Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

- ---   ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999


      EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
      For the transition period from --------- to ---------

Commission        Registrant, State of Incorporation,       I.R.S. Employer
File Number       Address and Telephone Number            Identification No.
- -----------       ----------------------------            ------------------

1-6047            GPU, Inc.                                   13-5516989
                  (a Pennsylvania corporation)
                  300 Madison Avenue
                  Morristown, New Jersey 07962-1911
                  Telephone (973) 455-8200

1-3141            Jersey Central Power & Light Company        21-0485010
                  (a New Jersey corporation)
                  2800 Pottsville Pike
                  Reading, Pennsylvania 19640-0001
                  Telephone (610) 929-3601

1-446             Metropolitan Edison Company                 23-0870160
                  (a Pennsylvania corporation)
                  2800 Pottsville Pike
                  Reading, Pennsylvania 19640-0001
                  Telephone (610) 929-3601

1-3522            Pennsylvania Electric Company               25-0718085
                  (a Pennsylvania corporation)
                  2800 Pottsville Pike
                  Reading, Pennsylvania 19640-0001
                  Telephone (610) 929-3601

          Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                      Name of each exchange on
Registrant                  Title of each class            which registered
- ------------------------    -------------------        --------------------

GPU, Inc.                   Common Stock, par value
                            $2.50 per share           New York Stock Exchange

Jersey Central Power &      First Mortgage Bonds:
  Light Company             6 3/8% Series due 2003    New York Stock Exchange
                            7 1/8% Series due 2004    New York Stock Exchange
                            7 1/2% Series due 2023    New York Stock Exchange
                            6 3/4% Series due 2025    New York Stock Exchange

                                                        Name of each exchange
Registrant                  Title of each class            which registered
- ------------------------    -------------------        --------------------

Jersey Central Power &      Cumulative Preferred
  Light Company (continued) Stock, $100 stated value

                            4% Series                 New York Stock Exchange
                            7.52% Series              New York Stock Exchange
                            8.65% Series              New York Stock Exchange

                            Monthly Income Preferred
                            Securities, 8.56%
                            Series A, $25 stated
                            value (a)                 New York Stock Exchange

Metropolitan Edison         Trust Preferred
Company                     Securities, 7.35% Series A,
                            $25 stated value (b)      New York Stock Exchange

Pennsylvania Electric       Trust Preferred
Company                     Securities, 7.34% Series A,
                            $25 stated value (c)      New York Stock Exchange

(a)   Issued by JCP&L Capital, L.P., and unconditionally guaranteed by
      Jersey Central Power & Light Company.

(b)   Issued by Met-Ed  Capital Trust,  and represents a beneficial  interest in
      the trust equal to a cumulative  preferred limited partnership interest in
      Met-Ed Capital II, L.P.

(c)   Issued by Penelec Capital Trust,  and represents a beneficial  interest in
      the trust equal to a cumulative  preferred limited partnership interest in
      Penelec Capital II, L.P.

      Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  None

      Indicate by check mark whether each registrant (1) has filed all
reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter
period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has
been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes  X   No
                                                                    ---     ---

      Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be
contained, to the best of each registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy or
information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form
10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. [X]

      The  aggregate  market  value of the  registrants'  voting  stock  held by
non-affiliates based on the closing price of $25.00 on March 15, 2000 was:

      Registrant                                          Amount
      ------------------------------------            --------------
      GPU, Inc.                                       $3,024,666,325

      The number of shares  outstanding of each of the  registrants'  classes of
voting stock as of March 15, 2000 was as follows:

Registrant                           Title                         Outstanding
- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------- -----------
GPU, Inc.                            Common Stock, $2.50 par value 120,986,653
Jersey Central Power & Light Company Common Stock, $10 par value    15,371,270
Metropolitan Edison Company          Common Stock, no par value        859,500
Pennsylvania Electric Company        Common Stock, $20 par value     5,290,596


Proxy Statement for 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of GPU, Inc.
(Part III)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      This combined Form 10-K is separately  filed by GPU, Inc.,  Jersey Central
Power & Light Company,  Metropolitan  Edison Company and  Pennsylvania  Electric
Company.  Information  contained herein relating to any individual registrant is
filed  by  such  registrant  on  its  own  behalf.   Each  registrant  makes  no
representation as to information relating to the other registrants.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Part I

    Item  1.    Business                                                 1
    Item  2.    Properties                                              27
    Item  3.    Legal Proceedings                                       30
    Item  4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders     30

Part II

    Item  5.    Market for Registrant's Common Equity and
                Related Stockholder Matters                             31
    Item  6.    Selected Financial Data                                 31
    Item  7.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations                     32
    Item  7A.   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about
                Market Risk                                             32
    Item  8.    Financial Statements and Supplementary Data             32
    Item  9.    Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on
                Accounting and Financial Disclosure                     32

Part III

    Item 10.    Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant      33
    Item 11.    Executive Compensation                                  36
    Item 12.    Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
                and Management                                          42
    Item 13.    Certain Relationships and Related Transactions          43

Part IV

    Item 14.    Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and
                Reports on Form 8-K                                     44

Signatures                                                              58

                                     PART I


     GPU,  Inc., a Pennsylvania  corporation,  is a holding  company  registered
under the Public Utility  Holding Company Act of 1935 (1935 Act). GPU, Inc. does
not directly operate any utility properties, but owns all the outstanding common
stock of three domestic  electric  utilities  serving customers in New Jersey --
Jersey Central Power & Light Company (JCP&L) -- and Pennsylvania -- Metropolitan
Edison  Company  (Met-Ed)  and  Pennsylvania  Electric  Company  (Penelec).  The
customer service  function,  transmission  and  distribution  operations and the
operations of the remaining non-nuclear  generating facilities of these electric
utilities are conducting  business under the name GPU Energy.  JCP&L, Met-Ed and
Penelec  considered  together are referred to as the "GPU Energy companies." The
nuclear generation  operations of GPU Energy are conducted by GPU Nuclear,  Inc.
(GPUN).  GPU Capital,  Inc. and GPU Electric,  Inc. and their  subsidiaries own,
operate  and  fund  the  acquisition  of  electric  and  gas   transmission  and
distribution  systems  in  foreign  countries,  and  are  referred  to  as  "GPU
Electric." GPU  International,  Inc. and GPU Power, Inc. and their  subsidiaries
develop, own and operate generation  facilities in the United States and foreign
countries and are referred to as the "GPUI Group."  Other  subsidiaries  of GPU,
Inc. include: GPU Advanced Resources, Inc. (GPU AR), which is involved in retail
energy  sales;  GPU Telcom  Services,  Inc.  (GPU  Telcom),  which is engaged in
telecommunications-related  businesses;  and GPU  Service,  Inc.  (GPUS),  which
provides legal,  accounting,  financial and other services to the GPU companies.
All of these companies considered together are referred to as "GPU."

     GPU is subject to  regulation  by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission
(SEC) under the 1935 Act. The GPU Energy companies' retail rates,  conditions of
service,  and issuance of  securities  are subject to regulation in the state in
which each  utility  operates - in New Jersey by the New Jersey  Board of Public
Utilities  (NJBPU)  and in  Pennsylvania  by  the  Pennsylvania  Public  Utility
Commission  (PaPUC).  The Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission  (NRC)  regulates  the
ownership and operation of nuclear generating stations. The GPU Energy companies
are also subject to wholesale  rate and other  regulation by the Federal  Energy
Regulatory  Commission (FERC) under the Federal Power Act. In addition,  certain
foreign  subsidiaries  and affiliates  are subject to rate and other  regulation
(see REGULATION section).

     Financial  information  with  respect to the  business  segments  of GPU is
provided  in  Note  13,  Segment  Information,  of  the  Combined  Notes  to the
Consolidated Financial Statements.

     This Form 10-K  contains  certain  forward-looking  statements  within  the
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements made
that are not historical  facts are  forward-looking  and,  accordingly,  involve
estimates,  forecasts,  assumptions,  risks and  uncertainties  that could cause
actual  results or outcomes to differ  materially  from those  expressed  in the
forward-looking  statements.  Although such forward-looking statements have been
based on reasonable assumptions, there is no assurance that the expected results
will be achieved.

     Some of the factors  that could cause actual  results to differ  materially
include, but are not limited to: the effects of regulatory decisions; changes in
law and other governmental actions and initiatives; the impact of


deregulation and increased competition in the industry;  industry restructuring;
expected  outcomes of legal  proceedings;  the  completion of  generation  asset
divestiture;  energy prices and availability;  and  uncertainties  involved with
foreign operations including political risks and foreign currency fluctuations.

                            SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS

Business Outlook
- ----------------

     In 1999, GPU began implementing its strategy for building shareholder value
by focusing on its core business:  energy infrastructure  service. Part of GPU's
strategy  has been to divest all of its  generation  assets.  GPU has decided to
limit its exposure to fluctuating  power prices,  because it believes that, in a
deregulated environment, only very large generators with the resources to absorb
market risk could be successful in this arena. It was GPU's judgment that it did
not have sufficient size or resources to compete  successfully as a major energy

     In March 1999,  Penelec  sold its 50%  interest  in the Homer City  Station
(Homer City) to a subsidiary of Edison  Mission  Energy for  approximately  $900
million.  This was followed by the sale of  Penelec's  20%  undivided  ownership
interest  in  the  Seneca  Pumped   Storage   Facility  to  Cleveland   Electric
Illuminating  Company in July 1999 for $43  million,  and  finally,  in November
1999,  the sale of  substantially  all of the GPU  Energy  companies'  remaining
fossil  and  hydroelectric  generating  assets  to Sithe  Energies  (Sithe)  for
approximately  $1.6 billion.  (In February 2000, Penelec agreed to sell its Deep
Creek Lake property to the State of Maryland for $17.6 million.)

     Then, in December 1999, the GPU Energy companies  completed the sale of the
Three Mile Island Unit 1 (TMI-1)  nuclear  generating  station to AmerGen Energy
Company, LLC (AmerGen), a joint venture of PECO Energy and British Energy, for a
total purchase price of approximately  $100 million.  AmerGen has also agreed to
purchase  JCP&L's Oyster Creek nuclear  generating  station (Oyster Creek),  for
approximately $10 million.

     With generation no longer a significant  part of GPU's  business,  GPU will
now be able to focus more closely on its lower risk asset base by  strengthening
the  transmission  and distribution  core of its business.  These assets,  which
remain subject to regulation,  are dependable sources of cash flow that GPU will
use to reduce  outstanding  debt,  repurchase  its  common  stock and pay common
dividends.  To this end,  in January  1999,  the GPU,  Inc.  Board of  Directors
authorized  the  repurchase  of up to $350  million  of  common  stock.  Through
December 1999, 6.4 million shares of common stock,  or  approximately  5% of the
outstanding  shares,  have been repurchased since the start of the program at an
average  price of $35.25 per share.  GPU  recognizes  that the key to its future
success is the ability to effectively grow its infrastructure business. GPU also
sees the  potential  to  expand  its  infrastructure  business  in other  areas,
including telecommunications facilities and other energy service businesses.


     In addition to divesting its generation assets, GPU plans to raise at least
$500 million in cash by reducing its  ownership in non-core and  underperforming
assets. Since the mid 1990s, GPU has been acquiring regulated businesses abroad.
GPU's  electric  and gas  transmission  businesses  serve 4.6 million  customers
worldwide;  GPU Energy in the United States, Midlands Electricity plc (Midlands)
in the United Kingdom (UK), Emdersa in Argentina and GPU PowerNet and GPU GasNet
in Australia. In July 1999, GPU purchased from Cinergy Corp. the 50% interest in
Midlands which it did not already own.

     In  December  1999,  GPU  announced  it would  seek to sell its  Australian
subsidiaries  - GPU  PowerNet,  an electric  transmission  network,  acquired in
October 1997 and GPU GasNet, a gas transmission pipeline, acquired in June 1999.
GPU  Electric  paid   approximately  $1.9  billion  and  $675  million  for  the
businesses, respectively.

     The  proposed  Australian  asset sale  represents  GPU's  determination  to
effectively   redeploy   its   capital.   GPU  is   committed  to  the  sale  of
under-performing  assets  in order  to  retire  debt,  repurchase  common  stock
(through the $350 million share repurchase  program) and invest in higher growth

     GPU's goal is to achieve a 5% annual  growth in  earnings  per share and is
looking to invest in  non-regulated  growth  areas  that fit within its  utility
services focus.

     In December 1999, GPU, Inc. agreed to acquire MYR Group Inc. (MYR). MYR, an
infrastructure  service  company  based  near  Chicago,  is  the  fifth  largest
specialty  contractor in the United States.  It builds and maintains power lines
for  electric  utilities,   telecommunications   companies  and  industrial  and
commercial  facilities.  MYR  also  builds  cellular  towers  for  the  wireless
communications  market.  GPU, Inc. has agreed to purchase MYR for  approximately
$215  million,  or $30.10 per MYR share,  subject to the  receipt of  regulatory
approval,  and  expects  MYR to act  as a  platform  for  future  growth  in the
non-regulated construction services area. Other non-regulated activities GPU has
targeted include telecommunications and related utility infrastructure services.

     GPU is also seeking to improve  customer  service in domestic  markets.  In
1999, customer service showed a major opportunity for improvement  following the
widespread  power  outages  that  occurred  during the summer's  heat storm.  In
response,  GPU Energy has, among other things,  committed another $40-50 million
to improve the reliability of its service.

     GPU has also initiated a program of planned cost reductions of $100 million
($55  million in 2000 and $45  million in 2001).  The GPU Energy  companies  are
targeting  reductions  of $30 million in 2000 and an  additional  $40 million in
2001. In addition, Midlands plans to make cost reductions of $25 million in 2000
and $5 million in 2001.

Competitive Business Risks
- --------------------------

     Currently,  and increasingly in the future, the GPU Energy companies expect
they will be serving  customers in markets  where there will be capped rates for
varying  periods and their ability to seek rate  increases will be more limited.
In addition, inflation could adversely affect the GPU Energy


companies since these increased costs may not be recoverable under existing rate
caps.  Although the GPU Energy companies have essentially  exited the generation
business,  they  will  continue  to have the  obligation  to  supply  energy  to
customers  who do not choose an  alternate  supplier.  This  energy  supply will
largely come from  contracted and open market  purchases.  While  management has
implemented  an energy  risk  management  program  to address  the market  risks
associated with these  purchases,  there can be no assurance that the GPU Energy
companies  will be able to supply  electricity  to customers at costs which they
will be able to recover.

     GPU,  Inc.  has made  significant  investments  in foreign  businesses  and
facilities  through GPU Electric and the GPUI Group. At December 31, 1999, GPU's
investment  in GPU  Electric  and the GPUI  Group  was  $1.06  billion  and $232
million,  respectively.  As of that date, GPU, Inc. had also guaranteed up to an
additional  $1.04  billion and $30 million  (including  $9 million of guarantees
related to  domestic  operations)  of GPU  Electric  and GPUI Group  outstanding
obligations, respectively. Although management attempts to mitigate the risks of
investing  in  certain  foreign  countries  by,  among  other  things,  securing
political risk insurance,  GPU faces  additional  risks inherent to operating in
such locations,  including  foreign currency  fluctuations.  GPU uses derivative
instruments  primarily to manage the risk of interest rate, foreign currency and
commodity price  fluctuations.  GPU does not intend to hold or issue  derivative
instruments for trading purposes.

Restructuring Actions
- ---------------------

     In May 1999,  the NJBPU issued a Summary Order with respect to JCP&L's rate
unbundling,  stranded cost and restructuring filings. The Summary Order provides
for,  among  other  things,  customer  choice of  electric  generation  supplier
beginning  August  1, 1999 and full  recovery  of  stranded  costs.  New  Jersey
utilities  began accepting  customer  selection of suppliers in October 1999. By
year-end,   approximately   2.5%  of  the  GPU  Energy   companies'  New  Jersey
non-residential  customers and less than 1% of their  residential  customers had
selected an alternate supplier.

     In 1996,  Pennsylvania  adopted the Customer Choice Act, which provided for
the  restructuring of the electric utility  industry.  In 1998, the PaPUC issued
Restructuring  Orders to Met-Ed and Penelec which,  among other things,  provide
for  recovery  of a  substantial  portion of what  otherwise  would have  become
stranded  costs,  subject to the  results of the  generation  divestitures.  The
Restructuring Orders also gave all Pennsylvania  customers the ability to choose
their  electric  generation  supplier  beginning  January 1, 1999.  By year-end,
approximately 18%  (approximately 70% of the energy delivered) of the GPU Energy
companies'  Pennsylvania  non-residential  customers and 5% of their residential
customers had selected an alternate supplier.

Domestic Energy Supply
- ----------------------

     As a result of the NJBPU and the PaPUC's restructuring  decisions,  the GPU
Energy  companies  are required to supply  electricity  to customers  who do not
choose an alternate  supplier.  Given that the GPU Energy companies have largely
divested  their  generation  business,  there  will be  increased  market  risks
associated with supplying that electricity,  since the GPU Energy companies will
have to supply energy to non-shopping customers entirely from


contracted  and open  market  purchases.  While  JCP&L is  permitted  to recover
reasonably  and  prudently   incurred  costs  associated  with  providing  basic
generation service to non-shopping  customers,  Met-Ed and Penelec are generally
unable to recover their energy costs in excess of established  rate caps.  While
management has  implemented an energy risk management  program,  there can be no
assurance that the GPU Energy  companies will be able to fully recover the costs
to supply electricity to customers who do not choose an alternate supplier.

     Currently,  the GPU Energy  companies have 285 megawatts (MW) of generating
capacity  remaining  to meet  customer  needs.  They  also have  contracts  with
nonutility  generators  totaling  1,606 MW and JCP&L has  agreements  with other
utilities  to provide for up to 584 MW of capacity and related  energy.  The GPU
Energy  companies  have agreed to purchase  all of the  capacity and energy from
TMI-1  through  December  31, 2001 and from Oyster  Creek  (following  its sale)
through March 31, 2003. In addition,  the GPU Energy companies have the right to
call on the  capacity  of the Homer City  Station (up to 942 MW) through May 31,
2001 and up to 4,117 MW of capacity from the  generating  stations sold to Sithe
through  May 31, 2002 to satisfy the GPU Energy  companies'  installed  capacity
obligations.  The GPU Energy companies' remaining capacity and energy needs will
be met by short- to  intermediate-term  commitments  (one month to three  years)
during  times of expected  high energy  price  volatility  and  reliance on spot
market purchases during other periods.

     As noted  above,  Met-Ed and  Penelec's  customers  have been  permitted to
choose their generation supplier since January 1, 1999. The PaPUC has approved a
competitive  bid process to assign provider of last resort (PLR) service for 20%
of Met-Ed and Penelec's  retail  customers on June 1, 2000, 40% on June 1, 2001,
60% on June 1, 2002 and 80% on June 1, 2003, to licensed  generation  suppliers.
This  alternative  supply service is referred to as Competitive  Default Service
(CDS).  In 1999,  Met-Ed and  Penelec  issued  requests  for bids to provide PLR
service for 20% of their  customers,  beginning in June 2000, as required by the
PaPUC. In February 2000, Met-Ed and Penelec announced that no bids were received
in  response to their offer and,  as a result,  they would be  increasing  their
forward  purchasing of electric  power to  accommodate  the 20% of customers for
whom they will  continue  to be the  default  supplier.  Met-Ed and  Penelec are
developing a proposal for a  comprehensive  solution for default  energy  supply
service in Pennsylvania, which they plan to submit to the PaPUC.

     JCP&L is  required  to provide  basic  generation  service  (BGS) to retail
customers who choose to remain with JCP&L as generation customers until July 31,
2002. Thereafter,  BGS service will be bid out at the pre-established BGS rates.
Any payment  received or required by JCP&L  resulting  from the bidding  process
will be deferred for future refund or recovery.  The specific details of the BGS
bidding process will be the subject of a future NJBPU proceeding.

                              INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS

     Electric  utility  customers have  traditionally  been served by vertically
integrated  regulated  monopolies.  The electric utility industry is moving away
from a traditional  rate  regulated  environment  based on cost recovery to some
combination of a competitive marketplace and modified regulation.  The enactment
of the Public Utility  Regulatory  Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA)  facilitated the
entry of competitors into the electric generation business.


The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) furthered  competition among utilities and
non-utility  generators  (NUGs) in the  wholesale  electric  generation  market,
accelerating industry restructuring.  The FERC has required utilities to provide
open access and comparable  transmission service to third parties.  Pennsylvania
and  New  Jersey  have  adopted  comprehensive  legislation  providing  for  the
restructuring of the electric  utility  industry,  and implementing  orders have
been issued by the PaPUC and the NJBPU.

     GPU has been  active  both on the  federal  and state  levels in helping to
shape electric industry  restructuring while seeking to protect the interests of
its  shareholders  and  customers,  and is  attempting to assess the impact that
these  industry  changes  will have on its  financial  condition  and results of

                            THE GPU ENERGY COMPANIES

     The  electric  generation  and  transmission  facilities  of the GPU Energy
companies are physically  interconnected and are operated as a single integrated
and coordinated system serving a population of approximately five million in New
Jersey and Pennsylvania.  For the year 1999, the GPU Energy companies'  revenues
were  about  equally  divided  between  Pennsylvania  customers  and New  Jersey
customers. During 1999, sales to customers by customer class were as follows:

                 % Operating Revenues             % KWH Sales
               ----------------------------  --------------------------
               Total JCP&L   Met-Ed Penelec  Total JCP&L Met-Ed Penelec
               ----- -----   ------ -------  ----- ----- ------ -------

Residential      47    46      55     46      36    42     36      28
Commercial       36    40      29     32      35    40     29      32
Industrial       15    13      15     18      27    17     34      36
Other*            2     1       1      4       2     1      1       4
                ---   ---     ---    ---     ---   ---    ---     ---
                100   100     100    100     100   100    100     100
                ===   ===     ===    ===     ===   ===    ===     ===

  *  Rural electric cooperatives,  municipalities,  street and highway lighting,
     and others.

     The GPU Energy  companies  also make  interchange  and spot market sales of
electricity to other  utilities.  Revenues of JCP&L,  Met-Ed and Penelec derived
from their  largest  single  customers  accounted for less than 1.5%, 1% and 1%,
respectively,  of their  electric  operating  revenues for the year and their 25
largest customers, in the aggregate,  accounted for approximately 8%, 5% and 8%,
respectively, of such revenues.

     The area served by the GPU Energy companies extends from the Atlantic Ocean
to Lake Erie, is generally  comprised of small  communities,  rural and suburban
areas and  includes  a wide  diversity  of  industrial  enterprises,  as well as
substantial  farming areas.  JCP&L provides retail service in northern,  western
and east central New Jersey, having an estimated population of approximately 2.6
million.  Met-Ed  provides  retail  electric  service in all or  portions  of 14
counties,  in the eastern and south  central  parts of  Pennsylvania,  having an
estimated  population of almost one million.  Met-Ed also sells  electricity  at
wholesale to four municipalities  having an estimated population of over 11,400.
Penelec  provides  retail and  wholesale  electric  service  within a  territory
located in western,  northern and south central Pennsylvania  extending from the
Maryland state line  northerly to the New York state line,  with a population of
about 1.2 million, approximately 28% of which


is  concentrated  in 23 cities and boroughs,  all with  populations  over 5,000.
Penelec also provides  wholesale service to six  municipalities in Pennsylvania,
five municipalities in New Jersey, and the Allegheny Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
which  serves 13 rural  electric  cooperatives  in  Pennsylvania  and one in New
Jersey. Penelec, as lessee of the property of the Waverly Electric Light & Power
Company,  also serves a  population  of about  13,400 in  Waverly,  New York and

     The  GPU  Energy   companies'   transmission   facilities   are  physically
interconnected  with neighboring  nonaffiliated  utilities in Pennsylvania,  New
Jersey, Maryland, New York and Ohio. The interconnection facilities are used for
substantial capacity and energy interchange and purchased power transactions, as
well as emergency  assistance.  The GPU Energy  companies are members of the PJM
Power  Pool  and  the  Mid-Atlantic  Area  Council,  an  organization  providing
coordinated  review of the planning by utilities in the PJM area.  The PJM Power
Pool is a limited liability company governed by an independent board of managers
recognized by the FERC as an Independent System Operator. Also in 1997, the FERC
directed  the GPU Energy  companies to  implement a  single-system  transmission
rate,  effective April 1, 1998. The  implementation of a single-system  rate has
not affected total transmission revenues;  however, it has increased the pricing
for transmission service in Met-Ed and Penelec's service territories and reduced
the pricing for transmission service in JCP&L's service territory.

     The GPU Energy  companies  have requested the FERC to reconsider its ruling
requiring a single-system transmission rate. The Restructuring Orders for Met-Ed
and Penelec provide for a transmission  and  distribution  rate cap exception to
recover the increase in the  transmission  rate from Met-Ed and Penelec's retail
customers  in the event the FERC denies the request for  reconsideration  of the
single-system  transmission  rate. The FERC's ruling may also have the effect of
reducing JCP&L's transmission rates. There can be no assurance as to the outcome
of this matter.

                          Investments in FUCOS and EWGS

     GPU, Inc. has SEC  authorization to finance  investments in foreign utility
companies  (FUCOs) and exempt  wholesale  generators  (EWGs) up to an  aggregate
amount  equal  to  100%  of  GPU's  average   consolidated   retained  earnings,
approximately  $2.4 billion as of December 31, 1999. At December 31, 1999,  GPU,
Inc.  has  remaining  authorization  to finance  approximately  $245  million of
additional  investments in FUCOs and EWGs. GPU, Inc.'s  investments in FUCOs and
EWGs are made through GPU Electric and the GPUI Group.

                                  GPU Electric

     GPU Electric owns electric and gas transmission and distribution businesses
in England,  Australia and  Argentina.  Through its  ownership in Midlands,  GPU
Electric also has ownership interests in operating generating facilities located
in foreign countries  totaling 4,244 MW (of which GPU Electric's equity interest
represents  1,163 MW) of capacity.  At December 31, 1999, GPU, Inc.'s  aggregate
investment in GPU Electric was $1.06 billion.  GPU, Inc. has also  guaranteed up
to an additional $1.04 billion of outstanding GPU Electric obligations.


     Midlands  operated an electricity  supply  business  within and outside its
regulated area until June 1999 when Midlands' then owners, GPU and Cinergy Corp.
sold  the  business,   including  obligations  under  Midlands'  power  purchase
agreements,  for $300 million  ($150 million for GPU's share) plus an adjustment
for working capital.

     Midlands  will  continue to own and operate its network of power cables and

     Midlands'  primary business is the  distribution of electricity  across its
authorized  area,  which has an estimated  population of approximately 5 million
residents and includes the area of Birmingham,  parts of  Staffordshire  and the
rural areas of Gloucestershire,  Shropshire and Hereford and Worcester. Although
historically  industrial,   the  area's  economy  is  less  dominated  by  heavy
manufacturing and has seen increased growth in the commercial  sector.  Midlands
provides  service  connections  to  customers  as well as for  street  lighting,
traffic lights and other installations from its main networks.

     Midlands is also engaged in non-regulated activities, including electricity
generation, electrical contracting, metering services and related businesses.

     Through its subsidiary Midlands Power International Limited (MPI), Midlands
has ownership interests in several generating  stations,  including a 40% equity
interest in the Uch Power  Project in Pakistan.  As with many other  independent
power projects in Pakistan,  the Uch Power Project has experienced  difficulties
and delays;  however,  the plant is currently  anticipated  to begin  commercial
operation  in 2000.  At this  time,  MPI does not  intend  to  invest in any new
generation projects.

      GPU GasNet owns and maintains the high pressure gas transmission  pipeline
network,  which serves a total  consumption  base of  approximately  1.3 million
residential  customers and approximately  40,000 industrial and commercial users
throughout  Victoria.  GPU GasNet's primary  responsibility  is to transport gas
from the Longford gas treatment plant in South East Victoria and from gas fields
in the Southwest to the major load centers in Victoria.

      The transmission assets consist of two networks - the Principal System and
the smaller  Western System which are connected by the Southwest  pipeline.  GPU
GasNet's major assets are steel and other pipelines, compressors, regulating and
injector stations, transfer meters and a liquefied natural gas storage facility.
GPU GasNet has recently completed a number of strategic construction projects to
expand and augment its system,  improve security of supply and take advantage of
expected   growth  in  gas   consumption,   including   completion  of  a  major
interconnection between the Victorian and New South Wales transmission systems.

     GPU  GasNet's   business   consists  of  three   distinct   segments:   Gas
Transmission,  which is regulated by tariff and represents  approximately 84% of
total revenues;  Excluded  Services,  such as custody transfer  metering and LNG
services which are regulated but not subject to formula-based price controls and
which represent about 15% of total revenues;  and Competitive Services,  such as
engineering  and  construction  services,  which are unregulated but account for
less than 1% of total revenues.


     GPU PowerNet owns and maintains the high voltage  electricity  transmission
system in Victoria  covering an area of approximately  87,900 square miles and a
population of  approximately  4.5 million.  Its assets are comprised of overhead
transmission lines (ranging from 66KV to 500KV),  underground cable,  galvanized
steel towers and switchyards, terminal and transformer stations.

     The primary function of GPU PowerNet is to transport electricity from power
stations  to the major  load  centers  in  greater  Melbourne  as well as to the
neighboring  state of New  South  Wales,  and to large  industrial  users.  VNSC
provides  monitoring,   remote  control  and  operational  coordination  of  the
transmission network.

     Under the current Victorian  regulatory regime,  GPU PowerNet's  operations
fall into three  separate  business  segments:  Prescribed  Services,  which are
subject to regulation  under GPU  PowerNet's  tariff order;  Excluded  Services,
which are new  transmission  services  not  subject to revenue  regulation,  but
which,  by law,  must be provided on a "fair and  reasonable"  basis;  and Other
Services,    which   represent   all   other   business   operations   such   as
telecommunication,  asset management and technical services, and are not subject
to revenue regulation. Prescribed Services currently make up in excess of 95% of
GPU PowerNet's total revenues. This percentage is expected to decline over time,
however, with the growth in non-regulated business activities.

     GPU Electric acquired Emdersa,  an Argentine holding company in March 1999.
Emdersa's   principal  business   operations  consist  of  the  distribution  of
electricity  through its three operating  companies,  Edesa,  Edelar and Edesal.
These companies service approximately 335,000 customers in a 124,300 square mile
area in the three north western  provinces of San Luis, La Rioja and Salta.  The
customer base includes residential,  commercial, industrial, public lighting and
irrigation customers.

     Emdersa  acquires  electricity  primarily  from the  Wholesale  Electricity
Market. Each of Emdersa's three operating companies  distributes  electricity to
end users  and  operates  on the  basis of  exclusive  contracts  to  distribute
electricity,  which have been granted by the respective provincial  governments.
The operating  companies'  rates are embodied in and subject to specific  tariff
structures which are in effect for five years and expire as follows: La Rioja in
June 2000; Salta in August 2001; and Edesal in March 2003.

                                   GPUI GROUP

     The GPUI Group has ownership interests in six operating cogeneration plants
in the  U.S.  totaling  1,014 MW (of  which  the GPUI  Group's  equity  interest
represents 496 MW) of capacity, and four operating generating facilities located
in  foreign  countries  totaling  1,229 MW (of  which  the GPUI  Group's  equity
interest  represents  424 MW) of capacity.  At December 31,  1999,  GPU,  Inc.'s
aggregate  investment  in the GPUI Group was $232  million.  GPU,  Inc. has also
guaranteed  up  to  an  additional  $29.9  million  of  outstanding  GPUI  Group

      In June 1998, Onondaga  Cogeneration L.P. (Onondaga),  a GPU International
subsidiary,  and Niagara  Mohawk Power  Corporation  (NIMO)  renegotiated  their
existing power  purchase  agreement and entered into a 10-year power put indexed
swap agreement.


      The power put agreement gives Onondaga the right,  but not the obligation,
to sell energy and capacity to NIMO at a proxy market price up to the  specified
contract quantity.

      Under the indexed swap  agreement,  Onondaga pays NIMO the market price of
energy and capacity and NIMO pays  Onondaga a contract  price which is fixed for
the first two years and then adjusted monthly, according to an indexing formula,
for the remaining term. At December 31, 1999 and 1998, the  unamortized  balance
of  the  swap  contract  was  valued  at  $55.1   million  and  $62.4   million,
respectively,  and was  included in Other - Deferred  Debits and Other assets on
the Consolidated Balance Sheets. This valuation was derived using the discounted
estimated cash flows related to payments expected to be received by Onondaga.  A
corresponding  amount was recorded in deferred revenue and will be recognized to
income over a period not to exceed 10 years.

     Concurrent with the  establishment of a competitive  market for electricity
in New York (Power  Exchange)  and meeting  specific  trading  volume  criteria,
certain rights  between  Onondaga and NIMO expire under the power put agreement.
As a result,  in 2000,  GPU  International  expects to  recognize  in income all
proceeds from the renegotiated agreements,  including the unamortized balance of
the  deferred  revenue from the indexed  swap  agreement,  which will be largely
offset  by  an  impairment  of  the  Onondaga   facility  and  a  provision  for
out-of-market gas transportation costs.

                                CAPITAL PROGRAMS

GPU Energy Companies
- --------------------

     The GPU Energy companies'  capital spending in 1999 was $291 million (JCP&L
$141 million;  Met-Ed $66 million;  Penelec $78 million;  Other $6 million), and
was used primarily to expand and improve existing  transmission and distribution
(T&D)  facilities,  for new customer  connections and to implement an integrated
information  system.  In 2000,  capital  expenditures  are  estimated to be $349
million (JCP&L $178 million; Met-Ed $57 million;  Penelec $82 million; Other $32
million), primarily for ongoing T&D system development.

GPU Electric
- ------------

     GPU  Electric's  capital  spending  in 1999 was $129  million  and was used
primarily for  improvements to GPU PowerNet,  Emdersa and Midlands'  facilities.
Infrastructure-related capital expenditures are forecasted to be $213 million in

GPUI Group
- ----------

     The GPUI  Group's  capital  spending  was $32  million in 1999 and was used
primarily  for   construction   by  one  of  the  GPUI  Group's  South  American
subsidiaries. Capital expenditures are forecasted to be $6 million in 2000.


                             FINANCING ARRANGEMENTS

GPU, Inc.
- ---------

     In January 1999, the GPU, Inc. Board of Directors authorized the
repurchase of up to $350 million of GPU, Inc. common stock.  Through December
31, 1999, GPU, Inc. has repurchased 6.4 million shares of common stock at an
average price of $35.25 per share.

     GPU has various credit  facilities in place,  the most significant of which
are discussed below. These credit facilities generally provide GPU bank loans at
negotiable market rates.

     GPU,  Inc.  and the GPU Energy  companies  have  available  $450 million of
short-term borrowing  facilities,  which include a $250 million revolving credit
agreement  and various bank lines of credit.  In  addition,  GPU,  Inc.,  JCP&L,
Met-Ed and Penelec can issue  commercial paper in amounts of up to $100 million,
$150 million,  $75 million and $100 million,  respectively.  From these sources,
GPU, Inc. has regulatory  authority to have $250 million  outstanding at any one
time.  JCP&L,   Met-Ed  and  Penelec  are  limited  by  their  charters  or  SEC
authorization to $265 million, $150 million and $150 million,  respectively,  of
short-term debt outstanding at any one time.

     GPU,  Inc.  has SEC  approval  to  issue  and  sell up to $300  million  of
unsecured  debentures through 2001, the proceeds from which could be utilized to
repay short-term debt or to finance additional investments.  Further significant
investments  by GPU Electric  and/or the GPUI Group,  or otherwise,  may require
GPU, Inc. to issue additional debt and/or common stock.

GPU Energy Companies
- --------------------

     Met-Ed and Penelec have regulatory  approval to issue through  December 31,
2000 senior notes and preferred  securities in aggregate amounts of $150 million
and $275 million,  respectively, of which up to $25 million for each company may
consist of preferred securities.  JCP&L has regulatory approval to issue through
December 31, 2000, senior notes in the aggregate amount of $300 million.  Met-Ed
and JCP&L will be issuing secured senior notes (collateralized by first mortgage
bonds (FMBs) issued to the senior note trustee) until such time as more than 80%
of the outstanding  FMBs are held by the senior note trustee.  At that time, the
FMBs will be cancelled and the  outstanding  senior notes will become  unsecured
obligations. Penelec's senior notes are unsecured.

     Current  plans  call for the GPU Energy  companies  to issue  senior  notes
during  the  next  three  years  to  fund  the  redemption  of  maturing  senior
securities,  refinance  outstanding  senior securities and finance  construction
activities.  Following  the  initial  issuance of senior  notes,  the GPU Energy
companies  would not issue any additional  FMBs other than as collateral for the
senior  notes.  The  senior  note  indentures   prohibit   (subject  to  certain
exceptions) the GPU Energy  companies from issuing any debt,  which is senior to
the senior notes.

     In  August  1999,   JCP&L  filed  a  petition  with  the  NJBPU  requesting
authorization  to issue  transition bonds to securitize the recovery of bondable
stranded costs attributable to the projected net investment in Oyster Creek at


September 1, 2000.  The petition  also requests that the NJBPU Order provide for
the imposition and collection of a usage-based  non-bypassable  transition  bond
charge (TBC) and for the transfer of the bondable  transition  property relating
to the TBC to another entity. JCP&L has amended its petition to include requests
to securitize the up-front  decommissioning and outage payments it has agreed to
make under the Oyster Creek sale agreement.

     The GPU Energy companies' bond indentures include provisions that limit the
amount of FMBs the  companies  may  issue.  The GPU Energy  companies'  interest
coverage  ratios are  currently  in excess of  indenture  restrictions.  JCP&L's
certificate  of  incorporation  includes  provisions  that  limit the  amount of
preferred  stock it may issue.  JCP&L's  preferred  dividend  coverage  ratio is
currently in compliance with the charter restrictions.

     In 1999,  Met-Ed and Penelec  redeemed all of their  outstanding  shares of
cumulative  preferred  stock for $12.5 million and $17.4 million,  respectively.
Also in 1999,  Met-Ed and Penelec  redeemed all of their  outstanding  shares of
Subsidiary-obligated   mandatorily  redeemable  preferred  securities  for  $100
million and $105 million, respectively.

     In 1999,  JCP&L redeemed $30 million  stated value of cumulative  preferred
stock pursuant to mandatory and optional sinking fund provisions.

     In 1999,  Penelec redeemed $600 million of FMBs with proceeds from the sale
of its interest in Homer City and issued $350 million of unsecured senior notes,
the  proceeds  from which were used to redeem or  repurchase  other  outstanding
securities,  reduce short-term borrowings, fund its construction program and for
other corporate purposes.

     In 1999,  Met-Ed and Penelec  each issued $100  million of trust  preferred
securities, at 7.35% and 7.34%, respectively.

     The GPU Energy  companies'  cost of capital and ability to obtain  external
financing  are  affected  by their  security  ratings,  which  are  periodically
reviewed  by the credit  rating  agencies.  The GPU Energy  companies'  FMBs are
currently  rated at an  equivalent  of "A" or higher by the major credit  rating
agencies, while the preferred stock, mandatorily redeemable preferred securities
and trust  preferred  securities  have been  assigned an equivalent of "BBB+" or
higher.  In addition,  the GPU Energy  companies'  commercial  paper is rated as
having high credit quality.

      At December 31, 1999, Met-Ed and Penelec had retained  earnings  available
to pay common stock dividends of $10 million and $49 million,  respectively, net
of  amounts  restricted  under the  companies'  respective  FMB  indentures.  In
addition,  Met-Ed and  Penelec  had  capital  surplus of $400  million  and $285
million, respectively, which would also be available to pay common dividends, to
the extent  authorized by the SEC and as may be permitted under their respective
FMB  indentures.  Met-Ed and  Penelec  have  requested  SEC  approval to utilize
amounts  now  accounted  for as  capital  surplus  to  declare  and  pay  common
dividends,  from time to time through December 31, 2001, so long as their common
equity ratios and GPU, Inc.'s common equity ratio are not less than 30% of total
capitalization.  At  December  31,  1999,  the common  equity  ratios of Met-Ed,
Penelec and GPU, Inc. were 43.7%, 44.4% and 30.2%, respectively.


      Payments for maturing  long-term  debt were $83 million (JCP&L $3 million;
Met-Ed $30 million; Penelec $50 million) in 1999, and are expected to total $101
million  (JCP&L $51  million;  Met-Ed $50  million)  in 2000 and $51 million for
JCP&L in 2001. Management estimates that a substantial portion of the GPU Energy
companies' 2000 capital outlays will be satisfied through  internally  generated

Met-Ed Capital Trust and Penelec Capital Trust
- ----------------------------------------------

      Met-Ed Capital Trust (Met-Ed Trust) was created in May 1999 as a statutory
business trust under the laws of the State of Delaware solely for the purpose of
issuing  trust  preferred   securities   (Trust   Preferred   Securities)   each
representing a 7.35% Cumulative Preferred Security (Met-Ed Partnership Preferred
Securities) of Met-Ed Capital II, L.P. Met-Ed Capital II, L.P. is the sponsor of
Met-Ed  Trust.  As of December  31, 1999,  the assets of Met-Ed Trust  consisted
solely  of  4  million  outstanding  shares  of  Met-Ed  Partnership   Preferred
Securities  with  an  aggregate  stated  liquidation  amount  of  $100  million.
Distributions  were made on the Trust  Preferred  Securities  during 1999 in the
aggregate  amount  of  $3,736,250.  Expenses  of  Met-Ed  Trust  for  1999  were
approximately  $15,000,  all of which were paid by Met-Ed Preferred  Capital II,
Inc.,  the  general  partner of Met-Ed  Capital  II,  L.P.  The Trust  Preferred
Securities are issued in book-entry form only.

      Penelec  Capital  Trust  (Penelec  Trust)  was  created  in June 1999 as a
statutory  business trust under the laws of the State of Delaware solely for the
purpose  of  issuing  Trust  Preferred  Securities  each  representing  a  7.34%
Cumulative  Preferred  Security (Penelec  Partnership  Preferred  Securities) of
Penelec  Capital  II,  L.P.  Penelec  Capital II, L.P. is the sponsor of Penelec
Trust. As of December 31, 1999, the assets of Penelec Trust consisted  solely of
4 million outstanding shares of Penelec Partnership Preferred Securities with an
aggregate stated liquidation amount of $100 million.  Distributions were made on
the  Trust  Preferred   Securities  during  1999  in  the  aggregate  amount  of
$3,364,167.  Expenses of Penelec Trust for 1999 were approximately  $15,000, all
of which were paid by Penelec Preferred Capital II, Inc., the general partner of
Penelec Capital II, L.P. The Trust Preferred Securities are issued in book-entry
form only.

GPU Electric
- ------------

      GPU Capital has a $1 billion 364-day senior revolving credit agreement due
in December 2000 supporting the issuance of commercial  paper for its $1 billion
commercial  paper program  established to fund GPU Electric  acquisitions.  GPU,
Inc. has guaranteed GPU Capital's  obligations  under this program.  At December
31, 1999, $768 million was outstanding  under the commercial  paper program,  of
which $370 million is included in  long-term  debt on the  Consolidated  Balance
Sheets since it is management's  intent to reissue this amount of the commercial
paper on a long-term basis.

      In 1999,  GPU Capital sold $373 million of  commercial  paper to refinance
all its outstanding borrowings related to the 1996 acquisition of a 50% interest
in Midlands.  In addition,  in 1999,  GPU Capital sold $50 million of commercial
paper to partially fund the  acquisition of Cinergy's 50% ownership of Midlands.
The Emdersa and GPU GasNet acquisitions,  in 1999, were also partially funded by
commercial paper sales of $323 million and $180 million, respectively.


      Also in 1999, GPU Capital  borrowed A$750 million  (approximately  US $495
million)  under a senior credit  facility to fund the  acquisition of GPU GasNet
and (pound)245 million (approximately US $382 million) under a term loan to fund
its acquisition of the remaining 50% interest in Midlands.

      GPU Australia  Holdings,  Inc. has $270 million available under its senior
revolving  credit  facility  which expires in November 2002.  This facility,  in
combination with other GPU, Inc. credit facilities, serves as credit support for
GPU Australia  Holdings' $350 million  commercial  paper program.  GPU, Inc. has
guaranteed GPU Australia Holdings' obligations under this program. GPU Australia
Holdings has $182 million  outstanding  under its commercial paper program as of
December 31, 1999. In 1999, GPU Australia  Holdings  refinanced  $350 million of
outstanding long-term debt associated with the GPU PowerNet acquisition.

      Austran Holdings,  Inc. (Austran),  a wholly-owned  indirect subsidiary of
GPU Electric,  has a A$500 million  (approximately  US $328 million)  commercial
paper  program to  refinance  the  maturing  portion of the senior  debt  credit
facility  used to  finance  the  GPU  PowerNet  acquisition.  GPU  PowerNet  has
guaranteed  Austran's  obligations under this program.  As of December 31, 1999,
Austran had  outstanding  approximately  A$420  million  (approximately  US $275
million) under this program.

      In 1999, Austran refinanced A$220 million  (approximately US $142 million)
of GPU PowerNet  acquisition debt with proceeds from an Australian Dollar medium
term note issuance.  In connection with this debt refinancing program, a loss of
A$20.3 million (approximately US $13.3 million) related to certain interest rate
swap positions was reflected in GPU's 1999 earnings. In addition, Austran issued
A$50 million  (approximately  US $32 million) of variable rate and A$120 million
(approximately  US $77  million) of fixed rate  medium  term notes,  proceeds of
which were used to refinance acquisition debt.

      Midlands  maintains a (pound)200  million  (approximately US $323 million)
syndicated  revolving credit facility with a bank for working capital  purposes,
which matures May 2001. At December 31, 1999,  (pound)87 million  (approximately
US $140 million) was outstanding under this facility.

      Payments for maturing  long-term  debt were $453 million in 1999,  and are
expected to total $475 million in 2000 and $1 billion in 2001.  Capital  outlays
for 2000 will be satisfied through both internally  generated funds and external

GPUI Group
- ----------

      GPU  International   has  a  revolving  credit  agreement   providing  for
borrowings  through  December 2000 of up to $30 million  outstanding  at any one
time,  of which up to $15 million may be utilized to provide  letters of credit.
GPU, Inc. has guaranteed GPU  International's  obligations under this agreement.
At December 31, 1999, no borrowings or letters of credit were outstanding  under
this facility.

      Payments for  maturing  long-term  debt were $28 million in 1999,  and are
expected to total $5 million in 2000 and $7 million in 2001. Capital outlays for
2000 will be  satisfied  by means of  internally  generated  funds and  external



      The  GPU  Energy   companies'  FMB  indentures   and/or  charters  contain
provisions  which  limit  the  total  amount of  securities  evidencing  secured
indebtedness  and/or unsecured  indebtedness  which the GPU Energy companies may
issue, the more restrictive of which are discussed below.

      The GPU Energy companies' FMB indentures require that, for a period of any
twelve  consecutive  months  out  of the  fifteen  calendar  months  immediately
preceding the issuance of additional  FMBs,  net earnings  (before income taxes,
with other income  limited to 5% of  operating  income  before  income taxes for
JCP&L and Met-Ed and 10% for Penelec)  available for interest on FMBs shall have
been  at  least  twice  the  annual  interest  requirements  on all  FMBs  to be
outstanding immediately after such issuance. They also restrict the ratio of the
principal  amount of FMBs which may be issued to not more than 60% of  available
bondable  value of property  additions,  but in  general,  permit the GPU Energy
companies to issue additional FMBs against a like principal amount of previously
issued and retired FMBs.

      Penelec issued $350 million of senior notes in 1999. It does not intend to
issue any additional FMBs under its Mortgage and Deed of Trust.

      At December 31, 1999, net earnings requirements would have permitted JCP&L
and Met-Ed to issue  $1.3  billion  and $879  million,  respectively,  principal
amount of additional  FMBs at an assumed 8% interest  rate.  However,  JCP&L had
bondable  value of  property  additions  sufficient  to permit it to issue  only
approximately $370 million principal amount of additional FMBs, as well as issue
approximately  $361 million of FMBs  against  retired  FMBs.  Met-Ed could issue
approximately $121 million of FMBs against retired FMBs.

      In general,  the FMB indentures  permit the GPU Energy companies to direct
the trustee to utilize  cash on deposit to purchase  callable or maturing  bonds
and to  purchase  bonds in the  market at not more than 105% of their  principal
amount, plus accrued interest.

      Among  other  restrictions,  JCP&L's  charter  provides  that  without the
consent of the holders of  two-thirds of the  outstanding  preferred  stock,  no
additional  shares of preferred stock may be issued unless,  for a period of any
twelve  consecutive  months  out  of the  fifteen  calendar  months  immediately
preceding such issuance, the after-tax net earnings available for the payment of
interest on  indebtedness  shall have been at least one and  one-half  times the
aggregate of (a) the annual interest  charges on indebtedness and (b) the annual
dividend  requirements  on all  shares  of  preferred  stock  to be  outstanding
immediately  after such issuance.  At December 31, 1999,  these provisions would
have permitted JCP&L to issue $950 million stated value of cumulative  preferred
stock at an assumed 8.5% dividend rate.

      JCP&L's charter also provides that,  without the consent of the holders of
a majority of the total voting  power of JCP&L's  outstanding  preferred  stock,
JCP&L may not issue or assume any securities  representing  short-term unsecured
indebtedness,  except to refund certain outstanding  unsecured securities issued
or assumed by JCP&L or to redeem all outstanding preferred stock, if immediately
thereafter  the  total  principal  amount  of  all  outstanding  unsecured  debt
securities having an initial maturity of less than ten years


(or  within  three  years of  maturity  for all  unsecured  indebtedness  having
original maturities in excess of ten years) would exceed 10% of the aggregate of
(a) the total principal amount of all outstanding secured indebtedness issued or
assumed by JCP&L and (b) the capital and surplus of JCP&L. At December 31, 1999,
these restrictions would have permitted JCP&L to have approximately $265 million
of unsecured indebtedness outstanding.

      JCP&L has obtained  authorization  from the SEC to incur  short-term  debt
(including  indebtedness  under the revolving  credit  agreement and  commercial
paper program) up to its charter limitation.

      In  February  1999,  Met-Ed  and  Penelec  redeemed  all their  cumulative
preferred  stock.  As a result,  their charters no longer restrict the amount of
preferred stock or unsecured indebtedness they may have outstanding.  Met-Ed and
Penelec are each limited by SEC authorization to $150 million of short-term debt
outstanding at any one time.


      As a registered holding company, GPU, Inc. is subject to regulation by the
SEC under the 1935 Act.  GPU is also  subject to  regulation  under the 1935 Act
with respect to accounting, the issuance of securities, the acquisition and sale
of  utility  assets,  securities  or any other  interest  in any  business,  the
entering into, and performance of, service,  sales and  construction  contracts,
and certain other matters.  The SEC has determined that the electric  facilities
of the GPU Energy companies constitute a single integrated public utility system
under the  standards  of the 1935 Act.  The 1935 Act also  limits  the extent to
which GPU may engage in  nonutility  businesses  or acquire  additional  utility
businesses.  Each of the GPU  Energy  companies'  retail  rates,  conditions  of
service,  issuance of securities  and other matters are subject to regulation in
the  state  in  which  each  operates  - in  New  Jersey  by  the  NJBPU  and in
Pennsylvania  by the  PaPUC.  Additionally,  Penelec,  as lessee,  operates  the
facilities serving the village of Waverly,  New York. Penelec's retail rates for
New York customers,  as well as Penelec's New York operations and property,  are
subject to regulation by the New York Public Service Commission. With respect to
wholesale  rates,  the   transmission  of  electric  energy,   accounting,   the
construction  and  maintenance  of  hydroelectric  projects  and  certain  other
matters,  the GPU Energy  companies  are subject to regulation by the FERC under
the Federal  Power Act. The NRC regulates the ownership and operation of nuclear
generating  stations and other  related  matters.  See Electric  Generation  and
Environmental Matters for additional information.

      Midlands'   distribution   operations  are  regulated   under  its  Public
Electricity Supply License (PES License).  Accordingly,  income generated by the
distribution  business  is subject to a price cap  regulatory  framework,  which
provides for an allowed  increase in revenue based on increases in the volume of
electricity distributed.  Under its PES License,  Midlands provides distribution
services to virtually all  electricity  customers in its franchise  area and, in
addition, is obliged to offer electricity supply services to these customers. In
June 1999,  Midlands  sold its supply  business to National  Power and  National
Power  assumed  Midlands'  supply  obligation  under the PES License.  An agency
agreement  with  National  Power  serves as a  backstop  for the  supply  tariff
Midlands is allowed to charge its  customers,  since  National Power has assumed
any risks of the costs of supplying power exceeding the tariff rates.


      Midlands'  distribution  rates are determined in accordance with a formula
set by the Director  General of Electricity  Supply (DGES),  which is ordinarily
reviewed  every five  years.  The  outcome of the most  recent  review will take
effect in April 2000.

      GPU  PowerNet  is  presently  regulated  by the  Victorian  Office  of the
Regulator-General  according to an incentive-based  regulatory mechanism for the
period which subjects revenues for prescribed services to a cap. The revenue cap
changes annually in accordance with the consumer price index, less a so called X
factor set by the  regulator  (CPI-X).  Effective  January  1, 2001,  regulatory
responsibility  will be transferred to the Australian  Competition  and Consumer
Commission  (ACCC).  A revenue reset is scheduled to occur in 2002,  with effect
from January 1, 2003.

      GPU  GasNet is  presently  regulated  by the ACCC  according  to a similar
incentive-based  regulatory mechanism.  GPU GasNet's tariff order establishes an
initial tariff and a CPI-X formula,  which adjusts that tariff annually  through
December 31, 2002. The next regulatory review is scheduled for 2002, and will be
effective for five years commencing January 1, 2003.

      Edesa,  Edelar and Edesal operate under a specific  tariff  structure that
may be revised by the provincial  regulators every five years in accordance with
the Regulatory Framework Law. In general,  tariffs for electricity  distribution
in  Argentina  are set in  accordance  with a model that takes four factors into
consideration: 1) the pass-through cost of electricity purchased, 2) the cost of
electricity  losses,  3) distribution  cost and 4) quality of service.  The rate
structure  allows  distribution  companies to retain the benefit of  operational
efficiencies they are able to achieve until tariffs are reset.

      Empresa  Guaracachi S.A., the GPUI Group's electric  generation company in
Bolivia,  is subject to regulation under the Electricity Law of 1994. Twice each
year, the  Superintendency  of Electricity  recalculates the prices that Empresa
Guaracachi S.A. and other electric generators may charge for capacity based upon
an estimated cost of  constructing a new  generating  unit. In addition,  energy
prices are recalculated semi-annually based upon a projected cost of generation,
including fuel and nonfuel variable operation and maintenance costs.

                               NUCLEAR FACILITIES

      In  December  1999,  the GPU Energy  companies  sold TMI-1 to AmerGen  for
approximately  $100  million  and  AmerGen  assumed  all  TMI-1  decommissioning
liabilities.  In addition,  JCP&L has agreed to sell Oyster Creek to AmerGen for
$10 million and reimbursement of the cost (estimated at $88 million) of the next
refueling outage.  Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2),  which was damaged during a
1979 accident,  is jointly owned by JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec in the percentages
of 25%, 50% and 25%,  respectively.  JCP&L's net investment,  including  nuclear
fuel,  in  Oyster  Creek  in 1999 and 1998  was $10  million  and $682  million,
respectively.  The 1999  reduction in net  investment  reflects  the  impairment
write-down resulting from the proposed sale of the facility to AmerGen.  JCP&L's
net  investment  in TMI-2 at December  31, 1999 and 1998 was $61 million and $66
million, respectively. JCP&L is collecting revenues for


TMI-2 on a basis which provides for the recovery of its remaining  investment in
the plant by 2008.  Met-Ed and  Penelec's  remaining  investments  in TMI-2 were
written off in 1998 after receiving the PaPUC's Restructuring Orders.

Oyster Creek
- ------------

      The operating license for the Oyster Creek station, a 619 MW boiling water
reactor,  expires in 2009. In October 1999, JCP&L agreed to sell Oyster Creek to
AmerGen.  The sale is  subject  to the  receipt  of  various  federal  and state
regulatory  approvals.  Highlights  of  the  agreements  are  presented  in  the
Competitive  Environment and Rate Matters section of Management's Discussion and
Analysis.  For 1999, Oyster Creek operated at a 97% unit capability  factor. Its
next refueling outage is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2000.

- -----

      As a result of the 1979 TMI-2  accident,  individual  claims  for  alleged
personal injury (including claims for punitive  damages),  which are material in
amount,   were  asserted  against  GPU,  Inc.  and  the  GPU  Energy  companies.
Approximately  2,100 of such claims were filed in the US District  Court for the
Middle  District  of  Pennsylvania.  Some of the claims also seek  recovery  for
injuries from alleged emissions of radioactivity before and after the accident.

      At the time of the TMI-2 accident,  as provided for in the  Price-Anderson
Act, the GPU Energy companies had (a) primary  financial  protection in the form
of insurance policies with groups of insurance  companies providing an aggregate
of $140 million of primary coverage,  (b) secondary financial  protection in the
form of private liability insurance under an industry  retrospective rating plan
providing  for up to an aggregate of $335 million in premium  charges under such
plan,  and (c) an  indemnity  agreement  with  the  NRC  for up to $85  million,
bringing  their total  financial  protection up to an aggregate of $560 million.
Under  the  secondary   level,  the  GPU  Energy  companies  are  subject  to  a
retrospective  premium charge of up to $5 million per reactor, or a total of $15

      In 1995,  the US Court of  Appeals  for the Third  Circuit  ruled that the
Price-Anderson  Act provides coverage under its primary and secondary levels for
punitive as well as compensatory damages, but that punitive damages could not be
recovered  against the  Federal  Government  under the third level of  financial
protection. In so doing, the Court of Appeals referred to the "finite fund" (the
$560  million of financial  protection  under the  Price-Anderson  Act) to which
plaintiffs must resort to get compensatory as well as punitive damages.

      The Court of  Appeals  also ruled  that the  standard  of care owed by the
defendants  to a plaintiff  was  determined  by the specific  level of radiation
which was  released  into the  environment,  as measured  at the site  boundary,
rather than as measured at the specific  site where the plaintiff was located at
the time of the accident (as the defendants proposed). The Court of Appeals also
held that each plaintiff still must demonstrate  exposure to radiation  released
during the TMI-2  accident and that such  exposure had resulted in injuries.  In
1996,  the US Supreme  Court  denied  petitions  filed by GPU,  Inc. and the GPU
Energy companies to review the Court of Appeals' rulings.


      In 1996, the District Court granted a motion for summary judgment filed by
GPU,  Inc. and the GPU Energy  companies,  and  dismissed  the ten initial "test
cases,"  which had been  selected  for a test  case  trial as well as all of the
remaining 2,100 pending claims. The Court ruled that there was no evidence which
created a genuine issue of material fact  warranting  submission of  plaintiffs'
claims to a jury.  The  plaintiffs  appealed the District  Court's ruling to the
Court of Appeals for the Third  Circuit.  In November  1999,  the Third  Circuit
affirmed the District  Court's  dismissal of the ten "test cases," but set aside
the dismissal of the additional  pending claims,  remanding them to the District
Court for further proceedings. In remanding these claims, the Third Circuit held
that the District Court had erred in extending its summary judgment  decision to
the other  plaintiffs  and imposing on these  plaintiffs  the  District  Court's
finding that radiation exposures below 10 rems were too speculative to establish
a causal  link to cancer.  The Court of Appeals  stated that the  non-test  case
plaintiffs  should be permitted to present  their own  individual  evidence that
exposure to radiation from the accident caused their cancers.

      GPU, Inc. and the GPU Energy companies  believe that the Third Circuit has
misinterpreted  the  record  before  the  District  Court as it  applies  to the
non-test  case  plaintiffs,  and in November  1999,  filed  petitions  seeking a
rehearing and  reconsideration  of the Court's decision  regarding the remaining
claims.  The "test case"  plaintiffs  also  requested a rehearing of the Court's
decision  upholding the dismissal of their claims. In January 2000, the Court of
Appeals denied both petitions.  The "test case" plaintiffs have stated that they
intend to seek,  and GPU,  Inc.  and the GPU Energy  companies  are  considering
whether to seek,  Supreme Court review of the District Court's  decision.  There
can be no assurance as to the outcome of this litigation.

      GPU, Inc. and the GPU Energy companies believe that any liability to which
they  might be  subject by reason of the TMI-2  accident  will not exceed  their
financial protection under the Price-Anderson Act.

