WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10K

(Mark one)

           [X]  ANNUAL  REPORT  PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 or 15 (d)
                OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (Fee Required) 
                    For the Fiscal Year ended April 30, 1998


               15 (d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
               For the transition  period from _____ to ______

                           Commission File No. 1-8061

                           FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

          Delaware                                      11-1986657
(State or other jurisdiction of             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

 (Address of principal executive offices)                (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: 516-794-4500

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (b) of the Act:

                                                     Name of each exchange on
      Title of each class                               which  registered 
      -------------------                              -------------------
Common Stock(par value $1.00 per share)            American Stock Exchange, Inc.

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12 (g) of the Act:


Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed  by  Section  13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934
during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter  period that the  Registrant
was  required  to file such  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No __

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of Registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ X ]

The aggregate market  value  of  voting stock  held  by  non-affiliates  of  the
Registrant as of July 21, 1998 - $73,760,000


The number of shares  outstanding of Registrant's  Common Stock, par value $1.00
as of July 21, 1998 - 7,729,221.

DOCUMENTS  INCORPORATED  BY  REFERENCE:  PART III  incorporates  information  by
reference  from  the  definitive  proxy  statement  for the  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders to be held on or about October 5, 1998.

                           (Cover page 1 of 195 pages)
                            Exhibit Index at Page 55

                                     PART I
Item 1.  Business
- -------  --------
      Frequency  Electronics,  Inc. (sometimes  referred  to  as "Registrant",  
"Frequency Electronics" or "Company") was founded  in  1961  as a  research  and
development firm in the area of time and frequency  control.  Unless the context
indicates  otherwise, references to the Registrant are to Frequency Electronics,
Inc. and its subsidiaries.  References to "FEI" are to the parent company  alone
and  do not  refer  to any of the subsidiaries.
      Frequency  Electronics was incorporated in Delaware in 1968 and became the
successor  to  the  business  of  Frequency   Electronics,   Inc.,  a  New  York
corporation,  organized in 1961.  The  principal  executive  office of Frequency
Electronics is located at 55 Charles  Lindbergh  Boulevard,  Mitchel Field,  New
York 11553. Its telephone number is 516-794-4500.
      The current  authorized  capital of the Registrant  consists of 20,000,000
shares  of $1.00  par  value  common  stock,  of  which  7,712,346  shares  were
outstanding at April 30, 1998,  and 600,000 shares of $1.00 par value  preferred
stock, none of which have been issued to date.,
      At its inception,  Registrant was involved principally in military defense
contracting  by way of the design,  development,  manufacture,  and marketing of
precision time and frequency control products. Its products are used in guidance
and navigation, communications,  surveillance and electronic counter measure and
timing  systems.  Such  products  are used on many of the  United  States'  most
sophisticated  military  aircraft,  satellites,  and missiles.  The Registrant's
business was highly  dependent upon the defense and space  spending  policies of
the U.S.  Government.  In recent years,  changing defense  priorities and severe
federal  government  budget  pressures  have  significantly  changed  the market
environment for defense related products.
      In an  effort to  better  serve  customers  on a more  competitive  basis,
Registrant has transformed  itself from a defense contract  manufacturer  into a
high-tech  provider of precision time and frequency products used to synchronize
voice,  data and video  transmissions  in  commercial  satellites  and  wireless
communications.  Registrant  has  segmented  its  operations  into two principal
industries:  commercial  products  for space  and  wireless  communications  and
defense  and space  applications  for  United  States  Government  end-use.  The
Registrant's  commercial  space  and  commercial   communications  programs  are
produced by its wholly-owned subsidiary FEI Communications,  Inc. ("FEIC"). FEIC
was  incorporated  in Delaware in December  1991,  and was created as a separate
subsidiary  company  to provide  ownership  and  management  of assets and other
services appropriate for commercial clients, both domestic and foreign.
      Registrant   has  focused  its  internal   research  and   development  on
re-engineering its core technologies for the commercial  markets.  During fiscal
1998,  1997 and  1996  approximately  82%,  70% and  45%,  respectively,  of the
Registrant's  sales  were for  commercial  products  used for  commercial  space
applications,  wireless  communications and foreign  governments.  For the years
ended  April  30,  1998,  1997  and  1996,   approximately  18%,  30%  and  55%,
respectively,  of the  Registrant's  sales  were  for U.S.  Government  end-use.
Registrant  believes  a  substantial  commercial  market  exists  for its legacy
technologies and has developed several new commercial product lines as discussed
later in this Item 1.

      On June 19, 1998,  FEI and the United  States  Government  (referred to as
either "U.S." or "Government")  entered into a Plea Agreement,  Civil Settlement
Agreement and Related Documents  ("Settlement  Agreement")  thereby concluding a
global disposition ("Global Disposition") of certain previously reported pending
litigations  and matters with the Government all of which is discussed at length
under Item 3. Legal  Proceedings.  Under the terms of the Settlement  Agreement,
FEI paid an aggregate of $8 million to the Government. These settlement payments
are reflected in Registrant's  consolidated results of operations for the fiscal
year ended April 30, 1998.

      By letter dated July 9, 1998,  FEI was notified by the U.S.  Department of
the Air Force of FEI's proposed  debarment from Government  contracting and from
directly or indirectly  receiving the benefits of federal  assistance  programs.
The proposed  debarment  is based upon FEI's  guilty plea entered in  connection
with the Global Disposition and the Settlement Agreement. The proposed debarment
is effective as of July 9, 1998. The consequences of the proposed  debarment and
its  potential  effect  on FEI are  discussed  at  length  under  Item 3.  Legal
      In January 1998,  in two  transactions,  Registrant  sold two buildings to
Reckson  Associates  Realty Corp., a real estate  investment  trust. In one sale
transaction,  Registrant  sold the  building  which it had leased to  Laboratory
Corporation of America ("LCA"),  receiving cash of  approximately  $15.6 million
and realizing a gain of approximately  $5.4 million after selling  expenses.  In
the other sale,  Registrant  effected a  tax-deferred  exchange of the  building
which it  occupies  for  approximately  486,000  participation  units of Reckson
Operating  Partnership,  L.P. ("REIT units") which were valued at closing at $12
million.  The REIT units are convertible into an equivalent  number of shares of
Reckson  Associates  Realty Corp., a publicly-traded  company,  after January 6,
1999.  Registrant  leased  back  approximately  43% of  the  building  from  the
purchaser.  (See  Item  2.  Properties  and  Notes  6 and 8 to the  accompanying
financial statements for additional information regarding these transactions and
the related accounting treatment.)

      A portion of the cash  proceeds  from the LCA  building  sale were used to
repay the $9 million loan obtained to finance the original  construction  of the
LCA  building.  Preceeding  the sale of its  buildings,  Registrant  prepaid the
balance of its Nassau County Industrial  Development  Agency bonds in the amount
of $820,000, including accrued interest.

      Historically,   Registrant  has  designed,  developed,   manufactured  and
marketed  precision  time  and  frequency  control  products  for two  principal
markets:.  commercial space applications and wireless communications markets and
the traditional  heritage  government and military markets.  Sales summaries for
the two  markets  during  each of the last  five  years  are set forth in Item 6
(Selected Financial Data).
      Registrant's  products  are  manufactured  from raw material  which,  when
combined  with  conventional   electronic  components  available  from  multiple
sources,  become  finished  products,  subsystems and systems used for satellite
applications,  space exploration,  wireless  communications,  position location,
radar,  sonar and electronic  counter-measures.  These products,  subsystems and
systems are employed in ground-based earth stations,  domestic and international
satellites,   fixed,   transportable,   portable   and   mobile   communications
installations  as  well  as  aircraft,   ships,  submarines  and  missiles.  The
Registrant's  products  are  marketed as  components,  instruments,  or complete
systems. Prices are determined based upon the complexity, design requirement and
delivery schedule as determined by project detail.
      Components - The Registrant's key  technologies  include quartz,  rubidium
and cesium from which it manufactures precision time and frequency standards and
higher  level  assemblies  which  allow  the  users  to  generate,  synchronize,
transmit,  and  receive  signals  in order to locate  their  position,  secure a
communications  system, or guide a missile. The components class of Registrant's
products  is  rounded  out with  crystal  filters  and  discriminators,  surface
acoustic wave resonators,  and space and high-reliability  custom thick and thin
film hybrid assemblies.
      Precision  quartz  oscillators use quartz  resonators in conjunction  with
electronic circuitry to produce signals with accurate and stable frequency.  The
Registrant's  products include several types of quartz oscillators,  suited to a
wide range of applications,  including: ultrastable units for critical satellite
and strategic systems,  and fast warm-up, low power consumption units for mobile
applications, including commercial aircraft and telephony.

      The ovenized  quartz  oscillator  is the most accurate  type,  wherein the
oscillator crystal is enclosed in a temperature  controlled environment called a
proportional oven. The Registrant  manufactures several varieties of temperature
controlling devices and ovens.
      The voltage-controlled  quartz oscillator is an electronically  controlled
device wherein the frequency may be stabilized or modulated,  depending upon the
      The  temperature   compensated  quartz  oscillator  is  an  electronically
controlled  device using a temperature  sensitive device to directly  compensate
for the effect of temperature on the oscillator's frequency.
      The  key  components  for  the  atomic  instrument  products  (cesium  and
rubidium) are manufactured totally from raw materials. The rubidium lamp, filter
and resonance cell provide the optical  subassembly  used in the  manufacture of
the  Registrant's  optically  pumped atomic rubidium  frequency  standards.  The
cesium tube  resonator is also  manufactured  totally from raw  materials and is
used in the  manufacture  of the  Registrant's  cesium primary  standard  atomic
      High reliability,  MIL-M-38510 Class S and B, custom hybrid assemblies are
manufactured in thick and thin film  technologies for applications from DC to 44
GHz.  These  are  used in  manufacturing  the  Registrant's  products,  and also
supplied directly to customers, for space and other high reliability systems.
      The Registrant,  under an agreement with TRW's  Electronics and Technology
Division,   markets  an  extensive   line  of  microwave   products,   including
millimeter/microwave  monolithic integrated circuits ("MIMICs") developed by TRW
for the  Department of Defense,  and microwave  monolithic  integrated  circuits
("MMICs")  developed  at TRW's own cost.  These  devices are  incorporated  into
"supercomponents" and integrated subassemblies.
      Efficient and reliable  DC-DC power  converters are  manufactured  for the
Registrant's  own  instruments,  and as stand  alone  products,  for  space  and
satellite applications.
      The Registrant  manufactures  filters and discriminators using its crystal
resonators,  for use in its own radio-frequency  and microwave receiver,  signal
conditioner and signal processor products.

      Instruments  - The  Registrant's  instrument  line consists of three basic
time and frequency generating instruments and a number of instruments which test
and  distribute  the time and  frequency.  The  Registrant's  time and frequency
generating  instruments  are the  quartz  frequency  standard,  rubidium  atomic
standard, cesium beam atomic standards and VSAT transceivers.
      The quartz frequency standard is an electronically  controlled solid-state
device which  utilizes a quartz  crystal  oscillator  to produce a highly stable
output signal at a standardized  frequency.  The Registrant's frequency standard
is used in communications, guidance and navigation and time synchronization. The
Registrant's  products also include a precision  frequency standard with battery
back-up and memory  capability  enabling it to remain in  operation if a loss of
power has occurred.
      The optically pumped atomic rubidium  frequency  standard is a solid-state
instrument  which  provides both timing and low phase noise  references  used in
wireless  communications  systems.  Rubidium  oscillators combine  sophisticated
glassware, light detection devices and electronics packages to generate a highly
stable frequency output. Rubidium, when energized by a specific radio frequency,
will absorb less light.  The  oscillator's  electronics  package  generates this
specific  frequency and the light detection device ensures,  through  monitoring
the  decreased  absorption  of light  by the  rubidium  and the use of  feedback
control loops,  that this specific  frequency is maintained.  This highly stable
frequency is then captured by the electronics package and generated as an output
signal. Rubidium oscillators provide atomic oscillator stability, at lower costs
and in smaller packages.
      The  cesium   beam  atomic   standard   utilizes   the  atomic   resonance
characteristics of cesium atoms to generate precise frequency, several orders of
magnitude  more accurate than other types of quartz  frequency  generators.  The
atomic  standard is a compact,  militarized  solid-state  device which generates
these precision frequencies for use with advanced  communications and navigation
equipment.  A digital  time-of-day  clock is incorporated  which provides visual
universal  time display and provides  digital timing for systems use. The atomic
standard manufactured by Registrant is a primary standard,  capable of producing
time accuracies of better than one second in seven hundred thousand years.

      The VSAT transceivers consisting of C and KU Bands are intended for use in
satellite communications primarily for private data and voice earth stations.
      As communications systems become more precise, the requirement for precise
frequency  signals  to drive a  multitude  of  electronic  equipment  is greatly
expanded. To meet this requirement,  the Registrant  manufactures a distribution
amplifier which is an electronically controlled solid-state device that receives
frequency from a frequency  standard and provides multiple signal outputs of the
input  frequency.  A  distribution  amplifier  enables many items of  electronic
equipment  in a single  facility,  aircraft  or ship to  receive a  standardized
frequency and/or time signal from a quartz, rubidium or cesium atomic standard.

      Systems - Essentially, the Registrant's systems portion of its business is
manufactured  by  integrating  selections  of its products into  subsystems  and
systems that meet  customer-defined  needs. This is done by utilizing its unique
knowledge of interfacing these technologies and experience in applying them to a
wide range of systems.  Registrant's systems generate electronic  frequencies of
predetermined  value  and  then  divide,   multiply,  mix,  convert,   modulate,
demodulate,  filter,  distribute,  combine,  separate, switch, measure, analyze,
and/or compare these signals depending on the system application.
      The Systems  portion of the business  includes a complete line of time and
frequency  control  systems,  capable of generating  many  frequencies  and time
scales that may be distributed to widely dispersed users, or within the confines
of a facility  or  platform,  or for a single  dedicated  purpose.  The time and
frequency control systems combine Registrant's  cesium,  rubidium and/or crystal
instruments  with its other  products,  to provide  systems for space and ground
based   communications,   space   exploration,   satellite   tracking  stations,
satellite-based   navigation  and  position  location,   secure   communication,
submarine  and ship  navigation  calibration,  and  electronic  counter-measures
applications. A number of these time and frequency control systems provide up to
quadruple redundancy to assure operational longevity.

      As of April 30, 1998, the  Registrant's  backlog amounted to approximately
$21.6 million as compared to the  approximately $14 million backlog at April 30,
1997 (see Item 7). The  backlog  includes  purchase  orders and  contracts  from
commercial and foreign  customers of  approximately  $20 million compared to $10
million  last year.  Approximately  50% of this backlog is expected to be filled
during  Registrant's  fiscal  year  ending  April 30,  1999.  While the  backlog
includes  firm  purchase  orders  and  contracts  and  may  be  a  guideline  in
determining  the  value  of  orders  which  may be  deliverable  in  the  period
indicated,  it is  subject  to change by reason  of  several  factors  including
possible cancellation of orders, change orders, terms of the contracts and other
factors  beyond  the  Registrant's  control.  Accordingly,  the  backlog  is not
necessarily indicative of the revenues or profits (losses) which may be realized
when the results of such contracts are reported.

      The  Registrant   markets  its  products  both  directly  and  through  27
independent sales representative organizations located principally in the United
States. Sales to non-U.S.  customers totaled  approximately 18%, 21%, and 17% of
net sales in fiscal years 1998, 1997 and 1996 respectively.
      The  Registrant's  products  are  sold to a  variety  of  customers,  both
commercial and governmental.  For the years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996,
approximately  18%, 30% and 55%,  respectively,  of the Registrant's  sales were
made under contracts to the U.S.  Government or subcontracts for U.S. Government

      Sales to Space Systems Loral ("SSL") and Motorola Corp.  each exceeded 10%
of the  Company's  consolidated  sales  for  the  year  ended  April  30,  1998.
Collectively  these  two  companies  accounted  for  approximately  49%  of  the
Registrant's  consolidated  sales for the fiscal year. For the years ended April
30, 1997 and 1996, sales to Hughes Aircraft Company ("HAC") and SSL exceeded 10%
individually and were 51% and 39%,  collectively,  of consolidated sales. During
the three years ended April 30, 1998,  sales to SSL and Motorola  were for space
applications  and commercial  communications,  respectively,  while sales to HAC
were substantially for U.S.  government  end-use.  The loss by the Registrant of
any one of these  companies  (except  with  respect to U.S.  government  end-use
business) would have a material adverse effect on the Registrant's business. The
Registrant  believes  its  relationship  with  these  companies  to be  mutually
satisfactory  and,  except for the  proposed  debarment  by the U.S.  Government
discussed  in Item 3, is not  aware  of any  prospect  for the  cancellation  or
significant  reduction  of any of its  commercial  or existing  U.S.  Government
      The  Registrant  purchases a variety of  components  such as  transistors,
resistors,  capacitors,  connectors and diodes for use in the manufacture of its
products.  The  Registrant is not  dependent  upon any one supplier or source of
supply for any of its component part purchases and maintains alternative sources
of supply for all of its  purchased  components.  The  Registrant  has found its
suppliers generally to be reliable and price-competitive.

      Registrant has  transformed  itself from a defense  contract  manufacturer
into a high-tech  provider of time and frequency  products  used to  synchronize
voice,  data and  video  transmissions  in  commercial  satellites  and  digital
wireless  communications.  Registrant  has focused  its  internal  research  and
development on re-engineering its core technologies for the commercial  markets.
As a result,  Registrant  has  experienced  accelerating  growth  in  commercial
revenues  and  anticipates  continued  substantial  sales growth in these areas.

Commercial Space:
      The commercial use of satellites launched for communications,  navigation,
weather forecasting,  video and data transmissions has led to the increased need
and ability to transmit  information  to earth based  receivers.  This  requires
precise timing and frequency control at the satellite.  For example,  Registrant
manufactures  the  master  clocks  (quartz,   rubidium  and  cesium)  and  other
significant   timing   products  for  many  satellite   communication   systems.
Registrant's  space hybrid  assemblies are used onboard  spacecraft for command,
control and power  distribution.  Efficient and reliable DC-DC power  converters
are also  manufactured  for the  Registrant's own instruments and as stand alone
products  for  space  and  satellite  applications.   Registrant's  subminiature
oven-controlled  quartz crystal oscillator is a low cost, small size,  precision
crystal  oscillator  suited  for  high-end  performance  required  in  satellite
transmissions,  airborne telephony and geophysical  survey positioning  systems.
Registrant's   space-quallified   products  have  been  utilized  by  commercial
satellite  programs such as Globalstar,  Eutelsat,  Inmarsat and Worldstar.  New
products based on Registrant's heritage military designs are being introduced to
take  advantage  of this  emerging  market.  These new  products  include  local
frequency generators, up and down converters,  low noise amplifiers and complete
satellite transceivers.

Terrestrial Wireless Communications:
      The  telecommunications  industry is rapidly  expanding as a result of the
conversion  from analog to digital systems and the expansion of cellular and PCS
networks.  Wireless  communication  services have become an integral part of the
telecommunications market.

      Wireless  communication networks consist of numerous installations located
throughout a service area,  each with its own base station  connected by wire or
microwave radio through a network switch.  Network  operators are in the process
of  converting  older  networks  from analog to digital  technology  in order to
expand network  coverage,  increase capacity and improve  transmission  quality.
This upgrade  requires  very  accurate  frequency  control at the base  stations
accomplished  through quartz or rubidium  oscillators to achieve a higher degree
of precision.

      Currently three leading digital  technologies are utilized:  Time Division
Multiple  Access,  Code  Division  Multiple  Access and Global System for Mobile
Communications.  These transmission protocols are segmented and transmitted over
a wider spectrum of bandwidths  than  available  under analog  systems.  Digital
systems  have a need for more  accurate  synchronization  which is  accomplished
through use of precise timing devices located throughout the system.  Registrant
manufactures a Commercial  Rubidium Atomic  Standard,  an extremely  small,  low
cost,  low phase noise,  stable atomic  standard and  temperature  stable quartz
crystal oscillators  ideally suited for use in advanced cellular  communications
and wireless telecommunications.


      During the fiscal years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996, approximately
18%,  30% and 55%,  respectively,  of the  Registrant's  sales were made  either
directly with U.S.  Government  agencies or indirectly with government  agencies
through  subcontracts  intended for government  end-use.  All of these contracts
were on a fixed price basis.  Under a fixed price contract the price paid to the
Registrant is not subject to  adjustment by reason of the costs  incurred by the
Registrant in the performance of the contract,  except for costs incurred due to
contract  changes  ordered by the customer.  These contracts are on a negotiated
basis under which the Registrant bears the risk of cost overruns and derives the
benefit from cost savings.
      Negotiations on U.S.  Government  contracts are sometimes based in part on
Certificates  of Current Costs. An inaccuracy in such  certificates  may entitle
the  government  to an  appropriate  recovery.  From time to time,  the  Defense
Contracts  Audit  Agency  ("DCAA")  of the  Department  of  Defense  audits  the
Registrant's  accounts with respect to these  contracts.  The  Registrant is not
aware of any basis for recovery with respect to past certificates.
      All  government  end-use  contracts  are  subject  to  termination  by the
purchaser for the convenience of the U.S.  Government and are subject to various
other provisions for the protection of the U.S. Government. In the event of such
termination,  the  Registrant  is entitled to receive  compensation  as provided
under such contracts and in the applicable U.S.
Government regulations.
      The  Registrant's   proprietary  products  have  been  used  in  guidance,
navigation,   communications,   radar,   sonar   surveillance   and   electronic
countermeasure  and  timing  systems.  Products  are  built in  accordance  with
Department  of Defense  standards  and are in use on many of the United  States'
most  sophisticated  military  aircraft,  satellites  and  missiles.  The Global
Positioning  Satellite System, as well as the MILSTAR Satellite System,  are two
examples of the programs in which the  Registrant  participates.  The Registrant
has  manufactured  the master  clock for the Trident  missile,  the basic timing
system for the Voyager I and Voyager II deep space exploratory  missions and the
quartz timing system for the Space Shuttle.  The Registrant's cesium beam atomic
clock is presently employed in low frequency secure communications, surveillance
and positioning systems for the United States Air Force, Navy and Army.

      Sales summaries for the Commercial and U.S. Government markets during each
of the last five years are set forth in Item 6 (Selected Financial Data).

      The Registrant's  technological  expertise has been an important factor in
its growth. Until a few years ago, virtually all of its research and development
activities   had   taken   place   in   connection    with    customer-sponsored
development-oriented   products   conducted  under  fixed  price  contracts  and
subcontracts  in support of U.S.  Government  programs.  The Registrant has been
successful in applying its  resources to develop  prototypes  and  preproduction
hardware  for  use  in  navigation,   communication,   guidance  and  electronic
countermeasure   programs   and   space   application.   The   output  of  these
customer-sponsored projects, in all cases, is of a proprietary nature.
      Registrant has focused its internal  research and  development  efforts on
improving  the core physics and  electronic  packages in its time and  frequency
products.  Registrant  continues to conduct  research in developing new time and
frequency  technologies and improving  product  manufacturability  by seeking to
reduce its production  costs through product redesign and other measures to take
advantage of lower cost components.
      The  Registrant  continues  to  focus  a  significant  portion  of its own
resources and efforts on developing  hardware for commercial  satellite programs
and terrestrial wireless communications systems which it anticipates will result
in future growth and increased  profits.  During fiscal 1998, 1997 and 1996, the
Registrant  expended  $1.4 million,  $1.5  million,  and $1.1 million of its own
funds,  respectively,  on such research and development activity. (See also Item
7.  Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of
Operations.)  For fiscal 1999,  the Registrant has committed up to an additional
$5.5 million to develop hardware for the growing  commercial  telecommunications
satellite  market.  This  development  effort is intended to meet the demand for
satellite  transponder  components in response to the  anticipated  launching of
over 2,000 commercial satellites, world-wide, over the next five to seven years.

      The  Registrant  believes  that its business is not dependent on patent or
license  protection.  Rather,  it is primarily  dependent upon the  Registrant's
technical competence, the quality of its products and its prompt and responsible
contract performance. However, the rights to inventions of employees working for
the Registrant are assigned to the Registrant and the Registrant presently holds
such patents and licenses.  Also,  in certain  limited  circumstances,  the U.S.
Government  may use or  permit  the use by the  Company's  competitors,  certain
patents or licenses it has funded.  Registrant does not believe that patents and
licenses are material to its business.

      The Registrant  experiences  intense competition with respect to all areas
of its business. The Registrant competes primarily on the basis of the accuracy,
performance  and  reliability  of its  products,  the ability of its products to
perform in severe  environments  encountered  in space,  prompt  and  responsive
contract performance,  and the Registrant's  technical competence and price. The
Registrant  has a unique  and  broad  product  line  which  includes  all  three
frequency standards - quartz,  rubidium, and cesium. The Registrant believes its
ability to take such raw materials,  manufacture  finished  products,  integrate
them into systems and sub-systems,  and to interface these systems with end-user
applications  by  determining  the most  appropriate  type,  all under one roof,
provides the Registrant with an advantage over many of its competitors.
      Many of the Registrant's  competitors are larger,  have greater  financial
resources and have larger research and development and marketing staffs than the
Registrant.  With  respect to the  cesium  beam  atomic  clock,  quartz  crystal
standard  and  rubidium  frequency   standard,   the  Registrant  competes  with
Hewlett-Packard  Company,  Datum,  Inc., and E. G. and G., Inc. The Registrant's
principal competition for space products is the in-house capability of its major

      The Registrant employs 225 persons,  none of whom are represented by labor

      The  Registrant's  business is not seasonal and no unusual working capital
requirements exist.

Item 2.  Properties
- -------------------
      Registrant  occupies  93,000  square  feet of a  manufacturing  and office
facility located in Mitchel Field, Long Island,  New York. This facility is part
of the building  which  Registrant  constructed  in 1981 and expanded in 1988 on
land  leased from Nassau  County.  In January  1998,  the  Registrant  sold this
building  and the  related  land lease  with the  County of  Nassau,  to Reckson
Associates  Realty  Corp.  ("Reckson"),  and  leased  back  the  space  which it
presently occupies.
      Registrant leases its manufacturing and office space from Reckson under an
11-year  lease at an annual rental of $400,000 per year with  Registrant  paying
its pro rata share of real estate  taxes along with the costs of  utilities  and
insurance. The lease provides for two 5-year renewal periods, exercisable at the
option of Registrant,  with annual rentals of $600,000  during the first renewal
period and $800,000  during the second  renewal  period.  Under the terms of the
lease, new office and engineering facilities for the Registrant were constructed
at the cost of  Reckson.  The  leased  space is  adequate  to meet  Registrant's
present and future operational needs.
      The sale of its building to Reckson,  a real estate investment trust whose
shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange ("REIT"),  was effected through
a tax-deferred  exchange of the building for approximately 486,000 participation
units of Reckson Operating Partnership, L.P. ("REIT units") which were valued at
closing  at $12  million.  Each REIT unit is  convertible  into one share of the
common  stock of the REIT after  January  6,  1999.  REIT units may not be sold,
transferred,   pledged  or  disposed  of  until   January   1999.  In  addition,
approximately 27,000 REIT units have been placed in escrow which may be released
to  Registrant  based  upon  the  price  per  share  of the  REIT on the date of
conversion of REIT units. Under the accounting provisions for sale and leaseback
transactions,  the sale of this  building is considered a financing and the REIT
units  received  are  reflected  as a  noncurrent  liability  while the  related
building  continues to be reflected as an asset.  Upon  liquidation  of the REIT
units,  a  portion  of the  resulting  gain on this sale  will be  deferred  and
recognized  into  income  over  the  term  of the  leaseback  with  the  balance
recognized in income on the date of liquidation.
      In a separate  transaction,  Registrant  also sold to Reckson an adjoining
building which  Registrant had constructed and leased to Laboratory  Corporation
of America. Registrant received cash of approximately $15.6 million and realized
a gain of approximately  $5.4 million after selling  expenses.  A portion of the
cash  proceeds of this sale were used to repay the $9 million  loan  obtained to
finance the original  construction  of the LCA building.  Preceeding the sale of
its buildings,  the Company prepaid the balance of its Nassau County  Industrial
Development Bonds in the amount of $820,000,  including  accrued interest.  (See
Note 7 to the accompanying financial statements.)

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings
- --------------------------

      On June 19,  1998 FEl and the United  States  government  (referred  to as
either "U.S." or "Government")  entered into a Plea Agreement,  Civil Settlement
Agreement and related documents  ("Settlement  Agreement")  thereby concluding a
global disposition ("Global Disposition") of certain previously reported pending
litigations and matters, as follows:

         1.       United  States  of  America vs. Frequency  Electronics,  Inc.,
                  Martin Bloch, Abraham Lazar, Harry Newman and Marvin Norworth,
                  Defendants,  United States  District Court,  Eastern ,District
                  of New York, CR No. 93/1261 ("Indictment").

         2.       United  States of America  vs.  Frequency  Electronics,  Inc.,
                  Martin Bloch, Abraham Lazar, Harry Newman and Marvin Norworth,
                  Defendants,  United States District Court, Eastern District of
                  New York,  CR No.  93/0176  ("Superseding  Indictment").  (The
                  Indictment  and   Superseding   Indictment  are   collectively
                  referred to as the "Criminal Cases").

         3.       United  States  of  America vs. Frequency  Electronics,  Inc.,
                  Martin Bloch, Abraham Lazar, Harry Newman and Marvin Norworth,
                  Defendants,  United States District Court, Eastern District of
                  New York, CV No. 93/5200 ("Fox Civil Case").

         4.       United  States  of  America,   ex  rel,   Howard  B.  Geldart,
                  Plaintiff-Relator  vs.  Frequency  Electronics,  Inc.,  Markus
                  Hechler,  Harry Newman,  Marvin Norworth and Steven Calceglia,
                  Defendants,  United States District Court, Eastern District of
                  New York, CV No. 93/4750 ("Geldart qui tam Action").

         5.       AMRAAM/cesium Grand Jury investigation, United States District
                  Court, Eastern District of New York ("AMRAAM Investigation").

      The foregoing matters are collectively referred to as the "Litigations".

      On June 19, 1998 the  Criminal  Cases were  disposed  of, as follows:  all
criminal charges brought by the United States against FEI's president, Martin B.
Bloch, its director,  Abraham Lazar, its secretary/treasurer,  Harry Newman, and
its retired  contracts  manager,  Marvin  Norworth,  have been  dismissed,  with
prejudice,  with all known criminal  investigations of these individuals  having
been resolved; and the criminal charges brought by the United States against FEI
have been dismissed,  with  prejudice,  with the exception of a single charge of
submitting a false  statement,  which failed to disclose the full explanation of
its costs on a highly classified government project, as to which FEI pled guilty
and paid the U.S. a fine of $400 Thousand and $1.1 Million as reimbursement  for
costs of its investigation, with all known criminal investigations of FEI having
been resolved.

      On June 19, 1998 the Fox Civil Case was  dismissed,  with prejudice, as to
all  defendants and FEI paid the U.S. $1.5 Million to settle this case.

      On June 19, 1998 the Geldart qui tam Action was dismissed, with prejudice,
as to all defendants and FEI paid the U.S. $5 Million to settle this case.

      The  individual  defendants  to the  Litigations  made no  payments to the
government with respect to the Settlement Agreement and Global Disposition.  The
Settlement  Agreement  specifically  provided  that  nothing  in the  Settlement
Agreement  or  any  payment  made  pursuant  to it  constitutes  evidence  of an
admission of liability,  and shall not be construed as an admission with respect
to any issue of law or fact by anyone  other than as to FEI with  respect to its
guilty  plea.  As a result of the  dismissals  of the  Criminal  Cases as to the
individual defendants,  Martin B. Bloch has resumed his position as President of
FEI,  Harry  Newman has resumed his  position as  secretary/treasurer,  and both
Martin B. Bloch and Abraham  Lazar have  resumed  their  original  positions  as
members  of the  Board of  Directors.  The  Global  Disposition  eliminates  the
substantial  costs and expenses for defending the  Litigations  which would have
otherwise continued for many years. The payments made pursuant to the Settlement
Agreement have a material effect on Registrant's fiscal 1998 financial results.

      A qui tam action was commenced in the United States District Court for the
Eastern  District of New York  entitled,  "The United  States of America ex rel.
Ralph Muller, Plaintiff, against Frequency Electronics,  Inc., Raytheon Company,
Raytheon  Company  Subsidiaries  #1-10,  fictitious  names for  subsidiaries  of
Raytheon Company,  Hughes Aircraft Company, Hughes Aircraft Company subsidiaries
#1-20,  fictitious names for subsidiaries of Hughes Aircraft Company, and Martin
Bloch,  Defendants",  index number CV-92 5716  ("Muller  Qui Tam  Action").  The
Muller Qui Tam Action was brought pursuant to the provisions of the False Claims
Act and is an action by which an individual  may,  under certain  circumstances,
sue one or more third persons on behalf of the  Government for damages and other

      The complaint was filed on or about  December 3, 1992, in camera and under
seal pursuant to the  provisions of the False Claims Act. The Court unsealed the
complaint by order dated  December 3, 1993,  after FEI  complained to the United
States  Attorney  for the  Eastern  District  of New  York  regarding  newspaper
articles  that  charged FEI with  manufacturing  defective  products  based upon
claims in an unspecified and undisclosed qui tam action. It is believed that the
Government  made  applications  to the  Court  on one or  more  occasions  after
December  3,  1992,  to  continue  to have the file in the Muller Qui Tam Action
remain under seal.  The complaint was served on FEI and Martin B. Bloch on March
28, 1994 and March 30, 1994,  respectively.  Under the  provisions  of the False
Claims Act, the  Government  is permitted  to take over the  prosecution  of the
action.  The  Government has declined to prosecute the Muller Qui Tam Action and
the plaintiff,  Ralph Muller ("Muller"), is proceeding with the action on behalf
of the Government as is permitted  under the False Claims Act.  Moreover,  while
the action names as parties  defendant,  Hughes Aircraft Company  ("Hughes") and
Raytheon  Company  ("Raytheon"),  along with several of their  subsidiaries,  it
appears that the Muller Qui Tam Action was  dismissed  voluntarily  by Muller on
April 6, 1994, as to Hughes, Raytheon and their respective subsidiaries. FEI and
Martin Bloch moved to dismiss the  complaint on various  grounds and at the oral
argument  of the motion to dismiss,  the Court  granted the motion to the extent
that the complaint  failed to plead fraud with  sufficient  particularity  as is
required  under the  Federal  Rules of Civil  Procedure  and the  plaintiff  was
directed to serve an amended complaint. On February 6, 1996, plaintiff served an
amended complaint ("Amended Complaint").
      The Amended  Complaint,  insofar as it  pertains to FEI and Martin  Bloch,
contains  a series  of  allegations  to the  effect  that  Hughes  and  Raytheon
contracted  with the  Government to supply it with Advanced  Medium Range Air to
Air Missiles ("AMRAAMS"); Hughes and Raytheon (collectively,  the "Contractors")
entered  into a  subcontract  with  FEI  pursuant  to which  FEI was to  design,
manufacture, test, sell and deliver to the Contractors certain oscillators which
constituted   components  of  the  AMRAAMS;   that  FEI   improperly   designed,
manufactured  and tested the  oscillators;  that  numerous  faulty and defective
oscillators were delivered to the Contractors; that the oscillators did not meet
contract  specifications;  that FEI was aware of the defective and faulty nature
of the oscillators;  that FEI and Martin Bloch knowingly directed non-disclosure
of the  design  flaws;  that  the  concealed  design  defects  in  developmental
oscillators permitted FEI to manufacture  additional defective oscillators which
were used in operational  missiles;  that as a direct result of FEI's fraudulent
concealment  of the  defects,  FEI was  contracted  to  design  and  manufacture
additional oscillators;  that when missiles were returned to FEI for repair, FEI
charged  the  Government  for  repair  even  though  FEI knew the units had been
defective at the time of delivery;  that FEI falsified  test results and FEI and
Martin Bloch directed the  falsification of test results;  and that FEI sold and
delivered  the  oscillators  to the  Contractors;  as a result of the faulty and
defective oscillators, many of the AMRAAMS failed to function properly; and that
the Government sustained damages. The complaint demands an unspecified amount of
damages allegedly suffered by the Government,  and asks that the Court determine
the damages and assess civil  penalties as provided  under the False Claims Act,
and that the plaintiff Muller be awarded a bounty. Under the False Claims Act, a
recovery can be made in favor of the  Government for a civil penalty of not less
than $5,000 and not more than  $10,000 as to each false claim and for each false
record and  statement,  plus three times the amount of damages it is  determined
the Government sustained, plus legal fees and expenses.
      FEI has determined to vigorously  defend the Muller Qui Tam Action. It has
answered  the  Amended  Complaint,  denied the  material  allegations,  asserted
seventeen affirmative defenses, and counterclaims for: libel and product libel -
demanding damages of $3,000,000;  republication of the libel and product libel -
demanding  damages of  $3,000,000;  slander - demanding  damages of  $3,000,000;
tortious  interference  with  prospects  for  additional  business  relations  -
demanding  damages  of  $1,865,010;  prima  facie  tort -  demanding  damages of
$1,865,010;  conversion  -  demanding  damages  of  $11  plus  an  amount  to be
determined  at trial;  breach of  employment  contract  -  demanding  damages of
$1,865,010;  breach of fiduciary duty - demanding  damages of  $1,865,010;  plus
punitive  damages in the  amount of  $30,000,000  on each of the tort  causes of
action, and legal fees and expenses.  The substance of the counterclaims alleged
against Muller are predicated  upon a letter dated November 23, 1992  ("November
23 Letter") written by Muller's attorneys Schneider,  Harris,  Harris and Furman
("SHHF")  to  the  Government  which  allegedly  contained  false  and  libelous
statements concerning FEI's design, manufacture and production of components for
Hughes and Raytheon in connection with the AMRAAMS.

      In addition,  FEI has instituted a third party action against SHHF, Robert
Harris, Esq. and Rod Kovel, Esq., attorneys for Muller, in connection with their
alleged  authoring  and  publishing  of the  November 23 Letter  provided to the
Government.  The  third-party  complaint  asserts  the same  claims  against the
attorneys as are asserted in the  counterclaims  against  Muller,  for libel and
product libel,  republication of the libel and product libel, slander,  tortious
interference with contractual  relations,  prima facie tort and conversion.  The
counterclaims and third-party  complaint have been served. Muller has replied to
the counterclaims asserted in FEI's answer to the Amended Complaint,  denied the
substantive   allegations  and  asserted  various  affirmative   defenses.   The
third-party defendants have replied to the third-party complaint and have denied
the allegations and asserted  various  affirmative  defenses.  Discovery has not
      Muller  moved to  dismiss  the  counterclaims  in the answer and the third
party  defendants  moved to dismiss the  third-party  complaint.  FEI and Martin
Bloch moved to dismiss the  complaint in the Muller Qui Tam Action.  The motions
were argued on January 5, 1996 and at the time the Court  directed the plaintiff
to serve the  Amended  Complaint.  At the oral  argument,  the Court  deferred a
portion of its  decision  and, in addition,  it indicated a formal  decision and
order would be provided  as to certain of the relief  requested.  By order dated
August 29, 1996,  the Court stated that on January 5, 1996,  the  Government had
agreed to unseal the case file and that the balance of the relief  requested was
denied or otherwise  dealt with as reflected on the record at the oral  argument
on January 5, 1996.  On April 11,  1997,  in open Court and on the  record,  the
Court ordered that the Muller Qui Tam Action is stayed pending resolution of the
Criminal  Cases.  The  Criminal  Cases are now  resolved by reason of the Global
Disposition.  Accordingly,  it is anticipated prosecution of this action and the
counterclaims will be resumed.
      No opinion  can be offered as to the outcome of the Muller Qui Tam Action,
the FEI counterclaims, third-party action or the pending motions.
      On  December  1,  1993,  FEI was  served  with a  complaint  in an  action
entitled,  "In the Court of  Chancery  of the State of  Delaware  In and For New
Castle County,  Diane Solash Derivatively,  on behalf of Frequency  Electronics,
Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  Plaintiff,  vs. Martin B. Bloch, Peter O. Clark,
Joseph P. Franklin,  Joel Girsky,  Abraham Lazar, John C. Ho, E. John Rosenwald,
Jr.,  individuals,  Defendants  and  Frequency  Electronics,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
Corporation,  Nominal Defendant",  Civil Action No. 13266 ("Solash Action").  At
the time this action was instituted,  all of the individual  defendants named in
the complaint were directors of FEI,  Martin B. Bloch was president and chairman
of the board of  directors  and Abraham  Lazar was a  vice-president.  Joseph P.
Franklin is presently chairman of the board of directors,  Lazar has retired and
is no longer a vice president.  On January 24, 1994, plaintiff served an amended
complaint adding as named defendants Harry Newman, FEI's secretary/treasurer and
Marvin Norworth, then FEI's contracts manager. This is a derivative action which
is  permitted  by law to be  instituted  by a  shareholder  for the benefit of a
corporation to enforce an alleged right or claim of the corporation  where it is
alleged that such  corporation has either failed and refused to do so or may not
reasonably  be  expected to do so. FEI is named as a nominal  defendant.  In the
Solash  Action,  the  complaint  alleges  that the  members  of  FEI's  board of
directors  may not  reasonably  be  expected  to  authorize  an  action  against
      The substance of the amended complaint contains  allegations,  in general,
as follows:  the Indictment was issued naming FEI, its directors at the time and
certain of its officers and employees as defendants and, generally alleged, that
they  defrauded  the  government,  submitted  false  statements  and invoices on
government  projects,  destroyed and altered records,  and made false statements
and submitted false  documents to government  officials (The Indictment has been
dismissed with prejudice. FEI pled guilty to a single charge under a Superseding
Indictment  of  submitting a false  statement  which failed to disclose the full
explanation  of  costs  on  a  highly  classified  government  project  and  the
Superseding  Indictment  was  otherwise  dismissed  with  prejudice  as  to  all
defendants.  The  Indictment  and  Superseding  Indictment  generally  contained
similar  allegations.);  the  misconduct  of FEI's  personnel  as alleged in the
Indictment  is such that FEI is exposed to  material  and  substantial  monetary
judgments and penalties as well as the loss of significant  Government business;
such  misconduct is likely to continue;  the individual  defendants were under a
fiduciary  obligation  to FEI and its  shareholders  to  supervise,  manage  and
control  with due care and  diligence  the  business  operations  of FEI and the
business  conduct of its  personnel;  that they  failed to do so and as a direct
consequence,  the  matters  alleged  in the  Indictment  occurred;  and that the
individual defendants breached their fiduciary duty. The amended complaint seeks
judgment  against  the  individual  defendants  in the  amount of all losses and
damages suffered by FEI and  indemnification,  on account of the matters alleged
in the  amended  complaint,  together  with  interest,  costs,  legal  and other
experts' fees.

      FEI and  all of the  individual  defendants  have  moved  to  dismiss  the
complaint in the Solash Action ("Motion(s)"). To date, the Motions have not been
heard by the Court.  FEI has determined to vigorously  defend the Solash Action.
Discovery has not commenced.  No opinion can be offered as to the outcome of the
Motions or with respect to the Solash Action.
      On February 4, 1994, FEI was served with a complaint in an action entitled
"Supreme  Court of the  State of New  York,  County  of New  York,  Moise  Katz,
Plaintiff, against Martin B. Bloch, Joseph P. Franklin, Joel Girsky, John C. Ho,
Abraham Lazar, E. John Rosenwald,  Jr., Defendants,  and Frequency  Electronics,
Inc.,  Nominal  Defendant",  Index Number 93-129450  ("Katz Action").  This is a
derivative  action which is permitted by law to be  instituted  by a shareholder
for the  benefit of a  corporation  to enforce an alleged  right or claim of the
corporation  where it is alleged  that such  corporation  has either  failed and
refused to do so or may not  reasonably  be expected to do so. FEI is named as a
nominal defendant. In the Katz Action, the complaint alleges that the members of
FEI's board of directors  may not  reasonably be expected to authorize an action
against  themselves.  At  the  time  this  action  was  instituted,  all  of the
individual  defendants  named in the complaint were directors of FEI,  Martin B.
Bloch was president and chairman of the board of directors and Abraham Lazar was
a vice  president.  Joseph P.  Franklin  is  presently  chairman of the board of
directors. Lazar has retired and is no longer a vice president.
      The  substance  of the  complaint  contains  allegations,  in general,  as
follows:  the  Indictment  was issued  naming FEI, its directors at the time and
certain of its officers and employees as defendants and, generally alleged, that
they  defrauded  the  government,  submitted  false  statements  and invoices on
government  projects,  destroyed and altered records,  and made false statements
and submitted false  documents to government  officials (The Indictment has been
dismissed with prejudice. FEI pled guilty to a single charge under a Superseding
Indictment  of  submitting a false  statement  which failed to disclose the full
explanation  of  costs  on  a  highly  classified  government  project  and  the
Superseding  Indictment  was  otherwise  dismissed  with  prejudice  as  to  all
defendants.  The  Indictment  and  Superseding  Indictment  generally  contained
similar  allegations.);  the  misconduct  of FEI's  personnel  as alleged in the
Indictment  is such that FEI is exposed to  material  and  substantial  monetary
judgments and penalties as well as the loss of significant  Government business;
such  misconduct is likely to continue;  the individual  defendants were under a
fiduciary  obligation  to FEI and its  shareholders  to  supervise,  manage  and
control  with due care and  diligence  the  business  operations  of FEI and the
business  conduct  of  its  personnel;  that  they  failed  to  do so  and  as a
consequence, the matters alleged in the Indictment occurred; that the individual
defendants  were grossly  negligent and as a consequence  the matters alleged in
the Indictment occurred; that the individual defendants voluntarily participated
in such  wrongdoing  and  attempted  to  conceal  it;  and that  the  individual
defendants  intentionally  and negligently  breached their fiduciary duty to FEI
and its  shareholders.  The complaint seeks judgment against these defendants in
favor of FEI in the amount of all losses and damages  suffered by FEI on account
of the facts alleged in the complaint,  together with interest, costs, legal and
other experts' fees.
      FEI and all of the  defendants  have moved to dismiss the complaint in the
Katz Action  ("Motion(s)").  At the time of the Motions,  the plaintiff moved to
amend  the  complaint  by  setting  forth  certain  additional   allegations  of
wrongdoing including,  among others,  amplifying allegations with respect to the
Indictment, setting forth allegations relating to the Muller Qui Tam Action, and
allegations  attempting  to clarify the  relationship  of the parties to the New
York forum,  the latter  allegations  having been  attacked on the  Motions.  In
connection  with the  Motions,  the  defendants  stipulated  that they would not
object to any  application  by the  plaintiff  Katz to  intervene  in the Solash
action.  By order dated  September 21, 1994,  the Court granted the  defendants'
Motions, dismissed the complaint and denied the plaintiff's cross-motions.

