705 Plantation Street
                  Worcester, Massachusetts 01605

                     NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING
                     To Be Held March 23, 2001

To: The Stockholders of
    Goddard Industries, Inc.

     Notice is hereby given that the Special Meeting in Lieu of the
Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders of Goddard  Industries,  Inc.,  a
Massachusetts corporation, will be held on Friday, March  23,  2001
at  11:00  a.m.  at  The  Beechwood  Inn,  363  Plantation  Street,
Worcester, Massachusetts for the following purposes:

     1.   To elect two directors to hold office until the Annual Meeting
         of Stockholders in 2004 and until their successors are duly elected
         and qualified.

     2.    To  consider and act upon any matters incidental to  the
         foregoing purposes and any other matters which may properly come
         before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

      Information regarding matters to be acted upon at the Special
Meeting  in Lieu of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders is contained
in the proxy statement attached to this notice.

      Only  stockholders  of record at the  close  of  business  on
January  22,  2001 are entitled to notice of, or to vote  at,  such
meeting or any adjournments thereof.

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                          Joel M. Reck, Clerk

Worcester, Massachusetts
February 2, 2001

      You  are cordially invited to attend this meeting in  person,
but if you cannot do so, please complete, date, sign and return the
accompanying  proxy  at  your  earliest  convenience.    For   your
convenience,  we  have  provided a reply envelope  which  needs  no
postage if mailed in the United States.

                     GODDARD INDUSTRIES, INC.
                          PROXY STATEMENT
              For the Special Meeting in Lieu of the
                  Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                 To be Held Friday, March 23, 2001

      This  proxy  statement is furnished in  connection  with  the
solicitation  of  proxies  by the Board  of  Directors  of  Goddard
Industries, Inc. (referred to hereinafter as the "Company") for use
at   the  Special  Meeting  in  Lieu  of  the  Annual  Meeting   of
Stockholders to be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, March 23, 2001  at
The  Beechwood Inn, 363 Plantation Street, Worcester, Massachusetts
and  at  any  adjournment or adjournments thereof (the  "Meeting").
Solicitation of proxies may be made in person or by mail, telephone
or  telegram  by directors, officers and regular employees  of  the
Company,  for  which no additional compensation will  be  received.
The Company may also request banking institutions, brokerage firms,
custodians,   trustees,   nominees  and  fiduciaries   to   forward
solicitation material to the beneficial owners of Common Stock held
of  record  by  such  persons, and the Company will  reimburse  the
forwarding  expense.  All costs of preparing, printing,  assembling
and mailing the form of proxy and proxy statement will be borne  by
the  Company.   It  is expected that this proxy statement  and  the
accompanying proxy will be mailed to the stockholders on  or  about
February 2,2001.  The principal executive offices of the  Company
are  located  at  705  Plantation Street, Worcester,  Massachusetts

      Only  stockholders  of record at the  close  of  business  on
January  22,  2001 are entitled to notice of, and to vote  at,  the
Meeting.   As of that date, there were outstanding and entitled  to
vote  2,157,271 shares of Common Stock, $.01 par value (the "Common
Stock"), of the Company.  Each share is entitled to one vote on all
matters  to come before the Meeting.  Provided a quorum (consisting
of  a  majority of the shares outstanding and entitled to vote)  is
present  in person or by proxy at the meeting, a plurality  of  the
votes  cast  for any nominee is required for election of directors.
Under  Massachusetts  law  and the Company's  By-laws,  all  shares
present or represented by proxy, whether they vote or abstain, will
be  counted as present for purposes of determining a quorum and for
purposes  of determining the number of shares present and  entitled
to  vote.   Accordingly, abstentions, including  broker  non-votes,
will have no effect on the outcome of the vote for the election  of

     The enclosed proxy, if executed and returned, will be voted as
directed  on  the proxy and, in the absence of such direction,  for
the  election  of the nominees as directors and in accordance  with
their  best  judgment  by  the proxies if any  other  matter  shall
properly come before the Meeting.  The proxy may be revoked at  any
time  prior to exercise by filing with the Clerk of the  Company  a
written revocation, by executing a proxy with a later date,  or  by
attending and voting at the Meeting.  The Board of Directors  knows
of  no  matters, other than election of directors, to be  presented
for consideration at the Meeting.

