GPU COMPANIES

                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

                        (as amended through June 5, 1997)

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.        Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.        Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

3.        Administration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.        Deferral Election . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5.        Supplemental Savings Plan Benefits  . . . . . . . . . . .10

6.        Interest  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

7.        Distribution of Deferred Compensation . . . . . . . . . .12

8.        Non-Assignment of Deferred Compensation . . . . . . . . .17

9.        Termination of Participation or Employment  . . . . . . .18

10.       Transfer of Employment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18


                                  GPU COMPANIES

                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

                        (as amended through June 5, 1997)

1.       Purpose

         This document sets forth the GPU Companies Deferred  Compensation Plan,
as amended and restated, effective June 5, 1997.

         The Plan provides Elected Officers of each Company,  as defined herein,
with an  opportunity  to defer part or all of their  Compensation,  pursuant  to
their  elections made in accordance  with the provisions  hereof.  The Plan also
provides Elected Officers and Other Eligible Employees with an opportunity to be
credited with additional  deferred  amounts that are intended to approximate the
Company  Matching  Contributions  that  otherwise  might have been made on their
behalf to the GPU, Inc. and Subsidiary  System  Companies  Employee Savings Plan
for  Nonbargaining  Employees (the "Savings Plan") but for the limitation on the
amount of  compensation  that can be taken into  account  under the Savings Plan
pursuant to section  401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the "Compensation Limit").

         The  Plan is  intended  to  constitute  an  unfunded  plan of  deferred
compensation for "a select group of management or highly compensated  employees"
within the meaning of Sections  201(2),  301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").

         Each Company has adopted this Plan as its own Plan.  Accordingly,  each
Company shall be obligated hereunder only with respect to amounts  distributable
from the Accounts it maintains for Participants  who are its own employees;  and
the right to receive  any amount  distributable  hereunder  with  respect to any
Participant  shall be  enforceable  only  against  the  Company  with which such
Participant is or was last employed.

2.       Definition of Terms

         2.1 Account - refers,  as the context may  require,  to the  Retirement
Account, or the Pre-Retirement Account or Accounts, or to the Retirement Account
and all Pre-Retirement Accounts, established for a Participant hereunder.

         2.2      Board - refers to the Board of Directors of a Company.

         2.3 Chairman - refers to the Chairman of the Board or the Chairman,  as
appropriate for each Company that has adopted the Plan.

         2.4 Change in Control - A "Change in Control" shall mean the occurrence
during the term of the Plan of:

         (1)  An   acquisition   (other  than   directly  from  GPU,  Inc.  (the
"Corporation") of any common stock of the Corporation  ("Common Stock") or other
voting securities of the Corporation entitled to vote generally for the election
of directors  (the "Voting  Securities")  by any "Person" (as the term person is
used for purposes of Section  13(d) or 14(d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")),  immediately after which such Person has
"Beneficial  Ownership"  (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the
Exchange Act) of twenty percent (20%) or more of the then outstanding  shares of
Common Stock or the combined voting power of the Corporation's  then outstanding
Voting Securities; provided, however, in determining whether a Change in Control
has  occurred,   Voting   Securities   which  are  acquired  in  a  "Non-Control
Acquisition" (as hereinafter  defined) shall not constitute an acquisition which
would  cause a Change in  Control.  A  "Non-Control  Acquisition"  shall mean an
acquisition by (A) an employee  benefit plan (or a trust forming a part thereof)
maintained by (i) the  Corporation  or (ii) any  corporation  or other Person of
which a majority of its voting power or its voting  equity  securities or equity
interest is owned,  directly or indirectly,  by the Corporation (for purposes of
this definition,  a "Subsidiary"),  (B) the Corporation or its Subsidiaries,  or
(C) any Person in connection  with a "Non-Control  Transaction"  (as hereinafter

         (2) The individuals who, as of August 1, 1996, are members of the board
of directors of the Corporation (the "Incumbent Board"), cease for any reason to
constitute  at least  seventy  percent  (70%)  of the  members  of the  board of
directors  of the  Corporation;  provided,  however,  that if the  election,  or
nomination for election by the Corporation's  shareholders,  of any new director
was approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the Incumbent  Board,  such new
director  shall,  for purposes of this Plan,  be  considered  as a member of the
Incumbent  Board;  provided  further,  however,  that  no  individual  shall  be
considered a member of the Incumbent Board if such individual  initially assumed
office as a result of either an  actual or  threatened  "Election  Contest"  (as
described in Rule 14a-11  promulgated under the Exchange Act) or other actual or
threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other
than the board of directors of the Corporation (a "Proxy Contest")  including by
reason of any  agreement  intended  to avoid or settle any  Election  Contest or
Proxy Contest; or


     (3)      The consummation of:

                  (A) A merger, consolidation or reorganization with or into the
Corporation or in which  securities of the Corporation  are issued,  unless such
merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  is a  "Non-Control  Transaction."  A
"Non-Control  Transaction" shall mean a merger,  consolidation or reorganization
with or into the  Corporation  or in which  securities  of the  Corporation  are
issued where:

