METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY



                             SUPPLEMENTAL INDENTURE

                             Dated as of May 1, 1997

                                   UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK
                                   hereby certifies that its Residence
                                   and Post Office Address is
                                   114 West 47th Street
                                   New York, New York 10036-1532

                                   UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK


THIS  SUPPLEMENTAL  INDENTURE,  made as of the 1st  day of  May,  1997,  between
METROPOLITAN  EDISON COMPANY, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Company", party of the first part, and
UNITED  STATES  TRUST  COMPANY  OF NEW  YORK,  a  national  banking  association
organized and existing  under the laws of the United  States of America,  having
its  principal  place of business in New York,  New York,  as Trustee  under the
Mortgage  hereinafter  referred  to,  hereinafter  sometimes  referred to as the
"Trustee", party of the second part;
        WHEREAS,  the Company has heretofore  executed and delivered to Guaranty
Trust Company of New York,  as Trustee,  its  Indenture  dated  November 1, 1944
(hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Original Indenture"),  which was duly
amended and supplemented by various indentures  supplemental  thereto, and which
is hereby further supplemented by this Supplemental Indenture,  all of which are
herein collectively referred to as the "Mortgage"; and
        WHEREAS,  United  States  Trust  Company  of New  York is the  successor
Trustee under the Mortgage;  and
     WHEREAS,  the Company has entered into a Pollution Control  Facilities Loan
Agreement (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Agreement") dated as of May
1,  1997 with  Indiana  County  Industrial  Development  Authority  (hereinafter
sometimes  referred  to as the  "Authority"),  a public  instrumentality  of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and a body corporate and politic,

organized by the County of Indiana,  Pennsylvania  and duly  existing  under the
Pennsylvania   Economic  Development   Financing  Law  (formerly  known  as  the
Pennsylvania  Industrial and Commercial  Development Authority Law, as amended),
pursuant to which the proceeds of the issuance by the Authority of its Pollution
Control   Revenue   Bonds,   1997   Series  A   (Metropolitan   Edison   Company
Project)(hereinafter  sometimes  referred to as the  "Authority  Bonds") under a
Trust Indenture dated as of May 1, 1997  (hereinafter  sometimes  referred to as
the "Authority Indenture") between the Authority and United States Trust Company
of New York, as Trustee  (hereinafter  sometimes  referred to as the  "Authority
Trustee")  are to be used to  provide  funds to pay the costs of  refunding  the
$13,690,000  aggregate  principal amount of the Authority's  Promissory  Revenue
Notes  (Metropolitan  Edison Company  Project)  which  provided  financing for a
portion of the Company's  share of a project  consisting of the  acquisition and
construction of certain solid waste disposal facilities  (hereinafter  sometimes
referred to as the "Project  Facilities") at the Conemaugh Generating Station in
Indiana County,  Pennsylvania  which are owned as  tenants-in-common  by various
utilities, including the Company; and
        WHEREAS,  to satisfy its  obligations  under the Agreement,  the Company
desires by this  Supplemental  Indenture to create,  and to define, in so far as
the same is permitted by the Original  Indenture,  the form of and certain other
matters with respect to

the series of bonds to be issued under the  Mortgage,  to be  designated  "First
Mortgage Bonds, 5.95% Series A due May 1, 2027" (hereinafter  sometimes referred
to as the "bonds of the New  Series"),  and to provide for the issuance  thereof
only as fully registered bonds; and
        WHEREAS,  all  conditions  and  requirements   necessary  to  make  this
Supplemental Indenture a valid, binding and legal instrument, in accordance with
its terms, and for the purposes herein expressed,  have been done, performed and
fulfilled,  and the execution and delivery hereof, in the form and terms hereof,
have been in all respects duly authorized:
consideration  of the  premises,  and of the sum of One  Dollar  ($1.00)  to the
Company  duly paid by the  Trustee at or before the  ensealing  and  delivery of
these presents,  and for other valuable  considerations,  the receipt whereof is
hereby  acknowledged,  the Company  hereby  covenants and agrees to and with the
Trustee and its successors in the trusts under the Mortgage, as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I.

                        Creation of First Mortgage Bonds,
                          5.95% Series A due 2027, and
              Specification of Certain Matters with Respect Thereto

        SECTION  1. The  Company  hereby  creates a series of bonds,  limited in
principal  amount,  as herein  provided,  to be issued  under and secured by the
Mortgage,  and to be designated and to be distinguished  from bonds of all other
series by the title "First Mortgage Bonds, 5.95% Series A due May 1, 2027".

     SECTION 2. Bonds of the New Series for the  aggregate  principal  amount of
Thirteen Million Six Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($13,690,000) may forthwith
be  executed  by  the  Company  and  delivered  to  the  Trustee  and  shall  be
authenticated  by the Trustee and  delivered to or upon the order of the Company
upon receipt by the Trustee of the  consideration  and supporting  documentation
required to be delivered to the Trustee in connection with the issuance of bonds
as provided in the Mortgage.
     SECTION  3.  Each  bond of the New  Series  shall be dated  the date of its
authentication,  and shall bear interest from the interest payment date to which
interest  has been paid or duly  provided  for with  respect to bonds of the New
Series next preceding the date of its authentication,  unless its authentication
date is (i) an interest  payment date to which  interest has been paid, in which
case it shall bear  interest  from such date,  (ii) prior to November 1, 1997 in
which case it shall bear interest from May 1, 1997, or (iii) after the fifteenth
day of the calendar  month next  preceding an interest  payment  date,  in which
event it shall be dated and bear interest  from the next interest  payment date.
Unless previously redeemed or repurchased  pursuant to the provisions hereof and
of the Mortgage, each bond of the New Series shall be payable on May 1, 2027, in
such coin or currency of the United  States of America as at the time of payment
is legal tender for the payment of public and private

