Essex County Gas Company
             (formerly known as Haverhill Gas Company)


                  State Street Bank and Trust Company
      (formerly known as Second Bank-State Street Trust Company),


                   Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture

                      Dated as of December 1, 1996

              Supplementing the Indenture of First Mortgage
                       dated as of October 1, 1955


          This is a Mortgage of Personal Property as well as a
                      Mortgage upon Real Estate.

     Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December 1,
1996, between Essex County Gas Company (formerly known as
Haverhill Gas Company), a corporation organized and existing
under the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts (its Federal
tax identification number being 04-1427020) and having its
principal place of business at 7 North Hunt Road in the Town of
Amesbury in said Commonwealth (hereinafter called the "Company"),
party of the first part, and State Street Bank and Trust Company
(formerly known as Second Bank-State Street Trust Company), a
corporation organized and existing under the laws of The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts (its Federal tax identification
number being 04-1867445) and having its principal place of
business at 225 Franklin Street in the City of Boston in said
Commonwealth (hereinafter called the Trustee), party of the
second part.

     Whereas, the Company has heretofore executed and delivered
to the Trustee an Indenture of First Mortgage dated as of
October 1, 1955 (hereinafter called the "Original Indenture"), to
secure, as provided therein, its bonds (in the Original Indenture
and herein called the "Bonds"), not limited as to principal
amount except as provided in Section 3.01 of the Original
Indenture, to be known generally as its "First Mortgage Bonds,"
and to be issued in one or more series as provided in the
Original Indenture; and

     Whereas, the Company has executed and delivered to the
Trustee fourteen indentures supplemental to the Original
Indenture as follows:  a First Supplemental Indenture, dated as
of October 1, 1958, a Second Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
May 1, 1961, a Third Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
October 1, 1961, a Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
April 1, 1964, a Fifth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
December 1, 1965, a Sixth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
January 1, 1971, a Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
November 1, 1975, an Eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
July 1, 1979, a Ninth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
April 1, 1982 and a Tenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
June 1, 1984 an Eleventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
September 18, 1988, a Twelfth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
December 1, 1990, a Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as
of September 23, 1994 and a Fourteenth Supplemental Indenture
dated as of May 15, 1995 (the Original Indenture, as supplemented
and/or modified by said fourteen supplemental indentures and this
Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture being hereinafter sometimes
called the "Indenture"); and

     Whereas, pursuant to the Original Indenture, as heretofore
supplemented and modified, there have been executed,
authenticated, delivered and issued and there are now outstanding
First Mortgage Bonds of series and in principal amounts as

       Title                     Issued                 Outstanding

10-1/4% Series due 2003       $ 6,000,000              $ 4,200,000
10.10%  Series due 2020         8,000,000                8,000,000
 7.28%  Series due 2016        10,000,000               10,000,000

     Whereas, the Board of Directors of the Company has
established under Section 3.02 of the Original Indenture a new
series of Bonds to be designated First Mortgage Bonds, 7.28%
Series due 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the "Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series"), and has authorized the issue of Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series in the aggregate principal amount of Ten
Million Dollars ($10,000,000) pursuant to the provisions of
Article Two of this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture; and
     Whereas, Section 18.01 of the Original Indenture provides,
among other things, that the Company, when authorized by a
resolution of the Board of Directors, and the Trustee, from time
to time and at any time, subject to the restrictions in the
Original Indenture contained, may, and when so required by the
Original Indenture, shall, enter into indentures supplemental to
the Original Indenture and which thereafter shall form a part
thereof, for the purposes, among others, of (a) mortgaging,
pledging, conveying, transferring or assigning to the Trustee,
and subjecting to the lien of the Indenture additional properties
acquired by the Company, (b) adding to the Indenture other
covenants and agreements thereafter to be observed by the
Company, and (c) providing for the creation of a series of Bonds,
designating the series to be created and specifying the form and
provisions of the Bonds of such series; and

     Whereas, the Board of Directors as authorized by the
Stockholders of the Company by votes duly adopted have authorized
the execution of this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture for the
purpose of (a) subjecting to the lien of the Indenture additional
properties acquired by the Company since the date of execution of
the Original Indenture, (b) adding to the Original Indenture
certain covenants and agreements hereafter to be observed by the
Company, and (c) creating the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series,
designating the series created and specifying the form and
provisions of the Bonds of such series; and

     Whereas, all acts and proceedings required by law and by the
Charter and by-laws of the Company necessary to secure the
payment of the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on
the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series, to make the Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series to be issued hereunder, when executed by the
Company, authenticated and delivered by the Trustee and duly
issued, the valid, binding and legal obligations of the Company,
and to constitute the Indenture a valid and binding mortgage for
the security of the Bonds, in accordance with its and their
terms, have been done and taken; and the execution and delivery
of this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture and the issue of the
Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series have been in all respects duly

     Now, Therefore, This Indenture Witnesseth, that in order to
secure the payment of the principal of and premium, if any, and
interest on all Bonds at any time issued and outstanding under
the Indenture, according to their tenor, purport and effect, to
confirm the lien of the Indenture upon property purchased,
constructed or otherwise acquired by the Company since the date
of execution of the Original Indenture, to secure the performance
and observance of all the covenants and conditions in the Bonds
and in the Indenture contained, and to declare the terms and
conditions upon and subject to which the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series are and are to be issued and secured and for and in
consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants herein
contained and of the purchase and acceptance of the Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series by the holders thereof, and of the sum of Ten
Dollars ($10) duly paid to the Company by the Trustee, at or
before the ensealing and delivery hereof, and for other valuable
considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the
Company has executed and delivered this Fifteenth Supplemental
Indenture; and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell,
alien, remise, release, convey, assign, transfer, mortgage,
pledge, set over and confirm unto State Street Bank and Trust
Company, Trustee, its successors in the trust created by the
Indenture, and its and their successors and assigns, all the
property rights, privileges and franchises (other than excepted
property) of the character described in the Granting Clauses and
in Section 9.14 of the Original Indenture now owned of record or
otherwise by the Company, whether or not constructed or acquired
since the date of execution of the Original Indenture or which
may hereafter be constructed or acquired by it, but subject to
all exceptions, reservations and matters of the character therein
referred to, and expressly excepting and excluding from the lien
and operation of the Indenture the property described in the
"Schedule of Specifically Excepted Properties" in Article Twenty
of the Original Indenture and all properties of the character
specifically excepted by Paragraphs B through I of Granting
Clause IX of the Original Indenture and all property released or
otherwise disposed of pursuant to the provisions of the

     If upon the happening of any default as defined in Article Twelve
of the Original Indenture, as supplemented and modified by this
Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, the Trustee or a receiver or
trustee shall enter upon and take possession of the trust estate,
the Trustee or such receiver or trustee may, to the extent
permitted by law, at the same time likewise take possession of
any and all of the property specifically excepted under the
heading "Excepted Property" of Granting Clause IX of the Original
Indenture, other than Paragraph G thereof, then on hand and use
and administer the same to the same extent as if such property
were part of the trust estate, unless and until such default
shall be remedied or waived and possession of the trust estate
restored to the Company.

