This  1994 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") is intended as an incentive to,  and
to  encourage  stock ownership by, key personnel of Essex County  Gas  Company
(the  "Corporation") and any subsidiary corporations (the  "Subsidiaries")  as
that  term is defined in Section 424 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,  as
amended  (the "Code"), so that they may acquire or increase their  proprietary
interest  in  the  success  of the Corporation and its  Subsidiaries,  and  to
encourage  them  to  remain  in  the employ  of  the  Corporation  or  of  the


The  plan  shall  be administered by a committee appointed  by  the  Board  of
Directors of the Corporation (the "Committee"). The Committee shall consist of
three or more members of the Board each of whom shall be both a member of  the
Board  who  is  not  eligible  to receive any option  under  the  Plan  and  a
"disinterested  person",  as  such  term is  used  in  Rule  16b-3  under  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act")  promulgated
by  the  Securities and Exchange Commission. The Board may from time  to  time
appoint  members  of  the  Committee in substitution  for  members  previously
appointed  and  may  fill vacancies, however caused,  in  the  Committee.  The
Committee  may  select one of its members as its Chairman and shall  hold  its
meetings  at  such  times and places as it may determine. A  majority  of  the
members  shall constitute a quorum. All determinations of the Committee  shall
be  made  by  a  majority of its members present and voting. Any  decision  or
determination reduced to writing signed by all of the members shall  be  fully
as  effective  as  if it had been made by a majority vote at  a  meeting  duly
called and held. The Committee may appoint a Secretary, shall keep minutes  of
its  meetings and shall make such rules and regulations for the conduct of its
business as it shall deem advisable.

Subject  to  the  express  provisions of the Plan, the  Committee  shall  have
complete authority to:

(a)  interpret the Plan;

(b)  prescribe, amend and rescind rules and regulations relating to the Plan;

(c)   determine  the  individuals to whom, and the time  or  times  at  which,
options shall be granted;

(d)  determine the number of shares to be subject to
 each option and the terms and provisions of each option Agreement;

(e)   subject  to the limitations set forth in Sections 5(g), 5(h)  and  5(i),
waive or modify at any time, either before or after an option is granted,  any
condition or restriction with respect to the exercise of the option imposed by
Sections  5 or 6 in such circumstances as the Committee in its sole discretion
deems appropriate; and

(f)   make  all determinations not specifically set forth in (a)  through  (e)
above which it considers necessary or desirable for the administration of  the


The  persons  who  shall be eligible to receive options shall  be  key  exempt
employees of the Corporation, or its Subsidiaries, including employees who may
also be officers or directors. Persons who hold options (the "Optionees")  may
hold  more  than  one  option,  but only on  the  terms  and  subject  to  the
restrictions  hereinafter set forth. Employees owning more  than  10%  of  the
total  voting  power of the Corporation shall be eligible to  receive  options
subject to the special restrictions detailed in Section 5(i).


The  aggregate number of shares of the Corporation's common stock, with  $2.50
par  value  ("Common  Stock") which may be issued  or  sold  pursuant  to  the
exercise of options granted under the Plan shall not exceed 100,000 subject to
adjustment  as  provided in Section 5(j). The shares issued upon  exercise  of
options under the Plan may be authorized and unissued shares or shares held by
the  Corporation  in  its treasury. In the event that any  outstanding  option
under  the Plan for any reason expires or is terminated, the shares of  Common
Stock  allocable to the unexercised portion of such option may again  be  made
subject to an option under the Plan. The aggregate number of shares of  Common
Stock  as to which options may be granted during any one calendar year to  any
one individual shall not exceed 25,000.


Stock  options  granted pursuant to the Plan shall be evidenced by  agreements
(the  "Agreements") between the Corporation and each Optionee in such form  as
the  Committee shall from time to time approve, which Agreements shall  comply
with, and be subject to, the following terms and conditions:

(a)  Optionee's Agreement

This Plan shall not impose upon the Corporation or any of the Subsidiaries any
obligation  to  retain  the Optionee in the employ of such  entities  for  any

(b)  Grants

Each  option  shall  be  designated as an incentive stock  option  within  the
meaning  of Section 422 of the Code or as a nonqualified stock option (i.e.  a
stock option which is not an incentive stock option). The number of shares  of
Common Stock that shall be available for incentive stock options granted under
the plan is 100,000, subject to adjustment as provided in Section 5(j).

