January 28, 2004


United States Securities and
Exchange Commission
Judiciary Plaza
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re: Form N-CSR
John Hancock Sovereign Bond Fund (the "Registrant") on behalf of:
   John Hancock Bond Fund

      File Nos. 2-48925; 811-2402

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Enclosed herewith for filing pursuant to the Investment Company Act of 1940 and
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is the Registrant's Form N-CSR filing for
the period ending November 30, 2003.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this filing, please contact the
undersigned at (617) 375-1722.


/s/Brian E. Langenfeld
Brian E. Langenfeld
Attorney and Assistant Secretary


John Hancock



Sign up for electronic delivery at

[A 2" x 1" John Hancock (Signature)/John Hancock Funds logo in lower,
center middle of page. A tag line below reads "JOHN HANCOCK FUNDS."]

[A photo of Maureen Ford Goldfarb, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
flush left next to first paragraph.]


Table of contents

Your fund at a glance
page 1

Managers' report
page 2

A look at performance
page 6

Growth of $10,000
page 7

Fund's investments
page 8

Financial statements
page 22

For your information
page 37

Dear Fellow Shareholders,

The stock market has made a strong recovery in 2003. Historically low
interest rates, improving corporate earnings and government stimulus in
the form of tax cuts gave investors hope that the economy would begin to
strengthen, which it did. The market's move up began in April and the
breadth of the rally was enormous. As a result, the major indexes were
able to wipe out their first-quarter losses and post solid gains
year-to-date through November 30. With technology leading the way, the
tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index rose 47.46% through November, while the
Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 19.80% and the Standard & Poor's 500
Index returned 22.26%. With falling interest rates, bonds also did well,
although they began to reverse course in July. High yield bonds led the
pack, returning 26.11% through November, as measured by the Lehman
Brothers High Yield Index.

In other news, we are pleased to inform you that on September 28, 2003,
the Boards of Directors of Canada-based Manulife Financial Corporation and
Boston-based John Hancock Financial Services, Inc., the parent company of
John Hancock Funds, unanimously voted to merge the two companies.

Please be assured that the completion of the merger -- anticipated to
occur in the first half of 2004 -- will have no effect on your investment
in our John Hancock mutual funds. Your fund's adviser and board of
trustees will remain the same, as will your relationship with your
financial adviser.

The merger is subject to customary closing conditions, including
receipt of required regulatory approvals and approval by John Hancock
stockholders. If you only own shares in a John Hancock mutual fund you
are not affected and will not receive a proxy.

Additional information on this transaction is available on our Web
site: www.jhfunds.com. If you have questions about the merger, you may
also call 800-732-5543. Separately, for information about your
investments in John Hancock funds, please contact your financial
adviser or our Customer Service representatives at 800-225-5291.



Maureen Ford Goldfarb,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

This commentary reflects the chairman's views as of November 30, 2003.
They are subject to change at any time.


The Fund seeks
a high level of
current income
consistent with
prudent invest-
ment risk by
normally invest-
ing at least 80% of
its assets in a
diversified port-
folio of bonds and
other debt securi-
ties, including
corporate bonds
and U.S. govern-
ment and agency

Over the last six months

* Bonds declined in value as an economic rebound pushed
  interest rates higher.

* High-yield corporate bonds and mortgage-backed securities
  performed best, while Treasury bonds lagged.

* The Fund benefited from its emphasis on mortgage-backed
  securities and lower-rated corporate bonds.

[Bar chart with heading "John Hancock Bond Fund." Under the heading is a
note that reads "Fund performance for the six months ended November 30,
2003." The chart is scaled in increments of 1% with -1% at the bottom
and 4% at the top. The first bar represents the -0.14% total return for
Class A. The second bar represents the -0.49% total return for Class B.
The third bar represents the -0.49% total return for Class C. The fourth
bar represents the 0.07% total return for Class I. The fifth bar
represents the 3.96%* total return for Class R. A note below the chart
reads "Total returns for the Fund are at net asset value with all
distributions reinvested. *From inception August 5, 2003 through
November 30, 2003."]

Top 10 issuers

22.3%   Federal National Mortgage Association
 7.4%   United States Treasury
 3.7%   Government National Mortgage Association
 2.9%   Financing Corp.
 2.3%   Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
 1.1%   Midland Funding Corp. II
 1.0%   Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc.
 0.9%   Salton Sea Funding Corp.
 0.9%   Ford Motor Credit Co.
 0.8%   Liberty Media Corp.

As a percentage of net assets on November 30, 2003.




John Hancock
Bond Fund

Bonds posted modestly negative returns overall during the six months ended
November 30, 2003, as interest rates rose. After bottoming in mid-June at
their lowest levels in 45 years, rates rose sharply in July and continued
to climb in the ensuing months, retracing their declines from the first
half of 2003. The catalyst for the rise in rates was an improving economic
environment. After sluggish results in the year's first two quarters, the
U.S. economy grew at an 8% annual rate in the third quarter of 2003 -- its
strongest quarter in 20 years -- as the stimulative effects of a federal
tax cut, a huge wave of mortgage refinancing, and 13 interest-rate cuts by
the Federal Reserve over the past three years finally began to kick in.

"Bonds posted modestly
 negative returns overall
 ...as interest rates rose."

In this environment, lower-quality corporate bonds, which tend to benefit
the most from an economic recovery, posted the strongest returns; in
particular, the "high-yield" corporate bond indexes gained nearly 10%.
Mortgage-backed securities also performed well, producing slight gains as
higher rates reduced refinancing activity. Higher-quality corporate bonds
declined, while Treasury and government bonds suffered the biggest losses.


For the six months ended November 30, 2003, the John Hancock Bond Fund's
Class A, Class B, Class C and Class I shares posted total returns of
- -0.14%, -0.49%, -0.49% and 0.07%, at net asset value. The average A-rated
corporate debt fund returned -1.01%, according to Lipper, Inc.,1 while the
return of the Lehman Brothers Government/Credit Bond Index was -1.90%.
Class R shares, which were launched on August 5, 2003, returned 3.96% at
net asset value from inception through November 30, 2003.


Keep in mind that your net asset value return will be different from the
Fund's performance if you were not invested in the Fund for the entire
period and did not reinvest all distributions. See pages six and seven for
historical performance information.

[Photos of Howard Greene, Barry Evans and Ben Matthews flush right next
to first paragraph.]

The Fund outperformed the index and peer group average for several
reasons. The vast majority of the portfolio's corporate bond holdings were
in lower-rated securities, which significantly outperformed higher-quality
issues. A sizable position in mortgage-backed securities also boosted
results. In addition, the Fund was positioned to be less
interest-rate-sensitive than its peers and the index, which helped the
portfolio hold its value better as rates rose.


Corporate bonds continued to make up a little over half of the portfolio
during the six-month period. Going into the period, we had built a
substantial position in lower-quality corporate bonds, partly because they
offered the best values in the corporate market and partly because these
bonds tend to outperform during an economic recovery. As expected, these
segments of the market performed exceptionally well over the past six
months as economic conditions improved and companies strengthened their
balance sheets.

We continued to expand our position in lower-rated bonds, increasing
the portfolio's below-investment-grade holdings to 23% -- nearly twice
the percentage from a year ago. We also continued to invest more than
20% of the portfolio in corporate bonds rated BBB, the lowest
investment-grade rating.

"Corporate bonds
 continued to make
 up a little over half
 of the portfolio..."

The Fund's best-performing corporate bonds included two that continued
to recover from recent weakness. The Fund held bonds issued by
Northwest Airlines that were backed by various aircraft, and these
bonds increased in value as the outlook for the airline industry
improved. Another Fund holding that performed well was Corporacion
Durango, a Mexican paper company. Durango has


been working with bondholders like us to restructure its debt in an effort
to avoid bankruptcy, and improved prospects for a favorable outcome
boosted the value of its bonds.

[Table at top left-hand side of page entitled "Top five sectors." The
first listing is Government--U.S. Agencies 31%, the second is Utilities
11%, the third Government--U.S. 7%, the fourth Telecommunications 6%,
and the fifth Media 6%.]


In our last report six months ago, we said that mortgage-backed
securities should outperform as refinancing activity subsided--and
that's exactly what happened. Higher interest rates discouraged
homeowners from refinancing their mortgages. In addition, rates were
relatively stable over the last few months of the period, and
mortgage-backed securities tend to perform well during periods of
interest-rate stability.

As a result, demand for mortgage-backed securities increased, boosting
their value relative to other bonds. Only high-yield corporate bonds
posted better returns than the mortgage-backed market over the past
six months.

We increased the portfolio's holdings of mortgage-backed securities to
more than 25% of the portfolio back in late 2002, and in hindsight we
were about six months too early. However, this strategy finally paid
off during the most recent six-month period.

[Pie chart at middle of page with heading "Portfolio diversification As
a percentage of net assets on 11-30-03." The chart is divided into four
sections (from top to left): Corporate bonds 55%, U.S. & foreign
government and agency bonds 39%, Preferred stocks 3% and Short-term
investments & other 3%.]


We made an effort to keep the portfolio less sensitive to interest-rate
changes than both its peers and the benchmark index. With interest rates
at their lowest levels in a generation, we expected the next meaningful
move in rates to be higher, and we wanted to limit the negative impact of
rising rates on the portfolio. With that in mind, we sold some of the
portfolio's longer-term


Treasury bonds, which typically experience the greatest price declines
when yields rise.

[Table at top of page entitled "SCORECARD." The header for the left
column is "INVESTMENT" and the header for the right column is "PERIOD'S
Satellite Radio followed by an up arrow with the phrase "Sharp increase
in subscriber growth." The second listing is Sears Roebuck followed by
an up arrow with the phrase "Sold credit-card operations and bought back
debt." The third listing is Long-term Treasury bonds followed by a down
arrow with the phrase "Hit hard as interest rates rose."]

We also increased the Fund's holdings of preferred stocks, though they
are still a small part (about 3%) of the portfolio. Preferred shares
offer a way to capture higher yields -- many provide dividend yields
that are two to three percentage points higher than corporate bond
yields -- without increasing the portfolio's overall volatility. We
invested in the preferred stocks of utilities, financial services
companies and real estate investment trusts.


