Exhibit 4.5



                            FRANKLIN RESOURCES, INC.
                             (Adopted June 27, 2002)

                                    ARTICLE I


     Section 1.1 OFFICES.  The  Corporation may have offices at such places both
within  and  without  the State of  Delaware  as the Board of  Directors  or the
Chairman  of the Board may from time to time  determine  or the  business of the
Corporation may require.

                                   ARTICLE II


     Section 2.1 ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. The Annual Meeting of
Stockholders  shall be held at such place either  within or without the State of
Delaware and at such time and on such date as may be designated by resolution of
the Board of Directors from time to time. The directors shall be elected and any
other proper business may be transacted at each Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

     Section 2.2 SPECIAL  MEETINGS.  Special  meetings of  stockholders  for any
purpose or purposes  may be called at any time by the Board of  Directors or the
Chairman of the Board of Directors.  Each special  meeting shall be held at such
date and time as is  requested  by the person or  persons  calling  the  meeting
within the limits fixed by law.

     Section  2.3  PLACE  OF  MEETINGS.   Each  annual  or  special  meeting  of
stockholders  shall be held at such location  either within or without the State
of  Delaware  as may be  determined  by the  Board of  Directors,  or if no such
determination is made, at such place as may be determined by the Chairman of the
Board of  Directors.  If no  location  is so  determined,  any annual or special
meeting shall be held at the principal executive office of the Corporation.

     Section 2.4 NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Notice of each annual or special meeting of
stockholders shall contain such information,  and shall be given to such persons
at such time, and in such manner, as the Board of Directors shall determine,  or
if no such  determination is made, as the Chairman of the Board shall determine,
subject to the requirements of applicable law.

     Section 2.5 ADJOURNMENTS.  Any meeting of stockholders,  annual or special,
may adjourn from time to time to reconvene at the same or some other place,  and
notice  need not be given of any such  adjourned  meeting  if the time and place
thereof are announced at the meeting at which the  adjournment is taken.  At the
adjourned  meeting the  Corporation  may transact any business  which might have
been transacted at the original meeting.  If the adjournment is for more than 30
days,  or if after the  adjournment a new record date is fixed for the adjourned
meeting,  notice of the adjourned  meeting shall be given to each stockholder of
record entitled to vote at the meeting.

     Section 2.6 CONDUCT OF MEETINGS.  Subject to the requirements of applicable
law,  all annual and special  meetings of  stockholders  shall be  conducted  in
accordance  with  such  rules  and  procedures  as the  Board of  Directors  may
determine and, as to matters not governed by such rules and  procedures,  as the
Chairman of such meeting shall determine.

     Section  2.7 QUORUM.  The  holders of a majority  of the shares  issued and
outstanding  and  entitled  to  vote  at a  meeting  of the  stockholders  shall
constitute a quorum thereat for the transaction of business, except as otherwise
provided by statute,  by the Certificate of Incorporation  ("Certificate") or by
these  By-Laws.  If a quorum is not present or  represented  at a meeting of the
stockholders,  the stockholders so present and entitled to vote may, by majority
vote,  adjourn the meeting  from time to time in the manner  provided in Section
2.5  of  these  By-Laws  until  a  quorum  is  present  or  represented.  At any
rescheduled  meeting at which a quorum is present or  represented,  any business
may be transacted  that might have been  transacted at the meeting as originally

     Section 2.8 ACTION WITHOUT  MEETING.  Any action  required by statute to be
taken at a meeting of the  stockholders,  or any  action  that may be taken at a
meeting  of the  stockholders,  may be taken  without a meeting,  without  prior
written  notice and without a vote if a consent or consents in writing,  setting
forth the action so taken,  shall be signed by the  holders  of the  outstanding
stock  having not less than the minimum  number of votes that would be necessary
to  authorize  to take such action at a meeting at which all shares  entitled to
vote  thereon  were  present  and voted and  shall be  delivered  (by hand or by
certified or registered  mail,  return receipt  requested) to the Corporation to
its registered office in the State of Delaware, its principal place of business,
or an officer or agent of the  Corporation  having  custody of the book in which
proceedings  of minutes of  stockholders  are recorded.  The signed consent or a
signed  copy shall be placed in the minute  book of the  Corporation  and prompt
notice  of  the  taking  of  the  corporate  action  shall  be  given  to  those
stockholders who have not consented in writing.

