FORM OF

     THIS  CHANGE IN CONTROL AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made
as   of   [..........]  by  and  between  Frozen  Food  Express
Industries,  Inc.,  a Texas corporation (the  "Company")   and
[.............] (the "Executive").


     A.    The  Board  of Directors of Company (the "Board")  has
determined that the interests of the Company will be advanced  by
providing the key executives of the Company with certain benefits
in  the  event  of  the  termination of employment  of  any  such
executive in connection with or following a Change in Control (as
hereinafter defined).

     B.    The Board believes that such benefits will enable  the
Company to continue to attract and retain competent and qualified
executives, will assure continuity and cooperation of  management
and  will  encourage such executives to diligently perform  their
duties  without  personal financial concerns,  thereby  enhancing
shareholder value and ensuring a smooth transition.

     C.   The Executive is a key executive of the Company.


     NOW,   THEREFORE,  for  good  and  valuable   consideration,
including  the  mutual covenants set forth  herein,  the  parties
hereto agree as follows:

     1.    Definitions.   The  following  terms  shall  have  the
following meanings for purposes of this Agreement.

     "Affiliate"  means any entity controlled by, controlling  or
under common control with,  the Company.

     "Annual Pay" means the sum of (a) an amount equal to the sum
of  the  current  annual  base salary,  the  current  annual  car
allowance  and  Christmas bonus payable to the Executive  by  the
Company or any Related Corporation at the time of the termination
of  his  employment, provided such base salary shall not be  less
than  the  base salary of the Executive at the time of Change  in
Control,  plus (b) an amount equal to the Bonus for the Executive
for  the  fiscal  year  in  which his termination  of  employment

     "Bonus"  means the sum of (a) an amount equal  to  [[ninety]
[twenty]  percent of the Executive's base pay  for  the  year  of
termination  of  his employment] [$120,000] plus  (b)  an  amount
equal to the Incentive Bonus Plan's total incentive bonus payable
to  the  Executive under the plan for the year of termination  of
his employment.

     "Cause"  means  the Executive's (a) willful and  intentional
material  breach  of this Agreement, (b) willful and  intentional
misconduct  or gross negligence in the performance of or  willful
neglect  of,  the  Executive's duties, which has caused  material
injury  (monetary  or otherwise) to the Company  or  any  Related
Corporation, or (c) conviction of, or plea of nolo contendere to,
a  felony;  provided,  however, that no  act  or  omission  shall
constitute  "Cause"  for purposes of this  Agreement  unless  the
Board  or the Chief Executive Officer of the Company provides  to
the Executive (i) written notice clearly and fully describing the
particular  acts  or  omissions which  the  Board  or  the  Chief
Executive  Officer  of the Company reasonably  believes  in  good
faith  constitutes "Cause" and (ii) an opportunity, within thirty
(30) days following his receipt of such notice, to meet in person
with  the Board or the Chief Executive Officer of the Company  to
explain  or defend the alleged acts or omissions relied  upon  by
the  Board or the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and,  to
the  extent practicable to cure such acts or omissions.  Further,
no   act  or  omission  shall  be  considered  as  "willful"   or
"intentional" if the Executive reasonably believed such  acts  or
omissions were in the best interests of the Company.

