GPU SYSTEM COMPANIES


               As Amended and Restated Effective February 6, 1997

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Article         Title                                               Page No.
- -------         -----                                               --------

ARTICLE 1       Definitions                                          2

ARTICLE 2       Establishment of the Trusts                          7

ARTICLE 3       Contributions and Accounts                           9

ARTICLE 4       Payments to Participants and Beneficiaries          14

ARTICLE 5       Legal Defense Fund                                  21

ARTICLE 6       Insolvency                                          25

ARTICLE 7       Payments to Company                                 26

ARTICLE 8       Investment Authority and Disposition of Income      27

ARTICLE 9       General Powers and Duties of Trustee                29

ARTICLE 10      Taxes, Expenses, and Compensation of Trustee        34

ARTICLE 11      Accounting by Trustee                               35

ARTICLE 12      Communications                                      37

ARTICLE 13      Resignation or Removal of Trustee                   38

ARTICLE 14      Amendments and Termination                          40

ARTICLE 15      Miscellaneous                                       41

                  THIS TRUST  AGREEMENT,  Amended and Restated as of February 6,
1997, by and between GPU, INC., a Pennsylvania  corporation (the "Corporation"),
Pennsylvania  corporation,  GPU SERVICE, INC., a Pennsylvania  corporation,  GPU
NUCLEAR,  INC., a New Jersey corporation,  GPU GENERATION,  INC., a Pennsylvania
corporation ("Genco"), and GPU INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Delaware Corporation (each
such corporation is hereinafter referred to individually as a "Company", and all
such corporations are hereinafter  referred to collectively as the "Companies"),
and SUMMIT BANK (formerly UNITED JERSEY BANK), a New Jersey state chartered bank
(hereinafter referred to as the "Trustee").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

                  WHEREAS  each  Company  has  adopted  one or  more  Plans  (as
hereinafter  defined) under which it has incurred or expects to incur  liability
under the terms of such Plans with respect to Benefits (as hereinafter  defined)
payable to individuals participating in such Plans; and

                  WHEREAS,  pursuant to a Trust  Agreement dated as of September
1, 1995 between the Corporation, each of the Companies other than Genco, and the
Trustee (the "Prior Agreement"),  each of such Companies has established a trust
(hereinafter  called the "Trust") and has  contributed  to the Trust assets that
shall be held therein,  subject to the claims of the Company's  creditors in the
event of the Company's  Insolvency (as  hereinafter  defined) until paid to Plan
participants  and  their  beneficiaries  in such  manner  and at such  times  as
specified in the Plans; and

                  WHEREAS,  Genco wishes to establish a Trust  hereunder  and to
become a party to this  Agreement and agrees to be bound by all of its terms and
provisions; and

                  WHEREAS,  it is the  intention  of the parties that each Trust
established  hereunder or under the Prior Agreement shall constitute an unfunded
arrangement and shall not affect the status of each of the Plans as unfunded for
purposes  of those  provisions  of  Title I of the  Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act of 1974 that may apply to such Plan; and

                  WHEREAS,   it  is  the  intention  of  each  Company  to  make
contributions to its Trust to provide itself with a source of funds to assist it
in the meeting of its liabilities under its Plans; and

                  WHEREAS, the Trustee is not a party to any of the Plans and
makes no representations with respect thereto; and

                  WHEREAS,  the  parties  hereto  wish to amend and  restate the
Prior  Agreement  to permit  Genco to become a party  hereto and to make certain
other changes in the Prior Agreement;

                  NOW,  THEREFORE,  the Prior  Agreement  is hereby  amended and
restated to read in its entirety as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1

                  1.1 As  used  herein,  the  following  terms  shall  have  the
following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates a contrary meaning:
                  (a) "Agreement" shall mean this instrument, as the same may be
         amended from time to time as permitted herein.


                  (b) "Applicable Company" shall mean, with respect to any Trust
         established  hereunder,  or any Plan, the Company that established such
         Trust, or that has adopted or maintains such Plan.

                  (c) "Beneficiary",  with respect to a Participant,  shall mean
         the person or entity  designated by such  Participant  under a Plan, or
         such other person or entity with respect to such  Participant as may be
         designated  under the terms of such Plan, to receive the  Benefits,  if
         any, payable from such Plan following such Participant's death.

                  (d) "Benefits" shall mean those amounts specified in Exhibit B
         that are payable  under a Plan to (or with  respect to) a  Participant,
         or, upon his death, to his Beneficiary.

                  (e) "Benefit  Valuation Date" shall mean the first day of each
         calendar year.

                  (f)  "Board"   shall  mean  the  board  of  directors  of  the

                  (g) "Change in Control"  shall mean the  occurrence  of any of
         the following:

                           (1) An  acquisition  (other  than  directly  from the
         Corporation) of any common stock of the Corporation ("Common Stock") or
         other voting  securities of the Corporation  entitled to vote generally
         for the election of directors (the "Voting Securities") by any "Person"
         (as the term person is used for  purposes of Section  13(d) or 14(d) of
         the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")),
         immediately after which such Person has "Beneficial  Ownership" (within
         the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of twenty
         percent (20%) or more of the then outstanding shares of Common Stock or
         the combined voting power of the Corporation's  then outstanding Voting
         Securities;  provided,  however,  in  determining  whether  a Change in
         Control  has  occurred,  Voting  Securities  which  are  acquired  in a
         "Non-Control Acquisition" (as hereinafter defined) shall not constitute
         an  acquisition  which would cause a Change in Control.  A "Non-Control
         Acquisition"  shall mean an acquisition by (A) an employee benefit plan
         (or a trust forming a part thereof)  maintained by (i) the  Corporation
         or (ii) any  corporation  or other  Person of which a  majority  of its
         voting  power or its voting  equity  securities  or equity  interest is
         owned, directly or indirectly, by the Corporation (for purposes of this
         definition,  a "Subsidiary"),  (B) the Corporation or its Subsidiaries,
         or (C) any Person in connection  with a "Non-Control  Transaction"  (as
         hereinafter defined);

                           (2) The  individuals  who, as of August 1, 1996,  are
         members of the Board (the "Incumbent  Board"),  cease for any reason to
         constitute at least seventy  percent (70%) of the members of the Board;
         provided,  however, that if the election, or nomination for election by
         the Corporation's  shareholders,  of any new director was approved by a
         vote of at least two-thirds of the Incumbent  Board,  such new director
         shall,  for purposes of this Trust,  be  considered  as a member of the
         Incumbent Board; provided further, however, that no individual shall be
         considered a member of the Incumbent Board if such individual initially
         assumed office as a result of either an actual or threatened  "Election
         Contest" (as  described in Rule 14a-11  promulgated  under the Exchange
         Act) or other actual or threatened  solicitation of proxies or consents
         by or on behalf of a Person  other  than the Board (a "Proxy  Contest")
         including  by reason of any  agreement  intended to avoid or settle any
         Election Contest or Proxy Contest; or


                           (3) The consummation of:

                  (A) A merger, consolidation or reorganization with or into the
         Corporation  or in which  securities  of the  Corporation  are  issued,
         unless such merger,  consolidation or  reorganization is a "Non-Control
         Transaction."  A  "Non-Control   Transaction"   shall  mean  a  merger,
         consolidation  or  reorganization  with or into the  Corporation  or in
         which securities of the Corporation are issued where:

                    (i) the stockholders of the Corporation,  immediately before
         such  merger,   consolidation  or   reorganization,   own  directly  or
         indirectly   immediately   following  such  merger,   consolidation  or
         reorganization,  at least sixty  percent  (60%) of the combined  voting
         power of the outstanding voting securities of the corporation resulting
         from such merger or  consolidation  or  reorganization  (the "Surviving
         Corporation") in  substantially  the same proportion as their ownership
         of the Voting Securities immediately before such merger,  consolidation
         or reorganization,

                  (ii) the  individuals  who were members of the Incumbent Board
          immediately prior to the execution of the agreement providing for such
          merger,  consolidation or  reorganization  constitute at least seventy
          percent  (70%)  of  the  members  of the  board  of  directors  of the
          Surviving  Corporation,  or a  corporation,  directly  or  indirectly,
          beneficially  owning  a  majority  of  the  Voting  Securities  of the
          Surviving Corporation, and

                 (iii)  no  Person  other  than  (w)  the  Corporation,   (x)any
         Subsidiary,(y) any employee benefit plan (or any trust forming a
          part thereof) that, immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or
          reorganization,  was maintained by the  Corporation or any Subsidiary,
          or (z) any Person who, immediately prior to such merger, consolidation
          or reorganization had Beneficial  Ownership of twenty percent (20%) or
          more of the then outstanding  Voting Securities or common stock of the
          Corporation,  has Beneficial Ownership of twenty percent (20%) or more
          of the  combined  voting  power of the  Surviving  Corporation's  then
          outstanding voting securities or its common stock.

                (B) A complete liquidation or dissolution of the
          Corporation; or

                   (C) The sale or other disposition of all or substantially all
          of the assets of the  Corporation to any Person (other than a transfer
          to a Subsidiary).

         Notwithstanding the foregoing,  a Change in Control shall not be deemed
to occur solely because any Person (the "Subject  Person")  acquired  Beneficial
Ownership of more than the permitted amount of the then outstanding Common Stock
or Voting  Securities as a result of the  acquisition  of Common Stock or Voting
Securities by the Corporation  which, by reducing the number of shares of Common
Stock or Voting Securities then outstanding,  increases the proportional  number
of shares Beneficially Owned by the Subject Person, provided that if a Change in
Control would occur (but for the operation of this  sentence) as a result of the
acquisition of shares of Common Stock or Voting  Securities by the  Corporation,
and after such share acquisition by the Corporation,  the Subject Person becomes
the  Beneficial  Owner of any  additional  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  Voting
Securities  which  increases the  percentage of the then  outstanding  shares of
Common Stock or Voting Securities Beneficially Owned by the Subject Person, then
a Change in Control shall occur.


                  (h) "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as the
         same may be amended from time to time.

                  (i) "Insolvent"--A Company shall be considered "Insolvent" for
         purposes  of this  Agreement  if (i) the  Company  is unable to pay its
         debts as they  become  due, or (ii) the Company is subject to a pending
         proceeding as a debtor under the United States Bankruptcy Code.

                  (j)  "Participant"  shall mean any person who is or may become
         entitled  to receive  Benefits  under a Plan and who is included in the
         list of persons who are to be treated as  Participants  for purposes of
         this Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit A hereto.

                  (k) "Permitted  Investments"  shall mean direct obligations of
         the United States of America or agencies or  instrumentalities  thereof
         or obligations unconditionally and fully guaranteed as to principal and
         interest  by  the  United  States  of  America   ("Obligations"),   and
         certificates  of deposit and bankers'  acceptances  of a bank organized
         and  existing  under the laws of the  United  States of  America or any
         State  thereof  that has a  combined  capital  and  surplus of at least
         $100,000,000,  all having  respective  maturities  of not more than one
         year when purchased.  The term "Permitted  Investments" shall also mean
         any fund or portfolio  maintained  by any open-end  investment  company
         registered  under the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  the assets of
         which are invested exclusively in Obligations,  certificates of deposit
         and/or  bankers'  acceptances  of the kind  described in the  preceding
         sentence including,  without limitation, any such fund or portfolio for
         which the Trustee or any affiliate of the Trustee  serves as investment

                  (l) "Present  Value" shall mean,  with respect to any Benefit,
         the single sum actuarial  present value of such Benefit,  as determined
         by an enrolled  actuary on the basis of the actuarial  assumptions most
         recently  adopted by the Applicable  Company for use in connection with
         this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any determination of the
         Present  Value of  Benefits  to be made  hereunder  at any time after a
         Change in Control or during a Threatened Change in Control Period shall
         be made on the  basis of the  actuarial  assumptions  that were used in
         determining  the Present  Value of such  Benefits as of the most recent
         Benefit  Valuation  Date  preceding the Change in Control or Threatened
         Change in Control  Period,  unless the Applicable  Company has notified
         the Trustee in writing prior to the Change in Control or the Threatened
         Change  in  Control  Period  of its  adoption  of  different  actuarial
         assumptions for use hereunder after the Change in Control or during the
         Threatened  Change in Control Period;  provided,  however,  that if any
         Plan  specifies  (either  expressly  or  by  reference)  the  actuarial
         assumptions  that are to be used to  calculate  the  Benefits  provided
         under such Plan, the actuarial  assumptions so specified  shall be used
         to determine the Present Value of Benefits under that Plan for purposes
         of this Agreement.

