Termination of Employment or Disability. 
Except as provided in section C.5. of this Article VI, no amounts credited to 
a Participant shall be distributed to such Participant or to any other person 
or entity on such Participant's behalf or as designated by such Participant to 
receive the same unless the Participant shall have reached the Retirement Date 
and ceased employment with the Company, died, or become disabled, as herein 

2. Forfeitures.  The balance in the Participant's account shall be forfeited 
and, if applicable, any distribution or continued distribution of a 
Participant's or Participant/Beneficiary's account shall stop if the 
Participant or Participant/Beneficiary shall:

a)engage in a business within the three (3) year covenant period (described in 
Article III, section C hereof) which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors 
of the Company, competes with the Company;
b) be terminated by the Company for violation of any corporate policies to 
which such Participant is subject;

c) engage in business practices which, in the opinion of the Board of 
Directors of the Company, are detrimental to the interests of the Company;

d) fail to be available for consultation and advice after retirement from or 
termination of employment with the Company; or

e) encumber or seek to encumber such Participant's interest in or benefit in 
this Plan.

3. Disbursement of Forfeited Account.  No Participant shall have any rights 
whatsoever to the balance of any forfeited account.  Any forfeited balance 
shall reduce the Company's liability under the Plan.

B. Vesting.  Distributions to all Participant/ Beneficiaries under this Plan 
shall be further limited to those amounts allocated to each Participant which 
have been vested according to the number of years such Participant shall have 
been continuously employed by the Company or its subsidiaries as of the end of 
the fiscal year in which such Participant becomes entitled to such 
distribution or terminates employment with the Company, whichever occurs 
first, and according to the following schedule:

                 Number of Years
                    Employed                    Percent Vested

                less than 1 year                     0%
                1 year                              20%
                2 years                             40%
                3 years                             60%
                4 years                             80%
                5 years                            100%

Upon termination of employment with the Company, a Participant's aggregate 
account balance shall be adjusted according to the above schedule.  Any non-
vested balance shall reduce the Company's liability under the Plan.

C. Payments to Participant/Beneficiary or Beneficiaries.  

1. Retirement.  Upon Participant's Retirement Date, the Company, subject to 
the conditions and vesting provisions set forth in sections A and B of this 
Article VI, shall pay to the Participant/Beneficiary in approximately equal 
monthly installments over a ten year period an amount equal to the 
Participant's aggregate account balance.  The first installment must be paid 
within the first month after such Participant's Retirement Date, unless the 
Participant requests a deferral of such first payment for a period not 
exceeding twelve months and such deferral is approved by the Board.  During 
each fiscal year following the first year of distributions to a 
Participant/Beneficiary, the  allocated earnings on the remaining balance of 
the Participant/Beneficiary's aggregate account balance from the prior fiscal 
year shall be divided by twelve and paid out to the Participant/Beneficiary as 
equal additions to the normal monthly installments.

2. Death.  Each Participant shall designate a Beneficiary or Beneficiaries on 
a form to be filed with the Company.  If a Participant is married when the 
Beneficiary designation is made and such designation is someone other than the 
spouse, the designation will not be valid without the written consent of the 
spouse.  If no designation is filed with the Company or if the designated 
Beneficiary shall not survive such Participant, then the payments from the 
account of the deceased Participant shall be paid to the surviving spouse, if 
any, or, if none, then to the Participant's personal legal representative.

If a Participant dies while still in the Company's employ before reaching his 
Retirement Date,  the Beneficiary or Beneficiaries named by the Participant 
prior to his death shall receive a life insurance death benefit from the Fluke 
Corporation Pre-Retirement Death Benefit Plan.  However, if the Participant's 
current aggregate account balance plus $250,000 is greater than the life 
insurance benefit, the difference shall be paid to the Beneficiary or 
Beneficiaries by the Company.  The Participant's aggregate account balance at 
death shall be computed as if such Participant was fully vested pursuant to 
paragraph B of this Article VI.  If the Participant is not an employee of the 
Company at the time of death or dies after retirement but before distribution 
of all benefits to which such Participant/Beneficiary may have been entitled, 
the aggregate account balance at the time of death shall be paid to the 
Beneficiary or Beneficiaries named by the Participant in installment payments 
as described in section C.1 of this Article VI.  The first of such installment 
payments must be paid to the Beneficiary or Beneficiaries within three (3) 
months after the date of the Participant's death, if none have been paid 
before such death, but the first installment payment shall be paid within one 
(1) month after the Participant/Beneficiary's death, if payments under Article 
VI had already commenced prior to such death.

3. Disability

a) In the event a Participant, prior to reaching such Participant's Retirement 
Date and still in the employ of the Company, becomes disabled so such 
Participant is no longer able to continue in gainful employment, the aggregate 
amount credited to the Participant's account as of the occurrence of the 
disability shall be paid to such Participant in installments pursuant to 
section C.1 of this Article VI as if such Participant is fully vested pursuant 
to section B of this Article VI.

b) Disability shall be established by the certificate of a physician selected 
by the Participant and approved by the Company, that the Participant, by 
reason of mental or physical disability, is incapable of further gainful 
employment.  In the event the Participant becomes disabled as defined herein, 
and thereafter again becomes capable of gainful employment, the Participant 
may be reemployed by the Company on such terms and with such participation 
under this Agreement as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, shall 
then determine.

4. Distribution to Minors or Incompetents.  Distribution to minors or in 
competents may be made by the Company, at its sole discretion, a) directly to 
said persons, b) to the legal guardians of said persons, or c) to the parent 
of said minor.  The Company shall not be required to see to the application of 
any such distributions so made to any of said persons and such payments shall 
be a full discharge of the Company's liability under this Plan.

