(on behalf of the FRANKLIN GROWTH FUND)

      THIS  SUBADVISORY  AGREEMENT  made as of the November 1,
2008 by and between  FRANKLIN  ADVISERS,  INC., a  corporation
organized  and  existing  under  the  laws  of  the  State  of
California    (hereinafter   called   "FAV"),   and   FRANKLIN
INVESTMENT   ADVISORY   SERVICES,   LLC,  a  Delaware  limited
liability company (hereinafter called "FIAS, LLC").

                     W I T N E S S E T H

      WHEREAS,  FAV and FIAS,  LLC are each  registered  as an
investment  adviser  under  the  Investment  Advisers  Act  of
1940,  as amended  (the  "Advisers  Act"),  and engaged in the
business  of  supplying   investment  advice,  and  investment
management services, as an independent contractor; and

      WHEREAS,  FAV has been  retained  to  render  investment
advisory  services to FRANKLIN  GROWTH  FUND (the  "Fund"),  a
series  of  FRANKLIN   CUSTODIAN   FUNDS  (the  "Trust"),   an
investment   management   company  registered  with  the  U.S.
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC")  pursuant to
the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940
Act"); and

      WHEREAS,  FAV  desires  to  retain  FIAS,  LLC to render
investment  advisory,  research  and  related  services to the
Fund pursuant to the terms and  provisions of this  Agreement,
and FIAS, LLC is interested in furnishing said services.

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the covenants and
the  mutual  promises   hereinafter  set  forth,  the  parties
hereto,  intending to be legally bound hereby,  mutually agree
as follows:

      1.   FAV hereby  retains FIAS,  LLC and FIAS, LLC hereby
accepts  such  engagement,   to  furnish  certain   investment
advisory  services  with respect to the assets of the Fund, as
more fully set forth herein.

           (a)  Subject  to  the  overall  policies,  control,
direction  and review of the Trust's  Board of  Trustees  (the
"Board")  and to the  instructions  and  supervision  of  FAV,
FIAS,  LLC will  provide a continuous  investment  program for
the Fund,  including  allocation  of the Fund's  assets  among
the various  securities  markets of the world and,  investment
research   and  advice   with   respect  to   securities   and
investments  and  cash  equivalents  in the  Fund.  So long as
the Board and FAV  determine,  on no less  frequently  than an
annual basis,  to grant the necessary  delegated  authority to
FIAS,  LLC,  and subject to  paragraph  (b) below,  FIAS,  LLC
will determine what securities and other  investments  will be
purchased,  retained  or sold by the Fund,  and will place all
purchase  and sale  orders on behalf of the Fund  except  that
orders  regarding U.S.  domiciled  securities and money market
instruments may also be placed on behalf of the Fund by FAV.

           (b)  In performing these services,  FIAS, LLC shall
adhere  to the  Fund's  investment  objectives,  policies  and
restrictions  as contained in its  Prospectus and Statement of
Additional  Information,  and in the  Trust's  Declaration  of
Trust,   and  to  the  investment   guidelines  most  recently
established  by FAV and shall  comply with the  provisions  of
the  1940  Act  and  the  rules  and  regulations  of the  SEC
thereunder  in all material  respects and with the  provisions
of the  United  States  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as
amended,   which  are   applicable  to  regulated   investment

           (c)  Unless  otherwise  instructed  by  FAV  or the
Board,  and subject to the  provisions  of this  Agreement and
to any guidelines or  limitations  specified from time to time
by FAV or by the  Board,  FIAS,  LLC  shall  report  daily all
transactions  effected  by FIAS,  LLC on behalf of the Fund to
FAV and to other  entities  as  reasonably  directed by FAV or
the Board.

           (d)  FIAS,  LLC  shall  provide  the Board at least
quarterly,  in advance of the  regular  meetings of the Board,
a report  of its  activities  hereunder  on behalf of the Fund
and its proposed  strategy for the next  quarter,  all in such
form and detail as  requested  by the Board.  FIAS,  LLC shall
also make an  investment  officer  available  to  attend  such
meetings of the Board as the Board may reasonably request.

           (e)  In carrying  out its duties  hereunder,  FIAS,
LLC  shall  comply  with all  reasonable  instructions  of the
Fund or FAV in connection  therewith.  Such  instructions  may
be given by letter,  telex,  telefax or telephone confirmed by
telex,  by the Board or by any other  person  authorized  by a
resolution  of the Board,  provided a  certified  copy of such
resolution has been supplied to FIAS, LLC.

      2.   In performing the services  described above,  FIAS,
LLC shall  use its best  efforts  to  obtain  for the Fund the
most  favorable  price and  execution  available.  Subject  to
prior  authorization  of  appropriate  policies and procedures
by the Board,  FIAS, LLC may, to the extent  authorized by law
and in  accordance  with the  terms of the  Fund's  Prospectus
and  Statement of  Additional  Information,  cause the Fund to
pay a broker who provides  brokerage and research  services an
amount of  commission  for  effecting a  portfolio  investment
transaction  in excess of the  amount  of  commission  another
broker would have charged for effecting that  transaction,  in
recognition  of the brokerage and research  services  provided
by the broker.  To the extent  authorized by  applicable  law,
FIAS,  LLC shall not be deemed to have acted  unlawfully or to
have   breached  any  duty   created  by  this   Agreement  or
otherwise solely by reason of such action.