     To Have and To Hold all of the property, real, personal and
mixed, and all and singular the lands, properties, estates,
rights, franchises, privileges and appurtenances hereby granted,
bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, assigned,
transferred, mortgaged, pledged, set over or confirmed, or
intended so to be unto the Trustee and its successors in trust
and to its and their successors and assigns, forever.

     But In Trust, Nevertheless, for the equal and proportionate
use, benefit, security and protection of those who from time to
time shall hold the Bonds and coupons, or any of them,
authenticated and delivered under the Indenture, and duly issued
by the Company, without any discrimination, preference or
priority of any one Bond or coupon over any other by reason of
priority in the time of issue, sale or negotiation thereof or
otherwise, except as provided in Section 12.28 of the Original
Indenture, so that, subject to said Section 12.28, each and all
of said Bonds and coupons shall have the same right, lien and
privilege under the Indenture, and shall be equally and
proportionately secured thereby and hereby (except as any
sinking, depreciation or other analogous fund established in
accordance with the provisions of the Indenture may afford
additional security for the Bonds of any particular series), with
the same effect as if all the Bonds and coupons had been issued,
sold and negotiated simultaneously on the date of delivery of the
Original Indenture.

     The Company Hereby Declares that it holds and will hold and
apply all property and rights of the character described in
Paragraph G of Granting Clause IX of the Original Indenture as
specifically reserved and excepted, upon the trusts as set forth
in the Original Indenture, as heretofore supplemented and
modified and as supplemented by this Fifteenth Supplemental
Indenture, and as the Trustee (or any purchaser upon any sale of
the mortgaged property) shall for such purpose direct from time
to time, to the fullest extent permitted by law or in equity and
by any instruments creating the same, as fully as if the same
could be and had been hereby granted, conveyed, mortgaged,
pledged, transferred and assigned to and vested in the Trustee.
It is hereby covenanted, declared and agreed by and between the
parties hereto that all Bonds and coupons, if any, are to be
authenticated, delivered and issued and that all property subject
or to become subject to the Indenture is to be held, subject to
the further covenants, conditions, uses and trusts set forth in
the Indenture, and the Company for itself and its successors or
assigns does hereby covenant and agrees to and with the Trustee
and its successor or successors in such trust, for the benefit of
those who shall hold said Bonds, or coupons, or any of them, as

                           Article One 
              Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series and Certain
               Provisions Relating Thereto
     Section 1.01.   A.  Terms of Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series;.  There shall be and hereby is created a new series of
Bonds, known as and entitled "First Mortgage Bonds, 7.28% Series
due 2016."  The principal amount of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series shall be and hereby is limited, except for duplicate Bonds
authenticated and delivered pursuant to Section 3.12 of the
Original Indenture, to Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) in
aggregate principal amount.

     The definitive Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series shall be
issued only as registered Bonds without coupons of the
denomination of $1,000 or any integral multiple thereof.

     All Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series shall mature December 1,
2016, and shall bear interest at the rate of 7.28% per annum
until payment of the principal thereof, such interest to be
payable semi-annually, on June 1 and December 1 in each year, and
shall bear interest at the rate of 8.28% per annum on any overdue
payment of principal and, so far as the same may be legally
enforceable, on any overdue payment of interest or premium, until
the same shall be paid in full, such interest on any such overdue
payment to be payable on demand.  Interest on the Bonds shall be
computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.
The principal of, the premium, if any, and interest on, the Bonds
of the 7.28% 2016 Series shall be paid in any coin or currency of
the United States of America which at the time of payment is
legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, at the
principal corporate trust office of the Trustee in the City of
Boston, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; provided, however, that,
subject to any applicable direct payment provisions, interest on
the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series may be paid by checks payable
to the order of the respective holders entitled thereto and
mailed by the Trustee by first class mail, postage prepaid, to
such holders at their respective registered addresses as shown on
the Bond register for the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series.

     The definitive Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series may be issued
in the form of Bonds engraved, printed or lithographed on steel
engraved borders or, notwithstanding the provisions of the
Original Indenture, in the form of typewritten or other word
processed or photo-reproduced Bonds.
The person in whose name any Bond of the 7.28% 2016 Series is
registered at the close of business on any record date (as
hereinbelow defined) with respect to any interest payment date
shall be entitled to receive the interest payable on such
interest payment date notwithstanding the cancellation of such
Bond of the 7.28% 2016 Series upon any transfer or exchange
thereof (including any exchange effected as an incident to a
partial redemption thereof) subsequent to the record date and
prior to such interest payment date, except that, if and to the
extent that the Company shall default in the payment of the
interest due on such interest payment date, then the registered
holders of Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series on such record date
shall have no further right to or claim in respect of such
defaulted interest as such registered holders on such record
date, and the persons entitled to receive payment of any
defaulted interest thereafter payable or paid on any Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series shall be the registered holders of such Bonds
of the 7.28% 2016 Series on the record date for payment of such
defaulted interest.  The term "record date" as used in this
Section 1.01, and in the form of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series, with respect to any interest payment date applicable to
the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series, shall mean the May 15 next
preceding a June 1 interest payment date or the November 15 next
preceding a December 1 interest payment date, as the case may be,
or such record date established for defaulted interest as
hereinafter provided.

     In case of failure by the Company to pay any interest when
due, the claim for such interest shall be deemed to have been
transferred by transfer of any Bond of the 7.28% 2016 Series
registered on the Bond register for the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series, and the Company, by not less than 10 days written notice
to bondholders, may fix a subsequent record date, not more than 1
day prior to the date fixed for the payment of such interest, for
determination of holders entitled to payment of such interest.
Such provision for establishment of a subsequent record date,
however, shall in no way affect the rights of bondholders or of
the Trustee consequent on any default.
Every Bond of the 7.28% 2016 Series shall be dated as provided in
Section 3.05 of the Original Indenture, except that, so long as
there is no existing default in the payment of interest on the
Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series, all Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series authenticated by the Trustee between the record date for
any interest payment date and such interest payment date shall be
dated such interest payment date and shall bear interest from
such interest payment date; provided, however, that if and to the
extent that the Company shall default in the payment of the
interest due on such interest payment date, then any such Bond of
the 7.28% 2016 Series shall bear interest from the June 1 or
December 1, as the case may be, to which interest has been paid,
unless such interest payment date is June 1, 1997, in which case
such Bond shall bear interest from the date of authentication
upon original issue of such Bond.

