Information Required in Proxy Statement

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
           Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-2.

                             HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

  1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant 
     to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  5) Total fee paid:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  [  ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by Exchange  Act
    Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was
    paid  previously.  Identify the previous  filing by  registration  statement
    number, or the Form or Schedule, and the date of its filing.

  1)  Amount Previously Paid:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  3)  Filing Party:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  4)  Date Filed:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.


                                February 18, 1998

To the Stockholders of 

   NOTICE IS HEREBY  GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of Herley
Industries,  Inc.  will  be held  at the  Comfort  Inn,  500  Centerville  Road,
Lancaster,  Pennsylvania 17601 on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 at 10:00 a.m., or
at any adjournment thereof, for the following purposes:

     1.   To elect seven directors.

     2.   To  consider  and act upon a  proposal  to amend  the  Certificate  of
          Incorporation  to increase the authorized  shares of Common Stock from
          10,000,000 to 20,000,000.

     3.   To  consider  and act upon such other  business as may  properly  come
          before this meeting or any adjournment  thereof. The above matters are
          set forth in the Proxy Statement attached to this Notice to which your
          attention is directed.

     Only  stockholders  of record on the books of the  Company  at the close of
business on January  19, 1998 will be entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders or at any adjournment  thereof. You are requested to sign, date and
return the enclosed Proxy at your earliest convenience in order that your shares
may be voted for you as specified.

                                 By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                               LEE N. BLATT

Dated:   January 20, 1998
         Lancaster, Pennsylvania

                             HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.
                                10 Industry Drive
                          Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          Wednesday, February 18, 1998

   The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Herley Industries, Inc. (the "Company")
will be held on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 at The Comfort Inn, 500 Centerville
Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601 at 10:00 a.m., for the purposes set forth in
the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The enclosed proxy is
solicited  by and on behalf of the Board of  Directors of the Company for use at
the Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  This proxy statement and the enclosed proxy
has been  mailed on or about  January  20,  1998 to all  stockholders  as of the
record date.

     If a proxy in the  accompanying  form is duly  executed and  returned,  the
shares  represented  by such  proxy  will be  voted  as  specified.  Any  person
executing  the  proxy  may  revoke  it prior to its  exercise  either  by letter
directed to the Company or in person at the Annual  Meeting.  

Voting Rights 

     Only stockholders of record on January 19, 1998 (the "Record Date") will be
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment  thereof.  The Company
has outstanding one class of voting capital stock,  namely  5,241,147  shares of
Common  Stock,  $.10 par value.  Stockholders  are entitled to one vote for each
share registered in their names at the close of business on the Record Date. The
affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast at the meeting is required for
approval of each matter to be  submitted to a vote of the  stockholders,  except
for the amendment to the Company's  Certificate of Incorporation  which requires
an affirmative vote of a majority of the Company's  outstanding shares of Common
Stock. For purposes of determining whether proposals requiring a majority of the
votes cast at the meeting have received a majority vote, abstentions will not be
included in the vote totals,  and in instances where brokers are prohibited from
exercising discretionary authority for beneficial owners who have not returned a
proxy (so called  "broker  non-votes"),  those votes will not be included in the
vote totals. Therefore,  abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on
such  vote,  but  will be  counted  in the  determination  of a  quorum.  

     To the  knowledge  of the  Board  of  Directors,  upon  whose  behalf  this
solicitation  is made,  the only persons owning of record or  beneficially  more
than 5% of the Company's  outstanding Common Stock as of the Record Date are Lee
N. Blatt,  Chairman of the Board,  residing  in Vero  Beach,  Florida,  who owns
512,572  (9.3%)   shares,   Myron  Levy,   President,   residing  in  Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, who owns 421,724 shares (7.8%), and Gerald I. Klein, the Company's
Chief Technologist, residing in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who owns 315,878 (5.9%)

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

   The Company's Certificate of Incorporation  provides for a Board of Directors
consisting  of not less than three nor more than  twelve  directors,  classified
into three classes as nearly equal in number as possible,  whose terms of office
expire in successive  years.  The  Company's  Board of Directors now consists of
seven directors. The Company's Board of Directors nominated for election at this
meeting and the classes in which they will serve are as follows:

      Class I                      Class II                       Class III
(To Serve until the          (To Serve until the            (To Serve until the
 Annual Meeting of            Annual Meeting of              Annual Meeting of
Stockholders in 2000)       Stockholders in 1998)          Stockholders in 1999)
- ---------------------       ---------------------          ---------------------

Lee N. Blatt                Dr. Alvin M. Silver (1)        Adm. Thomas J. 
Adm. Edward K. Walker,      John A. Thonet                 Allshouse (Ret.) (1)
Jr. (Ret.) (1)              Myron Levy                     David H. Lieberman
   (1) Member of Compensation and Audit Committees

   The  seven  directors  are to be  elected  at this  1997  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders  to hold office  until the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  as set
forth  above  or  until  their  successors  are  chosen  and  qualified.  Shares
represented by executed proxies in the form enclosed will be voted, if authority
to do so is not  withheld,  for  the  election  as  directors  of the  aforesaid
nominees  (each of whom is now a  director)  unless  any such  nominee  shall be
unavailable,  in which case such shares will be voted for a  substitute  nominee
designated  by the Board of  Directors.  The Board of Directors has no reason to
believe  that any of the  nominees  will be  unavailable  or, if  elected,  will
decline to serve.