     "Change in Control" means (a) any "person" (as such term  is
used  in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange  Act
of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")) that does not currently
own a five percent (5%) or greater equity interest in the Company
or any Related Corporation who becomes the "beneficial owner" (as
determined  pursuant  to  Rule 13d-3  under  the  Exchange  Act),
directly  or  indirectly, of securities of  the  Company  or  any
Related Corporation representing fifteen percent (15%) or more of
the   combined   voting  power  of  the  Company's   or   Related
Corporation's,  as  the  case  may be,  then  outstanding  voting
securities;  or  (b)  a change in the composition  of  the  Board
occurring  within  a two (2) year period, as a  result  of  which
fewer  than  a majority of the directors are Incumbent Directors;
or (c) the Company or any Related Corporation shall merge with or
consolidate  into any other corporation, other than a  merger  or
consolidation  which would result in the holders  of  the  voting
securities of the Company or any Related Corporation, as the case
may be, outstanding immediately prior thereto holding immediately
thereafter securities representing more than sixty percent  (60%)
of  the  combined  voting power of the voting securities  of  the
Company  or any Related Corporation, as the case may be, or  such
surviving   entity  (or  its  ultimate  parent,  if   applicable)
outstanding  immediately after such merger or  consolidation;  or
(d)  the equity holders of the Company or any Related Corporation
approve  a  plan  of complete liquidation of the Company  or  any
Related  Corporation or the consummation of an agreement for  the
sale or disposition by the Company or any Related Corporation  of
all   or   substantially   all  of  the  Company's   or   Related
Corporation's   assets  and  such  plan  or   agreement   becomes
effective, other than liquidation or sale which would  result  in
the  Company  directly  or  indirectly owning  such  interest  or

     "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     "Confidential  Information" means all  information,  whether
oral  or written, previously or hereafter developed, acquired  or
used by the Company or any Affiliate and relating to the business
of  the  Company or any Affiliate that is not generally known  to
others  in  the  Company's  area of business,  including  without
limitation trade secrets, methods or practices developed  by  the
Company or any Affiliate, financial results or plans, customer or
client  lists,  personnel  information, information  relating  to
negotiations  with  clients or prospective  clients,  proprietary
software, databases, programming or data transmission methods, or
copyrighted  materials (including without limitation,  brochures,
layouts,  letters, art work, copy, photographs or illustrations).
It  is  expressly  understood that the foregoing  list  shall  be
illustrative  only  and is not intended to  be  an  exclusive  or
exhaustive list of "Confidential Information."

     "First  Window  Period" shall mean the ten (10)  day  period
immediately following the Change in Control.

     "Good  Reason" means any of the following events  occurring,
without   the  Executive's  prior  written  consent  specifically
referring  to  this  Agreement,  within  the  Transition   Period
following a Change in Control:

          (a)  (i) any reduction in the amount of the Executive's
     Annual  Pay, (ii) any reduction in the amount of Executive's
     other    long-term    aggregate    incentive    compensation
     opportunities,  or (iii) any significant  reduction  in  the
     aggregate  value of the Executive's benefits  as  in  effect
     from  time  to  time (unless in the case of either  (ii)  or
     (iii),  such  reduction is pursuant to a general  change  in
     compensation   or  benefits  applicable  to  all   similarly
     situated employees of the Company and its Affiliates);

           (b) (i) the removal of the Executive from the position
     held  by him immediately prior to the Change in Control,  or
     (ii) any other significant reduction in the nature or status
     of  the Executive's duties or responsibilities from those in
     effect immediately prior to the Change in Control;

          (c)   the failure by the Company or Related Corporation
     to   pay   Executive  any  portion  of  Executive's  current
     compensation,  or  to  pay  Executive  any  portion  of   an
     installment  of deferred compensation under any compensation
     program  of the Company or Related Corporation within  seven
     (7) days of the date such compensation is due;

          (d)   the failure by the Company or Related Corporation
     to  provide Executive with the number of paid vacation  days
     to  which  Executive is entitled on the basis  of  years  of
     service   with   the  Company  or  Related  Corporation   in
     accordance  with  the  Company's  or  Related  Corporation's
     normal  vacation policy in effect at the time of the  Change
     in Control;

          (e)   transfer  of the Executive's principal  place  of
     employment  to a metropolitan area other than  that  of  the
     Executive's  place of employment immediately  prior  to  the
     Change in Control without the Executive's consent; or

          (f)   failure by the Company or Related Corporation  to
     obtain the assumption agreement referred to in Section 11 of
     this  Agreement prior to the effectiveness of any succession
     referred  to  therein,  unless the purchaser,  successor  or
     assignee  referred  to  therein is  bound  to  perform  this
     Agreement by operation of law.

