(Rule 14a-101)
                 SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

    Proxy  Statement  Pursuant  to  Section  14(a)  of   the Securities
                       Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.)

Filed by the registrant   X

Filed by a party other than the registrant  ___

Check the appropriate box:
    ___  Preliminary proxy statement
     X   Definitive proxy statement
    ___  Definitive additional materials
    ___  Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12
    ___  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 

                             ESSEX COUNTY GAS COMPANY
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
                     (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

  X  $125 per Exchange Act Rule O-11(c)(1)(ii),14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(j)(2)or
         Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A
___  $500  per each party to the controversy  pursuant  to Exchange Act
           Rule 14a-6(i)(3).
___  Fee  computed on table below per Exchange  Act  Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and

     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     (2)  Aggregate  number of securities to which  transaction applies:

    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        to Exchange Act Rule 0-11(Set forth the amount on which the filing 
        fee is calculated and state how it was determined:

    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

    (5) Total fee paid

    ---Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

    ___ Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
        Act Rule O-11(a)(2) and identify the  filing  for which  the
        offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify  the previous  filing
        by registration statement number, or the form of schedule and the
        date of this filing.

    (1) Amount previously paid:

    (2) Form, schedule or registration statement No.:

    (3) Filing party:

    (4) Date filed:

      1  Set  forth the amount on which the filing fee is  calculated
         and state how it was determined.

                         N O T I C E   O F

                    A N N U A L   M E E T I N G

                    J A N U A R Y   16,   1 9 9 6

                               A N D

                    P R O X Y   S T A T E M E N T

                     ESSEX COUNTY GAS COMPANY
                         7 NORTH HUNT ROAD
                  AMESBURY, MASSACHUSETTS  01913
                        Phone: (508) 388-4000

                           ANNUAL MEETING 
                          OF STOCKHOLDERS
                    To Be Held January 16, 1996

                                                  December 5, 1995

Dear Stockholders:

YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT TO US!  Whether or not you plan to
attend the Stockholders' Meeting, I urge you to vote.   Please
specify your choice by marking the appropriate boxes on the
enclosed proxy in the enclosed postpaid return envelope as
promptly as possible.  If you date, sign and return your proxy
card without indicating your choices, the persons designated
as proxies will vote your shares in accordance with the
recommendations of your Directors and management.

The Annual Meeting of Stockholders will be held at 10:00
a.m.  at the offices of State Street Bank, 225 Franklin Street,
Boston, Massachusetts on January 16, 1996.

                                              Charles E. Billups
                                              Chairman of the Board


                    ESSEX COUNTY GAS COMPANY
                        7 NORTH HUNT ROAD
                 AMESBURY,  MASSACHUSETTS  01913
                      Phone: (508) 388-4000

                    To Be Held January 16, 1996

                                                 December 5, 1995

To the Common Stockholders of

Notice is hereby givenotice that the Annual  Meeting  of  the
Stockholders of Essex County Gas Company will be held at the
offices of State Street Bank and Trust Company, 225 Franklin
Street (33rd Floor), Boston, Massachusetts, on Tuesday, January
16, 1996, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., Eastern Standard Time, for the
following purposes:

     1.  To elect a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year.

     2.   To transact such other business as may properly  come
            before the meeting.

Only Common Stockholders of record as of the close of
business  on December 1, 1995, will be entitled to vote  at
the meeting and at any and all adjournments thereof.

In  case you are unable to personally be present at the
meeting,  you are urged, no matter how small your holdings,  to
execute the enclosed proxy and return it promptly in the
accompanying envelope.

                                  By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                      Cathy E. Brown,

This document constitutes a Proxy Statement of Essex County Gas
Company relating to the solicitation of proxies for the matters to be
acted upon at its Annual Meeting of Stockholders.


 To assure your representation at the meeting, please
        mail the enclosed proxy promptly.


                 PROXY STATEMENT

                7 NORTH HUNT ROAD
              Phone: (508) 388-4000

                January 16, 1996

                                                      December 5, 1995


The accompanying proxy is solicited by and on behalf of the
Board of Directors of Essex County Gas Company for use at  the
Annual  Meeting of Stockholders to be held at the offices of
State Street Bank and Trust Company, 225 Franklin Street (33rd
floor), Boston, Massachusetts, on Tuesday, January 16, 1996, at
10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, for the purposes set forth in
the foregoing notice of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders and
at any and all adjournments thereof.  The proxy material  will
be mailed to all stockholders of the Company on or about
December 5, 1995.