(c)  Number of Shares

Each  option  shall  state the number of shares of Common Stock  to  which  it

(d)  Option Price

Each option shall state the option price, which shall be not less than 100% of
the Fair Market Value of a share of the Corporation's Common Stock on the date
the  option is granted. For purposes of the Plan, "Fair Market Value" as of  a
given  date means the mean between the bid and the asked price for the  Common
Stock  at  the close of trading for such given date or if no sale is  reported
for such date, on the next preceding date for which a sale is reported.

If  the  Common  Stock is listed on a national securities exchange  the  "Fair
Market Value" as of a given date means, the closing price of the Common  Stock
on  the Composite Tape for such given date or if no sale is reported for  such
date, on the next preceding date for which a sale is reported.

Notwithstanding  any provision of the Plan to the contrary,  no  determination
made  with  respect  to the Fair Market Value of Common Stock  subject  to  an
Incentive Stock Option shall be inconsistent with Section 422 of the  Code  or
regulations thereunder.

(e)  Limitation on Exercise

Unless  the  Agreement provides otherwise, an option shall be  exercisable  in
whole  or in part. Stock options issued in the form of incentive stock options
shall  comply  with Section 422 of the Code. Accordingly, the  aggregate  Fair
Market  Value  (determined at the time the option was granted) of  the  Common
Stock  with respect to which incentive stock options are exercisable  for  the
first  time  by an Optionee during any calendar year (under this Plan  or  any
other  plan  of the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries) shall  not  exceed
$100,000 (or such other limit as may be required by the Code).

(f)  Medium and Time of Payment

Each option shall provide that the purchase price of the shares as to which an
option  shall  be exercised shall be paid to the Corporation at  the  time  of
exercise  either  in  cash or in Common Stock already owned  by  the  Optionee
having a total Fair Market Value equal to the purchase price, or a combination
of  cash  and  Common  Stock having a total Fair Market  Value  equal  to  the
purchase  price.  The  Committee  shall  establish  appropriate  methods   for
accepting  Common Stock and may impose such conditions as it deems appropriate
on the use of such Common Stock to exercise a stock option.

In  the  discretion  of the Committee, payment for any shares  subject  to  an
option  may also be made by delivering a properly executed exercise notice  to
the  Corporation, together with a copy of irrevocable instructions to a broker
to  deliver promptly to the Corporation the amount of sale or loan proceeds to
pay the purchase price. To facilitate the foregoing, the Corporation may enter
into agreements for coordinated procedures with one or more brokerage firms.

(g)  Period of Option

Each option shall be exercisable during such period ending not later than  ten
years from the date it is granted as the Committee may determine.

(h)  Time of Exercise

Each option shall become exercisable in such cumulative annual installments as
the Committee shall determine; commencing, except as provided in Section 5(k),
twelve months after the date of grant and terminating at the end of the period
specified pursuant to Section 5(g).

(i)  Restrictions for Certain Shareholders

Notwithstanding  anything  contained herein to  the  contrary,  the  following
restrictions shall be applied to incentive stock options granted to  employees
who  own  more than 10% of the total combined voting power of all  classes  of
stock  of  the  Corporation or its parent or any Subsidiary at  the  time  the
option is granted (a "10% Shareholder").

(1)   The  option  price  for each incentive stock option  granted  to  a  10%
Shareholder shall not be less than 110% of the Fair Market Value of the Common
Stock on the date the option is granted.

(2)   Each  incentive  stock  option granted to a  10%  Shareholder  shall  be
exercisable during such period ending not later than five years from the  date
it is granted as the Committee may determine.

(3)   Each  incentive stock option granted to a 10% Shareholder  shall  become
exercisable  in  such  cumulative annual installments as the  Committee  shall
determine; commencing, except as provided in Section 5(k), twelve months after
the  date  of  the  grant and terminating at the end of the  period  specified
pursuant to Section 5(i)(2).

(j)  Recapitalization

Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Plan, the Committee shall  adjust,
or  the  Agreements entered into hereunder may contain such provisions as  the
Committee shall determine to be appropriate for the adjustment of, the number,
price and class of shares subject to each outstanding option, in the event  of
changes  in  the  outstanding  Common Stock  by  reason  of  stock  dividends,
recapitalization,   mergers,   consolidations,  split-ups,   combinations   or
exchanges of shares and the like.

In  the  event of a change in the Common Stock of the Corporation as presently
constituted which is limited to a change of all of its authorized Common Stock
into  the  same number of shares without par value, the shares resulting  from
any  such change shall be deemed to be the Common Stock within the meaning  of
the Plan.

