Washington, DC 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q

[X]  Quarterly  Report  Pursuant  to Section 13  or  15(d)  of  the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934 for the period ended March 31, 1997


[ ]  Transition  Report  Pursuant  to Section 13 or  15(d)  of  the  Securities
     Exchange    Act    of    1934    for   the    transition    period    from
     ______________________________ to ______________________________
                        Commission File Number 1-10006

                     Frozen Food Express Industries, Inc.

            (Exact name of registrant as specified on its charter)

        Texas                                                    75-1301831
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                                (IRS Employer
incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

1145 Empire Central Place Dallas, Texas                          75247-4309
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                         (Zip Code)
                                (2l4) 630-8090
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                         if changed since last report)

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether the registrant (l)  has  filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange  Act  of
1934  during  the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period  that  the
registrant  was  required to file such reports), and (2) has  been  subject  to
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                             [X] Yes        [ ] No

As  of  May 5, 1997, 16,689,000 shares of the Registrant's Common Stock,  $1.50
par value, were outstanding.


                    PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION             
                                                               Page No.
Item l.  Financial Statements                                    
         Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets -                 
         March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996                     2
         Consolidated Statements of Income -                     
         Three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996               3
         Consolidated Condensed Statements of Cash Flows -       
         Three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996               4
         Notes to Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements     5
Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of                 
         Financial Condition and Results of Operations            7
                     PART II - OTHER INFORMATION                 
Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                        10
         Exhibit 27.1 - Financial Data Schedule                  12


                     Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets
                                (In thousands)

                                                      March 31,      Dec. 31,
                                                        1997           1996
                                                      --------       --------
Current assets                                                   
  Cash and cash equivalents                           $  1,020       $  6,670
  Accounts receivable, net                              44,433         39,464
  Inventories                                            7,807          8,440
  Tires on equipment in use                              5,233          5,517
  Other current assets                                   5,737          5,395
                                                       -------        -------
     Total current assets                               64,230         65,486
Property and equipment, net                             58,529         51,880
Other assets                                            12,483         12,188
                                                       -------        -------
                                                      $135,242       $129,554
                                                       =======        =======
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                                         
Current liabilities                                                          
  Trade accounts payable                              $ 10,392       $ 13,997
  Accrued claims liabilities                             6,295          6,887
  Accrued payroll                                        3,044          4,950
  Other                                                  6,433          5,490
                                                       -------        -------
     Total current liabilities                          26,164         31,324
Long-term debt                                           9,000            --
Deferred credits and non-current liabilities            14,700         14,277
                                                       -------        -------
     Total liabilities and deferred credits             49,864         45,601
                                                       -------        -------
Shareholders' equity                                                         
  Common stock                                          25,921         25,921
  Paid-in capital                                        3,765          3,462
  Retained earnings                                     58,257         57,386
                                                       -------        -------
                                                        87,943         86,769
  Less - Treasury stock                                  2,565          2,816
                                                       -------        -------
  Total shareholders' equity                            85,378         83,953
                                                       -------        -------
                                                      $135,242       $129,554
                                                       =======        =======

                            See accompanying notes.

                       Consolidated Statements of Income
                   (In thousands, except per-share amounts)

                                                       For the Three Months
                                                          Ended March 31,
                                                       1997           1996
                                                      -------        -------
  Freight revenue                                     $67,826        $67,809
  Non-freight revenue                                   4,860          6,364
                                                       ------         ------
                                                       72,686         74,173
                                                       ------         ------
Operating Expenses                                                          
  Freight operating expenses                                                
    Salaries, wages and related expenses               16,517         17,227
    Purchased transportation                           15,924         15,752
    Supplies and expenses                              19,069         19,190
    Revenue equipment rent                              5,612          4,836
    Communications and utilities                          833            867
    Insurance and claims                                2,925          3,428
    Depreciation                                        2,432          2,511
    Operating taxes and licenses                        1,193          1,281
    Gain on sale of equipment                            (552)          (168)
    Miscellaneous expense                                 811            644
                                                       ------         ------
                                                       64,764         65,568
  Non-freight costs and operating expenses              4,974          6,262
                                                       ------         ------
                                                       69,738         71,830
                                                       ------         ------
Income from operations                                  2,948          2,343
Interest and other expense                                978            582
                                                       ------         ------
Income before income tax                                1,970          1,761
Provision for income tax                                  599            411
                                                       ------         ------
Net income                                            $ 1,371        $ 1,350
                                                       ======         ======
Net income per share of common stock                                        
  Primary and fully diluted                           $   .08        $   .08
                                                       ======         ======
Weighted average fully diluted shares                  16,672         16,835
                                                       ======         ======

                            See accompanying notes.