The Annual Report of the Company for the fiscal year ended
August  31,  1995,  including financial  statements,  is  being
mailed  to all stockholders of the Company simultaneously  with
the mailing of this Proxy Statement.

A  stockholder who executes a proxy may revoke it  at  any
time  before it is voted by notifying the Clerk of the  Company
to  such  effect  in  writing prior to the Annual  Meeting,  by
filing with the Company a superseding later-dated proxy, or
by voting in person at the Annual Meeting.  The affirmative  vote
of the holders of a majority  of  the  Common Stock  present or
represented at the Annual Meeting is requiredto  approve 
the  matters  which are to  be  submitted  to  thestockholders
at the Annual Meeting.  Abstentions shall be voted neither 
"for"  nor  "against," but shall  be  counted  in  the determination
of a quorum.  Broker non-votes and withheld votes will not be
included for quorum purposes or in the total number of votes
cast and therefore will have no effect on the vote.

As  of  November 1, 1995, there were outstanding 1,614,693
shares  of Common Stock, each of which is entitled to one  vote
per  share, in person or by proxy, on all matters acted  on  at
the  meeting.  Only Common Stockholders of record at the  close
of  business on December 1, 1995, will be entitled to  vote  at
the meeting or at any adjournment thereof.

 The   persons  named  in  the  accompanying  form  of   proxy,
including  any substitutes, will vote such proxy in  accordance
with any specifications made in the space provided therefor  in
the  form of proxy and, if no specification is made, will  vote
such  proxy  as recommended by the Directors (1) to reelect  as
Directors each of the twelve nominees as set forth below unless
authority to elect one or more Directors has been withheld,  or
(2) to elect as Director such other persons, or a lesser number
of  Directors as may be approved by the Board of Directors, if,
for any reason any of said persons is unable to serve.

                   ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

                 Information About Nominees

In  accordance with the Company's By-Laws, a Board of  not
less than three or more than fifteen directors is to be elected
at  the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to serve until the  next
Annual  Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors  are
duly elected and qualified.  The Board has fixed the number  of
directors  at twelve.  All of the following nominees for Director
are  currently Directors of the Company  and  all  of  the nominees
have consented to serve if elected.  The proxy  cannot be  voted
for  more  than twelve nominees.   Unless  otherwise noted, 
each  of the Directors has been with the  organizations
listed in the following table in the capacity or capacities  so
listed for more than five years.

                              NOMINEES FOR DIRECTOR

                                                                   Served as
  Nominee and Principal                                             Director
  Occupation for the last Five Years                 Age              Since

CHARLES E. BILLUPS ...........                        66                 1971
Chairman of the Board of the   Company since
   January 1985; Interim President of the 
   Company, May 1992 to December 1992;
   President and CEO of the Company, 1973
   to 1989; Former Director of  Northmark Bank
   until 1991.

BENJAMIN C. BIXBY ............                        60                 1979
Chairman of the Board, Bixby   International
   Corporation, a   processor of high performance
   plastics.  Director, Bay Bank, N.A.,   Northeast
   Regional Board; Director,   Bay State Insurance
   Company;   Director, Merrimack Mutual
   Insurance Company; Director,   Cambridge 
   Mutual Fire Insurance   Company.  

DANIEL A. BURKHARDT ..........                        48                 1985
Principal, The Jones Financial Companies,
   a Limited Partnership (Investment  Bankers);
  Director, St. Joseph Light  & Power Co.; 
  Director, Galaxy   Cablevision Management,
  Inc.;   Director, Mid-America Realty Trust;
  Director, Southeastern Michigan   Gas 
  Enterprises,  Inc.; Chairman, Community
  Investment Partners, LP, I & II.

EDWARD J. CURTIS .............                        53                 1993
President, E.J. Curtis Associates, Inc.
   (Professional Management  Consulting 
  Services); Director,  Southeastern Michigan 
  Gas  Enterprises, Inc.

DOROTHY J. DOTSON ............                        51                 1985 
Senior Vice President, Managing Director,
  Natwest Markets(Corporate and Investment
  Banking, January 1994 to present; Investment
  Banking, S.G. Warburg & Co., Inc.,  April 1990 to
  December 1993;  Managing Director, Investment
  Banking, Prudential-Bache Securities,  Inc.,
  September 1984 to March 1990.