     Section 2.9 TELEPHONE AND SIMILAR MEETINGS. Stockholders may participate in
and hold a meeting at which all  persons  participating  in the meeting can hear
each other.  Participation in such a meeting shall constitute presence in person
at the meeting, unless a stockholder participates in the meeting for the express
purpose of objecting to the  transaction  of any business on the ground that the
meeting is not lawfully called or convened.

     Section  2.10  VOTING;   PROXIES.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  by  the
Certificate,  each  stockholder  entitled to vote at any meeting of stockholders
shall be  entitled  to one vote for each  share of stock  held by him  which has
voting power upon the matter in question. Each stockholder entitled to vote at a
meeting of stockholders or to express consent or dissent to corporate  action in
writing without a meeting may authorize another person or persons to act for him
by proxy,  but no such proxy shall be voted or acted upon after three years from
its date,  unless  the proxy  provides  for a longer  period.  A proxy  shall be
irrevocable if it states that it is irrevocable  and if, and only as long as, it
is coupled with an interest sufficient in law to support an irrevocable power. A
stockholder  may revoke any proxy  which is not  irrevocable  by  attending  the
meeting and voting in person or by filing an instrument in writing  revoking the
proxy or by delivering a proxy in accordance with applicable law bearing a later
date to the  Secretary of the  Corporation.  Voting at meetings of  stockholders
need not be by written ballot and, unless otherwise required by law, need not be
conducted  by  inspectors  of election  unless so  determined  by the holders of
shares  of stock  having a  majority  of the  votes  which  could be cast by the
holders of all  outstanding  shares of stock  entitled to vote thereon which are
present in person or by proxy at such meeting.  At all meetings of  stockholders
for the election of directors a plurality of the votes cast shall be  sufficient
to elect. All other elections and questions shall,  unless otherwise provided by
law, the Certificate or these By-Laws,  be decided by the vote of the holders of
shares of stock having a majority of the votes present in person or  represented
by proxy and entitled to vote on the matter.

order that the Corporation may determine the stockholders  entitled to notice of
or to vote at any meeting of  stockholders  or any  adjournment  thereof,  or to
express consent to corporate action in writing without a meeting, or entitled to
receive  payment of any  dividend  or other  distribution  or  allotment  of any
rights, or entitled to exercise any rights in respect of any change,  conversion
or exchange of stock or for the purpose of any other lawful action, the Board of
Directors  may fix a record  date,  which record date shall not precede the date
upon which the  resolution  fixing  the  record  date is adopted by the Board of
Directors  and  which  record  date:  (1)  in  the  case  of   determination  of
stockholders  entitled to vote at any  meeting of  stockholders  or  adjournment
thereof,  shall,  unless otherwise required by law, not be more than 60 nor less
than ten days before the date of such meeting;  (2) in the case of determination
of  stockholders  entitled  to express  consent to  corporate  action in writing
without a meeting,  shall not be more than ten days from the date upon which the
resolution fixing the record date is adopted by the Board of Directors;  and (3)
in the case of any other  action,  shall not be more than 60 days  prior to such
other action.  If no record date is fixed:  (1) the record date for  determining
stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting of stockholders shall
be at the

close of business on the day next  preceding  the day on which  notice is given,
or, if notice is waived,  at the close of business on the day next preceding the
day on  which  the  meeting  is  held;  (2)  the  record  date  for  determining
stockholders  entitled to express consent to corporate action in writing without
a meeting  when no prior  action of the Board of  Directors  is required by law,
shall be the first  date on which a signed  written  consent  setting  forth the
action  taken or  proposed  to be  taken  is  delivered  to the  Corporation  in
accordance with applicable law, or, if prior action by the Board of Directors is
required by law, shall be at the close of business on the day on which the Board
of Directors adopts the resolution taking such prior action;  and (3) the record
date for determining stockholders for any other purpose shall be at the close of
business  on the day on which  the  Board of  Directors  adopts  the  resolution
relating  thereto.  A determination of stockholders of record entitled to notice
of or to vote at a meeting of stockholders shall apply to any adjournment of the
meeting;  provided,  however,  that the Board of Directors  may fix a new record
date for the adjourned meeting.

                                   ARTICLE III


     Section 3.1 NUMBER.  The  authorized  number of  directors  on the Board of
Directors  shall be nine (9) unless  changed by a by-law duly adopted  either by
the Board of Directors or the stockholders amending this Section 3.1.