                  (i) the  shareholders of the Corporation,  immediately  before
         such  merger,   consolidation  or   reorganization,   own  directly  or
         indirectly   immediately   following  such  merger,   consolidation  or
         reorganization,  at least sixty  percent  (60%) of the combined  voting
         power of the outstanding voting securities of the corporation resulting
         from such merger or  consolidation  or  reorganization  (the "Surviving
         Corporation") in  substantially  the same proportion as their ownership
         of the Voting Securities immediately before such merger,  consolidation
         or reorganization,

                 (ii) the  individuals  who were members of the Incumbent  Board
         immediately prior to the execution of the agreement  providing for such
         merger,  consolidation  or  reorganization  constitute at least seventy
         percent (70%) of the members of the board of directors of the Surviving
         Corporation,  or a corporation,  directly or  indirectly,  beneficially
         owning  a  majority  of  the  Voting   Securities   of  the   Surviving
         Corporation, and

                (iii)  no  Person  other  than  (w)  the  Corporation,  (x)  any
         Subsidiary,  (y) any employee benefit plan (or any trust forming a part
         thereof)  that,  immediately  prior to such  merger,  consolidation  or
         reorganization, was maintained by the Corporation or any Subsidiary, or
         (z) any Person who, immediately prior to such merger,  consolidation or
         reorganization had Beneficial Ownership of twenty percent (20%) or more
         of the  then  outstanding  Voting  Securities  or  common  stock of the
         Corporation,  has Beneficial  Ownership of twenty percent (20%) or more
         of the  combined  voting  power  of the  Surviving  Corporation's  then
         outstanding voting securities or its common stock.

                  (B)      A complete liquidation or dissolution of the
Corporation; or

                  (C) The sale or other  disposition of all or substantially all
of the assets of the  Corporation  to any  Person  (other  than a transfer  to a


                  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  a Change in Control shall not
be deemed to occur solely  because any Person (the  "Subject  Person")  acquired
Beneficial  Ownership of more than the permitted  amount of the then outstanding
Common Stock or Voting Securities as a result of the acquisition of Common Stock
or Voting Securities by the Corporation  which, by reducing the number of shares
of  Common  Stock  or  Voting   Securities  then   outstanding,   increases  the
proportional  number  of  shares  Beneficially  Owned  by the  Subject  Persons,
provided  that if a Change in Control would occur (but for the operation of this
sentence)  as a result of the  acquisition  of shares of Common  Stock or Voting
Securities  by  the  Corporation,  and  after  such  share  acquisition  by  the
Corporation,  the Subject Person becomes the Beneficial  Owner of any additional
shares of Common Stock or Voting  Securities  which  increases the percentage of
the then outstanding  shares of Common Stock or Voting  Securities  Beneficially
Owned by the Subject Person, then a Change in Control shall occur.

         2.5 Committee - refers to the  Personnel,  Compensation  and Nominating
Committee of the Board of Directors of GPU, Inc.

         2.6 Company - refers,  as the context may require,  singularly  and not
jointly,  to any Company, a majority of the outstanding common stock of which is
owned,  directly or indirectly,  by GPU, Inc.,  that has adopted the Plan.  When
used in reference to a Participant,  the term  "Company"  shall mean the Company
with which such Participant is or was last employed unless the context otherwise

         2.7  Compensation  - refers to all amounts  which,  but for an election
hereunder,  would  be paid in  cash  during  a Plan  Year to a  Participant  for
services performed on behalf of the Company, but does not include  reimbursement
for travel or other expenses,  Company  contributions to retirement  programs or
other  employee  benefit  plans,  payments  under the  Company's  Short-Term  or
Long-Term  Disability  Income  Plans,  any  amounts  distributed  to the Elected
Officer from any Pre-Retirement  Account.  A Participant's  Compensation for any
Plan Year includes any Performance Award that becomes payable to the Participant
during such year,  but does not include any other  amounts that are paid or that
become  payable to the  Participant  under the 1990 Stock Plan for  Employees of
GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries (the "Stock Plan"). A Participant's  Compensation for
any Plan  Year  beginning  on or after  April 1,  1991,  shall not  include  any
severance  payments  made  to the  Participant  in  connection  with  his or her
termination of employment.


         2.8  Disability - refers to entitlement to benefits under the Company's
Long-Term  Disability  Income  Plan or  Employee  Pension  Plan as a result of a
disability  which,  in the opinion of the Board, is considered to be a permanent

         2.9 Elected Officer - refers to an individual who, pursuant to election
by the Board, is serving as an officer of the Company other than as an Assistant
Controller,  an  Assistant  Secretary,  or  an  Assistant  Treasurer;  provided,
however,  that the Board of any Company may limit  participation  in the Plan to
such of that Company's elected officers as the Board may designate,  and in such
case, the term "Elected Officer" shall refer only to any elected officer of such
Company so designated by the Board.

         2.10 "Excess Compensation" - refers, in the case of any Participant for
any month  beginning on or after January 1, 1995, to the amount by which (i) the
aggregate  amount  of  the  Participant's  Regular  Compensation  and  Incentive
Compensation for such month and for all prior months within the Plan Year of the
Savings Plan ("ESP Plan Year" ) that includes such month exceeds the sum of (ii)
the Compensation  Limit in effect for such ESP Plan Year and (iii) the aggregate
amount of the  Participant's  "Excess  Compensation" (as determined under clause
(i) and (ii) hereof) for all prior months within such Plan Year.