      The  Annual  Report to Stockholders of the  Company  for  the
fiscal  year ended September 30, 2000, including audited  financial
statements,  is  being mailed to each of the  stockholders  of  the
Company simultaneously with this proxy statement.

                          PROPOSAL NO. 1
                       ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

      At  the Meeting, two directors (constituting 40% of the Board
of  Directors)  are to be elected to serve until  the  2004  annual
meeting of stockholders and until their successors are duly elected
and  qualified.  The proxy cannot be voted for a greater number  of
persons than two.

      The  Company's Restated Articles of Organization, as amended,
and  By-laws provide that the Board of Directors shall be  composed
of three classes of directors, one class to be elected each year.

      It  is  the  intention of the persons who are  named  in  the
accompanying form as proxies, to vote for the election of  Lyle  E.
Wimmergren  and Dr. Robert E. Humphreys to the class  of  directors
indicated,   and   for  the  term  set  forth  therein.    In   the
unanticipated event that either or both of the nominees are  unable
to  serve,  the  persons  named  as  proxies  will  vote  for  such
substitute, if any, as the present Board of Directors may designate
or  to reduce the number of directors.  Directors are elected by  a
plurality of the votes cast for election of directors.

Information As To Officers, Directors and Beneficial Owners

      The  following  table sets forth certain information,  as  of
November  30,  2000,  with respect to the  nominees,  each  of  the
directors  whose  term  extends  beyond  the  Meeting,  each  named
executive   officer  in  the  Summary  Compensation   Table   under
"Executive Compensation," all executive officers and directors as a
group (8 persons) and each person known to the Company to own  five
percent or more of the Company's Common Stock.  This table is based
on information furnished by such persons.

                                    Number    of
                                    Shares of
                           Direct      Common              Year
                            or or      Stock               Term
Name (1)                   Office   Beneficiall  Percen   Would
                              r          y         t      Expire
                            Since      Owned       of      and
                                                 Class    Class

Salvatore J. Vinciguerra    1999    125,000       (2) 5.5%     2002
                                                         Class 3

Dr. Jacky Knopp, Jr.        1972    88,000        (3) 4.1%     2002
                                                         Class 3

Saul I. Reck                1959    333,930       (4)15.5%     2003
                                                         Class 1

Lyle E. Wimmergren          1978    20,000  (5)    *       2004
                                                         Class 2

Dr. Robert E. Humphreys     1997    472,950       (6)21.9%     2004
                                                         Class 2

Donald R. Nelson            1973    106,650       (7) 4.9%      --

All executive officers and   --                   1,146,53048.5%      --
directors as a group
(8 persons)

Joseph A. Lalli              --     183,550       (8) 8.6%      --
6 Middlemont Way, Stow, MA

Stanley  A. Goldstein  and   --     117,500       (9) 5.5%      --
Audrey I. Goldstein
2   No.  Montgomery  Ave.,
Atlantic City, NJ

*Less than one percent
         (1)                        Unless  otherwise  noted,  each
         person's  address  is  c/o Goddard Industries,  Inc.,  705
         Plantation  Street, Worcester, Massachusetts   01605,  and
         each   person   identified  possesses  sole   voting   and
         investment  power  with respect to the  shares  set  forth
         opposite such person's name.
         (2)                       Consists of options  to  acquire
         125,000 shares held by Mr. Vinciguerra.
         (3)                       Includes 32,000 shares owned  by
         Dr.  Knopp's  wife,  as  to which he disclaims  beneficial
         ownership,  and options to acquire 15,000 shares  held  by
         Dr. Knopp.
         (4)                      Includes 5,250 shares held by Mr.
         Reck's   wife,   as  to  which  he  disclaims   beneficial
         ownership,  and options to acquire 10,000 shares  held  by
         Mr. Reck.
         (5)                       Consists of options  to  acquire
         20,000 shares held by Mr. Wimmergren.
         (6)                       Includes  217,650 shares  as  to
         which  Dr. Humphreys has sole voting and dispositive power
         and 240,300 shares as to which Dr. Humphreys shares voting
         and  dispositive  power by virtue of a power  of  attorney
         over  the  investment  accounts  of  seven  persons.   Dr.
         Humphreys  and certain other persons, acting as  a  group,
         beneficially  own  an aggregate of 457,950  shares.   Also
         includes  options  to acquire 15,000 shares  held  by  Dr.
         Humphreys.   Dr.  Humphreys's address  is  One  Innovation
         Drive, Worcester, Massachusetts  01605.
         (7)                        Includes  19,900  shares  owned
         jointly  with  Mr.  Nelson's wife and options  to  acquire
         38,750 shares held by Mr. Nelson.
         (8)                       Based upon information  reported
         in Schedule 13D, Amendment No. 6 filed with the Securities
         and  Exchange Commission.  Mr. Lalli  has sole voting  and
         dispositive  power over 154,050 shares and  shared  voting
         and dispositive power with his wife over 29,500 shares.
         (9)                       Based upon information  reported
         in  a  Schedule 13G filed with the Securities and Exchange
         Commission.   Mr.  and  Mrs. Goldstein  share  voting  and
         dispositive power over 117,500 shares.