                         NUCLEAR PLANT RETIREMENT COSTS

      Retirement   costs  for  nuclear   plants  include   decommissioning   the
radiological  portions of the plants and the cost of removal of  nonradiological
structures  and  materials.  The  disposal  of  spent  nuclear  fuel is  covered
separately by contracts with the US Department of Energy (DOE).

      In 1995, a consultant to GPUN performed site-specific studies of TMI-2 and
Oyster Creek (updated in 1998), that considered various  decommissioning methods
and estimated the cost of decommissioning the radiological portions and the cost
of removal  of the  nonradiological  portions  of each  plant,  using the prompt
removal/dismantlement  method.  GPUN management has reviewed the methodology and
assumptions  used in these studies,  is in agreement with them, and believes the
results are reasonable. Under NRC regulations, JCP&L is making periodic payments
to  complete  the funding for Oyster  Creek  retirement  costs by the end of the
plant's  license  term of  2009.  The  TMI-2  funding  completion  date is 2014,
consistent with TMI-2's remaining in long-term  storage.  The NRC may require an
acceleration of the decommissioning funding for Oyster Creek if the pending sale
is not completed and the plant is retired early.  The retirement  cost estimates
under the 1995  site-specific  studies,  assuming  decommissioning  of TMI-2 and
Oyster Creek in 2014 and 2009, respectively, are as follows (in 1999 dollars):


                                             (in millions)
GPU                                       TMI-2           Creek
- ---                                       -----           -----

Radiological decommissioning              $435             $591
Nonradiological cost of removal             34*              32
                                           ---              ---
   Total                                  $469             $623
                                           ===              ===

* Net of $12.6 million spent as of December 31, 1999.

Each  of the GPU  Energy  companies  is  responsible  for  retirement  costs  in
proportion to its respective ownership percentage. The ultimate cost of retiring
the GPU Energy  companies'  nuclear  facilities  may be different  from the cost
estimates  contained in these  site-specific  studies.  Also, the cost estimates
contained  in these  site-specific  studies are  significantly  greater than the
decommissioning funding targets established by the NRC.

      The 1995 Oyster Creek  site-specific study was updated in 1998 in response
to the  previously  announced  potential  early closure of the plant in 2000. An
early shutdown  would increase the retirement  costs shown above to $632 million
($600   million   for   radiological   decommissioning   and  $32   million  for
nonradiological  cost of removal).  Both estimates include substantial  spending
for an on-site dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel and significant costs
for storing the fuel until the DOE complies with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of
1982.  For  additional  information,  see OTHER  COMMITMENTS  AND  CONTINGENCIES
section of Note 12, Commitments and Contingencies,  of the Combined Notes to the
Consolidated Financial Statements.

      The  agreements  to sell  Oyster  Creek to AmerGen  provide,  among  other
things,  that upon  financial  closing,  JCP&L  will  transfer  $430  million in
decommissioning  trust funds to AmerGen,  which will  assume all  liability  for
decommissioning Oyster Creek.

      The NJBPU has granted  JCP&L annual  revenues for Oyster Creek  retirement
costs of $22.5 million based on the 1995  site-specific  study.  In August 2000,
the  recovery  of Oyster  Creek  retirement  costs  escalates  to $34.4  million
annually if the plant is retired in 2000.

      In the event JCP&L does not  complete  the pending  sale of Oyster  Creek,
management  believes that any  retirement  costs,  in excess of those  currently
recognized for ratemaking purposes, should be recoverable from customers.

      The estimated  liabilities for TMI-2 future retirement costs (reflected as
Three Mile Island Unit 2 future costs on the Consolidated  Balance Sheets) as of
December 31, 1999 and 1998 are $497  million  (JCP&L $124  million;  Met-Ed $249
million; Penelec $124 million) and $484 million (JCP&L $121 million; Met-Ed $242
million; Penelec $121 million),  respectively.  These amounts are based upon the
1995  site-specific  study  estimates (in 1999 and 1998  dollars,  respectively)
discussed  above and an estimate for  remaining  incremental  monitored  storage
costs of $27 million (JCP&L $7 million; Met-Ed $13 million;  Penelec $7 million)
for 1999 and $29  million  (JCP&L $7  million;  Met-Ed $15  million;  Penelec $7
million) for 1998, as a result of TMI-2's entering  long-term  monitored storage
in 1993.


      Offsetting the $497 million liability at December 31, 1999 is $193 million
(JCP&L $14 million;  Met-Ed $144 million;  Penelec $35 million) which management
believes is  probable of recovery  from  customers  and  included in  Regulatory
assets,  net on the  Consolidated  Balance Sheets,  and $355 million (JCP&L $114
million; Met-Ed $144 million;  Penelec $97 million) in trust funds for TMI-2 and
is included in Nuclear  decommissioning  trusts,  at market on the  Consolidated
Balance Sheets.

      The NJBPU has granted JCP&L revenues for TMI-2  retirement  costs based on
the 1995 site-specific  estimates. In addition, JCP&L is recovering its share of
TMI-2  incremental  monitored  storage  costs.  The PaPUC  Restructuring  Orders
granted Met-Ed and Penelec  recovery of TMI-2  decommissioning  costs as part of
the competitive  transition charge (CTC), but also allowed Met-Ed and Penelec to
defer as a regulatory  asset those amounts that are above the level provided for
in the CTC.

      At December 31, 1999, the  accident-related  portion of TMI-2 radiological
decommissioning costs is considered to be $77 million (JCP&L $19 million; Met-Ed
$39  million;  Penelec $19  million),  which is based on the 1995  site-specific
study estimates (in 1999 dollars).

      JCP&L  intends to seek  recovery  for any  increases  in TMI-2  retirement
costs,  and Met-Ed and Penelec  intend to seek recovery for any increases in the
nonaccident-related portion of such costs, but recognize that recovery cannot be


      GPU  has  insurance  (subject  to  retentions  and  deductibles)  for  its
operations and facilities  including coverage for property damage,  liability to
employees  and  third  parties,   and  loss  of  use  and  occupancy  (primarily
incremental  replacement  power  costs).  There  is no  assurance  that GPU will
maintain all existing  insurance  coverages.  Losses or liabilities that are not
completely  insured,  unless allowed to be recovered through  ratemaking,  could
have a material adverse effect on the financial position of GPU.

      The  decontamination  liability,  premature  decommissioning  and property
damage  insurance  coverage for Oyster Creek totals $2.75 billion.  In addition,
GPU has  purchased  property and  decontamination  insurance  coverage for TMI-2
totaling  $150 million.  In accordance  with NRC  regulations,  these  insurance
policies  generally require that proceeds first be used for stabilization of the
reactors and then to pay for  decontamination  and debris removal expenses.  Any
remaining  amounts  available under the policies may then be used for repair and
restoration  costs  and  decommissioning  costs.  Consequently,  there can be no
assurance that in the event of a nuclear  incident,  property  damage  insurance
proceeds would be available for the repair and restoration of that station.

      The  Price-Anderson  Act limits  GPU's  liability  to third  parties for a
nuclear incident at Oyster Creek to approximately $9.5 billion. Coverage for the
first $200  million of such  liability  is  provided by private  insurance.  The
remaining  coverage,   or  secondary  financial   protection,   is  provided  by
retrospective  premiums  payable by all nuclear reactor owners.  Under secondary
financial  protection,  a nuclear incident at any licensed nuclear power reactor
in the country, including Oyster Creek, could result in an assessment of up to


$88 million per incident,  subject to an annual  maximum  payment of $10 million
per incident per reactor.  Although  TMI-2 is exempt from this  assessment,  the
plant is still covered by the provisions of the Price-Anderson  Act. In addition
to the  retrospective  premiums  payable under the  Price-Anderson  Act, the GPU
Energy companies are also subject to retrospective  premium assessments of up to
$10.5 million for insurance  policies  currently in effect applicable to nuclear
operations and  facilities.  The GPU Energy  companies are also subject to other
retrospective  premium assessments related to policies applicable to TMI-1 prior
to the sale of the plant to AmerGen.

      JCP&L has  insurance  coverage  for  incremental  replacement  power costs
should an accident-related outage at Oyster Creek occur. Coverage would commence
after a 12-week waiting period at $2.1 million per week for 52 weeks, decreasing
to 80% of such amount for the next 110 weeks.


      Approximately  47% (JCP&L 59%; Met-Ed 33%;  Penelec 53%) of the GPU Energy
companies' total energy requirements in 1999 were supplied by utility contracts,
NUG  purchases,  and  interchange.  The balance was provided by GPU Energy owned
generation.   Substantially  all  of  the  GPU  Energy  companies'  2000  energy
requirements will be supplied by external sources.

      In 1999,  the GPU  Energy  companies  completed  the  sales  of TMI-1  and
substantially all of their fossil and  hydroelectric  generating  stations.  For
additional   information,   see  Note  6,  Accounting  for   Extraordinary   and
Non-Recurring Items in the Combined Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

      Nuclear fuel disposal:  In accordance with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of
1982 (NWPA), the GPU Energy companies have entered into contracts with, and have
been paying fees to, the DOE for the future  disposal of spent nuclear fuel in a
repository or interim  storage  facility.  AmerGen has assumed all liability for
disposal costs related to spent fuel  generated  after its purchase of TMI-1 and
has agreed to assume this  liability for Oyster Creek  following its purchase of
that  plant.  In 1996,  the DOE  notified  the GPU  Energy  companies  and other
standard  contract  holders that it would be unable to begin acceptance of spent
nuclear fuel for disposal by 1998, as mandated by the NWPA. The DOE's  inability
to accept spent  nuclear fuel could have a material  impact on GPU's  results of
operations,  as additional  costs may be incurred to build and maintain  interim
on-site  storage  at Oyster  Creek.  In June  1997,  a  consortium  of  electric
utilities,  including  GPUN,  filed a license  application  with the NRC seeking
permission to build an interim storage  facility for spent nuclear fuel in Utah.
The NRC is not expected to make a decision whether to approve construction of an
interim  storage  facility until late 2001.  There can be no assurance as to the
outcome of these matters.

Environmental Matters
- ---------------------

      GPU is subject to a broad range of federal,  state and local environmental
and employee health and safety legislation and regulations. In addition, the GPU
Energy companies are subject to licensing of hydroelectric  projects by the FERC
and of nuclear power  projects by the NRC.  Such  licensing and other actions by
federal  agencies with respect to GPU's domestic  operations are also subject to
the National Environmental Policy Act.


      As a result of existing  and proposed  legislation  and  regulations,  and
ongoing legal proceedings dealing with environmental matters,  including but not
limited to acid rain,  water  quality,  ambient  air  quality,  global  warming,
electromagnetic  fields,  and storage and  disposal of  hazardous  and/or  toxic
wastes,  GPU may be required to incur substantial  additional costs to construct
new equipment,  modify or replace  existing and proposed  equipment,  remediate,
decommission  or cleanup  waste  disposal and other sites  currently or formerly
used by it, including  formerly owned  manufactured gas plants (MGP),  coal mine
refuse piles and generation facilities.

      GPU records  liabilities (on an  undiscounted  basis) where it is probable
that a loss has  been  incurred  and the  amount  of the loss can be  reasonably
estimated,  and adjusts  these  liabilities  as  required to reflect  changes in
circumstances. At December 31, 1999, GPU has liabilities recorded on its balance
sheets for environmental matters, as follows:

      Company                    Amount (in millions)
      -------                    --------------------
      JCP&L                          $56.2
      Met-Ed                           0.7
      Penelec                          8.3
      GPUN                             0.5
      GPU, Inc.                        3.5
         Total                       $69.2

      Under the  agreements  entered  into for the  purchase  of the GPU  Energy
companies' generating facilities,  the buyers, in general, have agreed to assume
all  on-site  environmental  liabilities  other  than  up to $6  million  of the
remediation  costs  associated with  contaminants  from certain coal mine refuse
piles at the Seward  Station,  which  liability  Penelec has  retained.  Penelec
expects  recovery of these  remediation  costs in Phase II of its  restructuring
proceeding  and has recorded a  corresponding  regulatory  asset at December 31,

      Nuclear:  Reference is made to the NUCLEAR FACILITIES section for
information  regarding  the TMI-2  accident,  its  aftermath  and the GPU Energy
companies' other nuclear facilities.

      The GPU Energy  companies  have provided for future  contributions  to the
Decontamination and  Decommissioning  Fund for the cleanup of uranium enrichment
plants operated by the Federal Government. GPU's total liability at December 31,
1999 amounted to $25 million (JCP&L $15 million;  Met-Ed $7 million;  Penelec $3
million).  JCP&L is recovering  these costs from  customers  through its BGS and
market transition charge rates while Met-Ed and Penelec  anticipate  recovery in
Phase II of their restructuring proceedings which began in early 2000.

      Air: With respect to air quality,  the GPU-owned  generating  stations are
subject to certain state environmental  regulations of the New Jersey Department
of  Environmental   Protection  (NJDEP)  and  the  Pennsylvania   Department  of
Environmental  Protection  (PaDEP).  The  stations  are also  subject to certain
federal environmental  regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
One of the major sets of  regulations  that  governs  air quality is the Federal
Clean Air Act of 1970.


      Electromagnetic  Fields  (EMF):  There  have  been  a  number  of  studies
regarding  the  possibility  of adverse  health  effects from electric and power
frequency magnetic fields that are found everywhere there is electricity.  While
some of the studies have indicated some association between exposure to magnetic
fields and cancer, other studies have indicated no such association. The studies
have not shown any causal  relationship  between exposure to magnetic fields and
cancer,  or any other adverse health  effects.  In 1996,  the National  Research
Council of the National  Academy of Sciences  released a report which  concluded
that, "Based on a comprehensive  evaluation of published studies relating to the
effects of  power-frequency  electric and magnetic fields on cells,  tissues and
organisms  (including  humans),  ... the current body of evidence  does not show
that exposure to these fields presents a human-health hazard.  Specifically,  no
conclusive and consistent  evidence shows that exposure to residential  electric
and  magnetic  fields  produce  cancer,  adverse  neurobehavioral   effects,  or
reproductive and developmental  effects." In June 1999, the National  Institutes
of  Environmental  Health  Sciences  issued a report on the health  effects from
exposure to power-line  electric and magnetic fields.  The report notes that EMF
exposure would not be included as an agent "reasonably anticipated to be a human
carcinogen",  but  recommends  that  inexpensive  and safe  reductions  in field
exposure  levels should be  encouraged,  until stronger  evidence  provides that
there is no link between exposures and health effects.

      Certain parties have alleged that exposure to electric and magnetic fields
associated with the operation of transmission and  distribution  facilities will
produce adverse impacts upon public health and safety and upon property  values.
Furthermore,  regulatory actions under consideration by the New Jersey Committee
on Radiation  Protection,  could, if enacted,  establish a framework under which
the intensity of the fields produced by electric  transmission  and distribution
lines would be limited or otherwise regulated.

      The GPU Energy  companies  cannot  determine at this time what effect,  if
any,  this  matter  will  have on their  results  of  operations  and  financial

      Hazardous/Toxic Wastes: Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the
EPA has  adopted  certain  regulations  governing  the  use,  storage,  testing,
inspection  and disposal of electrical  equipment  that contain  polychlorinated
biphenyls  (PCBs).  Such  regulations  permit the continued use and servicing of
certain  electrical  equipment  (including  transformers  and  capacitors)  that
contain PCBs.  GPU has met all  requirements  of the TSCA to allow the continued
use of equipment containing PCBs and has taken substantive  voluntary actions to
reduce the amount of PCB-containing electrical equipment.

    Prior to 1953, the GPU Energy  companies owned and operated MGP sites in New
Jersey and Pennsylvania.  Waste contamination  associated with the operation and
dismantlement  of these  MGP  sites  is, or may be,  present  both  on-site  and
off-site.  Claims have been  asserted  against the GPU Energy  companies for the
cost of  investigation  and  remediation  of these  sites.  The  amount  of such
remediation  costs and  penalties may be  significant  and may not be covered by
insurance.   JCP&L  has  entered  into   agreements   with  the  NJDEP  for  the
investigation  and  remediation of 17 formerly  owned MGP sites.  JCP&L has also
entered into various cost-sharing agreements with other utilities for


most of the sites. As of December 31, 1999,  JCP&L has spent  approximately  $36
million in connection  with the cleanup of these sites.  In addition,  JCP&L has
recorded  an  estimated  environmental  liability  of $52  million  relating  to
expected  future  costs of these sites (as well as two other  properties).  This
estimated  liability is based upon ongoing site  investigations  and remediation
efforts,  which generally involve capping the sites and pumping and treatment of
ground water.  Moreover, the cost to clean up these sites could be materially in
excess of the $52 million due to significant uncertainties, including changes in
acceptable remediation methods and technologies.  In addition, federal and state
law provides for payment by responsible parties for damage to natural resources.

    In 1997,  the NJBPU  approved  JCP&L's  request to  establish a  Remediation
Adjustment Clause for the recovery of MGP remediation  costs. As a result of the
NJBPU's Summary Order, effective August 1, 1999, the recovery of these costs was
transferred to the Societal  Benefits  Charge.  At December 31, 1999,  JCP&L had
recorded on its  Consolidated  Balance Sheet a regulatory  asset of $44 million.
JCP&L is continuing  to pursue  reimbursement  from its  insurance  carriers for
remediation  costs already spent and for future  estimated costs. In 1994, JCP&L
filed a complaint with the Superior  Court of New Jersey against  several of its
insurance  carriers,  relative to these MGP sites,  and has settled with all but
one of those insurance companies.

    In 1997,  the EPA filed a  complaint  against  GPU,  Inc. in the US District
Court for the  District of Delaware  for  enforcement  of its  Unilateral  Order
(Order)  issued against GPU, Inc. to clean up the former Dover Gas Light Company
(Dover)  manufactured gas production site (Site) in Dover,  Delaware.  Dover was
part of the  AGECO/AGECORP  group of companies  from 1929 until 1942;  GPU, Inc.
emerged  from the  AGECO/AGECORP  reorganization  proceedings  in  1946.  All of
Dover's  common stock,  which was sold in 1942 to an  unaffiliated  entity,  was
subsequently  acquired by Chesapeake Utilities Corporation  (Chesapeake),  which
merged with Dover in 1960. Chesapeake is currently performing the cleanup at the
Site.  According to the  complaint,  the EPA is seeking (1)  enforcement  of the
Order  against GPU; (2) recovery of its past response  costs,  (3) a declaratory
judgment that GPU is liable for any remaining  cleanup costs of the Site and (4)
statutory penalties for noncompliance with the Order. The EPA has stated that it
has incurred  approximately $1 million of past response costs as of December 31,
1999.  The EPA  estimates  the total Site cleanup  costs at  approximately  $4.2
million.  Consultants  to Chesapeake  have  estimated the remaining  remediation
groundwater costs at approximately $10.5 million. In accordance with its penalty
policy, and in discussions with GPU, the EPA has demanded  penalties  calculated
at a daily rate of $8,800, rather than the statutory maximum of $27,500 per day.
At December 31, 1999, if the statutory  maximum is applied,  the total amount of
penalties  would  be  approximately  $34  million.  GPU  believes  that  it  has
meritorious  defenses to the  imposition of  penalties,  or that if a penalty is
assessed, it should be at a lower daily rate. Chesapeake has also sued GPU, Inc.
for  contribution  to the cleanup of the Dover Site. The United States  District
Court for the District of Delaware has consolidated the case filed by Chesapeake
with the case  filed by the EPA and  discovery  is  proceeding.  There can be no
assurance as to the outcome of these proceedings.

      The Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980


(CERCLA) and the Superfund  Amendment and  Reauthorization Act of 1986 authorize
the EPA to issue orders compelling responsible parties to take cleanup action at
any location that is determined to present an imminent and substantial danger to
the public or to the environment  because of an actual or threatened  release of
one or more  hazardous  substances.  Pennsylvania  and New Jersey  have  enacted
legislation  giving similar authority to the PaDEP and the NJDEP,  respectively.
In addition,  federal and state law provides for payment by responsible  parties
for  damage to  natural  resources.  Because  of the  nature  of the GPU  Energy
companies'  business,  various  by-products  and substances are produced  and/or
handled that are  classified as hazardous  under one or more of these  statutes.
GPU  generally  provides  for  the  treatment,  disposal  or  recycling  of such
substances  through  licensed  independent  contractors,   but  these  statutory
provisions also impose potential responsibility for certain cleanup costs on the
generators of the wastes.  GPU has been  formally  notified by the EPA and state
environmental  authorities that it is among the potentially  responsible parties
(PRPs) who may be jointly and severally  liable to pay for the costs  associated
with the  investigation and remediation at hazardous and/or toxic waste sites in
the following number of instances (in some cases, more than one company is named
for a given site):

                  JCP&L   MET-ED   PENELEC   GPUN     GPU, INC.   TOTAL
                  -----   ------   -------   ----     ---------   -----

                    6       4         2        1          1        11

      In  addition,  certain  of  the  GPU  companies  have  been  requested  to
participate  in the  remediation  or  supply  information  to the EPA and  state
environmental  authorities  on several  other sites for which they have not been
formally named as PRPs,  although the EPA and state authorities may nevertheless
consider  them as PRPs.  Certain  of the GPU  companies  have also been named in
lawsuits  requesting damages (which are material in amount) for hazardous and/or
toxic substances  allegedly  released into the  environment.  As of December 31,
1999, a liability of approximately $6 million was recorded for 9 PRP sites where
it is probable  that a loss has been incurred and the amount could be reasonably

      The ultimate cost of  remediation of all these and other  hazardous  waste
sites will depend upon changing  circumstances as site investigations  continue,
including  (a) the  existing  technology  required  for  site  cleanup,  (b) the
remedial  action  plan chosen and (c) the extent of site  contamination  and the
portion attributed to the GPU company involved.

                           FRANCHISES AND CONCESSIONS

      JCP&L  operates  pursuant to franchises in the territory  served by it and
has the right to occupy  and use the public  streets  and ways of the state with
its poles,  wires and  equipment  upon  obtaining  the consent in writing of the
owners of the soil, and also to occupy the public  streets and ways  underground
with its  conduits,  cables and  equipment,  where  necessary,  for its electric
operation.  JCP&L has the  requisite  legal  franchise  for the operation of its
electric  business  within the State of New Jersey,  including  in  incorporated
cities and towns where  designations of new streets,  public ways,  etc., may be
obtained upon  application  to such  municipalities.  JCP&L holds a FERC license
expiring in 2013  authorizing it to operate and maintain the Yards Creek Station
in which JCP&L has a 50% ownership interest.


      Met-Ed and Penelec have the necessary franchise rights to furnish electric
service in the various  respective  municipalities  or territories in which each
company now supplies such services.  These electric franchise rights,  which are
generally  nonexclusive rights,  consist generally of (a) charter rights and (b)
certificates  of public  convenience  issued by the  PaPUC  and/or  "grandfather
rights".  Such  electric  franchise  rights  are  free  from  unduly  burdensome
restrictions  and unlimited as to time,  except in a few relatively  minor cases
and except as otherwise  described below. The secondary franchise granted by the
Borough of Boyertown to Met-Ed  contains a provision that the Borough shall have
the  right at any time to  purchase  the  electric  system in the  Borough  at a
valuation to be fixed by  appraisers.  Met-Ed  holds a FERC license  expiring in
2014 for the continued operation and maintenance of the York Haven hydroelectric

                               EMPLOYEE RELATIONS

     GPU, Inc. and consolidated  affiliates have approximately  10,800 employees
worldwide,  of which 6,100 are  employed in the US and 3,700 are employed in the
United  Kingdom.  The majority of the US workforce is employed by the GPU Energy
companies, of which approximately 4,000 are represented by unions for collective
bargaining  purposes.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  approximately  2,800  Midlands
employees  are  represented  by  unions;  terms and  conditions  of the  various
bargaining  agreements are generally reviewed  annually,  on the first of April.
Approximately  225 GPU  PowerNet  and 70 GPU  GasNet  employees  are  covered by
Enterprise Agreements regarding their terms and conditions of employment.  These
agreements generally extend for one year and in practice continue to apply until
replaced.  JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec's collective bargaining agreements with the
International  Brotherhood  of  Electrical  Workers  expire on October 31, 2002,
April 30, 2000 and May 14, 2002,  respectively.  Penelec's collective bargaining
agreement with the Utility Workers Union of America expires on June 30, 2001.


GPU Energy Companies' Generating Stations
- -----------------------------------------

      At December 31, 1999, the generating  stations of the GPU Energy companies
had an aggregate effective capability of 904,000 net kilowatts (KW), as follows:

  Name of            GPU Energy       Year of            Net KW
  Station             Company       Installation        (Summer)
  -------            ----------     ------------        --------

  Oyster Creek          JCP&L          1969               619,000

   Turbines             JCP&L          1989                66,000

  York Haven            Met-Ed       1905-1930             19,000

  Yards Creek           JCP&L          1965               200,000
     TOTAL                                                904,000


(a) Represents JCP&L's undivided  interest in this station,  which is a net user
rather than a net producer of electric energy.

      Substantially all of the GPU Energy  companies'  properties are subject to
the lien of their respective FMB indentures.

      The all-time peak loads of the GPU Energy companies are as follows:

                                                 (In KW)
     Company                      Date          Peak Load
     --------                 -------------     ---------

     GPU Energy companies     Jul. 06, 1999    10,075,000*
     JCP&L                    Jul. 06, 1999     5,180,000
     Met-Ed                   Jul. 19, 1999     2,384,000
     Penelec                  Jan. 19, 1997     2,652,000

* System peak load.

GPU Electric Generating Facilities
- ----------------------------------
      At December 31, 1999, GPU Electric had ownership  interests in 5 operating
natural gas-fired power production facilities located  internationally,  with an
aggregate capability of 4,244,500 KW as follows:

 Name of                      Year of                          Ownership
Facility      Location     Installation       Total KW        Interest (KW)
- --------      --------     ------------      ----------       -------------

Teesside         England      1993           1,875,000           498,800
Redditch*        England      1991              29,000            29,000
Hereford         England      1980              15,000            15,000
Humber           England      1997-1999      1,261,500           237,200
Marmara          Turkey       1999             478,000           148,200
Uch              Pakistan     **               586,000           234,400
                                             ---------         ---------
     Total                                   4,244,500         1,162,600
                                             =========         =========

* Sold in January 2000.

** Expected to begin commercial operation in 2000.

GPUI Group Generating Facilities
- --------------------------------
      At  December  31,  1999,  the GPUI  Group had  ownership  interests  in 10
operating natural  gas-fired  cogeneration and other nonutility power production
facilities  located both  domestically  and  internationally,  with an aggregate
capability of 2,243,300 KW as follows:

 Name of                     Year of                            Ownership
Facility      Location     Installation       Total KW        Interest (KW)
- --------      --------     ------------      ----------       -------------

                                 U.S. Facilities

Mid Georgia      GA           1998             300,000           150,000
Selkirk*         NY           1992-94          350,000            69,600
Lake             FL           1993             110,000           109,900
Pasco            FL           1993             109,000            54,400
Onondaga         NY           1993              80,000            80,000
PELP (Marcal)    NJ           1989              65,000            32,500
                                             ---------         ---------
     Total                                   1,014,000           496,400
                                             ---------         ---------


                               Foreign Facilities

 quilla          Colombia     1972-98          890,000           254,500
Guaracachi       Bolivia      1975-99          287,700           143,900
Aranjuez         Bolivia      1974-94           36,900            18,500
Karachipampa     Bolivia      1982              14,700             7,400
                                             ---------         ---------
      Total                                  1,229,300           424,300
                                             ---------         ---------

      Total capability                       2,243,300           920,700
                                             =========         =========

* The GPUI Group does not have operating responsibility for this facility.

Transmission and Distribution System
- ------------------------------------

     At  December  31,  1999,  the GPU  Energy  companies  owned  the  following
transmission and distribution facilities:

                                     JCP&L      Met-Ed     Penelec    Total
                                 -----------  ---------- ---------- ----------

Transmission and Distribution

  Substations                            302         248        472      1,022
                                  ==========  ========== ========== ==========

Aggregate Installed Transformer
  Capacity of Substations

    (in kilovoltamperes - KVA)    18,882,066   9,639,466 13,109,009 41,630,541
                                  ==========  ========== ========== ==========

Transmission System (estimate):
- -------------------

Lines (In Circuit Miles):

      500 KV                              18         188        235        441
      345 KV                               -           -        149        149
      230 KV                             570         383        650      1,603
      138 KV                               -           3         11         14
      115 KV                             232         385      1,330      1,947
       69 KV, 46 KV and 34.5 KV        1,769         469        364      2,602
                                  ----------  ---------- ---------- ----------
          Total                        2,589       1,428      2,739      6,756
                                  ==========  ========== ========== ==========

Distribution System (estimate):
- -------------------

Line Transformer Capacity (KVA)   10,348,078   6,176,550  7,031,077 23,555,705
                                  ==========  ========== ========== ==========

Pole Miles of Overhead Lines          16,080      12,613     22,656     51,349
                                  ==========  ========== ========== ==========

Trench Miles of Underground

  Cable                                7,311       2,287      2,013     11,611
                                  ==========  ========== ========== ==========

Foreign Utility Companies

Electric Transmission and Distribution:
- --------------------------------------

      In addition,  Midlands, which provides service to 2.3 million customers in
a 5,135  square mile area in England,  owns a total of 39,544  miles of overhead
and underground lines and has over 33,000 transformers mounted on


poles and over 13,800 ground mounted  transformers.  GPU PowerNet,  which serves
all of Victoria, Australia covering an area of approximately 87,900 square miles
and a  population  of 4.5  million,  owns a total of 4,062 miles of overhead and
underground lines.  Emdersa,  which owns three electric  distribution  companies
servicing  three  provinces in northwest  Argentina with  approximately  335,000
customers  within 206,340 square miles,  has over 7,000  transformers,  and owns
6,238 and 55 miles of overhead and underground lines, respectively.

Gas Transmission:
- ----------------

      GPU GasNet, a natural gas transmission  business,  encompasses 1,239 miles
of pipeline  consisting of two separate  networks,  the Principal System and the
Western  System,  which  supply all of the  natural gas  consumed  in  Victoria,
Australia.  The two  networks  service  approximately  1.3  million  residential
customers  and  approximately   40,000   industrial  and  commercial   customers
throughout Victoria.


      Reference  is made to  Significant  Developments  -  Competitive  Business
Risks;  Restructuring  Actions;  and Domestic  Energy Supply under Item 1 and to
Note  12,  Commitments  and   Contingencies,   of  the  Combined  Notes  to  the
Consolidated  Financial  Statements  contained  in Item 8 for a  description  of
certain pending legal proceedings involving GPU.




                                     PART II


      All of JCP&L,  Met-Ed and Penelec's  outstanding  common stock is owned by
GPU, Inc. During 1999, JCP&L,  Met-Ed and Penelec paid dividends on their common
stock to GPU, Inc. in the  following  amounts:  JCP&L $335 million,  Met-Ed $315
million and Penelec $460 million.

      In general,  the JCP&L,  Met-Ed and Penelec FMB  indentures  restrict  the
payment of dividends or  distributions  on or with respect to their common stock
to amounts  credited  to earned  surplus  since  approximately  the dates of the
indentures. At such dates, the GPU Energy companies had balances in their earned
surplus   accounts  (which  would  not  be  available  for  dividends  or  other
distributions)  as follows:  JCP&L - $1.7 million;  Met-Ed - $3.4  million;  and
Penelec - $10.1 million.  Met-Ed and Penelec have requested  authorization  from
the SEC to declare and pay common  dividends  from amounts now  accounted for as
capital surplus,  subject to their FMB indentures and other conditions.  See the
Financing Arrangements section in Item 1 for additional information.

Stock Trading

      GPU, Inc. is listed as GPU on the New York Stock Exchange.  On March
15, 2000, there were 34,986 registered holders of GPU, Inc. common stock.


      GPU, Inc. common stock dividend  declaration dates are the first Thursdays
of December,  April,  June and October.  Dividend payment dates fall on the last
Wednesday of February,  May,  August and  November.  Dividend  declarations  and
quarterly stock price ranges for 1999 and 1998 are set forth below.

                                  Common Stock

  Dividends Declared                          Price Ranges*
- -------------------------     ----------------------------------------------
                                              1999               1998
            1999     1998     Quarter      High/Low           High/Low
           -----    -----     -------  ------------------ ------------------

April       $.53    $.515     First    $45       $37 1/4 $44 11/16  $38 11/16
June         .53     .515     Second    44 5/8    36 1/2  44 7/16    36 1/2
October      .53     .515     Third     42 9/16   32      43 5/16    35 3/16
December     .53     .515     Fourth    34 13/16  28 3/4  47 3/16    41 3/8

*  Based on New York Stock Exchange  Composite  Transactions  as reported in the
   Wall Street Journal.


      See  pages  F-1 and  F-2 for  references  to  each  registrant's  Selected
Financial Data required by this item.



      See pages F-1 and F-2 for  references  to each  registrant's  Management's
Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results of  Operations
required by this item.


      See pages F-22 through F-24 for references to GPU, Inc.'s Quantitative and
Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk required by this item.


      See  pages  F-1 and  F-2 for  references  to each  registrant's  Financial
Statements and Quarterly Financial Data (unaudited) required by this item.




                                    PART III


Identification of Directors
- ---------------------------

      Information  regarding GPU, Inc.'s  directors is incorporated by reference
to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS  section of GPU,  Inc.'s Proxy  Statement for the 2000
Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.  The current  directors  of JCP&L,  Met-Ed and
Penelec, their ages, positions held and business experience during the past five
years are as follows:

                                                         Year First Elected
Name                  Age         Position              JCP&L  Met-Ed Penelec
- ----                  ---         --------              -----  ------ -------

- --------------------
F. D. Hafer     (a)    59    Chairman of the Board and  1996    1978   1994
                             Chief Executive Officer

R. L. Wise      (b)    56    President                  1999    1999   1999
M. P. O'Flynn   (c)    54    Vice President - Finance   1999    1999   1999
                                  and Rates and

C. B. Snyder    (d)    54    Director                   1997    1997   1997

JCP&L only:
- ----------
G. E. Persson   (e)    67    Director                   1983
S. C. Van Ness  (f)    65    Director                   1983
S. B. Wiley     (g)    69    Director                   1982

(a)  Mr. Hafer is Chairman,  Chief Executive  Officer and President of GPU, Inc.
     and GPUS  (which he also serves as a  director).  He became  President  and
     Chief Operating Officer of GPU and GPUS in July 1996 and was elected to the
     additional  positions of Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer in May 1997.
     He is also Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive  Officer,  and a director
     of JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec (which do business as GPU Energy); Chairman of
     the Board and a director of GPUN;  Chairman,  Chief Executive Officer and a
     director of GPU AR;  Chairman  and a director  of GPU  Capital,  Inc.  (GPU
     Capital);  a director of GPU  International,  Inc. (GPUI),  GPU Power, Inc.
     (GPU Power),  GPU  Electric,  Inc.  (GPU  Electric),  Avon Energy  Partners
     Holdings  (Avon),  Midlands,  GPU Telcom and  Saxton  Nuclear  Experimental
     Corporation  (Saxton),  all  subsidiaries  of GPU, Inc. He is President and
     Chief  Executive  Officer of the GPU  Foundation.  Mr. Hafer,  who has been
     associated with the GPU companies since 1962, served as President of Met-Ed
     from 1986 to 1996 and as President of Penelec from 1994 to 1996.  Mr. Hafer
     is also a director of the U.S.  Chamber of Commerce  and  Utilities  Mutual
     Insurance  Company,  a director  and past  president  of the  Manufacturers
     Association  of Berks County and a director and past  Chairman of the Board
     of the Pennsylvania Electric  Association.  He is a director of the Reading
     Hospital  and  Medical  Center,  a  trustee  of the  Caron  Foundation  and
     immediate  past chairman and a member of the Board of Trustees of Drug-Free


(b)  Mr. Wise was elected President of JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec in 1999. Mr.
     Wise is also President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of GPU
     Telcom; and President-Operations Division and a director of GPUS,
     President and a director of Waverly Electric Light and Power Company and
     a director of GPUN and Saxton. Prior to assuming these positions he
     served as President and a director of GPUI, GPU Power and GPU Electric
     from December 1998 to October 1999.  From June 1996 to November 1999,
     Mr. Wise served as President and a director of GPU Generation, Inc.
     Prior to that, Mr. Wise served as President and a director of Penelec
     since 1986. He is also a director of US Bancorp Trust Company, US
     Bancorp, Inc., U.S. National Bank of Johnstown, PA. and Utilities Mutual
     Insurance Company.

(c)  Mr. O'Flynn was elected Vice President - Finance and Rates and  Comptroller
     of JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec in 1999. From February 1997 to August 1999, he
     served as a self-employed consultant in the energy field. Prior to that, he
     held various positions with Columbia Energy from 1970 to 1997.

(d)  Mrs.  Snyder was elected  Executive Vice  President - Corporate  Affairs of
     GPUS  in  1998.  She is  also a  director  of  GPUS,  GPU AR and  Midlands.
     Previously,  she served as Senior Vice  President  -  Corporate  Affairs of
     GPUS,  Vice  President  -  Public  Affairs  of  JCP&L  since  1996 and Vice
     President - Public Affairs of Met-Ed and Penelec since 1994.

(e)  Mrs.  Persson has served in the N.J.  Division of  Consumer  Affairs  Elder
     Fraud  Investigation  Unit since  1999.  She  previously  served as liaison
     (Special Assistant  Director) between the N.J. Division of Consumer Affairs
     and various  state  boards.  Prior to 1995,  she was owner and President of
     Business  Dynamics  Associates of Red Bank, NJ. Mrs. Persson is a member of
     the United States Small Business  Administration  National  Advisory Board,
     the New Jersey Small Business  Advisory  Council,  the Board of Advisors of
     Brookdale  Community  College and the Board of  Advisors of Georgian  Court

(f)  Mr.  Van Ness is Of  Counsel  in the firm of  Hubert,  Van Ness,  Gayri and
     Goodell of Princeton,  NJ since 1998.  Prior to that he was affiliated with
     the law firm of Pico, Mack, Kennedy, Jaffe, Perrella and Yoskin of Trenton,
     NJ since 1990. He is also a director of The Prudential Insurance Company of

(g)  Mr. Wiley has been a partner in the law firm of Wiley, Malehorn and
     Sirota of Morristown, NJ since 1973.  He is also Chairman of First
     Morris Bank of Morristown, NJ.

    The directors of the GPU companies  are elected at their  respective  annual
meetings of  stockholders  to serve until the next meeting of  stockholders  and
until their respective  successors are duly elected and qualified.  There are no
family relationships among the directors of the GPU companies.

Identification of Executive Officers
- ------------------------------------

    The current  executive  officers of GPU,  Inc.,  JCP&L,  Met-Ed and Penelec,
their ages,  positions held and business  experience  during the past five years
are as follows:


                                                                   Year First
Name                    Age              Position                    Elected
- ----                    ---              --------                  ---------
GPU, Inc.:
- ---------
F. D. Hafer       (a)   59  Chairman, President and Chief             1996
                                Executive Officer
R. L. Wise        (b)   56   President, JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec     1999
I. H. Jolles      (c)   61   Senior Vice President and General        1990
B. L. Levy        (d)   44  Senior Vice President and Chief           1998
                              Financial Officer and President,
                                GPU Capital, Inc.
P. E. Maricondo   (e)   53  Vice President, Comptroller and           1998
                            Chief Accounting Officer
T. G. Howson      (f)   51  Vice President and Treasurer              1994
S. L. Guibord     (g)   51  Secretary                                 1999
T. G. Broughton   (h)   54  President, GPUN                           1996
C. B. Snyder      (i)   54  Executive Vice President -                1997
                             Corporate Affairs, GPUS

                                                         Year First Elected
Name                  Age         Position              JCP&L  Met-Ed Penelec
- ----                  ---         --------              -----  ------ -------
- --------------------
F. D. Hafer     (a)    59    Chairman and Chief          1996    1978   1994
                                Executive Officer
R. L. Wise      (b)    56    President and Chief         1999    1999   1999
                                Operating Officer
I. H. Jolles    (c)    61    Vice President and          1996    1996   1996
                                General Counsel
B. L. Levy      (d)    44    Vice President and          1998    1998   1998
                             Chief Financial Officer
T. G. Howson    (f)    51    Vice President              1994    1994   1994
                                and Treasurer
S. L. Guibord   (g)    51    Secretary                   1996    1996   1996
C. Brooks       (j)    50    Vice President - Human and  1997    1997   1997
                                Technical Resources
C. A. Mascari   (k)    52    Vice President - Power      1997    1997   1997
M. P. O'Flynn   (l)    54    Vice President -            1999    1999   1999
                                Finance and Rates
                                and Comptroller
M. B. Roche     (m)    48    Vice President -            1999    2000   2000
                                Customer Services and
                                Sr. Vice President -
                                New Jersey Operations
R. S. Zechman   (n)    56    Vice President -            1996    1990   1994
                                Engineering and Operations

(a)  See Note (a) on page 33.

(b)  See Note (b) on page 34.

(c)  Mr. Jolles is also Executive Vice President, General Counsel and a director
     of GPUS,  General Counsel of GPUN and a director of GPUS,  GPUI, GPU Power,
     GPU Capital, GPU Electric and Midlands.  He is also a director of Utilities
     Mutual Insurance Company.


(d)  Mr. Levy is also a director of GPUS, GPUI, GPU Power, GPU Capital, GPU
     Electric, Avon and Midlands.  Mr. Levy is also President of GPU Capital.
     Prior to assuming his current position, Mr. Levy served as President,
     Chief Executive Officer and director of GPUI since 1991.

(e)  Mr. Maricondo was elected Vice President,  Comptroller and Chief Accounting
     Officer of GPU, Inc. and GPUS in 1998 and Vice President and Comptroller of
     GPU Capital in 1999.  Prior to that he served as Vice  President - Internal
     Auditing of GPUS since 1997 and as Vice  President and  Comptroller of GPUN
     from 1993.

(f)  Mr. Howson is also Vice President and Treasurer of GPUN, GPU AR, Saxton
     and GPU Telcom.

(g)  Mr. Guibord has also served as Corporate Compliance Auditing Director of
     GPUS since 1994.  Mr. Guibord also serves as Secretary of GPUS, GPUN,
     GPU AR, GPU Telcom and Saxton.

(h)  Mr. Broughton is also a director of GPUN. He previously served as Executive
     Vice  President  of GPUN  since  1995.  Prior to that,  he  served  as Vice
     President - TMI of GPUN since 1991.

(i)  See Note (d) on Page 34.

(j)   Mr. Brooks previously served as Vice President - Collect and Disburse
     Money of GPU Generation, Inc. since 1996.  Prior to that, he was Vice
     President - Materials and Services of GPUS since 1990.

(k)  Mr. Mascari previously served as Vice President - System Planning of
     GPUS since 1994.

(l)  See Note (c) on page 34.

(m)  Prior to assuming his current position, Mr. Roche served as Vice
     President - Oyster Creek since June 1995.

(n)  Mr. Zechman has also served as Vice President - Administrative Services
     of Met-Ed since 1992.

      The executive officers of the GPU companies are elected each year by their
respective  Boards of Directors at the first meeting of the Board held following
the annual  meeting of  stockholders.  Executive  officers hold office until the
next meeting of directors following the annual meeting of stockholders and until
their respective successors are duly elected and qualified.  There are no family
relationships among the executive officers.


     The  information  required  by this  Item  with  respect  to GPU,  Inc.  is
incorporated by reference to the EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION  section of GPU, Inc.'s
Proxy Statement for the 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The following table
sets forth  remuneration  paid, as required by this Item, to the Chief Executive
Officer and the five other most highly compensated  executive officers of JCP&L,
Met-Ed and Penelec for the year ended December 31, 1999.


     The  managements  of JCP&L,  Met-Ed and  Penelec  were  combined  in a 1996
reorganization.  Accordingly,  the amounts  shown below  represent the aggregate
remuneration paid to such executive officers by JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec during
1999, 1998 and 1997.

Remuneration of Executive Officers
- ----------------------------------

                                                SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                        Long-Term Compensation
                                      Annual Compensation                 Awards     Payouts
                                      -------------------                 ------     -------
                                                             Other       Securities
Name and                                                     Annual      Underlying    LTIP    All Other
Principal                                                    Compens-    Options      Payouts  Compens-
Position                      Year    Salary($)   Bonus($)   ation($)(1)  Granted(#)    ($)(2) ation ($)
- --------                      ----   ---------    --------  ----------  ----------   --------  --------


F. D. Hafer
Chairman of the
Board and Chief
Executive Officer              (3)      (3)         (3)        (3)          (3)          (3)      (3)

R. L. Wise
President                      (4)      (4)         (4)        (4)          (4)          (4)      (4)

R. S. Zechman                1999  170,000     120,000         -         1,400       21,043   22,083  (5)
Vice President -             1998  170,000      60,000        538        4,850       18,669   17,623
Engineering & Operations     1997  162,538      32,000        637           -        20,085   15,843

C. A. Mascari                1999  170,000     112,000         -         1,400       20,218   27,090  (6)
Vice President -             1998  170,000      50,000         -         4,850       21,002   20,762
Power Services               1997  156,228      32,000         -           -         18,727   16,997

D. J. Howe                   1999  170,000      95,000         -         1,400          -     18,604  (7)
Vice President -             1998  170,000      55,000         -         4,850          -     14,033
Customer Services            1997  162,308      32,000         -            -           -     11,524


(1)  Consists of earnings on "Long-Term  Incentive  Plan" ("LTIP")  compensation
     paid in the year the award vests.

(2)  Consists of Performance  Cash Incentive  Awards paid on the 1992,  1993 and
     1994 restricted stock awards,  which have vested under the 1990 Stock Plan.
     These  amounts  are  designed  to   compensate   recipients  of  restricted
     stock/unit awards for the amount of federal and state income taxes that are
     payable upon vesting of the restricted  stock/unit  awards.  The restricted
     units issued each year since 1995 under the 1990 Stock Plan are performance
     based. The 1999 awards are shown in "Long-Term  Incentive Plans - Awards in
     Last Fiscal Year" table (the "LTIP table"). Dividend equivalents are earned
     on the  aggregate  restricted  units  awarded under the 1990 Stock Plan and
     reinvested in additional units.

     The  aggregate  number  and value  (based  on the stock  price per share at
     December  31,  1999)  of  unvested  and  deferred  vested  stock-equivalent
     restricted units (including  reinvested dividend  equivalents) includes the
     amounts shown on the LTIP table, and at the end of 1999 were:


                          Aggregate Units    Aggregate Value
                          ---------------    ---------------

      F. D. Hafer          see note (3)         see note (3)
      R. L. Wise           see note (4)         see note (4)
      R. S. Zechman           6,722             $199,980
      C. A. Mascari           7,926              235,799
      D. J. Howe              4,811              143,127

(3)   Mr. Hafer was compensated by GPUS for his overall service on behalf of GPU
      and  accordingly  was not  compensated  directly  by the other  subsidiary
      companies  for his  services.  Information  with  respect  to Mr.  Hafer's
      compensation  is included in the  EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION  section of GPU,
      Inc.'s Proxy Statement for the 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders,  which
      is incorporated herein by reference.

(4)   Information  with respect to Mr.  Wise's  compensation  is included in the
      EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION section of GPU, Inc.'s Proxy Statement for the 2000
      Annual Meeting of Stockholders, which is incorporated herein by reference.

(5)   Consists of GPU's matching  contributions under the Savings Plan ($6,400),
      matching  contributions under the non-qualified deferred compensation plan
      ($2,800),  above-market  interest  accrued  on the  retirement  portion of
      deferred  compensation  ($351), and earnings on LTIP compensation not paid
      in the current year ($12,532).

(6)   Consists of GPU's matching  contributions under the Savings Plan ($6,400),
      matching  contributions under the non-qualified deferred compensation plan
      ($2,400),  above-market  interest  accrued  on the  retirement  portion of
      deferred compensation ($3,314), and earnings on LTIP compensation not paid
      in the current year ($14,976).

(7)   Consists of GPU's matching  contributions under the Savings Plan ($6,400),
      matching  contributions under the non-qualified deferred compensation plan
      ($2,600),  above-market  interest  accrued  on the  retirement  portion of
      deferred  compensation  ($901), and earnings on LTIP compensation not paid
      in the current year ($8,703).

Option Grants In Last Fiscal Year
- ---------------------------------

     The following table summarizes  option grants made during 1999 to the Named
Executive  Officers.  All of these  options were granted with an exercise  price
equal to the fair market value of GPU stock on the date of grant.


                                       Individual Grants

                              Number of
                              Securities  % of Total
                              Underlying    Options
                               Options    Granted to
                      Grant   Granted(1)  Employees in          Base Price    Expiration     Grant Date
      Name            Date      (#)       Fiscal Year            ($/Sh)       Date         Present Value(2)
- ---------------     --------  ---------   ------------         -----------    ----------    ---------------

  F. D. Hafer          (3)        (3)         (3)                (3)            (3)              (3)

  R. L. Wise           (4)        (4)         (4)                (4)            (4)              (4)

  R. S. Zechman     06/03/99    1,400        1.5%              $42.9375       06/03/09         $9,240

  C. A. Mascari     06/03/99    1,400        1.5%               42.9375       06/03/09          9,240

  D. J. Howe        06/03/99    1,400        1.5%               42.9375       06/03/09          9,240

(1)  Options become exercisable in three equal annual installments  beginning on
     the first  anniversary  of the date of the grant.  These  grants will fully
     vest upon  termination  of employment  resulting  from death or disability.
     Options may be exercised  after  retirement in accordance with the terms of
     the 1999 Stock Option Agreement. In the event of a change in control during
     the option term, all options will immediately become exercisable.

(2)  Options  are  valued  using  a   Black-Scholes   option  pricing  model,  a
     mathematical  formula  widely used to value  options.  The model as applied
     used the applicable grant dates and the exercise prices shown on the table,
     and the fair market  value of Common Stock on the  respective  grant dates,
     which was in each case the same as the  exercise  price.  For the June 1999
     grant,  the model  assumed (i) a risk-free  rate of return of 6.14%,  which
     approximates  the rate on 10-year  U.S.  Treasury  zero coupon bonds on the
     grant date; (ii) a stock price  volatility of 20.21%,  based on the average
     historical  volatility  for the 36-month  period  ending on the grant date;
     (iii) an average dividend yield of 5.42%,  based on the average yield for a
     36-month period; (iv) the exercise of all options on the final day of their
     10-year  terms;  and (v) 3% discount  for risk of  forfeiture  prior to the
     options becoming  exercisable.  No discount from the theoretical  value was
     taken to reflect the  restrictions  on the  transfer of the options and the
     likelihood  of the options  being  exercised in advance of the final day of
     their terms.

(3)  Information  with  respect  to  Mr.  Hafer's  options  is  included  in the
     EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION section of GPU, Inc.'s Proxy Statement for the 2000
     Annual Meeting of Stockholders, which is incorporated herein by reference.

(4)  Information with respect to Mr. Wise's options is included in the EXECUTIVE
     COMPENSATION  section of GPU,  Inc.'s Proxy  Statement  for the 2000 Annual
     Meeting of Stockholders, which is incorporated herein by reference.


Aggregated Option Exercises In Last Fiscal Year And Fiscal Year-End Option Value

     The  following  table  summarizes  the number and value of all  unexercised
options held by the Named Executive Officers. In 1999, no options were exercised
by any Named Executive Officer.

                Number of Securities Underlying    Value of Unexercised
                      Unexercised Options at       In-the-Money Options
                      Fiscal Year-End (#)          at Fiscal Year-End ($)
                  --------------------------   --------------------------

Name              Exercisable  Unexercisable   Exercisable  Unexercisable
- ----              -----------  -------------   -----------  -------------

F. D. Hafer            (3)          (3)            (3)            (3)
R. L. Wise             (4)          (4)            (4)            (4)
R. S. Zechman         1,617        4,633            0              0
C. A. Mascari         1,617        4,633            0              0
D. J. Howe            1,617        4,633            0              0


     This table shows the LTIP awards made to the Named  Executive  Officers for
the performance period January 1, 1999 through December 31, 2003.

                                  Performance      Estimated future payouts
                   Number of        or other       under non-stock price-
                    shares,      period until            based  plans(1)
                   units or       maturation    Threshold    Target   Maximum
      Name        other rights     or payout      (#)         (#)       (#)
      ----        -------------  -------------  -----------   ----    ------

F. D. Hafer          (2)              (2)         (2)          (2)      (2)
R. L. Wise           (2)              (2)         (2)          (2)      (2)
R. S. Zechman       1,100       5 year vesting    550         1,100    2,200
C. A. Mascari       1,100       5 year vesting    550         1,100    2,200
D. J. Howe          1,100       5 year vesting    550         1,100    2,200

(1)  The restricted  units awarded in 1999 under the 1990 Stock Plan provide for
     a performance  adjustment to the aggregate  number of units vesting for the
     recipient, including the accumulated reinvested dividend equivalents, based
     on the annualized GPU Total  Shareholder  Return (TSR)  percentile  ranking
     against all companies in the Standard & Poor's  Electric  Utility Index for
     the period  between the award and  vesting  dates.  With a 55th  percentile
     ranking,  the  performance  adjustment  would be 100% as  reflected  in the
     "Target" column. In the event that the percentile ranking is below the 55th
     percentile,  the performance  adjustment would be reduced in steps reaching
     0% below the 40th percentile.  The minimum payout or "Threshold"  begins at
     the 40th percentile,  which results in a payout of 50% of target. A ranking
     below  the  40th  percentile  would  result  in no  award.  Should  the TSR
     percentile  ranking  exceed  the  59th  percentile,  then  the  performance
     adjustment would be increased in steps reaching 200% at the 90th percentile
     as reflected in the "Maximum"  column.  Under the 1990 Stock Plan,  regular
     quarterly  dividends are reinvested in additional units that are subject to
     the vesting  restrictions of the award. Actual payouts under the Plan would
     be based on the aggregate number of units awarded and the units accumulated
     through dividend reinvestment at the time the restrictions lapse.


(2)  Information with respect to Mr. Hafer's and Mr. Wise's long-term  incentive
     plans is  included in the  EXECUTIVE  COMPENSATION  section of GPU,  Inc.'s
     Proxy  Statement  for the 2000  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders,  which is
     incorporated herein by reference.

Proposed Remuneration of Executive Officers
- -------------------------------------------

     None of the Named Executive Officers in the Summary  Compensation Table has
an employment  contract.  The  compensation of executive  officers is determined
from time to time by the  Personnel &  Compensation  Committee of the GPU,  Inc.
Board of Directors.

Retirement Plans
- ----------------

     The GPU companies' pension plans provide for pension benefits,  payable for
life  after  retirement,  based upon years of  creditable  service  with the GPU
companies and the  employee's  career  average  compensation  as defined  below.
Federal law limits the amount of an employee's pension benefits that may be paid
from a qualified trust established pursuant to a qualified pension plan (such as
the GPU companies'  plans).  The GPU companies  also have adopted  non-qualified
plans providing that the portion of a participant's  pension  benefits which, by
reason of such limitations,  cannot be paid from such a qualified trust shall be
paid directly on an unfunded basis by the participant's employer.

     The following table illustrates the amount of aggregate annual pension from
funded  and  unfunded  sources  resulting  from  employer  contributions  to the
qualified trust and direct payments payable upon retirement in 2000 (computed on
a single life annuity basis) to persons in specified  compensation  and years of
service classifications:


                                (2000 Retirement)

    Compen-                          Years of Service
    sation(1)     -------------------------------------------------------
                     15        20       25        30       35        40
    ---------     --------  -------- --------  -------- --------  ------
   $  50,000    $  13,810  $18,413 $  23,016  $27,620 $ 32,223  $ 36,585
     100,000       28,810   38,413    48,016   57,620   67,223    76,185
     150,000       43,810   58,413    73,016   87,620  102,223   115,785
     200,000       58,810   78,413    98,016  117,620  137,223   155,385

     250,000       73,810   98,413   123,016  147,620  172,223   194,985
     300,000       88,810  118,413   148,016  177,620  207,223   234,585
     350,000      103,810  138,413   173,016  207,620  242,223   274,185
     400,000      118,810  158,413   198,016  237,620  277,223   313,785

     450,000      133,810  178,413   223,016  267,620  312,223   353,385
     500,000      148,810  198,413   248,016  297,620  347,223   392,985
     550,000      163,810  218,413   273,016  327,620  382,223   432,585
     600,000      178,810  238,413   298,016  357,620  417,223   472,185

     650,000      193,810  258,413   323,016  387,620  452,223   511,785
     700,000      208,810  278,413   348,016  417,620  487,223   551,385
     750,000      223,810  298,413   373,016  447,620  522,223   590,985
     800,000      238,810  318,413   398,016  477,620  557,223   630,585


(1)  Career Average  Compensation  is the average annual  compensation  received
     from  January 1, 1984 to  retirement  and  includes  Salary and Bonus.  The
     career  average  compensation  amounts for the  following  Named  Executive
     Officers  differ  by more  than 10%  from the  three  year  average  annual
     compensation  set  forth  in the  Summary  Compensation  Table  and  are as
     follows:  Messrs.  Hafer - $414,320;  Wise - $304,694;  Zechman - $139,754;
     Mascari - $138,924; and Howe - $119,362.

(2)  Years of Creditable Service at December 31, 1999: Messrs. Hafer - 37 years;
     Wise - 36  years;  Zechman - 30  years;  Mascari - 26 years;  and Howe - 23

(3)  Based on an  assumed  retirement  at age 65 in 1999.  To  reduce  the above
     amounts to reflect a retirement  benefit assuming a continual  annuity to a
     surviving  spouse  equal  to 50%  of the  annuity  payable  at  retirement,
     multiply the above benefits by 90%. The estimated  annual  benefits are not
     subject to any  reduction  for Social  Security  benefits  or other  offset

(4)  Annual  retirement  benefits  under the basic  pension  per the above table
     cannot  exceed  55%,  as  defined  in the  pension  plan,  of  the  average
     compensation during the highest paid 36 calendar months. As of December 31,
     1999, none of the Named Executive Officers exceed the 55% limit.

Remuneration of JCP&L Directors
- -------------------------------

     Nonemployee  directors  receive an annual  retainer  of  $15,000,  a fee of
$1,000 for each Board meeting  attended,  and a fee of $1,000 for each Committee
meeting attended.


     The  information  required by this Item for GPU,  Inc. is  incorporated  by
reference to the SECURITY  OWNERSHIP  section of GPU, Inc.'s Proxy Statement for
the 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

     All of the outstanding shares of JCP&L  (15,371,270),  Met-Ed (859,500) and
Penelec  (5,290,596)  common stock are owned beneficially and of record by their
parent, GPU, Inc., 300 Madison Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07962.

     The  following  table sets forth,  as of February 1, 2000,  the  beneficial
ownership  of  equity  securities  (and  stock-equivalent  units) of each of the
directors and each of the executive  officers named in the Summary  Compensation
Table, and of all directors and executive officers of each of the respective GPU
Energy  companies as a group.  The shares of Common Stock owned by all directors
and executive  officers as a group  constitute  less than 1% of the total shares


                                       Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership
                                             Shares(1)         Stock-Equivalent
     Name              Title of Security  Direct   Indirect        Units(2)
     ----               ------------------  -----   -------        -------


F. D. Hafer             GPU Common Stock  12,421       154            34,547
R. L. Wise              GPU Common Stock   4,111        -             23,370
R. S. Zechman           GPU Common Stock   1,914        -              6,722
C. A. Mascari           GPU Common Stock      -          6             7,926
D. J. Howe              GPU Common Stock      -        481             4,811
C. B. Snyder            GPU Common Stock     955       -               7,726
JCP&L Only:
- -----------
G. E. Persson           GPU Common Stock              None
S. C. Van Ness          GPU Common Stock              None
S. B. Wiley             GPU Common Stock              None

All Directors and
  Executive Officers
  as a Group            GPU Common Stock  43,095     3,442           142,530

(1)  The  number of shares  owned and the  nature of such  ownership,  not being
     within the knowledge of GPU, have been furnished by each individual.

(2)  Restricted  units,  which  do not  have  voting  rights,  represent  rights
     (subject to vesting) to receive shares of Common Stock under the 1990 Stock
     Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and  Subsidiaries  (the "1990 Stock Plan").
     These amounts also include  restricted  units,  which have vested under the
     1990 Stock  Plan,  but which  were  deferred  pursuant  to that Plan by the
     following  officers:  Mr. Wise - 6,765 units,  Mr. Zechman - 689 units, and
     Mr. Mascari - 2,001 units. See Summary Compensation Table above.


     GPU and its subsidiaries have business arrangements with organizations with
which certain GPU  directors  and certain  owners of 5% or more of GPU stock are
affiliated. These arrangements are conducted in the ordinary course of business,
at arms-length, and on standard commercial terms and conditions.