         2.11 Incentive  Compensation - refers to the portion of a Participant's
Compensation for a Plan Year that consists of amounts awarded to the Participant
during such year under the  Company's  Incentive  Compensation  Plan for Elected
Officers, Employee Incentive Compensation Plan, or Annual Performance Award

         2.12 Other Eligible  Employee - refers,  with respect to any Plan Year,
to any  employee of a Company who is not an Elected  Officer of such Company but
who is expected to have "Excess  Compensation" for any one or more months during
such Plan Year and who has been  designated  by the  Chairman of such Company as
eligible to make a deferral election for such Plan Year under Section 4.3.

         2.13  Participant  - refers to any  Elected  Officer or Other  Eligible
Employee who has made a deferral election for any Plan Year under Section 4.1 or
4.3.  For all  purposes  of the Plan  other  than  for  purposes  of  continuing
entitlement  to make  deferral  elections  under  Section 4.1 or 4.3, an Elected
Officer who at any time ceases to be such, or a Participant  whose employment is
terminated or whose  participation in the Plan is terminated pursuant to Section
9, shall, notwithstanding such cessation or termination,  continue to be treated
as a


"Participant"  until all amounts  credited to his or her Accounts under the Plan
have been distributed  pursuant to Section 7, or transferred pursuant to Section

         2.14  Performance  Award - refers  to the  portion  of a  Participant's
Compensation  for a Plan Year that consists of any  Performance  Cash  Incentive
Award that  becomes  payable to the Elected  Officer  during such year under the
Stock Plan. For this purpose,  a Performance  Award shall be treated as becoming
payable to a  Participant  on the "Vesting  Date" for the  restricted  shares or
restricted  units with respect to which the Performance  Award becomes  payable;
and the "Vesting  Date" shall mean the date on which such  restricted  shares or
restricted units become vested under the terms of the written  agreement between
the Elected  Officer and GPU, Inc.  evidencing the award of such shares or units
to the Elected Officer.

         2.15 Plan - refers to the GPU Companies  Deferred  Compensation Plan as
set forth in this document and as it may be amended in the future.

         2.16 Plan Year - refers to each  12-month  period  from April 1 through
March 31. In the case of any Company that adopts the Plan as of a date after the
start of a Plan Year,  as so defined,  the initial  "Plan Year," with respect to
such  Company's  Elected  Officers and Other  Eligible  Employees,  shall be the
period  commencing  on the date as of which the Plan is so adopted and ending on
the next following March 31.

         2.17  Pre-Retirement  Account - refers to the memorandum  account which
shall be established  and maintained for a Participant  who elects,  pursuant to
Section 4.5, to have payment of any portion of his or her  Compensation  for any
Plan Year  deferred  to a date which is  expected  to occur  prior to his or her
Retirement or Disability. A separate Pre-Retirement Account shall be established
and maintained for the  Compensation for each Plan Year which the Participant so
elects to defer.

         2.18 Regular Compensation - refers to a Participant's  Compensation for
a Plan Year, exclusive of any Incentive  Compensation awarded to the Participant
during such Plan Year,  and  exclusive  of any  Performance  Award that  becomes
payable to the Participant during such Plan Year.

         2.19  Retirement - refers to termination of service with the Company on
account of retirement under the Company's  Employee  Pension Plan,  resignation,
death or any  other  reason  other  than  employment  by any  other  Company.  A
Participant  will not be deemed  to have  retired  until he or she  ceases to be
employed with any Company.


         2.20 Retirement  Account - refers to the memorandum account which shall
be established and maintained for a Participant who elects,  pursuant to Section
4.5, to have payment of any portion of his or her Compensation for any Plan Year
deferred  to a  date  after  his or  her  Retirement  or  Disability.  The  term
Retirement  Account  shall also refer to the  memorandum  account  that shall be
established and maintained for a Participant pursuant to Section 5.3.

3.       Administration

         3.1 Subject to the concurrence of the Committee, the Company may modify
the provisions of the Plan from time-to-time,  or, may terminate the entire Plan
at any time; provided, however, that Section 2.4, this Section 3.1, Section 3.4,
Paragraph  (d) of Section 6 and Section 7.5 may not be amended or modified,  and
the Plan may not be  terminated,  (i) at the  request  of a third  party who has
indicated  an  intention  or taken  steps to effect a Change in Control  and who
effectuates  a Change  in  Control,  (ii)  within  six (6)  months  prior to, or
otherwise in connection  with, or in anticipation  of, a Change in Control which
has been threatened or proposed and which actually occurs,  or (iii) following a
Change in Control,  if the  amendment,  modification  or  termination  adversely
affects the rights of any Participant  under the Plan.  Action to amend the Plan
may be taken by the Company  either by resolution  duly adopted by the Company's
Board,  or by an instrument in writing  executed by an officer of the Company to
whom  authority to adopt or approve  amendments  to the Plan has been  delegated
pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the Company's Board. No modification or
termination  of the Plan shall  adversely  affect the rights of any  Participant
with respect to any amounts standing to the Participant's  credit in any Account
immediately  prior  to  the  date  of  the  adoption  of  such  modification  or
termination,  including  without  limitation any rights with respect to the time
and method of payment of, or the crediting of interest  equivalents with respect
to, any such amounts.