    Mr. Saul I. Reck, age 82, the founder and Chairman of the Board
of  the Company, has served as a director since 1960 and served  as
President and Treasurer from 1960 until October 19, 1998.

    Mr. Vinciguerra, age 62, has served as Chief Executive Officer,
President  and  Treasurer of the Company since  October  19,  1998.
Prior  to joining the Company, he served as Chief Executive Officer
and director of Ferrofluidics Corporation from June 1996 until June
1998  and as its President from January 1995 until June 1996.  From
1991  until  1994,  Mr. Vinciguerra served as President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  of the Weighing and Systems Group  of  Staveley
Industries,  plc.   Mr. Vinciguerra is a member  of  the  Board  of
Directors  of  Metrisa Corporation, Saphikon Corporation  and  Carr
Separations, Inc., and is a member of the Board of Directors of the
Japan Society of Boston.

     Dr.  Knopp, age 78, has served as a director since 1972.   For
more than five years, he has been an account executive at the stock
brokerage  firm  of Moors & Cabot, Inc. and its predecessors.   Dr.
Knopp is also Professor Emeritus of Canisius College, Buffalo,  New

     Mr.  Wimmergren, age 69, has served as a director since  1978.
He  is  Professor  Emeritus of Management at Worcester  Polytechnic
Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts.

     Dr.  Humphreys, age 58, has served as a director  since  1997.
Since  August  1995,  Dr. Humphreys has been President  of  Antigen
Express, Inc., a biotech company focused on creating drugs for auto-
immune  diseases.   Prior  to August 1995,  he  was  Professor  and
interim  Chair of the Department of Pharmacology at the  University
of Massachusetts Medical School.

     Mr.  Nelson, age 65, has been employed by the Company  as  the
Vice President of Engineering for more than five years.

    Saul I. Reck is the father of Michael E. Reck, President of the
Webstone  Company,  Inc. ("Webstone"), a former subsidiary  of  the
Company, and Joel M. Reck, Clerk of the Company.

Board of Directors Meetings

     The Board of Directors of the Company held six meetings during
the  fiscal year ended September  30, 2000.  Each present  director
attended at least 75% of the meetings of the Board of Directors and
of all committees of which he was a member.

      The  Board  of  Directors  has  an  Audit  Committee  and   a
Compensation  Committee,  both  composed  of  Dr.  Knopp  and   Mr.
Wimmergren.  The Audit Committee, which met once formally with  the
Company's  independent  auditor's, Greenberg,  Rosenblatt,  Kull  &
Bitsoli,  P.C., and two times by telephone conference  call  during
the last fiscal year, is charged with recommending to the Board  of
Directors retention of a firm of independent accountants  and  with
reviewing the Company's internal audit and accounting controls, the
report  of the independent accountants and the financial statements
of  the Company.  The Compensation Committee, which met four  times
during the last fiscal year, is responsible for recommending salary
and  bonus  levels  of  officers and key employees.   There  is  no
Nominating  Committee  of  the Board of Directors.   The  Board  of
Directors  as a whole will consider nominees for director submitted
to it in writing by any shareholder.

