                               HALLIBURTON COMPANY
                                   EXHIBIT 11


     The calculation  below for earnings per share of the $2.50 par value Common
Stock of the Company on a primary and fully  diluted  basis for the three months
ended March 31, 1997 and 1996, is submitted in accordance  with  Regulation  S-K
Item 601 (b) (11).

                                                                                            Three Months
                                                                                           Ended March 31
                                                                                        1997            1996
                                                                                    -------------    ------------
Primary:                                                                            (Millions of dollars except
                                                                                          per share data)
  Net income                                                                        $     83.0       $     45.5

  Average number of common and common share
     equivalents outstanding                                                             127.7            125.4

  Primary net income per share                                                      $     0.65       $     0.36

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fully Diluted:
  Net income                                                                        $     83.0       $     45.5

   Adjusted average number of shares outstanding                                         127.7            125.6

   Fully diluted earnings per share                                                 $     0.65       $     0.36

The foregoing  computations do not reflect any significant  potentially dilutive
effect the  Company's  Rights  Agreement  could have in the event Rights  become
exercisable  and any shares of either  Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred
Stock or Common  Stock of the  Company  are  issued  upon the  exercise  of such