      On or about  November  17,  1994,  FEI was served with a  complaint  in an
action  entitled,  "In the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware In and For
New Castle County, Moise Katz Derivatively,  on behalf of Frequency Electronics,
Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  Plaintiff,  vs. Martin B. Bloch, Peter O. Clark,
Joseph P. Franklin,  Joel Girsky,  John C. Ho, Abraham Lazar, E. John Rosenwald,
Jr.,  Harry  Newman,  Marvin  Norworth,  individuals,  Defendants  and Frequency
Electronics, Inc., a Delaware corporation,  Nominal Defendant", Civil Action No.
13841 ("Katz Delaware  Action").  All of the individual  defendants named in the
complaint,  with the exception of Harry Newman  ("Newman")  and Marvin  Norworth
("Norworth"),  were all  directors  of FEI,  Martin B. Bloch was  president  and
chairman of the board of  directors,  Abraham  Lazar was a  vice-president,  and
Joseph P. Franklin is presently  chairman of the board of  directors.  Lazar has
retired and is no longer a vice president.  Newman is FEI's  secretary/treasurer
and Norworth was FEI's  contracts  manager and is retired.  This is a derivative
action which is  permitted  by law to be  instituted  by a  shareholder  for the
benefit of a corporation to enforce an alleged right or claim of the corporation
where it is alleged that such  corporation has either failed or refused to do so
or may not reasonably be expected to do so. FEI is named as a nominal defendant.
In the Katz Delaware  Action,  the  complaint  alleges that the members of FEI's
board of directors may not reasonably be expected to authorize an action against
      The  substance  of the  complaint  contains  allegations,  in general,  as
follows:  the  Indictment  was issued  naming FEI, its directors at the time and
certain of its officers and employees as defendants and, generally alleged, that
they  defrauded  the  government,  submitted  false  statements  and invoices on
government  projects,  destroyed and altered records,  and made false statements
and submitted false  documents to government  officials (The Indictment has been
dismissed with prejudice. FEI pled guilty to a single charge under a Superseding
Indictment  of  submitting a false  statement  which failed to disclose the full
explanation  of  costs  on  a  highly  classified  government  project  and  the
Superseding  Indictment  was  otherwise  dismissed  with  prejudice  as  to  all
defendants.  The  Indictment  and  Superseding  Indictment  generally  contained
similar  allegations.);  the  misconduct  of FEI's  personnel  as alleged in the
Indictment  is such that FEI is exposed to  material  and  substantial  monetary
judgments and penalties as well as the loss of significant  Government business;
such  misconduct is likely to continue;  the individual  defendants were under a
fiduciary  obligation  to FEI and its  shareholders  to supervise,  manage,  and
control  with due care and  diligence  the  business  operations  of FEI and the
business  conduct of its  personnel;  that they  failed to do so and as a direct
consequence,  the  matters  alleged  in the  Indictment  occurred;  and that the
individual  defendants  breached  their  fiduciary  duty.  The  complaint  seeks
judgment  against  the  individual  defendants  in the  amount of all losses and
damages suffered by FEI and  indemnification,  on account of the matters alleged
in the complaint, together with interest, costs, legal, and other experts' fees.
      Pursuant  to the  order  of the  Court,  the  Solash  Action  and the Katz
Delaware  Action have been  consolidated  under  consolidated  Civil  Action No.
13266,  with the caption "In Re  Frequency  Electronics  Derivative  Litigation"
("Derivative Litigation").
      In the Derivative  Litigation,  FEI and all of the  individual  defendants
have moved to dismiss  the  consolidated  complaint  and to stay the  Derivative
Litigation   pending  a  disposition  of  the  Indictment  and  the  Superseding
Indictment ("Motion(s)"). To date, the Motions have not been heard by the Court.
However, as a result of the Motions,  pursuant to a Stipulation and Order of the
Court dated May 17, 1995,  and a  Stipulation  and Order of the Court dated June
14, 1995, the Derivative Litigation has been dismissed as to Newman and Norworth
and is otherwise  stayed  pending a disposition of the  Indictment,  Superseding
Indictment and related  investigations until the further order of the Court. The
Indictment,  Superseding  Indictment  and the related  investigations  have been
disposed of by reason of the Global Disposition.  Accordingly, it is anticipated
the prosecution of the Derivative Litigation will be resumed. FEI has determined
to  vigorously  defend  the  Derivative  Litigation.   Discovery  has  not  been
commenced.  No opinion can be offered as to the outcome of the Motion(s) or with
respect to the Derivative Litigation.
      FEI has filed claims with its insurance  carriers  pertaining to potential
coverages  for  directors  and  officers   relating  to  the  first  Grand  Jury
Investigation,  the Indictment  and the  Superseding  Indictment,  the Fox Civil
Case, the Muller Qui Tam Action, the AMRAAM  Investigation,  the Geldart Qui Tam
Action, the Solash Action and the Katz Action.

      Certain  disclaimers  of  coverage  have  been made by the  carriers  with
respect to certain of these matters. No opinion can be offered as to coverage or
the extent of coverage under any of the foregoing  policies.  At the appropriate
time,  FEI  intends  to  vigorously  pursue  its  rights  with  respect to these
insurance policies.
      Included in selling and administrative expenses are legal fees incurred in
connection  with the above  matters  of  approximately  $741,000,  $890,000  and
$919,000 for fiscal years 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

Government Contract Suspension and Debarment
      By letter dated July 13, 1998, FEI was notified by the U.S.  Department of
the Air Force that it terminated the suspension  proceedings  initiated  against
FEI's  president and director,  Martin B. Bloch,  its former vice  president and
director,  Abraham Lazar, its  secretary/treasurer,  Harry Newman and its former
contracts  manager,  Marvin  Norworth.  By letter  dated July 9,  1998,  FEI was
notified by the U.S.  Department  of the Air Force of FEI's  proposed  debarment
from  Government  contracting  and from  directly or  indirectly  receiving  the
benefits of federal  assistance  programs.  The proposed debarment is based upon
FEI's  guilty plea entered in  connection  with the Global  Disposition  and the
Settlement Agreement. The proposed debarment is effective as of July 9, 1998 and
has the following consequences:
         1.       FEI's name will be published  in the List of Parties  Excluded
                  From  Federal  Procurement  and  Nonprocurement   Programs,  a
                  publication of the General Services Administration  containing
                  the names of  contractors  debarred,  suspended,  proposed for
                  debarment, or declared ineligible by any agency of the Federal
                  Government.  Proposed  debarment is effective  throughout  the
                  executive branch of the Federal Government.
         2.       Offers  will  not be  solicited  from,  contracts  will not be
                  awarded  to,  exiisting  contracts  will  not  be  renewed  or
                  otherwise extended for, and subcontracts  requiring Government
                  approval  will not be  approved  for FEI by any  agency in the
                  executive branch of the Federal  Government unless the head of
                  the agency taking the contracting  action or a designee states
                  in  writing  the  compelling  reason  for  continued  business
                  dealings between FEI and the agency.
         3.       FEI may not conduct business with the Federal Government as an
                  agent or representative of other contractors.
         4.       No Government  contractor may award a subcontract  equal to or
                  in excess  of  $25,000  to FEI  unless  there is a  compelling
                  reason  to  do  so  and  the  contractor  first  notifies  the
                  contracting   officer  and  further   complies   with  certain
                  Government regulations.
         5.       No agency in the executive  branch shall enter into,  renew or
                  extend primary or lower tier covered transactions in which FEI
                  is either a participant  or principal,  unless the head of the
                  agency grants an exception in writing.
         6.       FEI  may  not  act  as  an  agent  or representative  of other
                  participants in federal assistance programs.
         7.       FEI's affiliation  with  or relationship  to any  organization
                  doing  business with the Government will be carefully examined
                  to determine the impact of those ties on the responsibility of
                  the organization to be Government contractor or subcontractor.

      Counsel for FEI have met with the Air Force suspension  authority and have
explained FEI's position as to why the debarment is inappropriate. The period of
the proposed  debarment has not been determined as yet. Debarment is imposed for
a period commensurate with the seriousness of the causes.  Generally,  debarment
does not exceed three years. The duration of FEI's  preexisting  suspension will
be considered in determining the debarment  period.  The debarring  official may
also extend the debarment for an additional  period if that official  determines
that an extension is necessary to protect the Government's interest. A debarment
may not be  extended  solely on the basis of the  facts and  circumstances  upon
which the initial  debarment  action was based.  The debarring  official has the
authority to reduce the period or extent of the debarment. Based upon applicable
Government regulations,  FEI does not believe that the proposed debarment should
be for an extended period of time,  although FEI is unable to predict the period
of such debarment.

      On  February  14,  1997,  FEI  commenced  an action in the  United  States
District  Court for the  Eastern  District  of  Virginia,  Alexandria  Division,
entitled "Frequency  Electronics,  Inc., Plaintiff, v. United States of America,
Department of the Air Force, Defendant", which sought (1) a declaration that (i)
the Government's  decision to continue the Company's  suspension from Government
contracting beyond three years violates the applicable provisions of the Federal
Acquisition  Regulations ("FAR"), (ii) its continuation of the suspension beyond
three  years  is  punitive   in  nature,   (iii)  the  summary   nature  of  the
administrative decision to continue the suspension violates the Company's rights
under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth  Amendment,  denies the procedural due
process and the principles of fundamental  fairness  mandated by the FAR, and is
otherwise arbitrary and capricious, and an abuse of discretion, and (iv) further
consideration of the matter on remand to the Air Force Suspension Official would
prove to be an exercise in futility,  (2) a preliminary and permanent injunction
prohibiting  defendant  from (i) continuing  the Company's  suspension,  or (ii)
imposing a new suspension or debarment  relating to the facts and  circumstances
known by the  Government  at the time of the  imposition  of the  suspension  on
December 13, 1993,  and (3) an order  directing  the  Government to promptly and
expeditiously  take the necessary  action to remove the Company's  name from the
GSA Lists of  Parties  Excluded  from  Federal  Procurement  or  Non-Procurement
      The Air Force moved for summary judgment.  On March 14, 1997, the District
Court granted the Air Force judgment,  dismissed the action with prejudice,  and
refused to grant and decide the Company's  motion for a preliminary  injunction.
The Company  appealed the District  Court's  order to the United States Court of
Appeals  for the  Fourth  Circuit.  By an Order  dated July 1, 1998 the Court of
Appeals  affirmed the District  Court Order.  Registrant  has not as yet decided
whether it will seek reargument or will petition the United States Supreme Court
for certiorari to review such decision.
      In fiscal  year  1999,  Registrant  anticipates  that less than 10% of its
business will be comprised of prime and  subcontracts in which the Government is
the end-user.  Registrant expects that the balance of its business (greater than
90%),  which it has been  expanding in recent years,  will be in commercial  and
export markets  unrelated to the  Government.  While FEI and Registrant  believe
debarment is a serious matter, Registrant does not believe debarment will have a
material  adverse  effect on  Registrant's  business  prospects,  its  financial
condition, results of its operations or its cash flows.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
- ------------------------------------------------------------
      No matters  were  required  to be  submitted  by  Registrant  to a vote of
security holders during the fourth quarter of fiscal 1998.

                                     PART II

Item 5. Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
      The  Common  Stock of the  Registrant  is  listed  on the  American  Stock
Exchange under the symbol "FEI". The following table shows the high and low sale
price for the Registrant's Common Stock for the quarters indicated,  as reported
by the American  Stock  Exchange and as adjusted for the 3-for-2  stock split in
the form of a 50% stock dividend, effective October 31, 1997.

   FISCAL QUARTER                HIGH SALE               LOW SALE
   1998 -
          FIRST QUARTER          $11    3/8            $ 6     3/8
          SECOND QUARTER          19    1/2             10   13/16
          THIRD QUARTER           20                    13     1/8
          FOURTH QUARTER          17    3/8             13     1/4
   1997 -
          FIRST QUARTER          $ 6    1/8             $3    5/16
          SECOND QUARTER           6    7/8              4    9/16
          THIRD QUARTER            8   9/16              5   11/16
          FOURTH QUARTER           8    1/2              6     1/8

      As of July 21, 1998, the approximate number of holders of record of common
stock was 922.

      On March 24, 1997,  Registrant  announced a policy of  distributing a cash
dividend to shareholders of record on April 30 and October 31, payable on June 1
and December 1,  respectively.  Dividend amounts will be determined by the Board
of  Directors  prior  to  each  declaration  based  on the  Company's  financial
condition and financial performance.

Item 6.  Selected Financial Data
- --------------------------------
      The following table sets forth selected financial data including net sales
and operating  profit (loss) for the five year period ended April 30, 1998.  The
information  has been  derived  from the  audited  financial  statements  of the
Company for the respective periods.

                                            Years Ended April 30,

                            1998         1997       1996       1995       1994
                            ----         ----       ----       ----       ----
                                      (in thousands, except share data)

Net Sales
 Commercial               $26,364      $19,612    $11,220    $ 6,103    $ 8,597
 U.S. Government            5,633        8,317     13,872     17,978     18,867
                          -------     --------    -------    -------    -------
Total Net Sales           $31,997      $27,929    $25,092    $24,081    $27,464
                          =======      =======    =======    =======    =======

Operating Profit 
 (Loss)                  ($ 9,105)(1)  $ 2,675    $ 1,047   ($ 6,025)  ($ 6,174)
                          =======      =======    =======    =======   ========

Net Earnings 
 (Loss)                   $    64 (2)  $ 4,863    $ 2,822   ($ 3,843)  ($ 4,622)
                          =======      =======    =======    =======   ========

Average Common Shares Outstanding (3)

  Basic                 7,368,472   6,967,109   6,939,872   7,253,051  7,401,602

  Diluted               7,787,140   7,319,250   6,995,133   7,253,051  7,401,602

Earnings (Loss) per Common Share (3)

  Basic                  $ 0.01      $ 0.70       $ 0.41     ($ 0.53)  ($ 0.62)
                         ======      ======       ======      ======   =======
  Diluted                $ 0.01      $ 0.66       $ 0.40     ($ 0.53)  ($ 0.62)
                         ======      ======       ======      ======   =======

Total Assets             $88,780      $74,866     $68,770    $65,032    $72,655
                         =======      =======     =======    =======    =======

Long-Term Obligations
  and Deferred Items     $18,841      $ 5,460     $14,877    $14,959    $15,327
                         =======      =======     =======    =======    =======

Cash dividend declared
  per common share (3)   $  0.20      $  0.10           -          -          -
                         =======      =======     =======    =======    =======

    (1)  Includes litigation settlement of $8 million and US government-related
         inventory writedowns and reserves of $4.8 million.
    (2)  In addition to items in (1) above,  includes  net  gain  on  sale  of 
         buildings  of $4.9 million and the reversal of the valuation allowance
         on deferred tax assets of $2.6 million.
    (3)  All share and per share amounts have been adjusted to reflect a 3-for-2
         stock split in the form of a 50% stock dividend, effective  October 31,

Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and 
- -------  --------------------------------------------------------------- 
         Results of Operations


      The  table  below  sets  forth for the  fiscal  years  ended  April 30 the
percentage  of  consolidated  net  sales  represented  by  certain  items in the
Company's consolidated statements of operations:

                                              1998         1997         1996
                                              ----         ----         ----
Net Sales
     Commercial                               82.4%         70.2%        44.7%
     US Government                            17.6          29.8         55.3
                                             -----         -----        -----
                                             100.0         100.0        100.0
Cost of Sales                                 80.9          64.7         66.5
Selling and administrative expenses           18.1          20.5         25.1
Litigation settlement                         25.0           0.0          0.0
Research and development expenses              4.5           5.2          4.2
                                             -----         -----        -----
Operating profit (loss)                      (28.5)          9.6          4.2

Other income (expense)                        24.3           8.6          7.8
Provision (benefit) for income taxes          (4.4)          0.7          0.8
                                             ------        -----        -----
     Net Earnings                              0.2%         17.4%        11.2%
                                             =====         =====        =====

      Significant Fiscal 1998 Events

      As more thoroughly  described elsewhere in this Form 10-K and in the notes
to the financial  statements,  the  Company's  fiscal 1998 results of operations
were  materially  impacted by three singular  events:  (1) the settlement of the
litigations with the U.S.  government  (Item 3. Legal  Proceedings and Note 9 to
the financial  statements);  (2) the sale of its real estate  holdings  (Item 2.
Properties and Notes 6 and 7 to the financial  statements) and (3) the writedown
or reserve  for  inventories  related to phasing out U.S.  government  business.
(Note 5 to the financial statements)

      In June 1998, the Company settled all outstanding criminal and civil cases
brought by the U.S.  government  and made total  payments of $8 million (Item 3.
Legal Proceedings).  Accordingly, including related accrued litigation expenses,
the Company recorded a charge of $8.15 million against fiscal 1998 earnings.

      In January  1998, in two  transactions,  the Company sold two buildings to
Reckson Associates Realty Corp., a real estate investment trust, and leased back
a portion of the building  which it occupies.  (Item 2.  Properties) In one sale
transaction,  the Company  sold the building  which it had leased to  Laboratory
Corporation  of  America,  receiving  cash of  approximately  $15.6  million and
realizing a gain of approximately $5.4 million after selling expenses. A portion
of the proceeds  were used to repay the $9 million loan  obtained to finance the
original  construction of this building. In the other sale, the Company effected
a  tax-deferred  exchange of the building  which it occupies  for  approximately
486,000  participation  units of  Reckson  Operating  Partnership,  L.P.  ("REIT
units")  which were valued at closing at $12  million.  The Company  leased back
approximately  43% of this  building  from  Reckson and  incurred  approximately
$500,000 of relocation  expenses  related to this leaseback  during fiscal 1998.
Under the accounting provisions for sale and leaseback transactions, most of the
ultimate gain on this sale will be deferred and recognized  into income over the
term of the lease with the balance  recognized in income upon sale or conversion
of  the  REIT  units  into  shares  of  Reckson   Associates   Realty  Corp.,  a
publicly-traded  company.  Preceeding  the  sale of its  building,  the  Company
prepaid the balance of its Nassau  County  Industrial  Development  Bonds in the
amount of $820,000, including accrued interest.

      During the fiscal year, the Company  determined that a writeoff or reserve
of $4.8  million of  certain  work-in-progress  and  component  parts  inventory
related to US Government programs was appropriate.  These inventory  adjustments
result  from  the   Company's   transformation   to  a   commercial   space  and
telecommunications   manufacturer   as  well  as  its  expectation  for  reduced
procurement  volumes by the US Government due to both smaller Defense Department
budgets and the Government's migration to alternate technologies.

      As a result of the building sales coupled with continued operating profits
before  nonrecurring  charges,  the  Company  has  utilized  most of its tax net
operating  loss  carryforward.  In  addition,  with the  settlement  of the U.S.
government litigation the uncertainty  regarding  realizability of the Company's
net deferred  income tax asset has been removed thus  eliminating the need for a
valuation allowance on such amount. Accordingly, during fiscal 1998, the Company
recorded a deferred tax benefit of $2.6 million (net).

      Without these  significant  events,  the Company's  fiscal 1998  operating
profit,  pre-tax  earnings and net earnings  would be materially  different from
that reported in the financial statements as illustrated below:

                                                 1998         1997         1996
                                                 ----         ----         ----

 Operating profit (loss)- as reported         $(9,105)      $2,675       $1,047
   Add back:
     Litigation settlement and expenses         8,150            -            -
     Inventory writedowns and reserves          4,764            -            -
                                               ------      -------       ------
 Adjusted operating profit                      3,809        2,675        1,047
                                               ------      -------       ------

 Other income (expense) - as reported           7,769        2,388        1,975
     Gain on building sale, net of expenses    (4,927)           -            -
                                               ------       ------       ------
 Adjusted Other income (expense)                2,842        2,388        1,975
                                               ------       ------       ------

 Adjusted pretax earnings                      $6,651       $5,063       $3,022
                                               ======       ======       ======

      Operating Profit (Loss)

      Operating  profit for the year ended  April 30,  1998  decreased  by $11.8
million from fiscal 1997.  Without the  litigation  settlement and the inventory
adjustments described above, the operating loss would have been a profit of $3.8
million or an increase of $1.1 million  (42%) over fiscal 1997's  results.  This
results from the 15% increase in net sales,  a relatively  constant gross margin
rate (34% vs. 35%) and a small decline in selling and administrative expenses.

      Operating  profit  for the year ended  April 30,  1997,  improved  by $1.6
million over the year ended April 30, 1996. This result was achieved through the
75% increase in sales to non-U.S.  Government customers coupled with significant
improvement in gross margins due to cost cutting  efforts.  Reduced  selling and
administrative  expenses and more focused  research and  development  costs,  as
discussed  below,  further  enhanced the  operating  results for the 1997 fiscal

      Net Sales

      Net sales in fiscal 1998  increased by $4.1 million (15%) over fiscal 1997
with  sales to  commercial  customers  increasing  by $6.8  million  (34%).  The
increasing  proportion of commercial sales illustrates the Company's  successful
transformation into a non-US government provider of specialty timing devices for
commercial  space and terrestrial  wireless  applications.  Both fiscal 1998 and
1997 commercial  revenues reflect  increasing sales of the Company's  commercial
rubidium  product  line for  application  primarily  in the  cellular  telephone
industry.  Sales of this product line have more than doubled in each of the last
three years and are  expected to continue to grow at a rapid pace as the Company
further advances its products into the marketplace.

      Net sales in fiscal 1997 increased by $2.8 million (11%) over fiscal 1996.
Sales to commercial customers for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1997 increased
by $8.4  million  (75%) over fiscal 1996 as the Company  continued  to establish
itself as a hardware supplier to the commercial marketplace.

      The Company believes that its 36-year legacy in building high-reliability,
precision  timing and frequency  generation  devices for US Government  programs
(principally DOD and NASA),  uniquely  positions it to successfully  exploit the
much greater emerging  markets in commercial space and wireless  communications.
The Company  therefore  intends to focus its  energies  on these  markets and is
phasing out its business  with the U.S.  Government.  However,  the Company will
continue  to  fulfill  its  current  contractual  obligations  to US  government
programs and will make its proprietary  technology  available for the benefit of
our country. Consequently, in fiscal 1999 and beyond, the proportion of sales to
be generated  from US government  programs is expected to continue the declining
trend. This will be significantly offset by increasing demands for the Company's
products in commercial space hardware and terrestrial wireless communications.

      Gross margins

      Gross  margins for the fiscal  year ended  April 30, 1998 were  negatively
impacted by the inventory  writedowns and reserves described above. Without such
charges,   gross  margins  would  have  been  34%.   During  fiscal  1998,   the
profitability of commercial  programs versus US government  programs became more
distinct.  Aggregate gross margins on commercial programs was 38%. US government
programs  showed  margins  of 16%  before  inventory  adjustments  and  recorded
negative margins of 69% after such adjustments.

      Gross margins for the fiscal year ended April 30, 1997,  improved modestly
over fiscal year 1996  increasing to 35.3% from 33.5%.  These results  reflect a
continuation  of  the  cost  reductions  and  process  improvements  which  were
initiated  in  fiscal  1996.  These  results  also  reflect  the  growth  in the
commercial  product  lines where  margins,  in general,  are larger than on U.S.
government  related contracts  although the difference in fiscal 1997 was not as
great as that discussed above for fiscal 1998.

      Included in the Company's  overhead pool, a component of cost of sales, is
a charge for  amortization  of the  Company's  ESOP  program (see Note 11 to the
financial  statements).  Due to a change in accounting  for this program  during
fiscal 1994,  the Company  recognizes an expense  based upon the average  market
value of the underlying  shares of Company stock which are allocated to the ESOP
each year. As a result of the significant increase in the value of the Company's
stock during fiscal 1998,  the charge to ESOP  amortization  has also  increased
significantly,  rising  to  approximately  $1.2  million  or 125% of the  amount
charged to the overhead pool in fiscal 1997.  (This is also primarily a non-cash
charge,  exceeding the actual cash  obligation of the Company by over $800,000.)
Without  this  excess  amortization  charge,  aggregate  gross  margins  on  the
Company's  commercial  sales  during  fiscal 1998 would have  exceeded  40%. The
impact of this charge in fiscal 1997 and 1996 was  negligible.  If the Company's
stock value remains at current or higher levels during the next two years, gross
margins  will  continue  to  be  dampened  by  this   additional   noncash  ESOP
amortization  expense.  Despite this  potential  reduction in margins,  with the
continuing growth in sales of its commercial  products,  the Company anticipates
that future gross  margins will be  significantly  higher than that  experienced
during fiscal 1998.

      Selling and administrative expenses

      Selling and administrative costs,  excluding the litigation settlement and
related costs, declined by $77,000 or 1% for the year ended April 30, 1998, over
fiscal 1997.  This decline  resulted  from reduced  litigation-related  spending
during much of the fiscal year,  reduced  accrual for bonuses and lower deferred
compensation  expense to  certain  officers.  These  reductions  were  offset by
increased  spending for computer  system  expense and  stock-based  compensation
amortization  expenses,  including  $236,000 of ESOP  amortization  expense (see
discussion  above under Gross  Margins).  The fiscal 1998 ESOP  amortization  is
$115,000  (95%) greater than the amount  recorded in fiscal 1997 and exceeds the
actual cash outflow by $150,000.

      Selling and  administrative  costs declined by $588,000 or 9% for the year
ended April 30, 1997, over fiscal 1996. This decrease resulted  primarily from a
decrease in bad debt  expense by $538,000  after the  writeoff in fiscal 1996 of
certain  outstanding  receivables.  While  provisions  for incentive  bonuses in
fiscal 1997 increased in tandem with the improved  profitability of the Company,
this was more than offset by decreases in other  compensation-related areas such
as adjustments in deferred compensation accruals, better than expected growth in
cash surrender  values of officers' and  employees'  life  insurance,  and lower
administrative headcount which was effected in the first quarter of fiscal 1996.
Without regard to bad debt  expenses,  bonuses and the legal fees related to the
government  litigation,  selling  and  administrative  costs in fiscal 1997 were
$476,000 lower (10%) than in 1996. This result was achieved  through a reduction
in the number of personnel, reduced insurance costs, lower usage of professional
services and improved operating efficiencies.

      As sales increase, the ratio of selling and administrative expenses to net
sales is expected to decrease.  As a result of its settlement of all outstanding
criminal and civil cases brought by the US government,  the Company  expects the
future level of legal costs to be  significantly  less than that  experienced in
each of the last three years.  Because a smaller proportion of Company personnel
are included in the selling and administrative category, the proportional impact
of  increasing  ESOP  amortization  will be less than that  incurred  in cost of

      Research and development expenses

      The level of effort in  Company-funded  research and development  projects
during fiscal 1998 was  comparable to that of fiscal 1997 with costs  decreasing
by $20,000  (1%) from  fiscal 1997  levels.  Such costs  reflect the  successful
development  of the  rubidium  and VSAT  commercial  product  lines (see Item 1.
Business) but do not reflect  satellite  hardware  development  costs which were
partially  funded by customer  projects.  While the Company  retains  production
rights to any  technology  which  results  from  customer-funded,  non-recurring
engineering  efforts,  the costs of such  development  are  recorded  in cost of

      Research and development costs in the year ended April 30, 1997, increased
by $411,000  (39%) over fiscal 1996.  This increase is due  principally to costs
related to the Company's successful commmercial rubidium development efforts.

      The Company will continue to focus its research and development activities
on those  commercial  projects  which it expects will provide the best return on
investment  and provide the best prospects for the future growth of the Company.
For fiscal 1999,  the Company will make a substantial  investment of capital and
technical  resources to develop generic  products for the satellite  transponder
market.  Where  possible,  the Company will attempt to secure  partial  customer
funding for such development efforts but is prepared to spend up to $5.5 million
of its own funds in order to bring  such  products  to the  market by the end of
fiscal 1999.

      Other Income (Expense)

      Other income  (expense)  for the year ended April 30,  1998,  included the
$4.9 million net gain on the sale of the Company's real estate holdings. Without
such gain, other income (expense)  increased by $455,000 (19%) over fiscal 1997.
For the year ended April 30, 1997, other income (expense)  increased by $413,000
(21%) over fiscal 1996.

      In particular,  fiscal 1998 investment  income increased by $592,000 (38%)
over fiscal  1997 and fiscal  1997's  income  increased  by $250,000  (19%) over
fiscal  1996.   These  results  were   achieved  by   continuing   increases  in
interest-earning  assets  in fiscal  1997 and  fiscal  1998.  Such  assets  grew
significantly in the last quarter of fiscal 1998 as a result of the net proceeds
from the real estate  sales.  In addition to interest  income,  the Company also
realizes  quarterly  dividend income on its REIT units.  Interest  rates,  which
impact  the level of  investment  income,  were  relatively  stable in all three
years.  Assuming  interest rates remain  stable,  the Company  anticipates  that
investment income will increase modestly over the level attained in fiscal 1998.

      Interest  expense in fiscal 1998  decreased by $207,000  (24%) from fiscal
1997 and fiscal 1997 expense decreased by $88,000 (9%) from 1996 levels.  During
the third  quarter of fiscal 1998,  the Company  repaid its real  estate-related
loans thus realizing significant reductions in its interest payments. For fiscal
1997, the reduced  interest  expense was the result of declining  long-term debt
balances as the Company made scheduled  principal  payments.  As a result of the
loan paydowns and a stable interest rate  environment,  the Company  anticipates
that  interest  expense will be markedly  lower in fiscal 1999 when  compared to
earlier fiscal years.

      Other  income,  net,  in  addition  to the  net  gain  on the  sale of the
Company's real estate holdings also included rental income through December 1997
under the long-term direct finance lease with Laboratory Corporation of America.
Without the one-time gain, this category declined by $345,000 during fiscal 1998
from fiscal 1997 and by $270,000  from  fiscal  1996  levels.  This  decrease is
attributable to the cessation of finance lease income as a result of the sale of
the leased property during January 1998 as well as additional  costs incurred in
moving the  Company's  operations  to new and more  efficient  space  within the
leased back property. The Company anticipates that in future years other income,
net, will be an insignificant contributor to pretax earnings.


     The Company's  balance sheet  continues to reflect a highly liquid position
with working  capital of $63 million at April 30, 1998,  which is a  substantial
increase  from the working  capital  position of $37 million at April 30,  1997.
This change is principally due to the sale of the Company's real estate holdings
and the concurrent  repayment of long-term debt.  Included in working capital at
April  30,  1998 is $45.4  million  of cash,  cash  equivalents  and  short-term
investments,  including  $12  million of REIT  units  which are  convertible  to
Reckson  Associates  Realty  Corp.  common  stock  after  January 6,  1999.  The
Company's  current  ratio at April 30,  1998 is 5.7 to 1 compared  to a 3.6 to 1
ratio at April 30, 1997. Both ratios are below the Company's  recent  historical
current ratio of  approximately 10 to 1. For year-end April 30, 1998, this ratio
is due to the  accrual of $8 million  related  to the US  government  litigation
settlement  which was paid in June 1998.  Excluding  such accrual from both cash
and  accrued  liabilities  results in a current  ratio of 12.4 to 1 at April 30,
1998. The lower ratio at April 30, 1997, was due to the classification of the $9
million construction loan, paid in January 1998, as a current liability.

      Net cash  provided by  operating  activities  for the year ended April 30,
1998,  was  approximately  $3.2 million  compared to $4 million for fiscal 1997.
This  decrease in cash inflow is due to the growth in  unbilled  receivables  of
$5.9 million  offset by payments on billed  receivables,  lower  work-in-process
inventories  (excluding  writedowns and reserves) and higher  accounts  payable.
Unbilled  receivables  have  grown due to the  increased  volume  in  commercial
contracts  which,  in general,  do not provide  upfront funding as is typical of
government-related   long-term  contracts.   Work-in-process   inventories  have
decreased as more projects are accounted for on the percentage completion method
of revenue recognition.  Accounts payable have increased by 45% from the balance
at April 30, 1997 due to the timing of the purchases  for certain  inventory and
purchases of capitalizable  assets related to relocation of the Company's office
space within its leased back portion of the building.

     Net cash  provided  by  investing  activities  for the year ended April 30,
1998,  was $2.1 million.  Of this amount,  $6.6 million was from the proceeds of
the sale of the  Company's  real estate  holdings  after  repayment  of the real
estate construction loan. Through the real estate sale the Company also obtained
$12 million of REIT  units.  Such units are  convertible  into shares of Reckson
Associates  Realty Corp.  common stock after  January 6, 1999 and, as such,  are
treated as a non-cash item for fiscal 1998. (See Item 2. Properties) The Company
used  $3.5  million  (net)  to  acquire  certain  U.S.   government  and  agency
securities.  The Company may continue to invest cash  equivalents in longer-term
securities or to convert short-term  investments to cash equivalents as dictated
by its investment  strategies.  The Company also invested $750,000 in production
equipment  which will improve the efficiency of its operations and an additional
$280,000 was used to obtain new computer  hardware  and a new  telephone  system
which will  improve its  financial  and  operational  information  systems.  The
Company  will  continue to acquire  more  efficient  equipment  to automate  its
production  process and  intends to spend $1.5  million to $2 million on capital
equipment  related to the development  and  manufacture of new products.  In the
second quarter of fiscal 1999,  the Company  intends to install the next upgrade
of its financial software, the cost of which is not expected to exceed $150,000,
including the acquisition of next generation  personal  computers for users. The
purchase  of this  financial  software  package  two years  ago,  including  the
upgrades,  has  satisfactorily  addressed the issue of compliance  with the year
2000  problem.   The  Company  has  determined  that   additional   operational,
nonfinancial software must be obtained to resolve the year 2000 issue in certain
production and support areas, the cost of which will not exceed $50,000.

      Net cash  provided by  financing  activities  for the year ended April 30,
1998, was $47,000.  Of this amount, $1.9 million was received in full payment of
the mortgage note receivable due from the purchaser of the Company's former west
coast facility. In addition, payments of $914,000 were received from the sale of
shares of common stock from  treasury to satisfy the  exercise of stock  options
granted to certain  employees  and payments of $148,000  were  received  against
notes  receivable  from  certain  officers  and  employees.  These  inflows were
partially offset by $1.4 million used to retire long-term debt and an additional
$1.5 million used to pay semi-annual cash dividends to shareholders. The Company
will  continue to use  treasury  shares to satisfy the future  exercise of stock
options  granted to officers and  employees in previous  years.  The Company may
repurchase  shares  of  its  common  stock  for  treasury  whenever  appropriate
opportunities  arise but it has neither a formal repurchase plan nor commitments
to purchase additional shares in the future.

      In addition to the above investing and financing  activities,  as a result
of the building  sales in January 1998,  the Company received  REIT units with a
value of $12 million and  used $9 million from  the cash  proceeds  of  the  LCA
building sale to pay down the real estate  construction  loan.  Neither of these
transactions are reflected in the statement  of  cash flows.  Only  the net cash
proceeds of the LCA building sale are reflected  in  investing activities.  (See
Item 2. Properties)

      The Company will  continue to expend its  resources and efforts to develop
hardware   for   commercial   satellite   programs  and   terrestrial   wireless
communication systems which management believes will result in future growth and
continued   profitability.   During   fiscal  1999,   the  Company   intends  to
significantly  increase its development spending to develop generic products for
the satellite  transponder market.  Where possible,  the Company will attempt to
secure partial customer  funding for such development  efforts but is willing to
spend up to $5.5 million of its own funds in order to bring such products to the
market by the end of fiscal 1999.  Internally generated cash will be adequate to
fund these development efforts.

      At April 30, 1998, the Company's  backlog amounted to approximately  $21.6
million as compared to the  approximately $14 million backlog at April 30, 1997.
Backlog of commercial and foreign  customers  approximates  $20 million at April
30, 1998.  Of this backlog, approximately 50% is realizable during fiscal 1999.

      As discussed more  thoroughly in Item 3. Legal  Proceedings and in Notes 9
and 10 to the  consolidated  financial  statements,  the Company has  received a
notice of proposed  disbarment  from receiving  contracts from any agency of the
U.S. Government,  except under certain  circumstances.  Because of the Company's
transition  to commercial  products,  the  continuation  of the debarment is not
expected to have a material adverse effect on liquidity,  financial condition or
results of  operations.  Certain  nongovernment  initiated  civil  cases  remain
outstanding  and the Company is unable to determine the ultimate  disposition of
such cases.  Any  disposition  is not expected to have a material  effect on the
Company's liquidity or financial condition.

      The Company also has available for income tax purposes, approximately $1.5
million of net operating loss carryforwards  which may be applied against future
taxable income.

     See discussion of recently issued pronouncements  included in Note 1 to the
consolidated financial statements.  The financial information reported herein is
not necessarily indicative of future operating results orof the future financial
condition of Registrant. Except as noted, management is unaware of any impending
transactions  or events  that are likely to have a  material  adverse  effect on
results from operations.

      During  fiscal  1998,  as in the two prior  fiscal  years,  the  impact of
inflation on the Registrant's business has not been materially significant.

Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
- ---------------------------------------------------


To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of Frequency Electronics, Inc.

     In our opinion,  the consolidated  financial statements listed in the Index
appearing  under  Item  14.(a)(1)  and  (2) on page 54  present  fairly,  in all
material respects, the consolidated financial position of Frequency Electronics,
Inc.  and  Subsidiaries  as of April  30,  1998 and 1997,  and the  consolidated
results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
the  period  ended  April  30,  1998,  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
accounting principles.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's  management;  our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial  statements  based on our  audits.  We  conducted  our audits of these
statements  in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards  which
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about
whether the financial  statements  are free of material  misstatement.  An audit
includes  examining,  on a test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and
disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing the  accounting  principles
used and  significant  estimates made by management,  and evaluating the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

                                                 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Melville, New York
July 13, 1998.

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets
                             April 30, 1998 and 1997

              ASSETS:                                 1998             1997
                                                      ----             ----
                                                         (In thousands)
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                        $  8,725          $ 3,448
  Marketable securities (Note 3)                     36,661           21,112
  Accounts receivable, net of allowance for
     doubtful accounts of $190 (Notes 4 and 14)      18,640           14,797
  Inventories (Note 5)                                6,475           11,060
  Deferred income taxes (Note 13)                     5,000                -
  Prepaid expenses and other                            986            1,233
                                                    -------          -------
           Total current assets                      76,487           51,650

Property, plant and equipment, at cost,
  less accumulated depreciation and
  amortization (Notes 6 and 7)                        9,159            9,059
Investment in direct finance lease                        -            9,702
Other assets                                          3,134            4,455
                                                    -------          -------
           Total assets                             $88,780          $74,866
                                                    =======          =======


                           Consolidated Balance Sheets
                             April 30, 1998 and 1997

        LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY:             1998           1997
                                                          ----           ----
                                                             (In thousands)
Current liabilities:
  Current maturities of long-term debt (Note 7)       $    479         $ 9,718
  Accounts payable - trade                               1,283             882
  Accrued liabilities (Note 9)                          10,854           2,921
  Dividend payable                                         771             746
  Income taxes payable                                     145              73
                                                       -------          ------
              Total current liabilities                 13,532          14,340
Long-term debt, net of current maturities (Note 7)         500           1,687
Deferred compensation (Note 12)                          3,905           3,737
Deferred income taxes (Note 13)                          2,400               -
Other liabilities (Note 6)                              12,036              36
                                                        ------          ------
                                                        32,373          19,800
                                                        ------          ------

Commitments and contingencies (Notes 8 and 10)

Stockholders' equity (Note 12):
  Preferred stock - authorized 600,000 shares
    of $1.00 par value; no shares issued                     -               -
  Common stock - authorized 20,000,000 shares
    of $1.00 par value; issued - 9,009,259 shares        9,009           6,006
  Additional paid-in capital                            36,306          35,190
  Retained earnings                                     15,983          20,414
                                                        ------         -------
                                                        61,298          61,610
   Common stock reacquired and held in treasury -
     at cost (1,296,913 shares in 1998 and
     1,032,812 shares in 1997)                          (3,632)         (4,612)
   Unamortized ESOP debt (Notes 7 and 12)               (1,000)         (1,500)
   Notes receivable-common stock (Note 11)                (287)           (435)
   Unearned compensation                                   (89)            (77)
   Unrealized holding gain                                 117              80
                                                       -------         -------
          Total stockholders' equity                    56,407          55,066
                                                       -------         -------
    Total liabilities and stockholders' equity         $88,780         $74,866
                                                       =======         =======

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                          these financial statements.

                      Consolidated Statements of Operations
                    Years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                                  1998        1997       1996
                                                  ----        ----       ----
                                               (In thousands, except share data)
Net sales (Note 14)                             $31,997     $27,929     $25,092
                                                -------     -------     -------
Cost of sales                                    25,870      18,075      16,689
Selling and administrative
  expenses (Notes 9 and 10)                       5,791       5,718       6,306
Litigation settlement (Note 9)                    8,000           -           -
Research and development expenses                 1,441       1,461       1,050
                                                -------     -------     -------
      Total operating expenses                   41,102      25,254      24,045
                                                -------     -------     -------
          Operating (loss) profit                (9,105)      2,675       1,047
Other income (expense):
      Investment income                           2,135       1,543       1,293
      Interest expense                             (672)       (879)       (967)
      Other, net (Note 6)                         6,306       1,724       1,649
                                                -------     -------     -------
(Loss) Earnings before (benefit) provision
   for income taxes                              (1,336)      5,063       3,022
(Benefit) Provision for income 
   taxes (Note 13):                              (1,400)        200         200
                                                -------     -------     -------

Net Earnings                                    $    64     $ 4,863     $ 2,822
                                                =======     =======     =======

Net Earnings per common share:
  Basic                                          $ 0.01      $ 0.70      $ 0.41
                                                 ======      ======      ======
  Diluted                                        $ 0.01      $ 0.66      $ 0.40
                                                 ======      ======      ======
Average shares outstanding (Note 2):
  Basic                                        7,368,472   6,967,109   6,939,872
                                               =========   =========   =========
  Diluted                                      7,787,140   7,319,250   6,995,133
                                               =========   =========   =========

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
                          these financial statements.

           Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
                    Years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996
                        (In thousands, except share data)

                                                                                          Note                gain or
                                            Add'l            Treasury stock             Receivable            (loss) on
                            Common Stock   paid in Retained     (at cost)    Unamortized  Common   Unearned    marketable
                           Shares   Amount capital earnings  Shares  Amount   ESOP debt   Stock  Compensation  securities    Total
                          --------- ------ ------- --------  ------- -------  ---------   ------ ------------  ----------   -------
Balance at May 1, 1995    6,006,300 $6,006 $35,131 $13,443   964,305 ($4,387) ($2,500)    ($822)    ($ 18)       ($39)      $46,814
Amortization of ESOP debt
 as a result of shares
 allocated                                    (156)                               500                                           344
Shares issued under
 restricted stock plan                          49           (25,000)     92                         (116)                       25
Purchase of treasury stock                                   200,600    (698)                                                  (698)
Restricted stock
 surrendered to treasury
 stock                                                        20,000     (82)                82
Amortization of unearned
 compensation                                                                                          21                        21
Increase in market value of
 marketable securities                                                                                             95            95
Net Earnings                                         2,822                                                                    2,822
                          ---------  -----  ------  ------ --------   ------    -----     -----    ------        ----       -------
Balance April 30, 1996    6,006,300  6,006  35,024  16,265 1,159,905  (5,075)  (2,000)     (740)     (113)         56        49,423
Exercise of stock options                       (6)         (127,093)    463                                                    457
Amortization of ESOP debt
 as a result of shares                      
 allocated                                     172                                500                                           672
Payment received for common
 stock subscribed                                                                           305                                 305
Amortization of unearned
 compensation                                                                                          36                        36
Increase in market value of
 marketable securities                                                                                             24            24
Cash dividend, $.15 per                               (714)                                                                    (714)
Net Earnings                                         4,863                                                                    4,863
                          ---------  -----  ------  ------ ---------  ------   ------     -----    ------        ----       -------
Balance April 30, 1997    6,006,300  6,006  35,190  20,414 1,032,812  (4,612)  (1,500)     (435)      (77)         80        55,066
Exercise of stock options                      (83)         (162,495)    938                                                    855
Amortization of ESOP debt
 as a result of shares
 allocated                                     976                                500                                         1,476
Shares issued under
 restricted stock plan                          15            (7,500)     42                          (52)                        5
Independent Contractor
 stock options granted                         208                                                                              208
Payment received for common
 stock subscribed                                                                           148                                 148
Amortization of unearned
 compensation                                                                                          40                        40
Increase in market value of
 marketable securities                                                                                             37            37
Stock dividend, 3-for-2   3,002,959  3,003          (3,007)  434,096                                                             (4)
Cash dividend, $.20 per                             (1,488)                                                                  (1,488)
Net Earnings                                            64                                                                       64
                          --------- ------ ------- ------- --------- -------  -------     -----     -----        ----       -------
Balance April 30, 1998    9,009,259 $9,009 $36,306 $15,983 1,296,913 ($3,632) ($1,000)    ($287)    ($ 89)       $117       $56,407
                          ========= ====== ======= ======= ========= =======   ======     =====     =====        ====       =======

                          The accompanying notes are an
                  integral part of these financial statements

                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                    Years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                                     1998      1997      1996
                                                     ----      ----      ----
                                                          (In thousands)
Cash flows from operating activities:         
 Net earnings                                      $   64    $4,863     $2,822
 Adjustments to reconcile net earnings
   to net cash provided by operating activities:
     Deferred tax benefit                          (2,600)        -          -
     Depreciation and amortization
       Property                                       943       921        974
       Other                                           20        18         20
     Provision for losses on account
       receivable and inventories                   4,537        42        996
     Gains on marketable securities and
       notes receivable                               (42)      (70)       (59)
     Gain on sale or disposal of
       property, plant and equipment               (5,869)        -         (4)
     Amortization resulting from
       allocation of ESOP shares                    1,476       672        344
     Employee benefit plan provisions                 444       407        765
     Noncash interest on finance lease                (15)      (95)      (155)
 Changes in assets and liabilities:
   Accounts receivable                             (3,843)   (1,424)      (101)
   Inventories                                         48      (779)       180
   Prepaid and other                                  247      (207)       231
   Other assets                                      (579)     (418)      (511)
   Accounts payable - trade                           401      (497)       652
   Accrued liabilities                              7,933       659        480
   Income taxes payable                                72        (6)        79
   Refundable income taxes                             -          -        318
   Other liabilities                                  (81)      (37)       (78)
                                                    -----     -----      -----
    Net cash provided by operating activities       3,156     4,049      6,953
                                                    -----     -----      -----

Cash flows from investing activities:             
 Purchase of marketable securities                (13,030)  (25,927)         -
 Proceeds from sale or redemption of marketable
   securities                                       9,560    10,541      5,910
 Capital expenditures                              (1,043)   (1,141)      (330)
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant
   and equipment                                    6,587         -        513
                                                   ------   -------     ------
      Net cash provided by (used in)
        investing activities                        2,074   (16,527)     6,093
                                                   ------   -------     ------


                      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                    Years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996

                                                     1998      1997      1996
                                                     ----      ----      ----
                                                          (In thousands)
Cash flows from financing activities:
 Principal payments of long-term debt              (1,374)     (751)      (749)
 Purchase of treasury stock                             -         -       (698)
 Payment of cash dividend                          (1,520)        -          -
 Sale of stock from treasury                            -         -         25
 Payment on notes
   receivable from employees                          148       305          -
 Proceeds from loan receivable                      1,879         -          -
 Exercise of stock options                            914       457          -
                                                   ------    ------     ------
    Net cash provided by (used in)
      financing activities                             47        11     (1,422)
                                                   ------    ------     ------

Net increase (decrease) in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                  5,277   (12,467)    11,624

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year      3,448    15,915      4,291
                                                   ------    ------    -------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year           $8,725    $3,448    $15,915
                                                   ======    ======    =======

Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information (Note 16):
  Cash paid during the year for:
      Interest                                    $  766      $ 979       $942
                                                  ======      =====       ====
      Income taxes                                $1,128      $ 206       $ 81
                                                  ======      =====       ====

                           The accompanying notes are
                an integral part of these financial statements.


1.  Summary of Accounting Policies

Principles of Consolidation:
      The consolidated  financial  statements  include the accounts of Frequency
Electronics,   Inc.  and  its  wholly-owned   subsidiaries   (the  "Company"  or
"Registrant;"  References  to "FEI" are to the parent  company  alone and do not
refer to any of its  subsidiaries.).  The Company is principally  engaged in the
design,  development  and  manufacture of precision  time and frequency  control
products and components for microwave integrated circuit applications.  See Note
14 for  information  regarding  the  Company's  commercial  and U.S.  government
business.  Intercompany accounts and significant  intercompany  transactions are
eliminated in consolidation.
      These financial statements have been prepared in conformity with generally
accepted  accounting  principles  and require  management to make  estimates and
assumptions  that  affect  amounts  reported  and  disclosed  in  the  financial
statements and related notes. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

     Inventories, which consist of work-in-process, raw materials and components
are accounted for at the lower of cost (specific and average) or market.

Property, Plant and Equipment:
      Property, plant and equipment is recorded at cost and includes interest on
funds  borrowed  to  finance   construction.   Expenditures   for  renewals  and
betterments are capitalized;  maintenance and repairs are charged to income when
incurred.  When  fixed  assets  are  sold  or  retired,  the  cost  and  related
accumulated  depreciation  and  amortization  are eliminated from the respective
accounts and any gain or loss is credited or charged to income.
      If events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of
a long-lived asset may not be recoverable, the Company estimates the future cash
flows expected to result from the use of the asset and its eventual disposition.
If the sum of the expected future cash flows  (undiscounted and without interest
charges) is less than the carrying amount of the long-lived asset, an impairment
loss is recognized. To date, no impairment losses have been recognized.

Depreciation and Amortization:
      Depreciation of fixed assets is computed on the straight-line method based
upon the  estimated  useful lives of the assets (40 years for buildings and 3 to
10 years for other depreciable assets).  Leasehold improvements are amortized on
the straight-line method over the shorter of the term of the lease or the useful
life of the related improvement. 

