Exhibit 10-O-1

                        AMENDMENTS TO FORD MOTOR COMPANY
                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN
                            (Effective July 13, 2005)

The following two sentences are added at the end of paragraph (a) of Section 9:

     "Notwithstanding  anything  contained  in the  Plan  to the  contrary,  for
     post-2004  deferrals  under the Plan, (i)  termination of employment  other
     than for death or disability shall not trigger acceleration of distribution
     of any or all of a participant's  Deferred Compensation Account relating to
     such  deferrals,  and  (ii)  no  distribution  of any or all of a  Deferred
     Compensation  Account relating to such deferrals held by any "key employee"
     (defined  under  Section  416(i) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as
     amended)  shall occur earlier than six months  following the key employee's
     termination  of employment,  except in the case of death or disability.  In
     addition,  the  Compensation  Committee shall determine the extent to which
     participants  may be  allowed  to  elect  to  change  the  timing  of their
     distributions  prior to  retirement;  provided,  however,  that in no event
     shall any  changes be allowed  that would  trigger  taxation  of any amount
     under Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended."

Paragraph (b) of Section 9 is amended in its entirety to read as follows:

     "(b)  Financial  Hardship.  At the written  request of a  participant,  the
     Committee,  in  its  sole  discretion,  may  authorize  [the  cessation  of
     deferrals under the Plan by such  participant  and]  distribution of all or
     any part of the participant's Deferred Compensation Account prior to his or
     her scheduled  distribution  date or dates,  or  accelerate  payment of any
     installment payable with respect to Deferred  Compensation,  upon a showing
     of  unforeseeable  emergency  by the  participant.  For  purposes  of  this
     paragraph,  "unforeseeable  emergency" shall mean severe financial hardship
     resulting from extraordinary and unforeseeable  circumstances  arising as a
     result of one or more recent events beyond the control of the  participant.
     In any event,  payment shall not be made to the extent such emergency is or
     may be relieved (i) through  reimbursement  or compensation by insurance or
     otherwise,  and (ii) by liquidation  of the  participant's  assets,  to the
     extent  the  liquidation  of such  assets  would not  itself  cause  severe
     financial  hardship  [and (iii) by cessation of deferrals  under the Plan].
     Withdrawals of amounts  because of  unforeseeable  emergency  shall only be
     permitted  to the extent  reasonably  necessary  to satisfy the  emergency.
     Examples of what are not considered to be unforeseeable emergencies include
     the need to send a participant's child to college or the desire to purchase
     a home. The Committee shall determine the applicable  distribution date and
     the date as of which the  amount  to be  distributed  shall be valued  with
     respect to any financial hardship  withdrawal or distribution made pursuant
     to this paragraph (b) of this Section 9. [Any  participant  whose deferrals
     have  ceased  under the Plan  pursuant to this  paragraph  may not elect to
     recommence deferrals until the next applicable deferral period]."

(Note: Language to be added is underscored. Language to be deleted is in