Such  adjustments shall be made by the Committee, whose determination in  that
respect  shall be final, binding and conclusive, provided that each  incentive
stock  option granted pursuant to this Plan shall not be adjusted in a  manner
that  causes  the option to fail to continue to qualify as an incentive  stock
option within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code.

The  grant of an option pursuant to the Plan shall not affect in any  way  the
right  or  power  of  the Corporation to make adjustments,  reclassifications,
reorganizations or changes of its capital or business structure or to merge or
to  consolidate or to dissolve, liquidate or sell, or transfer all or any part
of its business or assets.

(k)  Change of Control

In order to maintain the Optionees' rights in the event of a Change of Control
of  the  Corporation,  as hereinafter defined, the commencement  of  any  time
periods relating to the exercise of such options shall be accelerated  to  the
date of Change of Control.

A "Change of Control" shall mean:

(a)  the acquisition by any individual, entity or group (within the meaning of
Section  13  (d)  (3)  or 14 (d) (2) of the "Exchange Act")  (A  "Person")  of
beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d- 3 promulgated under  the
Exchange  Act)  of  20%  or  more of the combined voting  power  of  the  then
outstanding voting securities of the Corporation entitled to vote generally in
the  election  of directors (the "Outstanding Corporation Voting Securities");
provided,  however,  that for purposes of this subsection (a),  the  following
acquisitions  shall  not constitute a Change of Control: (i)  any  acquisition
directly from the Corporation, (ii) any acquisition by the Corporation,  (iii)
any  acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored  or
maintained by the Corporation or any corporation controlled by the Corporation
or  (iv)  any  acquisition by any corporation pursuant to a  transaction  that
complies with clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of subsection (c) below; or

(b)   individuals  who,  as  of the date hereof,  constitute  the  Board  (the
"Incumbent  Board") cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority  of
the  Board;  provided,  however,  that  any  individual  becoming  a  director
subsequent  to the date hereof whose election, or nomination for  election  by
the  Corporation's shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority
of  the  directors then comprising the Incumbent Board shall be considered  as
though  such  individual were a member of the Incumbent Board, but  excluding,
for  this  purpose,  any such individual whose initial  assumption  of  office
occurs as a result of an actual or threatened election contest with respect to
the   election  or  removal  of  directors  or  other  actual  or   threatened
solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the
Board; or

(c)  the consummation of a reorganization, merger or consolidation or sale  or
other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation
("Business  Combination");  excluding, however, such  a  Business  Combination
pursuant to which (i) all or substantially all of the individuals and entities
who   were  the  beneficial  owners  of  the  Outstanding  Corporation  Voting
Securities  immediately prior to such Business Combination  beneficially  own,
directly  or  indirectly, more than 60% of, respectively, the then outstanding
shares  of  common stock and the combined voting power of the then outstanding
voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election of directors,  as
the  case  may be, of the corporation resulting from such Business Combination
(including,  without  limitation, a corporation  that  as  a  result  of  such
transaction  owns  the  Corporation  or  all  or  substantially  all  of   the
Corporation's  assets either directly or through one or more subsidiaries)  in
substantially  the same proportions as their ownership, immediately  prior  to
such  Business  Combination of the Outstanding Corporation Voting  Securities,
(ii) no Person (excluding any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of  the
Corporation  or  such  corporation resulting from such  Business  Combination)
beneficially  owns, directly or indirectly, 20% or more of, respectively,  the
then  outstanding share of common stock of the corporation resulting from such
Business  Combination  or the combined voting power of  the  then  outstanding
voting securities of such corporation except to the extent that such ownership
existed prior to the Business Combination and (iii) at least a majority of the
member  of  the  board  of directors of the corporation  resulting  from  such
Business  Combination were members of the Incumbent Board at the time  of  the
execution  of the initial agreement, or of the action of the Board,  providing
for such Business Combination; or

(d)  approval by the shareholders of the Corporation of a complete liquidation
or dissolution of the Corporation.