RICHARD P. HAMEL .............                        52                 1991
Attorney at Law and Owner of the law firm of 
  Hamel, Deshaies  & Gagliardi; Director, First &
  Ocean National Bank.

ROBERT S. JACKSON ............                        62                 1985
Principal, PhaseII Consulting (utility consulting)
   since June 1, 1993; Senior Vice President, Stone
   and  Webster Management Consultants, Inc.
   (utility consultants)from 1974 until May 31, 1993.

ERIC H. JOSTROM ..............                        53                 1981 
President and Chief Investment  Officer, 
  Constitution Management Company  Inc.; 
  Registered Investment Advisor,  1992 to 1995;
  Director, Indosuez  International Investment Services, 
  S.A.,  Paris; Director, Indosuez Asia Advisors Ltd.
  Hong Kong; President and Managing Director,
  Standard Chartered Equitor, N.A.; Former
  President and Managing Director, Standard
  Chartered North American Asset Management Co.,
  Inc.; Deputy Managing Director, Standard
  Chartered Equitor Global Asset Management Co.,
  LTD, London;. Chartered North American
  Asset Management Co.,Inc.; Deputy Managing
  Director, Standard Chartered Equitor  Global
  Asset Management Co., LTD, London.

ROBERT L. MEADE ..............                        65                 1983
Attorney at Law and private investor.


                                                                    Served as
  Nominee and Principal                                              Director
  Occupation for the last Five Years                  Age              Since

KENNETH L. PAUL ..............                        54                 1977
Vice President, Sales and Marketing,
   Process Engineering, Division of  Process
   Engineering Systems International, from 1994 to
   present;  formerly President and CEO,  Process 
   Engineering, Inc., from 1990  to 1994;  Director,
   Family Bancorp.

PHILIP H. REARDON ............                        59                 1992
President and Chief Executive Officer of the
  Company since December 7, 1992;  President
  and Chief Executive Officer, New Jersey 
  Natural Gas  Company, January 1987 to May
  1992; Director, New Jersey  Natural Gas
  Company and New  Jersey Resources Corporation,
  January 1987 to May 1992.  Director, Middlesex
  Water Company  since May 1991; Director, First &
  Ocean National Bank since April 1995.

RICHARD L. WELLMAN                                    42                 1994
Laboratory Operations Manager, Pace  New 
  England, Inc., 1988 to present;  Director, Pingree 
  Associates,  Inc., 1980 to 1993; Director, Acadia
  Management, Inc., 1982 to  present.


During  the fiscal year 1995, there were five meetings  of the Board of
Directors.  All Directors attended over 75% of the aggregate number of
meetings of the Board and the Committees on which they served.  The Board
of Directors  has  standing Executive,  Compensation and Audit Committees.
The  Board  of Directors  does not have a  standing Nominating Committee.
The Executive  Committee  performs the functions of a Nominating Committee.

The Executive Committee of Messrs.  Billups (Chairman), Bixby, Meade, and
Hamel has the power and responsibility of theBoard  of Directors  in the
management of the business and affairs of the Company when the Board of
Directors is not in session.   All action taken by the Executive Committee
is submitted for ratification at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.
During  the  fiscal  year  1995  there  were  five meetings of the
Executive Committee.

The Compensation Committee of Messrs. Bixby  (Chairman), Meade,  Hamel and
Jostrom reviews and makes recommendations  to the  Board of Directors as
to the salaries and benefits of  the Executive  Officers of the Company.
The Compensation  Committee also  has the responsibility of administering
the Essex County Gas  Company 1994 Stock Option Plan, an incentive stock
option plan.   All actions taken by the Compensation  Committee  are
submitted for ratification at the next meeting of the Board  of Directors. 
During the fiscal year 1995 there was one  meeting of the Compensation 

The Audit Committee has the responsibility of recommending auditors,
determining the scope of their services and reviewing statements  prepared
and recommendations made by  the auditors for  the period under audit.
The Committee members are Messrs. Bixby  (Chairman),  Paul and Ms. Dotson.
During  fiscal  1995 there was one meeting of the Audit Committee.