Revenue and Cost Recognition:
      Revenues under larger long-term contracts,  generally defined as orders in
excess of $100,000,  are reported in operating  results using the  percentage of
completion  method  based  upon the  ratio  that  incurred  costs  bear to total
estimated costs. Changes in job performance may result in revisions to costs and
income and are recognized in the period in which  revisions are determined to be
required.  For smaller  contracts and orders,  sales of products and services to
customers  are reported in operating  results based upon shipment of the product
or performance of the services  pursuant to  contractual  terms.  Provisions for
anticipated losses are made in the period in which they become determinable.
      Contract  costs  include  all direct  material  and labor  costs and those
indirect costs related to contract performance,  such as depreciation,  indirect
labor and supplies.  Selling,  general and  administrative  costs are charged to
expense as incurred.


      In accordance with industry  practice,  inventoried  costs contain amounts
relating to contracts and programs  with long  production  cycles,  a portion of
which will not be realized within one year.

Income Taxes:
      The Company  recognizes  deferred tax  liabilities and assets based on the
expected  future  tax  consequences  of events  that have been  included  in the
financial statements or tax returns. Under this method, deferred tax liabilities
and  assets  are  determined  based  on the  difference  between  the  financial
statement  and tax bases of assets and  liabilities  using  enacted tax rates in
effect for the year in which the differences are expected to reverse.  Valuation
allowances are  established  when necessary to reduce deferred tax assets to the
amount expected to be realized. 

Earnings Per Share:
      Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") No. 128, "Earnings
per Share,"  became  effective  for the year ended April 30, 1998. In accordance
with SFAS 128, basic earnings per share are computed by dividing net earnings by
the  weighted  average  number of shares of common  stock  outstanding.  Diluted
earnings  per share are  computed  by  dividing  net  earnings by the sum of the
if-converted effect of unexercised stock options and the weighted average number
of shares of common stock.  All periods have been restated  to conform  with the
requirements of SFAS 128.
      All shares and per share amounts have been  adjusted to reflect  a 3-for-2
stock split in the form of a 50% stock dividend,  effective  October 31, 1997.

Marketable Securities:
     Marketable  securities  consist of  investments  in common  stocks,  mutual
funds, and debt securities of U.S. government agencies. In addition, as a result
of the  sale  of  the  Company's  real  estate  holdings  (Note  6),  marketable
securities  include  participation  units in the Reckson Operating  Partnership,
L.P. ("REIT units") which are convertible to common shares of Reckson Associates
Realty Corp. after January 6, 1999. Except for the REIT units, substantially all
other marketable  securities at April 30, 1998 and 1997 were held in the custody
of one financial institution.  Investments in certain debt and equity securities
are  categorized  as  available  for sale and are  carried at fair  value,  with
unrealized  gains and losses  excluded  from  income and  recorded  directly  to
stockholders' equity.

Cash Equivalents:
      The Company  considers  certificates  of deposit and other  highly  liquid
investments  with  original  maturities  of  three  months  or  less  to be cash
equivalents.  The Company places its temporary cash investments with high credit
quality  financial  institutions.  Such investments may be in excess of the FDIC
insurance  limit.  No losses have been  experienced  on such  investments.  

Fair Values of Financial Instruments:
      Cash  and  cash  equivalents  and  loans  payable  are  reflected  in  the
accompanying  consolidated balance sheets at amounts considered by management to
reasonably  approximate  fair value based upon the nature of the  instrument and
current  market  conditions.  Management  is not aware of any factors that would
significantly affect the value of these amounts.


Stock-based Plans:
      Effective May 1, 1996, the Company adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 123,
"Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," under which the Company will continue
to measure  compensation  cost in accordance  with Accounting  Principles  Board
Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees."  Historically,  this
has not  resulted  in  compensation  cost  upon  the  grant of  options  under a
qualified  stock  option plan.  However,  in  accordance  with SFAS No. 123, the
Company  provides  pro forma  disclosures  of net  earnings  (loss) and earnings
(loss)  per share as if the fair  value  method had been  applied  beginning  in
fiscal 1996.

Recently Issued Pronouncement
      The Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board recently  issued SFAS No. 130,
"Reporting  Comprehensive Income," and SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures About Segments
of an Enterprise and Related  Information,"  which are effective for the Company
in future periods.  These  pronouncements  deal with disclosure matters and will
not have any effect on the Company's financial  position,  results of operations
or cash flows upon adoption.

2.  Earnings Per Share
      Reconciliation  of  the weighted average shares outstanding for basic  and
diluted Earnings Per Share are as follows:
                                              Years ended April 30,
                                      1998            1997               1996
                                      ----            ----               ----
Basic EPS Shares outstanding
        (weighted average)         7,368,472        6,967,109         6,939,872
Effect of Dilutive Securities        418,668          352,141            55,261
                                  ----------       ----------       -----------
Diluted EPS Shares outstanding     7,787,140        7,319,250         6,995,133
                                   =========        =========         =========

3.  Marketable Securities
      Marketable securities at April 30, 1998 and 1997 are summarized as follows
(in thousands):

                                               April 30, 1998
                                                   Market              Holding
                                   Cost             Value               Gain
                                   ----             -----               ----
      REIT units                  $12,000           $12,000                -
      Fixed income securities      23,200            23,253               53
      Equity Securities             1,344             1,408               64
                                 --------          --------             ----
                                 $ 36,544          $ 36,661             $117
                                 ========          ========             ====

                                                April 30, 1997
                                                   Market              Holding
                                   Cost             Value               Gain
                                   ----             -----               ----
      Fixed income securities    $ 19,688          $ 19,763              $75
      Equity Securities             1,344             1,349                5
                                 --------          --------             ----
                                 $ 21,032          $ 21,112              $80
                                 ========          ========              ===


     Maturities of fixed income securities  classified as  available-for-sale at
April 30, 1998 are as follows (in thousands): 
    Current                                       $12,947 
    Due after one year through five years           9,752 
    Due after five years through ten years            501

      The  proceeds  from sales of  available-for-sale  securities,  principally
  fixed-income  securities,  and the gross  realized  gains  (based on  specific
  identification) were as follows:
                                           Years ended April 30,
                                  1998             1997              1996
                                  ----             ----              ----
      Proceeds from sales        $9,560          $10,541            $5,910
      Gross realized gains          $42              $70               $58

4.  Accounts Receivable
      Accounts  receivable  include  costs and  estimated  earnings in excess of
billings on uncompleted  contracts accounted for on the percentage of completion
basis of approximately $13,618,000 at April 30, 1998 and $7,722,000 at April 30,
1997. Such amounts represent revenue recognized on long-term  contracts that has
not been billed, pursuant to contract terms, and was not billable at the balance
sheet date.

5.  Inventories
      Inventories, which are reported net of reserves of $1,400,000 and $350,000
at April 30, 1998 and 1997, respectively, consisted of the following 
(in thousands):
                                                1998                1997
                                                ----                ----
    Raw Materials and Component Parts         $ 2,857             $ 2,797
    Work in Progress                            3,618               8,263
                                              -------             -------
                                              $ 6,475             $11,060
                                              =======             =======
     Title to all inventories related to United States Government contracts that
provide for progress billings vests in the U.S. Government.

6.  Property, Plant and Equipment
      Property, plant and equipment consists of the following (in thousands):
                                                1998                1997
                                                ----                ----
    Buildings and building improvements        $ 8,751            $ 8,751
    Machinery, equipment and furniture          17,374             16,331
                                                ------            -------
                                                26,125             25,082
    Less, accumulated depreciation and 
       amortization                             16,966             16,023
                                                ------            -------
                                               $ 9,159            $ 9,059
                                               =======            =======


      In January  1998, in two  transactions,  the Company sold two buildings to
Reckson Associates Realty Corp., a real estate investment trust whose shares are
traded on the New York Stock Exchange  ("REIT").  In one sale  transaction,  the
Company  sold the  building  which it had leased to  Laboratory  Corporation  of
America ("LCA"),  receiving cash of approximately  $15.6 million and realizing a
gain of  approximately  $5.4  million  after  selling  expenses  which amount is
included in "Other income, net."

     In the other sale,  the  Company  effected a  tax-deferred  exchange of the
building  which it occupies for  approximately  486,000  participation  units of
Reckson Operating Partnership,  L.P. ("REIT units") which were valued at closing
at $12 million. Each REIT unit is convertible into one share of the common stock
of the REIT  after  January 6,  1999.  REIT units may not be sold,  transferred,
pledged or disposed of until  January 1999.  In addition,  approximately  27,000
REIT units have been placed in escrow which may be released to the Company based
upon the price per share of the REIT on the date of conversion of REIT units.

      The Company leased back  approximately 43% of the latter building from the
purchaser.  Under the accounting provisions for sale and leaseback transactions,
the sale of this building is considered a financing and the REIT units  received
are reflected as a noncurrent  liability while the related building continues to
be reflected as an asset.  Upon  liquidation of the REIT units, a portion of the
resulting gain on this sale will be deferred and recognized into income over the
term of the  leaseback  with the  balance  recognized  in  income on the date of
liquidation.  After Reckson completes renovation of the building at its expense,
the Company will occupy new space at an annual rental of $400,000. (Note 8)

      A portion of the cash proceeds of the first sale were used to repay the $9
million loan obtained to finance the original  construction of the LCA building.
Preceeding  the sale of its  buildings,  the Company  prepaid the balance of its
Nassau County Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $820,000,  including
accrued interest. (Note 7)

      Depreciation and amortization  expense for the years ended April 30, 1998,
1997 and 1996 was $943,000, $921,000, and $974,000, respectively.
      Maintenance  and repairs  charged to operations  for the years ended April
30,  1998,  1997 and 1996 was  approximately  $369,000,  $347,000,  and $320,000


7.  Long-Term Debt
      Long-term debt consists of the following (in thousands):
                                                         1998            1997
                                                         ----            ----

  Secured note payable in forty equal quarterly
  installments of $125,000 through April 1, 2000
  with interest at adjusted LIBOR plus 1.00%
  (7.1875% at April 30, 1998) (1)                       $  979        $ 1,468

  Nassau County Industrial Development Bonds
  payable in quarterly installments of $62,500
  through September 30, 2000 at 79% of prime (Note 6)        -            937

  Real Estate Construction Loan in the amount of
  $9,000,000, maturity date January 30, 1998
  with interest at LIBOR plus 1.375% or prime
  plus 0.25% (Note 6)                                        -          9,000
                                                        ------        -------
                                                           979         11,405
   Less, current maturities                                479          9,718
                                                        ------        -------
                                                        $  500        $ 1,687
                                                        ======        =======

         (1) This note, originally in the amount of $5,000,000, was used to
             fund the purchase of 1,071,652  shares of the Company's common
             stock for the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).  Under the
             terms of this loan the Company has the right to borrow  either
             at the bank's  stipulated prime rate, at LIBOR plus 1.0% or at
             a designated fixed rate to be determined.  Dividends  received
             on ESOP  shares  ($21,000  and  $32,000 at April 30,  1998 and
             1997,   respectively)   which  have  not  been   allocated  to
             participant  accounts  are  used  to  pay  a  portion  of  the
             principal of this note.  (see Note 11.) The note is secured by
             a portion of the Company's common stock held in treasury.  The
             note is scheduled  to mature  during the year ending April 30,


8.  Operating Leases

      The Company  leases its  manufacturing  and office space under a leaseback
agreement  with  Reckson  Operating  Partnership,  L.P.  (Note  6) The  lease is
accounted for as an operating lease which  initially  expires in 2009. The lease
contains two  five-year  renewal  periods at the option of the  Company.  Annual
rental  payments are $400,000 for the initial  11-year term.  Under the terms of
the lease the Company is required to pay real estate taxes,  insurance and other

      Prior  to  recognition  of  future   amortization  of  the  deferred  gain
associated  with the sale and leaseback of property (Note 6), lease  commitments
for real property at April 30, 1998 are as follows (in thousands):

                                     Aggregate Lease

                           1999        $   460
                           2000            445
                           2001            434
                           2002            422
                           2003            400
            2004 and thereafter          2,267
      Lease rental  expenses, including real estate taxes, charged to operations
for the years ended April 30, 1998,  1997, and 1996 were approximately $463,000,
$844,000, and $783,000, respectively.

9.  Subsequent Events

      On June 19, 1998,  FEI and the United  States  Government  (referred to as
either "U.S." or "Government")  entered into a Plea Agreement,  Civil Settlement
Agreement and Related Documents  ("Settlement  Agreement")  thereby concluding a
global disposition ("Global Disposition") of certain previously reported pending
litigations and matters with the  Government.  Under the terms of the Settlement
Agreement,  FEI  paid  an  aggregate  of $8  million  to the  Government.  These
settlement  payments  are  reflected  in  Registrant's  consolidated  results of
operations  for the fiscal  year ended April 30,  1998.  Included in selling and
administrative  expenses are accruals for additional  legal fees related to this
settlement  in the amount of  $150,000.  
     By letter dated July 9, 1998,  FEI was notified by the U.S.  Department  of
the Air Force of FEI's proposed  debarment from Government  contracting and from
directly or indirectly  receiving the benefits of federal  assistance  programs.
The proposed  debarment  is based upon FEI's  guilty plea entered in  connection
with the Global Disposition and the Settlement Agreement. The proposed debarment
is effective as of July 9, 1998. The consequences of the proposed  debarment and
its potential effect on FEI are discussed further in Note 10.


10. Commitments and Contingencies

Private Civil Derivative Actions:

     On  December  1, 1993,  and  February  4,  1994,  two  separate  derivative
shareholder  actions (pursuant to a court order, are now consolidated  under one
civil action) were served in state court naming FEI, as a nominal defendant, and
its  directors  at the  time  and  certain  of its  officers  and  employees  as
defendants and, generally alleges, based upon a November 1993 federal grand jury
indictment,  that they defrauded the government,  submitted false statements and
invoices on government  projects,  destroyed and altered records, and made false
statements and submitted false documents to government officials (The indictment
has been  dismissed with  prejudice.  FEI pled guilty to a single charge under a
superseding indictment, of submitting a false statement which failed to disclose
the full explanation of costs on a highly classified government project, and the
superseding  indictment  was  otherwise  dismissed  with  prejudice  as  to  all
defendants.  The  indictment  and  superseding  indictment  generally  contained
similar  allegations.);  committed  the acts as  alleged  in the qui tam  action
described  below;  and  that,  as a  result  FEI  is  exposed  to  material  and
substantial  monetary  judgments  and  penalties  and the  loss  of  significant
business  and the  directors  were under a  fiduciary  obligation  to manage and
control  the  business  operations  of FEI and the conduct of its  personnel.  A
derivative  action is one permitted by law to be instituted by a shareholder for
the  benefit  of a  corporation  to  enforce  an  alleged  right or claim of the
corporation  where it is alleged  that such  corporation  has either  failed and
refused to do so or may not reasonably be expected to do so. The complaint seeks
judgment  against the directors in the amount of all losses and damages suffered
by FEI on account of the facts alleged in the complaint,  together with interest
costs,  legal and other  professional  fees. FEI and the other  defendants  have
denied the  allegations  of and intend  vigorously  to  contest  the  derivative

Qui Tam Action:

      In March  1994,  a qui tam action was served  upon the  Company and Martin
Bloch,  its president.  A qui tam action is an action wherein an individual may,
under  certain  circumstances,  bring a legal  action  against one or more third
persons on behalf of the  Government  for damages and other  relief by reason of
one or more alleged  wrongs  perpetrated  against the  Government  by such third
persons.  The  complaint  alleges  that  the  Company,  in  connection  with its
subcontract to design and manufacture  certain  oscillators which are components
of the  Government's  Advance  Medium  Range  Air to Air  Missiles  ("AMRAAMS"),
improperly designed, manufactured and tested the oscillators and as a result the
Government  sustained  damages.  The complaint demands an unspecified  amount of
damages allegedly suffered by the Government,  and asks that the Court determine
the damages and assess civil  penalties as provided  under the False Claims Act.
Under the False  Claims Act, a recovery  can be made in favor of the  Government
for a civil penalty of not less than $5,000 and not more than $10,000 as to each
false claim and for each false record and statement, plus three times the amount
of  damages  it is  determined  the  Government  sustained,  plus legal fees and
expenses. The Company and Mr. Bloch have denied the allegations of and intend to
vigorously  defend the qui tam action.  On April 11, 1997, the Court ordered the
qui tam action stayed  pending  resolution of the criminal  cases.  The criminal
cases have now been resolved and it is,  therefore,  anticipated this litigation
will be resumed.


Company Position and Legal Fees:

     FEI and the  individual  defendants in each of the legal matters  described
above consider the allegations and the charges asserted to be unjustified.  They
further  consider the actions of FEI and the individual  defendants with respect
to the  subject  matter of these  charges  to have been  taken in good faith and
without  wrongful  intent,  criminal or  otherwise.  Because of the  uncertainty
associated with the foregoing  matters,  FEI is unable to estimate the potential
liability or loss that may result,  if any, and,  accordingly,  no provision has
been made in the accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements.  However, an
unfavorable  outcome  of these  matters  could  have a  material  impact  on the
Company's financial position,  results of operations and cash flows. Included in
selling and  administrative  expenses are legal fees incurred in connection with
the  litigation  settlement  (Note 9) and the  above  matters  of  approximately
$741,000, $890,000, and $919,000 for the fiscal years ended April 30, 1998, 1997
and 1996, respectively.

Government Contract Suspension and Debarment:

      By letter dated July 13, 1998, FEI was notified by the U.S.  Department of
the Air Force that it terminated the suspension  proceedings  initiated  against
FEI's  president and director,  Martin B. Bloch,  its former vice  president and
director,  Abraham Lazar, its  secretary/treasurer,  Harry Newman and its former
contracts  manager,  Marvin  Norworth.  By letter  dated July 9,  1998,  FEI was
notified by the U.S.  Department  of the Air Force of FEI's  proposed  debarment
from  Government  contracting  and from  directly or  indirectly  receiving  the
benefits of federal  assistance  programs.  The proposed debarment is based upon
FEI's  guilty plea entered in  connection  with the Global  Disposition  and the
Settlement Agreement. The proposed debarment is effective as of July 9, 1998 and
has the following consequences:
         1.       FEI's name will be published  in the List of Parties  Excluded
                  From  Federal  Procurement  and  Nonprocurement   Programs,  a
                  publication of the General Services Administration  containing
                  the names of  contractors  debarred,  suspended,  proposed for
                  debarment, or declared ineligible by any agency of the Federal
                  Government.  Proposed  debarment is effective  throughout  the
                  executive branch of the Federal Government.
         2.       Offers  will  not be  solicited  from,  contracts  will not be
                  awarded  to,  exiisting  contracts  will  not  be  renewed  or
                  otherwise extended for, and subcontracts  requiring Government
                  approval  will not be  approved  for FEI by any  agency in the
                  executive branch of the Federal  Government unless the head of
                  the agency taking the contracting  action or a designee states
                  in  writing  the  compelling  reason  for  continued  business
                  dealings between FEI and the agency.
         3.       FEI may not conduct business with the Federal Government as an
                  agent or representative of other contractors.
         4.       No Government  contractor may award a subcontract  equal to or
                  in excess  of  $25,000  to FEI  unless  there is a  compelling
                  reason  to  do  so  and  the  contractor  first  notifies  the
                  contracting   officer  and  further   complies   with  certain
                  Government regulations.
         5.       No agency in the executive  branch shall enter into,  renew or
                  extend primary or lower tier covered transactions in which FEI
                  is either a participant  or principal,  unless the head of the
                  agency grants an exception in writing.


         6.       FEI  may  not  act  as  an  agent  or representative  of other
                  participants in federal assistance programs.
         7.       FEI's  affiliation  with or relationship  to any  organization
                  doing business with the Government will be carefully  examined
                  to determine the impact of those ties on the responsibility of
                  the   organization   to   be  a   Government   contractor   or
      Counsel for FEI have met with the Air Force suspension  authority and have
explained FEI's position as to why the debarment is inappropriate. The period of
the proposed  debarment has not been determined as yet. Debarment is imposed for
a period commensurate with the seriousness of the causes.  Generally,  debarment
does not exceed three years. The duration of FEI's  preexisting  suspension will
be considered in determining the debarment  period.  The debarring  official may
also extend the debarment for an additional  period if that official  determines
that an extension is necessary to protect the Government's interest. A debarment
may not be  extended  solely on the basis of the  facts and  circumstances  upon
which the initial  debarment  action was based.  The debarring  official has the
authority to reduce the period or extent of the debarment. Based upon applicable
Government regulations,  FEI does not believe that the proposed debarment should
be for an extended period of time,  although FEI is unable to predict the period
of such debarment.

      In fiscal  year 1999,  the Company  anticipates  that less than 10% of its
business will be comprised of prime and  subcontracts in which the Government is
the end-user. The Company expects that the balance of its business (greater than
90%),  which it has been  expanding in recent years,  will be in commercial  and
export markets  unrelated to the  Government.  While FEI and the Company believe
debarment is a serious matter,  the Company does not believe debarment will have
a  material  adverse  effect on its  business  prospects,  financial  condition,
results of its operations or its cash flows.
      On February 14, 1997, the Company commenced an action in the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia against the U.S.  Department
of the Air Force to obtain an injunction  against  continuance of the Government
contract  suspension.  The Air Force  moved for summary  judgment.  On March 14,
1997,  the District  Court  dismissed  the Company's  action with  prejudice and
refused  to grant the  Company's  motion  for an  injunction.  The  Company  has
appealed the District  Court's  order to the United  States Court of Appeals for
the Fourth Circuit.  On July 1, 1998, the Court of Appeals affirmed the District
Court Order.  The Company has not yet decided whether it will seek reargument or
will  petition the United  States  Supreme  Court for  certiorari to review such


      The Company is subject to various other legal proceedings and claims which
arise in the ordinary  course of  business.  In the opinion of  management,  the
amount of ultimate  liability  with respect to these actions will not materially
affect the financial position of the Company.


11. Notes Receivable - Common Stock

      In October 1994,  certain officers and employees  acquired an aggregate of
375,000  shares of the Company's  common stock in the open market.  The purchase
price of these shares of  approximately  $822,000 was financed by advances  from
the Company to such officers and  employees.  The notes,  collateralized  by the
shares of common stock  purchased,  accrue interest at 1/2% above prime (9.0% at
April 30, 1998) which is payable and adjusted annually.  The principal is due in
its entirety at the earlier of termination of employment or October 1999. During
the years ended April 30, 1998 and 1997,  certain  officers and  employees  made
payments  on their  notes in the  aggregate  amount of  $148,000  and  $305,000,
respectively. During the year ended April 30, 1996, one of the officers left the
Company  and  surrendered   37,500  shares  acquired  under  this   arrangement.
Accordingly, the related note receivable was satisfied.

12. Employee Benefit Plans

Stock Options:

      The Company has various  Incentive  Stock Option Plans  ("ISOP's") for key
management employees  (including officers and directors who are employees).  The
ISOP's  provide that eligible  employees  may be granted  options to purchase an
aggregate of 1,350,000 shares of the Company's common stock.  Under one Plan the
options are  exercisable  one year after the date of grant.  Under the remaining
plans the options are  exercisable  over a four-year  period  beginning one year
after the date of grant.  The  options  expire ten years after the date of grant
and are  subject  to  certain  restrictions  on  transferability  of the  shares
obtained on  exercise.  The options are granted at the  discretion  of the Stock
Option committee at an exercise price not less than the fair market value of the
Company's common stock on the date of grant.

      During fiscal 1998,  the Company  established  an  Independent  Contractor
Stock  Option  Plan  under  which  up to  200,000  shares  may  be  granted.  An
Independent  Contractor Stock Option Committee determines to whom options may be
granted  from among  eligible  participants,  the timing and  duration of option
grants,  the option  price,  and the number of shares of common stock subject to
each option.  During the year ended April 30, 1998, the Company  granted options
to acquire  112,500  shares at a price of $15.75,  the then fair market value of
the  Company's  common  stock.  Of the shares  granted,  22,750 are  exercisable
immediately,  29,750  are  exercisable  one year from  grant  date,  30,000  are
exercisable  two years from grant date, and 30,000 are  exercisable  three years
from grant date.  For the year ended  April 30,  1998,  the  Company  recognized
compensation expense of $208,000 as a result of these stock option grants.

        The  excess  of the  consideration  received  over the par  value of the
common stock or cost of treasury  stock issued under these option plans has been
recognized as an increase in additional paid-in capital.  No charges are made to
income with respect to the ISOP's.


      Transactions under  these plans, including  the weighted  average exercise
prices of the options, are as follows:

                                   1998              1997              1996
                              ---------------   ---------------   --------------
                                      Wtd Avg           Wtd Avg          Wtd Avg
                              Shares   Price    Shares   Price    Shares  Price

Outstanding at
  beginning of year          625,489   $3.38    874,373  $3.43    814,607  $3.45

Granted                      219,000  $13.08     32,250  $4.38     78,000  $3.25

Exercised                   (216,551)  $3.48   (257,884) $3.45          -

Expired or canceled           (9,750)  $5.64    (23,250) $3.48    (18,234) $3.41
                             -------            -------            ------

Outstanding at end of year   618,188   $6.84    625,489  $3.38    874,373  $3.43
                             =======            =======           =======

Exercisable at end of year   396,736   $4.29    534,026  $3.44     742,373 $3.45
                             =======            =======            =======

Available for grant at
  end of year                377,000            388,500            418,047
                             =======            =======            =======

Weighted average fair value
  of options granted during
  the year                     $4.39             $1.80               $1.99
                               =====             =====               =====

        The weighted average remaining  contractual life of  options outstanding
at April  30, 1998 and 1997  is  5.7 and 4.5 years,  respectively.  At April 30,
1998, 1997 and 1996, option prices per share were from $3.250 to $18.875.

Restricted Stock Plan:

        During fiscal 1990,  the Company  adopted a Restricted  Stock Plan which
provides  that key  management  employees  may be granted  rights to purchase an
aggregate  of  375,000  shares  of  the  Company's  common  stock.  The  grants,
transferability restrictions and purchase price are determined at the discretion
of a special committee of the board of directors.  The purchase price may not be
less than the par value of the common stock.

                                    1998             1997             1996
                              ---------------  ---------------    --------------
                                      Wtd Avg         Wtd Avg            Wtd Avg
                               Shares  Price    Shares  Price     Shares   Price

Exercisable at beginning 
  of year                     135,000  $4.00    135,000  $4.00     37,500  $0.67
Granted                         7,500  $0.67          -           135,000  $4.00
Exercised                     (37,500) $3.40          -           (37,500) $0.67
                             --------- -----    -------           -------  -----

Exercisable at end of year    105,000  $3.98    135,000  $4.00    135,000  $4.00
                              =======  =====    =======  =====    =======  =====

Balance of shares available 
for grant at end of year       92,250            99,750            99,750
                               ======            ======            ======

      Transferability of shares is restricted for a four year period,  except in
the  event of a  change  in  control  as  defined.  Amounts  shown  as  unearned
compensation  in  stockholders'  equity  represent the excess of the fair market
value of the shares over the purchase  price at the date of grant which is being
amortized  as  compensation  expense  over the period in which the  restrictions


      The Company  applies  the  disclosure-only  provision  for SFAS No. 123 in
accounting  for  the  plans.  Accordingly,  no  compensation  expense  has  been
recognized  other than for restricted stock awards.  Had  compensation  cost for
stock option awards under the plans been  determined  based on the fair value at
the grant dates  consistent  with the  provisions  of SFAS No. 123, the proforma
effect on the Company's financial statements would have been as follows:

                                          1998           1997         1996
                                          ----           ----         ----

  Net Earnings, as reported              $   64         $4,863       $2,822
                                         ======         ======       ======
  Net (Loss) Earnings - pro forma       ($   69)        $4,818       $2,801
                                         ======         ======       ======

  Earnings per share, as reported:
     Basic                               $ 0.01        $ 0.70        $ 0.41
                                         ======        ======        ======
     Diluted                             $ 0.01        $ 0.66        $ 0.40
                                         ======        ======        ======

  (Loss) Earnings per share- pro forma
     Basic                              ($ 0.02)       $ 0.70        $ 0.41
                                         =======       ======        ======
     Diluted                            ($ 0.02)       $ 0.66        $ 0.40
                                         ======        ======        ======

      The weighted  average fair value of each option has been  estimated on the
date of grant using the  Black-Scholes  options pricing model with the following
weighted   average   assumptions  used  for  grants  in  1998,  1997  and  1996,
respectively: dividend yield of 1.5%, 3.0% and 0.0%; expected volatility of 37%,
40% and 37%; risk free  interest rate (ranging from 6.2% to 6.5%);  and expected
lives of ranging from seven to ten years.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan/Stock Bonus Plan:

      During 1990 the Company amended its Stock Bonus Plan to become an Employee
Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).  This amendment became effective January 1, 1990. A
loan in the amount of $5,000,000 was  negotiated  with a bank on May 22, 1990 to
fund the Trust.  The loan is for a ten year period  with forty  equal  quarterly
installments  of  $125,000,  plus  interest  at various  rates at the  Company's
option.  The Company reacquired 561,652 shares of its common stock during fiscal
1990. These shares plus  approximately  510,000  additional shares issued by the
Company from its authorized, unissued shares were sold to the ESOP in May 1990.

      Shares are released for allocation to  participants  based on the ratio of
the current  year's debt  service to the sum of the current  year's debt service
plus the  principal  to be paid for all future  years.  Through  April 30, 1998,
584,012 shares have been allocated to participant accounts.

      Effective May 1, 1994,  the Company  changed its method of accounting  for
its ESOP in accordance  with  Statement of Position  ("SOP") 93-6. In accordance
with SOP 93-6 the annual expense  related to the leveraged  ESOP,  determined as
interest  incurred on the note plus compensation cost based on the fair value of
the shares released was approximately $1,569,000,  $797,000 and $515,000 for the
years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996, respectively

      The SOP also  requires  that ESOP shares that are committed to be released
are considered  outstanding for purposes of calculating  earnings per share. The
fair value of unallocated  shares  approximates $3.5 million and $2.1 million at
April 30, 1998 and 1997, respectively.


Deferred Compensation Plan:

        The Company has a program for key employees providing for the payment of
benefits  upon  retirement or death.  Under the plan,  these  employees  receive
specified  retirement  payments for the remainder of the employees'  life with a
minimum  payment  of ten  years'  benefits  to  either  the  employee  or  their
beneficiaries. The plan also provides for reduced benefits upon early retirement
or termination  of employment.  The Company pays the benefits out of its working
capital but has also  purchased  whole life  insurance  policies on the lives of
certain of the  participant's  to cover the optional lump sum obligations of the
plan upon the death of the participant.

        Deferred  compensation  expense charged to operations during  the  years
ended April 30, 1998, 1997, and 1996 was approximately  $227,000,  $371,000  and
$774,000, respectively. 

Profit Sharing Plan:

        The Company adopted a profit sharing plan and trust under section 401(k)
of the Internal Revenue Code. This plan allows all eligible employees to defer a
portion  of  their  income  through  voluntary  contributions  to the  plan.  In
accordance  with the provisions of the plan, the Company can make  discretionary
matching  contributions in the form of cash or common stock.  There were no such
contributions in fiscal 1998, 1997 or 1996.

Income Incentive Pool:

        The Company  maintains  incentive  bonus programs for certain  employees
which are based on operating profits of the Company.  The Company also adopted a
plan for the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, which formula
is based on pre-tax profits. The Company charged $490,000, $500,000 and $125,000
to operations  under these plans for the fiscal years ended April 30, 1998, 1997
and 1996, respectively.

13. Income Taxes

        The provision  (benefit) for income taxes  consists of the following (in

                                              1998         1997        1996
                                              ----         ----        ----

  Current Federal                          $   225       $   40        $ 45
  Current State and Local                      975          160         155
                                            ------       ------        ----
                  Current provision          1,200          200         200

  Deferred tax provision                         8        2,124         298
  Reduction in valuation allowance          (2,608)      (2,124)       (298)
                                            -------      ------        ----
  Total provision (benefit)                ($1,400)      $  200        $200
                                            ======       ======        ====


        The following table reconciles the reported income tax expense (benefit)
with the amount computed using the federal statutory income tax rate.

                                               1998         1997         1996
                                               ----         ----         ----
                                                       (In thousands)

  Computed "expected" tax expense (benefit)    ($  454)     $1,721      $1,027
  State and local tax, net of federal
        benefit                                    640         106         102
  Excess ESOP amortization                         332           -           -
  Nondeductible expenses                           361           -           -
  Dividend received deduction                      (62)        (32)        (21)
  Loss carryforward for which no tax
    benefit was recorded                             -         530           -
  Benefit of loss carry forward                      -           -        (619)
  Adjustment to deferred tax balances
    due to tax rates                               374           -           -
  Reduction in valuation allowance              (2,608)     (2,124)       (298)
  Other items, net, none of which
    individually exceeds 5% of
    federal taxes at statutory rates                17          (1)          9
                                                ------      ------      ------
                                               ($1,400)     $  200      $  200
                                                ======      ======      ======

        The components of deferred taxes are as follows (in thousands):

                                                   1998            1997
                                                   ----            ----

   Deferred tax assets:
       Litigation settlement                     $3,040           $    -
       Employee benefits                          2,138            1,999
       Inventory                                    803              276
       Miscellaneous                                  8                2
       Net operating loss carryforwards             614            5,072
                                                 ------           ------
          Total deferred tax asset                6,603            7,349
                                                 ------           ------

   Deferred tax liabilities:
       Accounts receivable                        2,302            2,248
       Property, plant and equipment              1,701            2,493
                                                 ------           ------
       Total deferred tax liabilities             4,003            4,741
                                                 ------           ------

    Net deferred tax asset                        2,600            2,608
    Valuation allowance                               -           (2,608)
                                                 ------           ------
                                                 $2,600           $    -
                                                 ======           ======

        At April 30, 1998, the Company has net operating loss  carryforwards  of
approximately  $1.5 million which may be applied against future  taxable  income
and which expire in fiscal years 2008 through 2011.


14.  Industry and Operations

        The Company is engaged in the manufacture and sale of precision time and
frequency control products for defense and space for U.S. Government end-use and
commercial  communication  and  non-U.S.  defense  and space.  As a result,  the
Company's  operations have been classified into two business segments as follows
(in thousands):

                                 1998             1997              1996
                                 ----             ----              ----
  Net sales:
     Commercial               $26,364           $ 19,612         $ 11,220
     U.S. Government            5,633              8,317           13,872
  Operating profit (loss):
     Commercial                 6,130              3,242            2,140
     U.S. Government           (4,522)             2,011            1,551
     Corporate                (10,713)            (2,578)          (2,644)
  Identifiable assets:
     Commercial                19,221             15,809           10,408
     U.S. Government            8,266             20,571           23,103
     Corporate                 55,414             38,486           35,259
     Commercial                   698                649              427
     U.S. Government              226                253              517
     Corporate                     19                 19               30
  Capital expenditures:
     Commercial                   693                600                3
     U.S. Government              123                271              327
     Corporate                    227                270                -

      Sales to Space Systems Loral ("SSL") and Motorola Corp.  each exceeded 10%
of the  Company's  consolidated  sales  for  the  year  ended  April  30,  1998.
Collectively,  these  two  companies  accounted  for  approximately  49%  of the
Company's  consolidated sales for the fiscal year. For the years ended April 30,
1997 and 1996,  sales to Hughes  Aircraft  Company  ("HAC") and SSL exceeded 10%
individually and 51% and 39%, respectively,  of the Company's consolidated sales
for the same periods.  During the three years ended April 30, 1998, sales to SSL
and  Motorola  were  for  space  applications  and  commercial   communications,
respectively,  while  sales to HAC were  substantially  all for U.S.  Government

      Included in accounts  receivable  at April 30, 1998,  are amounts due from
SSL and Motorola that total 63% of total accounts receivable. At April 30, 1997,
accounts  receivable  included  amounts due from HAC and SSL  comprising  60% of
total accounts receivable.

      The loss by the Company of any one of these customers, except with respect
to U.S. Government end-use business, would have a material adverse effect on the
Company's  business.  The Company believes its relationship with these companies
to be mutually  satisfactory and, except for the debarment discussed in Note 10,
is not aware of any prospect for the  cancellation  or significant  reduction of
any of its commercial or U.S. Government contracts.


         Export sales were as follows (in thousands):

                          1998               1997             1996
                          ----               ----             ----
  Korea                 $1,881             $2,418           $1,858
  Italy                  1,427                876                9
  United Kingdom         1,003                519              871
  France                   855                690              225
  Other                    518              1,405            1,358
                        ------             ------           ------
                        $5,684             $5,908           $4,321
                        ======             ======           ======

15.  Interim Results (Unaudited)

        Quarterly  results  for fiscal  years  1998 and 1997 are as follows  (in
thousands, except per share data):

                                                 1998 Quarter
                                   1st         2nd         3rd         4th
                                   ---         ---         ---         ---
  Net sales                      $7,301      $8,016      $8,033      $8,647
  Gross profit                    2,481       2,934         371         341
  Net earnings (loss)             1,398       1,633       2,380      (5,347)
  *Earnings (loss) per share
          Basic                   $0.19       $0.22       $0.32      ($0.71)
          Diluted                 $0.18       $0.21       $0.31      ($0.71)

           During the fourth  quarter of fiscal  1998,  the Company  recorded an
  accrual  of $8  million  for the  litigation  settlement  (Note 9-  Subsequent
  Events)  and  wrote off or  reserved  against  inventory  related  to  certain
  government programs in the amount of $2.5 million.

                                                1997 Quarter
                                   1st         2nd         3rd         4th
                                   ---         ---         ---         ---
  Net sales                      $6,124      $6,576      $7,558      $7,671
  Gross profit                    2,237       2,395       2,720       2,502
  Net earnings                      939       1,210       1,342       1,372
  *Earnings per share
          Basic                   $0.14       $0.18       $0.19       $0.20
          Diluted                 $0.13       $0.17       $0.18       $0.19

          *Quarterly  earnings  per share data does not equal the annual  amount
           due to changes in the average common equivalent  shares  outstanding.
           All per share  amounts have been  adjusted to reflect a 3-for-2 stock
           split in the form of a 50% dividend, effective October 31, 1997.


16.  Other Information

         The  following  provides  information  about  investing  and  financing
activities of the Company that affect assets or  liabilities  but did not result
in cash flow for the  three  years  ended  April  30,  1998,  1997 and 1996 and,
therefore,  are  excluded  from the  Consolidated  Statements  of Cash Flows (in

                                                   1998      1997      1996
                                                   ----      ----      ----

  Declaration of cash dividend                  $   771      $746         -

  3-for-2 stock split in the form of a 50%
  stock dividend                                  3,003         -         -

  Proceeds from sale of LCA building
  Used to pay down construction loan              9,000         -         -

  REIT units received in connection
  with building sale                             12,000         -         -

  Sale of a building, classified as asset
  held for sale in 1995, for $2.3 million 
  consisting of $500,000 in cash and a 
  promissory note for $1.8 million.                   -         -    $1,800

  Write-off of fully depreciated fixed assets         -         -       543



                                 (In thousands)

       Column A              Column B       Column C       Column D    Column E
       --------              --------       --------       --------    --------
      Description            Balance   Charged   Charged
                               at      to costs  to other             Balance at
                            beginning    and     accounts- Deductions   end of
                            of period  expenses  describe  -describe    period
                            ---------  --------  --------  ---------    ------

Year ended April 30, 1998
- -------------------------
  Allowance for doubtful
  accounts                     $190        $49                  $49(a)      $190

  Inventory reserves           $350     $4,488               $3,438(b)    $1,400

Year ended April 30, 1997
- -------------------------
  Allowance for doubtful
  accounts                     $483        $42                 $335(a)      $190

  Inventory reserves           $940                            $590(b)      $350

Year ended April 30, 1996
- -------------------------
  Allowance for doubtful
  accounts                     $562       $580                 $659(a)      $483

  Inventory reserves           $524       $416                              $940

  (a)  Accounts written off
  (b)  Inventory disposed or written off

Item 9.    Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and
           Financial Disclosure


                                    PART III

Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant
- --------  --------------------------------------------------

Item 10(a) Directors of the Registrant
        This item is  incorporated  herein  by reference from  the  Registrant's
definitive  proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on
or about October 5, 1998.

Item 10(b) Executive Officers of the Registrant
         The  executive  officers  hold office  until the annual  meeting of the
Board of Directors  following  the annual  meeting of  stockholders,  subject to
earlier removal by the Board of Directors.  During fiscal 1994 certain  officers
had taken  voluntary  leaves of absence as  discussed in  Registrant's  Form 8-K
dated  November  17,  1993.  With  the  settlement  of all  criminal  and  civil
litigation  brought by the US  government,  such  officers  have  resumed  their
positions with the Registrant.
     The names of all  executive  officers of  Registrant  and all positions and
offices with the Registrant which they presently hold are as follows:
  Joseph P. Franklin  -   Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive
                          Officer, Chief Financial Officer.
  Martin B. Bloch     -   President, Chief Scientist and Director
  Marvin Meirs        -   Vice President, Engineering and Director
  Alfred Vulcan       -   Vice President, Systems Engineering
  Markus Hechler      -   Vice President, Manufacturing and Assistant Secretary
  Charles S. Stone    -   Vice President, Low Noise Development
  Leonard Martire     -   Vice President, Space Systems and Business Development
  Harry Newman        -   Secretary and Treasurer

         None of the officers and directors are related.

     Joseph P.  Franklin,  age 64, has served as a Director of the Company since
March 1990. In December 1993 he was elected  Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Chief  Executive  Officer  and has  served  as  Chief  Financial  Officer  since
September 15, 1996. He has been the Chief  Executive  Officer of Franklin  S.A.,
since August  1987, a Spanish  business  consulting  company  located in Madrid,
Spain,  specializing in joint ventures,  and was a director of several prominent
Spanish  companies.  General  Franklin was a Major  General in the United States
Army until he retired in July 1987.

     Martin B.  Bloch,  age 62, has been a Director  of the  Company  and of its
predecessor  since  1961.  Mr.  Bloch  is  the  Company's  President  and  Chief
Scientist.   Previously,   he  served  as  chief  electronics  engineer  of  the
Electronics Division of Bulova Watch Company.
     Marvin  Meirs,  age 60,  was  employed  by the  Company  in an  engineering
capacity  from 1966 to 1972 and rejoined  the Company in such  capacity in 1973,
serving as Vice President, Engineering since 1978.
     Alfred  Vulcan,  age 61,  joined the Company as an engineer in 1973 and has
served as its Vice President, Systems Engineering since 1978.
     Markus  Hechler,  age 52, joined the Company in 1967, and has served as its
Vice President, Manufacturing since 1982, and as Assistant Secretary since 1978.
     Charles S. Stone, age 67, joined the Company in 1984, and has served as its
Vice President since that time.  Prior to joining the Company,  Mr. Stone served
as  Senior  Vice  President  of  Austron  Inc.,  from 1966 to 1979,  and  Senior
Scientist of Tracor Inc., from 1962 to 1966.
     Leonard  Martire,  age 61,  joined the Company in August 1987 and served as
Executive  Vice President of FEI  Microwave,  Inc.,  the Company's  wholly-owned
subsidiary until May 1993 when he was elected Vice President, Space Systems.
     Harry  Newman,  age 51, has been  employed by the Company as Secretary  and
Treasurer  since  1979,  prior to which he served as  Divisional  Controller  of
Jonathan  Logan,  Inc.,  apparel  manufacturers,  from  1976  to  1979,  and  as
supervising  Senior  Accountant with Clarence Rainess and Co.,  Certified Public
Accountants, from 1971 to 1975.

Item 11.  Executive Compensation
- --------  ----------------------
        This item is  incorporated  herein  by reference from  the  Registrant's
definitive  proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on
or about October 5, 1998.

Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
- --------  --------------------------------------------------------------
        This item is  incorporated  herein  by reference from  the  Registrant's
definitive  proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on
or about October 5, 1998.

Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions
- --------  ----------------------------------------------
        This item is  incorporated  herein  by reference from  the  Registrant's
definitive  proxy statement for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on
or about October 5, 1998.

                                     PART IV

Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K
- --------  ----------------------------------------------------------------

(a)    Index to Financial Statements, Financial Statement Schedules and Exhibits

       The financial  statements,  financial statement schedule and exhibits are
listed below and are filed as part of this report.


      Included in Part II of this report:


     Report of Independent Accountants                                 26

     Consolidated Balance Sheets
        April 30, 1998 and 1997                                       27-28

     Consolidated Statements of Operations
         -years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996                    29

     Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
        - years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996                    30

     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
        - years ended  April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996                  31-32

     Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                       33-50


      Included in Part II of this report:

            Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts             51

            Other financial  statement  schedules are omitted because they
            are not  required,  or the  information  is  presented  in the
            consolidated financial statements or notes thereto.

        Exhibit 10.12 - Contribution Agreement between Registrant 
                        and Reckson Operating Partnership L.P.
                        dated January 6, 1998                           61
        Exhibit 10.13 - Lease Agreement between Registrant and
                        Reckson Operating Partnership L.P. dated
                        January 6, 1998                                110
        Exhibit 10.14 - Plea Agreement, Civil Settlement and 
                        Related Documents dated June 19, 1998          164
        Exhibit 23.1  - Consent of Independent Accounts.               194

       The  exhibits  listed on the  accompanying  Index to  Exhibits
       beginning on page 55 are filed as part of this annual report.

(b)        REPORTS ON FORM 8-K

       Registrant's  Forms 8-K,  dated February 24, 1998, containing  disclosure
       under  Item 5  thereof,  was  filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange
       Commission  during the quarter ended April 30, 1998. In addition,  a Form
       8-K  dated  June 19,  1998  containing  disclosure  under  Item 5 thereof
       (litigation  settlement)  was  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
       Commission subsequent to year-end.

