GPU, INC.


                                    GPU, INC.

1. Purpose. The purpose of this restricted Stock Plan for Outside Directors (the
"Plan")  is to enable  GPU,  Inc.  ("GPU")  to  attract  and  retain  persons of
outstanding competence to serve on its Board of Directors by paying such persons
a portion of their compensation in GPU Common Stock ("Common Stock") pursuant to
the terms hereof.

2. Definitions.
         (a) The term "Board of Directors"  shall mean the board of directors of

         (b) The term "Change in Control" shall mean the  occurrence  during the
term of the Plan of:

                  (1) An  acquisition  (other  than  directly  from  GPU) of any
Common Stock or other voting  securities  of GPU entitled to vote  generally for
the election of directors (the "Voting Securities") by any "Person" (as the term
person is used for purposes of Section 13(d) or 14(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Exchange  Act")),  immediately  after which such
Person has "Beneficial  Ownership" (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated
under the Exchange Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of the then  outstanding
shares of Common  Stock or the combined  voting power of GPU's then  outstanding
Voting Securities; provided, however, in determining whether a Change in Control
has  occurred,   Voting   Securities   which  are  acquired  in  a  "Non-Control
Acquisition" (as hereinafter  defined) shall not constitute an acquisition which
would  cause a Change in  Control.  A  "Non-Control  Acquisition"  shall mean an
acquisition by (A) an employee  benefit plan (or a trust forming a part thereof)
maintained  by (i) GPU or (ii)  any  corporation  or  other  Person  of  which a
majority of its voting power or its voting equity  securities or equity interest
is owned,  directly or indirectly,  by GPU (for purposes of this  definition,  a
"Subsidiary"), (B) GPU or its Subsidiaries, or (C) any Person in connection with
a "Non-Control Transaction" (as hereinafter defined);

                  (2) The individuals  who, as of August 1, 1996, are members of
the  Board of  Directors  (the  "Incumbent  Board"),  cease  for any  reason  to
constitute  at least  seventy  percent  (70%)  of the  members  of the  Board of
Directors;  provided,  however, that if the election, or nomination for election
by GPU's  shareholders,  of any new  director was approved by a vote of at least
two-thirds of the Incumbent Board, such new director shall, for purposes of


this Plan, be considered as a member of the Incumbent Board;  provided  further,
however,  that no individual shall be considered a member of the Incumbent Board
if such individual  initially  assumed office as a result of either an actual or
threatened "Election Contest" (as described in Rule 14a-11 promulgated under the
Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened  solicitation of proxies or consents
by or on  behalf  of a Person  other  than  the  Board of  Directors  (a  "Proxy
Contest")  including by reason of any agreement  intended to avoid or settle any
Election Contest or Proxy Contest; or

                  (3) The consummation of:

                      (A) A merger, consolidation or reorganization with or into
GPU or in which securities of GPU are issued, unless such merger,  consolidation
or  reorganization is a "Non-Control  Transaction." A "Non-Control  Transaction"
shall  mean a merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  with or into GPU or in
which securities of GPU are issued where:

                           (i) the shareholders of GPU, immediately before such
merger, consolidation or reorganization,  own directly or indirectly immediately
following such merger,  consolidation or reorganization,  at least sixty percent
(60%) of the combined voting power of the outstanding  voting  securities of the
corporation  resulting from such merger or consolidation or reorganization  (the
"Surviving Corporation") in substantially the same proportion as their ownership
of the Voting  Securities  immediately  before  such  merger,  consolidation  or

                           (ii) the individuals who were members of the
Incumbent Board  immediately  prior to the execution of the agreement  providing
for such merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  constitute at least seventy
percent  (70%)  of the  members  of the  board  of  directors  of the  Surviving
Corporation,  or a corporation,  directly or indirectly,  beneficially  owning a
majority of the Voting Securities of the Surviving Corporation, and

                           (iii) no Person other than (w) GPU, (x) any
Subsidiary,  (y) any employee benefit plan (or any trust forming a part thereof)
that,  immediately prior to such merger,  consolidation or  reorganization,  was
maintained by GPU or any Subsidiary, or (z) any Person who, immediately prior to
such merger,  consolidation or reorganization had Beneficial Ownership of twenty
percent (20%) or more of the then outstanding Voting Securities or Common Stock,
has Beneficial  Ownership of twenty percent (20%) or more of the combined voting
power of the Surviving  Corporation's  then outstanding voting securities or its
common stock; 2

                      (B)  A complete liquidation or dissolution of GPU; or

                      (C)  The sale or other disposition of all or substantially
all of the assets of GPU to any Person (other than a transfer to a Subsidiary).

Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a Change in Control shall not be deemed to occur
solely because any Person (the "Subject Person") acquired  Beneficial  Ownership
of more than the permitted amount of the then outstanding Common Stock or Voting
Securities as a result of the  acquisition of Common Stock or Voting  Securities
by GPU  which,  by  reducing  the  number of  shares  of Common  Stock or Voting
Securities  then  outstanding,  increases  the  proportional  number  of  shares
Beneficially  Owned by the Subject Person,  provided that if a Change in Control
would  occur  (but  for the  operation  of this  sentence)  as a  result  of the
acquisition  of shares of Common  Stock or Voting  Securities  by GPU, and after
such share  acquisition by GPU, the Subject Person becomes the Beneficial  Owner
of any additional  shares of Common Stock or Voting  Securities  which increases
the  percentage  of the then  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  Voting
Securities  Beneficially  Owned by the Subject Person,  then a Change in Control
shall occur.

         (c) The term "Outside Director" or "Participant"  means a member of the
Board of  Directors  who is not an employee  (within the meaning of the Employee
Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974) of GPU or any of its  Subsidiaries.  A
director of GPU who is also an employee of GPU or any of its Subsidiaries  shall
become  eligible to participate in this Plan and shall be entitled to receive an
award of restricted stock upon the termination of such employment.

         (d) The term "Subsidiary"  means, for purposes other than Section 2(b),
any corporation  50% or more of the outstanding  Common Stock of which is owned,
directly or indirectly, by GPU.

         (e) The term "Service" shall mean service as an Outside Director.

3.  Eligibility.  All  Outside  Directors  of GPU  shall  receive  stock  awards


4.       Stock Awards.

         (a) A total of 33,000(1)  shares of GPU Common Stock shall be available
for awards  under the Plan.  Such  shares  shall be either  previously  unissued
shares or reacquired  shares. Any restricted shares awarded under this Plan with
respect  to which the  restrictions  do not lapse  and  which are  forfeited  as
provided herein shall again be available for other awards under the plan.

         (b) Each Outside  Director  shall receive an annual award of 300 shares
of GPU Common  Stock  with  respect to each  calendar  year or portion  thereof,
during  which  he or she  serves  as an  Outside  Director,  beginning  with the
calendar year 1993. Awards shall be made in January of each year.  However,  for
the calendar year in which an Outside Director commences  Service,  the award of
shares to such  Outside  Director  for such  year  shall be made in the month in
which  his or her  Service  commences,  if his or her  Service  commences  after
January 31 of such year. All awards of shares made hereunder shall be subject to
the restrictions set forth in Section 5.

         (c) Subject to the provisions of Section 5,  certificates  representing
shares of GPU Common Stock awarded  hereunder shall be issued in the name of the
respective  Participants.  During the period of time such  shares are subject to
the  restrictions  set forth in Section 5, such  certificates  shall be endorsed
with a legend to that effect, and shall be held by GPU or an agent therefor. The
Participant  shall,  nevertheless,  have all the other rights of a  shareholder,
including  the right to vote and the right to receive  all cash  dividends  paid
with respect to such shares.

Subject to the requirements of applicable law,  certificates  representing  such
shares shall be delivered to the  Participant  within 30 days after the lapse of
the restrictions to which they are subject.

- ------------------

(1)      Initially,  20,000 shares were  authorized to be issued under the Plan.
         On May 29,  1991,  GPU effected a  two-for-one  stock split by way of a
         stock dividend,  leaving 33,000 shares available for issuance under the
         Plan on and after July 1, 1991 after giving effect to shares previously


         (d) If as a result of a stock dividend,  stock split,  recapitalization
(or other  adjustment  in the  stated  capital  of GPU),  or as the  result of a
merger,  consolidation,  or other  reorganization,  the common shares of GPU are
increased,  reduced, or otherwise changed, the number of shares available and to
be awarded hereunder shall be appropriately adjusted, and if by virtue thereof a
Participant  shall be entitled to new or  additional or different  shares,  such
shares to which the Participant shall be entitled shall be subject to the terms,
conditions,  and restrictions  herein contained relating to the original shares.
In the event that warrants or rights are awarded with respect to shares  awarded
hereunder,  and the recipient  exercises such rights or warrants,  the shares or
securities  issuable upon such exercise shall be likewise  subject to the terms,
conditions, and restrictions herein contained relating to the original shares.