                                     PART IV


(a)    See  pages  F-1  and F-2  for  references  to  Financial  Statements  and
       Financial Statement Schedules required by this item.

       1. Exhibits:

          3-A     Articles of Incorporation of GPU, as amended through March 27,
                  1990 -  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 3-A, 1989 Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-6047.

          3-A-1   Articles of  Amendment  to Articles  of  Incorporation  of GPU
                  dated May 5, 1995 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit A-4,
                  Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-8569.

          3-A-2   Articles of Incorporation of GPU, Inc. as amended August 1,
                  1996 - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3-A-2, 1996
                  Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-6047.

          3-B     By-Laws of GPU, Inc. as amended May 6, 1999.

          3-C     Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation of JCP&L, as amended -
                  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 3-A,  1990 Annual Report
                  on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3141.

          3-C-1   Certificate   of   Amendment   to  Restated   Certificate   of
                  Incorporation of JCP&L,  dated June 19, 1992 - Incorporated by
                  reference to Exhibit A-2(a),  Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24,
                  SEC File No. 70-7949.

          3-C-2   Certificate   of   Amendment   to  Restated   Certificate   of
                  Incorporation of JCP&L,  dated June 19, 1992 - Incorporated by
                  reference to Exhibit A-2(a)(i),  Certificate  Pursuant to Rule
                  24, SEC File No. 70-7949.

          3-D     By-Laws of JCP&L,  as amended -  Incorporated  by reference to
                  Exhibit  3-B,  1993 Annual  Report on Form 10-K,  SEC File No.

          3-E     Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  of Met-Ed dated March 8,

          3-F     By-Laws  of  Met-Ed  dated  July  27,   1995,   as  amended  -
                  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 3-F,  1995 Annual Report
                  on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-446.

          3-F-1   By-Laws  of  Met-Ed  dated  May  22,  1997 -  Incorporated  by
                  reference to Exhibit B-35 to GPU, Inc.'s Annual Report on Form
                  U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.

          3-G     Restated  Articles of  Incorporation of Penelec dated March 8,


          3-H     By-Laws   of  Penelec   dated  May  22  1997,   as  amended  -
                  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit B-45, 1997 Annual Report
                  of GPU on Form U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.

          4-A     Indenture of JCP&L, dated March 1, 1946, between JCP&L and
                  United States Trust Company of New York, Successor Trustee,
                  as amended and supplemented by eight supplemental
                  indentures dated December 1, 1948 through June 1, 1960 -
                  Incorporated by reference to JCP&L's Instruments of
                  Indebtedness Nos. 1 to 7, inclusive, and 9 and 10 filed as
                  part of Amendment No. 1 to 1959 Annual Report of GPU on
                  Form U5S, SEC File Nos. 30-126 and 1-3292.

          4-A-1   Ninth Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated November 1, 1962
                  - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-C,  Registration  No.

          4-A-2   Tenth Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated October 1, 1963 -
                  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit  2-C,  Registration  No.

          4-A-3   Eleventh  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated  October 1,
                  1964  -   Incorporated   by   reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-3,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-4   Twelfth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated  November 1,
                  1965  -   Incorporated   by   reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-4,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-5   Thirteenth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated August 1,
                  1966 - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-C,  Registration
                  No. 2-25124.

          4-A-6   Fourteenth Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated September 1,
                  1967  -   Incorporated   by   reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-6,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-7   Fifteenth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated October 1,
                  1968  -   Incorporated   by   reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-7,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-8   Sixteenth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated October 1,
                  1969  -   Incorporated   by   reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-8,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-9   Seventeenth  Supplemental  Indenture  of JCP&L,  dated June 1,
                  1970  -   Incorporated   by   reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-9,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-10  Eighteenth  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated December 1,
                  1970  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-10,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-11  Nineteenth  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated February 1,
                  1971  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-11,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.


          4-A-12  Twentieth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated November 1,
                  1971  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-12,
                  Registration No. 2-59875.

          4-A-13  Twenty-first  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated August 1,
                  1972  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-13,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-14  Twenty-second Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated August 1,
                  1973  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-14,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-15  Twenty-third Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated October 1,
                  1973  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-15,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-16  Twenty-fourth  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated December
                  1,  1973  -  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  5-A-16,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-17  Twenty-fifth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated November
                  1,  1974  -  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  5-A-17,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-18  Twenty-sixth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated March 1,
                  1975  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-18,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-19  Twenty-seventh  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated July 1,
                  1975  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-19,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-20  Twenty-eighth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated October
                  1,  1975  -  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  5-A-20,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-21  Twenty-ninth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated February
                  1,  1976  -  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  5-A-21,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-22  Supplemental Indenture No. 29A of JCP&L, dated May 31, 1976
                  - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 5-A-22, Registration
                  No. 2-59785.

          4-A-23  Thirtieth  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated June 1, 1976
                  - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit  5-A-23,  Registration
                  No. 2-59785.

          4-A-24  Thirty-first  Supplemental  Indenture  of JCP&L,  dated May 1,
                  1977  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   5-A-24,
                  Registration No. 2-59785.

          4-A-25  Thirty-second  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated January
                  20,  1978 -  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  5-A-25,
                  Registration No. 2-60438.


          4-A-26  Thirty-third Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated January 1,
                  1979  -   Incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit   A-20(b),
                  Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-6242.

          4-A-27  Thirty-fourth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated June 1,
                  1979 - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit A-28,  Certificate
                  Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-6290.

          4-A-28  Thirty-sixth Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated October 1,
                  1979 - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit A-30,  Certificate
                  Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-6354.

          4-A-29  Thirty-seventh   Supplemental   Indenture   of  JCP&L,   dated
                  September  1, 1984 -  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit
                  A-1(cc),  Certificate  Pursuant  to  Rule  24,  SEC  File  No.

          4-A-30  Thirty-eighth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated July 1,
                  1985  -   Incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit   A-1(dd),
                  Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-7109.

          4-A-31  Thirty-ninth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated April 1,
                  1988  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   A-1(a),
                  Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-7263.

          4-A-32  Fortieth Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated June 14, 1988
                  - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit  A-1(ff),  Certificate
                  Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-7603.

          4-A-33  Forty-first  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated April 1,
                  1989  -   Incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit   A-1(gg),
                  Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-7603.

          4-A-34  Forty-second  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated July 1,
                  1989  -   Incorporated   by  reference  to  Exhibit   A-1(hh),
                  Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-7603.

          4-A-35  Forty-third  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated March 1,
                  1991  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   4-A-35,
                  Registration No. 33-45314.

          4-A-36  Forty-fourth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L, dated March 1,
                  1992  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   4-A-36,
                  Registration No. 33-49405.

          4-A-37  Forty-fifth  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated October 1,
                  1992  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   4-A-37,
                  Registration No. 33-49405.

          4-A-38  Forty-sixth  Supplemental  Indenture of JCP&L,  dated April 1,
                  1993 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-15, 1992 Annual
                  Report of GPU on Form U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.

          4-A-39  Forty-seventh Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated April 10,
                  1993 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-16, 1992 Annual
                  Report of GPU on Form U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.


          4-A-40  Forty-eighth  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated April 15,
                  1993 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-17, 1992 Annual
                  Report of GPU on Form U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.

          4-A-41  Forty-ninth  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated October 1,
                  1993 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-18, 1993 Annual
                  Report of GPU on Form U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.

          4-A-42  Fiftieth Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated August 1, 1994
                  -  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  C-19,  1994 Annual
                  Report of GPU on Form U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.

          4-A-43  Fifty-first  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L, dated August 15,
                  1996 -  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  4-A-43,  1996
                  Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-6047.

          4-A-44  Fifty-second  Supplemental  Indenture  of JCP&L  dated July 1,
                  1999 -  Incorporated  by reference  to Item 16 Exhibit  4-B-44
                  Registration No. 333-88783.

          4-A-45  Fifty-third  Supplemental Indenture of JCP&L dated November 1,

          4-A-46  Subordinated  Debenture Indenture of JCP&L dated May 1, 1995 -
                  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  A-8(a),  Certificate
                  Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-8495.

          4-B     Indenture of Met-Ed, dated November 1, 1944 with United
                  States Trust Company of New York, Successor Trustee, as
                  amended and supplemented by fourteen supplemental
                  indentures dated February 1, 1947 through May 1, 1960 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Met-Ed's Instruments of
                  Indebtedness Nos. 1 to 14, inclusive and 16, filed as part
                  of Amendment No. 1 to 1959 Annual Report of GPU on Form
                  U5S, SEC File Nos. 30-126 and 1-3292.

          4-B-1   Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed,  dated  December 1, 1962 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(1),  Registration No.

          4-B-2   Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  March 20,  1964 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(2),  Registration No.

          4-B-3   Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  July  1,  1965  -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(3),  Registration No.

          4-B-4   Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  June  1,  1966  -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-B-4,  Registration  No.

          4-B-5   Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  March 22,  1968 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-C-5,  Registration  No.

          4-B-6   Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated  September 1, 1968 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(6),  Registration No.


          4-B-7   Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  August  1, 1969 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(7),  Registration No.

          4-B-8   Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed,  dated  November 1, 1971 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(8),  Registration No.

          4-B-9   Supplemental   Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  May  1,  1972  -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(9),  Registration No.

          4-B-10  Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed,  dated  December 1, 1973 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(10), Registration No.

          4-B-11  Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed,  dated  October 30, 1974 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(11), Registration No.

          4-B-12  Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed,  dated  October 31, 1974 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(12), Registration No.

          4-B-13  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  March 20,  1975 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(13), Registration No.

          4-B-14  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated September 25, 1975 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(15), Registration No.

          4-B-15  Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed,  dated  January 12, 1976 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(16), Registration No.

          4-B-16  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  March  1,  1976 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(17), Registration No.

          4-B-17  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated September 28, 1977 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(18), Registration No.

          4-B-18  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  January 1, 1978 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2-E(19), Registration No.

          4-B-19  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated  September 1, 1978 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(19), Registration No.

          4-B-20  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  June  1,  1979  -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(20), Registration No.

          4-B-21  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  January 1, 1980 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(21), Registration No.


          4-B-22  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated  September 1, 1981 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(22), Registration No.

          4-B-23  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated September 10, 1981 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(23), Registration No.

          4-B-24  Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed,  dated  December 1, 1982 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(24), Registration No.

          4-B-25  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated  September 1, 1983 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(25), Registration No.

          4-B-26  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated  September 1, 1984 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(26), Registration No.

          4-B-27  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  March  1,  1985 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(27), Registration No.

          4-B-28  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated  September 1, 1985 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(28), Registration No.

          4-B-29  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  June  1,  1988  -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(29), Registration No.

          4-B-30  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed,  dated  April  1,  1990 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(30), Registration No.

          4-B-31  Amendment  dated May 22,  1990 to  Supplemental  Indenture  of
                  Met-Ed,  dated April 1, 1990 -  Incorporated  by  reference to
                  Exhibit 4-A(31), Registration No. 33-48937.

          4-B-32  Supplemental  Indenture of Met-Ed,  dated  September 1, 1992 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(32)(a),  Registration
                  No. 33-48937.

          4-B-33  Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed,  dated  December 1, 1993 -
                  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-58, 1993 Annual Report
                  of GPU on Form U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.

          4-B-34  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Met-Ed  dated  July  15,  1995  -
                  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  4-B-35,  1995  Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-446.

          4-B-35  Supplemental  Indenture  of Met-Ed  dated  August  15,  1996 -
                  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  4-B-35,  1996  Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-446.


          4-B-36  Supplemental   Indenture   of  Met-Ed  dated  May  1,  1997  -
                  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  4-B-36,  1997  Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-446.

          4-B-37  Indenture  between  Met-Ed and United  States Trust Company of
                  New York  dated May 1, 1999 -  Incorporated  by  reference  to
                  Exhibit A-11(a), Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No.

          4-B-38  Supplemental  Indenture between Met-Ed and United States Trust
                  Company of New York dated July 1, 1999.

          4-C     Mortgage and Deed of Trust of Penelec dated January 1, 1942
                  between Penelec and United States Trust Company of New
                  York, Successor Trustee, and indentures supplemental
                  thereto dated March 7, 1942 through May 1, 1960 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Penelec's Instruments of
                  Indebtedness Nos. 1-20, inclusive, filed as a part of
                  Amendment No. 1 to 1959 Annual Report of GPU on Form U5S,
                  SEC File Nos. 30-126 and 1-3292.

          4-C-1   Supplemental  Indentures  to  Mortgage  and  Deed of  Trust of
                  Penelec  dated  May  1,  1961  through   December  1,  1977  -
                  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  2-D(1)  to  2-D(19),
                  Registration No. 2-61502.

          4-C-2   Supplemental  Indenture  of  Penelec  dated  June  1,  1978  -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(2),  Registration No.

          4-C-3   Supplemental  Indenture  of  Penelec  dated  June  1,  1979  -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(3),  Registration No.

          4-C-4   Supplemental  Indenture of Penelec  dated  September 1, 1984 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(4),  Registration No.

          4-C-5   Supplemental  Indenture  of Penelec  dated  December 1, 1985 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(5),  Registration No.

          4-C-6   Supplemental  Indenture  of Penelec  dated  December 1, 1986 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(6),  Registration No.

          4-C-7   Supplemental   Indenture  of  Penelec  dated  May  1,  1989  -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(7),  Registration No.

          4-C-8   Supplemental   Indenture   of  Penelec   dated   December   1,
                  1990-Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(8), Registration
                  No. 33-45312.


          4-C-9   Supplemental  Indenture  of  Penelec  dated  March  1,  1992 -
                  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4-A(9),  Registration No.

          4-C-10  Supplemental  Indenture  of  Penelec,  dated  June  1,  1993 -
                  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-73, 1993 Annual Report
                  of GPU on Form U5S, SEC File No. 30-126.

          4-C-11  Supplemental  Indenture  of Penelec  dated  November 1, 1995 -
                  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  4-C-11,  1995  Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3522.

          4-C-12  Supplemental  Indenture  of Penelec  dated  August 15,  1996 -
                  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  4-C-12,  1996  Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3522.

          4-C-13  Senior Note Indenture  between Penelec and United States Trust
                  Company of New York dated April 1, 1999.

          4-C-14  Indenture  between  Penelec and United States Trust Company of
                  New York dated June 1, 1999 -  Incorporated  by  reference  to
                  Exhibit A-11(a), Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No.

          4-D     Amended and Restated Limited Partnership Agreement of JCP&L
                  Capital, L.P., dated May 11, 1995 - Incorporated by
                  reference to Exhibit A-5(a), Certificate Pursuant to Rule
                  24, SEC File No. 70-8495.

          4-E     Action Creating Series A Preferred Securities of JCP&L
                  Capital, L.P., dated May 11, 1995 - Incorporated by
                  reference to Exhibit A-6(a), Certificate Pursuant to Rule
                  24, SEC File No. 70-8495.

          4-F     Payment and Guarantee Agreement of JCP&L, dated May 18, 1995 -
                  Incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  B-1(a),  Certificate
                  Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-8495.

          4-G     Payment and Guarantee Agreement of Met-Ed,  dated May 28, 1999
                  -  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit  B-1(a),  Certificate
                  Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC No. 70-9329.

          4-H     Amendment No. 1 to Payment and Guarantee Agreement of
                  Met-Ed, dated November 23, 1999.

          4-I     Payment and  Guarantee  Agreement  of Penelec,  dated June 16,
                  1999  -   Incorporated   by  reference   to  Exhibit   B-1(a),
                  Certificate Pursuant to Rule 24, SEC File No. 70-9327.

          4-J     Amendment No. 1 to Payment and Guarantee Agreement of
                  Penelec, dated November 23, 1999.

          4-K     Form of Rights Agreement between GPU, Inc. and ChaseMellon
                  Shareholder Services, L.L.C. - Incorporated by reference to
                  Exhibit 4, June 30, 1998 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, SEC
                  File No. 1-6047.


          10-A    GPU System Companies Deferred  Compensation Plan dated June 5,
                  1997 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-A, 1997 Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K,  SEC File No. 1-6047,  1-3141,  1-446 and

          10-B    Employee  Incentive  Compensation Plan of JCP&L dated April 1,
                  1995 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-D, 1995 Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3141.

          10-C    Employee Incentive  Compensation Plan of Met-Ed dated April 1,
                  1995 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-E, 1995 Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-446.

          10-D    Employee Incentive Compensation Plan of Penelec dated April 1,
                  1995 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-F, 1995 Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3522.

          10-E    Incentive  Compensation  Plan for  Elected  Officers  of JCP&L
                  dated February 6, 1997 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit
                  10-G, 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3141.

          10-F    Incentive  Compensation  Plan for  Elected  Officers of Met-Ed
                  dated February 6, 1997 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit
                  10-H, 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-446.

          10-G    Incentive  Compensation  Plan for Elected  Officers of Penelec
                  dated February 6, 1997 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit
                  10-I, 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3522.

          10-H    Deferred  Remuneration  Plan for  Outside  Directors  of JCP&L
                  dated  June 5, 1997 -  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit
                  10-J, 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3141.

          10-I    JCP&L Supplemental and Excess Benefits Plan dated June 5, 1997
                  -  Incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  10-K,  1997 Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3141.

          10-J    Met-Ed  Supplemental  and Excess  Benefits  Plan dated June 5,
                  1997 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-L, 1997 Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-446.

          10-K    Penelec  Supplemental  and Excess  Benefits Plan dated June 5,
                  1997 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-M, 1997 Annual
                  Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3522.

          10-L    Letter  agreement  dated  August 7, 1997  relating to terms of
                  employment and pension benefits for I.H. Jolles - Incorporated
                  by reference to Exhibit 10-O, 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K,
                  SEC File No. 1-6047.

          10-M    GPU, Inc.  Restricted  Stock Plan for Outside  Directors dated
                  June 4, 1998 - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-O, 1998
                  Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-6047.


          10-N    Retirement Plan for Outside Directors of GPU, Inc. dated
                  June 5, 1997 - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-R,
                  1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-6047.

          10-O    Deferred Remuneration Plan for Outside Directors of GPU,
                  Inc. dated October 8, 1997 - Incorporated by reference to
                  Exhibit 10-R, 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-S, SEC File No.

          10-P    Second Amended and Restated  Nuclear Material Lease Agreement,
                  dated as of November 5, 1998,  between Oyster Creek Fuel Corp.
                  and JCP&L -  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-S,  1998
                  Annual Report on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3141.

          10-Q    Letter  Agreement,  dated as of November  5, 1998,  from JCP&L
                  relating to Oyster Creek Nuclear  Material  Lease  Agreement -
                  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-S, 1998 Annual Report
                  on Form 10-K, SEC File No. 1-3141.

          10-R    Form of 1998 Stock Option  Agreement under the 1990 Stock Plan
                  for Employees of GPU, Inc. and  Subsidiaries - Incorporated by
                  reference to Exhibit  10-O,  1997 Annual  Report on Form 10-K,
                  SEC File No. 1-6047.

          10-S    Form of 1998 Performance  Units Agreement under the 1990 Stock
                  Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries- Incorporated
                  by reference to Exhibit 10-O, 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K,
                  SEC File No. 1-6047.

          10-T    Amended and Restated GPU System  Companies  Master  Directors'
                  Benefits Protection Trust effective June 1, 1999.

          10-U    Amended and Restated GPU System Companies  Master  Executives'
                  Benefits Protection Trust effective June 1, 1999.

          10-V    GPU, Inc. 1990 Stock Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and
                  Subsidiaries as amended and restated to reflect amendments
                  through June 3, 1999.

          10-W    Form of 1999 Stock Option  Agreement under the 1990 Stock Plan
                  for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

          10-X    Form of 1999 Performance  Units Agreement under the 1990 Stock
                  Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

          10-Y    Letter agreement dated February 23, 2000 relating to terms
                  and conditions of the supplemental pension for Robert L.

          10-Z    Severance Protection Agreement for Thomas G. Broughton,  dated
                  November 5, 1998 -  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-26
                  to GPU,  Inc.'s  Annual  Report on Form U5S for the year 1998,
                  SEC File No. 30-126.


          10-AA   Severance  Protection  Agreement  for  Fred  D.  Hafer,  dated
                  November 5, 1998 -  Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-24
                  to GPU,  Inc.'s  Annual  Report on Form U5S for the year 1998,
                  SEC File No. 30-126.

          10-BB   Severance  Protection  Agreement  for  Ira  H.  Jolles,  dated
                  November 5, 1998- Incorporated by reference to Exhibit C-25 to
                  GPU,  Inc.'s Annual Report on Form U5S for the year 1998,  SEC
                  File No. 30-126.

          10-CC   Severance  Protection  Agreement  for  Bruce  L.  Levy,  dated
                  December 16, 1998 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-28
                  to GPU,  Inc.'s  Annual  Report on Form U5S for the year 1998,
                  SEC File No. 30-126.

          10-DD   Severance  Protection  Agreement  for Carole B. Snyder,  dated
                  November 30, 1998 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit C-27
                  to GPU,  Inc.'s  Annual  Report on Form U5S for the year 1998,
                  SEC File No. 30-126.

          10-EE   Severance Protection Agreement for Robert L. Wise, as
                  amended and restated, dated February 23, 2000.

          10-FF   GPU  Companies  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plan,  as
                  adopted effective July 1, 1999.

          10-GG   Oyster  Creek  Nuclear  Generating  Station  Purchase and Sale
                  Agreement  by and  among  GPU  Nuclear,  Inc.  and  JCP&L,  as
                  sellers,  and AmerGen Energy Company,  LLC, as buyer, dated as
                  of October 15, 1999.

          10-HH   Agreement and Plan of Merger by and among GPU, Inc., MYR
                  Group Inc. and GPX Acquisition Corp. - Incorporated by
                  reference to Exhibit (c) (1) to GPU Inc.'s. Schedule 14D-1
                  Tender Offer Statement, SEC File No. 1-6047.

          10-II   Letter  Agreement  with  Charles M.  Brennan  III and Byron D.
                  Nelson, dated December 21, 1999 - Incorporated by reference to
                  exhibit (c) (2) to GPU,  Inc.'s  Schedule  14D-1  Tender Offer
                  Statement, SEC File No. 1-6047.

          10-JJ   Forms of Estate Enhancement Program Agreements.

          12      Statements Showing Computation of Ratio of Earnings to
                  Fixed Charges and Ratio of Earnings to Combined Fixed
                  Charges and Preferred Stock Dividends.

                  A - GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies

                  B - JCP&L

                  C - Met-Ed
                  D - Penelec

          21      Subsidiaries of the Registrants

                  A - JCP&L

                  B - Met-Ed
                  C - Penelec


          23      Consent of Independent Accountants

                  A - GPU, Inc.

                  B - JCP&L

                  C - Met-Ed
                  D - Penelec

          27      Financial Data Schedules

                  A - GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies

                  B - JCP&L

                  C - Met-Ed
                  D - Penelec


(b) Reports on Form 8-K:

                  GPU, Inc.:

                       Dated  December  2, 1999,  under Item 2  (Acquisition  or
                        Disposition of Assets) and Item 5 (Other Events).

                       Dated December 22, 1999, under Item 5 (Other Events).
                       Dated December 27, 1999, under Item 2 (Acquisition or
                        Disposition of Assets).
                       Dated December 27, 1999, under Item 5 (Other Events).
                       Dated December 29, 1999, under Item 5 (Other Events).
                       Dated February 4, 2000, under Item 5 (Other Events).
                       Dated March 3, 2000, under Item 7 (Financial
                        Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and

                  Jersey Central Power & Light Company:

                       Dated November 18, 1999, under Item 5 (Other Events).
                       Dated December 2, 1999, under Item 2 (Acquisition or
                        Disposition of Assets) and Item 5 (Other Events).
                       Dated December 27, 1999, under Item 2 (Acquisition or
                        Disposition of Assets).

                  Metropolitan Edison Company:

                       Dated  December  2, 1999,  under Item 2  (Acquisition  or
                        Disposition of Assets) and Item 5 (Other Events).

                       Dated  December 27, 1999,  under Item 2  (Acquisition  or
                        Disposition of Assets).

                       Dated February 4, 2000, under Item 5 (Other Events).

                  Pennsylvania Electric Company:

                       Dated  December  2, 1999,  under Item 2  (Acquisition  or
                        Disposition of Assets) and Item 5 (Other Events).

                       Dated  December 27, 1999,  under Item 2  (Acquisition  or
                        Disposition of Assets).

                       Dated February 4, 2000, under Item 5 (Other Events).


                                    GPU, INC.


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                       GPU, INC.

Dated: March 20, 2000                  BY: /s/ F. D. Hafer
                                            F. D. Hafer, Chairman

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

           Signature and Title                                     Date

/s/ F. D. Hafer                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
F. D. Hafer, Chairman (Chief Executive
Officer) and President and Director

/s/ B. L. Levy                                                March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
B. L. Levy, Senior Vice President
(Chief Financial Officer)

/s/ P. E. Maricondo                                           March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
P. E. Maricondo, Vice President and
Comptroller (Chief Accounting Officer)

/s/ T. H. Black                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
T. H. Black, Director

/s/ T. B. Hagen                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
T. B. Hagen, Director

/s/ H. F. Henderson, Jr.                                      March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
H. F. Henderson, Jr., Director

/s/ J. M. Pietruski                                           March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
J. M. Pietruski, Director

/s/ C. A. Rein                                                March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
C. A. Rein, Director

/s/ B. S. Townsend                                            March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
B. S. Townsend, Director

/s/ C. A. H. Trost                                            March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
C. A. H. Trost, Director

/s/ K. L. Wolfe                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
K. L. Wolfe, Director

/s/ P. K. Woolf                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
P. K. Woolf, Director




Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized.  The  Signature of the
undersigned  company shall be deemed to relate only to matters having  reference
to such company and any subsidiaries thereof.

                                       JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

Dated: March 20, 2000                  BY: /s/ R. L. Wise
                                            R. L. Wise, President

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

           Signature and Title                                     Date

/s/ F. D. Hafer                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
F. D. Hafer, Chairman
(Principal Executive Officer) and Director

/s/ R. L. Wise                                                March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
R. L. Wise, President
(Principal Operating Officer) and Director

/s/ B. L. Levy                                                March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
B. L. Levy, Vice President
(Principal Financial Officer)

/s/ M. P. O'Flynn                                             March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
M. P. O'Flynn, Vice President-Finance
and Rates & Comptroller and Director
(Principal Accounting Officer)

/s/ C. B. Snyder                                              March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
C. B. Snyder, Director

/s/ G. E. Persson                                             March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
G. E. Persson, Director

/s/ S. C. Van Ness                                            March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
S. C. Van Ness, Director

/s/ S. B. Wiley                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
S. B. Wiley, Director


                           METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized.  The  Signature of the
undersigned  company shall be deemed to relate only to matters having  reference
to such company and any subsidiaries thereof.

                                       METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY

Dated: March 20, 2000                  BY: /s/ R. L. Wise
                                            R. L. Wise, President

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

           Signature and Title                                     Date

/s/ F. D. Hafer                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
F. D. Hafer, Chairman
(Principal Executive Officer) and Director

/s/ R. L. Wise                                                March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
R. L. Wise, President
(Principal Operating Officer) and Director

/s/ B. L. Levy                                                March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
B. L. Levy, Vice President
(Principal Financial Officer)

/s/ M. P. O'Flynn                                             March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
M. P. O'Flynn, Vice President-Finance
and Rates & Comptroller and Director
(Principal Accounting Officer)

/s/ C. B. Snyder                                              March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
C. B. Snyder, Director


                          PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY


Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized.  The  Signature of the
undersigned  company shall be deemed to relate only to matters having  reference
to such company and any subsidiaries thereof.

                                         PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY

Dated: March 20, 2000                    BY: /s/ R. L. Wise
                                             R. L. Wise, President

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

           Signature and Title                                     Date

/s/ F. D. Hafer                                               March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
F. D. Hafer, Chairman
(Principal Executive Officer) and Director

/s/ R. L. Wise                                                March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
R. L. Wise, President
(Principal Operating Officer) and Director

/s/ B. L. Levy                                                March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
B. L. Levy, Vice President
(Principal Financial Officer)

/s/ M. P. O'Flynn                                             March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
M. P. O'Flynn, Vice President-Finance
and Rates & Comptroller and Director
(Principal Accounting Officer)

/s/ C. B. Snyder                                              March 20, 2000
- ----------------------------------------------
C. B. Snyder, Director


                                 GPU, INC.                        Page
                                 ---------                        ----

Supplementary Data
- ------------------

GPU Energy Companies' Statistics                                  F-3
Selected Financial Data                                           F-4
Quarterly Financial Data                                          F-5

Combined Management's Discussion and Analysis of

   Financial Condition and Results of Operations                  F-6

Financial Statements
- --------------------

Report of Independent Accountants                                 F-41
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998      F-42
Consolidated Statements of Income for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-44
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-45
Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-45
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-46

Combined Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements               F-47

Financial Statement Schedules
- -----------------------------

Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts for the
   Years 1997-1999                                                F-104


Supplementary Data
- ------------------

Company Statistics                                                F-105
Selected Financial Data                                           F-106
Quarterly Financial Data                                          F-107

Financial Statements
- --------------------

Report of Independent Accountants                                 F-108
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998      F-109
Consolidated Statements of Income for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-111
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-112
Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-112
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-113

Financial Statement Schedules
- -----------------------------

Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts for the
   Years 1997-1999                                                F-114



                           METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY

Supplementary Data

Company Statistics                                                F-115
Selected Financial Data                                           F-116
Quarterly Financial Data                                          F-117

Financial Statements

Report of Independent Accountants                                 F-118
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998      F-119
Consolidated Statements of Income for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-121
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-122
Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-122
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-123

Financial Statement Schedules

Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts for the
   Years 1997-1999                                                F-124

                          PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY

Supplementary Data

Company Statistics                                                F-125
Selected Financial Data                                           F-126
Quarterly Financial Data                                          F-127

Financial Statements

Report of Independent Accountants                                 F-128
Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999 and 1998      F-129
Consolidated Statements of Income for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-131
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-132
Consolidated Statements of Retained Earnings for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-132
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
   Years Ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997                   F-133

Financial Statement Schedules

Schedule II - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts for the
   Years 1997-1999                                                F-134

Schedules  other than those listed  above have been  omitted  since they are not
required,  are  inapplicable  or the  required  information  is presented in the
Financial Statements or Notes thereto.


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


For The Years Ended December 31,             1999     1998      1997       1996      1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Capacity at System Peak (in MW):
  Company owned                              5,765       6,751    6,740    6,680     6,637
  Contracted                                 3,192       4,275    3,930    3,536     3,604
                                            ------      ------   ------   ------     -----
      Total capacity (a)                     8,957      11,026   10,670   10,216    10,241
                                            ======      ======   ======   ======    ======

Hourly Peak Load (in MW):
  Summer peak                               10,075       9,412    9,555    8,497     9,101
  Winter peak                                8,046       7,579    7,736    7,756     7,861
  Reserve at system peak (%)                 (11.1)       17.0     11.7     20.2      12.5
  Load factor (%) (b)                         57.2        59.4     57.6     64.2      57.5

Sources of Energy (in thousands of MWH):

  Coal                                      12,116      19,675   19,390   18,133    17,500
  Nuclear                                   11,479      11,358   10,992   11,439    11,582
  Gas, hydro & oil                             736         888      800      812     1,019
                                            ------      ------   ------   ------    ------
      Net generation                        24,331      31,921   31,182   30,384    30,101
  Utility purchases and interchange         11,047       8,782    9,004    8,795    10,297
  Nonutility purchases                      10,875      10,952   11,119   11,046    10,712
                                            ------      ------   ------   ------    ------
      Total sources of energy               46,253      51,655   51,305   50,225    51,110
  Energy from alternate suppliers           10,034           -        -       -          -
  Company use, line loss, etc.              (4,783)     (4,300)  (5,437)  (5,777)   (5,357)
                                            ------      ------   ------   ------    ------
      Total delivered MWH sales             51,504      47,355   45,868   44,448    45,753
                                            ======      ======   ======   ======   =======

Fuel Expense (in millions):
  Coal                                      $  162       $ 263    $ 268     $263      $251
  Nuclear                                       67          67       63       70        74
  Gas & oil                                     31          32       40       38        38
                                             -----        ----     ----      ---       ---
      Total                                 $  260       $ 362    $ 371     $371      $363
                                             =====        ====     ====      ===      ====
Power Purchased and Interchanged (in millions):
  Utility and interchange purchases         $  422      $  311   $  294   $  267    $  351
  Nonutility purchases                         783         788      759      730       671
  Deferred nonutility costs (PA)               (66)        (17)     (25)       -         -
  Amortization of nonutility buyout costs       26          30       19        9         -
                                             -----       -----    -----   -----      ----
      Total                                 $1,165      $1,112   $1,047   $1,006    $1,022
                                             =====       =====    =====    =====     =====
Delivered MWH Sales (in thousands):
  Residential                               16,107      15,347   15,091   15,298    14,802
  Commercial                                15,431      14,778   14,281   14,017    13,544
  Industrial                                12,239      12,644   12,469   12,093    11,982
  Other                                        811         996    1,110    1,105     1,143
                                            ------      ------   ------   ------   -------
      Sales to customers                    44,588      43,765   42,951   42,513    41,471
  Sales to other utilities                   6,916       3,590    2,917    1,935     4,282
                                            ------      ------   ------   ------    ------
      Total                                 51,504      47,355   45,868   44,448    45,753
                                            ======      ======   ======   ======    ======
Operating Revenues (in millions):
  Residential                               $1,618      $1,579   $1,617   $1,599    $1,542
  Commercial                                 1,229       1,350    1,372    1,324     1,258
  Industrial                                   498         795      833      803       780
  Other                                         60          66       75       71        73
                                             -----       -----    -----    -----     -----
      Sales to customers                     3,405       3,790    3,897    3,797     3,653
  Provision for rate refunds                   (56)        (62)     -        -           -
  Sales to other utilities                     233         132       77       57       101
                                             -----       -----    -----    -----    ------
      Total electric energy sales            3,582       3,860    3,974    3,854     3,754
  Other revenues                               104          93       70       64        51
                                             -----       -----    -----    -----    ------
      Total                                 $3,686      $3,953   $4,044   $3,918    $3,805
                                             =====       =====    =====    =====     =====
Customers at Year-End (in thousands):
  Total customers                            2,063       2,041    2,021    1,997     1,976
  Customers choosing alternate suppliers        72           -        -       -         -

(a) Summer  ratings at December 31, 1999 of owned and  contracted  capacity were
    904 MW and 7,828 MW, respectively.
(b) The ratio of the average hourly load in kilowatts  supplied  during the year
    to the peak load occurring during the year.


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


For The Years Ended December 31,           1999(1)       1998(2)   1997(3)     1996(4)         1995(5)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Common Stock Data

Earnings per common share before extraordinary item:

  Basic                                   $   3.66      $   3.03  $   2.78     $   2.48       $   3.79
  Diluted                                 $   3.66      $   3.03  $   2.77     $   2.47       $   3.79

Earnings per common share:
  Basic                                   $   3.66      $   2.83  $   2.78     $   2.48       $   3.79
  Diluted                                 $   3.66      $   2.83  $   2.77     $   2.47       $   3.79

Cash dividends paid per share             $  2.105      $  2.045  $  1.985     $  1.925       $   1.86

Book value per share                      $  28.45      $  27.01  $  25.59     $  25.21       $  24.66

Closing market price per share            $ 29 3/4      $44 3/16  $ 42 1/8     $ 33 5/8       $     34

Common shares outstanding (in thousands):

  Basic average                            125,368       127,093   120,722     120,513         116,063
  Diluted average                          125,570       127,312   121,002     120,751         116,179
  At year-end                              121,806       127,996   120,833     120,611         120,423

Market price to book value at year-end        105%          164%      165%        133%            138%

Price/earnings ratio                           8.1          15.6      15.2        13.6             9.0

Return on average common equity              13.0%         10.7%     10.7%        9.8%           16.0%

Financial Data (in millions)

Operating revenues                        $4,757.1      $4,248.8  $4,143.4    $3,970.7        $3,822.5

Other operation and maintenance expense    1,495.4       1,106.9     993.7     1,114.9           965.1

Income before extraordinary item             459.0         385.9     335.1       298.4           440.1

Net income                                   459.0         360.1     335.1       298.4           440.1

Net utility plant in service               7,836.5       6,565.1   7,100.5     5,942.4         5,862.4

Total assets                              21,718.1      16,288.1  12,822.9    10,851.4         9,751.5

Long-term debt                             5,850.6       3,825.6   4,326.0     3,177.0         2,567.9

Long-term capital lease obligations            2.2           2.6       3.3         6.6            11.7

Trust preferred securities                   200.0           -         -            -               -

Subsidiary-obligated mandatorily
  redeemable preferred securities            125.0         330.0     330.0       330.0           330.0

Cumulative preferred stock with
  mandatory redemption                        73.2          86.5      91.5       114.0           134.0

Capital expenditures and
  investments (includes acquisitions)      2,131.7         468.2   2,268.6       977.5           626.7

Employees                                   10,830         8,957     9,346       9,345          10,286


(1) Results for 1999 include net gains of $36.1  million  (after-tax),  or $0.29
    per  share,  as a result of the sales of  substantially  all the GPU  Energy
    companies' electric generating stations as well as a gain on the sale of the
    Midlands  supply business of $6.8 million  (after-tax),  or $0.05 per share.
    Also in 1999, as a result of the NJBPU  Restructuring  Order, GPU recorded a
    non-recurring  charge of $68 million  (after-tax),  or $0.54 per share.  For
    additional information, see Note 7, Acquisitions.

(2) Results  for  1998  include  an   extraordinary   charge  of  $25.8  million
    (after-tax),  or $0.20 per share,  as a result of the PaPUC's  Restructuring
    Orders on Met-Ed  and  Penelec's  restructuring  plans.  Also in 1998,  as a
    result of the PaPUC  Orders,  GPU  recorded  a  non-recurring  charge of $40
    million (after-tax), or $0.32 per share, related to the obligation to refund
    1998 revenues; and for the establishment of a sustainable energy fund.

(3) Results for 1997 reflect a non-recurring  charge of $109.3 million, or $0.90
    per share,  for a windfall  profits  tax  imposed on  privatized  utilities,
    including Midlands, by the Government of the United Kingdom.

(4) Results  for  1996  reflect  a   non-recurring   charge  of  $74.5   million
    (after-tax),  or $0.62 per share,  for costs  related to voluntary  enhanced
    retirement programs.

(5) Results for 1995  reflect the  reversal of $104.9  million  (after-tax),  or
    $0.91 per share,  of certain  future TMI-2  retirement  costs written off in
    1994.  The  reversal of this  write-off  resulted  from a 1995  Pennsylvania
    Supreme  Court  decision  that  overturned  a 1994 lower  court  order,  and
    restored  a 1993  PaPUC  order  allowing  for the  recovery  of such  costs.
    Partially  offsetting this increase was a non-recurring  charge to income of
    $8.4 million  (after-tax),  or $0.07 per share, of TMI-2  monitored  storage
    costs deemed not probable of recovery through ratemaking.


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


                                                First Quarter           Second Quarter
                                           -------------------------  ----------------------
in thousands, except
per share data                                1999 (1)      1998        1999(2)    1998 (3)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                         $1,068,703    $1,043,109     $892,700  $1,015,087
Operating income                              298,633       259,634      132,027     215,622
Income before extraordinary item              190,719       133,780       47,262      79,937
Net income/(loss)                             190,719       133,780       47,262    (195,173)
Basic earnings per share before
  extraordinary item                             1.49          1.07         0.39        0.62
Diluted earnings per share before
  extraordinary item                             1.49          1.07         0.38        0.62
Basic earnings/(loss) per share                  1.49          1.07         0.39       (1.54)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share                1.49          1.07         0.38       (1.54)

                                                Third Quarter           Fourth Quarter
                                               ----------------------- ------------------
in thousands, except
per share data                                1999        1998 (4)       1999(5)       1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                         $1,424,286    $1,168,779   $1,371,435  $1,021,817
Operating income                              376,970       225,950      201,200     194,873
Income before extraordinary item              147,547        88,691       73,486      83,473
Net income                                    147,547       338,046       73,486      83,473
Basic earnings per share before
  extraordinary item                             1.18          0.69         0.60        0.65
Diluted earnings per share before
  extraordinary item                             1.18          0.69         0.60        0.65
Basic earnings per share                         1.18          2.65         0.60        0.65
Diluted earnings per share                       1.18          2.65         0.60        0.65


(1) Results for the first  quarter of 1999 include an increase of $27.8  million
    after-tax,  or $0.22 per share,  for the gain on the sale of Penelec's Homer
    City Station, related to wholesale operations.

(2) Results for the second  quarter of 1999  include a reduction  of $68 million
    after-tax,  or $0.54 per  share,  as a result of the  NJBPU's  Restructuring
    Order on JCP&L,  and an  after-tax  increase of $9.7  million,  or $0.08 per
    share, for the gain on the sale of the Midlands supply business.

(3) Results for the second  quarter of 1998 were  affected  by an  extraordinary
    charge of $275.1 million  after-tax,  or $2.16 per share, as a result of the
    Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission's (PaPUC) June 30, 1998 Restructuring
    Orders on Met-Ed and Penelec's restructuring plans.

(4) In the third  quarter of 1998,  as a result of amended  PaPUC  Restructuring
    Orders,  GPU reversed $266.3 million  after-tax,  or $2.09 per share, of the
    extraordinary  charge  taken in the  second  quarter,  primarily  related to
    above-market   nonutility  generation  costs;  and  recorded  an  additional
    extraordinary charge of $17 million after-tax, or $0.13 per share, primarily
    related to the write-off of FERC  jurisdictional  assets.  Also in the third
    quarter of 1998,  as a result of the amended  PaPUC  Orders,  GPU recorded a
    non-recurring  charge of $40 million after-tax,  or $0.32 per share, related
    to the obligation to refund 1998 revenues;  and for the  establishment  of a
    sustainable energy fund.

(5) Results for the fourth  quarter of 1999  include an increase of $8.3 million
    after-tax,  or  $0.07  per  share,  for  the  net  gains  on  the  sales  of
    substantially all of GPU Energy's  remaining  generating  assets;  and, as a
    result of adjustments to the working capital  estimate,  a reduction of $2.9
    million  after-tax,  or $0.03 per share,  was taken  against the  previously
    recorded gain on the sale of the Midlands supply business. In addition,  the
    aggregate  effect on earnings of other fourth quarter 1999 adjustments was a
    loss of approximately  $23 million  after-tax,  or  approximately  $0.19 per


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


     GPU, Inc. owns all the outstanding  common stock of three domestic electric
utilities -- Jersey Central Power & Light Company (JCP&L),  Metropolitan  Edison
Company  (Met-Ed) and  Pennsylvania  Electric  Company  (Penelec).  The customer
service function, transmission and distribution operations and the operations of
the remaining non-nuclear  generating facilities of these electric utilities are
conducting  business  under  the name GPU  Energy.  JCP&L,  Met-Ed  and  Penelec
considered  together are referred to as the "GPU Energy  companies." The nuclear
generation  operations of GPU Energy are conducted by GPU Nuclear,  Inc. (GPUN).
GPU Capital, Inc. and GPU Electric, Inc. and their subsidiaries own, operate and
fund the acquisition of electric and gas transmission  and distribution  systems
in foreign countries,  and are referred to as "GPU Electric." GPU International,
Inc.  and GPU  Power,  Inc.  and their  subsidiaries  develop,  own and  operate
generation  facilities  in the  United  States  and  foreign  countries  and are
referred to as the "GPUI Group."  Other  subsidiaries  of GPU, Inc.  include GPU
Advanced Resources, Inc. (GPU AR), which is involved in retail energy sales; GPU
Telcom    Services,     Inc.    (GPU    Telcom),    which    is    engaged    in
telecommunications-related  businesses;  and GPU  Service,  Inc.  (GPUS),  which
provides legal,  accounting,  financial and other services to the GPU companies.
All of these companies considered together are referred to as "GPU."

     The matters discussed in Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations contain certain  forward-looking  statements
within the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995.
Statements  made  that  are  not  historical  facts  are  forward-looking   and,
accordingly, involve estimates, forecasts,  assumptions, risks and uncertainties
that could cause  actual  results or outcomes  to differ  materially  from those
expressed  in the  forward-looking  statements.  Although  such  forward-looking
statements have been based on reasonable assumptions, there is no assurance that
the  expected  results  will be  achieved.  Some of the factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to: the effects
of  regulatory  decisions;  changes in law and other  governmental  actions  and
initiatives;  the  impact  of  deregulation  and  increased  competition  in the
industry;  industry restructuring;  expected outcomes of legal proceedings;  the
completion of generation asset divestiture;  energy prices and availability; and
uncertainties  involved with foreign  operations  including  political risks and
foreign currency fluctuations.

                            GPU RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

- --------------------------------

(on a diluted basis)         1999   1998  Change       1998    1997    Change
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   GPU Energy companies *  $ 3.51  $ 2.90 $ 0.61      $ 2.90   $ 3.21  $(0.31)
   GPU Electric              0.38    0.44  (0.06)       0.44     0.75   (0.31)
   GPUI Group                0.15    0.11   0.04        0.11    (0.13)   0.24
   GPU AR                   (0.04)  (0.01) (0.03)      (0.01)   (0.04)   0.03
   GPU, Inc. (Corporate)    (0.14)  (0.09) (0.05)      (0.09)   (0.12)   0.03
                            -----   -----  -----       -----    -----   -----
     Total operations        3.86    3.35   0.51        3.35     3.67   (0.32)
Non-recurring items:
   GPU Energy companies     (0.25)  (0.52)  0.27       (0.52)     -     (0.52
   GPU Electric              0.05     -     0.05         -      (0.90)   0.90
                            -----   -----  -----       -----    -----   -----
     Total                 $ 3.66  $ 2.83  $ 0.83     $ 2.83   $ 2.77  $ 0.06
                            =====   =====   =====      =====    =====   =====

*  Includes GPU Telcom


   GPU's 1999 earnings were $459.0  million,  or $3.66 per share,  compared with
earnings  of $360.1  million,  or $2.83 per  share,  for 1998.  GPU's  return on
average common equity was 13.0% in 1999, compared to 10.7% in 1998. Both periods
reflect non-recurring items.

     Excluding the following  non-recurring items,  earnings for 1999 would have
been  $484.1  million,  or  $3.86  per  share:  the net  gain of  $36.1  million
after-tax,  or $0.29  per  share,  for the  sales of the GPU  Energy  companies'
generating facilities related to wholesale operations;  the non-recurring charge
of $68  million  after-tax,  or  $0.54  per  share,  resulting  from  a  Summary
Restructuring  Order (Summary  Order) issued to JCP&L by the New Jersey Board of
Public Utilities (NJBPU);  and the gain on the sale of the Midlands  Electricity
plc (Midlands)  supply business of $6.8 million  after-tax,  or $0.05 per share.
Excluding the effect of the  Pennsylvania  Public Utility  Commission's  (PaPUC)
rate  actions,  earnings for 1998 would have been $425.9  million,  or $3.35 per
share.  Return on average  common  equity for 1999 and 1998 on this basis  would
have been 13.7% and 12.4%, respectively.

     The  $0.51 per share  earnings  increase  in 1999  versus  1998,  excluding
non-recurring items, was due to increased earnings from the GPU Energy companies
primarily as a result of higher sales to other  utilities,  lower  operation and
maintenance (O&M) expense and lower depreciation  expense.  Also contributing to
the  increase  was  higher  profits  from  operations  at  Midlands.   Partially
offsetting  these increases were lower  generation sales to customers by the GPU
Energy companies as a result of some customers choosing alternate suppliers; and
the absence of gains realized in 1998 on the sale of GPU Electric's  interest in
Solaris Power (Solaris) and the sale of AllGas Energy stock.

     In 1997, a non-recurring  charge of $109.3 million, or $0.90 per share, was
taken for a  windfall  profits  tax  assessed  on  privatized  utilities  by the
Government of the United Kingdom. Excluding the impact of non-recurring items in
both years, GPU's earnings for 1998 would have been $425.9 million,  compared to
$444.4  million in 1997,  and earnings per share for 1998 would have been $3.35,
compared to $3.67 in 1997.  Return on average common equity for 1998 and 1997 on
this basis would have been 12.4% and 14%, respectively.

     The 1998 earnings per share  decrease on this basis was due to lower income
from the GPU Energy companies,  and increased shares outstanding due to the sale
of GPU, Inc. common stock in February 1998. The GPU Energy  companies'  earnings
reduction for the period was due to increased O&M expenses  primarily related to
the   implementation  of  a  new  company-wide   computer  software  system  and
restructuring  costs  related to staff  reductions,  partially  offset by higher
electric sales.  After adjusting for the related impacts of the windfall profits
tax, GPU  Electric's  income  contribution  increased for the year and partially
offset the GPU Energy companies' decrease.

- ------------------
     Operating  revenues  increased  $508.3 million to $4.8 billion in 1999, and
increased  $105.4 million to $4.2 billion in 1998. The components of the changes
are as follows:


                                              Changes (in millions)
                                           1999                 1998
                                           ----                 ----
GPU Energy companies:
   Kilowatt-hour (KWH) revenues           $(570.8)            $  30.9
   Energy and restructuring-related
     revenues                               220.2                49.8
   Obligation to refund revenues            (58.6)              (56.4)
   Competitive transition charge
     (CTC) revenues                         138.7                  -
   GPU Telcom revenues                       (9.7)               16.1
   Other revenues                            12.7              (130.9)
                                            -----              ------
        Total GPU Energy companies         (267.5)              (90.5)
GPU Electric                                683.5               151.6
GPUI Group                                   18.6                34.7
GPU AR                                       73.7                 9.6
                                            -----               -----
        Total increase                    $ 508.3             $ 105.4
                                            =====               =====

GPU Energy companies

Kilowatt-hour revenues
- ----------------------


     The  decrease was  primarily  due to lower  generation-related  revenues of
approximately  $430 million as a result of some Pennsylvania  customers choosing
another electric energy supplier and a decrease of approximately $325 million in
nonutility  generation (NUG) revenues for Met-Ed and Penelec (which did not have
an impact on earnings since NUG-related revenues are now being collected through
the CTC effective  January 1, 1999).  Partially  offsetting these decreases were
increased sales to other utilities of approximately $160 million, the absence of
an earnings cap adjustment  (since JCP&L was not in an over earnings position in
1999) which reduced JCP&L's 1998 revenues and higher weather-related sales.


     The  increase  in  KWH  revenues  was  primarily  due  to  an  increase  in
residential   and  commercial   customer  usage,   partially   offset  by  lower
weather-related sales to residential and commercial  customers,  and the absence
in 1998 of the step increase in unbilled revenue recorded by Met-Ed.

Energy and restructuring-related revenues (JCP&L only)
- ------------------------------------------------------

1999 and 1998

     The 1999  increase  was  primarily  due to a  change  in the  estimate  for
unbilled  revenue and the inclusion of revenues,  effective  August 1, 1999, for
the recovery of stranded costs due to  restructuring  in New Jersey.  Changes in
energy and  restructuring-related  revenues  do not affect  earnings as they are
offset by corresponding  changes in expense. The 1998 increase was due primarily
to increased  sales to other  utilities and higher  residential  and  commercial
customer sales.

Obligation to refund revenues to customers
- ------------------------------------------


     The decrease was primarily due to the NJBPU's Summary Order issued to JCP&L
which requires JCP&L to refund customers 5% from rates in effect as of April 30,
1997. As a result, JCP&L recorded a reduction to operating


revenues of $115 million.  Partially  offsetting  the effect of the decrease was
the absence of rate reductions to operating revenues of $56.4 million,  recorded
in 1998, as a result of PaPUC Restructuring Orders for Met-Ed and Penelec.


     In 1998,  as a result of amended  PaPUC  Restructuring  Orders,  Met-Ed and
Penelec  recorded  reductions to operating  revenues of $56.4 million to reflect
their  obligation  to make refunds to  customers  from 1998  revenues  (2.5% for
Met-Ed customers and 3% for Penelec customers).

Competitive transition charge (CTC) revenues (Met-Ed and Penelec only)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


     CTC revenues represent  Pennsylvania  stranded cost recoveries permitted by
the PaPUC in accordance  with Met-Ed and Penelec's  final  Restructuring  Orders
effective  January 1,  1999.  Changes in CTC  revenues  generally  do not affect
earnings as they are offset by corresponding changes in expense.

Other revenues
- --------------


     The increase was due primarily to increased transmission revenues at Met-Ed
and Penelec as a result of customer shopping in Pennsylvania.


     The 1998  decrease was  primarily due to lower revenue taxes as a result of
New Jersey tax legislation  that eliminated the gross receipts and franchise tax
on utility bills and replaced it with a sales tax, a corporate  business tax and
a transitional  energy  facilities  assessment,  effective January 1, 1998. This
decrease did not have an impact on earnings.

GPU Electric


     The increase in revenues  was  primarily  due to the  inclusion of revenues
from:  Midlands (of which the remaining  50% was acquired in July 1999),  $503.9
million;  Empresa Distribuidora  Electrica Regional, S.A. (Emdersa) (acquired in
March  1999),  $136  million;  and GPU GasNet  (acquired  in June  1999),  $31.3
million. For additional information, see Note 7, Acquisitions.


     The increase in revenues  was due mainly to including  the full year effect
of GPU PowerNet (acquired in November 1997).

GPUI Group


     The increase was  primarily due to an increase in Empresa  Guaracachi  S.A.
(EGSA) energy and capacity revenues of $2.4 million, and the full year effect of
consolidating Onondaga Cogen, L.P. (Onondaga) of $11 million.


     The increase in revenues  was due mainly to including  the full year effect
of Lake Cogen, Ltd. (Lake),  and the effect of including  Onondaga  beginning in
August 1998.




     The increase was  primarily due to an increase in energy sales to customers
who chose GPU AR as their electric  energy  supplier as part of retail  customer
choice in Pennsylvania. Some of GPU AR's customers are located in the GPU Energy
companies' service territories.


     GPU AR's 1998  revenues  were derived  from energy  sales to customers  who
chose it as their energy  supplier as part of the retail access pilot program in

- ----------------

     Operating  income  increased  $112.8  million to $1.01 billion in 1999, and
increased $25.3 million to $896.1 million in 1998. The components of the changes
are as follows:

                                               Changes (in millions)
                                             1999                 1998
                                             ----                 ----

GPU Energy companies                       $ (30.2)            $ (74.7)
GPU Electric                                 143.9                90.4
GPUI Group                                    11.5                 2.0
GPU AR                                        (3.6)                3.8
GPU, Inc.                                     (8.8)                3.8
                                             -----               -----
        Total increase                     $ 112.8             $  25.3
                                             =====               =====

GPU Energy companies


     The decrease was due to lower  revenues as discussed  above (see  Operating
Revenues section for additional information).  Also contributing to the decrease
was a pre-tax  reserve of $25  million  for Met-Ed  and  Penelec  related to the
regulatory  uncertainty of the full recoverability of stranded costs in Phase II
of  the  Pennsylvania  restructuring  proceedings.   Partially  offsetting  this
decrease was lower O&M expenses  primarily due to the sale of Penelec's interest
in the Homer City Station (Homer City),  lower  depreciation  expense due to the
effect of the  impairment  write-down of the Oyster Creek (Oyster Creek) nuclear
generating  station  and Three Mile  Island  Unit 1 (TMI-1)  nuclear  generating
facility in 1999 and 1998, respectively; and the sale of Homer City.


     The decrease was due  primarily to lower  revenues as discussed  above (see
Operating Revenues section for additional information). Also contributing to the
decrease was higher O&M expenses  primarily due to the  implementation  of a new
company-wide computer software system, costs related to staff reductions and the
full year  inclusion of O&M expenses for GPU Telcom.  The decrease also included
additional amortization expense related to JCP&L's Final Settlement representing
the  portion of JCP&L's  return on equity  which  exceeded  the  maximum  amount
allowed and must be applied against JCP&L's stranded cost pool.


GPU Electric


     The increase was due primarily to the  consolidation  of Midlands since the
acquisition of the remaining 50% ownership in 1999, and the inclusion of Emdersa
and GPU GasNet from their acquisition dates in 1999.


     The  increase  was due to higher  revenues as  discussed  above,  partially
offset by an increase in O&M expenses  primarily  due to the full year effect of
including GPU PowerNet.

GPUI Group


     The increase was primarily due to higher revenues as discussed  above,  and
the full year effect of consolidating Onondaga.


     The  increase was  primarily  due to higher  revenues as  discussed  above,
mostly  offset by an increase  in O&M  expenses  primarily  due to the full year
effect of including Lake, as well as the effect of including  Onondaga beginning
August 1998.



     The decrease was primarily due to increased  prices for power purchases due
to the hot summer of 1999,  partially  offset by higher  revenues  as  discussed


     The  increase was  primarily  due to higher  revenues as  discussed  above,
partially offset by increased power purchases.

- ---------------------------

     Other income and  deductions  increased  $54.5 million to $175.8 million in
1999, and increased  $142.7 million to $121.3 million in 1998. The components of
the changes are as follows:

                                               Changes (in millions)
                                             1999                1998
                                             ----                ----

GPU Energy companies                       $ 78.8              $(13.4)
GPU Electric                                (25.6)              114.4
GPUI Group                                    0.4                42.1
GPU AR                                        0.1                 0.1
GPU, Inc.                                     0.8                (0.5)
                                             ----               -----
     Total increase                        $ 54.5              $142.7
                                             ====               =====

GPU Energy companies


     The increase was  primarily  due to the  recognition  of net gains of $61.3
million  pre-tax,  as a result of the sale of  substantially  all the GPU Energy
companies' electric generating stations. Also contributing to the increase


was the absence of a charge for start-up  payments for the  establishment  of an
environmental  fund for  Met-Ed  and  Penelec;  and the  absence  of a charge to
terminate a contract with one of Met-Ed's wholesale customers, both in 1998.


    The decrease was  primarily  due to a charge taken by Met-Ed and Penelec for
start-up payments for the establishment of a sustainable energy fund as a result
of the PaPUC's  Restructuring  Orders; and a charge by Met-Ed for the Middletown

GPU Electric


     The  decrease was  primarily  due to a pre-tax loss of $8.5 million for the
write-down,  to market value, of the investment in certain marketable securities
due to GPU  Electric's  pending  sale of this  investment;  and the absence of a
pre-tax  gain  of $45  million  realized  in 1998  from  the  sale  of  Solaris.
Offsetting the decrease was the pre-tax gain on the sale of the Midlands  supply
business of $10.5 million and increased earnings from Midlands' operations prior
to the acquisition  from Cinergy of the remaining 50%. Also  contributing to the
offset was the gain on the sale of the  Enersis  Group  generation  facility  in


    The increase was  primarily  due to the absence of a $109.3  million  charge
taken in 1997 for a windfall  profits tax imposed on Midlands by the  Government
of the United Kingdom. Also contributing to the increase was the pre-tax gain of
$45 million realized from GPU Electric's sale of its interest in Solaris.

GPUI Group


    In 1999, the GPUI Group sold its interests in two cogeneration  projects and
its shares of Niagara Mohawk Power  Corporation  stock (that it received as part
of the  1998  master  restructuring  agreement  for  the  Onondaga  cogeneration
project) for a total pre-tax gain of $12 million.  Offsetting  this increase was
the  recording  of an  impairment  of $6.5  million,  in  1999,  related  to the
investment  in the Lake  cogeneration  project and the absence of a pre-tax gain
from the 1998 sale of a 50% interest in the Mid-Georgia  cogeneration project of
$9.1 million, which is offset by $2.5 million of deferred revenues recognized in
income in 1999.


    The increase was due primarily to the pre-tax gain of $9.1 million  realized
from the sale of half its  interest in the  Mid-Georgia  cogeneration  plant and
higher investment income of $21.5 million.

- ----------------------------------------

    Interest charges and preferred  dividends  increased $93.3 million to $482.5
million in 1999,  and  increased  $69.9 million to $389.2  million in 1998.  The
components of the changes are as follows:


                                               Changes (in millions)

                                            1999                  1998
                                            ----                  ----

GPU Energy companies                      $(21.1)              $  (7.1)
GPU Electric                               114.6                  76.3
GPUI Group                                   1.5                  (0.1)
GPU, Inc.                                   (1.7)                  0.8
                                            ----                 -----
     Total increase                       $ 93.3               $  69.9
                                            ====                 =====

GPU Energy companies


     The decrease was primarily due to the following: in 1999 Met-Ed and Penelec
redeemed all their company-obligated mandatorily redeemable preferred securities
and cumulative  preferred  stock (the  redemption of preferred stock resulted in
losses of $0.5 million and $0.7 million,  respectively, for Met-Ed and Penelec);
and Penelec redeemed $600 million of first mortgage bonds (FMBs).  Also in 1999,
JCP&L redeemed $30 million of cumulative  preferred  stock (which  resulted in a
loss of $0.8  million).  Partially  offsetting  these  decreases  was  increased
interest  expense  associated with Penelec's  issuance of $350 million of senior
notes in 1999.