     "Incumbent  Directors" means directors who  either  (a)  are
directors  of  the  Company as of the  date  hereof  or  (b)  are
elected,  or  nominated  for election,  to  the  Board  with  the
affirmative  votes  of  at  least a  majority  of  the  Incumbent
Directors  at the time of such election or nomination (but  shall
not  include  an  individual whose election or nomination  is  in
connection with an actual or threatened proxy contest relating to
the election of directors of the Company).

     "Related  Corporation"  shall mean  FFE,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of the Company,  and  FFE
Transportation Services, Inc., a Delaware corporation and  wholly
owned subsidiary of FFE, Inc.

     "Second Window Period" shall mean the thirty (30) day period
immediately following the Transition Period.

     "Termination Pay" means a payment made by the Company to the
Executive pursuant to Sections 2(a)(ii) and (iii).

     "Transition  Period"  shall mean the six  (6)  month  period
immediately following a Change  in Control.

     "Without  Cause"  means  a termination  of  the  Executive's
employment by the Company or Related Corporation other  than  due
to disability or for Cause.

     2.   Termination Payment and Benefits.

          (a)   Termination Following Change in Control.  In  the
event that the Executive's employment with the Company or Related
Corporation  is terminated during the Transition  Period  by  the
Company or Related Corporation Without Cause, or by the Executive
for  Good Reason during the Transition Period or in the event the
Executive  terminates his employment for any  reason  during  the
First  Window  Period or the Second Window Period, the  Executive
shall be entitled to the following payments and other benefits:

               (i)   A cash payment in an amount equal to the sum
     of  (a) the Executive's accrued and unpaid base salary,  car
     allowance  and  Christmas bonus as the date  of  termination
     plus (b) his accrued and unpaid bonus, if any, for the prior
     fiscal  year plus (c) a percentage of the year worked  times
     the Bonus for the current year. This amount shall be paid on
     the date of the Executive's termination of employment.

               (ii) A cash payment in an amount equal to two  and
     nine-tenths  (2.9) times the Executive's Annual  Pay.   This
     amount shall be paid in accordance with Section 2(c) hereof.

               (iii)     A cash payment in an amount equal to the
     Executive's unvested account balance under the Company's  or
     Related  Corporation's 401(k) Savings Plan and  401(k)  Wrap
     Plan.   This amount shall be paid in accordance with Section
     2(c) hereof.

               (iv)  Executive and his eligible dependents  shall
     be entitled for a period of two (2) years following his date
     of  termination of employment to continued coverage, at  the
     same premium rate charged when actively employed, under  the
     Company's or any Related Corporation's group health, dental,
     long-term   disability,  Exec-U-Care  Medical  Reimbursement
     Insurance Plan and life insurance as in effect from time  to
     time  (but  not  any  other welfare  benefit  plans  or  any
     retirement   plans);  provided  that  coverage   under   any
     particular  benefit plan shall expire with  respect  to  the
     period  after  the Executive becomes covered  under  another
     employer's plan providing for a similar type of benefit.  In
     the  event  the Company or Related Corporation is unable  to
     provide  such  coverage on account of any limitations  under
     the  terms  of  any  applicable contract with  an  insurance
     carrier or third party administrator, the Company or Related
     Corporation shall pay the Executive an amount equal  to  the
     cost of such coverage.

               (v)   All of the Executive's unvested options,  if
     any,  to purchase shares of the Company's or its Affiliate's
     common  stock  or other equity interests in the  Company  or
     such Affiliate shall be automatically vested on a Change  in
     Control  (as  defined in the 1992 Incentive and Nonstatutory
     Option  Plan).  The Company shall promptly cause such  Award
     Agreements  to be amended as necessary to provide  for  such
     accelerated  vesting.  In the event of any conflict  between
     this  provision  and the provisions of any stock  option  or
     similar  award agreements entered into before or  after  the
     effective  date  of this Agreement, the foregoing  provision
     shall control.

