Washington, D.C. 20549

           [X] Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                  For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2001


              [ ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                  For the transition period from _____ to _____

                          Commission File Number 1-3492

                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY

                            (a Delaware Corporation)

                               3600 Lincoln Plaza
                                  500 N. Akard
                               Dallas, Texas 75201

                   Telephone Number - Area Code (214) 978-2600

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
 Yes   X    No ___

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

Common stock, par value $2.50 per share:
Outstanding at April 30, 2001 - 429,054,000

                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY


                                                                                                        Page No.
PART I.         FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                                      2-23

Item 1.         Financial Statements                                                                        2-4

                o     Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income                                             2
                o     Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                   3
                o     Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                         4
                o     Notes to Quarterly Financial Statements                                              5-17
                      1.   Management Representations                                                         5
                      2.   Business Segment Information                                                     5-6
                      3.   Acquisitions and Dispositions                                                      6
                      4.   Discontinued Operations                                                            7
                      5.   Receivables                                                                        8
                      6.   Inventories                                                                        8
                      7.   Commitments and Contingencies                                                   8-11
                      8.   Income Per Share                                                                  11
                      9.   Comprehensive Income                                                           11-12
                     10.   Engineering and Construction Reorganization                                       12
                     11.   Dresser Financial Information                                                  12-16
                     12.   Accounting Change                                                                 17

Item 2.         Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
                Results of Operations                                                                     17-23

Item 3.         Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk                                   23

PART II.        OTHER INFORMATION                                                                         24-25

Item 6.         Listing of Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                               24-25

Signatures                                                                                                   26


Item 1.  Financial Statements

                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
             (Millions of dollars and shares except per share data)
                                                                               Three Months
                                                                              Ended March 31
                                                                           2001           2000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Services                                                                 $   2,643      $   2,476
Sales                                                                          483            363
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates                                 18             20
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenues                                                               3,144          2,859
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating costs and expenses:
Cost of services                                                         $   2,433      $   2,367
Cost of sales                                                                  422            328
General and administrative                                                      91             83
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating costs and expenses                                           2,946          2,778
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating income                                                               198             81
Interest expense                                                               (47)           (33)
Interest income                                                                  4              7
Foreign currency losses, net                                                    (3)            (4)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations before taxes, minority
     interest, and accounting change                                           152             51
Provision for income taxes                                                     (61)           (20)
Minority interest in net income of subsidiaries                                 (5)            (4)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations before accounting change                      86             27
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Discontinued operations:
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax of $15 and $14                  22             22
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations, net of tax of $141                  -            215
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from discontinued operations                                             22            237
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cumulative effect of accounting change, net                                      1              -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                               $     109      $     264

Basic income per share:
Income from continuing operations before accounting change               $    0.20      $    0.06
Income from discontinued operations                                           0.05           0.05
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations                                      -           0.49
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                               $    0.25      $    0.60

Diluted income per share:
Income from continuing operations before accounting change               $    0.20      $    0.06
Income from discontinued operations                                           0.05           0.05
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations                                      -           0.48
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                               $    0.25      $    0.59

Cash dividends per share                                                 $   0.125      $   0.125

Basic average common shares outstanding                                        426            442
Diluted average common shares outstanding                                      430            444

See notes to quarterly financial statements.


                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                      Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
             (Millions of dollars and shares except per share data)
                                                                   March 31          December 31
                                                                ---------------     ---------------
                                                                     2001                2000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents                                              $      278           $     231
Notes and accounts receivable, net                                     3,034               3,029
Unbilled work on uncompleted contracts                                   789                 816
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total receivables                                                      3,823               3,845
Inventories                                                              821                 723
Current deferred income taxes                                            227                 235
Net current assets of discontinued operations                            333                 298
Other current assets                                                     238                 236
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current assets                                                   5,720               5,568
Property, plant and equipment after accumulated
     depreciation of $3,178 and $3,150                                 2,415               2,410
Equity in and advances to related companies                              417                 400
Goodwill, net                                                            740                 597
Noncurrent deferred income taxes                                         335                 340
Net noncurrent assets of discontinued operations                         393                 391
Other assets                                                             398                 397
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                                                      $   10,418           $  10,103
             Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Short-term notes payable                                          $    1,840           $   1,570
Current maturities of long-term debt                                       8                   8
Accounts payable                                                         737                 782
Accrued employee compensation and benefits                               251                 267
Advanced billings on uncompleted contracts                               377                 288
Deferred revenues                                                        115                  98
Income taxes payable                                                     110                 113
Other current liabilities                                                607                 700
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current liabilities                                              4,045               3,826
Long-term debt                                                         1,040               1,049
Employee compensation and benefits                                       624                 662
Other liabilities                                                        661                 600
Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries                            42                  38
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities                                                      6,412               6,175
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholders' equity:
Common shares, par value $2.50 per share - authorized
     600 shares, issued 454 and 453 shares                             1,136               1,132
Paid-in capital in excess of par value                                   318                 259
Deferred compensation                                                    (78)                (63)
Accumulated other comprehensive income                                  (332)               (288)
Retained earnings                                                      3,788               3,733
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                       4,832               4,773
Less 25 and 26 shares of treasury stock, at cost                         826                 845
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total shareholders' equity                                             4,006               3,928
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                        $   10,418           $  10,103

See notes to quarterly financial statements.


                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                 Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                              (Millions of dollars)
                                                                             Three Months
                                                                            Ended March 31
                                                                          2001           2000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                           $       109     $       264
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash from operations:
Income from discontinued operations                                          (22)           (237)
Depreciation, depletion and amortization                                     134             122
Provision for deferred income taxes                                           13              49
Distributions from (advances to) related companies, net of
     equity in (earnings) losses                                             (17)             43
Accounting change                                                             (1)              -
Accrued special charges                                                        -             (17)
Other non-cash items                                                          19               5
Other changes, net of non-cash items:
Receivables and unbilled work                                                  2            (286)
Inventories                                                                  (99)            (24)
Accounts payable                                                             (31)            (25)
Other working capital, net                                                    38              91
Other operating activities                                                    21             (88)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total cash flows from operating activities                                   166            (103)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash flows from investing activities:
Capital expenditures                                                        (145)            (79)
Sales of property, plant and equipment                                        21              25
Dispositions (acquisitions) of businesses, net                              (174)            (14)
Other investing activities                                                    (2)              1
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total cash flows from investing activities                                  (300)            (67)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash flows from financing activities:
Payments on long-term borrowings                                              (9)              -
Borrowings (repayments) of short-term debt, net                              269            (708)
Payments of dividends to shareholders                                        (54)            (55)
Proceeds from exercises of stock options                                      19               18
Payments to reacquire common stock                                            (4)             (4)
Other financing activities                                                    (2)              -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total cash flows from financing activities                                   219            (749)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                                      (14)             (2)
Net cash flows from discontinued operations                                  (24)            824
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) in cash and equivalents                                   47             (97)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                             231             466
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and equivalents at end of period                                $       278     $       369

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
Cash payments (refunds) during the period for:
Interest                                                             $        61     $        23
Income taxes                                                         $        58     $       (18)
Non-cash investing and financing activities:
Liabilities assumed in acquisitions of businesses                    $        14     $        90
Liabilities disposed of in dispositions of businesses                $         -     $       484

See notes to quarterly financial statements.


                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                     Notes to Quarterly Financial Statements

Note 1.  Management Representations
         We employ  accounting  policies that are in accordance  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles in the United States.  Preparation of financial
statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting  principles requires
us to make estimates and assumptions that affect:
         o    the  reported amounts of assets  and liabilities and disclosure of
              contingent assets and liabilities  at the  date of  the  financial
              statements; and
         o    the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting
Ultimate results could differ from those estimates.
         The accompanying  unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
were  prepared  using  generally  accepted  accounting  principles  for  interim
financial  information,  the  instructions to Form 10-Q and applicable  rules of
Regulation  S-X.  Accordingly,  these  financial  statements  do not include all
information or footnotes  required by generally accepted  accounting  principles
for complete  financial  statements  and should be read  together  with our 2000
Annual Report on Form 10-K. Prior year amounts have been reclassified to conform
to the current year presentation.
         In our opinion, the condensed consolidated financial statements present
fairly  our  financial  position  as of  March  31,  2001,  the  results  of our
operations for the three months ended March 31, 2001 and 2000 and our cash flows
for the three months then ended.  The results of operations for the three months
ended  March 31,  2001 and 2000 may not be  indicative  of results  for the full

Note 2.  Business Segment Information
         We have two business  segments - Energy  Services Group and Engineering
and  Construction  Group.  Dresser  Equipment Group is presented as discontinued
operations resulting from the decision of the Board of Directors to sell Dresser
Equipment  Group. See Note 4. Our segments are organized around the products and
services  provided  to our  customers.  During  the fourth  quarter of 2000,  we
announced   restructuring  plans  to  combine  all  engineering,   construction,
fabrication and project management operations into one company,  Kellogg Brown &
Root,  reporting as our Engineering and Construction  Group. This  restructuring
resulted  in some  activities  moving  from  the  Energy  Services  Group to the
Engineering and  Construction  Group,  effective  January 1, 2001. Prior periods
have been restated for this change.
         The following table presents  revenues and operating income by business
segment on a comparable basis.

