GRACO INC.
                              (Adopted May 6, 1997)

                                    ARTICLE I.
                             OFFICES, CORPORATE SEAL

     Section 1.01.  Offices.  The principal  executive office of the corporation
shall be at 4050 Olson Memorial  Highway,  Golden Valley,  Minnesota  55422. The
corporation  may have  such  other  offices,  within  or  without  the  State of
Minnesota, as the directors shall, from time to time, determine.

     Section 1.02.  Corporate Seal. The corporate seal shall be circular in form
and  shall  have  inscribed  thereon  the name of the  corporation  and the word
"Minnesota" and the words "Corporate Seal".

                                   ARTICLE II.
                             MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS

     Section 2.01. Place of Meetings. Meetings of the shareholders shall be held
at the principal  executive  office of the corporation or at such other place as
may be designated by the directors,  except that any meeting called by or at the
demand of a  shareholder  shall be held in the  county  in which  the  principal
executive office of the corporation is located.

     Section 2.02. Regular Meetings. A regular meeting of the shareholders shall
be held on an  annual  basis  on such  date  and at such  time as the  Board  of
Directors shall by resolution  establish.  At a regular meeting the shareholders
shall elect  qualified  successors for directors whose terms have expired or are
due to expire within six months after the date of the meeting and shall transact
such other business as may properly come before them.

     Section 2.03. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the shareholders may be
held at any time and for any  purpose  and may be called by the chief  executive
officer,  the chief financial officer, two or more directors or a shareholder or
shareholders  holding 10% or more of the voting power of all shares  entitled to
vote,  except that a special meeting called by a shareholder or shareholders for
the purpose of  considering  any action to directly or indirectly  facilitate or
effect a  business  combination,  including  any  action to change or  otherwise
affect the  composition  of the Board of  Directors  for that  purpose,  must be
called by a shareholder or shareholders  holding 25% or more of the voting power
of all shares  entitled  to vote.  A  shareholder  or  shareholders  holding the
requisite  percentage  of the voting  power may demand a special  meeting of the
shareholders  by written  notice given to the chief  executive  officer or chief
financial officer of the corporation stating the purposes of the meeting. Within
30 days after  receipt of such a demand by one of those  officers,  the Board of
Directors shall cause a special meeting of shareholders to be called and held on
notice not later than 90 days after receipt of the demand, at the expense of the
corporation.  Special  meetings  shall  be held on the  date and at the time and
place fixed by the chief executive  officer,  the chief financial officer or the
Board of Directors,  except that a special  meeting  called by or at demand of a
shareholder  or  shareholders  shall be held in the county  where the  principal
executive office is located.  The business transacted at a special meeting shall
be limited to the purposes stated in the notice of the meeting.

     Section 2.04. Quorum, Action by Shareholders.  The holders of a majority of
the shares  entitled to vote shall  constitute a quorum for the  transaction  of
business at any regular or special meeting.  All questions shall be decided by a
majority vote of the number of shares  entitled to vote and  represented  at the
meeting  at the time of the vote  unless  otherwise  required  by  statute,  the
Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws.

     Section 2.05. Adjourned Meetings.  In case a quorum shall not be present at
a meeting,  those present may adjourn the meeting to such day as they shall,  by
majority  vote,  agree upon, and a notice of such  adjournment  and the date and
time at  which  such  meeting  shall  be  reconvened  shall  be  mailed  to each
shareholder entitled to vote at least 5 days before such adjourned meeting. If a
quorum is present,  a meeting may be adjourned  from time to time without notice
other than announcement at the meeting.  At adjourned meetings at which a quorum
is present,  any business may be transacted  which might have been transacted at
the meeting as originally noticed. If a quorum is present,  the shareholders may
continue to transact business until adjournment  notwithstanding  the withdrawal
of enough shareholders to leave less than a quorum.