   Directors  who are not  employees of the Company  receive a fee of $7,500 for
each annual  meeting of the Board of Directors and $1,500 for each interim Board
of Directors or committee  meeting  attended.  There were seven  meetings of the
Board of Directors  during the fiscal year ended August 3, 1997,  including  the
annual meeting.  Each Director  attended or participated in at least 75% of such
meetings of the Board of Directors. During the fiscal year ended August 3, 1997,
there was one meeting each of the Audit and Compensation  Committees.  The Audit
Committee is involved in discussions  with the Company's  independent  certified
public  accountants with respect to the year end audited  financial  statements.
The Compensation Committee recommends executive compensation and the granting of
stock options and warrants to key employees.  See "Compensation Committee Report
on Executive Compensation." The Company does not have a nominating committee.

Security Ownership

   The following  table sets forth the indicated  information  as of January 19,
1998 with respect to the beneficial ownership of the Company's securities by (i)
all persons known to the Company to be beneficial  owners of more than 5% of the
Company's outstanding Common Stock, (ii) each director of the Company, and (iii)
by all officers and directors as a group:

                                              Shares of Common Stock
                                    Director    Beneficially Owned
   Name                        Age   Since          (1)(5)
   ----                        ---  --------  ----------------------

   Lee N. Blatt (2)(4)(5)      69    1965        512,572    (9.3%)
   Myron Levy (4)(5)(6)        57    1992        421,724    (7.8%)
   Gerald I. Klein (4)(5)      69      -         315,878    (5.9%)
   Anello C. Garefino (4)(5)   50     --          51,885    (1.0%)
   Allan Coon (4)              61     --          45,555
   Adam J. Bottenfeld (4)      37     --          20,664
   Ray Umbarger (4)            50     --           7,953
   George Hopp (4)             59     --           9,333
   Glenn Rosenthal             38     --             262
   Adm. Thomas J.
     Allshouse (Ret.) (4)(5)   72    1983         32,798
   David H. Lieberman (4)(5)   52    1985         20,799
   John A. Thonet (3)(4)(5)    47    1991         28,359
   Alvin M. Silver             66    1997
   Adm. Edward K. Walker, 
     Jr. (Ret.)                64    1997
   Directors and officers 
     as a group (14 persons)                   1,151,904   (19.9%)
(1)  No  executive  officer  or  director  owns  more  than one  percent  of the
     outstanding  shares of Common Stock unless otherwise  indicated.  Ownership
     represents sole voting and investment power.

(2)  Does not include an  aggregate of 519,759  shares owned by family  members,
     including Hannah Thonet, Rebecca Thonet, Kathi Thonet, Randi Rossignol, Max
     Rossignol, Henry Rossignol,  Patrick Rossignol and Allyson Gerber, of which
     Mr. Blatt disclaims beneficial ownership.

(3)  Does not include 153,332 shares owned by Mr. Thonet's children,  Hannah and
     Rebecca  Thonet,  and 113,809 shares owned by his wife,  Kathi Thonet.  Mr.
     Thonet disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares.

(4)  Includes  shares  subject to options  exercisable  within the 60 days after
     January  19,  1998 at  prices  ranging  from  $2.535 to  $6.9375  per share
     pursuant to the Company's Stock Plans: Lee N. Blatt - 111,112, Myron Levy -
     72,224, Gerald 1. Klein - 22,224, Anello C. Garefino - 11,112, Allan Coon -
     45,555,  George Hopp - 4,889,  Adm.  Thomas J. Allshouse - 6,665,  David H.
     Lieberman - 6,666,  John A. Thonet - 6,666,  Ray Umbarger - 7,000,  Adam J.
     Bottenfield - 18,664.

(5)  Includes shares subject to outstanding  warrants exercisable within 60 days
     after January 19, 1998 at a price of $4.6425: Lee N. Blatt - 133,333, Myron
     Levy - 66,667,  Gerald 1. Klein - 66,667,  Anello C. Garefino - 13,333, and
     the  following at a price of $5.3475:  Adm.  Thomas J.  Allshouse - 13,333,
     David H. Lieberman 13,333, John A. Thonet - 13,333.

(6)  Does not include 12,666 shares owned by Mr. Levy's children, Stephanie Levy
     and Ronnie Roth, of which Mr. Levy disclaims beneficial ownership.

Principal Occupations of Directors

     The  following is a brief account of the business  experience  for the past
five years of the Company's directors:

     Mr. Lee N. Blatt is a  co-founder  of the Company and has been  Chairman of
the Board of the  Company  since its  organization  in 1965.  Mr.  Blatt holds a
Bachelors  Degree in  Electrical  Engineering  from  Syracuse  University  and a
Masters Degree in Business Administration from City College of New York.

     Mr. Myron Levy has been President of the Company since June 1993 and served
as Executive Vice  President and Treasurer  since May 1991, and prior thereto as
Vice  President for Business  Operations  and Treasurer  since October 1988. For
more than ten years prior to joining the Company,  Mr. Levy, a certified  public
accountant,   was   employed   in  various   executive   capacities,   including
Vice-President,    by   Griffon   Corporation   (formerly   Instrument   Systems
Corporation).  Mr. Levy is a director of Mike's  Original,  Inc., a manufacturer
and distributor of premium ice cream products.

     Admiral  Edward K.  Walker,  Jr.  (Ret.) has been a director of the Company
since October 1997.  Since his  retirement  from the United States Navy in 1988,
Admiral Walker has been Vice President, Administration for Resource Consultants,
Inc., a member of Gilbert  Associates,  Inc.  which is a  professional  services
company providing services to the Department of Defense,  particularly the Navy,
in a wide range of technical,  engineering and management disciplines.  Prior to
his retirement  from the United States Navy,  Admiral Walker served for 34 years
in various  naval  officer  positions,  including  Commander of the Naval Supply
Systems  Command,  and Chief of Supply Corps.  Admiral  Walker holds a Bachelors
Degree from the United  States  Naval  Academy  and  Masters  Degree in Business
Administration from The George Washington University.