debts,  and shall bear interest  payable in like coin or currency at the rate of
5.95% per annum and from the respective dates specified in the form of the bonds
of the New Series,  payable  semi-annually  on May 1 and November 1 of each year
(commencing  November  1, 1997) until  maturity,  and at maturity at the highest
rate of interest borne by any of the bonds  outstanding  under the Mortgage from
such date of  maturity  until they shall be paid or payment  thereof  shall have
been duly  provided  for,  and (to the extent that  payment of such  interest is
enforceable  under  applicable  law)  interest  on any  overdue  installment  of
interest  shall be payable at the highest  rate of interest  borne by any of the
bonds  outstanding  under said  Mortgage.  Except as  otherwise  provided in any
agreement entered into as hereinafter provided, principal of and interest on the
bonds of the New Series  shall be payable at the office or agency of the Company
in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York.
        The Company and the Trustee may enter into a written  agreement  with an
institutional  holder of any bond of the New Series  providing,  so long as such
holder or any nominee of such holder is the holder of any such bond, for payment
of principal  thereof and interest thereon to be made by the Company directly to
such holder by check mailed to an address specified  therefor or by bank wire or
interbank  transfer of immediately  available funds for credit to a bank account
specified therefor, or at such


other  address as such  holder  shall have  designated  to the  Company  and the
Trustee  in  writing  for  such  purpose,  in each  case  without  surrender  or
presentation  of such bond to the  Company  or the  Trustee or the making of any
notation  thereon,  except that any bond to be paid or redeemed in full shall be
surrendered  at the office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan,
The City of New York for cancellation in order to receive payment, provided that
under such  agreement  such holder shall agree that (a) before  disposing of any
such bond,  such holder will make a notation  thereon of all principal  payments
previously made thereon and of the date to which interest  thereon has been paid
and (b) such holder will  indemnify the Company and the Trustee  against any and
all costs,  expenses and liabilities  arising out of any payment of principal of
any such holder's  bonds without  presentment  thereof to the Trustee.  Any such
agreement  shall also provide  that the holder of the bonds shall,  within three
business  days of the payment of  principal  thereof or of  interest  thereon or
default  therein,  give to the  Trustee  written  notice of the  receipt  of the
payment of such  principal or interest or of a default in such  payment,  as the
case may be. The Company hereby authorizes the Trustee (and any paying agent for
the bonds of the New Series) to comply with each such  agreement so delivered to
the Trustee,  notwithstanding the provisions of the Mortgage and of the bonds of
the New  Series,  to place a legend  on any  bonds of the New  Series  which are
subject to any such agreement describing


the terms  thereof.  The  Trustee  shall be  entitled  to  presume,  without any
obligation  to verify  independently,  that the  Company  has made all  payments
related to principal  (other than payment or redemption in full or repurchase of
any bonds of the New Series) and interest on bonds of the New Series directly to
the holder thereof who has entered into such agreement  unless such holder shall
otherwise notify the Trustee.
        Bonds of the New Series shall be issuable only as fully registered bonds
in the  denominations of $5,000 and any integral  multiple  thereof,  and may be
exchanged,  in the  manner  and  subject  to  the  limitations  provided  in the
Mortgage,  for a like aggregate  principal  amount of bonds of the New Series of
other  authorized  denominations  without  charge except for any tax or taxes or
other governmental charges incident to such exchange.
        Bonds of the New Series are subject to  redemption  at the option of the
Company on any date on or after May 1,  2007,  in whole or in part by lot at the
applicable  optional  redemption  price  shown  below  as a  percentage  of  the
principal amount, plus interest accrued to the redemption date:

Redemption Periods                            Optional Redemption
(both dates inclusive)                        Price
- ----------------------                        ---------------------

May 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008            102%
May 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009            101%
May 1, 2009 and thereafter                    100%

        Bonds of the New Series shall be redeemable at the option of the Company
in  whole,  at any  time  prior to  maturity,  at 100% of the  principal  amount
thereof, together with accrued interest to


the  redemption  date  if any one or more of the  following  events  shall  have
occurred, as evidenced in each case by a certificate of the Company delivered to
the Trustee to the effect that one of such events has occurred,  and  describing
the same: (i) the Company shall have determined that the continued  operation of
the Project  Facilities is  impracticable,  uneconomical  or undesirable for any
reason;  or (ii) all or substantially  all of the Project  Facilities shall have
been condemned or taken by a competent authority;  or (iii) the operation of the
Project  Facilities  shall  have been  enjoined  or shall  have  been  otherwise
prohibited  by,  or shall  conflict  with,  any  order  or rule of any  court of
competent   jurisdiction  or  any  federal,  state  or  local  regulatory  body,
administrative  agency or other  governmental body having  jurisdiction over the
Project Facilities.
        Bonds of the New Series shall be subject to  redemption  as a whole,  as
more fully  provided in Section 8.08 of the  Mortgage,  at 100% of the principal
amount thereof,  together with accrued  interest to the redemption  date, in the
event (a) that all the outstanding common stock of the Company shall be acquired
by some  governmental body or  instrumentality  and the Company elects to redeem
all the bonds of all  series,  the  redemption  date in any such event to be not
more than one hundred  twenty  (120) days after the date on which all said stock
is so acquired,  or (b) that all or substantially all of the mortgaged  property
constituting bondable property which at the time shall be subject