         3.2  Responsibility  for the ongoing  administration of this Plan rests
with the Board.

         3.3 The Board may delegate the day-to-day  administration of this Plan,
including the  maintenance  of  appropriate  records,  receiving  notifications,
making filings, and maintaining related  documentation,  to the officer or other
employee of the Company in charge of the Company's Human  Resources  division or
function,  and to his or her  staff,  or to any one or more  other  officers  or
employees of any Company as the Board may determine in its discretion.


         3.4 The Board shall have  exclusive  authority to resolve all questions
concerning  the Plan,  including any dispute over  accounting or  administrative
procedures or interpretation of the Plan.

         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  any  determination  made by the Board
after the  occurrence of a Change in Control that denies in whole or in part any
claim made by any  individual  for  benefits  under the Plan shall be subject to
judicial review, under a "de novo", rather than a deferential, standard.

         3.5 A  Participant's  election to defer  Compensation,  selection  of a
distribution  commencement  date and  distribution  option,  or designation of a
beneficiary  and contingent  beneficiary,  made pursuant to this Plan,  shall be
made in writing, on a form that is furnished to the Participant for such purpose
by the  Committee  and that is signed by the  Participant  and  delivered to the
Committee.  Any such election,  selection,  designation,  or any change therein,
shall not become effective unless and until received by the Committee.

         Except as  provided  in  Section  7.4 or  Section  7.5, a change in the
selection of a distribution  commencement date or distribution  option shall not
be  effective  unless  made  at  least  twenty-four  (24)  months  prior  to the
Participant's Retirement or Disability.

4.       Deferral Election

         4.1 For each Plan Year beginning on and after April 1, 1991, an Elected
Officer  may  elect,  separately,  to  defer  (a) any  part or all of his or her
Regular  Compensation for such year, (b) any part or all of his or her Incentive
Compensation for such year,  and/or (c) any part or all of any Performance Award
that becomes payable to the Elected Officer during such year; subject,  however,
in each case to the limitations set forth in Section 4.4.

         4.2 An  election  to  defer  Regular  Compensation  for any  Plan  Year
beginning on and after April 1, 1991, shall be made on or prior to October 31 of
the year preceding such Plan Year. An election to defer  Incentive  Compensation
for any Plan Year beginning on or after April 1, 1991, shall be made on or prior
to October 31 of such Plan Year.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  (a)  Elected
Officers who are  initially  elected prior to November 1st of any Plan Year may,
within 30 days of such  initial  election,  or, if later,  the date the  Elected
Officer's  Regular  Compensation is fixed by the Board, make a deferral election
for his or her Regular  Compensation  for the then  current  Plan Year,  and (b)
Elected Officers who are initially elected after November 1st of


any Plan Year may, within 30 days of such initial  election,  or, if later,  the
date the Elected  Officer's  Regular  Compensation is fixed by the Board, make a
deferral  election  for  both  his or her  Regular  Compensation  and  Incentive
Compensation  (if any) for the then current Plan Year, as well as for his or her
Regular  Compensation  for  the  immediately  succeeding  Plan  Year;  provided,
however,  that any deferral  election  made pursuant to clause (a) or (b) hereof
shall be effective only with respect to Compensation  earned after such deferral
election has become  effective.  An election to defer any part of a  Performance
Award  shall  be made at  least  one  year  prior  to the  Vesting  Date for the
restricted  shares or  restricted  units with respect to which such  Performance
Award is payable.  All deferral elections made under Section 4.1 or 4.3 shall be

         4.3 For each Plan Year  beginning on or after April 1, 1996,  any Other
Eligible   Employee  may  elect  to  defer  any  part  or  all  of  any  "Excess
Compensation"  that may become payable to such Other  Eligible  Employee for any
month  during such Plan Year,  subject to the  limitations  set forth in Section
4.4. Such election shall be made on or prior to October 31 of the year preceding
such Plan Year.

         4.4 Deferral  elections  otherwise  permitted to be made under the Plan
for Plan  Years  beginning  on or after  April 1, 1995  shall be  subject to the
following limitations:

         (a) No amount may be  deferred  pursuant  to a  Participant's  election
under this Plan for a period of 12 months following the Participant's receipt of
a hardship withdrawal under Section 7.2(e) of the Savings Plan.

         (b) No Incentive  Compensation for a Plan Year may be deferred pursuant
to a  Participant's  election  hereunder  if  the  Participant's  Retirement  or
Disability occurs after the date on which he or she made such election but prior
to the  first day of the  calendar  year  next  following  the date on which the
Participant made the election for such Plan Year.

         (c) No portion of a Participant's  Compensation  for a Plan Year may be
deferred  pursuant to the  Participant's  election  hereunder to the extent such
portion is required to be applied to payment of any tax or other  obligation  of
the Participant.