                                                    Three Months
                                                   Ended March 31
Millions of dollars                             2001           2000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Energy Services Group                          $ 2,031        $ 1,423
Engineering and Construction Group               1,113          1,436
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                          $ 3,144        $ 2,859

Operating income:
Energy Services Group                          $   200        $    49
Engineering and Construction Group                  18             49
General corporate                                  (20)           (17)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                          $   198        $    81


         Energy Services Group.  The Energy Services Group provides a wide range
of discrete services and products and integrated  solutions to customers for the
exploration,  development, and production of oil and gas. The customers for this
segment are major, national and independent oil and gas companies.  This segment
consists of:
         o    Halliburton   Energy  Services   provides  oilfield  services  and
              products  including  discrete products and services and integrated
              solutions for oil and gas exploration,  development and production
              throughout  the world.  Products  and  services  include  pressure
              pumping equipment and services, logging and perforating,  drilling
              systems  and  services,   drilling  fluids  systems,  drill  bits,
              specialized completion and production equipment and services, well
              control, integrated solutions, and reservoir description,
         o    Landmark Graphics provides  integrated  exploration and production
              software  information  systems  and  professional  services to the
              petroleum industry, and
         o    Other product service lines provide construction, installation and
              servicing  of  subsea  facilities;   flexible  pipe  for  offshore
              applications;    pipeline   services   for   offshore   customers;
              pipecoating  services;   feasibility,   conceptual  and  front-end
              engineering  and  design,   detailed   engineering,   procurement,
              construction   site   management,   commissioning,   startup   and
              debottlenecking of both onshore and offshore facilities; and large
              integrated  engineering,  procurement,  and construction  projects
              containing both surface and sub-surface components.
         Engineering and  Construction  Group.  The Engineering and Construction
Group provides engineering,  procurement,  construction, project management, and
facilities  operation and maintenance  for oil and gas and other  industrial and
governmental  customers.  The Engineering and Construction  Group,  operating as
Kellogg Brown & Root, includes the following five product lines:
         o    Onshore   operations   comprises   engineering  and   construction
              activities,  including  liquefied natural gas, ammonia,  crude oil
              refineries, and natural gas plants,
         o    Offshore   operations   includes   specialty   offshore  deepwater
              engineering  and  marine  technology  and  worldwide   fabrication
         o    Government   operations   provides   operations,  maintenance  and
              logistics activities for government facilities and installations,
         o    Operations and  maintenance  provides  services for private sector
              customers,   primarily  industrial,   hydrocarbon  and  commercial
              applications, and
         o    Asia  Pacific  operations,  based  in  Australia,  provides  civil
              engineering and consulting services.

Note 3.  Acquisitions and Dispositions
         Magic Earth acquisition. In April 2001 we signed a definitive agreement
to acquire Magic Earth,  Inc., a leading 3-D  visualization  and  interpretation
technology company with broad applications in the area of data mining.  Once the
transaction is completed,  Magic Earth will become a wholly owned subsidiary and
a part of the Energy Services Group. Under the agreement, Halliburton will issue
stock valued at $100 million to acquire Magic Earth. The agreement is subject to
various regulatory and other approvals.
         PGS Data  Management  acquisition.  In  March  2001  Landmark  Graphics
acquired the PGS Data Management  division of Petroleum  Geo-Services  ASA (PGS)
for $175 million,  subject to a final working capital  adjustment.  Terms of the
agreement  also include a contract  where  Landmark will provide  strategic data
management  and   distribution   services  to  PGS  for  three  years.  We  have
preliminarily  recorded  goodwill of $155 million to be amortized over 15 years,
subject to the final valuation of intangible assets and other costs.
         PES acquisition.  In February 2000 we acquired the remaining 74% of the
shares of PES (International)  Limited that we did not already own. PES is based
in Aberdeen, Scotland, and has developed technology that complements Halliburton
Energy Services' real-time reservoir solutions.  To acquire the remaining 74% of
PES, we issued 1.2 million  shares of Halliburton  common stock.  We also issued
rights that will result in the issuance of up to 2.1 million  additional  shares
of Halliburton common stock between February 2001 and February 2003. In February
2001 we issued 1.0 million shares under the rights leaving 1.1 million shares to
be issued. We recorded $115 million of goodwill to be amortized over 20 years.


Note 4.  Discontinued Operations
         In 1999 the Dresser  Equipment  Group was  comprised  of six  operating
divisions and two joint  ventures that  manufacture  and market  equipment  used
primarily in the energy, petrochemical,  power and transportation industries. In
late 1999 and early 2000 we sold our interests in the two joint ventures  within
this  segment.  These  joint  ventures  represented  nearly  half of the group's
revenues  and  operating  profit  in  1999.  The  sale of our  interests  in the
segment's joint ventures prompted a strategic review of the remaining businesses
within the Dresser  Equipment  Group  segment.  As a result of this  review,  we
determined  that these  remaining  businesses  did not closely fit with our core
businesses, long-term goals and strategic objectives. In April 2000 our Board of
Directors approved plans to sell all the remaining businesses within the Dresser
Equipment  Group segment.  In January 2001 we signed a definitive  agreement and
closed on the sale of these  businesses on April 10, 2001. Total value under the
agreement was $1.55 billion in cash and assumed  liabilities,  and is subject to
adjustments  at closing  for  changes in net  assets.  In the second  quarter we
expect to recognize a gain of approximately $300 million  after-tax.  As part of
the terms of the transaction,  we retained a 5.1% equity interest in the Dresser
Equipment Group.
         The  financial  results of the  Dresser  Equipment  Group  segment  are
presented as discontinued operations in our financial statements.

                                          Three Months
Income from Operations                   Ended March 31
of Discontinued Businesses       -------------------------------
Millions of dollars                 2001              2000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues                           $  359            $  337
Operating income                   $   37            $   36
Taxes                                 (15)              (14)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                         $   22            $   22

         Gain on disposal of  discontinued  operations  in the first  quarter of
2000 reflects the gain on the sale of Dresser-Rand in February 2000.

Gain on Disposal of Discontinued                   Three Months
Operations                                        Ended March 31
Millions of dollars                                    2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Proceeds from sale, less intercompany
     settlement                                      $    536
Net assets disposed                                      (180)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Gain before taxes                                         356
Income taxes                                             (141)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Gain on disposal of discontinued operations          $    215

Net Assets of Discontinued Operations                   March 31          December 31
Millions of dollars                                       2001               2000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Receivables                                              $  285             $   286
Inventories                                                 265                 255
Other current assets                                         28                  22
Accounts payable                                           (106)               (104)
Other current liabilities                                  (139)               (161)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net current assets of discontinued operations            $  333             $   298

Net property, plant and equipment                        $  212             $   219
Goodwill, net                                               255                 257
Other assets                                                 31                  30
Employee compensation and benefits                         (105)               (113)
Other liabilities                                             -                  (2)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net noncurrent assets of discontinued operations         $  393             $   391


Note 5.  Receivables
         Our receivables are generally not collateralized. With the exception of
claims and change  orders,  which are in the  process of being  negotiated  with
customers,  unbilled work on uncompleted  contracts  generally  represents  work
currently  billable,  and this work is  usually  billed  during  normal  billing
processes  in the next  month.  Claims and change  orders  included  in unbilled
receivables  amounted  to $155  million  and $113  million at March 31, 2001 and
December 31, 2000, respectively.