5. Lump Sum or Periodic Payments.  Upon a Participant's termination of 
employment with the Company, the Board of Directors may, in its discretion, 
regardless of the Participant's reaching Retirement Date, allow the 
Participant to receive such Participant's account balance in a lump sum or in 
the form of periodic installments payable over any fixed or contingent period 
not exceeding the life expectancy of the Participant and the Participant's 
spouse, if any.  The Board may, under these circumstances, require the 
repayment of such distributions if the Participant violates the terms of 
Article VI, section A.2.

D. Annual Contribution Limitation.  The maximum annual contribution to a 
Participant's account under this Agreement shall be limited at each attained 
age to the amount which, when added to the Participant's current account 
balance and to the lump sum value of the Participant's accrued pension from 
the Fluke Corporation Pension Plan, so as not to exceed the following 
percentage of the Participant's compensation.

        Age Last    Percent of       Age Last      Percent of
        Birthday    Compensation     Birthday      Compensation
           35          107%             49            314%	
           36          115%             50            339%
           37          125%             51            366%
           38          135%             52            395%	
           39          145%             53            427%
           40          157%             54            461%
           41          170%             55            498%	
           42          183%             56            505%
           43          198%             57            511%	
           44          214%             58            517%	
           45          231%             59            521%	
           46          249%             60            525%
           47          269%             61            528%		
           48          291%             62 and older  531%

Compensation for purposes of this limitation shall be the average of a 
Participant's highest three fiscal years total of base salary, senior 
management variable compensation and semi-annual profit-sharing bonus 
(including amounts deferred into the Company's Retirement Plus program, the 
non-qualified deferred compensation plan, or any flexible benefit plan).

Provision Against Anticipation

At no time shall any Participant, or Participant/Beneficiary, have the right 
or power to alienate, anticipate, commute, pledge, encumber or assign any of 
the benefits, proceeds or avails of the funds credited to such Participant 
under this Agreement and no such benefits, proceeds or avails shall be subject 
to seizure by any creditor of the Participant, or Participant/Beneficiary, 
under any writ or proceedings at law or in equity.

Termination of Employment

Nothing herein provided shall abrogate or modify in any way the Company's 
right to terminate the Company's employment of any Participant at any time, 
with or without cause.

Unfunded Status

A. Unsecured General Creditor.  Participants and their Beneficiaries, heirs, 
successors, and assigns shall have no secured legal or equitable rights, 
interest or claims in any property or assets of the Company, nor shall they be 
Beneficiaries of, or have any rights, claims or interests in any life 
insurance policies, annuity contracts or the proceeds therefrom owned or which 
may be acquired by the Company.  Except as provided in Section B, such 
policies, annuity contracts or other assets of the Company shall not be held 
under any trust for the benefit of Participants, their Beneficiaries, heirs, 
successors or assigns, or held in any way as collateral security for the 
fulfilling of the obligations of the Company under this Plan.  Any and all of 
the Company's assets and policies shall be, and remain, the general, 
unpledged, unrestricted assets of the Company.  The Company's obligation under 
the Plan shall be that of an unfunded and unsecured promise to pay money in 
the future.

B. Trust Fund.  At its discretion, the Company may establish one (1) or more 
trusts, with such trustees as the Board may approve, for the purpose of 
providing for the payment of benefits owed under the Plan.  Although such a 
trust shall be irrevocable, its assets shall be held for payment of all the 
Company's general creditors in the event of insolvency.  To the extent any 
benefits provided under the Plan are paid from any such trust, the Company 
shall have no further obligation to pay them.  If not paid from the trust, 
such benefits shall remain the obligation of the Company.  Notwithstanding the 
existence of such a trust, it is intended that the Plan be unfunded for tax 
purposes and for purposes of Title 1 of ERISA.

Amendment and Termination of Agreement

A. Right to Amend and Terminate.  The Board of Directors of the Company shall 
have the right to terminate this Plan at any time or to modify, alter or amend 
it in whole or in part, subject to the Company's obligations to pay all sums 
then credited to Participants, Participant/Beneficiaries and Beneficiaries 
under the terms of this Plan.

B. Termination of Plan.  This Plan shall terminate upon written notice by the 
Board of Directors of the Company, upon complete discontinuance of 
contributions by the Company for a period of three (3) years, in the event of 
the bankruptcy or receivership of the Company or upon the dissolution or 
merger of the Company unless a successor to the business agrees to continue 
the Plan by executing an appropriate supplemental agreement.  In the event 
that the Company is taken over by a successor who agrees to continue the Plan, 
the employment of any employee who is continued in the employ of such 
successor shall not be deemed to have been terminated or severed for any 
purpose hereunder.

C. Payment on Termination.  Upon termination of this Plan, the aggregate 
account balances of all Participants then employed by the Company shall fully 
vest.  The vested interests of all Participants, Participants/Beneficiaries 
and Beneficiaries of former Participants in the Supplemental Retirement Income 
Fund shall be distributed to them by the Company or its successors or assigns 
in a lump sum within one (1) month of the termination date.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be 
executed this      day of      , 1996.

Fluke Corporation                      Participant

	George M. Winn, President              Signature

Douglas G. McKnight, Secretary         Title

Appendix A
Plan Participants

					Michael J. Adams

					James L. Cavoretto

					Linda S. Cheever

					William E. Dunn

					William R. Hoffman

					Elizabeth J. Huebner 

					David E. Katri
					Douglas G. McKnight

					Craig T. J. Miller

					Patrick J. O'Hara

					William G. Parzybok, Jr.

					Barry L. Rowan

					John R. Smith  

					Richard W. Van Saun 

					Ronald R. Wambolt

					George M. Winn

As amended December 11, 1996