     Section 3.2 QUALIFICATION; ELECTION; TERM. (a) Except as otherwise provided
by Section 3.9 of these  By-Laws,  the directors  shall be elected at the annual
meeting of stockholders.

     (b) Each director  elected shall hold office until the next annual  meeting
of stockholders and until his or her successor has been elected and qualified or
until his or her death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal.

     Section  3.3 POWERS .  Subject to  limitations  of the  Certificate,  these
By-Laws,  and the General  Corporation Law of the State of Delaware  relating to
actions  required  to be  approved  by the  stockholders  or by the  outstanding
shares,  the  business and affairs of the  Corporation  shall be managed and all
corporate  powers  shall be  exercised  by or under  direction  of the  Board of
Directors.  The Board of Directors may delegate the management of the day-to-day
operation of the business of the  Corporation to the officers of the Corporation
or other persons provided that the business and affairs of the Corporation shall
be managed by and all  corporate  powers shall be  exercised  under the ultimate
direction of the Board of Directors.

     Section  3.4  MEETINGS  OF THE  BOARD.  (a) Each  meeting  of the  Board of
Directors  shall be held at a  location  determined  as  follows.  The  Board of
Directors may designate any place, within or without the State of Delaware,  for
the holding of any meeting. If no

such  designation  is  made,  the  meeting  shall  be held at the  Corporation's
principal  executive office.  Subject to the requirements of applicable law, all
meetings of the Board of Directors  shall be conducted in  accordance  with such
rules and  procedures  as the Board of Directors  may approve and, as to matters
not governed by such rules and procedures, as the Chairman of such meeting shall

     (b) Special  meetings of the Board of Directors  may be held at any time or
place within or without the State of Delaware  whenever  called by the Chairman,
any President,  any Vice President, the Secretary, or by any member of the Board
of  Directors.  Notice of a special  meeting of the Board of Directors  shall be
given by the person or persons  calling the meeting at least 24 hours before the
special meeting.

     Section 3.5 QUORUM:  VOTE REQUIRED FOR ACTION. At all meetings of the Board
of  Directors a majority  of the whole Board of  Directors  shall  constitute  a
quorum for the transaction of business. Except in cases in which the Certificate
or these  By-Laws  otherwise  provide,  the vote of a majority of the  directors
present at a meeting at which a quorum is present  shall be the act of the Board
of Directors.

     Section 3.6 ACTION BY CONSENT. Any action required or permitted to be taken
at any  meeting of the Board of  Directors  or of any  committee  thereof may be
taken without a meeting if a written  consent  setting forth the action so taken
is signed by all members of the Board of Directors or of such committee,  as the
case may be,  and  such  written  consent  is filed  with the  Secretary  of the
Corporation  and placed in the minute  book.  Such  consent  shall have the same
force and effect as a unanimous  vote at a meeting of such Board of Directors or

     Section 3.7 COMMITTEES.  The Board of Directors may, by resolution  adopted
by a majority of the whole Board of Directors, designate one or more committees,
each  committee to consist of one or more of the  directors of the  Corporation.
Any such  committee,  to the extent  provided in the  resolution of the Board of
Directors,  shall have and may exercise  all of the powers and  authority of the
Board  of  Directors  in the  management  of the  business  and  affairs  of the
Corporation,  and may authorize the seal of the Corporation to be affixed to all
papers  which may  require  it; but no such  committee  shall have any powers or
authority  in  reference  to: (a) amending  the  Certificate;  (b)  approving an
agreement of merger or  consolidation;  (c) recommending to the stockholders the
sale,  lease  or  exchange  of all  or  substantially  all of the  Corporation's
property  and  assets  otherwise  than in the  usual and  regular  course of its
business;  (d) recommending to the stockholders a dissolution of the Corporation
or  a  revocation  thereof;  (e)  amending  or  repealing  the  By-Laws  of  the
Corporation  or  adopting  new  By-Laws  of the  Corporation;  (f)  amending  or
repealing any resolution of the Board of Directors which by its express terms is
not so amendable or repealable;  (g) appointing other committees of the Board of
Directors  or the members  thereof;  (h) filling  new  vacancies  in or removing
members of the Board of Directors or of any committee  appointed by the Board of
Directors; (i) fixing the compensation of the directors for serving on the Board
of Directors or for serving as any member of a committee thereof;  or (j) unless
the  resolution  of the Board of Directors  expressly  so provides,  declaring a

dividend or authorizing  the issuance of stock.  Any such committee shall report
on its  meetings to the Board of  Directors  at the next meeting of the Board of

     Section 3.8 REMOVAL.  Any or all directors may be removed at any time, with
or  without  cause,  by the  holders  of a  majority  of  the  shares  of  stock
outstanding and entitled to vote for the election of directors.