                  (m) "Plan" or "Plans" shall mean, with respect to any Company,
         any  (or if the  context  requires,  all)  of the  plans,  programs  or
         policies  maintained by such Company,  and  agreements  entered into by
         such  Company,  that are  included  in the list set forth in  Exhibit B

                  (n)  "Threatened Change in Control" shall mean the occurrence
         of any of the following events (but no event other than the following
         events), except as otherwise provided below:  Any Person


                           (1)  becomes  the  Beneficial   Owner,   directly  or
         indirectly,  of  securities  of the  Corporation  representing  fifteen
         percent  (15%) or more of the  then-outstanding  Common Stock or of the
         combined  voting  power of the  Corporation's  then-outstanding  voting
         securities, or

                           (2)  initiates a tender  offer or  exchange  offer to
         acquire securities of the Corporation representing twenty percent (20%)
         or more of the then-outstanding  Common Stock or of the combined voting
         power of the Corporation's then-outstanding voting securities, or

                           (3)  solicits  proxies  for the  election  within any
         single  twelve  (12)-month  period  of three or more  directors,  whose
         election or  nomination  is not approved by a majority of the Incumbent
         Board then serving as members of the Board, to serve on the Board.

                           Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Threatened Change in
         Control  shall not be deemed to occur  pursuant to this Section  1.1(n)
         solely  because of an  acquisition  or tender offer made or effected in
         connection with a Non-Control Acquisition.

                  (o)  "Threatened  Change in  Control  Period"  shall  mean the
         period  commencing on the date on which a Threatened  Change in Control
         has  occurred  and  ending (i) on the date on which a Change in Control
         has occurred,  or (ii), if earlier, on whichever of the following dates
         is applicable:

                           (1) in the case of a  Threatened  Change  in  Control
         described  in  Section  1.1(n)(1),  the  date as of  which  any  Person
         described  in  Section  1.l(n)(1)  ceases to be the  Beneficial  Owner,
         directly or indirectly,  of securities of the Corporation  representing
         fifteen  percent  (15%) or more of the Common  Stock or of the combined
         voting power of the Corporation's  then-outstanding  voting securities,

                            (2) in the case of a  Threatened  Change in  Control
         described in Section  1.l(n)(2),  the date as of which the tender offer
         or exchange offer described in Section 1.1(n)(2) is terminated  without
         any securities  described  therein of the  Corporation  being purchased
         thereunder, or

                           (3) in the case of a  Threatened  Change  in  Control
         described  in  Section  1.l(n)(3),  the  date as of  which  any  Person
         described in Section  1.1(n)(3) fails to effect the election within any
         single  twelve  (12)-month  period  of three or more  directors,  whose
         election or  nomination  is not approved by a majority of the Incumbent
         Board then serving as members of the Board, to serve on the Board.

                  (p) "Valuation  Date" shall mean the last business day of each
         calendar quarter.

                                    ARTICLE 2
                           Establishment of the Trusts

                  2.1 Each Company hereby establishes with the Trustee,  and the
Trustee  hereby  accepts,  a Trust  consisting  of such  sums of money and other
property  acceptable  to the Trustee as such Company shall pay or deliver to the
Trustee from time to time. All such money and other  property,  all  investments
and  reinvestments  made  therewith  or proceeds  thereof and all  earnings  and
profits thereon,  less all payments  therefrom and charges thereto as authorized
herein,  are  hereinafter  referred to as the "Trust Fund" for such Trust.  Each
Trust  Fund  shall be held,  administered  and  disposed  of by the  Trustee  as
provided in this Agreement.


                  2.2  Prior to a Change  in  Control,  each  Trust  established
hereunder may be revoked,  in whole or in part, by the Applicable Company giving
to the Trustee written notice of such  revocation;  provided,  however,  that no
Trust  established  hereunder may be revoked (i) at the request of a third party
who has  indicated an intention or taken steps to effect a Change in Control and
who effectuates a Change in Control, (ii) in connection with, or in anticipation
of, a Change in Control which has been threatened or proposed and which actually
occurs or (iii) during a Threatened Change in Control Period, any such attempted
revocation being null and void. If a Trust is so revoked in its entirety, all of
the assets of the Trust  (after  payment of any unpaid fees and  expenses of the
Trustee  properly  chargeable to such Trust) shall be transferred by the Trustee
to the  Applicable  Company or to such other person or entity as the  Applicable
Company  may direct in  writing.  If a Trust is so revoked in part,  the Trustee
shall transfer to the Applicable  Company such of the assets of the Trust as the
Applicable  Company shall have specified in its written notice to the Trustee of
the partial revocation of such Trust. Upon a Change in Control, each Trust shall
become irrevocable.

                  2.3 Each Trust established hereunder is intended to constitute
a "grantor  trust",  of which the Company is the grantor,  within the meaning of
subpart E, part I, subchapter J, chapter 1, subtitle A of the Code, and shall be
construed accordingly.

                  2.4 The  principal of each Trust,  and any  earnings  thereon,
shall be held separate and apart from other funds of the Applicable Company, and
shall be used  exclusively for the uses and purposes of Participants  under such
Company's  Plans and general  creditors  of such  Company,  as herein set forth.
Participants  and their  Beneficiaries  shall have no preferred claim on, or any
beneficial  ownership  interest in, any assets of any Trust.  Any rights created
under the Plans and this Agreement shall be mere unsecured contractual rights of
Participants and their Beneficiaries  against the Applicable Company. Any assets
held by each Trust will be  subject  to the claims of the  Applicable  Company's
general  creditors  under  federal and state law in the event of the  Applicable
Company's Insolvency, as defined in Section 1.1(h) herein.

                  2.5 Each Trust  established  hereunder  shall be maintained by
the  Trustee  as a  separate  trust.  However,  the  assets  of any Trust may be
commingled with the assets of any other Trust, solely for investment purposes.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                           Contributions and Accounts

                  3.1  Prior to a  Change  in  Control,  each  Company  may make
contributions  to its Trust in such amounts,  and at such times, as such Company
may determine in its sole discretion.  Such  contributions may be in the form of
cash,  or such other  property as may be determined by the Company and as may be
acceptable to the Trustee.

                  3.2  Required Contributions.

                      3.2.1  Upon the occurrence of a Change in Control, each
Company shall be required to make contributions to its Trust as follows:

                (a) Upon a Change in  Control,  the  Company  shall,  as soon as
possible  but in no event  later than 30 days  following  the Change in Control,
make an irrevocable  contribution  to its Trust in an amount that, when added to
the value of the Trust Fund for such Trust  (exclusive of the value of the Legal
Defense Fund, if any,  maintained  within such Trust Fund)  determined as of the
most recent Valuation Date preceding such contribution, will equal


the sum of (i) the  aggregate  Present  Value of all  Benefits  accrued  for all
Participants  under all of such Company's Plans determined as of the most recent
Benefit  Valuation  Date  preceding  the date on which  the  Change  in  Control
occurred;  and (ii) the aggregate  Present  Value of all other  Benefits for all
Participants  under all of such  Company's  Plans that accrue as a result of the
occurrence of the Change in Control, determined as of the first day of the month
coincident with or immediately following the date on which the Change in Control

                             (b)  Within  60  days  after  each   Benefit
Valuation  Date  following the  occurrence of a Change in Control,  each Company
shall make an  irrevocable  contribution  to its Trust in an amount  that,  when
added to the value of the Trust Fund for such Trust  (exclusive  of the value of
the Legal Defense Fund, if any, maintained within such Trust Fund) determined as
of the most recent  Valuation Date preceding such  contribution,  will equal the
aggregate  Present Value of all Benefits accrued for all Participants  under all
of such Company's Plans determined as of such Benefit Valuation Date.

                      3.2.2  Upon the occurrence of a Threatened Change in
Control,  each Company shall be required to make  contributions  to its Trust as

                  (a) Upon a Threatened Change in Control, the Company shall, as
soon as practicable  but in no event later than 30 days following the Threatened
Change in Control,  make a  contribution  to its Trust in an amount  that,  when
added to the value of the Trust Fund for such Trust  (exclusive  of the value of
the Legal Defense Fund, if any, maintained within such Trust Fund) determined as
of the most recent  Valuation Date preceding such  contribution,  will equal the
sum  of (i)  the  aggregate  Present  Value  of all  Benefits  accrued  for  all
Participants under all of such Company's Plans, determined as of the most recent
Benefit  Valuation  Date  preceding the date on which the  Threatened  Change in
Control  occurred;  and (ii) the aggregate  Present Value,  determined as of the
first day of the month  coincident  with or  immediately  following  the date on
which the Threatened Change in Control  occurred,  of all other Benefits for all
Participants  under all of such  Company's  Plans that  would have  accrued as a
result of a Change in Control if such Change in Control had occurred on the date
on which the Threatened Change in Control occurs.

                                    (b)  Within  60  days  after  each   Benefit
Valuation Date during a Threatened Change in Control Period,  each Company shall
make a contribution  to its Trust in an amount that,  when added to the value of
the Trust Fund for such Trust (exclusive of the value of the Legal Defense Fund,
if any,  maintained  within  such Trust Fund)  determined  as of the most recent
Valuation  Date  preceding  such  contribution,  will  equal  the sum of (i) the
aggregate  Present Value of all Benefits accrued for all Participants  under all
of such Company's Plans,  determined as of such Benefit  Valuation Date and (ii)
the aggregate  Present Value,  determined as of such Benefit  Valuation Date, of
all other Benefits for all  Participants  under all of such Company's Plans that
would have accrued as a result of a Change in Control, if such Change in Control
had occurred on such Benefit Valuation Date.

                           3.3 Within the Trust Fund for each Trust, the Trustee
shall establish and maintain a separate  account  (hereinafter  referred to as a
"Plan  Account") for each of the Applicable  Company's  Plans.  The Trustee also
shall  establish  within each Plan Account a separate  sub-account  (hereinafter
referred to as a "Participant  Account") for each  Participant of such Plan. The
Trustee shall hold all Plan Accounts and Participant  Accounts maintained within
the Trust Fund for any Trust as a single consolidated fund.


               3.4 With  respect  to each  contribution  that is made to a Trust
prior to a Change in Control  but not during  any  Threatened  Change in Control
Period, the amount, or property, so contributed to such Trust shall be allocated
by the Trustee to the Plan Accounts, and to the Participant Accounts, maintained
within such Trust in such manner as the  Applicable  Company  directs in written
instructions  delivered by the Applicable  Company to the Trustee at the time of
the contribution.

                           3.5 As of each  Valuation  Date,  the Trust  Fund for
each Trust  shall be revalued  by the  Trustee at its then  current  fair market
value, as determined by the Trustee. The net investment gains and losses of each
Trust Fund for each calendar year that ends prior to a Change in Control but not
during a Threatened  Change in Control shall be allocated by the Trustee,  as of
the last  Valuation  Date  occurring in such year,  among the Plan  Accounts and
Participant  Accounts  maintained  within  such  Trust,  in such  manner  as the
Applicable Company shall specify in written instructions  furnished by it to the
Trustee.  As of each  Valuation  Date  following  the  occurrence of a Change in
Control,  or that falls within a Threatened  Change in Control  Period,  the net
investment  gains and losses of each Trust Fund for the calendar  year ending on
such Valuation Date shall be allocated by the Trustee  proportionately among the
Plan Accounts and Participant  Accounts  maintained within such Trust,  based on
the value of such Accounts as of the  immediately  preceding  Valuation Date. In
making the  foregoing  allocation,  the value of Plan  Accounts and  Participant
Accounts in existence on the  immediately  preceding  Valuation  Date but not in
existence on the current Valuation Date shall be disregarded.

               3.6 Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 3.4 and 3.5, as of
each Benefit  Valuation  Date  occurring  prior to a Change in Control,  but not
during any Threatened Change in Control Period, the Trustee shall, in accordance
with such written instructions as it has received from the Applicable Companies,
record adjustments to the balance of each Participant  Account maintained within
a Plan  Account to the  extent  necessary  for such  balance to equal the amount
determined by multiplying (a) the balance of such Plan Account  determined as of
the most recent  Valuation Date preceding such Benefit  Valuation Date, by (b) a
fraction the numerator of which is the Present Value of the Benefits accrued for
the  applicable  Participant  under the Plan in question,  determined as of such
Benefit  Valuation Date, and the  denominator of which is the aggregate  Present
Value of all of the  Benefits  accrued  for all  Participants  under  such Plan,
determined as of such Benefit Valuation Date.