     Dr. Alvin M. Silver has been a director of the Company  since October 1997.
Since 1977, Dr. Silver has been Executive Vice President of the Ademco  Division
of Pittway  Corporation.  Dr.  Silver  holds a  Bachelors  Degree in  Industrial
Engineering from Columbia University, a Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering
from Stevens Institute of Technology and a Doctor of Engineering  Science Degree
in Industrial  Engineering/Operations  Research from  Columbia  University.  Dr.
Silver is a  Professor  at the  Frank G. Zarb  School  of  Business  of  Hofstra

     Mr.  John A.  Thonet  has been a  director  of the  Company  since 1991 and
President of Thonet Associates, an environmental consulting firm specializing in
land  planning  and zoning  matters  for the past ten years.  Mr.  Thonet is the
son-in-law of Mr. Blatt.

     Admiral Thomas J. Allshouse (Ret.) has been a director of the Company since
September  1983.  Prior to 1981,  when he retired  from the United  States Navy,
Admiral  Allshouse  served  for 34 years in  various  naval  officer  positions,
including  acting as  commanding  officer of the United States Naval Ships Parts
Control Center.  Admiral  Allshouse holds a Bachelors Degree in Engineering from
the United States Naval Academy and a Masters Degree in Business  Administration
from Harvard University.

     Mr. David H.  Lieberman  has been a director of the Company  since 1985 and
Secretary  of the  Company  since  1994.  Mr.  Lieberman  has been a  practicing
attorney  in the  State of New York for more  than the past ten  years  and is a
member of the firm of Blau, Kramer,  Wactlar & Lieberman,  P.C., general counsel
to the Company.


Officers of the Company

   The executive officers of the Company are as follows:

     Name                        Position Held with the Company
     ----                        ------------------------------

     Lee N. Blatt                Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive

     Myron Levy                  President

     Anello C. Garefino          Vice President - Finance, Treasurer and Chief
                                 Financial Officer

     Allan Coon                  Vice President

     Adam J. Bottenfield         Vice President - Engineering

     Ray Umbarger                Vice President - Domestic Marketing

     George Hopp                 Vice President - International Marketing

     Glenn Rosenthal             Vice President

     David H. Lieberman          Secretary

     Mr.  Anello  C.  Garefino  has been  employed  by the  Company  in  various
executive  capacities  for more  than the  past  five  years.  Mr.  Garefino,  a
certified public accountant,  was appointed Vice President - Finance,  Treasurer
and Chief  Financial  Officer in June 1993.  From January 1990 to June 1993, Mr.
Garefino was Finance  Manager of the  Company.  From 1987 to January  1990,  Mr.
Garefino was Corporate Controller of Exide Corporation.

     Mr. Allan Coon joined the Company in 1992 and was appointed  Vice President
in  December  1995.  Prior to joining  the  Company,  Mr.  Coon was Senior  Vice
President  and Chief  Financial  Officer of Alpha  Industries,  Inc., a publicly
traded company engaged in military and commercial electronic programs.

     Mr. Adam J.  Bottenfield was appointed Vice President - Engineering in July
1997. Mr.  Bottenfield  has been employed by the Company as Systems  Engineering
Manager of Herley-Vega Systems since the Company's  acquisition of Vega in 1993.
From  1984 to  1993,  Mr.  Bottenfield  was  Manager  of  Digital  and  Software
Engineering of Vega.

     Mr. Ray Umbarger was appointed Vice President - Domestic  Marketing in July
1997,  having been  employed by the Company  since June 1995.  For more than ten
years  prior to that,  Mr.  Umbarger  served  in the  U.S.  Navy  where he was a
Captain.  His  responsibilities  in the Navy  included  the design,  development
production,  deployment  and life cycle support of all Navy,  and in some cases,
all  Department of Defense target  systems.  Mr.  Umbarger  received a Bachelors
Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy, a Masters Degree
in Aeronautical  Engineering  from Princeton  University and a Masters Degree in
Business Administration from Monmouth College.

     Mr. George Hopp was appointed Vice President -  International  Marketing in
July 1997.  Mr. Hopp has been  employed by the Company in a sales and  marketing
position  since 1995 and directs the  operations  of the Company's GSS division.
For more than ten years prior to joining the  Company,  Mr. Hopp was Director of
International Programs for Northrop Grumman, Military Aircraft Division.

     Mr. Glenn  Rosenthal was appointed  Vice President of the Company in August
1997.  From June 1988 until its  acquisition  by the Company in August 1997, Mr.
Rosenthal  was  employed by  Metraplex  Corporation,  holding the  positions  of
President  (from  June  1996) and Chief  Operations  Officer  (from  1995).  Mr.
Rosenthal  holds  a  Bachelors   Degree  in  Engineering  from  Carnegie  Mellon

     Mr. Gerald Klein,  Chief Technologist for the Company since March 1994, has
been employed by the Company since 1988,  serving as Chief Operating Officer and
Executive  Vice  President from July 1988 until December 1996 and was a director
of the Company from 1991 until December 1996. Executive Compensation

     The following table sets forth the annual and long-term  compensation  with
respect to the Chairman/Chief  Executive Officer, the Company's four most highly
compensated  executive  officers other than the Chief Executive  Officer and one
individual who served as an executive  officer for a portion of fiscal year 1997
and all of fiscal  years  1996 and 1995 (the  "named  executive  officers")  for
services  rendered for the fiscal years ended August 3, 1997,  July 28, 1996 and
July 30, 1995.

