Exhibit 10-H

                             METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY
                       (AS AMENDED AND RESTATED AUGUST 1, 1996)

          1.   Purpose.

               The purpose of the Incentive Compensation Plan for Elected
          Officers of Metropolitan Edison Company (the "Plan") is to
          attract and retain highly qualified employees, to obtain from
          each the best possible performance, and to underscore the
          importance to them of achieving particular business objectives
          established for Metropolitan Edison Company and its affiliates.

          2.   Definitions.

                    For the purposes of the Plan, the following terms shall
          have the following meanings:

                         A.   Awards.  Incentive Compensation Awards made
                    pursuant to the Plan.

                         B.   Board.  The Board of Directors of GPU, Inc.
                    unless otherwise specified.

                         C.   Change in Control.  A "Change in Control"
                    shall mean the occurrence of:

                              (1)  An acquisition (other than directly from
                    the Corporation) of any common stock of the Corporation
                    ("Common Stock") or other voting securities of the
                    Corporation entitled to vote generally for the election
                    of directors (the "Voting Securities") by any "Person"
                    (as the term person is used for purposes of Section
                    13(d) or 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
                    as amended (the "Exchange Act")), immediately after
                    which such Person has "Beneficial Ownership" (within
                    the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the
                    Exchange Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of the
                    then outstanding shares of Common Stock or the combined
                    voting power of the Corporation's then outstanding
                    Voting Securities; provided, however, in determining
                    whether a Change in Control has occurred, Voting
                    Securities which are acquired in a "Non-Control
                    Acquisition" (as hereinafter defined) shall not
                    constitute an acquisition which would cause a Change in
                    Control.  A "Non-Control Acquisition" shall mean an
                    acquisition by (A) an employee benefit plan (or a trust
                    forming a part thereof) maintained by (i) the
                    Corporation or (ii) any corporation or other Person of
                    which a majority of its voting power or its voting


                    equity securities or equity interest is owned, directly
                    or indirectly, by the Corporation (for purposes of this
                    definition, a "Subsidiary"), (B) the Corporation or its
                    Subsidiaries, or (C) any Person in connection with a
                    "Non-Control Transaction" (as hereinafter defined);

                              (2)  The individuals who, as of August 1,
                    1996, are members of the Board (the "Incumbent Board"),
                    cease for any reason to constitute at least seventy
                    percent (70%) of the members of the Board; provided,
                    however, that if the election, or nomination for
                    election by the Corporation's shareholders, of any new
                    director was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds
                    of the Incumbent Board, such new director shall, for
                    purposes of this Plan, be considered as a member of the
                    Incumbent Board; provided further, however, that no
                    individual shall be considered a member of the
                    Incumbent Board if such individual initially assumed
                    office as a result of either an actual or threatened
                    "Election Contest" (as described in Rule 14a-11
                    promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or
                    threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on
                    behalf of a Person other than the Board (a "Proxy
                    Contest") including by reason of any agreement intended
                    to avoid or settle any Election Contest or Proxy
                    Contest; or 

                              (3)  The consummation of:

                                   (A)  A merger, consolidation or
                    reorganization involving the Corporation, unless such
                    merger, consolidation or reorganization is a "Non-
                    Control Transaction."  A "Non-Control Transaction"
                    shall mean a merger, consolidation or reorganization of
                    the Corporation where:

                                        (i)       the shareholders of the
                    Corporation, immediately before such merger,
                    consolidation or reorganization, own directly or
                    indirectly immediately following such merger,
                    consolidation or reorganization, at least sixty percent
                    (60%) of the combined voting power of the outstanding
                    voting securities of the corporation resulting from
                    such merger or consolidation or reorganization (the
                    "Surviving Corporation") in substantially the same
                    proportion as their ownership of the Voting Securities
                    immediately before such merger, consolidation or

                                        (ii)      the individuals who were
                    members of the Incumbent Board immediately prior to the
                    execution of the agreement providing for such merger,
                    consolidation or reorganization constitute at least
                    seventy percent (70%) of the members of the board of
                    directors of the Surviving Corporation, or a


                    corporation, directly or indirectly, beneficially
                    owning a majority of the Voting Securities of the
                    Surviving Corporation, and

                                        (iii)     no Person other than (w)
                    the Corporation, (x) any Subsidiary, (y) any employee
                    benefit plan (or any trust forming a part thereof)
                    that, immediately prior to such merger, consolidation
                    or reorganization, was maintained by the Corporation or
                    any Subsidiary, or (z) any Person who, immediately
                    prior to such merger, consolidation or reorganization
                    had Beneficial Ownership of twenty percent (20%) or
                    more of the then outstanding Voting Securities or
                    common stock of the Corporation, has Beneficial
                    Ownership of twenty percent (20%) or more of the
                    combined voting power of the Surviving Corporation's
                    then outstanding voting securities or its common stock.

