                    ESSEX COUNTY GAS COMPANY
                           ARTICLE I.

                          NAME AND SEAL

      The  name  of  this Corporation shall be ESSEX  COUNTY  GAS

      The  Board of Directors shall have power to adopt and alter
the form of the seal of the Corporation.


      The  principal  office shall be in the  town  of  Amesbury,
County  of Essex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  The corporation
may  also  have  offices at such other places  as  the  Board  of
Directors may, from time to time, appoint, or the business of the
corporation may require.



      SECTION  1.      Meetings. All meetings of the Stockholders
shall  be  held  at the principal offices of the  Corporation  in
Amesbury,  Massachusetts unless some other place in Massachusetts
is stated in the call.

     SECTION 2.     Annual Meeting.     The annual meeting of the
stockholders of this Corporation shall be held at such  time  and
date  as  the Board of Directors, by Resolution, shall  determine
and  set  forth  in  the  notice of meeting.   If  the  Board  of
Directors  fails  so to determine the time, date,  and  place  of
meeting, the annual meeting of stockholders shall be held on  the
third  Tuesday  in January in each year, if not a legal  holiday,
and if a legal holiday, then on the next succeeding Tuesday not a
legal holiday, for the election of directors, for the transaction
of  such other business as properly may come before such meeting.
In  the event that such annual meeting is omitted by oversight or
otherwise on the date earlier provided for, a subsequent  meeting
may  be  held  in  its  place,  and any  business  transacted  or
elections held at such meeting shall be valid as if transacted or
held  at  the annual meeting.  Such subsequent meeting  shall  be
called in the same manner as provided for special meetings of the

      SECTION 3.     Special Meetings.   Special meetings of  the
stockholders of this corporation shall be held whenever called by
the  president, a vice president, or a majority of the  Board  of
Directors, or the clerk if required by Section 3.05 of Article XX
hereof, or whenever one or more Stockholders who are entitled  to
vote,  and  who hold at least one-third part in interest  of  the
capital  stock entitled to vote on the subject matter in question
shall  make written application to the clerk, stating  the  time,
place and purpose of the meeting.

      SECTION  4.     Notice of Meetings.  Notice of all meetings
of  the  stockholders, stating the time and place of the meetings
and the nature of the business to be considered shall be given in
writing  by  the clerk of the corporation to each stockholder  or
record, entitled to vote thereat, addressed to him at his address
as  it  appears on the books of the corporation, at  least  seven
days and not more than sixty (60) days before the time fixed  for
the  meeting.  If any stockholder shall have failed to inform the
corporation of his post office address, no notice need be sent to
him.   Notice of any regular or special meeting may be waived  in
writing  by any stockholder entitled to notice, and whenever  all
such stockholders shall meet in person or by proxy filed with the
clerk of the meeting shall be valid for all purposes without call
or notice, and at that meeting any corporate action may be taken.
No  holder  of  stock of any class shall be entitled  to  receive
notice of any meeting of holders of any class of stock unless  he
is entitled to vote at that meeting.

     SECTION 5.     Quorum.   Except as otherwise required by the
provisions  of Section 3.05 of Article XX hereof, at any  meeting
of  the  stockholders, whether of one or more than one  class,  a
majority  in  voting  power of all the shares  of  capital  stock
issued  and  outstanding, and entitled to vote  at  the  meeting,
represented  by  stockholders of record in person  or  by  proxy,
shall  constitute a quorum, but whenever a quorum is not present,
a  majority  in interest of the stockholders present may  adjourn
any  meeting from time to time (provided no adjournment shall  be
fore  more  than three months), and the meeting may  be  held  as
adjourned  without further notice.  When a quorum is present  and
at  the  meeting,  a  majority  in voting  power  of  the  shares
represented  and  entitled  to vote shall  decide  any  questions
brought  before  such meeting, unless the question  is  one  upon
which by express provision of law or the agreement of association
or  of  these by-laws a larger or different vote is required,  in
which  case  such express provision shall govern the decision  of
such question.

      SECTION  6.  Proxies and Voting.   At each meeting  of  the
stockholders  every stockholder having the right to vote  thereat
shall  be entitled, subject to the provisions of Section 3.05  of
Article XX hereof, for each share of stock outstanding in his  or
her  name on the books of the corporation, to one vote in  person
or  by  proxy.   All proxies shall be appointed by an  instrument
subscribed by the stockholder entitled to vote and bearing a date
not  more  than six months prior to that meeting which  shall  be
filed  with  the  clerk  of the meeting before  being  voted.   A
telegram or cablegram appearing to have been transmitted  by  the
proper  person or a photographic, photostatic, telecopied,  faxed
or  equivalent reproduction of a writing appointing a proxy shall
be  deemed a sufficient, signed proxy appointment form.  No  such
proxy  shall be valid after the final adjournment of the meeting.
The  vote  for directors and, upon the demand of any stockholder,
a  vote upon any question before the meeting, shall be by ballot.
Each  proxy  shall be deemed valid unless challenged  during  the

      SECTION  7.     Record Date or Closing Transfer  Books  for
Stockholders'  Meetings.   For the  purpose  of  determining  the
stockholders  having the right to notice of and to  vote  at  any
meeting  of stockholders or any adjournment thereof the board  of
Directors  may  as  hereinafter provided in Article  XIX  fix  in
advance a record date, or, without fixing such a date, may  close
the transfer books of the corporation.

      SECTION  8.     Notice of Stockholder Business at Meetings.
At  any  meeting  of  stockholders, only such business  shall  be
conducted as shall have been properly brought before the  meeting
as  hereinafter provided.  In addition to any other  requirements
imposed   by   law,   the  Amended  and  Restated   Articles   of
Incorporation or these By-Laws, to be properly brought  before  a
meeting each item of business must either (a) be specified in the
notice of meeting (or any supplement thereto) given by or at  the
direction  of the Board of Directors or the persons  calling  the
meeting  as  herein provided, (b) be otherwise  properly  brought
before the meeting or at the direction of the Board of Directors,
or  (c)  be  otherwise properly brought before the meeting  by  a
stockholder as hereinafter provided.  For business to be properly
brought  before a meeting by a stockholder, the stockholder  must
have  given timely notice thereof in writing to the Secretary  of
the  Corporation.  To be timely, a stockholder's notice  must  be
delivered  to  or mailed and received at the principal  executive
offices of the Corporation not less than sixty (60) days nor more
than  ninety  (90) days prior to the meeting; provided,  however,
that  in  the event that less than seventy (70) days'  notice  or
prior   public  disclosure  of  the  date  of  the   meeting   of
stockholders  is  given or made to stockholders,  to  be  timely,
notice  by  the  stockholder or business to  be  conducted  at  a
meeting  must  be received by the Secretary not  later  than  the
close  of  business on the tenth day following the day  on  which
notice  of the date of the meeting of stockholders was mailed  or
such   public  disclosure  was  made  to  the  stockholders.    A
stockholder's notice to the Secretary shall set forth as to  each
matter  he  proposes  to being before the  meeting  (a)  a  brief
description  of  the  business desired to be brought  before  the
meeting  and the reasons for conducting such business before  the
meeting  and  the  reasons for conducting such  business  at  the
meeting,  (b)  the  name  and address,  as  they  appear  on  the
Corporation's books, of the stockholder or stockholders proposing
such  business, (c) the class or classes of stock and  number  of
shares  of  such class or classes of stock which are beneficially
owned  by the proposing stockholder or stockholders, and (d)  any
material interest of the proposal stockholder or stockholders  in
such business.

      Notwithstanding anything in these By-Laws to the  contrary,
no  business shall be conducted at a meeting except in accordance
with the procedures set forth in this section.  The Chairman of a
meeting shall, if the facts warrant, determine and declare to the
persons  attending  the meeting that business  was  not  properly
brought  before the meeting in accordance with the provisions  of
this section, and he shall further declare that any such business
not properly brought before such meeting shall not be transacted.
The  Chairman  of a meeting of stockholders shall  have  absolute
authority  to  decide questions of compliance with the  foregoing
procedures and his ruling thereon shall be final and conclusive.

                           ARTICLE IV.
      SECTION  1.      Election  and  Number.      The  Board  of
Directors  shall  consist of not less  than  (3)  nor  more  than
fifteen (15) directors; provided, however, that the number may be
amended  from  time  to  time only by  affirmative  vote  of  the
majority of the Board of Directors.  Except as otherwise provided
in  Section 3.05 of Article XX hereof, the holder of Common Stock
shall  elect  the  number of directors so  fixed  at  the  annual
meeting,  or  at the meeting held in lieu of the annual  meeting.
Subject  to  death, resignation or removal, and  subject  to  the
provisions of Section 3.05, each director shall hold office until
the  next  annual meeting or until his successor is  elected  and
qualified.   Directors may, but need not be stockholders  of  the

      SECTION 2.     Powers.   The Board of Directors shall  have
the  entire  management of the business and the corporation.   In
the  management and control of the property, business and affairs
of  the corporation, the Board of Directors is hereby vested with
all  the  powers possessed by the corporation itself, so  far  as
this delegation of authority is not inconsistent with the laws of
the   Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts,  with  the  agreement   of
association,  or  with  these  by-laws.   No  contract  or  other
transaction between this corporation and any other corporation or
association  shall  be  affected by the fact  that  directors  or
officers  of this corporation are interested in, or are directors
or officers of, such other corporation or association.

      SECTION  3.     Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board  of
Directors shall be held in such places and at such times,  within
or  without the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as the board may be
vote from time to time determine, and if so determined, no notice
of regular meetings need be given.  Special meetings of the Board
of  Directors may be held at any time or place whenever called by
the President, a vice president, the secretary (or clerk if there
is  no secretary), or three or more directors, notice of at least
twenty-four  hours being given by the secretary or  an  assistant
secretary  (or  if there is no secretary or assistant  secretary,
then the clerk or the assistant clerk) or the officer calling the
meeting,  to  each  director  in  person  or  by  telephone,   or
delivered,  mailed, or telegraphed, to his usual address,  or  at
any  time  without formal notice, provided all the directors  are
present, or those not present have waived notice in writing or by
telegraph.  Such special meetings shall be held at such times and
places,  within  or without the Commonwealth, as  the  notice  or
waiver  shall specify.  Unless otherwise specified in the notice,
any  and  all  business may be transacted at any meeting  of  the

      SECTION 4.     Quorum.   A majority of the directors  shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but whenever
a  quorum is not present, a small number may adjourn any  meeting
from  time  to  time, and the meeting may be  held  as  adjourned
without further notice.  When a quorum is present at any meeting,
a  majority  of  the  members present shall decide  any  question
brought before such meeting, except as otherwise provided by law,
by the agreement of association, or by these by-laws.

      SECTION 5.     Action by Consent.  Any action that  may  be
taken by the board of directors at a meeting may be taken without
a  meeting if consent in writing, setting forth the action to  be
taken, shall be signed by all of the directors before such action
and filed with the records of the meeting of directors.