                           Summary Compensation Table

                    Annual Compensation(1)           Long-Term Compensation
                    ---------------------            ----------------------
Name and             Fiscal                          Underlying        All Other
Principal Position    Year   Salary(2)    Bonus(3)   Options/SARs(4)   Compensation
- ------------------   ------  ---------    --------   ---------------   ------------
Lee N. Blatt          1997   $531,629    $302,432       599,999 (5)     $4,500 (6)
  Chairman of         1996    483,028     203,068       133,333 (7)      4,500
    the Board         1995    503,842           -       133,333          4,620

Myron Levy            1997   $307,764    $181,460       400,000 (5)     $9,000 (6)
  President           1996    288,756     121,841        66,667 (7)      7,380
                      1995    295,331      27,500        66,666          6,636

Allan Coon            1997   $110,011           -        73,332 (5)     $5,751 (6)
  Vice President      1996    110,011      30,000        13,333 (7)      4,569
                      1995     99,008      15,000             -          4,245

Anello C. Garefino    1997   $101,914           -        59,999 (5)     $3,579 (6)
  Vice President      1996     97,885      15,000        13,333 (7)      3,424
    Finance-Treasurer 1995     90,620           -        13,333          3,173

George Hopp           1997   $107,615           -        18,666 (5)     $1,422 (6)
  Vice President      1996    104,000           -             -          1,185
                      1995     44,000           -         6,667              -

Gerald I. Klein (8)   1997   $307,764    $181,460        99,999 (5)     $4,500 (6)
                      1996    288,726     121,841        66,667 (7)      4,500
                      1995    295,328           -        66,666          4,620
(1)  Does not  include  Other  Annual  Compensation  because  amounts of certain
     perquisites  and other  non-cash  benefits  provided  by the Company do not
     exceed the lesser of $50,000  or 10% of the total  annual  base  salary and
     bonus disclosed in this table for the respective officer.

(2)  Amounts  set  forth  herein  include  cost  of  living   adjustments  under
     employment contracts.

(3)  Represents for Messrs.  Blatt, Levy and Klein incentive  compensation under
     employment  agreements.  No  incentive  compensation  was earned  under the
     employment  agreements in fiscal 1995.  Mr. Levy was awarded a bonus by the
     Board of Directors for fiscal 1995. See "Management-Employment Agreements."

(4)  Adjusted to give effect to a  four-for-three  stock split on September  30,
     1997. This table includes warrants issued to these individuals  outside the
     stock option plans.

(5)  Consisting of the following options issued in October 1996 for the right to
     purchase Common Stock of the Company at a price of $6.9375:  Lee N. Blatt -
     133,333;  Myron Levy - 100,000,  Allan Coon - 26,666,  Anello C. Garefino -
     13,333; options granted in February 1997 at a price of $8.3438 and repriced
     to $6.0938 in April 1997: Lee N. Blatt 133,333,  Myron Levy - 100,000, Alan
     Coon - 20,000,  Anello C.  Garefino - 20,000,  Gerald I. Klein - 33,333 and
     George Hopp - 5,333; and options granted in May 1997 at a price of $6.4688:
     Lee N. Blatt - 333,333,  Myron Levy - 200,000,  Allan Coon - 26,666, Anello
     C. Garefino - 26,666, Gerald I. Klein - 66,666 and George Hopp - 13,333.

(6)  All Other Compensation  includes: (a) group term life insurance as follows:
     $4,500 for Mr. Levy, $2,387 for Mr. Coon, $522 for Mr. Garefino, and $1,422
     for Mr.  Hopp,  and (b)  contributions  to the  Company's  401(k) Plan as a
     pre-tax salary deferral as follows:  $4,500 for each of Messrs. Blatt, Levy
     and Klein, $3,364 for Mr. Coon, and $3,057 for Mr. Garefino.

(7)  Represents  warrants  issued in  December  1995 for the  right to  purchase
     Common Stock of the Company at a price of $4.6425.  

(8)  Effective  December 1996, Mr. Klein ceased to serve as an executive officer
     of the Company.

   The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  concerning  the stock
options  granted to the named executive  officers during fiscal 1997.  Since the
end of fiscal 1997, the Company has not granted any stock options or warrants to
any of these individuals.

                      Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year

                         Individual Grants (1)
                  Number of     % of Total                           Potential Realized Value at
                 Securities  Options Issued                           Assumed Annual Rates of
                 Underlying   to Employees  Exercise                 Stock Price Appreciation
                  Options      in Fiscal     Price  Expiration           Option Term (4)
Name              Granted(2)    Year(3)     ($/Sh)    Date          0%         5%        10%
- ----             ---------   -------------  ------ ----------       --         --        ---
Lee N. Blatt        133,333      9         $6.9375  10/08/06      $0.00     $581,726  $1,474,208
                    133,333      9         $6.0938  04/04/07      $0.00     $510,980  $1,294,923
                    333,333     24         $6.4688  05/01/07      $0.00   $1,356,063  $3,436,530

Myron Levy          100,000      7         $6.9375  10/08/06      $0.00     $436,296  $1,105,659
                    100,000      7         $6.0938  04/04/07      $0.00     $383,236    $971,195
                    200,000     14         $6.4688  05/01/07      $0.00     $813,638  $2,061,920

Allan Coon           26,666      2         $6.9375  10/08/06      $0.00     $116,343    $294,835
                     20,000      1         $6.0938  04/04/07      $0.00      $76,647    $194,239
                     26,666      2         $6.4688  05/01/07      $0.00     $108,482    $274,916

Anello C. Garefino   13,333      1         $6.9375  10/08/06      $0.00      $58,171    $147,417
                     20,000      1         $6.0938  04/04/07      $0.00      $76,647    $194,239
                     26,666      2         $6.4688  05/01/07      $0.00     $108,486    $274,916

George Hopp           5,333      -         $6.0938  04/04/07      $0.00      $20,438     $51,794
                     13,333      1         $6.4688  05/01/07      $0.00      $54,241    $137,458