     Any notice affecting or relating to the Bonds of the 7.28%
2016 Series required or permitted to be given under the Indenture
may be given by mailing the same by nationally recognized
overnight mail or delivery service, at the expense of the sender,
to the holders of record at the date of mailing at their
respective addresses as shown on the Bond register for the Bonds
of the 7.28% 2016 Series.

     As permitted by the provisions of Section 3.10 of the
Original Indenture and upon payment at the option of the Company
of a sum sufficient to reimburse it for any stamp tax or other
governmental charge as provided in Section 3.11 of the Original
Indenture, Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series may be exchanged for
other registered Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series of different
authorized denominations of like aggregate principal amount.
Notwithstanding the provisions of said Section 3.11, no further
sum, other than the sum sufficient to reimburse the Company for
such stamp taxes or other governmental charges, shall be required
to be paid upon any exchange of Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series or
upon any transfer thereof.

     Neither the Company nor the Trustee shall be required to
make transfers or exchanges of Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series for
a period of 10 days next preceding any designation of Bonds of
the 7.28% 2016 Series to be redeemed, and neither the Company nor
the Trustee shall be required to make transfers or exchanges of
any Bonds designated in whole for redemption or that part of any
Bond designated in part for redemption.

     The Trustee hereunder shall by virtue of its office as such
Trustee, be a paying agent of the Company for the purpose of the
payment of the principal of and premium, if any, and interest on
the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series and the registrar and transfer
agent of the Company for the purpose of registering and
transferring Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series, and shall maintain a
Bond Register for the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series.

     B.   Form of Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series.  The Bonds of
the 7.28% 2016 Series and the Trustee's authentication
certificate to be executed on the Bonds of said series, shall be
in substantially the following form, respectively:

             [Form of Bond of the 7.28% 2016 Series]
No. RK-                                           $______________

                    Essex County Gas Company
            (formerly known as Haverhill Gas Company)
           First Mortgage Bond, 7.28% Series Due 2016
                      Due December 1, 2016
     Essex County Gas Company (formerly known as Haverhill Gas
Company), a Massachusetts corporation (hereinafter sometimes
called the  "Company"), for value received, hereby promises to pay
to ____________________________ or registered assigns,
_________________________________________ Dollars on December 1,
2016 and to pay to the registered owner hereof interest hereon
from the date of authentication upon original issue hereof, or
from the interest payment date next preceding the date of this
bond, or from the date of this bond if it be an interest payment
date, whichever date is the later, at the rate per annum
specified in the title of this bond, semi-annually on June 1 and 
on December 1 in each year until payment of the principal hereof,
and to pay the registered holder hereof interest on any overdue
payment of principal and, so far as the same may be legally
enforceable, on any overdue payment of interest or premium, at
the rate per annum which is 1% greater than the rate per annum
specified in the title of this bond, such interest on any such
overdue payment to be payable on demand, until any such overdue
payment shall be paid in full.  Interest shall be computed on the
basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.

     The interest so payable upon any June 1 or December 1 will,
subject to certain exceptions described herein, be paid to the
person in whose name this bond is registered at the close of
business on the May 15 preceding such June 1 or the November 15
preceding such December 1, as the case may be.
The principal of and premium, if any, and interest on this bond
will be paid in any coin or currency of the United States of
America which at the time is legal tender for the payment of
public and private debts, at the principal corporate trust office
of the Trustee or its successor in trust, in the City of Boston,
Massachusetts; provided, however, subject to applicable direct
payment provisions, that interest on this bond may be paid by
check payable to the order of the registered holder entitled
thereto and mailed by the Trustee by first class mail, postage
prepaid, to such holder at his address as shown on the bond
register for the bonds of this series.

     This bond shall not become or be valid or obligatory for any
purpose until the authentication certificate hereon shall have
been signed by the Trustee.

     This bond is one of the bonds, of the above designated
series, of an authorized issue of bonds of the Company, known as
First Mortgage Bonds, issued or issuable in one or more series
under and equally and proportionately secured (except insofar as
any sinking fund, depreciation fund or other analogous fund
established in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture
hereinafter mentioned may afford additional security for the
bonds of any specific series) by an Indenture of First Mortgage
dated as of October 1, 1955, executed and delivered by the
Company to Second Bank-State Street Trust Company (now known as
State Street Bank and Trust Company), Boston, Massachusetts, as
Trustee (herein with its successors under said Indenture called
the " Trustee"), to which Indenture of First Mortgage as
supplemented and/or modified by fifteen supplemental indentures,
including, in particular, the First Supplemental Indenture, dated
as of October 1, 1958, the Second Supplemental Indenture, dated
as of May 1, 1961, the Third Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
October 1, 1961, the Fourth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
April 1, 1964, the Fifth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
December 1, 1965, the Sixth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
January 1, 1971, the Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
November 1, 1975, the Eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
July 1, 1979, the Ninth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
April 1, 1982, the Tenth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
June 1, 1984, the Eleventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of
September 15, 1988, the Twelfth Supplemental Indenture, dated as
of December 1, 1990, the Thirteenth Supplemental Indenture, dated
as of September 23, 1994, the Fourteenth Supplemental Indenture
dated as of May 15, 1995, and the Fifteenth Supplemental
Indenture, dated as of December 1, 1996 executed and delivered by
the Company to said Trustee, and as hereafter supplemented or
modified in accordance with the terms thereof by all other
indentures supplemental thereto (hereinafter collectively called
the "Indenture") reference is hereby made for a description of
the property mortgaged and pledged as security for said bonds,
the nature and extent of the security, and the rights, duties and
immunities thereunder of the Trustee, the rights of the holders
of said bonds and of the Trustee and of the Company in respect of
such security, and the terms upon which said bonds may be issued
thereunder; but neither the foregoing reference to the Indenture
nor any provision of this bond or of the Indenture or of any
indenture supplemental thereto shall affect or permit the
impairment of the obligation of the Company, which is absolute
and unconditional, to pay at the stated or accelerated times
herein provided, the principal of and the premium, if any, and
the interest on this bond as herein provided.