                       DIRECTORS' COMPENSATION

Each  Director, other than Mr. Billups, is paid a  fee  of $500  for
each meeting of the Board of Directors attended  and $400  for  each
meeting of Committees of the  Board  attended.  Reasonable  travel expenses
are reimbursed.  In addition,  each Director,  other  than  Mr. Billups
and  those  Directors  who receive salaries from the Company, is paid a
quarterly retainer of  $1,250  for  all other services rendered to  this
Company.  Also,  each  member  of  the  Executive  Committee  is  paid  a
quarterly  retainer  of  $1,250 except Mr.  Billups  and  those members
who  receive salaries from the Company.  Finally,  Mr. Billups is paid a
quarterly retainer of $5,000 in lieu  of  the foregoing Directors' fees.

The Company maintains a plan that allows the members of the Board of 
Directors to defer receipt of all or any part of their fees as a Director 
or as a member of any and all Committees  of the  Board.  Under the 
Deferral Plan, a participating  Director may  elect that deferred amounts 
be credited to either  a  cash account or to a stock account.  A Director 
may also elect  that any   amounts  previously  credited  to  a  cash   
account   be transferred to a stock account, but amounts credited to a 
stock account cannot be transferred  to  a  cash  account.  Amounts 
credited  to  the  stock
account are credited with the number of shares of Common  Stock that  can  be 
purchased at fair market value on the  date  such amount  is credited to the 
account.  Fees deferred and  related earnings  are payable when a Director 
ceases to be a  Director, following  a Director's retirement from his 
primary occupation, or  on  a  fixed date five or more years after the 
election  to defer  fees.  The  plan also provides an  election  to  
receive deferred  fees  and accrued interest in one sum  or  in  annual
installments, not to exceed ten years.  In the event  of  death of  a 
Director, payments are made to the beneficiary designated by the Director.


The following table lists the beneficial ownership, as  of November 1, 1995,
of Common Stock by all directors, each of the executive  officers  named
in the Summary  Compensation  Table herein  and the directors and executive
officers of the Company as a group. 

                               Amount of
                               Ownership                          Percent
                               of common                             of
           Name                 Stock*                              Class

Charles E. Billups              2,000                                   **
Benjamin C. Bixby               3,634(1)                                **
Daniel A. Burkhardt               117                                   **
Edward J. Curtis                  100                                   **
Dorothy J. Dotson                 230                                   **
Richard P. Hamel               26,900(2)                             1.67%
Robert S. Jackson                 200                                   **
Eric H. Jostrom                22,538(3)                             1.40%
Robert L. Meade                20,041                                1.24%
Kenneth L. Paul                 4,298(4)                                **
John W. Purdy, Jr.              3,988(5)                                **
Philip H. Reardon               6,255(6)                                **
Richard L. Wellman                500                                   **
All Directors and
    Executive Officers as 
    a Group (17 persons)      110,837(7)                            6.86%

     *  Shares held directly with sole voting and/or investment
         power unless otherwise indicated.

     **Shares  beneficially owned do not exceed one percent  of
         the outstanding shares of Common Stock.

(1) Includes 3,125 shares owned by his wife and children.

(2) Includes 26,800 shares of Common Stock owned by Trusts,  of
       which  he is a co-trustee.  Beneficial ownership of  26,800
       shares is disclaimed.

(3) Includes 19,900 shares of Common Stock owned by Trusts,  of
      which he  is  a  trustee  or  a  co-trustee.   Beneficial
      ownership of 19,800 shares is disclaimed.

(4) Includes  2,184 shares of Common Stock owned as a custodian
       for his children.

(5) Includes  573 shares of Common Stock held in the  Company's
      401-K  Trust Fund and 2,944 shares of Common Stock held  in
       the Company's ESOP Trust Fund.

(6) Includes  1,000  shares  owned  jointly  by  his  wife  and
       Mother-in-Law;  1,162 shares of Common Stock  held  in  the
       Company's  401(K) Trust Fund; 1,436 shares of Common  Stock
       held in the Company's ESOP Trust Fund.

(7) See  footnotes 1-5 above; includes 3,882 shares  of  Common
       Stock held in the Company's TRASOP Trust Fund, 4,458 shares
       of Common Stock held in the Company's 401-K Trust Fund, and
       6,278  shares  of Common Stock held in the  Company's  ESOP
       Trust Fund for executive officers not previously noted.


Cash Compensation

The following table shows compensation paid by the Company
and  its  subsidiaries  to the Company's  President  and  Chief
Executive  Officer  and  the other  Executive  Officer  of  the
Company  whose  total  annual  compensation  for  fiscal   1995
exceeded $100,000.