         4.5  In  any  election  to  defer  Regular  Compensation  or  Incentive
Compensation  for any Plan Year, in any election to defer any Performance  Award
that  becomes  payable  during a Plan  Year,  and in any  election  by any Other
Eligible  Employee  to defer any  Excess  Compensation  for any Plan  Year,  the
Participant shall specify the amount or portion of such Compensation to be


deferred,  and shall  indicate  whether  the  Compensation  so deferred is to be
credited to a Pre-Retirement  Account, or to a Retirement Account. If an Elected
Officer  elects  to  defer  Incentive  Compensation  for  any  Plan  Year  to  a
Pre-Retirement  Account,  the  Compensation so deferred shall be credited to the
Elected  Officer's  Pre-Retirement  Account for the Plan Year next following the
Plan  Year in which  such  Incentive  Compensation  is  awarded  to the  Elected

         4.6 With respect to  Compensation  deferred  hereunder  for a Plan Year
which  a  Participant  elects  to  have  credited  to his or her  Pre-Retirement
Account,  he or she shall  specify in his or her election form the date on which
distribution  of such account  shall be made or  commence.  The date so selected
shall be no earlier than January 15 of the third calendar year  beginning  after
the  close  of such  Plan  Year,  and may be the  January  15 of any  subsequent
calendar year.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  a Participant may elect to have
distribution  of any  Pre-Retirement  Account made or commence on the earlier of
any date selected by the Participant in accordance with the preceding  sentence,
or January 15 of the calendar  year  following the  Participant's  Retirement or
Disability. In his or her election form for the Plan Year, the Participant shall
also  select  an  option  under  Section  7.2  for  the   distribution   of  the
Pre-Retirement  Account.  Except as provided in Section 7.4 or Section  7.5, the
date so specified,  and the option so selected, may not thereafter be changed by
the Participant.

         4.7  With  respect  to any  Compensation  deferred  hereunder  which  a
Participant elects to have credited to his or her Retirement  Account, he or she
shall,  at the time he or she first  elects to have an amount  credited  to such
account,  also elect a distribution  commencement date and a distribution option
under  Section 7.2 for the  distribution  of such account.  A  Participant  may,
subject  to the  provisions  of  Section  3.5,  change  any  election  as to the
distribution  commencement  date  and  distribution  option  for the  Retirement
Account  previously made by him or her. The  distribution  commencement  date so
elected  shall  be  either  January  15  of  the  calendar  year  following  the
Participant's Retirement or Disability, or January 15 of any subsequent calendar

5.       Supplemental Savings Plan Benefits

         5.1  Beginning  on or after April 1, 1992,  for each month for which an
Elected  Officer has Excess  Compensation,  and  beginning  on or after April 1,
1996,  for  each  month  for  which  any  Other  Eligible  Employee  has  Excess
Compensation,  there shall be credited to such Participant's  Retirement Account
an amount


determined by multiplying the Participant's  Excess  Compensation for such month
by his or her Matching Percentage for such month.

         5.2 For purposes of Section 5.1, the  following  definitions  and rules
shall apply beginning on or after January 1, 1995:

         (a) In determining the amount of a Participant's  "Excess Compensation"
for any month,  only the  Participant's  Regular  Compensation  for those months
during which he or she is eligible to  participate  in the Savings Plan shall be
taken into account.

         (b) A Participant's  Regular  Compensation  for any month shall include
the total  amount  of  Regular  Compensation  that  would  have been paid to the
Participant in such month but for any deferral  election made by the Participant
hereunder.  A Participant's  Incentive  Compensation for any month shall include
the total amount of Incentive  Compensation  awarded to the  Participant  during
such month whether or not paid to the Participant in such month.

         (c) A Participant's  "Matching Percentage" for any month shall mean the
percentage,  not in excess of 4%, determined by dividing the aggregate amount of
the  Participant's  Regular  Compensation  and Incentive  Compensation  for such
month,  and for all prior  months  within the ESP Plan Year that  includes  such
month, that is deferred pursuant to elections made by the Participant hereunder,
by (ii) the aggregate amount of the Participant's  Excess  Compensation for such
month and for all prior  months  within  the ESP Plan  Year that  includes  such

         5.3 If, on the first date as of which an amount is to be  credited to a
Participant's Retirement Account under Section 5.1, a Retirement Account had not
previously  been  established  for such  Participant  pursuant to Section 4.5, a
Retirement Account shall be established for such Participant as of such date. By
no  later  than  30  days  after  such  date,  such  Participant  shall  elect a
distribution  commencement  date and a  distribution  option for his  Retirement
Account,  and may thereafter  change any such election,  in accordance  with the
provisions set forth in Section 4.7.

6.       Interest

         Interest equivalents will be calculated and credited to Accounts at the
end of each quarter in the calendar  year.  Such interest  equivalents  shall be
determined in accordance with the following rules:

         (a) The amount of Regular Compensation  deferred each month pursuant to
an Elected Officer's election  hereunder,  the amount of Excess Compensation for
any month that is deferred pursuant to


any Other Eligible Employee's  election hereunder,  and any amount credited to a
Participant's  Retirement  Account for any month  under  Section  5.1,  shall be
treated  as having  been  credited  to the  Participant's  Account  in two equal
installments during such month, one at mid-month,  and the other at month's end;
and interest  equivalents  thereon shall be compounded monthly on each quarter's
beginning  balance with  proportionate  monthly  compounding  for any amounts so
deferred or credited during any calendar quarter.