Executive Compensation

     The  following  table  sets forth information  concerning  the
annual compensation for the chief executive officer and each of the
other  most  highly compensated executive officers of  the  Company
whose  annual  salary  and  bonus, if any,  exceeded  $100,000  for
services  in  all capacities to the Company during the last  fiscal


                        Annual Compensation

                                                      All Other
 Name and    Fiscal Year     Salary       Bonus      Compensatio
 Principal      Ended         ($)          ($)           ($)

Salvatore      9/30/00      $180,000        --       $15,000 (1)
J.             10/2/99       140,000     $35,000        16,700
Vinciguerra                                              (1)
      Chief    10/3/98
   Officer,                    --           --           --

President &


Donald   R.    9/30/00      $103,000      $5,000     $7,000 (2)
       Vice    10/2/99       100,000       6,500       5,000 (2)
               10/3/98         95,000     10,000         --

      (1)   Consists  of payments made by the Company  to  Mr.
Vinciguerra as a percentage of management fees received by the
Company  for  Mr. Vinciguerra's services rendered pursuant  to
the  terms  of  an  agreement, which is no longer  in  effect,
between the Company and Carr Separations, Inc.

      (2)   Consists  of cash payments used  for  purchase  of
retirement benefits.

      The following table shows information concerning the grant of
stock  options and stock appreciation rights ("SARs") during fiscal
2000 to each of the named executive officers.


              Number of    Percent of
              Securities     Total
              Underlying  Options/SAR
             Options/SAR   s Granted   Exercise or
   Name       s Granted        to       Base Price   Expiration
                           Employees                    Date
                           in Fiscal

Salvatore       50,000       13.8%        $1.375     10/22/2009
J.              40,000       11.1%        $1.750     05/16/2010

Donald   R.     55,000       15.2%        $1.375     12/17/2009

      The following table shows information concerning the exercise
of  stock options during fiscal 2000 and the fiscal year-end  value
of unexercised options and stock appreciation rights.


                                    Number of        Value of
                                   Securities      Unexercised
                                   Underlying      In-the Money
                                  Options/SARs     Options/SARs
          Shares                   At 9/30/00       At 9/30/00
             on      Value       Exercisable/Une  Exercisable/Un
          Exercise   Realized      xercisable      exercisable
Name         (#)        ($)            (#)             ($)

Salvator     --          --      62,500/227,500        0/0
e J.

Donald       --          --       25,000/55,000        0/0

      In  connection  with the hiring of Mr. Vinciguerra  as  Chief
Executive  Officer,  President and Treasurer, the  Company  entered
into  an  Employment  Agreement with him dated  October  19,  1998.
Under  the Employment Agreement, Mr. Vinciguerra is entitled to  an
initial base salary of $140,000 per year, plus a bonus of up to 25%
of his base salary at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  In
addition,  he  was granted stock options as follows: (i)  ten  year
incentive  stock options to acquire 200,000 shares of Common  Stock
on  October 19, 1998, which options vest 25% at the end of each  of
the  first  four years of employment, with acceleration of  vesting
upon the happening of certain events; (ii) ten year incentive stock
options  to  acquire 50,000 shares of Common Stock on  October  22,
1999,  which  options vest 25% immediately and 25% on each  of  the
first  three  anniversaries of the grant of the stock options;  and
(iii) ten year incentive stock options to acquire 40,000 shares  of
Common  Stock granted on May 16, 2000, which options  vest  25%  on
each  of  the  first four anniversaries of the grant of  the  stock
options.    Mr. Vinciguerra is entitled to six months of  severance
compensation  upon  termination of his employment  by  the  Company
other than for cause.

Compensation of Directors

      Each  director who is not also an officer or employee of  the
Company receives a base fee of $2,400 per year.  Each director  who
is  not also an officer or employee of the Company and who lives in
the  Greater  Worcester  area  receives  $500  for  each  Board  of
Directors  meeting he attends.  Each director who is  not  also  an
officer  or  employee  of the Company and  who  lives  outside  the
Greater  Worcester area receives $750 for each such  meeting,  plus
travel  expenses  to and from Worcester.  No extra compensation  is
paid  for  attendance at meetings of committees.  All  non-employee
directors as a group were paid $23,350 for services rendered during
fiscal year 2000.

