Exhibit (c) 1

GPU News Release
January 19, 2001

                       GPU Energy Files Response to PaPUC

           Company Seeks Relief from Provider of Last Resort Burdens,
                           Cites California Situation

MORRISTOWN,  NJ -- January 19, 2001 -- GPU Energy  today asked the  Pennsylvania
Public Utility  Commission to defer for future collection energy costs in excess
of those covered by its existing  rates.  The company sought this interim relief
in its response to motions by three intervenors that sought to dismiss without a
hearing GPU Energy's  petition  seeking changes with respect to its "Provider of
Last Resort" (PLR) obligations.

GPU  Energy  cited the fact  that  customers  who  shopped  for new  electricity
suppliers  under the state's  "Customer  Choice"  program began returning to the
company in February of 2000 and are doing so again this winter,  resulting in an
increased load of 175 megawatts.  Under the rules  established under the state's
energy  restructuring  plan, the company is required to purchase  electricity in
the open market at prices  substantially  higher than prices it is  permitted to
charge its customers.

The company said that the California  experience  demonstrates  that substantial
impairment of earnings and a substantial  loss of cash flow will most  assuredly
follow if wholesale supply costs continue to skyrocket out of control.  In order
to avoid a similar situation in Pennsylvania,  a reasonable  deferral  mechanism
should be established before these financial impacts  substantially  deteriorate
the company's financial health.

GPU  Energy  said  that  its  latest  estimates  show  a  2001  supply  loss  of
approximately $145 million (pre-tax) not including any further returning load or
further  capacity cost  increases at PJM, the region's  power pool.  The company
said the $145  million is an increase in its  earlier  estimated  supply loss of
$82.4 million  (pre-tax).  If all shopping customers were to return for the full
year,  supply  losses  could be as high as $250 million  (pre-tax),  the company

GPU,  Inc.,  headquartered  in  Morristown,  NJ, is a registered  public utility
holding  company  providing  utility and  utility-related  services to customers
throughout  the world.  GPU serves 4.6 million  customers  directly  through its
electric companies -- GPU Energy in the US, GPU Power UK in England, and Emdersa
in Argentina.  It serves an additional 1.4 million customers  indirectly through
GPU  GasNet,  its  gas  transmission  subsidiary  in  Australia.  The  company's
independent  power  project  business  units own  interests in and operate eight
projects in five countries.  GPU's 1999 revenues were $4.8 billion and its total
assets were $21.7 billion.  GPU's other subsidiaries include MYR Group Inc., GPU
Advanced Resources,  Inc., GPU Nuclear,  Inc., GPU Service,  Inc. and GPU Telcom
Services, Inc.

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GPU Energy -

      Jeff Dennard - Cell #: 201-274-6146
                     Office #: 973-401-8333