     Section 2.06. Voting. At each meeting of the shareholders every shareholder
having the right to vote shall be entitled to vote either in person or by proxy.
Each  shareholder  shall  have  one  vote for each  share  having  voting  power
registered in such shareholder's  name on the books of the corporation.  Jointly
owned  shares may be voted by any joint owner  unless the  corporation  receives
written notice from any one of them denying the authority of that person to vote
the  shares.  Upon the  demand of any  shareholder,  the vote upon any  question
before the meeting shall be by ballot.

     Section 2.07.  Closing of Books.  The Board of Directors may fix a date not
more than 60 days preceding the date of any meeting of shareholders, as the date
(the "record date") for the determination of the shareholders entitled to notice
of,  and to  vote  at,  such  meeting.  When a  record  date is so  fixed,  only
shareholders  as of that date are entitled to notice of and permitted to vote at
that meeting of shareholders.

     Section 2.08. Notice of Meetings.  Except as otherwise specified in Section
2.05 or required by law,  written  notice of each  meeting of the  shareholders,
stating  the date,  time and place and,  in the case of a special  meeting,  the
purpose  or  purposes,  shall be given at least ten days and not more than sixty
days prior to the  meeting to every  holder of shares  entitled  to vote at such
meeting. The business transacted at a special meeting of shareholders is limited
to the purposes stated in the notice of the meeting.

     Section 2.09.  Waiver of Notice.  Notice of any regular or special  meeting
may be waived by any shareholder  either before, at or after such meeting orally
or in a writing signed by such shareholder or a representative  entitled to vote
the shares of such shareholder.  Attendance by a shareholder,  at any meeting of
shareholders,  is  a  waiver  of  notice  of  such  meeting,  except  where  the
shareholder  objects  at the  beginning  of the  meeting to the  transaction  of
business  because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened or the item may
not  lawfully  be  considered  at that  meeting  and the  shareholder  does  not
participate in the consideration of the item at that meeting.

                                   ARTICLE III.

     Section 3.01.  General Powers.  The business and affairs of the corporation
shall be managed by or under the direction of the Board of Directors.

     Section  3.02.  Number,  Qualification  and Term of  Office.  The number of
directors  shall initially be ten and,  thereafter,  shall be fixed from time to
time by the Board of  Directors  or by the  affirmative  vote of the  holders of
two-thirds  of  the  voting  power  of  the  outstanding  capital  stock  of the
corporation,  voting together as a single class.  The directors shall be divided
into three classes, as nearly equal in number as reasonably  possible,  with the
term of office  of the first  class to  expire  at the 1988  annual  meeting  of
shareholders,  the term of  office  of the  second  class to  expire at the 1989
annual  meeting  of  shareholders  and the term of office of the third  class to
expire at the 1990 annual  meeting of  shareholders.  At each annual  meeting of
shareholders  following  such initial  classification  and  election,  directors
elected to succeed  those  directors  whose terms  expire shall be elected for a
term of office to expire at the third succeeding  annual meeting of shareholders
after their election.

     Section  3.03.  Board  Meetings.  Meetings of the Board of Directors may be
held from time to time at such time and place as may be designated in the notice
of such meeting.

     Section 3.04. Calling Meetings;  Notice. Meetings of the Board of Directors
may be called  by the chief  executive  officer  by giving at least  twenty-four
hours' notice, or by any other director by giving at least five day's notice, of
the date, time and place thereof to each director by mail,  telephone,  telegram
or in person.  If the day or date,  time and place of a Board  meeting have been
announced at a previous  meeting of the Board, no notice is required.  Notice of
an adjourned meeting need not be given other than by announcement at the meeting
at which  adjournment is taken of the date,  time and place at which the meeting
will be reconvened.

     Section  3.05.  Waiver of  Notice.  Notice of any  meeting  of the Board of
Directors may be waived by any director either before, at, or after such meeting
orally or in a writing signed by such director. A director, by his attendance at
any meeting of the Board of Directors,  shall be deemed to have waived notice of
such meeting,  except where the director objects at the beginning of the meeting
to the  transaction  of business  because the meeting is not lawfully  called or
convened and does not participate thereafter in the meeting.