We remain cautious in our outlook for interest rates. With the economy
on the upswing, rates are likely to move higher going forward, putting
downward pressure on bond prices. We expect to maintain our relatively
conservative position with regard to interest-rate risk.

"...we are optimistic
 about the outlook for
 corporate bonds."

However, we are optimistic about the outlook for corporate bonds.
Better economic conditions are favorable for the financial strength of
corporate debt issuers. We think corporate bonds can continue to
outperform, albeit on a more selective basis and at a slower pace. We
will continue to focus on the bonds of companies that are improving
their balance sheets.

This commentary reflects the views of the portfolio managers through
the end of the Fund's period discussed in this report. The managers'
statements reflect their own opinions. As such, they are in no way
guarantees of future events, and are not intended to be used as
investment advice or a recommendation regarding any specific security.
They are also subject to change at any time as market and other
conditions warrant.

1 Figures from Lipper, Inc. include reinvested dividends and do not
  take into account sales charges. Actual load-adjusted performance is



For the period ended
November 30, 2003

                               Class A      Class B      Class C      Class I 1    Class R 1
Inception date                 11-9-73     11-23-93      10-1-98       9-4-01       8-5-03
Average annual returns with maximum sales charge (POP)
One year                         3.83%        3.00%        5.93%        9.20%          --
Five years                       5.05%        4.97%        5.08%          --           --
Ten years                        6.21%        6.09%          --           --           --
Since inception                    --           --         4.73%        6.91%          --

Cumulative total returns with maximum sales charge (POP)
Six months                      -4.64%       -5.36%       -2.46%        0.07%          --
One year                         3.83%        3.00%        5.93%        9.20%          --
Five years                      27.96%       27.44%       28.10%          --           --
Ten years                       82.68%       80.58%          --           --           --
Since inception                    --           --        26.95%       16.14%        3.96%

SEC 30-day yield as of November 30, 2003
                                 4.05%        3.54%        3.50%        4.69%          --

Performance figures assume all distributions are reinvested. Returns
with maximum sales charge reflect a sales charge on Class A shares of
4.5% and Class C shares of 1%, and the applicable contingent deferred
sales charge (CDSC) on Class B and Class C shares. The Class B shares'
CDSC declines annually between years 1-6 according to the following
schedule: 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1%. No sales charge will be assessed after
the sixth year. Class C shares held for less than one year are subject
to a 1% CDSC. Sales charge is not applicable for Class I or Class R
shares. The return and principal value of an investment in the Fund
will fluctuate, so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or
less than the original cost.

The returns reflect past results and should not be considered
indicative of future performance. The performance table above and the
chart on the next page do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a
shareholder would pay on fund distributions or the redemption of fund

1 For certain types of investors as described in the Fund's Class I
  and Class R share prospectuses.



This chart shows what happened to a hypothetical $10,000 investment in
Class A shares for the period indicated. For comparison, we've shown
the same investment in the Lehman Brothers Government/Credit Bond

Line chart with the heading "GROWTH OF $10,000." Within the chart are
three lines. The first line represents Lehman Brothers Government/Credit
Bond Index and is equal to $19,528 as of November 30, 2003. The second
line represents the value of the hypothetical $10,000 investment made in
the John Hancock Bond Fund, without sales charge (NAV) and is equal to
$19,130 as of November 30, 2003. The fourth bar represents the same
hypothetical $10,000 investment made in the John Hancock Bond Fund, with
maximum sales charge (POP) and is equal to $18,269 as of November 30,

                               Class B 1    Class C 1    Class I 2    Class R 2
Period beginning              11-30-93      10-1-98       9-4-01       8-5-03
Without sales charge           $18,058      $12,825      $11,614      $10,396
With maximum sales charge      $18,058      $12,695      $11,614      $10,396
Index                          $19,528      $13,600      $11,722      $10,284

Assuming all distributions were reinvested for the period indicated,
the table above shows the value of a $10,000 investment in the Fund's
Class B, Class C, Class I and Class R shares, respectively, as of
November 30, 2003. Performance of the classes will vary based on the
difference in sales charges paid by shareholders investing in the
different classes and the fee structure of those classes.

Lehman Brothers Government/Credit Bond Index is an unmanaged index
that measures the performance of U.S. government bonds, U.S. corporate
bonds and Yankee bonds.

It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Index figures do
not reflect sales charges and would be lower if they did.

1 No contingent deferred sales charge applicable.

2 For certain types of investors as described in the Fund's Class I
  and Class R share prospectuses.




Securities owned
by the Fund on
November 30, 2003

This schedule is divided into three main categories: bonds, preferred
stocks and short-term investments. Bonds and preferred stocks are
further broken down by industry group. Short-term investments, which
represent the Fund's cash position, are listed last.

ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
BONDS 94.40%                                                                                           $1,266,720,565
(Cost $1,240,079,395)

Aerospace 0.03%                                                                                               396,082
Jet Equipment Trust,
Equipment Trust Ctf Ser 95B2 08-15-14 (B) (R)                        10.910%     D             $5,800         396,082

Automobiles/Trucks 1.11%                                                                                   14,841,787
Auburn Hills Trust,
Deb 05-01-20                                                         12.375      BBB            3,330       4,774,148
Avis Group Holdings, Inc.,
Sr Sub Note 05-01-09                                                 11.000      BBB-           2,065       2,274,081
ERAC USA Finance Co.,
Note 12-15-09 (R)                                                     7.950      BBB+           2,720       3,197,996
General Motors Corp.,
Deb 07-15-33                                                          8.375      BBB            3,395       3,698,360
Hertz Corp.,
Sr Note 07-01-04                                                      7.000      BBB-             880         897,202

Banks -- Foreign 2.40%                                                                                     32,194,156
Barclays Bank Plc,
Perpetual Bond (6.86% to 6-15-32 then
variable) (United Kingdom) 09-15-49 (R)                               6.860      A+             3,940       4,248,329
Corporacion Andina de Fomento,
Note (Supra National) 05-21-13                                        5.200      A              2,440       2,422,574
HSBC Capital Funding LP,
Gtd Bond, Step Coupon (4.61% to 06-30-13
then variable) 12-31-49 (R) +                                         4.610      A-             3,155       2,966,688
Rabobank Capital Fund II,
Perpetual Bond (5.26% to 12-31-13 then
variable) 12-31-49 (R)                                                5.260      AA             3,710       3,699,612
Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc,
Perpetual Bond (7.648% to 09-30-31 then
variable) (United Kingdom) 08-31-49                                   7.648      A              4,955       5,879,786
St. George Funding Co.,
Perpetual Bond (8.485% to 06-30-17 then
variable) 12-31-49 (R)                                                8.485      BBB+           4,555       5,359,213

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Banks -- Foreign (continued)
UFJ Finance Aruba AEC,
Note 07-15-13                                                         6.750%     BBB-          $4,280      $4,483,005
Westpac Capital Trust III,
Perpetual Sub Bond (5.819% to 09-30-13
then variable) (Australia) 12-31-49 (R)                               5.819      A-             3,055       3,134,949

Banks -- United States 2.12%                                                                               28,416,682
Bank of New York,
Cap Security 12-01-26 (R)                                             7.780      A-             5,050       5,529,558
Capital One Bank,
Sr Note 07-30-04                                                      6.500      BBB-           3,385       3,484,367
Sr Note 06-15-05                                                      8.250      BBB-           3,000       3,246,006
Sub Note 06-13-13                                                     6.500      BB+            2,900       3,022,339
Citigroup, Inc.,
Bond 10-31-33                                                         6.000      A+             3,285       3,266,696
Colonial Bank,
Sub Note 06-01-11                                                     9.375      BBB-           1,480       1,697,943
Popular North America, Inc.,
Sub Note 10-01-08 +                                                   3.875      BBB+           4,370       4,326,068
Washington Mutual, Inc.,
Note 11-03-05                                                         2.400      BBB+           3,855       3,843,705

Building 0.22%                                                                                              3,021,193
Lennar Corp.,
Gtd Sr Note Ser B 05-01-10                                            9.950      BBB-           2,615       3,021,193

Business Services -- Misc. 0.09%                                                                            1,188,913
Muzak LLC/Muzak Finance Corp.,
Sr Note 02-15-09                                                     10.000      B-             1,135       1,188,913

Chemicals 0.39%                                                                                             5,200,262
Lyondell Chemical Co.,
Sr Note 12-15-08                                                      9.500      BB-            2,435       2,471,525
Nova Chemicals Corp.,
Sr Note (Canada) 05-15-06+                                            7.000      BB+            2,605       2,728,737

Computers 0.54%                                                                                             7,187,820
NCR Corp.,
Note 06-15-09                                                         7.125      BBB-           3,175       3,496,932
Unisys Corp.,
Sr Note 03-15-10 +                                                    6.875      BB+            1,375       1,460,938
Xerox Corp.,
Sr Note 06-15-13                                                      7.625      B+             2,165       2,229,950

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Containers 0.79%                                                                                          $10,603,723
BWAY Corp.,
Sr Sub Note 10-15-10 (R)                                             10.000%     B-            $1,460       1,558,550
Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc.,
Gtd Sr Sec Note 11-15-12                                              8.750      BB             2,365       2,583,763
Sr Note 05-15-13                                                      8.250      B+             1,015       1,063,213
Sealed Air Corp.,
Sr Note 04-15-08 (R)                                                  5.375      BBB            5,185       5,398,197

Diversified Operations 0.88%                                                                               11,768,779
Hutchison Whampoa International Ltd.,
Bond (Cayman Islands) 11-24-33 (R)                                    7.450      A-             3,335       3,303,324
Note (Cayman Islands) 01-24-14 (R)                                    6.250      A-             4,935       4,912,580
Tyco International Group S.A.,
Note (Luxembourg) 02-15-11                                            6.750      BBB-           3,305       3,552,875