     Section 3.9  VACANCIES.  A vacancy  occurring in the Board of Directors (by
death, resignation, retirement,  disqualification,  removal or otherwise) may be
filled  by the  affirmative  vote  of a  majority  of the  remaining  directors,
although less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director,  or by vote of the
stockholders required for the election of directors generally.

     Section  3.10  COMPENSATION.  Members  of the  Board of  Directors  and any
committee  thereof  may, by  resolution  of the Board of  Directors,  be allowed
compensation  for attending  meetings of the Board of Directors  and  committees

     Section 3.11 TELEPHONE AND SIMILAR MEETINGS.  Board members may participate
in and hold a meeting at which all persons participating in the meeting can hear
each other.  Participation in such a meeting shall constitute presence in person
at the meeting,  unless a person  authorized  to  participate  in such a meeting
participates  in the  meeting  for  the  express  purpose  of  objecting  to the
transaction  of any  business on the ground  that the  meeting was not  lawfully
called or convened.

     Section 3.12 MINUTES.  The Board of Directors shall keep either a record of
action taken or minutes of their proceedings.  The minutes of the proceedings of
any  committee of the Board of  Directors  shall be placed in the minute book of
the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IV

          Indemnification of Directors, Officers, Employees and Agents

to the fullest extent permitted,  and in the manner required, by the laws of the
State of Delaware as in effect at the time of the adoption of this Article or as
such laws may be amended from time to time shall indemnify any person who was or
is made a party  to or is  threatened  to be  made a  party  to any  threatened,
pending or completed action, suit or proceeding  (including any appeal thereof),
whether civil,  criminal,  administrative or investigative in nature (other than
an  action by or in the  right of the  Corporation),  by reason of the fact that
such person is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation,
or is or was serving at the request of, or to represent  the  interests  of, the
Corporation as a director,  officer,  partner,  fiduciary,  employee or agent (a
"Subsidiary Officer") of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust,
employee  benefit plan or other  enterprise (an  "Affiliated  Entity"),  against
expenses, (including attorneys' fees and disbursements),  costs, judgment,fines,
penalties and amounts paid in  settlement

actually and reasonably  incurred by such person in connection with such action,
suit or  proceeding  if such  person  acted in good  faith and in a manner  such
person  reasonably  believed to be in or not opposed to the best interest of the
Corporation,  and,  with respect to any criminal  action or  proceeding,  had no
reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful;  provided, however,
that the Corporation shall not be obligated to indemnify against any amount paid
in settlement  unless the  Corporation has consented to such  settlement,  which
consent shall not be unreasonably  withheld. The termination of any action, suit
or  proceeding  by judgment,  order,  settlement or conviction or upon a plea of
nolocontendere or its equivalent shall not, of itself, create a presumption that
the  person  did  not  act in good  faith  and in a  manner  which  such  person
reasonably  believed  to be in or not  opposed  to  the  best  interests  of the
Corporation,  and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding,  that such
person had  reasonable  cause to believe  that his or her conduct was  unlawful.
Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in the  foregoing  provisions  of this
Section  4.1,  a  person  shall  not be  entitled,  as a  matter  of  right,  to
indemnification  pursuant to this Section 4.1 against costs or expenses incurred
in  connection  with any action,  suit or  proceeding  commenced  by such person
against any person who is or was a  director,  officer,  fiduciary,  employee or
agent of the Corporation or a Subsidiary  Officer of any Affiliated  Entity, but
such  indemnification  may be provided by the  Corporation in a specific case as
permitted by Section 4.6 of this Article.