to the lien of the  Mortgage as a first lien shall be released  from the lien of
the Mortgage  pursuant to the provisions  thereof,  and available  moneys in the
hands of the  Trustee,  including  any moneys  deposited  by the Company for the
purpose,  are sufficient to redeem all the bonds of all series at the redemption
prices  (together  with accrued  interest to the date of  redemption)  specified
therein applicable to the redemption thereof upon the happening of such event.
        Notice  with  respect to any  redemption  of the bonds of the New Series
shall be mailed by the Company to the Authority,  the Authority  Trustee and the
Trustee  not less than  forty-five  (45) days and not more than ninety (90) days
prior to the  redemption  date and shall  specify  the  matters set forth in the
penultimate  sentence  of the first  paragraph  and, if  applicable,  the second
sentence of the third paragraph of Section 8.02 of the Original Indenture.  Each
holder of bonds of the New Series by the  acceptance  of such  bonds  waives the
right to any  publication  of a notice of such  redemption  in any  newspaper as
specified in Section 8.02 of the Original Indenture.
        Any  redemption  of the bonds of the New Series may be  effected  out of
cash  deposited  pursuant to Sections  5.06,  5.07 and 5.08 or Article IX of the
Original  Indenture,  the premium,  if any, and accrued  interest in case of any
such redemption to be provided for by the Company  pursuant to the provisions of
Section 8.07 of the Original Indenture.


Bonds of the New Series are subject to  mandatory  redemption  in whole,  or, if
less than all of the  Authority  Bonds are then subject to mandatory  redemption
pursuant to Section 6.05 of the Authority Indenture,  in part in an amount equal
to the Authority Bonds then subject to redemption, upon a redemption date (which
date shall be fixed by the Company, after receipt by the Trustee and the Company
of a written demand for redemption by the Authority Trustee, in a written notice
mailed by the  Company  to the  Trustee  and to the  Authority  Trustee at least
forty-five  (45) days prior to the date so fixed) which shall be within 120 days
(or, in the absence of a written notice mailed by the Company, as aforesaid,  on
the 120th day) after a final determination by a court of competent  jurisdiction
or an administrative agency, to the effect that, as a result of a failure by the
Company to perform or observe any  covenant,  condition or agreement on its part
to be  observed  or  performed  under the  Agreement  or the  inaccuracy  of any
representation  by the Company under the Agreement,  the interest payable on the
Authority  Bonds is includable  for Federal  income tax purposes in the holder's
gross income,  other than any holder of the Authority Bonds who is a substantial
user of the  Project  Facilities  or a "related  person"  within the  meaning of
Section 147(a) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") to
the extent  necessary in order to redeem the  Authority  Bonds so that  interest
payable on the Authority Bonds remaining outstanding after such redemption of


the  Authority  Bonds would not, in the opinion of recognized  bond counsel,  be
included in the gross income of any holders, other than a holder of an Authority
Bond who is a Asubstantial user@ of the Project Facilities or a Arelated person@
within the meaning of Section 147(a) of the Code. No  determination by any court
or administrative agency shall be considered final unless the Company shall have
been given timely notice of the proceeding which resulted in such  determination
and an opportunity to participate in such proceeding, either directly or through
a holder of an Authority  Bond,  to a degree it deems  sufficient  and until the
conclusion  of any  appellate  review or  rehearing  sought by any party to such
proceeding or the expiration of the time for seeking such review or hearing. The
Company  shall  not  redeem  bonds of the New  Series if it  receives  a written
cancellation of the written demand from the Authority Trustee.  Any such written
demand from the Authority Trustee or a cancellation of such written demand shall
be  executed  on behalf of such  Authority  Trustee by its  President  or a Vice
President  or a trust  officer and shall be deemed  received by the Trustee when
delivered at its corporate trust office in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of
New York.  The Trustee may  conclusively  rely as to the truth of the statements
contained therein, upon any such demand or cancellation.
        Bonds of the New  Series  are  subject to  mandatory  repurchase  by the
Company prior to maturity at 100% of the principal amount thereof, plus interest
accrued to the repurchase date, in whole,


upon a  repurchase  date  (which date shall be fixed by the Company in a written
notice mailed by the Company to the Trustee and to the Authority  Trustee) which
shall be within ten (10) days after  receipt by the Trustee and the Company of a
written  demand  for  repurchase  by the  Authority  Trustee,  stating  that the
principal of all Authority Bonds then outstanding under the Authority  Indenture
has been declared to be immediately  due and payable  pursuant to the provisions
of Section 8.02 thereof due to an event of default under Section 8.01 A, B, or C
        SECTION  4. So long as any of the  bonds  of the  New  Series  shall  be
secured  by  the  lien  of  the  Mortgage,   the  term  "minimum  provision  for
depreciation"  when used for any purposes  under the Mortgage and with reference
to any period of time shall mean an amount  computed  pursuant to the provisions
of Article I, Section 5 of the Supplemental Indenture dated March 1, 1952.
        SECTION  5. So long as any of the  bonds  of the  New  Series  shall  be
secured by the lien of the  Mortgage,  clause  (A)(II)  of  Section  1.06 of the
Original  Indenture  shall be  deemed  amended  as set  forth  in the  quotation
contained in Article I,  Section 4 of the  Supplemental  Indenture  dated May 1,
        SECTION  6. So long as any of the  bonds  of the  New  Series  shall  be
secured by the lien of the Mortgage,  the first  sentence of Section 5.20 of the
Original  Indenture  shall be  deemed  amended  as set  forth  in the  quotation
contained in Article I, Section 6 of the  Supplemental  Indenture dated December
1, 1950.