Electronics 0.51%                                                                                           6,817,260
General Electric Co.,
Note 02-01-13                                                         5.000      AAA            5,575       5,595,365
Jabil Circuit, Inc.,
Sr Note 07-15-10                                                      5.875      BB+            1,185       1,221,895

Finance 2.85%                                                                                              38,205,922
Ford Motor Credit Co.,
Note 02-01-06                                                         6.875      BBB-           3,260       3,431,160
Note 10-28-09                                                         7.375      BBB-           7,550       7,987,130
General Electric Capital Corp.,
Note Ser A 03-15-32                                                   6.750      AAA            2,620       2,901,000
General Motors Acceptance Corp.,
Note 01-19-10                                                         7.750      BBB            4,855       5,314,438
Household Finance Corp.,
Note 05-15-11                                                         6.750      A              7,760       8,662,573
Morgan Stanley,
Note 05-15-10                                                         4.250      A+             3,515       3,469,045
Newcourt Credit Group,
Gtd Note Ser B (Canada) 02-16-05                                      6.875      A              3,480       3,676,947
PDVSA Finance Ltd.,
Note (Venezuela) 11-16-12                                             8.500      B+             1,890       1,734,075
Yanacocha Receivables Master Trust,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1997-A 06-15-04 (R)                                 8.400      BBB-           1,022       1,029,554

Finance -- Consumer Loans 0.68%                                                                             9,128,085
Bank One Issuance Trust,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2003-C1 Class C1 09-15-10                           4.540      BBB            3,095       3,142,177
Capital One Financial Corp.,
Note 05-01-06                                                         7.250      BB+            1,940       2,079,981
Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust,
Pass Thur Ctf Ser 2003-C3 Class C3 04-07-10                           4.450      BBB            3,870       3,905,927

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Food 0.91%                                                                                                $12,273,878
Corn Products International, Inc.,
Sr Note 08-15-09                                                      8.450%     BBB-          $8,665       9,661,475
Del Monte Corp.,
Sr Sub Note 12-15-12 (R)                                              8.625      B              1,345       1,466,050
General Foods Corp.,
Deb 06-15-11                                                          7.000      A-             1,145       1,146,353

Government -- Foreign 0.20%                                                                                 2,635,085
Colombia, Republic of,
Gtd Bond (Colombia) 04-09-11                                          9.750      BB+            2,369       2,635,085

Government -- U.S. 7.38%                                                                                   98,991,620
United States Treasury,
Bond 02-15-31 +                                                       5.375      AAA           48,830      50,592,470
Inflation Indexed Note 01-15-11 +                                     3.500      AAA           22,812      25,481,411
Note 08-15-08 +                                                       3.250      AAA           20,865      20,834,850
Note 11-15-13                                                         4.250      AAA            2,095       2,082,889

Government -- U.S. Agencies 31.22%                                                                        418,940,043
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.,
20 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 01-01-16                                         11.250      AAA              173         191,552
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 08-01-33                                          5.000      AAA           13,017      12,756,395
CMO REMIC 2496-PE 05-01-33                                            5.500      AAA            4,555       4,505,684
CMO REMIC 2563-PA 05-01-33                                            4.250      AAA            9,240       9,194,908
CMO REMIC 2640-WA 03-15-33                                            3.500      AAA            3,577       3,524,552
Federal National Mortgage Assn.,
Benchmark Note 03-15-13                                               4.375      AAA            2,675       2,615,880
15 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 05-01-18 to 10-01-18                              4.500      AAA           38,136      37,902,517
15 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 05-01-18                                          5.000      AAA           33,576      34,035,734
15 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 02-01-08                                          7.500      AAA              252         268,180
15 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 09-01-10 to 05-17-17                              7.000      AAA            2,661       2,833,928
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 08-01-33 to 12-01-33                              5.000      AAA           22,391      21,997,986
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 05-01-33 to 07-01-33                              5.500      AAA           59,613      60,022,224
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 12-01-28 to 11-01-33                              6.000      AAA           73,155      75,169,733
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 02-01-33                                          6.500      AAA           10,331      10,773,019
CMO REMIC 2003-16-PD 10-25-16                                         5.000      AAA           10,690      10,816,944
CMO REMIC 2003-17-QT 08-25-27                                         5.000      AAA           13,365      13,490,275
CMO REMIC 2002-73-PE 10-01-33                                         5.500      AAA           10,363      10,341,649
CMO REMIC 2003-33-AC 03-25-33                                         4.250      AAA            3,816       3,847,979
CMO REMIC 2003-49-JE 04-25-33                                         3.000      AAA            9,772       9,269,602
CMO REMIC 2003-63-PE 07-25-33                                         3.500      AAA            6,283       6,015,078
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1997-M8 Class A-1 01-25-22 +                        6.940      AAA              356         359,032
Financing Corp.,
Bond 02-08-18                                                         9.400      AAA           21,035      29,873,613
Bond 08-03-18                                                        10.350      AAA            6,045       9,218,486

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Government -- U.S. Agencies (continued)
Government National Mortgage Assn.,
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 01-15-16                                         10.500%     AAA              $49         $55,261
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 11-15-19 to 05-15-21                              9.500      AAA              358         398,163
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 06-15-20 to 03-15-25                             10.000      AAA              127         143,442
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 03-15-33                                          6.000      AAA            9,200       9,524,683
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 08-15-33                                          5.000      AAA           11,587      11,402,285
30 Yr Pass Thru Ctf 10-15-33                                          5.500      AAA           24,998      25,287,342
CMO REMIC 2003-42-XA 05-16-33                                         3.750      AAA            3,119       3,103,917

Insurance 1.59%                                                                                            21,295,622
Mantis Reef Ltd.,
Note (Australia) 11-14-08 (R)                                         4.692      A-             2,990       2,969,103
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Surplus Note 11-15-23 (R)                                             7.625      AA             3,985       4,717,582
New York Life Insurance Co.,
Note 05-15-33 (R)                                                     5.875      AA-            6,130       6,038,522
QBE Insurance Group Ltd.,
Bond (5.647% to 07-01-13 then variable)
07-01-23 (R)                                                          5.647      BBB            4,230       4,012,396
UnumProvident Corp.,
Sr Note 03-01-11                                                      7.625      BBB-           1,570       1,728,859
URC Holdings Corp.,
Sr Note 06-30-06 (R)                                                  7.875      AA-            1,630       1,829,160

Leisure 1.31%                                                                                              17,603,914
Argosy Gaming Co.,
Sr Sub Note 09-01-11 +                                                9.000      B+             1,880       2,072,700
Hyatt Equities LLC,
Note 06-15-07 (R)                                                     6.875      BBB            5,105       5,402,458
Med Term Note 08-15-07                                                7.000      BB-            1,360       1,405,900
Note 01-16-06                                                         7.300      BB-            1,945       1,998,487
MTR Gaming Group, Inc.,
Gtd Sr Note Ser B 04-01-10                                            9.750      B+             1,475       1,556,125
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.,
Sr Note 05-01-07                                                      7.375      BB+            2,215       2,372,819
Trump Holdings & Funding, Inc.,
First Priority Mtg Note 03-15-10                                     11.625      B-             1,910       1,714,225
Waterford Gaming LLC,
Sr Note 09-15-12 (R)                                                  8.625      B+             1,020       1,081,200

Linen Supply & Related 0.13%                                                                                1,822,800
Coinmach Corp.,
Sr Note 02-01-10                                                      9.000      B              1,680       1,822,800

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Machinery 0.48%                                                                                            $6,485,426
Case Corp.,
Note 08-01-05                                                         7.250%     BB-           $1,950       2,018,250
Kennametal, Inc.,
Sr Note 06-15-12                                                      7.200      BBB            2,555       2,701,126
NationsRent, Inc.,
Sr Sec Note 10-15-10 (R)                                              9.500      BB-            1,690       1,766,050

Manufacturing -- Wire and Cable 0.26%                                                                       3,455,725
Sr Note 07-15-08                                                      7.200      BBB            3,185       3,455,725

Media 5.61%                                                                                                75,334,826
British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc,
Gtd Sr Note (United Kingdom) 07-15-09                                 8.200      BB+            6,305       7,398,066
Charter Communication Holdings LLC/Charter
Communication Holdings Capital Corp.,
Sr Note 10-01-09                                                     10.750      CCC-           2,500       2,137,500
Continental Cablevision, Inc.,
Sr Deb 08-01-13                                                       9.500      BBB            3,280       3,768,002
CSC Holdings, Inc.,
Sr Sub Deb 05-15-16 +                                                10.500      B+             2,350       2,596,750
EchoStar DBS Corp.,
Sr Note 02-01-09                                                      9.375      BB-            2,830       2,985,650
Garden State Newspapers, Inc.,
Sr Sub Note 07-01-11                                                  8.625      B+             2,495       2,632,225
Grupo Televisa S.A.,
Note (Mexico) 09-13-11                                                8.000      BBB-           3,580       3,982,750
Innova S. de R.L.,
Note (Mexico) 09-19-13 (R)                                            9.375      B+             1,635       1,671,787
Sr Note (Mexico) 04-01-07                                            12.875      B+               314         322,315
Lenfest Communications, Inc.,
Sr Note 11-01-05                                                      8.375      BBB            1,680       1,849,468
Liberty Media Corp.,
Floating Rate Sr Note 09-17-06                                        2.640      BBB-           3,250       3,284,141
Note 09-25-06                                                         3.500      BBB-           4,605       4,582,274
Note 05-15-13                                                         5.700      BBB-           3,050       3,049,448
News America Holdings, Inc.,
Gtd Sr Deb 08-10-18                                                   8.250      BBB-           4,400       5,408,238
Rogers Cable, Inc.,
Sr Sec Second Priority Note (Canada) 06-15-13                         6.250      BBB-             800         803,000
Rogers Cablesystems Ltd.,
Sr Note Ser B (Canada) 03-15-05                                      10.000      BBB-           4,880       5,294,800
Shaw Communications Inc.,
Sr Note (Canada) 04-11-10                                             8.250      BB+            2,110       2,363,200
TCI Communications, Inc.,
Sr Deb 02-01-12                                                       9.800      BBB            2,550       3,309,143