Gerald I. Klein      33,333      2         $6.0938  04/04/07      $0.00     $127,744    $323,728
                     66,666      5         $6.4688  05/01/07      $0.00     $271,210    $687,301
(1)  Adjusted to give effect to a  four-for-three  stock split on September  30,
     1997.  During  fiscal 1997,  no warrants  were issued to these  individuals
     outside the stock option plans.
(2)  Options  were  issued in fiscal  1997 at 100% of the  closing  price of the
     Company's Common Stock on dates of issue and vest as follows:  Lee N. Blatt
     - all  options  vest at date of grant;  Myron Levy,  Allan Coon,  Anello C.
     Garefino  and Gerald I. Klein - one- third of the  options  vest at date of
     grant,  one-third vest one year from date of grant and the balance vest two
     years from date of grant;  George Hopp - one-fifth  of the options vest one
     year from date of grant and one-fifth each year thereafter.
(3)  Total  options  issued to employees  and  directors in fiscal 1997 were for
     1,465,649 shares of Common Stock.
(4)  The amounts  under the columns  labeled  "5%" and "10%" are included by the
     Company pursuant to certain rules promulgated by the Commission and are not
     intended  to  forecast  future  appreciation,  if any,  in the price of the
     Common  Stock.  Such  amounts  are based on the  assumption  that the named
     persons hold the options for the full term of the options. The actual value
     of the options will vary in accordance  with the market price of the Common
     Stock.  The column headed "0%" is included to demonstrate  that the options
     were issued with an exercise price equal to the trading price of the Common
     Stock so that the  holders  of the  options  will  not  recognize  any gain
     without  an  increase  in the stock  price,  which  increase  benefits  all
     stockholders commensurately.

                        FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION/SAR VALUES

   The following  table sets forth stock options and warrants  exercised  during
fiscal 1997 and all  unexercised  stock option grants and warrants issued to the
named executive officers as of August 3, 1997.

                                                                                Value of
                                                 Number of Unexercised   Unexercised In-The-Money
                  Shares                         Options and Warrants      Options and Warrants
               Acquired on      Value            at Fiscal Year-End(2)     at Fiscal Year-End(3)
Name           Exercise(#)   Realized($)(1)  Exercisable  Unexercisable  Exercisable  Unexercisable
- ----           -----------   -------------   -----------  -------------  -----------  -------------
Lee N. Blatt      688,886      $3,203,301       133,333       177,779     $706,532     $785,698
Myron Levy        264,441      1,255,128         66,667       255,558      353,293      969,833
Allan Coon         13,333         70,625         32,222        41,110      109,350      140,202
Anello Garefino    41,109        200,659         13,333        38,889       70,657      153,102
George Hopp         4,443         22,442          2,667        18,222       10,261       72,993
Gerald I. Klein   163,330        854,708         66,667        83,335      353,923      382,947
     (1)  Values are calculated by subtracting  the exercise price from the fair
          market value of the stock as of the exercise date.
     (2)  Adjusted to give effect to a  four-for-three  stock split on September
          30, 1997.
     (3)  Based upon the trading price of the Common Stock of $9.94 on August 3,
          1997, as adjusted to give effect to the four-for-three  stock split on
          September 30, 1997.

Employment Agreements

     Lee N. Blatt has entered into a new employment  agreement with the Company,
dated as of November 1, 1997, which provides for a three year term,  terminating
on October 31, 2000. Pursuant to the agreement,  Mr. Blatt receives compensation
consisting of a base salary of $375,000,  with an annual cost of living increase
and an incentive bonus.  Mr. Blatt's  incentive bonus is 5% of the pretax income
of the  Company  in  excess of 10% of the  Company's  stockholders'  equity  for
specific periods,  as adjusted for stock issuances.  Mr. Blatt's incentive bonus
cannot exceed his base salary.

     Myron Levy has entered into a new  employment  agreement  with the Company,
dated as of November 1, 1997,  which provides for a five year term,  terminating
on October 31, 2002, and a five year consulting  period commencing at the end of
the employment period. Pursuant to the agreement, Mr. Levy receives compensation
consisting of a base salary of $275,000,  with an annual cost of living increase
and an incentive bonus. Mr. Levy's incentive bonus is 4% of the pretax income of
the Company in excess of 10% of the Company's  stockholders' equity for specific
periods,  as adjusted for stock  issuances.  Mr. Levy's  incentive  bonus cannot
exceed his base salary. Mr. Levy's  compensation during the consulting period is
at the annual rate of $60,000.

     Gerald Klein has entered into a new employment  agreement with the Company,
dated as of November 1, 1997,  which provides for a four year term,  terminating
on October  31,  2001,  and a  consulting  period  commencing  at the end of the
employment  period  and  terminating  on  December  31,  2010.  Pursuant  to the
agreement,  Mr.  Klein  receives  compensation  consisting  of a base  salary of
$275,000,  with an annual cost of living  increase and an incentive  bonus.  Mr.
Klein's  incentive  bonus is 3% of the pretax income of the Company in excess of
10% of the Company's  stockholders' equity for specific periods, as adjusted for
stock issuances.  Mr. Klein's incentive bonus cannot exceed his base salary. Mr.
Klein has the right at any time  during his full time  employment  to  terminate
such   employment   and  commence  his  consulting   arrangement.   Mr.  Klein's
compensation during his consulting period is at the annual rate of $100,000.

     The employment  agreements with Messrs.  Blatt,  Levy and Klein provide for
certain payments following death or disability.  The employment  agreements also
provide, in the event of a change in control of the Company, as defined therein,
the right,  at their  election,  to terminate  and receive a lump sum payment of
approximately twice their annual salary.

     Glenn Rosenthal  entered into an employment  agreement with the Company and
Metraplex,  dated as of August 4, 1997,  which  provides  for a three year term,
terminating  on  August 4,  2000.  Pursuant  to this  agreement,  Mr.  Rosenthal
receives  annual  compensation  consisting  of a base salary of $130,000  and an
incentive  bonus based on 3% of the pre-tax income of Metraplex.  The employment
agreement  also  provides  that if Mr.  Rosenthal is relocated out of Frederick,
Maryland,  he shall receive  $260,000 if during the first year of the employment
agreements, $195,000 if during the second year, and $130,000 if during the third
year or beyond.