Note 6.  Inventories
         Inventories  to support  continuing  operations  at March 31,  2001 and
December 31, 2000 are composed of the following:

                                    March 31          December 31
                                 ----------------    ---------------
Millions of dollars                   2001                2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Finished products and parts          $  539              $   486
Raw materials and supplies              204                  178
Work in process                          78                   59
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Total                                $  821              $   723

         Inventories on the last-in,  first-out method were $74 million at March
31, 2001 and $66 million at December  31,  2000.  If the average cost method had
been used,  total  inventories  would have been about $28  million  higher  than
reported at March 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000.

Note 7.  Commitments and Contingencies
         Asbestos  litigation.  Since 1976, our subsidiary,  Dresser Industries,
Inc.  and its former  divisions or  subsidiaries  have been  defending  numerous
lawsuits in which it is alleged that some products they  manufactured  contained
asbestos  and  as a  result  the  individual  plaintiffs  were  injured  through
inhalation of asbestos fibers.  Since then, we have entered into agreements with
our insurance  companies,  to recover in whole or in part,  indemnity  payments,
legal fees and expenses  for  specific  categories  of asbestos  claims.  We are
negotiating  with those  insurance  companies  for  coverage  for the  remaining
categories of these claims.  Because these  agreements  are governed by exposure
dates,  payment  type and the product  involved,  the covered  amount  varies by
claim.  In addition,  we have brought  lawsuits  against several other insurance
companies to recover additional amounts related to these asbestos claims.
         Our  Engineering  and  Construction  Group is also involved in asbestos
claims  litigation.  In these  lawsuits,  claimants  allege they have  sustained
injuries  from  the  inhalation  of  asbestos  fibers  contained  in some of the
materials used in various  construction  and renovation  projects  involving our
Kellogg  Brown & Root  subsidiary.  Our primary  insurance  coverage for Kellogg
Brown & Root  for the  applicable  years  was  written  by  Highlands  Insurance
Company.  Most claims  filed  against  Kellogg  Brown & Root allege  exposure to
asbestos  prior to the  spin-off and are disposed of for less than the limits of
the Highlands  policies.  Highlands was a subsidiary of Halliburton prior to its
spin-off to our shareholders in early 1996. We were unable, in negotiations with
Highlands  during 1999 and early 2000,  to reach an  agreement  on the amount of
insurance  coverage  Highlands would provide for these claims. On April 5, 2000,
Highlands  filed a lawsuit in Delaware  Chancery Court alleging that, as part of
the spin-off in 1996,  Halliburton  assumed  liability  for all asbestos  claims
filed  against  Halliburton  after the  spin-off.  Highlands  also  alleged that
Halliburton   did  not  adequately   disclose  to  Highlands  the  existence  of
Halliburton's  subsidiaries'  potential asbestos liability.  On August 23, 2000,
Highlands  issued a letter  denying  coverage  under the  policies  based on its
assertions  in the Delaware  lawsuit.  We believe,  however,  that  Highlands is
contractually  obligated to provide insurance coverage for asbestos claims filed
against  Kellogg  Brown & Root  and we are  asserting  our  right  to  insurance
coverage  vigorously.  On April 24, 2000,  Halliburton  filed a lawsuit  against
Highlands  in  Harris  County,  Texas,  claiming  that  Highlands  breached  its
contractual  obligation to provide insurance  coverage.  We have asked the Texas
court to order  Highlands  to provide  coverage  for  asbestos  claims under the
guaranteed  cost  policies  issued by  Highlands to Kellogg  Brown & Root.  This
lawsuit is stayed pending resolution of the Delaware litigation.


         On March 21, 2001 the Delaware  Chancery  Court ruled that Highlands is
not obligated to provide  insurance  coverage for asbestos  claims filed against
Kellogg  Brown & Root.  The court ruled that,  the  agreements  entered  into by
Highlands and  Halliburton  at the time of the spin-off  terminated the policies
previously  written by Highlands that would otherwise  cover these claims.  This
ruling,  if it is not reversed on appeal,  would eliminate our primary insurance
covering  asbestos  claims against Kellogg Brown & Root for periods prior to the
spin-off. We and our legal counsel,  Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.,  believe,  however,
that the court's ruling is wrong.  We are in the process of appealing the ruling
to the Delaware  Supreme Court. It may be early 2002 before the Delaware Supreme
Court rules on our appeal. Vinson & Elkins has rendered an opinion to us that it
is very likely that the ruling of the  Chancery  Court will be reversed  because
the ruling  clearly  contravenes  the  provisions of the  applicable  agreements
between Highlands and Halliburton. Vinson & Elkins has also opined to us that it
is likely that we will ultimately prevail in this litigation.
         Since  1976,  approximately  300,000  asbestos  claims  have been filed
against us.  About 27,000 of these claims  relate to Kellogg  Brown & Root.  The
balance of these claims relate to former  Dresser  divisions  and  subsidiaries.
Approximately  171,000 of these  claims  have been  settled or  disposed of at a
gross  cost of  approximately  $127  million,  with  recoveries  from  insurance
companies paying or expected to pay all but approximately $33 million.  Asbestos
claims  continue to be filed  against us, with about 45,000 claims filed in 2000
and about 18,000 filed in the first  quarter of 2001.  At March 31, 2001,  there
were about 129,000 open asbestos  claims  asserted  against us,  including about
26,000 associated with insurance recoveries we expect to collect from Highlands.
Open claims at March 31, 2001 also include  15,000 claims for which  settlements
are pending. This number of open claims compares with approximately 117,000 open
claims at the end of 2000.
          We have accrued  reserves for our estimate of our  liability for known
asbestos claims that have been asserted  against us. Our estimate of the cost of
resolving  asserted  asbestos  claims  is  based  on our  historical  litigation
experience,  our prior completed settlements and our estimate of amounts we will
recover from  insurance  companies.  Our estimate of recoveries  from  insurance
companies,  other than Highlands  Insurance  Company,  is based on agreements we
have  with a number  of  insurance  companies,  or in those  instances  in which
agreements  are still in  negotiation  or in  litigation,  our  estimate  of our
ultimate  recovery  from  insurance  companies.  We believe  that the  insurance
companies with which we have signed  agreements will be able to meet their share
of future obligations under these agreements.
         Highlands' parent company,  Highlands Insurance Group, Inc., has stated
in its SEC filings  that,  if Highlands is  ultimately  required to pay asbestos
claims asserted against Kellogg Brown & Root, the payments could have a material
adverse  impact on its  financial  position.  Highlands  has  reported  that its
statutory  capital  surplus was $127.4 million at the end of the year 2000, down
from  $166.7  million  at the end of 1999.  On April 3, 2001  Standard  & Poor's
announced that it had lowered its financial strength rating on Highlands and its
affiliates  to `BBpi' to reflect  uncertainty  regarding  the  adequacy of their
capitalization  and liquidity.  On April 20, 2001 A.M. Best, a leading insurance
rating agency,  downgraded Highlands and its affiliates to "B" (Fair) from "B++"
(Very Good) to reflect  concerns about the group's  capitalization  adequacy and
poor  operating  results.  Although  we do not know the  extent of the impact of
these developments on Highlands, we believe that Highlands still has the ability
to  pay  substantially  all of the  asbestos  claims  at  issue  in the  pending
litigation, assuming it is successfully concluded in our favor.
         Our  reserves  for open  asbestos  claims and  corresponding  estimated
insurance recoveries included in noncurrent assets are as follows:

                                                    March 31          December 31
                                                 ----------------    ---------------
Millions of dollars                                   2001                2000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accrued liability for open claims                    $  84                $  80
Estimated insurance recoveries:
    Highlands Insurance Company                        (40)                 (39)
    Other insurance carriers                           (14)                 (12)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net liability for known open asbestos claims         $  30                $  29