     The bonds of this series are subject to mandatory redemption
prior to maturity as a whole at any time or in part from time to
time, by operation of the sinking fund provided for in the
Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture at 100% of the principal amount
thereof, all in accordance with the terms of the Indenture.  In
addition, the Company shall have the right, at its option (an
"Optional Redemption"), exercisable at any time and from time to
time, of paying the outstanding bonds of this series, either in
whole or in part (but if in part, then in units in excess of
$100,000) by payment of the principal amount of the bonds of this
series, or portion thereof to be redeemed, and accrued interest
thereon to the date of such redemption, together with a premium
equal to the Make-Whole Premium (determined three business days
prior to the date of redemption).  Notice of an Optional
Redemption shall be given by nationally recognized overnight mail
or delivery service, at the expense of the sender, to the holder
of record of each bond affected and subject to all other
conditions and provisions of the Indenture, not less than thirty
days nor more than ninety days prior to the date fixed for
redemption.  Three business days prior to the date specified in
such notice for such Optional Redemption, the Company shall
provide each holder of the Bonds of this series written notice
(by telecopy transmission and overnight mail or delivery service)
of the Make-Whole Premium payable in connection with such
Optional Redemption, determined as of such date, together with a
reasonably detailed computation thereof.  The Trustee shall have
no obligation to calculate or verify any calculation of the Make-
Whole Premium.

   As used herein, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

     "Make-Whole Premium" shall mean, in connection with the above
described Optional Redemption, the excess, if any, of (i) the
aggregate present value as of the date of such redemption of each
dollar of principal being paid (taking into account the
application of such Optional Redemption required by Section 1.03
of the Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture) and the amount of
interest (exclusive of interest accrued to the date of
redemption) that would have been payable in respect of such
dollar if such Optional Redemption had not been made, determined
by discounting such amounts at the Reinvestment Rate from the
respective dates on which they would have been payable, over (ii)
100% of the principal amount of the outstanding bonds of this
series being redeemed.  If the Reinvestment Rate is equal to or
higher than 7.28%, the Make-Whole Premium shall be zero.

     "Reinvestment Rate" shall mean .50% plus the yield to
maturity implied by the yields reported, as of 10:00 A.M. (New
York City time) on the third business day next preceding the date
upon which payment of principal is required hereunder with
respect to the outstanding principal amount of the Bonds of this
series to be paid, on the display designated as "USD" of the
Bloomberg Financial Markets Services Screen (or such other
display as may replace page "USD" of the Bloomberg Financial
Markets Services Screen) for actively traded U.S. Treasury
securities having a maturity equal to the Weighted Average Life
to Maturity of such outstanding principal as of such date upon
which the payment of principal is required hereunder (taking into
account the application of such Optional Redemption required by
Section 1.03 of the Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture).  If no
such published maturity exactly corresponds to such Weighted
Average Life to Maturity, yields for the two published maturities
most closely corresponding to such Weighted Average Life to
Maturity shall be calculated pursuant to the immediately
preceding sentence and the Reinvestment Rate shall be
interpolated or extrapolated from such yields on a straight-line
basis, rounding in each of such relevant periods to the nearest
month or, if no month is nearest, rounding up to the greater
number of months.  For the purposes of calculating the
Reinvestment Rate, the most recent Statistical Release published
prior to the date of determination of the premium hereunder shall
be used.

     "Statistical Release" shall mean the statistical release
designated "H.15(519)" or any successor publication which is
published weekly by the Federal Reserve System and which
establishes yields on actively traded U.S. Government Securities
adjusted to constant maturities or, if such statistical release
is not published at the time of any determination hereunder, then
such other reasonably comparable index which shall be designated
by the holders of 66-2/3% in aggregate principal amount of the
outstanding bonds of this series.

     "Weighted Average Life to Maturity" of the principal amount
of the bonds of this series being optionally redeemed shall mean,
as of the time of any determination thereof, the number of years
obtained by dividing the then Remaining Dollar-Years of such
principal by the aggregate amount of such principal.  The term
"Remaining Dollar-Years" of such principal shall mean the amount
obtained by (i) multiplying (1) the remainder of (A) the amount
of principal that would have become due on each scheduled sinking
fund payment date if such Optional Redemption had not been made,
less (B) the amount of principal on the bonds of this series
scheduled to become due on such date after giving effect to such
Optional Redemption and the application thereof in accordance
with the provisions of Section 1.03 of the Fifteenth Supplemental
Indenture, by (2) the number of years (calculated to the nearest
one-twelfth) which will elapse between the date of determination
and such scheduled payment date, and (ii) totaling the products
obtained in (i).
     If this bond or any portion hereof ($100,000 or any integral
multiple hereof) is duly designated for redemption, if payment of
the principal hereof or of such portion together with accrued
interest and premium, if any, is irrevocably provided for, and if
notice of such redemption is duly given or provided for, all as
specified in the Indenture, this bond or such portion shall cease
to be entitled to the lien of the Indenture from and after the
date such payment and notice are irrevocably so provided for and
shall cease to bear interest from and after the date fixed for

     Except as may be otherwise provided in any agreement entered
into pursuant to the provisions of the Indenture, in the event of
the selection for redemption of a portion only of the principal
of this bond, payment of the redemption price will be made at the
option of the registered owner, either (a) upon presentation of
this bond for notation hereon of such payment of the portion of
the principal of this bond so called for redemption, or (b) upon
surrender of this bond in exchange for a bond or bonds, of
authorized denominations of the same series, for the unredeemed
balance of the principal amount of this bond.  In the event of
the redemption of this bond in whole, payment of the redemption
price will be made only upon surrender of this bond.

     The Indenture contains provisions permitting the Company and
the Trustee, with the consent of the holders of not less than
sixty-six and two-thirds per cent in principal amount of the
bonds at the time outstanding (determined as provided in the
Indenture) including, if more than one series of bonds shall be
at the time outstanding, not less than sixty-six and two-thirds
per cent in principal amount of the bonds at the time outstanding
of each series affected, to effect, by an indenture supplemental
to the Indenture, modifications or alterations of the Indenture
and of the rights and obligations of the Company and of the
holders of the bonds and coupons; provided, however, that no such
modification or alteration shall be made without the consent of
the registered owner hereof which will (a) extend the maturity of
this bond or reduce the rate or extend or otherwise change the
time of payment of interest hereon or reduce the amount of the
principal hereof or reduce any premium payable on the redemption
hereof, or (b) permit the creation of any lien, not otherwise
permitted, prior to or on a parity with the lien of the
Indenture, or alter the equal and proportionate security afforded
by the lien of the Indenture for the bonds issued thereunder, or
(c) reduce the number or percentage of the principal amount of
the bonds upon the consent of the holders of which modifications
or alterations may be made as aforesaid or defaults may be

     The Company and the Trustee, any paying agent and any bond
registrar may deem and treat the person in whose name this bond
is registered upon the bond register for the bonds of this series
as the absolute owner of such bond for the purpose of receiving
payment of or on account of the principal of, the premium, if
any, and interest on this bond and for all other purposes,
whether or not this bond be overdue, and neither the Company nor
the Trustee nor any paying agent nor any bond registrar shall be
affected by any notice to the contrary; and all such payments so
made to such registered owner or upon his order shall be valid
and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon this
bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid.