      SECTION  6.     Presumption of Assent.  A director  of  the
corporation who is present at a meeting of the board of directors
at  which  action  on  any corporate action  is  taken  shall  be
presumed  to have assented to the action taken unless he dissents
or  abstains  from  voting on the action  and  such  dissent  and
abstention is entered in the minutes of the meeting, or unless he
files  his  written dissent to such action before the adjournment
of  the  meeting  or by registered mail to the secretary  of  the
board  immediately  after the adjournment of the  meeting.   Such
right to dissent shall not apply to a director who voted in favor
of such action.

                           ARTICLE V.
      The  Board of Directors may elect from their own number  an
executive  committee to consist of not less than three  nor  more
than  seven members.  Except as prohibited by law, the  executive
committee  shall  have the exercise the powers of  the  Board  of
Directors  in the management of the business and affairs  of  the
Corporation  when the Board of Directors is not in session.   The
executive  committee shall report all action taken by it  to  the
Board  of  Directors for approval.  The executive  committee  may
make  rules  for  the  notice, holding, conduct  and  keeping  of
records, of its meeting.

      The  Board of Directors may likewise elect from  their  own
number  or from the stockholders, or both, other committees  from
time to time, the number composing such committees and the powers
conferred  upon  them to be determined by vote of  the  Board  of

      Committees  composed of members of the Board  of  Directors
designated  by a resolution adopted by a majority  of  the  whole
Board  of  Directors, to the extent provided by such  resolution,
shall  have  and  may  exercise the authority  of  the  Board  of
Directors,  as so delegated in the resolution, in the  management
of  the  Corporation.  Each committee of the Board  of  Directors
shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and report the same
to  the  Board  of  Directors when required.   Vacancies  in  the
membership  of  each committee shall be filled by  the  Board  of
Directors  at  any regular or special meeting  of  the  Board  of
Directors.   At  all meetings of a committee, a majority  of  the
committee  members then in office shall constitute a  quorum  for
the  purpose of transacting business, and the acts of a  majority
of the committee members present at any meeting at which there is
a  quorum shall be the acts of the committee.  A director who may
be  disqualified, by reason of personal interest, from voting  on
any  particular  matter  before a  meeting  of  a  committee  may
nevertheless be counted for the purpose of constituting a  quorum
of the committee.

                           ARTICLE VI.
     Directors shall receive such compensation for their services
as  directors  as  shall  be determined  from  time  to  time  by
resolution of the board.  Directors shall not be prohibited  from
serving  this  corporation in any other  capacity  and  receiving
compensation from it.  Members of special or standing  committees
may be allowed compensation, determined by resolution or vote  of
the  Board of Directors.  Any compensation so determined  by  the
Board  of  Directors  shall be subject, as to  any  payments  not
already made, to revision or amendment by the stockholders.

                          ARTICLE VII.
      SECTION 1.     The officers of this corporation shall be  a
president,  a clerk, and a treasurer.  The Board of Directors  in
its  discretion may elect a chairman of the board  of  directors,
who, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the Board  of
Directors,  and  who shall have such other powers  as  the  board
shall from time to time prescribe.  The Board of Directors in its
discretion  may  also from time to time elect one  or  more  vice
presidents.   The  clerk, the treasurer, and all  other  officers
shall  be  elected by the Board of Directors as soon  as  may  be
after  its  election by the stockholders, and shall  hold  office
until  their successors are duly elected and qualified,  subject,
however, to the provisions of said Article XIII and a meeting  of
the  directors  may  be  held without  notice  for  this  purpose
immediately after the annual meeting of the stockholders, and  at
the  same  place.   Any  person may hold  more  than  one  office
provided  the duties can be consistently performed  by  the  same

      SECTION  2.     Eligibility of Officers. The president  and
the  chairman  of the Board of Directors may, but  need  not,  be
stockholders.  The vice presidents, clerk, secretary,  treasurer,
and  such other officers as may be elected, may be, but need  not
be, stockholders of this corporation.

        SECTION   3.       Additional   Officers,   Agents    and
Representatives.    The Board of Directors in its discretion  may
elect  such  additional officers, including a general manager,  a
secretary,  one  or  more  assistant  secretaries,  one  or  more
assistant  clerks,  one or more assistant  treasurers,  and  such
other  officers, agents, and representatives of the  corporation,
with such powers, and to perform such acts or duties on behalf of
the  corporation, as the Board of Directors may see fit,  to  the
extent   authorized  or  permitted  by  law,  the  agreement   of
association  and  these by-laws.  All such officers,  agents  and
representatives  shall hold office during  the  pleasure  of  the
Board of Directors.

                          ARTICLE VIII.
      When  present,  the  President shall  preside  at  all  the
meetings of the stockholders.  Unless a chairman of the Board  of
Directors  has  been elected and is present, the president,  when
present,  shall  preside at all meeting of  the  directors.   The
president shall perform such duties and shall have such powers as
the Board of Directors shall from time to time designate.

                           ARTICLE IX.
                         VICE PRESIDENTS
      A  vice president, if elected, shall perform the duties and
have the powers of its president during the absence or disability
of   the  president  and  shall  have  the  power  to  sign   all
certificates for shares of its stock, bonds, deeds and  contracts
of  the corporation, and shall perform such other duties and have
such  other powers as the Board of Directors shall from  time  to
time designate.  If more than one vice president is elected,  the
Board of Directors may specify the order in which they shall  act
as substitutes for the president and may specify different powers
and duties for each.

                           ARTICLE X.
      The  clerk  may  be, but need not be,  a  resident  of  the
Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts and shall  be  sworn.   He  shall
arrange  for giving and serving of all notices, and shall  attest
and  keep  the minutes, of all meetings of the stockholders.   He
shall have custody of the corporate seal of the corporation.   He
shall  perform  the  duties  of the  secretary  if  there  is  no
secretary.   The clerk may execute and deliver on behalf  of  the
corporation  certified copies of the records of  the  corporation
and  such  other  instruments, as may ordered  by  the  Board  of
Directors.   He  shall perform such other duties  and  have  such
other  powers  as the Board of Directors may from  time  to  time
designate.   In  the  absence  or disability  of  the  clerk,  an
assistant  clerk, if any, or a clerk pro tempore,  shall  perform
all  the duties of the clerk.  Such assistant clerk or clerk  pro
tempore  may  be, but need not be, a resident of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts.

                           ARTICLE XI.
      The secretary, if any, shall be sworn and shall attend  and
keep  the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors.   He
may  execute  and deliver on behalf of the corporation  certified
copies  of  the  records of the corporation and such  instruments
under  its corporate seal, and such other instruments, as may  be
ordered  by the Board of Directors.  He shall perform such  other
duties  and have such other powers in addition to those specified
in  these by-laws as the Board of Directors may from time to time
designate.  If there is no secretary, the clerk shall perform the
duties of secretary.

                          ARTICLE XII.
      The  treasurer,  subject to the control  of  the  Board  of
Directors, shall have the management and possession of all  funds
and  securities of the corporation (other than his own  bond,  if
one  is required, which shall be in the custody of the president)
and shall have and exercise under the supervision of the Board of
Directors all of the powers and duties commonly incident  to  his
office.   He  shall, if required by the Board of Directors,  give
bond for the faithful performance of his duties in such forms and
with  such sureties as may be required by the Board of Directors.
He may, subject to the control of the board of directors, deposit
the  funds and securities of the corporation in any one  or  more
banks  or other depositories, and may disburse them by checks  or
other  instruments  signed by him or,  in  the  case  of  payroll
checks,  by such person as he may designate.  He may endorse  for
deposit  or  collection all checks, notes and  other  instruments
payable to the corporation or its order and may accept drafts  on
its  behalf.  Together with the president or a vice president  he
may sign bonds and certificates of stock of the corporation.   He
shall  keep  accurate  books  of  account  of  the  corporation's
transactions,  which  shall be the property of  the  corporation,
and,  together with all its property in his possession, shall  be
subject  at  all  times  to the inspection  and  control  of  the
directors.   He  shall perform such other duties  and  have  such
other  powers  as the Board of Directors may from  time  to  time

                           ARTICLE IX.
                    RESIGNATIONS AND REMOVAL
     Any officer or director of the corporation may resign at any
time  by giving written notice to the Board of  Directors  or  to
the  chairman of the board, the president, or to the  clerk,  and
any  member of any committee may resign by giving written  notice
as stated above or to the committee of which he is a member or to
its chairman.  Any such resignation shall take effect at the time
specified  in it, but if no time is specified, upon its  receipt;
and unless otherwise specified in the resignation, its acceptance
shall not be necessary to make it effective.

      Except as otherwise provided in Section 3.05 of Article XX,
(a)  directors  and  officers elected by stockholders,  including
persons elected by directors to fill vacancies in the board or in
such  offices, may be removed from their respective offices  with
or  without cause by the vote of the holders of a majority of the
shares  entitled  to vote in the election of  directors  or  such
officers, as the case may be, provided, that the directors  of  a
class  elected by a particular class of stockholders and officers
elected by a particular class of stockholders may be removed only
by  the  vote of the holders of a majority of the shares  of  the
particular  class  of  stockholders  entitled  to  vote  for  the
election of such directors or officers, as the case may  be;  (b)
officers  elected or appointed by the directors  may  be  removed
from their respective offices with or without cause by vote of  a
majority  of the directors then in office; (c) any director,  and
any  officer elected by the stockholders, may be removed from his
office  for cause by vote of a majority of the directors then  in

      A director or officer may be removed for cause only after a
reasonable  notice and opportunity to be heard  before  the  body
proposing to remove him.

                          ARTICLE XIV.
      If  the office of any director, officer, or agent,  one  or
more,  becomes  vacant by reason of death, resignation,  removal,
disqualification  or otherwise, the remaining  directors,  though
less than a quorum may, by a vote of a majority of such remaining
directors  but  subject  to the provisions  of  Section  3.05  of
Article  XX hereof, choose a successor or successors,  who  shall
hold office for the unexpired term.

                           ARTICLE XV.
      Unless  otherwise  ordered by the Board of  Directors,  the
president  or  any  vice  president shall  have  full  power  and
authority on behalf of the corporation to attend and to  act  and
vote  at any meeting of the stockholders of any company in  which
this  corporation may hold stock, and at any such  meeting  shall
possess  and exercise any and all the rights and powers  incident
to  the ownership of stock, which, as the owner, this corporation
might  possess and exercise if present.  The Board  of  Directors
may confer like powers upon any other person or persons from time
to  time,  and  may  revoke  any such power  so  granted  at  its
pleasure.  The Board of Directors may authorize the president  or
any other officer to sign on behalf of the corporation a proxy or
vote stock of any company owned by the corporation at any meeting
of the stockholders of such company.