to the full extent  permitted,  and in the manner  required,  by the laws of the
State of Delaware as in effect at the time of the adoption of this Article or as
such laws may be amended from time to time,  shall  indemnify any person who was
or is made a party to or is  threatened  to be made a party  to any  threatened,
pending or completed  action or suit (including any appeal  thereof)  brought in
the right of the Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor by reason of the
fact that such  person is or was  director,  officer,  employee  or agent of the
Corporation  or is or was  serving  at  the  request  of,  or to  represent  the
interests of, the  Corporation as a Subsidiary  Officer of an Affiliated  Entity
against  expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees  and  disbursements)  and  costs
actually and reasonably  incurred by such person in connection  with such action
or suit  if  such  person  acted  in good  faith  and in a  manner  such  person
reasonably  believed  to be in or not  opposed  to  the  best  interests  of the
Corporation,  and except that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any
claim,  issue or matter as to which such person  shall have been  adjudged to be
liable to the  Corporation  unless,  and except to the extent that, the Court of
Chancery  of the State of  Delaware  or the  court in which  such  judgment  was
rendered shall  determine upon  application  that,  despite the  adjudication of
liability  but in view of all the  circumstances  of the  case,  such  person is
fairly and  reasonably  entitled to indemnity for such expenses and costs as the
Court of  Chancery  of the State of  Delaware  or such  other  court  shall deem
proper.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the foregoing provisions of
this  Section  4.2, a person  shall not be  entitled,  as a matter of right,  to
indemnification pursuant to this Section 4.2 against costs and expenses incurred
in connection with any action or suit in the right of the Corporation  commenced
by such person, but such  indemnification  may be provided by the Corporation in
any specific case as permitted by Section 4.6 of this Article.

indemnification  under Section 4.1 or 4.2 of this Article  (unless  ordered by a
court) shall be made by the Corporation  only as authorized in the specific case
upon a determination  that  indemnification  of the present or former  director,
officer, employee or agent is proper under the circumstances because such person
has met the  applicable  standard of conduct set forth in, Section 4.1 or 4.2 of
this Article. Such determination shall be made with respect to a person who is a
director or officer at the time of such  determination (i) by a majority vote of
the Board of Directors who were not parties to the action,  suit or  proceeding,
even though less than a quorum or (ii) by a committee of such directors (each of
whom is not a party to such action,  suit or proceeding)  designated by majority
vote of the Board of  Directors,  even  though  less than a quorum,  or (iii) if
there are no such  directors or if the  disinterested  directors  so direct,  by
independent legal counsel in a written opinion, or (iv) by the stockholders.  In
the event a request  for  indemnification  is made by any person  referred to in
Section 4.1 or Section 4.2 of this  Article,  the  Corporation  shall cause such
determination to be made not later than 60 days after such request is made.

SERVICE AS WITNESS. (a) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Article, to
the extent that a present or former  director  orofficer of the  Corporation has
been  successful  on the merits or otherwise  in defense of any action,  suit or
proceeding  referred to in Section 4.1 or 4.2 of this Article,  or in defense of
any claim,  issue or matter  therein,  such person shall be indemnified  against
expenses  (including  attorneys' fees and  disbursements) and costs actually and
reasonably incurred by such person in connection therewith.

     (b) To the extent any person who is or was a director, officer, employee or
agent of the  Corporation  has served or  prepared  to serve as a witness in any
action,  suit  or  proceeding  (whether  civil,   criminal,   administrative  or
investigative in nature) or in any investigation by the Corporation or the Board
of Directors thereof or committee thereof or by any securities exchange on which
securities of the  Corporation are or were listed by reason of his services as a
director,  officer,  employee  or agent of the  Corporation  or as a  Subsidiary
Officer  of any  Affiliated  Entity  (other  than  in a suit  commenced  by such
person), the Corporation shall indemnify such person against expenses (including
attorneys' fees and disbursements) and costs actually and reasonably incurred by
such  person  in  connection  therewith  within  30 days  after  receipt  by the
Corporation  from such person of a statement  requesting  such  indemnification,
averring such service and reasonably evidencing such expenses and costs.

     Section 4.5 ADVANCE OF EXPENSES.  Expenses (including  attorneys' fees) and
costs  incurred  by an officer of  director of the  Corporation  in  defending a
civil, criminal,  administrative or investigative action, suit or proceeding may
be paid by the  Corporation in advance of the final  disposition of such action,
suit or proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of such person
to repay such amount if it shall  ultimately be

determined that such person is not entitled to be indemnified by the Corporation
as  authorized  by this  Article.  Such  expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees)
incurred by other  former  directors  and  officers  employees  or agents of the
Corporation  may be so paid  upon  such  terms and  conditions,  if any,  as the
corporation deems appropriate.