          (b)   No Duplication; Other Severance Pay.  There shall
be  no  duplication  of severance pay in  any  manner.   In  this
regard,  the  Executive  shall not  be  entitled  to  termination
payments  hereunder for more than one position with  the  Company
and  its Affiliates.  If the Executive is entitled to any  notice
or  payment  in  lieu of any notice of termination of  employment
required  by  Federal,  state or local  law,  including  but  not
limited  to  the  Worker Adjustment and Restraining  Notification
Act,  the  severance  compensation to which the  Executive  would
otherwise  be entitled under this Agreement shall be  reduced  by
the  amount of any such payment, in lieu of notice.  If Executive
is  entitled to any severance or termination payments  under  any
employment  or  other agreement with the Company or  any  of  its
Affiliates,  the severance compensation to which Executive  would
otherwise  be entitled under this Agreement shall be  reduced  by
the  amount  of  such payment.  Except as set  forth  above,  the
foregoing payments and benefits shall be in addition to  and  not
in  lieu  of any payments or benefits to which the Executive  and
his  dependents may otherwise be entitled to under the  Company's
or Related Corporation's compensation and employee benefit plans.
Nothing  herein  shall be deemed to restrict  the  right  of  the
Company  or Related Corporation from amending or terminating  any
such  plan in a manner generally applicable to similarly situated
active  employees  of  the Company and its Affiliates,  in  which
event the Executive shall be entitled to participate on the  same
basis   (including   payment  of  applicable  contributions)   as
similarly  situated  active executives of  the  Company  and  its

          (c)    Mutual  Release.   Termination  Pay   shall   be
conditioned  upon the execution by the Executive and the  Company
of a valid mutual release, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit
A,  pursuant  to which the Executive and the Company  shall  each
mutually  release each other, to the maximum extent permitted  by
law,  from  any and all claims either party may have against  the
other  as of the date of termination that relate to or arise  out
of  the employment or termination of employment of the Executive,
except  such  claims arising under this Agreement,  any  employee
benefit  plan, or any other written plan or agreement (a  "Mutual
Release").  The full amount of Termination Pay shall be paid in a
lump  sum in cash to the Executive within ten (10) days following
receipt  by  the  Company of a Mutual Release which  is  properly
executed  by the Executive; provided, however, that in the  event
applicable law allows the Executive to revoke the Mutual  Release
for  a  period  of time, and the Mutual Release  is  not  revoked
during  such period, the full amount of Termination Pay shall  be
paid to the Executive following the expiration of such period.

     3.    Split-Dollar Life Insurance.  (Applicable only for  S.
M.  Stubbs, Jr., and Charles Roberston.)  In the event  that  the
Executive's employment with the Company or Related Corporation is
terminated by the Company or Related Corporation Without Cause or
by the Executive for Good Reason during the Transition Period, or
in  the  event the Executive terminates employment for any reason
during  the First Window Period or the Second Window Period,  the
Company  shall  fulfill its funding obligations under  the  Split
Dollar  Agreement  dated March 2, 1995 by  placing  in  trust  or
escrow  an  amount  sufficient  to  satisfy  its  policy  premium
obligations under such Split Dollar Agreement.  The Company shall
cause such necessary amendments to the Split Dollar Agreement  to
be made.

          4.    Additional Change in Control Benefits.  Except to
the  extent  released  under the terms  of  the  Mutual  Release,
Executive shall be entitled to such additional change in  control
benefits   as   are  provided  under  the  Frozen  Food   Express
Industries, Inc. 1992 Incentive and Nonstatutory Option Plan, the
FFE   Transportation   Services,  Inc.   Supplemental   Executive
Retirement  Plan,  the  FFE Transportation  Services,  Inc.  1999
Executive   Bonus   and  Phantom  Stock  Plan   [alternative   if
applicable:   Management   Phantom   Stock   Plan],    the    FFE
Transportation Services, Inc. 1994 Incentive Bonus Plan, and  the
1996  FFE  Transportation Services, Inc.  401(k)  Wrap  Plan,  as
approved and adopted by the Board.