                          ARTICLE XVI.
     Contracts.  The Board of Directors may authorize any officer
or  officers,  agent  or agents, to enter into  any  contract  or
execute  and deliver any instrument in the name of and on  behalf
of the corporation, and such authority may be general or confined
to specific instances.

      Loans.   No  loans  shall be contracted on  behalf  of  the
corporation  and no evidence of indebtedness shall be  issued  in
its  name  unless  authorized by a resolution  of  the  board  of
Directors.  Such authority may be general or confined to specific

      Checks, drafts, etc..  All checks, drafts, or other  orders
for   the   payment  of  money,  notes,  or  other  evidence   of
indebtedness  issued  in  the name of the  corporation  shall  be
signed  by  such  officer or officers, agent  or  agents  of  the
corporation  and  in such manner as shall from time  to  time  be
determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.

      Deposits.   All  funds  of  the corporation  not  otherwise
employed  shall be deposited from time to time to the  credit  of
the   corporation  in  such  banks,  trust  companies,  or  other
depositories as the Board of Directors may designate.

                          ARTICLE XVII.
                          CAPITAL STOCK
      SECTION  1.       Certificates.  Every stockholder  of  the
corporation shall be entitled to a certificate or certificates in
form  prescribed by the directors, and as required by  law,  duly
numbered,  under the seal of the corporation, setting  forth  the
number  of shares represented by it.  Such certificates shall  be
signed  by the president or a vice president and by the treasurer
or an assistant treasurer.

      SECTION  2.   Transfer Agent and Registrar.  The  Board  of
Directors may appoint a transfer agent, or a registrar, or  both,
for the stock of the corporation and may require all certificates
for shares of stock to bear the countersignature of such transfer
agent, or of such registrar, or of both.

      Upon  transfer, the old shares shall be surrendered to  the
corporation by delivery thereafter to the person in charge of the
stock  and  transfer books and ledgers, or such other persons  as
the  board  of  directors may designate, by whom  they  shall  be
canceled and new certificates shall be issued.

     SECTION 3.  Facsimile Signatures.  If the board of directors
shall  require all certificates for shares of  a particular class
of  stock to bear the signature of the transfer agent and of  the
registrar, and the registrar is not the same person, partnership,
association,  trust  or corporation as the  transfer  agent,  the
board  of  directors  may  provide  that  the  signature  of  the
president  or  a  vice  president or  of  the   treasurer  or  an
assistant  treasurer of the corporation, or both such  signatures
and  such seal, upon such certificate, may be facsimile, and such
certificate shall be valid and effective for all purposes  as  if
signed  by such officer or officers and sealed with its corporate
seal, as the case may be.

      SECTION 4.  Certificates Signed by Officers Ceasing to Hold
Office.   In  case any officer of the corporation  authorized  to
sign  certificates  for shares of stock of the corporation  shall
die or cease to hold office, the board of directors may, by vote,
adopt   and   permit  to  be  issued  when  duly   countersigned,
certificates  bearing the signature, either real or facsimile  of
such officer.

      SECTION 5.  Lost or Destroyed Certificates.  The holder  of
any  shares of stock of the corporation shall immediately  notify
the  corporation and its transfer agents and registrars, if  any,
of  any loss or destruction of the certificates representing  the
same.   The corporation may issue a new certificate in  place  of
any certificate theretofore issued by it which is alleged to have
been lost or destroyed and the board of directors may require the
owner  of the lost or destroyed certificate or the owner's  legal
representative to give the corporation a bond in a sum and  in  a
form  approved by the board of directors, and with  a  surety  or
sureties  which  the  board of directors finds  satisfactory,  to
indemnify the corporation and its transfer agents and registrars,
if  any,  against  any claim or liability that  may  be  asserted
against  or incurred by it or any transfer agent or registrar  on
account of the alleged loss or destruction of any certificate  or
the  issuance  of  a new certificate.  A new certificate  may  be
issued  without requiring any bond when, in the judgment  of  the
board  of  directors,  it  is proper so  to  do.   The  board  of
directors  may  delegate  to  any  Officer  or  Officers  of  the
corporation any of the powers and authorities contained  in  this

      SECTION  6.   Transfer of Shares.  Shares of stock  may  be
transferred, subject to such restrictions as may be set forth  in
the  agreement  of  association and articles of organization,  by
delivery of the certificates, accompanied either by an assignment
in  writing on the back of the certificate or by a written  power
of  attorney,  to sell, assign and transfer by the owner  of  the
certificate.  No transfer of any share or shares shall be of  any
effect as regard the corporation nor shall it be in any way bound
to  recognize  such transfer until it has been  recorded  on  the
books of the corporation kept for that purpose.  It shall be  the
duty  of every stockholder to notify the corporation of his  post
office address.

       SECTION  7.   Scrip  Certificates.   No  certificates  for
fractional shares of any class of stock shall be issued.  In lieu
thereof  scrip  certificates may be  issued  by  the  corporation
representing  rights to such fractional shares and  exchangeable,
when  accompanied  by other certificates in  such  amount  as  to
represent in the aggregate one or more full shares of stock,  for
certificates  for  full shares of stock.  The  holders  of  scrip
certificates  will not be entitled to any rights as  stockholders
of the corporation until the scrip certificates are so exchanged.
Such  scrip  certificates may, at the election of  the  board  of
directors  of the corporation, be in bearer form, shall  be  non-
dividend  bearing, nonvoting and shall have such expiration  date
as  the board of directors of the corporation shall determine  at
the   time  of  the  authorization  or  issuance  of  such  scrip

                         ARTICLE XVIII.
                       UNCLAIMED DIVIDENDS
      Dividends declared by the corporation which have  not  been
paid  to claimed by the person entitled to them within six  years
after they have been declared may at any time after such six-year
period be regarded and used as funds of the corporation, and  any
claim upon the corporation for such dividends shall thereafter by

                           ARTICLE XX.
                            SECTION 1
      SECTION 1.01.  The term "Preferred Stock" when referred  to
collectively  shall mean the classes of Preferred  Stock  now  or
hereafter described in Section 2 hereof and additional classes of
stock  created or permitted by Section 3 hereof with  respect  to
which  all  dividends and amounts payable upon  any  liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the corporation shall be payable  on
a  parity  with  and  in  proportion to the  amounts  payable  on
outstanding classes of Preferred Stock, notwithstanding that such
additional  classes  of  Preferred Stock  may  have  par  values,
dividend rates, redemption prices and provisions, amounts payable
thereon  upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, sinking  or
purchase funds, voting rights, conversion rights and other  terms
and  provisions  varying from those of the outstanding  Preferred
Stock,  and  each  class  of Preferred Stock  when  referring  to
separately  shall  be designated by including in  its  title  the
annual dividend rate or such other distinguishing term as may  be
adopted at the time of original authorization of such class.

      SECTION 1.02.  The term "Gross Income available for payment
of interest charges on the corporation's indebtedness" shall mean
the  gross revenues of the corporation and other revenue from all
sources less all proper deductions for operating expenses,  taxes
(including  income, excess profits, and other taxes based  on  or
measured by income or undistributed earnings or income) and other
appropriate   items,   including  provisions   for   maintenance,
retirements,  depreciation and obsolescence (but  in  respect  of
retirements,  depreciation, and obsolescence the  amount  thereof
shall not be less than the minimum provision therefor required by
the  terms or any indenture or agreement securing any outstanding
indebtedness  of the corporation), determined in accordance  with
such  system  of accounting as may at the time by  prescribed  by
governmental authorities having jurisdiction in the  premises  or
in  the  absence  thereof  in accordance  with  sound  accounting
practice;  provided,  however, that no  deduction  or  adjustment
shall  be made for or in respect of profits or losses from  sales
of  utility  property  or  other  capital  assets,  or  from  the
reacquisition of any securities of the corporation, or  taxes  or
in respect of any such profits.

     SECTION 1.03.  The term "Net Income available for dividends"
shall  mean  the "Gross Income available for payment of  interest
charges on the corporation's indebtedness", as defined in Section
1.02  above,  reduced  by interest and amortization  charges  and
other  income  deductions;  provided, however,  no  deduction  or
adjustment  shall be made for or in respect of  (I)  expenses  in
connection  with the issuance of capital stock or  redemption  or
retirement of any securities issued by the corporation (including
any  amount  paid  in excess of the principal amount  or  par  or
stated  value  of securities redeemed or retired) or  (ii)  items
stated in the proviso in Section 1.02 above.

      SECTION  1.04.   The  term "Junior Stock"  shall  mean  any
capital  stock  (including the outstanding  capital  stock  which
shall hereafter be designated as Common Stock) ranking junior  to
the Preferred Stock as to dividends or assets.

     SECTION 1.05.  The term "Junior Stock Equity" shall mean the
aggregate of the par value of, or stated capital represented  by,
the  outstanding  shares of Junior Stock and all earned  surplus,
capital or paid in surplus of the corporation and any premium  on
all  classes of Junior Stock of the corporation then  carried  on
the books of the corporation, less--

(1)   The  excess,  if any, of the aggregate  amount  payable  on
involuntary  liquidation of the corporation upon all  outstanding
shares  of  each class of Preferred Stock and of  each  class  of
stock ranking prior to or equal to Preferred Stock in liquidation
over  the  sum of (I) the aggregate par or stated value  of  such
shares and (ii) any premium thereon; and

(2)   Any  intangible items included in an asset account  on  the
books  of  the  corporation, in accordance with  good  accounting
practice; provided, however, that no deductions shall be required
to  be  made  in  respect of items referred to in  paragraph  (2)
hereof  in cases in which such items are being amortized  or  are
provided  for,  or  are being provided for, by  reserves  of  the

      SECTION  1.06.   The term "Capitalization" shall  mean  the
aggregate  of  (I)  the Junior Stock Equity, (ii)  the  principal
amount   of  all  indebtedness  of  the  corporation  outstanding
maturing more than twelve (12) months after the date of issue  or
assumption thereof and (iii) the par value of, or stated  capital
represented  by,  and  premiums  shown  on  the  books   of   the
corporation in respect of, the outstanding shares of all  classes
of stock of the corporation, other than Junior Stock.

                            SECTION 2
                   Classes of Preferred Stock
      SECTION 2.01.  The 5.50% Preferred Stock Series A.      The
authorized amount of the initial class of Preferred Stock, hereby
designated as "5.50% Preferred Stock, Series A" (which shares are
hereinafter  sometimes  called "Preferred Stock"  (1966  Class"),
shall consist of 7,000 shares of the par value of $100 a share.