         In addition, as of March 31, 2001, we have recorded accounts receivable
we expect to  collect  from  Highlands  Insurance  Company  of $14  million  for
payments we already have made on asbestos claims.  If our appeal of the Chancery
Court's ruling in the Highlands litigation is unsuccessful, we will be unable to
collect  this $14 million as well as the $40  million  estimated  recovery  from
Highlands.  This  may have a  material  adverse  impact  on the  results  of our
operations and our financial position at that time.
         Accounts  receivable  for  billings  to other  insurance  carriers  for
payments  made on  asbestos  claims  were $10  million at March 31, 200l and $13
million at December 31, 2000.
         We  recognize  the   uncertainties  of  asbestos   litigation  and  the
possibility that a series of adverse court rulings or new legislation  affecting
the asbestos claims litigation or settlement process could materially impact our
expected resolution of asbestos claims. However, based upon:
         o    our historical experience with similar claims;
         o    the  time  elapsed  since  Dresser  and  its  former  divisions or
              subsidiaries discontinued sale of products containing asbestos;
         o    the  time  elapsed  since  Kellogg  Brown  &  Root  used materials
              containing asbestos in any construction process;
         o    our understanding of the facts and circumstances that gave rise to
              asbestos claims; and
         o    our estimate of amounts we will recover from insurance companies,
we believe that the open asbestos  claims  asserted  against us will be resolved
without a  material  adverse  effect on our  financial  position  or  results of
         Fort Ord  litigation.  Brown & Root Services,  now operating as Kellogg
Brown & Root,  is a defendant in civil  litigation  pending in federal  court in
Sacramento,  California. The lawsuit alleges that Brown & Root Services violated
provisions of the False Claims Act while  performing  work for the United States
Army at Fort Ord in California.  This lawsuit was filed by a former  employee in
1997.  Brown & Root  Services  has denied the  allegations  and is  preparing to
defend  itself at trial.  Further  proceedings  in this civil  lawsuit have been
stayed while the investigation  referred to in the next paragraph is ongoing. We
believe that it is remote that this civil litigation will result in any material
amount of damages being  assessed  against us,  although the cost of our defense
could well exceed $1 million before the matter is brought to a conclusion.
         Although in 1998 the United States  Department  of Justice  declined to
join this litigation, it has advised us that Brown & Root Services is the target
of a federal  grand jury  investigation  regarding  the contract  administration
issues  raised in the civil  litigation.  Brown & Root  Services has been served
with grand jury subpoenas,  which required the production of documents  relating
to the Fort Ord contract and similar contracts at other locations.  We have also
been  informed  that  several  current  and former  employees  will be called to
testify  before the grand jury. We have retained  independent  counsel for these
employees.  We  are  cooperating  in  this  investigation.   The  United  States
Department of Justice has not made any specific allegations against Brown & Root
         Environmental.  We are  subject  to  numerous  environmental  legal and
regulatory requirements related to our operations worldwide. We take a proactive
approach  to  evaluating  and  addressing  the   environmental   impact  of  our
operations.  Each year we assess and remediate contaminated  properties in order
to avoid future  liabilities and comply with legal and regulatory  requirements.
On occasion we are  involved in specific  environmental  litigation  and claims,
including  the clean-up of properties we own or have operated as well as efforts
to meet or correct compliance-related matters.
         Some of our subsidiaries and former operating  entities are involved as
a  potentially  responsible  party or PRP in  remedial  activities  to  clean-up
several  "Superfund"  sites under United States federal law and comparable state
laws.  Kellogg Brown & Root is one of nine PRP's named at the  Tri-State  Mining
District  "Superfund"  Site, also known as the Jasper County  "Superfund"  Site.
Based on our negotiations with federal regulatory authorities and our evaluation
of our  responsibility for remediation at small portions of this site, we do not
believe we will be  compelled  to make  expenditures  which will have a material
adverse effect on our financial position or results of operations.  However, the
United  States  Department  of the  Interior  and the  State  of  Missouri  have
indicated that they might make a separate claim against Kellogg Brown & Root for
natural resource  damages.  Discussions with them have not been concluded and we
are unable to make a judgement about the amount of damages they may seek.


         We  also  incur  costs   related  to  compliance   with   ever-changing
environmental, legal and regulatory  requirements in the jurisdictions  where we
operate. It is very difficult to quantify the potential  liabilities.  We do not
expect these  expenditures to have a material adverse effect on our consolidated
financial position or our results of operations.
         Our accrued liabilities for  environmental matters  were $31 million as
of March 31, 2001 and December 31, 2000.
         Other.  We are a party to various other legal  proceedings.  We expense
the cost of legal fees related to these proceedings.  We believe any liabilities
we  may  have  arising  from  these  proceedings  will  not be  material  to our
consolidated financial position or our results of operations.

Note 8.  Income Per Share

                                                                    Three Months
                                                                   Ended March 31
Millions of dollars and shares                               ---------------------------
except per share data                                           2001            2000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations before
     change in accounting method                               $   86          $   27

Basic weighted average shares                                     426             442
Effect of common stock equivalents                                  4               2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Diluted weighted average shares                                   430             444

Income per common share from continuing  operations  before change in accounting
Basic                                                          $0.20           $0.06
Diluted                                                        $0.20           $0.06

Income per common share from discontinued operations:
Basic                                                          $0.05           $0.54
Diluted                                                        $0.05           $0.53

         Income per share from  discontinued  operations in 2000 includes  $0.49
basic and $0.48 diluted from the gain on the sale of discontinued operations.
         Basic  income  per  share is based on the  weighted  average  number of
common shares outstanding  during the period.  Diluted income per share includes
additional  common shares that would have been  outstanding if potential  common
shares with a dilutive  effect had been issued.  Included in the  computation of
diluted  income  per share are  rights  we  issued  in  connection  with the PES
acquisition of up to 2.1 million shares of Halliburton common stock. In February
2001 we issued 1.0 million shares under the rights leaving 1.1 million shares to
be issued. Excluded from the computation of diluted income per share are options
to  purchase 2 million  shares of common  stock in 2001 and 7 million  shares in
2000. These options were outstanding during these respective  periods,  but were
excluded  because the option  exercise price was greater than the average market
price of the common shares.

Note 9.  Comprehensive Income
         The components of other comprehensive  income adjustments to net income
include the cumulative  translation  adjustment of some of our foreign entities,
minimum  pension  liability  adjustments  and  unrealized  gains or  (losses) on
investments and derivatives.


                                                            Three Months
                                                           Ended March 31
Millions of dollars                                     2001            2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                             $  109          $  264
Cumulative translation adjustment, net of tax             (42)            (21)
Unrealized losses on investments and derivatives           (2)              -
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total comprehensive income                             $   65          $  243

         Accumulated other  comprehensive  income at March 31, 2001 and December
31, 2000 consisted of the following:

                                                        March 31          December 31
                                                     ---------------     ---------------
Millions of dollars                                       2001                2000
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cumulative translation adjustment                        $  (317)            $  (275)
Minimum pension liability                                    (12)                (12)
Unrealized losses on investments and derivatives              (3)                 (1)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total accumulated other comprehensive income             $  (332)            $  (288)

Note 10.  Engineering and Construction Reorganization
         As a result of the  reorganization  of our engineering and construction
businesses,  we took actions in the fourth  quarter of 2000 to  rationalize  our
cost  structure  including  asset-related  charges of $20 million and  personnel
related  charges  of  $16  million.   Asset  related  write-offs  of  equipment,
engineering  reference  designs and  capitalized  software were all completed by
December 31, 2000.  Personnel related payments of $10 million have been made and
the   terminations  of  approximately   30  senior   management   positions  are
substantially  complete.  We  expect  remaining  payments  under  the  severance
arrangements to be completed during the second half of 2001.

Note 11.  Dresser Financial Information
         Since becoming a wholly owned subsidiary,  Dresser Industries, Inc. has
ceased filing  periodic  reports with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.
Dresser's 8% guaranteed  senior  notes,  which were  initially  issued by Baroid
Corporation,  remain outstanding and are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by
Halliburton.  In January 1999, as part of a legal reorganization associated with
the  merger,   Halliburton  Delaware,  Inc.,  our  first  tier  holding  company
subsidiary,  was merged into Dresser.  The majority of our operating  assets and
activities are now included in Dresser and its subsidiaries. In August 2000, the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  released a new rule governing the financial
statements of guarantors and issuers of guaranteed  securities  registered  with
the SEC. The following condensed  consolidating  financial  information presents
Halliburton and our subsidiaries on a stand-alone  basis using the equity method
of accounting for our interest in our subsidiaries.