          5.   Excise Taxes.

          (a)   Gross-Up Payment.  Anything in this Agreement  to
the contrary notwithstanding and except as set forth below, if it
is  determined that any payment or distribution (a "Payment")  by
the  Company to or for the benefit of the Executive (whether paid
or  payable or distributed or distributable pursuant to the terms
of  this  Agreement or otherwise) including, without  limitation,
vesting of options, would be subject to the excise tax imposed by
Section  4999  of the Code, or if any interest or  penalties  are
incurred  by the Executive with respect to such excise tax  (such
excise tax, together with any such interest and penalties,  being
hereinafter  collectively referred to as the "Excise Tax"),  then
the  Executive shall be entitled to receive an additional payment
(a  "Gross-Up Payment") in an amount sufficient to pay all  taxes
(including any interest or penalties imposed with respect to such
taxes), including, without limitation, any income taxes (and  any
interest  and penalties imposed with respect thereto) and  Excise
Tax imposed upon the Gross-Up Payment.

          (b)   Calculation of Gross-Up Payment.  Subject to  the
provisions of paragraph (c) of this Section 5, all determinations
required  to be made under this Section 5, including whether  and
when a Gross-Up Payment is required and the amount of such Gross-
Up  Payment  and the assumptions to be used in arriving  at  such
determination,  shall  be made by a certified  public  accounting
firm  selected  by the Company and reasonably acceptable  to  the
Executive  (the  "Accounting Firm"), which shall be  retained  to
provide detailed supporting calculations both to the Company  and
the  Executive.  If the Accounting Firm is serving as  accountant
or  auditor  for  the individual, entity or group  effecting  the
Change  in Control, the Executive shall have the right to appoint
another  nationally  recognized  accounting  firm  to  make   the
determinations  required hereunder (which accounting  firm  shall
then  be referred to as the Accounting Firm hereunder).  All fees
and  expenses of the Accounting Firm shall be paid solely by  the
Company.   Any Gross-Up Payment, as determined pursuant  to  this
Section  5, shall be paid by the Company to the Executive  within
five   (5)   days  of  the  receipt  of  the  Accounting   Firm's
determination.  Any determination by the Accounting Firm shall be
binding upon the Company and the Executive.  As a result  of  the
uncertainty in the application of Section 4999 of the Code at the
time   of  the  initial  determination  by  the  Accounting  Firm
hereunder,  it  is possible that Gross-Up Payments  which  should
have   been  made  will  not  have  been  made  by  the   Company
("Underpayment"), consistent with the calculations required to be
made hereunder.  If the Company exhausts its remedies pursuant to
paragraph  (c) of this Section 5 and the Executive thereafter  is
required to pay an Excise Tax in an amount that exceeds the Gross-
Up  Payment received by the Executive, the Accounting Firm  shall
determine  the amount of the Underpayment that has  occurred  and
any  such Underpayment shall be paid by the Company to or for the
benefit of the Executive.

          (c)   Contested Taxes.  The Executive shall notify  the
Company  in writing of any claim by the Internal Revenue  Service
that,  if  successful,  would result in  an  Underpayment.   Such
notification shall be given as soon as practicable but not  later
than  ten  (10) business days after the Executive is informed  in
writing of such claim and shall apprise the Company of the nature
of such claim and the date on which such claim is requested to be
paid  or appealed.  The Executive shall not pay such claim  prior
to  the  expiration of the 30-day period following  the  date  on
which it gives such notice to the Company (or such shorter period
ending on the date that any payment of taxes with respect to such
claim  is due).  If the Company notifies the Executive in writing
prior to the expiration of such period that it desires to contest
such claim, the Executive shall:

               (i)   give  the Company any information reasonably
     requested by the Company relating to such claim,