                             Annual                Long Term
                          Compensation           Compensation        (2)
                    -------------------------  ----------------      

 Name and                                      Restricted
 Principal        (1)            Other Annual    Stock             All Other
 Position   Year Salary   Bonus  Compensation    Awards  Option  Compensation

                  ($)      ($)      ($)           ($)      (#)         ($)
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Philip H.   1995  178,396     --                          24,000     19,904
Reardon     1994  175,747     --                                     18,483
President & 1993  124,247     --                                        --
Chief Executive

John W.      1995  110,914    --                                      14,901
Purdy, Jr.   1994  106,117    --                                      11,658
Vice President1993 110,222  5,000                                     11,562
Marketing and
Public Affairs

(1) The amounts in this column represent the aggregate total of
       cash compensation received and compensation deferred by 
       the above-named individuals.  Compensation is deferred pursuant
       to  the provisions of the Company's Employee Thrift Savings Plan
       (the"Thrift Plan") which is a defined  contribution
       plan  that incorporates salary deferral provisions pursuant
       to  section  401(k) of the Internal Revenue  Code  for  all
       employees  who have elected to participate on  that  basis.
       During  the  fiscal  year ended August  31,  1995,  Company
       contributions under the Thrift Plan to Mr. Reardon and  Mr.
       Purdy,  respectively, were $5,196 and $3,231.   During  the
       fiscal  year  ended August 31, 1994, Company  contributions
       under  the  Thrift Plan to Mr. Reardon and Mr.  Purdy  were
       $5,964  and  $3,207,  respectively.  Compensation  for  Mr.
       Reardon also includes $2,262, $1,500 and $1,900 in deferred
       directors   fees   for   fiscal  1995,   1994   and   1993,

(2) The  amounts in this column represent the contributions  by
       the Company on behalf of the above-named individuals to the
       Company's  Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP").  The
       ESOP  is a qualified defined contribution plan.  As of  the
       close  of  business on August 31, 1995, the  value  of  the
       shares  allocated to Messrs. Reardon and Purdy,  respectively,
       were $36,279 and $74,341, based on the $25.25 bid price
       per  share  of  the Company's Common Stock as  reported  by
       NASDAQ.   As of the close of business on August  31,  1994,
       the  value  of the shares allocated to Messrs. Reardon  and
       Purdy, respectively, were $16,051 and $58,262, based on the
       $24.75 bid price per share of the Company's Common Stock as
       reported by NASDAQ.  As of the close of business on  August
       31,  1993,  the  value of the shares allocated  to  Messrs.
       Reardon and Purdy, respectively, were $0 and $59,322, based
       on  the  $29.00 bid price per share of the Company's Common
       Stock as reported by NASDAQ.

(3) Mr.  Reardon  was  elected President  and  Chief  Executive
       Officer effective December 7, 1992, prior to which  he  was
       not employed by the Company.

(4) Mr.  Purdy,  the Company's Vice President of Marketing  and
       Public Affairs, was Acting General Manager from May 4, 1992
       through  December 7, 1992.  Compensation  for  fiscal  1993
       includes compensation as Acting General Manager.

Stock Options

The following table presents certain information concerning
stock  options  granted during fiscal 1995.  No  stock  options
were  exercised by the named executive officers  during  fiscal

                      OPTION GRANTS IN 1994

                                                       Potential Realization
           Number of % of Total                          Value at Assumed
          Securities  Options                               Annual Rates
          Underlying Granted to  Exercise                 of Stock Prices
           Options   Employees   or Base   Expiration     Appreciation for
Name       Granted    in 1995     Price       Date           Option Term
                                                          5.00%    10.00%
Philip H.                                                 ------   ------
Reardon    24,000     100.00%    $24.50     2/9/2000     $162,454  $358,980

Employee Plans and Agreements

The  Company maintains a non-contributory defined  benefit
pension  plan (the "Plan"), for non-union employees to  provide
retirement   benefits  based  on  a  final  five-year   average
compensation formula.  Non-union employees are eligible for the
Plan  at age 21, with one year of service, with benefits  based
on a maximum of 25 years of service until age 65.