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Media (continued)
Tele-Communications, Inc.,
Sr Deb 04-15-22                                                      10.125%     BBB           $2,675      $3,734,683
Time Warner, Inc.,
Deb 01-15-13                                                          9.125      BBB+           7,751       9,735,961
XM Satellite Radio, Inc.,
Sr Sec Disc Note (Zero to 12-31-05 then
14.00%) 12-31-09 (A)                                                   Zero      CCC+           2,000       1,755,000
Sr Sec Note 06-15-10                                                 12.000      CCC+           2,395       2,670,425

Medical 1.54%                                                                                              20,685,194
HCA, Inc.,
Note 12-15-14                                                         9.000      BBB-           3,182       3,770,966
Sr Note 09-01-10 +                                                    8.750      BBB-           7,785       9,034,173
Manor Care, Inc.,
Sr Note 03-01-08                                                      8.000      BBB              960       1,076,400
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.,
Sr Note 08-15-13                                                      7.250      BBB            3,245       3,504,895
Schering-Plough Corp.,
Bond (Coupon rate step up/down on rating)
12-01-33                                                              6.500      A+             3,250       3,298,760

Metal 0.73%                                                                                                 9,795,623
Brascan Corp.,
Note (Canada) 03-01-10                                                5.750      A-             2,815       2,941,990
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Inc.,
Sr Note 02-01-10                                                     10.125      B-             2,000       2,275,000
Noranda, Inc.,
Deb (Canada) 06-15-04                                                 8.125      BBB-           2,400       2,477,189
Note (Canada) 02-15-11                                                8.375      BBB-           1,795       2,101,444

Mortgage Banking 4.87%                                                                                     65,348,307
Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc.,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2003-10 Class AF-3 12-25-33                         3.230      AAA            9,655       9,517,899
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2003-IA1 Class A-4 11-25-33                         4.965      AAA            4,155       4,152,403
Conseco Finance Securitizations Corp.,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2002-A Class A-3 04-15-32                           5.330      AAA            4,041       4,073,809
ContiMortgage Home Equity Loan Trust,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1995-2 Class A-5 08-15-25                           8.100      AAA            1,513       1,513,238
Deutsche Mortgage & Asset Receiving Corp.,
Commercial Mtg Pass-Thru Ctf Ser 1998-C1
Class C 06-15-31                                                      6.861      A2             3,585       3,929,819
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities, Inc.,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1998-C1 Class A-1 05-15-30                          6.853      Aaa            6,181       6,437,235
Greenwich Capital Commercial Funding Corp.,
Commercial Mtg Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2003-C1
Class A-4 07-05-35                                                    4.111      AAA            2,865       2,701,766

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Mortgage Banking (continued)
LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust,
Commercial Mtg Pass-Thru Ctf Ser 2003-C3
Class A4 05-15-32                                                     4.166%     AAA           $6,060      $5,742,987
MBNA Master Credit Card Trust,
Sub Bond Ser 1998-E Class C 09-15-10                                  6.600      BBB            3,735       4,047,370
Sub Bond Ser 1999-B Class C 08-15-11                                  6.650      BBB            1,585       1,711,372
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Capital I Trust,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2001-IQA Class A-1
12-18-32                                                              4.570      Aaa            5,533       5,721,677
Residential Asset Mortgage Products, Inc.,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2003-RS10 Class AI-5
01-25-31                                                              4.910      AAA            4,595       4,553,090
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2003-RS8 Class AI-2
11-25-23                                                              2.904      AAA            4,580       4,568,550
Specialty Underwriting & Residential Finance,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 2003-BC4 Class A3B
11-25-34 (R)                                                          4.788      AAA            6,685       6,677,092

Oil & Gas 1.22%                                                                                            16,358,763
Louis Dreyfus Natural Gas Corp.,
Note 12-01-07                                                         6.875      BBB+           2,695       2,972,981
Occidental Petroleum Corp.,
Sr Deb 09-15-09                                                      10.125      BBB+           1,925       2,470,782
Pemex Project Funding Master Trust,
Gtd Note (Mexico) 10-13-10                                            9.125      BBB-           9,250      10,915,000

Paper & Paper Products 1.64%                                                                               22,086,762
Boise Cascade Corp.,
Sr Note 11-01-10                                                      6.500      BB+            2,085       2,112,455
Corporacion Durango S.A. de C.V.,
Sr Note (Mexico) 07-15-09 (R)                                        13.750      D#             5,750       3,363,750
Donohue Forest Products,
Gtd Note (Canada) 05-15-07                                            7.625      BB+            3,050       3,130,569
Fort James Corp.,
Sr Note 09-15-04                                                      6.625      BB+            3,370       3,454,250
MDP Acquisitions Plc,
Sr Note (Ireland) 10-01-12                                            9.625      B              2,855       3,169,050
Stone Container Corp.,
Sr Note 02-01-11                                                      9.750      B              2,280       2,508,000
Sr Note 07-01-12 +                                                    8.375      B              4,050       4,348,688

Real Estate Operations 0.61%                                                                                8,186,989
Socgen Real Estate Co. LLC,
Perpetual Bond Ser A (7.64% to 09-30-07
then variable) 12-31-49 (R)                                           7.640      A              3,915       4,403,839
Toll Corp.,
Gtd Sr Sub Note 02-01-09                                              8.125      BB+            3,603       3,783,150

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Real Estate Investment Trusts 0.64%                                                                        $8,579,902
American Health Properties, Inc.,
Note 01-15-07                                                         7.500%     BBB+          $2,380       2,629,914
Healthcare Realty Trust, Inc.,
Sr Note 05-01-11                                                      8.125      BBB-           1,450       1,608,961
HMH Properties, Inc.,
Gtd Sr Sec Note Ser A 08-01-08                                        7.875      Ba3            2,423       2,486,652
iStar Financial, Inc.,
Sr Note 03-15-08                                                      7.000      BB+            1,725       1,854,375

Retail 1.00%                                                                                               13,417,385
Delhaize America, Inc.,
Gtd Note 04-15-06                                                     7.375      BB+            3,095       3,334,862
Food Lion, Inc.,
Note 08-30-06                                                         8.730      BB+            2,500       2,693,750
Gap, Inc. (The),
Note 12-15-08                                                        10.550      BB+            1,500       1,850,625
Office Depot, Inc.,
Note 08-15-13                                                         6.250      BBB-           2,900       3,001,973
Penney (J.C.) Corp., Inc.,
Note 03-01-10                                                         8.000      BB+            2,215       2,536,175

Revenue Bonds 0.89%                                                                                        11,934,949
Golden State Tobacco Securitization Corp.,
Rev Ser 2003-A-1 06-01-39                                             6.750      BBB            7,000       6,745,130
Illinois, State of,
Gen Oblig Taxable Pension 06-01-33                                    5.100      AA             5,710       5,189,819

Telecommunications 6.08%                                                                                   81,545,208
AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.,
Sr Note 03-01-11                                                      7.875      BBB            5,135       5,788,988
Corning, Inc.,
Med Term Note 04-04-25                                                8.300      Ba2            2,410       2,494,350
Note 03-01-09                                                         6.300      BB+            1,165       1,182,475
Deutsche Telekom International Finance B.V.,
Gtd Note (Netherlands) 06-15-10                                       8.000      BBB+           6,415       7,684,368
GCI, Inc.,
Sr Note 08-01-07                                                      9.750      B+               965         989,125
GTE California, Inc.,
Deb Ser C 04-15-24                                                    8.070      A+             5,085       5,372,135
Mobile Telesystems Finance S.A.,
Gtd Bond (Luxembourg) 12-21-04                                       10.950      B+             2,320       2,453,400
Gtd Note (Luxembourg) 10-14-10 (R) +                                  8.375      B+             1,000         996,250
Gtd Sr Note (Luxembourg) 01-30-08 (R)                                 9.750      B+               720         769,500
Nextel Communications, Inc.,
Sr Note 11-15-09                                                      9.375      B+             3,670       4,009,475
Sr Note 08-01-15 +                                                    7.375      B+             1,360       1,431,400

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Telecommunications (continued)
PanAmSat Corp.,
Gtd Sr Note 02-01-12                                                  8.500%     B+            $1,595      $1,734,563
PTC International Finance II S.A.,
Gtd Note (Luxembourg) 12-01-09                                       11.250      BB-            1,110       1,215,450
Qwest Capital Funding, Inc.,
Note 08-15-06 +                                                       7.750      CCC+           3,590       3,679,750
Qwest Corp.,
Note 03-15-12 (R) +                                                   8.875      B-             3,940       4,471,900
Sprint Capital Corp.,
Gtd Note 05-01-19                                                     6.900      BBB-           4,600       4,540,890
Gtd Sr Note 11-15-08                                                  6.125      BBB-           4,290       4,529,562
Telecom Italia Capital SpA,
Gtd Note (Italy) 11-15-33 (R) +                                       6.375      BBB+           3,310       3,287,098
Telefonos de Mexico S.A. de C.V.,
Note (Mexico) 11-19-08 (R)                                            4.500      BBB-           3,465       3,486,656
Sr Note (Mexico) 01-26-06 +                                           8.250      BBB-           5,365       5,941,738
Telus Corp.,
Note (Canada) 06-01-11                                                8.000      BBB            8,290       9,520,410
Verizon Pennsylvania, Inc.,
Deb Ser A 11-15-11                                                    5.650      A+             5,725       5,965,725

Tobacco 0.37%                                                                                               5,025,310
Altria Group, Inc.,
Note 11-04-13 +                                                       7.000      BBB            3,435       3,561,910
Commonwealth Brands, Inc.,
Sr Sec Sub Note 09-01-08 (R)                                         10.625      B-             1,355       1,463,400