     In 1998,  JCP&L redeemed $15 million  stated value of cumulative  preferred

GPU Electric


     The  increase  was  primarily  due to  higher  debt  levels  from  the 1999
acquisitions  of Emdersa,  GPU GasNet and Midlands (the  remaining  50%),  which
resulted in additional  interest expense of $8 million,  $21.3 million and $66.8
million, respectively.


     The increase was due  primarily  to debt  associated  with the GPU PowerNet
acquisition in November 1997.

- ------------------


     The  extraordinary  loss was due to the  impact of the PaPUC  Restructuring
Orders received by Met-Ed and Penelec. For additional  information,  see Note 6,
Accounting for Extraordinary and Non-recurring Items.

                           JCP&L RESULTS OF OPERATIONS
     JCP&L's earnings for 1999 were $162.9 million, compared to 1998 earnings of
$212.4  million.  JCP&L's  return on  average  common  equity was 10.7% in 1999,
compared to 13.5% in 1998. The decrease was due to a non-recurring charge of $68
million  after-tax,  as a result of the NJBPU's  Summary  Order issued to JCP&L.
Excluding  the  non-recurring  charge,  earnings for 1999 would have been $230.9
million.  The increase in earnings on this basis was due  primarily to increased
sales  to  new  customers,  higher  weather-related  sales  and  a  decrease  in
depreciation expense.


     Earnings in 1998 were $212.4  million,  compared to 1997 earnings of $200.6
million.  Contributing to this earnings increase were increased  residential and
commercial   customer  sales,   partially  offset  by  increased  operation  and
maintenance expenses. JCP&L's return on average common equity was 13.5% in 1998,
compared to 13.1% in 1997.

- ------------------

     Operating  revenues  decreased  $51.4 million to $2.02 billion in 1999, and
decreased  $24.3 million to $2.07 billion in 1998. The components of the changes
are as follows:

                                              Changes (in millions)
                                           1999                 1998
                                           ----                 ----

   KWH revenues                           $(156.3)            $  64.0
   Energy and restructuring-related
     revenues                               220.2                48.2
   Obligation to refund revenues           (115.0)                 -
   Other revenues                            (0.3)             (136.5)
                                           ------              ------
        Decrease in revenues              $ (51.4)            $ (24.3)
                                           ======              ======

KWH revenues
- -------------

     The decrease was  primarily due to decreased  customer  usage and decreased
sales to other utilities of approximately $10 million.  Partially offsetting the
decrease was the absence of an earnings cap  adjustment  (since JCP&L was not in
an over  earnings  position  through  July  1999)  which  reduced  JCP&L's  1998
revenues; increased sales to new customers and higher weather-related sales.

                    1999 Delivered KWH Sales by Service Class

                      Residential               42%
                      Commercial                40%
                      Industrial/Other          18%


     The increase was due to higher  residential  and commercial  customer usage
and an increase in new  residential  and  commercial  customer  sales  partially
offset by lower weather-related sales.

Energy and restructuring-related revenues
- -----------------------------------------

1999 and 1998
     The 1999  increase  was  primarily  due to a  change  in the  estimate  for
unbilled  revenue and the inclusion of revenues,  effective  August 1, 1999, for
the recovery of stranded costs due to  restructuring  in New Jersey.  Changes in
energy and  restructuring-related  revenues  do not affect  earnings as they are
offset by corresponding  changes in expense. The 1998 increase was due primarily
to increased  sales to other  utilities and higher  residential  and  commercial
customer sales.

Obligation to refund revenues to customers
- ------------------------------------------


     The  decrease  was due to the NJBPU's  Summary  Order issued to JCP&L which
requires JCP&L to refund customers 5% from rates in effect as of


April 30, 1997. As a result, JCP&L recorded a reduction to operating revenues of
$115 million.

Other revenues
- --------------


     The decrease was  primarily  due to lower  revenue taxes as a result of New
Jersey tax  legislation  that eliminated the gross receipts and franchise tax on
utility  bills and replaced it with a sales tax, a corporate  business tax and a
transitional  energy  facilities  assessment,  effective  January 1, 1998.  This
decrease did not have an impact on earnings.

- ----------------
     Operating  income  decreased  $96.3 million to $365.8  million in 1999, and
increased $26.5 million to $462.1 million in 1998.


     The decrease  was due to the  obligation  to make refunds to customers  and
lower KWH revenues as discussed  above.  Partially  offsetting this decrease was
lower  depreciation  expense due to the effect of the  impairment  write-down of
Oyster Creek and TMI-1 in 1999 and 1998, respectively.


     The increase was due primarily to increased KWH revenues as discussed above
and lower reserve capacity expense. Partially offsetting the increase was higher
O&M expenses primarily due to the implementation of a new company-wide  computer
software system and costs related to staff  reductions.  Furthermore,  operating
income was reduced by additional  amortization  expense related to JCP&L's Final
Settlement  representing  the portion of JCP&L's return on equity which exceeded
the maximum amount  allowed and must be applied  against  JCP&L's  stranded cost

- ---------------------------
     Other income and  deductions  decreased  $1.5  million to $12.5  million in
1999, and increased $12.1 million to $14.0 million in 1998.


     The  increase was due  primarily to the absence of the charges  incurred in
1997 for the  termination  of a NUG  contract and for a loss on the sale of fuel
oil from the Gilbert generating station.

- ----------------------------------------
     Interest charges and preferred  dividends  decreased $4.2 million to $114.4
million in 1999, and decreased $6.1 million to $118.6 million in 1998.


     The decrease was primarily due to lower other  interest  expense  (excludes
interest on debt).  Also  contributing to the decrease was the redemption of $30
million of cumulative preferred stock, which resulted in a loss of $0.8 million.



     The decrease was due to lower  short-term debt levels and the redemption of
$15 million stated value of cumulative preferred stock.

                          MET-ED RESULTS OF OPERATIONS
     Met-Ed's earnings for 1999 were $94.5 million, compared to 1998 earnings of
$50.4  million.  Met-Ed's  return on  average  common  equity  was 13.9% in 1999
compared to 7.5% in 1998.  Excluding the net gain of $1.2 million  after-tax for
the sales of Met-Ed's  generating  facilities  related to wholesale  operations,
earnings  for 1999 would have been $93.3  million.  Excluding  the effect of the
PaPUC  rate  actions,  earnings  for 1998 would  have been  $76.4  million.  The
increase in earnings on this basis was primarily due to increased sales to other
utilities, higher weather-related sales and a decrease in depreciation expense.

     Earnings  in 1998 were $50.4  million,  compared  to 1997  earnings  of $93
million.  Met-Ed's  return on average common equity was 7.5% in 1998 compared to
12.9% in 1997.  In 1998, a  non-recurring  charge of $26 million  after-tax  was
taken  as  a  result  of  the  PaPUC's  Restructuring  Order  for  Met-Ed.  Also
contributing  to the earnings  decrease was increased  operation and maintenance
expenses  primarily  related to the  implementation  of a new computer  software
system and restructuring costs related to staff reductions.

- ------------------

     Operating  revenues  decreased $16.8 million to $902.8 million in 1999, and
decreased $23.5 million to $919.6 million in 1998. The components of the changes
are as follows:

                                              Changes (in millions)
                                            1999                1998
                                            ----                ----

   KWH revenues                           $(152.0)            $ (4.5)
   Obligation to refund revenues             27.2              (27.2)
   CTC revenues                              90.0                 -
   Other revenues                            18.0                8.2
                                           ------              -----
     Decrease in revenues                 $ (16.8)            $(23.5)
                                           ======              =====

KWH revenues


     The  decrease was  primarily  due to lower  generation-related  revenues of
approximately  $220 million as a result of some Pennsylvania  customers choosing
another electric energy supplier and a decrease of approximately $155 million in
NUG  revenues  (which  did not have an  impact  on  earnings  since  NUG-related
revenues are now being  collected  through the CTC  effective  January 1, 1999).
Partially  offsetting  these decreases was increased sales to other utilities of
approximately $130 million and higher weather-related sales.

               1999 Delivered KWH Sales by Service Class

                      Residential               36%
                      Commercial                29%
                      Industrial/Other          35%



     The  decrease  was  due to the  absence  in 1998 of the  step  increase  in
unbilled  revenue  as a  result  of  Met-Ed  including  its ECR in  base  rates,
amounting to $13 million, and lower weather-related  sales. Partially offsetting
these  decreases were  increased  sales to other  utilities,  an increase in new
commercial and residential customer sales and increased customer usage.

Obligation to refund revenues to customers
- ------------------------------------------


     The  increase  was due to the  absence of rate  refunds  of $27.2  million,
recorded in 1998, as a result of the PaPUC Restructuring Order for Met-Ed.


     In 1998,  as a result of the  amended  PaPUC  Restructuring  Order,  Met-Ed
recorded a  reduction  to  operating  revenues  of $27.2  million to reflect its
obligation to make refunds, of 2.5%, to customers from 1998 revenues.

CTC revenues
- ------------

     CTC revenues represent  Pennsylvania  stranded cost recoveries permitted by
the PaPUC in  accordance  with  Met-Ed's  final  Restructuring  Order  effective
January 1, 1999.  Changes in CTC revenues  generally  do not affect  earnings as
they are offset by corresponding changes in expense.

Other revenues
- --------------

     The increase was due  primarily  to  increased  transmission  revenues as a
result of customer shopping in Pennsylvania.

- ----------------
     Operating  income  increased  $45.8 million to $213.2  million in 1999, and
decreased $47.0 million to $167.4 million in 1998.


     The increase was primarily due to increased sales to other  utilities,  the
absence of rate refunds of $27.2 million recorded in 1998 and lower depreciation
expense  due to the  effect of the  impairment  write-down  of TMI-1 in 1998 and
lower O&M expenses. Partially offsetting this decrease was lower revenues due to
customer  shopping  and the  recording  of a pre-tax  reserve  of $18.7  million
related to the  regulatory  uncertainty of the full  recoverability  of stranded
costs in Phase II of the Pennsylvania restructuring proceedings.


     The  decrease  was  primarily  due to lower  revenues  as a result  of rate
refunds of $27.2 million and higher O&M expenses due to increased costs from the
implementation  of a new computer software system and increased costs related to
staff reductions.  Also contributing to the decrease was higher depreciation and
amortization   expense  due  to   additions  to  plant  in  service  and  higher
depreciation rates.


- ---------------------------
     Other  income and  deductions  increased  $17.5  million to $4.1 million in
1999, and decreased $16.9 million to a net expense of $13.4 million in 1998.


     The  increase  was  primarily  due to the absence of a charge for  start-up
payments for the  establishment of an  environmental  fund; and the absence of a
charge to terminate a contract with Middletown,  both in 1998. Also contributing
to the increase was the  recognition  of net gains of $2 million  pre-tax,  as a
result  of the  sale  of  substantially  all  of  Met-Ed's  electric  generating


    The  decrease was due  primarily  to a charge for start-up  payments for the
establishment of an environmental fund per the PaPUC's Restructuring Order and a
charge for the Middletown settlement.

- -----------------------------------------
     Interest  charges and preferred  dividends  increased $2.1 million to $61.4
million in 1999, and increased $0.2 million to $59.3 million in 1998.


     The increase  was due to the  issuance of $100  million of trust  preferred
securities. Partially offsetting the increase was a decrease in interest on debt
due to  lower  debt  levels  and  lower  preferred  stock  dividends  due to the
redemption of all of Met-Ed's  preferred stock, which resulted in a loss of $0.5

- -------------------

     The  extraordinary  loss was due to the  impact of the PaPUC  Restructuring
Order received by Met-Ed. For additional information, see Note 6, Accounting for
Extraordinary and Non-recurring Items.

                          PENELEC RESULTS OF OPERATIONS
     Penelec's 1999 earnings were $151.6  million,  compared to 1998 earnings of
$38.9  million.  Penelec's  return on  average  common  equity was 26.6% in 1999
compared to 5% in 1998.  Excluding the net gain of $34.9  million  after-tax for
the sales of Penelec's  generating  facilities related to wholesale  operations,
earnings for 1999 would have been $116.7  million.  Excluding  the effect of the
PaPUC  rate  actions,  earnings  for 1998 would  have been  $78.7  million.  The
increase in earnings on this basis was primarily due to increased sales to other
utilities, higher weather-related sales and a decrease in depreciation expense.


     Earnings in 1998 were $38.9  million,  compared  to 1997  earnings of $94.4
million.  Penelec's  return on average  common equity was 5% in 1998 compared to
12.1% in 1997. In 1998, a  non-recurring  charge of $39.8 million  after-tax was
taken  as a  result  of  the  PaPUC's  Restructuring  Order  for  Penelec.  Also
contributing  to the earnings  decrease was increased  operation and maintenance
expenses  primarily  related to the  implementation  of a new computer  software
system and restructuring costs related to staff reductions.

- -------------------

     Operating  revenues  decreased  $110.3 million to $922 million in 1999, and
decreased  $20.7 million to $1.0 billion in 1998.  The components of the changes
are as follows:

                                              Changes (in millions)
                                           1999                 1998
                                           ----                 ----

   KWH revenues                           $(203.3)            $  13.9
   Obligation to refund revenues             29.2               (29.2)
   CTC revenues                              48.7                  -
   Other revenues                            15.1                (5.4)
                                           ------               -----
        Decrease in revenues              $(110.3)             $(20.7)
                                           ======               =====

KWH revenues
- ------------


     The  decrease was  primarily  due to lower  generation-related  revenues of
approximately  $210 million as a result of some Pennsylvania  customers choosing
another electric energy supplier and a decrease of approximately $170 million in
NUG  revenues  (which  did not have an  impact  on  earnings  since  NUG-related
revenues are now being  collected  through the CTC  effective  January 1, 1999).
Partially  offsetting  these decreases was increased sales to other utilities of
approximately $40 million and higher weather-related sales.

                    1999 Delivered KWH Sales by Service Class
                      Residential               28%
                      Commercial                32%
                      Industrial/Other          40%


     The increase was  primarily due to increased  sales to other  utilities and
increased industrial customer usage offset by lower  weather-related  sales. The
revenue comparison was also affected by the absence in 1998 of the step increase
in  unbilled  revenue as a result of Penelec  including  its ECR in base  rates,
amounting to $15 million.

Obligation to refund revenues to customers
- ------------------------------------------

     The  increase  was due to the  absence of rate  refunds  of $29.2  million,
recorded in 1998, as a result of the PaPUC Restructuring Order for Penelec.


     In 1998,  as a result of the amended  PaPUC  Restructuring  Order,  Penelec
recorded a  reduction  to  operating  revenues  of $29.2  million to reflect its
obligation to make refunds, of 3%, to customers from 1998 revenues.


CTC revenues
- ------------

     CTC revenues represent  Pennsylvania  stranded cost recoveries permitted by
the PaPUC in accordance with Penelec's  Restructuring Order effective January 1,
1999.  Changes in CTC  revenues  generally  do not affect  earnings  as they are
offset by corresponding changes in expense.

Other revenues
- --------------

     The increase was due  primarily  to  increased  transmission  revenues as a
result of customer shopping in Pennsylvania.

- ----------------
     Operating  income  increased  $20.8 million to $191.6  million in 1999, and
decreased $57.5 million to $170.8 million in 1998.


     The increase was primarily due to increased sales to other  utilities,  the
absence of rate refunds of $29.2  million  recorded in 1998,  lower O&M expenses
primarily  due  to  the  sale  of  Penelec's   interest  in  Homer  City,  lower
depreciation expense due to the effect of the impairment  write-down of TMI-1 in
1998 and the sale of Homer City.  Partially  offsetting  this increase was lower
KWH revenues as discussed above and a pre-tax reserve of $6.3 million related to
the regulatory uncertainty of the full recoverability of stranded costs in Phase
II of the Pennsylvania restructuring proceedings.


     The  decrease  was due  primarily  to lower  revenues  as a result  of rate
refunds of $29.2  million.  Also  contributing  to the  decrease  was higher O&M
expenses  primarily due to the  implementation  of a new  company-wide  computer
software system and costs related to staff reductions;  and higher  depreciation
and  amortization  expense  due to  additions  to plant in  service  and  higher
depreciation rates.

- ---------------------------
     Other income and  deductions  increased  $65.7  million to $59.3 million in
1999, and decreased $8.9 million to a net expense of $6.4 million in 1998.


     The increase was  primarily  due to the  recognition  of net gains of $59.3
million  pre-tax,  as a result  of the sale of  substantially  all of  Penelec's
electric generating stations.  Also contributing to the increase was the absence
of a charge for start-up payments for the establishment of an environmental fund
in 1998.


    The  decrease  was  primarily  due to a charge taken by Penelec for start-up
payments  for the  establishment  of an  environmental  fund as a result  of the
PaPUC's Restructuring Order.


- ----------------------------------------
     Interest  charges and preferred  dividends  decreased  $18.9 million to $45
million in 1999, and decreased $1.2 million to $63.9 million in 1998.


     The  decrease  was  primarily  due  to  Penelec's  redemption  of  all  its
company-obligated  mandatorily  redeemable  preferred  securities and cumulative
preferred stock, which resulted in a loss of $0.7 million; and the redemption of
$600 million of FMBs.  Partially  offsetting the decrease was increased interest
expense  associated  with Penelec's  issuance of $350 million of senior notes in

- ------------------

      The  extraordinary  loss was due to the impact of the PaPUC  Restructuring
Order received by Penelec.  For additional  information,  see Note 6, Accounting
for Extraordinary and Non-recurring Items.

                          INVESTMENTS IN FUCOs AND EWGs

     GPU, Inc. has Securities and Exchange  Commission  (SEC)  authorization  to
finance  investments in foreign utility  companies  (FUCOs) and exempt wholesale
generators  (EWGs)  up to an  aggregate  amount  equal to 100% of GPU's  average
consolidated retained earnings, or approximately $2.4 billion as of December 31,
1999. At December 31, 1999,  GPU, Inc. has  remaining  authorization  to finance
approximately  $245 million of additional  investments  in FUCOs and EWGs.  GPU,
Inc.'s  investments in FUCOs and EWGs are made through GPU Electric and the GPUI

                                  GPU ELECTRIC
     GPU Electric has ownership  interests in electric and gas  transmission and
distribution  businesses  in  England,  Australia  and  Argentina.  Through  its
ownership in Midlands, GPU Electric also has investments in operating generating
facilities  located in foreign countries totaling 4,244 megawatts (MW) (of which
GPU Electric's equity interest represents 1,163 MW) of capacity. At December 31,
1999, GPU, Inc.'s aggregate  investment in GPU Electric was $1.06 billion.  GPU,
Inc. has also  guaranteed up to an additional  $1.04 billion of outstanding  GPU
Electric obligations.

     In July 1999,  GPU Electric  acquired  Cinergy's 50% ownership  interest in
Avon Energy Partners  Holdings  (Avon),  which owns Midlands,  for British Pound
452.5 million  (approximately US $714 million). As a result of this transaction,
GPU Electric  assumed debt of US $1 billion.  GPU and Cinergy had jointly formed
Avon in 1996 to acquire  Midlands,  an English regional electric company serving
2.3 million customers.

     In June 1999, National Power plc acquired all the assets and liabilities of
Midlands' supply business,  including obligations under Midlands' power purchase
agreements,  for $300 million  ($150 million for GPU's share) plus an adjustment
for working capital.  As a result, in 1999 GPU recorded an after-tax gain on the
sale of $6.8 million.


     In June 1999, GPU Electric acquired Transmission Pipelines Australia (TPA),
a natural gas transmission business,  from the State of Victoria,  Australia for
A$1.025  billion  (approximately  US $675  million).  TPA  (which has since been
renamed GPU GasNet) was sold as part of Victoria's  privatization of the natural
gas industry.  The GPU GasNet  system  encompasses  1,105 miles of  transmission
pipelines,  and  consists of two separate  networks  serving  approximately  1.3
million  residential  customers  and  about  40,000  industrial  and  commercial
customers throughout Victoria.

     In March 1999, GPU Electric acquired Emdersa for $375 million. Emdersa owns
three electric  distribution  companies that serve three  provinces in northwest
Argentina. As a result of this transaction,  GPU Electric assumed debt of US $76

     For additional information on GPU's acquisitions, see Note 7, Acquisitions.

     GPU has initiated  plans to raise at least US $500 million through the sale
of assets and use the proceeds to reduce debt,  provide  funding for  additional
repurchases  of its common stock and invest in growth  initiatives.  In December
1999,  GPU  announced  that it would seek  proposals to purchase at least 50% of
GPU's ownership in GPU PowerNet and GPU GasNet.

     Management expects that future foreign acquisitions,  if made, would likely
be  small  in  size  and  would  serve  to  expand   capabilities  to  grow  the
non-regulated businesses or to provide critical mass to the current portfolio of
holdings.  For additional  information,  see  COMPETITIVE  ENVIRONMENT  AND RATE
MATTERS section of Management's Discussion and Analysis.

                                   GPUI GROUP

     The GPUI Group has ownership interests in six operating cogeneration plants
in the  US  totaling  1,014  MW (of  which  the  GPUI  Group's  equity  interest
represents 496 MW) of capacity and four operating generating  facilities located
in  foreign  countries  totaling  1,229 MW (of  which  the GPUI  Group's  equity
interest  represents  424 MW) of capacity.  At December 31,  1999,  GPU,  Inc.'s
aggregate  investment  in the GPUI Group was $232  million.  GPU,  Inc. has also
guaranteed up to an additional $29.9 million of GPUI Group obligations.

                        PLANNED ACQUISITION OF MYR GROUP

     In December  1999,  GPU,  Inc.  and MYR Group Inc.  (MYR)  entered  into an
agreement under which GPU would acquire the utility infrastructure  construction
firm for $215 million cash,  or $30.10 per share of MYR common stock.  Following
the  transaction  MYR would become a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of GPU, Inc. The
acquisition,  which is subject to approval by the SEC and other  conditions,  is
expected  to  be  completed  by  the  first  quarter  of  2000.  For  additional
information, see Note 7, Acquisitions.

                        Market Risk Sensitive Instruments

     GPU  Electric  uses  interest  rate swap  agreements  to manage the risk of
increases in variable interest rates. All of the agreements  effectively convert
variable rate debt,  including  commercial  paper,  to fixed rate debt.  None of
these swap agreements are held for trading purposes. During 1999, GPU


PowerNet  began  a  program  of  refinancing  much  of its  floating  rate  bank
borrowings  with fixed rate  publicly  issued debt.  As a result,  certain swaps
associated with the floating rate bank  borrowings were marked to market.  As of
December 31, 1999,  most of these positions were  terminated,  which resulted in
swap breakage and mark to market costs of A$16.8 million (approximately US $10.9
million).  The  following  summarizes  the  principal  characteristics  of  swap
agreements in effect as of December 31, 1999:

                                                   (in thousands)
                                                                                                Fixed         Variable
                        Notional        Fair           Termination       Pay/Receive           Interest     Interest Rate
                        Amount          Value(a)         Date          Characteristic            Rate         at 12/31/99
                        ---------       --------     -------------   --------------            -------        --------

GPU PowerNet            A$   39,250 A$      423        10/1/00        fixed/variable            4.75%          5.22%
                        A$   26,000 A$      270        10/1/00        fixed/variable            4.79%          5.22%
                        A$   42,250 A$      429        10/1/00        fixed/variable            4.81%          5.22%
                        A$   26,000 A$      281        10/3/00        fixed/variable            4.77%          5.15%
                        A$   26,000 A$      273        10/3/00        fixed/variable            4.80%          5.15%
                        A$  212,000 A$     (383)       11/6/00        fixed/variable            6.14%          5.15-5.56%
                        A$  481,250 A$    2,835        11/6/02        fixed/variable            6.56%          5.15-5.56%
                        A$  385,000 A$    3,246        11/8/04        fixed/variable            6.82%          5.15-5.56%
                        A$   14,172 A$       98        11/6/07        fixed/variable            7.15%          5.22-5.41%
                          ---------   ---------
                        A$1,251,922 A$    7,472
                          ---------   ---------

GPU GasNet              A$  112,500 A$      194         6/2/00        fixed/variable            5.37%          5.56%
                        A$  375,000 A$    7,800         6/3/02        fixed/variable            5.90%          5.56%
                        A$  225,000 A$   10,248         6/2/06        fixed/variable            6.33%          5.56%
                          ---------   ---------
                        A$  712,500 A$   18,242
                          =========   ---------

                                British Pound
Midlands                     65,000         545        9/11/01        fixed/variable            5.98%          5.98%
                             60,000         452        9/14/01        fixed/variable            6.02%          5.98%
                           --------    --------
                            125,000         997
                          =========   =========

Exchange  rates at December 31, 1999 were as follows:  A$1.5244/US$  and British
Pound 0.6191/US$.

(a)  Represents  the amount GPU Electric  would  (pay)/receive  to terminate the
     swap  agreements  as  of  December  31,  1999  (prior  to  their  scheduled
     termination dates).

     The amount of debt obligations  covered by swap agreements and the expected
variable  interest  rates of such debt,  for each of the next five years,  is as

(in thousands)           GPU PowerNet              GPU GasNet                      Midlands
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 Expected                 Expected                       Expected
                     Average     Variable     Average     Variable          Average      Variable
                       Debt      Interest       Debt     Interest             Debt       Interest
Year                 Covered      Rates       Covered      Rates            Covered        Rates
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         British Pound
2000              A$1,176,714     6.4-6.5%     A$646,875   5.8-6.3%      125,000    7.15%
2001              A$  880,423     7.2-7.5%     A$600,000   7.2-7.5%       88,542    6.91%
2002              A$  800,214     7.4-7.6%     A$381,250   7.4-7.9%         -         -
2003              A$  399,173     7.4-7.6%     A$225,000   7.4-7.7%         -         -
2004              A$  335,006     7.5-7.8%     A$ 93,750   7.5-7.9%         -         -


     The expected  variable  interest rates included  above,  for the years 2000
through 2004,  were provided by the financial  institutions  with which the swap
agreements were executed,  and were derived from their proprietary  models based
upon recognized financial principles.

     At December 31, 1999, these agreements  covered  approximately $1.3 billion
of debt,  including  commercial  paper,  and are  scheduled to expire on various
dates through  November 2007.  For the year ended December 31, 1999,  fixed rate
interest expense exceeded variable rate interest by approximately $20.7 million.
GPU Electric  uses currency  swap  agreements to manage  currency risk caused by
fluctuations  in the US dollar exchange rate related to debt issued in the US by
Avon. These swap agreements  effectively convert principal and interest payments
on this US dollar debt to fixed sterling  principal and interest  payments,  and
expire on the maturity dates of the bonds. Interest expense is recorded based on
the fixed sterling interest rate. The following  summarizes the  characteristics
of the currency swap agreements as of December 31, 1999:

                                               Fixed      Fixed
Currency     USD     Sterling                 Sterling     USD        USD
  Swap     Notional  Notional   Termination   Interest   Interest    Fair
  Type      Value     Value        Date         Rate       Rate      Value(a)
- --------   --------- ---------  -----------   --------   --------    --------
British Pound
- -------------
    $      $350,000   212,122    12/11/02       7.66%      6.73%      (2,838)
    $      $100,000    60,606    12/11/07       7.75%      7.05%      (4,776)
    $      $150,000    90,909    12/11/07       7.70%      7.05%      (7,604)
    $      $250,000   153,374    03/04/08       6.94%      6.46%     (14,036)

(a)  Represents  the amount GPU Electric  would  (pay)/receive  to terminate the
     swap  agreements  as  of  December  31,  1999  (prior  to  their  scheduled
     termination dates).

                         LIQUIDITY AND CAPITAL RESOURCES

Capital Expenditures and Investments*
- ------------------------------------

                                                (in millions)
                                 2000**  1999  1998    1997   1996   1995
                                 ----    ----  ----    ----   ----   ----
       GPU Energy companies      $349  $  291  $328  $  356   $404   $462
       GPU Electric               213   1,809    59   1,800    516     -
       GPUI Group                   5      32    81     112     58    165
       GPU, Inc.                  215       -     -       -      -      -
           Total                 $782  $2,132  $468  $2,268   $978   $627
                                  ===   =====   ===   =====    ===    ===

       * Includes acquisitions, net of cash acquired.

       ** Estimate includes $215 million for the anticipated acquisition of MYR.

GPU Energy companies

      The GPU Energy  companies'  capital  spending was $291 million (JCP&L $141
million; Met-Ed $66 million; Penelec $78 million; Other $6 million) in 1999, and
was used primarily to expand and improve existing  transmission and distribution
(T&D)  facilities,  for new customer  connections and to implement an integrated
information  system. In 2000, capital  expenditures for the GPU Energy companies
are estimated to be $349 million (JCP&L $178 million; Met-Ed


$57 million; Penelec $82 million; Other $32 million),  primarily for ongoing T&D
system  development.  Expenditures for maturing  long-term debt were $83 million
(JCP&L $3 million;  Met-Ed $30 million;  Penelec $50  million) in 1999,  and are
expected to total $101 million (JCP&L $51 million;  Met-Ed $50 million) in 2000,
and $51  million  (JCP&L  $51  million)  in 2001.  Management  estimates  that a
substantial  portion of the GPU Energy  companies'  2000 capital outlays will be
satisfied through internally generated funds.

GPU Electric

     GPU  Electric's  capital  spending was $1.8  billion in 1999 and  primarily
represents  the cost of acquiring  Emdersa,  GPU GasNet and the remaining 50% of
Midlands,  and also includes  $128.6  million of  improvements  to GPU PowerNet,
Emdersa  and  Midlands'  facilities.  For 2000,  infrastructure-related  capital
expenditures  are  forecasted  to be $213  million.  In 1999,  expenditures  for
maturing  long-term  debt were $453  million,  and are  expected  to total  $475
million  in 2000  and $1  billion  in 2001.  Capital  outlays  for 2000  will be
satisfied through both internally generated funds and external financings.

GPUI Group

     The GPUI  Group's  capital  spending  was $32  million in 1999 and was used
primarily for construction  activities at one of the GPUI Group's South American
investments.  For 2000, capital expenditures are forecasted to be $6 million. In
1999,  expenditures  for  maturing  long-term  debt  were $28  million,  and are
expected to total $5 million in 2000 and $7 million in 2001. Capital outlays for
2000 will be satisfied  through  both  internally  generated  funds and external

- ---------

GPU, Inc.

     In January 1999, the GPU, Inc. Board of Directors authorized the
repurchase of up to $350 million of GPU, Inc. common stock.  Through December
31, 1999, GPU, Inc. has repurchased 6.4 million shares of common stock at an
average price of $35.25 per share.

     GPU has various credit  facilities in place,  the most significant of which
are discussed below. These credit facilities generally provide GPU bank loans at
negotiable market rates.

     GPU,  Inc.  and the GPU Energy  companies  have  available  $450 million of
short-term borrowing  facilities,  which include a $250 million revolving credit
agreement  and various bank lines of credit.  In  addition,  GPU,  Inc.,  JCP&L,
Met-Ed and Penelec can issue  commercial paper in amounts of up to $100 million,
$150 million, $75 million, and $100 million,  respectively.  From these sources,
GPU, Inc. has regulatory  authority to have $250 million  outstanding at any one
time.  JCP&L,   Met-Ed  and  Penelec  are  limited  by  their  charters  or  SEC
authorization to $265 million, $150 million and $150 million,  respectively,  of
short-term debt outstanding at any one time.

     GPU,  Inc.  has SEC  approval  to  issue  and  sell up to $300  million  of
unsecured  debentures through 2001, the proceeds from which could be utilized to
repay short-term debt or to finance additional investments.  Further significant
investments  by GPU Electric  and/or the GPUI Group,  or otherwise,  may require
GPU, Inc. to issue additional debt and/or common stock.


GPU Energy companies

     Met-Ed and Penelec have regulatory  approval to issue through  December 31,
2000 senior notes and preferred  securities in aggregate amounts of $150 million
and $275 million,  respectively, of which up to $25 million for each company may
consist of preferred securities.  JCP&L has regulatory approval to issue through
December 31, 2000, senior notes and preferred securities in the aggregate amount
of  $300  million.  Met-Ed  and  JCP&L  will be  issuing  secured  senior  notes
(collateralized  by FMBs issued to the senior note  trustee)  until such time as
more than 80% of the  outstanding  FMBs are held by the senior note trustee.  At
that time,  the FMBs will be  cancelled  and the  outstanding  senior notes will
become unsecured obligations. Penelec's senior notes are unsecured.

     Current  plans  call for the GPU Energy  companies  to issue  senior  notes
during  the  next  three  years  to  fund  the  redemption  of  maturing  senior
securities,  refinance  outstanding  senior securities and finance  construction
activities.  Following  the  initial  issuance of senior  notes,  the GPU Energy
companies  would not issue any additional  FMBs other than as collateral for the
senior  notes.  The  senior  note  indentures   prohibit   (subject  to  certain
exceptions)  the GPU Energy  companies  from issuing any debt which is senior to
the senior notes.

     The GPU Energy companies' bond indentures include provisions that limit the
amount of FMBs the  companies  may  issue.  The GPU Energy  companies'  interest
coverage  ratios are  currently  in excess of  indenture  restrictions.  JCP&L's
certificate  of  incorporation  includes  provisions  that  limit the  amount of
preferred  stock it may issue.  JCP&L's  preferred  dividend  coverage  ratio is
currently in compliance with the charter restrictions.

     In 1999,  Met-Ed and Penelec  redeemed all of their  outstanding  shares of
cumulative preferred stock for $12.5 million and $17.4 million, respectively. As
a result,  a  reacquisition  loss of $1.3  million was  charged to income  ($0.6
million and $0.7  million for Met-Ed and Penelec,  respectively).  Also in 1999,
Met-Ed   and   Penelec   redeemed   all   of   their   outstanding   shares   of
Subsidiary-obligated   mandatorily  redeemable  preferred  securities  for  $100
million and $105 million, respectively.

     In 1999,  JCP&L redeemed $30 million  stated value of cumulative  preferred
stock pursuant to mandatory and optional sinking fund provisions. As a result, a
reacquisition loss of $0.8 million was charged to income.

     In 1999,  Penelec redeemed $600 million of FMBs with proceeds from the sale
of its interest in Homer City and issued $350 million of unsecured senior notes,
the  proceeds  from which were used to redeem or  repurchase  other  outstanding
securities,  reduce short-term borrowings, fund its construction program and for
other corporate purposes.

     In 1999,  Met-Ed and Penelec  each issued $100  million of trust  preferred
securities, at 7.35% and 7.34%, respectively.

GPU Electric

     GPU Capital has a $1 billion 364-day senior  revolving credit agreement due
in December 2000 supporting the issuance of commercial  paper for its $1 billion
commercial paper program established to fund GPU Electric


acquisitions.  GPU, Inc. has  guaranteed  GPU Capital's  obligations  under this
program. At December 31, 1999, $768 million was outstanding under the commercial
paper  program,  of which $370  million is  included  in  long-term  debt on the
Consolidated  Balance  Sheets  since it is  management's  intent to reissue this
amount of the commercial paper on a long-term basis.

     In 1999, GPU Capital sold $373 million of commercial paper to refinance all
its outstanding  borrowings related to the 1996 acquisition of a 50% interest in
Midlands. In addition, in 1999, GPU Capital sold $50 million of commercial paper
to partially fund the  acquisition  of Cinergy's 50% ownership of Midlands.  The
Emdersa and GPU GasNet  acquisitions,  in 1999,  were also  partially  funded by
commercial paper sales of $323 million and $180 million, respectively.

     Also in 1999,  GPU Capital  borrowed A$750 million  (approximately  US $495
million)  under a senior credit  facility to fund the  acquisition of GPU GasNet
and British Pound 245 million  (approximately US $382 million) under a term loan
to fund its acquisition of the remaining 50% interest in Midlands.

     GPU Australia  Holdings,  Inc. has $270 million  available under its senior
revolving  credit facility due in November 2002.  This facility,  in combination
with  other  GPU,  Inc.  credit  facilities,  serves as credit  support  for GPU
Australia  Holdings'  $350  million  commercial  paper  program.  GPU,  Inc. has
guaranteed GPU Australia Holdings' obligations under this program. GPU Australia
Holdings has $182 million  outstanding  under its commercial paper program as of
December 31, 1999. In 1999, GPU Australia  Holdings  refinanced  $350 million of
outstanding  long-term debt associated with the GPU PowerNet  acquisition,  with
$345 million of commercial paper under this program.

     Austran Holdings, Inc. (Austran), a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of GPU
Electric,  has a A$500 million  (approximately US $328 million) commercial paper
program to  refinance  the maturing  portion of the senior debt credit  facility
used to finance  the GPU  PowerNet  acquisition.  GPU  PowerNet  has  guaranteed
Austran's  obligations under this program.  As of December 31, 1999, Austran had
outstanding  approximately  A$420 million  (approximately US $275 million) under
this program.

     In 1999, Austran  refinanced A$220 million  (approximately US $142 million)
of GPU PowerNet  acquisition debt with proceeds from an Australian Dollar medium
term note issuance.  In connection with this debt refinancing program, a loss of
A$20.3 million (approximately US $13.3 million) related to certain interest rate
swap positions was reflected in GPU's 1999 earnings. In addition, Austran issued
A$50 million  (approximately  US $32 million) of variable rate and A$120 million
(approximately  US $77  million) of fixed rate  medium  term notes,  proceeds of
which were used to refinance acquisition debt.

     Midlands  maintains  a British  Pound 200  million  (approximately  US $323
million)  syndicated  revolving  credit facility with a bank for working capital
purposes, which matures May 2001. At December 31, 1999, British Pound 87 million
(approximately US $140 million) was outstanding under this facility.

GPUI Group

     GPU International has a revolving credit agreement providing for borrowings
through December 2000 of up to $30 million outstanding at any one time, of which
up to $15 million may be utilized to provide letters of


credit. GPU, Inc. has guaranteed GPU International's obligations under this
agreement. At December 31, 1999, no borrowings or letters of credit were
outstanding under this facility.


     Each of the GPU  companies'  target  capitalization  ratios is  designed to
provide credit  quality  ratings that permit capital market access at reasonable
costs. The target  capitalization ratios vary by subsidiary depending upon their
business and financial risk. GPU's actual  capitalization  ratios at December 31
for the years indicated, were as follows:

GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies               1999     1998    1997
- ----------------------------------               ----     ----    ----
Common equity                                     30%      40%     35%
Preferred securities                               4        6       6
Debt                                              66       54      59
                                                 ---      ---     ---
     Total                                       100%     100%    100%
                                                 ===      ===     ===

- -----

Common equity                                     50%      50%     50%
Preferred securities                               8        8       9
Debt                                              42       42      41
                                                 ---      ---     ---
     Total                                       100%     100%    100%
                                                 ===      ===     ===

- ------
Common equity                                     44%      47%     49%
Preferred securities                               9        8       7
Debt                                              47       45      44
                                                 ---      ---     ---
     Total                                       100%     100%    100%
                                                 ===      ===     ===

- -------
Common equity                                     44%      47%     47%
Preferred securities                              10        7       7
Debt                                              46       46      46
                                                 ---      ---     ---
     Total                                       100%     100%    100%
                                                 ===      ===     ===

    The increase in the debt ratio in 1999 resulted  mainly from GPU  Electric's
acquisitions  of the following:  the 50% of Midlands it did not already own; GPU
GasNet;  and  Emdersa.  Since GPU  Electric  now owns 100% of Midlands  and must
consolidate  the entity,  certain debt,  which was previously  excluded from its
balance sheet under the equity method of accounting, must now be included.

     In 1999, the quarterly  dividend on GPU,  Inc.'s common stock was increased
by 2.9% to an annualized  rate of $2.12 per share.  GPU,  Inc.'s dividend payout
rate in 1999 was 55% of earnings (excluding the non-recurring items). Management
will  continue to review GPU,  Inc.'s  dividend  policy to determine how to best
serve the long-term interests of shareholders.

     At December 31, 1999, Met-Ed and Penelec had retained earnings available
to pay common stock dividends of $10 million and $49 million, respectively,
net of amounts restricted under the companies' respective FMB indentures.  In


addition,  Met-Ed and  Penelec  had  capital  surplus of $400  million  and $285
million, respectively, which would also be available to pay common dividends, to
the extent authorized by the SEC. Met-Ed and Penelec have requested SEC approval
to declare and pay common  dividends  from their capital  surplus,  from time to
time through  December 31, 2001,  so long as their common equity ratios and GPU,
Inc.'s  common  equity ratio are not less than 30% of total  capitalization.  At
December 31, 1999,  the common  equity  ratios of Met-Ed,  Penelec and GPU, Inc.
were 43.7%, 44.4% and 30.2%, respectively.

Year 2000 Issue
- ---------------

     GPU has been  addressing the Year 2000 issue by  undertaking  comprehensive
reviews of its computers,  software and equipment with embedded  systems such as
microcontrollers  (together,  "Year  2000  Components"),  and  of  its  business
relationships  with third  parties,  including key customers,  lenders,  trading
partners,  vendors, suppliers and service providers. GPU's Year 2000 project has
not caused any material delay in the GPU information  technology  services group
performing other planned projects.

     As of  January  31,  2000,  GPU  believes  that its Year 2000  program  was
effective  since no  significant  Year 2000  issues  were  identified.  GPU will
continue to monitor its systems generally through March 31, 2000.


     The GPU Energy  companies  expect to spend a total of $42.3 million  (JCP&L
$18.7  million;  Met-Ed $11.9  million;  Penelec $11.7 million) on the Year 2000
issue,  as  summarized  below:  $8.1 million  (JCP&L $2.7  million;  Met-Ed $2.7
million; Penelec $2.7 million) represents the avoided costs of having to upgrade
certain  legacy  systems,  which were replaced by a new  integrated  information
system;  $7.4 million  (JCP&L $3.4 million;  Met-Ed $1.9  million;  Penelec $2.1
million)  represents what would have been spent in any event for maintenance and
cyclical  replacement  plans;  $13.9 million  (JCP&L $6.5  million;  Met-Ed $3.7
million;  Penelec $3.7 million)  represents the reallocation of resources to the
Year 2000 project;  and $12.9 million (JCP&L $6.1 million;  Met-Ed $3.6 million;
Penelec $3.2 million)  represents the incremental or out-of-pocket costs for the
Year 2000 project.  The GPU Energy  companies are funding these costs from their

     Through  December 31, 1999, the GPU Energy  companies have spent a total of
approximately $41.8 million (JCP&L $18.4 million; Met-Ed $11.7 million;  Penelec
$11.7  million)  on the Year 2000  issue,  of which  $21.2  million  (JCP&L $9.8
million; Met-Ed $5.8 million; Penelec $5.6 million) was spent in 1999.

     GPU  Electric  expects  to spend a total of $14  million  on the Year  2000
issue.   Through   December  31,  1999,  GPU  Electric  has  spent  a  total  of
approximately  $13.1  million on the Year 2000 issue,  of which $9.3 million was
spent in 1999.

     The total cost  associated  with the GPUI Group and GPU AR  achieving  Year
2000  readiness  was not  material to GPU's  business  operations  or  financial



     GPU established Inventory, Assessment,  Remediation, Testing and Monitoring
of its mission-critical  Year 2000 Components as the primary phases for its Year
2000 program.  All stages of the Year 2000 program have been  completed with the
exception of Monitoring, which will be completed by March 31, 2000.

Third Party Qualification

     Due to the  interdependence  of computer  systems and the reliance on other
organizations for materials,  supplies or services, GPU contacted key customers,
lenders,  trading partners,  vendors,  suppliers and service providers to assess
whether they adequately addressed the Year 2000 issue.

     With respect to computer software and equipment with embedded systems,  the
GPU Energy  companies  analyzed  where they are dependent upon third parties and
identified  several  critical areas:  (1) the  Pennsylvania-New  Jersey-Maryland
(PJM) Interconnection;  (2) electric generation suppliers,  such as cogeneration
operators and NUGs; (3) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with trading partners;
(4) Electronic  Funds Transfer (EFT) with financial  institutions;  (5) vendors;
and (6) customers.

     As of January 31, 2000, GPU believes that its planning  concerning the Year
2000  readiness of critical  third  parties was  effective.  As of that date, no
significant Year 2000 issues have been identified.

Scenarios and Contingencies

     As of January 31, 2000, GPU believes that its Year 2000  preparations  were
effective  relative  to  its  mission-critical  Year  2000  Components  and  has
established  contingency  plans to deal  promptly  with  problems that may arise
during the  monitoring  phase of its Year 2000 program.  GPU does not anticipate
any "most  reasonably  likely worst case Year 2000 scenarios" that would cause a
material  adverse  effect on its results of  operations,  liquidity or financial


GPU Business Plan
- -----------------

     Currently,  and increasingly in the future, the GPU Energy companies expect
they will have to serve  customers  in markets  where there will be capped rates
for  varying  periods  and their  ability  to seek rate  increases  will be more
limited. In addition, inflation could adversely affect GPU since these increased
costs may not be  recoverable  in an  environment  where there are capped rates.
Since the GPU Energy  companies  have, to a large extent,  exited the generation
business,  they will have to supply  energy to  customers  who do not  choose an
alternate supplier largely from contracted and open market purchases. Management
has  identified  and  addressed  market risks  associated  with these  purchases
through implementation of an energy risk management program.  However, there can
be no assurance that the GPU Energy companies will be able to supply electricity
to customers at costs which will be recoverable by the respective companies.


     In October  1999,  GPU initiated a program to enhance  shareholder  returns
through  planned  cost  reductions  of $100 million ($55 million in 2000 and $45
million in 2001) by increasing operating efficiency and by making investments of
$40 million to $50 million to improve the  reliability  of its domestic  utility

     The GPU Energy  companies are  targeting  reductions of $30 million in 2000
and an additional $40 million in 2001. Cost reductions will be achieved by using
new tools from its enterprise resource planning system to eliminate  significant
amounts of operational overhead expense and by improving the productivity of all
its operations.  Midlands plans cost reductions of US $25 million in 2000 and US
$5 million in 2001. Cost  reductions will be achieved by eliminating  activities
not provided for in its new regulated rate level,  which will take effect in the
Spring of 2000, and by realizing  productivity benefits from its new systems and
organization. Furthermore, GPU plans to raise at least $500 million in cash from
its current  investment  portfolio by reducing  GPU's  ownership in non-core and
under-performing assets.

The GPU Energy Companies' Supply Plan
- -------------------------------------

     As a result of the  NJBPU and the  PaPUC's  restructuring  orders,  the GPU
Energy companies are required to provide  generation service to customers who do
not choose an alternate supplier. (For additional information,  see the Provider
of Last Resort and Basic Generation Service Provider sections below.) Given that
the GPU Energy companies have largely divested their generation business,  there
will be increased  market risks  associated  with providing  generation  service
since  the GPU  Energy  companies  will have to  supply  energy to  non-shopping
customers from contracted and open market purchases.  Under its order,  JCP&L is
permitted to recover  reasonably and prudently  incurred costs  associated  with
providing basic generation service. The PaPUC's restructuring  orders,  however,
generally  do not allow  Met-Ed and  Penelec to recover  their  energy  costs in
excess of established rate caps which are in effect for varying  periods.  While
management has  implemented an energy risk management  program,  there can be no
assurance that the GPU Energy  companies  will be able to supply  electricity to
customers  that do not  choose an  alternate  supplier  at costs  which  will be
recoverable by the respective companies.

     Following  the  sales  in  1999  of the GPU  Energy  companies'  generating
facilities,  GPU has 200 MW of  capacity  and  related  energy  from Yards Creek
Pumped  Storage  Facility  (Yards Creek)  remaining to meet customer  needs (see
Generation  Asset  Divestiture  for a  discussion  of the pending sale of Oyster
Creek) and an additional 704 MW of nuclear, combustion turbine and hydroelectric
generation,  the sales of which are pending.  The GPU Energy companies also have
contracts  with NUG  facilities  totaling 1,606 MW (JCP&L 928 MW; Met-Ed 273 MW;
Penelec 405 MW) and JCP&L has agreements  with other utilities to provide for up
to 584 MW (reduced to 400 MW on January 1, 2000) of capacity and related energy.
The GPU Energy  companies have agreed to purchase all of the capacity and energy
from TMI-1 through  December 31, 2001 and from Oyster Creek (following its sale)
through March 31, 2003. In addition,  the GPU Energy companies have the right to
call the  capacity of the Homer City  station  (942 MW) through May 31, 2001 and
the capacity of the generating stations sold to Sithe Energies (Sithe)(4,117 MW)
through May 31, 2002. The GPU Energy  companies'  remaining  capacity and energy
needs will be met by short- to intermediate-term commitments (one month to three
years)  during times of expected  high energy price  volatility  and reliance on
spot market purchases during other periods.


Provider of Last Resort
- -----------------------

     Under the PaPUC  Restructuring  Orders,  Met-Ed and Penelec  customers have
been  permitted to shop for their  generation  supplier since January 1, 1999. A
PaPUC  approved  competitive  bid process was to assign  provider of last resort
(PLR) service for 20% of Met-Ed and Penelec's  retail customers on June 1, 2000,
40% on June 1, 2001,  60% on June 1, 2002,  and 80% on June 1, 2003, to licensed
generation  suppliers  referred to as Competitive  Default  Service  (CDS).  Any
retail customers assigned to CDS may return to Met-Ed and Penelec as the default
PLR at no  additional  charge.  Met-Ed and  Penelec may meet any  remaining  PLR
obligation  at rates not less than the lowest  rate  charged by the  winning CDS
provider,  but no higher than Met-Ed and Penelec's rate cap. In 1999, Met-Ed and
Penelec  issued  requests  for bids to provide  competitive  bidding for default
energy  supply  service for 20% of their  customers,  beginning in June 2000, as
required by the PaPUC. In February 2000, GPU Energy  announced that no bids were
received in response to its offer and, as a result,  it would be increasing  its
forward  purchasing of electric  power to  accommodate  the 20% of customers for
whom it will now continue to be the default  supplier.  GPU estimates that these
additional  energy purchases will reduce its 2000 earnings per share by $0.04 to
$0.08,  but expects to mitigate  this impact  through  additional  common  stock
repurchases.  GPU Energy is also developing a comprehensive solution for default
energy supply service in Pennsylvania, which it plans to submit to the PaPUC.

     Management's  best estimates for PLR load are based upon regional  economic
data, normal weather (20 year average),  forecasts of retail customer  shopping,
and  implementation  of CDS. As of December 31, 1999 a hypothetical 10% increase
in the cost of energy not already under contract to serve the estimated PLR load
would  result in an  estimated $9 million  decrease in pre-tax  earnings  during

Basic Generation Service Provider
- ---------------------------------

     JCP&L is  required to provide  basic  generation  services  (BGS) to retail
customers  who  choose  to  remain  with  JCP&L as  generation  customers  for a
three-year  period ending July 31, 2002. The  responsibility  for BGS thereafter
will be bid out.  JCP&L's BGS rates are  pre-determined  for the period  through
July 31,  2003.  Bidders  will bid for the right to provide  BGS during the year
commencing August 1, 2002 at the pre-established BGS rates. Any payment received
or required by JCP&L  resulting  from the bidding  process  will be deferred for
future refund or recovery.

GPU Energy Supply Market Risk
- -----------------------------

     The GPU Energy companies manage the risks associated with the purchases and
sales of electric  energy and natural gas which  result from its  obligation  to
provide  electricity as PLR service in Pennsylvania and BGS in New Jersey.  This
also involves managing the purchase and sale of installed capacity and ancillary
services to minimize business risk associated with its reliability obligation in
the PJM Interconnection, LLC (PJM).

     The focus for the Pennsylvania operating companies is to avoid large
earnings volatility due to fixed price sales to Pennsylvania customers, while
cost stability for New Jersey customers is the goal for JCP&L to minimize
deferred balances for BGS.  The GPU Energy companies will transact in
supply/hedging market instruments for hedging purposes only.  Supply/risk


management  transactions  will be made based on the objective of decreasing both
price and volume uncertainty.

Market Risk - Electricity
- -------------------------

    The GPU Energy companies  electricity  supply profile  generally  reflects a
shortage of economic  on-peak  electricity,  resulting  in a net short  position
(load in excess of supply). Consequently, the GPU Energy companies are generally
at risk of rising prices for  electricity and  electricity-related  commodities.
These risks may differ  during some months of the year.  To manage  these risks,
the GPU Energy companies employ a portfolio approach primarily consisting of two
party forward purchases and options,  but may also include NYMEX PJM electricity
futures and similar instruments as they become widely available.  This portfolio
includes transactions of various durations ranging from one hour to greater than
one year.

     The GPU Energy  companies'  electricity  market risks can be price-related,
volume-related, or cost-related as follows:

- -    Price-related  risk refers to the price exposure  associated with having to
     purchase amounts of electricity, installed capacity, and ancillary services
     for load  requirements  from the PJM interchange spot market. To the extent
     the  GPU  Energy  companies  must  rely on the PJM  pool  to  satisfy  load
     requirements,  financial exposure exists for the difference between the PJM
     energy and  installed  capacity  spot  market  prices and the rates paid by

- -    Volume-related risk refers to the uncertainty associated with the amount of
     load the GPU Energy  companies are required to serve.  Deregulation  of the
     electric utility industry has resulted in the ability of their customers to
     purchase  energy from other  electric  suppliers.  This customer  shopping,
     combined with deviations in weather,  which affects  customer energy usage,
     can affect the GPU Energy companies' position.

- -    Cost recovery-related risk refers to the financial risk associated with the
     potential  prudency  audits of the NJBPU that are part of JCP&L's  deferred
     energy clause. Cost  recovery-related risk also refers to the prudency risk
     associated  with future NUG cost recovery  under the  restructuring  orders
     approved by the PaPUC and the NJBPU which require  continued  mitigation of
     above market NUG costs.

Market Risk - Natural Gas
- -------------------------

     As part of its NUG cost mitigation program, the GPU Energy companies manage
the natural gas  requirements  of certain  NUGs that  produce and sell energy to
JCP&L under long-term contracts. Under this obligation, the GPU Energy companies
must manage both natural gas volume and price risk in a manner that will satisfy
potential prudency audits of the NJBPU. Prudently incurred costs associated with
natural gas commodity and  transportation for these NUGs are included in JCP&L's
deferred energy clause.

     The GPU Energy  companies  employ a portfolio  approach  consisting  of two
party forward purchases and NYMEX natural gas futures contracts.  The GPU Energy
companies' natural gas market risks can be price-related, volume-related or cost
recovery-related as follows:


- -    Price-related  risk refers to the price exposure  associated with having to
     purchase  volumes of natural gas for New Jersey NUG  requirements  from the
     spot market.

- -    Volume-related risk refers to the uncertainty associated with the amount of
     natural gas required for the dispatchable NUGs.

- -    Cost recovery-related risk refers to the financial risk associated with the
     potential  prudency  audits of the NJBPU that are part of JCP&L's  deferred
     energy clause.

Generation Asset Divestiture
- ----------------------------

     As discussed below, in 1999, the GPU Energy  companies  completed the sales
of TMI-1 and substantially  all their  fossil-fuel and hydroelectric  generating

     Penelec  sold its 50%  interest  in Homer  City to a  subsidiary  of Edison
Mission  Energy for  approximately  $900  million.  In addition,  Penelec's  20%
undivided  ownership  interest in the Seneca Pumped Storage Facility was sold to
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company for $43 million.

     The GPU Energy  companies  completed the sales of  substantially  all their
remaining  fossil  fuel and  hydroelectric  generating  facilities  to Sithe for
approximately  $1.6 billion  (JCP&L $416 million;  Met-Ed $641 million;  Penelec
$558  million)  (JCP&L's 50% interest in Yards Creek is not included in the sale
and the sales of the 66 MW Forked River combustion turbines and 19 MW York Haven
hydroelectric  station were postponed).  The GPU Energy companies have agreed to
assume up to $20  million  (JCP&L $7  million;  Met-Ed $9  million;  Penelec  $4
million) of employee  severance costs for employees not hired by Sithe.  The net
proceeds from the sales will be used to fund future  stranded  costs,  invest in
the  reliability of the GPU Energy  companies' T&D network,  reduce  outstanding
debt, and repurchase GPU, Inc.  common stock.  For additional  information,  see
Note 6, Accounting for Extraordinary and Non-recurring items.

     These sales have  resulted in an after-tax  gain of $37.2  million  (Met-Ed
$1.4 million;  Penelec $ $35.8 million), or $0.30 per share, during 1999 for the
portion of the gains  related to  wholesale  operations  and the  deferral  as a
regulatory  liability  of the  remaining  gain of $1.3  billion  (Met-Ed  $389.1
million;   Penelec  $938.3  million)   pending  Phase  II  of  the  Pennsylvania
restructuring proceeding and a separate review by the NJBPU.

     The GPU  Energy  companies  sold  TMI-1  to  AmerGen  Energy  Company,  LLC
(AmerGen),  a joint  venture of PECO  Energy  and  British  Energy,  for a total
purchase price of approximately $100 million. AmerGen will pay approximately $77
million of the purchase price which is allocable to nuclear fuel, in five annual
installments,  beginning  in December  2000,  and is  obligated  to make certain
contingent payments to the GPU Energy companies of up to $80 million,  depending
on the level of energy  prices  through  2010.  The GPU  Energy  companies  have
transferred $320 million to AmerGen for decommissioning, and AmerGen has assumed
all liability and obligation for decommissioning TMI-1. This sale did not have a
significant impact on 1999 earnings (a loss of $1.1 million, or $0.01 per share,
was recorded related to wholesale  operations) since TMI-1 had been written down
to its fair market value in 1998.  The  majority of the amount  written down and
the majority of the remaining loss


from the sale resulted in the deferral of $528.3 million (JCP&L $133.1  million;
Met-Ed  $270.7  million;  Penelec  $124.5  million) as a regulatory  asset and a
charge to 1998 income of $10 million.

     In October  1999,  JCP&L  agreed to sell  Oyster  Creek to AmerGen  for $10
million.  As part of the terms of the  transaction,  AmerGen  will  assume  full
responsibility  for  decommissioning  the plant.  JCP&L will transfer at closing
$430 million of  decommissioning  trust funds as well as funds for the station's
outage cost,  including the fuel reload for the next refueling  outage scheduled
for the Fall of 2000.  AmerGen will repay these outage costs  (estimated  at $88
million) to JCP&L in nine equal annual installments without interest,  beginning
one year after the closing.  The sale is subject to various conditions including
the receipt of satisfactory federal and state regulatory approvals and favorable
rulings by the Internal Revenue Service.

Recent Regulatory Actions
- -------------------------

New Jersey Restructuring

     In May 1999,  the NJBPU issued a Summary Order with respect to JCP&L's rate
unbundling,  stranded cost and restructuring  filings.  JCP&L is awaiting a more
detailed  order from the NJBPU.  This Summary Order  provides  for,  among other
things, the following:

     -  customer  choice  of  electric  generation  supplier  for all  consumers
        beginning August 1, 1999 with utilities  accepting customer selection of
        suppliers in October 1999;

     -  a 5% rate reduction commencing August 1, 1999;  additional reductions of
        1% in 2000 and 2% in 2001;  and an  additional  net 3% reduction in 2002
        inclusive of a 5% rate refund from rates in effect as of April 30, 1997,
        partially offset by a 2% increase in the Market Transition Charge (MTC).
        The total rate reduction of 11% will remain in effect through July 2003;

     -  the removal  from  regulation  of the costs  associated  with  providing
        electric  generation  service.  JCP&L must  provide BGS through July 31,
        2002 to retail  customers  who do not choose an  alternative  generation
        supplier, after which BGS will be bid out;

     -  the average  shopping credits will range from 5.14 cents per KWH in 1999
        to 5.40 cents in 2003;

     -  an average distribution rate of 3.35 cents per KWH;

     -  the ability to recover stranded costs;

     -  the ability to securitize  approximately  $400 million of stranded costs
        associated with Oyster Creek (see below for additional information);

     -  effective August 1, 1999, JCP&L is no longer subject to an earnings

     -  the  establishment  of a  non-bypassable  societal  benefits  charge  to
        recover costs associated with nuclear plant decommissioning, demand-side
        management,  manufactured gas plant remediation,  universal service fund
        and consumer education; and


     -  the  NJBPU  will  conduct  an  annual  review  and   assessment  of  the
        reasonableness   and  prudency  of  costs   incurred  by  JCP&L  in  the
        procurement  of energy and capacity  needed to serve BGS load as well as
        of NUG and utility power purchase agreement stranded costs.