         (b) The  amount  of  Incentive  Compensation  deferred  pursuant  to an
Elected Officer's election hereunder shall be treated as having been credited to
the Elected  Officer's  Account as of the 15th day, or the last day of the month
(whichever is earlier),  following the date on which such amount would have been
paid to the  Elected  Officer in the  absence  of such  election,  and  interest
equivalents thereon shall be compounded monthly.

         (c) Any part of a  Performance  Award  deferred  pursuant to an Elected
Officer's  election  hereunder  shall be treated as having been  credited to the
Elected  Officer's  Account  as of the 15th  day,  or the last day of the  month
(whichever is earlier),  following the Vesting Date for the restricted shares or
restricted units with respect to which such Performance Award became payable.

         (d) The rate used in  calculation of interest  equivalents  will be the
rate equal to the simple  average of  Citibank  N.A. of New York Prime Rates for
the last business day of each of the three months in the calendar quarter or, if
greater, such other rate as established from time to time by the Committee.

         Interest  equivalents  will be credited to the balance of each  Account
maintained for a Participant  hereunder,  including the undistributed balance of
any such Account from which payments are being made in installments. However, if
a Participant elects Option (c) under Section 7.2 below, no interest equivalents
will be credited to the  Participant's  Account for any period after the date on
which distribution under such Option is to commence.

7.       Distribution of Deferred Funds

         7.1 Subject to  Sections  7.4 and 7.5, a  Participant's  Pre-Retirement
Accounts  shall  be  distributed  to him or  her,  or  distributions  from  such
Pre-Retirement  Accounts shall  commence,  on the date or dates specified in the
elections made by the  Participant  pursuant to Section 4.6 with respect to such
accounts.  Subject to Sections 7.4 and 7.5, a Participant's  Retirement  Account
shall be  distributed  to him or her,  or  distributions  from  such  Retirement
Account shall commence, on the


date  specified in the most recent  effective  election made by the  Participant
pursuant to Section 4.7 with respect to such Account.

         7.2      The options available for distribution are:

         (a)      A single lump sum payment.

         (b) Annual  installments over any fixed number of years selected by the
Participant,  with a  minimum  of  five  annual  installments  required  for the
Retirement Account.

         (c) With the prior  consent of the  Committee and subject to such terms
and conditions as it may require,  a lifetime  annuity payable in annual or more
frequent  installments,  the amount of which shall be determined by reference to
mortality  tables and interest and dividend rates  applicable  under  individual
whole  life  insurance  policies  being  issued  at the time of the  Committee's
approval by such life insurance companies as the Committee may designate.

         (d) Any other form of distribution,  in equal or unequal  payments,  as
specifically approved by the Committee.

         If  distribution  of any of a  Participant's  Accounts is to be made in
annual  installments  under  Option (b) of this  Section 7.2, the amount of each
installment  will  equal  the  total  amount  in said  Account  on the  date the
installment is payable,  divided by the number of  installments  remaining to be
paid. In addition,  if the distributions  are made in installments  under Option
(b) of this Section 7.2,  the interest  equivalent  accrued on each Account each
year after the date the first installment is payable will be distributed on each
anniversary of such date.

         7.3  Except  as  the  Board  may  otherwise   determine  based  on  the
circumstances at the time the distribution to the beneficiary is to commence:

         (a) If a  Participant  should  die after  distribution  of any  Account
maintained for him or her hereunder has commenced, but before the entire balance
of such Account has been fully  distributed,  distributions  will continue to be
made from such Account to the Participant's designated beneficiary or contingent
beneficiary,  in  accordance  with the  distribution  option in effect  for such
Account at the time of the Participant's death.

         (b) If a Participant should die before any distribution from an Account
maintained for him or her hereunder has been made to him or her, distribution of
such  Account  to  the  Participant's   designated   beneficiary  or  contingent
beneficiary shall be made,


or shall  commence,  as soon as practicable  after the  Participant's  death, in
accordance with the  distribution  option in effect for such Account at the time
of the Participant's death.

         Any  amounts  remaining  to  be  paid  to  a  Participant's  designated
beneficiary at the time of the designated  beneficiary's  death shall be paid to
the Participant's  contingent beneficiary or, if such contingent beneficiary has
predeceased  the  Participant's  designated  beneficiary,  to the  estate of the
designated  beneficiary.  Any amounts  remaining  to be paid to a  Participant's
contingent beneficiary at the time of such contingent  beneficiary's death shall
be  paid to the  estate  of the  contingent  beneficiary.  If the  Participant's
designated  beneficiary  and contingent  beneficiary  have both  predeceased the
Participant,  any amounts remaining to be paid to the Participant at the time of
his or her death shall be paid to the Participant's estate.

