Exhibit 99.2

                             STATEMENT OF JAC NASSER
                             CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
                               FORD MOTOR COMPANY
                                SEPTEMBER 6, 2000

                              Prepared for Delivery

                    Embargoed Until Commencement of Testimony


     Good  afternoon,  Chairman  Tauzin,  Chairman  Upton,  and  Members  of the
Committee.  I appreciate the opportunity to be here. This has been a complicated
and sad situation and we have all been very concerned.

     Before I discuss the Firestone recall, I would like to say a word about our
company.  Ford  has a  distinguished  heritage  and a  bright  future - it is an
American  icon.  The  strength of Ford has always been its  employees  and loyal

     Thirty-two years ago, I joined Ford Australia as a trainee. I never dreamed
that someday I would lead Ford Motor Company and represent the Ford team.

     I am here because I know that you and the public have  questions  about the
tire recall. I am here to answer those  questions,  and I will remain here until
you are satisfied.

     Now, let's get to the heart of the issue. When did Ford know that there was
a problem with the Firestone tires? What have we done about it?

     And, what are we going to do in the future?

     First, when did Ford know there was problem with the Firestone tires.

     I have said this before,  Mr. Chairman,  but its worth  repeating:  Because
tires are the only  component of a vehicle that are separately  warranted,  Ford
did not know that there was a defect with the recalled  tires until we virtually
pried the claims data from  Firestone's  hands and analyzed it. It was only then
- -- a few days before the recall was announced -- that Ford engineers  discovered
conclusive  evidence  that the  tires  were  defective.  We then  demanded  that
Firestone pull the tires from the road.

     Looking back,  the first signs of a problem  developed in Saudi Arabia when
our  dealers  reported  the  complaints.   We  immediately  asked  Firestone  to
investigate.  Firestone did so and  concluded  that the tread  separations  were
caused by improper  maintenance and road hazards unique to that environment.  We
were still troubled.

     We then asked  Firestone to conduct all sorts of tests on the tires.  After
each and every test,  Firestone reported that there was no evidence of a defect.
This did not satisfy our Saudi customers. So about a year ago, Ford replaced the
Firestone tires.


     At the same time, we wanted to know if our U.S.  customers were having tire
problems.  In early  1999,  we asked  Firestone  to review  its data and we were
assured  that  there  was no  problem  in this  country.  Our  data,  as well as
government  safety data, didn't show anything either. We still felt we should do
more and asked Firestone for one more  evaluation of tires in Texas,  Nevada and
Arizona. Firestone reported back, as before, that there was no defect.

     My purpose is not to finger point, but simply to tell you that at each step
Ford  actively  took the  initiative  to uncover  this tire  problem  and find a

     But, it was not until we saw Firestone's  confidential  claims data that it
became clear what needed to be done.

     If I have  one  regret,  it is  that we did not  ask  Firestone  the  right
questions sooner.

     What have we done so far.

     We started by insisting that Firestone  recall the bad tires. I then made a
commitment  to our  customers  that Ford would  dedicate all of its resources to
support the Firestone  recall.  In just three weeks, 1.7 million tires have been
replaced.  We also worked  closely with the rest of the global tire  industry to
increase tire availability, and I suspended production at three of Ford's plants
to free up more replacement tires.

We are striving to replace bad tires with good tires as quickly as possible.

     Looking Forward, What Are We Going To Do

     Mr.  Chairman,  there are almost 3 million Goodyear tires on Ford Explorers
that  have  not had a  tread  separation  problem.  So we  know  that  this is a
Firestone  tire issue.  However,  we all must prevent  this from ever  happening

     Today,  I am  announcing  that Ford will  implement two new reforms that we
feel are critical.

     o First, we will work with the tire industry to implement an "early warning
system" to detect the first  signs of tire  defects on  vehicles  already on the
road. This early warning system must use comprehensive real world data that - we
now know -- is so critical to spotting defect patterns.


     o Second,  because our products are increasingly  sold around the world, we
will advise US safety  authorities of safety actions taken in overseas  markets,
and vice versa. From now on, when we know it, so will the world.

     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -

     I have  received  hundreds  of letters  from Ford  owners and I have spoken
personally with many of them. And, believe me, some of those  conversations have
been difficult.

     I want you and all the Ford  owners  to know  that we at Ford will not rest
until  every  bad  tire is  replaced.  And I will do  everything  in my power as
President  of Ford Motor  Company to maintain  the  confidence  and trust of our
customers. Thank you, and I would be pleased to answer your questions.