In addition,  JCP&L will implement a non-bypassable MTC through which JCP&L will

     -  above-market costs associated with long-term NUG and utility power
        purchase agreements;

     -  any  under-recovered  deferred costs as of August 1, 1999 resulting from
        JCP&L's previous levelized energy adjustment clause;

     -  early  retirement  and  severance-related  costs of $130 million over 11
        years should Oyster Creek be retired from service in 2000; and

     -  the amortization of Oyster Creek sunk costs, pending securitization.

     In  August  1999,   JCP&L  filed  a  petition  with  the  NJBPU  requesting
authorization  to issue  transition bonds to securitize the recovery of bondable
stranded costs  attributable  to the projected net investment in Oyster Creek at
September 1, 2000.  The petition  also requests that the NJBPU order provide for
the imposition and collection of a usage based  non-bypassable  transition  bond
charge (TBC) and for the transfer of the bondable  transition  property relating
to the TBC to another  entity.  JCP&L has  amended  its  petition to include the
up-front  decommissioning  and outage payments included in the Oyster Creek sale

Pennsylvania Restructuring

     In 1996,  Pennsylvania adopted  comprehensive  legislation (Customer Choice
Act) which provides for the restructuring of the electric utility  industry.  In
October  1998,  the  PaPUC  issued  amended  Restructuring   Orders,   approving
Settlement  Agreements  entered  into by Met-Ed  and  Penelec.  An appeal by one
intervenor in the  restructuring  proceedings is pending before the Pennsylvania
Supreme Court. There can be no assurance as to the outcome of this appeal.

     The results of Met-Ed and  Penelec's  sale of their  generating  facilities
(see Generation Asset Divestiture  section) will be addressed in Phase II of the
Pennsylvania restructuring proceeding, which is expected to begin in early 2000.
In 1999,  Penelec  deposited a portion of the proceeds from its generation asset
sale into a NUG  Trust,  which  has a balance  at  December  31,  1999 of $266.7
million.  To the extent Penelec incurs  above-market  NUG costs in excess of the
CTC revenues  allocated  for such costs  Penelec may  withdraw  amounts from the
trust. There can be no assurance as to the outcome of these matters.

Federal Regulation

     In November 1997, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an
order to the PJM Power Pool which,  among other things,  directed the GPU Energy
companies to implement a  single-system  transmission  rate,  effective April 1,
1998. The implementation of the single-system rate has not affected


total  transmission  revenues;   however,  it  has  increased  the  pricing  for
transmission service in Met-Ed and Penelec's service territories and reduced the
pricing for transmission service in JCP&L's service territory.

     The GPU Energy  companies  have requested the FERC to reconsider its ruling
requiring a single-system transmission rate. The Restructuring Orders for Met-Ed
and Penelec provide for a transmission  and  distribution  rate cap exception to
recover the increase in the  transmission  rate from Met-Ed and Penelec's retail
customers  in the event the FERC denies the request for  reconsideration  of the
single-system  transmission  rate.  The FERC's ruling may also have an effect on
JCP&L's  distribution rates. There can be no assurance as to the outcome of this

     Several   bills  have  been   introduced   in  Congress   providing  for  a
comprehensive  restructuring  of the  electric  utility  industry.  These  bills
proposed,  among other  things,  retail  choice for all utility  customers,  the
opportunity for utilities to recover their prudently  incurred stranded costs in
varying degrees,  and repeal of both the Public Utility Regulatory  Policies Act
(PURPA) and the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (PUHCA).

     In April 1999,  the Clinton  administration  introduced  the  Comprehensive
Electricity  Competition  Act,  which  proposes a flexible  mandate for customer
choice by January 1, 2003, reliability standards,  environmental provisions, and
the repeal of both PURPA and PUHCA.  The flexible  mandate  allows states to opt
out of the  mandate  if they  believe  consumers  would be  better  served by an
alternative policy.

Nonutility Generation Agreements
- --------------------------------

     Pursuant to the mandates of PURPA and state regulatory directives,  the GPU
Energy companies have been required to enter into power purchase agreements with
NUGs for the purchase of energy and capacity  which  agreements  have  remaining
terms of up to 21 years.  As of December 31, 1999,  facilities  covered by these
agreements  having  1,606 MW (JCP&L 928 MW;  Met-Ed 273 MW;  Penelec  405 MW) of
capacity were in service.

     The NJBPU  Summary  Order and PaPUC  Restructuring  Orders  provide the GPU
Energy  companies  assurance  of full  recovery  of their NUG  costs  (including
above-market  NUG costs and certain buyout costs).  Accordingly,  the GPU Energy
companies have recorded a liability of $3.2 billion (JCP&L $1.6 billion;  Met-Ed
$0.7  billion;  Penelec $0.9  billion)on  the  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets for
above-market  NUG costs  which is fully  offset by  Regulatory  assets,  net. In
addition,  JCP&L  recorded a liability of $64 million for  above-market  utility
power purchase agreements with a corresponding offset to Regulatory assets, net,
since  there  is  assurance  of full  recovery.  The GPU  Energy  companies  are
continuing  efforts to reduce the  above-market  costs of these  agreements  and
will,  where  beneficial,  attempt to renegotiate  the prices of the agreements,
offer  contract   buyouts  and  attempt  to  convert   must-run   agreements  to
dispatchable  agreements.  There can be no  assurance  as to the extent to which
these  efforts  will  be  successful.   For  additional  information,   see  the
Competition and the Changing  Regulatory  Environment  section of Note 12 of the
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

     In 1998,  Met-Ed entered into a buyout agreement with Solar Turbines,  Inc.
(Solar), contingent upon Met-Ed obtaining a final and non-appealable PaPUC order
allowing for full recovery of the buyout payment through retail rates.


In October  1999,  Met-Ed paid Solar $51.3  million  under an amended  agreement
which  obligates  Solar to refund to Met-Ed these amounts if the PaPUC  rescinds
its  current  approval  of the buyout  which was  received  as part of  Met-Ed's
Restructuring Order.

                              ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS
    As a result of  existing  and  proposed  legislation  and  regulations,  and
ongoing legal proceedings dealing with environmental matters,  including but not
limited to acid rain,  water  quality,  ambient  air  quality,  global  warming,
electromagnetic  fields,  and storage and  disposal of  hazardous  and/or  toxic
wastes,  GPU may be required to incur substantial  additional costs to construct
new equipment,  modify or replace  existing and proposed  equipment,  remediate,
decommission  or cleanup  waste  disposal and other sites  currently or formerly
used by it, including  formerly owned  manufactured gas plants (MGP),  coal mine
refuse piles and generation facilities.

     GPU records  environmental  liabilities (on an undiscounted basis) where it
is  probable  that a loss has been  incurred  and the  amount of the loss can be
reasonably  estimated,  and  adjusts  these  liabilities  as required to reflect
changes in  circumstances.  At December 31, 1999, the GPU Energy  companies have
liabilities  recorded  on their  balance  sheets for  environmental  remediation
totaling $66 million (JCP&L $56 million; Met-Ed $1 million;  Penelec $8 million;
Other $1 million).

     For more information,  see the Environmental  Matters section of Note 12 of
the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                      LEGAL MATTERS - TMI-2 ACCIDENT CLAIMS

    As a result  of the 1979  TMI-2  accident,  individual  claims  for  alleged
personal injury (including claims for punitive  damages),  which are material in
amount,   were  asserted  against  GPU,  Inc.  and  the  GPU  Energy  companies.
Approximately  2,100 of such claims were filed in the US District  Court for the
Middle  District  of  Pennsylvania.  Some of the claims also seek  recovery  for
injuries from alleged emissions of radioactivity before and after the accident.

     In 1996, the District Court granted a motion for summary  judgment filed by
GPU,  Inc. and the GPU Energy  companies,  and  dismissed  the ten initial "test
cases,"  which had been  selected  for a test  case  trial as well as all of the
remaining 2,100 pending claims. The Court ruled that there was no evidence which
created a genuine issue of material fact  warranting  submission of  plaintiffs'
claims to a jury.  The  plaintiffs  appealed the District  Court's ruling to the
Court of Appeals for the Third  Circuit.  On November 2, 1999, the Third Circuit
affirmed the District  Court's  dismissal of the ten "test cases," but set aside
the dismissal of the additional  pending claims,  remanding them to the District
Court for further proceedings. In remanding these claims, the Third Circuit held
that the District Court had erred in extending its summary judgment  decision to
the other  plaintiffs  and imposing on these  plaintiffs  the  District  Court's
finding that radiation exposures below 10 rems were too speculative to establish
a causal  link to cancer.  The Court of Appeals  stated that the  non-test  case
plaintiffs  should be permitted to present  their own  individual  evidence that
exposure to radiation from the accident caused their cancers.


     GPU, Inc. and the GPU Energy  companies  believe that the Third Circuit has
misinterpreted  the  record  before  the  District  Court,  as it applies to the
non-test case  plaintiffs and on November 16, 1999,  filed  petitions  seeking a
rehearing and  reconsideration of the Court's decision regarding these remaining
claims.  The "test case"  plaintiffs  also  requested a rehearing of the Court's
decision  upholding the dismissal of their claims. In January 2000, the Court of
Appeals denied both petitions.  The "test case" plaintiffs have stated that they
intend to seek Supreme Court review of the District Court's decision.  There can
be no assurance as to the outcome of this litigation.

     GPU, Inc. and the GPU Energy companies  believe that any liability to which
they  might be  subject by reason of the TMI-2  accident  will not exceed  their
financial protection under the Price-Anderson Act.

                               ACCOUNTING MATTERS

     Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 71 (FAS 71),  "Accounting
for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation,"  applies to regulated utilities
that have the  ability to recover  their  costs  through  rates  established  by
regulators  and charged to customers.  In June 1997,  the  Financial  Accounting
Standards  Board's  (FASB)  Emerging  Issues  Task  Force  (EITF)  (Issue  97-4)
concluded  that  utilities  are no longer  subject to FAS 71,  for the  relevant
portion of their business, when they know details of their individual transition
plans to a competitive electric generation marketplace.  The EITF also concluded
that utilities can continue to carry previously  recorded  regulated  assets, as
well as any newly  established  regulated  assets  (including  those  related to
generation), on their balance sheets if regulators have assured a regulated cash
flow stream to recover the cost of these assets.

      On May 24,  1999,  the NJBPU  issued a  Summary  Order  regarding  JCP&L's
unbundling,   stranded  cost  and   restructuring   filings  which   essentially
deregulated the electric generation portion of JCP&L's business. Accordingly, in
the second quarter of 1999,  JCP&L  discontinued  the  application of FAS 71 and
adopted the  provisions of Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 101
(FAS 101),  "Regulated  Enterprises  -  Accounting  for the  Discontinuation  of
Application  of FASB  Statement  No. 71" and EITF Issue 97-4 with respect to its
electric generation operations. In 1998, Met-Ed and Penelec, in conjunction with
receiving their Restructuring Orders, discontinued the application of FAS 71 and
adopted the provisions of FAS 101 and EITF 97-4 for their generation operations.
The  transmission  and  distribution   portion  of  the  GPU  Energy  companies'
operations continue to be subject to the provisions of FAS 71.

     In accordance with the Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 121
(FAS  121),  "Accounting  for  the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets  and  for
Long-Lived  Assets to Be Disposed  Of,"  impairment  tests  performed by the GPU
Energy companies on the net book values of their remaining generation facilities
determined that the net investment in Oyster Creek was impaired.  As of December
31,  1999,  this  resulted in a  write-down  of $678  million to reflect  Oyster
Creek's fair market value. The total impairment  amount of Oyster Creek has been
reestablished  as a regulatory  asset since the Summary  Order  provides for its
recovery in the restructuring process.


     Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133 (FAS 133),  "Accounting
for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities,"  establishes accounting and
reporting  standards for derivative  instruments,  including certain  derivative
instruments  embedded in other contracts,  and for hedging  activities.  FAS 133
requires  that  companies   recognize  all   derivatives  as  either  assets  or
liabilities  on the balance sheet and measure those  instruments  at fair value.
GPU will be required to include its derivative transactions on its balance sheet
at fair value,  and  recognize  the  subsequent  changes in fair value as either
gains or losses in earnings or report them as a component of other comprehensive
income,  depending upon the intended use and  designation of the derivative as a
hedge.  FAS 133 is effective for all fiscal  quarters of fiscal years  beginning
after June 15, 2000.  GPU will adopt FAS 133 in the first quarter of 2001 and is
in the process of evaluating the impact of the implementation of this statement.
GPU's use of derivative  instruments  is intended to manage the risk of interest
rate,  foreign  currency and commodity price  fluctuations  and may include such
transactions  as  electricity  and natural  gas  forward and futures  contracts,
foreign currency swaps,  interest rate swaps and options. GPU does not intend to
hold or issue derivative instruments for trading purposes.



To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of GPU, Inc.:

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements listed in the accompanying
index present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial position of GPU,
Inc. and Subsidiary  Companies at December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the results of
their  operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended  December 31, 1999 in  conformity  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United  States.  In  addition,  in our  opinion,  the  financial
statement  schedule listed in the  accompanying  index presents  fairly,  in all
material  respects,  the  information set forth therein when read in conjunction
with the related consolidated  financial statements.  These financial statements
and  financial  statement  schedule  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management;  our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements and financial  statement  schedule based on our audits.  We conducted
our audits of these statements in accordance with auditing  standards  generally
accepted in the United States,  which require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements,  assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
February 10, 2000


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                     (in thousands)
December 31,                                                   1999                 1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Utility Plant:

  Transmission, distribution and general plant             $11,240,218          $ 7,579,455
  Generation plant                                             526,228            3,445,984
                                                            ----------          -----------
      Utility plant in service (Notes 6 & 7)                11,766,446           11,025,439
  Accumulated depreciation                                  (3,929,963)          (4,460,341)
                                                            ----------          ------------
      Net utility plant in service (Note 1)                  7,836,483            6,565,098
  Construction work in progress                                170,317               94,005
  Other, net                                                    18,128              145,792
                                                            ----------          -----------
      Net utility plant                                      8,024,928            6,804,895
                                                            ----------          -----------

Other Property and Investments:
  Equity investments                                            85,756              658,974
  Goodwill, net (Note 1)                                     2,615,301              545,262
  Nuclear decommissioning trusts, at market (Note 12)          636,284              716,274
  Nuclear fuel disposal trust, at market                       119,293              116,871
  Other, net                                                   837,415              262,562
                                                            ----------          -----------
      Total other property and investments                   4,294,049            2,299,943
                                                            ----------          -----------

Current Assets:
  Cash and temporary cash investments                          471,548               72,755
  Special deposits                                              42,687               62,673
  Accounts receivable:
    Customers, net                                             445,745              286,278
    Other                                                      238,840              126,088
  Unbilled revenues (Note 1)                                   152,263              144,076
  Materials and supplies, at average cost or less:
    Construction and maintenance                               100,807              155,827
    Fuel                                                           208               42,697
  Investments held for sale                                     26,946               48,473
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                                72,249               47,521
  Prepayments                                                  161,602               76,021
                                                            ----------          -----------
      Total current assets                                   1,712,895            1,062,409
                                                            ----------          -----------

Deferred Debits and Other Assets:
  Regulatory assets, net (Notes 1 & 12)                      4,712,654            3,940,829
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                             2,528,393            2,004,278
  Other                                                        445,163              175,755
                                                            ----------          -----------
      Total deferred debits and other assets                 7,686,210            6,120,862
                                                            ----------          -----------

      Total Assets                                         $21,718,082          $16,288,109
                                                            ==========          ===========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                     (in thousands)
December 31,                                                   1999                 1998
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



  Common stock                                             $   331,958          $ 331,958
  Capital surplus                                            1,011,721          1,011,310
  Retained earnings                                          2,426,350          2,230,425
  Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss)                 (6,341)           (31,304)
                                                            ----------          ----------
      Total                                                  3,763,688          3,542,389
  Reacquired common stock, at cost                            (298,735)           (77,741)
                                                            ----------          ----------
      Total common stockholders' equity (Note 5)             3,464,953          3,464,648
  Cumulative preferred stock: (Note 4)
    With mandatory redemption                                   73,167             86,500
    Without mandatory redemption                                12,649             66,478
  Subsidiary-obligated mandatorily redeemable
    preferred securities (Note 4)                              125,000             330,000
  Trust preferred securities (Note 4)                          200,000                 -
  Long-term debt (Note 3)                                    5,850,596           3,825,584
                                                            ----------          ----------
      Total capitalization                                   9,726,365           7,773,210
                                                            ----------          -----------

Current Liabilities:
  Securities due within one year (Notes 3 & 4)                 581,147              563,683
  Notes payable (Note 2)                                     1,171,869              368,607
  Bank overdraft (Note 1)                                      224,585                    -
  Obligations under capital leases (Note 11)                    48,165              126,480
  Accounts payable                                             489,075              394,815
  Taxes accrued                                                309,509               92,339
  Interest accrued                                              76,246               81,931
  Deferred credits (Note 1)                                        -                  2,411
  Other                                                        732,110              377,594
                                                            ----------          -----------

      Total current liabilities                              3,632,706            2,007,860
                                                            ----------          -----------

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities:
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                             3,563,078            3,044,947
  Unamortized investment tax credits                            61,364              114,308
  Three Mile Island Unit 2 future costs (Note 12)              496,944              483,515

  Power purchase contract loss liability (Note 12)           3,300,878            1,803,820
  Other                                                        936,747            1,060,449
                                                            ----------           ----------

      Total deferred credits and other liabilities           8,359,011            6,507,039
                                                            ----------          -----------

Commitments and Contingencies (Note 12)

      Total Liabilities and Capitalization                 $21,718,082          $16,288,109
                                                            ==========          ===========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


                                                        (in thousands, except per share data)

For The Years Ended December 31,                            1999            1998           1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues (Note 1)                              $4,757,124     $4,248,792    $4,143,379
                                                         ----------     ----------    ----------
Operating Expenses:
  Fuel                                                      304,621        407,105       400,329
  Power purchased and interchanged                        1,253,228      1,122,841     1,046,906
  Deferred costs, net (Note 1)                              (38,108)       (25,542)        6,043
  Other operation and maintenance (Note 9)                1,495,402      1,106,913       993,739
  Depreciation and amortization (Note 1)                    542,939        522,094       467,714
  Taxes, other than income taxes (Note 9)                   190,212        219,302       357,913
                                                          ---------     ----------     ---------
       Total operating expenses                           3,748,294      3,352,713     3,272,644
                                                          ---------      ---------     ---------
Operating Income                                          1,008,830        896,079       870,735
                                                          ---------       --------      --------

Other Income and Deductions:
  Allowance for other funds used during construction            432            916            75
  Equity in undistributed earnings of affiliates, net        89,746         72,012       (27,100)
  Other income, net                                          85,616         48,366         5,585
                                                          ---------        -------       --------
       Total other income and deductions                    175,794        121,294       (21,440)
                                                          ---------        -------      ---------
Income Before Interest Charges
  and Preferred Dividends                                 1,184,624     1,017,373        849,295
                                                         ----------     ----------      --------
Interest Charges and Preferred Dividends:
  Long-term debt and notes payable                          432,368      345,172         275,296
  Trust preferred securities                                  8,345          -                 -
  Subsidiary-obligated mandatorily
   redeemable preferred securities                           24,627       28,888          28,888
  Other interest                                             10,048        8,277           8,121
  Allowance for borrowed funds used
   during construction                                       (3,897)      (4,348)         (5,508)
  Preferred stock dividends of subsidiaries,
   inclusive of $2,116 loss on reacquisitions in 1999        11,006       11,243          12,524
                                                         ----------     ----------      --------
      Total interest charges and preferred dividends        482,497      389,232         319,321
                                                         ----------     ----------     ---------

Income Before Income Taxes and Minority Interest            702,127      628,141         529,974
  Income taxes (Note 8)                                     239,623      240,089         193,536
  Minority interest net income                                3,490        2,171           1,337
                                                         ----------     ----------    ----------

Income Before Extraordinary Item                            459,014      385,881         335,101
  Extraordinary item, net of income tax
   benefit of $16,300 (Note 6)                                  -        (25,755)             -
                                                         ----------     ----------    ----------
Net Income                                               $  459,014     $360,126      $  335,101
                                                         ==========     ========      ==========
Basic -   Earnings Per Average Common Share
           Before Extraordinary Item                     $     3.66        $3.03      $     2.78
          Extraordinary Item                                    -          (0.20)              -
                                                         ----------     ----------    ----------
          Earnings Per Average Common Share              $     3.66   $     2.83      $     2.78
                                                         ==========     ========      ==========
          Average Common Shares Outstanding                 125,368      127,093         120,722
                                                         ==========     ========      ==========

Diluted - Earnings Per Average Common Share
           Before Extraordinary Item                     $     3.66        $3.03      $     2.77
                                                         ----------     --------      ----------
          Extraordinary Item                                    -          (0.20)             -
                                                         ----------     --------      ----------
          Earnings Per Average Common Share              $     3.66      $  2.83      $     2.77
                                                         ==========     ========      ==========
          Average Common Shares Outstanding                 125,570      127,312         121,002
                                                         ==========     ========      ==========
Cash Dividends Paid Per Share                            $    2.105   $    2.045      $    1.985
                                                         ==========     ========      ==========
The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                     (in  thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                            1999           1998          1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income                                                $459,014      $360,126        $335,101
                                                           -------      --------        --------

Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax: (Note 5)
  Net unrealized gain on investments                         5,838         8,987           6,374
  Foreign currency translation                              13,859        (9,461)        (48,929)
  Minimum pension liability                                  5,266        (1,534)         (1,495)
                                                           -------      --------        --------
    Total other comprehensive income/(loss)                 24,963        (2,008)        (44,050)
                                                           -------      --------        --------
Comprehensive income                                      $483,977      $358,118        $291,051
                                                           =======       =======        ========
GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                     (in  thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                           1999            1998           1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance at beginning of year                            $2,230,425    $2,140,712      $2,054,222
  Net income                                               459,014       360,126         335,101
  Cash dividends declared on common stock                 (263,089)     (263,561)       (241,517)
  Other adjustments, net                                       -          (6,852)         (7,094)
                                                         ---------    ----------     -----------
Balance at end of year                                  $2,426,350    $2,230,425      $2,140,712
                                                         =========     =========     ===========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                     (in   thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                            1999          1998            1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Activities:

  Net income                                            $  459,014      $360,126      $  335,101
  Extraordinary item (net of income tax
    benefit of $16,300)                                        -          25,755             -
                                                         ---------    ----------       ---------
  Income before extraordinary item                         459,014       385,881         335,101
  Adjustments to reconcile income to cash provided:
    Depreciation and amortization                          568,832       552,795         487,962
    Amortization of property under capital leases           47,584        49,913          50,108
    NJBPU/PaPUC restructuring rate orders                  115,000        68,500             -
    Gain on sale of investments, net                       (64,019)      (43,548)            -
    Equity in undistributed (earnings)/losses of
      affiliates, net of distributions received            (62,170)      (44,621)         69,862
    Deferred income taxes and investment tax
      credits, net                                        (717,768)     (165,860)        (29,248)
    Deferred costs, net                                    (37,841)      (24,482)          8,193
  Changes in working capital:
    Receivables                                            (84,282)       91,285         (76,178)
    Materials and supplies                                  81,297           704           4,803
    Special deposits and prepayments                        42,247       (18,514)         28,371
    Payables and accrued liabilities                       (22,972)      (18,645)         49,025
  Nonutility generation contract buyout costs              (94,034)      (54,018)        (56,550)
  Other, net                                               (79,636)       13,476         (27,186)
                                                         ---------    ----------       ---------
      Net cash provided by operating activities            151,252       792,866         844,263
                                                         ---------     ---------       ---------

Investing Activities:
  Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                    (1,670,739)          -        (1,798,338)
  Capital expenditures and investments                    (460,952)     (468,223)       (470,299)
  Proceeds from sale of investments                      2,581,151       160,244             -
  Contributions to nonutility generation trusts           (266,701)          -               -
  Contributions to decommissioning trusts                 (168,657)      (51,039)        (40,283)
  Other, net                                                61,560       (37,876)         34,500
                                                         ---------    ----------       ---------
       Net cash provided/(required)
         by investing activities                            75,662      (396,894)     (2,274,420)
                                                         ---------    ----------       ---------
Financing Activities:

  Issuance of long-term debt                             1,787,094       749,724       1,893,219
  Retirement of long-term debt                          (1,883,850)   (1,036,110)       (184,015)
  Increase/(Decrease) in notes payable, net                882,352       (62,292)         87,667
  Issuance of trust preferred securities                   193,070           -               -
  Redemption of subsidiary-obligated mandatorily
    redeemable preferred securities                       (205,383)          -               -
  Redemption of preferred stock of subsidiaries            (60,944)      (15,000)        (20,000)
  Capital lease principal payments                         (51,040)      (50,663)        (49,560)
  Issuance of common stock                                     -         269,448             -
  Reacquisition of common stock                           (225,821)          -               -
  Dividends paid on common stock                          (264,448)     (258,058)       (239,597)
                                                         ---------    ----------       ---------
       Net cash provided/(required)
         by financing activities                           171,030      (402,951)      1,487,714
                                                         ---------    ----------       ---------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                        849        (5,365)         (4,062)
                                                         ---------    ----------       ---------
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and temporary cash
  investments from above activities                        398,793       (12,344)         53,495
Cash and temporary cash investments, beginning of year      72,755        85,099          31,604
                                                         ---------    ----------      ----------
Cash and temporary cash investments, end of year        $  471,548      $ 72,755      $   85,099
                                                         =========    ==========      ==========

Supplemental Disclosure:

  Interest and preferred dividends paid                 $  459,496    $  370,303      $  307,064
                                                         =========    ==========      ==========
  Income taxes paid                                     $  702,355    $  333,994      $  229,373
                                                         =========    ==========      ===========
  New capital lease obligations incurred                $   37,662    $   37,793      $   41,898
                                                         =========    ==========      ==========
  Common stock dividends declared but not paid          $   64,557    $   65,917      $   60,414
                                                         =========    ==========      ==========
The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial



     GPU, Inc. owns all the outstanding  common stock of three domestic electric
utilities -- Jersey Central Power & Light Company (JCP&L),  Metropolitan  Edison
Company  (Met-Ed) and  Pennsylvania  Electric  Company  (Penelec).  The customer
service function, transmission and distribution operations and the operations of
the remaining non-nuclear  generating facilities of these electric utilities are
conducting  business  under  the name GPU  Energy.  JCP&L,  Met-Ed  and  Penelec
considered  together are referred to as the "GPU Energy  companies." The nuclear
generation  operations of GPU Energy are conducted by GPU Nuclear,  Inc. (GPUN).
GPU Capital, Inc. and GPU Electric, Inc. and their subsidiaries own, operate and
fund the acquisition of electric and gas transmission  and distribution  systems
in foreign countries,  and are referred to as "GPU Electric." GPU International,
Inc.  and GPU  Power,  Inc.  and their  subsidiaries  develop,  own and  operate
generation  facilities  in the  United  States  and  foreign  countries  and are
referred to as the "GPUI Group."  Other  subsidiaries  of GPU, Inc.  include GPU
Advanced Resources, Inc. (GPU AR), which is involved in retail energy sales; GPU
Telcom    Services,     Inc.    (GPU    Telcom),    which    is    engaged    in
telecommunications-related  businesses;  and GPU  Service,  Inc.  (GPUS),  which
provides legal,  accounting,  financial and other services to the GPU companies.
All of these companies considered together are referred to as "GPU."


     The  preparation  of financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  requires  management  to  make  estimates  and
assumptions  that affect the  reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities,  the
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements,  and revenues  and  expenses  during the  reporting  period.  Actual
results could differ from those estimates.

                               SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTS

     Certain  reclassifications  of prior  years' data have been made to conform
with the current presentation.  The GPU Energy companies' accounting records are
maintained in accordance  with the Uniform System of Accounts  prescribed by the
Federal  Energy  Regulatory  Commission  (FERC) and adopted by the  Pennsylvania
Public Utility  Commission  (PaPUC) and the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
(NJBPU).  GPU's accounting  records also comply with the Securities and Exchange
Commission's (SEC) rules and regulations.


     The GPU  consolidated  financial  statements  include  the  accounts of its
wholly-owned  subsidiaries  and any  affiliates  in which  it has a  controlling
financial  interest  (generally  evidenced  by  a  greater  than  50%  ownership
interest). All significant intercompany transactions and accounts are eliminated
in consolidation.  GPU also uses the equity method of accounting for investments
in affiliates in which it has the ability to exercise significant influence.


     Effective  in the  third  quarter  of 1999,  GPU began  accounting  for its
Midlands  Electricity plc (Midlands)  investment as a consolidated entity due to
GPU's  purchase  from Cinergy  Corp.  (Cinergy) of the  remaining  50% ownership
interest in Midlands  which GPU did not own. As a result of this  change,  GPU's
remaining   equity   investments  are  no  longer  presented  in  the  Notes  to
Consolidated  Financial  Statements  since these  investments as of December 31,
1999 are  considered  immaterial to GPU's  results of  operations  and financial

                              REGULATORY ACCOUNTING

     Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 71 (FAS 71),  "Accounting
for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation,"  applies to regulated utilities
that have the  ability to recover  their  costs  through  rates  established  by
regulators and charged to customers.  The GPU Energy companies' transmission and
distribution  operations are currently accounted for under the provisions of FAS
71. In  accordance  with FAS 71, GPU has  deferred  certain  costs  pursuant  to
actions of the NJBPU and PaPUC and is  recovering  or  expects  to recover  such
costs in regulated rates charged to customers. Regulatory assets and liabilities
are  reflected  net in the  Deferred  Debits  and Other  Assets  section  of the
Consolidated Balance Sheets. For additional  information about regulatory assets
and liabilities, see Note 12, Commitments and Contingencies.

     With the receipt of the NJBPU Summary  Restructuring  Order (Summary Order)
in 1999 and the PaPUC Restructuring Orders  (Restructuring  Orders) in 1998, GPU
determined  that the GPU Energy  companies'  electric  generation  operations no
longer met the criteria for the continued  application  of FAS 71, and therefore
adopted,  for that  portion of its  business,  the  provisions  of  Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 101 (FAS 101),  "Regulated  Enterprises  -
Accounting for the  Discontinuation of Application of FASB Statement No. 71" and
Emerging Issues Task Force Issue 97-4  (EITF)(Issue  97-4),  Deregulation of the
Pricing of Electricity - Issues Related to the Application of FASB Statement No.
71  "Accounting  for the  Effects of Certain  Types of  Regulation"  and No. 101
"Regulated  Enterprises - Accounting for the  Discontinuation  of Application of
FASB Statement No. 71."

                              CURRENCY TRANSLATION

     In accordance with Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 52 (FAS
52),  "Foreign  Currency   Translation,"   balance  sheet  accounts  of  foreign
operations are translated  from foreign  currencies  into US dollars at year-end
rates,  while income statement  accounts are translated at the average month-end
exchange rates for the relevant period.  The resulting  translation  adjustments
are included in Accumulated other comprehensive  income/(loss),  net of deferred
taxes,  on the  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets.  Gains and losses  resulting from
foreign currency transactions are included in Net Income.


     GPU recognizes  operating  revenues for services rendered to the end of the
relevant  accounting period. GPU Electric and the GPU Energy companies' electric
operating revenues also include an estimate for unbilled revenues.


                                 DEFERRED COSTS

     JCP&L recovers its prudently  incurred  generation-related  costs through a
Market  Transition Charge (MTC) and Basic Generation  Service (BGS) charge,  and
defers any differences between actual costs and amounts recovered from customers
through rates.  Met-Ed and Penelec use deferred  accounting for the above-market
portion of nonutility  generation  (NUG) costs which are  collected  through the
Competitive Transition Charge (CTC).

                                  UTILITY PLANT

     At December 31, 1999 and 1998, the GPU Energy companies'  generation plants
are valued at the lower of cost or market. All other utility plant and additions
are valued at cost.  The assets of acquired  companies are carried at their fair
value as of the acquisition date, less accumulated depreciation.


     GPU generally  provides for  depreciation  at annual rates  determined  and
revised  periodically,  on the basis of studies,  to be sufficient to depreciate
the original cost of  depreciable  property  over  estimated  remaining  service
lives,  which are generally  longer than those employed for tax purposes.  These
rates, on an aggregate composite basis, resulted in annual rates as follows:

                       GPU       JCP&L    Met-Ed      Penelec
                       ---       -----    ------      -------
          1999         2.96%     2.94%    3.01%       2.81%
          1998         3.43%     3.65%    3.53%       3.25%
          1997         3.34%     3.60%    3.39%       3.08%

GPU GasNet uses the volumetric  depreciation  method to amortize the cost of its
gas pipeline.

                              AMORTIZATION POLICIES

Accounting for TMI-2 and Forked River Investments:
- -------------------------------------------------

     At December 31, 1999, $61 million is included in Regulatory  assets, net on
the Consolidated Balance Sheets for JCP&L's investment in Three Mile Island Unit
2 (TMI-2).  JCP&L is collecting annual revenues for the amortization of TMI-2 of
$9.6 million.  This level of revenue will be sufficient to recover the remaining
investment  by 2008.  Met-Ed  and  Penelec  have  collected  all of their  TMI-2
investment  attributable to retail customers.  At December 31, 1999, $56 million
is included in Regulatory  assets,  net on the  Consolidated  Balance Sheets for
JCP&L's  Forked  River  project.  JCP&L is  collecting  annual  revenues for the
amortization  of this  project of $11.2  million,  which will be  sufficient  to
recover its remaining  investment  by 2006.  Because JCP&L has not been provided
revenues for a return on the unamortized  balances of the damaged TMI-2 facility
and the cancelled Forked River project,  these  investments are being carried at
their discounted present values.

Nuclear Fuel:
- ------------

     The GPU Energy  companies  amortize  nuclear  fuel on a  unit-of-production
basis. Rates are determined and periodically revised to amortize the cost of the
fuel over its useful life.


     At December 31, 1999 and 1998,  the  liability of the GPU Energy  companies
for future contributions to the Federal Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund
for the cleanup of uranium  enrichment plants operated by the Federal Government
amounted  to $25  million  (JCP&L $15  million;  Met-Ed $7  million;  Penelec $3
million)  and $28 million  (JCP&L $18  million;  Met-Ed $7  million;  Penelec $3
million),  respectively,  and was  primarily  reflected in Deferred  Credits and
Other  Liabilities-Other.  Annual contributions,  which began in 1993, are being
made over a 15-year  period.  JCP&L is  recovering  these  costs from  customers
through its BGS and MTC rates while  Met-Ed and Penelec  anticipate  recovery in
Phase II of their restructuring proceedings which are expected to begin in early

- --------

     Goodwill,  resulting from GPU's purchase of various businesses, is recorded
on the Consolidated  Balance Sheets and amortized to expense, on a straight-line
basis,  over its  useful  life not to  exceed 40  years.  Goodwill  amortization
expense  amounted to $51.6  million,  $14 million and $2.8 million for the years
ended  December  31,  1999,  1998 and 1997,  respectively.  In  addition,  GPU's
investments  accounted  for  under the  equity  method  or cost  method  include
goodwill  (net of  amortization)  totaling  $21 million and $18.5  million as of
December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively,  which is amortized on a straight-line
basis over 20 years.  Amortization  expense on this goodwill (which is reflected
on the  Consolidated  Statements  of  Income  in Other  Income  and  Deductions)
amounted to $1.9  million,  $1.6  million  and $3.6  million for the years ended
December  31,  1999,  1998 and  1997,  respectively.  GPU  periodically  reviews
undiscounted  projections of future cash flows from operations to assess whether
any  potential  intangible  impairment  exists on its goodwill.  For  additional
information of goodwill resulting from acquisitions, see Note 7, Acquisitions.

                            NUCLEAR FUEL DISPOSAL FEE

     The GPU Energy  companies are providing for estimated future disposal costs
for spent nuclear fuel at the Oyster Creek nuclear  generating  station  (Oyster
Creek) and Three Mile Island Unit 1 (TMI-1) in accordance with the Nuclear Waste
Policy Act of 1982. The GPU Energy companies entered into contracts in 1983 with
the US Department  of Energy (DOE) for the disposal of spent  nuclear fuel.  The
total liability under these contracts, including interest, at December 31, 1999,
all of which relates to spent nuclear fuel from nuclear generation through April
1983, amounted to $198 million (JCP&L $148 million; Met-Ed $33 million;  Penelec
$17  million),  and is reflected  in Deferred  Credits and Other  Liabilities  -
Other.  As the  actual  liability  is  substantially  in  excess  of the  amount
recovered to date from ratepayers,  the GPU Energy companies have reflected such
excess in Regulatory  assets,  net. The distribution  rates presently charged to
customers  provide for the  collection  of these costs,  plus  interest,  over a
remaining  period of seven years for JCP&L.  Met-Ed and  Penelec are  recovering
these costs through their respective CTC.

     The GPU Energy  companies'  current rates provide for the recovery of costs
for  spent  nuclear  fuel  disposal  costs  resulting  from  nuclear  generation
subsequent to April 1983. The GPU Energy companies are making quarterly payments
to the DOE based on one mill per  kilowatt-hour.  These  remittances have ceased
for TMI-1 and will cease for Oyster Creek when that facility is


sold.  For a discussion  of the DOE's current  inability to begin  acceptance of
spent  nuclear fuel from the GPU Energy  companies and other  standard  contract
holders, see Note 12, Commitments and Contingencies.

                                  INCOME TAXES

     GPU files a consolidated  federal income tax return.  All  participants are
jointly and severally liable for the full amount of any tax, including penalties
and interest, which may be assessed against the group.

     Deferred  income taxes,  which result  primarily  from purchase  accounting
adjustments,  liberalized depreciation methods, deferred costs,  decommissioning
funds and discounted Forked River and TMI-2  investments,  reflect the impact of
temporary  differences between the amounts of assets and liabilities  recognized
for financial  reporting  purposes and the amounts  recognized for tax purposes.
Investment tax credits (ITC) are amortized  over the estimated  service lives of
the related facilities.


     The  carrying  amounts of Temporary  cash  investments,  Special  deposits,
Securities  due within one year and Notes  payable on the  Consolidated  Balance
Sheets approximate fair value due to the short period to maturity.  The carrying
amounts of the Nuclear  decommissioning  trusts and Nuclear fuel disposal trust,
whose assets are invested in cash  equivalents  and debt and equity  securities,
also approximate fair value.

                             DERIVATIVE INSTRUMENTS

     GPU's use of  derivative  instruments  is intended  primarily to manage the
risk of interest rate,  foreign currency and commodity price  fluctuations.  GPU
does not intend to hold or issue derivative instruments for trading purposes.

Commodity Derivatives:
- ---------------------

    The GPU  Energy  companies  use  futures  contracts  to  manage  the risk of
fluctuations in the market price of electricity and natural gas. These contracts
qualify for hedge  accounting  treatment  under current  accounting  rules since
price  movements of the commodity  derivatives  are highly  correlated  with the
underlying  hedged  commodities and the transactions are designated as hedges at
inception.  Accordingly,  under the  deferral  method of  accounting,  gains and
losses related to commodity  derivatives  are recognized in Power  purchased and
interchanged  in  the   Consolidated   Statements  of  Income  when  the  hedged
transaction  closes or if the  commodity  derivative  is no longer  sufficiently
correlated.  Prior to  income or loss  recognition,  deferred  gains and  losses
relating  to these  transactions  are  recorded  in  Current  Assets or  Current
Liabilities in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Interest Rate Swap Agreements:
- -----------------------------

     GPU  Electric  uses  interest  rate swap  agreements  to manage the risk of
increases in variable  interest  rates. At December 31, 1999,  these  agreements
covered approximately $1.3 billion of debt, including commercial paper, and were
scheduled to expire on various dates through November 2007.  Differences between
amounts paid and received under interest rate swaps are recorded as


adjustments to the interest  expense of the underlying  debt since the swaps are
related to specific assets, liabilities or anticipated transactions.  All of the
agreements  effectively convert variable rate debt,  including commercial paper,
to fixed rate debt.  For the year ended  December 31, 1999,  fixed rate interest
expense  incurred in connection with the swap  agreements  exceeded the variable
rate  interest  expense that would have been  incurred had the swaps not been in
place by approximately $20.7 million.

Currency Swap Agreements:
- ------------------------

     GPU Electric uses currency swap  agreements to manage  currency risk caused
by  fluctuations in the US dollar exchange rate related to debt issued in the US
by Avon Energy  Partners  Holdings  (Avon).  These swap  agreements  effectively
convert principal and interest payments on this US dollar debt to fixed sterling
principal and interest payments,  and expire on the maturity dates of the bonds.
Interest  expense is recorded  based on the fixed  sterling  interest  rate.  At
December 31, 1999,  these  currency swap  agreements  covered  British Pound 517
million (US $850  million) of debt.  Interest  expense  would have been  British
Pound 16.6 million (US $26.9  million) as compared to British Pound 18.2 million
(US $29.5 million) for the year ended December 31, 1999 had these agreements not
been in place.

Indexed Swap Agreement:
- ----------------------

     As part of an amended power  purchase  agreement  with Niagara Mohawk Power
Corporation (NIMO),  Onondaga Cogeneration L.P. (Onondaga),  a GPU International
subsidiary,  entered  into a 10-year  indexed  swap  agreement  in 1998 which is
intended to provide  Onondaga a fixed revenue  stream.  At December 31, 1999 and
1998,  the indexed swap  agreement is valued at $55.1 million and $62.4 million,
respectively  and is included in Other - Deferred Debits and Other Assets on the
Consolidated  Balance  Sheets.  This  valuation was derived using the discounted
estimated  cash flows  related to payments  expected to be received by Onondaga.
The  indexed  swap is  being  amortized  to  expense  over  the life of the swap
agreement.  As a result of the  anticipated  expiration  of a related  power put
agreement between Onondaga and NIMO, GPU  International  expects to recognize in
income the unamortized balance of the indexed swap agreement, mostly offset by a
plant impairment, resulting in a slight gain in 2000.

                            ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITIES

     GPU may be subject to loss contingencies  resulting from environmental laws
and  regulations,  which  include  obligations  to  mitigate  the effects on the
environment  of  the  disposal  or  release  of  certain  hazardous  wastes  and
substances at various sites. GPU records  liabilities (on an undiscounted basis)
for hazardous waste sites where it is probable that a loss has been incurred and
the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated and adjusts these liabilities
as required to reflect changes in circumstances.

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

     For the purpose of the  consolidated  statements  of cash flows,  temporary
investments  include all unrestricted  liquid assets,  such as cash deposits and
debt securities,  with maturities  generally of three months or less. Cash flows
are reported using the US dollar equivalent of the functional


     currencies  in effect at the time of the cash  transaction.  The  effect of
exchange rate changes on cash balances held in foreign  currencies  are reported
as a separate line item on the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.

     Avon and Midlands have a formal agreement with a United Kingdom bank, under
which they  maintain  available  cash  balances in a number of  subsidiary  bank
accounts and an overdraft in the main Midlands operating account.  The overdraft
balance was $224.6 million as of December 31, 1999, while total cash at Midlands
was $274.6 million.  Since Midlands manages the overdraft  balance in such a way
that it does not exceed the  available  cash  balances  in the other  associated
accounts,  no  interest  or fees are paid  under  this  arrangement.  In effect,
Midlands uses the overdraft  facility to utilize the available cash in the other
bank accounts.  The overdraft  position and the offsetting cash balances subject
to this  arrangement  are  shown  on the  Consolidated  Balance  Sheets  in Bank
overdraft and Cash and temporary cash investments, respectively.


     At December 31, 1999 and 1998, short-term debt outstanding consisted of the

                                          1999                    1998
                                          ----                    ----
                                  Balance    Weighted     Balance    Weighted
Company          Facility        Outstanding Avg. Rate  Outstanding  Avg. Rate
- -------          --------      ------------- ---------  -----------  ---------
                               (in millions)           (in millions)

GPU, Inc.     Bank Loans            $  123      7  %       $ 69        7  %
JCP&L         Bank Loans                -       -            53        6.3
              Commercial Paper          -       -            69        6.2
Met-Ed        Bank Loans                -       -            17        6.1
              Commercial Paper          -       -            63        6.4
Penelec       Bank Loans                -       -            32        5.9
              Commercial Paper          54      6.9          54        6.1
GPUI          Bank Loans                -       -            12        6.2
GPU Electric  Bank Loans               147      6.1          -         -
              Commercial Paper         848      6.5          -         -
                                     -----                   ---
              Total                 $1,172                  $369
                                     =====                   ===

     GPU's weighted average interest rate on the short-term  borrowings was 6.5%
and 6.4% at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

     GPU has various credit  facilities in place,  the most significant of which
are discussed below. These credit facilities generally provide GPU bank loans at
negotiable  market  rates.  In addition,  commitment  fees or facility  fees are
determined  by market  rates at the time the  facility is put in place,  and can
change based on the borrower's current bond rating.

GPU, Inc. and GPU Energy companies

     GPU, Inc. and the GPU Energy companies have available $450 million of
short-term borrowing facilities, which includes a $250 million revolving
credit agreement and various bank lines of credit.  In addition, GPU, Inc.,
JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec can issue commercial paper in amounts of up to $100
million, $150 million, $75 million, and $100 million, respectively.  From


these  sources,  GPU,  Inc.  has  regulatory  authority  to  have  $250  million
outstanding  at any one time.  JCP&L,  Met-Ed and  Penelec  are limited by their
charters or SEC  authorization  to $265 million,  $150 million and $150 million,
respectively, of short-term debt outstanding at any one time. As of December 31,
1999,  GPU,  Inc.  and the GPU Energy  companies  had $123.5  million  and $53.6
million, respectively, of short-term debt outstanding.

GPU Electric

     GPU Capital has a $1 billion 364-day senior  revolving credit agreement due
in December 2000 supporting the issuance of commercial  paper for its $1 billion
commercial  paper program  established to fund GPU Electric  acquisitions.  GPU,
Inc. has guaranteed GPU Capital's  obligations  under this program.  At December
31, 1999, $768 million was outstanding  under the commercial  paper program,  of
which $370 million is included in  long-term  debt on the  Consolidated  Balance
Sheets since it is management's  intent to reissue this amount of the commercial
paper on a long-term  basis.  For additional  information,  see Note 3 Long-Term

     GPU Australia  Holdings,  Inc. has $270 million  available under its senior
revolving  credit facility due in November 2002.  This facility,  in combination
with  other  GPU,  Inc.  credit  facilities,  serves as credit  support  for GPU
Australia  Holdings'  $350  million  commercial  paper  program.  GPU,  Inc. has
guaranteed GPU Australia  Holdings'  obligations under this program. At December
31, 1999, $182 million was outstanding under the commercial paper program.

     Austran Holdings, Inc. (Austran), a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of GPU
Electric,  has a A$500 million  (approximately US $328 million) commercial paper
program to  refinance  the maturing  portion of the senior debt credit  facility
used to finance the PowerNet Victoria (GPU PowerNet)  acquisition.  GPU PowerNet
has guaranteed  Austran's  obligations under this program. At December 31, 1999,
A$420  million  (approximately  US $275  million)  was  outstanding  under  this

     Midlands  maintains a (pound)200  million  (approximately  US $323 million)
syndicated  revolving credit facility with a bank for working capital  purposes,
which matures May 2001. At December 31, 1999,  (pound)87 million  (approximately
US $140 million) was outstanding under this facility.

GPUI Group

     GPU International has a revolving credit agreement providing for borrowings
through December 2000 of up to $30 million outstanding at any one time, of which
up to $15 million may be utilized to provide  letters of credit.  GPU,  Inc. has
guaranteed GPU International's obligations under this agreement. At December 31,
1999, no borrowings or letters of credit were outstanding under this facility.


     At December 31, 1999 and 1998, long-term debt outstanding  consisted of the


 GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary companies                      (in millions)
                                                         Total        Due
                                           Interest      Debt       Within
 1999                        Maturities     Rates     Outstanding  One Year
 ----                        ----------     -----     -----------  --------

GPU Energy companies & GPUS:

  First mortgage bonds(a)     2000-2027   5.35-9.48%      $1,783 (1)  $  90
  Senior notes                2004-2019   5.75-6.63%         350          -
  Other long-term debt        2000-2039   6.76-7.69%          34          -

GPU Electric:
   Bank loans                 2000-2014   4.16-13%         2,483        475
   Bonds                      2002-2008   7.38-7.46%       1,092          -
   Commercial paper/Medium
     term notes               2000-2002   6.3 -7.65%         633 (2)      -
GPUI Group                    2000-2022   4.5 -7%             46          5
                                                           -----      -----
    Total                                                 $6,421      $ 570
                                                           =====       ====

(1)  Amount is less unamortized net discount of $4.6 million.
(2)  Amount includes $370 million of commercial paper, which is included in
     long-term debt on the Consolidated  Balance Sheets since it is management's
     intent to reissue this amount on a long-term basis.

1998                                                             (in millions)
- ----

First mortgage bonds(a)                                              $2,418
Amounts due within one year                                             (80)
Unamortized net discount                                                 (3)
        Total GPU Energy companies                                    2,335
Other long-term debt:
  GPU Electric (excludes amounts due within one year of $453)         1,434
  GPUI Group (excludes amounts due within one year of $28)               23
  Other                                                                  34
        Total                                                        $3,826
- -----

First Mortgage Bonds - Series as noted (a):               (in thousands)
                                                       1999           1998
                                                       ----           ----

              6.04%  due 2000                      $   40,000     $   40,000
              6.45%  due 2001                          40,000         40,000
              9%     due 2002                          50,000         50,000
              6.375% due 2003                         150,000        150,000
              7.125% due 2004                         160,000        160,000
              6.78%  due 2005                          50,000         50,000
              8.25%  due 2006                          50,000         50,000
              6.85%  due 2006                          40,000         40,000
              7.90%  due 2007                          40,000         40,000
              7.125% due 2009                           6,300          6,300
              7.10%  due 2015                          12,200         12,200
              9.20%  due 2021                          50,000         50,000
              8.55%  due 2022                          30,000         30,000
              8.82%  due 2022                          12,000         12,000
              8.85%  due 2022                          38,000         38,000
              8.32%  due 2022                          40,000         40,000
              7.98%  due 2023                          40,000         40,000
              7.5%   due 2023                         125,000        125,000
              8.45%  due 2025                          50,000         50,000
              6.75%  due 2025                         150,000        150,000
                                                    ---------      ---------

                   Subtotal                         1,173,500      1,173,500
Amounts due within one year                           (40,000)           -
Unamortized net discount                               (2,752)        (2,992)
                                                    ---------      ---------

      Total                                         1,130,748      1,170,508

Other long-term debt
  (excludes amounts due within one year
    of $13 for 1999 and $12 for 1998)                   3,012          3,024
                                                    ---------      ---------
      Total long-term debt                         $1,133,760     $1,173,532
                                                    =========      =========


- ------

First Mortgage Bonds - Series as noted (a):              (in thousands)
                                                      1999           1998
                                                      ----           ----

              7.05%  due 1999                      $     -        $  30,000
              6.2%   due 2000                         30,000         30,000
              9.48%  due 2000                         20,000         20,000
              8.05%  due 2002                         30,000         30,000
              6.6%   due 2003                         20,000         20,000
              7.22%  due 2003                         40,000         40,000
              9.1%   due 2003                         30,000         30,000
              6.34%  due 2004                         40,000         40,000
              6.77%  due 2005                         30,000         30,000
              7.35%  due 2005                         20,000         20,000
              6.36%  due 2006                         17,000         17,000
              6.40%  due 2006                         33,000         33,000
              6.00%  due 2008                          8,700          8,700
              6.1%   due 2021                         28,500         28,500
              8.6%   due 2022                         30,000         30,000
              8.8%   due 2022                         30,000         30,000
              6.97%  due 2023                         30,000         30,000
              7.65%  due 2023                         30,000         30,000
              8.15%  due 2023                         60,000         60,000
              5.95%  due 2027                         13,690         13,690
                                                     -------        -------

                  Subtotal                           540,890        570,890
Amounts due within one year                          (50,000)       (30,000)
Unamortized net discount                                 (31)           (35)
                                                     -------        -------

      Total                                          490,859        540,855

Other long-term debt
  (excludes amounts due within one year
    of $25 for 1999 and $24 for 1998)                  6,024          6,049
                                                     -------        -------

      Total long-term debt                         $ 496,883      $ 546,904
                                                     =======        =======


- -------

First Mortgage Bonds - Series as noted (a):              (in thousands)
                                                      1999           1998
                                                      ----           ----

              5.99%  due 1999                      $     -        $  50,000
              6.15%  due 2000                            -           30,000
              6.8%   due 2001                            -           20,000
              8.70%  due 2001                            -           30,000
              7.40%  due 2002                            -           10,000
              7.43%  due 2002                            -           30,000
              7.92%  due 2002                            -           10,000
              7.40%  due 2003                            -           10,000
              6.60%  due 2003                            -           30,000
              7.02%  due 2003                            -           20,000
              7.48%  due 2004                            -           40,000
              6.10%  due 2004                            -           30,000
              6.7%   due 2005                            -           30,000
              6.35%  due 2006                            -           40,000
              8.05%  due 2006                            -           10,000
              6.125% due 2007                          4,110          4,110
              6.55%  due 2009                            -           50,000
              5.35%  due 2010                         12,310         12,310
              5.35%  due 2010                         12,000         12,000
              5.80%  due 2020                         20,000         20,000
              8.33%  due 2022                            -           20,000
              7.49%  due 2023                            -           30,000
              8.38%  due 2024                            -           40,000
              8.61%  due 2025                            -           30,000
              7.53%  due 2025                            -           40,000
              6.05%  due 2025                         25,000         25,000
                                                     -------        -------

                  Subtotal                            73,420        673,420
Amounts due within one year                              -          (50,000)
Unamortized net discount                              (1,791)           (11)
                                                     -------        -------

      Total                                           71,629        623,409

Senior Notes - Series as noted:

              5.75%  due 2004                        125,000            -
              6.125% due 2009                        100,000            -
              6.625% due 2019                        125,000            -
                                                     -------        -------

      Total                                          350,000            -

Other long-term debt
  (excludes amounts due within one year
    of $13 for 1999 and $12 for 1998)                  3,012          3,025
                                                     -------        -------

      Total long-term debt                         $ 424,641      $ 626,434
                                                     =======        =======

(a) Substantially  all of the utility plant owned by the GPU Energy companies is
    subject to the liens of their respective mortgages.

     For the years 2000,  2001,  2002,  2003 and 2004,  GPU has  long-term  debt
maturities as follows:


                                          (in millions)
Company                 2000        2001        2002        2003        2004
- -------                 ----        ----        ----        ----        ----

JCP&L                   $ 40        $   40      $   50      $150        $160
Met-Ed                    50            -           30        90          40
Penelec                    -            -           -          -         125
GPU Electric             475         1,007       1,074        14          12
GPUI Group                 5             7           7         6           6
GPUS                       -            22           -         -           -
                         ---         -----       -----       ---         ---
  Total                 $570        $1,076      $1,161      $260        $343
                         ===         =====       =====       ===         ===

     The fair value of long-term  debt is estimated  based on the quoted  market
prices for the same or similar issues or on the current rates offered to GPU for
debt of the same remaining  maturities and credit qualities.  The estimated fair
value of GPU's  long-term  debt,  including  amounts due within one year,  as of
December 31, 1999 and 1998 is as follows:

                                              (in millions)
                                     1999                      1998
                            Carrying       Fair       Carrying      Fair
                             Amount        Value       Amount       Value
                            --------       -----       -------      -----

JCP&L                         $1,174       $1,139      $1,174      $1,245
Met-Ed                           547          532         577         614
Penelec                          424          392         676         718
GPU Electric                   4,208        4,186           -           -
GPUI Group                        46           41       1,938       1,856
GPUS                              22           22          22          22
                               -----        -----       -----       -----
  Total                       $6,421       $6,312      $4,387      $4,455
                               =====        =====       =====       =====

     At December  31,  1999,  GPU Electric had  long-term  debt  outstanding  of
approximately  $470 million,  which was  guaranteed by GPU, Inc. The  guaranteed
amount  consisted  of $370 million  under the GPU Capital $1 billion  commercial
paper program and up to $100 million under the British Pound 245 million  credit
facility used to partially  fund GPU's  acquisition of Cinergy's 50% interest in


Cumulative Preferred Stock:
- --------------------------

 At December 31, 1999 and 1998,  the following  issues of  cumulative  preferred
stock were outstanding:

GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies

                                                  (in thousands)
                                               1999           1998
                                               ----           ----
Cumulative preferred stock (a):

  With mandatory redemption (c)(d)          $  84,000      $  89,000
  Amounts due within one year (e)             (10,833)       ( 2,500)
                                              -------        -------
 Total cumulative preferred stock
   with mandatory redemption                $  73,167      $  86,500
                                              =======        =======

Cumulative preferred stock (a):

  Without mandatory redemption (b)(d)(f)    $  12,500      $  65,996
  Premium on cumulative preferred stock           149            482
                                              -------        -------
 Total cumulative preferred stock
   without mandatory redemption             $  12,649      $  66,478
                                              =======        =======


- -----

Cumulative preferred stock, without par value, 15,600,000 shares authorized,
965,000 and 1,265,000 shares issued and outstanding in 1999 and 1998,
respectively. (a)

                                                  (in thousands)
                                               1999            1998
                                               ----            ----
Cumulative preferred stock - without mandatory redemption (b)(d):

    4% Series, 125,000 shares,
      callable at $106.50 a share            $ 12,500       $ 12,500
    7.88% Series E, 250,000 shares,
      callable at $103.65 a share                 -           25,000
                                               ------         ------
      Subtotal                                 12,500         37,500
Premium on cumulative preferred stock             149            241
                                               ------         ------
      Total cumulative preferred stock -
        without mandatory redemption         $ 12,649       $ 37,741
                                               ======         ======

Cumulative preferred stock - with mandatory redemption (c)(d)(e):

    8.65% Series J, 500,000 shares           $ 50,000       $ 50,000
    7.52% Series K,
       340,000 shares at 12/31/99
       390,000 shares at 12/31/98              34,000         39,000
                                               ------        -------
      Subtotal                                 84,000         89,000
Amounts due within one year (e)               (10,833)        (2,500)
                                               ------        -------
      Total cumulative preferred stock -
        with mandatory redemption            $ 73,167       $ 86,500
                                               ======        =======

- ------

Cumulative  preferred stock,  without par value,  10,000,000 shares  authorized,
119,475 shares issued and outstanding in 1998, without mandatory redemption. All
cumulative  preferred stock issued and  outstanding was redeemed  February 1999.

                                                  (in thousands)
                                                1999           1998
                                                ----           ----
3.90% Series, 64,384 shares,
 callable at $105.625 a share                 $   -          $ 6,438
4.35% Series, 22,517 shares,
 callable at $104.25 a share                      -            2,252
3.85% Series, 9,252 shares,
 callable at $104.00 a share                      -              925
3.80% Series, 7,982 shares,
 callable at $104.70 a share                      -              798
4.45% Series, 15,340 shares,
 callable at $104.25 a share                      -            1,534
                                               ------         ------
      Subtotal                                    -           11,947
Premium on cumulative preferred stock             -              109
                                               ------         ------
      Total cumulative preferred stock        $   -          $12,056
                                               ======         ======


- -------

Cumulative  preferred stock,  without par value,  11,435,000 shares  authorized,
165,485 shares issued and outstanding in 1998, without mandatory redemption. All
cumulative  preferred stock issued and  outstanding was redeemed  February 1999.

                                                  (in thousands)
                                                1999           1998
                                                ----           ----
4.40% Series B, 29,678 shares,
 callable at $108.25 per share                $   -          $ 2,968
3.70% Series C, 49,568 shares,
 callable at $105.00 per share                    -            4,957
4.05% Series D, 28,219 shares,
  callable at $104.53 per share                   -            2,822
4.70% Series E, 14,103 shares,
 callable at $105.25 per share                    -            1,410
4.50% Series F, 17,081 shares,
 callable at $104.27 per share                    -            1,708
4.60% Series G, 26,836 shares,
 callable at $104.25 per share                    -            2,684
                                               ------         ------
      Subtotal                                    -           16,549
Premium on cumulative preferred stock             -              132
                                               ------         ------
      Total cumulative preferred stock        $   -          $16,681
                                               ======         ======

(a)  At December 31, 1999 and 1998, the GPU Energy  companies were authorized to
     issue 37,035,000 of cumulative  preferred stock. If dividends on any of the
     cumulative  preferred stock of JCP&L are in arrears for four quarters,  the
     holders of cumulative  preferred stock,  voting as a class, are entitled to
     elect a majority of the Board of Directors  until all  dividends in arrears
     have  been  paid.  If JCP&L  has  failed  to pay  dividends  in full on any
     outstanding  shares of cumulative  preferred  stock,  thereafter  and until
     dividends  in full on all such shares of  cumulative  preferred  stock have
     been paid,  or declared and set apart for payment,  for all past  quarterly
     dividend  periods,  JCP&L shall not redeem any cumulative  preferred  stock
     unless  all the  shares  of  cumulative  preferred  stock  outstanding  are
     redeemed and shall not  purchase or otherwise  acquire for value any shares
     of cumulative preferred stock except in accordance with an offer (which may
     vary with  respect to shares of  different  series)  made to all holders of
     share of cumulative preferred stock.