     Section 4.6 INDEMNIFICATION NOT EXCLUSIVE. The provision of indemnification
to, or the  advancement of expenses and costs to, any person under this Article,
or the entitlement of any person to  indemnification  or advancement of expenses
and costs under this  Article,  shall not limit or restrict in any way the power
of the Corporation to indemnify or advance  expenses and costs to such person in
any other way  permitted by law or be deemed  exclusive of, or  invalidate,  any
right to which any person seeking indemnification or advancement of expenses and
costs  may be  entitled  under  any  law,  agreement,  vote of  stockholders  or
disinterested  directors  or  otherwise,  both as to  action  in  such  person's
capacity as an officer, director, employee or agent of the Corporation and as to
action to any other capacity while holding any such position.

     Section 4.7 ACCRUAL OF CLAIMS;  SUCCESSORS. The indemnification provided or
permitted  under this  Article  shall  apply in respect  of any  expense,  cost,
judgment,  fine, penalty or amount paid in settlement,  whether or not the claim
or cause of action  in  respect  thereof  accrued  or arose  before or after the
effective  date  of  this  Article.  The  right  of any  person  who is or was a
director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation to indemnification under
this  Article  shall  continue  after he shall  have  ceased  to be a  director,
officer,  employee  or agent  and  shall  inure  to the  benefit  of the  heirs,
distributes,  executors,  administrators and other legal representatives of such

     Section 4.8 CORPORATE OBLIGATIONS;  RELIANCE.  This Article shall be deemed
to create a binding obligation on the part of the Corporation to its current and
former officers,  directors,  employees and agents and their heirs, distributes,
executors,  administrators and other legal representatives,  and such persons in
acting in such  capacities  shall be entitled to rely on the  provisions of this
Article, without giving notice thereof to the Corporation.

     Section 4.9 INSURANCE.  The Corporation may purchase and maintain insurance
on behalf of any person who is or was a director,  officer, employee or agent of
the  Corporation,  or is or was serving at the request of, or to  represent  the
interests of, the Corporation as a Subsidiary  Officer of any Affiliated Entity,
against any liability  asserted  against such person and incurred by such person
in any such capacity, or arising out of such person's status as such, whether or
not the  Corporation  would have the power to indemnify such person against such
liability under the provisions of this Article or applicable law.

     Section  4.10  DEFINITIONS  OF  CERTAIN  TERMS.  (a) For  purposes  of this
Article,  references  to "the  Corporation"  shall  include,  in addition to the
resulting corporation, any constituent corporation (including any constituent of
a constituent)  absorbed in a  consolidation  or merger which,  if its corporate
existence had  continued,  would have been  permitted  under  applicable  law to
indemnify its directors, officers employees or agents,

so that any person who is or was a director,  officer, employee or agent of such
constituent  corporation,  or is or was serving at the request,  or to represent
the interests of, such constituent corporation as a director,  officer, employee
or agent of any  Affiliated  Entity shall stand in the same  position  under the
provisions   of  this  Article  with  respect  to  the  resulting  or  surviving
corporation  as  such  person  would  have  with  respect  to  such  constituent
corporation if its separate existence had continued.

     (b) For purposes of this  Article,  references to "fines" shall include any
excise  taxes  assessed on a person with  respect to an employee  benefit  plan;
references  to  "serving at the request of the  Corporation"  shall  include any
service as a director, officer, fiduciary,  employee or agent of the Corporation
which  imposes  duties on, or  involves  services  by, such  director,  officer,
fiduciary,  employee or  agent-with  respect to an employee  benefit  plan,  its
participants,  or  beneficiaries:  and a person who acted in good faith and in a
manner such person reasonably believed to be in the interest of the participants
and beneficiaries of an employee benefit plan shall be deemed to have acted in a
manner "not opposed to the best interest of the  Corporation"  as referred to in
this Article.

     Section  4.11  AMENDMENT  OR  REPEAL.  Any  repeal or  modification  of the
foregoing  provisions of this Article IV shall not adversely affect any right or
protection  hereunder of any person in respect of any act or omission  occurring
prior to the time of such repeal or modification.