               (ii)   take   such   action  in  connection   with
     contesting  such  claims  as the  Company  shall  reasonably
     request  in  writing  from time to time, including,  without
     limitation, accepting legal representation with  respect  to
     such  claim  by  an  attorney  reasonably  selected  by  the

               (iii)     cooperate with the Company in good faith
     in order to effectively contest such claim, and

               (iv)  permit  the  Company to participate  in  any
     proceedings relating to such claim;

provided,  however, that the Company shall bear and pay  directly
all   costs  and  expenses  (including  additional  interest  and
penalties)  incurred in connection with such  contest  and  shall
indemnify and hold the Executive harmless, on an after-tax basis,
for  any  Excise  Tax  or  income  tax  (including  interest  and
penalties  with  respect thereto) imposed as  a  result  of  such
representation  and  payment  of  costs  and  expenses.   Without
limitation on the foregoing provisions of this paragraph (c), the
Company  shall  control all proceedings taken in connection  with
such  contest and, at its sole option, may pursue or  forego  any
and   all  administrative  appeals,  proceedings,  hearings   and
conferences  with the taxing authority in respect of  such  claim
and  may, at its sole option, either direct the Executive to  pay
the  tax claimed and sue for a refund or to contest the claim  in
any  permissible  manner, and the Executive agrees  to  prosecute
such   contest  to  a  determination  before  any  administrative
tribunal, in a court of initial jurisdiction and in one  or  more
appellate  courts,  as  the  Company shall  determine;  provided,
however,  that if the Company directs the Executive to  pay  such
claim  and sue for a refund, the Company shall advance the amount
of  such payment to the Executive, on an interest-free basis, and
shall  indemnify and hold the Executive harmless, on an after-tax
basis,  from  any Excise Tax or indemnity and hold the  Executive
harmless,  on an after-tax basis, from any Excise Tax  or  income
tax  (including  interest  or  penalties  with  respect  thereto)
imposed  with  respect to such advance or  with  respect  to  any
imputed income with respect to such advance; and further provided
that  any  extension  of the statute of limitations  relating  to
payment  of  taxes  for the taxable year of  the  Executive  with
respect  to which such contested amount is claimed to be  due  is
limited  solely  to  such  contested  amount.   Furthermore,  the
Company's control of the contest shall be limited to issues  with
respect  to the amount of the Gross-Up Payment, and the Executive
shall  be entitled to settle or contest, as the case may be,  any
other  issue raised by the Internal Revenue Service or any  other
taxing authority.

          (d)   Refunds.  If, after the receipt by the  Executive
of  an amount advanced by the Company pursuant to this Section 5,
the Executive becomes entitled to receive any refund with respect
to  such  claim, the Executive shall promptly pay to the  Company
the  amount  of such refund (together with any interest  paid  or
credited thereon after taxes applicable thereto).

     6.       Legal  Fees.    The  Company  shall  reimburse  the
Executive  for  all  legal  fees  and  other  costs  incurred  in
enforcing this Agreement.

