                                    GPU, INC.

                          As Amended and Restated as of
                                  June 5, 1997

                                    GPU, INC.

                          As Amended and Restated as of
                                  June 5, 1997

1.       Purpose

         The Retirement Plan for Outside  Directors of GPU, Inc. (the "Plan") is
designed to enhance the ability of GPU, Inc. (the  "Corporation") to attract and
retain  competent  and  experienced  Outside  Directors by providing  retirement
benefits and death  benefits for Eligible  Outside  Directors  who retire or die
after the Plan's Effective Date.

2.       Definitions

         Except as otherwise  specified or as the context may otherwise require,
the following  terms have the meanings  indicated below for all purposes of this

         "Board of Directors" means the board of directors of the Corporation.

         "Outside Director" means a member of the Board of Directors who, during
the  period  involved,  is not  or was  not an  Officer  or an  employee  of the
Corporation or a subsidiary thereof.

         "Board Service" means service as an Outside Director of the Corporation
both before and after the Effective Date.

        "Change in Control" means the occurrence during the term of the Plan of:

         1. An  acquisition  (other than directly from the  Corporation)  of any
Common  Stock or other voting  securities  of the  Corporation  entitled to vote
generally  for the  election  of  directors  (the  "Voting  Securities")  by any
"Person" (as the term person is used for  purposes of Section  13(d) or 14(d) of
the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended  (the  "Exchange  Act")),
immediately  after  which such  Person has  "Beneficial  Ownership"  (within the
meaning of Rule 13d-3  promulgated  under the  Exchange  Act) of twenty  percent
(20%) or more of the then


outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  the  combined  voting  power  of the
Corporation's  then  outstanding  Voting  Securities;   provided,   however,  in
determining  whether a Change in Control has occurred,  Voting  Securities which
are acquired in a "Non-Control  Acquisition" (as hereinafter  defined) shall not
constitute an acquisition which would cause a Change in Control.  A "Non-Control
Acquisition"  shall mean an  acquisition  by (A) an employee  benefit plan (or a
trust forming a part  thereof)  maintained  by (i) the  Corporation  or (ii) any
corporation  or other  Person of which a  majority  of its  voting  power or its
voting equity securities or equity interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by
the  Corporation  (for purposes of this  definition,  a  "Subsidiary"),  (B) the
Corporation  or its  Subsidiaries,  or  (C)  any  Person  in  connection  with a
"Non-Control Transaction" (as hereinafter defined);

         2. The individuals  who, as of August 1, 1996, are members of the Board
of Directors  (the  "Incumbent  Board"),  cease for any reason to  constitute at
least seventy percent (70%) of the members of the Board of Directors;  provided,
however,  that if the election,  or nomination for election by the Corporation's
shareholders,  of any new director was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds
of the Incumbent  Board,  such new director shall, for purposes of this Plan, be
considered as a member of the Incumbent Board;  provided further,  however, that
no  individual  shall be  considered  a member  of the  Incumbent  Board if such
individual  initially  assumed  office  as a  result  of  either  an  actual  or
threatened "Election Contest" (as described in Rule 14a-11 promulgated under the
Exchange Act) or other actual or threatened  solicitation of proxies or consents
by or on  behalf  of a Person  other  than  the  Board of  Directors  (a  "Proxy
Contest")  including by reason of any agreement  intended to avoid or settle any
Election Contest or Proxy Contest; or

         3. The consummation of:

         (A)  A  merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  with  or  into  the
Corporation or in which  securities of the Corporation  are issued,  unless such
merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  is a  "Non-Control  Transaction."  A
"Non-Control  Transaction" shall mean a merger,  consolidation or reorganization
with or into the  Corporation or in which the securities of the  Corporation are
issued where:

                (i) the shareholders of the Corporation, immediately before such
         merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization,  own directly or indirectly
         immediately following such merger, consolidation or reorganization,  at
         least  sixty  percent  (60%)  of  the  combined  voting  power  of  the
         outstanding  voting  securities of the corporation  resulting from such
         merger or


         consolidation  or  reorganization  (the  "Surviving   Corporation")  in
         substantially  the same  proportion  as their  ownership  of the Voting
         Securities   immediately   before   such   merger,   consolidation   or

                 (ii) the  individuals  who were members of the Incumbent  Board
         immediately prior to the execution of the agreement  providing for such
         merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  constitute at least seventy
         percent (70%) of the members of the board of directors of the Surviving
         Corporation,  or a corporation,  directly or  indirectly,  beneficially
         owning  a  majority  of  the  Voting   Securities   of  the   Surviving
         Corporation, and

(iii)    no Person other than (w) the Corporation,  (x) any Subsidiary,  (y) any
         employee  benefit  plan (or any  trust  forming a part  thereof)  that,
         immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or reorganization,  was
         maintained by the Corporation or any Subsidiary, or (z) any Person who,
         immediately prior to such merger,  consolidation or reorganization  had
         Beneficial  Ownership  of  twenty  percent  (20%)  or more of the  then
         outstanding Voting Securities or Common Stock, has Beneficial Ownership
         of twenty  percent  (20%) or more of the  combined  voting power of the
         Surviving  Corporation's  then  outstanding  voting  securities  or its
         common stock.

         (B)      A complete liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation; or

         (C) The sale or other  disposition of all or  substantially  all of the
assets of the Corporation to any Person (other than a transfer to a Subsidiary).

         Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a Change in Control shall not be deemed
to occur solely because any Person (the "Subject  Person")  acquired  Beneficial
Ownership of more than the permitted amount of the then outstanding Common Stock
or Voting  Securities as a result of the  acquisition  of Common Stock or Voting
Securities by the Corporation  which, by reducing the number of shares of Common
Stock or Voting Securities then outstanding,  increases the proportional  number
of shares Beneficially Owned by the Subject Person, provided that if a Change in
Control would occur (but for the operation of this  sentence) as a result of the
acquisition of shares of Common Stock or Voting  Securities by the  Corporation,
and after such share acquisition by the Corporation,  the Subject Person becomes
the  Beneficial  Owner of any  additional  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  Voting
Securities  which  increases the  percentage of the then  outstanding  shares of
Common Stock or Voting Securities Beneficially Owned by the Subject Person, then
a Change in Control shall occur.


         "Compensation"  means the sum of: (a) the monthly retainer paid in cash
to an Outside  Director  as  compensation  for  services  as a  Director  of the
Corporation,  excluding any fees paid for attendance at meetings of the Board of
Directors or any  committee of the Board of  Directors,  and also  excluding any
additional  retainer  paid  for  service  as  a  Committee  Chairman,   and  (b)
one-twelfth  of the cash value of all shares  awarded to, the  Outside  Director
pursuant to the Restricted Stock Plan for Outside  Directors as the annual award
thereunder for the year preceding his or her  Retirement,  and not  subsequently

         The cash value of a share  shall be its closing  price as reported  for
New York Stock Exchange-Composite Transactions on the date of award.

         "Effective Date" means the date of initial adoption of this Plan by the
Board of Directors.

         "Retirement  or Retires"  means the  cessation of service as an Outside
Director for any reason other than (i) acceptance of employment as an officer or
employee of the Corporation or a subsidiary thereof or (ii) death.

3.       Eligibility

         An Outside  Director who has completed at least  fifty-four (54) months
of Board  Service,  whether or not  continuous,  and who  Retires or dies before
Retirement  on or after the  Effective  Date shall be eligible  for  benefits as
provided herein. After the occurrence of a Change in Control, any person who was
an  Outside  Director  immediately  prior to such  Change  in  Control  shall be
eligible  for  benefits  as  provided  herein upon  Retirement  or death  before
Retirement,  whether  or not  such  Outside  Director  has  completed  at  least
fifty-four (54) months of Board Service.

