FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE          Contact:  Guy T. Marcus    Barbara Johnson
July 2, 1997                             VP-Inv. Rel.     Media Rel.
                                         214/978-2691     713/676-8097


     DALLAS,  Texas -- Brown & Root Energy Services, a subsidiary of Halliburton
Company  (NYSE:HAL),  has been awarded a facilities  contract,  valued at almost
$300 million for Amerada Hess' South Arne field development in the Danish sector
of  the  North  Sea.  The  workscope  comprises  detailed  design,   procurement
fabrication,   installation  and   commissioning  of  a  concrete  gravity  base
sub-structure  (GBS),  topsides  facilities and a subsea  drilling  template and
guide piles.
     "The platform will be unusual in that the topsides will be supported on the
GBS by one concrete tower and a steel lattice drilling  tower/conductor  frame,"
explained Lindsay Woodhead, Brown & Root's project manager. "The design saves on
cost and shortens the fabrication schedule."
     Current   plans  are  to  construct   the   100,000-ton   GBS  at  BARMAC's
newly-refurbished dock at Nigg, Scotland.  BARMAC, jointly owned by Brown & Root
and J. Ray McDermott, will use 28,000 cubic meters of concrete in the structure,
which will be capable of storing 550,000 barrels of oil.
     BARMAC also will  fabricate the platform  topsides at its Nigg and Ardesier
yards.  Installation of the drilling template as well as the GBS will be carried
out by Rockwater, the subsea arm of Brown & Root Energy Services.

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                       The Exhibit Index Appears on Page 4

Halliburton Company                

     Don Wright,  managing director of BARMAC,  said 400 people will be employed
at peak  manning  level at  Ardersier  on the  topsides  and steel tower and the
construction  of the concrete  base will employ up to 500 workers.
     Brown & Root anticipates  fabrication  start-up in September of the GBS and
the topsides,  with GBS installation in March 1999 and topsides  installation in
April 1999. Sub-surface work will commence in September with the installation of
the drilling template.
     Halliburton  Company  is one  of the  world's  largest  diversified  energy
services, engineering, maintenance, and construction companies. Founded in 1919,
Halliburton  provides a broad range of energy services and products,  industrial
and marine engineering and construction services.
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                       The Exhibit Index Appears on Page 4