     Section  3.06.   Quorum.  A  majority  of  the  directors   holding  office
immediately  prior to a meeting of the Board of  Directors  shall  constitute  a
quorum for the transaction of business at such meeting.

     Section 3.07. Absent Directors. A director may give advance written consent
or  opposition  to a  proposal  to be  acted  on at a  meeting  of the  Board of
Directors. If such director is not present at the meeting, consent or opposition
to a proposal  does not  constitute  presence  for purposes of  determining  the
existence of a quorum,  but consent or opposition  shall be counted as a vote in
favor of or against  the  proposal  and shall be entered in the minutes or other
record of action at the  meeting,  if the  proposal  acted on at the  meeting is
substantially  the same or has  substantially the same effect as the proposal to
which the director has consented or objected.

     Section  3.08.  Conference   Communications.   Any  or  all  directors  may
participate  in any meeting or conference  of the Board of Directors,  or of any
duly constituted  committee thereof, by any means of communication through which
the directors may  simultaneously  hear each other during such meeting.  For the
purposes  of  establishing  a quorum  and  taking  any  action,  such  directors
participating pursuant to this Section 3.08 shall be deemed present in person at
the meeting.

     Section 3.09. Vacancies. Subject to the rights of the holders of any series
of Preferred Stock then outstanding,  newly created directorships resulting from
any increase in the authorized number of directors or any vacancies in the Board
of Directors resulting from death,  resignation,  retirement,  disqualification,
removal  from  office or other  cause may be  filled by a  majority  vote of the
directors  then in office  though less than a quorum,  and  directors  so chosen
shall  hold  office  for  a  term  expiring  at  the  next  annual   meeting  of
shareholders.  No decrease in the number of directors  constituting the Board of
Directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.

     Section 3.10. Removal. Any directors, or the entire Board of Directors, may
be  removed  from  office  at any  time,  but  only  for  cause  and only by the
affirmative  vote of the holders of the proportion or number of the voting power
of the shares of the classes or series the  director  represents  sufficient  to
elect them.

     Section 3.11. Committees.  A resolution approved by the affirmative vote of
a  majority  of the Board of  Directors  may  establish  committees  having  the
authority of the Board in the  management of the business of the  corporation to
the extent provided in the resolution.  A committee shall consist of one or more
persons, who need not be directors,  appointed by affirmative vote of a majority
of the directors  present.  Committees  are subject to the direction and control
of, and  vacancies in the  membership  thereof  shall be filled by, the Board of
Directors,  except as provided by Section 3.12 and by Minnesota Statutes Section
302A.243.  A majority of the members of the committee holding office immediately
prior  to a  meeting  of  the  committee  shall  constitute  a  quorum  for  the
transaction  of  business,  unless a larger or smaller  proportion  or number is
provided in the resolution establishing the committee.

     Section 3.12. Committee of Disinterested Persons. Pursuant to the procedure
set forth in Section 3.11,  the Board may establish a committee  composed of two
or more  disinterested  directors  or other  disinterested  persons to determine
whether it is in the best  interests of the  corporation  to pursue a particular
legal right or remedy of the  corporation  and whether to cause the dismissal or
discontinuance of a particular proceeding that seeks to assert a right or remedy
on behalf of the corporation. The committee, once established, is not subject to
the  direction  or control of, or  termination  by, the Board.  A vacancy on the
committee may be filled by a majority of the remaining  committee  members.  The
good faith  determinations of the committee are binding upon the corporation and
its  directors,  officers and  shareholders.  The committee  terminates  when it
issues a written report of its determination to the Board.

     Section 3.13.  Written Action. Any action which might be taken at a meeting
of the Board of Directors,  or any duly constituted  committee  thereof,  may be
taken without a meeting if done in writing and signed by all of the directors or
committee members, unless the Articles provide otherwise and the action need not
be approved by the shareholders.