     SECTION 7. So long as any of the bonds of the New  Series  shall be secured
by the lien of the Mortgage, the Company will keep and perform the covenants and
agreements set forth in Article I, Section 7 of the Supplemental Indenture dated
June 1, 1957,  irrespective of whether any of the bonds of the series created by
such Supplemental Indenture shall be then outstanding.

     SECTION 8. So long as any of the bonds of the New  Series  shall be secured
by the lien of the Mortgage, the Company will keep and perform the covenants set
forth in Article I, Section 4 of the Supplemental Indenture dated March 1, 1952,
irrespective  of  whether  any of  the  bonds  of the  series  created  by  such
Supplemental Indenture shall be then outstanding.

     SECTION 9. The Company covenants and agrees that,  notwithstanding  Section
2.03 of the Original Indenture,  it will not charge any sum for or in connection
with any exchange or registration of transfer of any bond of the New Series, but
may require the payment of a sum  sufficient  to cover any tax or taxes or other
governmental  charges  incident  to any  exchange  or  registration  of transfer


                                   ARTICLE II.

                       Form of the Bonds of the New Series

        The form of the bonds of the New Series and the Trustee's authentication
certificate to be endorsed  thereupon  shall be  substantially  as follows,  the
denominations and numbers thereof to be appropriately inserted:


                           METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY
                          (Incorporated under the laws
                                     of the
                          Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)

                       FIRST MORTGAGE BOND, 5.95% SERIES A
                                 DUE May 1, 2027

    $                                                                       No.
        METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY, a corporation of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania  (hereinafter  called the "Company"),  for value  received,  hereby
promises to pay to
               , as Trustee,  or registered  assigns,
                 DOLLARS on         ,                  , at the office or
agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, in such
coin or  currency  of the United  States of America as at the time of payment is
legal  tender for the payment of public or private  debts,  and to pay  interest
thereon  semi-annually on May 1 and November 1 of each year (commencing November
1, 1997),  at the rate of 5.95% per annum, at said office or agency in like coin
or currency,  from May 1, 1997, or from the most recent interest payment date to
which interest has been paid


or duly provided for with respect to bonds of the aforesaid  series  (subject to
certain exceptions provided in the Mortgage hereinafter  mentioned),  until this
bond  shall  mature,  according  to  its  terms  or on  prior  redemption  or by
declaration  or otherwise,  and at the highest rate of interest  borne by any of
the bonds outstanding under the Mortgage hereinafter mentioned from such date of
maturity  until this bond shall be paid or the  payment  hereof  shall have been
duly  provided  for,  and (to the  extent  that  payment  of  such  interest  is
enforceable under applicable law) to pay interest on any overdue  installment of
interest at the highest rate of interest  borne by any of the bonds  outstanding
under said Mortgage.
        Reference  is hereby  made to the  further  provisions  of this bond set
forth on the reverse hereof. Such further provisions shall for all purposes have
the same effect as though fully set forth at this place.
        This bond shall not become  valid or  obligatory  for any purpose  until
United States Trust Company of New York, or its successor,  as Trustee under the
Mortgage, shall have signed the certificate of authentication endorsed hereon.
be signed in its name by its  President  or one of its Vice  Presidents  and its
corporate seal, or a facsimile thereof, to be affixed hereto and attested by its
Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries.


DATED:                                              METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY

                                 Vice President


- --------------------------
  Assistant Secretary



                           ON BONDS OF THE NEW SERIES]


        This bond is one of the bonds, of the series herein designated, provided
for in the within-mentioned Mortgage.


                   By ______________________
                      Authorized Officer

                                 METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY
                                (Incorporated under the laws
                                     of the
                          Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)

               FIRST MORTGAGE BOND, 5.95% SERIES A DUE May 1, 2027

        This bond is one of an issue of bonds of the Company (herein referred to
as the  "bonds"),  not limited in  principal  amount  except as in the  Mortgage
hereinafter  mentioned provided,  issuable in series, which different series and
bonds of the same series may mature at  different  times,  may bear  interest at
different rates, and may otherwise vary as in the Mortgage hereinafter mentioned
provided, and is one of a series known as its First Mortgage Bonds, 5.95% Series
A due May 1, 2027 (herein  referred to as "bonds of the New Series"),  all bonds
of all series issued and to be issued under and equally and ratably


secured  (except in so far as any  sinking or  analogous  fund,  established  in
accordance with the provisions of the Mortgage hereinafter mentioned, may afford
additional  security  for the bonds of any  particular  series) by an  Indenture
dated November 1, 1944  (sometimes  referred to as the "Original  Indenture" and
together with all indentures supplemental thereto, called the "Mortgage"), under
which United  States  Trust  Company of New York is  successor  trustee  (herein
called the "Trustee"), and to which Mortgage reference is made for a description
of the property mortgaged,  the nature and extent of the security, the rights of
the  holders of the bonds and of the  Company in respect  thereof,  the  rights,
duties and immunities of the Trustee,  and the terms and  conditions  upon which
the bonds are, and are to be, issued and secured.
        The Mortgage contains provisions permitting the holders of not less than
seventy-five  per centum (75%) in principal  amount of all the bonds at the time
outstanding,  determined  and evidenced as provided in the Mortgage,  or in case
the rights under the  Mortgage of the holders of bonds of one or more,  but less
than all, of the series of bonds  outstanding  shall be affected,  then with the
consent  of the  holders  of not less  than  seventy-five  per  centum  (75%) in
principal  amount of the outstanding  bonds of such one or more series affected,
except that if any such action would affect the bonds of two or more series, the
holders of not less than seventy-five per centum