4.       Pension Benefits of Eligible Retired Outside Directors Before Death

         The  accumulated  amount of  pension  benefits  payable  to an  Outside
Director eligible to receive benefits hereunder shall be equal to the product of
(a) the number of months of such Outside  Director's  Board  Service  under this
Plan times (b) the monthly  compensation of such Outside Director at the date of
such Outside  Director's  Retirement under the Plan. Such pension benefits shall
be paid in  monthly  installments  equal  to the  monthly  compensation  of each
Outside Director at the date of such Outside Director's Retirement. Such pension
benefits shall  commence on the first day of the month  following the Director's
60th birthday or the Director's  Retirement under the Plan,  whichever is later,
and shall continue during the Retired Outside Director's life


until the date when the total payments to the Retired Outside  Director shall be
equal to the Outside Director's accumulated pension benefits at the date of such
Director's Retirement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of any retired
Outside  Director who again  becomes an Outside  Director  after  payment of his
pension benefits hereunder has commenced, no further payments shall be made with
respect  to his  pension  benefits  after  the date on which  he  resumes  Board
Service,  until his subsequent Retirement or death. The pension benefits payable
under this Section 4 or under Section 5 upon such Outside Director's  subsequent
Retirement  or death (i) shall be  determined  by taking into  account  only the
excess of (A) his total number of months of Board  Service prior to July 1, 1997
over (B) the number of months for which he  received  pension  benefit  payments
hereunder  prior to his resumption of Board Service,  and (ii) shall be based on
his monthly compensation at the date of his subsequent Retirement or death.

         Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding  paragraph,  an Outside
Director may elect to have the accumulated  amount of the pension  benefits that
become payable  hereunder upon his or her Retirement or death before  Retirement
paid  to  the  Outside  Director,  or to his or her  surviving  spouse  (or,  if
applicable,  designated  beneficiary)  in the event of his or her  death  before
Retirement,  in the form of a single lump sum payment.  Such payment shall be in
an amount that is Actuarially  Equivalent  (as defined in the GPU Service,  Inc.
Employee  Pension Plan or any successor  thereto and  determined as of the first
day of the month next following the date of the Outside Director's Retirement or
earlier  death) to the payments  that  otherwise  would be made  hereunder  with
respect to the Outside Director's  accumulated pension benefits if such payments
were made in the form,  and if such  payments  commenced to be made at the time,
provided in the preceding paragraph or in Section 5(b), as applicable. Such lump
sum payment  shall be made by no later than thirty (30) days  following the date
of the Outside Director's Retirement or earlier death.

         Any election made by an Outside Director under the preceding  paragraph
shall be effective only if it is made at least  twenty-four  (24) months (twelve
(12) months if the  election is made on or before  August 31, 1997) prior to the
Outside  Director's  Retirement  or earlier  death.  Any election so made may be
revoked,  and a new election may be made under the preceding  paragraph,  at any
time;  provided,  however,  that any such  revocation  or new election  shall be
effective  only  if it is made  within  the  election  period  specified  in the
preceding  sentence.  Any such election,  or any such revocation of an election,
shall be made in writing,  on a form that is furnished  to the Outside  Director
for such purpose by the Personnel, Compensation and


Nominating  Committee  and that is  filed  by the  Outside  Director  with  such

5.       Benefits Payable by Reason of Death of Eligible Outside Director

         In the event  that an  Outside  Director  who is  eligible  to  receive
benefits  hereunder should die prior to receiving  payment of the full amount of
his or her accumulated  pension benefits,  the remaining portion of such Outside
Director's accumulated pension benefits shall be paid as follows:

         (a)If the Outside Director dies after Retirement and if, at the time of
his or her death,  monthly  installment  payments were being made to the Outside
Director,  such  payments  shall  continue to be made to the Outside  Director's
surviving spouse (or, if applicable, designated beneficiary) until the aggregate
of the payments to the Outside Director and such surviving spouse or beneficiary
shall be equal to the Outside  Director's  accumulated  pension  benefits at the
date of such Director's Retirement.

