I.    Investment Company:      FRANKLIN CUSTODIAN FUNDS

II.   Fund:               FRANKLIN DYNATECH FUND - CLASS R

III.  Maximum Per Annum Rule 12b-1 Fees for Class R Shares
      (as a percentage of average daily net assets of the class):


      The  following   Distribution  Plan  (the  "Plan")  has  been
adopted  pursuant  to Rule 12b-1 under the  Investment  Company Act
of 1940,  as amended (the "Act") by the  Investment  Company  named
above  ("Investment  Company") for the Class R shares (the "Class")
of the Fund named above  ("Fund"),  which Plan shall take effect as
of the date shares of the Class are first  offered (the  "Effective
Date of the  Plan").  The Plan has been  approved  by a majority of
the Board of  Trustees of the  Investment  Company  (the  "Board"),
including  a majority of the Board  members who are not  interested
persons  of the  Investment  Company  and who  have no  direct,  or
indirect  financial  interest  in the  operation  of the Plan  (the
"independent  Board  members"),  cast in person at a meeting called
for the purpose of voting on such Plan.

      In reviewing the Plan, the Board  considered the schedule and
nature  of  payments  and  terms  of  the   Investment   Management
Agreement  between the  Investment  Company and Franklin  Advisers,
Inc.  ("Advisers")  and the  terms  of the  Distribution  Agreement
between   the    Investment    Company    and    Franklin/Templeton
Distributors,  Inc.  ("Distributors").  The  Board  concluded  that
the  compensation  of  Advisers,  under the  Investment  Management
Agreement,  and of Distributors,  under the Distribution Agreement,
was fair and not  excessive.  The  approval of the Plan  included a
determination  that in the  exercise of their  reasonable  business
judgment  and in  light  of  their  fiduciary  duties,  there  is a
reasonable  likelihood  that the Plan will benefit the Fund and its

                          DISTRIBUTION PLAN

      1.   The Fund shall pay to Distributors  as compensation  for
its services or for payment by  Distributors  to dealers or others,
or the Fund shall pay  directly to others,  a quarterly  fee not to
exceed  the  above-stated  maximum  fee  per  annum  of the  Class'
average  daily net assets  represented  by shares of the Class,  as
may be determined by the  Investment  Company's  Board from time to
time,   as   distribution   and/or   service   fees   pursuant   to
distribution  and  servicing  agreements  which have been  approved
from time to time by the Board,  including  the  independent  Board

      2.   (a)  The  monies  paid  to   Distributors   pursuant  to
Paragraph   1   above   may  be   treated   as   compensation   for
Distributors'  distribution-related services including compensation
for  amounts  advanced  to  securities  dealers  or their  firms or
others  (including  retirement plan  recordkeepers)  selling shares
of the Class who have  executed an  agreement  with the  Investment
Company,  Distributors or its  affiliates,  which form of agreement
has been  approved  from time to time by the Board,  including  the
independent  Board  members,  with  respect  to the  sale of  Class
shares.  In addition,  Distributors  may use such monies paid to it
pursuant  to  Paragraph 1 above to assist in the  distribution  and
promotion  of  shares  of  the  Class.   Such   payments   made  to
Distributors  under the Plan may be used for,  among other  things,
the printing of  prospectuses  and reports used for sales purposes,
expenses  of  preparing  and  distributing   sales  literature  and
related expenses,  advertisements,  and other  distribution-related
expenses,  including a pro-rated portion of Distributors'  overhead
expenses  attributable  to the  distribution  of Class  shares,  as
well  as  for  additional  distribution  fees  paid  to  securities
dealers  or  their  firms  or  others  (including  retirement  plan
recordkeepers)  who have executed  agreements  with the  Investment
Company,   Distributors   or  its   affiliates,   or  for   certain
promotional  distribution  charges paid to  broker-dealer  firms or
others, or for participation in certain distribution channels.