     This bond is transferable by the registered owner hereof in
person or by his duly authorized attorney, on the books of the
Company kept for the purpose, at the principal corporate trust
office of the Trustee upon surrender of this bond for
cancellation and upon payment, if the Company shall so require,
of the charges provided for in the Indenture, and thereupon a new
registered bond of the same series of like principal amount will
be issued to the transferee in exchange therefor.

     The registered owner of this bond at his option may
surrender the same for cancellation at said office and receive in
exchange therefor the same aggregate principal amount of
registered bonds of the same series but of other authorized
denominations, upon payment, if the Company shall so require, of
the charges provided for in the Indenture and subject to the
terms and conditions therein set forth.

     Neither the Company nor the Trustee shall be required to
make transfers or exchanges of bonds of this series for a period
of ten days next preceding any designation of bonds of said
series to be redeemed, and neither the Company nor the Trustee
shall be required to make transfers or exchanges of any bonds
designated in whole for redemption or that part of any bond
designated in part for redemption.  Subject to the provisions of
the Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, if this bond is surrendered
for any transfer or exchange between the record date for any
regular interest payment date and such interest payment date, the
new bond will be dated such interest payment date.  If this bond
is surrendered for any transfer or exchange between such record
date and such interest payment date, the Fifteenth Supplemental
Indenture provides that in the event of any default in payment of
the interest due on such payment date, such interest shall not be
payable to the holder of the bond on the original record date but
shall be paid to the registered holder of such bond on the
subsequent record date established for payment of such defaulted

     If a default as defined in the Indenture shall occur, the
principal of this bond may become or be declared due and payable
before maturity in the manner and with the effect provided in the
Indenture.  The holders, however, of certain specified
percentages of the bonds at the time outstanding, including in
certain cases specified percentages of bonds of particular
series, may in these cases, to the extent and under the
conditions provided in the Indenture, waive past defaults
thereunder and the consequences of such defaults.

     No recourse shall be had for the payment of the principal of
or premium, if any, or the interest on this bond, or for any
claim based hereon, or otherwise in respect hereof or of the
Indenture, against any incorporator, stockholder, director or
officer, past, present or future, as such, of the Company or of
any predecessor or successor corporation, either directly or
through the Company or such predecessor or successor corporation,
under any constitution or statute or rule of law, or by the
enforcement of any assessment or penalty, or otherwise, all such
liability of incorporators, stockholders, directors and officers,
as such, being waived and released by the holder and owner hereof
by the acceptance of this bond and as provided in the Indenture.

     In Witness Whereof, Essex County Gas Company has caused
these presents, which are intended to take effect as a sealed
instrument, to be executed in its corporate name by its President
or one of its Vice Presidents, under its corporate seal or a
facsimile thereof, attested by its Clerk or one of its Assistant
Clerks, all as of January __, 1997.

Essex County Gas Company


         [Form of Trustee's Authentication Certificate]
     This is one of the bonds, of the series designated therein,
described in the within-mentioned Indenture.

State Street Bank and Trust Company, as Trustee,

     Authorized Officer

                      [Form of Endorsement]
For value received the undersigned hereby sells, assigns, and
transfers unto


                Please insert Social Security or
              other identifying number of Assignee
the within bond, and all rights thereunder, hereby irrevocably
constituting and appointing ___________________________________
attorney to transfer said bond on the books of the Company, with
full power of substitution in the premises.


Signature guaranteed by:

Notice:   The signature to this assignment must correspond with
the name as it appears upon the face of the within bond in every
particular, without alteration or enlargement or any change

     Section 1.02.  Redemption Provisions for Bonds of the 7.28%
2016 Series.  The Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series shall be subject
to redemption prior to maturity as a whole at any time or in part
(but if in part, then in units in excess of $100,000) from time
to time,

     (a)  at the option of the Company upon payment of the Make-Whole  
             Premium, if any; and

     (b)  upon payment of the called principal amount thereof,

          (I)  through the application of cash deposited with the Trustee
               for the sinking fund for the Bonds of said series
               provided for in Section 1.03 hereof, or

          (ii) inn the case of an Optional Redemption, through the
               application of cash deposited with the Trustee for
               such purpose, or

          (iii)     through the application pursuant to Section 8.05 of 
               the Original Indenture of any trust moneys held by the
               Trustee received from (a) the proceeds of property
               sold or taken pursuant to the provisions of
               Section 7.04 of the Original Indenture or (b) the
               proceeds of insurance not applied or required to
               be applied to the repair, restoration or
               replacement of the property destroyed or damaged
               or to other additions to the trust estate pursuant
               to the provisions of Section 9.09 and
               Article Eight of the Original Indenture, provided,
               however, that if more than one series of Bonds is
               at the time outstanding, such trust moneys
               referred to in this clause (ii) shall be applied,
               as to the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series, as
               nearly as may be in the proportion that the
               aggregate principal amount of the outstanding
               Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series bears to the
               aggregate principal amount of the Bonds of all
               series then outstanding;
together in any case with interest accrued thereon to the date
fixed for redemption, upon not less than thirty nor more than
ninety days notice given by nationally recognized overnight mail
or delivery service, at the expense of the sender, to the holders
of record at the date of mailing of such notice of each Bond of
the 7.28% 2016 Series affected, at his address as shown on the
Bond register for Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series.  Such notice
shall comply with the requirements of Sections 2.07 and 10.02 of
the Original Indenture.  In addition to the foregoing, in the
event that the Company elects to make an Optional Redemption,
three business days prior to the date of such Optional
Redemption, as specified in the notice given pursuant to
Sections 2.07 and 10.02 of the Original Indenture, the Company
shall provide each holder of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series
written notice (by telecopy transmission and overnight mail or
delivery service) of the Make-Whole Premium payable in connection
with such Optional Redemption, as of such date, together with a
reasonably detailed computation thereof.  The Trustee shall have
no obligation to calculate or verify any calculation of the Make-
Whole Premium.