(a)  Dividends
     Out of any funds of the corporation available for dividends,
the  holders  of  the Preferred Stock (1966 Class)  at  the  time
outstanding  shall be entitled to receive, but only when  and  as
declared  by  the board of directors, dividends at  the  rate  of
5.50%  per  annum, and no more, payable quarterly on  January  1,
April  1,  July  1,  and October 1 in each year,  beginning  with
whichever  of  the four preceding dates immediately  follows  the
initial  issue date.  Dividends on the shares of Preferred  Stock
(1966 Class) shall be cumulative from and after the issue date on
shares  initially issued and on subsequently issued  shares  from
and after the first day of the quarterly period in which they are

(b)  Liquidation Rights
      In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding  up
of  the  corporation  the holders of the  Preferred  Stock  (1966
Class)  shall  be entitled to receive the amounts  prescribed  in
Section 3.02.

(c)  Redemption Provisions
      The corporation may, at its option expressed by vote of its
board of directors, redeem the Preferred Stock (1966 Class) as  a
whole at any time or in part from time to time at $100 per share,
plus a premium of

     $4.50 per share if redeemed prior to July 1, 1971,
      $4.50  per  share if redeemed on July 1, 1971 or thereafter
prior to July 1,              1974,
      $3.50  per  share if redeemed on July 1, 1974 or thereafter
prior to July 1,              1977
      $2.50  per  share if redeemed on July 1, 1977 or thereafter
prior to July 1,              1980,
      $1.50  per  share if redeemed on July 1, 1980 or thereafter
prior to July  1,             1983, and
     $  .80 per share if redeemed on or after July 1, 1983,

in  each case together with accrued dividends to the date of such
redemption; provided, however, that if any such redemption  shall
be made prior to July 1, 1976, directly or indirectly, out of the
proceeds of, or in anticipation of, the sale of bonds, debentures
or  other  long-term  debt o r other preferred  stock  having  an
effective  cost of money or dividend rate of less than 5.50%  per
annum,  then  the redemption price shall be $110 per  share  plus
accrued dividends to the date of redemption.  On or after July 1,
1976  the  Preferred Stock (1966 Class) may be  redeemed  at  the
option of the corporation at the then applicable redemption price
as  set  forth in the above schedule without regard to the source
or cost of funds used in making such a redemption.

(d)  Purchase Fund
      The  corporation (unless prevented from  doing  so  by  any
applicable restriction of law) will each year, beginning in 1969,
so  long  as  any shares of the Preferred Stock (1966 Class)  are
outstanding,  make  an  offer  (hereinafter  called  a  "Purchase
Offer")  to  the holders of shares of the Preferred  Stock  (1966
Class) to purchase on August 1 in each such year up to but not in
excess of 140 shares of said Preferred Stock (1966 Class) at  the
price  of  $100 per share plus accrued dividends.  The obligation
of  the corporation to make annually the above-mentioned Purchase
offer  and  to purchase the shares of the Preferred  stock  (1966
Class)  of  the corporation tendered for sale in accordance  with
the  terms  thereof, is hereinafter referred to as the  "Purchase
Fund Obligation."

      Beginning on or prior to June 15, 1969 and on or  prior  to
June  15  in each year thereafter, the corporation shall  furnish
the  Transfer Agent for the Preferred Stock (1966 Class)  with  a
certificate signed by the President, or a Vice President, or  the
Treasurer,  or an Assistant Treasurer of the corporation  stating
whether the corporation will make a Purchase Offer to the holders
of  its  outstanding Preferred Stock (1966 Class).  The  Transfer
Agent  shall  on  or prior to July 1 of each year  in  which  the
corporation indicates its intention to make a Purchase Officer as
aforesaid  to the holders of the Preferred Stock (1966 Class)  of
record  at  the  close  of  business on the  day  preceding  such
mailing,  a  notice,  in  the name of the corporation,  that  the
corporation will on August 1 of such year accept offers  to  sell
on  a  pro-rata  basis 2% of the total number of  shares  of  the
Preferred  Stock (1966 Class) originally issued at the  price  of
$100  per  share  plus  accrued dividends.  The  corporation  may
require,  and in such event said notice shall specify, that  each
offer to sell shares of the Preferred Stock (1966 Class) shall be
accompanied by the certificate or certificates for the shares  so
offered,  together  with evidence satisfactory  to  the  Transfer
Agent  of  the right of the holder of such shares to so sell  the
same to the corporation.

      In any year in which a Purchase Offer is made, the Transfer
Agent  shall  on  August  1  of  such  year,  on  behalf  of  the
corporation  accept offers to sell shares of the Preferred  Stock
(1966  Class) received by it in accordance with the terms of  the
Purchase Offer.

      On  or  prior to August 1 in each year in which a  Purchase
Offer  shall  have been made, the corporation shall deposit  with
said  Transfer  Agent  cash  sufficient  to  purchase  shares  of
Preferred  Stock (1966 Class) accepted for purchase  pursuant  to
the  Purchase Offer made in such year.  The Transfer Agent shall,
on  or  before  the next succeeding September 1,  return  to  the
corporation any funds deposited with it and not used or  required
to  purchase shares of the Preferred Stock (1966 Class)  pursuant
to   the  Purchase  Offer  for  such  year.   The  Purchase  Fund
Obligation  in any year shall be deemed to be fully satisfied  if
the  corporation shall have complied with the provisions of  this
Section notwithstanding that the total number of shares purchased
by  it  shall be less than the total number of shares covered  by
the   corporation's   Purchase  Offer  for  that   year   because
insufficient offers to sell were received by it.

      Purchase Fund Obligations shall be cumulative and if at any
time  the cumulative Purchase Fund Obligation reaches 280 shares,
no  dividend shall be declared, paid upon, or set apart  for  any
shares  of  Junior Stock or any sums applied to the  purchase  or
other   acquisition,  redemption  or  other  retirement   for   a
consideration of any shares of Junior Stock until a special offer
has been made to purchase the number of shares of Preferred Stock
(1966  Class)  necessary  to satisfy the  deficiency.   Any  such
deficiency  may be satisfied at any time by making  and  carrying
out  of  a  special offer (hereinafter called a "Special Purchase
Offer")  to  purchase at a price of $100 per share, plus  accrued
dividends, if any, to the date of purchase, the number of  shares
of  Preferred  Stock  (1966 Class) as to  which  such  deficiency
exists  and,  to that end, the corporation shall  file  with  the
Transfer Agent a certificate signed by the President, or  a  Vice
President,  or  the Treasurer, or an Assistant Treasurer  of  the
corporation,  specifying a date not less than 45 days  after  the
date  of  filing  of such certificates, on which offers  to  sell
shares  of  the  Preferred Stock (1966 Class) will  be  accepted.
Special  Purchase Offers shall otherwise be made and carried  out
on  not  less  than  30 days' notice and in the  same  manner  as
hereinabove  provided for Purchase Orders to be  carried  out  on
August 1.

      Shares  of  the  Preferred  Stock  (1966  Class)  purchased
pursuant  to  any Purchase Offer, or Special Purchase  Offer,  or
surrendered  in whole or partial satisfaction of a Purchase  Fund
Obligation  in  any  year, shall be canceled  and  shall  not  be

(e)  Voting and Other Rights
      The holders of Preferred Stock (1966 Class) shall have such
voting  and other rights and be subject to such restrictions  and
qualifications as are set forth in Sections 3 and 5 hereof.

(f)  Dividend Restrictions
      So  long  as  any  of the Preferred Stock (1966  Class)  is
outstanding,  the  corporation  will  not  declare  or  pay   any
dividends (other than dividends payable in Junior Stock) or  make
any  other distribution on any shares of Junior Stock or make any
expenditures for the purchase or other acquisition, redemption of
other  retirement  for a consideration of any shares  of  capital
stock of the corporation (other than in exchange for, or from the
cash  proceeds of, other and new shares of capital stock  of  the
corporation  and  other than any shares of  any  class  of  stock
required to be purchased, redeemed or otherwise retired  for  any
aggregate   amount   of  all  such  dividends  distribution   and
expenditures  made  since December 31,  1965,  would  exceed  the
aggregate  of  (1)  the  "Net  Income available  for  dividends",
reduced  by an amount equal to all dividends accrued (whether  or
not  paid)  on  any  outstanding stock of the corporation  having
preference  over  the  Junior Stock as to  dividends,  assets  or
otherwise, accumulated after December 31, 1965, plus (2) the  sum
of $300,000.

                           SECTION 3.
   Dividend Rights, Liquidation Rights, Redemption Provisions,
  Restrictions on Corporate Action, Vote Rights and Preemptive
      Rights Applicable to All Classes of Preferred Stock.
      Section 3.01.  Dividend Rights.    Dividends in full  shall
not  be  declared, paid or set apart for payment on any class  of
Preferred Stock for any dividend period unless dividends in  full
have  been  or are contemporaneously declared, paid or set  apart
for payment on all outstanding shares of all classes of Preferred
Stock  for  such  dividend  period and  for  all  prior  dividend
periods.   when the specified dividends are not paid in  full  on
any  class  of  Preferred  Stock, the shares  of  each  class  of
Preferred  Stock shall share ratably in the payment of dividends,
including  accumulations,  if any, in accordance  with  the  sums
which would be payable on such shares if all dividends, including
accumulations,  were paid in full.  No dividends  shall  be  paid
upon  or  set apart for the shares of any class of Junior  Stock,
unless  full dividends on all the outstanding shares of Preferred
Stock  for  all past quarterly dividend periods shall  have  been
paid or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof set
apart  and  the  full  dividend for  the  ten  current  quarterly
dividend period shall have been or concurrently shall be paid  or
declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof set  apart,
and  then  only  on  compliance with the  provisions  of  Section
2.01(f) and 4.01.  Any accumulation of dividends on the Preferred
Stock shall not bear interest.

      SECTION  3.02.   Liquidation Rights. In the  event  of  any
liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the  corporation,
whether  voluntary or involuntary, the holders of each  class  of
Preferred  Stock  shall be entitled to receive,  for  each  share
thereof, the par value together with accrued dividends, plus,  in
case  such liquidation, dissolution or winding up shall have been
voluntary,  an  amount per share equal to the redemption  premium
that would then be payable to the holders of the particular class
that would then be payable to the holders of the particular class
of  Preferred  Stock as set forth in Section  2  hereof  if  such
Preferred Stock were to be redeemed as set forth below under  the
capital "Redemption Provisions", before any distribution  of  the
assets  shall  be made to the holders of Junior  Stock;  but  the
holders  of  the Preferred Stock shall be entitled to no  further
participation   in   such  distribution.    The   term   "accrued
dividends", means in respect of each share of the Preferred Stock
that amount which shall be equal to simple interest upon the  par
value  thereof  at  an  annual rate equal to  the  dividend  rate
thereon  and no more from the date upon which dividends  on  such
share  become  cumulative to the date fixed for  payment  of  any
amount  to  be  distributed as aforesaid or  upon  redemption  as
hereafter  provided less the aggregate amount  (without  interest
thereon)  of all dividends theretofore paid or declared  and  set
apart  for  payment thereon.  A consolidation or  merger  of  the
corporation or sale, conveyance, exchange or transfer (for  cash,
shares  of  stock, securities or other consideration) of  all  or
substantially  all of the property or assets of  the  corporation
shall  not be deemed a liquidation, dissolution or winding up  of
the corporation within the meaning of this Section 3.02.