      3.   (a)  FIAS, LLC shall,  unless  otherwise  expressly
provided  and  authorized,  have  no  authority  to act for or
represent  FAV  or  the  Fund  in any  way,  or in any  way be
deemed an agent for FAV or the Fund.

           (b)  It is  understood  that the services  provided
by   FIAS,   LLC  are  not  to  be   deemed   exclusive.   FAV
acknowledges    that   FIAS,    LLC   may   have    investment
responsibilities,  or render  investment advice to, or perform
other  investment   advisory  services,   for  individuals  or
entities,  including  other  investment  companies  registered
pursuant  to the 1940 Act,  ("Clients")  which  may  invest in
the same type of  securities  as the  Fund.  FAV  agrees  that
FIAS,   LLC   may   give   advice   or   exercise   investment
responsibility  and take such  other  action  with  respect to
such  Clients  which  may  differ  from  advice  given  or the
timing or nature of action taken with respect to the Fund.

      4.   FIAS,  LLC  agrees  to  use  its  best  efforts  in
performing  the  services  to be  provided  by it  pursuant to
this Agreement.

      5.   FAV has  furnished or will furnish to FIAS,  LLC as
soon as available  copies properly  certified or authenticated
of each of the following documents:

           (a)  the  Trust's  Declaration  of Trust,  as filed
with  the  Secretary  of State of the  state  of  Delaware  on
October 18, 2006, and any other  organizational  documents and
all amendments thereto or restatements thereof;

           (b)  resolutions  of the Trust's  Board of Trustees
authorizing  the  appointment  of FIAS, LLC and approving this

           (c)  the   Trust's    original    Notification   of
Registration  on Form N-8A  under  the 1940 Act as filed  with
the SEC and all amendments thereto;

           (d)  the Trust's current Registration  Statement on
Form N-1A under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended  and
under the 1940 Act as filed with the SEC,  and all  amendments
thereto, as it relates to the Fund;

           (e)  the  Fund's   most   recent   Prospectus   and
Statement of Additional Information; and

           (f)  the Investment  Management  Agreement  between
the Fund and FAV.

FAV will furnish  FIAS,  LLC with copies of all  amendments of
or supplements to the foregoing documents.

      6.   FIAS,   LLC  will  treat   confidentially   and  as
proprietary  information  of the Fund all  records  and  other
information  relative  to  the  Fund  and  prior,  present  or
potential  shareholders,  and will not use  such  records  and
information  for any  purpose  other than  performance  of its
responsibilities  and duties  hereunder,  except  after  prior
notification  to and  approval  in writing by the Fund,  which
approval  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld  and may not be
withheld  where  FIAS,LLC  may be exposed to civil or criminal
contempt  proceedings  for failure to comply when requested to
divulge such information by duly constituted  authorities,  or
when so requested by the Fund.

      7.   (a)  FAV shall  pay a monthly  fee in cash to FIAS,
LLC of 70% of the fees FAV receives for  providing  investment
management  services  to the Fund,  which fee shall be payable
on the  first  business  day of each  month  in  each  year as
compensation   for  the  services   rendered  and  obligations
assumed  by  FIAS,  LLC  during  the  preceding   month.   The
advisory  fee under  this  Agreement  shall be  payable on the
first   business  day  of  the  first  month   following   the
effective  date of this  Agreement,  and shall be  reduced  by
the amount of any  advance  payments  made by FAV  relating to
the previous month.

           (b)  FAV and FIAS,  LLC shall share  equally in any
voluntary  reduction  or waiver by FAV of the  management  fee
due FAV  under the  Investment  Management  Agreement  between
FAV and the Fund.

           (c)  If this  Agreement is terminated  prior to the
end of any month,  the monthly  fee shall be prorated  for the
portion  of any  month in which  this  Agreement  is in effect
which is not a  complete  month  according  to the  proportion
which the number of calendar  days in the month  during  which
the  Agreement  is in  effect  bears to the  total  number  of
calendar  days in the month,  and shall be  payable  within 10
days after the date of termination.

      8.   Nothing  herein   contained   shall  be  deemed  to
relieve or  deprive  the Board of its  responsibility  for and
control of the conduct of the affairs of the Fund.

      9.   (a) In the  absence  of  willful  misfeasance,  bad
faith,   gross  negligence,   or  reckless  disregard  of  its
obligations  or  duties  hereunder  on the part of FIAS,  LLC,
neither  FIAS,  LLC  nor  any  of  its  directors,   officers,
employees or  affiliates  shall be subject to liability to FAV
or the Fund or to any  shareholder  of the Fund for any  error
of  judgment  or mistake  of law or any other act or  omission
in the  course  of,  or  connected  with,  rendering  services
hereunder  or for any  losses  that  may be  sustained  in the
purchase, holding or sale of any security by the Fund.