      The Board of Directors has a Severance Compensation Plan  for
certain  officers and all directors in the event that  there  is  a
"change  in  control" of the Company not approved by the  Board  of
Directors  resulting in the termination of employment or  reduction
in   the  duties  and  responsibilities  of  the  President,  Vice-
Presidents  and Treasurer (as determined by the Board of Directors)
and/or  a  termination of service as director of the Company.   The
plan  provides  that such President, Vice-Presidents and  Treasurer
will continue to receive the compensation being paid to them at the
time of the termination or change in the nature of employment,  for
a  period  of five years following such termination or change,  and
the non-employee directors will continue to receive directors' fees
of $500 or $750 per fiscal quarter, depending on whether or not the
director  lives in the Greater Worcester area, for such  five  year
period.   At the current rate of compensation this would entail  an
aggregate  payment  of $1,415,000 to the executive  officers  as  a
group and a payment of $50,000 to the non-employee directors  as  a

Audit Committee Report

      The  Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors  (the  "Audit
Committee")  is  currently  comprised  of  two  of  the   Company's
directors:   Dr.  Knopp and Mr. Wimmergren.  Both  members  of  the
Company's Audit Committee are "independent" as such term is defined
under  the  listing  standards  of  the  National  Association   of
Securities  Dealers, Inc.  The Audit Committee does  not  currently
operate  pursuant  to  a  written  charter,  but  is  charged  with
recommending  to  the Board of Directors retention  of  a  firm  of
independent  accountants and with reviewing the Company's  internal
audit  and  accounting  controls, the  report  of  the  independent
accountants and the financial statements of the Company.  The Audit
Committee   met  once  with  the  Company's  independent  auditors,
Greenberg,  Rosenblatt,  Kull & Bitsoli, P.C.,  and  two  times  by
telephone conference call during fiscal year 2000.

     The Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed with management
the  Company's  audited consolidated financial statements  for  the
fiscal year ended September 30, 2000.  The Audit Committee has also
discussed  with  Greenberg, Rosenblatt, Kull &  Bitsoli,  P.C.  the
matters  required to be discussed by the Auditing  Standards  Board
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended.  As required by
Independence   Standards  Board  Standard  No.   1,   as   amended,
"Independence   Discussion  with  Audit  Committees,"   the   Audit
Committee   has   received  and  reviewed  the   required   written
disclosures  and  a  confirming letter from Greenberg,  Rosenblatt,
Kull  &  Bitsoli,  P.C.  regarding  their  independence,  and   has
discussed the matter with the auditors.

      Based  on  its  review and discussions of the foregoing,  the
Audit Committee has recommended to the Board of Directors that  the
Company's audited consolidated financial statements for the  fiscal
year 2000 be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB
for  the fiscal year ended September 30, 2000.  Further, the  Audit
Committee  recommends that the Board of Directors engage Greenberg,
Rosenblatt,  Kull  &  Bitsoli, P.C. as  the  Company's  independent
auditors for the fiscal year ending September 29, 2001.

      This  Audit  Committee  Report shall  not  be  deemed  to  be
incorporated   by   reference  in  any   document   previously   or
subsequently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission that
incorporated  by  reference  all  or  any  portion  of  this  Proxy
Statement,  except  to  the  extent that the  Company  specifically
requests   that   this  report  be  specifically  incorporated   by

                                   Audit Committee:

                                   Dr. Jacky Knopp, Jr.
                                   Lyle E. Wimmergren
                           OTHER MATTERS

Certain Transactions

      On July 2, 1999, after several months of negotiations between
the  Company  and  Michael E. Reck, the son of  Saul  I.  Reck  and
brother  of Joel M. Reck, a special committee of directors  reached
an  agreement  to sell the stock of Webstone, a subsidiary  of  the
Company,  to Michael E. Reck for a purchase price of $1,789,000  as
follows:  $1,389,000 in cash at closing, $150,000 in the form of  a
ninety  day  non-interest-bearing loan, and $250,000  in  preferred
stock   of  Webstone.   The  investment  banking  firm  of  Fechtor
Detwiler,  Inc. provided an opinion to the Board of Directors  that
the transaction was fair to the Company.

Relationship with Independent Public Accountants

      The  Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors has  selected
Greenberg, Rosenblatt, Kull & Bitsoli, P.C. as independent auditors
for  the  Company for the current fiscal year.  That firm  and  its
predecessors have served in such capacity since fiscal year 1982.