     Notwithstanding the provisions of the Original Indenture
(including, without limitation, Section 10.03 thereof), whenever
less than all the outstanding Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series are
to be redeemed, whether at the option of the Company or through
the operation of the sinking fund or otherwise, the principal
amount of such Bonds to be redeemed shall be prorated in units of
$1,000 among the holders of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series in
the proportions that their respective holdings bear to the
aggregate principal amount of Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series
outstanding on the date of selection.  In case any holder of two
or more registered Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series shall so
request in writing filed with the Trustee, the Trustee, until
further notice from said holder, shall, for the purposes of
proration as aforesaid, treat each such registered Bond held by
said holder as if it were held by a separate and distinct holder.
The principal of pro rata redemption provided for herein shall be
maintained in successive partial redemptions, as well as in any
single partial redemption, so that, so far as practicable, at all
times the aggregate principal amount of Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series registered in the name of any holder which have been
redeemed shall be equal to the principal amount of Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series registered in the name of such holder which
would have been redeemed if redemptions in multiples of $1,000
were not required.  Such allocations as may be requisite for the
purposes of the two next preceding sentences shall be made by the
Trustee in its uncontrolled discretion.

     Section 1.03.  Sinking Fund for Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series.  As a sinking fund for the benefit of the Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series, the Company covenants that it will, on or
before November 30, in each year, beginning November 30, 2006,
and continuing to and including November 30, 2016, pay to the
Trustee cash sufficient to redeem on the next succeeding
December 1 at 100% of the principal amount thereof, Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series then outstanding, in the principal amount of
$909,091 or the then aggregate principal amount of the
outstanding Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series, if less than such
amount.  The payments and the dates upon which payments are
required for the sinking fund as above provided are in this
Section 1.03 and in the annual sinking fund certificate
hereinafter provided for referred to as "mandatory sinking fund
payments" and "sinking fund payment dates," respectively.  No
partial redemption of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series
(including, specifically, the optional and other redemptions
contemplated by Section 1.02) shall relieve the Company of its
obligation to pay mandatory sinking fund payments.

     The Company shall file with the Trustee on or before the
October 15 next preceding any sinking fund payment date an
officers' certificate (herein referred to as an "annual sinking
fund certificate"), substantially in the following form:

                    Essex County Gas Company
            (formerly known as Haverhill Gas Company)
     Indenture Dated as of October 1, 1955, as Supplemented
        By a Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture Dated as of
                        December 1, 1996
                 Annual Sinking Fund Certificate
     The undersigned, one of whom is an accountant, in compliance
with the provisions for a sinking fund contained in Section 1.03
of the above-mentioned Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture
(hereinafter called the "Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture")
supplementing the above-mentioned Indenture (hereinafter called
the "Original Indenture"), do hereby certify as follows:

     1.   The amount of the mandatory cash sinking fund payment
due on November 30, ____ (here there should be specified the
November 30 next succeeding the date of filing of the
certificate) as provided in Section 1.03 of the Fifteenth
Supplemental Indenture, is $________________.

     2.   The Company is not in default in the performance of any
covenant, agreement or condition contained in the Original
Indenture, as supplemented (provided, that in the event the
Company is in default, this paragraph 2 shall describe such
default and the actions the Company is taking to cure such

[Here insert statements required by Section 2.04 of the Original

Dated:  ___________________


Treasurer of Essex County Gas Company

     All Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series redeemed by operation of
the sinking fund, shall be deemed to be thereupon funded, but
only so long as any Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series are
outstanding.  All Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series so redeemed
shall, if not previously cancelled, be forthwith cancelled by the

     Forthwith after the October 15 preceding each sinking fund
payment date, the Trustee shall proceed to select for redemption,
in the manner provided in the last paragraph of Section 1.02 of
this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, a principal amount of
Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series equal to the amount of the
mandatory sinking fund payment required at such date and, in the
name of the Company, shall give notice as required by the
provisions of Section 1.02 of this Fifteenth Supplemental
Indenture and Article Ten of the Original Indenture, of the
redemption for the sinking fund on the then next ensuing
December 1, of the Bonds so selected.  On or before the sinking
fund payment date next preceding such December 1, the Company
shall pay to the Trustee the mandatory sinking fund payment
required by this Section, plus the amount of all interest accrued
on Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series to be redeemed by the
application of such cash payments, and the money so paid shall be
applied by the Trustee to the redemption of such Bonds.

     All cash paid to the Trustee pursuant to the provisions of
this Section 1.03 or pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.02
above, shall be held by the Trustee as security for the payment
of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series until applied as herein or
therein provided.

     The Company, upon request of the Trustee from time to time, will
pay to the Trustee an amount equal to the cost of giving notice
of redemption of Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series for such sinking
fund, for giving notice of any Optional Redemption and any other
expense of operation of such sinking fund, the intention being
that such fund shall not be charged for such expenses.

     Section 1.04.   Restriction on Payment of Dividends on
Common Stock;.  The Company shall not directly or indirectly
(a) declare or pay any dividend (other than dividends payable in
Common Stock of the Company) or declare or make any other
distribution on any shares of Common Stock, or (b) make any
expenditures for the purchase, redemption or other retirement for
a consideration of any shares of capital stock of the Company
(other than in exchange for, or from the net cash proceeds of,
other and new shares of capital stock of the Company and other
than any shares of any class of stock required to be purchased,
redeemed or otherwise retired for any sinking fund or purchase
fund for such class of stock), if the aggregate amount of all
such dividends, distributions and expenditures made since
August 31, 1996 would exceed the aggregate amount of the net
income of the Company accumulated after August 31, 1996 plus the
sum of $4,000,000.