                         3.7  Any contribution made by a Company to its Trust
pursuant to Sections 3.2.1(a), 3.2.1(b), 3.2.2(a) or 3.2.2(b) shall be allocated
to the Plan Accounts maintained under such Trust in proportion to the respective
amounts by which the aggregate Present Value of all Benefits accrued (or, in the
case of  contributions  made under clause (ii) of Section  3.2.2(a) or 3.2.2(b),
deemed  to have  accrued)  for all  Participants  under  each  of the  Plans  in
question,  determined as of the dates specified in Sections 3.2.1(a),  3.2.1(b),
3.2.2(a)  or  3.2.2(b),  exceeds  the  balance  of the Plan  Account  maintained
hereunder  with respect to each such Plan,  determined as of the Valuation  Date
immediately  preceding  such  contribution.  The amount so allocated to any Plan
Account shall be further allocated to the Participant Accounts maintained within
such Plan Account in proportion to the  respective  amounts by which the Present
Value of the  Benefits  accrued  (or,  in the case of  contributions  made under
clause (ii) of Section  3.2.2(a) or 3.2.2(b),  deemed to have  accrued) for each
Participant under the Plan in question,  determined as of the dates specified in
Sections 3.2.1(a),  3.2.1(b),  3.2.2(a) or 3.2.2(b),  exceeds the balance of the
Participant  Account  maintained  for  such  Participant,  determined  as of the
Valuation Date immediately preceding such contribution.


                      3.8  The determinations of the Present Value of Benefits
required to be made hereunder as of any Benefit  Valuation  Date, or other date,
occurring  prior to a Change in  Control  shall be made by an  enrolled  actuary
selected by the Applicable  Companies.  As soon as  practicable  after each such
determination  has been made,  each  Company  shall  furnish the Trustee  with a
schedule  setting forth the Present Value so determined of the Benefits  accrued
(or, if applicable,  deemed to have accrued) for each Participant  under each of
the  Company's  Plans.  The  determinations  of the  Present  Value of  Benefits
required to be made hereunder as of any Benefit  Valuation  Date, or other date,
occurring  after a  Change  in  Control  shall  be made by an  enrolled  actuary
selected by the Trustee.  In making any allocation of contributions  the Trustee
is required to make under  Section 3.7,  the Trustee  shall be entitled to rely,
and shall be fully  protected in relying,  on any written  determination  of the
Present Value of any Benefit  furnished to it in accordance  with the provisions
of this Section 3.8. In making any allocation of net investment gains and losses
pursuant to the second sentence of Section 3.5, and in recording any adjustments
to the balance of any Participant  Account  pursuant to Section 3.6, the Trustee
shall be  entitled to rely,  and shall be fully  protected  in  relying,  on any
written instructions furnished to it by the Applicable Companies.

                                    ARTICLE 4

                   Payments to Participants and Beneficiaries

                  4.1 Prior to a Change  in  Control,  the  Trustee  shall  make
payments  from  the  Trust  Fund  for  any  Trust  to  such   Participants   and
Beneficiaries,  in such  manner,  at such  times,  and in such  amounts,  as the
Applicable  Company  shall  direct  in  written  instructions  delivered  to the

                  4.2 After a Change in Control, the Trustee shall make payments
from the Trust Fund of any Trust to Participants and Beneficiaries in accordance
with the following provisions:

                  (a) Prior to a Change in Control,  each Company  shall deliver
to the Trustee a schedule ("Payment Schedule") substantially in the form annexed
hereto as Exhibit C for each  Participant of each Plan whose Benefits under such
Plan may be paid from  such  Company's  Trust  after a Change  in  Control.  The
Payment Schedule shall
                  (i)  describe  the  events  that  must  occur in order for the
         Participant's Benefits to become payable under the terms of the Plan;

                  (ii) specify the amount of the Participant's  Benefits accrued
         under  the  Plan,  as of the  date on which  the  Payment  Schedule  is
         furnished  to  the  Trustee,  and  provide  a  formula  or  such  other
         instructions  as will enable the Trustee to determine the amount of the
         Participant's  Benefits  as of the time they become  payable  under the
         terms of the Plan;

                  (iii) specify the form in which the Participant's Benefits are
         to be paid, as provided for or available under the Plan;

                  (iv)  specify  the time of  commencement  for  payment  of the
         Participant's Benefits under the Plan; and

                  (v)  specify the  address  and social  security  number of the
         Participant as well as the name,  address,  social  security number and
         relation to the Participant of the Participant's Beneficiary.


                  Prior to a Change in Control the  Applicable  Company may from
time to time  substitute  a new  Payment  Schedule  for,  or amend,  an existing
Payment Schedule by delivering a new or amended Payment Schedule to the Trustee.
Upon  receipt of such new or amended  Payment  Schedule,  the  previous  Payment
Schedule  shall be deemed  revoked.  Prior to a Change in  Control,  any Payment
Schedule  previously  filed with the  Trustee  may be revoked by the  Applicable
Company by filing written  notice of such  revocation  with the Trustee  without
delivering a new or amended Payment Schedule to the Trustee. Notwithstanding the
foregoing,  no Payment  Schedule  may be  amended  or revoked  after a Change in
Control or during a Threatened Change in Control Period; provided, however, that
during a  Threatened  Change in Control,  a Payment  Schedule  with respect to a
Participant's  Benefits  under  any Plan may be  amended  so as to  reflect  any
amendment to the Plan made during such Threatened  Change in Control period that
has the effect of increasing  the amount of the Benefits  payable under the Plan
with respect to the Participant,  or that permits payment of such Benefits to be
made in a form, or to commence at a time,  more favorable to the  Participant or
his or her Beneficiary  than as provided under the Plan prior to such amendment.
Except as  otherwise  provided  herein,  after a Change in Control,  the Trustee
shall make payments with respect to a Participant's Benefits under any Plan only
in  accordance  with the Payment  Schedule  with  respect to such  Participant's
Benefits under such Plan that is on file with the Trustee, and that has not been
revoked, at the time such payments are to be made.

                  (b) Any Participant or Beneficiary  seeking to obtain payments
from the Trust  Fund for any Trust  after a Change in Control  shall  first file
with the Trustee a written request for payment in substantially the form annexed
hereto as Exhibit D ("Payment  Request  Form").  In the Payment  Request Form so
filed, the Participant or Beneficiary shall
                  (i) identify the Plan or Plans under which the  Participant or
         Beneficiary has become entitled to payment of Benefits;

                  (ii)  describe  the events  that  entitle the  Participant  or
         Beneficiary to receive  payment of Benefits under the terms of the Plan
         or Plans, and affirm under oath that such events have occurred;

                  (iii) affirm  under oath that no amount of the  Benefits  with
         respect to which  payment from the Trust Fund is sought was  previously
         paid by the Applicable Company; and

                  (iv) provide such information (including,  without limitation,
         information as to the Participant's period of service, compensation and
         conditions of employment  after a Change in Control) as will enable the
         Trustee to determine the amount of the Benefits that the Participant or
         Beneficiary  is  entitled  to receive in  accordance  with the  Payment
         Schedules  furnished to the Trustee  with respect to the  Participant's
         Benefits under the Plan or Plans.

In  the  case  of any  Beneficiary  seeking  payments  from a  Trust  Fund,  the
Beneficiary shall furnish to the Trustee, along with the Payment Request Form, a
certified copy of the death  certificate of the Participant,  an inheritance tax
waiver  and  such  other  documents  as  the  Trustee  may  reasonably  require,
including, without limitation, certified copies of letters testamentary. For all
purposes  under  this  Agreement,  the  Trustee  may  rely,  and  shall be fully
protected in relying,  on the information  contained in any Payment Request Form
(and in any documents  accompanying  such form) filed with it by any Participant
or Beneficiary.

                  (c) As soon as  practicable  after a Payment  Request Form has
been filed with it by a Participant or Beneficiary,  the Trustee,  solely out of


applicable  Trust Fund and with no  obligation  otherwise to make any  payments,
shall make payments to such  Participant or  Beneficiary in such manner,  and at
such times, and in such amounts, as the Trustee shall determine to be payable to
such  Participant or  Beneficiary  under the relevant Plan or Plans based on the
most recent Payment Schedules  applicable to the Participant or Beneficiary that
were  furnished to the Trustee by the  Applicable  Company  prior to a Change in
Control,  and on the  information  contained in the Payment Request Form (and in
any documents  accompanying  such Form) filed by the Participant or Beneficiary.
The  Trustee  is  authorized  to  retain  an  enrolled  actuary  to assist it in
determining the amount of any Benefits payable to any Participant or Beneficiary
pursuant to any Payment  Request Form or Payment  Schedules filed by or for such
Participant  or  Beneficiary  and,  in  any  case  in  which  a  Participant  or
Beneficiary  has filed a Payment Request Form with respect to Benefits under any
Plan for which an unrevoked Payment Schedule is not on file with the Trustee, to
assist it in determining  such  Participant's  or  Beneficiary's  entitlement to
Benefits under such Plan. For all purposes under this Agreement, the Trustee may
rely, and shall be fully protected in relying, on any advice given to it by such
actuary as to the amount of Benefits  payable  hereunder to any  Participant  or

                  (d)  Following  the  occurrence  of a Change in  Control,  the
Trustee shall make  provision for the reporting and  withholding of any federal,
state or local taxes that may be required  to be  withheld  with  respect to the
payment  of  Benefits  to be made from any Trust  pursuant  to the terms of this
Agreement,  and shall  pay  amounts  withheld  by it to the  appropriate  taxing
authorities or determine  that the amounts  required to be withheld with respect
to such  payments  have  been  reported,  withheld  and  paid by the  Applicable
Company. Prior to a Change in Control, the Trustee shall report and withhold any
federal,  state or local taxes that may be required to be withheld  with respect
to any payment of Benefits  to be made from any Trust  pursuant to Section  4.1,
but only to the extent that the Applicable Company has furnished to the Trustee,
in the written  instructions  delivered  to the Trustee  pursuant to Section 4.1
directing it to make such  payment,  the amount of the  federal,  state or local
taxes required to be withheld with respect to such payment. The Trustee shall be
entitled to rely, and shall be fully protected in relying,  upon the information
so furnished to it as to the amount of taxes to be withheld.

                  4.3  The  entitlement  of  a  Participant  or  Beneficiary  to
Benefits  under any Plan shall be determined by the  Applicable  Company or such
other party as may have been  designated  under the Plan, and any claim for such
Benefits  shall be considered  and reviewed  under the procedures set out in the
Plan.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, after a Change in Control, any Participant
or  Beneficiary  for whom any  unrevoked  Payment  Schedule  is on file with the
Trustee at the time of the Change in Control shall be presumed conclusively, for
all purposes of this  Agreement,  to be entitled to any Benefit that the Trustee
determines to be payable to such  Participant or Beneficiary on the basis of the
information  contained in such Payment  Schedule and in any Payment Request Form
filed by the  Participant or  Beneficiary;  and in such case, the provisions set
forth in the immediately preceding sentence shall apply only with respect to any
claim by the Participant or Beneficiary for Benefits that are in addition to, or
in excess of, the Benefits  that the Trustee has so  determined to be payable to
the Participant or Beneficiary.

                  4.4 Each  payment  made from the Trust Fund for any Trust with
respect to a  Participant's  Benefits under any Plan shall be payable only from,
and shall be charged against, the Plan Account maintained within such Trust Fund
with respect to such Plan and the Participant  Account  established  within such
Plan Account for the applicable Participant. Notwithstanding any other provision
herein to the  contrary,  the Trustee shall not make a payment with respect to a
Participant's Benefits under any Plan to the extent that the


amount of the payment otherwise required to be made exceeds the amount then held
in the Plan  Account  for such Plan or the amount  then held in the  Participant
Account established within such Plan Account for the applicable Participant.

                  If,  because of the provisions of this Section 4.4, any amount
otherwise  required to be paid by the Trustee to a  Participant  or  Beneficiary
with respect to a  Participant's  Benefits  under any Plan cannot be paid by the
Trustee,  such amount shall be paid to the  Participant  or  Beneficiary  by the
Applicable Company.

                  4.5.  At such time after a Change in Control as the  aggregate
amount of the payments made hereunder from the  Participant  Account  maintained
within any Plan Account for any Participant  shall equal the maximum amount that
may be paid from such  Participant  Account  pursuant to the most recent Payment
Schedule  filed with respect to such  Participant's  Benefits  under the Plan in
question,  the balance  then  remaining  in such  Participant  Account  shall be
allocated and credited,  on a pro rata basis, to all other Participant  Accounts
maintained  within such Plan  Account,  based on the  respective  values of such
other Participant Accounts determined as of the most recent Valuation Date.