     Section 3.14. Compensation.  The Board may fix the compensation, if any, of

     Section 3.15. Nomination of Director Candidates.  Nominations of candidates
for election to the Board of Directors of the  corporation at any annual meeting
of the  shareholders  may be made  only by or at the  direction  of the Board of
Directors or by a shareholder  entitled to vote at such annual meeting. All such
nominations, except those made by or at the direction of the Board of Directors,
shall be made  pursuant  to timely  notice in  writing to the  secretary  of the
corporation.  To be timely,  any such notice  must be received at the  principal
executive  offices of the corporation not less than sixty days prior to the date
of such annual meeting and must set forth (i) the name,  age,  business  address
and residence address and the principal occupation or employment of each nominee
proposed in such notice, (ii) the name and address of the shareholder giving the
notice as the same appears in the corporation's stock register, (iii) the number
of shares of capital stock of the corporation  which are  beneficially  owned by
each  such  nominee  and by such  shareholder  and (iv) such  other  information
concerning  each  such  nominee  as would be  required,  under  the rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission,  in a proxy statement soliciting proxies for
the election of such nominee.  Such notice must also include a signed consent of
each such nominee to serve as a director of the corporation,  if elected. If the
officer of the  corporation  presiding at an annual meeting of the  shareholders
determines  that a  director  nomination  was not  made in  accordance  with the
foregoing procedures, such nomination shall be void and shall be disregarded for
all purposes.

                                   ARTICLE IV.

     Section 4.01.  Number and  Designation.  The corporation  shall have one or
more natural persons  exercising the functions of the offices of chief executive
officer and chief financial officer. The Board of Directors may elect or appoint
such  other  officers  or agents as it deems  necessary  for the  operation  and
management  of  the   corporation,   with  such  powers,   rights,   duties  and
responsibilities  as  may  be  determined  by  the  Board,  including,   without
limitation, a Chairman of the Board, a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a
Secretary,  A Treasurer,  and such  assistant  officers or other officers as may
from time to time, be elected or appointed by the Board. Each such officer shall
have the powers,  rights,  duties and responsibilities set forth in these Bylaws
unless  otherwise  determined by the Board. Any number of offices may be held by
the same person.

     Section 4.02.  Chief Executive  Officer.  Either the Chairman of the Board,
the President or another  officer of the corporation may be designated from time
to time by the  Board to be the  chief  executive  officer  of the  corporation.
Unless provided otherwise by a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors, the
chief executive officer (a) shall have general active management of the business
of the  corporation;  (b), shall,  when present,  preside at all meetings of the
shareholders;  (c) shall see that all  orders and  resolutions  of the Board are
carried into effect;  (d) shall sign and deliver in the name of the  corporation
any deeds,  mortgages,  bonds,  contracts or other instruments pertaining to the
business of the corporation,  except in cases in which the authority to sign and
deliver is required by law to be  exercised  by another  person or is  expressly
delegated  by these  Bylaws or the Board to some  other  officer or agent of the
corporation;  (e) may maintain  records of and certify  proceedings of the Board
and  shareholders;  and (f) shall  perform such other duties as may from time to
time be assigned to him by the Board.

     Section 4.03. Chief Operating Officer.  The chief operating officer (if one
is elected by the Board) shall be either the President or a Vice  President.  He
shall  be  responsible  for  the  management  of all of  the  operations  of the
corporation's  business  and shall have such other  authority  and duties as the
Board  of  Directors  or the  chief  executive  officer  from  time to time  may
prescribe.  He shall report to the chief executive officer and be responsible to
him.  He may  also  execute  and  deliver  in the  name of the  corporation  any
instruments  or documents  pertaining to the business of the  corporation  which
could be executed by the chief executive officer.