      SECTION  3.03.  Redemption Provisions.   Any redemption  of
any  class of Preferred Stock under Section 2 hereof shall be  in
such amount, at such place and by such method, whether by lot  or
pro rata, as shall from time to time be determined by vote of the
board  of  directors,  subject in  any  case  to  the  provisions
established  in  Section  2  for any class  of  Preferred  Stock.
Notice of any proposed redemption of any class of Preferred Stock
shall  be  given  by the corporation by mailing a  copy  of  such
notice  at  least thirty (30) days but not more than ninety  (90)
days  prior to the date fixed for such redemption to the  holders
of  record  of  the particular shares of Preferred  Stock  to  be
redeemed  at  their respective addresses then  appearing  on  the
books of the corporation.  On or after the date specified in such
notice,  each  holder  or  shares of  any  class  or  classes  of
Preferred   Stock  called  for  redemption  as   aforesaid   upon
presentation and surrender at the place designated in such notice
of  the  certificates for such shares of Preferred Stock held  by
him  shall  be entitled to receive therefor the redemption  price
thereof.   From  and after the date fixed for redemption,  unless
default  is  made  by  the corporation in  providing  moneys  for
payment  of  the redemption price, all dividends  on  the  shares
called  for redemption shall cease to accrue, and from and  after
such redemption date, unless default be made as aforesaid, or, at
the  election  of  the corporation, from and  after  the  earlier
deposit  by  the corporation with a bank or trust  company  doing
business  in  the  City of Boston, Massachusetts,  and  having  a
capital  and  surplus of at least $1,000,000  in  trust  for  the
benefit of the holders of the shares so called for redemption, of
all  funds necessary for such redemptions aforesaid (provided  in
the latter case that there shall have been mailed as aforesaid to
holders  of  record  of shares to be redeemed  a  notice  of  the
redemption thereof stating that such deposit has been or is to be
made,  or  that the corporation shall have executed and delivered
to  the  Transfer Agent for the particular class  or  classes  of
Preferred  Stock or to the bank or trust company with which  such
deposit  is  made  an instrument, purporting to  be  irrevocable,
authorizing it to mail such notice) all rights of the holders  of
the   shares  called  for  redemption  as  stockholders  of   the
corporation,  except  only the right to  receive  the  redemption
price,  shall cease and determine and Preferred Stock so redeemed
shall not be reissued.  Any funds so deposited which shall remain
unclaimed  by the holders of such Preferred Stock at the  end  of
six  (6)  years  after  the redemption date,  together  with  any
interest  thereon which shall have been allowed by  the  bank  or
trust company with which such deposit shall have been made, shall
be  paid  by  it to the corporation and thereafter  such  holders
shall be entitled to look only to the corporation for the payment
of  the redemption price.  The corporation may also from time  to
time purchase shares of its Preferred Stock at not exceeding  the
redemption price plus customary brokerage commissions.  Shares of
Preferred Stock so purchased may, in the discretion of the  board
of  directors, be reissued or otherwise disposed of from time  to
time  to  the  extent permitted by law.  So  long  as  there  are
dividends  in arrears on any shares of Preferred Stock,  (1)  the
corporation shall not redeem or purchase any shares of  Preferred
Stock  otherwise than pursuant to Section 2.01(d) hereof  unless,
(I)  in  the case of redemption, all of the outstanding Preferred
Stock is redeemed, or (ii) in the case of purchases, an offer  to
purchase  is made to the holders of all the outstanding Preferred
Stock,  and (b) the corporation shall not redeem or purchase  any
shares of any Junior Stock.

     SECTION 3.04.  Restrictions on Corporate Action.

     (A)  So long as any class of Preferred Stock is outstanding,
the  corporation shall not, without the consent (given in writing
or  by  a vote in person or by proxy at a meeting called for  the
purpose) of the holders of at least two-thirds in voting power of
the  total  number of shares of the Preferred Stock  outstanding,
voting as one class --

      (I)   Create  or authorize (a) any shares of any  class  of
stock  ranking  as to dividends or assets prior to the  Preferred
Stock  or  (b) any obligation or security convertible into  stock
ranking  as to dividends or assets prior to the Preferred  Stock;
or issue any shares of any such prior class of stock (except upon
conversion  pursuant to (b) above) more than twelve months  after
the corporation as empowered to create or authorize such stock;

      (ii)  Amend,  change, alter or repeal any  of  the  express
rights,  preferences or powers of the Preferred Stock outstanding
in  any  manner  so  as  to  affect adversely  any  such  rights,
preferences  or  powers of the holders thereof, except  that,  if
such  amendment,  change, alteration or repeal affects  adversely
the  rights, preferences or powers of the holders of one or more,
but  not  all, of the classes of the Preferred Stock at the  time
outstanding  only  the consent of the holders  of  two-thirds  in
voting  power  of the total number of shares of  all  classes  so
affected  shall be required; provided, however, than an amendment
to  increase  or decrease the authorized but unissued  amount  of
Preferred  Stock,  or  stock of any class ranking  equal  to  the
Preferred Stock as to dividends or assets, shall not be deemed to
affect adversely the rights, preferences or powers of the holders
of any class of Preferred Stock, or

      (iii)      Issue shares of Preferred Stock, in addition  to
the 7,000 shares authorized in Section 2.01, or any shares of any
other  class of stock ranking equal to the Preferred Stock as  to
dividends  or  assets, for any purposes other than  to  refinance
with  stock having an equal or lower dividend rate than  that  of
the stock being refinanced an equal par amount or stated value of
Preferred  Stock  or  stock ranking prior  to  or  equal  to  the
Preferred   Stock  as  to  dividends  or  assets  at   the   time
outstanding, or reissue any reacquired shares of Preferred  Stock
or  stock  of any class ranking equal to the Preferred  Stock  as
aforesaid, unless

           (a)  The "Net Income available for dividends" for  any
period of
          twelve  (12)  consecutive calendar  months  within  the
          fifteen (15) calendar months immediately preceding  the
          month  within which such additional shares  are  to  be
          issued,  shall have been at least two and one-half  (2-
          1/2)  times the annual dividend requirements  upon  all
          shares  of  Preferred Stock and on all  shares  of  any
          other  class of stock ranking as to dividends or assets
          equal  to  or  prior  to  the  Preferred  Stock  to  be
          outstanding  immediately after the issue  of  any  such
          additional shares, and
          (b)   The  "Gross  Income  available  for  payment   of
          interest charges on the corporation's indebtedness" for
          any  period of twelve (12) consecutive calendar  months
          within  the  fifteen  (15) calendar months  immediately
          preceding the month within which such additional shares
          are to be issued, shall have been at least one and one-
          half  (1-1/2) times the sum of (1) the aggregate annual
          interest charges on indebtedness of the corporation and
          (2) the annual dividend requirements upon all shares of
          Preferred Stock and on all shares of any other class of
          stock  ranking as to dividends or assets  equal  to  or
          prior   to   the  Preferred  Stock  to  be  outstanding
          immediately  after  the issue of  any  such  additional
          shares, and
                (c)   the Junior Stock Equity shall not  be  less
          than  the  sum  of the aggregate amounts  payable  upon
          involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding  up  of
          the  corporation to the holders of Preferred Stock  and
          to  the  holders of any other class of stock,  if  any,
          ranking as to dividends or assets equal to or prior  to
          the  Preferred  Stock, to be outstanding  after  giving
          effect  to such issue, excluding all shares thereof  to
          be retired in connection with such proposed issue;
provided, however, that if it shall have been necessary  to  take
into  consideration any earned surplus of the corporation in such
computation,  the  corporation  shall  not  thereafter  pay   any
dividends on, or make any distribution in respect of, or purchase
dividends on, or make any distribution in respect of, or purchase
or  otherwise acquire for value, Junior Stock, which would result
in  reducing the Junior Stock Equity to an amount less  than  the
amount payable on involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding
up  of  the  corporation with respect to all shares of  Preferred
Stock  and  all  shares  of  any  class  of  stock  at  the  time
outstanding ranking equal to or prior to the Preferred  Stock  as
to  dividends  or  assets.   There shall  be  excluded  from  the
foregoing  computations interest charges on al  indebtedness  and
dividend  requirements on all classes of stock which  are  to  be
retired in connection with the issue of such additional shares.

      (B)   So  long  as  any shares of the Preferred  Stock  are
outstanding,  the  corporation shall  not,  without  the  consent
(given  in writing or by vote in person or by proxy at a  meeting
called  for that purpose) of the holders of a majority in  voting
power  or  the  total  number  of shares  of  a  Preferred  Stock
outstanding, voting as one class:

     (I)   Issue  or  assume any unsecured notes, debentures,  or
     other   securities   representing   unsecured   indebtedness
     (exclusive of indebtedness maturing by its terms in one year
     or  less)  other than for the purpose of (a) refunding  such
     outstanding  unsecured  securities  with  securities  having
     equal  or  longer maturities or (b) the redemption or  other
     retirement of all outstanding shares of the Preferred Stock,
     if,  immediately  after such issue or  assumption,  (1)  the
     total  outstanding principal amount of all unsecured  notes,
     debentures   or  other  securities  representing   unsecured
     indebtedness  issued  or  assumed  by  the  corporation   of
     maturities of more than one year would exceed twenty percent
     (20%) of the aggregate of (x) the total principal amount  of
     all   bonds   or   other  securities  representing   secured
     indebtedness issued or assumed by the corporation, and  then
     to be outstanding and (y) the capital (including premiums on
     capital stock) and surplus of the corporation as then to  be
     stated on the books of account of the corporation.
           (ii)  Merge  or  consolidate with or  into  any  other
     corporation or corporations or sell or otherwise dispose  of
     all  or  substantially all of its assets unless such merger,
     consolidation, sale or other disposition or the issuance and
     assumption  of  all securities to be issued  or  assumed  in
     connection with any such merger or consolidation, shall have
     been ordered by a regulatory authority having jurisdiction.
      (C)   The  voting rights of the Preferred Stock hereinafter
set  forth  shall  not be effective as to a particular  class  or
classes  thereof  if  in  connection  with  any  of  the  matters
specified  in paragraphs (A) and (B), provision shall  have  been
made  for the redemption of all of the outstanding shares of such
class or classes of Preferred Stock, or provision shall have been
made  that  the  proposed action shall not  be  effective  unless
provision  be made for the purchase, redemption or retirement  of
all  shares  of such class or classes of Preferred Stock  at  the
time outstanding.

     SECTION 3.05.  Voting Rights.