           (b)  Notwithstanding  paragraph 9(a), to the extent
that FAV is found by a court  of  competent  jurisdiction,  or
the SEC or any  other  regulatory  agency  to be liable to the
Fund  or  any  shareholder  (a  "liability"),   for  any  acts
undertaken  by FIAS,  LLC pursuant to  authority  delegated as
described in Paragraph  1(a),  FIAS,  LLC shall  indemnify and
save FAV and each of its affiliates,  officers,  directors and
employees  (each  a  "Franklin  Indemnified  Party")  harmless
from,  against,  for and in  respect of all  losses,  damages,
costs and expenses  incurred by a Franklin  Indemnified  Party
with respect to such  liability,  together  with all legal and
other  expenses  reasonably  incurred  by  any  such  Franklin
Indemnified Party, in connection with such liability.

           (c)  No  provision  of  this  Agreement   shall  be
construed  to protect any  director or officer of FAV or FIAS,
LLC,  from  liability in  violation of Sections  17(h) or (i),
respectively, of the 1940 Act.

      10.  During the term of this  Agreement,  FIAS, LLC will
pay  all  expenses  incurred  by it  in  connection  with  its
activities  under  this  Agreement  other  than  the  cost  of
securities   (including   brokerage   commissions,   if   any)
purchased   for  the   Fund.   The   Fund   and  FAV  will  be
responsible   for  all  of  their   respective   expenses  and

      11.  This  Agreement  shall be  effective as of the date
given above,  and shall  continue in effect for two years.  It
is renewable  annually  thereafter for successive  periods not
to  exceed  one year each (i) by a vote of the Board or by the
vote of a majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of
the Fund,  and (ii) by the vote of a majority of the  Trustees
of the  Trust  who  are  not  parties  to  this  Agreement  or
interested  persons  thereof,  cast  in  person  at a  meeting
called for the purpose of voting on such approval.

      12.  This  Agreement  may be  terminated  at  any  time,
without  payment of any penalty,  by the Board or by vote of a
majority of the  outstanding  voting  securities  of the Fund,
upon  sixty (60) days'  written  notice to FAV and FIAS,  LLC,
and by FAV or FIAS,  LLC upon sixty (60) days' written  notice
to the other party.

      13.  This Agreement  shall  terminate  automatically  in
the event of any transfer or  assignment  thereof,  as defined
in the 1940  Act,  and in the  event of any act or event  that
terminates the  Investment  management  Agreement  between FAV
and the Fund.

      14.  In compliance  with the  requirements of Rule 31a-3
under the 1940 Act,  FIAS,  LLC hereby agrees that all records
which it  maintains  for the Fund are the property of the Fund
and further  agrees to surrender  promptly to the Fund,  or to
any third party at the Fund's  direction,  any of such records
upon  the  Fund's   request.   FIAS,  LLC  further  agrees  to
preserve  for the periods  prescribed  by Rule 31a-2 under the
1940 Act the records  required to be  maintained by Rule 31a-1
under the 1940 Act.

      15.  This  Agreement  may  not  be  materially  amended,
transferred,  assigned,  sold or in any manner hypothecated or
pledged  without the  affirmative  vote or written  consent of
the   holders  of  a  majority  of  the   outstanding   voting
securities  of the Fund  and may not be  amended  without  the
written consent of FAV and FIAS, LLC.

      16.  If any  provision of this  Agreement  shall be held
or  made  invalid  by a  court  decision,  statute,  rule,  or
otherwise,  the  remainder  of  this  Agreement  shall  not be
affected thereby.

      17.  The  terms  "majority  of  the  outstanding  voting
securities"  of the Fund and  "interested  persons" shall have
the meanings as set forth in the 1940 Act.

      18.  This  Agreement  shall be interpreted in accordance
with and  governed by the laws of the State of  California  of
the United States of America.

      19.  FIAS, LLC acknowledges  that it has received notice
of and accepts the  limitations  of the Trust's  liability  as
set forth in its Agreement  and  Declaration  of Trust.  FIAS,
LLC agrees that the  Trust's  obligations  hereunder  shall be
limited  to the assets of the Fund,  and that FIAS,  LLC shall
not  seek   satisfaction  of  any  such  obligation  from  any
shareholders  of the  Fund  nor  from  any  trustee,  officer,
employee or agent of the Trust.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this
Agreement  to be duly  executed  and  attested  by their  duly
authorized officers.


      Edward B. Jamieson
Title:     President & Chief Investment Officer


By:   /s/ JOHN M. LUSK
      John M. Lusk
Title:     President

FRANKLIN  GROWTH  FUND hereby  acknowledges  and agrees to the
provisions of paragraphs 9(a) and 10 of this Agreement.


      Karen L. Skidmore
Title:     Vice President & Secretary