     Section 4.04.  Chief  Financial  Officer.  Unless  provided  otherwise by a
resolution  adopted by the Board of Directors,  the chief financial  officer (a)
shall keep accurate financial records for the corporation; (b) shall deposit all
monies, drafts and checks in the name of and to the credit of the corporation in
such banks and  depositories as the Board of Directors shall designate from time
to time; (c) shall endorse for deposit all notes,  checks and drafts received by
the corporation as ordered by the Board,  making proper vouchers  therefor;  (d)
shall  disburse  corporate  funds and issue checks and drafts in the name of the
corporation,  as ordered by the Board;  (e) shall render to the chief  executive
officer and the Board of Directors, whenever requested, an account of all of his
transactions  as chief financial  officer and of the financial  condition of the
corporation; and (f) shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the
Board of Directors or the chief executive officer from time to time.

     Section 4.05.  Chairman of the Board.  The Chairman of the Board, if one is
elected,  shall  preside at all  meetings of the  directors  and shall have such
other duties as may be prescribed, from time to time, by the Board of Directors.

     Section 4.06.  President.  Unless  otherwise  determined by the Board,  the
President  shall be the chief  executive  officer of the  corporation  and shall
supervise  and control the business  affairs of the  corporation.  If an officer
other than the President is designated  chief executive  officer,  the President
shall  perform  such  duties as may from time to time be  assigned to him by the

     Section 4.07. Vice  President.  The Board of Directors may designate one or
more Vice  Presidents,  who shall  have such  designations  and powers and shall
perform such duties as prescribed by the Board of Directors or by the President.
In the event of the absence or  disability  of the  President,  Vice  Presidents
shall  succeed to his power and duties in the order  designated  by the Board of

     Section  4.08.  Secretary.  The  Secretary  shall be secretary of and shall
attend all meetings of the  shareholders and Board of Directors and shall record
all proceedings of such meetings in the minute book of the  corporation.  Except
as otherwise  required or permitted by statute or by these Bylaws, the Secretary
shall give notice of meetings of shareholders and directors. The Secretary shall
perform such other duties as may,  from time to time, be prescribed by the Board
of Directors or by the chief executive officer.

     Section 4.09.  Treasurer.  Unless  otherwise  determined by the Board,  the
Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation. If an officer
other than the Treasurer is designated  Chief Financial  Officer,  the Treasurer
shall  perform  such  duties as may from time to time be  assigned to him by the

     Section 4.10.  Authority and Duties. In addition to the foregoing authority
and  duties,  all  officers  of the  corporation  shall  respectively  have such
authority  and perform  such  duties in the  management  of the  business of the
corporation  as may be  determined  from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Unless prohibited by a resolution of the Board of Directors,  an officer elected
or appointed by the Board may, without specific approval of the Board,  delegate
some or all of the duties and powers of an office to other persons.

     Section 4.11.  Removal and  Vacancies.  Any officer may be removed from his
office by the  Board of  Directors  at any time,  with or  without  cause.  Such
removal,  however,  shall be without  prejudice  to the  contract  rights of the
person so removed.  If there be a vacancy among the officers of the  corporation
by reason of death,  resignation or otherwise,  such vacancy shall be filled for
the unexpired term by the Board of Directors.

     Section 4.12. Compensation.  The officers of this corporation shall receive
such  compensation  for their  services as may be determined by or in accordance
with resolutions of the Board of Directors.

                                    ARTICLE V.
                            SHARES AND THEIR TRANSFER

     Section 5.01.  Certificates for Shares. All shares of the corporation shall
be  certificated  shares.  Every  owner of  shares of the  corporation  shall be
entitled  to a  certificate,  to be in such form as shall be  prescribed  by the
Board of Directors,  certifying the number of shares of the corporation owned by
such  shareholder.  The  certificates  for such shares  shall be numbered in the
order in which  they  shall be issued  and shall be  signed,  in the name of the
corporation,  by the President or any Vice  President and by the Secretary or an
Assistant Secretary or by such officers as the Board of Directors may designate.
If the  certificate is signed by a transfer agent or registrar,  such signatures
of the  corporate  officers  may  be  facsimiles,  engraved  or  printed.  Every
certificate  surrendered  to the  corporation  for exchange or transfer shall be
canceled, and no new certificate or certificates shall be issued in exchange for
any existing  certificate  until such  existing  certificate  shall have been so
canceled, except in cases provided for in Section 5.03.