                  At such time after a Change in Control as the aggregate amount
of the payments made from any Plan Account  shall equal the maximum  amount that
may be paid from such Plan Account pursuant to the most recent Payment Schedules
filed with respect to Participants'  Benefits under the Plan for which such Plan
Account was  established,  the balance then remaining in such Plan Account shall
be allocated and credited,  on a pro rata basis,  to all other Plan Accounts and
Participant  Accounts  maintained  within  the  same  Trust  Fund,  based on the
respective  values  of  such  other  Plan  Accounts  and  Participant   Accounts
determined as of the most recent Valuation Date.

                  4.6  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement to
the  contrary,  if at any time any Trust is finally  determined  by the Internal
Revenue  Service  (the "IRS") not to be a "grantor  trust," with the result that
the income of such  Trust is not  treated  as income of the  Applicable  Company
pursuant to Sections 671 through 679 of the Code,  such Trust shall  immediately
terminate and the amounts allocated to each Plan Account and Participant Account
within such Trust shall be paid in a cash lump sum as soon as practicable by the
Trustee to the  Participants  for whom such  Accounts  were  maintained.  If any
Company  should receive  notice of such final  determination  from the IRS, such
Company shall promptly furnish written notice of such final determination to the

                  4.7  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement to
the contrary,  if the IRS should finally  determine that any amounts held in any
Trust are includible in the gross income of any Participant or Beneficiary prior
to payment  of such  amounts  from the  Trust,  the  Trustee  shall,  as soon as
practicable,  pay such  amounts to such  Participant  or  Beneficiary  from such
Trust.  For purposes of this Section 4.7, the Trustee  shall be entitled to rely
on an  affidavit  by a  Participant  or  Beneficiary  to the effect  that such a
determination has occurred.

                  4.8 Each  Company  may make  payment of  Benefits  directly to
Participants  or their  Beneficiaries  as they become due under the terms of the
Applicable  Plans.  After a Change in Control,  a Company  that  decides to make
payment of Benefits directly shall notify the Trustee in writing of its decision
prior  to  the  time   amounts  are  payable  to  the   Participants   or  their
Beneficiaries.  In addition,  each Company shall remain  primarily liable to pay
all of the Benefits  provided for under its Plans,  to the extent such  Benefits
are not payable from such Company's Trust pursuant to this Agreement.


Accordingly,  if the  principal  of the  Applicable  Company's  Trust,  and  any
earnings thereon,  are not sufficient to make payments of Benefits in accordance
with the terms of such  Company's  Plans,  the Company shall make the balance of
each such  payment as it falls due.  The  Trustee  shall  notify the  Applicable
Company in writing where  principal and earnings of the Company's  Trust are not

                                    ARTICLE 5

                               Legal Defense Fund

                  5.1 On the written  direction of a Company,  the Trustee shall
establish  within  the Trust  Fund for such  Company's  Trust a  separate  fund,
hereinafter  referred to as a "Legal Defense  Fund".  A Company's  Legal Defense
Fund shall  consist of such  portions of its  contributions  to its Trust as the
Company shall specify in writing at the time of contribution,  together with all
income, gains and losses and proceeds from the investment, reinvestment and sale
thereof,  less all payments therefrom and expenses charged thereto in accordance
with the  provisions of this Article 5. Subject to Article 6, a Company's  Legal
Defense Fund shall be held and  administered by the Trustee  exclusively for the
purpose  of  defraying  the  costs  and  expenses  incurred  by the  Trustee  in
performing its duties under Sections 5.3 and 5.4.

                  5.2 A Company's  Legal  Defense Fund shall be  maintained  and
administered  as a separate  segregated  account,  provided,  however,  that the
assets of any Legal Defense Fund may be commingled  with all other assets of the
same  Trust,  and with the  assets of any other  Trust,  solely  for  investment

                  5.3 If, at any time after a Change in Control,  a  Participant
or Beneficiary notifies the Trustee in writing that a Company has refused to pay
a claim asserted by such Participant or Beneficiary  under any of such Company's
Plans, the Trustee shall promptly review such claim and determine whether it has
any basis in law and fact. If the Trustee determines that the claim has no basis
in law and fact, the Trustee shall notify the Participant or Beneficiary of such
determination,  and thereafter  shall take no further action with respect to the
claim.  If the Trustee  determines that there is a basis in law and fact for the
Participant's  or  Beneficiary's  claim,  the Trustee  shall take the  following
actions to assist the Participant or Beneficiary  (hereafter  referred to as the
"Claimant") to recover on such claim:
         (a) The Trustee shall promptly attempt to negotiate with the Applicable
         Company  to obtain  payment,  settlement  or other  disposition  of the
         claim, subject to the Claimant's consent.

                  (b)  If  (i)   negotiations   fail  after  60  days  of  their
         commencement  to result in a payment,  settlement or other  disposition
         acceptable  to the  Claimant,  (ii) the Trustee at any time  reasonably
         believes that further  negotiations would not be in the Claimant's best
         interest or (iii) any applicable statute of limitations would otherwise
         expire  within 60 days,  the Trustee  shall advise the Claimant of such
         fact. Thereupon, the Claimant may, by filing with the Trustee a written
         authorization in  substantially  the form attached hereto as Exhibit E,
         direct the Trustee to institute  and maintain  legal  proceedings  (the
         "Litigation") against the Applicable Company to recover on the claim on
         behalf of the Claimant.

                  (c) The Trustee shall direct the course of any  Litigation and
         shall  keep the  Claimant  informed  of the  progress  thereof  at such
         intervals as the Trustee deems appropriate, but no less frequently than


         quarterly.  The Trustee shall have the discretion to determine the form
         and nature that any Litigation shall take, and the procedural rules and
         laws  applicable to such Litigation  shall  supersede any  inconsistent
         provision of this Agreement.

                  (d) If the Claimant  directs in writing that the Litigation be
         settled or discontinued,  the Trustee shall take all appropriate action
         to  follow  such  direction,   provided  that  such  written  direction
         specifies the terms and conditions of the settlement or  discontinuance
         and provided  further that the  Claimant,  if requested to do so by the
         Trustee,  executes  and  delivers  to the  Trustee a document in a form
         acceptable to the Trustee releasing the Trustee and holding it harmless
         from any liability resulting from its following such direction.  If the
         Claimant refuses to consent to a settlement or other disposition of the
         Litigation on terms recommended in writing by the Trustee,  the Trustee
         may proceed, in its sole and absolute  discretion,  to take such action
         as it deems  appropriate  in the  Litigation,  including  settlement or
         discontinuance of the Litigation;  provided,  however, that the Trustee
         shall afford the Claimant at least 14 days'  advance  notice in writing
         of any decision by the Trustee to settle or otherwise  discontinue  the

                  (e) A Claimant may at any time revoke the authorization of the
         Trustee to continue any  Litigation  on his behalf by delivering to the
         Trustee a written  revocation  in  substantially  the form  attached as
         Exhibit F  hereto,  and  notifying  the  Trustee  in  writing  that the
         Claimant has appointed his own counsel  (whose fees and expenses  shall
         not be paid from any Legal  Defense  Fund) to represent the Claimant in
         the  Litigation  in lieu of counsel  retained by the Trustee.  Upon the
         Trustee's receipt of such revocation and notice, the Trustee shall have
         no  obligation  to  proceed  further on behalf of the  Claimant  in the
         Litigation,  or to pay any costs or expenses incurred in the Litigation
         after the date on which such  revocation and notice is delivered to the

                  (f) The Trustee shall be empowered to retain counsel and other
         appropriate experts, including actuaries and accountants,  to assist it
         in making any  determination  under this  Section  5.3, in  determining
         whether  to  pursue,  settle  or  discontinue  any  Litigation,  and to
         prosecute  and maintain any such  Litigation on behalf of any Claimant.
         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  each  Company,  prior to a Change  in
         Control,  may  designate  in writing  the counsel to be retained by the
         Trustee  after a Change in Control to assist in enforcing the rights of
         Claimants  under such Company's Plans in accordance with the provisions
         of this Section 5.3. If the counsel so  designated  declines to provide
         representation,  or if such  counsel's  representation  would involve a
         conflict  of  interest  with  the  Trustee,  or if the  Trustee  is not
         satisfied with the quality of representation  provided, the Trustee may
         dismiss such  counsel and engage  another  qualified  law firm for this
         purpose; provided, however, that any law firm so engaged may not be the
         same law firm that represents any Company after a Change in Control. No
         Company  may dismiss or engage  such  counsel,  or cause the Trustee to
         engage or dismiss such counsel, after a Change in Control.

                  (g)  All  costs  and  expenses  incurred  by  the  Trustee  in
         connection  with the  performance of its duties under this Section 5.3,
         including,  without  limitation,  the payment of reasonable fees, costs
         and  disbursements  of any  counsel,  actuaries,  accountants  or other
         experts  retained by the Trustee  pursuant to Section 5.3(f),  shall be
         charged to and paid from the Applicable Company's Legal Defense Fund.


                  (h) Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary,  the
         Trustee  shall be required to act under this  Section  5.3,  including,
         without limitation,  instituting or continuing any Litigation,  only to
         the extent there are  sufficient  amounts  available in the  Applicable
         Company's  Legal  Defense  Fund to defray  the costs and  expenses  the
         Trustee reasonably anticipates will be incurred in connection with such
         action.  If, at any time  after a Claimant  has filed a written  notice
         with the Trustee under Section 5.3(a) the Trustee determines that there
         will  not be  sufficient  amounts  in the  Applicable  Company's  Legal
         Defense  Fund to defray  such costs and  expenses,  the  Trustee  shall
         promptly advise the Claimant of such fact.  Unless within 30 days after
         it has given such notice to the Claimant the Trustee  receives from the
         Claimant  assurances,  in  such  form  as  may be  satisfactory  to the
         Trustee,  that any costs and expenses in excess of amounts available in
         the  Applicable  Company's  Legal  Defense  Fund  will  be  paid by the
         Claimant,  the  Trustee  shall have no  obligation  to take any further
         action on behalf of the Claimant  pursuant to this Section 5.3; and, if
         a Litigation on behalf of the Claimant is then pending, the Trustee may
         discontinue  such  Litigation on such terms and  conditions as it deems
         appropriate in its sole discretion.

                  5.4.  If, at any time  after a Change in  Control  or during a
Threatened  Change in Control Period,  legal proceedings are brought against the
Trustee by a Company or other party seeking to invalidate  any of the provisions
of this Agreement as they relate to a Company's  Trust, or seeking to enjoin the
Trustee  from paying any amounts  from any Trust or from taking any other action
otherwise  required or permitted to be taken by the Trustee under this Agreement
with  respect  to any  Trust,  the  Trustee  shall  take all  steps  that may be
necessary in such  proceeding to uphold the validity and  enforceability  of the
provisions  of this  Agreement  as they  relate  to such  Trust.  All  costs and
expenses  incurred  by the  Trustee  in  connection  with  any  such  proceeding
(including,  without  limitation,  the  payment of  reasonable  fees,  costs and
disbursements of any counsel,  actuaries,  accountants or other experts retained
by the Trustee in connection with such proceeding)  shall be charged to and paid
from the  Applicable  Company's  Legal Defense  Fund.  Any costs and expenses so
incurred  by the  Trustee  in  excess of  amounts  available  in the  Applicable
Company's  Legal Defense Fund shall be charged to and paid from the other assets
of such Company's  Trust. Any such excess costs and expenses so charged shall be
allocated  to  the  Plan  Accounts  maintained  within  such  Trust,  and to the
Participant Accounts maintained within such Plan Accounts, on a pro rata basis.

                  5.5 Each  Company's  Legal  Defense Fund shall  continue to be
held and  administered by the Trustee for the purposes  described in Section 5.1
until such time as all Benefits to which all Participants are entitled under all
of such  Company's  Plans shall have been paid in full to such  Participants  or
their  Beneficiaries.  Any balance then  remaining in a Company's  Legal Defense
Fund shall be distributed to such Company.

                                    ARTICLE 6


                  6.1 The  Trustee  shall  cease  making  payment  hereunder  of
Benefits payable to Participants and their Beneficiaries pursuant to a Company's
Plans if the Company is Insolvent.