           7.     Certain Covenants by the Executive.

          (a)  Covenant Not to Compete.  [This provisions will be
modified for Steve McKenney]  For the consideration described  in
this  Agreement  to be paid to Executive, Executive  agrees  that
during  the  term of his employment with the Company  or  Related
Corporation and for a period of one (1) year following the  close
of  business on the date of the termination his of employment  he
will not (except as a consultant to the Company or an Affiliate),
jointly  or  independently, directly  or  indirectly,  engage  in
and/or  participate in the cold-storage warehousing  business  or
the  motor  carrier  business  for transportation  of  dry  (non-
perishable  and  non-temperature controlled),  perishable  and/or
temperature  controlled  truckload,  less-than-truckload  ("LTL")
and/or   distribution  shipments  rated  as  LTL   shipments   or
distribution shipments, respectively, according to the provisions
of  tariffs  and  shipper contracts to which the  Company  or  an
Affiliate is a party, either as a common motor carrier,  contract
motor   carrier,   freight  transportation  broker,   third-party
logistics  provider  or  otherwise, in  interstate  commerce,  in
intrastate   commerce  and/or  in  international  commerce   (the
"Competing  Business")  within the  forty-eight  (48)  contiguous
states  of  the continental United States.  It is recognized  and
agreed  that Executive has conducted motor carrier operations  in
interstate  commerce, in intrastate commerce and in international
commerce  for  several  years and has accumulated  expertise  and
familiarity with operations involving the Competing Business on a
national  and  international  basis.  Executive  further  agrees,
acknowledges  and  solemnly  declares  that  he  has  appreciable
knowledge,   experience  and  expertise  in  the  motor   freight
business,  the  freight transportation broker  business  and  the
third-party  logistics provider business, and that his  being  in
competition with the Company or any Affiliate would be  extremely
detrimental  to  the Company or the Affiliate,  and  accordingly,
Executive covenants, warrants and agrees that during the term  of
his  employment  and  during the one (1)  year  period  described
herein,  he  will  not,  jointly or  independently,  directly  or
indirectly, take or permit to be taken on his behalf  any  action
making  use  of  such expertise, knowledge or  information  in  a
Competing  Business  (provided that the Executive  shall  not  be
restricted  hereby from owning or acquiring 5%  or  less  of  the
outstanding voting securities of a public company that engages in
such  business),  provided that, the foregoing  restriction  will
terminate  immediately  if the Executive's  employment  with  the
Company  or  Related Corporation is terminated by the Company  or
the  Related  Corporation Without Cause or by the  Executive  for
Good  Reason.   The  foregoing  provision  is  not  intended   to
override,  supersede, reduce, modify or affect in any manner  any
other  noncompetition covenant or agreement entered into  between
Executive  and  the Company or any of its Affiliates.   Any  such
covenant  or agreement shall remain in full force and  effect  in
accordance  with its terms.  Executive agrees that  at  any  time
during the non-competition period he will not, without the  prior
written consent of the Company:

          (i)  request  or advise any customer or client  of  the
               Company  or  of any Affiliate (including  but  not
               limited to any customers or clients of the Company
               or  of  any Affiliate who are shippers, receivers,
               freight   transportation  brokers  or  third-party
               logistics  providers) having or expected  to  have
               business   dealings  with  the  Company   or   any
               Affiliate pertaining to the Competing Business  to
               withdraw,  curtail  or  cancel  such  business  or
               business  dealings, or to take any business  to  a
               competitor of the Company or any Affiliate; or

          (ii) provide  any  person a partial or  complete  list,
               whether orally or in writing, of customers  having
               business   dealings  with  the  Company   or   any
               Affiliate pertaining to the Competing Business  or
               who are known to him to have had business dealings
               with  the  Company or the Affiliate pertaining  to
               the Competing Business.

          (b)    Protection  of  Confidential  Information.   The
Executive agrees that he will not at any time during or following
his employment by the Company or Related Corporation, without the
Company's or Related Corporation's prior written consent, divulge
any Confidential Information to any other person or entity or use
any   Confidential  Information  for  his  own   benefit.    Upon
termination of employment, for any reason whatsoever,  regardless
of  whether  either  party may be at fault,  the  Executive  will
return  to  the  Company  or  Related  Corporation  all  physical
Confidential Information in the Executive's possession.

          (c)   Non-Solicitation  of  Employees.   The  Executive
agrees,  for  so  long as the Executive remains employed  by  the
Company  or  Related Corporation, and for a period of  two  years
following  termination of the Executive's  employment,  that  the
Executive  shall not, either for the Executive's own account,  or
on  behalf  of  any other person or entity, solicit,  suggest  or
request that any other person employed by the Company or  one  of
the  Affiliates leave such employment for the purpose of becoming
employed  by the Executive or any other person or entity,  or  in
any  way  violate  any  agreement  between  the  Company  or  the
Affiliate and such person.