         (b)If the Outside  Director  dies prior to  Retirement,  there shall be
paid to the Outside Director's  surviving spouse (or, if applicable,  designated
beneficiary)  monthly  installments  equal to the monthly  compensation  of such
Outside  Director  at the  date of  such  Outside  Director's  death  until  the
aggregate  of  the  payments  to  such  surviving  spouse  (or,  if  applicable,
designated  beneficiary)  shall be equal to the Outside  Director's  accumulated
amount of pension benefits at the date of the Outside Director's death.  Payment
of such  monthly  installments  shall  begin on the first day of the month  next
following the Outside  Director's death or, if later, the first day of the month
in which the Outside Director's 60th birthday would have occurred if the outside
Director had survived. The provision of this Section 5(b) shall not apply if, at
the time of the Outside Director's death, there is in effect an election made by
the Outside Director under the second paragraph of Section 4.

6.       Change in Control

         Notwithstanding  any other provision of the Plan to the contrary or any
other form of payment otherwise elected  hereunder,  each Outside Director shall
be permitted to make either one or both of the  following  special  distribution
elections:  (a) to have his or her pension benefits distributed in the form of a
single  lump sum  payment  in the  event of the  Outside  Director's  Retirement
following a Change in Control,  or (b) if a Change in Control  occurs  after the
Outside Director's  Retirement or earlier death but before all payments required


be made with  respect to his or her  accumulated  pension  benefits  pursuant to
Section 4 and Section 5(a) have been made, to have the payments  that  otherwise
would be made  hereunder  with  respect to the  Outside  Director's  accumulated
pension  benefits after the date of such Change in Control paid in the form of a
single lump sum payment.

         Any such election shall be effective only if it is made at least twelve
(12) months prior to such Change in Control, and prior to the Outside Director's
Retirement or earlier death.  Any special  election made under clause (a) or (b)
of the  preceding  paragraph may be revoked,  and a new special  election may be
made thereunder at any time; provided,  however, that any such revocation or new
election  shall be effective  only if it is made within the period  specified in
the  preceding  sentence.  Any  special  election,  or  revocation  of a special
election, that may be made hereunder shall be made in the manner provided in the
last sentence of the last paragraph of Section 4.

         The lump sum payment to be made to an Outside Director  pursuant to his
or her election under clause (a) of the second  preceding  paragraph shall be in
an amount that is Actuarially  Equivalent  (as defined in the GPU Service,  Inc.
Employee  Pension Plan or any successor  thereto and  determined as of the first
day of the month next following the date of the Outside  Director's  Retirement)
to the pension  benefits that otherwise would be payable  hereunder with respect
to the  Outside  Director if such  pension  benefits  were to commence  upon the
Outside  Director's  Retirement or 60th birthday,  whichever is later. Such lump
sum payment  shall be made by no later than thirty (30) days  following the date
of the Outside Director's Retirement.

         The lump sum  payment  to be made  pursuant  to an  Outside  Director's
election under clause (b) of the third preceding paragraph shall be in an amount
that is  Actuarially  Equivalent (as defined in the GPU Service,  Inc.  Employee
Pension Plan or any successor  thereto and determined as of the first day of the
month  coincident with or next following the date on which the Change in Control
occurs) to the payments that  otherwise  would be made hereunder with respect to
the  Outside  Director's  accumulated  pension  benefits  after the date of such
Change in Control.  Such lump sum payment  shall be made by no later than thirty
(30) days following the date on which such Change in Control occurs.