(b)  The outstanding shares of preferred stock without mandatory  redemption are
     callable at various prices above their stated values. At December 31, 1999,
     JCP&L could call the 4% Series for $13.3 million.

(c)  The 7.52% and 8.65%  Series are  callable  at various  prices  above  their
     stated values beginning in 2002 and 2000, respectively. The 7.52% Series is
     to be redeemed  ratably over twenty  years,  beginning  in 1998.  The 8.65%
     Series is to be redeemed ratably over six years beginning in 2000.

(d)  During  1999,  JCP&L  redeemed  all  of its  outstanding  shares  of  7.88%
     cumulative  preferred  stock  with a  stated  value of $25  million  and $5
     million stated value of its 7.52%  cumulative  preferred  stock pursuant to
     mandatory and optional sinking fund provisions. As a result, a


     reacquisition  loss of $0.8  million  was charged to income.  During  1998,
     JCP&L  redeemed $5 million stated value of its 7.52%  cumulative  preferred
     stock and $10 million stated value of its 8.48% cumulative  preferred stock
     pursuant to mandatory and optional sinking fund  provisions.  JCP&L's total
     redemption  cost  for 1999 and 1998  was  $30.9  million  and $15  million,

(e)  The shares with mandatory redemption have redemption  requirements of $10.8
     million  for  each  year of the next  five  years.  The  fair  value of the
     preferred stock with mandatory redemption, including amounts due within one
     year,  based on market price  quotations at December 31, 1999 and 1998, was
     $86.5 million and $94.7 million, respectively.

(f)  In 1999,  Met-Ed and Penelec  redeemed all of their  outstanding  shares of
     cumulative   preferred   stock  for  $12.5   million  and  $17.4   million,
     respectively.  As a result,  a  reacquisition  loss of $1.3 million (Met-Ed
     $0.6 million; Penelec $0.7 million) was charged to income.

Subsidiary-Obligated Mandatorily Redeemable Preferred Securities:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

     JCP&L Capital,  L.P.,  Met-Ed Capital,  L.P. and Penelec Capital,  L.P. are
special-purpose partnerships in which a subsidiary of JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec,
respectively,  is the sole general partner. In 1995, JCP&L Capital,  L.P. issued
$125  million  at 8.56% (5  million  shares  at $25 per  share)  of  mandatorily
redeemable  preferred  securities (MIPS) and in 1994,  Met-Ed Capital,  L.P. and
Penelec  Capital,  L.P.  issued $100 million at 9% (4 million  shares at $25 per
share)  and $105  million  at  8.75%  (4.2  million  shares  at $25 per  share),
respectively,  of MIPS.  The proceeds were loaned to JCP&L,  Met-Ed and Penelec,
respectively,  which, in turn,  issued their  deferrable  interest  subordinated
debentures  to the  partnerships.  In 1999,  Met-Ed and Penelec  redeemed all of
their   outstanding   shares  of  MIPS  for  $100  million  and  $105   million,
respectively.  At December 31, 1999,  JCP&L's  outstanding  shares of MIPS had a
fair value of $120.6 million.

     The MIPS of JCP&L  Capital,  L.P.  mature in 2044 and are redeemable at the
option of JCP&L beginning in May of 2000 at 100% of their principal  amount,  or
earlier under certain limited  circumstances,  including the loss of the federal
tax deduction for interest paid on the subordinated debentures.  JCP&L has fully
and unconditionally guaranteed payment of distributions,  to the extent there is
sufficient cash on hand to permit such payments and legally available funds, and
payments on liquidation or redemption of its Preferred Securities. Distributions
on the MIPS (and interest on the subordinated debentures) may be deferred for up
to 60 months, but JCP&L, may not pay dividends on, or redeem or acquire,  any of
its  cumulative  preferred  or  common  stock  until  deferred  payments  on its
subordinated debentures are paid in full.

Trust Preferred Securities:
- --------------------------

     In 1999, $100 million of trust  preferred  securities were issued on behalf
of each of Met-Ed  and  Penelec  at 7.35%  and  7.34%,  respectively.  The trust
preferred  securities  were issued by Met-Ed  Capital Trust and Penelec  Capital
Trust and  represent a  beneficial  interest in the trust equal to a  cumulative
preferred  limited  partnership  interest in Met-Ed Capital II, L.P. and Penelec
Capital II, L.P. The preferred securities are the sole assets of the trust


and the only revenues of the trust will be distributions on the trust
preferred securities.  Each trust security has entitled the holder to receive
quarterly cash distributions.  Met-Ed and Penelec unconditionally guaranteed
the payments by Met-Ed Capital II, L.P. and Penelec Capital II, L.P.,

     The fair value of the Met-Ed and  Penelec  trust  preferred  securities  at
December 31, 1999 was $81 million and $80.8 million, respectively.


     The  following  table  presents  information  relating to the common  stock
($2.50 par value) of GPU, Inc.:

                                       1999           1998           1997
                                       ----           ----           ----

Authorized shares                   350,000,000    350,000,000    350,000,000
Issued shares                       132,783,338    132,783,338    125,783,338
Reacquired shares                    10,977,798      4,787,657      4,950,727
Outstanding shares                  121,805,540    127,995,681    120,832,611
Outstanding restricted units            283,602        268,360        247,955
Outstanding stock options               394,750        335,950            -

     In 1999, GPU, Inc. reacquired 6.4 million shares of common stock at a total
cost of $225.8 million.

     At December 31, 1999 and 1998,  the  following  issues of common stock were

                                                  (in thousands)
GPU, Inc.                                      1999            1998
- ---------                                      ----            ----

Common stock, par value $2.50 per share      $331,958       $331,958
                                              =======        =======

- -----

Common stock, par value $10 per share,
16,000,000 shares authorized, 15,371,270
shares issued and outstanding                $153,713       $153,713
                                              =======        =======

- ------

Common stock, no par value, 900,000 shares
authorized, 859,500 shares issued
and outstanding                              $ 66,273       $ 66,273
                                               ======         ======

- -------

Common stock, par value $20 per share,
5,400,000 shares authorized, 5,290,596
shares issued and outstanding                $105,812       $105,812
                                              =======        =======

     Pursuant to the 1990 Employee Stock Plan (as restated to reflect amendments
through  June 3,  1999),  awards may be granted in the form of  incentive  stock
options,   nonqualified  stock  options,  restricted  shares  of  common  stock,
restricted units and stock appreciation  rights, which may accompany options. In
1999, 1998 and 1997, GPU, Inc. issued restricted units


to  officers  representing  rights  to  receive  shares of  common  stock,  on a
one-for-one  basis, at the end of the restriction  period.  The number of shares
eventually  issued will depend upon the degree to which GPU's  performance goals
have been met for the restriction  period and could range from 0% to 200% of the
originally  awarded  units  plus  additional  units  resulting  from  reinvested
dividend  equivalents.  In 1999, GPU, Inc. granted stock options to its officers
to purchase 90,600, 1,000 and 1,000 shares at $42.9375,  $34.50 and $34.6875 per
share, respectively. In 1998, GPU, Inc. granted stock options to its officers to
purchase  305,950  and 30,000  shares at $36.625 per share and $44.25 per share,
respectively.  All options have an exercise price equal to the fair market value
of GPU,  Inc.  common  stock on the  grant  date.  Options  are  exercisable  in
accordance with the terms set forth in the Stock Option  Agreement.  In 1999 and
1998, no options were exercised.

     Since 1997, pursuant to the Deferred Stock Unit Plan for Outside Directors,
restricted units were issued to outside directors representing rights to receive
shares of GPU, Inc. common stock, on a one-for-one  basis.  All restricted units
are considered common stock equivalents and,  accordingly,  are reflected in the
computation of diluted earnings per share shown on the  Consolidated  Statements
of Income.  The  restricted  units accrue  dividend  equivalents  on a quarterly
basis, which are reinvested in additional restricted units.

     In 1999, 1998 and 1997,  through the  above-mentioned  plans,  officers and
outside  directors  were awarded  56,994,  53,260 and 64,941  restricted  units,
respectively. In 1999, 1998 and 1997, also through those plans, GPU, Inc. issued
a total of 20,215, 20,611 and 54,491 shares of common stock, respectively,  from
previously reacquired shares.

     In 1996, GPU adopted the disclosure  requirements of Statement of Financial
Accounting   Standards   No.  123  (FAS  123),   "Accounting   for   Stock-Based
Compensation,"  which  establishes a fair  value-based  method of accounting for
employee  stock-based  compensation.  As permitted  by FAS 123 GPU  continues to
follow the intrinsic  value method set forth in APB Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting
for Stock Issued to Employees"  and disclose the pro forma effects on net income
(loss) had the fair value of the options been expensed. The pro forma effects on
net income  resulting  from the  application of the fair  value-based  method of
accounting defined in FAS 123 are immaterial.

Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss):
- ----------------------------------------------

     In 1997, GPU adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.
130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income."  At December 31, 1999 and 1998, GPU
had on the Consolidated Balance Sheets the following amounts in Accumulated
other comprehensive income/(loss):

GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
- ----------------------------------

                                                      (in thousands)
                                                      1999        1998
                                                      ----        ----

Net unrealized gains on investments                $ 34,183    $ 28,345
Foreign currency translation                        (40,518)    (54,377)
Minimum pension liability                                (6)     (5,272)
                                                     ------      ------
   Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss)   $( 6,341)   $(31,304)
                                                     ======      ======


 JCP&L                                                1999        1998
 -----                                               ------      ------
 Net unrealized gain on investments                $      7    $     -
 Minimum pension liability                              -         (425)
                                                     ------      -----
   Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss)   $      7    $  (425)
                                                     ======      =====

- -------

 Net unrealized gain on investments                $ 21,369    $ 17,054
 Minimum pension liability                               (6)       (534)
                                                     ------      ------
   Accumulated other comprehensive income          $ 21,363    $ 16,520
                                                     ======      ======

- -------

 Net unrealized gain on investments                $ 10,619    $  8,518
 Minimum pension liability                              -          (165)
                                                     ------      ------
   Accumulated other comprehensive income          $ 10,619    $  8,353
                                                     ======      ======

   The   components   of  the   change  in   accumulated   other   comprehensive
income/(loss),  and the related tax effects,  for the years 1999,  1998 and 1997
are as follows:

GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
- ----------------------------------

                                                   (in thousands)
                                            Amount    Income Tax   Amount
                                            Before     (Expense)   Net of
                                            Taxes       Benefit     Taxes
                                            -------    ---------   -------

- ----

Net unrealized gains on investments         $12,516    $( 4,680)  $ 7,836
Adjustment for amounts included in income   ( 1,998)        -     ( 1,998)
                                             ------     -------    ------
   Net change in accumulated other
     comprehensive income                    10,518     ( 4,680)    5,838
                                             ------     -------    ------
Foreign currency translation adjustments     19,735     ( 6,907)   12,828
Adjustment for amounts included in income     1,586        (555)    1,031
                                             ------     -------    ------
   Net change in accumulated other
     comprehensive income                    21,321     ( 7,462)   13,859
                                             ------     -------    ------
Minimum pension liability                     8,957     ( 3,691)    5,266
                                             ------     -------    ------
   Total change in accumulated other
     comprehensive income/(loss)            $40,796    $(15,833)  $24,963
                                             ======     =======    ======

- ----

Net unrealized gains on investments         $ 13,235   $( 4,248) $  8,987
                                              ------     ------    ------
Foreign currency translation adjustments     (23,295)     8,233   (15,062)
Adjustment for amounts included in income      8,737    ( 3,136)    5,601
                                              ------     ------    ------
   Net change in accumulated other
     comprehensive income/(loss)             (14,558)     5,097   ( 9,461)
                                              ------     ------    ------
Minimum pension liability                    ( 2,605)     1,071   ( 1,534)
                                              ------     ------    ------
   Total change in accumulated other
     comprehensive income/(loss)            $( 3,928)  $  1,920  $( 2,008)
                                              ======     ======    ======

- ----
Net unrealized gains on investments         $ 10,895   $( 4,521) $  6,374
Foreign currency translation adjustments     (73,115)    24,186   (48,929)
Minimum pension liability                    ( 2,541)     1,046   ( 1,495)
                                              ------     ------    ------
   Total change in accumulated other
     comprehensive income/(loss)            $(64,761)  $ 20,711  $(44,050)
                                              ======     ======    ======


                                                    (in thousands)
JCP&L                                      Amount    Income Tax   Amount
- -----                                      Before   (Expense)    Net of
   1999                                     Taxes     Benefit     Taxes
   ----                                     ------    -------    -------
Net unrealized gain on investments          $     7    $   -    $     7
Minimum pension liability                       718      (293)      425
                                               ----      ----      ----
Total change in accumulated
    other comprehensive income/(loss)       $   725   $  (293)  $   432
                                               ====      =====     ====

Net unrealized gain on investments              $ -      $ -        $ -
Minimum pension liability                      (718)      293      (425)
                                               ----      ----      ----
Total change in accumulated
    other comprehensive income/(loss)       $  (718)  $   293   $  (425)
                                               ====      ====      ====

- ------
Net unrealized gain on investments          $ 7,388   $(3,073)    4,315
Minimum pension liability                       901      (373)      528
                                              -----     -----    ------
    Total change in accumulated
    other comprehensive income/(loss)       $ 8,289   $(3,446)  $ 4,843
                                              =====     =====     =====

- ----
Net unrealized gain on investments          $ 6,990   $(2,842)  $ 4,148
Minimum pension liability                      (196)       81      (115)
                                              -----     -----     -----
    Total change in accumulated
        other comprehensive income/(loss)   $ 6,794   $(2,761)  $ 4,033
                                              =====     =====     =====


Net unrealized gain on investments          $ 7,263   $(3,014)  $ 4,249
Minimum pension liability                      (267)      110      (157)
                                              -----     -----     -----

    Total change in accumulated
    other comprehensive income/(loss)       $ 6,996   $(2,904)  $ 4,092
                                              =====     =====     =====



Net unrealized gain on investments$           3,708    (1,607)  $ 2,101
Minimum pension liability                       282      (117)      165
                                              -----      ----     -----

Total change in accumulated
    other comprehensive income/(loss)       $ 3,990   $(1,724)  $ 2,266
                                              =====     =====     =====


Net unrealized gain on  investments         $ 3,471   $(1,406)  $ 2,064
Minimum pension liability                       (73)       30       (43)
                                              -----     -----     -----
     Total change in accumulated
     other comprehensive income/(loss)      $ 3,397   $(1,376)  $ 2,021
                                              =====     =====     =====


Net unrealized gain on investments          $ 3,632   $(1,507)  $ 2,125
Minimum pension liability                      (209)       87      (122)
                                              -----     -----     -----
Total change in accumulated
    other comprehensive income/(loss)       $ 3,423   $(1,420)  $ 2,003
                                              =====     =====     =====



JCP&L Restructuring Write-off:
- -----------------------------

     In 1999,  the NJBPU issued a Summary Order  regarding  JCP&L's  unbundling,
stranded cost and restructuring filings. Accordingly, in 1999 JCP&L discontinued
the  application  of FAS 71 and adopted the  provisions of FAS 101 and EITF 97-4
with  respect  to its  electric  generation  operations.  The  transmission  and
distribution operations of JCP&L continue to be subject to the provisions of FAS

     In 1999,  JCP&L recorded a reduction in operating  revenues of $115 million
relating to the Summary Order which resulted in an after-tax  charge to earnings
of $68 million,  or $0.54 per share. This reduction  reflects JCP&L's obligation
to refund to customers 5% from rates in effect as of April 30, 1997.  The refund
will be made to customers from August 1, 2002 through July 31, 2003.

     Since JCP&L is no longer  subject to FAS 71 for the  generation  portion of
its business,  GPU  performed an  impairment  test on Oyster Creek in accordance
with Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 121 (FAS 121) "Accounting
for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed
Of." This test determined that JCP&L's net investment in Oyster Creek, including
plant, nuclear fuel and materials and supplies inventories,  was impaired.  This
investment  was written  down by a total of $678  million  (pre-tax)  in 1999 to
reflect the plant's fair market value. This impairment, which was recorded as an
extraordinary  deduction,  was reversed and  reestablished as a regulatory asset
since the Summary Order provides for rate recovery.

Generation Asset Divestiture:
- ----------------------------

    As discussed below, in 1999, the GPU Energy companies completed the sales of
TMI-1 and substantially all of their fossil-fuel and hydroelectric stations.

    The  GPU  Energy  companies  sold  TMI-1  to  AmerGen  Energy  Company,  LLC
(AmerGen),  a joint  venture of PECO  Energy  and  British  Energy,  for a total
purchase  price  of  approximately  $100  million.  The  sale  did  not  have  a
significant  impact on 1999  earnings  since TMI-1 had been  written down to its
fair  market  value in 1998.  The  majority of the amount  written  down and the
majority of the remaining  loss from the sale resulted in the deferral of $528.3
million (JCP&L $133.1 million; Met-Ed $270.7 million; Penelec $124.5 million) as
a regulatory  asset  pending  separate and further  reviews by the NJBPU and the
PaPUC (Phase II of the Pennsylvania restructuring proceedings).

     The GPU Energy  companies  completed the sales of  substantially  all their
fossil fuel and  hydroelectric  generating  facilities to Sithe Energies (Sithe)
for approximately $1.6 billion (JCP&L $416 million; Met-Ed $641 million; Penelec
$558 million)  (JCP&L's 50% interest in Yards Creek was not included in the sale
and the sales of the 66 MW Forked River combustion turbines and 19 MW York Haven
hydroelectric station were postponed).  The sale resulted in the recording of an
after-tax  gain of $13.4 million  (Met-Ed $1.4 million;  Penelec $12 million) in
1999 for the portion of the gain related to wholesale


operations  and the deferral of the  remaining  pre-tax  gain of $706.5  million
(Met-Ed  $389.1  million;  Penelec  $317.4  million) as a  regulatory  liability
pending separate and further reviews by the NJBPU and the PaPUC.

     Penelec sold its 20% interest in the Seneca  Pumped  Storage  Hydroelectric
Generating  Station  to The  Cleveland  Electric  Illuminating  Company  for $43
million. The sale resulted in the recording of an after-tax gain of $1.2 million
in 1999 for the  portion of the gain  related to  wholesale  operations  and the
deferral  of the  remaining  pre-tax  gain  of  $30.2  million  as a  regulatory
liability pending further review by the PaPUC.

     Penelec sold its 50% interest in the Homer City Station to a subsidiary  of
Edison  Mission  Energy for  approximately  $900 million.  As a result,  Penelec
recorded an after-tax  gain of $22.6 million in 1999 for the portion of the gain
related to  wholesale  operations  and deferred as a  regulatory  liability  the
remaining pre-tax gain of $590.7 million pending further review by the PaPUC.

     Midlands  sold its  electric  supply  business  to  National  Power plc for
approximately $300 million.  As a result, in 1999 GPU recorded an after-tax gain
on the sale of $6.8 million.

     For  information  on JCP&L's  pending  sale of Oyster  Creek,  see Note 12,
Commitments and Contingencies.

Pennsylvania Restructuring Write-offs:
- -------------------------------------

     In 1998,  Met-Ed and Penelec  received  PaPUC  Restructuring  Orders which,
among other things,  essentially  removed from  regulation the costs  associated
with providing electric generation service to Pennsylvania consumers,  effective
January 1,  1999.  Accordingly,  in 1998  Met-Ed and  Penelec  discontinued  the
application  of FAS 71 and adopted the provisions of FAS 101 and EITF Issue 97-4
with respect to their  electric  generation  operations.  The  transmission  and
distribution  operations  of Met-Ed and  Penelec  continue  to be subject to the
provisions of FAS 71.

     As a result of the  Restructuring  Orders,  Met-Ed and Penelec  recorded an
extraordinary  charge  of $25.8  million  (after-tax)  or $0.20  per share and a
non-recurring  charge  of $40  million  (after-tax),  or $0.32  per  share,  for
customer  refunds of 1998  revenues and for the  establishment  of a sustainable
energy fund.

   In accordance  with FAS 121,  impairment  tests were performed and determined
that the net investment in TMI-1 was impaired at December 31, 1998, resulting in
a write-down of $518 million  (pre-tax) to reflect TMI-1's fair market value. Of
the  amount  written  down  for  TMI-1,  $508  million  was  reestablished  as a
regulatory asset because  management  believes it is probable of recovery in the
restructuring  process and $10 million  (the FERC  jurisdictional  portion)  was
charged to expense as an extraordinary item in 1998.

Windfall Profits Tax Write-off:
- ------------------------------

     In 1997, the Government of the United  Kingdom  imposed a windfall  profits
tax on privatized utilities,  including Midlands. As a result, a one-time charge
to income of $109.3 million, or $0.90 per share, was taken in 1997.



                  Empresa Distribuidora Electrica Regional, S.A.

     In March  1999,  GPU  Electric  acquired  Empresa  Distribuidora  Electrica
Regional,  S.A.  (Emdersa)  for US $375  million.  The fair  value of the assets
acquired  totaled  approximately  $320  million  and the  amount of  liabilities
assumed  totaled  approximately  $153  million,  including  debt of $76 million.
Emdersa owns three electric distribution companies that serve three provinces in
northwest Argentina.

     The  acquisition was financed  through the issuance of commercial  paper by
GPU Capital,  guaranteed by GPU,  Inc., and a $50 million  capital  contribution
from GPU, Inc.

     The  acquisition  has been  accounted  for  under  the  purchase  method of
accounting.  The total  acquisition  cost  exceeded the  estimated  value of net
assets by approximately $208 million.  This excess is considered goodwill and is
being amortized on a straight-line basis over 40 years.

                        Transmission Pipelines Australia

     In June 1999, GPU Electric acquired Transmission Pipelines Australia (TPA),
a natural gas transmission business,  from the State of Victoria,  Australia for
A$1.025  billion  (approximately  US $675  million).  TPA has been  renamed  GPU
GasNet.  The fair value of the assets  acquired  totaled  approximately  US $704
million and the amount of  liabilities  assumed  totaled  approximately  US $116

     The acquisition was financed through:  (1) an A$750 million  (approximately
US $495 million) senior credit facility, which is non-recourse to GPU, Inc.; and
(2) an equity  contribution from GPU Capital of A$275 million  (approximately US
$180 million)  provided  through the issuance of commercial  paper guaranteed by
GPU, Inc.

     The acquisition has been accounted for under the purchase method. The total
acquisition  cost  exceeded  the  estimated  value  of net  assets  acquired  by
approximately  $88  million.  This excess is  considered  goodwill  and is being
amortized on a straight-line basis over 40 years.

                            Midlands Electricity plc

     In July 1999,  GPU Electric  acquired  Cinergy's 50% ownership  interest in
Avon, which owns Midlands,  for British Pounds 452.5 million  (approximately  US
$714  million).  GPU and  Cinergy  had  jointly  formed  Avon in 1996 to acquire
Midlands.  The fair value of the assets acquired  totaled  approximately US $2.1
billion and the liabilities  totaled  approximately  US $1.5 billion,  including
debt of US $1 billion.

     GPU Electric  financed the acquisition  through a combination of equity and
debt. The equity was funded from: (1) a US $250 million  contribution  from GPU,
Inc., and (2) the issuance of US $50 million of commercial paper by GPU Capital,
which is guaranteed  by GPU, Inc. The debt has been provided  through a two-year
(pound)245 million (approximately US $382 million) credit agreement entered into
by EI UK Holdings,  of which GPU,  Inc.  has  guaranteed  approximately  US $100


     As a result of GPU's  purchase of  Cinergy's  50%  ownership  in  Midlands,
effective in the third quarter of 1999,  GPU began  accounting for Midlands as a
consolidated  entity,  rather than under the equity  method of accounting as was
previously the practice. Consequently, Goodwill, net on the Consolidated Balance
Sheet increased by  approximately  $1.8 billion in the third quarter of 1999. Of
this amount,  $1.7 billion relates to the previous 1996  acquisition of Midlands
by GPU and Cinergy and approximately $119 million represents  goodwill resulting
from GPU's  purchase of Cinergy's  50% share of Midlands.  The goodwill is being
amortized on a straight-line basis over 40 years.

     Concurrent with GPU's July 1999 acquisition of the 50% of Midlands which it
did not already  own,  GPU began to evaluate  existing  restructuring  plans and
formulate additional plans to reduce operating expenses and achieve ongoing cost
reductions.  As of December 31,  1999,  GPU had  identified  and approved a cost
reduction  plan. At the acquisition  date,  Midlands had recorded a liability of
$28.6  million  related to previous cost  reduction  plans.  GPU retained  $25.7
million  of  this  liability,  related  to  contractual  termination  and  other
severance  benefits for 276  employees  identified  in a 1999  business  process
reengineering  project.  GPU  identified  an additional  355  employees  (234 in
Engineering  Services,  38 in metering, 21 in Network Services and 62 from other
specific  functions)  to be  terminated  as part of the  plan  and  recorded  an
additional  liability of $39.3 million.  A net charge of $18.2 million for GPU's
50% share of these  adjustments  is  included  in expense  and the other 50% was
recorded as a purchase accounting adjustment.

     As of December 31, 1999,  $7.2 million of severance  benefits had been paid
to 172 of these employees.  The remaining  severance  liability of $29.5 million
for the remaining 459  employees is included in Other current  liabilities,  and
$28.3  million to be funded out of pension  plan assets is included as a pension
liability.  Management expects the plan will be substantially  completed by June

     The following  unaudited pro forma  consolidated  results of operations for
the years 1999 and 1998 presents  information  assuming Emdersa,  GPU GasNet and
the 50% of Midlands GPU did not already own were acquired  January 1, 1998.  The
pro forma amounts include certain  adjustments,  primarily to recognize interest
expense,  amortization of goodwill and depreciation of assets having  stepped-up
bases, and are not necessarily  indicative of the actual results that would have
been  realized had the  acquisitions  occurred on the assumed date of January 1,
1998,  nor are they  necessarily  indicative  of future  results.  The pro forma
operating results are for information purposes only and are as follows:

                                      1999                    1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (in thousands, except         As                     As
     per share data)           Reported   Pro Forma*   Reported   Pro Forma*
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Revenues                      $ 4,757,124 $ 6,030,514 $ 4,248,792 $ 6,901,012
Income before extra-
  ordinary item               $   459,014 $   493,449 $   385,881 $   441,776
Net income                    $   459,014 $   493,449 $   360,126 $   416,021
Basic and Diluted earnings
  per share before
  extraordinary item          $      3.66 $      3.94 $      3.03 $      3.47
Basic and Diluted earnings
  per share                   $      3.66 $      3.94 $      2.83 $      3.27

*    Unaudited


                                  GPU PowerNet

     In 1997, GPU Electric  acquired the business of GPU PowerNet from the State
of Victoria,  Australia for A$2.6 billion  (approximately US $1.9 billion).  The
fair value of the assets acquired  totaled  approximately  US $2 billion and the
amount of liabilities  assumed  totaled  approximately  US $142.9  million.  GPU
PowerNet owns and operates the high-voltage  electricity  transmission system in
the State of Victoria serving an area of approximately 87,900 square miles and a
population of approximately 4.5 million.

     The acquisition was financed through: (1) a senior debt credit facility
of A$1.9 billion (approximately US $1.4 billion), which is non-recourse to
GPU, Inc.; (2) a five-year US $450 million bank credit agreement which is
guaranteed by GPU, Inc.; and (3) an equity contribution from GPU, Inc. of US
$50 million.

     The  acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method of accounting.
The total  acquisition costs exceeded the estimated value of net assets by A$877
million (approximately US $537 million).  This excess is considered goodwill and
is being amortized on a straight-line basis over 40 years.

     GPU PowerNet has been included in GPU's consolidated  financial  statements
since its purchase on November 6, 1997.  The  unaudited  consolidated  pro forma
information for 1997, assuming debt financing and an acquisition date of January
1, 1997, is as follows:  operating revenues of $4.32 billion; net income of $327
million;  basic earnings per share of $2.71 and;  diluted  earnings per share of
$2.70. The pro forma results,  which are for information  purposes only, are not
necessarily  indicative of the actual  results that would have been realized had
the  acquisition  occurred on the assumed date of January 1, 1997,  nor are they
necessarily indicative of future results.

                      Planned Acquisition of MYR Group Inc.

     In December  1999,  GPU,  Inc.,  and MYR Group Inc.  (MYR)  entered into an
agreement  under  which GPU has agreed to  acquire  the  utility  infrastructure
construction  firm for $215  million  cash,  or $30.10  per share of MYR  common
stock. Following the acquisition,  MYR would become a wholly-owned subsidiary of
GPU,  Inc.  The  acquisition,  which is subject to approval by the SEC and other
conditions,  is  expected  to be  completed  in the first  quarter of 2000.  The
acquisition  will be  initially  financed  through  short-term  debt and will be
accounted for under the purchase method of accounting.


     As  of  December  31,  1999  and  1998,   Regulatory  assets,  net  on  the
Consolidated   Balance   Sheets   reflected   $296  million  and  $450  million,
respectively,  of Income  taxes  recoverable  through  future  rates  (primarily
related to liberalized depreciation), and Income taxes refundable through future
rates of $28 million and $53 million, respectively (related to unamortized ITC),
substantially due to the recognition of amounts not previously recorded with the
adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for
Income Taxes," in 1993, as follows:


                                                              (in millions)
                                                            1999        1998
                                                            ----        ----

Income Taxes Recoverable Through Future Rates:
   JCP&L                                                    $  2        $173
   Met-Ed                                                    124         134
   Penelec                                                   170         143
                                                             ---         ---
     Total                                                  $296        $450
                                                             ===         ===

Income Taxes Refundable Through Future Rates:
   JCP&L                                                    $ 14        $ 36
   Met-Ed                                                      8          11
   Penelec                                                     6           6
                                                             ---         ---
     Total                                                  $ 28        $ 53
                                                             ===         ===

    Summaries of the  components  of deferred  taxes as of December 31, 1999 and
1998 are as follows:

GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies:
- ----------------------------------

                                  (in millions)
Deferred Tax Assets                     Deferred Tax Liabilities
- -------------------                     ------------------------
                      1999    1998                              1999     1998
                      ----    ----                              ----     ----
Current:                                Current:
Unbilled revenue     $   12   $   31    Revenue taxes         $    5   $    8
Deferred energy           -        -    Deferred energy            3        4
                                                               -----    -----
Other                    60       16      Total               $    8   $   12
                      -----    -----                           =====    =====
  Total              $   72   $   47
                      =====    =====

Noncurrent:                             Noncurrent:
Unamortized ITC      $   36   $   70    Liberalized
Decommissioning          77      151      depreciation:
Contributions in aid                       Previously flowed
  of construction        28       26         through          $  222   $  202
Cumulative translation                     Future revenue
  adjustment             22       29     requirements            147      155
                                                               -----    -----
Above-market NUGs       798      748
Customer transition                          Subtotal            369      357
  charge                533      534    Liberalized
Revenue subject                          depreciation            659      719
  to refund              47       23    Customer transition
Generation revenue                       charge                1,451    1,684
requirements             47       44    Net loss on genera-
Net gain on genera-                      tion asset sale         218        -
  tion asset sale       499        -
Other                   441      379    Other                    866      285
                      -----    -----                           -----    -----
  Total              $2,528   $2,004     Total                $3,563   $3,045
                      =====    =====                           =====    =====


- ------

                                  (in millions)
Deferred Tax Assets                     Deferred Tax Liabilities
- -------------------                     ------------------------
                     1999      1998                           1999       1998
                     ----      ----                           ----       ----
Current:                                Current:
Unbilled revenue     $  2      $ 21     Revenue taxes         $   5      $ 12
Deferred energy         -         -     Deferred Energy           3         -
                      ---       ---                            ----       ---
  Total              $  2      $ 21      Total                $   8      $ 12
                      ===       ===                            ====       ===

Noncurrent:                             Noncurrent:
Unamortized ITC      $ 23      $ 36     Liberalized
Decommissioning        31        46       depreciation:
Contributions in aid                       Previously flowed
  of construction      21        20           through          $ 35      $ 46
DOE SNF interest                 25        Future revenue
Revenues subject                           requirements          29        49
                                                                ---       ---
  to refund            47         -        Subtotal              64        95
Net gain on genera-                     Liberalized
  tion asset sale      73         -      depreciation           368       375
Other                  27        52     Forked River              7         5
                      ---       ---
Total                $222      $179     TMI-1 investment/loss     -        60
                      ===       ===
                                        Net loss on genera-
                                         tion asset sale         58         -
                                        Other                    74       136
                                                                ---       ---
                                         Total                 $571      $671
                                                                ===       ===

- ------
                                (in millions)
Deferred Tax Assets                     Deferred Tax Liabilities
- -------------------                     ------------------------

                      1999     1998                            1999     1998
                      ----     ----                            ----     ----
Current:                                Liberalized
Unbilled revenue      $  3     $  3       depreciation:
                       ===      ===
                                           Previously flowed
                                            through          $   81    $   57
                                           Future revenue

Noncurrent:                                  requirements        49        50
                                                              -----     -----
Unamortized ITC       $  8     $ 16
Decommissioning         27       65          Subtotal           130       107
Contributions in aid                    Liberalized
  of construction        4        3       depreciation          129       127
Customer transition                     Customer transition
  charge               160      160       charge                594       737
Above-market NUGs      303      327     Net loss on genera-
Revenue subject                           tion asset sale       110         -
  to refund                      11     Other                    30        40
                                                              -----     -----
Generation revenue                         Total             $  993    $1,011
                                                              =====     =====
  requirements          24       23
Net gain on genera-
  tion asset sale      161        -
Other                   51      109
                       ---      ---
  Total               $738     $714
                       ===      ===


- -------
                                (in millions)
Deferred Tax Assets                     Deferred Tax Liabilities

                       1999   1998                              1999   1998
                       ----   ----                              ----   ----
Current:                                Liberalized
Unbilled revenue      $    8  $  8        depreciation:
                       =====   ===
                                           Previously flowed

Noncurrent:                                 through           $   103  $   96
Unamortized ITC       $    5  $ 19         Future revenue
Decommissioning           19    41          requirements           69      55
                                                               ------   -----
Contributions in aid

  of construction          3     3          Subtotal              172     151
Customer transition                     Liberalized
  charge                 374   373        depreciation            155     212
Above-market NUGs        494   421      Customer transition
Revenue subject                           charge                  856     948
  to refund                -    12      Net loss on genera-
Generation revenue                        tion asset sale          51       -
  requirements            23    21      Other                      16      27
                                                               ------   -----
Net gain on genera-                         Total              $1,250  $1,338
                                                                =====   =====
  tion asset sale        264     -
Other                     43    61
                       -----   ---
Total                 $1,225  $951
                       =====   ===

    The  reconciliations  from net income to book income subject to tax and from
the federal statutory rate to combined federal and state effective tax rates are
as follows:

GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies:
- ----------------------------------
                                                       (in millions)
                                               1999        1998       1997
                                               ----        ----       ----

Net income                                     $459        $360       $335
Preferred stock dividends                         9          11         13
Loss on preferred stock reacquisition             2           -          -
Income tax expense                              294         250        234
                                                ---         ---        ---
  Book income subject to tax                   $764*       $621*      $582*
                                                ===         ===        ===

Federal statutory rate                           35%         35%        35%
State tax, net of federal benefit                 5           5          4
Amortization of ITC                              (6)         (1)        (2)
Other                                             4           1          3
                                                ---         ---        ---
  Effective income tax rate                      38%         40%        40%
                                                ===         ===        ===

*  Includes pre-tax foreign operations income of $331 million, $238 million, and
   $34 million, of which $85 million, $88 million and $20 million,  respectively
   for  1999,   1998  and  1997,   are  included  in  Equity  in   undistributed
   earnings/(losses) of affiliates in the Consolidated Statements of Income.


- ------

                                                      (in millions)
                                               1999        1998       1997
                                               ----        ----       ----

Net income                                     $172        $222       $212
Income tax expense                              101         145        112
                                                ---         ---        ---
  Book income subject to tax                   $273        $367       $324
                                                ===         ===        ===

Federal statutory rate                          35%         35%         35%
State tax, net of federal benefit                 6           5          -
Amortization of ITC, net                         (5)          -          -
Other                                             1          (1)         -
                                                ---         ---        ---
  Effective income tax rate                     37%         39%         35%
                                                ===         ===        ===

- ------

Net income                                     $ 96        $ 51       $ 93
Income tax expense                               61          33         66
                                                ---         ---        ---
  Book income subject to tax                   $157        $ 84       $159
                                                ===         ===        ===

Federal statutory rate                           35%         35%        35%
State tax, net of federal benefit                 7           6          6
Amortization of ITC                              (8)         (2)         -
Other                                             5           -          -
                                                ---         ---        ---
  Effective income tax rate                      39%         39%        41%
                                                ===         ===        ===

- -------

Net income                                     $153       $ 40       $ 95
Income tax expense                               54         31         71
                                                ---        ---        ---
  Book income subject to tax                   $207       $ 71       $166
                                                ===        ===        ===

Federal statutory rate                           35%        35%        35%
State tax, net of federal benefit                 7          8          6
Amortization of ITC, net                        (11)         -          -
Other                                            (5)         1          2
                                                ---        ---        ---
  Effective income tax rate                      26%        44%        43%
                                                ===        ===        ===

Federal and state income tax expense is comprised of the following:


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies:
- ----------------------------------
                                                       (in millions)
                                                1999      1998       1997
                                                ----      ----       ----
Provisions for taxes currently payable:

  Domestic                                     $ 775      $290       $206
  Foreign                                         60        22         40
                                                ----       ---        ---
      Total provision for taxes                $ 835      $312       $246

Deferred income taxes:
  Liberalized depreciation                     $(252)     $  2       $ 14
  Foreign deferred taxes                          80        31          4
  Unbilled revenues                               19         -         (8)
  Gain/(loss) on sale of property               (406)        -          -
  Decommissioning                                 87       (19)        (5)
  PA Restructuring (FAS 71)                       61       (15)         -
  Global settlement                                2        (8)         -
  Pension expense/Voluntary Enhanced
    Retirement Programs                           (1)       (8)       (10)
  Nonutility generation contract buyout costs    (14)      (11)         5
  Provision for rate refunds                     (47)      (10)         -
  OPEBS                                            2       (12)         5
  Other                                          (25)       (3)        (7)
                                                ----       ---        ---
      Deferred income taxes, net                (494)      (53)        (2)
                                                ----       ---        ---
Amortization of ITC, net                         (47)       (9)       (10)
                                                ----       ---        ---
      Income tax expense                       $ 294      $250       $234
                                                ====       ===        ===

     The foreign  taxes in the above table for 1999,  1998 and 1997  include $53
million ($16 million Current;  $37 million  Deferred),  $27 million ($10 million
Current;  $17 million Deferred) and $41 million ($37 million Current; $4 million
Deferred)  in foreign  tax  expense  which is netted in Equity in  undistributed
earnings/(loss) of affiliates in the Consolidated Statements of Income. Included
in the  ITC  Amortization  is the  recognition  of $36  million  of ITC  benefit
resulting from the sale of generation plants.


                                                       (in millions)
                                                1999       1998       1997
                                                ----       ----       ----

Provisions for taxes currently payable          $197       $187       $139

Deferred income taxes:
  Liberalized depreciation                      $(49)      $(11)      $ (3)
  Gain/Loss on reacquired debt                     -          3         (1)
  New Jersey revenue tax                           -         (2)        (3)
  Deferral of energy costs                        (1)        10         (2)
  Abandonment loss - Forked River                 (4)        (4)        (5)
  Nuclear outage maintenance costs                 3          3         (4)
  Accretion income                                 -          4          4
  Unbilled revenue                                19          -         (3)
  Decommissioning                                 22        (12)        (3)
  Pension expense/VERP                            (2)        (2)        (5)
  Nonutility generation contract buyout costs    (19)         -          6
  Demand-side management                          (7)         -         (3)
  Other postemployment benefits                    4         (5)         2
  Global settlement                                2         (8)         -
  Gas site & investigation MGP
    insurance recovery                             -         (8)         -
  Provision for rate refund                      (47)         -          -
  Gain (loss) sale of property                   (16)         -          -
  Other                                           11         (6)        (2)
                                                 ---        ---        ---
      Deferred income taxes, net                 (84)       (38)       (22)
                                                 ---        ---        ---
Amortization of ITC, net                         (12)        (4)       ( 5)
                                                 ---        ---        ---
      Income tax expense                        $101       $145       $112
                                                 ===        ===        ===


- ------
                                                       (in millions)
                                                1999       1998       1997
                                                ----       ----       ----

Provisions for taxes currently payable          $140       $ 56       $ 63

Deferred income taxes:
  Liberalized depreciation                      $(88)      $  5       $  6
  Deferral of energy costs                         -          -          -
  Unbilled revenue                                 -          -          3
  Decommissioning                                 42         (5)        (2)
  PA Restructuring (FAS 71)                       30         15          -
  Pension expense/VERP                             -         (3)        (3)
  Nonutility generation contract buyout costs      2         (9)        (6)
  Nuclear outage maintenance costs                 3         (3)         3
  Nonutility generation contract
      over collections                             -          8          4
  Other postemployment benefits                    -         (5)        (1)
  Provision for rate refund                        -        (11)         -
  CTC NUG deferrals                                -         (5)         -
  Sustainable energy fund                          -         (2)         -
  Gain (loss) sale of property                   (51)         -          -
  Other                                           (5)        (6)         1
                                                 ---        ---        ---
      Deferred income taxes, net                 (67)       (21)         5
                                                  --        ---        ---
Amortization of ITC, net                         (12)        (2)        (2)
                                                 ---        ---        ---
      Income tax expense                        $ 61       $ 33       $ 66
                                                 ===        ===        ===

- -------

Provisions for taxes currently payable         $ 472       $ 47       $ 61

Deferred income taxes:
  Liberalized depreciation                     $(114)      $  2       $  6
  Deferral of energy costs                         -          -         (1)
  Unbilled revenue                                 -          -         (7)
  Decommissioning                                 23         (2)         -
  PA Restructuring (FAS 71)                       31        (11)         -
  Pension expense/VERP                             -         (2)        (2)
  Nonutility generation contract buyout costs      3         (1)         5
  Nuclear outage maintenance costs                 2         (1)         1
  Nonutility generation contract
      over collections                             -          6          6
  Other postemployment benefits                   (2)        (2)         3
  Gain (loss) sale of property                  (339)         -          -
  Other                                            1         (3)         2
                                                 ---        ---        ---
      Deferred income taxes, net                (395)       (14)        13
                                                 ---        ---        ---
Amortization of ITC, net                         (23)        (2)        (3)
                                                 ---        ---        ---
      Income tax expense                        $ 54       $ 31       $ 71
                                                 ===        ===        ===

     The Internal  Revenue Service (IRS) has completed its examinations of GPU's
federal income tax returns through 1995.



     Maintenance expense and other taxes charged to operating expenses consisted
of the following:

                                                  (in millions)
                                           1999       1998         1997
                                           ----       ----         ----

   JCP&L                                   $ 84       $ 91         $102
   Met-Ed                                    48         49           46
   Penelec                                   54         62           68
   Other                                     24          -            -
                                            ---        ---          ---
       Total Maintenance                   $210       $202         $216
                                            ===        ===          ===

Other Taxes:

  New Jersey Transitional Energy

    Facility Assessment                    $ 59       $ 67         $  -
  New Jersey Unit Tax (JCP&L)                 -          -          211
                                            ---        ---          ---
       Total                               $ 59       $ 67         $211
                                            ---        ---          ---

   Pennsylvania State Gross Receipts:
     Met-Ed                                $ 27       $ 39         $ 39
     Penelec                                 27         40           42
                                            ---        ---          ---
       Total                               $ 54       $ 79         $ 81
                                            ---        ---          ---

   Real Estate and Personal Property:
     JCP&L                                 $  5       $  9         $  9
     Met-Ed                                   4          6            8
     Penelec                                  6          8           10
     Other                                   24          -            -
                                            ---        ---          ---
       Total                               $ 39       $ 23         $ 27
                                            ---        ---          ---

   Value Added and Stamp Taxes (U.K.)      $  6       $  -         $  -
                                            ---        ---          ---

     JCP&L                                 $ 13       $ 19         $ 12
     Met-Ed                                   9         13           12
     Penelec                                  9         16           15
     Other                                    2          2           -
                                            ---        ---          ---
       Total                               $ 33       $ 50         $ 39
                                            ---        ---          ---

       Total Other Taxes                   $191       $219         $358
                                            ===        ===          ===

     The  cost  of  services  rendered  to the GPU  Energy  companies  by  their
affiliates is as follows:

                                                   (in millions)
                                           1999       1998         1997
                                           ----       ----         ----

- ------

   Cost of services rendered by GPUN       $189       $182         $156
   Cost of services rendered by GPUS        366         26           31
   Cost of services rendered by Genco        69         51           52
                                            ---        ---          ---
     Total                                 $624       $259         $239
                                            ===        ===          ===

   Amount Charged to Income                $446       $239         $228
                                            ===        ===          ===


                                                  (in millions)
                                           1999       1998         1997
                                           ----       ----         ----
- ------
   Cost of services rendered by GPUN       $102       $ 59         $ 78
   Cost of services rendered by GPUS        215         40           31
   Cost of services rendered by Genco        96        108           91
                                            ---        ---          ---
     Total                                 $413       $207         $200
                                            ===        ===          ===

   Amount Charged to Income                $281       $180         $179
                                            ===        ===          ===

- -------
   Cost of services rendered by GPUN       $ 51       $ 30         $ 40
   Cost of services rendered by GPUS        255         17           19
   Cost of services rendered by Genco       102        163          162
                                            ---        ---          ---
     Total                                 $408       $210         $221
                                            ===        ===          ===

   Amount Charged to Income                $280       $170         $195
                                            ===        ===          ===

     For the years 1999, 1998 and 1997, JCP&L purchased $22 million, $26 million
and $24 million, respectively, of energy from a cogeneration project in which an
affiliate has a 50% partnership interest.


Pension Plans and Other Postretirement Benefits:
- -----------------------------------------------

     GPU maintains  defined  benefit  pension plans covering  substantially  all
employees.  GPU also provides  certain  retiree  health care and life  insurance
benefits for  substantially  all U.S.  employees who reach  retirement age while
working for GPU. The following tables provide a reconciliation of the changes in
the plans'  benefit  obligation  and fair  value of assets  for the years  ended
December 31, 1999 and 1998, a statement of the funded  status of the plans,  the
amounts  recognized in the  Consolidated  Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1999
and 1998 and the weighted  average  assumptions  used in the  measurement of the
benefit  obligation.  The pension benefit  disclosure  amounts for GPU, Inc. and
Subsidiary  Companies for the year 1999 reflect the acquisition of the remaining
50% of Midlands  stock by GPU in July of that year.  Accordingly,  the July 1999
benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets balances for Midlands are shown
next to the line items entitled "Acquisitions" and the post-acquisition  amounts
occurring in the second half of 1999 are included in the tables.

GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
- ----------------------------------

                                             (in millions)
                                  Pension Benefits          Benefits
                                  ----------------       ---------------
                                  1999         1998      1999       1998
                                  ----         ----      ----       ----
Change in benefit obligation:
Benefit obligation

 at January 1:                  $ 1,897.0   $ 1,791.7   $ 790.5   $  798.0
Acquisitions                      1,502.5           -         -          -
Service cost                         46.2        36.1      15.9       16.4
Interest cost                       158.0       121.6      52.2       54.4
Plan amendments                       2.5         9.6         -       (6.0)
Actuarial (gain)/loss and
  other items                      (182.8)       26.2     (36.9)     (55.7)
Currency exchange                    (4.0)          -         -          -
Benefits paid                      (171.0)     (123.9)    (39.8)     (30.2)
Curtailments and settlements       (139.4)        6.8     (44.8)      12.5
Termination benefits                 48.8        28.9         -        1.1
                                 --------    --------    ------    -------
Benefit obligation

 at December 31:                $ 3,157.8   $ 1,897.0   $ 737.1   $  790.5
                                 ========    ========    ======    =======


                                             (in millions)
                                  Pension Benefits          Benefits
                                  ----------------       ---------------
                                  1999         1998      1999       1998
                                  ----         ----      ----       ----
Change in plan assets:
Fair value of plan assets
 at January 1:                  $ 2,258.8   $ 2,033.3   $ 507.1   $  403.0
Acquisitions                      1,710.2           -         -          -
Actual return on plan assets        579.4       342.9      61.0       78.9
Employer contributions                1.8         6.5      15.0       55.4
Benefits paid                      (171.0)     (123.9)    (39.8)     (30.2)
Currency exchange                    (5.8)          -         -          -
Settlement and other items          (30.0)          -         -          -
                                 --------    --------    ------    -------
Fair value of plan assets
 at December 31:                $ 4,343.4   $ 2,258.8   $ 543.3   $  507.1
                                 ========    ========    ======    =======

Funded Status:
Funded status at December 31:   $ 1,185.6   $   361.8   $(193.8)  $ (283.4)
Unrecognized net actuarial

 (gain)/loss                       (953.0)     (439.5)    (54.2)     (37.8)
Unrecognized prior service cost      21.5        27.6       2.9        4.3
Unrecognized net transition

 (asset)/obligation                  (1.4)       (1.9)    143.3      210.7
                                 --------    --------    ------    -------

Net amount recognized           $   252.7   $   (52.0)  $(101.8)  $ (106.2)
                                 ========    ========    ======    =======

Amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31:

Prepaid benefit cost          $   297.2   $    42.0     $   24.2  $   43.8
Accrued benefit liability         (45.3)     (103.0)      (126.0)   (150.0)
Intangible asset                    0.8           -            -         -
Accumulated other comprehensive
 income                               -         5.3            -         -
Deferred income taxes                 -         3.7            -         -
                               --------    --------      -------   -------

Net amount recognized         $  (252.7)  $   (52.0)    $ (101.8) $ (106.2)
                               ========    ========      =======   =======

- -----

Change in benefit obligation:
Benefit obligation

 at January 1:                $   509.7   $   496.6     $  198.2  $  203.8
Transfer to GPUS                 (502.4)          -       (197.7)        -
Service cost                        0.1         7.2            -       2.9
Interest cost                       0.4        33.7            -      13.9
Plan amendments                       -           -            -         -
Actuarial (gain)/loss              (2.8)        3.9            -     (16.6)
Benefits paid                      (0.1)      (34.8)           -      (7.3)
Curtailments                          -         0.6            -       1.2
Termination benefits                  -         2.5            -       0.3
                               --------    --------      -------   -------
Benefit obligation

 at December 31:              $     4.9   $   509.7     $    0.5  $  198.2
                               ========    ========      =======   =======


                                             (in millions)
                                 Pension Benefits           Benefits
                                 ----------------      -----------------
                                 1999        1998       1999        1998
                                 ----        ----       ----        ----
Change in plan assets:
Fair value of plan assets
 at January 1:                $   639.9   $   577.1     $  137.0  $   99.0
Transfer to GPUS                 (634.4)          -       (136.9)        -
Actual return on plan assets        0.8        97.1            -      20.0
Employer contributions                -           -            -      25.8
Benefits paid                      (0.1)      (34.8)           -      (7.3)
Change in allocations                 -         0.5            -      (0.5)
                               --------    --------      -------   -------
Fair value of plan assets
 at December 31:              $     6.2   $   639.9     $    0.1  $  137.0
                               ========    ========      =======   =======

Funded Status:
Funded status at December 31: $     1.3   $   130.2     $   (0.4) $  (61.2)
Unrecognized net actuarial

 (gain)/loss                       (3.2)     (139.3)        (0.2)    (16.1)
Unrecognized prior service

 Cost                                 -         8.3            -       0.5
Unrecognized net transition
 (asset)/obligation                 0.1        (1.0)         0.1      61.0
                               --------    --------      -------   -------

Net amount recognized         $    (1.8)  $    (1.8)    $   (0.5) $  (15.8)
                               ========    ========      =======   =======

Amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31:

Prepaid benefit cost          $       -   $    18.8   $      -    $   27.2
Accrued benefit liability          (1.9)      (21.3)      (0.5)      (43.0)
Intangible Asset                    0.1           -          -           -
Accumulated other
 Comprehensive income                 -         0.4          -           -
Deferred income taxes                 -         0.3          -           -
                               --------    --------    -------     -------

Net amount recognized         $    (1.8)  $    (1.8)  $   (0.5)   $  (15.8)
                               ========    ========    =======     =======

- ------

Change in benefit obligation:
Benefit obligation

 at January 1:                $   377.9   $   345.9   $  163.0    $  152.5
Transfer to GPUS                 (367.9)          -     (160.8)          -
Service cost                        0.2         6.3        0.1         2.9
Interest cost                       0.5        23.4        0.2        11.2
Plan amendments                       -         3.1          -        (2.2)
Actuarial (gain)/loss              (0.2)       14.3       (0.6)       (0.1)
Benefits paid                      (0.2)      (22.8)         -        (5.2)
Curtailments                          -         0.5          -         3.4
Termination benefits                  -         7.2          -         0.5
                               --------    --------    -------     -------
Benefit obligation

 at December 31:              $    10.3   $   377.9   $    1.9    $  163.0
                               ========    ========    =======     =======


                                             (in millions)
                                  Pension Benefits          Benefits
                                  ----------------      ----------------
                                  1999        1998      1999       1998
                                  ----        ----      ----       ----
Change in plan assets:
Fair value of plan assets
 at January 1:                $   428.3   $   373.2   $   62.4    $   49.5
Transfer to GPUS                 (420.2)          -      (61.9)          -
Actual return on plan assets        1.1        65.0        0.1         9.9
Employer contributions                -          -           -         5.3
Benefits paid                      (0.2)      (22.8)         -        (5.2)
Change in allocations                 -        12.9          -         2.9
                               --------    --------    -------     -------
Fair value of plan assets
 at December 31:              $     9.0   $   428.3   $    0.6    $   62.4
                               ========    ========    =======     =======

Funded Status:
Funded status at December 31: $    (1.3)  $    50.4   $   (1.3)   $ (100.6)
Unrecognized net actuarial

 (gain)/loss                        0.4       (65.2)       0.7        20.5
Unrecognized prior service

 Cost                                 -         7.6          -         0.9
Unrecognized net transition
 (asset)/obligation                   -        (0.6)       0.3        39.7
                               --------    --------    -------     -------

Net amount recognized         $    (0.9)  $    (7.8)  $   (0.3)   $  (39.5)
                               ========    ========    =======     =======

Amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31:

Prepaid benefit cost           $       -   $       -  $      -    $      -
Accrued benefit liability           (0.9)       (8.7)     (0.3)      (39.5)
Accumulated other comprehensive

 income                                -         0.5         -           -
Deferred income taxes                  -         0.4         -           -
                                --------    --------   -------     -------

Net amount recognized          $    (0.9)  $    (7.8) $   (0.3)    $  (39.5)
                                ========    ========   =======      =======

- -------

Change in benefit obligation:
Benefit obligation

 at January 1:                 $   419.7   $   404.4  $      -     $  236.1
Transfer to GPUS                  (416.1)          -         -            -
Service cost                           -         4.1         -          2.1
Interest cost                        0.2        27.2         -         15.1
Plan amendments                        -         4.3         -         (3.5)
Actuarial (gain)/loss               (0.7)        8.9         -        (35.4)
Benefits paid                       (0.1)      (37.6)        -         (6.9)
Curtailments                           -         0.7         -          4.5
Termination benefits                   -         7.7         -            -
                                --------    --------   -------      -------
Benefit obligation

 at December 31:               $     3.0   $   419.7  $      -     $  212.0
                                ========    ========   =======      =======


                                             (in millions)
                                  Pension Benefits          Benefits
                                  ----------------       ---------------
                                  1999        1998       1999       1998
                                  ----        ----       ----       ----
Change in plan assets:
Fair value of plan assets
 at January 1:                 $   535.2   $   486.8  $      -     $  130.4
Transfer to GPUS                  (533.5)          -         -            -
Actual return on plan assets         0.3        81.9         -         22.9
Employer contributions                 -         0.1         -         10.0
Benefits paid                       (0.1)      (37.6)        -         (6.9)
Change in allocations                  -         4.0         -        (12.6)
                                --------    --------   -------      -------
Fair value of plan assets
 at December 31:               $     1.9   $   535.2  $      -     $  143.8
                                ========    ========   =======      =======

Funded Status:
Funded status at December 31:  $    (1.1)  $   115.5  $      -     $  (68.2)
Unrecognized net actuarial
 (gain)/loss                         0.1      (105.9)        -         (4.4)
Unrecognized prior service
 Cost                                  -        10.3         -          0.3
Unrecognized net transition
 obligation                          0.1         1.4         -         60.0
                                --------    --------   -------      -------

Net amount recognized          $    (0.9)  $    21.3  $      -     $  (12.3)
                                ========    ========   =======      =======

Amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheet at December 31:

Prepaid benefit cost            $       -  $    22.5   $      -   $   16.5
Accrued benefit liability            (1.0)      (1.5)         -      (28.8)
Intangible Asset                      0.1          -          -          -
Accumulated other
 comprehensive income                   -        0.2          -          -
Deferred income taxes                   -        0.1          -          -
                                 --------   ---------   -------    -------

Net amount recognized           $    (0.9) $    21.3   $      -   $  (12.3)
                                 ========   ========    =======    =======

Weighted average assumptions
 as of December 31 for GPU, Inc.
 and Subsidiary Companies:
Discount rate                        7.0%      6.75%       7.5%      6.75%
Expected return on plan assets       8.1%      8.5%        8.5%       8.5%
Rate of compensation increase        4.7%      4.5%          -          -

Weighted average assumptions as of December 31 for JCP&L, Met-Ed and Penelec:

Discount rate                        7.5%      6.75%       7.5%      6.75%
Expected return on plan assets       8.5%      8.5%        8.5%       8.5%
Rate of compensation increase        4.5%      4.5%          -          -

The following  tables provide the  components of net periodic  pension and other
postretirement  benefit costs.  As previously  discussed,  the 1999 net periodic
pension cost for GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary  Companies  reflects  post-acquisition
amounts related to Midlands for the second half of the year.


Pension Plans:
                                                        (in millions)
GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies                 1999       1998     1997
- ----------------------------------                 ----       ----     ----

Service cost                                     $ 46.2     $  36.1   $ 31.1
Interest cost                                     158.0       121.6    122.2
Expected return on plan assets                   (198.0)     (140.1)  (131.5)
Amortization of transition (asset)/obligation      (0.5)       (0.5)    (0.5)
Other amortization                                  2.1         1.1      0.2
                                                  -----      ------    -----

Net periodic pension cost                        $  7.8     $  18.2   $ 21.5
                                                  =====      ======    =====

- -----

Service cost                                     $  0.1     $   7.2   $  6.1
Interest cost                                       0.4        33.7     34.2
Expected return on plan assets                     (0.3)      (39.6)   (37.5)
Amortization of transition (asset)/obligation         -        (0.3)    (0.3)
Other amortization                                    -         0.6      0.1
                                                  -----      ------    -----

Net periodic pension cost                        $  0.2     $   1.6   $  2.6
                                                  =====      ======    =====

- ------

Service cost                                     $   0.2    $   6.3   $  4.3
Interest cost                                        0.5       23.4     21.8
Expected return on plan assets                      (0.5)     (25.4)   (22.3)
Amortization of transition (asset)/obligation          -       (0.1)    (0.1)
Other amortization                                     -        0.4      0.6
                                                  ------     ------    -----

Net periodic pension cost                        $   0.2    $   4.6   $  4.3
                                                  ======     ======    =====

- -------

Service cost                                     $     -    $   4.1   $  3.3
Interest cost                                        0.2       27.2     26.2
Expected return on plan assets                      (0.1)     (33.1)   (29.7)
Amortization of transition (asset)/obligation          -        0.3      0.3
Other amortization                                     -        0.4      0.2
                                                  ------     ------    -----

Net periodic pension cost                        $   0.1    $  (1.1)  $  0.3
                                                  ======     ======    =====

    In 1999, the effect of increasing the discount rate  assumption for the U.S.
pension plans from 6.75% to 7.5% resulted in a $162 million (JCP&L $0.5 million;
Met-Ed $1.0 million; Penelec $0.3 million; Other $160.2 million) decrease in the
benefit  obligation as of December 31, 1999.  In 1998,  the effect of decreasing
the discount rate assumption from 7% to 6.75% was partially offset by the effect
of decreasing the salary scale  assumption from 5% to 4.5% and resulted in a $35
million  (JCP&L $7  million;  Met-Ed $7 million;  Penelec $8 million;  Other $13
million)increase in the benefit obligation as of December 31, 1998.