The  following table shows the 1995 annual pension benefits
payable  to  employees upon retirement at  age  65  in  various
levels  of  final  five-year  average remuneration  and
years-of-service classification, assuming the election  of  a
retirement allowance payable as a life annuity:

                       Pension Plan Table

                                        Years of Service
    Final 5-Year
      Covered                                                          25 or
    Compensation       10              15              20              more
     $100,000        $21,270         $31,906        $42,541          $53,176
      120,000         25,670          38,506         51,341           64,176
      140,000         30,070          45,106         60,141           75,176
      160,000         34,470          51,706         68,941           86,176
      180,000         38,870          58,306         77,741           97,176
Compensation  under  the  Plan  is  defined  as   regular
remuneration  paid for services including commissions  paid  to
salesmen  but excluding bonus, overtime and special  pay.   The
estimated credited years of service at normal retirement  under
the  Plan for the individuals named in the Summary Compensation
Table  is:  Philip H. Reardon, 9, and John W. Purdy,  Jr.,  14.
The  benefits listed in the Pension Plan Table are not  subject
to any deduction for Social Security or other offset amounts.

 In  addition,  the  Company has a  Supplemental  Executive
Retirement Plan for executives of the Company who are  selected
by  the  Board  of Directors to participate.   The Supplemental
Executive  Retirement Plan provides retirement  and  disability
benefits  as  well  as a death benefit.  Mr. Reardon  has  been
selected  and  is  participating in the Supplemental  Executive
Retirement Plan.  The annual estimated post-retirement benefits
payable under such Plan are $40,145.  Benefits under such  Plan
are determined according to the following  Benefit Formula: 
60% of highest 5 consecutive  full calendar years average reduced 
by the employee's qualified plan benefits  from Essex County Gas
Company and New Jersey  Natural Gas Company.

The Company  has  entered  into  contingent  employment
agreements with Philip H. Reardon and John W. Purdy, Jr.  These
agreements  become effective only upon a change of control  (as
defined  in  the agreements).  These agreements  call  for  the
executive to receive an annual salary at the rate which is  not
less   than  the  current  rate  of  annual  salary  with   the
opportunity  for  increases from time to time thereafter  which
are in accordance with the Corporation's regular practices.  In
addition,  the executive is also entitled to current  benefits,
including  insurance and participation in qualified plans.   In
the  event  of  a termination of any of these employment  agree-
ments   by the Company after a change of control for any reason
other  than  death,  disability or cause, or  in  the  event  a
covered  officer  resigns  upon  the  occurrence  of  (i)   any
significant  change  in the nature or scope  of  the  officer's
duties  from those presently performed, any reduction in  total
compensation, any other breach by the Company of the employment
agreement  or  (ii) a reasonable determination by such  officer
that,  as  a result of a change of control and such  change  in
circumstances thereafter significantly affecting his  position,
such  officer  is  unable to exercise the authorities,  powers,
functions or duties attached to his position, such officer will
be  entitled  to  receive the above mentioned compensation  and
benefits as provided for in the employment agreement for a term
of two years.

                       ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The Committee's Compensation policies and plans applicable
to the executive officers seeks to enhance the profitability of
the Company and shareholder value, as well as control costs and
maintain  reasonable rates for the customers.  The  Committee's
practices reflect policies that compensation should (1) attract
and  retain  well-qualified executives, (2) support short-  and
long-term goals and objectives of the Company, (3) reward 
individuals for outstanding contributions to the Company's
success, (4) be meaningfully related to  the value created  for
shareholders,  and (5) relate to maintenance of  good  customer
relations and reasonable rates.

    Chief Executive Officer

In establishing the Chief Executive Officer's compensation,
the  Committee begins by determining the salary paid  to  chief
executive  officers  at similarly sized utility  companies,  as
reported  in  regional surveys, keeping in mind the performance
of  those companies, in order to establish a starting point for
the Chief Executive Officer's compensation.  The Committee then
reviews  certain  of  its financial goals,  including  earnings
levels, return on equity, and cost containment efforts; to  the
extent these goals have  been  met  or  exceeded, the  Chief  Executive
Officer's compensation  is  increased.  More than any other  factor,
the Compensation  Committee  believes  the  degree  of  success  in
meeting  these  financial  objectives  is  the  most  important
element  in determining the Chief Executive Officer's  compensation. 
Secondarily important (and somewhat more subjective)  in
the  Compensation Committee's considerations are the  following
criteria:   the  development of a Company strategic  plan,  the
creation   of   an  action  plan  to  improve  relations   with
regulators,  customers and the media, and  involvement  in  community 
affairs.   The  proposed compensation  amount  is  thensubmitted to
the full Board of Directors for approval.