      (A)   The  holders  of the Preferred  Stock  shall  not  be
entitled to vote except:  (a) as provided in Section 3.04; (b) as
may  from  time to time be required by the laws of Massachusetts;
or  (c)  for  the  election of the smallest number  of  directors
necessary to constitute a majority of the full board of directors
whenever  and as often as dividends payable on any class  of  the
Preferred Stock shall be in arrears in an amount equivalent to or
exceeding  four quarterly dividends, which right may be exercised
as  hereinafter  provided until such time  as  all  dividends  in
arrears  on any class of Preferred Stock shall have been paid  or
declared  and  set apart for payment, at which  time  such  right
shall terminate.  So long as holders of the Preferred Stock shall
have  the  right  to  elect directors under  the  terms  of  this
paragraph  (A), (1) the Preferred Stock shall vote as  one  class
and  the holders of the Common Stock voting separately as a class
shall  be entitled to elect the remaining directors, and (2)  the
number  of directors deemed to constitute a full board  upon  the
election thereof shall be the number of directors then in  office
if such number is odd, otherwise such number plus one.

      (B)   Whenever  the right of the holders of  the  Preferred
Stock  to  elect directors shall accrue the clerk shall  fix  the
date  of  a  meeting of stockholders for the election of  a  full
board  of  directors to serve until the next annual  meeting  and
until their respective successors are elected and qualified; such
date  to  be  not  less than 45 nor more than 90 days  after  the
accrual  of such right.  Thereupon the clerk shall, in accordance
with  the by-laws, give notice of the meeting to all stockholders
entitled  to  vote thereat.  The notice given to the  holders  of
Preferred Stock shall also state (a) the number of directors that
the  holders of Preferred Stock are entitled to elect,  (b)  that
any  holder  of  Preferred  Stock has the  right  to  the  extent
afforded by the statutes of Massachusetts at any reasonable  time
to inspect and make copies of the list or lists of holders of the
Preferred Stock maintained at a specific office in Massachusetts,
and  (c) the text of paragraph (C) below.  If the clerk shall not
give  notice of such meeting within 30 days after the accrual  of
the  aforesaid  right of the holders of the  Preferred  Stock  to
elect directors, then the holders of record of not less than  10%
of  the  shares  of  the  Preferred Stock  then  outstanding  may
designate  in  writing one of their number to call such  meeting,
and  such  meeting may be called by such person  upon  notice  as
above  provided,  to  be  held at the  principal  office  of  the
corporation.   Any  holder of the Preferred Stock  so  designated
shall  have immediate access to the Preferred Stock record  books
of  the corporation for the purpose of causing such meeting to be
called  at  the  expense  of the corporation  pursuant  to  these

      (C)   At  the  first meeting of stockholders held  for  the
purpose of electing directors during such time as the holders  of
the  Preferred Stock shall have the right to elect directors, the
presence  in  person or by proxy of the holders of a majority  of
the  outstanding Common Stock shall be required to  constitute  a
quorum  of  such  class for the election of  directors,  and  the
presence  in  person of by proxy of the holders of a majority  in
voting power of the outstanding Preferred Stock shall be required
to  constitute  a  quorum  of  such class  for  the  election  of
directors; provided, however, that in the absence of a quorum  of
the  holders  of  the Preferred Stock, no election  of  directors
shall  be held, but a majority in voting power of the holders  of
the  Preferred Stock who are present in person or by proxy  shall
have power to adjourn the election of the directors to a date not
less  than  25 nor more than 60 days from the date of adjournment
of  such  meeting; and provided, further, that at such  adjourned
meeting, the presence in person or by proxy of the holders of 35%
in  voting  power  of the outstanding Preferred  Stock  shall  be
required to constitute a quorum of such class for the election of
directors.  In the event such first meeting of stockholders shall
be  so  adjourned,  it  shall be the duty of  the  clerk  of  the
corporation,  within 10 days from the date on  which  such  first
meeting  shall  have  been adjourned, to  cause  notice  of  such
adjourned  meeting  to be given to the stockholders  entitled  to
vote thereat.  Such second notice shall be given in the form  and
manner  provided for in paragraph (8) with respect to the  notice
required  to be given of such first meeting of stockholders,  and
shall  further  set forth that a quorum was not present  at  such
first meeting and that the holders of 35% in voting power of  the
outstanding  Preferred Stock shall be required  to  constitute  a
quorum  of  such  class  for the election of  directors  at  such
adjourned  meeting.  If the requisite quorum of  holders  of  the
Preferred  Stock shall not be present at said adjourned  meeting,
then the directors of the corporation then in office shall remain
in  office until the next annual meeting of the stockholders,  or
special meeting in lieu thereof and until their successors  shall
have been elected and shall qualify.  The absence of a quorum  of
the  holders  of  Common Stock shall not affect the  right  of  a
quorum  of  the  holders of Preferred Stock to proceed  with  the
election of directors.  If directors shall have been elected at a
meeting  at  which the requisite quorum of holders  of  Preferred
Stock  was  present,  the directors elected  by  the  holders  of
Preferred Stock shall be deemed to constitute the full  board  of
directors  but  only until directors shall have been  elected  as
permitted  by paragraph (A) by the holders of Common Stock  at  a
meeting at which a quorum was present, whether or not a quorum of
holders  of Preferred Stock was also present.  When a  quorum  is
present  for  purposes  of  election to  office  or  offices  the
candidate or candidates receiving the higher number or numbers of
votes cast in respect of such election shall be elected.  Neither
such first meeting nor such adjourned meeting shall be held on  a
date within 60 days of the date fixed for the next annual meeting
of the stockholders or special meeting in lieu thereof.

      (D)  At each annual meeting of the stockholders, or special
meeting in lieu thereof, held during such time as the holders  of
the  Preferred Stock shall have the right to elect a majority  of
the  board of directors, the provisions of paragraph (B) and  (C)
shall  govern  each annual meeting, or special  meeting  in  lieu
thereof,  as if said annual meeting or special meeting  were  the
first  meeting of stockholders held for the purpose  of  electing
directors after such right of the holders of the Preferred  Stock
to  elect a majority of the board of directors had accrued,  with
the  exception,  that  if, at any adjourned  annual  meeting,  or
adjourned special meeting in lieu thereof, 35% in voting power of
the  outstanding Preferred Stock is not present in person  or  by
proxy, all the directors shall be elected by a vote of the proxy,
all  the  directors shall be elected by a vote of the holders  of
Common  Stock  present or represented at such adjourned  meeting,
providing  that  a quorum of the holders of the Common  Stock  is
present or represented at the meeting.

      (E)   Whenever, under the provisions of paragraph  (A)  the
right  of holders of the Preferred Stock to elect directors shall
terminate, the clerk of the corporation shall in accordance  with
the  by-laws  of  the corporation call a special meeting  of  the
holders  of  the  class or classes of stock  of  the  corporation
entitled  to  vote for the election of directors to be  held  not
less than 45 days and not more than 90 days after termination  of
the  aforesaid  right, for the purpose of  electing  a  board  of
directors to serve until the next annual meeting and until  their
respective successors shall be elected and shall qualify.

      (F)  If at any meeting called as provided in paragraphs (8)
or  (E) or at any annual meeting of stockholders after accrual or
termination  of  the right of holders of the Preferred  Stock  to
elect  directors as provided in paragraph (A) any director  shall
not  be reelected, his term of office shall end upon the election
and qualification of his successor, notwithstanding that the term
for  which such director was originally elected shall not at  the
time have expired.

      (G)   If,  during any interval between annual  meetings  of
stockholders for the election of directors while holders  of  the
Preferred Stock shall be entitled to elect any director  pursuant
to  the  provisions in paragraph (A), the number of directors  in
office  who  have  been elected by the holders of  the  Preferred
Stock or Common Stock, as the case may be, shall become less than
the  total number of directors subject to election by holders  of
shares of such class, whether by reason of the resignation, death
or  removal of any director, or directors, or an increase in  the
total number of directors, (1) the vacancy or vacancies shall  be
filled  by a majority vote of the remaining directors who  either
were elected by the votes of shares of such class or succeeded to
a vacancy originally filled by the votes of shares of such class,
but  (2)  if  such  remaining directors then  in  office  do  not
constitute  a  majority  of the number of  directors  subject  to
election  by  the holders of such class or if they fail  to  fill
such vacancy within sixty days after such a vacancy occurs, they,
or  the clerk of the corporation, shall call a special meeting of
holders  of  shares of such class upon not less  than  seven  (7)
days' notice and the vacancy or vacancies shall be filled at such
special meeting.

      (H)   Any director may be removed from office for cause  by
vote  of the holders of a majority in voting power of the  shares
of  the  class  of  stock which voted for his  election  (or  his
predecessor in case such directors was elected by directors).   A
special meeting of holders of shares of the appropriate class may
be  called by a majority vote of the board of directors  for  the
purpose  of removing a director in accordance with the provisions
of  the  preceding  sentence, and shall be called  by  the  clerk
within  forty (40) days after there shall have been delivered  to
the  corporation at its principal office a request to such effect
signed  by  holders  of  at  least  five  percent  (5%)  of   the
outstanding  shares of the classes entitled to vote with  respect
to the removal of any such director.

      (I)   Whenever, under the provisions hereof, the  right  to
holders  of  the Preferred Stock to elect directors shall  accrue
and  be  exercised, the amount of all dividends on the  Preferred
Stock  which  shall  be in default shall be  paid,  or  shall  be
deposited  in  trust,  out  of  any  assets  of  the  corporation
available therefor as soon as shall be reasonably practicable.

      (J)   Each holder of Preferred Stock, as to all matters  in
respect of which such stock has voting power, is entitled to  one
vote  for  each share of stock outstanding in his name,  provided
that  if  there  shall  be  several classes  of  Preferred  Stock
outstanding which have a different par value per share,  for  the
purposes of all votes or consents contemplated in this Section 3,
the class having the lowest par value per share shall be entitled
to a number of votes per share proportionate to the par value per
share  thereof,  and provided further that if at any  meeting  of
stockholders  the  holders of one or more  classes  of  Preferred
Stock  and  the  holders of any other class of  stock  (including
Common  Stock)  shall  be entitled to vote together  and  not  as
classes, the holders of Preferred Stock shall be entitled only to
one vote per share without regard to the par value of any share.

     SECTION 3.06.  Subscription Rights.     Holders of Preferred
Stock  shall be entitled to subscribe for or acquire (a)  new  or
additional  shares  of  any  class  of  Preferred  Stock  or  (b)
securities convertible into new or additional shares of any class
of Preferred Stock, unless the stockholders upon authorizing such
increase  in  new or additional shares of any class of  Preferred
Stock or such convertible securities shall provide that such  new
or  additional shares or convertible securities shall be disposed
of  without being offered to the stockholders.  Except  as  above
provided, the holders of the Preferred Stock shall have no  right
to subscribe for or acquire any new or additional shares of stock
of  the corporation.  No holder of Preferred Stock need by  given
notice of any increase of stock of the corporation to which he is
not entitled to subscribe.