         7.4  Notwithstanding  anything  herein  to the  contrary,  any  Account
maintained for a Participant hereunder may be distributed,  in whole or in part,
to such Participant on any date earlier than the date on which distribution from
such Account is to be made or commence  pursuant to the  Participant's  election
with  respect  to such  Account,  if (a) the  Participant  requests  such  early
distribution,  and (b) the Board, in its sole  discretion,  determines that such
early  distribution  is  necessary  to help the  Participant  meet  some  severe
financial need arising from  circumstances  which were beyond the  Participant's
control and which were not foreseen by him or her at the time he or she made his
or her election as to the date or dates for  distribution  from such Account.  A
request by a  Participant  for an early  distribution  shall be made in writing,
shall set forth  sufficient  information as to the  Participant's  need for such
distribution to enable the Board to take action on his or her request, and shall
be mailed or delivered to the Company's Corporate Secretary.

         7.5  Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary or
any other optional form of  distribution  otherwise  elected,  each  Participant
shall be permitted to make a special distribution election under (a), (b) or (c)
below, in accordance with the provisions of (d) below.

         (a) A  Participant  may elect  under  this  Section  7.5(a) to have the
entire  balance  of each of his or her  Accounts  distributed  in the  form of a
single lump sum payment upon the  occurrence of a Change in Control prior to the
Participant's "Termination of Employment", as defined in (e) below. Such payment
shall be made by no later  than  thirty  (30) days  after the date on which such
Change in Control occurs.


         (b) A  Participant  may elect  under  this  Section  7.5(b) to have the
entire  balance  of each of his or her  Accounts  distributed  in the  form of a
single  lump sum  payment  in the  event  of the  Participant's  Termination  of
Employment  for any reason within the two (2) year period  following a Change in
Control.  Such payment shall be made by no later than thirty (30) days after the
date of the Participant's Termination of Employment.

         (c) Under this Section 7.5(c) a Participant  may elect,  in the event a
Change in Control occurs after the  Participant's  Termination of Employment but
before all payments  with respect to the  Participant's  Accounts have been made
pursuant to the Participant's elections under Section 4.6 and/or Section 4.7, to
have the entire unpaid balance of his or her Accounts at the time of such Change
in Control  distributed  in the form of a single lump sum payment.  Such payment
shall be made by no later  than  thirty  (30)  days  after the date on which the
Change in Control occurs.

         (d) An election  under Section  7.5(a) shall be effective only if it is
made at least one year  prior to the Change in  Control  referred  to in Section
7.5(a).  An election under Section 7.5 (b) shall be effective only if it is made
either  (i)  at  least  twenty-four  (24)  months  prior  to  the  Participant's
Termination of Employment, or (ii) if such Termination of Employment constitutes
an "Involuntary  Termination",  as defined in (e) below, at least one year prior
to the Change in  Control  referred  to in Section  7.5(b).  An  election  under
Section 7.5(c) shall be effective only if it is made prior to the  Participant's
Termination  of Employment  and at least one year prior to the occurrence of the
Change in Control referred to in Section 7.5(c). Any special election made under
Section  7.5(a),  (b) or (c) may be revoked,  and a new special  election may be
made thereunder at any time; provided,  however, that any such revocation or new
election shall be effective  only if it is made within the  applicable  election
period  specified  herein.  Any special  election,  or  revocation  of a special
election, that may be made under Section 7.5(a), (b) or (c) shall be made in the
manner set forth in Section 3.5

         (e) For purposes of this Section  7.5, the  following  terms shall have
the following meanings:

                  (i) "Termination of Employment"  shall mean the termination of
         a  Participant's  employment with the Company other than as a result of
         the transfer of the Participant's employment to any other Company.


                     (ii) "Involuntary  Termination"  shall mean a Participant's
   Termination of Employment (A) as a result of the Participant's  death, (B) by
   the Company, for any reason, or (C) by the Participant for "Good
                                        Reason" as defined in (iii) below.

                  (iii) "Good Reason" shall mean the  occurrence  after a Change
   in Control of any of the following events or conditions:

                           (A) a  change  in the  Participant's  status,  title,
                  position    or    responsibilities     (including    reporting
                  responsibilities)   which,  in  the  Participant's  reasonable
                  judgment, represents an adverse change from his or her status,
                  title,  position or  responsibilities as in effect immediately
                  prior thereto; the assignment to the Participant of any duties
                  or  responsibilities  which, in the  Participant's  reasonable
                  judgment,  are  inconsistent  with his or her  status,  title,
                  position   or   responsibilities;   or  any   removal  of  the
                  Participant from or failure to reappoint or reelect him or her
                  to any of such offices or positions,  other than in connection
                  with the  termination of his or her employment for disability,
                  for cause, or by the Participant other than for Good Reason;

                           (B)   any reduction in the rate of the Participant's
                  annual base salary;

                           (C) the  relocation  of the offices of the Company at
                  which the  Participant is  principally  employed to a location
                  more than  twenty-five  (25) miles from the  location  of such
                  offices  immediately prior to such relocation,  or the Company
                  requiring the  Participant  to be based anywhere other than at
                  such  offices,  except to the extent the  Participant  was not
                  previously  assigned to a  principal  place of duty and except
                  for  required  travel on the  Company's  business to an extent
                  substantially   consistent  with  the  Participant's  previous
                  business travel obligations;

