Exhibit 20


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        o   Revitalization on track.
        o   Milestones chart further progress toward mid-decade targets.
        o   Earnings targeted at 70 cents per share for 2003.

DEARBORN, Mich., Jan. 10, 2003 - Twelve months into its five-year Revitalization
Plan, Ford Motor Company [NYSE: F] is on target to achieve its bottom-line goal:
a $7  billion  annual  pre-tax  profit by  mid-decade.  The  company  provided a
Revitalization  Plan update and released its 2003 financial  milestones today in
Dearborn during a meeting with securities analysts.

"We made a great deal of progress in 2002 toward a long-term Revitalization Plan
that we fully  believe is the right  strategy  for getting  the company  back on
track," said Chairman and CEO Bill Ford. "This is our Centennial year, and while
we certainly  will be  celebrating  our past,  we will be focused on the future.
Meeting our 2003 financial goals will be the first step."


The 2003 milestones are:

Planning Assumptions                    Milestone
- --------------------                    ---------
o   Industry Volume - U.S.              16.5 million units
                    - Europe            17.0 million units

o   Net Pricing     - U.S.              Zero
                    - Europe            1%

Physicals                               Milestone
- ---------                               ---------
o   Quality                             Improve in all regions
o   Market Share                        Improve in all regions
o   Automotive Cost Performance         Improve by at least $500 million
    (at constant volume and mix)
o   Capital Spending                    $8 billion

Financial Results                       Milestone
- -----------------                       ---------
o   Income Before Taxes                 Breakeven
o   Operating Cash Flow*                Breakeven

Ford Credit                             Improve cash contribution to Parent
                                        Maintain managed leverage in low end
                                        of 13-14 to 1 range**

* Consistent  with operating cash flow  calculation in MD&A of our Third Quarter
  2002 10-Q (before tax refunds)
** Consistent with definition contained in MD&A of Ford Credit's 2001 10-K.

Assuming  achievement  of these  milestones,  the company  expects to have fully
diluted earnings per share of 70 cents in 2003.

"These  milestones  demonstrate  that Ford  intends to deliver  another  year of
strong and  measurable  results that support the plan we outlined one year ago,"
said Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer Allan Gilmour.


Gilmour also provided an update on the company's  pension  funding  status.  For
2003,  the pension fund long-term  annual return  assumption has been reduced to
8.75  percent  from 9.5 percent for the U.S.,  Canada and  Britain,  and, in the
U.S.,  the discount  rate has been reduced to 6.75 percent at year-end 2002 from
7.25 percent at year-end 2001. On January 6, 2003, Ford contributed $500 million
of cash to its U.S.  pension  fund and  intends  to make  another  $500  million
contribution in the first half of the year,  depending on the  determination  of
the tax treatment of the additional  contribution.  The additional  contribution
was originally scheduled for 2004.

Ford  Motor  Company,  headquartered  in  Dearborn,  Michigan,  is  the  world's
second-largest automaker, with approximately 335,000 employees in 200 markets on
six continents.  Its automotive brands include Aston Martin,  Ford, Jaguar, Land
Rover,  Lincoln,  Mazda,  Mercury  and Volvo.  Its  automotive-related  services
include Ford Credit,  Quality Care and Hertz. Ford Motor Company will officially
observe its 100th anniversary on June 16, 2003.

                                    - # # #-

Statements  included or incorporated by reference herein may constitute "forward
looking  statements"  within the  meaning of the Private  Securities  Litigation
Reform Act of 1995. These statements  involve a number of risks,  uncertainties,
and other  factors that could cause  actual  results to differ  materially  from
those stated, including, without limitation:
o    greater price  competition  in the U.S. and Europe  resulting from currency
     fluctuations, industry overcapacity or other factors;
o    a  significant  decline in  industry  sales,  particularly  in the U.S.  or
     Europe, resulting from slowing economic growth or other factors;
o    lower-than-anticipated market acceptance of new or existing products;
o    work stoppages at key Ford or supplier facilities or other interruptions of
o    the  discovery  of defects  in  vehicles  resulting  in delays in new model
     launches, recall campaigns or increased warranty costs;
o    increased safety,  emissions, fuel economy or other regulation resulting in
     higher costs and/or sales restrictions;
o    unusual or significant  litigation or governmental  investigations  arising
     out of alleged defects in our products or otherwise;
o    worse-than-assumed    economic   and   demographic   experience   for   our
     post-retirement  benefit plans (e.g.,  investment  returns,interest  rates,
     health care cost  trends,  benefit  improvements);
o    currency or commodity price fluctuations;
o    a market shift from truck sales in the U.S.;
o    economic difficulties in South America or Asia;
o    reduced availability of or higher prices for fuel;
o    labor or other constraints on our ability to restructure our business;
o    a change in our  requirements  under long-term  supply  arrangements  under
     which we are  obligated  to  purchase  minimum  quantities  or pay  minimum
o    a further credit rating downgrade;
o    inability  to access  debt or  securitization  markets  around the world at
     competitive rates or in sufficient amounts;
o    higher-than-expected credit losses;
o    lower-than-anticipated residual values for leased vehicles;
o    increased  price  competition  in the rental car industry  and/or a general
     decline in business or leisure travel due to terrorist attacks,  act of war
     or measures taken by governments in response thereto that negatively affect
     the travel industry; and
o    our inability to implement the Revitalization Plan.