                  6.2 At all times  during the  continuance  of each  Trust,  as
provided in Section 2.4 hereof,  the  principal and income of the Trust shall be
subject to claims of general  creditors of the Applicable  Company under federal
and state law as set forth below:

                  (a) The Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of each
         Company  shall have the duty to inform  the  Trustee in writing of such
         Company's  Insolvency.  If a  person  claiming  to be a  creditor  of a
         Company  alleges in writing to the Trustee that such Company has become
         Insolvent, the Trustee shall determine whether the Company is Insolvent
         and, pending such  determination,  the Trustee shall discontinue making
         payment from such Company's Trust to Participants and Beneficiaries.

                  (b) Unless the  Trustee  has actual  knowledge  of a Company's
         Insolvency,  or has received notice from a Company or a person claiming
         to  be a  creditor  of  such  Company  alleging  that  the  Company  is
         Insolvent,  the  Trustee  shall  have no duty to  inquire  whether  the
         Company  is  Insolvent.  The  Trustee  may in all  events  rely on such
         evidence  concerning  a Company's  solvency as may be  furnished to the
         Trustee and that  provides  the  Trustee  with a  reasonable  basis for
         making a determination concerning the Company's solvency.

                  (c) If at any time the Trustee has  determined  that a Company
         is Insolvent,  the Trustee shall discontinue  making payments from such
         Company's Trust to Participants and their  Beneficiaries and shall hold
         the  assets of such  Trust for the  benefit  of the  Company's  general
         creditors.  Nothing in this  Agreement  shall in any way  diminish  any
         rights of Participants or their Beneficiaries to pursue their rights as
         general  creditors of the  Applicable  Company with respect to Benefits
         due under the Company's Plans or otherwise.

                  (d) The Trustee shall resume  making  payment from a Company's
         Trust of Benefits to Participants or their  Beneficiaries in accordance
         with  Article 4 of this  Trust  Agreement  only after the  Trustee  has
         determined  that  the  Company  is  not  Insolvent,  or  is  no  longer

                  6.3 Provided that there are sufficient  assets, if the Trustee
discontinues  the  payment of  Benefits  from any Trust  pursuant to Section 6.2
hereof and subsequently resumes such payments,  the first payment following such
discontinuance  shall  include  the  aggregate  amount  of all  payments  due to
Participants or their Beneficiaries under the terms of the Applicable  Company's
Plan for the period of such  discontinuance,  less the  aggregate  amount of any
payments made to Participants or their  Beneficiaries  by the Company in lieu of
the payments provided for hereunder during any such period of discontinuance.

                                    ARTICLE 7

                               Payments to Company

                  7.1 Prior to a Change in Control  (but not during a Threatened
Change in Control  Period),  a Company  may, by written  notice to the  Trustee,
direct  the  Trustee  to pay to such  Company,  out of the  Trust  Fund for such
Company's  Trust,  such amount as is  specified  in the notice.  Any such notice
shall  specify the Plan Accounts and the  Participant  Accounts,  if any,  which
shall be debited with respect to such  payment.  If the amount that would remain
in the Trust Fund after any such payment  would be less than the unpaid fees and
expenses of the Trustee properly  chargeable to such Trust Fund, the Trustee may
deduct such fees and expenses from the payment that  otherwise  would be made to
the Company.


7.2 Except as  provided  in Article 6 hereof,  during  such time as the Trust is
irrevocable,  the Applicable  Company shall have no right or power to direct the
Trustee to return to the Company or to divert to others any of the Trust  assets
before  all  payment  of  Benefits  have  been  made to  Participants  and their
Beneficiaries pursuant to the terms of the Company's Plans.

                                    ARTICLE 8

                 Investment Authority and Disposition of Income

                  8.1 Except as  otherwise  provided in Sections  8.2,  8.4, and
8.5,  the Trustee,  prior to a Change in Control,  shall invest and reinvest the
assets of each Trust,  in its sole  discretion,  in such  investments  as may be
permitted  in  accordance  with any written  investment  guidelines  that may be
delivered  to the Trustee from time to time by the  Applicable  Company and that
are acceptable to the Trustee or, at any time when no such investment guidelines
are in effect, in Permitted Investments.

                  8.2 Prior to a Change in Control,  the Applicable  Company may
in its sole discretion appoint an investment manager to manage the investment of
any part or all of the Trust Fund for any Trust.  The  Applicable  Company shall
promptly  inform the Trustee in writing of any such  appointment,  shall furnish
the  Trustee  with a copy of the  instrument  pursuant  to which any  investment
manager  is so  appointed,  and shall  inform  the  Trustee in writing as to the
specific  portions  of the Trust  Fund for its Trust that will be subject to the
management of such investment manager.  During the term of any such appointment,
the investment manager shall have the sole responsibility for the investment and
reinvestment  of that  portion  of any  Trust  Fund  subject  to its  investment
management,  and the Trustee shall have no responsibility for, or liability with
respect to, the investment of such portion of such Trust Fund.

                  In exercising the powers granted to it hereunder,  the Trustee
shall  follow the  directions  of any  investment  manager  with  respect to the
portion of any Trust Fund subject to management by such investment manager.  All
directions  given by an  investment  manager to the Trustee shall be in writing,
signed by an officer (or a partner) of the investment  manager, or by such other
person or  persons as may be  designated  by an  officer  (or a partner)  of the
investment  manager.  The  investment  manager may directly place orders for the
purchase or sale of securities, subject to such conditions as may be approved by
the  Applicable   Company  in  authorizing  the  investment  manager  to  effect
transactions  directly  with  respect  to the  portion of the Trust Fund for any
Trust subject to its  management,  provided that the Trustee shall  nevertheless
retain custody of the assets comprising such portion of the Trust Fund.

                  The Applicable Company, by written notice to the Trustee,  may
at any time terminate its appointment of any investment  manager. In such event,
the Applicable  Company shall either appoint a successor  investment manager for
the portion of the Trust Fund in  question,  or direct that such  portion of the
Trust Fund  thereafter  be invested and  reinvested by the Trustee in accordance
with the  provisions of Section 8.1. Until receipt of such written  notice,  the
Trustee  shall be fully  protected in relying upon the most recent prior written
notice of appointment of an investment manager.

                  8.3  After  a  Change  in  Control,  the  Trustee  shall  have
exclusive  authority  and  discretion to manage and control the  investment  and
reinvestment of the Trust Fund for each Trust; provided, however, that the Trust
Fund for each  Trust  shall be so  invested  and  reinvested  only in  Permitted


                  8.4 In no event may the  assets of any  Trust be  invested  in
securities (including stock or rights to acquire stock) or obligations issued by
any Company,  other than a de minimis amount held in common investment  vehicles
in which the Trustee  invests.  All rights  associated with assets of each Trust
shall be  exercised  by the Trustee or an  Investment  Manager  appointed  under
Section 8.2, and shall in no event be exercisable by or rest with Participants.

                  8.5 During the term of each Trust,  all income received by the
Trust, net of expenses and taxes, shall be accumulated and reinvested.

                                    ARTICLE 9

                      General Powers and Duties of Trustee

                  9.1 In addition to the other  powers  granted to it under this
Agreement,  the  Trustee  shall  have the  following  administrative  powers and
authority with respect to the property comprising the Trust Fund for each Trust:

                  (a) To sell,  exchange  or  transfer  any such  property  at
         public or private  sale for cash or on credit  and grant  options
         for the purchase or exchange thereof,  including call options for
         property  held in the Trust Fund and put options for the purchase
         of such property,  including,  without limitation, at any time to
         sell any asset  other  than  cash  held in the Trust  Fund to pay
         Benefits if there is not sufficient cash in the Trust Fund to pay

                  (b)  To   participate   in   any   plan   of   reorganization,
         consolidation,  merger, combination,  liquidation or other similar plan
         relating  to any such  property,  and to  consent to or oppose any such
         plan  or any  action  thereunder,  or any  contract,  lease,  mortgage,
         purchase, sale or other action by any corporation or other entity.

                  (c)  To  deposit  any  such  property  with  any   protective,
         reorganization or similar committee; to delegate discretionary power to
         any such committee; and to pay part of the expenses and compensation of
         any such  committee  and any  assessments  levied  with  respect to any
         property so deposited.

                  (d) To exercise any conversion privilege or subscription right
         available in connection with any such property; to oppose or to consent
         to the  reorganization,  consolidation,  merger or  readjustment of the
         finances of any  corporation,  company or association,  or to the sale,
         mortgage,  pledge or lease of the property of any corporation,  company
         or  association  of any of the  securities  of which may at any time be
         held in the  Trust  Fund  and to do any  act  with  reference  thereto,
         including  the  exercise  of  options,  the  making  of  agreements  or
         subscriptions   and   the   payment   of   expenses,   assessments   or
         subscriptions, which may be deemed necessary or advisable in connection
         therewith,  and to hold and retain  any  securities  or other  property
         which it may so acquire.

                  (e) To commence or defend  suits or legal  proceedings  and to
         represent  the  Trust in all  suits or legal  proceedings;  to  settle,
         compromise or submit to arbitration,  any claims, debts or damages, due
         or owing to or from the Trust.

                  (f) To exercise,  personally or by general or limited power of
         attorney,  any right,  including the right to vote,  appurtenant to any
         securities or other such property.


                  (g) To borrow  money from any lender in such  amounts and upon
         such terms and  conditions  as shall be deemed  advisable  or proper to
         carry out the  purposes  of the Trust and to pledge any  securities  or
         other property for the repayment of any such loan.

                  (h) To engage any legal counsel,  including  (except after the
         occurrence of a Change in Control) counsel to any Company, any enrolled
         actuary,  any accountant or any other suitable agents,  to consult with
         such counsel,  enrolled  actuary,  accountant or agents with respect to
         the  construction  hereof,  the duties of the  Trustee  hereunder,  the
         transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement  or any act  which  the
         Trustee  proposes  to take or omit,  to rely  upon the  advice  of such
         counsel,  enrolled  actuary,  accountant  or  agents,  and to  pay  its
         reasonable fees, expenses and compensation from the Trust Fund.

                  (i) To register any  securities  held by it in its own name or
         in the  name of any  custodian  of  such  property  or of its  nominee,
         including  the  nominee  of any  system  for the  central  handling  of
         securities,  with or without the addition of words indicating that such
         securities are held in a fiduciary capacity,  to deposit or arrange for
         the deposit of any such  securities  with such a system and to hold any
         securities  in bearer  form;  provided,  however,  that no such holding
         shall  relieve the Trustee of its  responsibility  for the safe custody
         and  disposition of the Trust Fund in accordance with the provisions of
         this Agreement, the Trustee's books and records shall at all times show
         that such property is part of the Trust Fund,  and the Trustee shall be
         absolutely liable for any loss occasioned by the acts of its nominee or
         nominees  with  respect  to  securities  registered  in the name of the
         nominee or nominees.

                  (j) To make,  execute and  deliver,  as  Trustee,  any and all
         deeds,  leases,  notes,  bonds,  guarantees,   mortgages,  conveyances,
         contracts,  waivers, releases or other instruments in writing necessary
         or proper for the accomplishment of any of the powers granted herein.

                  (k) To  transfer  assets  of the  Trust  Fund  to a  successor
         trustee as provided in Section 13.4 hereof.

                  (l)  To  exercise,  generally,  any  of the  powers  which  an
         individual  owner might  exercise in connection  with  property  either
         real,  personal  or mixed held in the Trust  Fund,  and to do all other
         acts that the Trustee may deem  necessary or proper to carry out any of
         the powers granted to it hereunder or that otherwise may be in the best
         interests of the Trust Fund.

                  (m) To hold any  portion  of the  Trust  Fund in cash  pending
         investment,  or for the  payment  of  expenses  and  Benefits,  without
         liability for interest.

                  (n) To vote  personally or by proxy and to delegate  power and
         discretion  over such proxy on account of securities  held in the Trust

                  (o) To  hold  assets  in time or  demand  deposits  (including
         deposits  with  the  Trustee  in its  individual  capacity  that  pay a
         reasonable rate of interest).

                  (p) To invest and reinvest all or any specified portion of any
         Trust Fund through the medium of any common,  collective, or commingled
         trust fund that has been or may hereafter be established and maintained
         by the Trustee.