Transportation 0.80%                                                                                       10,742,757
Continental Airlines, Inc.,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1997-2C 06-30-04                                    7.206      B-               565         528,507
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1999-1A 02-02-19                                    6.545      A-             2,817       2,778,600
Humpuss Funding Corp.,
Gtd Note 12-15-09 (R)                                                 7.720      B3             2,251       1,800,984
Northwest Airlines, Inc.,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1996-1C 01-02-05                                   10.150      B-               713         402,123
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1996-1D 01-02-15                                    8.970      B-             2,961       2,309,343
TFM S.A. de C.V.,
Gtd Sr Disc Note (Mexico) 06-15-09                                   11.750      B+             2,880       2,923,200

Utilities 10.25%                                                                                          137,533,462
AES Eastern Energy L.P.,
Pass Thru Ctf Ser 1999-A 01-02-17                                     9.000      BB+            3,695       4,008,957
Alliant Enterprises Resources,
Sr Note 11-09-09                                                      7.375      BBB            2,150       2,450,613

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Utilities (continued)
Beaver Valley Funding Corp,
Deb 06-01-07                                                          8.625%     BBB-          $1,015      $1,101,127
Sec Lease Oblig Bond 06-01-17                                         9.000      BBB-           5,364       6,099,673
BVPS II Funding Corp.,
Collateralized Lease Bond 06-01-17                                    8.890      BBB-           6,607       7,530,923
CalEnergy Co., Inc.,
Sr Bond 09-15-28                                                      8.480      BBB-           3,520       4,333,036
DPL, Inc.,
Sr Note 09-01-11                                                      6.875      BBB-           6,120       6,390,865
East Coast Power LLC,
Sr Sec Note 03-31-08                                                  6.737      BBB-             320         327,707
Sr Sec Note Ser B 03-31-12                                            7.066      BBB-           3,062       3,135,171
El Paso Electric Co.,
1st Mtg Ser E 05-01-11                                                9.400      BBB-           5,695       6,642,215
GG1B Funding Corp.,
Deb 01-15-11                                                          7.430      BBB-           2,672       2,783,744
Illinois Power Co.,
Mtg Bond 07-15-25                                                     7.500      B              1,885       1,894,425
IPALCO Enterprises, Inc.,
Sr Sec Note 11-14-11                                                  7.625      BB-            3,000       3,277,500
Kansas Gas & Electric Co.,
1st Mtg Bond 08-01-05                                                 6.500      BB+            1,450       1,537,000
Deb 03-29-16                                                          8.290      BB-            3,385       3,507,672
Midland Funding Corp. II,
Deb Ser A 07-23-05 +                                                 11.750      BB-           10,869      11,738,521
Deb Ser B 07-23-06                                                   13.250      BB-            2,935       3,433,950
Nevada Power Co.,
Sr Note Ser B 04-15-04                                                6.200      BB               775         783,719
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.,
Sec Fac Deb Bond 01-01-18                                             8.770      A              6,517       6,784,692
NiSource Finance Corp.,
Note 11-15-10                                                         7.875      BBB            2,150       2,533,042
NorAm Energy Corp.,
Deb 02-01-08                                                          6.500      BBB            6,065       6,472,780
Pinnacle Partners,
Sr Note 08-15-04 (R)                                                  8.830      BB+            5,560       5,754,600
PNPP II Funding Corp.,
Deb 05-30-16                                                          9.120      BBB-           4,135       4,711,791
PSEG Energy Holdings, Inc.,
Note 04-16-07                                                         7.750      BB-            1,400       1,443,750
Sr Note 12-01-15                                                      5.500      BBB            2,275       2,264,731

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
Utilities (continued)
Salton Sea Funding Corp.,
Sr Note Ser B 05-30-05                                                7.370%     BB            $7,814      $6,804,172
Sr Sec Note Ser C 05-30-10                                            7.840      BB             4,888       5,097,805
Southern California Edison Co.,
1st Ref Mtg 02-15-07                                                  8.000      BBB            5,310       6,020,212
1st Ref Mtg Ser 93C 03-01-26                                          7.250      BBB            4,340       4,426,800
Texas-New Mexico Power Co.,
Note 06-01-08 (R)                                                     6.125      BBB-           3,135       3,109,092
TXU Energy Co.,
Sr Note 03-15-13 +                                                    7.000      BBB            3,285       3,618,542
Waterford 3 Funding Corp.,
Sec Lease Oblig Bond 01-02-17                                         8.090      BBB-           5,560       6,314,334
Westar Energy, Inc.,
1st Mtg 04-15-23                                                      7.650      BBB-           1,150       1,200,301

Utilities -- Foreign 1.48%                                                                                 19,824,151
CSFB (Electrica Guacolda) S.A.,
Sr Note (Chile) 04-30-13 (R)                                          8.625      BBB-           2,252       2,356,645
Empresa Nacional de Electricidad S.A.,
Note (Chile) 07-15-08                                                 7.750      BBB-           2,000       2,146,608
HQI Transelect Chile S.A.,
Sr Note (Chile) 04-15-11                                              7.875      A-             6,780       7,757,154
Korea Gas Corp.,
Sr Note (South Korea) 11-26-10 (R)                                    4.750      A-             2,630       2,594,671
Monterrey Power S.A. de C.V.,
Sr Sec Bond (Mexico) 11-15-09 (R)                                     9.625      BBB-           1,439       1,701,853
TransAlta Corp.,
Notes (Canada) 12-15-13                                               5.750      BBB-           3,295       3,267,220

Waste Disposal Service & Equip. 0.58%                                                                       7,846,200
Allied Waste North America, Inc.,
Gtd Sr Sub Note Ser B 08-01-09                                       10.000      B+             7,265       7,846,200

ISSUER, DESCRIPTION                                                         RATING*            SHARES           VALUE
PREFERRED STOCKS 2.95%                                                                                    $39,550,704
(Cost $39,066,648)

Automobiles/Trucks 0.21%
Delphi Trust I, 8.25%                                                            BB           109,300       2,776,220

Banks 0.19%
Wachovia Preferred Funding Corp., 7.25%, Ser A                                   BBB+          94,000       2,607,560

Finance 0.21%
JP Morgan Chase Capital XII, 6.25%                                               A-           113,000       2,846,470

See notes to
financial statements.



ISSUER, DESCRIPTION                                                         RATING*            SHARES           VALUE
Media 0.96%
CSC Holdings, Inc., 11.125%, Ser M                                               B             77,778      $8,263,913
CSC Holdings, Inc., 11.75%, Ser H ***                                            B             43,080       4,544,940

Real Estate Investment Trusts 0.92%
Apartment Investment & Management Co.,
8.00%, Ser T                                                                     B+           140,000       3,500,000
CarrAmerica Realty Corp., 7.50%, Ser E                                           BBB-         113,750       2,957,500
Health Care Property Investors, Inc., 7.10%, Ser F                               BBB          113,000       2,825,000
ProLogis Trust, 6.75%                                                            BBB          122,480       3,027,559

Utilities 0.46%
BGECapital Trust II., 6.20%                                                      BBB          100,000       2,478,130
Dominion Resources, Inc., 9.50%, Conv                                            BBB+          67,760       3,723,412

ISSUER, DESCRIPTION,                                               INTEREST   CREDIT        PAR VALUE
MATURITY DATE                                                      RATE       RATING*   (000s OMITTED)          VALUE
SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS 2.79%                                                                              $37,520,020
(Cost $37,539,663)

Joint Repurchase Agreement 2.03%                                                                           27,240,000
Investment in a joint repurchase agreement
transaction with Barclays Capital, Inc. --
Dated 11-28-03, due 12-1-03 (Secured by
U.S. Treasury Inflation Indexed Bonds, 3.625%
due 04-15-28 and 3.875% due 04-15-29,
U.S. Treasury Inflation Indexed Note, 3.000%
due 07-15-12)                                                         1.030%                  $27,240      27,240,000

Real Estate Investment Trusts 0.32%                                                                         4,324,932
Camden Property Trust, Sr Note 04-15-04                               7.000      BBB            4,250       4,324,932

Utilities 0.44%                                                                                             5,955,088
AEP Resources, Inc., Sr Note 12-01-03 (R)                             6.500      BBB            3,700       3,700,000
PSEG Energy Holdings, Inc., Sr Note 02-10-04 +                        9.125      BB-            2,230       2,255,088

TOTAL INVESTMENTS 100.14%                                                                              $1,343,791,289

OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, NET (0.14%)                                                                 ($1,876,587)

TOTAL NET ASSETS 100.00%                                                                               $1,341,914,702

See notes to
financial statements.



Notes to Schedule of Investments

  + All or a portion of this security is on loan on November 30, 2003.

  * Credit Ratings are unaudited and rated by Standard and Poor's where
    available, or Moody's Investor Services, unless indicated otherwise.

 ** A portion of these securities having an aggregate value of
    $28,895,168, or 2.15% of the Fund's net assets, has been purchased as
    forward commitments -- that is, the Fund has agreed on trade date to
    take delivery of and to make payment for this security on a delayed
    basis subsequent to the date of this schedule.  The purchase price and
    interest rate of these securitites are fixed at trade date, although the
    Fund does not earn any interest on these securities until settlement
    date.  The Fund has segregated assets with a current value at least
    equal to the amount of the forward commitments.  Accordingly, the market
    value of $30,713,282 of British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc, 8.200%,
    07-15-09 and Federal National Mortgage Assn. 5.000%, 05-01-18 have been
    segregated to cover the forward commitments.

*** Non-income producing security.

  # Security rated internally by John Hancock Advisers, LLC.

(A) Cash interest will be paid on this obligation at the stated rate
    beginning on the stated date.

(B) Non-income-producing issuer filed for protection under Federal
    Bankruptcy Code or is in default of interest payment.

(R) These securities are exempt from registration under Rule 144A of
    the Securities Act of 1933. Such securities may be resold, normally to
    qualified institutional buyers, in transactions exempt from
    registration. Rule 144A securities amounted to $125,626,270 or 9.36%
    of the Fund's net assets as of November 30, 2003.

    Parenthetical disclosure of a foreign country in the security
    description represents country of a foreign issuer, however, the
    security is U.S. dollar-denominated.

    The percentage shown for each investment category is the total value
    of that category as a percentage of the net assets of the Fund.

See notes to
financial statements.