(75%) in principal amount of outstanding bonds of such two or more series, which
need  not  include   seventy-five  per  centum  (75%)  in  principal  amount  of
outstanding  bonds of each of such series,  determined and evidenced as provided
in the  Mortgage,  on behalf of the holders of all the bonds,  to waive any past
default under the Mortgage and its consequences  except a completed default,  as
defined  in the  Mortgage,  in respect of the  payment  of the  principal  of or
interest on any bond or default  arising  from the  creation of any lien ranking
prior  to or  equal  with  the  lien  of the  Mortgage  on any of the  mortgaged
property,  subject to the condition  that, in the case the rights of the holders
of less than all of the series of bonds outstanding shall be affected, no waiver
of any past default or its  consequences  shall be effective  unless approved by
the  holders  of not  less  than  a  majority  of  all  the  bonds  at the  time
outstanding.  The Mortgage also contains  provisions  permitting the Company and
the Trustee,  with the consent of the holders of not less than  seventy-five per
centum  (75%) in  principal  amount  of all the  bonds at the time  outstanding,
determined  and  evidenced  as provided in the  Mortgage,  or in case the rights
under the Mortgage of the holders of bonds of one or more, but less than all, of
the series of bonds outstanding shall be affected,  then with the consent of the
holders of not less than  seventy-five  per centum (75%) in principal  amount of
the outstanding  bonds of such one or more series  affected,  except that if any
such action would affect the


bonds of two or more  series,  the  holders  of not less than  seventy-five  per
centum  (75%)  in  principal  amount  of  outstanding  bonds of such two or more
series, which need not include seventy-five per centum (75%) in principal amount
of  outstanding  bonds  of each of such  series,  determined  and  evidenced  as
provided  in  the  Mortgage,  to  execute  supplemental  indentures  adding  any
provisions to or changing in any manner or eliminating  any of the provisions of
the  Mortgage or  modifying in any manner the rights of the holders of the bonds
and coupons;  provided,  however, that no such supplemental  indenture shall (i)
extend the fixed maturity of any bonds, or reduce the rate or extend the time of
payment of interest thereon, or reduce the principal amount thereof, without the
consent of the holder of each bond so  affected,  or (ii)  reduce the  aforesaid
percentage  of bonds,  the holders of which are  required to consent to any such
supplemental  indenture,  without  the  consent of the holders of all bonds then
outstanding,  or (iii) permit the creation of any lien ranking prior to or equal
with the lien of the Mortgage on any of the mortgaged property,  or (iv) deprive
the holder of any  outstanding  bond of the lien of the  Mortgage  on any of the
mortgaged  property.  Any such  waiver  or  consent  by the  holder of this bond
(unless effectively revoked as provided in the Mortgage) shall be conclusive and
binding upon such holder and upon all future holders of this bond,  irrespective
of whether or not any notation of such waiver or consent is made upon this bond.


No  reference  herein to the  Mortgage  and no  provision of this bond or of the
Mortgage shall alter or impair the obligation of the Company,  which is absolute
and unconditional, to pay the principal of and interest on this bond at the time
and place and at the rate and in the coin or currency herein prescribed.
        Bonds of the New Series are issuable only in fully  registered  form and
in denominations of $5,000, and any integral multiple of $5,000.
        In the manner and subject to the  limitations  provided in the Mortgage,
bonds of the New Series may be exchanged for a like aggregate  principal  amount
of bonds of the New  Series of other  authorized  denominations  without  charge
except for any tax or taxes or governmental charges incident to such exchange.
        Bonds of the New Series are subject to  redemption  at the option of the
Company on any date on or after May 1,  2007,  in whole or in part by lot at the
applicable  optional  redemption  price  shown  below  as a  percentage  of  the
principal amount, plus interest accrued to the redemption date:

             Redemption Periods                          Optional Redemption
           (both dates inclusive)                        Price
           ----------------------                        --------------------
May 1, 2007 through April 30, 2008                       102%
May 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009                       101%
May 1, 2009 and thereafter                               100%

        Bonds of the New Series shall be redeemable at the option of the Company
in whole, at any time prior to maturity at 100% of the principal amount thereof,
together with accrued  interest to the redemption date if any one or more of the
following events shall have occurred, as evidenced in each case by a certificate


of the  Company  delivered  to the Trustee to the effect that one of such events
has occurred,  and describing  the same:  (i) the Company shall have  determined
that the continued  operation of certain solid waste  disposal  facilities  (the
"Project  Facilities")  which are the subject of a Pollution Control  Facilities
Loan  Agreement  (the  "Agreement")  dated as of May 1, 1997 entered into by the
Company with Indiana County Industrial  Development  Authority (the "Authority")
is  impracticable,  uneconomical or undesirable  for any reason;  or (ii) all or
substantially  all of the Project  Facilities shall have been condemned or taken
by a competent authority; or (iii) the operation of the Project Facilities shall
have been enjoined or shall have been otherwise prohibited by, or shall conflict
with,  any  order  or rule of any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction  or of any
federal,  state  or  local  regulatory  body,  administrative  agency  or  other
governmental body having jurisdiction over the Project Facilities.
        Bonds of the New Series shall be subject to  redemption  as a whole,  as
more fully  provided in Section 8.08 of the  Mortgage,  at 100% of the principal
amount thereof,  together with accrued  interest to the redemption  date, in the
event (a) that all the outstanding common stock of the Company shall be acquired
by some  governmental body or  instrumentality  and the Company elects to redeem
all the bonds of all  series,  the  redemption  date in any such event to be not
more than one  hundred  twenty days after the date on which all said stock is so
acquired, or (b) that all or