                  (q) To invest in mutual funds  registered  with the Securities
         Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

                  The Trustee  also shall have,  without  exclusion,  all powers
conferred on Trustees by applicable law,  unless  expressly  provided  otherwise
herein;  provided,  however,  that if an insurance policy is held as an asset of
any Trust,  the Trustee shall have no power to name a beneficiary  of the policy
other than the Trust,  to assign the policy (as distinct from  conversion of the
policy to a different form) other than to a successor trustee, or to loan to any
person the proceeds of any borrowing against such policy.
                  Prior to a Change in Control,  the Trustee shall  exercise the
powers referred to in Section 9.1(h) only as directed by the Applicable Company;
and,  with  respect to the  portion  of any Trust  Fund for which an  investment
manager has been  appointed  under Section 8.2, the Trustee  shall  exercise any
power  referred  to in  this  Section  9.1,  as it  relates  to  the  investment
management  of  such  portion  of the  Trust  Fund,  only  as  directed  by such
investment  manager.  After a Change in Control,  the Trustee may exercise  such
powers in its sole and  absolute  discretion,  except as  otherwise  provided in
Article 8.
                  Notwithstanding  any powers granted to the Trustee pursuant to
this  Agreement or to applicable  law, the Trustee shall not have any power that
could give any Trust the  objective  of carrying on a business  and dividing the
gains therefrom,  within the meaning of section  301.7701-2 of the Procedure and
Administrative Regulations promulgated pursuant to the Code.

                  9.2 After a Change in Control,  the Trustee shall,  subject to
Article 6 hereof,  discharge  its  duties  under  this  Agreement  solely in the
interest of the beneficiaries of each Trust and (i) for the exclusive purpose of
providing  Benefits to such beneficiaries and defraying  reasonable  expenses of
administering  such Trust;  (ii) with the care,  skill,  prudence and  diligence
under the  circumstances  then  prevailing  that a prudent  man acting in a like
capacity  and  familiar  with  such  matters  would  use  in the  conduct  of an
enterprise of a like character and with like aims; and (iii) by diversifying the
investments of the Trust Fund for each Trust so as to minimize the risk of large
losses, unless under the circumstances it is clearly prudent not to do so.

                  9.3 The Trustee  shall not be required to give any bond or any
other security for the faithful  performance of its duties under this Agreement,
except as required by law.

                  9.4 Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the Trustee
shall not be  responsible in any respect for  administering  any Plan; nor shall
the Trustee be  responsible  for the adequacy of the Trust Fund for any Trust to
meet and discharge all payments and liabilities under any Plan.

                  9.5 The  Trustee  shall be under no duties  whatsoever  except
such  duties as are  specifically  set forth as such in this  Agreement,  and no
implied  covenant or obligation  shall be read into this  Agreement  against the
Trustee.  Except as  otherwise  provided in Article 5, the Trustee  shall not be
required to take any action  toward the  execution or  performance  of any Trust
created  hereunder  or to  prosecute  or  defend  any suit or  claim in  respect
thereof,  unless indemnified to its satisfaction  against loss,  liability,  and
reasonable  costs and  expenses.  The  Trustee  shall be under no  liability  or
obligation  to anyone with  respect to any failure on the part of any Company to
perform any of its obligations under any Plan or under this Agreement.

                  9.6  The  Applicable  Company  shall  pay and  shall  protect,
indemnify and save harmless the Trustee and its officers, directors or trustees,
employees and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities (including
liabilities for penalties), actions, suits, judgments,


demands, damages, reasonable costs and expenses (including,  without limitation,
reasonable  attorneys' fees and expenses) of any nature arising from or relating
to any action or failure  to act by the  Trustee,  its  officers,  directors  or
trustees,  employees  and agents with  respect to any Trust,  or arising from or
relating to the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement that pertain to or
affect such Trust, except to the extent that any such loss,  liability,  action,
suit, demand, damage, cost or expense is the result of the negligence or willful
misconduct  of the Trustee,  its officers,  directors or trustees,  employees or

                  If the Trustee shall become entitled to indemnification by any
Company  pursuant to this  Section 9.6 and such  Company  fails to provide  such
indemnification  to the  Trustee  within 30 days of the  Company's  receipt of a
written request from the Trustee for such indemnification, the Trustee may apply
assets of such Company's Trust in full satisfaction of the Company's  obligation
to make such  indemnification.  Promptly  after  any  assets of any Trust are so
applied, the Trustee shall institute legal proceedings on behalf of the Trust to
recover from the  Applicable  Company an amount equal to the amount of any Trust
assets so applied.

                                   ARTICLE 10

                  Taxes, Expenses, and Compensation of Trustee

             10.1 Each  Company  shall pay any  federal,  state,  local or other
taxes imposed or levied with respect to the corpus and/or income of its Trust or
any  part  thereof  under  existing  or  future  laws and  such  Company  in its
discretion, or the Trustee in its discretion, may contest the validity or amount
of any  tax,  assessment,  claim or  demand  respecting  such  Trust or any part

             10.2 Each Company shall pay to the Trustee its  allocable  share of
the  compensation  that is payable to the  Trustee  for its  services  hereunder
pursuant to the schedule of fees annexed hereto as Exhibit G. Each Company shall
also pay its allocable share of the reasonable and necessary  expenses  incurred
by the Trustee in the performance of its duties under this Agreement,  including
reasonable  fees of any counsel,  actuary,  accountant or other agent engaged by
the Trustee pursuant to this Agreement.  Any such compensation or expenses shall
be  allocated  among  the  Companies  as  follows:  in  the  case  of  any  such
compensation that is specifically  chargeable to, or any such expenses that were
specifically  incurred with respect to, a particular  Trust,  the amount of such
compensation or expenses shall be allocated solely to the Applicable Company; in
the case of any such compensation that is not specifically chargeable to, or any
such expenses that were not specifically  incurred with respect to, a particular
Trust,  the amount of such  compensation  or expenses  shall be allocated to the
Companies  in  proportion  to the  respective  values of the Trust Funds for the
Companies' Trusts as of the Valuation Date immediately  preceding the date as of
which the Trustee bills the Companies for such  compensation  or expenses.  Each
Company's  allocable  share of such  compensation  and expenses shall be charged
against and paid from the Trust Fund for such Company's Trust, to the extent not
paid by such  Company  within 45 days after the date on which the Trustee  bills
the Company for such  compensation  and expenses.  Any amount so charged against
and paid from the Trust Fund for any Company's Trust shall be further  allocated
to and charged  against the Plan Accounts and  Participant  Accounts  maintained
within  such  Trust (a) in such  manner as the  Applicable  Company  directs  in
written  instructions  delivered by it to the Trustee, in the case of any amount
so charged and paid prior to a Change in Control;  and (b) in  proportion to the
respective  balances  of such  Accounts  as  determined  as of the  most  recent
Valuation  Date, in the case of any amount so charged and paid after a Change in


                                   ARTICLE 11

                              Accounting by Trustee

                  11.1 For each  Trust,  the  Trustee  shall keep  accurate  and
detailed accounts of all its investments, receipts, and disbursements under this
Agreement.  Such person or persons as the  Applicable  Company  shall  designate
shall be allowed to inspect  the books of  account  relating  to such  Company's
Trust upon  request at any  reasonable  time  during the  business  hours of the

                  11.2 Within 90 days after the close of each calendar year, the
Trustee shall  transmit to each Company,  and certify the accuracy of, a written
statement  of the assets and  liabilities  of the Trust Fund for such  Company's
Trust at the close of that year, showing the current value of each asset at that
date, and a written account of all the Trustee's  transactions  relating to such
Trust Fund during the period from the last  previous  accounting to the close of
that year.  For the purposes of this  Section  11.2,  the date of the  Trustee's
resignation  or removal as provided  in Article 13 hereof  shall be deemed to be
the close of a calendar year.

                  11.3  Unless a  Company  shall  have  filed  with the  Trustee
written  exceptions or objections  to any such  statement and account  within 90
days after receipt  thereof,  such Company shall be deemed to have approved such
statement  and  account;  and in such case or upon the written  approval by such
Company of any such statement and account, the Trustee shall be forever released
and discharged with respect to all matters and things embraced in such statement
and  account  as though it had been  settled  by decree of a court of  competent
jurisdiction  in an action or  proceeding  to which the  Company and all persons
having any beneficial interest in its Trust were parties.

                  11.4 Nothing  contained in this Agreement or in any Plan shall
deprive the Trustee of the right to have a judicial  settlement  of its accounts
with respect to any Trust.  In any proceeding  for a judicial  settlement of the
Trustee's  accounts or for  instructions in connection with any Trust,  the only
other necessary party thereto in addition to the Trustee shall be the Applicable
Company.  If the  Trustee  so  elects,  it may  bring in as a party  or  parties
defendant any other person or persons.  No person interested in any Trust, other
than the  Applicable  Company,  shall  have a right  to  compel  an  accounting,
judicial or  otherwise,  by the Trustee,  and each such person shall be bound by
all  accounting by the Trustee to such Company,  as herein  provided,  as if the
account had been  settled by decree of a court of competent  jurisdiction  in an
action or proceeding to which such person was a party.

                                   ARTICLE 12


                  12.1 With  respect to any Trust,  the  Trustee  shall be fully
protected in relying upon any written  notice,  instruction,  direction or other
communication signed by an officer of the Applicable Company.  Each Company from
time to time shall furnish the Trustee with the names and specimen signatures of
the officers of the Company  authorized to act or give directions  hereunder and
shall  promptly  notify  the  Trustee of the  termination  of office of any such
officer  of the  Company  and the  appointment  of a  successor  thereto.  Until
notified in writing to the  contrary,  the Trustee  shall be fully  protected in
relying upon the most recent list of the officers of the Company furnished to it
by the Company.


                  12.2 Any action required by any provision of this Agreement to
be taken  by the  board of  directors  of a  Company  shall  be  evidenced  by a
resolution of such board of directors  certified to the Trustee by the Secretary
or an  Assistant  Secretary of the Company  under its  corporate  seal,  and the
Trustee shall be fully  protected in relying upon any resolution so certified to
it. Unless other evidence with respect thereto has been specifically  prescribed
in this  Agreement,  any other action of a Company  under any  provision of this
Agreement,  including any approval of or  exceptions to the Trustee's  accounts,
shall be evidenced by a certificate signed by an officer of the Company, and the
Trustee shall be fully protected in relying upon such  certificate.  The Trustee
may accept a certificate  signed by an authorized  officer of a Company as proof
of any fact or matter that it deems  necessary or desirable to have  established
in the  administration  of such  Company's  Trust (unless other evidence of such
fact or matter is expressly  prescribed  herein) and the Trustee  shall be fully
protected in relying upon the statements in the certificate.

                  12.3 The Trustee shall be entitled  conclusively  to rely upon
any written notice, instruction,  direction,  certificate or other communication
believed by it to be genuine  and to be signed by the proper  person or persons,
and the Trustee  shall be under no duty to make  investigation  or inquiry as to
the truth or accuracy of any statement contained therein.

                  12.4 Until notice be given to the contrary,  communications to
the Trustee  shall be sent to it at its office at 210 Main  Street,  Hackensack,
New  Jersey  07601,  Attention:  Corporate  Agency  Administration,   Investment
Management  Division;  and communications to any Company shall be sent to it c/o
GPU Service Corporation, 100 Interpace Parkway, Parsippany, New Jersey
07054-1149, Attention: Treasurer.

                                   ARTICLE 13

                        Resignation or Removal of Trustee

                  13.1 The  Trustee  may  resign as  trustee of any Trust at any
time by written notice to the Applicable  Company,  which  resignation  shall be
effective 60 days after the Company's  receipt of such notice unless the Company
and the Trustee  agree  otherwise.  The Trustee may be removed as trustee of any
Trust by action of the board of directors of the Applicable Company, at any time
upon 60  days'  written  notice  to the  Trustee,  or  upon  shorter  notice  if
acceptable  to the Trustee.  In the event it resigns or is removed,  the Trustee
shall  have a right to have its  accounts  settled  as  provided  in  Article 11

                  13.2  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of Section  13.1,  the
Trustee  may not be removed as trustee of any Trust after a Change in Control or
during a Threatened  Change in Control Period without the written  consent of at
least  two-thirds  in number of the  Participants  who are,  or who may  become,
entitled to receive  payments  from such Trust.  The  Applicable  Company  shall
furnish the Trustee with  evidence to establish  that such majority in number of
such Participants has granted written consent to such removal.

                  13.3 If the  Trustee  resigns  or is removed as trustee of any
Trust, a successor  shall be appointed by the Applicable  Company,  by action of
its board of directors,  by the effective  date of such  resignation or removal.
Any  successor  trustee  so  appointed  shall  be a bank as  defined  under  the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, having a net worth in excess of $100,000,000 or
having assets in excess of $2,000,000,000. After a Change in Control or during a
Threatened  Change in Control Period,  such  appointment of a successor  trustee
shall be approved in writing by at least two-thirds in number of the


Participants who are or may become entitled to receive payments from such Trust.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if no such appointment of a successor trustee has
been made by the effective date of such resignation or removal,  the Trustee may
apply  to a court of  competent  jurisdiction  for  appointment  of a  successor
trustee or for instructions. All expenses of the Trustee in connection with such
proceeding shall be allowed as administrative expenses of the Trust and shall be
paid by the Applicable Company.