                                    ARTICLE V


     Section 5.1 PRINCIPAL  OFFICERS.  The principal officers of the Corporation
shall be a Chairman of the Board,  one or more  Presidents,  a  Secretary  and a
Treasurer,  each of whom shall have the authority to perform the duties provided
in these  By-Laws and such other duties,  and may have such other  authority and
powers,  as may from time to time be  prescribed by the Board of Directors or as
the  Chairman of the Board may from time to time  delegate.  One person may hold
two or more  offices,  except that the Secretary may not also hold the office of

     Section 5.2  SUBORDINATE  OFFICERS.  The  Corporation may also have, at the
discretion of the Board of  Directors,  one or more Vice  Chairmen,  one or more
Vice  Presidents,  one or more  Assistant  Secretaries,  one or  more  Assistant
Treasurers  and such other  officers  as the  business  of the  Corporation  may
require,  each of whom shall have

the  authority  and perform the duties as may be provided in these By-Laws or as
may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors.

     Section  5.3  APPOINTMENT  OF THE  CORPORATION'S  OFFICERS.  The  Board  of
Directors  shall appoint the officers of the  Corporation,  each such officer to
hold his  office  until  the  earlier  of his  death,  resignation,  retirement,
disqualification or removal.  Thereafter,  the Board of Directors may, from time
to time,  appoint  other  officers of the  Corporation  to fill a vacancy in any
office or  otherwise,  each such officer to hold his office until the earlier of
his death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal from office.

     Section 5.4 REMOVAL AND RESIGNATION. (a) Any officer may be removed, either
with or  without  cause,  by the  unanimous  written  consent  of the  Board  of
Directors  or by a  majority  of the  directors  at the time in  office,  at any
regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors.

     (b) Any  officer  may  resign at any time by giving  written  notice to the
Board of Directors,  the Chairman of the Board of Directors,  a President or the
Secretary of the Corporation. Any such resignation shall take effect at the date
of the receipt of such notice or at any later time specified therein; and unless
otherwise  specified  therein,  the acceptance of such resignation  shall not be
necessary to make it effective.

     Section 5.5  CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD.  (a) The  Chairman of the Board  shall,
subject  to the  ultimate  direction  of the Board of  Directors,  have  general
supervision,   direction  and  control  of  the  business  and  affairs  of  the

     (b) The  Chairman of the Board shall have the general  powers and duties of
management usually vested in the chief executive officer of a corporation.

     (c) The  Chairman  of the  Board  shall  provide  the  general  and  active
management of the business  operations of the Corporation and shall see that all
orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect.

     (d) The  Chairman of the Board shall  execute  bonds,  mortgages  and other
contracts  requiring a seal,  under the seal of the  Corporation,  except  where
required or  permitted  by law to be  otherwise  signed and  executed and except
where the signing  and  execution  thereof  shall be  delegated  by the Board of
Directors to some other officer or agent of the Corporation.

     Section 5.6 PRESIDENT.  (a) A President,  unless a Chairman of the Board is
elected by the Board of Directors, shall, if present, preside at all meetings of
stockholders or directors.

     Section 5.7 SECRETARY.  (a) The Secretary  shall keep, or cause to be kept,
the minute book of the  Corporation  at the  principal  executive  office of the
Corporation,  or such other place as the Board of  Directors  may order,  of all
meetings of  stockholders,  the

Board of  Directors  and its  committees,  with the time and  place of  holding,
whether regular or special and if special, how authorized and the notice thereof
given, the names of those present at Board of Directors and committee  meetings,
the number of shares present or represented  at  stockholders'  meetings and the
proceedings thereof.

     (b) The  Secretary  shall  keep,  or  cause to be  kept,  at the  principal
executive  office  of the  Corporation  or at the  office  of the  Corporation's
transfer  agent, a share register,  or a duplicate  share register,  showing the
names of the stockholders and their addresses;  the number and classes of shares
held by each; the number and date of  certificates  issued for the same; and the
number  and  date  of   cancellation  of  every   certificate   surrendered  for

     Section 5.8 TREASURER. (a) The Treasurer shall deposit or cause the deposit
of all  monies  and  other  valuables  in the  name  and  to the  credit  of the
Corporation  with  such  depositories  as may be  designated  by  the  Board  of

     (b) The Treasurer  shall have custody of the corporate funds and securities
and shall keep full and accurate  accounts of receipts and  disbursements of the

     (c)  The  Treasurer   shall  be  responsible  for  effecting  the  properly
authorized   disbursement   of  funds  of  the  Corporation  and  shall  provide
appropriate  and timely  accounting  of his  transactions  as  Treasurer  to the
Chairman of the Board and to the Board of Directors.