                           (D)  the  failure  by  the  Company  to  pay  to  the
                  Participant   any   amount   of  the   Participant's   current
                  compensation,  or any amount  payable under this Plan,  within
                  seven (7) days of the date on which  payment of such amount is
                  due; or

                           (E) the  failure by the  Company  (1) to  continue in
                  effect  (without  reduction in benefit  level,  and/or  reward
                  opportunities) any material compensation or


                  employee   benefit   plan  in  which   the   Participant   was
                  participating immediately prior to such failure by the Company
                  unless a substitute or replacement  plan has been  implemented
                  which  provides   substantially   identical   compensation  or
                  benefits to the  Participant or (2) to continue to provide the
                  Participant with compensation and benefits,  in the aggregate,
                  at least  equal  (in terms of  benefit  levels  and/or  reward
                  opportunities)   to  those   provided   for  under  all  other
                  compensation or employee benefit plans, programs and practices
                  in which the Participant was  participating  immediately prior
                  to such failure by the Company.

                  Any event or  condition  described  in clause (A)  through (E)
         above which  occurs (1) within  twelve (12) months prior to a Change in
         Control  or (2) prior to a Change in  Control  but which (x) was at the
         request of a third party who has  indicated an intention or taken steps
         reasonably calculated to effect a Change in Control and who effectuates
         a Change in Control,  or (y) otherwise arose in connection  with, or in
         anticipation  of, a Change  in  Control  which has been  threatened  or
         proposed and which actually  occurs,  shall  constitute Good Reason for
         purposes of this Section 7.5 notwithstanding  that it occurred prior to
         a Change in Control.

         7.6 The  Company  may,  but shall not be required  to,  purchase a life
insurance  policy,  or  policies,  to  assist  in  funding  any of  its  payment
obligations  under the Plan.  If any policy is so  purchased,  it shall,  at all
times, remain the exclusive property of the Company and subject to the claims of
its  creditors.  Neither  the  Participant  nor any  beneficiary  or  contingent
beneficiary  designated by him or her shall have any interest in, or rights with
respect to, such policy.

         7.7 A Participant shall have the status of a mere unsecured creditor of
the Company  with  respect to his or her right to receive any payment  under the
Plan.  The Plan shall  constitute a mere promise by the Company to make payments
in the future of the  benefits  provided  for herein.  It is  intended  that the
arrangements  reflected in this Plan be treated as unfunded for tax purposes and
for purposes of Title I of ERISA.

8.       Non-Assignment of Deferred Compensation

         A Participant's rights to payments under this Plan shall not be subject
in any manner to anticipation,  alienation,  sale, transfer (other than transfer
by  will  or by the  laws of  descent  and  distribution,  in the  absence  of a
beneficiary  designation),   assignment,  pledge,  encumbrance,   attachment  or
garnishment  by  creditors  of the  Participant  or his or her  spouse  or other


9.       Termination of Participation or Employment

         A  Participant's  participation  in the Plan may be  terminated  by the
Board at any time. No promise or representation,  either express or implied,  is
made with respect to  continued  employment,  transfer or  promotion  because of
participation in the Plan, and the employment of a Participant may be terminated
at any time.

10.      Transfer of Employment

         10.1 If a  Participant  transfers  employment to any other Company that
maintains  this Plan for such  Company's  Elected  Officers  and Other  Eligible
Employees and the Participant is or becomes an Elected Officer or Other Eligible
Employee of such other Company,  the balance to the Participant's credit in each
Account  maintained for the Participant  under this Plan shall be transferred to
the comparable account established for the Participant under the Plan maintained
by such  other  Company,  effective  as of the date on which  the  Participant's
employment is so  transferred  or, if later,  the date on which the  Participant
first  becomes  an  Elected  Officer or Other  Eligible  Employee  of such other
Company.  Upon the transfer of the Participant's  Account balances,  the Company
making the transfer shall have no further  obligation to the  Participant or his
or her designated  beneficiaries with respect to payment of the Account balances
so transferred.

         10.2 If an Elected  Officer  or Other  Eligible  Employee  of any other
Company  that  maintains  this Plan for its Elected  Officers or Other  Eligible
Employee  transfers  employment  to the  Company  and is or  becomes  an Elected
Officer or Other Eligible Employee of the Company,  as of the date on which such
Elected Officer's or Other Eligible Employee's  employment is so transferred or,
if later,  the date on which such  Elected  Officer or Other  Eligible  Employee
first  becomes an Elected  Officer or Other  Eligible  Employee of the  Company,
there shall be established  for the Elected  Officer or Other Eligible  Employee
under this Plan an Account or Accounts comparable to each account maintained for
such Elected Officer or Other Eligible Employee under such other Company's Plan,
and there shall be transferred to each Account so established an amount equal to
the balance to such Elected Officer's or Other Eligible Employee's credit in the
comparable account maintained for the Elected Officer or Other Eligible Employee
under such other Company's Plan.

         In  addition,  on and after the date on which an Elected  Officer's  or
Other Eligible  Employee's Account balances are so transferred,  any election to
defer Compensation, any election as


to the date of commencement or form of distribution of Account balances, and any
designation of a beneficiary, made by the Participant under such other Company's
Plan shall be treated as having been made under this Plan.