                  Condensed Consolidating Statements of Income
                          Quarter ended March 31, 2001

                                            Non-issuer/      Industries,    Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         Inc.         Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenues                              $   3,144            $ 136        $  148         $  (284)        $ 3,144
Cost of revenues                               (2,855)               -             -               -          (2,855)
General and administrative                        (91)               -             -               -             (91)
Interest expense                                   (5)              (9)          (34)              1             (47)
Interest income                                     4                3             -              (3)              4
Other, net                                        (11)              21            13             (26)             (3)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations
    before taxes and minority interest            186              151           127            (312)            152
Provision for income taxes                        (68)              (3)           10               -             (61)
Minority interest in net income of
    subsidiaries                                   (5)               -             -               -              (5)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations                 113              148           137            (312)             86
Income from discontinued operations                22                -             -               -              22
Cumulative effect of change in
    accounting method, net                          1                -             -               -               1
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                  $     136            $ 148        $  137         $  (312)        $   109

                  Condensed Consolidating Statements of Income
                          Quarter ended March 31, 2000

                                            Non-issuer/      Industries,    Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         Inc.         Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenues                              $   2,859            $  73        $  306         $  (379)        $ 2,859
Cost of revenues                               (2,695)               -             -               -          (2,695)
General and administrative                        (83)               -             -               -             (83)
Interest expense                                   (4)             (13)          (16)              -             (33)
Interest income                                     7               29            14             (43)              7
Other, net                                         (4)               -             -               -              (4)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations
    before taxes and minority interest             80               89           304            (422)             51
Provision for income taxes                        (25)               2             3               -             (20)
Minority interest in net income of
    subsidiaries                                   (4)               -             -               -              (4)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income from continuing operations                  51               91           307            (422)             27
Income from discontinued operations                22                -             -               -              22
Gain on disposal of discontinued
    operations, net of tax                          -              215             -               -             215
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                  $      73            $ 306        $  307         $  (422)        $   264


                     Condensed Consolidating Balance Sheets
                                 March 31, 2001

                                            Non-issuer/      Industries,    Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         Inc.         Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents                        $     186           $     -       $    92       $      -         $   278
Notes and accounts receivable, net              2,981                53             -              -           3,034
Unbilled work on uncompleted contracts            787                 -             2              -             789
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total receivables                               3,768                53             2              -           3,823
Inventories                                       821                 -             -              -             821
Other current assets                              779                15             4              -             798
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current assets                            5,554                68            98              -           5,720
Property, plant and equipment, net              2,415                 -             -              -           2,415
Equity in and advances to
    unconsolidated affiliates                     417                 -             -              -             417
Intercompany receivable from
    consolidated affiliates                         -                 -         3,015         (3,015)              -
Equity in and advances to
    consolidated affiliates                         -             6,117         3,650         (9,767)              -
Goodwill, net                                     654                86             -              -             740
Other assets                                    1,121                 5             -              -           1,126
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                                $  10,161           $ 6,276       $ 6,763       $(12,782)        $10,418

  Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts and notes payable                  $     755           $     8       $ 1,822       $      -         $ 2,585
Other current liabilities                       1,440                11             9              -           1,460
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current liabilities                       2,195                19         1,831              -           4,045
Long-term debt                                    201               439           400              -           1,040
Intercompany payable from
    consolidated affiliates                       874             2,141             -         (3,015)              -
Other liabilities                               1,142                27           116              -           1,285
Minority interest in consolidated
    subsidiaries                                   42                 -             -              -              42
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities                               4,454             2,626         2,347         (3,015)          6,412
Shareholders' equity:
Common shares                                     391                 -         1,136           (391)          1,136
Other shareholders' equity                      5,316             3,650         3,280         (9,376)          2,870
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total shareholders' equity                      5,707             3,650         4,416         (9,767)          4,006
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity  $  10,161           $ 6,276       $ 6,763       $(12,782)        $10,418


                     Condensed Consolidating Balance Sheets
                                December 31, 2000

                                            Non-issuer/      Industries,    Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         Inc.         Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
Cash and equivalents                        $     216           $    11       $     4       $      -         $   231
Notes and accounts receivable, net              2,966                63             -              -           3,029
Unbilled work on uncompleted contracts            816                 -             -              -             816
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total receivables                               3,782                63             -              -           3,845
Inventories                                       723                 -             -              -             723
Other current assets                              753                 1            15              -             769
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current assets                            5,474                75            19              -           5,568
Property, plant and equipment, net              2,410                 -             -              -           2,410
Equity in and advances to
    unconsolidated affiliates                     258               142             -              -             400
Intercompany receivable from
    consolidated affiliates                        68                 -         2,138         (2,206)              -
Equity in and advances to
    consolidated affiliates                         -             6,558         4,220        (10,778)              -
Goodwill, net                                     510                87             -              -             597
Other assets                                    1,109                 5            14              -           1,128
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                                $   9,829           $ 6,867       $ 6,391       $(12,984)        $10,103

  Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts and notes payable                  $     756           $    64       $ 1,540       $      -         $ 2,360
Other current liabilities                       1,374                36            56              -           1,466
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total current liabilities                       2,130               100         1,596              -           3,826
Long-term debt                                    205               444           400              -           1,049
Intercompany payable from
    consolidated affiliates                         -             2,206             -         (2,206)              -
Other liabilities                               1,118                26           118              -           1,262
Minority interest in consolidated
    subsidiaries                                   38                 -             -              -              38
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities                               3,491             2,776         2,114         (2,206)          6,175
Shareholders' equity:
Common shares                                     391                 -         1,132           (391)          1,132
Other shareholders' equity                      5,947             4,091         3,145        (10,387)          2,796
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total shareholders' equity                      6,338             4,091         4,277        (10,778)          3,928
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity  $   9,829           $ 6,867       $ 6,391       $(12,984)        $10,103


                Condensed Consolidating Statements of Cash Flows
                          Quarter ended March 31, 2001

                                            Non-issuer/      Industries,    Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         Inc.         Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash flows from operating activities    $     112          $    36       $    18       $      -          $   166
Capital expenditures                             (145)               -             -              -             (145)
Sales of property, plant and equipment             21                -             -              -               21
Other investing activities                       (176)               -          (175)           175             (176)
Payments on long-term borrowings                   (4)              (5)            -              -               (9)
Borrowings (repayments) of
    short-term debt, net                          (15)               -           284              -              269
Payments of dividends to shareholders               -                -           (54)             -              (54)
Proceeds from exercises of stock options            -                -            19              -               19
Payments to reacquire common stock                  -                -            (4)             -               (4)
Other financing activities                        215              (42)            -           (175)              (2)
Effect of exchange rate on cash                   (14)               -             -              -              (14)
Net cash flows from discontinued
    operations                                    (24)               -             -              -              (24)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) in cash and
    equivalents                             $     (30)         $   (11)      $    88       $      -          $    47

                Condensed Consolidating Statements of Cash Flows
                          Quarter ended March 31, 2000

                                            Non-issuer/      Industries,    Halliburton                  Consolidated
                                           Non-guarantor         Inc.         Company    Consolidating    Halliburton
Millions of dollars                         Subsidiaries       (Issuer)     (Guarantor)   Adjustments       Company
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash flows from operating activities    $    (108)         $     4       $     1       $      -          $  (103)
Capital expenditures                              (79)               -             -              -              (79)
Sales of property, plant and equipment             25                -             -              -               25
Other investing activities                        (13)               -           656           (656)             (13)
Borrowings (repayments) of
    short-term debt, net                            -                -          (708)             -             (708)
Payments of dividends to shareholders               -                -           (55)             -              (55)
Proceeds from exercises of stock options            -                -            18              -               18
Payments to reacquire common stock                  -                -            (4)             -               (4)
Other financing activities                       (791)             135             -            656                -
Effect of exchange rate on cash                    (2)               -             -              -               (2)
Net cash flows from discontinued
    operations                                    824                -             -              -              824
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) in cash and
    equivalents                             $    (144)         $   139       $   (92)      $      -          $   (97)


Note 12.  Accounting Change
         In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement
of  Financial   Accounting   Standards  No.  133,   "Accounting  for  Derivative
Instruments and for Hedging  Activities,"  subsequently  amended by SFAS No. 137
and SFAS No. 138. This standard  requires  entities to recognize all derivatives
on the statement of financial  position as assets or liabilities  and to measure
the  instruments at fair value.  Accounting for gains and losses from changes in
those fair values are specified in the standard depending on the intended use of
the derivative and other  criteria.  We adopted SFAS 133 effective  January 2001
and  recorded  a gain of $1  million  after-tax  for the  cumulative  effect  of
adopting the change in accounting  method. We do not expect future  measurements
at fair value under the new accounting  method to have a material  effect on our
financial condition or results of operations.