     In  addition,  Allan Coon has entered into a severance  agreement  with the
Company,  dated June 11,  1997,  which  provides  that in the event Mr.  Coon is
terminated  other that for cause prior to June 11,  1999,  he is entitled to two
years' base salary and in the event he is so terminated  after June 11, 1999 and
before June 11,  2002,  he is entitled to one year's  base  salary.  Mr.  Coon's
present base salary is $110,000.

Indemnification Agreements

   The Company has entered into  separate  indemnification  agreements  with the
officers  and  directors  of the  Company.  The  Company  has  agreed to provide
indemnification  with  regard  to  certain  legal  proceedings  so  long  as the
indemnified  officer or  director  has acted in good faith and in a manner he or
she  reasonably  believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the
Company and with respect to any criminal proceeding,  had no reasonable cause to
believe  his  or her  conduct  was  unlawful.  The  Company  will  only  provide
indemnification  for expenses,  judgments,  fines and amounts paid in settlement
actually incurred by the relevant officer or director,  or on his or her behalf,
arising out of proceedings brought against such officer or director by reason of
his or her corporate status.

Table of Ten-Year Option Repricings

   The following table sets forth  information  concerning  options of the named
executive officers that were repriced during fiscal 1997.

                                                                                          Length of Original
                               Number of       Market Price                                  Option Term
                              Securities        of Stock at     Exercise Price                 Remaining
                           Underlying Options    Time of         at Time of       New          at Date of
                              Repriced or      Repricing or     Repricing or   Exercise        Repricing
Name                 Date     Amended (#)       Amendment ($)   Amendment ($)   Price ($)    Amendment (Yrs)
- ----                 ----  ------------------  --------------   -------------- ----------  -----------------

Lee N. Blatt        4/8/97      133,333         $6.0938           $8.3438       $6.0938     9 yrs, 10 months
Myron Levy          4/8/97      100,000         $6.0938           $8.3438       $6.0938     9 yrs, 10 months
Gerald I. Klein     4/8/97       33,333         $6.0938           $8.3438       $6.0938     9 yrs, 10 months
Anello C. Garefino  4/8/97       20,000         $6.0938           $8.3438       $6.0938     9 yrs, 10 months
Allan Coon          4/8/97       20,000         $6.0938           $8.3438       $6.0938     9 yrs, 10 months

   The Board of  Directors  determined  to  reprice  the above  described  stock
options  to  strengthen  the  link  that the  Company  believes  exists  between
executive compensation and corporate objectives.

Certain Transactions

   In November 1995 and March 1996, the Company loaned $1,400,000,  $300,000 and
$300,000, to Messrs. Blatt, Levy and Klein,  respectively,  as authorized by the
Board of Directors,  pursuant to the terms of  non-negotiable  promissory notes.
The loans are  secured by 315,774  50,000  and  80,000  shares of Common  Stock,
respectively.  The notes were initially due November 1996,  March 1997 and March
1997, respectively. The notes were extended by the Company and are now due April
30,  1998,  January 31, 1998 and January  31,  1998,  respectively.  Interest is
payable at  maturity  at the  average  rate of  interest  paid by the Company on
borrowed  funds during the fiscal year.  The pledge  agreement also provides for
the  Company  to have  the  right of  first  refusal  to  purchase  the  pledged
securities,  based  on a  formula  as  defined,  in the  event  of the  death or
disability of the officer. In December 1997, the loans were repaid.

   On March 6,  1996,  the Board of  Directors,  by action of the  disinterested
directors,  approved  the  purchase  of an  industrial  parcel  of land from the
Chairman of the Company for $940,000. A deposit of $94,000 was paid on execution
of the  contract,  and the balance of $846,000  will be paid at settlement on or
before April 30, 1998. The Company  intends to use this land for possible future

Stock Plans

   Certain  officers  and  directors  of the Company hold options or warrants to
purchase Common Stock under the Company's 1992 Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan,
1996 Stock Option Plan, 1997 Stock Option Plan (collectively, the "Stock Plans")
and warrant agreements.

   1992 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan

   The 1992  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option  Plan covers  1,333,333  shares of the
Company's  Common Stock.  Under the terms of the Plan, the purchase price of the
shares,  subject to each option granted, is 100% of the fair market value at the
date of grant.  The date of exercise is  determined  at the time of grant by the
Board  of  Directors;  however,  if not  specified,  50% of  the  shares  can be
exercised  each year  beginning  one year after the date of grant.  The  options
expire  ten  years  from the date of  grant.  In  December  1995,  this Plan was
terminated except for outstanding options thereunder. At August 3, 1997, options
to purchase 151,127 shares of Common Stock were outstanding.

   1996 Stock Option Plan

     The 1996 Stock Option Plan covers  666,666  shares of the Company's  Common
Stock.  Options granted under the plan may be incentive stock options  qualified
under  Section  422 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended,  or
non-qualified stock options.  Under the terms of the Plan, the exercise price of
options  granted  under  the plan will be the fair  market  value at the date of
grant.  The nature and terms of the options to be granted is  determined  at the
time of grant by the Board of Directors.  If not  specified,  100% of the shares
can be exercised one year after the date of grant.  The options expire ten years
from the date of grant.  Options for 663,989 shares of Common Stock were granted
during the fiscal year ended  August 3, 1997.  At August 3, 1997,  non-qualified
options to purchase 394,662 shares of Common Stock were  outstanding  under this

   1997 Stock Option Plan

   The 1997 Stock Option Plan covers 1,666,666  shares of Common Stock.  Options
granted  under the plan may be incentive  stock options under Section 422 of the
Internal  Revenue Code or  non-qualified  stock options.  Under the terms of the
plan,  the  exercise  price of options  granted  under the plan will be the fair
market  value at the date of grant.  The nature  and terms of the  options to be
granted are determined at the time of grant by the Compensation Committee or the
Board of Directors.  If not  specified,  100% of the shares can be exercised one
year  after the date of grant.  The  options  expire  ten years from the date of
grant. Options for 801,660 shares of Common Stock were granted during the fiscal
year ended August 3, 1997. At August 3, 1997, options to purchase 369,553 shares
of Common Stock were outstanding under this plan.