                Consolidated Condensed Statements of Cash Flows
                                (In thousands)

                                                       For the Three Months
                                                          Ended March 31,    
                                                        1997            1996
                                                     ---------        --------
Net cash used in operating activities                $ (5,176)        $(1,564)
                                                      -------          ------
Cash flows from investing activities                                          
  Expenditures for property and equipment             (10,615)         (2,652)
  Proceeds from sale of property and equipment          1,800             400
  Company owned life insurance and other                 (466)           (876)
                                                      -------          ------
Net cash used in investing activities                  (9,281)         (3,128)
                                                      -------          ------
Cash flows from financing activities                                          
  Borrowings under revolving credit agreement          10,000           8,000
  Payments against revolving credit agreement          (1,000)         (6,000)
  Dividends paid                                         (500)           (492)
  Net treasury stock activity                             307             468
                                                      -------          ------
Net cash provided by financing activities               8,807           1,976
                                                      -------          ------
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents              (5,650)         (2,716)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year          6,670           7,480
                                                      -------          ------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of quarter          $  1,020         $ 4,764
                                                      =======          ======

                            See accompanying notes.

             Notes to Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements
                            March 31, 1997 and 1996


The  consolidated financial statements include Frozen Food Express Industries,
Inc.  (FFEX)  and  its subsidiary companies (the company), all  of  which  are
wholly  owned.   All  significant intercompany accounts and transactions  have
been  eliminated  in consolidation. The financial statements  included  herein
have been prepared pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) and have not been audited or reviewed by independent
public  accountants.   In  the opinion of management, all  adjustments  (which
consisted  only of normal recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly  the
financial position and results of operations have been made. Pursuant  to  SEC
rules  and regulations, certain information and disclosures normally  included
in  financial  statements  prepared  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
accounting  principles  have been condensed or omitted from  these  statements
unless  significant changes have taken place since the end of the most  recent
fiscal  year.  FFEX believes that the disclosures contained herein, when  read
in   conjunction  with  the  financial  statements  and  notes  included,   or
incorporated by reference, in FFEX's Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 27,
1997,  are adequate to make the information presented not misleading.   It  is
suggested,  therefore, that these statements be read in conjunction  with  the
statements  and  notes  (included,  or  incorporated  by  reference),  in  the
aforementioned report on Form 10-K.


During  the  three  months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996, the  company  funded
contributions to its Employee Savings Plan by transferring 27,052  and  25,005
shares,  respectively, of treasury stock to the Plan trustee. The fair  market
value  of  the  transferred shares was approximately  $250,000  for  1997  and
approximately $225,000 for 1996.


As  of  March  31,  1997  and  1996, respectively, there  were  16,705,000  and
16,376,000 shares of stock outstanding.


The company has accrued for costs related to public liability and work-related
injury  claims,  some  of which involve litigation.  The aggregate  amount  of
these claims is significant.  In the opinion of management, these actions  can
be  successfully defended or resolved, and any additional costs incurred  over
amounts  accrued  will  not have a material adverse effect  on  the  company's
financial position or results of operations.



The  company intends to adopt Financial Accounting Standard No. 128,  "Earnings
Per  Share"  (FAS  128)  effective December 15, 1997.   FAS  128  requires  the
replacement of "primary" earnings per share with "basic" earnings per share and
"fully diluted" earnings per share with "diluted" earnings per share.  Had  the
company  adopted FAS No. 128 for the quarter ended March 31, 1997, there  would
have been no impact on reported earnings per share.



The table below sets forth, as a percentage of freight revenue, certain major
operating expenses for the three-month periods ended March 31, 1997 and 1996.

                                                       Three Months
                                                      Ended March 31,
                                                    1997           1996
                                                    ----           ----
Salaries, wages and related expenses                24.4%          25.4%
Purchased transportation                            23.5           23.2
Supplies and expenses                               28.1           28.3
Revenue equipment rent                               8.3            7.1
Insurance and claims                                 4.3            5.1
Depreciation                                         3.6            3.7
Other                                                3.3            3.9
                                                    ----           ----
Total freight operating expenses                    95.5%          96.7%
                                                    ====           ====

During  the  first  quarter of 1997, revenue fell by 2.0% to  $72,685,000  with
freight  revenue up $17,000 and non-freight revenue down $1.5  million.   Less-
than-truckload  (LTL)  revenue  was 1.9% higher  while  full-truckload  revenue
declined by less than 1% as compared to the same period of 1996.

During  the first three months of 1997 freight revenue included fuel adjustment
charges,  the  amount of which was negligible during the 1996  quarter.   These
charges, which are triggered by increases in the market price of fuel, are  the
primary cause of 1997's slightly higher revenue.

The  1997  decline  in  non-freight revenue was primarily  attributable  to  an
unusually  large sale of trailer refrigeration units which occurred during  the
first quarter of 1996.