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
         of Operations

         In this section, we discuss the operating results and general financial
condition of Halliburton Company and its subsidiaries. We explain:
         o    factors and risks that impact our business;
         o    why our earnings and expenses for the first quarter of 2001 differ
              from the first quarter of 2000;
         o    factors that impacted our cash flows; and
         o    other items  that  materially  affect our  financial  condition or

         Our continuing business is organized around two business segments:
         o    Energy Services Group; and
         o    Engineering and Construction Group.
         We report the  results of Dresser  Equipment  Group,  which was sold on
April 10, 2001, as discontinued operations.
         As the largest  provider of products and services to the  petroleum and
energy  industries,  the majority of our consolidated  revenues are derived from
the sale of services  and  products to large oil and gas  companies.  We conduct
business  in  over  120  countries  with  energy,  industrial  and  governmental
customers.  These  services  and  products  are used in the  earliest  phases of
exploration  and  development  of oil and gas reserves  through the refining and
distribution  process.  The industries we serve are highly competitive with many
substantial  competitors  for each  segment.  No  country  other than the United
States or the  United  Kingdom  accounts  for more  than 10% of our  operations.
Unsettled  political  conditions,  expropriation or other governmental  actions,
exchange  controls and currency  devaluations  may result in increased  business
risk in any one  country,  including,  among  others,  Algeria,  Angola,  Libya,
Nigeria,  and Russia. We believe the geographic  diversification of our business
activities  reduces the risk that loss of  business in any one country  would be
material to our consolidated results of operations.
         Halliburton Company
         The first quarter of 2001 showed  continuing  improved  activity levels
within our Energy Services Group.  Increased drilling activity in North America,
primarily related to demand for natural gas, contributed significantly to higher
activity  levels  within our oilfield  service  product  service  lines.  Higher
sustained  crude  oil  prices  have also  contributed  to  increasing  levels of
exploration and production activity throughout the world.  Current estimates for
2001  anticipate  capital  spending for oil and gas  exploration to increase 20%
compared to 2000.  Within the Engineering and  Construction  Group higher prices
for natural gas and crude oil have not yet translated  into  increased  spending
for  engineering  and  construction  projects,   particularly  projects  in  the
liquefied natural gas, refining and petrochemical industries. Continued strength
in energy services  activity  should be followed by increased  spending on large
oil and gas related engineering and construction projects. Increasing demand for
natural gas used in power generation,  low natural gas storage levels within the
United States, and the need to replace oil and gas reserves by our customers are
all current factors that should provide opportunities for growth in our business


         Energy Services Group
         Increasing  business  activity  within the segment that started in 2000
continued throughout the first quarter of 2001. Sustained levels of high natural
gas and crude oil prices have  contributed to higher demand for the products and
services  provided by the Energy  Services  Group.  Activity has been highest in
North America, reflecting primarily the increased levels of drilling for natural
gas.  The rotary rig count in North  America  continued to increase and averaged
1,654 rigs in the first quarter of 2001, an increase of 31% over the average for
2000.  Natural  gas  prices  continued  to climb as a  result  of North  America
experiencing  the  coldest  weather  in recent  years and low  volumes of gas in
storage.  Henry Hub gas prices for the first quarter of 2001 averaged $6.55/MCF,
well  above  the  $6.20/MCF   average  for  the  fourth   quarter  of  2000  and
significantly  above the $2.59/MCF  average price for the first quarter of 2000.
Higher activity  levels have increased our equipment and personnel  utilization,
resulting in increased  profitability and pricing strength,  particularly within
North America. Crude oil prices, another business indicator, remained at or near
record highs  throughout  the quarter,  with West Texas  Intermediate  averaging
nearly $29 per barrel,  down from the average  fourth  quarter 2000 price of $32
per barrel. These continued high commodity prices bode well for the industry and
should  encourage  our  customers to increase  investments  in  exploration  and
         The  turnaround in  international  rig activity  continued  through the
first quarter, with the highest average rig count since 1998 at 724 rigs working
compared  to 710 in the  fourth  quarter  of 2000 and 576  working  in the first
quarter of 2000.  Compared to the first quarter of 2000, revenues for the Energy
Services Group were higher across all geographic areas.  These increases reflect
both the strong  demand for our products and  services  within North  America as
well as the continued increases in exploration and production spending elsewhere
by our  customers.  In the  short-term,  we expect the Energy  Services Group to
provide  continued  growth in both  revenues and  earnings in North  America and
internationally,  especially in the North Sea, Latin America,  West Africa,  and
the Middle East.
         Engineering and Construction Group
         Our Engineering and  Construction  Group has not yet benefited from the
positive factors which provided  opportunities for growth in the Energy Services
Group.  While both  segments  provide  products and services to many of the same
customers,  oilfield  service  activities  have been first to  benefit  from the
increased  activity  levels.  The downturn in the energy  industry that began in
1998  led  our  customers  to  severely  curtail  many  large   engineering  and
construction   projects   during  2000  and  into  2001.  Our   Engineering  and
Construction   Group  has  also  been  impacted  by  a  series  of  mergers  and
consolidations  among its major customers  resulting in an additional  period of
internal  focus  and  capacity  rationalization  by our  customers.  The lack of
opportunities  existing throughout 2000, combined with an extremely  competitive
global engineering and construction  environment,  resulted in the restructuring
of our Engineering and Construction  Group in late 2000 and the first quarter of
2001. All of our engineering,  construction,  fabrication and project management
capabilities  are now part of one  operating  company - Kellogg  Brown & Root. A
flatter,  more  responsive  organization  is now  positioned to benefit from the
expected increases in engineering and construction  project spending,  which are
anticipated  as we move into the second  half of 2001.  Several  recent  project
awards also provide optimism. In addition,  we also see improving  opportunities
to  provide  additional  support  services  to  agencies  of the  United  States
government and to government  agencies of other countries,  including the United
Kingdom. The demand for these services is expected to grow as governments at all
levels  seek to  control  costs and  improve  services  by  outsourcing  various


First Quarter of 2001 Compared with the First Quarter of 2000

                                               First Quarter
REVENUES                                  -----------------------      Increase
Millions of dollars                          2001        2000         (decrease)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Energy Services Group                      $  2,031    $  1,423         $  608
Engineering and Construction Group            1,113       1,436           (323)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenues                             $  3,144    $  2,859         $  285


         Consolidated  revenues  in the first  quarter  of 2001 of $3.1  billion
increased  $285  million  compared to the first  quarter of 2000.  International
revenues were 62% of total revenues for the first quarter of 2001 and 66% in the
first quarter of 2000.
         Energy  Services Group revenues were $2.0 billion for the first quarter
of 2001,  an  increase  of 43% from the  first  quarter  in 2000.  International
revenues were 58% of total revenues in the first quarter of 2001 compared to 63%
in the same quarter of the prior year.  Revenues increased across all geographic
regions as all product service lines benefited  significantly from the increased
activity  related to higher rig counts and higher  prices for our  products  and
services.  Revenues of just over $1.5 billion from our oilfield  service product
service  lines  represented  an increase of 40% compared to the prior year.  The
pressure  pumping product service line  experienced  growth of 45% while logging
services achieved revenue growth of 66%. Revenues for drilling fluids,  drilling
services   and  drill   bits   increased   57%,   29%  and  26%,   respectively.
Geographically,  North American  oilfield  services  revenues  increased by 60%,
while  Latin  America  and  Middle  East  revenues  increased  by 33%  and  29%,
respectively.  Revenues  have  been  slower to pick up in  Europe/Africa,  which
increased 19% and Asia Pacific, which was slightly positive. Particularly strong
revenue improvements were reported in Argentina,  Brazil, Venezuela, Egypt, Oman
and Saudi  Arabia.  Revenues  for the  remainder of the segment  increased  $165
million  compared to the prior year.  This  increase  was due  primarily  to the
start-up of a major  project in Brazil in late 2000 as well as increased  levels
of work within the subsea and production  services product service lines,  which
increased 33% and 29%, respectively.
         Engineering and Construction Group revenues were $323 million,  or 23%,
lower in the first quarter of 2001 compared to the first quarter of 2000.  About
71% of the group's revenues were from international  activities  compared to 69%
in the prior year quarter. Decreases in revenues were mostly attributable to the
completion of large onshore and offshore projects and replacement  projects have
not been awarded.  Government  services  product line revenues from a logistical
support  contract  in the  Balkans  region  decreased  about $60  million as the
project has moved from the construction phase to a sustainment phase.  Partially
offsetting  the revenue  declines in other product  lines,  the  operations  and
maintenance  product line  increased 12%  year-over-year,  reflecting  continued
focus by our customers in existing  facility  maintenance,  plant operations and
other maintenance projects.