substantially all of the mortgaged property  (constituting  bondable property as
defined in the  Mortgage)  which at the time shall be subject to the lien of the
Mortgage  as a first  lien  shall be  released  from  the  lien of the  Mortgage
pursuant to the provisions thereof,  and available moneys in the hands of United
States Trust Company of New York, or its  successor,  as Trustee,  including any
moneys  deposited by the Company for the purpose,  are  sufficient to redeem all
the bonds of all series at the redemption prices (together with accrued interest
to the  date of  redemption)  specified  therein  applicable  to the  redemption
thereof upon the happening of such event.
        Notice  with  respect to any  redemption  of the bonds of the New Series
shall be mailed by the  Company to the  Authority,  the  Authority  Trustee  (as
defined  hereinbelow) and the Trustee not less than forty-five (45) days and not
more than ninety (90) days prior to the  redemption  date and shall  specify the
matters set forth in the  penultimate  sentence of the first  paragraph  and, if
applicable,  the second  sentence of the third  paragraph of Section 8.02 of the
Original Indenture.  Each holder of bonds of the New Series by the acceptance of
such bonds waives the right to any publication of a notice of such redemption in
any newspaper as specified in Section 8.02 of the Original Indenture.
        Redemption  of the bonds of the New Series may be effected,  out of cash
deposited  pursuant  to  Sections  5.06,  5.07 and 5.08,  and  Article IX of the
Mortgage, the premium, if any, and accrued


interest in case of any such  redemption to be paid out of cash deposited by the
Company for the purpose.
     The Mortgage provides that any notice of redemption of bonds may state that
it is subject to the receipt of the redemption  moneys by the Trustee before the
date fixed for  redemption  and such  notice  shall be of no effect  unless such
moneys are received before such date.
        The Mortgage provides that if the Company shall deposit with the Trustee
in trust for the purpose,  funds  sufficient  to pay the principal of all of the
bonds of any  series,  or such of the bonds of any series as have been or are to
be called for redemption and premium, if any, thereon,  and all interest payable
on such bonds (or  portions) to the date on which they become due and payable at
maturity or upon redemption or otherwise, and complies with the other provisions
of the  Mortgage in respect  thereof,  then from the date of such  deposit  such
bonds (or portions) shall no longer be secured by the lien of the Mortgage.
        The  Mortgage  provides  that,  upon any partial  redemption  of a fully
registered bond, upon surrender thereof endorsed for transfer,  new bonds of the
same series and of  authorized  denominations  in principal  amount equal to the
unredeemed  portion  of such fully  registered  bond will be  delivered  without
charge in exchange therefor.
     The principal hereof may be declared or may become due prior to the express
date of the maturity hereof on the conditions, in


the manner and at the time set forth in the Mortgage,  upon the  occurrence of a
completed default as in the Mortgage provided.
        Bonds of the New Series are subject to  mandatory  redemption  in whole,
or, if less than all of the Authority's  Pollution  Control Revenue Bonds,  1997
Series A (Metropolitan Edison Company Project)  (hereinafter  sometimes referred
to as the  "Authority  Bonds") under a Trust  Indenture  dated as of May 1, 1997
(hereinafter  sometimes  referred to as the "Authority  Indenture")  between the
Authority and United  States Trust Company of New York, as trustee  (hereinafter
sometimes referred to as the "Authority  Trustee") are then subject to mandatory
redemption  pursuant to Section 6.05 of the Authority  Indenture,  in part in an
amount  equal  to  the  Authority  Bonds  then  subject  to  redemption,  upon a
redemption date (which date shall be fixed by the Company,  after receipt by the
Trustee  and the Company of a written  demand for  redemption  by the  Authority
Trustee,  in a written  notice  mailed by the  Company to the Trustee and to the
Authority  Trustee  at least  forty-five  (45) days  prior to the date so fixed)
which shall be within 120 days (or, in the absence of a written notice mailed by
the Company,  as aforesaid,  on the 120th day) after a final  determination by a
court of competent jurisdiction or an administrative agency, to the effect that,
as a result of a failure by the  Company to  perform  or observe  any  covenant,
condition  or  agreement  on its part to be  observed  or  performed  under  the
Agreement or the inaccuracy of any


representation  by the Company under the Agreement,  the interest payable on the
Authority  Bonds is includable  for Federal  income tax purposes in the holder's
gross income, other than any holder of the Authority Bonds who is a "substantial
user" of the  Project  Facilities  or a "related  person"  within the meaning of
Section 147(a) of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") to
the extent  necessary in order to redeem the  Authority  Bonds so that  interest
payable on the Authority  Bonds remaining  outstanding  after such redemption of
the  Authority  Bonds would not, in the opinion of recognized  bond counsel,  be
included in the gross income of any holders, other than a holder of an Authority
Bond who is a "substantial user" of the Project Facilities or a "related person"
within the meaning of Section 147(a) of the Code. No  determination by any court
or administrative agency shall be considered final unless the Company shall have
been given timely notice of the proceeding which resulted in such  determination
and an opportunity to participate in such proceeding, either directly or through
a holder of an Authority  Bond,  to a degree it deems  sufficient  and until the
conclusion  of any  appellate  review or  rehearing  sought by any party to such
proceeding or the expiration of the time for seeking such review or hearing. The
Company  shall  not  redeem  bonds of the New  Series if it  receives  a written
cancellation of the written demand from the Authority Trustee.  Any such written
demand from the Authority Trustee or a cancellation of such