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

                                  ITEM 14(a)(3)

         Certain of the following  exhibits were filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange   Commission  as  exhibits,   numbered  as  indicated   below,  to  the
Registration   Statement  or  report   specified   below,   which  exhibits  are
incorporated herein by reference:

                                                                 Exhibit No.
                                                                 as filed with
Exhibit No.   Identifica-                                        Statement or
in this       tion per Reg.    Description                      report specified
Form 10-K     229.601(b)       of Exhibit                        below
- ---------     ----------       --------------------------        ---------------

       1          (3)          Copy of Certificate of
                               Incorporation of the
                               Registrant filed with
                               the Secretary of State
                               of Delaware (1)                         3.1

       2          (3)          Amendment to Certificate
                               of Incorporation of the
                               Registrant filed with
                               the Secretary of State
                               of Delaware on March 27,                3.2
                               1981 (2)

       3          (3)          Copy of By-Laws of the
                               Registrant, as amended
                               to date (3)                             3.3

       4          (4)          Specimen of Common Stock
                               certificate (1)                         4.1

       5          (10)         Stock Bonus Plan of Registrant
                               and Trust Agreement
                               thereunder (4)                         10.2

       6          (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               Martin B. Bloch (4)                    10.3

       7          (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               Abraham Lazar (4)                      10.4

       8          (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               John C. Ho (4)                         10.5

                                                                 Exhibit No.
                                                                 as filed with
Exhibit No.   Identifica-                                        Statement or
in this       tion per Reg.    Description                      report specified
Form 10-K     229.601(b)       of Exhibit                        below
- ---------     ----------       --------------------------        ---------------

       9          (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               Marvin Meirs (4)                       10.6

       10         (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               Alfred Vulcan (4)                      10.7

       11         (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               Harry Newman (4)                       10.8

       12         (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               Marcus Hechler (4)                     10.9

       13         (10)         Form of stock escrow
                               agreement between Vincenti &
                               Schickler as escrow agent
                               and certain officers of
                               Registrant (4)                         10.10

       14         (10)         Form of Agreement concerning
                               Executive Compensation (2)             10.11

       15         (10)         Registrant's 1982 Incentive
                               Stock Option Plan (5)                  15

       16         (10)         Amendment dated April 19,
                               1981 to Stock Bonus Plan
                               of Registrant and Trust
                               Agreement (3)                          20.1

       17         (3)          Amendment to Certificate
                               of Incorporation of the
                               Registrant filed with
                               Secretary of State of
                               Delaware on October 26,
                               1984 (6)                               17

       18         (10)         Registrant's 1984 Incentive
                               Stock Option Plan (6)                  18  

                                                                 Exhibit No.
                                                                 as filed with
Exhibit No.   Identifica-                                        Statement or
in this       tion per Reg.    Description                      report specified
Form 10-K     229.601(b)       of Exhibit                        below
- ---------     ----------       --------------------------        --------------

       19         (10)         Registrant's Cash or Deferral
                               Profit Sharing Plan and
                               Trust under Internal Revenue
                               Code Section 401,
                               dated April 1, 1985 (7)                19   

       20         (10)         Computation of Earnings           Included in the
                               per Share of Common                Financial
                               Stock                              Statements

       21         (10)         Amendment Restated Effective
                               as of May 1, 1984 of the
                               Stock Bonus Plan and Trust
                               Agreement of Registrant (7)            21

       22         (3)          Amendment to Certificate
                               of Incorporation of the
                               Registrant filed with the
                               Secretary of State of Delaware
                               on October 22, 1986 (8)                22

       23         (10)         Amendment Restated Effective
                               as of May 1, 1984 of the Stock
                               Bonus Plan and Trust Agreement
                               of Registrant (8)                      23

       24         (3)          Amended and Restated
                               Certificate of
                               Incorporation of the
                               Registrant filed with
                               the Secretary of State
                               of Delaware on
                               October 26, 1987 (10)                  24 

       25         (22)         List of Subsidiaries
                               of Registrant (10)                     25 

       26         (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               Charles Stone (9)                      26 

       27         (10)         Employment agreement
                               between Registrant and
                               Jerry Bloch (9)                        27 

                                                                 Exhibit No.
                                                                 as filed with
Exhibit No.   Identifica-                                        Statement or
in this       tion per Reg.    Description                      report specified
Form 10-K     229.601(b)       of Exhibit                        below
- ---------     ----------       --------------------------        --------------

       28         (10)         Registrant's 1987
                               Incentive Stock Option
                               Plan (9)                               28

       29         (10)         Registrant's Senior
                               Executive Stock Option
                               Plan (9)                               29

       30         (10)         Amendment dated Jan. 1, 1988
                               to Registrant's Cash or
                               Deferred Profit Sharing Plan
                               and Trust under Section 401
                               of Internal Revenue Code (9)           30

       31         (10)         Executive Incentive
                               Compensation Plan between
                               Registrant and various
                               employees (9)                          31

       32         (10)         Amended Certificate of In-
                               corporation of the Registrant
                               filed with the Secretary of
                               State of Delaware on
                               November 2, 1989 (10)                  32

       33         (10)         Registrant's Employee Stock
                               Option Plan (10)                       33

       34         (10)         Loan agreement between
                               Registrant and Nat West
                               Dated May 22, 1990 (10)                34

       35         (10)         Loan Agreement between
                               Registrant's Employee
                               Stock Ownership Plan and
                               Registrant dated
                               May 22, 1990 (10)                      35

       36         (23)         Consent of Independent
                               Accountants to incorporation
                               by reference of 1998 audit report
                               in Registrant's Form S-8
                               Registration Statement.                23.1

                                                                 Exhibit No.
                                                                 as filed with
Exhibit No.   Identifica-                                        Statement or
in this       tion per Reg.    Description                      report specified
Form 10-K     229.601(b)       of Exhibit                        below
- ---------     ----------       --------------------------        --------------

       37         (10)         Registrant's 1997 Independent
                               Contractor Stock Option Plan (11       4.14

       38         (10)         Contribution Agreement between
                               Registrant and Reckson Operating
                               Partnership L.P. dated
                               January 6, 1998                       10.12

       39         (10)         Lease agreement between
                               Registrant and Reckson
                               Operating Partnership, L.P.
                               dated January 6, 1998                 10.13

       40         (10)         Plea Agreement, Civil Settlement
                               and Related Documents dated
                               June 19, 1998                         10.14


             (1) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit,  numbered as indicated above,
    to the  registration  statement of Registrant on Form S-1, File No. 2-29609,
    which exhibit is incorporated herein by reference.
             (2) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit,  numbered as indicated above,
    to the  registration  statement of Registrant on Form S-1, File No. 2-71727,
    which exhibit is incorporated herein by reference.
             (3) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit,  numbered as indicated above,
    to the annual  report of  Registrant  on Form 10-K,  File No. 1-8061 for the
    year  ended  April  30,  1981,  which  exhibit  is  incorporated  herein  by
             (4) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit,  numbered as indicated above,
    to the  registration  statement of Registrant on Form S-1, File No. 2-69527,
    which exhibit is incorporated herein by reference.
             (5) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit,  numbered as indicated above,
    to the annual report of Registrant on Form 10-K,  File No.  1-8061,  for the
    year  ended  April  30,  1982,  which  exhibit  is  incorporated  herein  by
             (6) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit,  numbered as indicated above,
    to the annual report of Registrant on Form 10-K,  File No.  1-8061,  for the
    year  ended  April  30,  1985,  which  exhibit  is  incorporated  herein  by
             (7) Filed with the SEC as exhibit,  numbered as indicated above, to
    the annual report of Registrant on Form 10-K, File No. 1-8061,  for the year
    ended April 30, 1986, which exhibit is incorporated herein by reference.
             (8) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit,  numbered as indicated above,
    to the annual report of Registrant on Form 10-K,  File No.  1-8061,  for the
    year  ended  April  30,  1987,  which  exhibit  is  incorporated  herein  by
             (9) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit,  numbered as indicated above,
    to the annual report of Registrant on Form 10-K,  File No.  1-8061,  for the
    year  ended  April  30,  1989,  which  exhibit  is  incorporated  herein  by
             (10) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit, numbered as indicated above,
    to the annual report of Registrant on Form 10-K,  File No.  1-8061,  for the
    year  ended  April  30,  1990,  which  exhibit  is  incorporated  herein  by
             (11) Filed with the SEC as an exhibit, numbered as indicated above,
    to the registration statement of Registrant on Form S-8, File No. 333-42233,
    which exhibit is incorporated herein by reference.

                                                                   Exhibit 10.12

                             CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT

                           FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.
                           (the "Contributing Party")


                               (the "Partnership")

                            For Premises located at:

                      51 and 55 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard
                               Uniondale, New York

                             Dated: December 2, 1997

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.      DEFINITIONS                                                           1

2.      TRANSFER OF PROPERTY; CONSIDERATION                                   5

3.      INTENTIONALLY DELETED.                                                6

4.      MATTERS TO WHICH THE SALE IS SUBJECT                                  6

5.      OUTSTANDING INTEREST OR UNMARKETABLE TITLE                            7

6.      ADJUSTMENTS                                                           8

7.      CASUALTY                                                              9

8.      CONDEMNATION PENDING CLOSING                                         10




12.     PARTNERSHIP'S INSTRUMENTS AT CLOSING                                 19

13.     CONTRACT PERIOD                                                      20

14.     BROKERAGE                                                            21


16.     CLOSING                                                              22


18.     NOTICES                                                              23

19.     DEFAULT                                                              24

20.     ASSIGNMENT                                                           26

21.     CONSTRUCTION UNDER FREQUENCY LEASE                                   26

22.     COUNTERPARTS                                                         28

23.     FURTHER ASSURANCES                                                   28

24.     MISCELLANEOUS                                                        28

25.     ESCROW AGENT                                                         29

26.     ERNST & YOUNG LETTER                                                 31

27.     SALE OF PROPERTY                                                     31

28.     TAX CERTIORARI PROCEEDING                                            32

Exhibit A:      Description of the Leased Parcel

Exhibit B:      Description of the Leases

Exhibit C:      Partnership Agreement

Exhibit D:      Title Insurance Commitment

Exhibit E:      December Rent

Exhibit F:      Title Affidavit

Exhibit G:      Service Contract, Brokerage Agreements and other Contracts

Exhibit H:      Investor Questionnaire

Exhibit I:      Assignment and Assumption of Ground Lease

Exhibit J:      General Assignment

Exhibit K:      FIRPTA Certificate

Exhibit L:      Assignment and Assumption of Leases

Exhibit M:      Form of Tenant Estoppels

Exhibit N:      Registration Rights Agreement

Exhibit O:      Landlord Estoppel - Ground Lease

Exhibit P:     Lock-up Agreement

Exhibit Q:     Intentionally Deleted

Exhibit R:      Tax Certiorari

Exhibit S:     Ernst & Young Letter

Exhibit T:      List of Security Deposits and Delinquent Rent

Exhibit U:      Terms of the Escrow

Exhibit X:      Transfer Tax Indemnity

                             CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENT

        THIS  CONTRIBUTION  AGREEMENT  (the  "Agreement")  made  this 2nd day of
December, 1997 by and between FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS,  INC., having an address at
55 Charles Lindbergh  Boulevard,  Mitchel Field, New York 11553 (hereinafter the
"Contributing Party") and RECKSON OPERATING PARTNERSHIP, L.P., having an address
at 225  Broadhollow  Road,  Melville,  New  York  11747-0983  (hereinafter,  the

                                W I T N E S S E T H:

        For and in consideration  of the mutual covenants and agreements  herein
contained,  the  Contributing  Party  agrees  to  transfer  and  convey  to  the
Partnership all of the Contributing  Party's right,  title and interest in those
certain  parcels of land  located in the Town of  Uniondale,  New York,  as more
particularly  described on Exhibit A attached hereto (collectively,  the "Leased
Parcel"),  including, without limitation, all of the Contributing Party's right,
title  and  interest  in the  Ground  Lease  (as  hereinafter  defined)  and the
Partnership  agrees to accept such  right,  title and  interest,  subject to the
terms and  conditions  hereof,  together  with the  buildings  and  improvements
thereon erected,  and the  Contributing  Party's Other Interests (as hereinafter
defined),  all of which, together with the Leased Parcel are hereinafter defined
collectively as the "Property".

        The Contributing Party and the Partnership further agree as follows:

         1.      DEFINITIONS

For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:

        1.1 "Business  Day" shall mean any day other than a Saturday,  Sunday or
State of New York or federal legal holiday.

        1.2  The   "Closing"   shall  mean  the  closing  of  the   transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.

        1.3 The  "Closing  Date"  shall  be the date  the  Contributing  Party's
interest in the Ground Lease is assigned to the  Partnership in accordance  with
the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

        1.4     The "Consideration" shall have the meaning set forth in  Section
 2.1 hereof.

        1.5 The "Contract  Period" shall mean the period  commencing on the date
of this Agreement until the Closing Date.

        1.6 The  "Contributing  Party's  Other  Interests"  shall  be all of the
Contributing  Party's  interests  in  and to the  Property  (including  fixtures
appurtenant to the Property),  or  appertaining  thereto,  together with all the
singular  tenements,  hereditaments and appurtenances  thereunto belonging or in
any wise appertaining, including without limitation:

                           a)      All of the right,  title  and interest of the
Contributing Party in and to the  Ground  Lease  and any  easements,  grants  of
right  or  other  agreements affecting  the   Property,    or   comprising   the
"Permitted   Encumbrances"  (as hereinafter defined),   including any structures
or improvements erected pursuant to such easements,  grants of  right  or  other
agreements,  whether or not situate upon the Leased Parcel.

                           b)      All of the right, title and interest, if any,
of the Contributing Party in and to any  land  lying  in the bed of any  street,
road or  avenue  opened  or proposed  in  front  of  or  adjoining   the  Leased
Parcel  to  the  center  line  thereof and all right,  title and interest of the
Contributing Party in and to any award to be made  in  lieu  thereof  and in and
to any unpaid award for damages to said premises by reason of change of grade of
any street; all real estate tax refunds with  respect  to  the  Property  (which
real  estate tax  refunds are subject to adjustment  in accordance  with Section
6 hereof);and the Contributing Party shall execute and deliver tothe Partnership
on closing of title or thereafter on demand  all   proper   instruments  for the
conveyance  of such  title and the assignment and collection of any  such award.

                           c)      All  of  the   rights  and  interest  of  the
Contributing Party in and to any lease,license or other like agreement affecting
the  Property,  including, without limitation, the  Lockheed Lease, the National
Health  Laboratory  Lease  and  the  Frequency   Lease,  and to any  deposits or
securities held by the Contributing Party in connection therewith at the Closing
of title hereunder.

                           d)      All  of  the  rights  and  interest  of   the
Contributing Party in and to all permits, licenses, guaranties,  warranties  and
approvals of whatsoever nature affecting theProperty orany improvements thereon.

        1.7 The  "Deposit"  shall mean  those  amounts  paid by the  Partnership
pursuant to subsection 2.3 of this Agreement  together with all interest  earned

        1.8 The  "Environmental  Laws" mean all  federal,  state and local laws,
regulations,  rules and  ordinances  relating to pollution or  protection of the
environment,   enforceable  against  the  Property  or  the  Contributing  Party
including,  without limitation, laws relating to releases or threatened releases
of hazardous  substances,  oils,  pollutants or contaminants  into the indoor or
outdoor environment (including,  without limitation, ambient air, surface water,
groundwater,  land,  surface and subsurface strata) or otherwise relating to the
manufacture,   processing,   distribution,  use,  treatment,  storage,  release,
transport or handling of hazardous substances,  oils, pollutants or contaminants
expressly intending to include without limitation asbestos.

        1.9 "FEI Realty  Leases"  shall mean,  collectively,  the  Agreement  of
Sublease dated December 27, 1990 between the  Contributing  Party,  as landlord,
and Fei Realty Corp.,  as tenant,  and the Agreement of Sublease  dated December
27, 1990 between Fei Realty Corp., as landlord,  and Frequency Properties Corp.,
as tenant.

        1.10 The  "Frequency  Lease"  shall mean the lease to be  executed on or
prior to the Closing  Date  between the  Partnership,  as landlord  and contract
vendee,  and the  Contributing  Party,  as  tenant,  with  respect to all of the
premises located at 55 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard,  Mitchel Field, New York not
leased  pursuant to the  Lockheed  Lease,  which  Frequency  Lease will  contain
approximately 91,027 square feet of space.

        1.11 "Ground  Lease" shall mean the Lease  Agreement  dated February 24,
1981 between the County of Nassau, as landlord,  and the Contributing  Party, as
tenant, with respect to the Property.

        1.12 The "Initial Escrowed Units" shall be equal to 513,259 Units (which
was derived by dividing $23.38 into $12,000,000) minus the Initial Free Units.

        1.13 "Initial Free Units" shall be equal to  $12,000,000  divided by the
Weighted  Average  Closing Price,  provided,  however that in no event shall the
Initial Free Units exceed 513,259 Units.

        1.14    The "Investor Questionnaire" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 9.14 hereof.

        1.15 The "Leases" shall mean the National  Health  Laboratory  Lease and
the other leases, if any, set forth on Exhibit B attached.

        1.16    "Lockheed" shall mean Lockheed Martin Corporation of Maryland.

        1.17  "Lockheed  Lease"  shall mean the lease to be  entered  into on or
prior to the Closing between the  Partnership,  as landlord and contract vendee,
and Lockheed,  as tenant,  with respect to approximately  123,000 square feet of
space located at 55 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard, Mitchel Field, New York.

        1.18    "Lock-up Agreement" shall have the meaning set forth in  Section
 10.1(m) hereof.

        1.19 "NHLI" shall mean National Health Laboratories Incorporated.

        1.20    "NHLI Amendment" shall have the meaning  set  forth  in  Section
 13.7 hereof.

        1.21 "National Health Laboratory Lease" shall mean that certain Restated
Agreement  of Sublease  dated August 1, 1991  between the  Frequency  Properties
Corp., as landlord, and NHLI, as tenant, with respect to the premises located at
51 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard, Mitchel field, New York.

        1.22 The term "Net Cost of Title  Examination"  shall  mean the  expense
actually incurred by the Partnership for title examination  without the issuance
of a policy,  but in no event  however  to  exceed  the net  amount  customarily
charged  by a title  company  in  Nassau  County,  State of New  York for  title

        1.23 "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange.

        1.24 The  "Partnership  Agreement"  shall mean the  limited  partnership
agreement  of the  Partnership  dated June 2, 1995,  a copy of which is attached
hereto as Exhibit C.

        1.25  The  "Permitted   Encumbrances"   shall  be  those   restrictions,
covenants,  agreements,  easements, matters and things of record affecting title
to the Property designated as "Permitted Exceptions" on the Title Commitment.

        1.26 The  "Real  Estate  Taxes"  shall  mean real  estate  taxes and any
general or special assessments (exclusive of penalties and interest thereon, all
of which  are to be paid at or  prior  to  Closing  by the  Contributing  Party)
imposed upon the  Property,  including but not limited to any general or special
assessments  of  any  governmental  or  municipal  authority  or  tax  district,
including, without limitation, any assessments levied for public benefits to the
Property.  Annual  assessments  are to be apportioned as of Closing  pursuant to
local custom.

        1.27 "Registration  Rights Agreement" shall mean the registration rights
agreement in the form of Exhibit N attached hereto.

        1.28 "REIT" shall mean Reckson  Associates  Realty Corp.,  a real estate
investment trust organized in the State of Maryland.

        1.29    "REIT Common Stock" shall mean the common stock in the REIT that
 is listed on the NYSE.

        1.30    "Rents" shall mean all minimum rent and additional rent  payable
by the Tenants under the Leases.

        1.31  "Tenants"  shall  mean all of the  tenants  listed  on  Exhibit  B
attached  hereto and,  upon  execution of the Lockheed  Lease and the  Frequency
Lease, Lockheed and the Contributing Party, respectively.

        1.32    "Termination Agreement" shall have  the  meaning  set  forth  in
Section 13.6 hereof.

        1.33    "Title Commitment" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5

        1.34    "Title Insurer" shall have the meaning set  forth  in  Section 5

        1.35 "Units" shall mean limited partnership units in the Partnership.

        1.36  "Weighted  Average  Closing  Price"  shall  mean a  fraction,  the
numerator of which is, for each of the trading  days within 30 days  immediately
prior to the day  which is one  Business  Day  prior to the  Closing  Date,  the
product of the closing  price as reported on the NYSE for a share of REIT Common
Stock on a particular  Business Day multiplied by the number of shares traded on
such Business Day and the  denominator of which is equal to the number of shares
traded during such 30 day period.


        2.1  The  Contributing  Party  agrees  to  transfer  and  convey  to the
Partnership,  and the  Partnership  agrees  to  purchase  and  acquire  from the
Contributing  Party,  subject to and in accordance  with the terms,  provisions,
covenants and conditions more  particularly set forth in this Agreement,  all of
the  Contributing  Party's right,  title and interest in and to the Property and
the  Partnership  shall  deliver  to the  Contributing  Party the  Consideration
subject to the terms and  provisions  hereof  providing for  adjustments  to the
Consideration. For purposes of this Agreement, the "Consideration" to be paid by
the Partnership to the  Contributing  Party for the Property is  $27,586,580.00]
(of which  $12,000,000  is  allocated  to the land  referred to as "Parcel A" on
Exhibit A attached and  $15,586,580)  is  allocated  to the land  referred to as
"Parcel B" on Exhibit A attached) to be payable as follows:

        (a) Cash in the  amount  of  $15,586,580  (less any  adjustments  to the
Consideration),  which  cash  shall be paid to the  Contributing  Party  (or its
designee) by wire transfer and

        (b) 513,259  Units,  of which an amount  equal to the  Initial  Escrowed
Units  shall be held in  escrow  by the  Partnership.  During  the time that the
Partnership  holds any  Initial  Escrowed  Units in  escrow,  all  distributions
(including   dividends)  relating  to  such  Initial  Escrowed  Units  shall  be
distributed  to the  Contributing  Party.  The Initial  Escrowed  Units shall be
released  from  escrow  to  the  Contributing   Party  or  relinquished  to  the
Partnership  for  retirement,  as the case may be, in accordance  with Exhibit U
attached hereto.

        2.2 The  quarterly  distribution  payable with respect to the quarter in
which the Closing occurs shall be pro-rated and paid to the  Contributing  Party
when the quarterly distribution is made by the Partnership,  provided,  however,
that the  Contributing  Party shall only be entitled to its  pro-rated  share of
such  distribution  if the  Contributing  Party is the owner of the Units on the
Record Date applicable to such distribution.

        2.3 Simultaneous  with the execution of this Agreement,  the Partnership
has deposited the sum of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000), by certified check or
wire  transfer  with the Escrow  Agent  pursuant  to  Article 25 hereof.  On the
Closing Date, such $1,000,000,  together with any interest earned thereon, shall
be delivered to the Contributing  Party to the extent of the cash it is entitled
to receive under Section 2.1 (b) above.  On the Closing  Date,  the  Partnership
shall  receive  the  Deposit  to the  extent it  exceeds  the amount of cash the
Contributing Party is entitled to receive under Section 2.1(b) above.



The  Contributing  Party  shall  assign and convey or cause to be  assigned  and
conveyed to the Partnership good and marketable  leasehold title to the Property
free  and  clear  of any and all  mortgages,  liens,  leases,  encumbrances  and
easements, except:

        4.1 All taxes, water meter and water charges and sewer rents, accrued or
unaccrued, fixed or not fixed, becoming due and payable after the Closing Date.

        4.2 All zoning laws and building  ordinances,  resolutions,  regulations
and orders of all  boards,  bureaus,  commissions  and bodies of any  municipal,
county, state or federal government.

        4.3     The Permitted Encumbrances.


Attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  D is a title  insurance  commitment  (the  "Title
Commitment") from  Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company ("Title  Insurer").
As a condition to the Closing,  at the Partnership's  expense,  the Contributing
Party shall cause the Title  Insurer to issue a leasehold  policy at the Closing
to the Partnership insuring title to the Property as set forth in Exhibit D. The
Contributing Party agrees to discharge any existing lien or encumbrance shown on
the Title  Commitment  which can be  discharged  by the  payment of money by the
Contributing Party.

If at the  Closing  it  should  appear  that the  Property  is  affected  by any
outstanding  interest or questions of title which the Partnership is not obliged
to take subject to in  accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement  (i.e.  the
Permitted  Encumbrances),  and if  such  interest  or  question  of  title  may,
according to reasonable expectations, be removed as an objection to title within
one (1) month from the  scheduled  Closing Date (i.e.  December 23,  1997),  the
Contributing  Party may adjourn the Closing Date for a period not  exceeding one
(1) month for such  purpose.  If the  Property  shall be affected by any lien or
encumbrance  which is not  disclosed  on the Title  Commitment  and which may be
discharged by the payment of an ascertainable  amount of money, then it shall be
the Contributing  Party's obligation to discharge such lien or encumbrance,  and
the  Contributing  Party shall be entitled to a reasonable  adjournment from the
scheduled  Closing Date (i.e.  December 23, 1997) not to exceed one (1) month to
accomplish the discharge thereof; further, subject to the reasonable approval of
the Partnership  and the Title Insurer,  the  Contributing  Party shall have the
right to (i) bond or escrow for such lien or  encumbrance if same is not readily
dischargeable  or (ii)  cause  the  Title  Insurer  to  insure  over the lien or
encumbrance.  If after any applicable adjournment,  the Contributing Party shall
be  unable  to  convey  the  Property  subject  to and in  accordance  with  the
provisions of this Agreement,  the Partnership shall have the right to waive the
defect in title and  accept  such  title as the  Contributing  Party can  convey
without a reduction in the  Consideration or terminate this Agreement by written
notice to the  Contributing  Party  whereupon the Deposit  shall be  immediately
returned  to the  Partnership  and the parties  shall have no further  rights or
obligations  hereunder,  except, that the Contributing Party shall reimburse the
Partnership for its Net Cost of Title  Examination  and its other  out-of-pocket
due diligence  costs (which  out-of-pocket  due diligence costs shall not exceed
$25,000).  Notwithstanding  anything  in  this  Article  to  the  contrary,  the
Contributing Party shall in all events be obligated to cure and/or discharge (i)
all  mortgages  and other  monetary  liens set forth in the Title  Commitment or
otherwise  affecting  the  Property,  provided,  however  that the  Contributing
Party's  liability  with  respect to monetary  liens not  disclosed on the Title
Commitment  shall be limited to $500,000 and (ii) all voluntary  (i.e.,  arising
from the Contributing  Party's act or failure to act)  outstanding  encumbrances
which,  after the date hereof,  encumber  the  Property,  provided,  that if the
Contributing  Party fails to cure and/or discharge such liens and  encumbrances,
then the  Partnership  may,  in its sole and  absolute  discretion,  cure and/or
discharge such liens and encumbrances in which case the  Consideration  shall be
decreased  by the amount of money  expended  by the  Partnership  to cure and/or
discharge such liens and encumbrances.

         6.      ADJUSTMENTS

        6.1 All items of income and expense relating to the Property,  including
the following,  shall be  apportioned  between the parties as of midnight of the
day immediately  preceding the Closing Date so that the Contributing Party shall
be  charged  with and have the  benefit of such items  accrued  through  the day
immediately  preceding the Closing Date,  and the  Partnership  shall be charged
with or have the benefit of such items from and after the Closing Date:

                           a)      Rents - (i)if Rent has been paid with respect
to the month in which the Closing occurs, the Partnership shall receive a credit
to the Purchase Price in the  amount of its share of such  Rent,(ii) if Rent has
not yet been paid with respect to the month in which the  Closing  occurs, there
shall be no credit to the Purchase Price and the Partnership shall deliver tothe
Contributing  Party its share of such Rent when and if (x) such Rent is paid  to
the  Partnership and (y) there are no other  arrearages in Rent  and  (iii)   if
there are any arrearages in Rent, there shall be no credit to the Purchase Price
and all Rents thereafter received  shall be  applied, after all  Rents  then due
and  payable  after the Closing Date have been paid in full, first,to arrearages
relating to the month in which the  Closing  occurs and  second  to   arrearages
relating  to the period prior to the Closing.

                           b)      Real Estate Taxes (and all  refunds  of  Real
Estate Taxes from any governmental  authority),  sewer and vault rents,  charges
and license fees, and water meter and frontage charges.If the Closing Date shall
occur before the tax rate is fixed,  the  apportionment  of taxes  shall be upon
the basis of the tax rate for the next preceding year  applied  for  the  latest
assessed  valuation and adjusted  when the final tax rate is fixed.  Any  annual
assessments  are to be prorated as of Closing pursuant to local custom.

                (c) The  service  contracts,  if any,  set  forth in  Exhibit  G

                (d) The provisions of this SectionE6 shall survive the Closing.

         7.      CASUALTY

                           a)      If, on or prior to  the  date of the Closing,
all or a "material part" (as defined  below) of the  Property   shall be damaged
or destroyed by fire or other casualty,  then, in any such event,the Partnership
may, at its option,  either (i) cancel  this  Agreement,  whereupon  subject  to
Article 25, the Deposit shall be returned  to the  Partnership  and  the parties
hereto  shall be released of all obligations  and  liabilities   of   whatsoever
nature  in  connection  with this Agreement,   or  (ii)   proceed  to close  the
transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement,   in  which   event  all  of  the
provisions  of  subsection  7(b)(i)  and subsection 7(b)(ii) below shall apply.

                           b)      If, on or prior to the date  of  the Closing,
less than a material part of the  Property  shall be  destroyed  or  damaged  by
fire or other  casualty  the Partnership shall  nevertheless  close title to the
Property pursuant to all the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement,  subject
to the  following:  (i) the Contributing  Party shall  not (a) adjust and settle
any insurance claims, or (b) enter into any  construction  or other contract for
the repair or restoration of the Property   without  the   Partnership's   prior
written  consent, which consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or delayed,
and (ii) at the  Closing,  the Contributing  Party  shall  (1)  pay  over to the
Partnership  the  amount of any insurance  proceeds  relating to  the  Property,
to the extent  collected by the Contributing   Party  in   connection  with such
casualty,  less the amount of the actual  expenses  incurred by the Contributing
Party in making  repairs to the Property  occasioned by such casualty   pursuant
to any contract  (provided  that such contract was  reasonably  approved  by the
Partnership  as required by this Section),  (2) assign to the Partnership all of
the Contributing  Party's right, title and  interest in  and  to any   insurance
proceeds  relating to the Property that are  uncollected at  the  time  of   the
Closing and that may be paid in respect of such casualty  subject to the payment
of the  Consideration by the Partnership to the  Contributing   Party,   and (3)
pay to the  Partnership  the amount of any policy  deductibles  pursuant to  the
insurance  policies  maintained  by  the Contributing   Party  (as  opposed   to
insurance  or  self-insurance  maintained  by tenants  of  the  Property).   The
Contributing Party shall reasonably cooperate  with   the  Partnership   in  the
collection of such proceeds,  which  obligation  shall survive the Closing.

                           c)      For the purpose of this Section,  the  phrase
"a material part" of the Property shall mean  that  (i)  the  cost  of repair or
restoration is estimated by a reputable    contractor    selected     by     the
Contributing  Party  and  reasonably satisfactory to the  Partnership,  to be in
excess  of  Two-Hundred  and Fifty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars,  (ii) the length
of time required for the repair or restoration  is  estimated  by   a  reputable
contractor selected by the Contributing Party and reasonably satisfactory to the
Partnership,  to be in excess of three (3)  months or  (iii)Eany  Tenant   shall
have the right to cancel its Lease as a result of such casualty.


        8.1  If  prior  to the  Closing  Date  condemnation  or  eminent  domain
proceedings  shall be commenced by any competent  public  authority  against the
Property or any part thereof,  the  Contributing  Party shall  promptly give the
Partnership written notice thereof. After notice of the commencement of any such
proceedings (from the Contributing Party or otherwise) and in the event that the
taking of such property is Material (as  hereinafter  defined),  the Partnership
shall  have the  right  (i) to  accept  title  to the  Property  subject  to the
proceedings, and pay to the Contributing Party the full Consideration, whereupon
any award payable to the Contributing Party shall be paid to the Partnership and
the  Contributing  Party  shall  deliver to the  Partnership  at the Closing all
assignments and other documents  reasonably requested by the Partnership to vest
such award in the  Partnership,  or (ii) to rescind this  Agreement and upon the
return of the Deposit,  this Agreement  shall be null and void and neither party
will have any  further  obligations  hereunder.  A taking  shall be deemed to be
Material if said taking would either (i)  materially  interfere with the use and
operation  of the  Property  for the  contemplated  use thereof  (as  reasonably
determined  by the  Partnership),  or (ii)  reduce  the  estimated  value of the
Property (as reasonably determined by an appraiser chosen by the Partnership and
reasonably  satisfactory  to the  Contributing  Party)  by  $150,000  or more or
(iii)Eany  Tenant  shall  have the right to cancel its Lease as a result of such

        8.2 In the event of a  non-Material  taking of any part of the Property,
the Partnership shall accept the Property subject to the proceedings,  whereupon
any award payable to the Contributing Party shall be paid to the Partnership and
the  Contributing  Party  shall  deliver to the  Partnership  at the Closing all
assignments and other documents  reasonably requested by the Partnership to vest
such award in the Partnership.


To induce the  Partnership  to enter into this  Agreement  and to  purchase  the
Property from the Contributing Party, the Contributing Party makes the following
representations,  all of which the Contributing Party represents are true in all
material  respects  as of the date  hereof  and  shall  be true in all  material
respects as of the Closing Date and shall be deemed remade as of that date:

        9.1 The  Contributing  Party  owns a  valid  leasehold  interest  in the
Property  pursuant to the Ground Lease,  subject to only those matters set forth
in Section 4 of this Agreement.

        9.2 a) The  execution,  delivery  and  performance of this Agreement and
consummation of the transaction hereby contemplated in accordance with the terms
of this Agreement will not violate any contract,  agreement,  commitment, order,
judgment or decree to which the Contributing  Party is a party or by which it or
the Property is bound.

                           b)      The Contributing Party has  the  full  right,
power and authority to sell and convey  the  Property   to   the  Partnership as
provided  herein and to carry out its obligations  hereunder  and shall  deliver
reasonable  proof  of  same  to the Partnership at Closing.

                           c)      Upon execution, this Agreement shall be   the
valid and binding obligation of the Contributing Party,enforceable in accordance
with the terms hereof.

        9.3 There is no pending written request, application or consent by or on
behalf of the Contributing  Party for any zoning change or variance with respect
to the Property.
        9.4  The  Contributing   Party  has  received  no  notice  of,  and  the
Contributing  Party has no actual knowledge of any,  violation of any applicable
federal,  state or local law and there are no  pending  or  threatened  appeals,
revocations or suspensions of any permits, approvals or consents relating to the
current use or proposed use of the Property.

        9.5(a The Contributing Party has heretofore delivered to the Partnership
true and  complete  copies  of all  environmental  studies  in the  Contributing
Party's possession relating to the Property.

                           b)      There is no civil, criminal or administrative
action,  suit,  demand,  claim,  hearing,  notice of violation,   investigation,
proceeding, notice or demand letter pending relating  to the Contributing Party,
the  Property  or,  to the best knowledge of the Contributing  Party, threatened
against the Contributing Party or the Property  relating  in  any  way   to  the
Environmental  Laws  or any  regulation,  code, plan, order,  decree,  judgment,
injunction, notice or demand  letter  issued, entered, promulgated  or  approved

                           c)      The Contributing  Party  has  not,  and   the
Contributing Party has no actual knowledge of any other person who has,released,
buried or dumped any hazardous substances, oils, pollutants or  contaminants  or
any other wastes produced by, or resulting from, any business,  commercial,   or
industrial activities,  operations or processes on, beneath or  adjacent  to the
Property  except for  inventories of such  substances  to  be  used,  and wastes
generated  therefrom,  in the ordinarycourse of  business  of the Tenants   (and
the  Contributing Party has no actual knowledge that such inventories and wastes
are not being stored or disposed  of  in accordance  with  applicable  laws  and

        9.6 There are no existing or pending litigation,  claims,  condemnations
or sales in lieu thereof with respect to any aspect of the Property  nor, to the
actual  knowledge  of  the  Contributing   Party,   have  any  actions,   suits,
condemnations, proceedings or claims been threatened or asserted.

        9.7 Except for the Leases, there are no outstanding leases, subleases or
any other type of  possession  agreement  affecting  any portion of the Property
(except  for the Fei  Realty  Leases  which  will be  terminated  on or prior to
Closing and except for the sublease  between the  Contributing  Party, as tenant
under the Frequency Lease, and American Financial, Inc.).

        9.8 The  Contributing  Party is not a  "foreign  person"  as  defined in
Section 1445 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  and the income
tax regulations thereunder.

        9.9  There  is  no  action,  suit  or  proceeding  pending  or,  to  the
Contributing  Party's actual knowledge,  threatened  against the Property or any
portion thereof,  or relating to or arising out of the ownership,  management or
operation  of the  Property,  in any  court  or  before  any  federal,  state or
municipal   department,   commission,   board,   bureau  or  other  governmental
instrumentality.  The Contributing Party is pursuing a tax certiorari proceeding
with respect to the Property and true and correct  copies of the papers filed in
such proceeding have been delivered to the Partnership.

        9.10 The Leases are in full force and effect and have not been  modified
or amended in any way. To the best of the Contributing  Party's  knowledge,  the
Contributing Party is not in default of any of its obligations under the Leases.
The  Contributing  Party has not  received  any  notice or claim from any Tenant
stating that the  Contributing  Party is in default of any Lease.  Except as set
forth in Exhibit T  attached,  none of the Tenants are in default in the payment
of rent and, to the Contributing  Party's knowledge,  none of the Tenants are in
default in any of their  other  respective  obligations  under the Leases and no
event has occurred which with notice or the passage of time or both would create
a default by any of the Tenants under the Leases.  All brokerage  fees have been
paid with  respect  to the  Leases  and no  brokerage  fees will be due upon any
renewal or  extension  of the Leases.  The rent due and owing under the National
Health Laboratory Lease for the month of December 1997 is set forth in Exhibit E
attached.  The  Contributing  Party  is in  possession  of all  of the  security
deposits required by the Leases (which security deposits are listed in Exhibit T
attached)  and none of such  security  deposits  are in the form of  letters  of

        9.11    Intentionally Deleted.

        9.12  Attached  hereto  as  Exhibit  G is a list of  service  contracts,
brokerage agreements,  employment contracts and other contracts which affect the
Property  and shall  remain in effect  after  the  Closing.  All of the  service
contracts which are set forth on Exhibit G are cancellable upon thirty (30) days
prior notice.  All service contracts,  brokerage  agreements and other contracts
which affect the Property and are not listed on Exhibit G shall be terminated on
or prior to the Closing Date.

        9.13 The  Ground  Lease is in full  force  and  effect  and has not been
amended or modified in any respect.  The Contributing Party is not in default of
any of its  obligations  under the Ground Lease and no event has occurred  which
with  notice  or the  passage  of time or both  would  create a  default  by the
Contributing Party under the Ground Lease.

        9.14  a) Upon the  issuance of  Units to  the  Contributing  Party,  the
Contributing Party shall become subject to, and shall be bound by, the terms and
provisions  of the  Partnership  Agreement,  including the terms of any power of
attorney  contained  therein,  as the Partnership  Agreement may be amended from
time to time in accordance with its terms.

                           b)      The Contributing Party understands the  risks
of, and other considerations relating to, the  acquisition   of  the  Units. The
Contributing   Party,   by  reason  of its business  and  financial  experience,
together with the business and financial experience of  those  persons,  if any,
retained by it to represent or advise it with  respect to its investment in  the
Units,   (i)  has  such  knowledge, sophistication  and  experience in financial
and business  matters and in making investment decisions of this type that it is
capable of evaluating the merits and  risks of an investment in  the Partnership
and of making an informed investment  decision,  (ii) is capable of   protecting
its own  interest  or has engaged representatives  or  advisors  to assist it in
protecting its interests and (iii) is  capable  of  bearing  the  economic  risk
of such  investment.  If the Contributing  Party  retained a person to represent
or advise it with respect to the  investment  in Units that may be  made  hereby
then,  at the  Partnership's request,  the  Contributing  Party shall,  prior to
or at the Closing Date,  (i) acknowledge in writing such representation and (ii)
cause such representative or advisor to deliver a certificate to the Partnership
containing  such representations as are reasonably requested by the Partnership.

                           c)      The Contributing Party  understands  that  an
investment in the Partnership involves   substantial   risks.  The  Contributing
Party  has  been  given  the opportunity to make a thorough investigation of the
proposed  activities of the Partnership  and has  been  furnished with materials
relating to the  Partnership and its proposed  activities  (including,  but  not
limited to, the prospectus dated March 6, 1997 of the REIT, the Form 10-K of the
REIT for the year ended December 31, 1996, the Form  10-Q  of the  REIT  for the
quarter ended September 30, 1997 and all reports  subsequently   filed  with the
Securities and  Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 13 of the Securities Act
of 1934).  The  Contributing  Party has been afforded the  opportunity to obtain
any additional  information  deemed necessary   by  the Contributing   Party  to
verify  the   accuracy  of  any representations made or information  conveyed to
the  Contributing  Party.  The Contributing Party  confirms  that all documents,
records, and books pertaining to its investment in the Partnership and requested
by the  Contributing  Party have been  made  available  or  delivered   to   the
Contributing  Party.  The  Contributing Party  has  had  an  opportunity  to ask
questions of and receive  answers from the Partnership,  or from  a  person   or
persons acting on the Partnership's behalf, concerning  the terms and conditions
of this investment.

                           d)      The Units to be issued  to  the  Contributing
Party will be acquired by the  Contributing  Party for  its  own   account   for
investment  only and not with a view to, or with any intention of,a distribution
or resale  thereof,  in whole or in part, or the  grant  of  any   participation
therein, without prejudice,  however, to the Contributing Party's right (subject
to the terms of the Units) at all times to sell or otherwise  dispose of  all or
any part of its Units under an exemption from such registration  available under
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act"),  and applicable
state  securities  laws, and subject, nevertheless,  to the  disposition  of its
assets  being at all times within its control.  The  Contributing  Party was not
formed for the  specific  purpose of acquiring an interest in the Partnership.

                           e)      The Contributing  Party acknowledges that (i)
the Units to be issued to the Contributing Party have not been registered  under
the Securities Act or state securities laws by reason of a  specific   exemption
or  exemptions  from registration  under the Securities Act and applicable state
securities  laws  and, if  such  Units  are  represented  by  certificates, such
certificates  will  bear  a  legend  to  such  effect, (ii) the REIT's  and  the
Partnership's reliance on such exemptions is  predicated in part on the accuracy
and completeness of the representations and warranties of the Contributing Party
contained herein, (iii)such Units, therefore, cannot be resold unless registered
under the Securities Act  and  applicable   state  securities  laws,  or  unless
an exemption from registration  is available, (iv) there is no public market for
such Units,  and (v) the Partnership  has no obligation or intention to register
such Units for resale  under the  Securities  Act or any state  securities  laws
or to take any action  that  would  make   available  any  exemption   from  the
registrationrequirements of such laws.The Contributing Party hereby acknowledges
that because of the restrictions on transfer or  assignment  of such Units to be
issued hereunder  which  are  set forth  in the  Partnership  Agreement  and the
Lock-up Agreement,  the Contributing Party may have to bear the economic risk of
holdingthe Units for an indefinite period of time,  although (i) under the terms
of the Lock-up Agreement, the Contributing Party will agree, during the one year
period following the Closing Date, not  to  present  the  Units  for  redemption
pursuant to the Partnership  Agreement or otherwise to sell, transfer, exchange,
pledge or dispose of Units without the express written consentofthe Partnership,
provided,  however,  the Contributing Party shall execute an indemnity agreement
in favor of the  Partnership  in the form of  Exhibit  X  attached  hereto  with
respect to any New York State  transfer  taxes which may be payable as result of
the Units being converted into REIT Common Stock prior to the second anniversary
of the Closing Date,  provided,  further that the Contributing Party shall, from
and after the  Closing,  have the right to pledge the Units,  subject to the one
year  restriction set forth above with respect to redemption to an institutional
lender reasonably  acceptable to the Partnership and (ii) under the terms of the
Registration Rights Agreement, the holder of any such Common Stock issued upon a
presentation  of Units for  redemption  will be afforded  certain rights to have
such Common Stock  registered  for resale under the Securities Act or applicable
state securities laws.

                           f)      The information  set  forth  in  the investor
questionnaire a form of which is attached  hereto as  Exhibit  H (the  "Investor
Questionnaire")  which has been completed  and  executed   by  the  Contributing
Party  and  delivered  to  the Partnership on the  date hereof  is true, correct
and complete.

All  representations,   warranties  and  covenants  of  the  Contributing  Party
contained in this Agreement or in any affidavit or other  document  delivered in
connection  herewith  shall be true and  correct  in all  material  respects  at
Closing  and shall  survive the Closing  but any action  based  thereon  must be
commenced  within  one (1)  year  of  Closing  (except  there  shall  be no time
limitation on the representations set forth in Section 9.14 hereof).


        10.1 The Contributing  Party shall execute,  or where applicable,  cause
the following to be delivered to the  Partnership on the Closing Date (unless an
item is waived by the Partnership in its sole and absolute discretion):

                           a)      an assignment and assumption of ground  lease
in the form of Exhibit I hereto; and

                           b)      assignments or other instruments inrecordable
form transferring and assigning to the  Partnership  the  Contributing   Party's
interest in all permits and approvals  pertaining  to the Property,  all service
contracts and all of the Contributing  Party's  Other  Interests  in  and to the
Property  in the form of Exhibit J hereto; and

                           c)      all such reasonable and customary  affidavits
of title as may be reasonably required by the Title Insurer; and

                           d)      a certificate  from  the  Contributing  Party
stating that all representations and warranties made by the Contributing   Party
in this Agreement are true in all material respects as of the Closing Date as if
made on such date; and

                           e)      duly  executed  New  York  State  real estate
transfer tax forms for the Property. The Contributing Party shall at Closing pay
all real estate transfer and conveyance taxes payable  to  the appropriate state
and/or local  governmental and/or  municipal authorities. The  Partnership shall
bear the expense of recording the assignment and assumption of ground lease; and

                           f)      a duly executed affidavit as may  be required
pursuant to Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code in the form of  Exhibit  K
hereto; and

                           g)      assignments and assumptions of the Leases  in
the form of Exhibit L attached; and

                           h)      The Partnership shall  receive  a  credit  at
Closing for the security deposit with respect to the Leases; and

                           i)      estoppel letters from each ofthe Tenants each
dated within 15 days of the Closing Date in a form substantially similar to that
attached hereto as Exhibit M  (provided  the   estoppels   shall   not   include
any  monetary  or  material non-monetary  defaults  by  the  tenants   or    the
Contributing Party); and 

                           j)      letter to the Tenants directing all  payments
due from and after the Closing to be made to the Partnership; and

                           k)      the plans with respect  to  the  buildings on
the Property to the extent in the Contributing Party's possession; and

                           l)      an estoppel letter from  the  landlord  under
the Ground Lease in a form substantially  similar  to  that  attached  hereto as
Exhibit O, provided,  however, that subsequent to Closing  the Partnership shall
cooperate with the Contributing Party in attempting  to release the Contributing
Party from any guaranty required by the lessor under the Ground Lease,  provided
further,that the Contributing Party shall not be in default under this Agreement
if,  after using  diligent efforts, the Contributing  Party is unable to deliver
such estoppel at Closing (it being  understood that the Partnership shall not be
obligated to close the transaction contemplated  by  this Agreement without such
estoppel); and

                           m)      a lock-up agreement (the "Lock-up Agreement")
in the form attached hereto as Exhibit P attached; and

                           n)      the Investor Questionnaire; and

                           o)      an indemnity agreement in the form of Exhibit
X attached hereto; and

                           p)      the title affidavit in the form of  Exhibit F
attached hereto; and

                           q)      intentionally deleted; and

                           r)      the Termination Agreement; and

                           s)      the NHLI Amendment; and

                           t)      the Frequency Lease; and

                           u)      the Registration Rights Agreement; and

                           v)      such other documents, instruments,resolutions
and other material reasonably requested by the Partnership  as may be  necessary
to effect  the transfer  of title hereunder  or as may be  reasonably  requested
by the Title Insurer, including, without limitation, customary title affidavits.


To induce the Contributing  Party to enter into this Agreement,  the Partnership
makes the following representations, all of which the Partnership represents are
true in all  material  respects  as of the date  hereof and shall be true in all
material  respects as of the  Closing  Date and shall be deemed to be made as of
that date.

                           a)      The Partnership is and at the Closing shallbe
a limited partnership duly organized and validly  existing and  in good standing
under the laws of the State of Delaware with full power and authority to own and
purchase the Property and to take all actions required by this Agreement.

                           b)      The execution, delivery  and  performance  of
this Agreement and consummation of the  transaction   hereby   contemplated   in
accordance  with the terms of this Agreement will  not  violate the  partnership
agreement of the Partnership or any contract,  agreement,   commitment,   order,
judgment or decree to which Partnership is a party   or  by  which it is  bound,
and no  consent  of any  other  party is required.

                           c)      The party or parties executing this Agreement
on behalf of the Partnership have been duly authorized and are empowered to bind
the  Partnership  to this Agreement and to take all  actions  required  by  this

                           d)      Upon execution, this Agreement shall  be  the
binding obligation of the Partnership, enforceable  in accordance with the terms

                           e)      No action, suit or proceeding is pending  or,
to the best of the Partnership's knowledge, threatened  against  the Partnership
which  would materially  affect the  Partnership's  ability to fully perform its
obligations pursuant to this Agreement.

                           f)        The REIT is the sole general partner of the

                           g)        The Partnership is in receipt of the   most
recent Form 10-K of the Contributing Party.

All  representations,  warranties and covenants of the Partnership  contained in
this  Agreement or in any  affidavit or other  document  delivered in connection
herewith shall be true and correct in all material respects at Closing and shall
survive the Closing for one (1) year.


On the Closing Date,  the  Partnership  shall deliver the  Consideration  to the
Contributing  Party.  Additionally,  on the Closing Date, the Partnership  shall
execute and deliver to the Contributing  Party the following  (unless an item is
waived by the Contributing Party in its sole and absolute discretion):

                           a)      a certificate of an officer ofthe Partnership
stating that all representations and warranties  made  by  Partnership  in  this
Agreement are true as of the Closing Date as if made on such date;

                           b)      the  assignment  and  assumption    agreement
referred to in subsections 10.1(a) and 10.1(p) hereof;

                           c)      the Registration Rights Agreement;

                           d)      the Frequency Lease;

                           e)      such other documents, instruments,resolutions
and other material necessary to effect the   transfer   of title  hereunder  and
reasonably  requested  by the Contributing Party or the Title Insurer.