       It  is  anticipated  that  a  representative  of  Greenberg,
Rosenblatt,  Kull & Bitsoli, P.C. will be present at  the  Meeting.
The  representative  will be afforded the  opportunity  to  make  a
statement and is expected to be available to respond to appropriate

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

      Section  16(a)  of the Securities Exchange Act  of  1934,  as
amended,  requires the Company's executive officers and  directors,
and persons who own more than 10% of the Company's Common Stock, to
file  reports of ownership and changes in ownership on Forms  3,  4
and  5  with  the  Securities and Exchange  Commission.   Executive
officers, directors and greater than 10% stockholders are  required
to  furnish  the Company with copies of all Forms 3, 4 and  5  they

      Based  solely on the Company's review of the copies  of  such
forms  it  has  received and written representations  from  certain
reporting persons that they were not required to file Forms  5  for
specified  fiscal  years,  the Company believes  that  all  of  its
executive  officers,  directors and greater than  10%  stockholders
complied  with all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable  to
them  during  the Company's fiscal year ended September  30,  2000,
except that on January 25, 2001, Mr. Salvatore J. Vinciguerra filed
a  Form 4 dated January 25, 2001 reflecting the grant of options on
October 22, 1999 and the grant of options on May 16, 2000, and  Mr.
Donald R. Nelson filed a Form 4 on January 25, 2001 reflecting  the
grant of options on December 17, 1999.

Other Matters To Be Acted Upon

      The  Board of Directors has no knowledge of any other matters
which  may  come before the Meeting and does not itself  intend  to
present  any  such  matters.  However, if any other  matters  shall
properly come before the Meeting, the persons named as proxies will
have discretionary authority to vote the shares represented by  the
accompanying proxy in accordance with their own judgment.

Shareholder Proposals

      Shareholder proposals intended to be presented at the  Annual
Meeting  in  2002  and  included in the Company's  proxy  materials
pursuant  to  Rule 14a-8 promulgated under the Securities  Exchange
Act  of  1934,  as amended, must be received by the Company  on  or
before  October  5, 2001 and should be addressed  to  Salvatore  J.
Vinciguerra,  President, Goddard Industries, Inc.,  705  Plantation
Street,  Worcester, Massachusetts 01605.  If a proponent  fails  to
notify  the  Company  by  December 19, 2001  of  a  non-Rule  14a-8
shareholder  proposal  which it intends to  submit  at  the  Annual
Meeting in 2002, the proxy solicited by the Board of Directors with
respect  to such meeting may grant discretionary authority  to  the
proxies named therein to vote with respect to such matter.

Annual Report And Form 10-KSB

     Additional copies of the Annual Report to Stockholders for the
fiscal  year  ended  September 30, 2000 and copies  of  the  Annual
Report of the Company to the Securities and Exchange Commission  on
Form  10-KSB  for  that fiscal year are available  to  stockholders
without charge upon written request addressed to Lucy J. Rybacki at
the  Company  at  705  Plantation Street, Worcester,  Massachusetts


PROXY                                                 GODDARD

      The  undersigned hereby appoints Mr. Saul  I.  Reck  and  Mr.
Salvatore  J.  Vinciguerra, and each of them, with  full  power  of
substitution, attorneys and proxies to represent the undersigned at
the  Special  Meeting in Lieu of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of  Goddard Industries, Inc. to be held on Friday, March  23,  2001
and  at  any  adjournment or adjournments thereof, with  all  power
which the undersigned may be entitled to vote at said meeting  upon
the  following proposals more fully described in the notice of  and
proxy  statement for the meeting in accordance with  the  following
instructions  and  with  discretionary authority  upon  such  other
matters  as may come before the meeting.  All previous proxies  are
hereby revoked.

1.  Election of Directors

  To elect to serve as directors until the year 2004:   Lyle E.
Wimmergren and Dr. Robert E. Humphreys

  FOR the nominees
  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY on the following nominees:



___________________________, 2001


                                   (Signatures should be the same
as the name
                                    printed hereon.  Executors,
                                    trustees, guardians, attorneys
and officers of
                                    corporations should add their
titles when signing.)