written  demand  shall be  executed on behalf of such  Authority  Trustee by its
President or a Vice President or a trust officer and shall be deemed received by
the Trustee  when  delivered  at its  corporate  trust  office in the Borough of
Manhattan,  The City of New York.  The Trustee may  conclusively  rely as to the
truth of the statements contained therein, upon any such demand or cancellation.
        Bonds of the New  Series  are  subject to  mandatory  repurchase  by the
Company prior to maturity at 100% of the principal amount thereof, plus interest
accrued to the  repurchase  date, in whole,  upon a repurchase  date (which date
shall be fixed by the Company in a written  notice  mailed by the Company to the
Trustee and to the Authority  Trustee) which shall be within ten (10) days after
receipt by the Trustee and the Company of a written demand for repurchase by the
Authority  Trustee,  stating  that the  principal  of all  Authority  Bonds then
outstanding  under the Authority  Indenture has been declared to be  immediately
due and payable  pursuant to the  provisions  of Section  8.02 thereof due to an
event of default under Section 8.01 A, B, or C thereof.
        No recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal or interest on
this bond, or for any claim based  hereon,  or otherwise in respect  hereof,  or
based on or in respect of the Mortgage or under or upon any obligation, covenant
or agreement contained in the Mortgage,  against any incorporator,  or any past,
present or future subscriber to the capital stock, stockholder,


officer or director,  as such, of the Company or of any predecessor or successor
corporation,  either  directly  or through  the  Company or any  predecessor  or
successor  corporation,  under any  present  or future  rule of law,  statute or
constitution  or by the  enforcement  of any  assessment or otherwise,  all such
liability of incorporators,  subscribers,  stockholders, officers and directors,
as such,  being  waived  and  released  by the  holder  and owner  hereof by the
acceptance of this bond and being  likewise  waived and released by the terms of
the Mortgage.

                                  ARTICLE III.
                    Subjecting Certain Property Specifically
                           to the Lien of the Mortgage

consideration  of the  premises,  and of the sum of One  Dollar  ($1.00)  to the
Company  duly paid by the  Trustee at or before the  ensealing  and  delivery of
these  presents,  Metropolitan  Edison  Company has  granted,  bargained,  sold,
aliened, enfeoffed, released, conveyed, assigned, transferred, pledged, set over
and confirmed,  and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff,
release,  convey,  assign,  transfer,  pledge, set over and confirm, unto United
States Trust Company of New York, as Trustee,  and to its successors and assigns
forever, all of the following described property, to wit:
        All property, real, personal and mixed, tangible and intangible, owned
by the Company, or in which it owns an


interest,  on the date of the execution hereof, or (subject to the provisions of
Article XIII of the Mortgage) which may hereafter be acquired by it, wheresoever
situate,  and necessary or  appropriate to the public utility plant and business
of the Company and to its operation as a going concern,  except such property as
is  hereinafter  expressly  excepted and excluded from the lien and operation of
the  Mortgage.  The property  covered by the lien of the Mortgage  shall include
particularly,  among other property,  without prejudice to the generality of the
language  hereinbefore  or  hereinafter   contained,   the  following  described

                                PARCEL NUMBER ONE
                         ADDITION TO SUBSTATION PROPERTY

        ALL THAT CERTAIN  tract of land in the City of Reading,  County of Berks
and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,  containing  approximately  11,500 square feet
and granted and conveyed unto  Metropolitan  Edison Company by Consolidated Rail
Corporation  by deed dated October 31, 1996,  and recorded in the Office for the
Recording of Deeds in and for said County in Book 2804, Page 1338.

        Also  all  power  houses,  plants,  buildings,   distributing  stations,
substations,  transforming  stations  and  other  structures  for or used for or
intended for use in connection with the


manufacture,  generation,  transmission  or furnishing of  electricity,  and the
machinery,  fixtures,  fittings and equipment  thereof or  appurtenant  thereto,
including,  without  limiting  the  generality  of the  foregoing,  all dynamos,
engines,  turbines,  boilers,  pumps,  generators,   transformers,   converters,
regulators,  exciters,  meters, shafting and belting and all other apparatus and
appliances  for  generating  or  producing  electricity,  which are owned by the
Company, or in which it owns an interest, on the date of the execution hereof or
(subject  to the  provisions  of  Article  XIII of the  Mortgage)  which  may be
hereafter acquired by it, wheresoever  situate,  and necessary or appropriate to
the public  utility  plant and business of the Company and to its operation as a
going  concern,  except such property as is hereinafter  expressly  excepted and
excluded from the lien and operation of the Mortgage.


        Also all  transmission  and  distribution  lines  and  systems,  whether
underground,  surface  or  overhead,  for or  used  for or  intended  for use in
connection  with the  transmission  and  distribution  of  electricity,  and the
conduits,  poles, cross arms, insulators,  transformers,  cables, wires, meters,
fixtures,  tools,  supplies and all other  apparatus  and  appliances  connected
therewith or appurtenant  thereto which are owned by the Company, or in which it
owns an  interest,  on the  date of the  execution  hereof  or  (subject  to the
provisions of Article XIII of the Mortgage)  which may be hereafter  acquired by



        Also  all  franchises,   immunities,   privileges,   permits,  licenses,
easements  and  rights  of  way  authorizing,  permitting  or  facilitating  the
erection,  maintenance or operation  upon,  over or under any streets,  avenues,
highways,  alleys,  lanes,  walks,  parks and other public places in any county,
city,  borough,  town,  township or village,  or upon, over or under any private
property of poles, towers, wires, conduits,  mains, pipes or other structures or
apparatus for the  transmission  or  distribution  of  electricity  or otherwise
relating  to  the  business  of   producing,   transmitting   and   distributing
electricity, which are owned by the Company, or in which it owns an interest, on
the date of the execution  hereof or (subject to the  provisions of Article XIII
of the Mortgage) which may be hereafter acquired by it.