Warrant Agreements

   In April 1993,  Common  Stock  warrants  were issued to certain  officers and
directors for the right to acquire 573,333 shares of Common Stock of the Company
at an exercise  price of $5.3475 per share,  which was the closing  price of the
Common Stock on the date of issue.  In December  1995,  warrants with respect to
533,333 of these shares were  canceled.  The warrants  expire April 30, 1998. In
December  1995,  common stock  warrants were issued to certain  officers for the
right to acquire  293,333  shares of common  stock of the  Company at a price of
$4.6425 per share,  which was the closing  price of the Common Stock on the date
of issue. The warrants expire December 13, 2005.

Employee Savings Plan

   The Company  maintains an Employee  Savings  Plan that  qualifies as a thrift
plan under  Section  401 (k) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code.  This plan  allows
employees to contribute  between 2% and 15% of their  salaries to the plan.  The
Company,  at  its  discretion,  can  contribute  100%  of  the  first  2% of the
employee's  salary so contributed  and 25% of the next 4% of salary.  Additional
Company  contributions can be made,  depending on profits. The aggregate benefit
payable to any employee  depends upon the employee's rate of  contribution,  the
earnings  of the  fund,  and the  length of time such  employee  continues  as a
participant.  The Company  accrued  approximately  $178,000  for the fiscal year
ended August 3, 1997 and contributed approximately $159,000 and $151,000 to this
plan for the years ended July 28, 1996 and July 30, 1995, respectively.  For the
year ended August 3, 1997, $4,500, $4,500, $3,364, and $3,057 was contributed by
the  Company  to  this  plan  for  Messrs.   Blatt,  Levy,  Coon  and  Garefino,
respectively,  and  $20,452  was  contributed  for all  executive  officers  and
directors as a group.

Board of Directors Interlocks and Insider Participation

     The  Company's   Compensation  Committee  consists  of  Messrs.  Thomas  J.
Allshouse, Edward K. Walker, Jr. and Alvin M. Silver. None of these persons were
officers or employees of the Company during fiscal 1997 nor had any relationship
requiring disclosures in this Proxy Statement.

   In  accordance  with  rules   promulgated  by  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  the information included under the captions "Compensation Committee
Report on Executive  Compensation" and "Performance Graph" will not be deemed to
be filed or to be proxy soliciting  material or incorporated by reference in any
prior or future  filings by the Company under the  Securities Act of 1933 or the
Securities Exchange Act.

Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

   The primary  function of the  Compensation  Committee is to oversee  policies
relating to executive compensation including salary,  incentive bonuses,  fringe
benefits  and stock  option  awards.  Its  objective  is to  attract  and retain
qualified individuals by providing competitive compensation,  while, at the same
time, linking such compensation to corporate objectives.  The Committee believes
that providing a direct  relationship  between  corporate  results and executive
compensation will best serve shareholder  interest.  This link between executive
compensation and corporate  performance is facilitated through incentive bonuses
based on earnings and also through  stock option  awards.  Salary ranges for the
chief executive officer and other executive officers are based on the underlying
accountability  of each  executive's  position,  which is  reviewed on a regular
basis, subject to the terms and conditions of employment agreements.

Relationship  of  Compensation  to Performance  for Officers and Chief Executive

   The Compensation  Committee annually  establishes,  subject to any applicable
employment  agreements,  the  salaries  which  will  be  paid  to the  Company's
executive  officers during the coming year. In setting  salaries,  the Committee
takes into account several factors, including competitive compensation data, the
extent  to which  an  individual  may  participate  in the  stock  option  plans
maintained by the Company and its affiliates, and qualitative factors bearing on
an  individual's   experience,   responsibilities,   management  and  leadership
abilities and job performance.

     The Compensation Committee:   Thomas J. Allshouse
                                   Edward K. Walker
                                   Alvin M. Silver

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act

   Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the Company's  executive officers,
directors and persons who own more than ten percent of a registered class of the
Company's equity  securities  (Reporting  Persons") to file reports of ownership
and changes in  ownership on Forms 3, 4 and 5 with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission (the "SEC") and the National Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc.
(the "NASD"). These Reporting Persons are required by SEC regulations to furnish
the Company with copies of all Forms 3, 4 and 5 they file with the SEC and NASD.

   Based  solely  upon the  Company's  review of the  copies of the forms it has
received,  the Company believes that all Reporting  Persons complied on a timely
basis  with  all  filing  requirements   applicable  to  them  with  respect  to
transactions during fiscal year 1997.


   The following graph sets forth the cumulative total stockholder return to the
Company's  stockholders during the five year period ended August 3, 1997 as well
as an overall stock market index (NASDAQ Stock Market-US) and the Company's peer
group index (S&P Aerospace/Defense):

                        THE S & P AEROSPACE/DEFENSE INDEX

                                                   Cumulative Total Return
                                        7/92      7/93      7/94      7/95      7/96      7/97
                                        ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----

Herley Inds Inc.             HRLY       100        89        44        61        99        156
NASDAQ Stock Market (U.S.)   INAS       100       122       125       176       191        283
S&P Aerospace/Defense        IARD       100       128       146       217       282        400

 * $100 Invested on July 31, 1992 in stock or index  including  reinvestment
   of dividends. Fiscal year ending July 31.