                                                First Quarter
OPERATING INCOME                          --------------------------     Increase
Millions of dollars                          2001          2000         (decrease)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Energy Services Group                       $  200        $  49            $ 151
Engineering and Construction Group              18           49              (31)
General corporate                              (20)         (17)              (3)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total operating income                      $  198        $  81            $ 117

         Consolidated  operating  income of $198  million was 144% higher in the
first quarter of 2001 compared to the first  quarter in 2000.  Higher  equipment
utilization and manufacturing capacity combined with improved pricing within the
Energy Services Group,  particularly within North America,  significantly offset
lower activity levels in the Engineering and Construction Group.
         Energy  Services Group  operating  income for the first quarter of 2001
increased $151 million or 308% compared to the first quarter of 2000.  Operating
income in our oilfield  services  product  service lines  increased $138 million
over the same  period  in 2000.  This  improvement  largely  reflects  increased
activity levels, high equipment utilization, and improvement in pricing in North
America  which  more than  offset the  impact of higher  fuel and energy  costs.
Operating  income  increased  across all  product  service  lines with  pressure
pumping,  logging,  drilling  systems and drill bits all  increasing  over 200%.
Profitability   growth  was  greatest  in  North   America,   with   significant
improvements also in the Middle East and Latin America.  North America benefited
from  price  increases  implemented  last year and during  January of 2001.  The
strong demand for our  services,  combined with  increasing  utilization  of our
equipment and personnel,  has enabled us to continue to improve our pricing, net
of  discounts.  An  additional  price  increase is expected  later this  summer.
Operating  income  for  the  remainder  of the  segment  increased  $13  million
consistent with higher revenues.


         Engineering  and  Construction  Group  operating  income  for the first
quarter of 2001  decreased  $31  million  from the same  period in 2000 on lower
revenues. The reduction reflects lower activity levels and operating margins.
         General  corporate  expense  for the quarter  increased  $3 million due
primarily to expenses incurred for the retirement of several executives.

         Interest expense of $47 million for the first quarter of 2001 increased
$14  million  compared  to the first  quarter of 2000.  The  increase  is due to
additional  short-term  debt incurred to  repurchase  our common stock under our
repurchase  program,  mostly during the fourth  quarter of 2000,  and borrowings
associated with the acquisition of PGS Data Management  during the first quarter
of 2001. We expect net interest expense to decrease  significantly in the second
quarter of 2001 because we have paid down short-term debt with the proceeds from
the sale of the Dresser Equipment Group.
         Interest income was $4 million in the first quarter of 2001, a decrease
from the prior year's interest income of $7 million.
         Foreign  exchange  losses,  net were $3  million  in the  current  year
quarter compared to $4 million in the prior year first quarter.
         Provision for income taxes of $61 million  resulted in an effective tax
rate of 40.1%, up slightly from the first quarter of 2000 rate of 39.2%.
         Income from continuing  operations was $86 million in the first quarter
of 2000 compared to $27 million in the prior year quarter.
         Income  from  discontinued  operations  was $22  million  for the first
quarter of 2001 and 2000.
        Gain on disposal of discontinued operations of $215 million after-tax or
$0.48 per diluted  share in 2000, resulted  from the sale of our 51% interest in
         Cumulative  effect of change in  accounting  method,  net of $1 million
reflects the impact of adoption of Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards
No. 133, "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments  and for Hedging  Activities."
After recording the cumulative effect of the change our estimated annual expense
under  Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 133 is not expected to be materially
different from amounts expensed under the prior accounting treatment.
         Net income for the first quarter of 2001 was $109 million, or $0.25 per
diluted  share.  The prior  year's  net income  was $264  million,  or $0.59 per
diluted share.

         We ended the first  quarter of 2001 with cash and  equivalents  of $278
million, an increase of $47 million from the end of 2000.
         Cash flows from operating activities provided $166 million in the first
quarter of 2001 compared to using $103 million in the first quarter of the prior
year. Working capital items, which include  receivables,  inventories,  accounts
payable and other  working  capital,  net, used $90 million of cash in the first
quarter of 2001  compared to $244  million in the same period of the prior year.
Included in changes to working capital and other net changes is $10 million cash
used for personnel  reductions,  facility  closures and integration costs in the
first quarter of 2001 and $17 million in the first quarter of the prior year.
         Cash flows used in investing  activities were $300 million in the first
quarter of 2001 and $67 million in the same period of 2000. Capital expenditures
in the first  quarter of 2001 were $145  million as  compared to $79 million for
the same  period in the  prior  year.  In March  2001 we  acquired  the PGS Data
Management division of Petroleum Geo-Services ASA for approximately $175 million
of cash.
         Cash flows from financing activities provided $219 million in the first
quarter of 2001. In the same period of the prior year, financing activities used
$749 million as we repaid  short-term  debt with the  proceeds  from the sale of
Dresser-Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump. We paid dividends of $54 million to our
shareholders  in the first  quarter of 2001 as  compared  to $55  million in the
first quarter of 2000.


         Cash flows from  discontinued  operations used $24 million in the first
quarter of 2001 as compared  to  providing  $824  million for the same period in
2000.  Cash flows for 2000  include  proceeds of $913  million from the sales of
Dresser-Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump.
         Capital resources from internally generated funds and access to capital
markets are sufficient to fund our working  capital  requirements  and investing
activities.  Our combined short-term notes payable and long-term debt was 42% of
total  capitalization at March 31, 2001 compared to 40% at December 31, 2000. In
April 2001 we used  proceeds  from the sale of the  Dresser  Equipment  Group to
repay debt. This action will return our debt-to-capitalization  ratio to the low
30% range during the second quarter of 2001.

         We  are  subject  to  numerous  environmental,   legal  and  regulatory
requirements  related  to  our  operations  worldwide.  As  a  result  of  those
obligations,  we are  involved  in  environmental  litigation  and  claims,  the
clean-up of properties we own or have  operated,  and efforts to meet or correct
compliance-related matters.

         On April 25,  2000 our Board of  Directors  approved  plans to sell our
Dresser Equipment Group segment and implement a share repurchase  program for up
to 44 million shares, or about 10% of our outstanding  common stock. As of March
31, 2001 we had repurchased over 20 million shares at a cost of $759 million. No
shares of common stock were  repurchased  during the first quarter of 2001 under
this plan; however,  we may periodically  repurchase our common stock as we deem
         On April 10, 2001 we announced the sale of our Dresser  Equipment Group
segment  for  $1.55  billion  in  cash  and  assumed  liabilities,   subject  to
adjustments at closing for changes in net assets.  The  transaction  resulted in
our  receiving  $1.3  billion in cash and will result in an  approximately  $300
million  after-tax gain. The transaction  will be reported in the second quarter
of 2001.  Proceeds from the sale of this business were used to repay  short-term

         In 1999 some member countries of the European Union  established  fixed
conversion  rates between their  existing  currencies  and the European  Union's
common currency (euro).  This action was the first step towards  transition from
existing  national  currencies to the use of the euro as a common currency.  The
transition  period for the  introduction of the euro ends June 30, 2002.  Issues
resulting  from the  introduction  of the euro  include  converting  information
technology systems, reassessing currency risk, negotiating and amending existing
contracts and  processing tax and accounting  records.  We are addressing  these
issues and do not expect the transition to the euro to have a material effect on
our financial condition or results of operations.