                                   (B)  A complete liquidation or
                    dissolution of the Corporation; or

                                   (C)  The sale or other disposition of
                    all or substantially all of the assets of the
                    Corporation to any Person (other than a transfer to a

                                   Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Change
                    in Control shall not be deemed to occur solely because
                    any Person (the "Subject Person") acquired Beneficial
                    Ownership of more than the permitted amount of the then
                    outstanding Common Stock or Voting Securities as a
                    result of the acquisition of Common Stock or Voting
                    Securities by the Corporation which, by reducing the
                    number of shares of Common Stock or Voting Securities
                    then outstanding, increases the proportional number of
                    shares Beneficially Owned by the Subject Persons,
                    provided that if a Change in Control would occur (but
                    for the operation of this sentence) as a result of the
                    acquisition of shares of Common Stock or Voting
                    Securities by the Corporation, and after such share
                    acquisition by the Corporation, the Subject Person
                    becomes the Beneficial Owner of any additional shares
                    of Common Stock or Voting Securities which increases
                    the percentage of the then outstanding shares of Common
                    Stock or Voting Securities Beneficially Owned by the
                    Subject Person, then a Change in Control shall occur.

                                   D.   Committee.  The Personnel,
                    Compensation and Nominating Committee of the Board or
                    any successor thereto.

                                   E.   Company.  Metropolitan Edison

                                   F.   Corporation.  GPU, Inc.


                                   G.   Employee.  An individual who was on
                    the active salaried payroll of the Company or a
                    subsidiary of the Company at any time during the period
                    for which an Award is made.

                                   H.   Executive Committee.  The Executive
                    Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company.

                                   I.   Officer.  An Officer of the Company
                    who is elected by the Company's Board of Directors and
                    is an Employee of the Company, but not including
                    Assistant Comptrollers, Assistant Secretaries and
                    Assistant Treasurers.

                                   J.   Performance Period.  The fiscal
                    year (currently the calendar year) for which Awards are

          3.   Effective Date.

                    The effective date of the Plan is July 1, 1987.

          4.   Amounts Available for Awards.

                    A.   The aggregate amount available for Awards for any
          Performance Period shall be determined by the Board upon the
          recommendation of the Committee.

                    B.   No Awards shall be made for a Performance Period
          if during such Performance Period no dividends were declared or
          paid on shares of Common Stock.

          5.   Eligibility for Awards.

                    A.   The Executive Committee shall determine the
          Officers, if any, who are eligible for Awards for each
          Performance Period, subject, in the case of the President and of
          Officers who are also Officers of the Corporation, to the
          concurrence of the Board.

                    B.   The Executive Committee may include, among
          Officers eligible for Awards for a Performance Period, Officers
          whose employment terminated (whether by reason of retirement,
          death, disability or other cause) during such Performance Period.

          6.   Determination of Amounts of Awards.

                    A.   The Executive Committee shall determine the
          amounts of Awards subject, in the case of Officers who are also
          Officers of the Corporation, to the concurrence of the Board,
          either at or following the end of the Performance Period to which


          they relate.  The amount of the Awards to be made for any
          Performance Period shall be so determined in accordance with the
          methods and procedures set forth in the GPU System Officer
          Incentive Compensation Plan Administrative Manual as in effect
          for such Performance Period (the "Manual").

                    B.   Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other
          provision herein or in the Manual to the contrary, if a Change in
          Control occurs, then in respect of the Performance Period in
          which the Change in Control occurs (and in respect of the
          previous Performance Period if the Change in Control occurs prior
          to the time Awards for such Performance Period have been made),
          the following provisions shall apply:

                         (i)       each objective of the Company's for each
          such Performance Period shall be deemed to have been 100%

                         (ii)      the Company's Final Pool for each such
          Performance Period shall be deemed to be 100% of the Company's
          Target Pool for each such Performance Period (or if, as of the
          date of the Change in Control, the Target Pool has not been
          determined for the Performance Period, the Target Pool for the
          immediately preceding Performance Period);

                         (iii)     each Officer who, prior to the
          occurrence of such Change in Control, was determined to be
          eligible for an Award for each such Performance Period ("Eligible
          Officer") shall be entitled to receive an Award for each such
          Performance Period; 

                         (iv)      the amount of the Award to be made to
          each Eligible Officer shall be determined by multiplying the
          Company's Final Pool for each such Performance Period by a
          fraction the numerator of which is the amount of the Eligible
          Officer's annual base salary that was taken into account in
          determining the Company's Target Pool for each such Performance
          Period, and the denominator of which is the aggregate amount of
          the Annual Base Salaries of all Eligible Officers so taken into
          account; provided, however, that in the event an Eligible Officer
          is terminated by the Company without "Cause" (as defined below)
          during the Performance Period in which a Change in Control
          occurs, the amount of the Award to be made to such Eligible
          Officer in respect of that Performance Period shall be the amount
          determined above multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which
          is the number of days that have elapsed since the end of the
          immediately preceding Performance Period through the date of
          termination and the denominator of which is 365.