    The above net periodic pension cost amount for 1999 excludes pre-tax credits
of $31  million,  of which $30 million  was  deferred  for return to  customers,
resulting from employee terminations related to generation asset divestiture. No
portion  of these  amounts  relate to JCP&L,  Met-Ed or  Penelec.  The above net
periodic  pension cost amount for 1998 excludes  pre-tax  charges of $30 million
(JCP&L $8 million; Met-Ed $11 million; Penelec $9 million; Other $2 million), of
which $22 million (JCP&L $6 million; Met-Ed $9 million;  Penelec $7 million) was
deferred pending future rate recovery,  resulting from early retirement programs
in 1998.


Other Postretirement Benefits:
                                                        (in millions)
GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies                1999        1998     1997
- ----------------------------------                ----        ----     ----

Service cost                                     $ 15.9     $ 16.4   $ 10.7
Interest cost                                      52.2       54.4     51.7
Expected return on plan assets                    (37.5)     (29.5)   (23.7)
Amortization of transition (asset)/obligation      14.6       15.8     16.8
Other amortization                                  1.6        5.0      2.3
                                                  -----      -----    -----

  Net periodic postretirement benefit cost         46.8       62.1     57.8
  Deferred for future recovery                        -         -     (13.0)
                                                  -----      -----    -----

   Postretirement benefit cost,
   net of deferrals                              $ 46.8     $ 62.1   $ 44.8
                                                  =====      =====    =====

- -----

Service cost                                     $    -     $  2.9   $  1.5
Interest cost                                         -       13.9     13.2
Expected return on plan assets                        -       (7.3)    (5.7)
Amortization of transition obligation                 -        4.4      4.7
Other amortization                                    -        0.7      0.6
                                                  -----      -----    -----

  Net periodic postretirement benefit cost            -       14.6     14.3
  Deferred for future recovery                        -         -      (0.8)
                                                  -----      -----    -----

   Postretirement benefit cost,
   net of deferrals                              $    -     $ 14.6   $ 13.5
                                                  =====      =====    =====

- ------

Service cost                                     $  0.1     $  2.9   $  1.5
Interest cost                                       0.2       11.2     10.0
Expected return on plan assets                        -       (3.9)    (3.1)
Amortization of transition obligation                 -        3.1      3.2
Other amortization                                    -        1.7      0.8
                                                  -----      -----    -----

  Net periodic postretirement benefit cost          0.3       15.0     12.4
  Deferred for future recovery                        -         -      (5.1)
                                                  -----      -----    -----

   Postretirement benefit cost,
   net of deferrals                              $  0.3     $ 15.0   $  7.3
                                                  =====      =====    =====

- -------

Service cost                                     $    -     $  2.0   $  1.5
Interest cost                                         -       15.1     13.7
Expected return on plan assets                        -       (8.9)    (6.6)
Amortization of transition obligation                 -        4.8      4.8
Other amortization                                    -        1.4      0.6
                                                  -----      -----    -----

  Net periodic postretirement benefit cost            -       14.4     14.0
  Deferred for future recovery                        -          -       -
                                                  -----      -----    ----

   Postretirement benefit cost,
   net of deferrals                              $    -     $ 14.4   $ 14.0
                                                  =====      =====    =====


    In 1999,  the effect of increasing the  assumption  associated  with medical
inflation  rates was partially  offset by the effect of increasing  the discount
rate assumption from 6.75% to 7.5% and resulted in a $45 million increase in the
benefit  obligation  as of December 31,  1999.  No  significant  portion of this
amount  relates to JCP&L,  Met-Ed or Penelec.  In 1998, the effect of decreasing
the assumption  relating to the long-term medical cost of managed care plans was
partially  offset by the effect of decreasing the discount rate  assumption from
7% to 6.75% and resulted in a $40 million (JCP&L $12 million; Met-Ed $7 million;
Penelec $5 million;  Other $16 million) decrease in the benefit obligation as of
December 31, 1998.  The benefit  obligation was determined by application of the
terms  of the  medical  and life  insurance  plans,  including  the  effects  of
established  maximums  on  covered  costs,   together  with  relevant  actuarial
assumptions and  health-care  cost trend rates of 10% for those not eligible for
Medicare and 11% for those eligible for Medicare,  then decreasing  gradually to
6% in 2010 and  thereafter.  These costs also reflect the  implementation  of an
annual  cost-cap of 6% for  individuals  who retire after  December 31, 1995 and
reach age 65. The effect of a 1% change in these  assumed cost trend rates would
increase or decrease the benefit  obligation by $39.2 million or $36.9  million,
respectively.  In  addition,  such a 1% change  would  increase or decrease  the
aggregate  service and interest cost  components of net periodic  postretirement
health-care cost by $3.5 million or $3.4 million,  respectively.  No significant
portion of the effect of such a 1% change rebates to JCP&L, Met-Ed or Penelec.

     The above net periodic postretirement benefit cost amount for 1999 excludes
pre-tax charges of $3 million,  which was deferred pending future rate recovery,
resulting from employee terminations related to generation asset divestiture. No
portion  of this  amount  relates  to JCP&L,  Met-Ed or  Penelec.  The above net
periodic postretirement benefit cost amount for 1998 excludes pre-tax charges of
$20 million (JCP&L $6 million;  Met-Ed $6 million;  Penelec $7 million; Other $1
million), of which $12 million (JCP&L $3 million; Met-Ed $5 million;  Penelec $4
million)  was  deferred  pending  future  rate  recovery,  resulting  from early
retirement programs in 1998.

     In JCP&L's 1993 base rate proceeding, the NJBPU allowed JCP&L to collect $3
million  annually  for  incremental  postretirement  benefit  costs,  charged to
expense, and recognized as a result of FAS 106. Based on the final order, and in
accordance with EITF Issue 92-12,  "Accounting for OPEB Costs by  Rate-Regulated
Enterprises,"   JCP&L  has  deferred  the  amounts  above  that  level.  A  1997
Stipulation of Final Settlement (Final  Settlement)  allows JCP&L to recover and
amortize the deferred  balance at December 31, 1997 over a fifteen-year  period.
In  addition,  the Final  Settlement  allows  JCP&L to recover  current  amounts
accrued  pursuant  to  FAS  106,   including   amortization  of  the  transition
obligation.  Met-Ed has deferred the  incremental  postretirement  benefit costs
associated with the adoption of FAS 106 and in accordance with EITF Issue 92-12,
as authorized by the PaPUC in its 1993 base rate order.  In accordance with EITF
Issue 92-12,  effective  January 1998,  Met-Ed has ceased deferring these costs.
The approximately one-third  generation-related  portion of the deferred balance
at  December  31, 1997 is to be  recovered  in rates over a  twelve-year  period
pursuant to the PaPUC's  Restructuring  Orders. The remaining two-thirds for the
transmission  and  distribution-related  portion  is  to  be  amortized  over  a
fourteen-year  period  beginning  January  1999,  pursuant to the  Restructuring
Orders.  In 1994,  Penelec  determined  that its FAS 106 costs,  including costs
deferred  since  January  1993,  were not probable of recovery and charged those
deferred costs to expense.


Savings Plans:
- --------------

     GPU also maintains savings plans for substantially all US employees.  These
plans provide for employee  contributions up to specified limits and for various
levels of employer matching  contributions.  The matching  contributions for GPU
were as follows:

                                             (in millions)
Company                              1999         1998        1997
- -------                              ----         ----        ----

JCP&L                               $ 0.1       $  2.8      $  2.4
Met-Ed                                0.1          3.4         3.1
Penelec                                 -          1.6         1.3
Other                                13.8          5.8         5.8
                                     ----        -----       -----
  Total                             $14.0       $ 13.6      $ 12.6
                                     ====        =====       =====


GPU Energy companies

     The GPU Energy  companies'  capital leases consist  primarily of leases for
nuclear fuel.  Nuclear fuel capital lease  obligations  at December 31, 1999 and
1998  totaled  $48  million  (JCP&L $48  million),  and $126  million(JCP&L  $85
million; Met-Ed $27 million; Penelec $14 million).

     Prior to the sale of TMI-1 to  AmerGen  in  December  1999,  the GPU Energy
companies had nuclear fuel lease agreements with  nonaffiliated  fuel trusts for
the plant.  Upon the sale of TMI-1,  the related fuel leases were terminated and
all  outstanding  amounts due under the related  credit  facility were paid. The
Oyster Creek fuel lease  agreement  will be  terminated  upon the sale of Oyster
Creek to AmerGen.  Lease expense  consists of an amount designed to amortize the
cost of the nuclear fuel as consumed  plus interest  costs.  For the years ended
December 31, 1999, 1998, and 1997, these amounts were as follows:

                                              (in millions)
Company                               1999         1998        1997
- -------                               ----         ----        ----

JCP&L                               $   34        $   30     $   31
Met-Ed                                  13            16         12
Penelec                                  6             8          6
                                     -----         -----      -----
    Total                           $   53        $   54     $   49
                                     =====         =====      =====

     Met-Ed and JCP&L have sold and  leased  back a portion of their  respective
ownership  interests in the Merrill Creek Reservoir project (Merrill Creek). The
annual minimum lease payments under these operating leases, which have remaining
terms of 33 years, range from approximately $3.6 million to $6.7 million (Met-Ed
$1.6 million to $2.9  million;  JCP&L $2 million to $3.8  million) over the next
five years,  net of  reimbursements  from  sublessees.  Met-Ed believes that its
Merrill Creek lease  payments  will be a  recoverable  stranded cost in Phase II
rate proceedings pending before the PaPUC. JCP&L is recovering its Merrill Creek
lease payments, net of reimbursements, through distribution rates.


GPUI Group

     A  subsidiary  of GPU  International  sold  and  leased  back  an  electric
cogeneration  facility for an initial term of eleven years (facility  lease) for
which GPU, Inc. has guaranteed  payments of up to $8.1 million.  In addition,  a
20-year site lease was entered into commencing in 1993. The leases are accounted
for as operating  leases and rent expense is recorded on a  straight-line  basis
over the initial  11-year term of the facility  lease.  Rent expense at December
31, 1999 and 1998 totaled $12.3  million and $11.3  million,  respectively.  The
minimum lease payments for 2000,  2001,  2002,  2003 and 2004 are $13.4 million,
$14.1 million, $14.8 million, $15.8 million and $12 million, respectively.



Generation Asset Divestiture:
- ----------------------------

    In  1999,  the GPU  Energy  companies  completed  the  sales  of  TMI-1  and
substantially all of their fossil and  hydroelectric  generating  stations.  For
additional  information  on the  completed  sales,  see Note 6,  Accounting  for
Extraordinary and Non-recurring Items.

    In October  1999,  JCP&L  agreed to sell  Oyster  Creek to  AmerGen  for $10
million and  reimbursement  of the cost  (estimated  at $88 million) of the next
scheduled  refueling  outage.  This  transaction  is subject  to the  receipt of
various federal and state regulatory approvals.

     JCP&L and Public  Service  Electric & Gas Company  (PSE&G)  each hold a 50%
undivided  ownership  interest in Yards Creek  Pumped  Storage  Facility  (Yards
Creek).  In  December  1998,  JCP&L  filed a petition  with the NJBPU  seeking a
declaratory  order  that  PSE&G's  right of first  refusal to  purchase  JCP&L's
ownership  interest at its current book value under a 1964 agreement between the
companies is void and  unenforceable.  Management  believes that the fair market
value of JCP&L's ownership interest in Yards Creek is substantially in excess of
its December 31, 1999 book value of $22 million. There can be no assurance as to
the outcome of this matter.

Stranded Costs and Regulatory Restructuring Orders:
- --------------------------------------------------

     With the current market price of  electricity  being below the cost of some
utility-owned  generation  and power  purchase  commitments,  and the ability of
customers to choose their energy suppliers, certain costs, which generally would
be  recoverable  in  a  regulated  environment,  may  not  be  recoverable  in a
competitive  environment.  These  costs are  generally  referred  to as stranded

     In 1998, the PaPUC issued Restructuring Orders to Met-Ed and Penelec which,
among other things,  provide for Met-Ed and Penelec's  recovery of a substantial
portion of what otherwise would have become  stranded  costs,  and provide for a
Phase II proceeding following the completion of their generation divestitures to
make a final  determination  of the extent of that  stranded cost  recovery.  An
appeal by one intervenor in the restructuring  proceedings is pending before the
Pennsylvania  Supreme Court. There can be no assurance as to the outcome of this


     In April 1999,  JCP&L  entered  into a  settlement  agreement  with several
parties to its stranded cost and rate unbundling proceedings, pending before the
NJBPU.  In May 1999, the NJBPU issued a Summary Order,  approving the settlement
with certain  modifications.  Among other things, the Summary Order provides for
full recovery of JCP&L's  stranded costs.  The Summary Order did not address the
pending sale of Oyster Creek,  because at the time the Summary Order was issued,
it was uncertain  whether the plant would be sold or retired early.  As a result
of the  NJBPU's  actions,  in the  second  quarter  of 1999,  JCP&L  recorded  a
reduction in operating revenues of $115 million reflecting JCP&L's obligation to
make refunds to customers.  JCP&L is awaiting a final order from the NJBPU.  For
additional   information,   see  Note  6,  Accounting  for   Extraordinary   and
Non-recurring Items.

     Under  the  NJBPU  and the  PaPUC  restructuring  orders,  the  GPU  Energy
companies  are required to provide  generation  service to customers  who do not
choose an alternate supplier. As noted above, the GPU Energy companies have sold
or agreed to sell  substantially all of their generation  assets.  Consequently,
there will be  increased  market  risks  associated  with  providing  generation
service  since  the GPU  Energy  companies  will have to  supply  energy  almost
entirely from  contracted  and open market  purchases.  Under the Summary Order,
JCP&L is permitted to recover reasonable and prudently incurred costs associated
with providing basic generation  service and to defer the portion of these costs
that cannot be recovered currently.  The PaPUC's Restructuring Orders,  however,
generally  do not allow  Met-Ed and Penelec to recover  their  costs,  including
their energy costs in excess of  established  rate caps. An inability of the GPU
Energy  companies  to  supply  electricity  to  customers  who do not  choose an
alternate supplier at a cost recoverable under their capped rates, would have an
adverse effect, which may be material, on GPU's results of operations.

Generation Agreements:
- ---------------------

     The  emerging   competitive   generation  market  has  created  uncertainty
regarding  the  forecasting  of the GPU Energy  companies'  energy supply needs,
which has  caused  the GPU  Energy  companies  to seek  shorter-term  agreements
offering  more  flexibility.  The GPU Energy  companies'  supply plan focuses on
short- to  intermediate-term  commitments  (one month to three  years)  covering
times of expected high energy price  volatility  (that is, peak demand  periods)
and reliance on spot market purchases during other periods.

     As of  December  31,  1999,  the GPU Energy  companies  have  entered  into
agreements with third party suppliers to purchase capacity and energy.  Payments
pursuant to these agreements,  which include firm commitments as well as certain
assumptions regarding,  among other things, call/put arrangements and the timing
of the pending Oyster Creek sale, are estimated to be $709 million in 2000, $565
million in 2001,  $328 million in 2002,  $144 million in 2003 and $44 million in

     Pursuant to the mandates of the federal Public Utility Regulatory  Policies
Act and state regulatory directives, the GPU Energy companies have been required
to enter into power purchase agreements with NUGs for the purchase of energy and
capacity which have remaining terms of up to 21 years. The rates under virtually
all of the GPU Energy  companies' NUG agreements are  substantially in excess of
current and projected  prices from  alternative  sources.  The projected cost of
energy from new generation supply sources has


also  decreased  due to  improvements  in power  plant  technologies  and  lower
forecasted  fuel prices.  The  following  table shows actual  payments from 1997
through December 31, 1999, and estimated payments thereafter through 2004.

                          Payments Under NUG Agreements
                                 (in millions)

                          Total      JCP&L      Met-Ed      Penelec
                          -----      -----      ------      -------

      1997                 759        384         172         203
      1998                 788        403         174         211
      1999                 774        388         167         219
      2000                 794        405         157         232
      2001                 778        410         154         214
      2002                 799        422         158         219
      2003                 802        413         163         226
      2004                 808        407         168         233

     The NJBPU  Summary  Order and PaPUC  Restructuring  Orders  provide the GPU
Energy  companies  assurance  of full  recovery  of their NUG  costs  (including
above-market  NUG costs and certain buyout costs).  Accordingly,  the GPU Energy
companies have recorded,  on a present value basis, a liability for above-market
NUG costs of $3.2 billion (JCP&L 1.6 billion; Met-Ed $0.7 billion;  Penelec $0.9
billion) on the Consolidated  Balance Sheets which is fully offset by Regulatory
assets,  net.  In  addition,  JCP&L  recorded a  liability  of $64  million  for
above-market  utility power purchase  agreements with a corresponding  offset to
Regulatory assets,  net, since there is also assurance of full recovery of these
costs.  The  GPU  Energy   companies  are  continuing   efforts  to  reduce  the
above-market  costs of these agreements and will, where  beneficial,  attempt to
renegotiate the prices of the agreements,  offer contract buyouts and attempt to
convert  must-run  agreements  to  dispatchable  agreements.  There  can  be  no
assurance as to the extent to which these efforts will be successful.

     In 1997, the NJBPU approved a Stipulation of Final Settlement which,  among
other things,  provided for the recovery of costs  associated with the buyout of
the Freehold  Cogeneration power purchase agreement (Freehold buyout). The NJBPU
approved the cost recovery of up to $135 million,  over a seven-year  period, on
an interim basis subject to refund.  The NJBPU's  Summary Order provides for the
continued  recovery of the  Freehold  buyout in the MTC, but has not altered the
interim  nature of such recovery,  pending a final decision by the NJBPU.  There
can be no assurance as to the outcome of this matter.

                               ACCOUNTING MATTERS

     JCP&L,  in  1999,  and  Met-Ed  and  Penelec  in  1998,   discontinued  the
application  of FAS 71, and adopted the  provisions  of FAS 101,  and EITF Issue
97-4 with respect to their electric generation operations.  The transmission and
distribution  portion of the GPU Energy  companies'  operations  continue  to be
subject to the provisions of FAS 71.


     Regulatory  assets,  net as reflected in the December 31, 1999 and December
31, 1998 Consolidated Balance Sheets in accordance with the provisions of FAS 71
and EITF Issue 97-4 were as follows:

GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries
- --------------------------

                                                       (in thousands)
                                                     1999             1998
                                                -------------     ----------
Market transition charge (MTC) / basic
  generation service (NJ)                          $2,358,844    $      -
Competitive transition charge (CTC) (PA)              803,064     1,023,815
Reserve for generation divestiture                    536,904     1,527,985
Power purchase contract loss not in CTC (PA)          369,290       369,290
Costs recoverable through distribution rates (NJ)     296,841           -
Income taxes recoverable through future rates, net    280,268       396,937
Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2)
  decommissioning costs                               100,794       119,571
Societal benefits charge (NJ)                         116,941           -
Other postretirement benefits                          25,335        73,770
Nonutility generation contract buyout costs               -         123,208
Unamortized property losses (NJ)                          -          80,287
Net investment in TMI-2 (NJ)                              -          65,787
Environmental remediation (NJ)                            -          50,214
Above market NUG deferral costs                      (252,348)      (16,067)
Other, net                                             76,721       126,032
                                                    ---------     ---------
     Total regulatory assets, net                  $4,712,654    $3,940,829
                                                    =========     =========

- -----

Regulatory assets, net:
MTC / basic generation service                    $2,358,844     $     -
Costs recoverable through distribution rates         296,841           -
Societal benefits charge                             116,941           -
Net divestiture proceeds recoverable through MTC      37,175           -
Reserve for generation divestiture                       -          146,419
Income taxes recoverable through future rates, net       -          137,217
Nonutility generation contract buyout costs              -          120,708
Unamortized property losses                              -           80,287
Net investment in TMI-2                                  -           65,787
Environmental remediation                                -           50,214
Other, net                                               -          162,868
                                                   ---------      ---------
     Total regulatory assets, net                 $2,809,801     $  763,500
                                                   =========      =========

- ------

Regulatory assets, net:
CTC                                               $  591,316     $  680,213
Power purchase contract loss not in CTC              271,270        271,270
Reserve for generation divestiture                   137,037        435,386
Income taxes recoverable through future rates, net   115,713        122,781
TMI-2 decommissioning costs                           65,455         68,091
Other, net                                            50,349         37,985
                                                   ---------      ---------
     Total regulatory assets, net                 $1,231,140     $1,615,726
                                                   =========      =========

- -------

Regulatory assets, net:
Reserve for generation divestiture                $  399,867     $  946,181
Above market NUG deferral costs                     (252,893)           -
CTC                                                  211,748        343,602
Income taxes recoverable through future rates, net  164,555         136,939
Power purchase contract loss not in CTC               98,020         98,020
Other, net                                            50,416         36,861
                                                   ---------      ---------
     Total regulatory assets, net                 $  671,713     $1,561,603
                                                   =========      =========


     Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133 (FAS 133),  "Accounting
for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities,"  establishes accounting and
reporting  standards for derivative  instruments,  including certain  derivative
instruments  embedded in other contracts,  and for hedging  activities.  FAS 133
requires  that  companies   recognize  all   derivatives  as  either  assets  or
liabilities  on the balance sheet and measure those  instruments  at fair value.
GPU will be required to include its derivative transactions on its balance sheet
at fair value,  and  recognize  the  subsequent  changes in fair value as either
gains or losses in earnings or report them as a component of other comprehensive
income,  depending upon the intended use and  designation of the derivative as a
hedge.  FAS 133 is effective for all fiscal  quarters of fiscal years  beginning
after June 15, 2000.  GPU will adopt FAS 133 in the first quarter of 2001 and is
in the process of evaluating the impact of the implementation of this statement.
GPU's use of derivative  instruments  is intended to manage the risk of interest
rate,  foreign  currency and commodity price  fluctuations  and may include such
transactions  as  electricity  and natural  gas  forward and futures  contracts,
foreign currency swaps,  interest rate swaps and options. GPU does not intend to
hold or issue derivative instruments for trading purposes.

                               NUCLEAR FACILITIES

- -----------

     In  December  1999,  the GPU Energy  companies  sold  TMI-1 to AmerGen  for
approximately $100 million.  In addition,  JCP&L has agreed to sell Oyster Creek
to AmerGen for $10  million  and  reimbursement  of the cost  (estimated  at $88
million) of the next refueling  outage.  TMI-2,  which was damaged during a 1979
accident,  is jointly owned by JCP&L,  Met-Ed and Penelec in the  percentages of
25%, 50% and 25%.  JCP&L's net investment in TMI-2 at December 31, 1999 and 1998
was $61 million and $66 million, respectively.  JCP&L is collecting revenues for
TMI-2 on a basis which provides for the recovery of its remaining  investment in
the plant by 2008.  Met-Ed and  Penelec's  remaining  investments  in TMI-2 were
written off in 1998 after receiving the PaPUC's Restructuring Orders.

    Costs  associated with the operation,  maintenance and retirement of nuclear
plants  have  continued  to be  significant  and  less  predictable  than  costs
associated  with other  sources  of  generation,  in large part due to  changing
regulatory  requirements,   safety  standards,  availability  of  nuclear  waste
disposal  facilities and experience  gained in the construction and operation of
nuclear  facilities.  Also,  not all  risks  associated  with the  ownership  or
operation  of  nuclear  facilities  may  be  adequately  insured  or  insurable.
Consequently,  the recovery of costs associated with nuclear projects, including
replacement power, any unamortized  investment at the end of each plant's useful
life (whether scheduled or premature), the carrying costs of that investment and
retirement costs, is not assured.

- ------

     As a result of the 1979  TMI-2  accident,  individual  claims  for  alleged
personal injury (including claims for punitive  damages),  which are material in
amount,   were  asserted  against  GPU,  Inc.  and  the  GPU  Energy  companies.
Approximately 2,100 of such claims were filed in the US District Court for


the Middle District of Pennsylvania.  Some of the claims also seek recovery
for injuries from alleged emissions of radioactivity before and after the

     At the time of the TMI-2  accident,  as provided for in the  Price-Anderson
Act, the GPU Energy companies had (a) primary  financial  protection in the form
of insurance policies with groups of insurance  companies providing an aggregate
of $140 million of primary coverage,  (b) secondary financial  protection in the
form of private liability insurance under an industry  retrospective rating plan
providing  for up to an aggregate of $335 million in premium  charges under such
plan,  and (c) an indemnity  agreement  with the Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission
(NRC) for up to $85 million,  bringing their total financial protection up to an
aggregate of $560 million.  Under the secondary  level, the GPU Energy companies
are subject to a  retrospective  premium charge of up to $5 million per reactor,
or a total of $15 million (JCP&L $7.5 million;  Met-Ed $5 million;  Penelec $2.5

     In 1995,  the US Court of  Appeals  for the Third  Circuit  ruled  that the
Price-Anderson  Act provides coverage under its primary and secondary levels for
punitive as well as compensatory damages, but that punitive damages could not be
recovered  against the  Federal  Government  under the third level of  financial
protection. In so doing, the Court of Appeals referred to the "finite fund" (the
$560  million of financial  protection  under the  Price-Anderson  Act) to which
plaintiffs must resort to get compensatory as well as punitive damages.

     The Court of  Appeals  also  ruled  that the  standard  of care owed by the
defendants  to a plaintiff  was  determined  by the specific  level of radiation
which was  released  into the  environment,  as measured  at the site  boundary,
rather than as measured at the specific  site where the plaintiff was located at
the time of the accident (as the defendants proposed). The Court of Appeals also
held that each plaintiff still must demonstrate  exposure to radiation  released
during the TMI-2  accident and that such  exposure had resulted in injuries.  In
1996,  the US Supreme  Court  denied  petitions  filed by GPU,  Inc. and the GPU
Energy companies to review the Court of Appeals' rulings.

     In 1996, the District Court granted a motion for summary  judgment filed by
GPU,  Inc. and the GPU Energy  companies,  and  dismissed  the ten initial "test
cases,"  which had been  selected  for a test  case  trial as well as all of the
remaining 2,100 pending claims. The Court ruled that there was no evidence which
created a genuine issue of material fact  warranting  submission of  plaintiffs'
claims to a jury.  The  plaintiffs  appealed the District  Court's ruling to the
Court of Appeals for the Third  Circuit.  In November  1999,  the Third  Circuit
affirmed the District  Court's  dismissal of the ten "test cases," but set aside
the dismissal of the additional  pending claims,  remanding them to the District
Court for further proceedings. In remanding these claims, the Third Circuit held
that the District Court had erred in extending its summary judgment  decision to
the other  plaintiffs  and imposing on these  plaintiffs  the  District  Court's
finding that radiation exposures below 10 rems were too speculative to establish
a causal  link to cancer.  The Court of Appeals  stated that the  non-test  case
plaintiffs  should be permitted to present  their own  individual  evidence that
exposure to radiation from the accident caused their cancers.


     GPU, Inc. and the GPU Energy  companies  believe that the Third Circuit has
misinterpreted  the  record  before  the  District  Court as it  applies  to the
non-test  case  plaintiffs,  and in November  1999,  filed  petitions  seeking a
rehearing and  reconsideration  of the Court's decision  regarding the remaining
claims.  The "test case"  plaintiffs  also  requested a rehearing of the Court's
decision  upholding the dismissal of their claims. In January 2000, the Court of
Appeals denied both petitions.  The "test case" plaintiffs have stated that they
intend to seek,  and GPU,  Inc.  and the GPU Energy  companies  are  considering
whether to seek,  Supreme Court review of the District Court's  decision.  There
can be no assurance as to the outcome of this litigation.

     GPU, Inc. and the GPU Energy companies  believe that any liability to which
they  might be  subject by reason of the TMI-2  accident  will not exceed  their
financial protection under the Price-Anderson Act.

                         NUCLEAR PLANT RETIREMENT COSTS

     Retirement   costs  for  nuclear   plants   include   decommissioning   the
radiological  portions of the plants and the cost of removal of  nonradiological
structures  and  materials.  The  disposal  of  spent  nuclear  fuel is  covered
separately by contracts with the DOE.

     In 1995, a consultant to GPUN performed  site-specific studies of TMI-2 and
Oyster Creek (updated in 1998), that considered various  decommissioning methods
and estimated the cost of decommissioning the radiological portions and the cost
of removal  of the  nonradiological  portions  of each  plant,  using the prompt
removal/dismantlement  method.  GPUN management has reviewed the methodology and
assumptions  used in these studies,  is in agreement with them, and believes the
results are reasonable. Under NRC regulations, JCP&L is making periodic payments
to  complete  the funding for Oyster  Creek  retirement  costs by the end of the
plant's  license  term of  2009.  The  TMI-2  funding  completion  date is 2014,
consistent with TMI-2's remaining in long-term  storage.  The NRC may require an
acceleration of the decommissioning funding for Oyster Creek if the pending sale
is not completed and the plant is retired early.  The retirement  cost estimates
under the 1995  site-specific  studies,  assuming  decommissioning  of TMI-2 and
Oyster Creek in 2014 and 2009, respectively, are as follows (in 1999 dollars):

                                                  (in millions)
                                                TMI-2      Creek
                                                -----      ------
   Radiological decommissioning                 $435        $591
   Nonradiological cost of removal                34*         32
                                                 ---         ---
        Total                                   $469        $623
                                                 ===         ===

* Net of $12.6 million spent as of December 31, 1999.

Each  of the GPU  Energy  companies  is  responsible  for  retirement  costs  in
proportion to its respective ownership percentage. The ultimate cost of retiring
the GPU Energy  companies'  nuclear  facilities  may be different  from the cost
estimates  contained in these  site-specific  studies.  Also, the cost estimates
contained  in these  site-specific  studies are  significantly  greater than the
decommissioning funding targets established by the NRC.

     The 1995 Oyster Creek  site-specific  study was updated in 1998 in response
to the  previously  announced  potential  early closure of the plant in 2000. An
early shutdown would increase the retirement costs shown above to $632


million  ($600  million  for  radiological  decommissioning  and $32 million for
nonradiological  cost of removal).  Both estimates include substantial  spending
for an on-site dry storage facility for spent nuclear fuel and significant costs
for storing the fuel until the DOE complies with the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of
1982.  For  additional  information,  see OTHER  COMMITMENTS  AND  CONTINGENCIES

     Upon  the  sale  of  TMI-1,  AmerGen  assumed  all  TMI-1   decommissioning
liabilities and the GPU Energy companies transferred $320 million to AmerGen for

     The agreements to sell Oyster Creek to AmerGen provide, among other things,
that upon financial closing, JCP&L will transfer $430 million in decommissioning
trust funds to  AmerGen,  which will assume all  liability  for  decommissioning
Oyster Creek.

     The  GPU  Energy  companies  charge  to  depreciation  expense  and  accrue
retirement  costs based on amounts  being  collected  from  customers.  Customer
collections are contributed to external trust funds.  These deposits,  including
the related  earnings,  are  classified as Nuclear  decommissioning  trusts,  at
market on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

     The NJBPU has granted  JCP&L annual  revenues  for Oyster Creek  retirement
costs of $22.5 million based on the 1995  site-specific  study.  In August 2000,
the recovery of Oyster Creek retirement cost escalates to $34.4 million annually
if the plant is retired in 2000.

     In the Restructuring  Orders, the PaPUC granted Met-Ed and Penelec recovery
of  TMI-1   decommissioning   costs  of  $103.4   million  and  $67.8   million,
respectively, as part of the CTC. These amounts, which are computed on a present
value basis, are based on the 1995  site-specific  study and will be adjusted in
Phase  II of  Met-Ed  and  Penelec's  restructuring  proceedings,  once  the net
proceeds from the generation asset divestiture are determined.

     In the event  JCP&L does not  complete  the pending  sale of Oyster  Creek,
management  believes that any  retirement  costs,  in excess of those  currently
recognized for ratemaking purposes, should be recoverable from customers.

     The estimated  liabilities for TMI-2 future  retirement costs (reflected as
Three Mile Island Unit 2 future costs on the Consolidated  Balance Sheets) as of
December 31, 1999 and December  31, 1998 are $497 million  (JCP&L $124  million;
Met-Ed $249 million; Penelec $124 million) and $484 million (JCP&L $121 million;
Met-Ed $242  million;  Penelec $121  million),  respectively.  These amounts are
based upon the 1995  site-specific  study  estimates  (in 1999 and 1998 dollars,
respectively)   discussed  above  and  an  estimate  for  remaining  incremental
monitored  storage costs of $27 million  (JCP&L $7 million;  Met-Ed $13 million;
Penelec $7 million) as of December  31, 1999 and $29 million  (JCP&L $7 million;
Met-Ed $15 million;  Penelec $7 million) as of December 31, 1998, as a result of
TMI-2's entering  long-term  monitored storage in 1993. The GPU Energy companies
are incurring annual  incremental  monitored storage costs of approximately $1.8
million (JCP&L $450 thousand; Met-Ed $900 thousand; Penelec $450 thousand).

     Offsetting the $497 million  liability at December 31, 1999 is $193 million
(JCP&L $14 million;  Met-Ed $144 million;  Penelec $35 million) which management
believes is probable of recovery from customers and included in


Regulatory  assets,  net on the  Consolidated  Balance Sheets,  and $355 million
(JCP&L $114 million;  Met-Ed $144  million;  Penelec $97 million) in trust funds
for TMI-2 and  included  in  Nuclear  decommissioning  trusts,  at market on the
Consolidated  Balance  Sheets.  Earnings on trust fund  deposits are included in
amounts shown on the Consolidated  Balance Sheets under Regulatory assets,  net.
TMI-2  decommissioning costs charged to depreciation expense in 1999 amounted to
$14.3 million (JCP&L $2.3 million; Met-Ed $11.2 million; Penelec $0.8 million).

     The NJBPU has granted JCP&L  revenues for TMI-2  retirement  costs based on
the 1995 site-specific  estimates. In addition, JCP&L is recovering its share of
TMI-2  incremental  monitored  storage  costs.  The PaPUC  Restructuring  Orders
granted Met-Ed and Penelec  recovery of TMI-2  decommissioning  costs as part of
the CTC,  but also  allowed  Met-Ed and Penelec to defer as a  regulatory  asset
those amounts that are above the level provided for in the CTC.

     At December 31, 1999, the  accident-related  portion of TMI-2  radiological
decommissioning costs is considered to be $77 million (JCP&L $19 million; Met-Ed
$39  million;  Penelec $19  million),  which is based on the 1995  site-specific
study estimate (in 1999 dollars).  In connection  with rate case  resolutions at
the time,  JCP&L,  Met-Ed and Penelec  have made  contributions  to  irrevocable
external trusts relating to their shares of the accident-related portions of the
decommissioning  liability  in the amounts of $15  million,  $40 million and $20
million,  respectively.  These contributions were not recoverable from customers
and have been expensed.  The GPU Energy  companies will not pursue recovery from
customers   for  any   amounts   contributed   in  excess  of  the  $77  million
accident-related portion referred to above.

     JCP&L intends to seek recovery for any increases in TMI-2 retirement costs,
and  Met-Ed  and  Penelec  intend  to seek  recovery  for any  increases  in the
nonaccident-related portion of such costs, but recognize that recovery cannot be


     GPU  has  insurance   (subject  to  retentions  and  deductibles)  for  its
operations and facilities  including coverage for property damage,  liability to
employees  and  third  parties,   and  loss  of  use  and  occupancy  (primarily
incremental  replacement  power  costs).  There  is no  assurance  that GPU will
maintain all existing  insurance  coverages.  Losses or liabilities that are not
completely  insured,  unless allowed to be recovered through  ratemaking,  could
have a material adverse effect on the financial position of GPU.

     The  decontamination  liability,  premature  decommissioning  and  property
damage  insurance  coverage for Oyster Creek totals $2.75 billion.  In addition,
GPU has  purchased  property and  decontamination  insurance  coverage for TMI-2
totaling  $150 million.  In accordance  with NRC  regulations,  these  insurance
policies  generally require that proceeds first be used for stabilization of the
reactors and then to pay for  decontamination  and debris removal expenses.  Any
remaining  amounts  available under the policies may then be used for repair and
restoration  costs  and  decommissioning  costs.  Consequently,  there can be no
assurance that in the event of a nuclear  incident,  property  damage  insurance
proceeds would be available for the repair and restoration of that station.


     The  Price-Anderson  Act limits  GPU's  liability  to third  parties  for a
nuclear incident at Oyster Creek to approximately $9.5 billion. Coverage for the
first $200  million of such  liability  is  provided by private  insurance.  The
remaining  coverage,   or  secondary  financial   protection,   is  provided  by
retrospective  premiums  payable by all nuclear reactor owners.  Under secondary
financial  protection,  a nuclear incident at any licensed nuclear power reactor
in the country,  including Oyster Creek,  could result in an assessment of up to
$88 million per incident,  subject to an annual  maximum  payment of $10 million
per incident per reactor.  Although  TMI-2 is exempt from this  assessment,  the
plant is still covered by the provisions of the Price-Anderson  Act. In addition
to the  retrospective  premiums  payable under the  Price-Anderson  Act, the GPU
Energy companies are also subject to retrospective  premium assessments of up to
$10.5 million (JCP&L $10.1 million;  Met-Ed $0.3 million;  Penelec $0.1 million)
for insurance  policies currently in effect applicable to nuclear operations and
facilities.  The GPU Energy  companies  are also subject to other  retrospective
premium assessments related to policies applicable to TMI-1 prior to the sale of
the plant to AmerGen.

     JCP&L has insurance coverage for incremental replacement power costs should
an accident-related  outage at Oyster Creek occur. Coverage would commence after
a 12-week  waiting  period at $2.1 million per week for 52 weeks,  decreasing to
80% of such amount for the next 110 weeks.

                              ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS

     As a result of existing  and  proposed  legislation  and  regulations,  and
ongoing legal proceedings dealing with environmental matters,  including but not
limited to acid rain,  water  quality,  ambient  air  quality,  global  warming,
electromagnetic  fields,  and storage and  disposal of  hazardous  and/or  toxic
wastes,  GPU may be required to incur substantial  additional costs to construct
new equipment,  modify or replace  existing and proposed  equipment,  remediate,
decommission  or cleanup  waste  disposal and other sites  currently or formerly
used by it, including  formerly owned  manufactured gas plants (MGP),  coal mine
refuse piles and generation facilities.

     GPU  has  been  formally  notified  by  the  EPA  and  state  environmental
authorities that it is among the potentially  responsible parties (PRPs) who may
be  jointly  and  severally  liable  to pay for the  costs  associated  with the
investigation  and remediation at 11 hazardous and/or toxic waste sites (in some
cases, more than one company is named for a given site).

     JCP&L       MET-ED      PENELEC      GPUN       GPU,INC.    TOTAL
     -----       ------      -------      ----       -------     -----
       6            4           2          1            1         11

    In addition, certain of the GPU companies have been requested to participate
in the  remediation  or supply  information  to the EPA and state  environmental
authorities  on several other sites for which they have not been formally  named
as PRPs,  although the EPA and state authorities may nevertheless  consider them
as  PRPs.  Certain  of the GPU  companies  have  also  been  named  in  lawsuits
requesting  damages  (which are material in amount) for  hazardous  and/or toxic
substances  allegedly  released  into  the  environment.  The  ultimate  cost of
remediation  will  depend upon  changing  circumstances  as site  investigations
continue,  including (a) the existing technology required for site cleanup,  (b)
the remedial action plan chosen and (c) the extent of site contamination and the
portion attributed to the GPU companies involved.


    In 1997,  the EPA filed a  complaint  against  GPU,  Inc. in the US District
Court for the  District of Delaware  for  enforcement  of its  Unilateral  Order
(Order)  issued against GPU, Inc. to clean up the former Dover Gas Light Company
(Dover)  manufactured gas production site (Site) in Dover,  Delaware.  Dover was
part of the  AGECO/AGECORP  group of companies  from 1929 until 1942;  GPU, Inc.
emerged  from the  AGECO/AGECORP  reorganization  proceedings  in  1946.  All of
Dover's  common stock,  which was sold in 1942 to an  unaffiliated  entity,  was
subsequently acquired by Chesapeake, which merged with Dover in 1960. Chesapeake
is currently performing the cleanup at the Site. According to the complaint, the
EPA is seeking (1)  enforcement  of the Order  against  GPU; (2) recovery of its
past  response  costs,  (3) a  declaratory  judgment  that GPU is liable for any
remaining   cleanup  costs  of  the  Site  and  (4)   statutory   penalties  for
noncompliance  with  the  Order.  The  EPA  has  stated  that  it  has  incurred
approximately $1 million of past response costs as of December 31, 1999. The EPA
estimates  the  total  Site  cleanup  costs  at   approximately   $4.2  million.
Consultants to Chesapeake have estimated the remaining  remediation  groundwater
costs at approximately $10.5 million. In accordance with its penalty policy, and
in discussions  with GPU, the EPA has demanded  penalties  calculated at a daily
rate of  $8,800,  rather  than the  statutory  maximum of  $27,500  per day.  At
December  31, 1999,  if the  statutory  maximum is applied,  the total amount of
penalties  would  be  approximately  $34  million.  GPU  believes  that  it  has
meritorious  defenses as to why no penalty should be assessed or if a penalty is
assessed,  why it should be at a lower daily rate. Chesapeake has also sued GPU,
Inc. for  contribution  to the cleanup of the Dover Site.  The US District Court
for the District of Delaware has  consolidated the case filed by Chesapeake with
the case filed by the EPA and discovery is proceeding. There can be no assurance
as to the outcome of these proceedings.

    In  connection  with the sale of its  Seward  Generation  Station  to Sithe,
Penelec  has  assumed up to $6  million of  remediation  costs  associated  with
certain  coal mine  refuse  piles  which are the  subject of an earlier  consent
decree with the  Pennsylvania  Department of Environmental  Protection.  Penelec
expects  recovery of these  remediation  costs in Phase II of its  restructuring
proceeding and has recorded a corresponding regulatory asset of approximately $6
million at December 31, 1999.

    JCP&L  has  entered  into  agreements  with  the New  Jersey  Department  of
Environmental  Protection for the  investigation  and remediation of 17 formerly
owned MGP sites.  JCP&L has also entered into  various  cost-sharing  agreements
with other utilities for most of the sites.  As of December 31, 1999,  JCP&L has
spent  approximately  $36 million in connection with the cleanup of these sites.
In  addition,  JCP&L has recorded an  estimated  environmental  liability of $52
million  relating to expected  future costs of these sites (as well as two other
properties).  This estimated liability is based upon ongoing site investigations
and remediation  efforts,  which generally involve capping the sites and pumping
and treatment of ground water.  Moreover, the cost to clean up these sites could
be  materially  in  excess  of $52  million  due to  significant  uncertainties,
including  changes  in  acceptable  remediation  methods  and  technologies.  In
addition,  federal and state law provides for payment by responsible parties for
damage to natural resources.

    In 1997,  the NJBPU  approved  JCP&L's  request to  establish a  Remediation
Adjustment Clause for the recovery of MGP remediation  costs. As a result of the
NJBPU's Summary Order, effective August 1, 1999, the recovery of these costs was
transferred to the Societal Benefits Charge. At December 31, 1999,


JCP&L had recorded on its  Consolidated  Balance Sheet a regulatory asset of $44
million. JCP&L is continuing to pursue reimbursement from its insurance carriers
for  remediation  costs already spent and for future  estimated  costs. In 1994,
JCP&L  commenced  litigation in the New Jersey Superior Court against several of
its insurance  carriers,  relative to these MGP sites,  and has settled with all
but one of those insurance companies.


Class Action Litigation:
- -----------------------

GPU Energy

     In July 1999,  New Jersey  experienced a severe heat storm that resulted in
major power outages and  temporary  service  interruptions  including in JCP&L's
service  territory.  As a result,  the NJBPU has initiated an investigation into
the reliability of the transmission  and distribution  systems of all New Jersey
utilities and their  response to power  outages.  In addition,  two class action
lawsuits have been commenced in New Jersey  Superior Court against GPU, Inc. and
the GPU Energy  companies,  seeking both  compensatory  and punitive damages for
alleged  losses  suffered  due to  service  interruptions.  The  GPU  defendants
originally requested the Court to stay or dismiss the litigation in deference to
the NJBPU's primary  jurisdiction.  The Court denied the motion,  but in January
2000 the Appellate  Division agreed to review the Court's decision.  In response
to GPU's demand for a statement of damages, the plaintiffs have stated that they
are  seeking  damages  of $700  million,  subject to the  results  of  pre-trial
discovery.  GPU has notified its  insurance  carriers  who have  reserved  their
rights to contest  coverage under GPU's insurance  policies for losses which GPU
may incur. There can be no assurance as to the outcome of these matters.

GPU Electric

     As a result of the fire and  explosion in September  1998,  at the Longford
natural gas plant in Victoria,  Australia, three class actions have been brought
in Australian  Federal Court  against Esso  Australia  Limited and its affiliate
(Esso), the owner and operator of the plant, for losses suffered due to the lack
of natural gas supply and related damages. Plaintiffs claim that Esso was, among
other  things,  negligent in designing,  maintaining  and operating the Longford
plant and also assert claims under various Australian fair trade practices laws.

     Esso has joined as third party defendants the State of Victoria (State) and
various State-owned  entities which operated the Victorian gas industry prior to
its  privatization,  including  TPA and  its  affiliate  Transmission  Pipelines
(Assets)  Australia (TPAA).  GPU, Inc. through GPU GasNet acquired the assets of
TPA and the shares of TPAA from the State in June 1999.  Esso has also named GPU
GasNet as a third party  defendant.  Under the  acquisition  agreement  with the
State,  GPU GasNet has indemnified TPA and the State against third party claims.
Esso is seeking  contribution  and indemnity from the third party defendants for
any damages for which Esso may be found liable.  In addition,  Esso has asserted
several  separate claims against the State and the former  State-owned  entities
for damages,  and contends that GPU GasNet assumed TPA's  liabilities as part of
the State's privatization process.


     GPU GasNet and TPAA have filed answers  denying  liability,  which could be
material  and have moved to dismiss  portions of Esso's  claims.  GPU GasNet and
TPAA have also notified their  insurance  carriers of this action.  The insurers
have reserved their rights to deny coverage. There can be no assurance as to the
outcome of this matter.

Investments and Guarantees:
- --------------------------

GPU, Inc.

    GPU,  Inc.  has made  significant  investments  in  foreign  businesses  and
facilities  through  its  subsidiaries,  GPU  Electric  and the GPUI  Group.  At
December 31, 1999, GPU, Inc.'s investment in GPU Electric and the GPUI Group was
$1.06 billion and $232  million,  respectively.  As of that date,  GPU, Inc. has
also  guaranteed an additional  $1.04 billion and $29.9 million  (including $8.7
million of guarantees  related to domestic  operations) of GPU Electric and GPUI
Group outstanding  obligations,  respectively.  Although  management attempts to
mitigate  the risks of investing in certain  foreign  countries  by, among other
things,  securing political risk insurance,  GPU faces additional risks inherent
to operating in such locations, including foreign currency fluctuations.

GPU Electric

    Midlands has a 40% ownership  interest in a 586 MW power project in Pakistan
(the Uch Power  Project),  which was  originally  scheduled to begin  commercial
operation in late 1998, but testing and commercial operation have been delayed.

    In June  1999,  certain  Project  lenders  issued  notices of default to the
Project sponsors  (including  Midlands) for, among other things,  failure to pay
principal and interest  under various loan  agreements.  In November  1999,  the
Project  sponsors and lenders  reached an agreement under which repayment of the
construction loan will be extended,  principal and interest  payments  deferred,
and the sponsors  will fund the  completion  of the plant  through the remaining
equity contribution  commitments.  Midlands' investment in the Uch Power Project
at  December  31,  1999 was  approximately  $43  million,  and its  share of the
projected  completion  costs  represents an  additional  $8 million  commitment.
Cinergy has agreed to fund up to an  aggregate  of $20  million of the  required
capital  contributions  and/or  certain  future  "cash  losses"  which  could be
incurred on the Uch Power Project. Cinergy has reimbursed Midlands $3 million of
capital contributions as of December 31, 1999, leaving a remaining commitment of
up to $17  million.  Testing of the plant has begun and the start of  commercial
operations  is now  anticipated  in 2000.  There can be no  assurance  as to the
outcome of this matter.

    As part of the sale of the Midlands' supply business and the purchase of the
50% of Midlands GPU did not already own,  certain  long-term  obligations  under
natural gas supply  contracts  were  retained.  Most of these  contracts were at
fixed  prices in excess of the market  price of gas as of December  31,  1999. A
liability  was  previously   established  for  the  estimated  loss  under  such
contracts,  which extend to September 2005. The estimated  liability at December
31, 1999 was $55.1 million.


GPUI Group

      On July 9, 1999,  DIAN (the  Columbian  national tax  authority)  issued a
"Special  Requirement"  on the  Termobarranquilla  S.A.,  Empresa  de  Servicios
Publicos  (TEBSA,  an  investment  in which GPU Power has a 29%  interest)  1996
income tax return which  challenges  the  exclusion  from  taxable  income of an
inflation adjustment related to the value of assets used for power generation.

      The failure to give notice of this  Special  Requirement  to the US Export
Import  Bank may be  asserted  as a  technical  event of default  under the loan
agreement.  An event of default would entitle  TEBSA's lenders to accelerate the
payment of  outstanding  loans of TEBSA and require  payment of certain  standby
equity commitments by TEBSA's shareholders and equity guarantors,  which include
a  subsidiary  of GPU Power and GPU,  Inc.  respectively.  The lenders  have not
asserted  that an event of default has occurred or  indicated  whether they will
pursue remedies under the project financing documents.

      As of December 31, 1999, GPU Power has an investment of approximately  $79
million in TEBSA and GPU, Inc. has  guaranteed  $21.3 million in standby  equity
commitments. There can be no assurance as to the outcome of these matters.

- -----

     GPU AR has entered into contracts to supply electricity to retail customers
through May 2001. In connection with meeting its supply obligations,  GPU AR has
entered into firm  purchase  commitments  for energy and  capacity  with payment
obligations  totaling  approximately  $27 million as of December 31, 1999.  GPU,
Inc. has guaranteed up to $19 million of these payments.

     In  accordance  with the Nuclear  Waste Policy Act of 1982 (NWPA),  the GPU
Energy companies have entered into contracts with, and have been paying fees to,
the DOE for the future disposal of spent nuclear fuel in a repository or interim
storage  facility.  AmerGen has assumed all liability for disposal costs related
to spent fuel  generated  after its  purchase  of TMI-1 and has agreed to assume
this liability for Oyster Creek  following its purchase of that plant.  In 1996,
the DOE notified the GPU Energy  companies and other standard  contract  holders
that it will be unable to begin acceptance of spent nuclear fuel for disposal by
1998, as mandated by the NWPA. The DOE requested  recommendations  from contract
holders for handling the delay. The DOE's inability to accept spent nuclear fuel
could have a material impact on GPU's results of operations, as additional costs
may be incurred to build and maintain  interim  on-site storage at Oyster Creek.
In June 1997,  a  consortium  of electric  utilities,  including  GPUN,  filed a
license  application  with  the NRC  seeking  permission  to  build  an  interim
above-ground  disposal  facility for spent nuclear fuel in Utah. There can be no
assurance as to the outcome of these matters.

     GPU, Inc. and consolidated  affiliates have approximately  10,800 employees
worldwide,  of which 6,100 are  employed in the US and 3,700 are employed in the
United  Kingdom.  The majority of the US workforce is employed by the GPU Energy
companies, of which approximately 4,000 are represented by unions for collective
bargaining  purposes.  In  the  United  Kingdom,  approximately  2,800  Midlands
employees are represented by unions; terms and conditions of the


various  bargaining  agreements  are generally  reviewed  annually,  on April 1.
JCP&L,  Met-Ed  and  Penelec's   collective   bargaining   agreements  with  the
International  Brotherhood  of  Electrical  Workers  expire on October 31, 2002,
April 30, 2000 and May 14, 2002,  respectively.  Penelec's collective bargaining
agreement with the Utility Workers Union of America expires on June 30, 2001.

     During the normal course of the operation of its businesses, in addition to
the matters  described  above,  GPU is from time to time  involved in  disputes,
claims and, in some cases,  as a defendant in litigation  in which  compensatory
and punitive damages are sought by the public, customers,  contractors,  vendors
and other suppliers of equipment and services and by employees alleging unlawful
employment practices. While management does not expect that the outcome of these
matters will have a material  effect on GPU's  financial  position or results of
operations, there can be no assurance that this will continue to be the case.


     The  following  is  presented  in  accordance  with  Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 131,  "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and
Related Information."

     GPU's  reportable  segments are strategic  business  units that are managed
separately due to their different operating and regulatory  environments.  GPU's
management  evaluates the  performance  of its business  units based upon income
before  extraordinary  and  non-recurring  items.  For the purpose of  providing
segment  information,  domestic  electric  utility  operations  (GPU  Energy) is
comprised of the three electric utility operating companies serving customers in
New Jersey  and  Pennsylvania,  as well as GPU  Generation,  Inc.  (sold in late
1999),  GPUN,  GPU  Telcom  and  GPUS.  For  additional   information  on  GPU's
organizational   structure  and   businesses,   see  preface  to  the  Notes  to
Consolidated Financial Statements.


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies

Business Segment Data (in thousands)

                                                                Interest                   Before Extra-
                                                  Depreciation  Charges and  Income Tax    ordinary and             Investments
                                      Operating       and      Preferred      Expense/     Non-recurring   Total   and Capital
                                      Revenues   Amortization  Dividends    (Benefit)(a)     Items         Assets  Expenditures(b)
                                      ---------  ------------  -----------  -----------   --------------   ------  --------------

- ----

Domestic Segments:
  Electric Utility Operations
  (GPU Energy)                         $3,685,821   $  409,345  $ 209,769     $  238,591   $  440,983  $13,244,301   $  291,391
  Independ Power Prod
  (GPU International)                      83,434        9,401      1,044          9,478       11,337      359,374        1,225
  Electric Retail Energy
  Sales (GPU AR)                           84,681           -          -          (2,393)     (4,558)       24,630           -
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------
      Subtotal                          3,853,936      418,746    210,813        245,676      447,762   13,628,305      292,616
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------

Foreign Segments:
  Electric/Gas Utility
   Operations: (GPU Electric)
   Electric Distribution-United Kingdom   504,826       52,847     91,433        21,208        54,836(c) 4,687,476      727,793
   Electric Distribution - Argentina      135,938       15,273     23,414          (960)       (1,778)     579,907      407,225
   Electric Transmission - Australia      193,366       42,850    110,059        (1,171)       (6,715)   1,824,309       19,889
   Gas Transmission - Australia            31,326        6,933     28,821       (12,156)          (39)     795,527      653,747
  Independ Power Prod -
   S. America (GPU Power)                  37,732        6,290      3,560         5,152         8,116      238,644       30,421
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------

     Subtotal                             903,188      124,193    257,287        12,073        54,420    8,125,863    1,839,075
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------

Corporate and Eliminations                      -         -       14,397            -         (18,068)     (36,086)         -
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------

     Consolidated Total                $4,757,124   $  542,939 $  482,497    $  257,749    $  484,114  $21,718,082   $2,131,691
                                        =========    =========  =========       =======     =========  ==========    ==========
- ----

Domestic Segments:
  Electric Utility Operations
   (GPU Energy)                        $3,953,254  $   469,623   $241,886       271,336    $  369,752  $13,298,257   $  328,418
  Independ Power Prod
   (GPU International)                     72,256        4,560        748         9,103        11,622      397,523       21,375
  Electric Retail Energy Sales (GPU AR)    10,938       -             -          (1,201)       (2,231)       2,651           34
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------
     Subtotal                           4,036,448      474,183    242,634       279,238       379,143   13,698,431      349,827
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------

Foreign Segments:
  Electric/Gas Utility Operations:
   (GPU Electric)
   Electric Distribution -
    United Kingdom                            944        1,226     30,859        (6,489)       37,249(d)   617,737           -
   Electric Transmission - Australia      181,059       40,841    108,227        11,421        18,885    1,788,877       58,549
  Independ Power Prod -
   S. America (GPU Power)                  33,136        5,844      4,219           719         2,499      237,162       59,847
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------
     Subtotal                             215,139       47,911    143,305         5,651        58,633    2,643,776      118,396
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------

Corporate and Eliminations                (2,795)          -        3,293            -        (11,818)     (54,098)         -
                                        ---------      -------    -------       --------     --------   ----------     --------

     Consolidated Total                $4,248,792   $  522,094 $  389,232      $284,889    $  425,958  $16,288,109   $ 468,223
                                        =========     ========    =======       =======      ========   ==========     ========


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies
                                                                Interest                   Before Extra-
                                                 Depreciation  Charges and  Income Tax     ordinary and              Investments
                                       Operating     and         Preferred  Expense/       Non-recurring  Total     and Capital
(in thousands)                          Revenues  Amortization   Dividends (Benefit)(a)       Items       Assets   Expenditures(b)
                                      ---------  ------------  -----------  -----------   --------------   ------  --------------


Domestic Segments:
  Electric Utility Operations
   (GPU Energy)                        $4,045,233   $  451,009  $ 249,015   $   249,184    $  388,030  $ 9,850,784   $  356,416
  Independ Power Prod
    (GPU International)                    38,727          778        713        (3,115)      (13,362)     318,592      111,700
  Electric Retail Energy Sales
    (GPU AR)                                1,339           -          -         (2,576)       (4,782)       5,122          -
                                        ---------  ------------  --------       -------       --------  ----------     --------
     Subtotal                           4,085,299      451,787    249,728       243,493       369,886   10,174,498      468,116
                                        ---------  ------------  --------       -------       --------  ----------     --------

Foreign Segments:
  Electric/Gas Utility Operations:
    (GPU Electric)
   Electric Distribution -
     United Kingdom                           -            354     39,312       (44,438)       78,463(d)   568,997          449
   Electric Transmission &
     Distribution-Australia                30,339        9,412     23,397        (5,184)       12,631    1,967,946    1,800,072
  Independ Power Prod -
     S. America (GPU Power)                29,174        6,161      3,202          (335)       (2,301)     145,859           -
                                        ---------  ------------  --------       -------       --------  ----------     --------
      Subtotal                             59,513       15,927     65,911       (49,957)       88,793    2,682,802    1,800,521
                                        ---------  ------------  --------       -------       --------  ----------     --------

Corporate and Eliminations                 (1,433)          -       3,682            -        (14,278)     (34,366)         -
                                        ---------  ------------  --------       -------       --------  ----------     --------

     Consolidated Total                $4,143,379   $  467,714 $  319,321      $193,536    $  444,401  $12,822,934   $2,268,637
                                       ==========   ========== ==========      ========    ==========  ===========   ==========

(a)  Represents  income taxes on income before  extraordinary and non-recurring

(b)  Includes  acquisitions,  net of cash  acquired  of $1,671  million in 1999
     (Midlands $653 million; Emdersa $369 million; GPU GasNet $649 million) and
     $1,798 million in 1997 (GPU PowerNet).

(c)  Includes  equity in net income of investee  accounted  for under the equity
     method  of $74  million,  for the  period  prior  to the  consolidation  of

(d)  Includes  equity in net income of investee  accounted for under the equity
     method of $62 million in 1998 and $74 million in 1997.


GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary Companies


                                        (In Thousands)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Column A              Column B           Column C         Column D       Column E
- ----------------------------    ---------         ---------         --------       --------
                                 Balance       (1)         (2)
                                   at       Charged to   Charged                   Balance
                                Beginning   Costs and    to Other                  at End
         Description            of Period    Expenses    Accounts    Deductions   of Period
- ------------------------------- ---------   ---------    --------    ----------   ---------
Year ended December 31, 1999
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                    $51,045(e)   $31,458   $120,161(a)   $143,261(b)   $59,403
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                    218(e)       581          -           160(c)       639

Year ended December 31, 1998
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                    $ 8,087      $16,169    $  5,564(a)   $21,486(b)   $ 8,334
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                  1,484         -            (13)d)     1,311(c)       160

Year ended December 31, 1997
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                    $ 8,660      $17,984    $  6,069(a)  $ 24,626(b)   $ 8,087
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                  2,256        -              8(d)        780(c)     1,484


(a)  Recovery of accounts previously written off.

(b)  Accounts receivable written off.