         13.      CONTRACT PERIOD

        13.1  Throughout  the  Contract  Period,  the  Contributing  Party shall
continue to operate the  Property  in the same manner as it is  currently  being
operated by the  Contributing  Party.  The  Contributing  Party  shall  maintain
replacement cost casualty insurance  throughout the Contract Period.  During the
Contract  Period,  the  Contributing  Party  shall not enter  into any new lease
agreement, or amend, modify, extend or terminate any Lease, or any other form of
commitment  which will bind the  Partnership  without the written consent of the

        13.2  During the  Contract  Period,  the  Contributing  Party  shall not
without  the  written  consent  of the  Partnership  enter  into any  agreements
effecting the ownership  and operation of the Property  unless such  contract(s)
shall be (i) fully cancelable or terminable prior to the Closing Date or (ii) if
such  agreement  is  satisfactory  to the  Partnership  in its sole  discretion,
assignable to the Partnership.

        13.3 During the Contract Period,  neither the Contributing Party nor the
Partnership shall allow any interest in the Property to be liened, encumbered or

        13.4  During  the  Contract  Period,  the  Contributing  Party  and  the
Partnership  shall  negotiate  in good  faith the terms  and  provisions  of the
Frequency  Lease.  The Parties  acknowledge  that  either  party may cancel this
Contract if the Frequency  Lease is not executed at or prior to Closing in which
case the Deposit shall be returned to the Partnership.

        13.5 During the Contract Period, the Partnership shall negotiate in good
faith the  terms  and  provisions  of the  Lockheed  Lease  with  Lockheed.  The
Contributing Party acknowledges that (i) the Partnership shall control all lease
negotiations  with  Lockheed  and (ii) the  Partnership  shall have the right to
cancel this  Contract if the  Lockheed  Lease is not in full force and effect at
Closing in which case the Deposit shall be returned to the Partnership.

        13.6  During  the  Contract  Period,   the  Contributing   Party  hereby
represents  to the  Partnership  that it will cause the Fei Realty  Leases to be
terminated pursuant to an agreement (the "Termination  Agreement")  satisfactory
to the Partnership.

        13.7 During the Contract Period, the Partnership shall negotiate in good
faith  an  amendment  to  the  National  Health   Laboratory  Lease  (the  "NHLI
Amendment")  with NHLI.  The NHLI Amendment  shall provide,  among other things,
that (i) the security deposit  thereunder shall be equal to $1,500,000 and shall
be in the form of  marketable  securities,  (ii) NHLI may replace  the  security
deposit at any time with a  guaranty  from its  parent  company  if such  parent
company  is then  rated  BBB+ or  greater  by  Moody's  Investor  Service,  Inc.
("Moody's") and Standard & Poor's Ratings Group ("S&P"),  provided, that if such
parent  company  thereafter  loses such rating from either  Moody's or S&P, then
NHLI  shall  immediately  deposit  cash or a letter of  credit in the  amount of
$1,500,000  with the  Partnership  and (iii) the  provisions  that  allow for an
offset in rental  payments in  connection  with the  existing  financing  are no
longer effective.

         14.      BROKERAGE

The Partnership and the  Contributing  Party represent and warrant to each other
that this Agreement was brought about by the broker (the "Broker")  named at the
end of this  paragraph  and  that  no  other  broker  or  person  was in any way
instrumental or had any part in bringing about this transaction. The Partnership
agrees  that,  should any claim be made for  commissions  by any other broker or
person  arising by,  through or on account of any act of the  Partnership or the
Partnership's  representatives,  the  Partnership  shall  indemnify and hold the
Contributing Party harmless from and against any and all claim, liability,  cost
or expense (including reasonable  attorneys' fees) in connection therewith.  The
Contributing  Party agrees that should any claim be made for  commissions by any
other  broker or person  arising  by,  through  or on  account of any act of the
Contributing Party or the Contributing Party's representatives, the Contributing
Party shall indemnify and hold the Partnership harmless from and against any and
all claim, liability,  cost or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) in
connection therewith.  When, as and if title closes hereunder,  the Contributing
Party shall pay the brokerage  commission due to Broker pursuant to the terms of
said  separate   agreement  between  the  Contributing  Party  and  Broker.  The
provisions  of this  paragraph  shall  survive  delivery  of the  deed,  but the
provisions hereof shall not be deemed or construed as a covenant for the benefit
of any third party. The Broker is "NONE" .


The Partnership's obligations to close title under this Agreement on the Closing
Date shall be subject to the satisfaction of the following  conditions precedent
prior to the Closing Date (it being  understood  that the  Partnership may waive
any of the foregoing items in its sole and absolute discretion):

        (i) all of the Contributing Party's  representations and warranties made
      in this  Agreement  shall be true and  correct in all  respects  as of the
      Closing Date as if they were made on that date;

        (ii)  the   Contributing   Party  shall  have   performed  all  material
      obligations  and agreements  undertaken by it herein to be performed at or
      prior to the Closing Date;

        (iii) the Partnership and the Contributing Party shall have entered into
      the Frequency Lease and such Frequency Lease is in full force and effect;

        (iv) the  Partnership  and Lockheed have entered into the Lockheed Lease
      and such Lockheed Lease is in full force and effect at Closing;

        (v) NHLI shall have  entered  into the NHLI  Amendment  on the terms set
      forth in Section 13.7 hereof and the National Health  Laboratory Lease, as
      amended by the NHLI Amendment, is in full force and effect;

        (vi)  The  FEI  Realty  Leases  have  been  terminated  pursuant  to the
Termination Agreements;

        (vii) The board of directors of the REIT shall approve the  transactions
contemplated by this Agreement;

        (viii) The  Partnership  shall have  approved  the  quarterly  financial
      statement of the Contributing Party for the period ending October 31, 1997
      and the stub period through November 30, 1997 (which stub period statement
      shall be an unaudited statement).

         16.      CLOSING

         a) The  closing of title to the  Property  (the  "Closing")  shall take
place on December 23, 1997, provided,  however, that either party shall have the
right,  if it is unable to close on December 23, 1997, to extend the Closing for
up to a maximum  of thirty  (30) days (it  being  specifically  understood  that
neither party may extend the Closing beyond such thirty (30) day period).

         b) If the Closing shall not occur as a result of the willful default of
the  Contributing  Party (it being  understood  that a  default  arising  from a
legitimate  business  purpose  shall be deemed to be a willful  default),  then,
subject to the next succeeding  sentence,  the Contributing Party shall pay upon
demand  by  the  Partnership,   the  sum  of  $2  million  to  the  Partnership.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Contributing Party shall not be obligated to
pay  such  $2  million  if  the  Closing  fails  to  occur  as a  result  of the
Contributing  Party's failure to deliver (i) any mortgage discharges required by
the Title Company, (ii) an assignment of the Ground Lease from the Nassau County
Industrial  Development Agency to the Contributing Party, (iii) the estoppel set
forth in Exhibit M attached or Exhibit O attached,  provided,  however, that the
Contributing  Party will use best  efforts to obtain  all of the  documents  set
forth in clauses (i) - (iii) above by December 23, 1997.

         c) If the Closing  shall not occur as result of the willful  default of
the  Partnership  or if the Closing does not occur as a result of the conditions
set forth in Section 15(vii) or (viii) hereof not being satisfied, then, subject
to the next  succeeding  sentence,  the  Partnership  shall,  in addition to the
liquidated  damages  set forth in Section  19.1  hereof,  pay upon demand by the
Contributing   Party,  the  sum  of  $1  million  to  the  Contributing   Party.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the  Partnership  shall not be obligated to pay
such $1  million  if the  Partnership  elects  not to close  as a result  of the
non-satisfaction  of any of the conditions set forth in Section 15 hereof (other
than the conditions set forth in Section 15(vii) or (viii).


The Contributing  Party's obligations to close title under this Agreement on the
Closing Date shall be subject to the  satisfaction  of the following  conditions
precedent prior to the Closing Date:

        (i) all of the Partnership's representations and warranties made in this
      Agreement shall be true and correct in all respects as of the Closing Date
      as if they were made on that date;

        (ii) the Partnership  shall have performed all material  obligations and
      agreements  undertaken  by it  herein to be  performed  at or prior to the
      Closing Date; and

        (iii) the Partnership and the Contributing Party shall have entered into
the Frequency Lease.

         18.      NOTICES

All  notices,  requests and demands to be made  hereunder to the parties  hereto
shall be in writing (at the addresses set forth below) and shall be given by any
of the following means: (a) personal delivery  (including,  without  limitation,
overnight   delivery,   courier   or   messenger   services);   (b)   electronic
communication,  whether by telex,  telegram  or  telecopying  (if  confirmed  in
writing sent by registered  or certified,  first-class  mail,  postage  prepaid,
return receipt  requested),  or (c) registered or certified,  first-class United
States mail,  postage  prepaid,  return receipt  requested.  Notice by a party's
counsel  shall be  deemed  to be notice by such  party.  Such  addresses  may be
changed  by notice to the other  parties  given in the same  manner as  provided
above.  Any notice,  demand or request sent (x) pursuant to subsection (a) shall
be deemed received upon such personal  delivery,  (y) pursuant to subsection (b)
shall be deemed  received on the day it is dispatched by electronic  means,  and
(z) pursuant to subsection (c) shall be deemed  received five (5) days following
deposit in the mail.

If to the Contributing Party:

                                  55 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard
                                  Uniondale, New York 11553
                                  Telecopy: 516-549-2015

With copies to: Morton Weber and Associates
                                  201 North Service Road - Suite 300
                                  Melville, New York  11747-3138
                                  Attention:  Paul Bloom, Esq.
                                  Telecopy: 516-549-2015

To Partnership: c/o Reckson Associates
                                  225 Broadhollow Road
                                  Melville, NY  11747-0983
                                  Attention:  Jason Barnett
                                  Telecopy:  (516) 694-6390

With copies to: Brown & Wood LLP
                                  One World Trade Center
                                  New York, NY  10048-0557
                                  Attention:  Lee Saltzman, Esq.
                                  Telecopy:  (212) 839-5599

         19.      DEFAULT

19.1  Partnership's  Default.  If the  Closing  shall not occur as result of the
willful  default of the Partnership or if the Closing does not occur as a result
of the  conditions  set forth in  Section  15(vii)  or (viii)  hereof  not being
satisfied,  then,  subject  to the  last  sentence  of this  paragraph,  (i) the
Partnership  shall pay,  upon demand by the  Contributing  Party,  the sum of $1
million to the  Contributing  Party  pursuant to Section 16(c) hereof,  (ii) the
Partnership  shall  forfeit all rights and claims with  respect to the  Property
pursuant to this  Agreement  and to the Deposit and (iii) the Escrow Agent shall
remit the Deposit to the  Contributing  Party.  The  Contributing  Party and the
Partnership  hereby agree that payment of the Deposit to the Contributing  Party
shall be deemed to be fair and adequate,  but not excessive,  liquidated damages
based upon the following  considerations  which the  Contributing  Party and the
Partnership  agree would constitute  damages to the  Contributing  Party for any
default by the Partnership but which are impossible to quantify, to wit: (i) the
removal  of  the  Property  from  the  real  estate  market  together  with  the
uncertainty of obtaining a new purchaser at the same or greater  purchase price;
(ii) the expenses incurred by the Contributing Party,  including (but not by way
of  limitation)  attorneys'  fees,  taxes,  mortgage  interest,  and other items
incidental to the  maintenance of the Property until it is eventually  sold; and
(c) all other  expenses  incurred by the  Contributing  Party as a result of the
Partnership's default.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Partnership shall not
be obligated to pay such $1 million if the Partnership  elects not to close as a
result of the  non-satisfaction of any of the conditions set forth in Section 15
hereof (other than the conditions set forth in Section 15(vii) or (viii).

        In the event of such  termination,  the  Partnership  shall  immediately
return  its  executed  copy of this  Agreement  to the  Contributing  Party  for
cancellation  together  with all due  diligence  material,  reports  and studies
delivered to the Partnership or prepared by or on behalf of the Partnership.

19.2 The  Contributing  Party's  Default.  If the  Closing  shall not occur as a
result of the willful  default of the  Contributing  Party (it being  understood
that a default arising from a legitimate  business purpose shall be deemed to be
a  willful  default),  then,  subject  to  the  next  succeeding  sentence,  the
Partnership's  sole remedies  shall be limited as follows:  (i) the right to the
immediate  return of the Deposit and the cancellation of this Agreement and (ii)
the Contributing Party shall pay, upon demand by the Partnership,  the sum of $2
million  to  the   Partnership   in   accordance   with  Section  16(b)  hereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the Contributing Party shall not be obligated to
pay  such  $2  million  if  the  Closing  fails  to  occur  as a  result  of the
Contributing  Party's failure to deliver (i) any mortgage discharges required by
the Title Company, (ii) an assignment of the Ground Lease from the Nassau County
Industrial  Development Agency to the Contributing Party, (iii) the estoppel set
forth in Exhibit M attached or Exhibit O attached,  provided,  however, that the
Contributing  Party will use best  efforts to obtain  all of the  documents  set
forth in clauses (i) - (iii) above by December 23, 1997.

        The parties  further  agree that the party who is in default  shall,  in
addition to the  aforesaid  damages set forth in Section  19.1 or 19.2,  pay all
costs and expenses incurred by the other party as a result of such other party's
enforcement of this Agreement, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

         20.      ASSIGNMENT

Except as set forth in Section 21 hereof, this agreement and the parties' rights
hereunder may not be assigned  without the written consent of the  non-assigning


                  a) Unless the capitalized terms used in this Article are given
a different meaning under this Agreement,  such capitalized terms shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in the Frequency Lease.

                  b)  Contributing  Party  and  Partnership  hereby  agree  that
promptly after the execution of this Agreement, Partnership shall have the right
to commence  and perform the  Landlord's  Initial  Construction  pursuant to the
Frequency  Lease.  Contributing  Party and  Partnership  hereby agree to perform
their respective  obligations with respect to Landlord's Initial Construction as
if the  Frequency  Lease were  currently in effect and the Term  thereunder  had
commenced,  including,  without limitation,  Contributing  Party's obligation to
vacate  portions of its existing  space and take  possession  of portions of the
Demised  Premises in accordance with the Staging  Schedule annexed as an Exhibit
to the Frequency Lease.

                  c) In the event  Contributing Party and Partnership shall fail
to close under this Agreement before December 23, 1997,  Partnership  shall have
the right to invoice  Contributing  Party for the Construction Costs (as defined
below)  incurred by  Partnership  through  December 23, 1997 and  thereafter  to
invoice  Contributing  Party on a monthly basis for additional work  Partnership
shall perform  after  December 23, 1997 in connection  with  Landlord's  Initial
Construction.  Such invoices shall be on a standard AIA Form of Application  for
Payment  (the  "Requisitions")  and  Contributing  Party  shall pay  Partnership
pursuant to each Requisition within 10 days after  Contributing  Party's receipt
thereof.  For purposes of this Article,  the term "Construction  Costs" shall be
deemed to mean all actual costs incurred by  Partnership  in the  performance of
Landlord's Initial Construction  (including,  without limitation,  site specific
overhead  costs;  but excluding  Partnership's  non-site  specific  overhead and
administrative  costs, markup and profit), up to a maximum for such actual costs
of $1,200,000.

                  d) In the event Contributing Party and Partnership shall close
under this Agreement, Contributing Party shall receive a credit at closing equal
to the Construction  Costs it shall have paid to Partnership  under this Article
to the date of such closing (with the exception of the $200,000 in  Construction
Costs which  Contributing  Party  shall be  required to pay under the  Frequency
Lease).  After the  closing,  Contributing  Party  shall have no  liability  for
Construction  Costs  incurred by  Partnership  after the closing  date (with the
exception of all or the respective portion of the $200,000 in Construction Costs
referred to above incurred after the closing date).  Notwithstanding anything in
this Subsection (d), the timing of  Contributing  Party's  obligation to pay for
such  $200,000  in  Construction  Costs  shall be as set forth in the  Frequency

                  e) In the event  Contributing  Party and Partnership shall not
close by reason of  Partnership's  willful  default under this  Agreement,  then
Partnership  shall  reimburse to Contributing  Party,  within 10 days after such
default,  the Constructions  Costs which  Contributing  Party shall have paid to

                  f) In the event  Contributing  Party and Partnership shall not
close by reason of  Contributing  Party's  default  under this  Agreement,  then
Partnership  shall have the right to be reimbursed  pursuant to  subsection  (c)
above for the  Construction  Costs  incurred by it,  without the  obligation  to
perform any additional portion of the Landlord's Initial Construction.

                  g) In the event  Contributing  Party or Partnership shall fail
to pay to the other party any Construction Costs as required under this Article,
such  unpaid  Construction  Costs shall  accrue  interest at the rate of 12% per
annum from the due date until the date of payment.

                  h) In the event a dispute  shall arise as to the  Construction
Costs due to  Contributing  Party or Partnership  under this Article,  the party
owed such disputed Construction Costs may, at its option, submit such dispute to
arbitration. Such arbitration shall be conducted on an expedited basis in Nassau
County  pursuant to the rules of the American  Arbitration  Association  ("AAA")
before a single  arbitrator  selected by the AAA and the  determination  of such
arbitrator  shall be binding upon the parties hereto and  enforceable by a court
of competent  jurisdiction.  The costs of such arbitration,  including,  without
limitation,  the  legal  fees of the  respective  parties,  shall be paid by the
losing party and shall be part of the arbitrator's award.

                  i)  Partnership   hereby  consents  to  Contributing   Party's
subtenant,  American  Financial,  performing during the Contract Period internal
non  structural  work in its space as shown on the Plan  annexed as Exhibit 4 to
the Frequency Lease provided (i) such work shall not unreasonably interfere with
Landlord's  Initial  Construction  and (ii) such subtenant shall comply with the
reasonable insurance and other work conditions reasonably imposed by Landlord.

                  j) The  Partnership  shall  have the right to assign  all or a
portion of its rights in this  Article 21 to a  subsidiary  or  affiliate of the

                  k)  The   provisions   of  this  Article   shall  survive  the
termination of this Agreement.

        22.       COUNTERPARTS

This  Agreement may be executed in  counterparts.  The signatures of the parties
who sign  different  counterparts  of this  Agreement or any of the  instruments
executed to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement shall have the same effect
as if those parties had signed the same counterparts of this Agreement or of any
such instrument.

        23.       FURTHER ASSURANCES

The Partnership and the Contributing  Party each agree to execute and deliver to
the other  such  further  documents  or  instruments  as may be  reasonable  and
necessary  in  furtherance  of the  performance  of  the  terms,  covenants  and
conditions of this Agreement. This paragraph shall survive the Closing Date.

         24.      MISCELLANEOUS

        24.1 In  connection  with  the  sale of the  Property  pursuant  to this
Agreement, the Partnership agrees to pay the fees and disbursements of the title
company for searches,  surveys,  title reports and title insurance and recording
fees. The  Contributing  Party shall pay all real estate  conveyance or transfer
taxes incurred in connection with the transfer of the Property.

        24.2 This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit
of the Contributing  Party and the Partnership and their  respective  successors
and assigns.

        24.3 This  Agreement  shall be governed by and  construed in  accordance
with the laws of the  State  of New  York.  This  Agreement  shall be  construed
without regard to any presumption or other rule requiring  construction  against
the party causing this Agreement to be drafted.  If any words or phrases in this
Agreement shall have been stricken out or otherwise  eliminated,  whether or not
any other words or phrases have been added, this Agreement shall be construed as
if the words or phrases  so  stricken  out or  otherwise  eliminated  were never
included in this Agreement and no  implication or inference  shall be drawn from
the  fact  that  said  words  or  phrases  were  so  stricken  out or  otherwise

        24.4 The headings of the several  Sections  contained in this  Agreement
are inserted  only as a matter of  convenience  and for  reference and in no way
define,  limit or  describe  the scope of this  Agreement  or the  intent of any
provision thereof.

        24.5  The  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any  provision  of  this
Agreement shall not affect or impair any other provision of this Agreement.

        24.6  This  Agreement   contains  the  entire   agreement   between  the
Contributing Party and the Partnership, and any and all prior understandings and
dealings heretofore had are merged herein and any agreement hereafter made shall
be ineffective to change, modify or discharge this Agreement in whole or in part
unless  such  agreement   hereafter  made  is  in  writing  and  signed  by  the
Contributing Party and the Partnership.

        24.7 The  Partnership  shall have no right to record this Agreement or a
memorandum  hereof.  If the  Partnership  shall so record  this  Agreement  or a
memorandum,  the Partnership  shall be in default of the terms and conditions of
this Agreement.

        24.8 The  Contributing  Party shall use best  efforts to pay off in full
any and all mortgages  currently  encumbering the Property on or before December
1, 1997. A default by the Contributing  Party under this paragraph shall entitle
the Partnership to terminate this Agreement,  provided,  however, that the terms
of Section 16(b) hereof shall survive such termination.

        24.9  Until the  earlier of (i) the  Closing or (ii) a material  default
under this Agreement,  the terms of this Agreement shall not be disclosed to any
third party other than each of the  parties'  attorneys,  accountants  and other
professionals.  If the  Partnership  intentionally  violates  this  paragraph by
issuing a press release (it being understood that an unauthorized  disclosure by
an  employee  or agent of the  Partnership  shall not be  deemed an  intentional
violation  of this  paragraph),  then,  notwithstanding  anything  herein to the
contrary, all of the 513,259 Units referred to in Section 2.1(b) shall be deemed
"Initial  Free Units" and there shall be no Units  which are  "Initial  Escrowed

         25.      ESCROW AGENT

        25.1  The  Contributing  Party  and  the  Partnership  hereby  designate
Commonwealth  Land Title Insurance Company as "Escrow Agent" to receive and hold
the Deposit  delivered  herewith by the Partnership in accordance with Article 2
hereof,  and Escrow  Agent  agrees to act as such  Escrow  Agent  subject to the
provisions of this Section.

        25.2 The Deposit shall be deposited in an interest  bearing money market
account at any federally insured banking institution. From and after the date of
a default by either party, all interest on the Deposit or the remaining  portion
thereof shall be paid to the non-defaulting party.

        25.3  On  receipt  by  Escrow  Agent  of a  statement  executed  by  the
Contributing  Party and the  Partnership  that title to the  Property has closed
under this  Agreement,  Escrow Agent shall promptly  deliver such Deposit to the

        25.4  On  receipt  by  Escrow  Agent  of a  statement  executed  by  the
Partnership  prior to, on or after the Closing  Date that title to the  Property
has not closed  under this  Agreement  because of a default by the  Contributing
Party under this Agreement or because of the Contributing  Party's  inability to
convey title to the Property in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement
or because any contingency contained in this Agreement has not been satisfied or
waived Escrow Agent shall within ten (10) Business Days,  deliver a copy of said
statement to the  Contributing  Party and return such Deposit to the Partnership
on the tenth (10th) Business Day after receipt by the Contributing Party of said
statement  unless  Escrow  Agent,  prior  to  such  return,  receives  from  the
Contributing  Party a statement  contesting  the  accuracy of the  Partnership's
statement and demanding retention of said Deposit by Escrow Agent.

        25.5  On  receipt  by  Escrow  Agent  of a  statement  executed  by  the
Contributing  Party  prior to, on or after the  Closing  Date that  title to the
Property  has not  closed  under  this  Agreement  because  of a default  by the
Partnership  under this  Agreement,  Escrow Agent shall within ten (10) Business
Days deliver said statement to the  Partnership  and deliver such Deposit to the
Contributing  Party on the  tenth  (10th)  Business  Day  after  receipt  by the
Partnership  of such  statement  unless  Escrow Agent,  prior to such  delivery,
receives  from the  Partnership  a  statement  contesting  the  accuracy  of the
Contributing Party's statement and demanding retention of said Deposit by Escrow

        25.6 On receipt by Escrow  Agent of a  statement  from the  Contributing
Party or the Partnership,  as the case may be, under  subparagraph  25.4 or 25.5
above,  Escrow Agent shall retain the Deposit and thereafter deliver the same to
either the Contributing  Party or the Partnership as the  Contributing  Party or
the  Partnership  may direct by a statement  executed by them both,  provided if
there is any dispute  with respect to the Deposit  Escrow Agent may  immediately
and with notice to the Contributing  Party and the  Partnership,  surrender said
Deposit to a court of  competent  jurisdiction  for such  disposition  as may be
directed by such court.

        25.7  Upon   delivery  of  the  Deposit  to  either   Partnership,   the
Contributing  Party or a court of competent  jurisdiction  under and pursuant to
the provisions of this Section, Escrow Agent shall be relieved of all liability,
responsibility  or obligation  with respect to or arising out of the Deposit and
any and all of its obligations arising therefrom.

        25.8 The Escrow  Agent  shall not be liable for any error of judgment or
for any act done or omitted by it in good faith or for anything  which it may in
good faith do or refrain from doing in connection herewith or for any negligence
other than its gross  negligence,  nor shall the Escrow Agent be answerable  for
the default or  misconduct  of its agents,  attorneys  or  employees  if they be
selected with  reasonable  care.  The Escrow Agent is authorized to act upon any
document  believed by it to be genuine  and to be signed by the proper  party or
parties and will incur no liability in so acting.

        25.9 The Escrow Agent has executed  this  Agreement for the sole purpose
of agreeing to act as such in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

         26.      ERNST & YOUNG LETTER

Within  five  (5)  Business  Days  of the  Partnership's  written  request,  the
Contributing  Party  shall  execute and deliver to Ernst & Young a letter in the
form of Exhibit S attached  hereto and deliver or  otherwise  make  available to
Ernst & Young any financial information requested by Ernst & Young in connection
with any filings or disclosures by the  Partnership or the REIT required by law.
The  Contributing  Party's  obligations  under this paragraph  shall survive the
Closing Date.

         27.      SALE OF PROPERTY

Without the prior written  consent of the  Contributing  Party,  the Partnership
shall not sell,  exchange or  otherwise  dispose of the Property for a period of
two (2) years  from the  Closing  Date in a  transaction  which  results  in the
recognition of taxable gain to the Partnership and the allocation  under section
704(c) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code") of any portion of such
taxable gain ("the Section 704(c) Gain") to the  Contributing  Party,  except if
there is a change in control of the  Partnership or the REIT or a disposition of
all or substantially all of the assets of the Partnership or the REIT.  However,
the foregoing  restriction  shall not be  applicable  after any of the following
shall  have  occurred;  (i) the  Contributing  Party  has  disposed  of at least
sixty-seven (67%) percent of the Units, either through the exchange of Units for
stock of the REIT, the  distribution  of "Units" to members of the  Contributing
Party or  otherwise;  (ii) the federal  adjusted  tax basis of the  Contributing
Party in the Units has been adjusted to reflect fair market value;  or (iii) for
each of the  current  members of the  Contributing  Party,  either  the  federal
adjusted tax basis of the member's  interest in the Contributing  Party has been
adjusted  to reflect  fair market  value or the member has  disposed of at least
sixty-seven  (67%) percent of its interest in the  Contributing  Party.  Nothing
contained  herein  shall  prohibit  the  Partnership  from  selling,  exchanging
(including,  without  limitation,  an exchange  pursuant to Section  1031 of the
Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as  amended)  or  otherwise  disposing  of the
Property  in  violation  of the  restrictions  set forth above in which case the
Partnership  shall pay each member of the Contributing  Party who was not, as of
the time of the  disposition,  described in clause (iii) above,  any federal and
state  income  tax  liability  suffered  by it with  respect to its share of any
Section 704(c) Gain allocated to it upon such disposition.


        (a) The  Contributing  Party has initiated a tax  certiorari  proceeding
(the  "Tax  Certiorari   Proceeding")   with  respect  to  the  assessed  values
established  for the  Property.  From and  after  the date  hereof  through  the
Closing,  the  Contributing  Party shall  continue to pursue the Tax  Certiorari
Proceeding  but shall not settle  such Tax  Certiorari  Proceeding  without  the
written consent of the Partnership.  From and after the Closing, the Partnership
shall control all aspects of the Tax Certiorari  Proceeding  with the applicable
local municipality,  provided,  however, that in contesting and settling the Tax
Certiorari Proceeding, the Partnership shall make a good faith effort to protect
the Contributing Party's interest in the proceeding and provided,  further, that
the Partnership shall continue to retain the counsel which is currently handling
the Tax Certiorari Proceeding.  All tax refunds received by the Partnership as a
result of the Tax Certiorari  Proceeding  shall,  after  deducting the attorneys
fees and expenses  incurred in obtaining such tax refund,  be prorated as of the
Closing Date in  accordance  with Section 6.1 hereof.  Within ten days after any
tax refunds are received by the  Partnership,  the Partnership  shall pay to the
Contributing  Party an amount equal to the  Contributing  Party's  share of such
benefits determined as provided in Section 6.1 hereof.

        (b) The Partnership hereby consents to the tax certiorari settlement,  a
copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit R.

        IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Contributing  Party and the Partnership  have
executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written.

                           FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS INC.

                                           By:/S/ Joseph Franklin
                                              Name:Joseph Fanklin

                                           RECKSON OPERATING PARTNERSHIP, L.P.

                                           By:   Reckson Associates Realty Corp.

                                           By:     /S/ Mitchell Rechler
                                      Name:Mitchell Rechler
                                     Title:Exec. V.P.

                                           ESCROW AGENT

                                           COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE 


                         ) ss.:

On the 2nd day of December,  1997,  personally  appeared Joseph Franklin,  to me
known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and who, being duly
sworn, did depose and say that he is the Chairman/CEO of Frequency  Electronics,
Inc.,  that he executed the  foregoing  instrument  and that he had authority to
sign the  same,  and he  acknowledged  that it was his free act and deed and the
free act and deed of Frequency Electronics, Inc., before me.

                                           /s/Paul Bloom
                                           Notary Public
                                           My Commission Expires: July 31, 1998
                                           Commissioner of the Superior Court

STATE OF New York)
                                  ) ss.:
COUNTY OF Suffolk)

On the 2nd day of December,  1997,  personally  appeared Mitchell Rechler, to me
known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and who, being duly
sworn,  did depose and say that he is an  Executive  Vice  President  of Reckson
Associates Realty Corp., general partner of Reckson Operating  Partnership L.P.,
that he executed the foregoing  instrument and that he had authority to sign the
same, and he acknowledged that it was his free act and deed and the free act and
deed of Reckson Associates Realty Corp., before me.

                                           /s/Samuel Yedid
                                           Notary Public
                                           My Commission Expires: June 30, 1999
                                           Commissioner of the Superior Court

                                                                   Exhibit 10.13

                               AGREEMENT OF LEASE


                       RECKSON OPERATING PARTNERSHIP, L.P.


                           FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

SPACE                                                                          1

TERM                                                                           1

RENT                                                                           2

USE OF PREMISES................................................................4

TAXES                                                                          4



TENANT'S ALTERATION...........................................................20


REQUIREMENTS OF LAW, SPRINKLERS...............................................24


DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION.........................................................29



EMINENT DOMAIN................................................................34

RIGHT TO SUBLET OR ASSIGN.....................................................36

RIGHT TO INSPECT; POSTING SIGNS...............................................41



REMEDIES OF LANDLORD..........................................................44

ATTORNEY'S FEES...............................................................46


NO WAIVER.....................................................................47

END OF TERM...................................................................47


QUIET ENJOYMENT...............................................................49

NONLIABILITY OF LANDLORD......................................................50

NO ABATEMENT..................................................................51

APPLICABLE LAW AND CONSTRUCTION...............................................51


UTILITY EASEMENT................................. ............................53


BINDING EFFECT OF LEASE.......................................................53

UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS............................................................54


CLEANING, RUBBISH REMOVAL.....................................................55

SHORT TERM EXTENSION OPTION...................................................55

RENEWAL OPTION................................................................57

RIGHT OF FIRST OFFER..........................................................59


EXHIBIT 1.....................................................................66

EXHIBIT 2.....................................................................67

EXHIBIT 3.....................................................................68

EXHIBIT 4.....................................................................69

EXHIBIT 5.....................................................................70

EXHIBIT 6.....................................................................71

                               AGREEMENT OF LEASE

         AGREEMENT  OF LEASE made as of the 2nd day of  December,  1997  between
RECKSON OPERATING  PARTNERSHIP, L.P., a Delanware limited partnership having its
principal  office at 225 Broadhollow  Road, Suite 212 West,  Melville,  New York
11747 (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord"), and FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS,  INC.,
a Delaware  corporation  having  its  principal  office at 55 Charles  Lindbergh
Boulevard, Uniondale, New York (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant").


         1.  Landlord  hereby  leases to Tenant  and  Tenant  hereby  hires from
Landlord  the space  substantially  shown on the Rental  Plan  initialed  by the
parties and made a part hereof as Exhibit "1" ("Demised Premises" or "Premises")
in the building located at 55 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard,  Uniondale,  New York
(hereinafter referred to as the "Building"), and the parties stipulate and agree
that such space contains 91,027  rentable  square feet in a Building  containing
approximately  214,581 rentable square feet which  constitutes  42.42 percent of
the area of the Building ("Tenant's Proportionate Share").


         2. The term  ("Term",  "term"  or  "Demised  Term")  of this  lease and
Tenant's  obligation to pay Minimum Annual Rent and all items of Additional Rent
(as such terms are  defined in Article 3 hereof)  shall  commence on the date on
which  Landlord  acquires  the ground lease  covering  the  Building  (the "Rent
Commencement  Date").  The Term of this lease shall expire on the day  preceding
the day which is eleven (11) years after (a) the Rent Commencement Date, if such
date is the first day of the first full  calendar  month or (b) the first day of
the first full calendar month following the Rent Commencement Date, if such date
is not the first day of a calendar month (the "Expiration Date").


         3. (a) Tenant covenants to pay to Landlord at its principal  office, or
at such place as Landlord shall from time to time direct in writing, the minimum
annual rent set forth below (the "Minimum Annual Rent"), and the additional rent
required  to be paid  pursuant to the terms of this lease  ("Additional  Rent").
Minimum  Annual Rent and such other  Additional  Rent and charges  which  Tenant
shall be  required  to pay are  hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to as  "Rent".
Minimum Annual Rent shall be as follows:

         During the first through  eleventh Lease Years, the Minimum Annual Rent
         shall  be  $399,999.96  per  Lease  Year,   payable  in  equal  monthly
         installments of $33,333.33

A "Lease Year" shall be comprised of a period of twelve (12) consecutive months.
The  first  Lease  Year  shall  commence  on the  Rent  Commencement  Date  but,
notwithstanding  the first sentence of this paragraph,  if the Rent Commencement
Date is not the first day of a month,  then the first  Lease Year shall  include
the  additional  period from the Rent  Commencement  Date to the end of the then
current month.  Each succeeding  Lease Year shall end on the anniversary date of
the last day of the preceding Lease Year. For example,  if the Rent Commencement
date is January 1, 1998,  the first  Lease Year would  begin on January 1, 1998,
and end on  December  31,  1998,  and each  succeeding  Lease  Year would end on
December 31st. If, however,  the Rent  Commencement Date is January 2, 1998, the
first  Lease Year would end on January  31,  1999,  the second  Lease Year would
commence  on  February  1,  1999,  and each  succeeding  Lease Year would end on
January 31st.

         Within ten (10)  business days after  Landlord's  delivery to Tenant of
Landlord's  standard Rent Commencement  Date Certificate,  Tenant shall sign and
return said Certificate to Landlord.

         (b)  Tenant  shall  pay  the  Minimum  Annual  Rent  in  equal  monthly
installments  in advance on the first day of each calendar month included in the
term  except that  Tenant  shall pay the  Minimum  Annual Rent due for the first
month of the first Lease Year upon execution of this lease.

         (c) All Rent shall be paid in lawful  money of the United  States which
shall be legal tender in payment of all debts and dues,  public and private,  at
the time of payment,  at the  address of Landlord  set forth in this lease or at
such other place as Landlord in writing may designate on ten (10) days notice to
Tenant without any set-off or deduction  whatsoever and without any prior demand

         (d)  Unless  another  time  shall be  herein  expressly  provided,  any
Additional  Rent  shall be due and  payable  together  with the next  succeeding
installment of Minimum Annual Rent, or, in the event of the expiration or sooner
termination of this lease, within ten (10) business days after receipt of a bill
from Landlord;  and Landlord shall have the same remedies for failure to pay the
Additional Rent as for a non-payment of Minimum Annual Rent.

         (e) For any portion of a calendar  month  included at the  beginning or
end of the term,  Tenant  shall pay  1/30th of the  closest  applicable  monthly
installment  of Minimum  Annual  Rent for each day of such  portion,  payable in
advance at the beginning of such portion.

         (f) In any case in which the Minimum Annual Rent or Additional  Rent is
not paid within ten (10) business days of the day when same is due, Tenant shall
pay  interest on such late  payment  accruing at the rate of one and one half (1
1/2%)  percent per month from the date that such  payment was due to the date of
payment,  but in no event shall the  interest  charge  exceed the  maximum  rate
permitted by law; and, in addition  thereto,  the sum of $100.00 for the purpose
of  defraying  expenses  incident to the  handling of such  delinquent  account.
Tenant  further agrees that the interest  charge  assessed does not constitute a
lender or borrower/creditor relationship between Landlord and Tenant.

         (g) If Tenant shall default,  beyond applicable notice and cure periods
provided herein for the cure thereof,  in making any payment required to be made
by Tenant or in performing any obligation of Tenant under this lease which shall
require the  expenditure of money,  Landlord may, but shall not be obligated to,
make such  payment on behalf of Tenant or expend such sum as may be necessary to
perform or fulfill such obligation. Any sums so paid by Landlord shall be deemed
Additional  Rent and shall be due and payable to Landlord at the time of payment
of the next installment of Minimum Annual Rent.

                                 USE OF PREMISES

         4. (a) Tenant shall use and occupy the  Premises  solely for the lawful
purposes:  general and executive offices,  laboratory,  light  manufacturing and
research  and  development  and for no other  purpose.  Tenant  shall not use or
permit the use of the Premises contrary to any applicable statute,  ordinance or
regulation or in violation of the  Certificate of Occupancy of the Building,  or
in a manner which would cause structural injury to the Building.

                  (b) Tenant acknowledges that the value of the Premises and the
reputation  of Landlord  will be seriously  injured if the Premises are used for
any obscene or pornographic  purposes or if any obscene or pornographic material
is permitted on the Premises.  Tenant further agrees that Tenant will not permit
any such uses by Tenant or a  sublessee  of the  Premises or an assignee of this
lease.  This Paragraph shall directly bind any successors in interest to Tenant.
Tenant agrees that,  if at any time,  Tenant  violates any of the  provisions of
this  Paragraph,  such  violation  shall be  deemed a  breach  of a  substantial
obligation of the terms of this lease and  objectionable  conduct.  Pornographic
material is defined for  purposes of this  Paragraph as any written or pictorial
matter with  prurient  appeal or any objects or  instruments  that are primarily
concerned with lewd or prurient  sexual  activity.  Obscene  material is defined
here as it is in Penal Law ss.235.00.


         5. (a) During the term of this lease,  Tenant  covenants  and agrees to
pay, in the manner set forth in this Article,  Tenant's  Proportionate Share (as
defined in Article 1 and  subsection  (e) below) of all Real  Estate  Taxes,  as
Additional Rent.

                  (b) The term "Real  Estate  Taxes" shall be deemed to mean all
taxes and  assessments,  special or otherwise,  assessed upon or with respect to
the  ownership  and all other  taxable  interests  in the land and  improvements
thereon which  constitute the Real Property (as defined in Subdivision  7(A)(ii)
below),  imposed by Federal,  State or local governmental authority or any other
taxing authority having  jurisdiction over Landlord's tax lot or lots, but shall
not include income, intangible,  franchise, capital stock, estate or inheritance
taxes,  or taxes based upon the receipt of rentals  (unless the same shall be in
lieu of "Real Estate  Taxes" as herein  defined by whatever  name the tax may be
                  (c)  Commencing on the Rent  Commencement  Date and continuing
throughout  the  term of this  lease,  Tenant  shall  pay to  Landlord  Tenant's
Proportionate  Share of the Real  Estate  Taxes for each tax year  occurring  in
whole or part  during the term of this lease.  Any amount due to Landlord  under
the  provisions  of this Article shall be paid on the later of: (i) fifteen (15)
business days after receipt by Tenant from Landlord of an invoice  therefor;  or
(ii) the date on which the next succeeding installment of Minimum Annual Rent is
due.  Landlord  shall  furnish  Tenant with  evidence of the amount of such Real
Estate Taxes. A copy of the tax bill shall be sufficient  evidence of the amount
of Real Estate Taxes imposed upon the Real Property.  Tenant shall also pay when
due any  occupancy  taxes arising  under or in  connection  with this lease.  In
addition to the foregoing,  Tenant shall also be responsible for any increase in
Real Estate Taxes resulting from Tenant's improvements performed by or on behalf
of Tenant.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary expressly contained herein,
Tenant shall not be  responsible  for any  increases in Real Estate Taxes to the
extent such  increases  are a result of tenant  improvements  performed by or on
behalf of other  tenants in the Building or any tenant or occupant of 51 Charles
Lindbergh Boulevard, Uniondale, New York provided Tenant furnishes Landlord with
objective proof of same.

                  (d)  Landlord's  failure  during  the  term of this  lease  to
prepare and deliver any of the  foregoing  invoices,  tax  statements,  or other
demand for payment of Real Estate Taxes or  Landlord's  failure to make a demand
for any other item of Additional  Rent due hereunder  shall not in any way waive
or cause  Landlord  to forfeit  or  surrender  its rights to collect  any of the
foregoing  items of Additional Rent which may have become due during the term of
this lease,  provided,  however,  that Landlord's right to collect such items of
Additional  Rent shall only survive for a period of two (2) years  following the
expiration or sooner termination of this lease.

                  (e) Landlord and Tenant  acknowledge that the tax lot on which
the  Building is located is the same tax lot on which the  building  known as 51
Charles Lindbergh Boulevard,  Uniondale,  New York is located. Until the tax lot
for the Building and 51 Charles Lindbergh  Boulevard known as Section 44 Block F
Lot 377  ("Tax  Lot")  is  divided  into two (2)  separate  tax  lots,  Tenant's
Proportionate Share of the Real Estate Taxes shall be computed as follows.

                  As set  forth on  Exhibit 3 annexed  hereto,  the total  taxes
billed for the Tax Lot in the  1996/97  school tax year and 1997 county tax year
were $1,195,837.16,  of which $623,140.37 was attributable to the portion of the
Tax Lot on which the Building is located. On this basis and until the Tax Lot is
apportioned into two (2) lots,  Tenant's  Proportionate Share of the Real Estate
Taxes is 42.42% (as defined in Article 1 above) of  $623,140.37,  or $264,336.14
for the  1996/97  school tax year and the 1997  county  tax year.  In future tax
years, the Real Estate Taxes will be subject to increases or decreases resulting
from any  increase or decrease in the portion of the gross  assessed  value (and
the tax rate applicable  thereto) for the Tax Lot attributable to the portion of
the Tax Lot on which the Building is located  (computed on the same basis as the
computation for the 1996/97 school tax year and 1997 county tax year).

                  (f) Tenant  shall pay to  Landlord  on demand any Real  Estate
Taxes  relating  to the term of this  lease  which  may  have  been  prepaid  by
Landlord. With respect to any period at the expiration of the term of this lease
which shall  constitute a partial tax year,  Tenant shall be responsible for the
Real  Estate  Taxes  allocable  to such  partial  tax  year and  Landlord's  tax
statement shall apportion the amount of the Additional Rental due hereunder. The
obligation of Tenant in respect of such  Additional Rent applicable for the last
year of the term of this lease or part thereof shall  survive the  expiration of
the term of this lease.

                  (g)  Tenant  shall  not,  without   Landlord's  prior  written
consent,  institute or maintain any action,  proceeding  or  application  in any
court or body or with any governmental authority for the purpose of changing the
Real Estate Taxes. However, if Landlord has failed to commence such a proceeding
by the sixtieth  (60th) day prior to the final date to file  challenges  for the
tax year in question and  Landlord  has not provided to Tenant in writing,  upon
Tenant's written request,  a reasonable  justification for not doing so prior to
such  sixtieth  (60th) day,  then Tenant shall be  permitted to commence  such a
proceeding for the tax year in question at Tenant's sole cost and expense,  upon
prior  notice to  Landlord  and with the consent  and  cooperation  of the other
tenants in the Building (and with the tenants of 51 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard,
Uniondale,  New York in the event that the Real Estate Taxes are not apportioned
between separate tax lots for the Building and 51 Charles  Lindbergh  Boulevard,
Uniondale,  New  York).  Reasonable  justification  for  Landlord's  failure  to
commence a tax certiorari  proceeding  shall  include,  without  limitation,  an
agreement  with the relevant  taxing  authorities  not to file a tax  certiorari
proceeding  made in connection  with the  settlement  of a prior tax  certiorari
proceeding. In the event Tenant commences such a proceeding as permitted by this
Article,  Tenant shall furnish  Landlord with copies of all documents  delivered
and  received  by or on behalf of Tenant  in  connection  with said  proceeding.
Landlord  agrees to cooperate  with Tenant in  commencing  such a proceeding  in
Landlord's name and to execute any documentation  reasonably requested by Tenant
in connection with said  proceeding.  In the event any such action  initiated by
Landlord or Tenant is successful,  then Tenant shall  receive,  or have credited
against  its  Rent  thereafter  due  (at  Landlord's   option),   or,  following
termination of or expiration of this lease  (provided such  termination is not a
result of Tenant's uncured default  hereunder),  Landlord shall reimburse Tenant
for any tax refund or credit  obtained  thereby to the extent  said Real  Estate
Taxes were  actually  paid by Tenant (after  reimbursement  for the  appropriate
expenses). The obligations of Landlord to reimburse or credit Tenant for any tax
refund or credit  obtained in accordance with this section (g) shall survive the
expiration of the term of this lease.


         6. (a) Landlord  acknowledges that Tenant currently  occupies a portion
of the Building in which the Demised  Premises  shall be  constructed.  Landlord
agrees to deliver the  Premises to Tenant on a  "turn-key"  basis and to perform
all work and installations in accordance with the specifications  annexed hereto
as  Schedule  A and as  otherwise  provided  in the  Rental  Plan and Work Plans
annexed  thereto  (collectively,  the "Rental Plan") annexed hereto as Exhibit 1
("Landlord's Initial Construction"). Landlord's Initial Construction costs shall
be calculated  at the actual cost to Landlord  (including,  without  limitation,
site  specific  overhead  costs;  but  excluding  Landlord's  non-site  specific
overhead and administrative  costs, mark up and profit). In the event Landlord's
Initial  Construction  costs shall  exceed One Million  ($1,000,000.00)  Dollars
(excluding any such costs  incurred as a result of Tenant's  request for changes
in plans, materials,  finishes or installations),  Tenant shall pay to Landlord,
as such additional costs are expended,  a sum not to exceed Two Hundred Thousand
($200,000.00) Dollars. Landlord shall be responsible for any costs of Landlord's
Initial Construction exceeding One Million Two Hundred Thousand  ($1,200,000.00)
Dollars  (excluding any such costs incurred as a result of Tenant's  request for
changes in plans,  materials,  finishes or  installations).  Landlord's  Initial
Construction  shall exclude any work  associated with any other tenant or common
area  within  the  Building  and the  cost of  splitting  any and all  utilities
(including but not limited to heating,  ventilating and air conditioning systems
and sprinkler  systems) and constructing  demising walls.  Landlord shall, at no
cost to Tenant, assist Tenant with layouts and provide Tenant with architectural
services in connection with Landlord's Initial Construction.

                  (b) If Landlord  shall be unable to deliver  possession of the
Premises by the Rent  Commencement  Date,  Landlord  shall not be subject to any
liability  for such  failure to give  possession  and Tenant  hereby  waives the
provisions  of Section  223-a of the Real  Property Law of the State of New York
and any other law of like import now or hereafter enacted.