         The Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995  provides  safe
harbor provisions for forward-looking  information.  Forward-looking information
is  based  on  projections  and  estimates,  not  historical  information.  Some
statements  in this Form 10-Q are  forward-looking.  We may also provide oral or
written forward-looking information in other materials we release to the public.
Forward-looking  information  involves risks and uncertainties.  Forward-looking
information we provide reflects our best judgement based on current information.
Our results of operations  can be affected by inaccurate  assumptions we make or
by known or unknown  risks and  uncertainties.  In addition,  other  factors may
affect  the  accuracy  of  our  forward-looking  information.  As a  result,  no
forward-looking information can be guaranteed.  Actual events and the results of
operations may vary materially.
         While it is not possible to identify  all factors,  we continue to face
many risks and uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ from our
forward-looking statements including:
         Geopolitical and legal.
         o    trade  restrictions and economic  embargoes imposed  by the United
              States and other countries;
         o    unsettled  political  conditions,   war,  civil  unrest,  currency
              controls and  governmental  actions in the  numerous  countries in
              which we operate;


         o    operations  in  countries  with  significant  amounts of political
              risk, including, for example, Algeria, Angola, Libya, Nigeria, and
         o    changes in foreign exchange rates;
         o    changes in governmental  regulations in the numerous  countries in
              which we operate including, for example, regulations that:
              -    encourage or  mandate the  hiring  of local  contractors; and
              -    require  foreign  contractors  to   employ  citizens  of,  or
                   purchase supplies from, a particular jurisdiction;
         o    litigation,  including, for  example, contract  disputes, asbestos
              litigation and environmental litigation; and
         o    environmental  laws, including,  for example, those  that  require
              emission performance standards for facilities;
         Weather related.
         o    the effects  of severe weather conditions, including, for example,
              hurricanes and tornadoes, on operations and facilities; and
         o    the impact of prolonged severe or mild weather conditions on the
              demand for and price of oil and natural gas;
         Customers and vendors.
         o    the  magnitude  of  governmental  spending   and  outsourcing  for
              military and logistical support of the type that we provide;
         o    changes  in  capital  spending  by  customers  in the  oil and gas
              industry for  exploration,  development,  production,  processing,
              refining, and pipeline delivery networks;
         o    changes in  capital  spending by  governments  for  infrastructure
              projects of the sort that we perform;
         o    consolidation of customers in the oil and gas industry; and
         o    claim negotiations with engineering and construction customers on
              cost variances and change orders on major projects;
         o    technological and  structural changes  in the  industries that  we
         o    sudden   changes  in  energy  prices   that  could  undermine  the
              fundamental strength of the world economy or our customers;
         o    changes in the price of oil and natural gas, resulting from:
              -    OPEC's   ability  to  set  and   maintain  production  levels
                   and prices for oil;
              -    the level of oil production by non-OPEC countries;
              -    the policies of governments  regarding  exploration  for  and
                   production  and  development  of  their  oil  and natural gas
                   reserves; and
              -    the level of demand for oil and natural gas;
         o    changes in  the price  or the  availability of commodities that we
         o    risks  that  result  from  entering  into  fixed fee  engineering,
              procurement and construction projects of the types that we provide
              where failure to meet  schedules,  cost  estimates or  performance
              targets  could  result in  nonreimbursable  costs  which cause the
              project not to meet our expected profit margins;
         o    risks that result from entering into complex business arrangements
              for  technically  demanding  projects where failure by one or more
              parties could result in monetary penalties; and
         o    the risk inherent in the use of derivative instruments of the sort
              that we use which could cause a change in value of the  derivative
              instruments as a result of:
              -    adverse movements in foreign exchange rates,  interest rates,
                   or commodity prices, or
              -    the value and time period of the derivative being different
                   than the exposures or cash flows being hedged;


         Personnel and mergers/reorganizations/dispositions.
         o    increased  competition in the hiring and retention of employees in
              specific   areas,   including,   for  example,   energy   services
              operations, accounting and finance;
         o    integration of acquired businesses into Halliburton,  including:
              -    standardizing information  systems or  integrating  data from
                   multiple  systems;
              -    maintaining   uniform  standards,  controls,  procedures  and
                   policies; and
              -    combining  operations and  personnel of  acquired  businesses
                   with ours;
         o    effectively   reorganizing   operations   and   personnel   within
         o    replacing discontinued lines of  businesses with acquisitions that
              add value and complement our core businesses; and
         o    successful completion of planned dispositions.
         In  addition,   future  trends  for  pricing,   margins,  revenues  and
profitability  remain difficult to predict in the industries we serve. We do not
assume  any  responsibility  to  publicly  update  any  of  our  forward-looking
statements  regardless of whether factors change as a result of new information,
future events or for any other reason. We do advise you to review any additional
disclosures  we make in our 10-Q,  8-K and 10-K  reports to the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission.  We also suggest that you listen to our quarterly earnings
release conference calls with financial analysts.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk

         We are exposed to  financial  instrument  market  risk from  changes in
foreign  currency  exchange  rates,  interest  rates  and to a  limited  extent,
commodity  prices.  We  selectively  hedge  these  exposures  through the use of
derivative  instruments  to mitigate our market risk from these  exposures.  The
objective  of our  hedging  is to  protect  our cash  flows  related to sales or
purchases of goods or services from  fluctuations in currency rates.  Our use of
derivative instruments includes the following types of market risk:
         o    volatility of the currency rates;
         o    time horizon of the derivative instruments;
         o    market cycles; and
         o    the type of derivative instruments used.
         We do not use derivative  instruments for trading  purposes.  We do not
consider any of our hedging activities to be material.



Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         (a)    Exhibits

     10.1       Agreement and Plan  of Recapitalization as  amended and restated
                effective   April  10,  2001   (incorporated  by   reference  to
                Halliburton's Form 8-K/A dated as of May 10, 2001).

                *     Filed with this Form 10-Q.

         (b)    Reports on Form 8-K

Date Filed                     Date of Earliest Event      Description of Event
- ---------------------------    ------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------
During the first quarter of 2001:

January 2, 2001                January 2, 2001             Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing a
                                                           definitive agreement to acquire PGS Data Management.

January 3, 2001                January 2, 2001             Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing the
                                                           board of directors approval of the acquisition of PGS
                                                           Data Management.

February 2, 2001               January 30, 2001            Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing 2000
                                                           fourth quarter earnings.

February 2, 2001               January 31, 2001            Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing
                                                           Halliburton's agreement to sell Dresser Equipment Group
                                                           for $1.55 billion in cash and assumed liabilities.

February 20, 2001              February 15, 2001           Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing the
                                                           board of directors has declared a 2001 first quarter
                                                           dividend of 12.5 cents a share on common stock payable
                                                           to shareholders of record at the close of business on
                                                           March 1, 2001.

March 6, 2001                  January 31, 2001            Item 5. Other Events for the Agreement and Plan of
                                                           Recapitalization dated January 30, 2001 among
                                                           Halliburton Company, Dresser B.V. and DEG Acquisitions,

March 13, 2001                 March 12, 2001              Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing the
                                                           acquisition of PGS Data Management Division by
                                                           Halliburton and Landmark Graphics.

March 23, 2001                 March 22, 2001              Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing
                                                           Halliburton's plan to appeal Delaware Chancery Court
                                                           ruling against Kellogg Brown & Root in litigation with
                                                           Highlands Insurance Group, Inc.


Date Filed                     Date of Earliest Event      Description of Event
- ---------------------------    ------------------------    ----------------------------------------------------------

During the second quarter of 2001:

April 11, 2001                 April 10, 2001              Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing the
                                                           sale of Dresser Equipment Group to an investor group for
                                                           $1.55 billion in cash and assumed liabilities.

April 27, 2001                 April 25, 2001              Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing 2001
                                                           first quarter earnings.

May 1, 2001                    April 30, 2001              Item 5. Other Events for a press release announcing the
                                                           signing of a definitive agreement to acquire Magic
                                                           Earth, Inc., a leading 3-D visualization and
                                                           interpretation technology company with broad
                                                           applications in the area of data mining.

May 10, 2001                   April 10, 2001              Item 5. Other Events for a press release on the
                                                           Agreement and Plan of Recapitalization as amended and
                                                           restated effective April 10, 2001 among Halliburton
                                                           Company, Dresser B.V. and DEG Acquisitions, LLC.



         As required by the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has
authorized  this  report  to be  signed  on  behalf  of  the  registrant  by the
undersigned authorized individuals.

                                         HALLIBURTON COMPANY

Date:     May 11, 2001                   By:  /s/  Gary V. Morris
     -----------------------                -------------------------------
                                                   Gary V. Morris
                                             Executive Vice President and
                                                Chief Financial Officer

                                              /s/  R. Charles Muchmore, Jr.
                                                   R. Charles Muchmore, Jr.
                                              Vice President and Controller and
                                                Principal Accounting Officer