          (d)   Extent  of  Restrictions. If  the  scope  of  any
restriction contained in this non-competition agreement is  found
by  any Court of competent jurisdiction to be too broad to permit
enforcement  of  such restriction to its full extent,  then  such
restriction shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted  by
law,  and  Executive agrees and consents that such scope  may  be
judicially  modified  accordingly in any  proceeding  brought  to
enforce such restriction.  Executive acknowledges that any breach
of  the  agreements  contained in this non-competition  agreement
would  cause irreparable injury to the Company and/or  a  Related
Corporation  and that the remedy at law for any breach  would  be
inadequate, and agrees and consents that temporary and injunctive
relief  may be granted in any proceeding which may be brought  to
enforce  any provision of this non-competition agreement  without
the  necessity  of  proof  of actual damages.   Executive  hereby
acknowledges  that  the Company or Related Corporation  would  be
entitled to enforce all of the agreements and covenants contained
in  this  non-competition agreement for the Company or a  Related
Corporation's  own  benefit or for the  benefit  of  any  of  the
Affiliates.  Nothing contained in this non-competition  agreement
shall  prevent  the  Company  or a  Related  Corporation  or  any
Affiliates  from bringing an action at law and recovering  actual
damages  to  the  extent the same are provable, as  all  remedies
herein  granted shall each be independent causes of action.   The
invalidity  of any provision of this Agreement or  of  this  non-
competition agreement shall not affect the validity of any  other
provisions  of  this non-competition agreement.  "Affiliate"  for
purposes of this Section 7 shall mean the Company and all of  its
present or future direct and indirect subsidiaries.  For purposes
of   this   Section  7  "Person"  includes  individuals,   firms,
partnerships,  associations, corporations,  companies,  entities,
enterprises, joint ventures and any other business organizations.

     8.    Joinder  for  Limited Purposes.   For  purposes  under
Sections  2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 the term "Company" shall also  include
"Related  Corporations" who will be jointly and severally  liable
for the obligations under such provisions of this Agreement.

     9.   Tax Withholdings.   Each payment to the Executive under
this  Agreement will be subject to the withholding of  all  taxes
imposed on Executive with respect to such payment and required by
applicable law to be withheld by the Company.

     10.   Severability.   In  the event that  any  provision  or
portion  of  this Agreement shall be determined to be invalid  or
unenforceable  for any reason, the remaining provisions  of  this
Agreement  shall be unaffected thereby and shall remain  in  full
force and effect.

     11.   Successors.  This Agreement shall be binding upon  and
inure  to  the  benefit of the Company and any successor  of  the
Company.   The  Company and any Related Corporation will  require
any  successor to all or substantially all of the business and/or
assets of the Company or any Related Corporation, as the case may
be to expressly assume and agree to perform this Agreement in the
same  manner  and  to  the same extent that the  Company  or  any
Related Corporation would be required to perform if no succession
had taken place.

     12.   Entire  Agreement.   This  Agreement  constitutes  the
entire  agreement between the parties hereto with respect to  the
subject matter hereof.  This Agreement may not be modified in any
manner  except by a written instrument signed by both the Company
and the Executive.

     13.   Notices.   Any  notice required under  this  Agreement
shall  be  in  writing and shall be delivered by  certified  mail
return receipt requested to each of the parties as follows:

          To the Executive:


          To the Company:

          Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc.
          1145 Empire Central Place
          Dallas, Texas 75247-4309

     14.   Governing Law.  The provisions of this Agreement shall
be  construed  in accordance of the laws of the State  of  Texas,
except to the extent preempted by ERISA or other federal laws, as
applicable, without reference to the conflicts of laws provisions

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Executive and  the  Company  have
executed  this  Agreement as of the date  and  year  first  above
written  and  the  Related Corporations  join  for  the  purposes
specified in Section 8.


                              FROZEN FOOD EXPRESS INDUSTRIES, INC.
                              By: ................................

                              RELATED CORPORATIONS

                              FFE, INC.
                              By: ..............................

                              FFE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, INC.
                              By: .............................