November 30, 2003

This Statement
of Assets and
Liabilities is the
Fund's balance
sheet. It shows
the value of
what the Fund
owns, is due
and owes. You'll
also find the net
asset value and
the maximum
offering price
per share.

Investments at value (cost $1,316,685,706)
including $131,372,453 of securities loaned                    $1,343,791,289
Cash                                                                      176
Cash segregated for futures contracts                               1,275,000
Receivable for investments sold                                    16,127,180
Receivable for shares sold                                            152,758
Receivable for futures variation margin                               650,777
Dividends and interest receivable                                  17,604,226
Other assets                                                          126,596

Total assets                                                    1,379,728,002

Payable for investments purchased                                  35,330,466
Payable for shares repurchased                                        665,489
Dividends payable                                                     708,638
Payable to affiliates
Management fee                                                        513,947
Distribution and service fee                                          139,129
Other                                                                 167,242
Other payables and accrued expenses                                   288,389

Total liabilities                                                  37,813,300

Capital paid-in                                                 1,332,700,357
Accumulated net realized loss on investments and
financial futures contracts                                       (16,786,773)
Net unrealized appreciation of investments and
financial futures contracts                                        28,374,633
Distributions in excess of net investment income                   (2,373,515)

Net assets                                                     $1,341,914,702

Based on net asset values and shares outstanding
Class A ($1,102,262,131 [DIV] 72,075,798 shares)                       $15.29
Class B ($194,771,831 [DIV] 12,735,950 shares)                         $15.29
Class C ($36,140,848 [DIV] 2,363,219 shares)                           $15.29
Class I ($8,637,452 [DIV] 564,803 shares)                              $15.29
Class R ($102,440 [DIV] 6,698 shares)                                  $15.29

Class A 1 ($15.29 [DIV] 95.5%)                                         $16.01
Class C ($15.29 [DIV] 99%)                                             $15.44

1 On single retail sales of less than $100,000. On sales of $100,000
 or more and on group sales the offering price is reduced.

See notes to
financial statements.




For the period ended
November 30, 2003
(unaudited) 1

This Statement
of Operations
summarizes the
Fund's investment
income earned
and expenses
incurred in operat-
ing the Fund.
It also shows net
gains (losses) for
the period stated.

Interest (net of foreign withholding taxes of $1,252)             $38,207,883
Dividends                                                             886,959
Securities lending                                                    108,898

Total investment income                                            39,203,740

Investment management fee                                           3,467,897
Class A distribution and service fee                                1,690,214
Class B distribution and service fee                                1,056,921
Class C distribution and service fee                                  199,973
Class R distribution and service fee                                      163
Class A, B and C transfer agent fee                                 1,280,480
Class I transfer agent fee                                              2,226
Class R transfer agent fee                                                 97
Accounting and legal services fee                                     180,864
Custodian fee                                                         152,539
Registration and filing fee                                            52,469
Trustees' fee                                                          46,544
Miscellaneous                                                          44,745
Printing                                                               35,523
Auditing fee                                                           22,199
Legal fee                                                              14,789
Interest                                                                7,949

Total expenses                                                      8,255,592

Net investment income                                              30,948,148


Net realized gain (loss) on
Investments                                                        16,359,334
Financial futures contracts                                        (2,559,333)
Change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of
Investments                                                       (50,521,645)
Financial futures contracts                                         1,269,050

Net realized and unrealized loss                                  (35,452,594)

Decrease in net assets from operations                            ($4,504,446)

1 Semiannual period from 6-1-03 through 11-30-03.

  See notes to
  financial statements.




These Statements
of Changes in
Net Assets show
how the value
of the Fund's
net assets has
changed during
the last two
periods. The dif-
ference reflects
earnings less
expenses, any
investment gains
and losses, distrib-
utions, if any, paid
to shareholders
and any increase
or decrease in
money sharehold-
ers invested in
the Fund.
                                                     YEAR             PERIOD
                                                    ENDED              ENDED
                                                  5-31-03           11-30-03 1
From operations

Net investment income                         $67,667,581        $30,948,148

Net realized gain                              37,149,906         13,800,001
Change in net unrealized
appreciation (depreciation)                    60,407,234        (49,252,595)
Increase (decrease) in net assets
resulting from operations                     165,224,721         (4,504,446)

Distributions to shareholders
From net investment income
Class A                                       (58,775,529)       (27,431,706)
Class B                                       (10,462,357)        (4,399,299)
Class C                                        (2,024,816)          (832,367)
Class I                                          (461,750)          (236,201)
Class R 2                                              --             (1,533)
                                              (71,724,452)       (32,901,106)
From Fund share transactions                  (36,619,370)      (100,575,241)

Beginning of period                         1,423,014,596      1,479,895,495

End of period 2                            $1,479,895,495     $1,341,914,702

1 Semiannual period from 6-1-03 through 11-30-03. Unaudited.

2 Class R shares began operations on 8-5-03.

3 Includes distributions in excess of net investment income of
  $420,557 and $2,373,515, respectively.

  See notes to
  financial statements.





The Financial Highlights show how the Fund's net asset value for a
share has changed since the end of the previous period.

PERIOD ENDED                                 5-31-99 1   5-31-00 1   5-31-01 1   5-31-02 1,2   5-31-03    11-30-03 3
Net asset value,
beginning of period                           $15.25      $14.76      $13.93      $14.69        $14.71      $15.69
Net investment income 4                         0.97        0.96        0.92        0.82          0.72        0.35
Net realized and unrealized
gain (loss) on investments                     (0.49)      (0.83)       0.76        0.06          1.02       (0.38)
Total from
investment operations                           0.48        0.13        1.68        0.88          1.74       (0.03)
Less distributions
From net investment income                     (0.97)      (0.96)      (0.92)      (0.86)        (0.76)      (0.37)
Net asset value,
end of period                                 $14.76      $13.93      $14.69      $14.71        $15.69      $15.29
Total return 5 (%)                              3.11        0.97       12.38        6.10         12.26       (0.14) 6

Net assets, end of period
(in millions)                                 $1,279      $1,098      $1,140      $1,144        $1,192      $1,102
Ratio of expenses
to average net assets (%)                       1.07        1.11        1.12        1.11          1.12        1.07 7
Ratio of net investment income
to average net assets (%)                       6.35        6.69        6.38        5.51          4.84        4.59 7
Portfolio turnover (%)                           228         162         235         189           273         170

See notes to
financial statements.




PERIOD ENDED                                 5-31-99 1   5-31-00 1   5-31-01 1   5-31-02 1,2   5-31-03    11-30-03 3
Net asset value,
beginning of period                           $15.25      $14.76      $13.93      $14.69        $14.71      $15.69
Net investment income 4                         0.86        0.86        0.83        0.72          0.62        0.30
Net realized and unrealized
gain (loss) on investments                     (0.49)      (0.83)       0.76        0.06          1.02       (0.38)
Total from
investment operations                           0.37        0.03        1.59        0.78          1.64       (0.08)
Less distributions
From net investment income                     (0.86)      (0.86)      (0.83)      (0.76)        (0.66)      (0.32)
Net asset value,
end of period                                 $14.76      $13.93      $14.69      $14.71        $15.69      $15.29
Total return 5 (%)                              2.39        0.27       11.64        5.37         11.48       (0.49) 6

Net assets, end of period
(in millions)                                   $239        $197        $218        $236          $233        $195
Ratio of expenses
to average net assets (%)                       1.77        1.81        1.78        1.81          1.82        1.77 7
Ratio of net investment income
to average net assets (%)                       5.65        6.00        5.71        4.81          4.15        3.88 7
Portfolio turnover (%)                           228         162         235         189           273         170

See notes to
financial statements.




PERIOD ENDED                       5-31-99 1,8  5-31-00 1   5-31-01 1   5-31-02 1,2   5-31-03    11-30-03 3
Net asset value,
beginning of period                 $15.61       $14.76      $13.93      $14.69        $14.71      $15.69
Net investment income 4               0.55         0.85        0.82        0.72          0.62        0.30
Net realized and unrealized
gain (loss) on investments           (0.85)       (0.83)       0.76        0.06          1.02       (0.38)
Total from
investment operations                (0.30)        0.02        1.58        0.78          1.64       (0.08)
Less distributions
From net investment income           (0.55)       (0.85)      (0.82)      (0.76)        (0.66)      (0.32)
Net asset value,
end of period                       $14.76       $13.93      $14.69      $14.71        $15.69      $15.29
Total return 5 (%)                    1.95 6       0.28       11.60        5.36         11.48       (0.49) 6

Net assets, end of period
(in millions)                          $21          $24         $26         $44          $45         $36
Ratio of expenses
to average net assets (%)             1.77 7       1.80        1.82        1.81          1.82        1.77 7
Ratio of net investment income
to average net assets (%)             5.65 7       6.01        5.66        4.81          4.15        3.88 7
Portfolio turnover (%)                 228          162         235         189           273         170

See notes to
financial statements.




PERIOD ENDED                                 5-31-02 1,2,8     5-31-03    11-30-03 3
Net asset value,
beginning of period                          $14.96            $14.71      $15.69
Net investment income 4                         0.66              0.78        0.39
Net realized and unrealized
gain (loss) on investments                     (0.21)             1.02       (0.38)
Total from
investment operations                           0.45              1.80        0.01
Less distributions
From net investment income                     (0.70)            (0.82)      (0.41)
Net asset value,
end of period                                 $14.71            $15.69      $15.29
Total return 5 (%)                              3.04 6           12.71        0.07 6

Net assets, end of period
(in millions)                                     -- 9              $9          $9
Ratio of expenses
to average net assets (%)                       0.68 7            0.72        0.63 7
Ratio of net investment income to
average net assets (%)                          5.94 7            5.23        5.02 7
Portfolio turnover (%)                           189               273         170

See notes to
financial statements.