     (d) The  Treasurer  shall  keep  and  maintain,  or  cause  to be kept  and
maintained,  adequate  and  correct  accounts  of the  properties  and  business
transactions of the Corporation,  including accounts of its assets, liabilities,
receipts, disbursements,  gains, losses, capital, additional paid-in capital and
retained  earnings.  Capital and additional  paid-in capital shall be classified
according to source and shown in separate accounts.

     (e) The  Treasurer  shall  provide  appropriate  and timely  reports on the
financial  condition of and the results of operations of the  Corporation to the
Chairman of the Board and to the Board of Directors.

     Section 5.9 VICE PRESIDENTS.  The Vice  Presidents,  if any, shall exercise
and perform  such powers and duties with  respect to the  administration  of the
business  affairs and operations of the  Corporation as may from time to time be
assigned to each of them by the Chairman of the Board,  a President or the Board
of  Directors,  or if not ranked,  a Vice  President  designated by the Board of
Directors,  may perform all of the duties of the  Chairman of the Board and when
so  acting  shall  have  all of the  powers  of  and  be  subject  to all of the
restrictions upon the Chairman of the Board.

     Section 5.10 ASSISTANT SECRETARIES. The Assistant Secretaries, if any, may,
in the absence or disability of the Secretary,  perform all of the duties of the
Secretary  and when so acting  shall have all of the powers of and be subject to
all of the restrictions upon the Secretary.

     Section 5.11 ASSISTANT TREASURERS.  The Assistant Treasurers,  if any, may,
in the absence or disability of the Treasurer,  perform all of the duties of the
Treasurer  and when so acting  shall have all of the powers of and be subject to
all of the restrictions upon the Treasurer.

     Section 5.12  COMPENSATION.  The compensation,  if any, of the officers and
agents shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE VI


     Section 6.1  BY-LAWS.  These  By-Laws may be altered or  repealed,  and new
By-Laws  adopted  by the  Board  of  Directors,  but the  stockholders  may make
additional  By-Laws and may alter and repeal any By-Laws whether adopted by them
or otherwise.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                               General Provisions

     Section 7.1 SEAL.  The Board of  Directors  shall  adopt a corporate  seal,
which  shall  be in the  form  of a  circle  and  shall  bear  the  name  of the
Corporation and words and figures showing that the Corporation was  incorporated
in the State of Delaware and the date of incorporation.

     Section 7.2 METHOD. Whenever by statute, the Certificate, these By-Laws, or
otherwise,  notice is required to be given to a  director,  committee  member or
stockholder,  and no provision  is made as to how the notice shall be given,  it
shall not be  construed  to mean  personal  notice,  but any such  notice may be
given: (a) in writing by mail,  first-class  postage  prepaid,  addressed to the
director,  committee  member,  or stockholder  and the address  appearing on the
books of the Corporation; (b) facsimile transmission; or (c) in any other method
permitted by law. Any notice  required or permitted to be given by mail shall be
deemed given at the time when the same is deposited in accordance with the terms
of this Section in the United States mails.

     Section  7.3 WAIVER OF NOTICE.  Whenever  notice is required to be given by
these By-Laws or the  Certificate or by law, the person  entitled to said notice
may waive such notice in writing, either before or after the time stated herein,
and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to notice.

     Section 7.4 FISCAL YEAR.  The fiscal year of the  Corporation  shall end on
the 30th day of September in each year.

     Section 7.5 CONSTRUCTION.  Whenever the context so requires,  the masculine
gender  shall  include the feminine  and neuter  genders and the singular  shall
include the plural,  and  conversely.  If any portion of these  By-Laws shall be
invalid or  inoperative,  then,  so far as is reasonable  and possible:  (a) the
remainder of these  By-Laws  shall be considered  valid and  operative;  and (b)
effect  shall be given to the intent  manifested  by the portion held invalid or

     Section  7.6  HEADINGS.  The  headings  set forth in these  By-Laws are for
organization, convenience and clarity. In interpreting these By-Laws, they shall
be subordinated in importance to other written material.

subject to, and  governed by the  Certificate  and any  written  agreement  by a
majority in  interest  of the  stockholders  filed with the  Corporation  at its
principal place of business.

     Section 7.8 FORM OF RECORDS.  Any records  maintained by the Corporation in
the  regular  course  of its  business,  including  its stock  ledger,  books of
account,  and minute  books,  may be kept on, or be in the form of, punch cards,
magnetic tape, diskettes, hard disk drives,  photographs,  microphotographs,  or
any other information  storage device,  provided that the records so kept can be
converted into clearly legible form within a reasonable time.