During  the  first  quarter  of 1997 available refrigerated  trucking  capacity
exceeded  the  demand  for refrigerated motor carrier transportation  services.
This  oversupply of trucks, which also existed during most of  1995  and  1996,
decreased  utilization and productivity and placed downward pressure  on  full-
truckload  freight  rates.  In addition, higher diesel fuel prices  during  the
1997  first quarter increased the company's per-gallon fuel costs by almost  7%
over  1996's first quarter.  During the 1997 quarter, the higher cost  of  fuel
was  only  partially offset by increased revenue from fuel adjustment  charges.
Severe  winter  weather  in the midwest and northeast  also  slowed  operations
during the first quarter.


The  industry oversupply of refrigerated trucks, higher fuel costs  and  severe
winter  weather  were  the primary factors which adversely  impacted  operating
results during the first quarters of 1997 and 1996 as net income for the  first
three months of 1997 was almost equal to that for the same period of 1996 which
was $436,000 less than the same quarter of 1995.

The  number  of  tractors  in  the  fleet of  company-operated,  full-truckload
equipment rose from approximately 1,110 at the beginning of 1997 to about 1,135
by the end of the quarter, while the number of full-truckload tractors provided
by  owner-operators  decreased by about 30 units to a total  of  about  400  by
quarter end.

Full-truckload activities, which contributed 68% of freight revenue during both
first  quarters of 1997 and 1996, are conducted primarily with company-operated
equipment, while LTL activities are conducted primarily with equipment provided
by  owner-operators.  Fluctuations in the amount of total  freight  handled  by
company-operated versus owner-operated provided equipment, impacted the percent
of  freight  revenue  absorbed by the various categories of operating  expenses
between the two quarters.

During the first quarter of 1997, the percentage of freight revenue absorbed by
salaries, wages and related expenses was 24.4%, as compared to 25.4% during the
year-ago  quarter.   Conversely, the portion of  freight  revenue  absorbed  by
purchased  transportation, which consists principally  of  payments  to  owner-
operators, rose from 23.2% in 1996 to 23.5% in 1997.

Insurance and claims expenses fell from 5.1% to 4.3% of freight revenue between
the  first  quarters of 1996 and 1997 as a result of more favorable  experience
with regard to claims associated with vehicular accidents.

Revenue  equipment  rent, which is primarily related to  the  company-operated,
full-truckload  fleet,  rose  from  7.1%  to  8.3%  of  freight  revenue  while
depreciation  expense  declined from 3.7% to 3.6%  of  freight  revenue.  These
changes  resulted primarily from the addition of new leased tractors  and  from
the replacement of owned equipment with new leased tractors.  Gains on sale  of
equipment  rose from $168,000 to $552,000 between the quarters.  The volume  of
owned equipment dispositions tends to vary between quarters.

Income from operations rose by 26% during the first quarter of 1997.

Interest  and  other  expense rose from $582,000 to $978,000  between  the  two
quarters.  This  increase is related to increased borrowings  during  the  1997
quarter  to finance capital expenditures and working capital and to an increase
in  borrowings  during  the  1997 quarter to finance capital  expenditures  and
working capital and to an increase in net expenses associated with the company-
owned life insurance (COLI) program.

Pre-tax income rose by 12% during the first quarter of 1997.

The  provision for income tax was 30.4% of pre-tax income for the first quarter
of  1997,  as compared to 23.3% for 1996.  The lower 1996 effective income  tax
rate is primarily attributable to permanent tax savings resulting from the COLI
program.   The amount of the tax reduction exceeds the aforementioned net  COLI
expenses  included  in  interest and other expenses.  The  increased  1997  tax
provision resulted primarily from the impact of recent legislation which limits
deductibility of interest expenses associated with COLI programs.



The  company  continues to maintain a strong financial structure  with  a  good
working  capital  position and strong capital resources.  At  March  31,  1997,
working capital was $38.1 million as compared to $34.2 million at December  31,

During  the  first quarter of 1997, net cash used in operating  activities  was
$5,176,000,  as  compared  to  $1,564,000 in the  same  period  of  1996.   The
increased  consumption  of  cash  was related primarily  to  increased  working
capital requirements.

As of March 31, 1997, the unused portion of the company's $50,000,000 revolving
credit  facility  totaled  approximately $36,000,000.   This  availability  was
approximately $45,000,000 at December 31, 1996.


                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

          (a)  Exhibits
               27.1 Financial Data Schedule
          (b)  No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the quarter ended 
               March 31, 1997.


Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of  l934,  the
registrant  has  duly  caused this report to be signed on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned, hereunto duly authorized.

                              FROZEN FOOD EXPRESS INDUSTRIES, INC.


May 12, 1997                  By:  /s/Stoney M. Stubbs, Jr.
                                   Stoney M. Stubbs, Jr.                    
                                   Chairman of the Board                    

May 12, 1997                  By:  /s/Burl G. Cott                          
                                   Burl G. Cott
                                   Senior Vice President
                                   Principal Financial and Accounting Officer