                  (c) All of Landlord's Initial  Construction shall be performed
by licensed,  reputable  contractors  in accordance  with all  applicable  laws,
codes,  rules and regulations,  and Landlord shall at its sole cost and expense,
obtain  all  necessary   permits,   approvals,   certificates  of  occupancy  or
certificates of completion required for Landlord's Initial Construction.  Except
as otherwise provided in this Article 6 and subject to the provisions of Article
12 herein, Landlord agrees to indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from any claim,
damage, liability or expense arising out of Landlord's performance of Landlord's
Initial Construction. Landlord shall provide Tenant with ten (10) business days'
prior  written  notice  of the  date on  which  the  Demised  Premises  shall be
substantially completed.  "Substantially  Completed" or "Substantial Completion"
or  "Substantially  Complete"  as  used  herein  is  defined  to mean  when  the
construction  is  complete  as  evidenced  by the  issuance  of a  temporary  or
permanent certificate of occupancy (or the administrative approval to occupy the
Demised Premises preceding the administrative issuance of such certificates) and
when the Demised  Premises  are  completed to such an extent as not to interfere
with the Tenant's use, occupancy and substantially full enjoyment of the Demised

                  (d) (i) In the event  that  Tenant  fails to vacate  the space
that it currently  occupies and take  possession of the Demised  Premises on the
date the Demised  Premises  shall be  Substantially  Complete (as defined in the
foregoing  Subsection),  Tenant shall pay to Landlord,  as Additional Rent, upon
demand,  a sum equal to three  times the Minimum  Annual Rent  computed on a per
diem basis for each day that  Tenant  fails to take  possession  of the  Demised
Premises  following the date of  Substantial  Completion.  (Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  Tenant shall not be liable for such  Additional  Rent,  and Landlord
shall not make a demand therefor, unless, until and to the extent Landlord shall
be  required  to pay a  penalty  to  Lockheed  Martin  Corporation  ("Lockheed")
pursuant  to Article  7(b) of the Lease for a portion of the  Building  (entered
into by Lockheed  and Landlord  contemporaneously  with this Lease) by reason of
Landlord's  failure to complete the Initial  Construction  (defined  therein) by
June 7, 1998).  Landlord shall permit Tenant and its contractors,  suppliers and
workmen  access  to the  Demised  Premises  prior  to the  date  of  substantial
completion  in order for Tenant to install  wiring for  Tenant's  telephone  and
computer  systems and perform  other work  necessary to prepare the Premises for
Tenant's  use and  occupancy.  Subject to the  provisions  of Article 12 herein,
Tenant  shall  indemnify  and hold  Landlord  harmless  from any claim,  damage,
liability or expense arising out of the foregoing  Tenant's work. The scheduling
and coordination of Tenant's contractors and their workmen and mechanics will be
subject to reasonable  regulation by Landlord and Landlord's contractor to avoid
unreasonable  interferences  with  labor  employed  by  Landlord  or  Landlord's

                           (ii)  Landlord intends to complete Landlord's Initial
Construction in stages and to deliver the  Demised Premises to Tenant in stages.
In order to facilitate Landlord's completion of Landlord's Initial  Construction
and the work Landlord must perform to prepare  a  portion  of the  Building  for
occupancy by Lockheed, Tenant  shall use  reasonable  efforts to take  occupancy
of the portions of the Demised Premises which have been Substantially  Completed
(as defined below) by the dates set forth on the Staging Schedule annexed hereto
as  Exhibit  5  (the"Staging Schedule")  and  to vacate the portions of Tenant's
existing space by the dates set forth on  the  Staging  Schedule  (provided  the
related  portion of the Demised Premises has been Substantially Completed by the
respective date). For purposes of this Subsection (ii) only,  a portion  of  the
Demised  Premises designated on  the  Staging  Schedule shall  be  deemed  to be
Substantially Completed when such portion is  completed  to the extent  it  is a
functional  unit for  the  continued,   uninterrupted   operation   of  Tenant's
business or  the  portion  of  Tenant's business  to be  conducted  therein (but
Landlord shall not be required to deliver a certificate  of  occupancy  or other
administrative approval of occupancy with respect to each such portion until the
entire  Demised  Premises  shall be Substantially   Completed as defined in the 
Subsection  (i)  above).  Although  the  per  diem   penalty   referred   to  in
Subsection  (i) above shall not apply to the delivery  of  the  portions  of the
Demised  Premises  pursuant  to the  Staging Schedule (until  the entire Demised
Premises shall be Substantially  Completed as defined in  Subsection (i) above),
Tenant's failure to make reasonable efforts to comply with its obligations under
this Lease  with  respect to the Staging Schedule shall be a default under  this
Lease (but such default shall  be  subject  to the  applicable  notice  and cure
periods  set  forth  in  this  Lease). Such reasonable  efforts of Tenant  shall
include, without limitation, the installation  by  Tenant  of  the  wiring  for 
Tenant's  telephone and computer systems so that  the  portions of  the  Demised
Premises set forth in the Staging Schedule shall be, by the date  set  forth  in
such  schedule  for the  Substantial  Completion  of the portion of the  Demised
Premises  in  question,  a  functional  unit  for  the continued,  uninterrupted
operation of Tenant's  business as  it  relates  to  such telephone and computer

          Notwithstanding anything  to  the  contrary set forth in the foregoing
grammatical paragraph, Tenant shall be in default of its obligations under  this
lease if it shall fail to comply with the  Staging  Schedule  in  the  following
                          (A)  In the event Landlord  shall  have  Substantially
Completed (as defined in Subsection (ii) above) the Hybrid Stockroom  Area,  the
Loading Dock/Receiving Area, and the Quality Control Area shown on  the  Staging
Schedule and shall have given Tenant at least ten (10) days prior written notice
of the date of such Substantial Completetion, Tenant's  failure  to  vacate  the
"ANC" space shown on the staging Schedule, within  (10)  days  after  Landlord's
Sunstantial Completion of the Hybrid Stockroom Area, the Loading Dock/Receiiving
Area, and the Quality Control Area, shall be deemed to be a  default  by  Tenant
under this lease.

                          (B) In the event  Landlord  Shall  have  Substantially
Completed (as defined in Subsection (ii) aboce) the Tenant's new "AMRAAM"  space
(located in the basement of the building) shown on the Staging  Plan  and  shall
have given Tenant at leat ten (10) days prior written notice of the date of such
Substantial Completion, Tenant's failure to vacate the existing  "AMRAAM"  space
(locatd on the first floor of the Building) shown on the Staging Schedule,within
ten (10)  days  after Landlord's Substantial  Completion  of  the  new  basement
"AMRAAM" space, shall be deeemed to be a default by Tenant under this lease.
                          (iii)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary set
forth in this Lease, in the event Tenant shall occupy a portion  of the  Demised
Premises  prior to  Landlord's receipt of a  certificate of  occupancy  or other
administrative  approval  of Tenant's  occupancy   thereof  as  required   under
Subsection (ii) above, Landlord shall indemnify, defend and hold Tenant harmless
against  (a) any fines  or  penalties  which may be  imposed   on  Tenant  by  a
governmental  agency by reason thereof; (b) any moving or other relocating costs
Tenant may reasonably incur by reason of vacating the  subject  portion  of  the
Demised  Premises  pursuant to an order of a governmental agency and reoccupying
the space previously occupied by Tenant for the same purpose  as the space being
vacated   or  other  reasonably  suitable  and  equipped   space in the Building
provided by Landlord;  and (c) any direct damages   described  in  the following
sentence  ("Direct  Damages")  which Tenant may reasonably  incur  by  reason of
down time during such  relocation (but in no event shall Landlord be responsible
for  consequential or indirect damages such  as the  loss of new   business   or
contracts).  As to the  Direct  Damages referred to  in  (c)  of  the  foregoing
sentence, Landlord shall  only  be  responsible  for Direct Damages which Tenant
shall reasonably incur by reason of down time in the  laboratory areas set forth
on Exhibit 6 hereto  (as  opposed to office and administrative   areas) and  the
maximum  Direct  Damages  Landlord  shall  be responsible  for each day of  down
time of such  areas is the amount set forth on such exhibit  for each such area.
Landlord  shall only be  responsible  for such Direct  Damages if (A)  Tenant is
ordered  to  discontinue  use of the  subject laboratory area and Tenant in fact
discontinues  use of such area and (B)_such order to   discontinue   use results
from  Tenant's  occupying  the subject  area without a certificate  of occupancy
or other  administrative  approval to occupy rather than as a result of Tenant's
specific use or manner of use of the subject area. Tenant  hereby  agrees   that
Landlord may contest, at Landlord's expense, any orde r that Tenant  discontinue
its  operations in a certain area of the Demised Premises  and  that  as long as
Tenant is able to continue  using the subject area during  Landlord's contest of
such order,  Tenant shall  continue to operate in such space.

                  (e)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  contained  in
Article 8 herein,  during the period of Landlord's Initial  Construction and the
period of  construction  of the  improvements  to be made on behalf of  Lockheed
Martin Corporation if Landlord performs such  improvements,  Landlord shall give
Tenant prior notice of scheduled  interruptions  of service,  and Landlord shall
use best efforts (which include the use of overtime  services) not to materially
interfere with Tenant's use and occupancy of the Premises.

                  (f)  Notwithstanding the fact that Tenat shall use  reasonable
efforts to vacate the portions of its existing space  pursuant  to  the  Staging
Schedule, Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that  certain  of  Landlord's  Initial
Constrution shall be performed while Tenant  is  occupying  its  current  space.
Landlord hereby agrees not to  unreasonably  interfere  with  Tenant's  use  and
occupancy of its current space during such construction and Landlord  and Tenant
hereby agree to cooperate in  scheduling  the  work  to  be  performed  in  such
occupied areas.

                  (g)  Tenant hereby agrees that,in connection with its vacating
portions of its current space pursuant to the Staging Schedule, it shall  remove
all its personal property from such space, including, without limitation, filing
cabinets and the contents thereof.

                  (h)  For purposes of this  lease  "Administrative  approval to
occupy" shall be deemed to meanthe applicable agency's final inspection approval
of the Landlord's initial construction. For purposes of articles 15 and 16  such
final inspection approval shall relate to the portion of  the  Demised  Premises
being restored.

                               OPERATING EXPENSES

         7. (A)(i) For purposes of this lease, the term "Operating  Costs" shall
mean and include the aggregate of all those  expenses to the extent  incurred in
respect to the operation and  maintenance  of the Real Property (as such term is
defined in  Subdivision  (ii) below) in accordance  with accepted  principles of
sound  management  and  accounting  practices  as applied to the  operation  and
maintenance  of   non-institutional   first  class   research  and   development
properties,  including,  only the following:  rent and Additional Rent under the
existing  ground lease (without  modification)  with Nassau County  covering the
Real Property; all insurance carried by Landlord applicable to the Real Property
(including,  without limitation, primary and excess liability, all risk property
coverage  at  replacement  cost,  flood  insurance,  boiler  insurance  and rent
insurance);  maintenance and repairs of grounds (including,  without limitation,
all landscaping,  lawn maintenance,  tree and shrub spraying, walks, parking and
other vehicle ways and areas and common  areas),  underground  conduits,  pipes,
line equipment and systems;  repaving,  resurfacing and painting (including line
painting);  removal of snow and ice;  exterior  and  common  area  lighting  and
utilities;  irrigation; sprinkler repair and maintenance; water; and roof repair
and  maintenance;  and resurfacing and restriping of the parking lot.  Operating
Costs shall not include expenses  incurred by Landlord for the following repairs
to be made to the Real Property in connection  with  Landlord's  acquisition  of
same: installation of roofing membrane,  curbing,  resurfacing and restriping of
parking lot, and installation and/or relocation of lighting in parking lot.

                  (ii) The term "Real Property" shall be the land upon which the
Building stands and any part or parts thereof  utilized for parking,  landscaped
areas or otherwise  used in connection  with the Building,  and the Building and
other improvements appurtenant thereto.

         (B)  Tenant  shall  pay  to  Landlord,  as  Additional  Rent,  Tenant's
Proportionate  Share of the Operating  Costs as defined above without any "gross
up" of said costs and further provided that the total amount of reimbursement to
Landlord shall not exceed 100% as it relates  specifically  to the Real Property
and the Building.

         (C)  Commencing  in the second  Lease Year,  Landlord  shall  render to
Tenant a statement  containing a computation of Tenant's  Proportionate Share of
the Operating Costs  ("Landlord's  Cost  Statement")  with respect to each Lease
Year during the Term of this lease.  Landlord estimates that the Operating Costs
for the Building are currently  approximately  ($.35) cents per square foot, and
are subject to future increases. On the first day of each month during the first
Lease Year, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent, an amount equal to
one-twelfth (1/12) of Tenant's  Proportionate  Share of the estimated  Operating
Costs for the first Lease Year.

         (D) All Landlord's Cost Statements shall include the following  amounts
with  respect  to the Lease Year to which they  apply:  (i) the total  Operating
Costs  incurred by Landlord  during the Lease Year in  question;  (ii)  Tenant's
Proportionate  Share of Operating  Costs for such Lease Year;  (iii) all amounts
paid by Tenant  during  such Lease Year on account of the subject  payment;  and
(iv) the amount of the difference,  if any,  between such payment for such Lease
Year and the  amounts  paid by Tenant  during  such Lease Year on account of the
subject  payment.  On the later of fifteen (15) days after the rendition of such
Landlord's  Cost Statement or the date on which the next  installment of Minimum
Annual Rent is due, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent, the amount
of the difference referred to in (iv) above, if any. In addition,  together with
such payment,  Tenant shall pay to Landlord,  for each month that has transpired
since the  commencement  of the  current  Lease  Year and the  rendition  of the
subject Landlord's Cost Statement,  the difference between one-twelfth  (1/12th)
of Tenant's  Proportionate Share of Operating Costs shown on such statements and
the monthly payments toward Tenant's Proportionate Share of Operating Costs made
by Tenant for the prior months of such current Lease Year.  In addition,  on the
first day of each month  following the rendition of the subject  Landlord's Cost
Statement, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, on account of the next payment due from
Tenant for Operating Costs,  one-twelfth (1/12th) of Tenant's Share of Operating
Costs set forth on the subject Landlord's Cost Statement.


         8. (a) Tenant shall at all times keep and maintain the Premises in good
order,  condition and repair,  and shall make all  nonstructural  repairs to the
Premises,  including,  without  limiting the  generality of the  foregoing,  (i)
maintenance  and repair of the electrical,  plumbing,  sprinkler,  heating,  air
conditioning,  ventilation  and  all  other  mechanical  systems  servicing  the
Premises; (ii)  regularly-scheduled  cleaning and maintenance of the interior of
the Premises; and (iii) the repair and maintenance of all plate glass. If Tenant
fails  to make  any  repairs  or  replacements  required  to be made by  Tenant,
Landlord  may,  without  obligation,  perform  same for the account of Tenant at
Tenant's  expense  and the cost  thereof  shall be due and  payable by Tenant to
Landlord as Additional Rent. In the event that structural repairs,  replacements
or alterations or any other repairs or replacements  included under Article 8(b)
hereof shall be  necessitated  or occasioned,  in whole or in part, by the acts,
omissions,  or  negligence  of Tenant or any  person  claiming  through or under
Tenant or any of their servants,  employees,  contractors,  agents,  visitors or
licensees,  or by the use or  occupancy  or  manner of use or  occupancy  of the
Premises  by Tenant,  or any such  person,  Landlord  shall  make such  repairs,
replacements or alterations at Tenant's expense.

                  (b)  Landlord   shall  be   responsible   for  performing  (i)
maintenance and repair of the roof and structural elements of the Building; (ii)
maintenance, replacement and repair of all common areas, landscaping, sidewalks,
driveways  and parking  areas at the  Building;  and (iii)  keeping the exterior
premises  clean  and  free of  debris,  snow  and  ice.  Except  for  Landlord's
obligation to keep the exterior premises clean and free of debris, snow and ice,
Landlord shall not be required to commence any repairs  required to be performed
by it until after  notice from Tenant  that same are  necessary,  which  notice,
except in the case of an emergency, (which shall not require notice) shall be in
writing  and  shall  permit  Landlord  ten (10) days in which to  commence  such
repair.  When necessary by reason of accident or other casualty occurring in the
Building  or at  the  Premises  or in  order  to  make  any  necessary  repairs,
alterations  or  improvements  in or relating to the Building or the Premises or
other portions of Landlord's property, Landlord reserves the right to interrupt,
temporarily, on written notice to Tenant (except in the case of an emergency, in
which case no notice shall be required),  the supply of utility  services  until
said repairs or improvements  shall have been  completed.  Landlord shall pursue
such work with  reasonable  diligence  and  dispatch,  and shall use  reasonable
efforts not to  unreasonably  interfere  with  Tenant's use and occupancy of the
Demised Premises.

                  (c)  Tenant  shall  not  place a load  upon  any  floor of the
Premises  which exceeds the floor load per square foot area which such floor was
designed  to carry.  If Tenant  shall  desire a floor load in excess of that for
which the floor of any portion of the Premises is designed,  upon  submission to
Landlord of plans  showing the  location of and the desired  floor live load for
the area in  question,  Landlord  may  strengthen  and  reinforce  the same,  at
Tenant's sole expense,  so as to carry the live load desired.  Business machines
and mechanical  equipment used by Tenant which cause vibration or noise that may
be  transmitted  to or through the Building  shall be placed and  maintained  by
Tenant,  at its expense,  in settings of cork,  rubber or spring-type  vibration
eliminators  sufficient to eliminate  such vibration or noise.  Landlord  hereby
acknowledges  that Tenant  utilizes  vibration labs and maintains a six thousand
(6000) gallon liquid nitrogen tank in the ordinary  course of its business,  and
Landlord  hereby  consents to the use of such labs and the  maintenance  of such
tank,  provided that Tenant complies with all applicable  laws,  regulations and
the provisions of this lease (including, without limitation, Article 11(d)), and
further provided that such use and  maintenance,  not to exceed Tenant's current
use and maintenance, does not unreasonably interfere with any other tenant's use
and occupancy of its premises.

                  (d) Tenant shall comply with the following  restrictions  with
respect to the Premises:

                           (i)      Tenant  shall  store all trash and refuse in
appropriate  sealed  and  covered containers  at the  exterior  of the  Building
and shall  attend to the regular disposal and  removal   thereof.   Tenant   may
continue to use the trash  compactor that is currently   located  in the loading
dock  outside the  Premises,  provided such use is  consistent  with  applicable
laws, rules and regulations. American Financial Consultants, a current subtenant
at the Premises, may continue to use the dumpster  that  is located  outside the
Building  adjacent to the entrance of the portion of the  Premises  occupied  by
American Financial Consultants, provided such use is consistent with  applicable
laws,  rules and  regulations.  Tenant agrees that the trash  compactor  and the
dumpster  may be  located in parking spaces allocated for Tenant's use.

                           (ii) Tenant shall  receive all  deliveries,  load and
unload goods, merchandise, supplies, fixtures, equipment, furniture and  rubbish
only through proper service doors and loading  docks  serving the Building,  but
in no event through the main front entrance of the Building.Tenant may, however,
receive  deliveries  and  load  and  unload  goods through  the main entrance to
Tenant's Premises.

                           (iii) Tenant shall not change the exterior  colors or
architectural treatment of the Premises or make  any  alterations  or changes to
the exterior of the Building or to the grading,   planting or landscaping of the
exterior of the Building without the  consent  of  Landlord   which shall not be
unreasonably  withheld.  Landlord agrees that, during the term of this Lease and
any extension or renewal thereof, Landlord  shall not change  the address of the
Building or  designate a name for the Building.

                           (iv)  Landlord  shall,  at  Landlord's  sole cost and
expense, install monument and directional signs outside the Building pursuant to
the sign plan annexed hereto as  Exhibit  "5". Tenant shall not place or install
or suffer to be placed or installed  any other sign upon the  Building   or  the
Premises unless such sign shall be approved  by Landlord and shall be harmonious
with the  signs of adjoining  properties. Provided that Tenant complies with all
applicable  laws, codes, rules and regulations,  Landlord shall not unreasonably
withhold approval of Tenant's proposed  signs.  Landlord agrees that, during the
term of this lease and any extension  or  renewal  thereof,  Landlord  shall not
consent  to  any  other  tenant's  installation  of  a  sign  on the rear of the
Building.  In any  event, except as  otherwise  provided in Exhibit "5"  annexed
hereto,  Tenant  shall not place  or cause to be placed  upon the  Building  any
awning,  canopy, banner, flag, pennant,  aerial,  antenna or the like. All signs
or  lettering  on  or about  the  Premises  or  the  Building  shall be neat and
reasonable  size. The following are strictly prohibited:

                  (x)      Paper signs and stickers;
                  (y)      Moving, flickering or flashing lights;
                  (z)      Exposed neon or fluorescent tubes  or  other  exposed
                           light sources.

                           (v) Tenant shall have the right to use three  hundred
fifty (350)  parking  spaces,  forty-five (45) of which shall  be  reserved  for
Tenant's use, as shown on Exhibit "2"  annexed hereto. To the  extent  permitted
by law,  Tenant may permit the parking of  vehicles on the streets and  roadways
adjoining or  surrounding  the Building. Tenant  agrees  that  if  Tenant or its
employees violate the restrictions in this  subsection  or  other lawful parking
restrictions, such violators may be towed away by Landlord at Tenant's sole cost
 and expense.

                           (vi) Tenant shall not  manufacture  or store any item
which causes offensive odors, irritations, or any discomfort to occupants of the
Building of which the Premises form a part.

                           (vii) Tenant and its employees shall have full access
and use of the cafeteria in the Building, which cafeteria  shall  be operated by
the food service  company that currently operates  the  cafeteria  provided such
operator continues to be mutually  acceptable  to Tenant  and  Lockheed   Martin
Corporation. Tenant's  employees  shall  be  permitted  to  use the cafeteria to
consume "bag lunches". Landlord agrees that it shall not charge rent to the food
service company that currently operates the cafeteria, provided   that  Landlord
is  not  required  to  make  repairs  or improvements  to the  cafeteria. In the
event  that  Landlord  is  required  to  make  repairs  or  improvements  to the
cafeteria,  Landlord  may  charge  the food service company  that  operates  the
cafeteria,  including  the current food  service operator, the amortized cost of
such repairs or improvements.Landlord reserves the right to charge a fair rental
to any food  service company that may operate the cafeteria in the future in the
event that Tenant assigns or sublets  fifty (50%) percent or more of the Demised
Premises.Landlord represents that it will maintain a cafeteria  in the  Building
during the term of this lease, and that Landlord  shall not decrease the size of
the cafeteria during the term of this Lease. Tenant,  at Tenant's  sole cost and
expense,  shall  install a card key system to provide  Tenant with an  exclusive
means of access to and egress from the  cafeteria  to the  Premises. Tenant may,
upon prior  notice to  Landlord, construct a separate  entrance to the cafeteria
for the exclusive use of American Financial Consultants,  a current subtenant of
the Premises.

                           (e) (i) Tenant  may,  at its own cost  and   expense,
install  and  operate a  microwave, satellite or  other  antenna   communication
systems (hereinafter the "Antenna") on the roof of the Building in an area which
shall  not  interfere  with  the  antenna  to  be  installed  by Lockheed Martin
Corporation,another tenant in the Building. Tenant shall not install the Antenna
until it  receives  the prior  written approval of  Landlord,   which   approval
shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or delayed.  Landlord  may approve or amend
the manner of the  installation of the Antenna  within five (5) business days of
the date the Tenant  submits plans  and  specifications  for  the location   and
installation of the Antenna. After Landlord's approval but prior to installation
of the  Antenna, Tenant shall submit to Landlord copies of all  governmental and
quasi-governmental permits, licenses and authorizations which Tenant will obtain
at its own  expense,  a certificate of insurance evidencing  insurance  coverage
as required herein and any other insurance  reasonably required  by Landlord for
installation of Antenna.

                                    (ii)    Tenant  covenants  and agrees   that
neither  Tenant nor its agents will cause any  damage to  the  roof  during  the
installation  and  operation  of  the  Antenna.  Tenant  shall   coordinate  the
installation  of  the  Antenna  with   Landlord   and  Landlord's   contractors,
subcontractors and/or agents in their installation or  replacement  of the roof.
Any mechanic's liens filed at any time against the Premises, for work claimed to
have been  performed or for materials claimed to have been  furnished  to Tenant
or Tenant's  contractors  or  subcontractors  in connection  with   installation
of the Antenna,  shall be discharged or bonded by Tenant within thirty (30) days
after  filing  by  bonding, payment  or  otherwise, and upon Tenant's failure to
timely  discharge or bond any such lien,  Landlord may  discharge  same  through
payment, bonding or otherwise and Tenant shall reimburse Landlord, upon  demand,
for  all  costs  incurred  by  Landlord  in connection therewith.

                                    (iii) If  Landlord's  insurance  premium  or
real estate tax assessment increases as a result of the Antenna,Tenant shall pay
such increase each year, as  Additional  Rent,  within  fifteen  (15)  days'  of
Tenant's receipt of a bill from Landlord.

                                    (iv)  Tenant  covenants  and agrees that the
installation, operation, maintenance,  repair  and removal of the  Antenna  will
be at its  sole  risk  and  expense.  Tenant  agrees  to  indemnify   and defend
Landlord  against  all  claims,  actions,  damages,   liability and  expenses in
connection   with  the  loss of life, personal  injury,  damage to  property  or
business or any other loss or injury arising out of the  installation, operation
or removal of the  Antenna,  unless  caused by Landlord's  willful misconduct or
gross negligence.

                                    (v)     At any time  prior to the expiration
date of the Term of this  lease, in the event  Landlord   determines   that  the
operation of the Antenna is causing physical damage to the structural  integrity
of the Building,  Landlord  shall provide  Tenant with ten  (10)  days'  written
notice of its intention to terminate operation of the Antenna.If Tenant fails to
rectify the problem within  said  ten (10) day  period  (or  fails  to  commence
rectifying  the  problem  and  diligently proceed to rectify same  in  the event
the problem cannot be rectified within such ten  (10)  day  period),   operation
of the Antenna shall terminate  upon the expiration of such ten (10) day period.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,Landlord shall, at Tenant's sole cost and expense,
repair any  physical  damage to the structural integrity of  the Building caused
by operation of the Antenna.

                                    (vi) At the expiration or sooner termination
of this lease or upon termination of the operation of the Antenna, Tenant shall,
at Tenant's sole cost and  expense,  remove  the  Antenna  from  the   Building.
Tenant  shall leave the portion of the Building where the Antenna was located in
good order and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted.  If  Tenant  does  not
remove the Antenna when so required, Tenant hereby authorizes Landlord to remove
and dispose of the  Antenna  and  charge  Tenant  for  all  reasonable costs and
expenses incurred.  Tenant agrees that  Landlord   shall  not  be liable for any
property  disposed of or removed by Landlord.

                               TENANT'S ALTERATION

         9. Except as otherwise provided herein, after completion of the Demised
Premises as set forth in Schedule A, Tenant shall not make,  without  Landlord's
prior  written  consent,  which consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld or
delayed, any installations,  replacements,  alterations, improvements or changes
in or to the Premises (collectively,  "Alterations"). In the event that Landlord
withholds  consent to Tenant's  proposed  Alterations,  Landlord  shall  provide
Tenant  with the reason for such  disapproval.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,
Tenant,  without  Landlord's  prior  consent,  shall be  permitted  to: (i) make
decorative alterations to the Premises consisting of painting,  carpeting,  wall
and floor  covering and  installing or replacing  ceiling  tiles;  (ii) install,
replace or remove Tenant's trade fixtures and Tenant's  personal  property;  and
(iii) make nonstructural  alterations to the Premises  including  alterations to
the  electrical,  plumbing  and  gas  lines  provided  that  the  cost  of  such
nonstructural  alterations  does not exceed  $7,500.00  per  project and further
provided  said  alterations  do not affect the  exterior of the  Building or the
Building service systems used in common with other tenants of the Building.  The
nonstructural  alterations  set forth in (iii)  above are herein  referred to as
"Minor  Alterations".  The term Alterations does not include subsections (i) and
(ii) above.  All Minor  Alterations  shall be performed  by licensed,  reputable
contractors  in  accordance  with  all  applicable   laws,   codes,   rules  and
regulations,  and Tenant shall,  at Tenant's  sole cost and expense,  obtain all
necessary  permits,  approvals,  certificates  of occupancy or  certificates  of
completion  required  for  such  Minor  Alterations.   All  Alterations,   Minor
Alterations and all building service equipment made or installed by or on behalf
of Tenant,  shall  immediately  upon completion or  installation  thereof be and
become the  property of Landlord  (except for  purposes of sales tax which shall
remain Tenant's obligation) and shall remain upon the Premises at the expiration
or sooner termination of this lease.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  all trade
fixtures, movable partitions, furniture and furnishings installed at the expense
of Tenant  shall remain the property of Tenant and Tenant may remove the same or
any part thereof  during the term of this lease,  or if the term shall end prior
to the date  herein  specifically  fixed  for such  termination,  then  within a
reasonable time thereafter, but Tenant shall, at its expense, repair any and all
damage to the Premises  resulting  from or caused by such removal.  Title to any
property  which  Tenant  elects  not to remove or which is  abandoned  by Tenant
shall, at the end of the term, vest in Landlord.

         Tenant  shall not make any  Alterations  other than  Minor  Alterations
until it shall have first submitted to Landlord all drawings, plans, layouts and
specifications  for such work ("plans and  specifications")  and Landlord  shall
have  approved or commented on same within five (5) business  days from the date
Tenant fully  submits such plans and  specifications  to Landlord.  In the event
that Landlord fails to comment on such plans and specifications  within ten (10)
business days' of the date Tenant furnishes Landlord with all of the information
required to be provided to  Landlord  herein,  Landlord  shall be deemed to have
consented to such plans and specifications. All such Alterations to be performed
by Tenant, excluding Minor Alterations, shall be in accordance with the approved
plans and  specifications  and Landlord  shall have the right at any time during
the  pendency  of such  Alterations  to inspect the  Premises  and the manner of
construction.  All  plans  and  specifications  shall  be  compatible  with  the
Landlord's  building  plans;  comply  with all  applicable  laws and the  rules,
regulations,  requirements  and  orders  of any and all  governmental  agencies,
departments or bureaus having  jurisdiction;  and be fully  detailed,  including
locations  and  complete  dimensions.  For  all  Alterations,   including  Minor
Alterations,  Tenant  shall,  at  Tenant's  expense,  (i)  cause  all  plans and
specifications  to be filed with the governmental  agencies having  jurisdiction
thereover,  if required by law,  (ii) obtain  when  necessary  all  governmental
permits,  licenses  and  authorizations  required  for  the  work  to be done in
connection therewith,  and (iii) obtain all necessary certificates of occupancy,
both  temporary and  permanent.  Landlord shall execute such documents as may be
reasonably  required  in  connection  with  the  foregoing  and  Landlord  shall
otherwise cooperate with Tenant in connection with obtaining the foregoing,  but
without any expense to Landlord.  No Alterations  (including Minor  Alterations)
shall  commence in the  Premises  until (i) Tenant has  procured  all  necessary
permits  therefor and has delivered  copies of same to Landlord,  (ii) Tenant or
its  contractors  has procured a paid  builder's  risk  insurance  policy with a
combined  single  limit of Three  Million  ($3,000,000.00)  Dollars for personal
injury,  death and  property  damage  claims  naming  Landlord as an  additional
insured and has delivered to Landlord a certificate of insurance evidencing such
policy,  or Tenant has provided Landlord with  documentation  from its insurance
carrier  that the  foregoing  coverage  for the  work is  provided  by  Tenant's
insurance  policies required to be carried pursuant to Article 12(d) herein; and
(iii) Tenant or its contractor has procured a workmen's  compensation  insurance
policy  covering the  activities of all persons  working at the Premises and has
delivered to Landlord a certificate of insurance evidencing such policy.  Tenant
may use any licensed  architect or engineer to prepare its plans and to file for
permits.  However,  all such plans and permit  applications  for all Alterations
(excluding Minor Alterations) shall be subject to review,  revision and approval
by Landlord or its architect. Any mechanic's liens filed at any time against the
Premises,  for work claimed to have been  performed or for materials  claimed to
have been furnished to Tenant or Tenant's  contractors or subcontractors,  shall
be  discharged  or bonded by Tenant  within  thirty  (30) days  after  filing by
bonding,  payment or otherwise, and upon Tenant's failure to timely discharge or
bond any such lien,  Landlord may  discharge  same through  payment,  bonding or
otherwise  and Tenant  shall  reimburse  Landlord,  upon  demand,  for all costs
incurred by Landlord in connection therewith.  All such Alterations performed by
or on behalf of Tenant, (excluding Minor Alterations) shall be subject to a five
(5%) percent  supervisory fee of Landlord,  such fee not to exceed  $20,000.  If
Landlord performs such Alterations on Tenant's behalf, Landlord shall not charge
Tenant a supervisory fee.


         10.  (a) Tenant  shall,  at its own  expense,  secure  directly  from a
utility  service  provider  fuel,  heat,  electricity  and all  other  utilities
required in connection with its use of the Premises. If permitted by law, Tenant
may  utilize  a  utility  service  provider  of its  choice.  Landlord  shall be
obligated only to provide Tenant with utility lines and  facilities,  in working
order,  to service the  Premises.  All  utilities  shall be directly  metered to
Tenant with the exception of water, for which Tenant shall pay its Proportionate
Share of such charges as Additional  Rent on the later of ten (10) business days
of its  receipt  of a bill  therefor  or the date that the next  installment  of
Minimum Annual Rent is due. In the event that Tenant requires,  uses or consumes
water for any purpose in addition to ordinary lavatory  purposes,  Landlord may,
at Tenant's  sole cost and  expense,  install a water meter to measure  Tenant's
water consumption for all purposes,  and Tenant shall pay such water charges, as
measured by such meter,  as  Additional  Rent on the later of ten (10)  business
days of its receipt of a bill therefor or the date that the next  installment of
Minimum  Annual Rent is due. In the event that any other  tenant of the Building
uses or  consumes  water  for any  purpose  in  addition  to  ordinary  lavatory
purposes,  Tenant  shall not be required to pay for such other  tenant's  excess
water usage.  Utilities  for the common  areas of the  Building,  including  the
cafeteria, will be separately metered and Tenant shall be responsible to pay its
Proportionate  Share of the costs of such utilities as measured by such meter as
Additional  Rent on the later of ten (10) business days of its receipt of a bill
therefor or the date that the next  installment  of Minimum  Annual Rent is due.
Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained herein, Tenant shall only be
responsible for the cost of utilities  required by Tenant in connection with its
use of the Premises  during the period of time prior to installation of separate
utility lines and facilities to service the Premises.

                  (b) Tenant shall be responsible  for all deposits  required by
the respective utilities for service.  Tenant shall comply with all requirements
of the utilities  supplying said service.  Landlord shall have no responsibility
for the installation of telephone or data service.

                         REQUIREMENTS OF LAW, SPRINKLERS

         11. (a) (i) Tenant shall promptly execute and comply with all statutes,
ordinances,  rules, orders,  regulations and requirements (including those which
require structural  alterations based on Tenant's manner of use of the Premises)
of the  federal,  state,  county and local  government  and of any and all their
departments  and bureaus  required and resulting from Tenant's use and occupancy
or alteration of the Premises;  for the  correction,  prevention or abatement of
nuisances or other  grievances in, upon, or connected  with the Premises  during
the term; and shall also promptly comply with and execute all rules,  orders and
regulations  of the New York  Board of Fire  Underwriters  and the New York Fire
Insurance  Rating  Organization  or any other similar body for the prevention of
fires at the Tenant's  own cost and expense.  In the event Tenant is required by
the  provisions  of  this  paragraph  to  make  a  structural  alteration,  such
alteration shall be made by Landlord at Tenant's sole cost and expense.

                           (ii) After completion of the Demised Premises  as set
forth in  Schedule  "A", in the event that a statute,  ordinance, rule, order or
regulation requires alterations or  modifications  to Building systems  based on
work  performed by Landlord or performed by or on behalf of other tenants in the
Building, Landlord shall perform such alterations or modifications at Landlord's
sole cost and expense.

                  (b) Landlord shall keep and maintain any sprinkler  system now
or hereafter installed in the Premises in good repair and working condition.  If
the New York Board of Fire Underwriters or the New York Fire Insurance  Exchange
or  any  bureau,   department  or  official  of  any  federal,  state  or  local
governmental  or   quasi-governmental   authority  shall  require  any  changes,
modifications  or  alterations,   including,   without  limitation,   additional
sprinkler heads or other equipment, to be made or supplied by reason of Tenant's
business or the location of partitions, trade fixtures, or other contents of the
Premises, or if such changes, modifications,  alterations,  additional sprinkler
heads or other equipment in the Premises are necessary to prevent the imposition
of a penalty or charge against the full allowance for a sprinkler  system in the
fire insurance  rate as fixed by said Exchange or by any Fire Insurance  Company
with respect to the Building,  the Premises or any adjoining or nearby buildings
or improvements,  Tenant shall at Tenant's sole cost and expense,  promptly make
and supply such changes, modifications,  alterations, additional sprinkler heads
or other equipment.

                  (c) If by reason of Tenant's use and occupancy or  abandonment
of the  Premises,  or if by reason of the  improper or  careless  conduct of any
business upon or use of the Premises, the fire insurance rates for the Building,
or any other  tenants or occupants  of the  Building or any  adjoining or nearby
buildings or improvements  (including  contents and equipment coverage) shall at
any time be higher than it otherwise would be, Tenant shall reimburse  Landlord,
as Additional  Rent hereunder,  for that portion of all fire insurance  premiums
charged to such other  owners,  tenants or occupants  because of the improper or
careless  conduct of any business upon or use of the Premises to the extent that
Landlord is required to pay such other owners,  tenants or occupants,  and shall
make  such  reimbursement  upon the first  day of the  month  following  billing
thereof by Landlord.  If by reason of any other  tenant's  use and  occupancy or
abandonment of their premises, or if by reason of any other tenant's improper or
careless  conduct  of any  business  upon or use of any  other  premises  in the
Building,  the fire  insurance  premiums for the  Building  shall at any time be
higher than they otherwise  would be,  Landlord shall use reasonable  efforts to
collect such  increases from such other tenants and, to the extent such sums are
collected,  shall  reimburse  Tenant  for,  that  portion of all fire  insurance
premiums  charged to Tenant because of any other  tenant's  improper or careless
conduct of any business upon or use of any other premises in the Building.

                  (d) Tenant shall keep or cause the Premises to be kept free of
Hazardous Materials (hereafter defined). Without limiting the foregoing,  Tenant
shall not cause or permit  the  Premises  to be used to  generate,  manufacture,
refine, transport,  treat, store, handle, dispose,  transfer, produce or process
Hazardous Materials, except in compliance with all applicable federal, state and
local laws or regulations,  nor shall Tenant cause or permit, as a result of any
intentional  or  unintentional  act or  omission  on the part of  Tenant  or any
subtenant,  a release of Hazardous Materials onto the Premises or onto any other
property.  Tenant shall comply with and ensure compliance by all subtenants with
all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations,
whenever and by whomever triggered, and shall obtain and comply with, and ensure
that all subtenants obtain and comply with, any and all approvals, registrations
or permits  required  thereunder.  Tenant  shall (A)  conduct and  complete  all
investigations,  studies,  samplings, and testing, and all remedial removal, and
other  actions  necessary to clean up and remove all  Hazardous  Materials,  on,
from, or affecting the Premises (i) in accordance  with all applicable  federal,
state and local laws, ordinances,  rules, regulations, and policies, (ii) to the
satisfaction of Landlord, and (iii) in accordance with the orders and directives
of all  federal,  state,  and local  governmental  authorities,  and (B) defend,
indemnify,  and hold harmless Landlord,  its employees,  agents,  officers,  and
directors, from and against any claims, demands,  penalties, fines, liabilities,
settlements,  damages,  costs, or expenses of whatever kind or nature,  known or
unknown, contingent or otherwise,  arising out of, or in any way related to, (i)
the  presence,  disposal,  release,  or  threatened  release  of  any  Hazardous
Materials  which  are on,  from,  or  affecting  the  soil,  water,  vegetation,
buildings,  personal property, persons, animals, or otherwise; (ii) any personal
injury (including  wrongful death) or property damage (real or personal) arising
out of or related to such  Hazardous  Materials;  (iii) any  lawsuit  brought or
threatened,  settlement  reached, or government order relating to such Hazardous
Materials; and/or (iv) any violation of laws, orders, regulations, requirements,
or demands  of  government  authorities,  or any  policies  or  requirements  of
Landlord which are based upon or in any way related to such Hazardous Materials,
including,  without limitation,  attorney and consultant fees, investigation and
laboratory fees, court costs, and litigation  expenses.  In the event this lease
is terminated,  or Tenant is dispossessed,  Tenant shall deliver the Premises to
Landlord free of any and all Hazardous  Materials so that the  conditions of the
Premises  shall  conform  with all  applicable  Federal,  State and Local  laws,
ordinances,  rules or regulations  affecting the Premises.  For purposes of this
paragraph,   "Hazardous  Materials"  includes,   without  limit,  any  flammable
explosives,   radioactive  materials,  hazardous  materials,  hazardous  wastes,
hazardous or toxic substances, or related materials defined in the Comprehensive
Environmental Response,  Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (42
U.S.C.  Sections 9601, et seq.), the Hazardous Materials  Transportation Act, as
amended  (49  U.S.C.  Sections  1801 et seq.),  the  Resource  Conservation  and
Recovery  Act,  as  amended  (42  U.S.C.  Sections  9601,  et seq.),  and in the
regulations adopted and publications  promulgated pursuant thereto, or any other
federal,  state or local  environmental  law,  ordinance,  rule, or  regulation.
Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  expressly  contained in this Article
11(d), Tenant shall be permitted to store and handle Hazardous Materials used in
the  ordinary  course of Tenant's  business to the extent  permitted  by, and in
compliance with, federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations.


         12. (a) Tenant shall not do anything,  or suffer or permit  anything to
be done,  in or about the  Premises  which  shall  result  in a refusal  by fire
insurance companies of good standing to insure the Building or any such property
in amounts reasonably satisfactory to Landlord.

                  (b)  Tenant  shall  obtain  and keep in full  force and effect
during the Term, at its own cost and expense,  (i) replacement cost insurance on
Tenant's   machinery,   equipment,   furniture  and  fixtures,   goods,   wares,
merchandise, improvements/betterments and business interruption/extra expense in
sufficient amounts against damage caused by fire and all other perils covered by
a standard  all risk  insurance  policy;  and (ii)  coverage  under the worker's
compensation  laws of the State of New York and employer's  liability  coverage;
and (iii)  comprehensive  general liability  insurance in the amount of at least
$3,000,000.00  combined  single  limit for bodily  injury and  property  damage,
subject  to  reasonable   deductibles,   including   all  standard   broad  form
comprehensive  general liability  extensions,  including  products liability and
completed operations, without limitation.  Contractual liability, if not written
on a blanket basis, must be endorsed to cover indemnities specified herein.

                  (c) Said  insurance  is to be  written  by a good and  solvent
insurance company of recognized  standing,  admitted to do business in the State
of New York with a Best  rating of not less than AM Best A Minus . Tenant  shall
procure,  maintain  and place such  insurance  and pay all  premiums and charges
therefor and upon failure to do so Landlord  may, but shall not be obligated to,
procure,  maintain and place such insurance or make such  payments,  and in such
event the Tenant agrees to pay the amount thereof,  plus interest at the maximum
rate  permitted  by law,  to  Landlord  on demand  and said sum shall be in each
instance  collectible as Additional Rent on the first day of the month following
the date of payment by  Landlord.  Tenant shall cause to be included in all such
insurance   policies  a   provision   to  the  effect  that  the  same  will  be
non-cancelable  except upon twenty (20) days written notice to Landlord.  On the
Rent   Commencement  Date  the  original   insurance   policies  or  appropriate
certificates  shall be deposited with Landlord.  Any renewals,  replacements  or
endorsements  thereto shall also be deposited with Landlord to the end that said
insurance  shall be in full force and effect  during the Term.  Tenant  shall be
permitted to provide the insurance coverage required under this Article pursuant
to blanket  policies  covering the Premises  and other  locations,  provided the
coverage  maintained under such blanket policies  conforms with the requirements
of this Article.

                  (d) Each  party  agrees to use its best  efforts to include in
each of its insurance  policies  (insuring the Building and Landlord's  property
therein, in the case of Landlord, and insuring Tenant's property, in the case of
Tenant,  against loss, damage or destruction by fire or other casualty) a waiver
of the insurer's right of subrogation against the other party, or if such waiver
should be unobtainable or unenforceable  (i) the inclusion of the other party as
an  additional  insured,  but not a party to whom any loss shall be payable,  or
(ii) each party  shall  agree in writing to limit its right of  recovery  to the
extent  of the  insurance  required  hereunder.  If such  waiver,  agreement  or
permission  shall not be, or shall cease to be,  obtainable  without  additional
charge or at all, each party shall pay the insurer's additional charge therefor,
such waiver,  agreement or  permission  shall be included in the policy,  or the
other party  shall be named as an  additional  insured in the policy,  but not a
party to whom any loss shall be  payable.  In the event that  Landlord  shall be
required to pay an additional  charge to obtain a waiver of the insurer's  right
of  subrogation  against  Tenant,  Landlord  shall not include  such  additional
charges in Operating Costs.  Each such policy which shall so name a party hereto
as an additional insured shall contain, if obtainable, agreements by the insurer
that the policy will not be  cancelled  without at least  twenty (20) days prior
notice to both  insureds  and that the act or omission  of one insured  will not
invalidate the policy as to the other insured.

                  (e)   Landlord   shall  use   reasonable   efforts  to  obtain
competitive rates for the fire insurance policies insuring the Building.

                              DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION

         13. (a) If the Building or the  Premises or any part  thereof  shall be
damaged by fire or other  casualty  and Tenant gives  prompt  notice  thereof to
Landlord, Landlord shall proceed with reasonable diligence to repair or cause to
be repaired such damage.  The Minimum Annual Rent and Additional Rent (excluding
accrued penalties,  fees and reimbursements due Landlord) shall be abated to the
extent that the Premises shall have been rendered  untenantable,  such abatement
to be from the date of such damage or destruction to the earlier to occur of (i)
Tenant's  re-occupancy  of the Premises or (ii) the date the  Premises  shall be
substantially  repaired or rebuilt,  and such  abatement to be in the proportion
which the area of the part of the Premises so rendered untenantable bears to the
total  area  of the  Premises.  For  purposes  of this  Article,  "substantially
repaired or rebuilt" shall be deemed to occur upon the issuance of a certificate
of occupancy or certificate  of completion  covering the portion of the Premises
so repaired or rebuilt (or the  administrative  approval to re-occupy  preceding
the administrative issuance of such certificates).

                  (b) If the  Premises  shall be  totally  damaged  or  rendered
wholly  untenantable by fire or other casualty,  and Landlord has not terminated
this lease  pursuant to Subsection (c) and Landlord has not completed the making
of the required  repairs and restored  and rebuilt the  Premises  and/or  access
thereto within nine (9) months from the date of such damage or destruction,  and
such  additional  time  after  such date  (but in no event to  exceed  three (3)
months) as shall equal the  aggregate  period  Landlord may have been delayed in
doing so by  unavoidable  delays or adjustment  of  insurance,  Tenant may serve
notice on Landlord of its  intention  to  terminate  this lease,  and, if within
thirty (30) days thereafter  Landlord shall not have completed the making of the
required  repairs  and  restored  and  rebuilt  the  Premises,  this lease shall
terminate  on  the  expiration  of  such  thirty  (30)  day  period  as if  such
termination  date were the Expiration  Date,  and the Rent and  Additional  Rent
(excluding  accrued  penalties,  fees and  reimbursements due Landlord) shall be
apportioned as of such date and any prepaid  portion of Rent and Additional Rent
(excluding  penalties and fees) for any period after such date shall be refunded
by Landlord to Tenant.

                  (c) If the  Building  shall  be so  damaged  by fire or  other
casualty that substantial alteration or reconstruction of the Building shall, in
Landlord's opinion, be required, then in such event Landlord may, at its option,
terminate  this lease and the Term and estate hereby  granted,  by giving Tenant
thirty (30) days notice of such  termination  within  ninety (90) days after the
date of such  damage.  In the event  that such  notice of  termination  shall be
given, this lease and the Term and estate hereby granted,  shall terminate as of
the date provided in such notice of  termination  (whether or not the Term shall
have  commenced)  with the same effect as if that were the Expiration  Date, and
the Minimum Annual Rent and Additional Rent (excluding accrued  penalties,  fees
and reimbursements due Landlord) shall be abated to the extent that the Premises
shall  have  been  rendered  untenantable  from the date of such  damage  to the
termination  date, and such Minimum Annual Rent and Additional  Rent  (excluding
accrued penalties, fees and reimbursements due Landlord) shall be apportioned as
of the date of such damage or  destruction  and any  prepaid  portion of Minimum
Annual  Rent  or  Additional  Rent  (excluding  accrued   penalties,   fees  and
reimbursements due Landlord) for any period after such date shall be refunded by
Landlord  to  Tenant.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  in the  event  Landlord
terminates  this lease  pursuant to the  provisions of this Article  13(c),  and
thereafter  reconstructs a building  substantially  similar to the Building,  at
Tenant's  option,  this lease may be  reinstated as of the date that the Demised
Premises are  substantially  completed  for the balance of the  remainder of the
term of this lease (or the Renewal  Terms),  and the Expiration Date (subject to
Tenant's  right to extend that date as permitted in Article 39) shall remain the
date set forth in Article 2 herein.