(l)  Change of Control Cash-Out

Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan, during the 60-day period from
and  after  a Change of Control (the "Exercise Period"), unless the  Committee
shall  determine otherwise at the time of grant, an Optionee  shall  have  the
right,  whether  or not the option is fully exercisable and  in  lieu  of  the
payment  of the exercise price for the shares of Common Stock being  purchased
under the option and by giving notice to the Corporation, to elect (within the
Exercise Period) to surrender all or part of the option to the Company and  to
receive cash, within 30 days of such notice, in an amount equal to the  amount
by  which the Change of Control Price per share of Common Stock on the date of
such  election  shall exceed the exercise price per share of Stock  under  the
option  (the  "Spread")  multiplied by the number of  share  of  Common  Stock
subject  to  the option as to which the right granted under this Section  5(l)
shall  have  been exercised; provided, however, that if the Change of  Control
occurs  within six months of the date of grant of a particular option held  by
an Optionee who is an officer or director of the Corporation and is subject to
Section  16(b)  of the Exchange Act no such election shall  be  made  by  such
Optionee  with  respect to such option prior to six months from  the  date  of
grant.  However, if the end of such 60-day period from and after a  Change  of
Control  is  within six months of the date of grant of an option  held  by  an
Optionee  who is an officer or director of the Corporation and is  subject  to
Section  16(b) of the Exchange Act, such option shall be canceled in  exchange
for  a  cash payment to the Optionee, effected on the day which is six  months
and  one  day  after  the date of grant of such option, equal  to  the  Spread
multiplied  by  the  number  of  shares of Stock  granted  under  the  option.
Notwhithstanding the foregoing, if any right granted pursuant to this  Section
5(l)  would  make a Change of Control transaction ineligible  for  pooling  of
interests  accounting under APB No. 16 that but for this  Section  5(l)  would
otherwise be eligible for such accounting treatment, the Committee shall  have
the  ability  to  substitute for the cash payable pursuant this  Section  5(l)
common  stock of the entity surviving the Change of Control with a Fair Market
Value equal to the cash that would otherwise be payable hereunder.

"Change  of  Control Price" means the higher of (i) the highest reported  sale
price  of  a share of Stock in any transaction reported on the New York  Stock
Exchange  Composite Tape or other national securities exchange on  which  such
share  are listed or on NASDAQ, as applicable, during the 60- day period prior
to  and  including the date of a Change of Control and (ii) if the  Change  in
Control is the result of a tender or exchange offer or a Business Combination,
the highest price per share of Stock paid in such tender or exchange offer  or
Business  Combination; provided, however, that (x) in the case  of  an  option
which  (A)  is  held  by  an Optionee who is an officer  or  director  of  the
Corporation and is subject to Section 16 (b) of the Exchange Act and  (B)  was
granted  within 240 days of the Change of Control, then the Change of  Control
Price for such option shall be the Fair Market Value of the Stock on the  date
such  option  is exercised or canceled and (y) in the case of incentive  stock
options,  the  Change of Control Price shall be in all cases the  Fair  Market
Value  of  the  Common  Stock  on  the date such  incentive  stock  option  is
exercised.  To the extent that the consideration paid in any such  transaction
described  above  consists  all  or in part of securities  or  other  non-cash
consideration,  the  value of such securities or other non-cash  consideration
shall be determined in the sole discretion of the Board.

(m)  Rights as a Stockholder

An  Optionee shall have no rights as a stockholder with respect to any  shares
covered by his option until the date of issuance of a stock certificate to him
for  such  shares.  No  adjustment shall be made for  dividends  (ordinary  or
extraordinary  whether in cash, securities or other property) or distributions
or  other  rights  for which the record date is prior to the date  such  stock
certificate is issued, except as provided in this Section 5.

(n)  Other Provisions

The  option  Agreements  authorized under the Plan shall  contain  such  other
provisions,  including, without limitation, restrictions upon the exercise  of
the  option, as the Committee shall deem advisable. Any such option  Agreement
in  respect  of  incentive stock options shall contain  such  limitations  and
restrictions  upon the exercise of the option as shall be necessary  in  order
that such option will be an "Incentive Stock Option" as defined in Section 422
of the Code or to conform to any change in the law.


(a)  Notice of Termination

Except as provided in Sections 6(b) and 6(c) below, upon notice of termination
of  an  Optionee's  employment with the Corporation or a  Subsidiary,  whether
given  by the Optionee to the Corporation or Subsidiary, or by the Corporation
or  Subsidiary  to  the  Optionee, the Optionee may exercise  all  exercisable
options held by such Optionee on the date of termination, at any time, or from
time  to time, prior to the earlier of the expiration date of the option or  3
months from the date of the Optionee's termination.

Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  options  that  are  exercisable  immediately
following a Change of Control shall remain exercisable following a termination
of  the Optionee's employment until the earlier of the expiration date of  the
option or seven months from the date of such termination.