                  13.4 Each  successor  trustee shall have the powers and duties
conferred upon the Trustee in this Agreement,  and the term "Trustee" as used in
this Agreement,  except where the context otherwise requires, shall be deemed to
include any successor  trustee.  Upon  designation or appointment of a successor
trustee for any Trust, the Trustee shall transfer and deliver the Trust Fund for
such Trust to the successor  trustee,  reserving  such sums as the Trustee shall
deem  necessary to defray its expenses in settling its accounts  with respect to
such Trust,  to pay any of its  compensation  with respect to such Trust that is
due and unpaid,  and to  discharge  any  obligation  of such Trust for which the
Trustee may be liable.  If the sums so  reserved  are not  sufficient  for these
purposes,  the Trustee shall be entitled to recover the amount of any deficiency
from either the Applicable Company or the successor  trustee,  or both. When the
Trust  Fund for such Trust  shall have been  transferred  and  delivered  to the
successor  trustee  and the  accounts  of the  Trustee  for such Trust have been
settled as provided  in Article 11 hereof,  the  Trustee  shall be released  and
discharged from all further  accountability  or liability for the Trust Fund for
such Trust and shall not be responsible  in any way for the further  disposition
of such Trust Fund or any part thereof.

                                   ARTICLE 14

                           Amendments and Termination

                  14.1 Subject to Section 14.2,  any or all of the provisions of
this Agreement and any Exhibits annexed hereto,  as they relate to any Company's
Trust,  may be amended at any time,  without the consent of any  Participant  or
Beneficiary,  by a  written  instrument  of  amendment,  duly  executed  by  the
Applicable  Company and the  Trustee.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no such
amendment  shall  conflict with the terms of the Applicable  Company's  Plans or
shall  make  the  Applicable  Company's  Trust  revocable  after  it has  become
irrevocable in accordance with Section 2.2 hereof.

                  14.2 No  amendment  may be made to delete a  Participant  from
Exhibit  A or to delete a Plan from  Exhibit  B and no other  provision  of this
Agreement may be amended (i) during a Threatened Change in Control Period,  (ii)
after a  Change  in  Control,  (iii) at the  request  of a third  party  who has
indicated  an  intention  or taken  steps to effect a Change in Control  and who
effectuates  a Change in Control or (iv)  otherwise in  connection  with,  or in
anticipation  of, a Change in Control which has been  threatened or proposed and
which  actually  occurs unless in any such case the written  consent of at least
two-thirds  in number of the  Participants  who are or may  become  entitled  to
payments from each Trust affected by such  amendment is obtained,  in which case
such amendment may be made. The Trustee may request that the Applicable  Company
or Companies  furnish  evidence to  establish  that at least  two-thirds  of the
Participants have granted written consent to such an amendment.

                  14.3 Unless  sooner  revoked in  accordance  with  Section 2.2
hereof,  each Trust shall terminate on the date on which  Participants and their
Beneficiaries  are no longer entitled to receive Benefits  pursuant to the terms
of the Applicable  Company's  Plans.  Upon  termination of any Trust, any assets
remaining  in the Trust Fund for such Trust  shall be paid by the Trustee to the
Applicable Company.


                                   ARTICLE 15


                  15.1 Any provision of this  Agreement  prohibited by law shall
be ineffective to the extent of any such prohibition,  without  invalidating the
remaining provisions hereof.

                  15.2 Benefits payable to Participants and their  Beneficiaries
under  this  Agreement  may not be  anticipated,  assigned  (either at law or in
equity), alienated, pledged, encumbered or subjected to attachment, garnishment,
levy, execution or other legal or equitable process.

                  15.3  This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by,  and  shall be
construed  in  accordance   with,   and  each  Trust  hereby  created  shall  be
administered in accordance with, the laws of the State of New Jersey.

                  15.4 The  titles to  Articles  of this  Agreement  are  placed
herein for  convenience  of  reference  only,  and this  Agreement  is not to be
construed by reference thereto.

                  15.5 This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the
successors  and assigns of each Company and the Trustee,  respectively,  and all
Participants and Beneficiaries under the Companies' Plans.

                  15.6  This   Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original  but all of which
together  shall  constitute  but  one  instrument,  which  may  be  sufficiently
evidenced by any counterpart.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
in  their  respective  names by  their  duly  authorized  officers  under  their
corporate seals as of the day and year first above written.

                                    GPU, INC.
                                GPU SERVICE, INC.
                              GPU GENERATION, INC.
                            ENERGY INITIATIVES, INC.

                      F. D. Hafer, Chairman, President and
                             Chief Executive Officer


- --------------------------

                           METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY
                          PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY

                     F. D. Hafer, Chairman of the Board and
                             Chief Executive Officer

- -------------------------

                                       GPU NUCLEAR, INC.

                          T.G. Broughton, President and
                             Chief Executive Officer


- --------------------------

                             GPU INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                            B. L. Levy, President and
                             Chief Executive Officer


- ---------------------------

                                       Summit Bank, Trustee

                      By: _________________________________

- --------------------------

                                                                       Exhibit A

                          List of Current Participants

                  Company                 Participants

Jersey Central Power
  & Light Company                     Dennis P. Baldassari

Metropolitan Edison Company           Dennis P. Baldassari

Pennsylvania Electric Company         Dennis P. Baldassari

GPU Service, Inc.                     Robert C. Arnold (Retired)
                                               Verner M. Condon (Retired)
                                               Herman Dieckamp (Retired)
                                               F. Allen Donofrio
                                               John G. Graham
                                               Fred D. Hafer
                                               Terrance G. Howson
                                               Ira H. Jolles
                                               William G. Kuhns (Retired)
                                               James R. Leva (Retired)
                                               James B. Liberman (Retired)
                                               Philip C. Mezey (Retired)
                                               Mary A. Nalewako
                                               Hazel R. O'Leary (Retired)
                                               Carole B. Snyder

GPU Nuclear, Inc.                     Philip R. Clark (Retired)
                               Thomas G. Broughton

GPU International, Inc.               Bruce L. Levy

GPU Generation, Inc.                  Robert L. Wise

                                                                       Exhibit B

                           Covered Plans and Benefits

                  Set forth  below is a list,  for each  Company,  of the plans,
programs,  policies or  agreements  that are to be treated as  "Plans",  and the
amounts  payable  under the Plans  that are to be  treated  as  "Benefits",  for
purposes of the annexed Agreement.

                      Jersey Central Power & Light Company

                  1. The severance payment benefit provided under Jersey Central
Power & Light Company's Severance Procedure.

                  2. The  excess  pension  benefit  payable  to  James  R.  Leva
pursuant to the amended  Agreement dated August 1, 1996,  between Jersey Central
Power & Light Company and Mr. Leva.

                  3. All benefit  amounts payable under the Jersey Central Power
& Light Company Supplemental and Excess Benefits Plan.

                  4. All benefit amounts payable under the GPU System  Companies
Deferred Compensation Plan.

                  5. Awards for  Performance  Periods  preceding  and  including
Change in Control  payable  under the  Incentive  Compensation  Plan for Elected
Officers of Jersey Central Power & Light Company.

                  6.  Cash   equivalency   payments  for  Restricted  Units  and
Performance  Units Awards,  and non-deferred  Performance Cash Incentive Awards,
payable under the 1990 Stock Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

                  7.  Premiums on life  insurance  policies  issued under Senior
Executive  Life  Insurance  Program,  payable  by Jersey  Central  Power & Light
Company pursuant to Split Dollar Agreement with Dennis P. Baldassari.

                  8.  The  severance   payment  benefit  payable  to  Dennis  P.
Baldassari provided under the Severance Agreement, dated August 1, 1996, between
Mr. Baldassari, Jersey Central Power & Light Company and GPU, Inc.

                           Metropolitan Edison Company

                  1. The severance  payment benefit provided under  Metropolitan
Edison Company's Severance Procedure.

                  2. All benefit amounts payable under the  Metropolitan  Edison
Company Supplemental and Excess Benefits Plan.

                  3. All benefit amounts payable under the GPU System  Companies
Deferred Compensation Plan for Elected Officers.

                  4. Awards for  Performance  Periods  preceding  and  including
Change in Control  payable  under the  Incentive  Compensation  Plan for Elected
Officers of Metropolitan Edison Company.

                  5.  Cash   equivalency   payments  for  Restricted  Units  and
Performance  Units Awards,  and non-deferred  Performance Cash Incentive Awards,
payable under the 1990 Stock Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

                  6.  Premiums on life  insurance  policies  issued under Senior
Executive  Life  Insurance  Program,  payable  by  Metropolitan  Edison  Company
pursuant to Split Dollar Agreement with Fred D. Hafer.

                          Pennsylvania Electric Company

                  1. The severance  payment benefit provided under  Pennsylvania
Electric Company's Severance Procedure.

                  2. All benefit amounts payable under the Pennsylvania Electric
Company Supplemental and Excess Benefits Plan.

                  3. All benefit amounts payable under the GPU System  Companies
Deferred Compensation Plan for Elected Officers.

                  4. Awards for Performance  Period  preceding Change in Control
payable  under  the  Incentive   Compensation   Plan  for  Elected  Officers  of
Pennsylvania Electric Company.

                  5.  Cash   equivalency   payments  for  Restricted  Units  and
Performance  Units Awards,  and non-deferred  Performance Cash Incentive Awards,
payable under the 1990 Stock Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

                  6.  Premiums on life  insurance  policies  issued under Senior
Executive Life  Insurance  Program,  payable by  Pennsylvania  Electric  Company
pursuant to Split Dollar Agreement with Robert L. Wise.

                                GPU Service, Inc.

                  1. The severance  payment  benefit  provided under GPU Service
Corporation's Severance Procedure.

                  2. The  additional  retirement  pension  and the  supplemental
pension  payable to Ira H. Jolles  pursuant to Sections 3 and 4 of the Agreement
among GPU, Inc., GPU Service, Inc. and Mr. Jolles.

                  3. The  additional  retirement  pension  payable  to Philip C.
Mezey pursuant to the Agreement among GPU, Inc., GPU Service, Inc.and Mr. Mezey.

                  4. The  pension  payable to Hazel R.  O'Leary  pursuant to the
Agreement among GPU, Inc., GPU Service, Inc. and Mrs. O'Leary.

                  5.  All benefit amounts payable under the GPU Service, Inc.
Supplemental and Excess Benefits Plan.

                  6. All benefit amounts payable under the GPU System  Companies
Deferred Compensation Plan.

                  7. Awards for  Performance  Periods  preceding  and  including
Change in Control  payable  under the  Incentive  Compensation  Plan for Elected
Officers of GPU Service, Inc.

                  8.  Cash   equivalency   payments  for  Restricted  Units  and
Performance  Units Awards,  and non-deferred  Performance Cash Incentive Awards,
payable under the 1990 Stock Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

                  9.  Premiums on life  insurance  policies  issued under Senior
Executive Life Insurance Program, payable by GPU Service, Inc. pursuant to Split
Dollar Agreements with Messrs. Leva, Jolles, Graham, Arnold, Donofrio and Mezey,
and pursuant to Letter Agreements with Messrs. Kuhns and Dieckamp.

                  10.  Supplemental pension payable to William G. Kuhns pursuant
to the Agreement among GPU, Inc., GPU Service, Inc. and Mr. Kuhns.

                  11.  The retirement annuity payable to James B. Liberman
pursuant to the Agreement between GPU Service, Inc. and Mr. Liberman.

                  12.  The supplemental pension payable to Herman Dieckamp
pursuant to the Agreement among GPU, Inc., GPU Service, Inc. and Mr. Dieckamp.

                  13. Annuities  payable to Messrs.  Kuhns,  Dieckamp and Condon
under the Deferred Compensation Plan for Senior Officers of GPU Service, Inc.

                  14.  The supplemental pension payable to Messrs. R. C. Arnold,
J. G. Graham and I. H. Jolles pursuant to Agreements between GPU Service, Inc.
and Messrs. Arnold, Graham and Jolles.

                  15.  The severance payment benefit payable to Messrs. James R.
Leva, R. C. Arnold, J. G. Graham and I. H. Jolles provided under the Severance
Agreements, dated August 1, 1996, between GPU, Inc., GPU Service, Inc. and each
of Messrs. Leva, Arnold, Graham and Jolles.