                            SECTION 4
                          Common Stock
     SECTION 4.01.  Dividends.     Out of any funds of the
corporation available for dividends remaining after full
cumulative dividends upon the Preferred Stock then outstanding
shall have been paid, or declared and a sum sufficient for the
payment thereof set apart, for all past quarterly dividend
periods, and after, or concurrently with, making payment of or
provision for full dividends for the current quarterly dividend
period on the Preferred Stock or any other stock, if any, then
outstanding ranking as to dividends ahead of the Common Stock,
and provided that the corporation is not in default in any
purchase or sinking fund obligations provided for any Preferred
Stock, then, and not otherwise, dividends may be paid upon the
Common Stock to the exclusion of the Preferred Stock subject to
the limitations provided for in Section 2.01(f).

     SECTION 4.02.  Distribution of Assets.  In the event of any
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the corporation, after
there shall have been paid to or set aside for the holders of
Preferred Stock or any other stock, if any, ranking as to assets
ahead of the Common Stock, the full preferential amounts to which
they are respectively entitled, the holders of the Common Stock
shall be entitled to receive, pro rata, all of the remaining
assets of the corporation available for distribution to its
stockholders.  The board of directors by vote of a majority of
the members thereof, may distribute in kind to the holders of the
Common Stock such remaining assets of the corporation or may
sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of all or any of the
remaining property and assets of the corporation to any other
corporation and receive payment therefor wholly or partly in cash
and/or in stock and/or in obligations of such corporation and may
sell all or any part of the consideration received therefor or
distribute the same and/or the balance thereof in kind to the
holders of the Common Stock.

     SECTION 4.03.  Voting Rights. Subject to the voting rights
expressly conferred upon the Preferred Stock by Section 3 and the
voting rights of any other class of Junior Stock, the holders of
the Common Stock shall exclusively possess full voting power for
the election of directors and for all other purposes.

                            SECTION 5
     From time to time and without limitation of other rights and
powers of the corporation as provided by law, the corporation may
create or authorize one or more classes or kinds of stock ranking
prior to or on a parity with or junior to the Preferred Stock or
may increase the authorized amount of any class of stock,
authorize the disposition thereof permitted by law or make other
amendments to the agreement of association or the by-laws of the
corporation permitted by law, including, in particular, the
provisions setting out the preferences, restrictions or
qualifications of any class of stock at the time outstanding,
upon the vote, given at a meeting called for such purpose, of the
holders of a majority of the shares of stock then entitled to
vote thereon, or upon such other vote as may then be provided by
law; provided that the consent of the holders of shares of any
class of  Preferred Stock required by Section 3.04, if any such
consent be so required, shall have been obtained, and provided
further that the rights, privileges, terms and conditions of
shares of the Common Stock shall not be subject to amendment,
alteration, change or repeal without the consent by vote at a
meeting called for that purpose of the holders of a majority of
the total number of shares of the Common Stock then outstanding.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the board of directors of the
corporation, to the extent permitted by law, voting rights, may
fix the par values, dividend rates, redemption prices, amounts
payable thereon upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up and
sinking or purchase funds and other permitted provisions for
additional classes of Preferred Stock within the aggregate par
value thereof authorized by the agreement of association, votes
of the stockholders or by-laws.

                          ARTICLE XXI.
                           FISCAL YEAR
     The fiscal year shall begin on the first day of September in
each year and shall end on the thirty-first day of August in each

                          ARTICLE XXII.
     A.   Actions Involving Directors and Officers.
          1.   The Corporation shall indemnify each person (other
than a party plaintiff suing on his own behalf or in the right of
the Corporation) who at any time is serving or has served as a
director or officer of the Corporation against any claim,
liability, or expense incurred as a result of this service, or as
a result of any other service on behalf of the Corporation, or
service at the request of the Corporation as a director, officer,
employee, member, or agent of another Corporation, partnership,
joint venture, trust, trade or industry association or other
enterprise (whether incorporated or unincorporated, for-profit or
not-for-profit), to the maximum extent permitted by law.  Without
limited the generality of the foregoing, the Corporation shall
indemnify any such person who was or is a party (other than a
party plaintiff suing on his own behalf or in the right of the
Corporation), or is threatened to be made a party, to any
threatened, pending, or completed action, suit, or proceeding,
whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative
(including, without limitation, attorneys' fees), judgments,
fines, and amounts paid in settlement actually and reasonably
incurred by him in connection with such action, suit, or

          2.   To the extent that an employee or agent of the
Corporation has been successful on the merits or otherwise in
defense of any action suit, or proceeding referred to in Section
B(1) of this Article, or in defense of any claim, issue, or
matter therein, he shall be indemnified against expenses
(including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by
him in connection with the action, suit, or proceeding.

          3.   The Corporation shall not be liable to indemnify a
director or officer for any amounts paid in settlement of any
action or claim effected without the Corporation's written
consent.  The Corporation shall not settle any action or claim in
any manner which would impose any penalty or limitation on the
director or officer without the director's or officer's written
consent.  Neither the Corporation nor the director or officer
will unreasonably withhold his or its consent to any proposed

     C.   Determination of Right to Indemnification in Certain
Circumstances.  Any indemnification required under Section A of
this Article or authorized by the Corporation in a specific case
pursuant to Section B of this Article (unless ordered by a court)
shall be made by the Corporation unless a determination is made
reasonably and promptly that indemnification of the director,
officer, employee, or agent is not proper under the circumstances
because he has not met the applicable standard of conduct set
forth in or established pursuant to this Article.  Such
determination shall be made (1) by the board of directors by a
majority vote of a quorum consisting of directors who were not
parties to such action, suit, or proceeding, or (2) if such a
quorum is not obtainable, or even if attainable a quorum of
disinterested directors so directs, by independent legal counsel
in a written opinion or (3) by majority vote of the shareholders;
provided that no such determination shall preclude an action
brought in an appropriate court to challenge such determination.

     D.   Advance Payment of Expenses.  Expenses incurred by a
person who is or was a director or officer of the Corporation in
defending a civil or criminal action, suit, or proceeding shall
be paid by the Corporation in advance of the final disposition of
an action, suit, or proceeding, and expenses incurred by a person
who is or was an employee or agent of the Corporation in
defending a civil or criminal action, suit, or proceeding may be
paid by the Corporation in advance of the final disposition of
such action, suit, or proceeding as authorized by or at the
director of the board of directors, in either case upon receipt
of an undertaking by or on behalf of the director, officer,
employee, or agent to repay such amount if it shall ultimately be
determined that he is not entitled to be indemnified by the
Corporation as authorized in or pursuant to this Article which
undertaking may be accepted without reference to the financial
ability of such person to make repayment.

     E.   Not Exclusive Right.     The indemnification provided
by this Article shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights
to which those seeking indemnification may be entitled, whether
under the By-Laws of the Corporation or any statute, agreement,
vote of shareholders or disinterested directors or otherwise,
both as to action in an official capacity and as to action in
another capacity while holding such office.

     F.   Indemnification Agreements Authorized.    Without
limiting the other provisions of this Article, the Corporation is
authorized from time to time, without further action by the
shareholders of the Corporation, to enter into agreements with
any director, officer, employee, or agent of the Corporation
providing such rights of indemnification as the Corporation may
deem appropriate, up to the maximum extent permitted by law.  Any
agreement entered into by the Corporation with a director may be
authorized by other directors, and such authorization shall not
be invalid on the basis that different or similar agreements may
have been or may thereafter be entered into with other directors.

     G.   Standard of Conduct.     Except as may otherwise be
permitted by law, no person shall be indemnified pursuant to this
Article from or on account of such person's conduct who is
adjudicated in any proceeding not to have acted in good faith in
the reasonable belief that his action was in the best interest of
the Corporation or to the extent that such matter relates to
service with respect to an employee benefit plan, in the best
interests of the participants or beneficiaries of such employee
benefit plan.  The Corporation may (but need not) adopt a more
restrictive standard of conduct with respect to the
indemnification of any employee or agent of the Corporation.

     H.   Insurance.     The Corporation may purchase and
maintain insurance on behalf of any person who is or was a
director, officer, employee, or agent of the Corporation, or who
is or was otherwise serving on behalf or at the request of the
Corporation against any claim, liability, or expense asserted
against him and incurred by him in any such capacity, or arising
out of his status as such, whether or not the Corporation would
have the power to indemnify him against such liability under the
provisions of this Article.  If the Corporation maintains such
insurance, such insurance shall be primary, to the extent to
coverage provided thereby, and the Corporation's obligation to
provide the indemnification set forth herein shall be effective
only to the extent that the director, officer, employee, or agent
is not reimbursed pursuant to the coverage maintained under such

     I.   Certain Definitions.       For the purposes of this

          1.   Any director or officer of the Corporation who
shall serve as a director, officer, or employee of any other
corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other
enterprise of which the Corporation, directly or indirectly, is
or was the owner of 20% or more of either the outstanding equity
interests or the outstanding voting stock (or comparable
interests) shall be deemed to be so serving at the request of the
Corporation, unless the Board of Directors of the Corporation
shall determine otherwise.  In all other instances where any
person shall serve as a director, officer, employee, or agent of
another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other
enterprise of which the Corporation is or was a stockholder or
creditor, or in which it is or was otherwise interested, if it is
not otherwise established that such person is or was serving as a
director, officer, employee, or agent at the request of the
Corporation, the Board of Directors of the Corporation may
determine whether such service is or was at the request of the
Corporation, and it shall not be necessary to show any actual or
prior request for such service.

          2.   References to a corporation include all
constituent corporations absorbed in a consolidated or merger as
well as the resulting or surviving corporation so that any person
who is or was a director, officer, employee, or agent of a
constituent corporation or is or was serving at the request of a
constituent corporation as a director, officer, employee, or
agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust,
or other enterprise shall stand in the same position under the
provisions of this Article with respect to the resulting or
surviving corporation as he would if he had served the resulting
or surviving corporation in the same capacity.

          3.   The term "other enterprise" shall include, without
limitation, employee benefit plans and voting or taking action
with respect to stock or other assets therein; the term "serving
at the request of the Corporation" shall include, without
limitation, any service as a director, officer, employee, or
agent of the Corporation which imposes duties on, or involves
services by, a director, officer, employee, or agent with respect
to any employee benefit plan, its participants, or beneficiaries;
and a person who has acted in good faith and in a manner he
reasonably believed to be in the interest of the participants and
beneficiaries of an employee benefit plan shall be deemed to have
satisfied any standard of care required by or pursuant to this
Article in connection with such plan; the term "fines" shall
include, without limitation, any excise taxes assessed on a
person with respect to an employee benefit plan and shall also
include any damages (including treble damages) and any other
civil penalties; the masculine pronoun shall be replaced by the
feminine when context requires it.