     Net income of the Company for the purpose of this
Section shall mean the sum of (a) the total operating revenues of
the Company, less an amount equal to the total operating expenses
of the Company, including but not limited to (i) all taxes
(including without limitation income, excess profits and other
taxes imposed on or measured by income or undistributed earnings
or income), (ii) rentals, insurance, current repairs and
maintenance, (iii) provision for retirements, depreciation or
obsolescence, which shall be the amount actually charged by the
Company on its books of account (but in respect of depreciable
gas utility property not subject to prior liens shall not be less
than the minimum provision for depreciation as defined in
Section 1.05 of this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture), and
(iv) all charges on account of interest on indebtedness and on
account of debt discount and expense, and (b) net income or loss
from the operation of properties other than the trust estate and
any other income received (less applicable expenses) or loss
incurred by the Company; which sum shall be diminished by an
amount equal to all dividends accrued (whether or not paid) on
any outstanding stock of the Company having preference over the
Common Stock as to dividends, assets or otherwise, all of the
foregoing determined in accordance with sound accounting
practice.  In determining the net income of the Company for the
purpose of this Section, no deduction or adjustment shall be made
for or in respect of any charges or credits which under sound
accounting practice are not appropriate charges or credits in
determining net income and, without limiting the generality of
the foregoing, the following items shall be excluded from the
computation: (1) expenses in connection with the issuance of
stock of the Company and expenses in connection with the
redemption or retirement of any securities issued by the Company,
including any amount paid in excess of the principal amount or
par or stated value of securities redeemed or retired, or, in the
event that such redemption or retirement is effected with the
proceeds of sale of other securities of the Company, any interest
or dividends on the securities redeemed or retired from the date
on which the funds required for such redemption or retirement are
deposited in trust for such purpose to the date of redemption or
retirement; (2) profits or losses from the sale, abandonment or
other disposition of property or other assets carried in plant or
investment accounts of the Company, or from the reacquisition of
any securities of the Company, or taxes in respect of any such
profits or reduction of taxes in respect of any such losses;
(3) any change in or adjustment of the book value of any assets
owned by the Company arising from a revaluation thereof; (4) any
adjustment (including tax adjustments) applicable to any period
prior to January 1, 1973; or (5) amortization or elimination of
gas utility property, plant adjustment or acquisition accounts or

     Section 1.05.   Minimum Provision for Depreciation;.  So
long as any of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series remain
outstanding, the term "minimum provision for depreciation" shall
have the meaning specified in Section 1.32 of the Original
Indenture except that the rate of 1-3/4% per annum referred to in
said Section 1.32 shall for the purposes of this Section 1.05, be
computed at the rate of 2% per annum.

    Section 1.06.   Compliance with Laws;.  The Company
shall conduct its operations and keep and maintain its property
in compliance with all Environmental Legal Requirements and shall
obtain all necessary governmental permits, approvals, licenses
and consents ("Environmental Permits") to the extent that non-
compliance with such Environmental Legal Requirements or failure
to obtain such Environmental Permits will have a material adverse
effect, and solely with respect to non-compliance with
governmental orders or directives issued pursuant to
Environmental Legal Requirements, the Company has diligently
applied for and obtained Environmental Permits necessary to
effect such compliance, and such non-compliance continues for
more than 180 days after the Environmental Permits have issued
and become effective; provided, however, that nothing contained
in this Section shall prevent the Company from contesting, in
good faith by appropriate legal proceedings, any Environmental
Legal Requirements, the interpretation thereof or the application
thereof, or the necessity or applicability of any Environmental
Permit, provided, further, that the Company shall comply with the
order of any court or other governmental body of applicable
jurisdiction relating to such laws unless the Company shall
currently be prosecuting an appeal or proceedings for review and
shall have secured a stay of enforcement or execution or other
arrangement, postponing, enforcement or execution pending such
appeal or proceedings for review.

     For purposes of this Section 1.06, the term "Environmental
Legal Requirements" shall mean any applicable law relating to
public health, safety or the environment, including, without
limitation, relating to releases, discharges or emissions to air,
water, land or groundwater, to the withdrawal or use of
groundwater, to the use and handling of polychlorinated byphenyls
or asbestos, to the disposal, treatment, storage or management of
solid or hazardous wastes or to exposure to toxic or hazardous
materials, to the handling, transportation, discharge or release
of gaseous or liquid substances and any regulation, order, notice
or demand issued pursuant to such statute or ordinance, in each
case applicable to the property or assets of the Company or the
operation, construction or modification of any thereof, including
without limitation the following:  the Clear Air Act, the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act, the Safe Drinking Act, the Toxic
Substances Control Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response
Compensation and Liability Act as amended by the Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act as amended by the Solid and
Hazardous Waste Amendments of 1984, the Occupational Safety and
Health Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
Act of 1986, the Solid Waste Disposal Act, and any state statutes
addressing similar matters, and any state statute providing for
financial responsibility for cleanup or other actions with
respect to the release or threatened release of hazardous
substances and any state nuisance statute.

     Section 1.07.   Duration of Effectiveness of Article
One;.  This Article shall be of force and effect only so long as
any Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series are outstanding.

                        Article Two 
        Principal Amount Presently to be Outstanding
     Section 2.01.  The total aggregate principal amount of First
Mortgage Bonds of the Company issued and outstanding and
presently to be issued and outstanding under the provisions of
and secured by the Indenture will be as set forth below:

Designation of First
  Mortgage Bonds Principal Amount

10 1/4% Series due 2003                      $ 4,200,000
10.10% Series due 2020                       $ 8,000,000
 7.28% Series due 2016                       $10,000,000

     Additional Bonds of any other series established after the
execution and delivery of this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture
may from time to time be authenticated, delivered and issued
pursuant to the terms of the Indenture.

     Section 2.02.  Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series in the
aggregate principal amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000)
may forthwith, upon the execution and delivery of this Fifteenth
Supplemental Indenture, or from time to time thereafter, and upon
compliance by the Company with the provisions of Sections 5.02
and 5.03 of the Original Indenture, be executed by the Company
and delivered to the Trustee and shall thereupon be authenticated
and delivered by the Trustee to or upon the written order of the

                          Article Three    
                       Certain Definitions
     As used in this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, the
following terms shall be defined as follows:

     "Make-Whole Premium" shall mean, in connection with an
Optional Redemption of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series, the
excess, if any, of (i) the aggregate present value as of the date
of such redemption of each dollar of principal being paid (taking
into account the application of such Optional Redemption required
by Section 1.03 of the Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture) and the
amount of interest (exclusive of interest accrued to the date of
redemption) that would have been payable in respect of such
dollar if such Optional Redemption had not been made, determined
by discounting such amounts at the Reinvestment Rate from the
respective dates on which they would have been payable, over (ii)
100% of the principal amount of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016
Series being redeemed.  If the Reinvestment Rate is equal to or
higher than 7.28%, the Make-Whole Premium shall be zero.

