Exhibit 10(o)
                           GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY
                      1994 EXECUTIVE DEFERRED SALARY PLAN

       Each  employee  of  General  Electric  Company  or  a  participating
affiliate ("Company") who, as of December 31, 1993, is in an Executive Band
or higher position, or an equivalent position in such affiliate, and who is
subject to U.S. tax laws, shall be eligible to participate in this Plan.


      1.    Each   employee   eligible   to  participate   in   this   Plan
            ("Participant")  shall be given an opportunity  to  irrevocably
            elect  (subject to any conditions set out in the election form)
            prior to any deferral hereunder:

            (a)  the portion (minimum of 10%, maximum of 100% for executive
            officers  - 50% for all others) of the Participant's 1994  base
            salary to be deferred, and

            (b) the form of payout alternative as set forth in Section V.

      2.    Commencing  with  base  salary earned  for  January  1994,  the
            Participant's  total base salary elected to be  deferred  under
            this Plan will be deferred in ratable installments through  the
            month   of  December  1994,  and  will  be  credited   to   the
            Participant's deferred salary cash account ("Deferred Account")
            as of the end of the month of deferral ("Deferral Date").


            As  of  December 31, 1994, a special one-time credit  shall  be
            made  to  the  Deferred  Account of  each  Participant  who  is
            actively  employed by the Company on such date.  The amount  of
            such  credit  shall equal 3.5% of the total  1994  base  salary
            deferred   under  this  Plan  by  the  Participant   (excluding
            interest).   Such  credit  shall  not  be  provided   for   any
            Participant who has terminated employment with the Company  for
            any  reason  prior  to December 31, 1994, or  is  not  actively
            employed on such date.


      1.    Each   Deferred  Account  shall  be  unfunded,  unsecured   and
            nonassignable, and shall not be a trust for the benefit of  any

      2.    Except  as may be otherwise provided in Section V or VIII,  the
            Participant's Deferred Account will be credited  with  (a)  the
            amount  of  base salary deferred on each Deferral Date  as  set
            forth in Section II (b) the special one-time matching credit as
            set  forth in Section III, and (c) interest at the annual  rate
            of 10% compounded annually on each December 31.


      1.    Payment  of a Participant's Deferred Account will be made  only
            after termination of employment of the Participant.

      2.    If  no manner of payment election is made, the Deferred Account
            will  be  paid in 10 annual installments commencing on March  1
            (or  as  soon  thereafter as practical) following the  year  of
            termination of employment.

      3.    At the time of election to defer base salary, a Participant may
            irrevocably   elect:    (a)  the  number   of   annual   payout
            installments  (minimum of 10, maximum of 20)  of  the  Deferred
            Account  commencing  on  March 1  (or  as  soon  thereafter  as
            practical)  following  the year of termination  of  employment,
            unless  (b)  a  lump  sum payment of the  Deferred  Account  is
            elected  in  which case the lump sum payment will  be  made  on
            March 1 (or as soon thereafter as practical) following the year
            of termination of employment.

      4.    Participants  who  terminate  their  employment  on  or   after
            December  31,  1994  because of retirement, death,  disability,
            layoff, plant closing or transfer to a successor employer which
            is not controlled by the Company, or Participants who terminate
            their  employment on or after December 31, 1998 for any reason,
            will receive payouts based on Deferred Account accumulations at
            the  10%  interest  rate.  Payments will be  made  pursuant  to
            Section  V.2  or V.3 above beginning on March  1  (or  as  soon
            thereafter  as practical) following the year of termination  of

      5.    Unless  waived  by the Chairman of the Board  of  Directors  of
            General  Electric Company (the "Chairman"), if the  Participant
            terminates  employment  prior to  December  31,  1994  for  any
            reason, or prior to December 31, 1998 for any reason other than
            retirement,  death,  disability,  layoff,  plant   closing   or
            transfer to a successor employer which is not controlled by the
            Company, the Participant's Deferred Account will be paid  in  a
            lump   sum  as  soon  as  practical  following  the   date   of
            termination, along with simple interest credited at  an  annual
            rate of 3% rather than the rate specified in Section IV.


       In  the event of a Participant's death prior to receiving any or all
payments  to  which  the  Participant is entitled, the  remaining  Deferred
Account  shall be paid at the time and in the manner provided in Section  V
to  the  beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the  Participant  on  a
beneficiary  designation  form properly file by the  Participant  with  the
Company  in accordance with established administrative procedures.   If  no
such  designated  beneficiary  survives  the  Participant,  such  remaining
benefits shall be paid as set forth above to the Participant's estate.


       This  Plan shall be administered by a "Committee" consisting of  not
less  than  two  persons appointed from time to time by the Chairman.   The
Committee  shall have full power and authority on behalf of the Company  to
administer  and interpret the Plan in its sole discretion.   All  Committee
decisions with respect to the administration and interpretation of the Plan
shall be final and binding upon all persons.


       This Plan may be amended, suspended or terminated at any time by the
Management Development and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors
("MDCC").  In addition, the MDCC may alter or amend the payout schedule  of
any or all of the accrued benefits of a Participant at any time.


      The effective date of this Plan shall be January 1, 1994.