(c)  Inventory written off.

(d)  Sale of inventory previously written off.

(e)  Beginning  balance is adjusted for 1999  acquisitions  ($42,711 relating to
     the allowance  for doubtful  accounts and $58 relating to the allowance for
     inventory obsolescence).  For more information,  see Note 7 of the Notes to
     Consolidated Financial Statements.


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company

For The Years Ended December 31,             1999     1998    1997    1996     1995
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capacity at Company Peak (in MW):
  Company owned                              2,685   2,729    2,718   2,850    2,749
  Contracted                                 1,512   2,933    2,794   2,497    2,462
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------   ------
      Total capacity (a)                     4,197   5,662    5,512   5,347    5,211
                                            ======  ======   ======  ======   ======
Hourly Peak Load (in MW):
  Summer peak                                5,180   4,817    4,817   4,130    4,554
  Winter peak                                3,402   3,175    3,168   3,173    3,260
  Reserve at company peak (%)                (19.0)   17.3     14.4    29.5     14.4
  Load factor (%) (b)                         46.1    47.7     46.5    53.9     47.1
Sources of Energy (in thousands of MWH):
  Coal                                       1,936   2,224    2,215   2,105    1,929
  Nuclear                                    6,911   6,064    6,553   6,114    6,791
  Gas, hydro & oil                             419     487      548     535      861
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------     ----
      Net generation                         9,266   8,775    9,316   8,754    9,581
  Utility purchases and interchange          7,862   7,567    6,044   6,608    6,304
  Nonutility purchases                       5,323   5,271    5,342   5,439    5,850
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------    -----
      Total sources of energy               22,451  21,613   20,702  20,801   21,735
  Energy from alternate suppliers               21       -        -       -      -
  Company use, line loss, etc.              (1,878) (1,558)  (1,794) (2,127)  (1,749)
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------  ------
      Total electric energy sales           20,594  20,055   18,908  18,674   19,986
                                            ======  ======   ======  ======  =======
Fuel Expense (in millions):
  Coal                                         $24     $27     $ 28    $ 30     $ 26
  Nuclear                                       43      37       39      40       44
  Gas & oil                                     24      22       34      31       31
                                                --      --      ---     ---      ---
      Total                                    $91     $86     $101    $101     $101
                                                ==      ==      ===     ===     ====
Power Purchased and Interchanged (in millions):
  Utility and interchange purchases           $377    $293     $234    $246     $279
  Nonutility purchases                         398     403      384     370      382
  Amortization of nonutility buyout costs       23      20        9       -       -
                                               ---     ---      ---     ---     ---
      Total                                   $798    $716     $627    $616     $661
                                               ===     ===      ===     ===     ====
Delivered MWH Sales (in thousands):
  Residential                                7,978   7,551    7,256   7,266    7,112
  Commercial                                 7,624   7,259    6,974   6,829    6,611
  Industrial                                 3,289   3,474    3,536   3,497    3,562
  Other                                         81      81       79      78       77
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------     ----
      Sales to customers                    18,972  18,365   17,845  17,670   17,362
  Sales to other utilities                   1,622   1,690    1,063   1,004    2,624
                                             ------  ------   ------  ------   -----
      Total                                 20,594  20,055   18,908  18,674   19,986
                                            ======  ======   ======  ======   ======
Operating Revenues (in millions):
  Residential                               $  933  $  891   $  907  $  895   $  881
  Commercial                                   807     779      797     775      742
  Industrial                                   276     288      313     311      315
  Other                                         21      21       21      21       21
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----     ----
      Sales to customers                     2,037   1,979    2,038   2,002    1,959
  Provision for rate refunds                  (112)     (6)       -       -       -
  Sales to other utilities                      64      75       36      35       62
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----     ----
      Total electric energy sales            1,989   2,048    2,074   2,037    2,021
  Other revenues                                29      22       20      21       15
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----     ----
      Total                                 $2,018  $2,070   $2,094  $2,058   $2,036
                                             =====   =====    =====   =====   ======
Customers at Year-End (in thousands):
  Total customers                              996     982      969     954      940
  Customers choosing alternate suppliers         4       -        -       -       -

(a)  Summer ratings at December 31, 1999 of owned and  contracted  capacity were
     885 MW and 3,312 MW, respectively.

(b)  The ratio of the average hourly load in kilowatts  supplied during the year
     to the peak load occurring during the year.


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company


                                                                  (In Millions)
For the Years Ended December 31,           1999(1          1998         1997       1996(2)       1995
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                        $2,018.2      $2,069.6    $2,094.0    $2,057.9      $2,035.9

Other operation and
  maintenance expense                        482.9         485.0       455.0       556.1         475.4

Net income                                   172.4         222.4       212.0       156.3         199.1

Earnings available for
  common stock                               162.9         212.4       200.6       143.2         184.6

Net utility plant
  in service                               1,729.3       2,538.2     2,664.1     2,717.1       2,641.6

Total assets                               5,811.0       4,582.1     4,641.6     4,676.7       4,418.8

Long-term debt                             1,133.8       1,173.5     1,173.3     1,173.1       1,192.9

Long-term obligations
  under capital leases                         -             -           -           0.1           2.4

  mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities                       125.0         125.0       125.0       125.0         125.0

Cumulative preferred stock
  with mandatory redemption                   73.2          86.5        91.5       114.0         134.0

Capital expenditures and
  investments                                140.9         154.9       172.2       199.8         217.8

Return on average
  common equity                              10.7%         13.5%       13.1%        9.5%         13.1%

(1)   Results  for  1999  reflect  a  non-recurring   charge  of  $68  million
     (after-tax) related to  the NJBPU Restructuring Order.

(2)  Results  for  1996  reflect  a   non-recurring   charge  of  $39.4  million
     (after-tax) for costs related to voluntary enhanced retirement programs.


Jersey Central Power and Light Company and Subsidiary Company


                                              First Quarter             Second Quarter
                                         -----------------------      -----------------

In Thousands                                 1999          1998       1999(1)     1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                        $516,889      $472,334    $391,025   $478,894
Operating income                           113,127       110,318      11,285     92,750
Net income/(loss)                           53,697        52,816      (5,855)    40,285
Earnings/(loss) available for common stock  51,265        50,078      (8,225)    37,720

                                              Third Quarter             Fourth Quarter
                                         -----------------------      -----------------

In Thousands                                 1999          1998        1999(2)    1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                        $670,245      $647,625    $440,050   $470,795
Operating income                           194,846       177,081      46,531     81,910
Net income                                 102,903        91,607      21,635     37,734
Earnings available for common stock        100,565        89,277      19,257     35,302

(1)   Results for the second  quarter of 1999 include a reduction of $68 million
      after-tax as a result of the NJBPU's Restructuring Order on JCP&L.

(2)   The aggregate  effect on earnings of fourth quarter 1999 adjustments was a
      gain of approximately $3 million after-tax.


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company


To the Board of Directors and Stockholder of Jersey Central Power & Light

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements listed in the accompanying
index present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Jersey
Central  Power & Light Company and  Subsidiary  Company at December 31, 1999 and
1998,  and the results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 1999 in conformity  with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States. In addition, in our opinion,
the financial  statement  schedule  listed in the  accompanying  index  presents
fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein when read in
conjunction with the related consolidated financial statements.  These financial
statements  and  financial  statement  schedule  are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management;  our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial  statements and financial  statement  schedule based on our audits. We
conducted our audits of these  statements in accordance with auditing  standards
generally accepted in the United States,  which require that we plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in the financial  statements,
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  and evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We
believe  that our audits  provide a reasonable  basis for the opinion  expressed

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
February 10, 2000


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company


                                                        (In  Thousands)
December 31,                                         1999             1998
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Utility Plant:

  Transmission, distribution, and general plant    $3,097,150      $3,108,697
  Generation plant                                    504,545       1,646,576
                                                    ---------       ---------
      Utility plant in service (Note 6)             3,601,695       4,755,273
  Accumulated depreciation                         (1,872,422)     (2,217,108)
                                                    ---------       ---------
      Net utility plant in service (Note 1)         1,729,273       2,538,165
  Construction work in progress                        80,671          48,126
  Other, net                                           14,781          98,491
                                                    ---------        --------
      Net utility plant                             1,824,725       2,684,782
                                                    ---------       ---------

Other Property and Investments:
  Nuclear decommissioning trusts, at market
    (Note 12)                                         394,941         422,277
  Nuclear fuel disposal trust, at market              119,293         116,871
  Other, net                                            1,252           9,596
                                                    ---------        --------
       Total other property and investments           515,486         548,744
                                                    ---------        --------
Current Assets:
  Cash and temporary cash investments                  68,684           1,850
  Special deposits                                      1,035           6,047
  Accounts receivable:
    Customers, net                                    164,099         152,120
    Other                                              83,086          32,562
  Unbilled revenues  (Note 1)                          78,251          56,391
  Materials and supplies, at average cost or less:
    Construction and maintenance                           -           79,863
    Fuel                                                   -           13,144
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                        1,652          20,812
  Prepayments                                          23,000          27,648
                                                    ---------         -------
      Total current assets                            419,807         390,437
                                                    ---------       ---------

Deferred Debits and Other Assets:
  Regulatory assets, net (Notes 1 & 12)             2,809,801         763,500
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                      221,668         179,237
  Other                                                19,510          15,422
                                                    ---------        --------

      Total deferred debits and other assets        3,050,979         958,159
                                                    ---------     -----------
      Total Assets                                 $5,810,997      $4,582,122
                                                    =========     ===========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company


                                                      (In  Thousands)
December 31,                                         1999            1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Common stock                                     $  153,713     $153,713
  Capital surplus                                     510,769      510,769
  Retained earnings                                   720,878      893,016
  Accumulated other comprehensive income/(loss)             7         (425)
                                                    ---------    ----------
      Total common stockholder's equity (Note 5)    1,385,367    1,557,073
  Cumulative preferred stock: (Note 4)
    With mandatory redemption                          73,167       86,500
    Without mandatory redemption                       12,649       37,741
  Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
    preferred securities (Note 4)                     125,000      125,000
  Long-term debt (Note 3)                           1,133,760    1,173,532
                                                    ---------    ---------
      Total capitalization                          2,729,943    2,979,846
                                                    ---------    ---------

Current Liabilities:
  Securities due within one year (Notes 3 & 4)         50,846        2,512
  Notes payable (Note 2)                                  -        122,344
  Obligations under capital leases (Note 11)           48,165       85,366
  Accounts payable:
    Affiliates                                         60,527       40,861
    Other                                              82,355       80,233
  Taxes accrued                                        13,079        5,559
  Interest accrued                                     24,523       26,678
  Deferred credits (Note 1)                               -          2,411
  Other                                                36,169      104,408
                                                    ---------     --------
      Total current liabilities                       315,664      470,372
                                                    ---------     --------

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities:
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                      570,568      670,961
  Unamortized investment tax credits                   32,114       50,225
  Nuclear fuel disposal fee                           148,009      141,270
  Three Mile Island Unit 2 future costs (Note 12)     124,241      120,904
  Power purchase contract loss liability (Note 12)  1,624,769           -
  Other                                               265,689      148,544
                                                    ---------     --------
      Total deferred credits and other liabilities  2,765,390    1,131,904
                                                    ---------    ---------

Commitments and Contingencies (Note 12)

      Total Liabilities and Capitalization         $5,810,997   $4,582,122
                                                    =========   ==========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company


                                                                       (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                           1999          1998             1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenues (Note 1)                             $2,018,209    $2,069,648       $2,093,972
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------

Operating Expenses:
  Fuel                                                      91,044        86,431          101,030
  Power purchased and interchanged:
     Affiliates                                            127,406        57,643           15,979
     Others                                                670,538       658,742          610,792
  Deferred costs, net (Note 1)                             (38,108)      (25,542)           6,043
  Other operation and maintenance (Note 9)                 482,874       485,054          454,991
  Depreciation and amortization   (Note 1)                 241,842       250,675          237,461
  Taxes, other than income taxes  (Note 9)                  76,824        94,586          232,086
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------
       Total operating expenses                          1,652,420     1,607,589        1,658,382
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------
Operating Income                                           365,789       462,059          435,590
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------

Other Income and Deductions:
  Allowance for other funds used during construction           -             786              -
  Other income, net                                         12,461        13,227            1,919
                                                        ----------    ----------      ----------
         Total other income and deductions                  12,461        14,013            1,919
                                                        ----------    ----------      ----------
Income Before Interest Charges                             378,250       476,072          437,509
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------

Interest Charges:
  Long-term debt and notes payable                          95,325        95,361          100,706
  Company-obligated mandatorily
   redeemable preferred securities                          10,700        10,700           10,700
  Other interest                                               650         4,129            4,292
  Allowance for borrowed funds used during
   construction                                             (1,775)       (1,638)          (2,319)
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------
         Total interest charges                            104,900       108,552          113,379
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------

Income Before Income Taxes                                 273,350       367,520          324,130
  Income taxes (Note 8)                                    100,970       145,078          112,116
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------

Net Income                                                 172,380       222,442          212,014
  Preferred stock dividends                                  8,670        10,065           11,376
  Loss on preferred stock reacquisition                        848           -                -
                                                        ----------    ----------       ----------
Earnings Available for Common Stock                     $  162,862    $  212,377       $  200,638
                                                        ==========    ==========       ==========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company


                                                                      (In  Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                          1999           1998            1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income                                                $172,380      $222,442         $212,014
                                                          --------      --------         --------

Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax: (Note 5)
   Net unrealized gain on investments                            7           -                -
   Minimum pension liability                                   425          (425)             -
                                                          --------      --------         --------
     Total other comprehensive income/(loss)                   432          (425)             -
                                                          --------      --------         --------
Comprehensive income                                      $172,812      $222,017         $212,014
                                                          ========      ========         ========


                                                                      (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                          1999          1998               1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance at beginning of year                            $  893,016    $  875,639       $  825,001
  Net income                                               172,380       222,442          212,014
                                                          --------      --------         --------
         Total                                           1,065,396     1,098,081        1,037,015
                                                         ---------     ---------        ---------

  Cash dividends on capital stock:

     Cumulative preferred stock
     (at the annual rates indicated below):

       4%    Series   ($4.00 a share)                         (500)         (500)            (500)
       7.88% Series E ($7.88 a share)                       (1,162)       (1,970)          (1,970)
       8.48% Series I ($8.48 a share)                          -            (212)          (1,272)
       8.65% Series J ($8.65 a share)                       (4,325)       (4,325)          (4,325)
       7.52% Series K ($7.52 a share)                       (2,683)       (3,058)          (3,309)

     Common stock (not declared on a
     per share basis)                                     (335,000)     (195,000)        (150,000)
                                                          --------      --------         --------

         Total                                            (343,670)     (205,065)        (161,376)
                                                          --------      --------         --------

   Loss on preferred stock reacquisition                      (848)          -                -
                                                          --------      --------         --------

Balance at end of year                                  $  720,878    $  893,016       $  875,639
                                                        ==========    ==========       ==========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company


                                                                      (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                            1999          1998            1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Activities:

  Net income                                             $ 172,380      $222,442        $ 212,014
  Adjustments to reconcile income to cash provided:
    Depreciation and amortization                          272,284       277,950          253,278
    Amortization of property under capital leases           29,507        26,739           28,703
    NJBPU restructuring rate order                         115,000           -                -
    Voluntary enhanced retirement programs                     -             -                -
    Nuclear outage maintenance costs, net                      -          (6,640)          11,615
    Deferred income taxes and investment tax
      credits, net                                         (96,183)      (41,865)         (27,449)
    Deferred costs, net                                    (37,841)      (24,482)           8,193
    Allowance for other funds used during
      construction                                             -            (786)             -
  Changes in working capital:
    Receivables                                            (84,364)       (9,407)          (6,261)
    Materials and supplies                                  46,023         3,863            7,721
    Special deposits and prepayments                         9,660       (12,450)           6,844
    Payables and accrued liabilities                          (195)        1,418          (31,854)
  Nonutility generation contract buyout costs              (35,500)      (15,000)         (30,500)
  Other, net                                               (12,327)       13,091           (4,479)
                                                           -------        ------           ------
     Net cash provided by operating activities             378,444       434,873          427,825
                                                           -------       -------          -------

Investing Activities:

  Capital expenditures                                    (140,915)     (154,918)        (172,243)
  Proceeds from sale of investments                        413,753           -                -
  Contributions to decommissioning trusts                  (59,175)      (28,003)         (18,003)
  Other, net                                                (2,162)      (10,720)         (10,989)
                                                         ---------      --------        ---------
     Net cash provided/(used) for investing activities     211,501      (193,641)        (201,235)
                                                         ---------      --------        ---------

Financing Activities:

  Increase/(decrease) in notes payable, net               (122,344)        7,090           83,454
  Retirement of long-term debt                                 (12)          (11)        (100,075)
  Capital lease principal payments                         (27,347)      (29,084)         (26,496)
  Redemption of preferred stock                            (30,940)      (15,000)         (20,000)
  Dividends paid on preferred stock                         (7,468)      (10,371)         (11,800)
  Dividends paid on common stock                          (335,000)     (195,000)        (150,000)
                                                         ---------      --------        ---------
     Net cash required by financing activities            (523,111)     (242,376)        (224,917)
                                                         ---------      --------        ---------

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and temporary cash
  investments from above activities                         66,834        (1,144)           1,673
Cash and temporary cash investments, beginning of year       1,850         2,994            1,321
                                                         ---------      --------        ---------
Cash and temporary cash investments, end of year         $  68,684        $1,850        $   2,994
                                                         =========      ========        =========

Supplemental Disclosure:

  Interest and preferred dividends paid                  $ 115,624      $116,942        $ 126,223
                                                         =========      ========        =========
  Income taxes paid                                      $ 189,304      $192,335        $ 133,689
                                                         =========      ========        =========
  New capital lease obligations incurred                 $   9,407       $32,680        $  11,048
                                                         =========      ========        =========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Subsidiary Company


                                        (In Thousands)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          Column A              Column B           Column C           Column D          Column E
- ----------------------------    ---------          --------           --------          ---------
                                 Balance       (1)         (2)
                                   at       Charged to   Charged                         Balance
                                Beginning   Costs and    to Other                        at End
         Description            of Period    Expenses    Accounts     Deductions       of Period
- ------------------------------  ---------   ----------   --------     ----------       ----------

Year ended December 31, 1999
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $1,764      $9,549     $37,098(a)       $42,355(b)        $6,056
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                    -           -           -            -                    -

Year ended December 31, 1998
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $1,414      $4,670      $1,729(a)        $6,049(b)        $1,764
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                    (16)        -           -                 16(c)           -

Year ended December 31, 1997
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $1,670      $4,976      $1,939           $7,171(b)        $1,414
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                    206         -             1(d)           223(c)           (16)


(a)  Recovery of accounts previously written off.

(b)  Accounts receivable written off.

(c)   Inventory written off.

(d)  Sale of inventory previously written off.


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


For The Years Ended December 31,             1999     1998    1997    1996      1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Capacity at Company Peak (in MW):
  Company owned                              1,738   1,738    1,738   1,705     1,604
  Contracted                                   261     568      507     853       492
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------    ------
      Total capacity (a)                     1,999   2,306    2,245   2,558     2,096
                                            ======  ======   ======  ======    ======

Hourly Peak Load (in MW):
  Summer peak                                2,384   2,176    2,224   2,017     2,186
  Winter peak                                2,100   2,082    2,054   2,114     2,012
  Reserve at company peak (%)                (16.1)    6.0       .9    21.0      (4.1)
  Load factor (%) (b)                         62.6    66.1     63.5    66.3      61.4

Sources of Energy (in thousands of MWH):
  Coal                                       4,835   5,363    5,203   4,760     4,334
  Nuclear                                    3,045   3,529    2,959   3,550     3,194
  Gas, hydro & oil                             235     329      204     182       253
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------    ------
      Net generation                         8,115   9,221    8,366   8,492     7,781
  Utility purchases and interchange          1,655   1,671    2,424   2,021     3,087
  Nonutility purchases                       2,283   2,389    2,481   2,406     2,066
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------     -----
      Total sources of energy               12,053  13,281   13,271  12,919    12,934
  Energy from alternate suppliers            5,113       -        -       -         -
  Company use, line loss, etc.                (624)   (387)    (790)   (718)     (856)
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------     -----
      Total electric energy sales           16,542  12,894   12,481  12,201    12,078
                                            ======  ======   ======  ======    ======

Fuel Expense (in millions):
  Coal                                         $65     $71      $72     $69       $61
  Nuclear                                       16      20       16      20        20
  Gas & oil                                      5       8        4       5         6
                                                --      --       --      --       ---
      Total                                    $86     $99      $92     $94       $87
                                                ==      ==       ==      ==      ====

Power Purchased and Interchanged (in millions):
  Utility and interchange purchases           $ 63    $ 58     $ 70    $ 54      $ 84
  Nonutility purchases                         167     174      162     168       131
  Deferred nonutility costs                     (8)     (4)       -       -       -
  Amortization of nonutility buyout costs        3      10       10       9       -
                                              ---     ---      ---     ---       ----
      Total                                   $225    $238     $242    $231      $215
                                               ===     ===      ===     ===       ===

Delivered MWH Sales (in thousands):
  Residential                                4,265   4,040    4,034   4,135     3,925
  Commercial                                 3,488   3,321    3,209   3,144     3,011
  Industrial                                 4,085   4,174    4,098   4,033     3,957
  Other                                        122     202      210     213       209
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------      ----
      Sales to customers                    11,960  11,737   11,551  11,525    11,102
  Sales to other utilities                   4,582   1,157      930     676       976
                                            ------  ------   ------  ------      ----
      Total                                 16,542  12,894   12,481  12,201    12,078
                                            ======  ======   ======  ======    ======

Operating Revenues (in millions):
  Residential                                 $362    $361     $368    $365      $339
  Commercial                                   193     260      259     247       229
  Industrial                                    98     244      253     243       228
  Other                                          8      14       14      14        13
                                               ---     ---      ---     ---       ---
      Sales to customers                       661     879      894     869       809
  Provision for rate refunds                    27     (27)       -       -        -
  Sales to other utilities                     163      34       24      20        26
                                               ---     ---      ---     ---      ----
      Total electric energy sales              851     886      918     889       835
  Other revenues                                52      33       25      21        20
                                               ---     ---      ---     ---      ----
      Total                                   $903    $919     $943    $910      $855
                                               ===     ===      ===     ===       ===

Customers at Year-End (in thousands):
  Total customers                              489     482      477     470       465
  Customers choosing alternate suppliers        33       -        -       -         -

(a) Summer ratings at December 31, 1999 of owned and contracted capacity were 19
    MW and 1,872 MW, respectively.

(b) The ratio of the average hourly load in kilowatts  supplied  during the year
    to the peak load occurring during the year.


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                       (In Millions)
For the Years Ended December 31,    1999(1)   1998(2)      1997       1996(3)     1995(4)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues               $  902.8    $  919.6   $  943.1     $  910.4     $  854.7

Other operation
  and maintenance expense           250.2       247.2      228.3        250.0        229.6

Income before
  extraordinary item                 95.1        57.7       93.5         69.1        148.5

Net income                           95.1        50.9       93.5         69.1        148.5

Earnings/(loss) available for
  common stock                       94.5        50.4       93.0         71.8        147.6

Net utility plant
  in service                      1,059.4     1,239.2    1,492.0      1,455.7      1,477.0

Total assets                      3,488.2     4,065.0    2,509.8      2,447.0      2,410.7

Long-term debt                      496.9       546.9      576.9        563.3        603.3

Long-term obligations
  under capital leases                  -           -          -          0.4          1.0

  mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities                  -       100.0      100.0        100.0        100.0

Trust preferred securities          100.0           -          -            -            -

Capital expenditures and
  investments                        66.4        75.1       87.6         76.7        112.6

Return on average
  common equity                     13.9%        7.5%      12.9%        10.3%        23.5%

(1) Results for 1999 include a net gain of $1.2 million  (after-tax) as a result
    of the sale of substantially all of Met-Ed's electric generating stations.

(2) Results for 1998 include an extraordinary charge of $6.8 million (after-tax)
    as a result of the PaPUC's Restructuring Order. Also in 1998, as a result of
    the PaPUC  Order,  Met-Ed  recorded a  non-recurring  charge of $19  million
    (after-tax)  related to the obligation to refund 1998 revenues;  and for the
    establishment of a sustainable energy fund.

(3) Results for 1996 reflect a non-recurring charge of $15.4 million (after-tax)
    for costs related to voluntary enhanced retirement programs.

(4)  Results for 1995  reflect  the  reversal of $72.8  million  (after-tax)  of
     certain future TMI-2  retirement costs written off in 1994. The reversal of
     this  write-off  resulted from a 1995  Pennsylvania  Supreme Court decision
     that  overturned a 1994 lower court order,  and restored a 1993 PaPUC order
     allowing for the recovery of such costs. Partially offsetting this increase
     was a non-recurring  charge to income of $5.7 million  (after-tax) of TMI-2
     monitored storage costs deemed not probable of recovery through ratemaking.


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                First Quarter            Second Quarter
                                           ----------------------    ---------------------

In Thousands                                 1999          1998        1999      1998(1)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                         $229,157      $234,748    $198,010   $226,030
Operating income                             76,252        57,874      44,623     53,704
Income before extraordinary item             32,832        24,730      19,142     18,548
Net income/(loss)                            32,832        24,730      19,142   (168,732)
Earnings/(loss) available for common stock   32,224        24,609      19,142   (168,853)

                                                 Third Quarter          Fourth Quarter
                                           ----------------------    ---------------------

In Thousands                                 1999          1998(2)     1999(3)    1998

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating revenues                         $280,235      $229,051    $195,425   $229,765
Operating income                             81,257        13,604      11,116     42,244
Income/(loss) before extraordinary item      41,622        (3,544)      1,527     17,986
Net income                                   41,622       176,931       1,527     17,986
Earnings available for common stock          41,622       176,811       1,527     17,865

(1)Results  for the second  quarter of 1998 were  affected  by an  extraordinary
   charge of $187.3  million  after-tax as a result of the  Pennsylvania  Public
   Utility  Commission's  (PaPUC) June 30, 1998 Restructuring  Order on Met-Ed's
   restructuring plans.

(2)In the third quarter of 1998, as a result of the amended PaPUC  Restructuring
   Order,  Met-Ed reversed $183.2 million after-tax of the extraordinary  charge
   taken in the second quarter,  primarily  related to  above-market  nonutility
   generation  costs;  and  recorded an  additional  extraordinary  charge of $3
   million after-tax primarily related to the write-off of FERC assets. Also, in
   the third  quarter of 1998,  as a result of the amended  PaPUC Order,  Met-Ed
   recorded  a  non-recurring  charge of $19  million  after-tax  related to the
   obligation  to  refund  1998  revenues;   and  for  the  establishment  of  a
   sustainable energy fund.

(3) Results for the fourth  quarter of 1999  include an increase of $1.2 million
    after-tax  for the net gain on the  sale of  substantially  all of  Met-Ed's
    generating  assets,  related  to  wholesale  operations.  In  addition,  the
    aggregate  effect on earnings of other fourth quarter 1999 adjustments was a
    loss of approximately $5 million after-tax.



Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


To the Board of Directors and Stockholder of Metropolitan Edison Company:

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements listed in the accompanying
index  present  fairly,  in all material  respects,  the  financial  position of
Metropolitan  Edison Company and  Subsidiary  Companies at December 31, 1999 and
1998,  and the results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 1999 in conformity  with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States. In addition, in our opinion,
the financial  statement  schedule  listed in the  accompanying  index  presents
fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein when read in
conjunction with the related consolidated financial statements.  These financial
statements  and  financial  statement  schedule  are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management;  our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial  statements and financial  statement  schedule based on our audits. We
conducted our audits of these  statements in accordance with auditing  standards
generally accepted in the United States,  which require that we plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in the financial  statements,
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  and evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We
believe  that our audits  provide a reasonable  basis for the opinion  expressed

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
February 10, 2000


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                             (In Thousands)
December 31,                                                  1999     1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Utility Plant:
  Transmission, distribution and general plant         $1,500,417   $1,481,958
  Generation plant                                         21,683      765,669
                                                       ----------   ----------
      Utility plant in service (Note 6)                 1,522,100    2,247,627
  Accumulated depreciation                               (462,709)  (1,008,438)
                                                       ----------   ----------
      Net utility plant in service (Note 1)             1,059,391    1,239,189
  Construction work in progress                            25,329       19,380
  Other, net                                                  643       27,819
                                                       ----------   ----------
      Net utility plant                                 1,085,363    1,286,388
                                                        ---------    ---------

Other Property and Investments:
  Nuclear decommissioning trusts, at market (Note 12)     144,261      211,194
  Other, net                                                3,010       11,742
                                                       ----------   ----------
      Total other property and investments                147,271      222,936
                                                       ----------   ----------

Current Assets:
  Cash and temporary cash investments                      10,899          442
  Special deposits                                            160        1,062
  Accounts receivable:
    Customers, net                                         60,188       60,012
    Other                                                 149,760       41,895
  Unbilled revenues (Note 1)                               28,956       43,687
  Materials and supplies, at average cost or less:
    Construction and maintenance                              -         24,727
    Fuel                                                      -         12,218
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                            2,945        2,945
  Prepayments                                              16,715       20,616
                                                       ----------   ----------
      Total current assets                                269,623      207,604
                                                       ----------   ----------

Deferred Debits and Other Assets:
  Regulatory assets, net (Notes 1 & 12)                 1,231,140    1,615,726
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                          738,189      714,202
  Other                                                    16,607       18,113
                                                       ----------   ----------
      Total deferred debits and other assets            1,985,936    2,348,041
                                                       ----------   ----------

      Total Assets                                     $3,488,193   $4,064,969
                                                       ==========   ==========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated financial


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                               (In  Thousands)
December 31,                                                  1999        1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  Common stock                                         $   66,273      $66,273
  Capital surplus                                         400,200      370,200
   Retained earnings                                       13,581      234,066
  Accumulated other comprehensive income (Note 5)          21,363       16,520
                                                          -------      -------
       Total common stockholder's equity                  501,417      687,059
  Cumulative preferred stock  (Note 4)                        -         12,056
  Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
    preferred securities (Note 4)                             -        100,000
  Trust preferred securities                              100,000          -
  Long-term debt (Note 3)                                 496,883      546,904
                                                          -------      -------
      Total capitalization                              1,098,300    1,346,019
                                                        ---------    ---------

Current Liabilities:
  Securities due within one year (Note 3)                  50,025       30,024
  Notes payable (Note 2)                                      -         79,540
  Obligations under capital leases (Note 11)                  -         27,135
  Accounts payable:
    Affiliates                                            125,179       75,933
    Other                                                  30,106      102,390
  Taxes accrued                                            35,976       19,463
  Interest accrued                                         16,738       16,747
  Other                                                    18,208       42,598
                                                          -------      -------
      Total current liabilities                           276,232      393,830
                                                          -------      -------

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities:
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                          993,427    1,010,982
  Three Mile Island Unit 2 future costs  (Note 12)        248,381      241,707
  Unamortized investment tax credits                       15,010       27,157
  Nuclear fuel disposal fee                                33,430       31,912
  Power purchase contract loss liability (Note 12)        735,833      787,440
  Other                                                    87,580      225,922
                                                        ---------    ---------
      Total deferred credits and other liabilities      2,113,661    2,325,120
                                                        ---------    ---------

Commitments and Contingencies (Note 12)
      Total Liabilities and Capitalization             $3,488,193   $4,064,969
                                                       ==========   ==========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                  (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                          1999          1998      1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenues (Note 1)                             $902,827      $919,594  $943,109
                                                         -------      --------  --------
Operating Expenses:
  Fuel                                                    86,156        99,511    92,726
  Power purchased and interchanged:
    Affiliates                                             3,415        17,766    17,936
    Others                                               221,516       220,095   223,948
  Other operation and maintenance (Note 9)               250,220       247,189   228,258
  Depreciation and amortization   (Note 1)               88,989       109,148   106,437
  Taxes, other than income taxes  (Note 9)                39,283        58,459    59,339
                                                         -------      --------  --------
       Total operating expenses                          689,579       752,168   728,644
                                                         -------      --------  --------
Operating Income                                         213,248       167,426   214,465
                                                         -------      --------  --------
Other Income and Deductions:
  Allowance for other funds used during construction         164           130        75
  Other income/(expense), net                              3,901       (13,539)    3,371
                                                         -------      --------  --------
        Total other income and deductions                  4,065       (13,409)    3,446
                                                         -------      --------  --------
Income Before Interest Charges                           217,313       154,017   217,911
                                                         -------      --------  --------
Interest Charges:
  Long-term debt and notes payable                        45,996        47,557    48,789
  Trust preferred securities                               4,369           -         -
  Other interest                                           2,527         3,130     1,861
  Allowance for borrowed funds used during
   construction                                           (1,048)         (813)   (1,025)
  Company-obligated mandatorily
   redeemable preferred securities                         8,950         9,000     9,000
                                                         -------      --------  --------
       Total interest charges                             60,794        58,874    58,625
                                                         -------        ------    ------
Income Before Income Taxes                               156,519        95,143   159,286
  Income taxes (Note 8)                                   61,396        37,423    65,769
                                                         --------      -------- --------
Income Before Extraordinary Item                          95,123        57,720    93,517
  Extraordinary item (net of income taxes
  of $4,708) (Note 6)                                        -          (6,805)     -
                                                         --------      -------- --------

Net Income                                                95,123        50,915    93,517
  Preferred stock dividends                                   66           483       483
  Loss on preferred stock reacquisition                      542           -         -
                                                         -------      --------  --------
Earnings Available for Common Stock                     $ 94,515      $ 50,432  $ 93,034
                                                        ========      ========  ========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                  (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                           1999          1998     1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income                                               $ 95,123      $ 50,915  $ 93,517
                                                         --------      --------  --------
Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax: (Note 5)
  Net unrealized gain on investments                        4,315         4,148     4,249
  Minimum pension liability                                   528          (115)     (157)
                                                         --------      --------  --------
      Total other comprehensive income                      4,843         4,033     4,092
                                                         --------      --------  --------
Comprehensive income                                     $ 99,966      $ 54,948  $ 97,609
                                                         ========      ========  ========

                                                                  (In  Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                           1999          1998       1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance at beginning of year                             $234,066      $268,634  $255,649

  Net income                                               95,123        50,915    93,517
                                                         --------      --------  --------
         Total                                            329,189       319,549   349,166
                                                         --------      --------  --------
  Cash dividends on capital stock:
     Cumulative preferred stock
     (at the annual rates indicated below):
       3.90% Series ($3.90 a share)                           (34)         (251)     (251)
       4.35% Series ($4.35 a share)                           (14)          (98)      (98)
       3.85% Series ($3.85 a share)                            (5)          (36)      (36)
       3.80% Series ($3.80 a share)                            (4)          (30)      (30)
       4.45% Series ($4.45 a share)                            (9)          (68)      (68)

     Common stock (not declared on a
     per share basis)                                    (315,000)      (85,000)  (80,000)
                                                         --------      --------  --------
           Total                                         (315,066)      (85,483   (80,483)
                                                         --------      --------  --------

  Loss on preferred stock reacquisition                      (542)          -         -
  Other adjustments, net                                     -              -         (49)
                                                         --------      --------  --------

Balance at end of year                                   $ 13,581      $234,066  $268,634
                                                         ========      ========  ========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                     (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                            1999          1998      1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Activities:

  Net income                                            $  95,123       $50,915   $  93,517
  Extraordinary item (net of income tax
    benefit of $4,708)                                        -           6,805         -
                                                        ---------       -------   ---------
 Income before extraordinary item                          95,123        57,720      93,517
  Adjustments to reconcile income to cash provided:
    Depreciation and amortization                          91,575       114,961     113,662
    Amortization of property under capital leases          12,041        14,666      11,637
    PaPUC restructuring rate orders                           -          32,900         -
    Gain on sale of investments                            (2,011)          -           -
    Nuclear outage maintenance costs, net                  (7,595)        6,494      (6,169)
    Deferred income taxes and investment tax
      credits, net                                        (79,142)      (23,152)      3,137
    Allowance for other funds used during
      construction                                           (164)         (130)        (75)
  Changes in working capital:
    Receivables                                          (108,040)      (11,292)    (28,393)
    Materials and supplies                                 36,944        (1,911)        845
    Special deposits and prepayments                        4,803       (13,861)     10,489
    Payables and accrued liabilities                      (30,924)       23,504      47,819
  Nonutility generation contract buyout costs             (55,034)      (32,917)    (16,050)
  Other, net                                              (61,924)        6,566     (17,942)
                                                        ---------       -------   ---------
  Net cash provided/(required) by operating activities   (104,348)      173,548     212,477
                                                        ---------       -------   ---------
Investing Activities:
  Capital expenditures                                    (66,388)      (75,068)    (87,613)
  Proceeds from sale of investments                       641,273           -           -
  Contributions to decommissioning trusts                 (33,556)      (17,766)    (16,992)
  Other, net                                                  (45)          465        (363)
                                                        ---------       -------   ---------
  Net cash provided/(used) for investing activities       541,284       (92,369)   (104,968)
                                                        ---------       -------   ---------
Financing Activities:
  Issuance of trust preferred securities                   96,535           -           -
  Issuance of long-term debt                                  -             -        13,577
  Increase/(decrease) in notes payable, net               (79,540)       12,261      16,612
  Retirement of long-term debt                            (30,024)          (22)    (40,020)
  Capital lease principal payments                        (15,786)      (13,609)    (12,744)
  Contributions from parent company                        30,000           -           -
  Redemption of preferred stock                           (12,598)          -           -
  Redemption of company-obligated mandatorily
      redeemable preferred securities                    (100,000)          -           -
  Dividends paid on preferred stock                           (66)         (483)       (719)
  Dividends paid on common stock                         (315,000)      (85,000)    (80,000)
                                                        ---------       -------   ---------
     Net cash required by financing activities           (426,479)      (86,853)   (103,294)
                                                        ---------       -------   ---------

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and temporary cash
  investments from above activities                        10,457        (5,674)      4,215
Cash and temporary cash investments, beginning of year        442         6,116       1,901
                                                        ---------       -------   ---------
Cash and temporary cash investments, end of year        $  10,899          $442   $   6,116
                                                        =========      ========   =========

Supplemental Disclosure:
  Interest and preferred dividends paid                 $  59,380      $ 57,891   $  60,538
                                                        =========      ========   =========
  Income taxes paid                                     $ 120,277      $ 77,296   $  55,375
                                                        =========      ========   =========
  New capital lease obligations incurred                $  18,840        $3,399   $  19,695
                                                        =========      ========   =========


The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Metropolitan Edison Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                        (In Thousands)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Column A              Column B           Column C           Column D      Column E
- ----------------------------    ---------          --------           --------      --------
                                 Balance       (1)         (2)
                                   at       Charged to   Charged                     Balance
                                Beginning   Costs and    to Other                    at End
         Description            of Period    Expenses    Accounts    Deductions     of Period
- ------------------------------  ---------   ---------    --------    ----------     ---------

Year ended December 31, 1999
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $3,335      $7,095    $42,811(a)   $48,484(b)         $4,757
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                    160         -          -            160(c)            -

Year ended December 31, 1998
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $3,147      $5,673     $1,712(a)    $7,197(b)         $3,335
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                  1,433         -          (13)(d)    1,260(c)            160

Year ended December 31, 1997
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $3,172      $6,644     $1,944(a)    $8,613(b)         $3,147
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                  1,864         -            7(d)       438(c)          1,433

(a)  Recovery of accounts previously written off.

(b)  Accounts receivable written off.

(c)  Inventory written off.

(d)  Sale of inventory previously written off.


Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


For The Years Ended December 31,             1999     1998    1997    1996       1995
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Capacity at Company Peak (in MW):

  Company owned                              2,365   2,284    2,365   2,365       2,365
  Contracted                                   692     717      867     782         868
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Total capacity (a)                     3,057   3,001    3,232   3,147       3,233
                                             =====   =====    =====   =====       =====

Hourly Peak Load (in MW):
  Summer peak                                2,567   2,560    2,535   2,410       2,495
  Winter peak                                2,613   2,515    2,652   2,574       2,589
  Reserve at company peak (%)                 17.0    17.2     21.9   22.3         24.9
  Load factor (%) (b)                         72.1    72.5     69.7    71.1        67.6

Sources of Energy (in thousands of MWH):
  Coal                                       5,345  12,088   11,972  11,268      11,237
  Nuclear                                    1,523   1,765    1,480   1,775       1,597
  Gas, hydro & oil                              82      72       48      95        (95)
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Net generation                         6,950  13,925   13,500  13,138      12,739
  Utility purchases and interchange          4,473   2,439    2,297   2,268       3,071
  Nonutility purchases                       3,269   3,292    3,296   3,201       2,796
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Total sources of energy               14,692  19,656   19,093  18,607      18,606
  Energy from alternate suppliers            4,900       -        -       -         -
  Company use, line loss, etc.              (2,282) (2,355)  (2,853) (2,932)     (2,751)
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Total electric energy sales           17,310  17,301   16,240  15,675      15,855
                                            ======  ======   ======  ======      ======

Fuel Expense (in millions):
  Coal                                        $ 73    $165     $168    $164        $164
  Nuclear                                        8      10        8      10          10
  Gas & oil                                      2       2        2       2           1
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Total                                   $ 83    $177     $178    $176        $175
                                             =====   =====    =====   =====       =====

Power Purchased and Interchanged (in millions):
  Utility and interchange purchases           $119    $ 38     $ 27    $ 18        $ 43
  Nonutility purchases                         218     211      188     192         158
  Deferred nonutility costs                    (58)    (13)       -       -           -
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Total                                   $279    $236     $215    $210        $201
                                             =====   =====    =====   =====       =====

Delivered MWH Sales (in thousands):
  Residential                                3,864   3,756    3,801   3,897       3,765
  Commercial                                 4,319   4,198    4,098   4,044       3,922
  Industrial                                 4,865   4,996    4,835   4,563       4,463
  Other                                        608     713      821     814         857
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Sales to customers                    13,656  13,663   13,555  13,318      13,007
  Sales to other utilities                   3,654   3,638    2,685   2,357       2,848
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Total                                 17,310  17,301   16,240  15,675      15,855
                                             =====   =====    =====   =====       =====

Operating Revenues (in millions):
  Residential                                 $323  $  327   $  342  $  339        $322
  Commercial                                   229     311      316     302         287
  Industrial                                   124     263      267     249         237
  Other                                         31      31       40      36          39
                                              -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
     Sales to customers                        707     932      965     926         885
  Provision for rate refunds                    29     (29)       -       -           -
  Sales to other utilities                     143     101       54      53          68
                                              -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
     Total electric energy sales               879   1,004    1,019     979         953
  Other revenues                                43      28       34      41          28
                                             -----   -----    -----   -----       -----
      Total                                   $922  $1,032   $1,053  $1,020        $981
                                             =====   =====    =====   =====       =====

Customers at Year-End (in thousands):
  Total customers                              578     577      575     573         571
  Customers choosing alternate suppliers        35       -        -       -           -

(a) Summer ratings at December 31, 1999 of contracted capacity were 2,658 MW.

(b) The ratio of the average hourly load in kilowatts  supplied  during the year
    to the peak load occurring during the year.


Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                        (In Millions)
For the Years Ended December 31,    1999(1)    1998(2)      1997       1996(3)      1995(4)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                $  922.0    $1,032.2    $1,052.9    $1,019.6    $  981.3

Other operation and
  maintenance expense                248.0       275.1       258.4       293.9       266.3

Income before
  extraordinary item                 152.5        58.6        95.0        69.8       111.0

Net income                           152.5        39.6        95.0        69.8       111.0

Earnings available
  for common stock                   151.6        38.9        94.4        73.9       109.5

Net utility plant
  in service                       1,179.9     1,626.5     1,720.8     1,715.7     1,692.9

Total assets                       3,695.8     4,524.8     2,563.0     2,503.4     2,439.6

Long-term debt                       424.6       626.4       676.4       656.5       642.5

Long-term obligations
  under capital leases                 2.2         2.6         3.3         4.1         5.3

  mandatorily redeemable
  preferred securities                 -         105.0       105.0       105.0       105.0

Trust preferred securities           100.0         -           -           -           -

Capital expenditures and
  investments                         78.3        89.6        99.1       114.7       130.5

Return on average
  common equity                      26.6%        5.0%       12.1%       10.0%       15.8%

(1)  Results for 1999 include a gain of $34.9 million (after-tax) as a result of
     the sale of Penelec's remaining electric generating stations.

(2)  Results for 1998 include an extraordinary charge of $19 million (after-tax)
     as a result of the PaPUC's  Restructuring  Order. Also in 1998, as a result
     of the PaPUC Order,  Penelec recorded a non-recurring charge of $21 million
     (after-tax) related to the obligation to refund 1998 revenues;  and for the
     establishment of a sustainable energy fund.

(3)  Results  for  1996  reflect  a   non-recurring   charge  of  $19.7  million
     (after-tax) for costs related to voluntary enhanced retirement programs.

(4)  Results for 1995  reflect  the  reversal of $32.1  million  (after-tax)  of
     certain future TMI-2  retirement costs written off in 1994. The reversal of
     this  write-off  resulted from a 1995  Pennsylvania  Supreme Court decision
     that  overturned a 1994 lower court order,  and restored a 1993 PaPUC order
     allowing for the recovery of such costs. Partially offsetting this increase
     was a non-recurring  charge to income of $2.7 million  (after-tax) of TMI-2
     monitored storage costs deemed not probable of recovery through ratemaking.


Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                First Quarter          Second Quarter
                                                -------------          --------------

In Thousands                                 1999(1)       1998        1999      1998(2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                         $246,249      $263,655     $205,097  $250,355
Operating income                             72,642        62,623       45,009    45,803
Income before extraordinary item             65,490        26,645       19,945    19,751
Net income/(loss)                            65,490        26,645       19,945   (68,079)
Earnings/(loss) available for common stock   64,610        26,529       19,945   (68,310)

                                                Third Quarter          Fourth Quarter
                                                -------------          --------------

In Thousands                                 1999         1998(3)      1999(4)     1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating revenues                         $254,609      $259,354     $216,010  $258,862
Operating income                             41,613        11,759       32,336    50,588
Income/(loss) before extraordinary item      22,515        (5,860)      44,541    18,054
Net income                                   22,515        63,020       44,541    18,054
Earnings available for common stock          22,515        62,846       44,541    17,880

(1)   Results for the first quarter of 1999 include an increase of $27.8 million
      after-tax  for the  gain on the  sale of  Penelec's  Homer  City  Station,
      related to wholesale operations.

(2)   Results for the second  quarter of 1998 were affected by an  extraordinary
      charge of $87.8 million  after-tax as a result of the Pennsylvania  Public
      Utility   Commission's  (PaPUC)  June  30,  1998  Restructuring  Order  on
      Penelec's restructuring plans.

(3)   In  the  third  quarter  of  1998,  as  a  result  of  the  amended  PaPUC
      Restructuring  Order,  Penelec  reversed  $83.1  million  after-tax of the
      extraordinary  charge taken in the second  quarter,  primarily  related to
      above-market  nonutility  generation  costs;  and  recorded an  additional
      extraordinary  charge of $14 million  after-tax  primarily  related to the
      write-off of FERC assets.  Also, in the third quarter of 1998, as a result
      of the amended PaPUC Order, Penelec recorded a non-recurring charge of $21
      million after-tax  related to the obligation to refund 1998 revenues;  and
      for the establishment of a sustainable energy fund.

(4)   Results  for the fourth  quarter of 1999  includes  an  increase  of $7.1
      million  after-tax  for the net gain on the sale of  Penelec's  remaining
      generating  assets,  related to wholesale  operations.  In addition,  the
      aggregate effect on earnings of other fourth quarter 1999 adjustments was
      a gain of approximately $14 million after-tax.



Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


To the Board of Directors and Stockholder of Pennsylvania Electric Company:

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements listed in the accompanying
index  present  fairly,  in all material  respects,  the  financial  position of
Pennsylvania  Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies at December 31, 1999 and
1998,  and the results of their  operations and their cash flows for each of the
three years in the period ended December 31, 1999 in conformity  with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States. In addition, in our opinion,
the financial  statement  schedule  listed in the  accompanying  index  presents
fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth therein when read in
conjunction with the related consolidated financial statements.  These financial
statements  and  financial  statement  schedule  are the  responsibility  of the
Company's  management;  our  responsibility  is to  express  an opinion on these
financial  statements and financial  statement  schedule based on our audits. We
conducted our audits of these  statements in accordance with auditing  standards
generally accepted in the United States,  which require that we plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence  supporting the amounts and  disclosures  in the financial  statements,
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  and evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We
believe  that our audits  provide a reasonable  basis for the opinion  expressed

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
February 10, 2000


Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                               (In Thousands)
December 31,                                                  1999       1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Utility Plant:

  Transmission, distribution and general plant          $1,732,386   $1,768,621
  Generation plant                                            -       1,033,739
                                                          ---------   ---------
      Utility plant in service (Note 6)                  1,732,386    2,802,360
  Accumulated depreciation                                (552,449)  (1,175,842)
                                                          ---------   ---------
     Net utility plant in service (Note 1)               1,179,937    1,626,518
  Construction work in progress                             30,329       18,862
  Other, net                                                 2,704       19,482
                                                          ---------   ---------
      Net utility plant                                  1,212,970    1,664,862
                                                          ---------   ---------

Other Property and Investments:
  Nonutility generation trusts, at market                  266,700          -
  Nuclear decommissioning trusts, at market (Note 12)       97,082       82,803
  Other, net                                                 1,233        7,705
                                                          ---------   ---------
     Total other property and investments                  365,015       90,508
                                                          ---------   ---------

Current Assets:
  Cash and temporary cash investments                       32,250        2,750
  Special deposits                                             233        2,632
  Accounts receivable:
    Customers, net                                          69,752       69,887
    Other                                                   53,406       28,893
  Unbilled revenues (Note 1)                                30,836       43,998
  Materials and supplies, at average cost or less:
    Construction and maintenance                             -           39,452
    Fuel                                                     -           17,107
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                             7,589        7,589
  Prepayments                                               15,484       31,551
                                                         ---------    ---------
      Total current assets                                 209,550      243,859
                                                         ---------    ---------

Deferred Debits and Other Assets:
  Regulatory assets, net: (Notes 1 & 12)                   671,713    1,561,603
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                         1,225,150      951,471
  Other                                                     11,393       12,504
                                                         ---------    ---------
      Total deferred debits and other assets             1,908,256    2,525,578
                                                         ---------    ---------

      Total Assets                                      $3,695,791   $4,524,807
                                                        ==========   ==========

The  accompanying  notes are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                              (In Thousands)
December 31,                                                  1999      1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Common stock                                         $  105,812     $105,812
  Capital surplus                                         285,486      285,486
  Retained earnings                                        59,265      367,653
  Accumulated other comprehensive income                   10,619        8,353
                                                       ----------     --------
      Total common stockholder's equity (Note 5)          461,182      767,304
  Cumulative preferred stock (Note 4)                       -           16,681
  Company-obligated mandatorily redeemable
    preferred securities (Note 4)                           -          105,000
  Trust preferred securities                              100,000          -
  Long-term debt (Note 3)                                 424,641      626,434
                                                       ----------     --------
      Total capitalization                                985,823    1,515,419
                                                       ----------     --------

Current Liabilities:
  Securities due within one year (Note 3)                      13       50,012
  Notes payable (Note 2)                                   53,600       86,023
  Obligations under capital leases (Note 11)                -           13,979
  Accounts payable:
    Affiliates                                             66,223       47,164
    Other                                                  34,845       47,795
  Taxes accrued                                           108,005       32,755
  Interest accrued                                          6,588       19,700
  Other                                                    17,567       37,272
                                                       ----------     --------
      Total current liabilities                           286,841      334,700
                                                       ----------     --------

Deferred Credits and Other Liabilities:
  Deferred income taxes (Note 8)                        1,250,490    1,338,235
  Three Mile Island Unit 2 future costs (Note 12)         124,322      120,904
  Unamortized investment tax credits                       14,240       36,926
  Nuclear fuel disposal fee                                16,717       15,956
  Power purchase contract loss liability (Note 12)        940,276    1,016,380
  Other                                                    77,082      146,287
                                                       ----------     --------
      Total deferred credits and other liabilities      2,423,127    2,674,688
                                                       ----------     --------
Commitments and Contingencies (Note 12)
      Total Liabilities and Capitalization             $3,695,791   $4,524,807
                                                       ==========   ==========

The  accompanying notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                 (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                           1999          1998         1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Revenues (Note 1)                            $  921,965   $1,032,226      $1,052,936
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------

Operating Expenses:

  Fuel                                                     82,397      176,548         177,256
  Power purchased and interchanged:
     Affiliates                                             6,422        2,729           3,252
     Others                                               273,082      233,395         212,166
  Other operation and maintenance (Note 9)                248,034      275,107         258,416
  Depreciation and amortization   (Note 1)                 78,384      109,800         107,111
  Taxes, other than income taxes  (Note 9)                 42,046       63,874          66,395
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------
       Total operating expenses                           730,365      861,453         824,596

                                                       ----------      -------      ----------
Operating Income                                          191,600      170,773         228,340
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------

Other Income and Deductions:

  Allowance for other funds used during construction          268           -              -
  Other income/(expense), net                              59,081       (6,429)          2,469
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------
       Total other income and deductions                   59,349       (6,429)          2,469
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------
Income Before Interest Charges                            250,949      164,344         230,809
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------

Interest Charges:

  Long-term debt and notes payable                         34,588       54,907          56,095
  Trust preferred securities                                3,976           -              -
  Other interest                                            1,608        1,019           1,368
  Allowance for borrowed funds used during
   construction                                            (1,074)      (1,897)         (2,164)
  Company-obligated mandatorily
   redeemable preferred securities                          4,977        9,188           9,188
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------
        Total interest charges                             44,075       63,217          64,487
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------
Income Before Income Taxes                                206,874      101,127         166,322
  Income taxes (Note 8)                                    54,383       42,537          71,299
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------
Income Before Extraordinary Item                          152,491       58,590          95,023
  Extraordinary item (net of income taxes
  of $11,592) (Note 6)                                        -        (18,950)            -
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------

Net Income                                                152,491       39,640          95,023
  Preferred stock dividends                                   154          695             665
  Loss on preferred stock reacquisition                       726           -              -
                                                       ----------      -------      ----------
Earnings Available for Common Stock                    $  151,611      $38,945      $   94,358
                                                       ==========      =======      ==========


The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the consolidated  financial


Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                   (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                           1999          1998        1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Net income                                               $152,491     $ 39,640     $ 95,023
                                                         --------      -------      -------

Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax: (Note 5)
  Net unrealized gains on investments                       2,101        2,064        2,125
  Minimum pension liability                                   165          (42)        (122)
                                                         --------      -------      -------
     Total other comprehensive income                       2,266        2,022        2,003
                                                         --------      -------      -------
Comprehensive income                                     $154,757     $ 41,662     $ 97,026
                                                         ========     ========     ========


                                                                   (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                           1999          1998         1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance at beginning of year                             $367,653     $393,708     $359,373

  Net income                                              152,491       39,640       95,023
                                                         --------      -------      -------

         Total                                            520,144      433,348      454,396
                                                         --------      -------      -------

  Cash dividends on capital stock:

     Cumulative preferred stock (at the annual rates indicated below):

       4.40% Series B ($4.40 a share)                         (29)        (131)        (125)
       3.70% Series C ($3.70 a share)                         (41)        (183)        (174)
       4.05% Series D ($4.05 a share)                         (25)        (114)        (109)
       4.70% Series E ($4.70 a share)                         (15)         (66)         (64)
       4.50% Series F ($4.50 a share)                         (17)         (77)         (74)
       4.60% Series G ($4.60 a share)                         (27)        (124)        (119)

     Common stock (not declared on a
     per share basis)                                    (460,000)     (65,000)     (60,000)
                                                         --------      -------      -------
          Total                                          (460,154)     (65,695)     (60,665)
                                                         --------      -------      -------

  Loss on preferred stock reacquisition                     (725)           -            -
  Other adjustments, net                                     -             -            (23)

Balance at end of year                                   $ 59,265     $367,653     $393,708
                                                         ========     ========     ========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial



Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                                   (In Thousands)
For The Years Ended December 31,                            1999          1998     1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Activities:

  Net income                                           $  152,491      $39,640    $  95,023
  Extraordinary item (net of income tax
    benefit of $11,592)                                        -        18,950          -
                                                         --------      -------      -------
Income before extraordinary item                          152,491       58,590       95,023
  Adjustments to reconcile income to cash provided:
    Depreciation and amortization                          78,072      107,239       99,688
    Amortization of property under capital leases           6,036        7,319        7,954
    PaPUC restructuring rate orders                            -        35,600          -
    Gain on sale of investments                           (59,313)         -            -
    Nuclear outage maintenance costs, net                  (3,803)       3,251       (3,072)
    Deferred income taxes and investment tax
      credits, net                                       (417,559)     (15,496)      10,193
    Allowance for other funds used during
      construction                                           (268)         -            -
  Changes in working capital:
    Receivables                                           (24,378)      (2,661)     (20,426)
    Materials and supplies                                 56,559       (1,310)      (3,763)
    Special deposits and prepayments                       18,466       (1,878)       6,973
    Payables and accrued liabilities                       48,543       39,061       19,736
  Nonutility generation contract buyout costs              (3,500)      (6,101)     (10,000)
  Other, net                                             (116,803)     (31,479)     (22,963)
                                                         --------      -------      -------
   Net cash provided/(required) by operating activities  (265,457)     192,135      179,343
                                                         --------      -------      -------

Investing Activities:

  Capital expenditures                                    (78,331)     (89,550)     (99,074)
  Proceeds from sale of investments                     1,493,444          -            -
  Contributions to nonutility generation trusts          (266,701)         -            -
  Contributions to decommissioning trusts                 (75,926)      (5,270)      (5,288)
  Other, net                                                1,002         (520)         454
                                                         --------      -------      -------
    Net cash provided/(used) for investing activities   1,073,488      (95,340)    (103,908)
                                                         --------      -------      -------

Financing Activities:

  Issuance of trust preferred securities                   96,535          -            -
  Issuance of long-term debt                              348,218          -         49,875

  Increase/(Decrease) in notes payable, net               (32,423)       8,442      (30,099)
  Retirement of long-term debt                           (600,011)     (30,011)     (26,010)
  Capital lease principal payments                         (7,907)      (6,781)      (8,506)
  Redemption of preferred stock                           (17,406)         -            -
  Redemption of company-obligated mandatorily
     Redeemable preferred securities                     (105,383)         -            -
  Dividends paid on preferred stock                          (154)        (695)        (695)
  Dividends paid on common stock                         (460,000)     (65,000)     (60,000)
                                                         --------      -------      -------
     Net cash required by financing activities           (778,531)     (94,045)     (75,435)
                                                         --------      -------      -------

Net increase in cash and temporary cash

  investments from above activities                        29,500        2,750          -
Cash and temporary cash investments, beginning of year      2,750          -            -
                                                         --------      -------      -------
Cash and temporary cash investments, end of year       $   32,250    $   2,750    $     -
                                                        =========    =========    =========

Supplemental Disclosure:

  Interest and preferred dividends paid                $   55,779     $ 64,057    $  62,514
                                                       ==========     ========    =========
  Income taxes paid                                    $  413,810      $46,732    $  48,348
                                                       ==========     ========    =========
  New capital lease obligations incurred               $    9,415       $1,714    $  11,155
                                                       ==========     ========    =========

The  accompanying  notes  are an  integral  part of the  consolidated  financial


Pennsylvania Electric Company and Subsidiary Companies


                                                      (In Thousands)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          Column A              Column B           Column C           Column D          Column E
- ----------------------------    ---------          --------           --------          --------
                                 Balance       (1)         (2)
                                   at       Charged to   Charged                        Balance
                                Beginning   Costs and    to Other                       at End
         Description            of Period    Expenses    Accounts     Deductions       of Period
- -----------------------------   ---------   ---------    --------     ----------       ---------

Year ended December 31, 1999
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $3,235      $8,447     $38,374(a)      $44,768(b)        $5,288
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                    -           -            -           -                  -

Year ended December 31, 1998
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $3,526      $5,826      $2,123(a)      $8,240(b)         $3,235
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                     67         -           -               67(c)            -

Year ended December 31, 1997
  Allowance for doubtful
    accounts                     $3,818      $6,364      $2,186(a)      $8,842(b)         $3,526
  Allowance for inventory
    obsolescence                    186         -           -              119(c)             67


(a)  Recovery of accounts previously written off.

(b)  Accounts receivable written off.

(c)  Inventory written off.