           (b) The monies paid to  Distributors  or others pursuant
to  paragraph  1  above  may  also  be  used  to pay  Distributors,
dealers or others (including  retirement plan  recordkeepers)  for,
among other things,  furnishing  personal  services and maintaining
shareholder or beneficial owner accounts,  which services  include,
among other  things,  assisting  in  establishing  and  maintaining
customer   accounts  and  records;   assisting  with  purchase  and
redemption   requests;   arranging   for  bank  wires;   monitoring
dividend   payments   from  the  Fund  on  behalf   of   customers;
forwarding  certain  shareholder  communications  from  the Fund to
customers;  receiving and answering  correspondence;  and aiding in
maintaining  the  investment of their  respective  customers in the
Class.  Any amounts  paid under this  paragraph  2(b) shall be paid
pursuant  to  a  servicing  or  other  agreement,   which  form  of
agreement has been approved from time to time by the Board.

      3.   In   addition  to  the   payments   which  the  Fund  is
authorized to make  pursuant to  paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof,  to the
extent that the Fund,  Advisers,  Distributors  or other parties on
behalf of the Fund,  Advisers or  Distributors  make  payments that
are  deemed to be  payments  by the Fund for the  financing  of any
activity  primarily  intended to result in the sale of Class shares
issued by the Fund  within  the  context  of Rule  12b-1  under the
Act,  then  such  payments  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  made
pursuant to the Plan.

      In  no  event  shall  the  aggregate  payments  specified  in
paragraphs  1 and 2,  plus any  other  payments  deemed  to be made
pursuant  to the Plan  under  this  paragraph,  exceed  the  amount
permitted  to be paid  pursuant  to  Rule  2830(d)  of the  Conduct
Rules  of  the  Financial  Industry  Regulatory   Authority,   Inc.

      4.   Distributors   shall  furnish  to  the  Board,  for  its
review,  on a quarterly  basis, a written report of the monies paid
to it and to others  under the Plan,  and shall  furnish  the Board
with such other  information  as the Board may  reasonably  request
in  connection  with the  payments  made under the Plan in order to
enable the Board to make an informed  determination  of whether the
Plan should be continued.

      5.   The Plan shall  continue  in effect for a period of more
than  one year  only so long as such  continuance  is  specifically
approved   at  least   annually   by  the  Board,   including   the
independent  Board members,  cast in person at a meeting called for
the purpose of voting on the Plan.  In  determining  whether  there
is a reasonable  likelihood that the  continuation of the Plan will
benefit the Fund and its  shareholders,  the Board may,  but is not
obligated to, consider that  Distributors has incurred  substantial
costs  and has  entered  into  an  arrangement  with a third  party
which  third  party has agreed to purchase  from  Distributors  the
entitlement of  Distributors  to receive the payments  described in
Paragraph  1(a) above,  which  purchase will generate the cash flow
needed to pay for the distribution activities for the Class.

      6.   The Plan,  and any  agreements  entered into pursuant to
this  Plan,  may be  terminated  with  respect to the shares of the
Class at any time,  without  penalty,  by vote of a majority of the
outstanding  voting  securities  of  such  Class  or by  vote  of a
majority  of  the  independent  Board  members  of  the  Investment
Company,  on not more than  sixty (60) days'  written  notice,  and
shall  terminate  automatically  in  the  event  of  any  act  that
constitutes an assignment of the Investment  Management  Agreements
between the Fund and the Advisers.  Upon  termination  of this Plan
with  respect  to the  Class,  the  obligation  of the Fund to make
payments  pursuant  to this Plan with  respect to such Class  shall
terminate,  and the Fund  shall not be  required  to make  payments
hereunder  beyond such  termination  date with  respect to expenses
incurred  in  connection  with  Class  shares  sold  prior  to such
termination date.

      7.   The Plan,  and any  agreements  entered into pursuant to
this Plan,  may not be amended to  increase  materially  the amount
to be  spent  for  distribution  pursuant  to  Paragraph  1  hereof
without   approval  by  a  majority  of  the   outstanding   voting
securities of the Class of the Fund.

      8.   All material  amendments to the Plan, or any  agreements
entered  into  pursuant  to this  Plan,  shall be  approved  by the
independent  Board  members cast in person at a meeting  called for
the purpose of voting on any such amendment.

      9.   So long as the  Plan is in  effect,  the  selection  and
nomination  of  the  Fund's  independent  Board  members  shall  be
committed to the discretion of such independent Board members.

      This Plan and the terms and  provisions  thereof  are  hereby
accepted and agreed to by the Investment  Company and  Distributors
as evidenced by their execution hereof.

Date: DECEMBER 1, 2008


      Karen L. Skidmore
Title:     Vice President & Secretary


      Peter D. Jones
Title:     President