                  16. The  severance  payment  benefit  payable to Fred D. Hafer
provided under the Severance Agreement, dated August 1, 1996, between Mr. Hafer,
GPU Service, Inc. and GPU, Inc.

                                GPU Nuclear, Inc.

                  1. The severance  payment benefit  provided under GPU Nuclear,
Inc.'s Severance Procedure.

                  2.  All benefit amounts payable under the GPU Nuclear, Inc.
Supplemental and Excess Benefits Plan.

                  3. All benefit amounts payable under the GPU System  Companies
Deferred Compensation Plan.

                  4. Awards for  Performance  Periods  preceding  and  including
Change in Control  payable  under the  Incentive  Compensation  Plan for Elected
Officers of GPU Nuclear, Inc.

                  5.  Cash   equivalency   payments  for  Restricted  Units  and
Performance  Units Awards,  and non-deferred  Performance Cash Incentive Awards,
payable under the 1990 Stock Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

                  6.  Premiums on life  insurance  policies  issued under Senior
Executive Life Insurance Program, payable by GPU Nuclear, Inc. pursuant to Split
Dollar Agreements with Philip R. Clark and Thomas G. Broughton.

                  7.  The supplemental pension payable to Philip R. Clark
pursuant to the Agreement between GPU Nuclear, Inc. and Mr. Clark.

                  8.  The  severance   payment  benefit  payable  to  Thomas  G.
Broughton provided under the Severance Agreement,  dated August 1, 1996, between
Mr. Broughton, GPU Nuclear, Inc. and GPU, Inc.

GPU Generation, Inc.
- --------------------

                  1.  The  severance   payment   benefit   provided   under  GPU
Generation, Inc.'s Severance Procedure.

                  2.  All benefit amounts payable under the GPU Generation, Inc.
Supplemental and Excess Benefits Plan.

                  3. All benefit amounts payable under the GPU System  Companies
Deferred Compensation Plan.

                  4. Awards for  Performance  Periods  preceding  and  including
Change in Control  payable  under the  Incentive  Compensation  Plan for Elected
Officers of GPU Generation, Inc.

                  5.  Cash   equivalency   payments  for  Restricted  Units  and
Performance  Units Awards,  and non-deferred  Performance Cash Incentive Awards,
payable under the 1990 Stock Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

                  6. The  severance  payment  benefit  payable to Robert L. Wise
provided under the Severance Agreement,  dated August 1, 1996, between Mr. Wise,
GPU Generation, Inc. and GPU, Inc.

GPU International, Inc.
- -----------------------

                  1. All benefit  amounts  payable  under the GPU Service,  Inc.
Supplemental and Excess Benefits Plan, as adopted by GPU International, Inc.

                  2. All benefit amounts payable under the GPU System  Companies
Deferred Compensation Plan.

                  3. Awards for  Performance  Periods  preceding  and  including
Change  in  Control  payable  under the  Annual  Performance  Award  Plan of GPU
International, Inc.

                  4.  Cash   equivalency   payments  for  Restricted  Units  and
Performance  Units Awards,  and non-deferred  Performance Cash Incentive Awards,
payable under the 1990 Stock Plan for Employees of GPU, Inc. and Subsidiaries.

                  5.  Premiums on life  insurance  policies  issued under Senior
Executive Life Insurance Program, payable by GPU International, Inc. pursuant to
Split Dollar Agreement with Bruce L. Levy.

                  6. The  severance  payment  benefit  payable  to Bruce L. Levy
provided under the Severance Agreement,  dated August 1, 1996, between Mr. Levy,
GPU International, Inc. and GPU, Inc.

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-1
                                 GPU RABBI TRUST
                             PARTICIPANT INFORMATION
    NAME                         ADDRESS                     SECURITY NUMBER
    ----                         -------                     ---------------

Arnold            7 Fernwood Trail, PO Box 151                  ###-##-####
                  Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07046

Baldassari        9 Willow Spring Drive                         ###-##-####
                  Morristown, New Jersey 07960

Broughton         7 Knoll Top Court                             ###-##-####
                  Denville, New Jersey 07834

Clark             297 Morris Avenue                             ###-##-####
                  Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07046

Condon            Box 116 Young's Road                          ###-##-####
                  Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920

Dieckamp          29 Crystal Road                               ###-##-####
                  Mountain Lakes, New Jersey 07046

Donofrio          40 Longview Avenue                            ###-##-####
                  Randolph, New Jersey 07869

Graham            21 Candace Lane                               ###-##-####
                  Chatham Township, New Jersey 07928

Hafer             1730 Meadowlark Road                          ###-##-####
                  Wyomissing, Pennsylvania 19610

Howson            49 Hillside Avenue                            ###-##-####
                  Madison, New Jersey 07940

Jolles            610 West End Avenue                           ###-##-####
                  New York, New York 10024

Kuhns             49 Creston Avenue                             ###-##-####
                  Tenafly, New Jersey 07670

Leva              2 Ryan Court                                  ###-##-####
                  Chester, New Jersey 07930

Levy              5 Oak Ridge Court                             ###-##-####
                  Pomona, New York 10970

Liberman          205 East 69th Street                          ###-##-####
                  New York, New York 10021

Mezey             46 Gatehouse Road                             ###-##-####
                  Bedminster, New Jersey 07921

Nalewako          31 Manor Lane                                 ###-##-####
                  Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950

O'Leary           5610 Wisconsin Avenue PH20C                   ###-##-####
                  Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815

Snyder            8 Tudor Court                                 ###-##-####
                  Mohnton, Pennsylvania 19540

Wise              701 Tioga Street                              ###-##-####
                  Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15905

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-2

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST
                             SEVERANCE PLAN - ______

- -----------------

- ------------------

                   Weeks                      Base Pay                  Payment
                   -----                      --------                  -------

- -----------------------

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-3

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST

                           INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN

- ----------------

- ------------------


- -----------------------

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-4

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST

- -----------------

- ------------------

FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:  Lump sum payment on or before_________________________
- -----------------------
of indicated year to the Life Insurance Company of Virginia.

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-5

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST

                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

- -----------------

- -----------------


FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:   Lump sum amount on or before ________________________
- -----------------------
of indicated year.

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-6

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST

                               EMPLOYEE STOCK PLAN

- -----------------

- ------------------

                   Balance                    Percentage                Payment
                   -------                    ----------                -------

FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:   Lump sum amount on or before _______________________.
- -----------------------

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-7

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST


TERMS OF PAYMENT: Each participant listed below is entitled to a monthly payment
- ----------------
for his/her life with continuing  payments to his/her  beneficiary if he/she has
elected a joint and survivor option.

- ------------------

                            AMOUNTS IN PAYMENT STATUS
                             Monthly         Option
                             Payment         Elected          Beneficiary
                             -------         -------          -----------

FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:  On or before ____________________________ of each month
the amount indicated above shall be paid to the participant or his beneficiary.

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-8

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST

                              SPECIAL PENSION PLAN

TERMS OF PAYMENT: Each participant listed below is entitled to a monthly payment
for his/her life with continuing  payments to his/her  beneficiary if he/she has
elected a joint and survivor option.

- ------------------

                            AMOUNTS IN PAYMENT STATUS
                             Monthly         Option
                             Payment         Elected          Beneficiary
                             -------         -------          -----------

FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:  On or before __________________________  of each month
the amount indicated above shall be paid to the participant or his beneficiary.

                                                                     EXHIBIT C-9

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST


TERMS OF PAYMENT: Each participant listed below is entitled to a monthly payment
for his/her life with continuing  payments to his/her  beneficiary if he/she has
elected a joint and survivor option. The determination of amount payable is made
in  accordance  with the  Company's  Excess and  Supplemental  Benefits Plan for
Elected Officers.

- ------------------

                            AMOUNTS IN PAYMENT STATUS
                             Monthly         Option
                             Payment         Elected          Beneficiary
                             -------         -------          -----------

                                  OTHER AMOUNTS

FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:  On or before____________________________ of each month
the amount indicated above shall be paid to the participant or his beneficiary.

                                                                    EXHIBIT C-10

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST


TERMS OF PAYMENT:  Mr. Philip Mezey shall be entitled to a supplemental pension
benefit  in  accordance   with  the retirement provisions contained in his
employment agreement with GPU, Inc. (attached, amended 4/20/95, signed 4/20/95).

- ------------------

FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:   On or before____________________________of each month
the amount indicated above shall be paid to the participant or his beneficiary.

                                                                    EXHIBIT C-11

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST


TERMS OF  PAYMENT:  Mr.  Ira Jolles  shall be  entitled  to a  supplemental
pension  benefit in accordance with the retirement  provisions  contained in his
employment  agreement with GPU, Inc. and GPU Service,  Inc.  (attached,  amended

- ------------------

FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:   On or before _________________________ of each month
the amount indicated above shall be paid to the participant or his beneficiary.

                                                                    EXHIBIT C-12

                                 GPU RABBI TRUST

                           Severance Agreement Payment

TERMS OF PAYMENT: Mr. [Name of Officer] shall be entitled to a severance payment
benefit in accordance with the provisions  contained in his severance  agreement
with [Company Name] and GPU, Inc. (_________).

- ------------------

FORM/TIMING OF PAYMENT:   On or before __________________________ the amount
indicated above shall be paid to the participant or his beneficiary.

                                                                       EXHIBIT D


          I, _______________________________________________,  a Participant [or
Beneficiary] in the GPU System Companies Master Executives?  Benefits Protection
Trust (the  "Trust"),  adopted  September 1, 1995 and amended August 1, 1996 and
February 6, 1997, pursuant to Section 4.3 thereof,  hereby request that [Name of
Bank], as Trustee  thereunder,  make payment to me of the Benefits to which I am
entitled as  [Participant  or  Beneficiary]  in accordance with the terms of the
Trust Agreement and the following [Company Name] Plans:





           I hereby attest,  certify and affirm that to the best of my knowledge
and belief  the  following  events,  upon which  entitlement  to and  payment of
Benefits under said Plans is conditioned, have occurred:

                [Insert Description of events that have occurred]

          I further  attest,  certify and affirm that [Name of Company]  has not
paid any of the Benefits claimed herein under said plans.

          I am [or The  Participant  was] ____ years of age, having been born on
[Date of Birth].  I have been/was [or the Participant  was] employed by [Name of
Company]  from [Date] to [Date].  The [Name of  Company]  records  detailing  my
[his/her]  compensation and the terms and conditions of employment,  if any, are
attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Dated:_________________                             ___________________________
                                                    [Name of Participant]



                            [Address & Telephone No.]

                                                                       EXHIBIT E


          I,  _______________________________________________,  a Participant in
the GPU System  Companies  Master  Executives?  Benefits  Protection  Trust (the
"Trust"),  adopted  September 1, 1995 and amended August 1, 1996 and February 6,
1997, pursuant to Section 5.3(b) thereof,  hereby request and authorize [Name of
Bank], as Trustee thereunder,  to institute and prosecute legal proceedings (the
"Litigation"),  on my behalf,  against  [Name of GPU System  Company] to recover
upon my claim against said company for unpaid benefits under [Name of Plan under
which claim is asserted].

          It is  understood  that,  pursuant  to  Section  5.3(e)  of the  Trust
Agreement, I may revoke this authorization to prosecute or continue to prosecute
such  Litigation,  at any time, upon written  notification to the Trustee in the
appropriate form.

Dated:_________________                             ___________________________
[Name of Participant]



                            [Address & Telephone No.]

                                                                       EXHIBIT F


          I,  _______________________________________________,  a Participant in
the GPU System  Companies  Master  Executives?  Benefits  Protection  Trust (the
"Trust"),  adopted  September 1, 1995 and amended August 1, 1996 and February 6,
1997,  pursuant  to Section  5.3(e)  thereof,  hereby  revoke the  authorization
previously granted by me to [Name of Bank], as Trustee thereunder,  to institute
and prosecute legal proceedings (the "Litigation),  on my behalf,  against [Name
of GPU System Company] for unpaid Benefits under [Name of Plan under which claim
is asserted].

          I hereby notify the Trustee that I have  appointed and retained  [Name
Attorney ] of [Address ] to represent me and my interests in such Litigation.  I
understand  that the fees and  expenses of my attorney  in  connection  with the
Litigation or otherwise shall be my sole  responsibility and that neither me nor
my attorney will be entitled to direct payment for any such fees or expenses out
of the Trust fund or any portion thereof.

Dated:_________________                             ___________________________
[Name of Participant]



                            [Address & Telephone No.]