    Other Executive Officers

 In  establishing compensation for the Company's  executive
officers  other  than the Chief Executive  Officer,  the  Chief
Executive  Officer first establishes a salary  range  for  each
executive officer.  These salary ranges are based in part  upon
salaries  provided to executive officers in comparable  utility
companies, as reported by regional salary surveys, based on the
relative   significance  of  each  officer's  responsibilities.
Specific salary levels are then established through evaluations
of each executive officer's performance of his or her goals and
duties with the assistance of outside compensation specialists.
Financial  goals  related to earnings levels, cost  containment
efforts  and  return on equity are the most important  factors.
Other,  more subjective goals such as leadership qualities,  as
well as technical abilities also influence the determination of
each  executive  officer's  salary  level.  These  base  salary
levels, as determined by the Chief Executive Officer, are  then
reviewed  by  the  Compensation Committee and approved  by  the

                                  COMPENSATION  COMMITTEE MEMBERS

                                  Benjamin  C.  Bixby, Chairman
                                  Robert L. Meade
                                  Richard P. Hamel
                                  Eric H. Jostrom


Set  forth  below is a line graph comparing the cumulative
total shareholder return for the Company's Common Stock to  the
cumulative  total return of the Standard & Poor's  ("S&P")  500
Stock  Index  and the S&P 40 Utility Index.  For the  five-year
period beginning August 31, 1990 and ending August 31, 1995.


                      8/31/90  8/31/91  8/31/92  8/31/93   8/31/94   8/31/95
ESSEX COUNTY GAS    $100.00   $131.12  $149.46    $205.49   $176.09   $191.28
S&P 500 STOCK INDEX $100.00   $126.99   $137.06    $157.88   $166.58  $202.26
S&P UTULITIES 40    $100.00   $118.21   $136.95    $171.95   $152.88  $179.01 
  40 INDEX

Assumes  $100  invested at the close of  trading  on  the  last trading
day of fiscal 1990 in Essex County Gas Company  Common Stock,  S&P  500
Stock Index and S&P Utilities 40 Index.  Also assumes reinvestment of

                       AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION

The  members of the Compensation Committee during the 1995 fiscal year were
Benjamin C. Bixby (Chairman), Robert L. Meade, Richard P. Hamel and
Eric H. Jostrom.

Richard P. Hamel, a Director of the Company, is a  partner in the law
firm of Hamel, Deshaies & Gagliardi, a firm  which performed legal
services for the Company during  the  past  20 years.   The firm has also
been retained for the current fiscal year.

                         CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS


                     COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 16(a)
                          OF THE EXCHANGE ACT

Section  16(a)  of  the Securities Exchange  Act  of  1934 requires  the
Company's executive officers and directors,  and persons who own more than
ten percent of a registered class  of the  Company's equity securities, to
file reports of  ownership and  changes  in  ownership with the  Securities  
and  Exchange Commission.   Officers, directors and greater than  
ten-percent shareholders  are  required by SEC regulation to  furnish  the 
Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

Based  solely  on its review of the copies of  such  forms received  by
it,  or  written  representations  from   certain reporting  persons  that
no Forms 5 were  required  for  those persons the Company believes that
during the fiscal year  ended August 31, 1995, all filing requirements
applicable to the officers, directors, and greater than ten-percent
beneficial owners were complied with.


The  firm  of  Arthur Andersen LLP, independent  certified public
accountants,  was appointed in  August,  1987,  and  is expected to be
reappointed at the Board of Directors Meeting on January  16,  1996, as
auditors to examine the records  of  the Company for the fiscal year ended
August 31, 1996.

Representatives of Arthur Andersen LLP are expected to  be present  at the
Annual Meeting with the opportunity to  make  a statement,  if  they desire
to do so, and to  be  available  to respond to appropriate questions.


The  expenses in connection with the solicitation  of  the enclosed form of
proxy will be borne by the Company.  In  order to  obtain  the  requisite
vote at the Annual Meeting,  Company officers,  directors, and other
employees of  the  Company  may solicit  proxies, but the Company will not
pay any compensation for  such solicitations.  In addition, the Company has
contracted  with Corporate Investors Communications, Inc. to assist the
Company  with the solicitation of proxies for a fee  of  $4,000 plus expenses.