                  (d)  Landlord  shall not be liable  for any  inconvenience  or
annoyance  to Tenant or injury to the  business of Tenant  resulting  in any way
from such damage by fire or other casualty. Landlord will not carry insurance of
any kind on Tenant's property, and Landlord shall not be obligated to repair any
damage thereto or replace the same.

                  (e)  This  lease  shall be  considered  an  express  agreement
governing  any case of  damage to or  destruction  of the  Building  or any part
thereof by fire or other  casualty,  and Section 227 of the Real Property Law of
the State of New York  providing for such a  contingency  in the absence of such
express  agreement,  and any other law of like import now or hereafter  enacted,
shall have no application in such case.


         14. Provided Landlord shall deliver a Nondisturbance Agreement (defined
below) with respect thereto,  this lease shall be subject and subordinate at all
times to the lien of any  mortgages  hereafter  made provided same are made to a
lending institution. This lease shall be subject and subordinate in all respects
to the ground lease with Nassau County  currently  encumbering the Real Property
(the "Nassau County Lease") and any modifications, extensions, renegotiations or
replacements thereof with Nassau County.  Provided Landlord shall provide Tenant
with a  Nondisturbance  Agreement  with  respect  thereto,  this lease  shall be
subject and  subordinate  to any ground lease or  underlying  lease with a party
other than Nassau County (herein referred to, respectively,  as a "future ground
lease" and a "future  ground  lessor")  Tenant  shall  execute and deliver  such
further  instrument or instruments  subordinating  this lease to the lien of any
such  mortgage or ground lease  required by the  applicable  mortgagee or ground
lessor to the extent Tenant shall be required to  subordinate  to the applicable
mortgage or ground  lease under this  Article.  As used in this lease,  the term
"lending  institution"  shall mean savings bank,  savings and loan  association,
bank or trust  company,  real estate  investment  trust,  investment  bank or an
affiliate  thereof,  insurance  company,  university,   public  or  private,  or
employee, welfare, pension or retirement fund or system. Landlord shall obtain a
subordination,  non-disturbance  and  attornment  agreement  (a  "Nondisturbance
Agreement") on behalf of Tenant from any future mortgagee or future ground lease
on such mortgagee's or lessor's  standard form which shall provide,  inter alia,
that the  leasehold  estate  granted to Tenant  under  this  lease  shall not be
terminated  or  disturbed  (nor the rights of Tenant  impaired) by reason of the
foreclosure  of the  mortgage or  termination  of the ground  lease,  so long as
Tenant shall not be in default under this lease beyond the applicable notice and
cure  periods  and shall pay all sums due under  this lease  without  offsets or
defenses thereto and shall fully comply with the terms, covenants and conditions
of this lease on the part on Tenant to be performed and/or complied with, and in
the  event  that  such  future  mortgagee  or  future  ground  lessor  (or their
respective  successor or assign) shall enter into and lawfully become  possessed
of the Premises  covered by this lease and shall  succeed to  Landlord's  rights
hereunder,  Tenant  shall attorn to such  successor  as its landlord  under this
lease and, upon the request of such successor landlord, Tenant shall execute and
deliver an  attornment  agreement in favor of the successor  landlord,  provided
such landlord agrees to be bound by Tenant's  rights and Landlord's  obligations
under this lease to the extent required under the Nondisturbance  Agreement. The
Nondisturbance  Agreement shall also provide that casualty  proceeds received by
such future mortgagee or future ground lessor (or its successor or assign) after
such  party  takes  possession  of the Real  Property,  shall be  applied to the
restoration  of the Premises and the Building to the extent  required  under the
Nondisturbance  Agreement.  In the event a future  mortgagee  or  future  ground
lessor shall be unwilling to enter into a Nondisturbance  Agreement,  this lease
shall remain in full force and effect and the obligations of Tenant shall not in
any manner be affected except that,  anything to the contrary  contained in this
lease  notwithstanding,  this lease shall not be subject and subordinate to such
future mortgage or ground lease.

                  (b) Upon demand,  Tenant shall  furnish to Landlord  certified
balance  sheets and  operating  statements  for the past five (5) years and such
other  information,   financial  or  otherwise,   concerning  Tenant  which  may
reasonably  be  required  by  any  prospective  mortgagee.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  if Tenant is a company that is publicly  traded on a national  stock
exchange,  Landlord  shall accept  quarterly and annual  reports filed by Tenant
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission in lieu of the foregoing  certified
balance sheets and operating statements.

                  (c) In connection  with any sale or financing of the Building,
the sale, merger or other  reorganization of Landlord,  or if required by Nassau
County,  Tenant  shall,  upon not less  than  five (5) days'  prior  request  by
Landlord,  execute,  acknowledge  and deliver to Landlord a statement in writing
certifying (i) that this lease is unmodified and in full force and effect (or if
there  have been  modifications  that the same are in full  force and  effect as
modified and  identifying the  modifications),  (ii) the dates to which the Rent
and other charges have been paid, and (iii) that so far as the person making the
certificate knows, Landlord is not in default under any provision of this lease.
It is  intended  that  any  such  statement  may be  relied  upon by any  person
proposing to acquire  Landlord's  interest in this lease, any prospective lessee
under a new  ground  or  underlying  lease,  any  prospective  purchaser  of the
Premises,  or any  prospective  mortgagee,  or assignee of any mortgage upon the


         15. (a) Tenant shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law and at its
own  cost and  expense,  defend  and hold  Landlord,  its  partners,  directors,
officers, members, employees, servants, representatives and agents harmless from
and against any and all claims,  loss, damages,  expenses (including  attorneys'
fees,  witnesses' fees and all court costs) and liability  (including  statutory
liability) resulting from injury and/or death of any person or damage to or loss
of any property  arising out of any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission
or  breach of  contract,  in  connection  with the  operations  of  Tenant.  The
foregoing  indemnity shall include injury or death of any employee of Tenant but
shall be limited to the extent of the insurance provided to protect against such
loss or claim.  All of the foregoing  shall relate only to the operations of and
by Tenant and shall not apply with regard to acts,  omissions or  negligence  of
Landlord or its representatives.

                  (b) Landlord shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law and
at its own cost and expense,  defend,  indemnify and hold Tenant,  its partners,
directors,  officers, members, employees,  servants,  representatives and agents
harmless from and against any and all claims, loss, damages, expenses (including
attorneys' fees,  witnesses' fees and all court costs) and liability  (including
statutory liability), resulting from injury and/or death of any person or damage
to or loss of any property  arising out of any negligent or wrongful act,  error
or  omission  or  breach of  contract,  in  connection  with the  operations  of
Landlord.  The foregoing indemnity shall include injury or death of any employee
of  Landlord  but shall be limited to the extent of the  insurance  provided  to
protect  against such loss or claim.  All of the foregoing  shall relate only to
the  operations  of and by  Landlord  and shall not apply  with  regard to acts,
omissions or negligence of Tenant or its representatives.

                                 EMINENT DOMAIN

         16.  (a) If the  whole of the  Premises  be taken  under  the  power of
eminent  domain for any public or  quasi-public  improvement or use, the term of
this lease  shall  expire as of the date of  vesting of title in the  condemning
authority,  or if such date of vesting  of title is not the date that  Tenant is
dispossessed,  then  this  lease  shall  expire  as of the date  that  Tenant is
dispossessed of the Premises.

                  (b) If 25% or more of the Premises is taken under the power of
eminent  domain or for any public or  quasi-public  purpose,  Landlord or Tenant
shall have the option of cancelling and terminating this lease by written notice
served within sixty (60) days after the taking,  and this lease shall  thereupon
expire on the 90th day after the serving by Landlord or Tenant of said notice.

                  (c) If less  than 25% of the  Premises  is taken,  this  lease
shall  remain  in full  force  and  effect,  however,  Minimum  Annual  Rent and
Additional  Rent  (excluding  accrued  penalties,  fees and  reimbursements  due
Landlord) shall be reduced in proportion to the percentage of square feet of the
Premises so taken.  If Tenant's  parking area only is taken,  then (i) if 25% or
less is taken,  this lease  shall not  terminate  but  Minimum  Annual Rent only
shall, unless Landlord provides substitute parking,  substantially equal in size
to that which was taken,  within  sixty (60) days after the  taking,  for Tenant
within reasonable  walking distance of the Premises,  be apportioned pro rata in
accordance  with the size and usefulness of the portion  taken;  or (ii) if more
than  25%  is  taken,  then,  unless  Landlord  provides   substitute   parking,
substantially  equal in size to that  which was  taken,  and  within  reasonable
walking distance of the Premises,  within sixty (60) days after the taking, this
lease shall, at the option of Tenant,  by written notice served between the 61st
and 90th days after the taking, be canceled and terminated  effective sixty (60)
days from the date of said taking and if such  notice is not served,  this lease
shall not  terminate  but Minimum  Annual Rent and  Additional  Rent  (excluding
accrued  penalties,   fees  and  reimbursements  due  Landlord)  only  shall  be
apportioned  pro rata in accordance  with the size and usefulness of the portion

                  (d) If this lease is not  terminated or  terminable  under the
provisions of this Article 16, Landlord shall,  with reasonable  dispatch and at
Landlord's sole cost and expense, restore, reconstruct and rebuild the remaining
portion of the Premises and the Building and all the  appurtenances,  equipment,
utilities, facilities and installations to their condition prior to such taking,
in such manner that the resulting  building and parking area and driveways shall
be a complete and  integrated  structural,  architectural  and  functional  unit
similar to and of equal  material  and  workmanship  to the Building and parking
area and driveways prior to such taking, with all the appurtenances,  equipment,
utilities,  facilities and installations  throughout in good working order so as
to put both the parking area and driveways and the Premises in proper  condition
to be used by Tenant for the same purposes as at the time of such taking, all in
accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by Landlord, at the sole
cost and expense of Landlord.

                  (e) If the nature of the work to be  performed  as a result of
the taking is such as to prevent  the  operation  of the  business  (or any part
thereof) then being conducted thereon,  or to make it impractical so to do, then
the Minimum Annual Rent and Additional Rent (excluding accrued  penalties,  fees
and  reimbursements  due  Landlord) and other charges to be paid by Tenant under
this  lease  shall  abate  (pro  rata  based on the  extent of the  business  so
prevented)  until  substantial  completion  of such work by  Landlord  such that
Tenant  shall be able to  operate  its  business.  Substantial  completion,  for
purposes  of this  Article,  shall be  deemed  to occur on the  issuance  of the
certificate of occupancy or  certificate  of completion  (or the  administrative
approval to occupy preceding the administrative issuance of such certificates).

                  (f) In the event of any  taking  under  the  power of  eminent
domain,  Tenant  shall be  entitled  to  bring a claim  against  the  condemning
authority for the value of its leasehold  interest.  The right granted to Tenant
under this Article 16(f) is personal to Frequency  Electronics,  Inc. and is not
transferable by operation of law or otherwise.

                            RIGHT TO SUBLET OR ASSIGN

         17. Landlord shall not unreasonably withhold or delay its consent to an
assignment  of this lease or to a subletting  of all or a portion of the Demised
Premises,  provided that any such assignment or subletting  shall be made solely
upon the following terms and conditions:

                  (a) No  assignment  and no subletting  shall become  effective
unless and until  Tenant  shall have given  Landlord at least ten (10)  business
days' prior written notice  ("Tenant's  Notice") of such proposed  assignment or
proposed bona fide subletting, together with a statement containing the name and
address of the proposed  sublessee or assignee and  information as to the nature
of the  business of the  sublessee or assignee,  the  approximate  length of the
term,  and the  approximate  size of the space being covered  thereby.  Landlord
hereby  agrees  not to contact  or  negotiate  with the  proposed  subtenant  or
assignee  identified in Tenant's Notice for purposes of renting to such proposed
subtenant or assignee any additional space in the Building or any property owned
by  Landlord  until the  earlier of the  consummation  of  Tenant's  sublease or
assignment  transaction,  or such time as Tenant and the  proposed  subtenant or
assignee  cease   negotiations   (unless  Landlord  is  already   negotiating  a
transaction  with the  proposed  subtenant  or  assignee  at the  time  Landlord
receives   Tenant's   Notice,   in  which  case   Landlord  may  continue   such

                  Upon receipt of Tenant's Notice, Landlord shall thereupon have
the option,  exercisable  by written  notice given within ten (10) business days
after  Landlord's  receipt of Tenant's  Notice to: (i) approve the assignment or
subletting; or (ii) disapprove the assignment or subletting because the proposed
use of the  proposed  subtenant  or assignee  shall  jeopardize  the  structural
integrity of the Building or the environmental  condition of the Building or the
Real  Property  or be in  violation  of or  conflict  with the  existing  zoning
regulations or the existing  certificate of occupancy of the Building.  Landlord
shall  state the reason for its  disapproval.  Failure by Landlord to respond to
Tenant within ten (10) business days after its receipt of Tenant's  Notice shall
be deemed approval.

                  (b)  There  shall be no  default  by  Tenant  under any of the
terms,  covenants  and  conditions  of this lease beyond any  applicable  notice
and/or grace period at the time that  Landlord's  consent to any such subletting
or assignment is requested  and on the date of the  commencement  of the term of
any  such  proposed  sublease  or  the  effective  date  of  any  such  proposed

                  (c) Upon receiving Landlord's written consent, a duly executed
copy of the sublease or  assignment  shall be  delivered to Landlord  within ten
(10) days after  execution  thereof.  Any such  sublease  shall provide that the
sublessee shall comply with all applicable terms and conditions of this lease to
be performed by Tenant hereunder.  Any such assignment of lease shall contain an
assumption by the assignee of all of the terms, covenants and conditions of this
lease  to be  performed  by  Tenant.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no  such
assignment or subletting shall release or relieve Tenant from any obligations or
liability  pursuant to the lease,  for the entire  remaining lease Term,  except
that  Tenant  shall not be  liable  for  increased  obligations  resulting  from
amendments or extensions made without its consent.

                  (d) Tenant may, without Landlord's  consent,  sell, assign and
transfer this lease and/or  sublease all or any part of the Demised  Premises to
an "Affiliated  Entity" or to a "Successor Entity." An "Affiliated Entity" shall
be any  corporation,  partnership  or other entity which is controlled by, under
common control with, or which itself controls Tenant,  as indicated by direct or
indirect  ownership of at least a 51% beneficial or legal interest in the entity
so controlled.  A "Successor  Entity" shall be any  corporation,  partnership or
other entity to which Tenant may sell all or substantially  all of its assets or
into or with which Tenant shall be consolidated or merged.

                  (e) If this lease be assigned, or the Demised Premises or part
thereof be sublet,  in violation of the provisions of this Lease,  Landlord,  at
its option,  may collect  rent from the  assignee or occupant or, then or later,
institute an  appropriate  action for  recovery of  possession  and/or rent.  In
either  event,  Landlord  may apply the net amount  collected to the rent herein
reserved, but no such assignment, occupancy or collection shall be deemed either
as a waiver of any of the  provisions  hereof or an  acceptance of the assignee,
undertenant  or  occupancy  as a tenant,  or as a release of Tenant from further
performance  by Tenant of  Tenant's  obligations  under this  lease.  Consent by
Landlord to an assignment or subletting  shall not, in any way, be considered to
relieve  Tenant from  obtaining the express  written  consent of Landlord to any
other or further assignment or subletting.

                  (f) For purposes of this Article, (i) except if such tenant or
subtenant's stock is traded on a national  exchange,  the transfer of a majority
of the issued and  outstanding  capital  stock of any  corporate  tenant or of a
corporate subtenant,  or the transfer of a majority of the total interest in any
partnership (or other type of entity) tenant or subtenant, however accomplished,
whether  in a  single  transaction  or  in a  series  of  related  or  unrelated
transactions,  shall be deemed an assignment of this lease, or of such sublease,
as the case may be; (ii) any person or legal  representative  of Tenant, to whom
Tenant's  interest  under this lease passes by  operation  of law or  otherwise,
shall be bound by the provisions of this Article;  and (iii) a  modification  or
amendment of a sublease shall be deemed a sublease.

                  (g)  Whenever  Tenant  shall claim  under this  Article or any
other part of this lease that Landlord has unreasonably  withheld or delayed its
consent to some  request of Tenant,  Tenant  shall have no claim for  damages by
reason of such alleged  withholding  or delay,  and Tenant's sole remedy thereof
shall be a right to obtain  specific  performance  or injunction but in no event
with recovery of damages,  except that the  prevailing  party in any such action
shall  be   entitled   to   attorneys'   fees  from  the   unsuccessful   party.
Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  in the event Tenant maintains that Landlord has
unreasonably  withheld  or  delayed  its  consent to a  proposed  assignment  or
sublease,   Tenant  shall  have  the  additional  right  of  requiring   binding
arbitration of such issue on the following terms:

                           (i)      Such  arbitration  shall be before the  then
current  sitting or acting Chairman of the Real Estate  Committee  of the Nassau
County Bar Association or an attorney  (with at least ten  (10)  years  in  real
estate law)  selected by such  Chairman if such Chairman is unable to act as the
arbitrator hereunder.

                           (ii)  Such  arbitration  shall  be  conducted  on  an
expedited  basis  such  that  it  shall  be completed within the twenty (20) day
period (the "Arbitration  Period") after Landlord   receives   Tenant's  written
notice that it desires to  arbitrate  the reasonableness  of Landlord's  refusal
to  consent.  The  hearing  before  the arbitrator  shall not exceed one day and
the arbitrator  shall  render  his  decision prior to the end of the Arbitration

                           (iii) The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding
upon Landlord and Tenant. In the event the arbitrator shall find  that  Landlord
had  unreasonably  withheld  its consent to the proposed assignment or sublease,
the arbitrator shall also require  Landlord to pay to Tenant the sum of $50,000.
The decision  of  the  arbitrator  may  be  enforced  by  a  court  of competent

                           (iv) The losing  party shall pay the  expenses of the

                  (h)  Tenant  shall  not  mortgage,   pledge,   hypothecate  or
otherwise  encumber  its  interest  under this lease  without  Landlord's  prior
written consent,  which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed in
connection  with a  financing  by Tenant  involving a pledge of this lease along
with other substantial assets of Tenant.

                  (i) Landlord shall not be deemed to have unreasonably withheld
its  consent  if it  refuses to consent  to a  subletting  or  assignment  to an
existing tenant located at 51 or 60 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard,  Uniondale, New
York , or if it refuses to consent to a subletting or assignment if Landlord has
comparable space available in the Building. Upon written request, Landlord shall
provide  Tenant with its rental  listings  for 60 Charles  Lindbergh  Boulevard,
Uniondale,  New York. (j) Landlord shall not be deemed to have unreasonably held
its consent if it refuses to approve a sublease of less than 10,000  square feet
of the Demised Premises.

                  (j) Landlord shall not be deemed to have unreasonably held its
consent if it refuses to approve a sublease of less than 10,000 square  feet  of
the Demised Premises.
                  (k) Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  Tenant agrees that it and
anyone  holding  through Tenant shall not sublet or assign all or any portion of
the Demised  Premises  to any  subtenant  or  assignee  who will use the Demised
Premises or a portion  thereof for any of the following  designated uses nor for
any  other  use  which  is  substantially  similar  to any one of the  following
designated uses:

                           (i)  federal,  state or local governmental  division,
department  or agency  which generates heavy public traffic, including,  without
limitation,  court, social security  offices,  labor  department  office,   drug
enforcement agency,motor vehicle agency, postal service, or military recruitment

                           (ii)  union or labor organization;

                           (iii) office for the practice of medicine,  dentistry
or the rendering of other healthrelated   services  where  such  health  related
services include the performance of medical  procedures   (the   performance  of
laboratory  testing where no medical procedures   on  individuals  are performed
shall not be  prohibited  under this restriction);

                           (iv)   insurance   claims   office   that   does  not
exclusively process claims, including, but not limited to,unemployment insurance
or worker's compensation insurance; and/or
                           (v)   office for the sale of securities concentrating
in small capitalized stocks or highly speculative securities  with a density  of
more than one person per two hundred (200) square feet of space.

                  (l) Notwithstanding  anything contained in this Article to the
contrary,  Tenant  and its agents  shall not  engage in  written  or  electronic
advertising  which  advertises  any  space  in the  Demised  Premises  as  being
available for  subletting  or  assignment at a specific  dollar rental rate less
than the rate set forth in  Landlord's  open listing for space  available in the
Building or 51 or 60 Charles Lindbergh Boulevard.

                  (m)   Notwithstanding   anything  to  the  contrary  expressly
contained in this Article 17, Landlord hereby consents to the existing  sublease
between Tenant and American Financial Consultants,  Inc. ("American Financial").
Landlord  also  consents to a new  sublease  (or an  extension  of the  existing
sublease)  with  American  Financial  provided  such  new  lease  (i)  commences
immediately after the expiration of the existing sublease; (ii) is substantially
in the same form and on the same terms as the proposed new sublease delivered by
Tenant to  Landlord  prior to the date of this Lease  except  that it may have a
term of up to five (5)  years  instead  of the  three  (3) year  term  presently
provided in such new sublease,  and (iii) it shall cover only the portion of the
Building  marked as "American  Financial"  on the floor plan  annexed  hereto as
Exhibit 4 to this Lease.

                         RIGHT TO INSPECT; POSTING SIGNS

         18. (a) Tenant shall permit Landlord or Landlord's  agents to enter the
Premises on reasonable notice and at all reasonable hours, except in the case of
an emergency,  in which case no notice shall be required, for the purpose of (i)
inspecting the same; (ii) making repairs  required by the terms of this lease to
be made by Tenant and which Tenant neglects or refuses to make; (iii) exhibiting
the Premises to ground  lessors,  prospective  purchasers and  mortgagees;  (iv)
during the nine (9) months  preceding the  expiration of this lease,  exhibiting
the Premises to brokers and prospective  tenants,  such showing limited to those
areas which Tenant has not designated as "secure" areas; and (v) for the purpose
of making any  additions or  alterations  to the Building or to any  surrounding
building  provided,  in each and every case,  Landlord  shall use its reasonable
efforts not to unreasonably  interfere with the conduct of Tenant's  business at
the Premises.  If admission to the Premises cannot be obtained in the case of an
emergency  Landlord or  Landlord's  agents may enter the  Premises by any lawful
means without  rendering  Landlord or its agents liable to Tenant for damages by
reason thereof.

                  (b) During the nine (9) months  preceding the end of the term,
Landlord  may post and  maintain,  without  hindrance or  molestation,  signs or
notices indicating that the Premises are for sale and/or for rent;  however,  no
such sign shall be affixed to a door or window of the Premises.


         19. (a) If, at any time prior to the  commencement  of the term of this
lease,  or if at any time  during the term,  there  shall be filed by or against
Tenant in any court, pursuant to any statute,  either of the United States or of
any State, a petition in bankruptcy or insolvency or for  reorganization  or for
the  appointment  of a  receiver  or  trustee  of all or a portion  of  Tenant's
property, and within thirty (30) days thereof Tenant fails to secure a discharge
thereof,  or if Tenant  makes an  assignment  for the  benefit of  creditors  or
petition  for or  enters  into an  arrangement,  this  lease,  at the  option of
Landlord,  exercised  within a reasonable  time after notice of the happening of
any one or more of such events,  may be canceled and terminated,  in which event
neither Tenant nor any person claiming  through or under Tenant by virtue of any
statute or of an order of any  court,  shall be  entitled  to  possession  or to
remain in possession of the Premises but shall  forthwith quit and surrender the
Premises,  and Landlord,  in addition to any other rights,  may retain any rent,
security  deposit or monies  received  by it from  Tenant or others in behalf of
Tenant as partial liquidated damages.

                  (b) In the event of the  termination of this lease pursuant to
paragraph (a) of this Article 19, Landlord shall forthwith,  notwithstanding any
other  provisions  of this lease to the  contrary,  be entitled to recover  from
Tenant as and for liquidated  damages an amount equal to the difference  between
the Rent reserved  hereunder for the unexpired  portion of the term and the then
fair and  reasonable  rental value of the  Premises for the same period.  In the
computation  of such damages,  the  difference  between any  installment of Rent
becoming due hereunder after the date of termination and the fair and reasonable
rental  value of the  Premises  for the period for which  such  installment  was
payable  shall be discounted  to the date of  termination  at the rate of 4% per
annum.  If the  Premises,  or any part  thereof,  be relet by  Landlord  for the
unexpired  term of this lease,  the amount of rent reserved upon such  reletting
shall prima facie be the fair and  reasonable  rental  value for the part or the
whole of the Premises so relet during the term of the reletting.  Nothing herein
contained shall limit or prejudice the right of Landlord to prove for and obtain
as  liquidated  damages  by reason of such  termination  an amount  equal to the
maximum  allowed by any statute or rule of law, in effect at the time when,  and
governing the proceeding in which, such damages are to be proved, whether or not
such  amount be  greater,  equal to, or less than the  amount of the  difference
referred to above.


         20. (a) If Tenant shall fail to pay any  installment  of Minimum Annual
Rent or any Additional  Rent or other charges within ten (10) days of the day on
which same are  required  to be paid  hereunder  and  Tenant  fails to cure such
default within five (5) days after notice by Landlord,  or if Tenant defaults in
fulfilling  any of the other  covenants  of this  lease and such  default  shall
continue  for a period of twenty  (20) days  after  notice,  or if Tenant  shall
dissolve or liquidate or commence to dissolve or  liquidate,  or if the Premises
become  vacant or  deserted,  or if the said default or omission  complained  of
shall be of such a nature that the same cannot be  completely  cured or remedied
within  said twenty (20) day  period,  and if Tenant  shall not have  diligently
commenced during such default within such twenty (20) day period,  and shall not
thereafter with reasonable diligence and in good faith proceed to remedy or cure
such  default,  then,  in any one or more of such  events,  Landlord may serve a
written three (3) day notice of cancellation of this lease upon Tenant, and upon
the expiration of said three (3) days, this lease and the term thereunder  shall
end and  expire as fully and  completely  as if the date of  expiration  of such
three  (3) day  period  were the day  herein  definitely  fixed  for the end and
expiration of this lease,  and the term thereof,  and Tenant shall then quit and
surrender the Premises to Landlord but Tenant shall remain liable as hereinafter
provided.  If Tenant shall default (i) in the timely payment of any item of Rent
and such default shall continue or be repeated for three  consecutive  months or
for a total of four  months  in any  period  of  twelve  months,  or (ii) in the
performance  of any  particular  term,  condition or covenant of this lease more
than six times in any period of twelve months,  then,  notwithstanding that such
defaults  shall have each been cured within the period after notice,  if any, as
provided  in this  lease,  any  further  similar  default  shall be deemed to be
deliberate  and Landlord  thereafter  may serve a written ten (10) day notice of
termination of this lease to Tenant  without  affording to Tenant an opportunity
to cure such further default.

                  (b) If (i) the  notice  provided  for in  paragraph  (a) above
shall  have been given and the term shall  expire as  aforesaid,  or (ii) if any
execution  or  attachment  shall be issued  against  Tenant  or any of  Tenant's
property  whereupon  the Premises or any part thereof shall be taken or occupied
or attempted to be taken or occupied by someone  other than Tenant,  or (iii) if
Tenant shall make default with respect to any other lease  between  Landlord and
Tenant,  or (iv) if Tenant  shall  fail to move into or take  possession  of the
Premises within fifteen (15) days after  commencement of the term of this lease,
then,  and in any of such  events,  Landlord  may  re-enter  the Premises by any
lawful means, and dispossess  Tenant (or the legal  representative  of Tenant or
other  occupant of the Premises) by summary  proceedings or otherwise and remove
their  effects  and hold the  Premises  as if this lease had not been made,  and
Tenant hereby waives the service of notice of intention to re-enter or notice of
intention to institute legal proceedings to that end.

                              REMEDIES OF LANDLORD

         21.  (a) If this  lease is  terminated  or if  Landlord  re-enters  the
Premises under Article 20 or any other such default provision  contained herein,
Tenant  shall pay to Landlord as damages  sums equal to the Minimum  Annual Rent
and Additional Rent that would have been payable by Tenant through and including
the Expiration Date had this lease not terminated or had Landlord not re-entered
the  Premises,  payable  upon the due dates  therefor  specified  in this lease;
provided,  that if Landlord  shall relet all or any part of the Premises for all
or any  part of the  period  commencing  on the day  following  the date of such
termination  or re-entry to and including the  Expiration  Date,  Landlord shall
credit Tenant with the net rents received by Landlord from such reletting,  such
net rents to be determined by first  deducting  from the gross rents as and when
received  by  Landlord  from such  reletting  the  expenses  incurred or paid by
Landlord  in  terminating  this lease and of  re-entering  the  Premises  and of
securing possession  thereof,  as well as the expenses of reletting,  including,
without  limitation,  altering  and  preparing  the  Premises  for new  tenants,
brokers'  commissions,  and all other expenses properly  chargeable  against the
Premises and the rental  therefrom in connection with such  reletting,  it being
understood  that any such  reletting  may be for a period equal to or shorter or
longer than said period; provided, further, that (i) in no event shall Tenant be
entitled to receive any excess of such net rents over the sums payable by Tenant
to Landlord under this lease, (ii) in no event shall Tenant be entitled,  in any
suit for the collection of damages  pursuant to this Article 21(a),  to a credit
in respect of any net rents from a reletting  except to the extent that such net
rents are actually  received by Landlord prior to the commencement of such suit,
and (iii)  Landlord shall have no obligation to so relet the Premises and Tenant
hereby  waives  any right  Tenant  may have,  at law or in  equity,  to  require
Landlord to so relet the Premises.

         Suit or suits for the  recovery of any  damages  payable  hereunder  by
Tenant or any installments thereof, may be brought by Landlord from time to time
at its election, and nothing contained herein shall require Landlord to postpone
suit until the date when the Term would have expired but for such termination or
re-entry.  In all cases hereunder,  and in any suit, action or proceeding of any
kind between the parties,  it shall be  presumptive  evidence of the fact of the
existence of a charge  being due, if Landlord  shall  produce a bill,  notice or
certificate  of any  public  official  entitled  to give  such  bill,  notice or
certificate to the effect that such charge appears of record on the books in his
or her office and has not been paid.

                  (b)  Nothing  contained  in this lease shall be  construed  as
limiting or precluding  the recovery by Landlord  against  Tenant of any sums or
damages to which, in addition to the damages relating to Tenant's failure to pay
Minimum Annual Rent and Additional Rent  particularly  provided above,  Landlord
may  lawfully  be entitled  by reason of any  default  hereunder  on the part of
Tenant.  Anything  in this  lease to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  during the
continuation of any default by Tenant,  Tenant shall not be entitled to exercise
any rights or options,  or to receive any funds or proceeds being held, under or
pursuant to this lease.

                  (c) The  specified  remedies  to  which  Landlord  may  resort
hereunder  are  cumulative  and are not  intended to be  exclusive  of any other
remedies or means of redress to which  Landlord may  lawfully be  entitled,  and
Landlord  may  invoke  any  remedy  allowed  at law or in equity as if  specific
remedies were not herein provided for.

                                 ATTORNEY'S FEES

         22. If Tenant  shall at any time be deemed by Landlord to be in default
hereunder,  and if  Landlord  shall  institute  an action or summary  proceeding
against Tenant based upon such default and Landlord  shall be successful,  or if
Landlord shall  otherwise  engage an attorney in connection with the enforcement
of any  provision of this lease and Tenant shall  actually be in default of such
provision,  then Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the reasonable  expenses of
attorney's  fees and  disbursements  incurred  by  Landlord.  The amount of such
expenses shall be deemed to be "Additional Rent" hereunder and shall be due from
Tenant to Landlord on the first day of the month following the incurring of such


         23. Tenant hereby expressly (i) waives any and all rights of redemption
granted  by or under any  present  or future  laws in the event of Tenant  being
evicted or  dispossessed  for any cause,  or in the event of Landlord  obtaining
possession  of the  Premises by reason of the  violation by Tenant of any of the
covenants and conditions of this lease or otherwise.  Landlord and Tenant hereby
waive trial by jury in any action,  proceeding or counterclaim brought by either
of them  against  the  other  with  respect  to any  matters  arising  out of or
connected with this lease, the relationship of Landlord and Tenant, Tenant's use
or  occupancy  of the  Premises,  and/or  any claim of injury or damage  and any
emergency statutory or any other statutory remedy.

                                    NO WAIVER

         24. No act or thing done by Landlord or  Landlord's  agents  during the
term  hereby  demised  shall be  deemed  an  acceptance  of a  surrender  of the
Premises,  and no  agreement to accept such  surrender  shall be valid unless in
writing  signed by  Landlord.  No employee of Landlord or of  Landlord's  agents
shall have any power to accept the keys of the Premises prior to the termination
of this lease. The delivery of keys to any employee of Landlord or of Landlord's
agents  shall not operate as a  termination  of this lease or a surrender of the
Premises. The failure of Landlord to seek redress for violation of, or to insist
upon the strict  performance  of, any  covenant or condition of this lease shall
not  prevent a  subsequent  act,  which  would  have  originally  constituted  a
violation,  from having all the force and effect of an original  violation.  The
receipt by Landlord of Rent with knowledge of the breach of any covenant of this
lease shall not be deemed a waiver of such  breach.  No  provision of this lease
shall be deemed to have been waived by Landlord unless such waiver be in writing
signed by Landlord.  The words  "re-enter" and "re-entry" as used herein are not
restricted to their technical legal meaning.

                                   END OF TERM

         25.  (a)  On  the  last  day  of the  term  hereof  or on  the  earlier
termination  thereof,  Tenant shall  peaceably and quietly leave,  surrender and
deliver the  Premises up to  Landlord,  debris-free,  together  with any and all
alterations,  changes, additions, and improvements which may have been made upon
the Premises  (except movable  furniture or movable trade fixtures  installed at
the expense of Tenant),  in working order and  condition,  except for reasonable
wear  and tear and  damage  by fire,  other  insured  casualty  or the  elements
excepted, and Tenant shall remove all of its personal property from the Premises
and any property not so removed  shall be deemed to have been  abandoned and may
be appropriated,  sold,  stored,  destroyed or otherwise disposed of by Landlord
without notice to Tenant and without  obligations to account therefor.  Tenant's
obligation  under  this  Article  25  shall  survive  the  expiration  or  other
termination of this lease.

                  (b) In the  event of any  holding  over by  Tenant  after  the
expiration or termination of this lease without the consent of Landlord, for any
period beyond the First Extension Term or Second Extension Term, as the case may
be (as defined in Article 38 herein) Tenant shall:

                           (i) pay as holdover  rental  for  each  month  of the
holdover  tenancy an amount  equal to two hundred  (200%) percent of the Minimum
Annual Rent payable by Tenant for the last month prior to the Expiration Date of
the term of this lease, and otherwise observe,  fulfill  and perform  all of its
obligations under this lease, including but not limited to, those  pertaining to
Additional Rent, in accordance with its terms;

                           (ii) be liable to  Landlord  for any  payment or rent
concession which Landlord may be required to make  to  any  tenant  in  order to
induce  such tenant not to  terminate an executed   lease   covering  all or any
portion of the Premises by reason of the holdover over by Tenant; and

                           (iii) be liable to Landlord for any damages  suffered
by Landlord as the result of Tenant's failure to surrender the Premises.

                  No  holding  over by Tenant  after the Term  shall  operate to
extend the Term.

                  The holdover, with respect to all or any part of the Premises,
of a person  deriving  an  interest  in the  Premises  from or  through  Tenant,
including,  but not  limited to, an  assignee  or  subtenant,  shall be deemed a
holdover by Tenant.

                  Notwithstanding  anything  in this  Article  contained  to the
contrary,  the acceptance of any Rent paid by Tenant  pursuant to this Paragraph
25(b), shall not preclude Landlord from commencing and prosecuting a holdover or
eviction action or proceeding or any action or proceeding in the nature thereof.
The preceding sentence shall be deemed to be an "agreement  expressly  providing
otherwise"  within the meaning of Section  232-c of the Real Property Law of the
State of New York and any successor law of like import.

                  (c) If at any time  during  the last month of the term of this
lease Tenant shall have removed all or  substantially  all of Tenant's  property
from the  Premises,  Landlord  may,  and  Tenant  hereby  irrevocably  grants to
Landlord a license to, immediately enter and alter,  renovate and redecorate the
Premises, without elimination, diminution or abatement of Minimum Annual Rent or
Additional Rent, or incurring liability to Tenant for any compensation, and such
acts shall have no effect upon this lease.


         26.  Tenant  represents  that this lease was not  brought  about by any
broker  and  all  negotiations   with  respect  to  this  lease  were  conducted
exclusively between Landlord and Tenant. Tenant agrees that if any claim is made
for  commissions  by any  broker ,  through or on account of any acts of Tenant,
Tenant will hold  Landlord free and harmless  from any and all  liabilities  and
expenses in connection  therewith,  including Landlord's  reasonable  attorney's

                                 QUIET ENJOYMENT

         27.  Landlord  covenants that if and so long as Tenant pays the Minimum
Annual Rent and Additional  Rent and other charges  reserved by this lease,  and
performs all the terms,  covenants  and  conditions of this lease on the part of
Tenant  to be  performed,  Tenant  shall  quietly  enjoy the  premises  subject,
however,  to the terms of this lease and of any  mortgage or  mortgages to which
this lease by its terms is subject.

                            NONLIABILITY OF LANDLORD

         28. (a)  Landlord  and  Landlord's  agents and  employees  shall not be
liable  for,  and  Tenant  waives  all claims  for,  loss or damage to  Tenant's
business or damage to person or property  sustained by Tenant resulting from any
accident or occurrence  (unless  caused by or resulting  from the  negligence or
intentional  acts or omissions of  Landlord,  its agents,  servants or employees
other than accidents or occurrences  against which Tenant is insured) in or upon
the Premises or the Building,  including,  but not limited to, claims for damage
resulting from: (i) any equipment or appurtenances  becoming out of repair; (ii)
injury done or occasioned  by wind;  (iii) any defect in or failure of plumbing,
heating or air conditioning equipment,  electric wiring or installation thereof,
gas,  water, or steam pipes,  stairs,  porches,  railings or walks;  (iv) broken
glass;  (v) the backing up of any sewer pipe or  downspout;  (vi) the  bursting,
leaking or running of any tank, tub, washstand,  water closet, waste pipe, drain
or other pipe or tank in, upon or about the Building or the Premises;  (vii) the
escape of steam or hot  water;  (viii)  water,  snow or ice being upon or coming
through the roof, skylight,  trapdoor,  stairs, doorways,  windows, walks or any
other place upon or near the  Building or the  Premises or  otherwise;  (ix) the
falling of any fixture,  plaster,  tile or stucco;  and (x) any act, omission or
negligence of other  tenants,  licensees or of any other persons or occupants of
the Building or of adjoining or contiguous buildings or of owners of adjacent or
contiguous property.

                  (b) If Landlord or a  successor  in interest is an  individual
(which term as used herein  includes  aggregates  of  individuals  such as joint
ventures,  general or limited  partnerships,  or associations),  such individual
shall be under no personal  liability with respect to its obligations under this
lease, Tenant shall look solely to the equity of such individual in the land and
building  constituting the Premises for the  satisfaction of Tenant's  remedies,
and in no event shall Tenant attempt to secure any personal judgment against any
such  individual  or any  principal,  partner,  employee or agent of Landlord by
reason of such default by Landlord.

                  (c) The word "Landlord" as used herein means only the owner of
the  landlord's  interest  for the time being in the land and  Building  (or the
owners  of a lease of the  Building  or of the land and  Building)  of which the
Premises form a part, or Landlord's  interest  therein,  and in the event of any
sale of the Building and land of which the Premises form a part,  Landlord shall
be and hereby is entirely freed and relieved of all covenants and obligations of
Landlord  hereunder  and it  shall  be  deemed  and  construed  without  further
agreement  between the parties or between the parties and the  purchaser  of the
Premises,  that such  purchaser  has assumed and agreed to carry out any and all
covenants and obligations of Landlord hereunder.

                                  NO ABATEMENT

         29.  Except as  specifically  provided in this lease,  no diminution or
abatement  of Rent or  other  compensation  shall  be  claimed  or  allowed  for
inconvenience  or discomfort  arising from the  Landlord's  making of additions,
repairs or  improvements  to the Building or to its equipment and fixtures,  nor
for any space taken to comply with any law, ordinance or order of a governmental
authority .

                         APPLICABLE LAW AND CONSTRUCTION

         30.  The laws of the  State  of New York  shall  govern  the  validity,
performance and enforcement of this lease. The invalidity or unenforceability of
any provision of this lease shall not affect or impair any other provision.  The
submission of this  document to Tenant for  examination  does not  constitute an
offer to lease,  or a reservation of or option to lease,  and becomes  effective
only  upon  execution  and  delivery   thereof  by  Landlord  and  Tenant.   All
negotiations,  considerations,  representations  and understandings  between the
parties are incorporated in this lease.  Landlord or Landlord's agents have made
no  representations  or promises  with  respect to the  Building or the Premises
except as herein  expressly set forth.  The headings of the several articles and
sections  contained herein are for convenience only and do not define,  limit or
construe the contents of such articles or sections. Whenever herein the singular
number is used,  the same shall include the plural,  and the neuter gender shall
include the masculine and feminine genders. Neither this lease nor any provision
hereof may be changed,  waived,  discharged or terminated orally, but only by an
instrument  in  writing  signed by the party  against  whom  enforcement  of the
change, waiver, discharge or termination is sought.


         31. If any  construction is in progress at, on or about the Building or
any excavation or other building operation shall be about to be made or shall be
made on any premises  adjoining or above or below the Premises or on any portion
of the Building,  Tenant shall permit  Landlord or the adjoining owner or tenant
and their respective agents, employees,  licensees and contractors, to enter the
Premises  and to  shore  the  foundations  and/or  walls  thereof,  and to erect
scaffolding and/or protective  barricades around and about the Premises (but not
so as to preclude  entry  thereto) and to do any act or thing  necessary for the
safety or preservation of the Premises.  Tenant's  obligations  under this lease
shall not be affected by any such  construction or excavation work,  shoring-up,
scaffolding  or  barricading.  Landlord shall not be liable in any such case for
any inconvenience,  disturbance, loss of business or any other annoyance arising
from such construction,  excavation,  shoring-up, scaffolding or barricades, but
Landlord  shall use its best  efforts  so that  such  work will  cause as little
inconvenience,  annoyance or disturbance to Tenant as possible  consistent  with
accepted  construction  practice in the  vicinity and so that such work shall be
expeditiously completed.

                                UTILITY EASEMENT

         32. This lease is subject and  subordinate to any utility,  gas, water,
electric, or telephone line easements,  now or hereafter granted,  affecting the
Premises,  the Building, or the land upon which they are located,  provided that
the same do not  unreasonably  interfere  with  the  Building  nor  unreasonably
interfere with the use of the Premises by Tenant.


         33. All notices to be given  hereunder shall be in writing and given by
hand  delivery or by certified  or  registered  mail  addressed to either of the
parties at the  address  hereinabove  given or at any other  subsequent  mailing
address they may indicate by written  notice,  and if to Landlord with a copy to
Landlord's attorneys at Lazer, Aptheker, Feldman, Rosella & Yedid, LLP, Melville
Law Center, 225 Old Country Road, Melville,  New York 11747,  Attention:  Samuel
Yedid,  Esq. Any notice given  hereunder by mail shall be deemed  delivered when
delivered or delivery  refused.  Tenant hereby  authorizes  and  designates  the
manager of the Premises as an officer  authorized to accept and receive  service
of process.

                             BINDING EFFECT OF LEASE

         34. The covenants,  agreements and obligations  contained in this Lease
shall,  except as herein  otherwise  provided,  extend to, bind and inure to the
benefit of the parties  hereto and their  respective  personal  representatives,
heirs, successors and permitted assigns. Each covenant, agreement, obligation or
other provision herein contained shall be deemed and construed as a separate and
independent  covenant of the party bound by, undertaking or making the same, not
dependent  on any other  provision  of this  lease  unless  otherwise  expressly

                               UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS

         35. (a) Whenever  Landlord shall be required by the terms of this lease
or otherwise to make any  improvements  or repairs,  to furnish any service,  to
perform any construction or  reconstruction,  or to fulfill any other obligation
hereunder,  and  Landlord  shall be delayed  in, or  prevented  from,  so doing,
Landlord  shall not be deemed to be in default and this lease and the obligation
of Tenant to pay Rent  hereunder  and to perform all of the other  covenants and
agreements  hereunder  on the  part  of  Tenant  to be  performed  shall  not be
affected,  impaired or excused,  and any time limit herein fixed for  Landlord's
performance   thereof   shall  be  extended   if  and  so  long  as   Landlord's
non-performance,  delay or default  shall be caused by reason of strike or labor
troubles,  accidents,  any rule, order,  regulation or delay of any governmental
agency, or any department or subdivision  thereof,  governmental  pre-emption in
connection  with any national  emergency or war,  insurance claim or adjustment,
the  conditions  of supply and demand  which have been or are affected by war or
other emergency, or any other cause beyond Landlord's reasonable control.

                  (b)  Whenever  Tenant  shall be  required by the terms of this
lease  or  otherwise  to make  any  improvements  or  repairs,  to  perform  any
construction or  reconstruction,  or to fulfill any other  obligation  hereunder
excluding the payment of Minimum  Annual Rent and  Additional  Rent,  and Tenant
shall be delayed in, or prevented from, so doing,  Tenant shall not be deemed to
be in default,  and any time limit herein fixed for Tenant's performance thereof
shall be extended if and so long as Tenant's  non-performance,  delay or default
shall be caused by reason  of  strike or labor  troubles,  accidents,  any rule,
order,  regulation or delay of any  governmental  agency,  or any  department or
subdivision  thereof,  governmental  pre-emption in connection with any national
emergency  or war,  the  conditions  of supply and demand which have been or are
affected  by  war or  other  emergency,  or  any  other  cause  beyond  Tenant's
reasonable control.


         36.  Tenant  shall  only  permit  sanitary  discharge  into  the  sewer
servicing the Premises.  Tenant shall comply with all requirements of the County
of  Nassau,  Department  of Public  Works,  as they  relate to use of the sewer,
including the payment of any excess  volume  charges as determined by the County
of Nassau.

                            CLEANING, RUBBISH REMOVAL

         37. All janitorial  work at the Premises shall be done by Tenant at its
sole cost and  expense.  Tenant  shall  provide  for its own trash,  rubbish and
garbage  removal at its own expense and all rubbish,  trash and garbage shall be
kept at the Premises  subject to the rules and  regulations  of the  appropriate
municipal authorities having jurisdiction thereof, and subject to the reasonable
rules and regulations set by Landlord,  and shall at all times be kept in closed
containers reasonably acceptable to Landlord.

                           SHORT TERM EXTENSION OPTION

         38. (a) Provided  Tenant is not then in default under any of the terms,
covenants or conditions of this lease  (beyond all  applicable  notice and grace
periods set forth herein for the cure thereof), and further provided that Tenant
delivers, no later than one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the otherwise
scheduled  expiration  of the Term,  written  notice of  Tenant's  intention  to
exercise the  extension  option set forth in this Article 38,  Tenant shall have
the  option of  extending  the Term of this  Lease for a period of up to six (6)
calendar  months (the "First Short Term  Extension  Term")  beyond the otherwise
scheduled  end of the Term hereof.  If Tenant shall elect to extend the Term for
less than six (6)  calendar  months,  the  written  exercise  notice from Tenant
referred  to in the  foregoing  sentence  shall  specify  the  date  during  the
permitted six (6) calendar  month period on which the First Short Term Extension
Term shall end and Tenant shall be bound by the selection of such end date. Such
occupancy of the Premises by Tenant during the First Short Term  Extension  Term
shall  be  under  all of the  terms,  covenants  and  conditions  in this  lease
contained,  except  that the  minimum  monthly  rental  for each of said six (6)
months (or the portion thereof contained in the First Short Term Extension Term)
shall be  equal to the  Minimum  Annual  Rent  (computed  at a  monthly  rate by
dividing the Minimum  Annual Rent by twelve (12))  payable by Tenant  during the
first year of the first Renewal Term (as defined in Article 39 herein). Provided
Tenant properly exercises this extension option,  such occupancy of the Premises
by Tenant  during  the First  Short  Term  Extension  Term shall not be deemed a
holdover.  However,  on or before the last day of the First Short Term Extension
Term,  Tenant shall  surrender and vacate the Premises in accordance with all of
the terms and conditions of this lease.