     J.   Survival. Any indemnification rights provided pursuant
to this Article shall continue as to a person who has ceased to
be a director, officer, employee, or agent and shall inure to the
benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of such a
person.  Notwithstanding any other provision in the Articles of
Organization or By-Laws, any indemnification rights arising under
or granted pursuant to this Article shall survive amendment or
repeal of this Article with respect to any acts or omissions
occurring prior to the effective time of such amendment or repeal
and persons to whom such indemnification rights are given shall
be entitled to rely upon such indemnification rights with respect
to such acts or omissions as a binding contract with the

     K.   Liability of the Directors.   It is the intention of
the Corporation to limit the liability of the Directors of the
Corporation, its shareholders, or otherwise, to the fullest
extent permitted by law.  Consequently, should Massachusetts
Business Corporation Law or any other applicable law be amended
or adopted hereafter so as to permit the elimination or
limitation of such liability, the liability of the Directors of
the Corporation shall be so eliminated or limited without the
need for amendment of the Articles or By-Laws or further action
on the part of the shareholders of the Corporation.

                         ARTICLE XXIII.
     Subject to the provisions of Section 3.04 of Article XX and
paragraph (f) of Article XXIV hereof these by-laws may be
amended, added to, altered, or repealed in whole or in part, by
vote of the holders of a majority of all the shares of Common
Stock outstanding and entitled to vote at any meeting of the
stockholders if such action has been announced in the notice of
such meeting or which such notice has been waived.

                          ARTICLE XXIV.
     (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of the
Corporation's Articles of Organization or By-Laws, the
affirmative vote of the holders of not less than two-thirds of
the outstanding shares of capital stock of the Corporation
entitled to vote, excluding, for purposes of such vote, any
shares held by a "Related Person" (as hereinafter defined) shall
be required for the approval or authorization of any "Business
Combination" (as hereinafter defined) involving a Related Person;
provided, however, that such two-third voting requirement shall
not be applicable if:

     (1)  The "Continuing Directors" (as hereinafter defined) of
the Corporation by a two-thirds vote have expressly approved such
Business Combination either in advance of or subsequent to such
Related Person's having become a Related Person; or

     (2)  All of the following conditions are satisfied:

     (A)  The aggregate amount of the cash and the "Fair Market
Value"  (as hereinafter defined) of the property, securities or
"Other Combination" (as hereinafter defined) to be received per
share by holders of Common Stock in the Business Combination,
other than the Related Person involved in the Business
Combination, shall be at least equal to the highest amount
determined under sub-clause (I) and (ii) below:

     (I)  The Highest Per Share Price (including brokerage
     commissions, transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
     paid by the Related Persons for any share of Common Stock
     acquired by it (1) within the two-year period immediately
     prior to the first public announcement of the proposal of
     the Business Combination (the "Announcement Date") or (2) in
     the transaction in which it became a Related Person,
     whichever is higher; and
     (ii) The Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock on the
     Announcement Date or on the date on which the Related Person
     became a Related Person (such latter date is referred to in
     Article XXIV as the "Determination Date"), whichever is
     (B)  The aggregate amount of the cash and the Fair Market
Value of the property, securities or Other Consideration to be
received per share by holders of Preferred Stock in the Business
Combination, other than the Related Person involved in the
Business Combination, shall be at least equal to the highest
amount determined under sub-clauses (I), (ii), and (iii) below:

     (I)  the Highest Per Share Price (including any brokerage
     commissions, transfer taxes and soliciting dealers' fees)
     paid by the Related Persons for any shares of such class of
     Preferred Stock acquired by it (1) within the two-year
     period immediately prior to the Announcement Date or (2) in
     the transaction in which it became a Related Person,
     whichever is higher.
     (ii) the highest preferential amount per share to which the
     holders of shares of such class of Preferred Stock  would be
     entitled in the event of any voluntary or involuntary
     liquidation; dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the
     Corporation, regardless of whether the Business Combination
     to be consummated constitutes such an event; and
     (iii)     the Fair Market Value per share of such class of
     Preferred Stock on the Announcement Date or on the
     Determination Date, whichever is higher.
     The provisions of this sub-paragraph (a) (2) (B) shall be
required to be met with respect to every class of outstanding
Preferred Stock, whether or not the Related Person has previously
acquired any shares of a particular class of Preferred Stock.

     (C)  The consideration to be received by holders of a
particular class of outstanding capital stock of the Corporation
shall be in cash or in the same form as the Related Person has
previously paid for shares of such class of capital stock of the
Corporation.  If the Related Person has paid for shares of any
class of capital stock of the Corporation with varying forms of
consideration, the form of consideration for such class of
capital stock of the Corporation shall be either cash or the form
used to acquire the largest number of shares of such class of
capital stock of the Corporation previously acquired by it.

     Such two-thirds vote shall be required notwithstanding the
fact that no vote may be required or that a lesser percentage may
be specified by law or in any agreement with any national
securities exchange or otherwise.

     (b)  For purposes of this Article XXIV:

     (1)  The term "Business Combination" shall mean (A) any
merger, consolidation or share exchange of the Corporation or a
subsidiary of the Corporation with or into a Related Person, in
each case without regard to which entity is the surviving entity;
(B) any sale, lease, exchange, transfer or other disposition,
including without limitation a mortgage or any other security
device, of all or any "Substantial Part" (as hereinafter defined)
of the assets of the Corporation (including without limitation
any voting securities of a subsidiary of the Corporation) or a
subsidiary of the Corporation to a Related Person (in one
transaction or a series of transactions); (C) any sale, lease,
exchange, transfer or other disposition, including without
limitation a mortgage or any other security device, of all or any
Substantial Part of the assets of a Related Person to the
Corporation or a subsidiary of the Corporation; (D) the issuance
or transfer of any securities of the Corporation or a subsidiary
of the Corporation by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries
to a Related Person (other than an issuance or transfer of
securities which is effected on a pro rata basis to all
shareholders of the Corporation); (E) any recapitalization that
would have the effect of increasing the voting power of a Related
Person; (F) the issuance or transfer by a Related Person of any
securities of such Related Person to the Corporation or a
subsidiary of the Corporation (other than an issuance or transfer
of securities which is effected on a pro rata basis to all
shareholders of the Related Person):  (G) the adoption of any
plan or proposal for the liquidation or dissolution of the
Corporation proposed by or on behalf of a Related Person; or (H)
any agreement, contract or other arrangement providing for any of
the transactions described in this definition of Business

     (2)  The term "Related Person" shall mean and include any
individual, Corporation, partnership or other person or entity
which, as of the record date for the determination of
shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote on any Business
Combination, or immediately prior to the consummation of such
transaction, together with its "Affiliates" and "Associates" (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the General Rules and Regulations under
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as in effect at the date of
the adoption of this Article by the shareholders of the
Corporation (collectively, and as so in effect, the "Exchange
Act"), are "Beneficial Owners" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 of the
Exchange Act) in the aggregate of 15% or more of the outstanding
shares of any class of capital stock of the Corporation, and any
Affiliate or Associate of any such individual, Corporation,
partnership, or other person or Corporation, and any Affiliate or
Associate of any such individual, Corporation, partnership or
other person or entity.  Notwithstanding any provision of Rule
13d-3 to the contrary, an entity shall be deemed to be the
Beneficial Owner of any share of capital stock of the Corporation
that such entity has the right to acquire at any time pursuant to
any agreement, or upon exercise of conversion rights, warrants or
options, or otherwise.

     (3)  The term "Substantial Part" shall mean more than 20% of
the fair market value, as determined by two-thirds of the
Continuing Directors, of the total consolidated assets of the
Corporation and its subsidiaries taken as a whole as to the end
of its most recent fiscal year ended prior to the time the
determination is being made.

     (4)  The term "Other Consideration" shall include, without
limitation, Common Stock or other capital stock of the
Corporation retained by shareholders of the Corporation other
than Related Persons or parties to such Business Combination in
the event of a Business Combination in which the Corporation is
the surviving Corporation.

     (5)  The term "Continuing Director" shall mean a Director
who is unaffiliated with any Related Person and either (A) was a
member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation immediately
prior to the time that the Related Person involved in a Business
Combination became a Related Person, or (B) was designated
(before his or her initial election or appointment as director)
as a Continuing Director by a majority of the then Continuing

     (6)  The term "Fair Market Value" shall mean (A) in the case
of stock, the highest closing sale price during the 30-day period
immediately preceding the date in question of a share of such
stock on the Composite Tape for New York Stock Exchange - Listed
Stocks, or, if such stock is not listed on such Exchange, on the
principal United States securities exchange registered under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 on which such stock is listed, or
if such stock is not listed on any such exchange, the highest
closing bid quotation with respect to a share of such stock
during the 30-day period preceding the date in question on the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. Automated
Quotations System or any system then in use, or if no such
quotations are available, the fair market value on the date in
question of a share of such stock as determined by a two-thirds
vote of the Continuing Directors in good faith; and (B) in the
case of property other than cash or stock, the fair market value
of such property on the date in question as determined by a two-
thirds vote of the Continuing Directors in good faith.

     (7)  The term "Highest Per Share Price" shall in each case
with respect to any class of stock reflect an appropriate
adjustment for any dividend or distribution in shares of such
stock or any stock split or reclassification of outstanding
shares of such stock into a greater number of shares of such
stock or any combination or reclassification of outstanding
shares of such stock into a smaller number of shares of such

     (8)  The term "Common Stock" shall mean the Common Stock
which may from time to time be authorized in or by the Articles
of Organization of the Corporation.

     (9)  The term "Preferred Stock" shall mean the Preferred
Stock and any other class of preferred stock which may from time
to time be authorized in or by the Articles of Organization of
the Corporation.

     (c)  The determinations of the Continuing Directors as to
Fair Market Value and the existence of a Related Person or a
Business Combination shall be conclusive and binding.

     (d)  Nothing contained in this Article XXIV shall be
construed to relieve any Related Person from any fiduciary
obligation imposed by law.

     (e)  The fact that any Business Combination complies with
the provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of this Article XXIV shall not
be construed to impose any fiduciary duty, obligation or
responsibility on the Board of Directors, or any member thereof,
to approve such Business Combination or recommend its adoption or
approval to the shareholders of the Corporation, nor shall such
compliance limit, prohibit or otherwise restrict in any manner
the board of directors, or any member thereof, with respect to
evaluations of or actions and responses taken with respect to
such Business Combination.

     (f)  The provisions of this Article XXIV may not be amended,
added to, altered or repealed in whole or in part, except by vote
of not less than two-thirds of all shares of Common Stock
outstanding and entitled to vote (excluding for purposes of such
vote any shares held by a Related Person) at any meeting of the
Stockholders where such action has been announced in the notice
of such meeting or where such notice has been waived.