     "Reinvestment Rate" shall mean .50% plus the yield to
maturity implied by the yields reported, as of 10:00 A.M. (New
York City time) on the third business day next preceding the date
upon which payment of principal is required hereunder with
respect to the outstanding principal amount of the Bonds of the
7.28% 2016 Series to be paid, on the display designated as "USD"
of the Bloomberg Financial Markets Services Screen (or such other
display as may replace page "USD" of the Bloomberg Financial
Markets Services Screen) for actively traded U.S. Treasury
securities having a maturity equal to the Weighted Average Life
to Maturity of such outstanding principal as of such date upon
which the payment of principal is required hereunder (taking into
account the application of such Optional Redemption required by
Section 1.03 of the Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture).  If no
such published maturity exactly corresponds to such Weighted
Average Life to Maturity, yields for the two published maturities
most closely corresponding to such Weighted Average Life to
Maturity shall be calculated pursuant to the immediately
preceding sentence and the Reinvestment Rate shall be
interpolated or extrapolated from such yields on a straight-line
basis, rounding in each of such relevant periods to the nearest
month.  For the purposes of calculating the Reinvestment Rate,
the most recent Statistical Release published prior to the date
of determination of the premium hereunder shall be used.

     "Statistical Release" shall mean the statistical release
designated "H.15(519)" or any successor publication which is
published weekly by the Federal Reserve System and which
establishes yields on actively traded U.S. Government Securities
adjusted to constant maturities or, if such statistical release
is not published at the time of any determination hereunder, then
such other reasonably comparable index which shall be designated
by the holders of 66-2/3% in aggregate principal amount of the
outstanding Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series.

     "Weighted Average Life to Maturity" of the principal amount
of the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series being optionally redeemed
shall mean, as of the time of any determination thereof, the
number of years obtained by dividing the then Remaining Dollar-
Years of such principal by the aggregate amount of such
principal.  The term "Remaining Dollar-Years" of such principal
shall mean the amount obtained by (i) multiplying (1) the
remainder of (A) the amount of principal that would have become
due on each scheduled sinking fund payment date if such Optional
Redemption had not been made, less (B) the amount of principal of
the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series scheduled to become due on
such date after giving effect to such Optional Redemption and the
application thereof in accordance with the provisions of
Section 1.03 of the Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, by (2) the
number of years (calculated to the nearest one-twelfth) which
will elapse between the date of determination and such scheduled
payment date, and (ii) totaling the products obtained in (i).

                          Article Four     
     Section 4.01.  For the purpose of the last paragraph of
Section 12.01 of the Indenture, the rate of interest referred to
therein for the Bonds of the 7.28% 2016 Series is seven and
twenty-eight one-hundredths percent (7.28%) per annum.

     Section 4.02.  This Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture is
executed and shall be construed as an indenture supplemental to
the Original Indenture, and shall form a part thereof, and the
Original Indenture as heretofore supplemented and modified and
hereby supplemented is hereby confirmed.  Except to the extent
inconsistent with the express terms hereof, all of the
provisions, terms, covenants and conditions of the Original
Indenture shall be applicable to the Bonds of the 7.28%
2016 Series to the same extent as if specifically set forth
herein.  All terms used in this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture
shall be taken to have the same meaning as in the Original
Indenture as heretofore supplemented and modified except in cases
where the context clearly indicates otherwise.

     Section 4.03.  All recitals in this Fifteenth Supplemental
Indenture are made by the Company only and not by the Trustee;
and all of the provisions contained in the Original Indenture in
respect of the rights, privileges, immunities, powers and duties
of the Trustee shall be applicable in respect hereof as fully and
with like effect as if set forth herein in full.

     Section 4.04.  The Company covenants that it is lawfully
seized and possessed at the date of execution of this Fifteenth
Supplemental Indenture of all the trust estate described in this
Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, except as specifically
otherwise stated in this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture, and
that all the trust estate so described is free and clear of any
lien other than the lien of the Indenture and permitted
encumbrances; that the Company will warrant and forever defend
all the trust estate so described to the Trustee against the
claims of all persons whosoever except as in the Indenture
specifically otherwise stated, that it will maintain and preserve
the lien of the Indenture so long as any of the Bonds issued
under the Indenture are outstanding; and that it has good right
and lawful authority to subject all the trust estate so described
to the lien of the Indenture as provided in and by the Original
Indenture as heretofore supplemented and modified and as
supplemented by this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture.

     Section 4.05.  This Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture may be
executed in several counterparts, and each of such counterparts
shall for all purposes be deemed to be an original, and all such
counterparts, or as many of them as the Company and the Trustee
shall preserve undestroyed, shall together constitute but one and
the same instrument.

     Section 4.06.  Although this Fifteenth Supplemental
Indenture is dated for convenience and for purposes of
identification and reference as of December 1, 1996, the actual
date or dates of execution by the Company and by the Trustee are
as indicated by their respective acknowledgments hereto annexed
and this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture has been delivered and
has become effective for all purposes between the parties on the
later such date of execution.

     In Witness Whereof, Essex County Gas Company has caused this
Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture to be signed in its corporate
name and behalf by its President and its corporate seal to be
hereunto affixed and attested by its Clerk or one of its
Assistant Clerks, and State Street Bank and Trust Company in
token of its acceptance of the trust hereby created has caused
this Fifteenth Supplemental Indenture to be signed in its
corporate name and behalf by one of its Assistant Vice
Presidents, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and
attested by one of its Assistant Secretaries, all on the ____ day
of January, 1997.

Essex County Gas Company

     Its President


     (Corporate Seal)

State Street Bank and Trust Company



     Assistant Secretary

     (Corporate Seal)

Commonwealth of Massachusetts )
                    )    ss.:
County of           )

     At ___________________________ on this ____ day of
_____________, 19__, before me appeared
____________________________, to me personally known, who, being
by me duly sworn, did say that he is
_____________________________ of the Essex County Gas Company,
and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the
corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument
was signed and sealed by him on behalf of said Corporation by
authority of its Board of Directors, and the said
_______________________ acknowledged said instrument to be the
free act and deed of said Corporation.

Notary Public

My Commission Expires


(Notarial Seal)

Commonwealth of Massachusetts )
                    )    ss.:
County of           )

     At ___________________________ on this ___ day of
_____________, 19__, before me appeared
____________________________, to me personally known, who, being
by me duly sworn, did say that he is
_____________________________ of State Street Bank and Trust
Company, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is
the corporate seal of said Trust Company, and that the said
instrument was signed and sealed by him on behalf of said Trust
Company by authority of its Board of Directors, and the said
_______________________ acknowledged said instrument to be the
free act and deed of said Trust Company.

Notary Public

My Commission Expires


(Notarial Seal)