5.       Restrictions.

         a) Shares are awarded to a Participant  on the condition that he or she
serves or has served as an Outside Director until:

                  (i)  the Participant's death or disability, or

                  (ii) the  Participant's  retirement not earlier than the first
day of the month following the attainment of the  Participant's  72nd birthday ;

                  (iii)the Participant's  resignation or retirement prior to the
first  day of the month  following  the  attainment  of the  Participant's  72nd
birthday with the consent of the Board, i.e., approval thereof by a least 80% of
the directors voting thereon, with the affected director abstaining; or

                  (iv) the  Participant's  failure to be re-elected  after being
duly  nominated.  Termination of Service of a Participant  for any other reason,
including,  without limitation,  any involuntary  termination  effected by Board
action,  shall result in forfeiture of all shares awarded.  Notwithstanding  the
foregoing,  upon the  occurrence of a Change in Control,  the  restrictions  set
forth in Section 5(b) hereof to which any shares  awarded to a  Participant  are
then still subject shall lapse, and the termination of the Participant's Service
for any reason at any time after the  occurrence of such Change in Control shall
not result in the forfeiture of any such shares.


         (b) Shares awarded hereunder may not be sold,  exchanged,  transferred,
pledged,  hypothecated,  or otherwise disposed of (herein,  "Transferred") other
than to GPU pursuant to Section 5(a) during the period commencing on the date of
the award of such  shares and ending on the date of  termination  of the Outside
Director's Service;  provided,  however, that in no event may any shares awarded
hereunder be  Transferred  for a period of six months  following the date of the
award thereof, except in the case of the recipient's death or disability,  other
than to GPU pursuant to Section 5(a) hereof.

         (c) Each Participant  shall represent and warrant to and agree with GPU
that he or she (i) takes any shares awarded under the Plan for  investment  only
and not for  purposes  of sale or  other  disposition  and  will  also  take for
investment  only and not for purposes of sale or other  disposition  any rights,
warrants,  shares,  or securities which may be issued on account of ownership of
such shares, and (ii) will not sell or transfer any shares awarded or any shares
received upon exercise of any such rights or warrants  except in accordance with
(A) an opinion of counsel for GPU (or other counsel acceptable to GPU) that such
shares,  rights,  warrants,  or other  securities  may be  disposed  of  without
registration  under the Securities Act of 1933, or (B) an applicable "no action"
letter issued by the Staff of the Commission.

6. Administrative Committee. An Administrative Committee (the "Committee") shall
have full power and authority to construe and  administer  the Plan.  Any action
taken under the  provisions  of the Plan by the  Committee  arising out of or in
connection with the administration,  construction,  or effect of the Plan or any
rules adopted  thereunder  shall, in each case, lie within the discretion of the
Committee  and  shall  be  conclusive   and  binding  under  GPU  and  upon  all
Participants,   and  all  persons   claiming  under  or  through  any  of  them.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, any determination made by the Committee after the
occurrence of a Change in Control that denies in whole or in part any claim made
by any  individual  for  benefits  under the Plan shall be  subject to  judicial
review,  under a "de novo," rather than a deferential,  standard.  The Committee
shall have as members the Chief Executive Officer of GPU and two officers of GPU
or its Subsidiaries designated by the Chief Executive Officer; in the absence of
such  designation,  the  other  members  of the  Committee  shall  be the  Chief
Financial Officer and the Secretary of GPU.


7. Approval:  Effective  Date. The Plan is subject to the approval of a majority
of the holders of GPU's Common  Stock  present and entitled to vote at a meeting
of shareholders,  and of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Public
Utility  Holding  Company Act of 1935.  The Plan shall be  effective  January 1,

8.  Termination  and  Amendment.  The  Board of  Directors  of GPU may  suspend,
terminate,  modify or amend the Plan, provided that no amendment or modification
to Section 2(b), to the penultimate  sentence of Section 6, to the last sentence
of Section 5(a), or to this Section 8, nor any  suspension or termination of the
Plan,  effectuated  (I) at the  request of a third  party who has  indicated  an
intention  or taken  steps to effect a Change in Control and who  effectuates  a
Change in  Control,  (ii)  within  six (6)  months  prior to,  or  otherwise  in
connection  with,  or in  anticipation  of, a Change in  Control  which has been
threatened or proposed and which actually occurs, or (iii) following a Change in
Control,  shall be  effective  if the  amendment,  modification,  suspension  or
termination  adversely  affects the rights of any Participant under the Plan. If
the  Plan is  terminated,  the  terms of the Plan  shall,  notwithstanding  such
termination,  continue to apply to awards granted prior to such termination.  In
addition,  no amendment,  modification,  suspension or  termination  of the Plan
shall adversely  affect the rights of any Participant  with respect to any award
(including without limitation any right with respect to the timing and method of
payment  of any  award)  granted  to the  Participant  prior  to the date of the
adoption of such amendment, modification, suspension or termination without such
Participant's written consent.