                            GENERAL SUBJECT CLAUSES.

        SUBJECT,  HOWEVER,  to  the  reservations,  mining  rights,  exceptions,
conditions,  limitations  and  restrictions  contained  in  the  several  deeds,
franchises and contracts or other instruments through which the Company acquired
or claims  title to or  enjoys  the use of said  properties;  to  statutory  and
municipal  requirements  relating  to land and  buildings;  to the rights of the
public  and  others in  streets,  roads and  highways,  opened,  or laid out but
unopened,  crossing or bounding any of the said parcels; to the rights of owners
abutting  thereon in any stream,  drain or ditch crossing or bounding any of the
said parcels; to the rights of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in and to any of
the lands located in any streams or rivers abutting any of the said parcels; and
to the rights of electric,  gas, telephone,  telegraph and pipeline companies to
maintain and operate pole lines and gas and petroleum  products  mains and pipes
over or  through  any of the  said  parcels  or on or in the  streets,  roads or
highways abutting thereon as the same existed at the time of acquisition of said
parcels by the Company;  and to any easements  visible on the ground at the time
of such acquisition, but not evidenced by recorded agreements or grants.


                               EXCEPTED PROPERTY.

        EXPRESSLY  EXCEPTING  AND  EXCLUDING,  HOWEVER,  from this  Supplemental
Indenture and from the lien and operation hereof, all property of every kind and
type excepted and excluded from the Mortgage by  subdivisions  II (to the extent
that such real estate is still owned by the  Company)  and III under the heading
"Excepted  Property"  therein to the extent  there  indicated  and  reference is
hereby made to said Mortgage for a description thereof.
        TOGETHER  WITH  all  and  singular  the  tenements,   hereditaments  and
appurtenances  belonging or in any wise  appertaining to the property covered by
this Supplemental  Indenture or intended so to be, or any part thereof, with the
reversion  and  reversions,   remainder  and  remainders  and  (subject  to  the
provisions of Section 9.01 of the Mortgage) the tolls, rents, revenues,  issues,
earnings,  income, product and profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title
and  interest  and  claim  whatsoever,  at law as well as in  equity,  which the
Company now has or may hereafter  acquire in and to the property covered by this
Supplemental Indenture or intended so to be and every part and parcel thereof.
        TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the property covered by this Supplemental  Indenture
or intended so to be to the Trustee, its successors and assigns,  forever,  upon
and subject to the trusts,  uses,  conditions,  covenants and  provisions of the


                                   ARTICLE IV.


        SECTION 1. The Trustee,  for itself and its  successors  in said trusts,
hereby accepts the conveyance,  transfer and assignment of the property included
in this Supplemental  Indenture upon the trusts,  terms and conditions expressed
in the Mortgage.
        SECTION 2. This Supplemental Indenture shall be simultaneously  executed
in several counterparts,  and all such counterparts executed and delivered, each
as an original, shall constitute but one and the same instrument.
        SECTION 3. The recitals of fact contained herein and in the bonds of the
New Series (other than the Trustee's  certificate  of  authentication)  shall be
taken as the statements of the Company and the Trustee assumes no responsibility
for the correctness of the same.
part,  has caused this  instrument to be signed in its name and behalf by a Vice
President  and its  corporate  seal to be hereunto  affixed and  attested by its
Secretary,  and UNITED  STATES  TRUST  COMPANY OF NEW YORK,  party of the second
part, in token of its  acceptance of the trust hereby  created,  has caused this
instrument  to be signed in its name and behalf by an Assistant  Vice  President
and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Secretary, all
as of the day and year first above written.


                           METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY


                                 Vice President


                              , Assistant Secretary

Signed, sealed and delivered by said Metropolitan Edison Company in the presence



                         Louis P. Young, Vice President


        Robert F. Lee, Assistant Secretary

Signed, sealed and delivered by said
United States Trust Company of New York
in the presence of:

                                      : ss.
COUNTY OF BERKS                                      )

        On the 19th day of May,  1997,  before me, a Notary  Public of the State
and  County  aforesaid,  the  undersigned  officer,  personally  appeared  , who
acknowledged  himself to be a Vice President of Metropolitan  Edison Company,  a
corporation,  and that he as such Vice President of the said corporation,  being
duly authorized to do so, executed the foregoing  Supplemental Indenture for the
purposes therein  contained by signing the name of the corporation by himself as
Vice President.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal.

Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year aforesaid.

                                      : ss.

        On the 19th day of May,  1997,  before me, a Notary  Public of the State
and County  aforesaid,  the undersigned  officer,  personally  appeared Louis P.
Young,  who  acknowledged  himself to be a Vice President of UNITED STATES TRUST
COMPANY OF NEW YORK, a corporation,  and that as such Vice President of the said
corporation, being duly authorized to do so, executed the foregoing Supplemental
Indenture  for  the  purposes  therein  contained  by  signing  the  name of the
corporation by himself as Vice President.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal.

Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year aforesaid.