          A termination is for Cause if the Eligible Officer is convicted
          of a felony or where the Eligible Officer (1) intentionally and
          continually failed substantially to perform his or her reasonably
          assigned duties with the Company (other than a failure resulting
          from the Eligible Officer's incapacity due to physical or mental
          illness) which failure continued for a period of at least thirty


          (30) days after a written notice of demand for substantial
          performance, signed by a duly authorized officer, has been
          delivered to the Eligible Officer specifying the manner in which
          he or she has failed substantially to perform, or (2)
          intentionally engaged in conduct which is demonstrably and
          materially injurious to the Corporation or the Company.  No act,
          nor failure to act, on the Eligible Officer's part, shall be
          considered "intentional" unless he or she has acted, or failed to
          act, with a lack of good faith and with a lack of reasonable
          belief that the Eligible Officer's action or failure to act was
          in the best interest of the Corporation and the Company.

          7.   Form of Awards.

                    Awards shall be made in cash.

          8.   Payment of Awards.

                    Unless it has been deferred pursuant to the GPU System
          Companies Deferred Compensation Plan, an Award shall be paid as
          soon as practicable after it is made, but in any event by no
          later than 60 days after the date on which the Award has been
          made; provided, however, that if an Eligible Officer is entitled
          to a pro-rated Award pursuant to the proviso in Section 6.B(iv),
          such pro-rated Award shall be paid within twenty (20) days after
          the Eligible Officer's date of termination.

          9.   Special Awards and Other Plans.

                    Nothing contained in the Plan shall prohibit the
          Company from granting special performance or recognition awards
          under such conditions, and in such form and manner as it sees
          fit, or from establishing other incentive compensation plans
          providing for the payment of incentive compensation to Employees;
          provided, however, that an Officer who receives an Award under
          this Plan shall not receive an award for the same Performance
          Period under any other annual incentive plan.

          10.  Amendment and Interpretation of the Plan.

                    A.   Action to amend, modify, suspend or terminate the
          Plan may be taken by the Company either by resolution duly
          adopted by the Company's Board of Directors, or by an instrument
          in writing executed by an Officer of the Company to whom
          authority to adopt or approve amendments to the Plan has been
          delegated pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the Company's
          Board of Directors; provided, however, that any amendment to
          Section 4, Section 6 or this Section 10.A shall be subject to the
          concurrence of the Board; provided further, however, that Section
          2.C, Section 6 and this Section 10 may not be amended or
          modified, and the Plan may not be suspended or terminated, (i) at


          the request of a third party who has indicated an intention or
          taken steps reasonably calculated to effect a Change in Control
          and who effectuates a Change in Control, (ii) within six (6)
          months prior to, or otherwise in connection with, or in
          anticipation of, a Change in Control which has been threatened or
          proposed and which actually occurs, or (iii) following a Change
          in Control, if the amendment, modification, suspension or
          termination adversely affects the rights of any Eligible Officer
          under the Plan.  No amendment or termination of the Plan shall
          reduce or otherwise adversely affect an Award already made
          hereunder without the consent of the Officer affected.

                    B.   The Executive Committee is authorized to determine
          in its discretion all questions that may arise as to the
          construction or interpretation of the Plan, and to resolve any
          claims that may arise with respect to any Officer's rights or
          entitlement to any payment under the Plan.  The decision of the
          Executive Committee with respect to any such questions or claims
          shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties.
          Notwithstanding the foregoing, any decision made by the Executive
          Committee after the occurrence of a Change in Control shall be
          subject to judicial review under a "de novo", rather than a
          deferential, standard.

          11.  Miscellaneous.

                    A.   All expenses and costs in connection with the
          operation of the Plan shall be borne by the Company.

                    B.   All Awards under the Plan are subject to
          applicable withholding for federal, state and local taxes.

                    C.   The Participation of any Officer in the Plan may
          be terminated at any time.  No promise or representation, either
          express or implied, is made to any Officer with respect to
          continued employment, transfer or promotion because of his or her
          participation in the Plan.

                    D.   Each Officer who is a participant in the Plan
          shall have the status of a general unsecured creditor of the
          Company with respect to any amounts payable to the Officer
          hereunder.  The Plan shall constitute a mere promise by the
          Company to make payments in the future of the Awards provided for
          herein.  It is the intention of the Company that the arrangements
          reflected in this Plan be treated as unfunded for tax purposes
          and, if it should be determined that Title I of ERISA is
          applicable to such arrangements, for purposes of Title I of

                    E.   An Officer's rights to payments under the Plan
          shall not be subject in any manner to anticipation, alienation,
          sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance, attachment or
          garnishment by creditors of the Officer or the Officer's