PERIOD ENDED                                11-30-03 3,8
Net asset value,
beginning of period                           $14.93
Net investment income 4                         0.34
Net realized and unrealized
gain (loss) on investments                      0.25
Total from
investment operations                           0.59
Less distributions
From net investment income                     (0.23)
Net asset value,
end of period                                 $15.29
Total return 5 (%)                              3.96 6

Net assets, end of period
(in millions)                                     -- 9
Ratio of expenses
to average net assets (%)                       1.38 7
Ratio of net investment income
to average net assets (%)                       4.43 7
Portfolio turnover (%)                           170

1 Audited by previous auditor.

2 As required, effective June 1, 2001, the Fund has adopted the
  provisions of the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide for Investment
  Companies, as revised, relating to the amortization of premiums and
  accretion of discounts on debt securities. The effect of this change
  on per share amounts for the year ended May 31, 2002, was to decrease
  net investment income per share by $0.04, increase (decrease) net
  realized and unrealized gains (losses) per share by $0.04 and, had the
  Fund not made these changes to amortization and accretion, the
  annualized ratio of net investment income to average net assets would
  have been 5.81%, 5.11%, 5.09% and 6.24% for Class A, Class B, Class C
  and Class I shares, respectively. Per share ratios and supplemental
  data for periods prior to June 1, 2001, have not been restated to
  reflect this change in presentation.

3 Semiannual period from 6-1-03 through 11-30-03. Unaudited.

4 Based on the average of the shares outstanding.

5 Assumes dividend reinvestment and does not reflect the effect of
  sales charges.

6 Not annualized.

7 Annualized.

8 Class C, Class I and Class R shares began operations on 10-1-98,
  9-4-01 and 8-5-03, respectively.

9 Less than $500,000.

  See notes to
  financial statements.




Accounting policies

John Hancock Bond Fund (the "Fund") is a diversified series of John
Hancock Sovereign Bond Fund, an open-end management investment company
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The investment
objective of the Fund is to generate a high level of current income,
consistent with prudent investment risk.

The Trustees have authorized the issuance of multiple classes of
shares of the Fund, designated as Class A, Class B, Class C, Class I
and Class R shares. The shares of each class represent an interest in
the same portfolio of investments of the Fund and have equal rights as
to voting, redemptions, dividends and liquidation, except that certain
expenses, subject to the approval of the Trustees, may be applied
differently to each class of shares in accordance with current
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Internal
Revenue Service. Shareholders of a class that bears distribution and
service expenses under the terms of a distribution plan have exclusive
voting rights to that distribution plan.

Significant accounting policies
of the Fund are as follows:

Valuation of investments

Securities in the Fund's portfolio are valued on the basis of market
quotations, valuations provided by independent pricing services or at
fair value as determined in good faith in accordance with procedures
approved by the Trustees. Short-term debt investments maturing within
60 days are valued at amortized cost, which approximates market value.

Joint repurchase agreement

Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange
Commission, the Fund, along with other registered investment companies
having a management contract with John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the
"Adviser"), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Berkeley Financial Group,
LLC, may participate in a joint repurchase agreement transaction.
Aggregate cash balances are invested in one or more large repurchase
agreements, whose underlying securities are obligations of the U.S.
government and/or its agencies. The Fund's custodian bank receives
delivery of the underlying securities for the joint account on the
Fund's behalf. The Adviser is responsible for ensuring that the
agreement is fully collateralized at all times.

Investment transactions

Investment transactions are recorded as of the date of purchase, sale
or maturity. Net realized gains and losses on sales of investments are
determined on the identified cost basis. Some securities may be
purchased on a "when-issued" or "forward commitment" basis, which
means that the securities will be delivered to the Fund at a future
date, usually beyond the customary settlement date.


Discount and premium
on securities

The Fund accretes discount and amortizes premium from par value on
securities from either the date of issue or the date of purchase over
the life of the security.

Class allocations

Income, common expenses and realized and unrealized gains (losses) are
determined at the fund level and allocated daily to each class of
shares based on the appropriate net asset value of the respective
classes. Distribution and service fees, if any, and transfer agent
fees for Class I and Class R shares, are calculated daily at the class
level based on the appropriate net asset value of each class and the
specific expense rate(s) applicable to each class.


The majority of expenses are directly identifiable to an individual
fund. Expenses that are not readily identifiable to a specific fund
are allocated in such a manner as deemed equitable, taking into
consideration, among other things, the nature and type of expense and
the relative sizes of the funds.

Bank borrowings

The Fund is permitted to have bank borrowings for temporary or
emergency purposes, including the meeting of redemption requests that
otherwise might require the untimely disposition of securities. The
Fund has entered into a syndicated line of credit agreement with
various banks. This agreement enables the Fund to participate with
other funds managed by the Adviser in an unsecured line of credit with
banks, which permits borrowings of up to $250 million, collectively.
Interest is charged to each fund, based on its borrowing. In addition,
a commitment fee is charged to each fund based on the average daily
unused portion of the line of credit and is allocated among the
participating funds. The Fund had no borrowing activity under the line
of credit during the period ended November 30, 2003.

Securities lending

The Fund may lend securities to certain qualified brokers who pay the Fund
negotiated lender fees. The loans are collateralized at all times with
cash or securities with a market value at least equal to the market value
of the securities on loan. As with other extensions of credit, the Fund
may bear the risk of delay of the loaned securities in recovery or even
loss of rights in the collateral, should the borrower of the securities
fail financially. On November 30, 2003, the Fund loaned securities having
a market value of $131,372,453 collateralized by securities in the amount
of $135,877,692.

Financial futures contracts

The Fund may buy and sell financial futures contracts. Buying futures
tends to increase the Fund's exposure to the underlying instrument.
Selling futures tends to decrease the Fund's exposure to the underlying
instrument or hedge other Fund's instruments. At the time the Fund enters
into a financial futures contract, it is required to deposit with its
custodian a specified amount of cash or U.S. government securities, known
as "initial margin," equal to a certain percentage of the value of the
financial futures contract being traded. Each day, the futures contract is
valued at the official settlement price of the board of trade or U.S.
commodities exchange on which it trades. Subsequent payments to and from
the broker, known as "variation margin," are made on a daily basis as the
market price of the financial futures contract fluctuates. Daily variation
margin adjustments, arising from this "mark to market," are recorded by
the Fund as unrealized gains or losses.

When the contracts are closed, the Fund recognizes a gain or loss.
Risks of entering into financial futures contracts include the
possibility that there may be an illiquid market and/or that a change
in the value of the


contracts may not correlate with changes in the value of the
underlying securities. In addition, the Fund could be prevented from
opening or realizing the benefits of closing out financial futures
positions because of position limits or limits on daily price
fluctuation imposed by an exchange.

For federal income tax purposes, the amount, character and timing of
the Fund's gains and/or losses can be affected as a result of
financial futures contracts.

On November 30, 2003, the Fund had deposited $1,275,000 in a
segregated account to cover margin requirements on open financial
futures contracts.

The Fund had the following open financial futures contracts on
November 30, 2003:

                      NUMBER OF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. 10-year note     850           Short        MAR 04          $1,269,050

Federal income taxes

The Fund qualifies as a "regulated investment company" by complying with
the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be
subject to federal income tax on taxable income that is distributed to
shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required. For
federal income tax purposes, the Fund has $30,484,831 of a capital loss
carryforward available, to the extent provided by regulations, to offset
future net realized capital gains. To the extent that such carryforward is
used by the Fund, no capital gain distributions will be made. The loss
carryforward expires as follows: May 31, 2008 -- $10,076,619, May 31, 2009
- -- $20,372,435 and May 31, 2010 -- $35,777.

Dividends, interest
and distributions

Dividend income on investment securities is recorded on the ex-dividend
date or, in the case of some foreign securities, on the date thereafter
when the Fund identifies the dividend. Interest income on investment
securities is recorded on the accrual basis. The Fund may place a debt
obligation on non-accrual status and reduce related interest income by
ceasing current accruals and writing off interest receivables when the
collection of interest has become doubtful. Foreign income may be subject
to foreign withholding taxes, which are accrued as applicable.

The Fund records distributions to shareholders from net investment
income and net realized gains on the ex-dividend date. The Fund's net
investment income is declared daily as dividends to shareholders of
record as of the close of business on the preceding day, and
distributed monthly. Distributions paid by the Fund with respect to
each class of shares are calculated in the same manner, at the same
time and are in the same amount, except for the effect of expenses
that may be applied differently to each class.

Such distributions, on a tax basis, are determined in conformity with
income tax regulations, which may differ from accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America. Distributions in
excess of tax basis earnings and profits, if any, are reported in the
Fund's financial statements as a return of capital.

Use of estimates

The preparation of these financial statements, in accordance with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America, incorporates estimates made by management in determining the
reported amount of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the
Fund. Actual results could differ from these estimates.


Management fee and
transactions with affiliates
and others

The Fund has an investment management contract with the Adviser. Under
the investment management contract, the Fund pays a monthly management
fee to the Adviser equivalent, on an annual basis, to the sum of: (a)
0.50% of the first $1,500,000,000 of the Fund's average daily net
asset value, (b) 0.45% of the next $500,000,000, (c) 0.40% of the next
$500,000,000 and (d) 0.35% of the Fund's average daily net asset value
in excess of $2,500,000,000.

The Fund has Distribution Plans with John Hancock Funds, LLC ("JH
Funds"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Adviser. The Fund has
adopted Distribution Plans with respect to Class A, Class B, Class C
and Class R pursuant to Rule 12b-1 under the Investment Company Act of
1940 to reimburse JH Funds for the services it provides as distributor
of shares of the Fund. Accordingly, the Fund makes monthly payments to
JH Funds at an annual rate not to exceed 0.30% of Class A average
daily net asset value, 1.00% of Class B and Class C average daily net
asset value, and 0.50% of Class R average daily net asset value. A
maximum of 0.25% of such payments may be service fees as defined by
the Conduct Rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers.
Under the Conduct Rules, curtailment of a portion of the Fund's 12b-1
payments could occur under certain circumstances. In addition, under a
Service Plan for Class R shares, the Fund pays up to 0.25% of Class R
average daily net asset value for certain other services.