7.       Designated Beneficiary of Eligible Outside Director

         If an Eligible  Outside  Director shall die without leaving a surviving
spouse or if the Outside Director's  surviving spouse shall die prior to payment
in full of the outside  Director's  accumulated  pension benefits,  the payments
which would otherwise


have been made to the Outside  Director's  surviving spouse shall be made to the
Outside Director's designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries).  Such designations
shall be made in writing on forms  provided  by the  Corporation  to the Outside
Director.  Any such  designation  by an Outside  Director  may be revoked by the
Outside  Director at any time before or after  Retirement.  Any such  revocation
shall be made in writing on a form  provided by the  Corporation  to the Outside

8.       Provision for Benefits

         All  benefits  payable  hereunder  shall be  provided  from the general
assets of the Corporation. No Outside Director shall acquire any interest in any
specific assets of the  Corporation by reason of this Plan. An Outside  Director
shall have the  status of a mere  unsecured  creditor  of the  Corporation  with
respect  to his or her right to receive  any  payment  under the Plan.  The Plan
shall  constitute  a mere  promise by the  Corporation  to make  payments in the
future of the benefits provided for herein. It is intended that the arrangements
reflected in this Plan be treated as unfunded for tax purposes.

9.       Amendment and Termination

         The Board of Directors  reserves  the right to  terminate  this Plan or
amend this Plan  prospectively in any respect at any time, but no such amendment
may reduce (a) the benefits of any Outside  Director who has previously  Retired
hereunder,  or (b) the benefits accrued  hereunder by any Outside Director prior
to the  effective  date of such  termination  or  amendment.  In  addition,  the
definition  of Change in Control in Section 2, the last  sentence  in Section 3,
the last  paragraph  in Section  4, this  Section  9, and the last  sentence  of
Section 10 may not be amended or modified,  and the Plan may not be  terminated,
(i) at the  request of a third party who has  indicated  an  intention  or taken
steps to effect a Change in Control  and who  effectuates  a Change in  Control,
(ii) within six (6) months  prior to, or  otherwise in  connection  with,  or in
anticipation  of, a Change in Control which has been  threatened or proposed and
which actually occurs, or (iii) following a Change in Control, if the amendment,
modification or termination adversely affects the rights of any Outside Director
under the Plan.

10.      Administration

         This Plan shall be  administered  by the Personnel,  Compensation,  and
Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors. Such Committee's final decision,
in making any  determination  or construction  under this Plan and in exercising
any  discretionary  power,  shall in all  instances  be final and binding on all


having or claiming any rights under this Plan.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,
any  determination  made by the  Committee  after the  occurrence of a Change in
Control  that  denies in whole or in part any claim made by any  individual  for
benefits under the Plan shall be subject to judicial review,  under a "de novo,"
rather than a deferential, standard.

11.      Miscellaneous

         Nothing herein  contained shall be deemed to give any Outside  Director
the  right  to be  retained  as a  director  of the  Corporation,  nor  shall it
interfere with the Outside  Director's  right to terminate such  directorship at
any time. An Outside  Director's rights to payments under this Plan shall not be
subject in any manner to anticipation,  alienation,  sale,  transfer (other than
transfer by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, in the absence of a
beneficiary  designation),   assignment,  pledge,  encumbrance,   attachment  or
garnishment  by creditors of the Outside  Director or his or her spouse or other

12.      Phase Out of Plan

         Notwithstanding  any other provision in this Plan to the contrary,  the
provisions of this Section 11 shall apply on or after July 1, 1997.

         (a) No  individual  who first  becomes an Outside  Director on or after
July 1, 1997 shall be entitled to receive any pension benefits under this Plan.

         (b) For purposes of determining the amount of pension  benefits payable
under  Section  4,  5 or 6 with  respect  to any  individual  who is an  Outside
Director on July 1, 1997, the number of months of such Outside  Director's Board
Service  shall be determined by taking into account only months of Board Service
completed prior to July 1, 1997.

         (c) In the case of any individual who is an Outside Director on July 1,
1997,  his or her Board  Service  on and after  such  date  shall be taken  into
account for purposes of determining his or her  eligibility  under Section 3 for
benefits payable under the Plan.