     Section  5.02.  Transfer of Shares.  Transfer of shares on the books of the
corporation may be authorized only by the shareholder  named in the certificate,
or the shareholder's legal representative,  or the shareholder's duly authorized
attorney-in-fact,  and upon surrender of the certificate or the certificates for
such shares.  The  corporation  may treat as the absolute owner of shares of the
corporation,  the person or persons in whose name shares are  registered  on the
books  of the  corporation.  The  Board of  Directors  may  appoint  one or more
transfer  agents and registrars to maintain the share records of the corporation
and to effect share transfers on its behalf.

     Section 5.03. Loss of Certificates.  Any shareholder claiming a certificate
for shares to be lost,  stolen or destroyed shall make an affidavit of that fact
in such form as the Board of Directors  shall require and shall, if the Board of
Directors so requires,  give the  corporation a bond of indemnity in form, in an
amount, and with one or more sureties satisfactory to the Board of Directors, to
indemnify  the  corporation  against any claim  which may be made  against it on
account of the reissue of such  certificate,  whereupon a new certificate may be
issued in the same tenor and for the same number of shares as the one alleged to
have been lost, stolen or destroyed.

                                   ARTICLE VI.
                              DIVIDENDS, RECORD DATE

     Section 6.01. Dividends. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to
declare dividends and other distributions upon shares to the extent permitted by

     Section  6.02.  Record  Date.  The  Board of  Directors  may fix a date not
exceeding  60 days  preceding  the date fixed for the payment of any dividend as
the record date for the  determination of the  shareholders  entitled to receive
payment of the dividend and, in such case,  only  shareholders  of record on the
date so fixed shall be entitled to receive payment of such dividend.

                                   ARTICLE VII.

     Section  7.01.  Voting  Securities  Held  by  the  Corporation.  The  chief
executive  officer  shall  have  full  power  and  authority  on  behalf  of the
corporation (a) to attend any meeting of security holders of other  corporations
in which the  corporation  may hold  securities  and to vote such  securities on
behalf of this corporation;  (b) to execute any proxy for such meeting on behalf
of the  corporation;  or (c) to execute a written action in lieu of a meeting of
such other corporation on behalf of this corporation. At such meeting, the chief
executive  officer  shall possess and may exercise any and all rights and powers
incident to the ownership of such securities that the corporation possesses. The
Board of Directors or the chief executive officer may, from time to time, confer
or delegate such powers to one or more other persons.

     Section 7.02. Purchase and Sale of Securities.  The chief executive officer
shall have full power and  authority on behalf of the  corporation  to purchase,
sell, transfer or encumber any and all securities of any other corporation owned
by the  corporation,  and may  execute  and  deliver  such  documents  as may be
necessary to effectuate such purchase, sale, transfer or encumbrance.  The Board
of Directors or the chief  executive  officer may, from time to time,  confer or
delegate such powers to one or more other persons.

                                  ARTICLE VIII.

     Section 8.01. The corporation shall indemnify  officers and directors,  for
such expenses and liabilities, in such manner, under such circumstances,  and to
such extent as permitted by Minnesota Statutes Section 302A.521,  as now enacted
or hereafter amended.

                                   ARTICLE IX.

     Section  9.01.  These  Bylaws  may be  amended  or  altered by the Board of
Directors at any meeting if notice of such  proposed  amendment  shall have been
given in the notice of such meeting. Such authority in the Board of Directors is
subject to (a) the limitations  imposed by Minnesota  Statutes Section 302A.181,
as now enacted or hereafter  amended,  or other applicable law and (b) the power
of the  shareholders  to change or repeal such Bylaws by a majority  vote of the
shareholders  present or represented at any meeting of  shareholders  called for
such purpose.