(b)  Death

When  an Optionee's employment with the Corporation or a Subsidiary terminates
by  reason of death, or in the event of the death of the Optionee within three
months after termination of employment with the Corporation or Subsidiary, the
Optionee's  personal representatives, heirs or legatees, as the case  may  be,
shall  be entitled to exercise all remaining unexpired options (without regard
to  the  twelve  month  and cumulative installment limitations  set  forth  in
Sections 5(h) and 5(i)(3) above) held by the Optionee on the date of death, at
any time, or from time to time, prior to the earlier of the expiration date of
the option or two years from the date of the Optionee's death.

(c)  Disability

If  an  Optionee's  employment  with the Corporation  or  a  Subsidiary  shall
terminate because of permanent disability as defined in Code Section 22(e)(3),
the Optionee may exercise all exercisable options held by such Optionee on the
date  of  termination, at any time, or from time to time, prior to the earlier
of  the  expiration  date  of the option or one year  from  the  date  of  the
Optionee's termination.

(d)  Leave of Absence

A  leave  of  absence  authorized by the Corporation shall  not  be  deemed  a
termination  of  employment to the extent permitted under applicable  Internal
Revenue  Code provisions or regulations adopted pursuant thereto; however,  no
options  may  be exercised by an Optionee during such leave of absence  before
the occurrence of a Change of Control.


Options granted under the Plan are not transferable otherwise than by will  or
the  laws  of descent and distribution and during the Optionee's lifetime  are
exercisable only by him.


(a)  Securities Laws and Regulations

No option granted hereunder shall be exercisable unless and until such time as
the  Common Stock to which it relates is exempt, is the subject matter  of  an
exempt  transaction,  or is registered or otherwise duly  qualified  for  sale
under all applicable federal and state securities laws and regulations.

(b)  Taxes

It  shall  be  a  condition to performance of the Corporation's obligation  to
issue  or transfer shares upon exercise of options that the Optionee  pay,  or
make  provision  satisfactory to the Corporation for  payment  of,  any  taxes
(other  than stock issue or transfer taxes) which the Corporation is obligated
to  collect  with  respect to the issue or transfer of such shares  upon  such

If  an  Optionee  disposes of shares acquired pursuant to the exercise  of  an
incentive stock option in a disqualifying disposition within the time  periods
identified  in  Section 422(a)(1) of the Code, such Optionee  is  required  to
notify the Corporation of such disposition, provide information as to the date
of  disposition,  sale price, quantity disposed of and any  other  information
about  such disposition which the Corporation may reasonably request, and  pay
to  the  Corporation an amount sufficient to satisfy all federal, state and/or
local  withholding  tax requirements due as a result of such  disposition.  In
accordance  with any applicable administrative guidelines it establishes,  the
Committee  may  allow an Optionee to pay the amount of taxes  required  to  be
withheld with respect to such disposition by withholding from amounts  payable
to  the  Optionee  under the Plan or from other compensation  payable  to  the
Optionee, or by permitting the Optionee to deliver to the Corporation,  shares
of  Common  Stock  having a Fair Market Value equal  to  the  amount  of  such
required withholding taxes.


Options may be granted pursuant to the Plan from time to time within a  period
of  ten  years  from the date the Plan is adopted, or the  date  the  Plan  is
approved by the shareholders of the Corporation, whichever is earlier.


The  Board  may  amend,  alter  or discontinue the  Plan,  but  no  amendment,
alteration or discontinuation shall be made which would impair the  rights  of
any  Optionee under any outstanding option Agreement, without his consent,  or
which, without the approval of the shareholders, would:

(a)   Except as is provided in Section 5(j) of the Plan, increase the  maximum
number  of  shares of Common Stock reserved for the purposes of  the  Plan  or
reduce the minimum option price to less than 100% of the Fair Market Value  of
the Common Stock on the date the option is granted;

(b)  Change the class of employees eligible to receive options under the Plan;

(c)  Extend the duration of the Plan; or

(d)  Extend the period during which options may be exercised under the Plan.


The  Plan  shall not take effect until approved by the affirmative vote  of  a
majority  of  the  shares represented at the meeting of shareholders  held  to
consider  such  action. Such approval must occur within the  period  beginning
twelve  months  before and ending twelve months after the  date  the  Plan  is
adopted by the Board of Directors.

The  Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation on June  7,
1994,  and will be submitted to the shareholders of the Corporation on January
17, 1995.