Class A and Class C shares are assessed up-front sales charges. During
the period ended November 30, 2003, JH Funds received net up-front
sales charges of $318,177 with regard to sales of Class A shares. Of
this amount, $34,805 was retained and used for printing prospectuses,
advertising, sales literature and other purposes, $93,634 was paid as
sales commissions to unrelated broker-dealers and $189,738 was paid as
sales commissions to sales personnel of Signator Investors, Inc.
("Signator Investors"), a related broker-dealer. The Adviser's
indirect parent, John Hancock Life Insurance Company ("JHLICo"), is
the indirect sole shareholder of Signator Investors. During the period
ended November 30, 2003, JH Funds received net up-front sales charges
of $16,965 with regard to sales of Class C shares. Of this amount,
$15,725 was paid as sales commissions to unrelated broker-dealers and
$1,240 was paid as sales commissions to sales personnel of Signator

Class B shares that are redeemed within six years of purchase are
subject to a contingent deferred sales charge ("CDSC") at declining
rates, beginning at 5.00% of the lesser of the current market value at
the time of redemption or the original purchase cost of the shares
being redeemed. Class C shares that are redeemed within one year of
purchase are subject to a CDSC at a rate of 1.00% of the lesser of the
current market value at the time of redemption or the original
purchase cost of the shares being redeemed. Proceeds from the CDSCs
are paid to JH Funds and are used in whole or in part to defray its
expenses for providing distribution-related services to the Fund in
connection with the sale of Class B and Class C shares. During the
period ended November 30, 2003, CDSCs received by JH Funds amounted to
$239,896 for Class B shares and $6,099 for Class C shares.

The Fund has a transfer agent agreement with John Hancock Signature
Services, Inc., an indirect subsidiary of JHLICo. For Class A, Class B
and Class C shares, the Fund pays a monthly transfer agent fee at an
annual rate of 0.015% of each class's average daily net asset value,
plus a fee based


on the number of shareholder accounts and reimbursement for certain
out-of-pocket expenses, aggregated and allocated to each class on the
basis of its relative net asset value. For Class I shares, the Fund
pays a monthly transfer agent fee at an annual rate of 0.05% of Class
I average daily net asset value. For Class R shares, the Fund pays a
monthly transfer agent fee at an annual rate 0.015% of the Class R
average net asset value, plus a fee based on the number of shareholder
accounts and reimbursement for certain out-of-pocket expenses.

The Fund has an agreement with the Adviser to perform necessary tax,
accounting and legal services for the Fund. The compensation for the
period was at an annual rate of approximately 0.03% of the average net
asset value of the Fund.

Ms. Maureen Ford Goldfarb and Mr. John M. DeCiccio are directors and/or
officers of the Adviser and/or its affiliates, as well as Trustees of the
Fund. The compensation of unaffiliated Trustees is borne by the Fund. The
unaffiliated Trustees may elect to defer for tax purposes their receipt of
this compensation under the John Hancock Group of Funds Deferred Compen-
sation Plan. The Fund makes investments into other John Hancock funds, as
applicable, to cover its liability for the deferred compensation.
Investments to cover the Fund's deferred compensation liability are
recorded on the Fund's books as an other asset. The deferred compensation
liability and the related other asset are always equal and are marked to
market on a periodic basis to reflect any income earned by the investments
as well as any unrealized gains or losses. The Deferred Compensation Plan
investments had no impact on the operations of the Fund.


Fund share transactions

This listing illustrates the number of Fund shares sold, reinvested
and repurchased during the last two periods, along with the
corresponding dollar value. The Fund has an unlimited number of shares
authorized with no par value.

                                       YEAR ENDED 5-31-03          PERIOD ENDED 11-30-03 1
                                   SHARES          AMOUNT        SHARES           AMOUNT
Sold                            8,023,117    $119,537,680     3,784,763      $58,136,927
Distributions reinvested        3,230,030      48,137,822     1,460,601       22,298,739
Repurchased                   (13,031,036)   (194,047,897)   (9,159,550)    (140,370,599)
Net decrease                   (1,777,889)   ($26,372,395)   (3,914,186)    ($59,934,933)

Sold                            3,435,375     $50,874,917       513,180       $7,863,675
Distributions reinvested          501,577       7,467,519       207,664        3,171,988
Repurchased                    (5,112,010)    (76,105,101)   (2,828,935)     (43,179,787)
Net decrease                   (1,175,058)   ($17,762,665)   (2,108,091)    ($32,144,124)

Sold                              950,362     $14,094,274       136,478       $2,086,106
Distributions reinvested          106,568       1,585,178        42,120          643,645
Repurchased                    (1,137,091)    (16,982,912)     (708,139)     (10,810,065)
Net decrease                      (80,161)    ($1,303,460)     (529,541)     ($8,080,314)

Sold                              152,828      $2,306,536        26,367         $406,223
Issued in reorganization          566,449       8,309,863            --               --
Distributions reinvested           30,706         458,285        15,299          233,541
Repurchased                      (152,254)     (2,255,534)      (75,260)      (1,155,621)
Net increase (decrease)           597,729      $8,819,150       (33,594)       ($515,857)

Sold                                   --              --         6,698           99,987
Net increase                           --              --         6,698           99,987

NET DECREASE                   (2,435,379)   ($36,619,370)   (6,578,714)   ($100,575,241)

1 Semiannual period from 6-1-03 through 11-30-03. Unaudited.

2 Class R shares began operations on 8-5-03.



Purchases and proceeds from sales or maturities of securities, other
than short-term securities and obligations of the U.S. government,
during the period ended November 30, 2003, aggregated $2,058,451,023
and $2,149,358,941, respectively.

Purchases and proceeds from maturities of obligations of U.S.
government aggregated $248,438,225 and $294,729,374, respectively,
during the period ended November 30, 2003.

The cost of investments owned on November 30, 2003, including short-term
investments, for federal income tax purposes was $1,319,763,417. Gross
unrealized appreciation and depreciation of investments aggregated
$42,719,387 and $18,691,515, respectively, resulting in net unrealized
appreciation of $24,027,872. The difference between book basis and tax
basis net unrealized appreciation of investments is attributable primarily
to amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts on debt securities
and the tax deferral of losses on certain sales of securities.




Dennis S. Aronowitz
Richard P. Chapman, Jr.
William J. Cosgrove
John M. DeCiccio
Richard A. Farrell
William F. Glavin*
Maureen Ford Goldfarb
Dr. John A. Moore*
Patti McGill Peterson*
John W. Pratt
*Members of the Audit Committee


Maureen Ford Goldfarb
Chairman, President
and Chief Executive Officer

Richard A. Brown
Senior Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer

Susan S. Newton
Senior Vice President
and Secretary

William H. King
Vice President and Treasurer

Thomas H. Connors
Vice President
and Compliance Officer


John Hancock Advisers, LLC
101 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7603


John Hancock Funds, LLC
101 Huntington Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02199-7603


The Bank of New York
One Wall Street
New York, New York 10286


John Hancock Signature Services, Inc.
1 John Hancock Way, Suite 1000
Boston, Massachusetts 02217-1000


Hale and Dorr LLP
60 State Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02109-1803


On the Internet                         www.jhfunds.com

By regular mail                         John Hancock Signature Services, Inc.
                                        1 John Hancock Way, Suite 1000
                                        Boston, MA 02217-1000

By express mail                         John Hancock Signature Services, Inc.
                                        Attn: Mutual Fund Image Operations
                                        529 Main Street
                                        Charlestown, MA 02129

Customer service representatives        1-800-225-5291

24-hour automated information           1-800-338-8080

TDD line                                1-800-554-6713

The Fund's voting policies and procedures are available without
charge, upon request:

By phone                                1-800-225-5291

On the Fund's Web site                  www.jhfunds.com/proxy

On the SEC's Web site                   www.sec.gov


[A 1 1/2" x 1/2" John Hancock (Signature) logo in upper left hand corner.
A tag line below reads "JOHN HANCOCK FUNDS."]

1-800-554-6713 (TDD)
1-800-338-8080 EASI-Line


Now available: electronic delivery

This report is for the information of
the shareholders of the John Hancock
Bond Fund.

210SA 11/03


As of the end of the period, November 30, 2003, the registrant has adopted a
code of ethics, as defined in Item 2 of Form N-CSR, that applies to its Chief
Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (respectively, the
principal executive officer, the principal financial officer and the principal
accounting officer, the "Senior Financial Officers"). A copy of the code of
ethics is filed as an exhibit to this Form N-CSR.


William F. Glavin is the audit committee financial expert and is "independent",
pursuant to general instructions on Form N-CSR Item 3.


Not applicable at this time.


Not applicable at this time.



Not applicable.



(a) Based upon their  evaluation  of the  registrant's  disclosure  controls and
procedures  as  conducted  within 90 days of the filing date of this Form N-CSR,
the registrant's  principal  executive  officer and principal  financial officer
have concluded that those disclosure  controls and procedures provide reasonable
assurance  that  the  material  information  required  to be  disclosed  by  the
registrant on this report is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within
the time periods specified in the Securities and Exchange Commission's rules and

(b) There were no changes in the registrant's internal control over financial
reporting that occurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal half-year
(the registrant's second fiscal half-year in the case of an annual report) that
have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the
registrant's internal control over financial reporting.


(a)(1) Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers is attached.

(a)(2) Separate certifications for the registrant's principal executive officer
and principal financial officer, as required by Section 302 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment Company Act of
1940, are attached.

(b)(1) Separate certifications for the registrant's principal executive officer
and principal financial officer, as required by 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as
adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and Rule
30a-2(b) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, are attached. The
certifications furnished pursuant to this paragraph are not deemed to be "filed"
for purposes of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or otherwise
subject to the liability of that section. Such certifications are not deemed to
be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, except to the extent that the Registrant
specifically incorporates them by reference.

(c)(1) Contact person at the registrant


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

- ------------------------------
Maureen Ford Goldfarb
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Date:    January 28, 2004

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the
following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.

- -------------------------------
Maureen Ford Goldfarb
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Date:   January 28, 2004

- -----------------------
Richard A. Brown
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Date:    January 28, 2004