                  (b)  Provided  Tenant is not then in default  under any of the
terms,  covenants or conditions of this lease (beyond all applicable  notice and
grace periods set forth herein for the cure thereof),  and further provided that
Tenant  delivers,  no later than one hundred and eighty  (180) days prior to the
otherwise scheduled  expiration of the first Renewal Term (as defined in Article
39 herein),  written  notice of Tenant's  intention  to exercise  the  extension
option set forth in this Article,  Tenant shall have the option of extending the
term of this lease for a period of up to six (6)  calendar  months (the  "Second
Short Term  Extension  Term")  beyond the  otherwise  scheduled end of the first
Renewal Term hereof.  If Tenant shall elect to extend the first Renewal Term for
less than six (6)  calendar  months,  the  written  exercise  notice from Tenant
referred  to in the  foregoing  sentence  shall  specify  the  date  during  the
permitted six (6) calendar month period on which the Second Short Term Extension
Term shall end and Tenant shall be bound by the selection of such end date. Such
occupancy of the Premises by Tenant during the Second Short Term  Extension Term
shall  be  under  all of the  terms,  covenants  and  conditions  of this  lease
contained,  except  that the  minimum  monthly  rental  for each of said six (6)
months (or the portion  thereof  contained  in the Second  Short Term  Extension
Term) shall be equal to the Minimum  Annual Rent  (computed at a monthly rate by
dividing the Minimum  Annual Rent by twelve (12))  payable by Tenant  during the
first  year of the second  Renewal  Term (as  defined  in  Article  39  herein).
Provided Tenant properly exercises this extension option,  such occupancy of the
Premises  by Tenant  during the Second  Short Term  Extension  Term shall not be
deemed a holdover.  However,  on or before the last day of the Second Short Term
Extension  Term,  Tenant shall  surrender  and vacate the Premises in accordance
with all of terms and conditions of this lease.

                  (c) This short term extension  option is personal to Frequency
Electronics,  Inc.  and  shall  not  be  transferable  by  operation  of  law or
otherwise,  except to a permitted  assignee or subtenant  pursuant to Article 17
herein.  Time is of the essence with respect to Tenant's  exercise of the rights
granted in this Article 38.

                                 RENEWAL OPTION

         39.  Tenant  shall  have the  right,  to be  exercised  as  hereinafter
provided, to extend the term of this lease for two (2) periods of five (5) years
each ("Renewal Terms") upon the following terms and conditions:

                  (a) That at the time of the  exercise of such right and at the
commencement  of each  Renewal  Term,  Tenant  shall  not be in  default  in the
performance  of any of the  terms,  covenants  or  conditions  which  Tenant  is
required to perform under this lease.

                  (b) That Tenant shall  notify  Landlord in writing that Tenant
intends  to  exercise  such  option at least  twelve  (12)  months  prior to the
termination  of the term set  forth in  Article  2 of this  lease,  or the first
Renewal Term, as the case may be, time being of the essence with respect to such
time period.

                  (c) That  such  Renewal  Terms  shall be upon the same  terms,
covenants and conditions as in this lease provided,  except that (a) there shall
be no further  option to extend  this lease  beyond  the two (2)  Renewal  Terms
referred  to above;  (b) the  Premises  shall be  delivered  in its then "as is"
condition at the  commencement of such Renewal Terms; and (c) the Minimum Annual
Rent to be paid by Tenant during each of the Renewal Terms shall be as follows:

                  During  the  first  through  fifth  Lease  Years of the  first
Renewal Term, the Minimum Annual Rent shall be $600,000.00 per Lease Year ($6.59
per square foot), payable in equal monthly installments of $50,000.00.

                  During  the first  through  fifth  Lease  Years of the  second
Renewal Term, the Minimum Annual Rent shall be $800,000.04 per Lease Year ($8.79
per square foot), payable in equal monthly installments of $66,666.67.

                  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that Tenant enters
into a  sublease  in  accordance  with  Article  17 herein  for a portion of the
Premises for a term that  includes all or any part of the first  Renewal Term or
the second  Renewal  Term,  the Minimum  Annual Rent to be paid by Tenant during
each of the Renewal  Terms shall be increased  as follows:  (i) during the first
Renewal  Term,  the  Minimum  Annual  Rent per Lease Year for the portion of the
Premises  that are the subject of the  sublease and for the term of the sublease
shall be $8.79 per square  foot  multiplied  by the  number of square  feet that
Tenant  occupies per square foot  multiplied by the number of square feet of the
Premises  that are sublet,  and the  Minimum  Annual Rent for the balance of the
Demised Premises occupied by Tenant shall be $6.59 per square foot multiplied by
the  number of square  feet that  Tenant  occupies;  and  (ii)during  the second
Renewal  Term,  the  Minimum  Annual  Rent per Lease Year for the portion of the
Premises  that are the subject of the  sublease and for the term of the sublease
shall be $10.99 per square foot  multiplied  by the number of square feet of the
Premises  that are sublet,  and the  Minimum  Annual Rent for the balance of the
Demised Premises occupied by Tenant shall be $8.79 per square foot multiplied by
the number of square feet that Tenant occupies.

         This  renewal  option is personal to  Frequency  Electronics,  Inc. and
shall  not  be  transferable  by  operation  of law or  otherwise,  except  to a
permitted assignee or subtenant pursuant to Article 17 herein.

                              RIGHT OF FIRST OFFER

         40.  (a) Before  offering  all or any  portion of any space  within the
Building  for lease  (the  "Offer  Space")  during the term of this lease to any
third  party  other  than  Lockheed,  provided  there is at least five (5) years
remaining  under this lease  (including  the  exercise  of the  renewal  options
contained  in Article 39  herein),  Landlord  will  notify  Tenant  ("Landlord's
Notice") of the market rent and market  rental  increases  ("Market  Rent") upon
which it would be willing to lease the Offer Space. If, within ten (10) business
days after receipt of Landlord's  Notice,  Tenant  notifies  Landlord in writing
("Tenant's  Notice") of its  intention to exercise  Tenant's  right to lease the
Offer  Space at the  Market  Rent,  Landlord  and  Tenant  will  execute a lease
modification  agreement  (the "Offer  Agreement"),  for the Offer  Space  within
twenty (20)  business days after  Landlord's  receipt of Tenant's  Notice.  Such
Offer Agreement  shall be upon all the same terms as this lease,  except for (i)
the Market Rent terms,  (ii) other matters  dependent upon the size of the Offer
Space,  such as Tenant's  Proportionate  Share,  and (iii) the term of the Offer
Agreement,  which shall end on the Expiration Date or upon the expiration of any
renewal term hereof. If Tenant does not deliver such Tenant's Notice within such
ten (10)  business  day  period,  or if  Tenant  fails to enter  into the  Offer
Agreement for the Offer Space within such twenty (20) business day period,  then
this Right of First Offer will lapse and be of no further force and effect for a
period of twelve (12) months and Landlord will have the right to lease the Offer
Space to a third party on the same or any other terms and conditions  whether or
not such terms and  conditions  are more or less favorable than those offered to
Tenant,  except that  Landlord  shall not lease the Offer Space to a third party
for less than fair market  annual  minimum rent. In the event that further Offer
Space becomes available during the last five (5) years of the term of this lease
(including the exercise of the renewal options  contained in Article 39 herein),
the procedure set forth in this Article shall apply to such further Offer Space,
except that Landlord shall only be obligated to provide  Landlord's  Notice, and
Tenant  may  only  exercise  this  Right  of  First  Offer,  one (1) time in any
consecutive twelve (12) month period.

                  "Fair market annual minimum rent" shall mean the rate Landlord
generally receives or that is received for comparable space in the Building (or,
if no space in the  Building  has been  leased in the twelve  (12) month  period
preceding the lease of the Offer Space then the rate Landlord generally receives
for comparable  space in similar  buildings in the area of the Building).  "Fair
market annual minimum rent" shall not mean "net effective rent to Landlord".  In
determining  fair market annual  minimum  rent,  no adjustment  shall be made in
consideration of tenant improvements,  brokerage  commissions,  rent concessions
and other concessions which Landlord may typically offer to other tenants.

                  (b) This  Right  of  First  Offer  is  personal  to  Frequency
Electronics,  Inc. and is  non-transferable  by  operation of law or  otherwise,
except to a permitted assignee or subtenant pursuant to Article 17 herein.


         41. In any  provision  of this lease  which  requires  that  Landlord's
consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,  such  consent  shall also not be
unreasonably delayed.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this agreement as of the
day and year first above written.

                           Landlord:       RECKSON OPERATING PARTNERSHIP, L.P.,
                                           BY:        RECKSON ASSOCIATES REALTY
                                                     CORP., its general partner

                                            By:/S/ Mitchell Rechler

                                            FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.

                                            By:/S/ Joseph Franklin

STATE OF NEW YORK                   )
                                    ) ss.:
COUNTY OF SUFFOLK                   )

         On  this  2nd  day  of   December,  1997  before  me  personally   came
Joseph Franklin to me known,  who being by me duly sworn,  did
depose and say that (s)he  resides at 55 Charles Lindbergh Blvd.;  that (s)he is
Chairman/CEO of Frequency Electronics,  Inc., the corporation,  the corporation
described in and which executed the foregoing  instrument;  that (s)he knows the
seal of the said  corporation;  that the seal affixed to the said  instrument is
such corporate  seal;  that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors
of the said corporation; and that (s)he signed thereto by like order.

                                          /S/ Paul Bloom
                                          Notary Public

                                  SCHEDULE "A"
                         LANDLORD'S INITIAL CONSTRUCTION

1.       Initial Office Finishing Schedule

In the event of any  discrepancy  between (i) this Schedule A and the work plans
(denoted as A-1 through  A-2) (the "Work  Plans")  which are part of the Rental
Plan annexed  hereto as Exhibit  "1", on the one hand,  and (ii) any other plans
annexed hereto, the Work Plans and this Schedule A shall control. The electrical
and heating,  ventilating  and air  conditioning  plans annexed  hereto shall be
revised,  if required  (the  "Revised  Plans"),  to conform  (to the  reasonable
satisfaction of Landlord and Tenant) to the Work Plans annexed hereto,  and such
Revised Plans should be substituted for the electrical and heating,  ventilating
and air conditioning plans annexed hereto, if required. Landlord will follow the
attached  Tenant's plans in preparing  Tenant's  Demised  Premises at Landlord's
cost (subject to Article 6 above) to the following specifications:

Erect the necessary dividing walls constructed of metal stud, 5/8" Fire X gypsum
board,  with batts of 3" fiberglass  for sound  attenuation  in demising  walls.
Finish  exterior  walls with 1/2"  sheetrock.  Erect per approved  plan dry-wall
partitioning  of  2-1/2"  metal  studs  with 5/8"  gypsum  board on each side to
underside of hung ceiling, unless otherwise noted.

Spackle and tape walls three coats to a smooth and true finish.  Paint walls two
coats  flat  latex  and  doors  and trim  coats  matching  enamel.  All walls in
executive area will receive building standard executive vinyl wallcovering.

Install in executive  offices,  main  conference  room and reception  area, over
padding,  executive  grade,  shaw 34 ounce  cut pile  carpet.  Balance  of space
carpeted with building standard 24 ounce loop pile carpet (glued down). Building
standard vinyl  reinforced tile shall be installed in place of carpet in all lab

Install a 2' x 4' acoustical  tile with a Travertine  finish into existing grid.
The executive  area shall receive new 2' x 2' grid and tile.  New ceilings shall
be installed at 9'0".

Install Landlord's building standard vertical blinds as required.

Provide interior building standard solid core doors on Tenant's plan.

2.       Lavatory Area - Public Spaces

a)       Separate male and female toilet facilities.

3.       Landscaping

The building  will be  extensively  landscaped  with trees,  plantings and other
materials. An underground sprinkler system will be provided with a time clock to
maintain proper watering.

4.       Electrical Specifications

All electrical work shall be installed in accordance  with the electrical  scope
of work drawings E-1 and E-2 attached and the National  Electrical Code, and the
local building code. A  "Certificate  of Compliance"  shall be obtained from the
New York Board of Fire Underwriters at the completion of the project.

Lighting throughout the entire finished office area shall be obtained by the use
of the existing reused fixtures and recessed light 2' by 4' fluorescent fixtures
with  prismatic  lenses for all labs and general areas except the executive area
which shall  receive  parabolic  lenses,  not to exceed one (1) fixture for each
eighty (80) square feet of usable space.  Local wall switches  shall be provided
for control of lighting.  Toilet,  corridor, lobby and other similar areas shall
be lit to 50 foot candles.  The executive  area shall receive up to 30 wall wash
fixtures.  All  lighting  included  above  shall  have  appropriate  local  room

Exit light lighting for all paths of egress shall be provided in accordance with
local building department regulations, if required.

All  branch  circuit  wiring  shall be above  hung  ceiling  or within  dry-wall
construction  in finished  areas and shall be type BX. All  exposed  conduits in
non-finished areas shall be thin-walled "EMT".

In addition to electrical scope of work drawings attached,  wall-mounted  duplex
convenience  outlets or floor mounted  duplex outlets (such floor mounted duplex
outlets  not to  exceed a total of 15)  shall be  provided  on the  basis of one
duplex  outlet for each 220 square feet of the Demised  Premises.  This  formula
shall be used to establish the quantity of outlets.  However, the exact location
of each outlet shall be  coordinated  with the Tenant's  furniture  layout.  All
duplex outlets are to be considered as normal  convenience  outlets and shall be
wired up with an average of 5 to 8 outlets on one 20 ampere,  120 volt  circuit.
Panel  capacity  shall be adequate to handle all tenant  lighting and  equipment

No credit given for installation less than standard installation.

5.       Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Specifications


The intent of this  specification  is to define a design concept for the subject

Design Criteria

Central air conditioning with modular systems with individual zone control shall
be  capable  of the  following  performance  when  the  criteria  noted  are not

A) Between  September 1 and June 1, the "heating  system" shall be operative and
maintain a minimum of 70 degrees FDB when the outdoor  temperature  is 0 degrees
FDB and the prevailing wind velocity does not exceed 15 mph.

B) Between April 15 and October 14, the "cooling  system" shall be operative and
maintain a maximum of 78 degrees FDB and 55% relative  humidity when the outdoor
temperature  is 95  degrees  FDB and 75  degrees  FDB with the  prevailing  wind
velocity not exceeding 13 mph.

C)       During the  overlapping  seasons  (April 15 - June 1 and  September 1 -
October 15) both systems  shall be operative (cooling and heating).

D)       Zoning  temperature  and  balancing  controls  shall be operated solely
by the  Landlord  to assure  the conditions above.

E) Maintenance of the foregoing  temperature  conditions is conditioned upon the
following  criteria,  which  shall not be  exceeded  by the Tenant in any office
area, within the demised premises:

         a)  Population Density ....................  1 person per 150
                                                           square feet

         b)  Lighting and Electrical Load Density... 4 watts per
                                                     square foot

         c)  Exhaust and Ventilation Load........... 5 cfm per person

6.       Ventilation

Bathrooms and similar areas to be ventilated per code using rooftop fans.

7.       System Design - HVAC system control will be Teletrol and  Elemco D.D.C.

Exterior Perimeter Zones

Heating/cooling  of exterior  offices and areas  provided by variable air volume
terminals  with  integrated   thermostats  to  meet  Tenant's  requirements  for
individual control.

Interior Zones

Heating/cooling provided by variable air volume system terminals with integrated
thermostats  for areas of 2,000  square feet or greater as shown on the attached
HVAC drawings excluding Tenant's clean rooms and crossed-out areas as shown.

                                    EXHIBIT 1
                       RENTAL PLAN (INCLUDING WORK PLANS)

                             (Not Attached to 10-K)

                                    EXHIBIT 2
                              PARKING AND SIGN PLAN

                              (Not Attached to 10-K)

                                    EXHIBIT 3
                        COMPUTATION OF REAL ESTATE TAXES
                              (Not Attached to 10-K)

                                    EXHIBIT 4

                              (Not Attached to 10-K)

                                    EXHIBIT 5

                                STAGING SCHEDULE
                              (Not Attached to 10-K)

                                    EXHIBIT 6

                              (Not Attached to 10-K)

                                                                   Exhibit 10.14

F.# 9000375

- - - - - -X

                                                          PLEA AGREEMENT, CIVIL
                  - against -                             SETTLEMENT AND RELATED
FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.,                              93 CR 1261(TCP)
MARTIN BLOCH, ABRAHAM LAZAR                               93 CR 1261(S-1)(TCP)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X


                  - against -

FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.,                              93 CV 5200(TCP)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X


                  - against -

FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.,                              93 CV 4750(TCP)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --X

      Pursuant to Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Criminal

Procedure, the Office of the United States Attorney for the

Eastern District of New York (the "Office") and FREQUENCY

        MARVIN NORWORTH (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the individual
        defendants"), and MARKUS HECHLER ("HECHLER") and STEVEN CALCEGLIA 
        ("CALCEGLIA",) defendants in Civil Action No. 93 CV 4750(TCP) only,
        agree to the following concerning the disposition of Indictment Nos. 93
        CR 1261(TCP) and 93 CR 1261(S1)(TCP) and Civil Action Nos. 93 CV 5200
        (TCP) and 93 CV 4750(TCP):
                         1. Pursuant to Rule 11(e)(1)(C) of the Federal Rules of
        Criminal Procedure, FEI will plead guilty to Count Ten of Indictment No.
        93 CR  1261(S-1)(TCP),  which  charges a violation  of Title 18,  United
        States Code,  Section 1001. A copy of FEI's proposed plea  allocution to
        this count is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
                         2.  The  Office  and FEI  waive  the  preparation  of a
        presentence report and request that FEI's sentencing proceed immediately
        after its guilty plea.
                         3. At the  time of  sentencing,  as its  sentence,  FEI
        shall pay: (a) a criminal  fine in the amount of Four  Hundred  Thousand
        Dollars  ($400,000.00);  and (b)  reimbursement to the United States for
        the costs of its  investigation in the amount of One Million One Hundred
        Thousand Dollars  ($1,100,000.00),  both by means of a certified or bank
        check made payable to the Office of
         the United States Attorney for the Eastern  District of New York; and
         (c) a statutory  assessment of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00),  by means
         of a  certified  or bank  cheek  made  payable  to the  Clerk of Court,
         Eastern District of New York.
                           4. As a result of its guilty plea, FEI may be subject
         to administrative  action including,  but not limited to, suspension or
         debarment from engaging in contracts with the United States. The office
         will make no  recommendation  to the Department of Defense or any other
         administrative  agency and the Office  will take no position as to what
         administrative  action,  if any,  should  be taken as a result of FEI's
         conviction.  If  requested  by the  Department  of  Defense  or another
         agency,  however,  the Office will provide a summary of the findings of
         the Office's investigation and furnish any other related information.
                           5. The Office  agrees  that,  subject to the  Court's
         approval of this agreement and acceptance of FEI's guilty plea and upon
         payment of all sums set forth herein, a) no additional criminal charges
         will  be  brought  against  FEI,  or its  present  or  former  parents,
         subsidiaries,  affiliates,  divisions, successors and assigns, or their
         present and former officers, directors,  employees and agents including
         the  individual  defendants  and HECHLER and  CALCEGLIA,  defendants in
         Civil Action No. 93 CV4750(TCP) only, (A) for the activities charged in
         Indictment Nos. 93 CR 1261(TCP) and 93 CR 1261(S-1)(TCP) (B) for the


        conduct, facts and matters alleged in the complaints and amended 
        complaints filed in Civil Action Nos. 93 CV 5200(TCP)(United States v. 
        Frequency Electronics, Inc., Martin Bloch, Abraham Lazar, Harry Newman
        and Marvin Norworth), 93 CV 4750(TCP)(United States ex rel.  Howard 
        Geldart v.Frequency Electronics, Inc., Markus Hechler, Harry Newman,
        Marvin Norworth and Steven Calceglia,) and 92 CV 5716(TCP) (United 
        States of America ex rel. Ralph Muller v. Frequency Electronics, Inc. 
        et al.,) and (C) based upon investigations, conduct, facts or matters 
        known to the Office up to and including the date hereof, and b) the
        Office will move to dismiss, with prejudice, Indictment No. 93 CR 1261
        (TCP) and the remaining counts of Indictment No. 93 CR 1261(S-1)(TCP),
        which charge FEI and the individual defendants.  The parties acknowledge
        that the Indictment which superseded Indictment No. 93 CR 1261, when
        filed, bore an incorrect docket number of Cr.  No. 93-0176, and that the
        accurate docket number for the Superseding Indictment is 93 CR 1261(S-1)
        and that this number should have appeared thereon.
                         6a. FEI and the individual  defendants  agree that with
        respect to all charges set forth in Indictment  Nos. 93 CR 1261(TCP) and
        93 CR  1261(S-1)(TCP)  they  are not a  "prevailing  party"  within  the
        meaning of the "Hyde  Amendment,"  Section 617, P.L.  105-119 (Nov.  26,
        1997) and will not file any claim under that law.


                         b.  FEI  and the  individual  defendants  withdraw  any
        motions and requests for discovery  filed in connection  with Indictment
        Nos. 93 CR 1261(TCP) and 93 CR 1261(S-1)(TCP).

                7a. In settlement of Civil Action No. 93 CV 5200 (TCP),
        on or before the date of its guilty plea to Count Ten of
        Indictment No. 93 CR 1261(S-1)(TCP) FEI shall pay the amount of
        One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00) in the
        form of a certified or bank check made payable to the United
        States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
                         b. Upon the Office' s receipt of the  payment  referred
        to in Paragraph 7a, the Office, FEI and the individual  defendants named
        in Civil Action No. 93 CV 5200(TCP)  will execute and file a stipulation
        of dismissal with prejudice and without further costs or  disbursements,
        which,  when so  ordered  by the  Court,  shall  constitute  a full  and
        complete disposition of Civil Action No. 93 CV 5200 (TCP.) A copy of the
        proposed  form of the  Stipulation  of Dismissal  is attached  hereto as
        Exhibit 2. SETTLEMENT OF CIVIL ACTION NO. 93 CV 4750(TCP)
                         8a. In settlement of Civil Action No. 93 CV 4750 (TCP),
        on or before the date of its guilty plea to Count Ten of Indictment  No.
        93 CR  1261(S-1)(TCP),  FEI shall pay the amount of Five Million Dollars
        ($5,000,000.00) in the form of a certified


        or bank check made payable to the United States Attorney for the Eastern
         District of New York.
                       b. Upon the Office's receipt of the payment referred to
        in Paragraph 8a, the Office, the relator HOWARD GELDART  ("GELDART",)
        FEI and the individual  defendants named in  Civil  Action  No.  93 CV 
        4750(TCP)  as well as  HECHLER  and CALCEGLIA,  defendants  in Civil
        Action No. 93 CV 4750(TCP)  only,  will execute and file a stipulation
        of dismissal  with prejudice and without further  costs or  
        disbursements,  which,  when so ordered by the Court, shall constitute
        a full and complete  disposition of Civil Action No. 93 CV  4750(TCP).
        A  copy  of the  form  of the  proposed  Stipulation  of Dismissal is 
        attached hereto as Exhibit 3.
                         c.  Neither  GELDART  nor his  attorney  shall seek any
        amounts  in  Civil  Action  No.  93  CV  4750  (TCP),  including  costs,
        disbursements or attorneys'  fees, from the United States,  FEI or FEI's
        present  or  former  parents,   subsidiaries,   affiliates,   divisions,
        successors and assigns or their present or former  officers,  directors,
        agents and  employees  including,  without  limitation,  the  individual
        defendants,  and HECHLER and CALCEGLIA,  defendants only in Civil Action
        No. 93 CV 4750 (TCP), other than that  percentage of any recovery  which
        is within the range  specified  in the first  sentence of 31 U.S.C.  ss.
        3730(d)(1) to which GELDART may be entitled,  which sum shall be paid to
        GELDART out of the payment  made by FEI under  paragraph  8a and GELDART


        his attorneys specifically waive any claim to reasonable attorneys' fees
        and reasonable expenses as provided under the False Claims Act, 31
        U.S.C. ss. 3729 et seq. ("False Claims Act".)
                         9. The parties  agree that  nothing  contained  in this
        agreement  shall be deemed or intended to  compromise  the rights of the
        parties  in  the  following:  a) the  civil  action  entitled  Frequency
        Electronics,  Inc. v. United States  Department of the Air Force,  97 CV
        230-A  (United  States  District  Court  for  the  Eastern  District  of
        Virginia,) in which an appeal is currently  pending in the United States
        Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and b) FEI's current suspension
        from   participating  in  federal   contracts.
                         10.  FEI  agrees  that all  costs  (as  defined  in the
        Federal  Acquisition  Regulations  ("FAR") 31.205-47)  incurred by or on
        behalf of FEI and its  present or former  officers,  directors,  agents,
        employees in connection  with a) the matters  covered by this  agreement
        (as defined below);  b) the government's  audit and investigation of the
        matters covered by this agreement; c) FEI's investigation and defense of
        the matters covered by this agreement,  and any corrective  action taken
        by FEI; d) FEI's  negotiation of this  agreement and related  documents;
        and e) the payments made pursuant to this agreement shall be unallowable


        costs  for  government  contracting  accounting  purposes  and  will  be
        separately accounted for by FEI. The "matters covered by this agreement"
        include  Indictment  Nos. 93 CR 1261(TCP) and 93 CR 1261 (S-1) (TCP) and
        Civil Action Nos.
        93 CV 5200 (TCP) and 93 CV 4750 (TCP) and any related investigations.
                         11. If the  Court,  pursuant  to Rule  11(e)(4)  of the
        Federal  Rules of Criminal  Procedure,  rejects  this  agreement  or any
        portion  thereof or refuses to accept  FEI's  guilty  plea or refuses to
        dismiss,  with  prejudice,  Indictment  No.  93  CR  1261(TCP)  and  the
        remaining open counts of Indictment No. 93 CR 1261(S-1)(TCP) or fails to
        approve  either of the  proposed  Stipulations  of  Dismissal,  FEI, the
        individual  defendants,  and HECHLER and CALCEGLIA,  defendants in Civil
        Action  Nos.  93 CV  4750(TCP)  only,  GELDART  and this  Office will be
        relieved of all obligations  under this agreement.  This agreement shall
        then be fully null, void and  terminated,  and the fact that the parties
        entered into this agreement shall not be admissible as evidence  against
        any  party  in  any  civil,   criminal,   administrative   or  appellate
                         12.  Upon  the   execution  of  this   agreement,   the
        acceptance  by the Court of its terms,  including  FEI's  guilty plea to
        Count Ten of Indictment 93 CR 1261(S-1)(TCP), and the timely

        receipt by the United States of all of the sums  specified in Paragraphs
        3,  7a and  8a  herein,  the  UNITED  STATES,  GELDART,  the  individual
        defendants,  and HECHLER and CALCEGLIA,  defendants in Civil Action Nos.
        93 CV  4750(TCP)  only,  and  FEI,  as well as its  present  and  former
        parents,  subsidiaries,  affiliates , divisions,  successors and assigns
        and their present and former employees,  officers and directors,  hereby
        release each other from any civil or  administrative  monetary  claim or
        cause of action they have or may have  against each other at the date of
        the  execution of this  agreement  under the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C.
        ss. 3729 et seq.,  the Program  Fraud Civil  Remedies  Act, the Contract
        Disputes  Act, the Truth in  Negotiations  Act,  and related  common law
        theories of fraud,  breach of  contract,  payment by mistake,  or unjust
        enrichment for the conduct of FEI, the individual defendants and HECHLER
        and CALCEGLIA,,  defendants in Civil Action No. 93 CV 4750(TCP) only, as
        set forth in  Indictment  Nos. 93 CR 1261 and 93 CR 1261 (S-1) (TCP) and
        the  complaint  in Civil  Action  No. 93 CV  5200(TCP)  and the  amended
        complaint in Civil Action No. 93 CV 4750(TCP). The releases set forth in
        this paragraph are subject to the following exceptions:
                         (a) The  United  States  does  not  release  FEI or any
        individual  from any claims  arising under Title 26 of the United States
        Code (the Internal Revenue Code);

                         (b) The  United  States  does  not  release  FEI or any
        individual  from suspension or debarment from  participation  in federal
        contracts; and
                         (c) The  United  States  does  not  release  FEI or any
        individual  from any claims for liability for defective,  substandard or
        deficient  products or parts,  including,  but not limited to, claims in
        tort, products  liability,  or under any express or implied warranty for
        defective, substandard or deficient products or parts.
                         13. If FEI or an  individual  defendant  breaches  this
        agreement  by (a) FEI  moving to  withdraw  its  guilty  plea  herein or
        challenging its conviction herein, directly or indirectly,  including by
        collateral  attack or (b) FEI declaring  bankruptcy within a 100 days of
        payment of the sums  hereunder to the United States and the Clerk of the
        Court or (c) FEI  taking  any  action to  prevent  payment of any sum as
        specified in Paragraphs  3, 7, or 8a or any portion  thereof as referred
        to in this agreement or (d) FEI or an individual  defendant  instituting
        suit under the Hyde Amendment,  FEI will not be released from its guilty
        plea, but this Office will be released from its obligation not to pursue
        additional criminal charges against the breaching  defendant.  If FEI or
        an individual defendant breaches this agreement, the breaching defendant
        will be subject to  prosecution  for any federal  criminal  violation of
        which the Office has knowledge,


        including,   but  not  limited  to,  the   activities   alleged  in  the
        aforementioned  indictments and civil actions.  Prosecutions for federal
        criminal  violations  of which the Office had knowledge on the date this
        agreement is signed,  and which are not  time-barred  by the  applicable
        statutes of  limitation  on the date this  agreement  is signed,  may be
        commenced  against FEI or the individual  defendants in accordance  with
        this  paragraph,  notwithstanding  the  expiration  of the  statutes  of
        limitations  between the signing of this agreement and the  commencement
        of any  such  prosecution.  In  addition,  should  FEI or an  individual
        defendant  breach this  agreement  by  engaging in the above  enumerated
        activities applicable to such defendant,  the Office will be relieved of
        its promises under paragraphs 5 and 12, and the breaching defendant will
        lose the benefit of the representations made in these paragraphs.
                         14.  All   exhibits   identified   in  this   agreement
        specifically, Exhibit 1, Proposed Plea Allocution by FEI to Count Ten of
        Indictment  No. 93 CR 1261 (S-1) (TCP) , Exhibit 2, Form of  Stipulation
        of Dismissal  for Civil Action No. 93 CV 5200 (TCP) , Exhibit 3, Form of
        Stipulation  of  Dismissal  for Civil  Action No. 93 CV  4750(TCP,)  and
        Exhibit 4, Form of FEI Board  Resolution  authorizing  execution of this
        agreement and related matters,  are attached hereto and are incorporated
        herein by reference.
                         15. The United  States  District  Court for the Eastern
        District of New York shall retain jurisdiction of this matter for
        purposes of enforcing the terms and conditions of this agreement and
        resolving disputes under this agreement.
                         16.      This agreement is limited to the Office and 
        the United States Department of Justice, Civil Division,  and except as
        otherwise stated,  does not bind other federal, state or local
        prosecuting authorities. Except as otherwise noted above, it does not
        prohibit  the  United  States or any  agency  thereof  from initiating
        any  administrative or civil  proceedings  involving FEI, the individual
        defendants or HECHLER AND  CALCEGLIA,  defendants  in Civil Action
        No. 93 CV 4750(TCP) only, including but not limited to suspension or
        debarment in connection with federal contracts.
                         17.  A  copy  of  the  resolution  of  FEI's  Board  of
        Directors authorizing the entry of FEI's guilty plea, the payment of the
        aforementioned sums, agreement to the proposed stipulations of dismissal
        of the civil  actions and the  execution  of this  agreement  is annexed
        hereto as Exhibit 4.
                         18. The parties to this agreement acknowledge that this
        agreement  effects a settlement of disputed  matters and that nothing in
        this agreement nor any payment made pursuant hereto constitutes evidence
        of an  admission  of  liability by any person or entity and shall not be
        construed to be an admission by any person or entity with respect to any
        issue of law or  fact.  The  foregoing  sentence  does not  apply to any
        guilty plea entered by FEI in United  States v.  Frequency  Electronics,
        Inc., et al., 93 CR 1261 (S-1) (TCP.)


19. Apart from the written agreement dated December 23, 1997, between the Office
and FEI ("the  December  23  Agreement")  and any  previous  signed and  written
proffer  agreements  entered into between the Office and any defendant  named in
Indictment  Nos. 93 CR 1261, or 93 CR 1261(S-1) and Civil Action Nos. 93 CV 5200
or 93 CV 4750  ("previous  proffer  agreements",)  no  promises,  agreements  or
conditions  have been entered into by the parties  other than those set forth in
this agreement and none will be entered into unless  memorialized in writing and
signed by all  parties. Apart  from the  December  23 Agreement and the previous
proffer agreements, this agreement supersedes all prior promises, agreements, or
conditions  between the parties.  To become  effective,  this  agreement must be
signed by all signatories below.

Dated:     Uniondale, New York
               June 5, 1998

                                             Respectfully submitted,
                                             ZACHARY W. CARTER
By:     /s/ Joseph P. Franklin
        Chairman of the Board
        Of Directors                         By: /s/ Michael Cornacchia
                                             Assistant U.S. Attorney

Schickler & Schickler, L.L.P.
Attorneys for FREQUENCY                      By: /s/Charles Kleinberg
ELECTRONICS, INC.                            Assistant U.S. Attorney

By:  /s/ Arnold S. Schickler, Esq.           By: /s/ Valerie Caproni
                                             Chief, Criminal Division


Stillman & Friedman, P.C.
Attorneys for FREQUENCY
ELECTRONICS, INC.                         /S/ MARKUS HECHLER, Defendant
                                          In Civil Action No.
By:   /s/ Peter Chavkin, Esq.             93 CV 4750 (TCP) only

/s/ MARTIN BLOCH, Defendant

                                          Weinberg, Kaley, Gross
                                          & Pergament, LLP
Lipsitz, Green, Fahringer                 Attorneys for HECHLER
Roll, Salisbury & Cambria, L.L.P.
Attorneys for BLOCH                       By: /s/ John Kaley, Esq.

By:  /s/ Herald Price Fahringer, Esq.

                                          /S/ STEVEN CALCEGLIA,
                                          In Civil Action No. 93 CV
                                          4750 (TCP) only

 /s/ ABRAHAM LAZAR, Defendant             Howard, Darby & Levin, Esqs.
                                          Attorneys for CALCEGLIA

Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand
Iason & Silberberg, P.C.                  By: /s/ Gerard E. Lynch, Esq.
Attorneys for LAZAR

By:  /s/ Elkan Abramowitz, Esq.          /S/ MARVIN NORWORTH,
                                         /S/ Robert Ellis, Esq.
                                         Attorney for NORWORTH


         /s/  Howard Geldart, Relator

                                        /s/ HARRY NEWMAN, DEFENDANT

        /s/  Guy L. Heinemann, Esq.
        Attorney for GELDART

                                        /s/ Michael Rosen, Esq.
                                        Attorney for NEWMAN




                           FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.

                           The  undersigned  acting  secretary  of the  Board of
         Directors  of  Frequency  Electronics,   Inc.  (the  "Corporation",)  a
         corporation  duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of
         Delaware,  does  hereby  certify  that at a  meeting  of the  Board  of
         Directors of the Corporation duly held on June 5, 1998, pursuant to the
         by-laws of the Corporation,  with all members of the Board of Directors
         voting, the Board of Directors unanimously adopted the resolutions,  an

                           RESOLVED, that the Corporation enter into and perform
         all of its obligations  under the Plea Agreement ("the  Agreement") and
         Proposed  Stipulations of Dismissal  substantially in the form attached
         hereto  with  exhibits  including,  but  not by way of  limitation  to,
         entering  a guilty  plea to Count Ten of  Indictment  93 CR 1261  (S-1)
         (TCP) as set  forth in the  allocution  attached  to the  Agreement  as
         Exhibit 1; waiving the preparation of a presentence  report; and paying
         to the United States and the United States  District  Court sums as set
         forth in the Agreement and further

                           RESOLVED  that  this  authorization  extends  to  the
         attached form of the Agreement and Stipulations of Dismissal,  together
         with any revisions,  whether of form or substance,  thereof approved by
         any  officer  or  director  of the  Corporation,  such  approval  to be
         conclusively  evidenced by the execution by such officer or director of
         the Agreement; and further

                         RESOLVED that the officers, directors and
         representatives of the Corporation  (including counsel) be, and each of
         them hereby is, authorized and directed to take all action,  including,
         but not  limited  to, the  execution  and  delivery  in the name and on
         behalf  of the  Corporation  of all items of  documentation  considered
         necessary  or  desirable  by any of them to carry  out the terms of the
         Agreement  and  Stipulations  of  Dismissal  and the  intent  of  these

         Dated: June 5, 1998

        /s/ JOHN C. HO 
            John C. Ho
        Acting Secretary

        Sworn to before me this 5th day
        of June, 1998

                                                                   Exhibit 10.14
GAS: MC: ld
F. # 9000375

               TO COUNT 10 OF INDICTMENT No. 93 CR l261(S-1)(TCP)

          A. FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS,  INC. ("FEI") was and still is a corporation
     organized  under  the laws of the  State  of  Delaware  with its  principal
     offices  and  manufacturing  facilities  currently  located  at 55  Charles
     Lindbergh  Boulevard,  Uniondale,  New  York.  
          B. FEI was engaged in the business of manufacturing certain electronic
     devices for end use by the United States. 
          C. FEI had a fixed price  contract to manufacture  certain  electronic
     devices for the United  States as a  subcontractor-to  TRW,  Inc.  ("TRW"),
     which had a prime  contract with the United States (the "Prime  Contract").
     Under the  Prime  Contract,  the  United  States  paid TRW for costs it had
     incurred  in  connection  with  subcontracts,  including  payments  to  its
     subcontractors such as FEI.
          D. Under the Prime Contract, one of the TRW contracts on which FEI was
     subcontractor was TRW Contract Number CL82372D7S ("the subcontract"). Under
     the subcontract,  FEI agreed to build a Surface  Acoustical Wave Oscillator
     under FEI project number 11528 (the "SAW  project").  TRW formally  entered
     the subcontract with FEI in approximately December 1987, although FEI began
     work relevant to the subcontract earlier than this date.
          E. On February 2, 1988, TRW notified FEI and other subcontractors that
     the United States,  for its convenience,  had decided to terminate portions
     of the Prime  Contract  including the SAW project (the "stop work notice").
     TRW  requested  that FEI submit to TRW its claim for work FEI had performed
     in connection with the SAW project prior to the stop work notice. Among the
     items which FEI was entitled to  compensation  for were hours worked by FEI
     employees  on the SAW  project  plus a  percentage  added  to  that  amount
     representing overhead and general and administrative costs.
          F. On May 16, 1988, FEI submitted its claim for  reimbursement  to TRW
     setting forth labor hours and costs FEI  represented it had incurred on the
     SAW  project  up to the  point of the  stop  work  notice.  FEI did so in a
     document called a Settlement Proposal Standard Form 1435 ("the Form 1435").
          G. FEI knowingly  and  willfully  submitted the Form 1435 knowing full
     welland  believing  that the Form  1435 did not set forth  labor  hours and
     costs FEI  actually  incurred on the SAW  project.  FEI  acknowledges  that
     because its  reimbursement  claim was subject to  negotiation by TRW and to
     audit and review by the United States, the  aforementioned  misstatement in
     the Form 1435 was  material  because TRW and United  States  auditors  were
     deprived of information  necessary to properly  review and negotiate  FEI's
     claim for reimbursement on the SAW project.
                                                              /s/Joseph Franklin

                                                                  Exhibit 10.14

GAS: MC: ld
F.0 9000375


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X

                                                                 93 CV 5200(TCP)
- - against -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X
                  IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED,  pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1)
of the Federal  Rules of Civil  Procedure,  by and between the attorneys for the
plaintiff,  the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,  and the attorneys for the  defendants
MARVIN NORWORTH, that the within action be and the same is hereby dismissed with
prejudice and without costs by any party as against any other.


Dated:            Uniondale, New York
                  June 19, 1998

Schickler & Schickler, L.L.P.                                  Zachary W. Carter
Attorneys for                                             United States Attorney

By: /s/ Arnold S. Schickler, Esq.            By:         /s/  Michael Cornacchia
                                                         Assistant U.S. Attorney

Lipsitz, Green, Fahringer, Roll,                By:       /s/  Charles Kleinberg
Salisbury & Cambria, L.L.P.                             Attorney  Assistant U.S.
Attorneys for  MARTIN BLOCH

By: /s/ Herald Price Fahringer, Esq.                By:      /s/ Valerie Caproni
                                                        Chief, Criminal Division

/s/   Michael Rosen, Esq.
Attorney for HARRY NEWMAN

Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand,
Mason & Silberberg, P.C.
Attorneys for ABRAHAM LAZAR

By: /s/ Elkan Abramowitz, Esq.

/s/    Robert Ellis, Esq.

                                              SO ORDERED,  ADJUDGED AND DECREED:

                                                  /s/    Thomas C. Platt 6/19/98
                                                       HONORABLE THOMAS C. PLATT
                                                    UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE
                                                    EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK

                                                                 Exhibit 10.14

GAS: MC: ld
F.# 9000375


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X

ex rel. HOWARD GELDART,                                 93 CV 4750(TCP)
- -------

- --against -



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X

                  IT IS HEREBY  STIPULATED  AND AGREED,  pursuant to Rule 41 (a)
(1) of the Federal  Rules of Civil  Procedure,  by and between the attorneys for
the plaintiff,  the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,  ex rel. HOWARD  GELDART,  and the
NEWMAN, MARVIN NORWORTH and STEVEN CALCEGLIA,  that the within action be and the
same is  hereby  dismissed  with  prejudice  and  without  costs by any party as
against any other.

Dated:            Uniondale, New York
                  June 19, 1998

Schickler & Schickler, L.L.P.                             Zachary W. Carter
Attorneys for                                             United States Attorney

By:  /s/ Arnold S. Schickler, Esq.              By:      /s/  Michael Cornacchia
                                                         Assistant U.S. Attorney

Weinberg, Kaley, Gross & Pergament L.L.P.
Attorneys for MARKUS HECHLER                    By:       /s/  Charles Kleinberg
                                                         Assistant U.S. Attorney

By:  /s/ John Kaley, Esq.

Howard, Darby & Levin, Esqs.

By:  /s/ Gerard E. Lynch, Esq.                   By:     /s/     Valerie Caproni
                                                        Chief, Criminal Division

/s/    Guy L. Heineman, Esq.
Attorney for HOWARD GELDART                             /s/   Robert Ellis, Esq.
                                                   Attorney for  MARVIN NORWORTH

                                                       /s/   Michael Rosen, Esq.
                                                       Attorney for HARRY NEWMAN


/s/ Thomas C. Platt 6/19/98

                                                                   Exhibit 10.14

U.S. Department of Justice                        United Sates Attorney's Office
United States Attorney                            825 East Gate Boulevard
Eastern District  of New York                     Garden City, NY 11530

IMA: CSX; mt                                          June 19, 1998

Arnold S. Schickler, Esq.
Schickler & Schickler, Esqs.
1700 Broadway
New York, New York 10019

Re:     United States of America v. Frequency
        Electronics, Inc., 93 CV 5200(TCP);
        United States of America ex rel. Howard
        Geldart v. Frequency Electronics, Inc.,
        93 CV 4750(TCP)

Dear Mr. Schickler:

                  Frequency  Electronics  Inc.  ("FEI") has recently  executed a
Plea Agreement which,  inter alia,  settled the  above-captioned  civil actions.
Please be  advised  that,  except for  United  States of America ex rel,.  Ralph
Muller  v.  Frequency  Electronics,  Inc.,CV-93-57l6(TCP),  which  is  presently
pending  and as to which this  letter  makes no  representations,  neither  this
office nor the Fraud Section of the Civil Division of the Department of Justice,
based on  information  presently  available to us, has any present  intention to
institute any additional  civil fraud actions against FEI under the False Claims
Act, 31 U.S.C. 3729, or under related common law theories.

                  Please  understand  that we have not  undertaken any search or
review  of the  Department's  records  to make this  determination  , and we are
unaware (and would typically be unaware) of matters under consideration by other
U.S. Attorney's  Offices,  other sections of the Department of Justice and other
agencies and departments of the United States.

                  This letter is  presented  for  informational  purposes  only.
Whether in draft or executed  form,  it is in no way  intended or offered as any
sort of inducement or consideration for a proposed  settlement and dismissal and
shall form no part thereof.
                                Very truly yours,

                                ZACHRY W. CARTER
                             United States Attorney

                  By:     /S/ Charles S. Kleinberg
                              Charles S. Kleinberg
                              Assistant U.S. Attorney

                           /S/ Michael Cornacchiaa
                               Michael Cornacchiaa
                               Assistant U.S. Attorney

                                                                   Exhibit 10.14

U.S. Department of Justice                        United Sates Attorney's Office
United States Attorney                            825 East Gate Boulevard
Eastern District  of New York                     Garden City, NY 11530

GAS: MC: mt                                           June 19, 1998
F.# 9000375

Arnold S. Schickler, Esq.
Schickler & Schickler, Esqs.
1700 Broadway
New York, Now York 10019

Re: United States of America ex rel. Ralph
Muller v. Frequency Electronics, Inc.
Docket No. 93-CV-5716(TCP)

Dear Mr. Schickler:

                 This letter  confirms that you requested this office to include
a provision in the plea agreement between your client and this Office concerning
Indictment Nos. 93 CR 1261(TCP) and 93 CR 1261(S-1(TCP) and Civil Action Nos. 93
CV 5200(TCP) and 93 CV 4750(TCP),  pursuant to which this Office would agree not
to oppose a dismissal  of Civil Action No. 93 CV  5716(TCP),  which is captioned
United States of America ex rel.  Ralph Muller v.  Frequency  Electronics,  Inc.
(the  "Muller  Action").  While we decline  to  include  such a term in the plea
agreement,  please be advised that, at present,  the United States does not plan
to intervene in the Muller Action. Moreover, the position of this Office is that
it will not  oppose a  stipulated  dismissal  of the  Muller  Action  if: a) the
settlement  agreement  does not provide for the relator  Ralph Muller to receive
money or financial  consideration  of any kind or, if the  settlement  agreement
does provide for Muller to receive money or financial  consideration of any kind
such amounts are allocated  fairly and in  accordance  with the law and that the
United States receives its statutory  share;  and b) the terms of the settlement
agreement  are reviewed  and  consented to by the United  States  Department  of
Justice  ("DOJ"),  Civil  Division,  to ensure  that it is  consistent  with DOJ

                                Very truly yours,

                                ZACHRY W. CARTER
                             United States Attorney

                   By:     /S/ Michael Cornacchia
                               Michael Cornacchia
                               Assistant U.S. Attorney

                          /S/ Charles S. Kleinberg
                              Charles S. Kleinberg
                              Assistant U.S. Attorney

                                                                    EXHIBIT 23.1


     We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration  Statement
of Frequency  Electronics,  Inc. on Form S-8 (File No.  333-42233) of our report
dated July 13, 1998, on our audits of the consolidated  financial statements and
financial statement schedule of Frequency Electronics, Inc. as of April 30, 1998
and 1997, and for the years ended April 30, 1998, 1997 and 1996, which report is
included in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.

                                                  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

  Melville, New York
  July 29, 1998

     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of Section  13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                FREQUENCY ELECTRONICS, INC.

                                             By:   /s/ Joseph P. Franklin
                                                     Joseph P. Franklin
                                                     Chairman of the Board
                                                     and Chief Executive Officer

                                             By:   /s/ Alan L. Miller
                                                       Alan L. Miller

  Dated:  July 29, 1998

                  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
    1934,  this report has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf
    of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated:

              Signature                   Title                   Date

        /s/  John Ho                Director                      7/29/98
        ---  -------               
             John Ho

        /s/  Joel Girsky            Director                      7/29/98
        ---  -----------           
             Joel Girsky

        /s/  Martin B. Bloch        President & Director          7/29/98
        ---  ---------------        
             Martin B. Bloch