                     STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

Any stockholder proposal to be presented at the 1997 Annual Meeting  of the
Company must be received by the Company  on  or before  August  9, 1996,
for inclusion in the  Company's  Proxy Statement and form of Proxy relating 
to that meeting.

For any item of business to be properly considered at  the 1997  Annual 
Meeting, the item of business must either  (a)  be specified in the notice 
of meeting (or any supplement  thereto) given  by or at the direction of the 
Board of Directors or  the persons  calling  the  meeting  as  herein  
provided,  (b)   be otherwise  properly brought before the meeting  by  or  at
the direction  of  the Board of Directors,  or  (c)  be  otherwise properly
brought  before  the  meeting  by  a  shareholder  as hereinafter  provided.
For business to  be  properly  brought before  a  meeting by a shareholder,  
the shareholder must  have given timely notice thereof in writing to the 
Secretary of  the Corporation.   To  be timely, a shareholder's  notice  
must  be delivered  to or mailed and received at the principal executive 
offices  of the Corporation not less than sixty (60)  days  nor more  
than  ninety  (90) days prior to the  meeting;  provided, however, that 
in the event that less than seventy (70) days' notice  or prior public 
disclosure of the date of the meeting  of shareholders  is given or made 
to shareholders, to  be  timely, notice  by  the  shareholder of business 
to be conducted  at  a meeting  must be received by the Secretary not 
later  than  the close  of business on the tenth day following the day on  
which notice of the date of the meeting of shareholders was mailed or 
such public   disclosure   was   made  to   the   shareholders.    A 
shareholder's notice to the Secretary shall be set forth as  to each 
matter he proposes to bring before the meeting (a) a brief description  
of the business desired to be brought  before  the meeting  and  the reasons
 for conducting such business  at  the meeting,  (b)  the  name and address,
 as  they  appear  on  the Corporation's   books,  of  the  shareholder  
or   shareholders proposing such business, (c) the class or classes of 
stock  and number  of  shares of such class or classes of stock which  are 
beneficially  owned  by  the  proposing  shareholder  or  shareholders,  
and  (d)  any  material  interest  of  the  proposing shareholder or 
shareholders in such business.

                           OTHER MATTERS

 The Company does not presently intend to bring before  the meeting  any  
matters  other than those specified  and  has  no knowledge of any other 
matters which may be brought up by other persons.   However, if any other 
matters not now known properly come before the meeting or any adjournment 
thereof, the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy, including any 
substitutes, will  vote said proxy in accordance with their judgment on 
such matters.

                                                         By Order of the
                                                         BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                         Cathy E. Brown

December 5, 1995

                     ESSEX COUNTY GAS COMPANY

     The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Charles E.
Billups  and  Richard P. Hamel, or either of  them,  with  full
power  of substitution and revocation in each, proxies to  vote
all  shares  of Common Stock of Essex County Gas Company  which
the  undersigned  may  be entitled to  vote  at  the     Annual
Meeting of the Stockholders to be held on January 16, 1996, and
at any and all adjournments thereof.

          The Board of Directors recommends votes "for" all of
                     the following proposals:


                FOR                    AGAINST          ABSTAIN
        all nominees listed below    all nominees
        (except as marked to the     listed below
          contrary below)   /__/         /__/             /__/

     (INSTRUCTION:   To  vote against any  individual  nominee,
                     strike a line through that nominee's name in the 
                     list below.)

       C.  E. Billups, B. C. Bixby, D. A. Burkhardt, E. J. Curtis,  
       D.J. Dotson, R.  P. Hamel, R. S. Jackson, E. H. Jostrom, R. L. Meade, 
       K.  L. Paul, P. H. Reardon, and R. L. Wellman.

        2. With discretionary authority  to vote  upon  such  other 
           business as may  properly  come before the meeting.

             (Continued and to be signed on other side)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -

Account No.              No. of Shares

This Proxy will be voted as specified.  If no specification
is made, the Proxy will be voted FOR all Items.

Dated: ________________________, 199_

Please _______________________________
Here   _______________________________

Stockholders please sign this proxy
exactly as your name appears above,
including the title "Executor",
"Administrator", "Trustee", etc., if
the same is indicated.  If a joint
account, each joint owner should sign.
If stock is held by a corporation,
this proxy should be executed by an
authorized officer thereof.