   The Board of Directors has proposed and recommended to its  stockholders  the
approval  of  an  amendment  to  Article  4  of  the  Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation  increasing  the total  number of shares of Common Stock which the
Company has authority to issue from 10,000,000 to 20,000,000.

   The  Selected  Financial  Data,   Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
Financial Condition and Results of Operations and Financial Statement on pages 7
through 10 and 12  through 26 of the 1997  Annual  Report  are  incorporated  by
reference herein.

Purpose of Increasing Authorized Shares of Common Stock

   The increase in the authorized  numbers of shares of Common Stock is intended
to  provide   additional   flexibility  to  the  Company  for  possible  capital
reorganization,   acquisitions,  refinancing,  exchange  of  securities,  public
offerings and other  corporate  purposes.  Also, in recent years the Company has
issued a  substantial  number  of  shares  through  stock  rights  and  sales of
securities,  which  events have  decreased  the number of shares of Common Stock
presently available for issuance for such purposes.

   The proposed  amendment does not change the terms of the Common Stock,  which
do not have preemptive  rights.  The additional shares of Common Stock for which
authorization  is sought  will have the same voting  rights,  the same rights to
dividends and  distributions  and will be identical in all other respects to the
shares of Common Stock now authorized.

   The Board of Directors, which recommends approval of this amendment, believes
it would be advantageous to the Company to be in a position to issue  additional
Common Stock without the necessary delay of calling a  stockholders'  meeting if
one or more suitable  opportunities present themselves to the Company. There are
no pending transactions for which shares of Common Stock will be issued.

   The  following  table sets forth as of December  24,  1997,  the  approximate
numbers  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  authorized,  outstanding,  reserved  and
available for issuance if this amendment is approved.

                                                                     Available for
                                                         Available   Issuance Upon
                                                            for       Approval of
               Authorized     Outstanding    Reserved     Issuance     Amendment
               ----------     -----------    --------    ---------   -------------

Common Stock  20,000,000      5,241,147      2,568,675    2,190,178   12,190,178

Board Position and Required Vote


   Each  outstanding  share of Common  Stock will be entitled to one vote for or
against the proposed amendment. The proposal will be adopted only if it receives
the affirmative  vote of a majority of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock.
The Board of  Directors  urges you to vote FOR the proposed  amendment.  Proxies
received  will be  voted in favor of the  proposed  amendment  unless  otherwise

                            MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION

   A  representative  of Arthur Andersen LLP, the Company's  independent  public
accountants for the fiscal year ended August 3, 1997, plans to be present at the
Annual Meeting with the  opportunity to make a statement if he desires to do so,
and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

   As of the date of this Proxy Statement,  the Board of Directors does not know
of any business other than specified  above to come before the meeting,  but, if
any other business does lawfully come before the meeting, it is the intention of
the persons named in the enclosed Proxy to vote in regard thereto, in accordance
with their judgment.

   The Company will pay the cost of soliciting proxies in the accompanying form.
In addition to  solicitation by use of the mails,  certain  officers and regular
employees of the Company may solicit proxies by telephone, telegraph or personal
interview.  The Company may also request  brokerage houses and other custodians,
and, nominees and fiduciaries,  to forward soliciting material to the beneficial
owners of stock held by record by such persons,  and may make  reimbursement for
payments  made for  their  expense  in  forwarding  soliciting  material  to the
beneficial owners of the stock held of record by such persons.

   Stockholder  proposals  with respect to the Company's  next Annual Meeting of
Stockholders must be received by the Company no later than October 1, 1998 to be
considered for inclusion in the Company's next Proxy Statement.

   A copy of the  Company's  Annual  Report for the fiscal year ended  August 3,
1997 has been  provided to all  stockholders  as of the Record Date.  The Annual
Report is not to be considered as proxy soliciting material.

                               By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         LEE N. BLATT
                                     Chairman of the Board

   Dated:  January 20, 1998
           Lancaster, Pennsylvania

                                                                       EXHIBIT A


   The following  sets forth the changes to the first  paragraph in Article 4 of
the  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  if  the  proposed  amendment  is

   4. The  aggregate  number of  shares  which the  Corporation  shall  have the
authority to issue is twenty million (20,000,000),  consisting of twenty million
(20,000,000)  shares of Common  Stock of the par value of ten  ($.10)  cents per

Herley Industries, Inc.                 The undersigned hereby appoints Lee N.
                                        Blatt and Myron Levy, or either of them,
                                        attorneys and Proxies with full power of
                                        substitution in each of them, in the 
                                        name and stead of the undersigned to 
                                        vote as Proxy all the stock of the 
                                        undersigned in HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC., 
                                        a Delaware corporation, at the Annual 
                                        Meeting of Stockholders scheduled to be 
                                        held February 18, 1998 and any 
                                        adjournments thereof.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the following proposals:

1.  Election of the following nominees, as set forth in the proxy statement:

    Lee N. Blatt, Dr. Alvin M. Silver, Adm. Thomas J. Allhouse (Ret.), Myron 
    Levy, John A. Thonet, Adm. Edward K. Walker, Jr. (Ret.), David Lieberman

  [   ]  FOR all nominees listed above       [   ] WITHHOLD authority to vote
  (Instruction:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, 
     print the nominee's name on the line provided below)

2.  Amendment  of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Company  to
    increase  the  authorized  shares of Common Stock from  10,000,000  to

         FOR [    ]          AGAINST [    ]      ABSTAIN [     ]

3. Upon such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the  meeting or any
   adjournment thereof.

                  (Continued and to be signed on reverse side)
 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dated:  _____________, 1998

                        (Note: Please sign exactly as your name appears
                        hereon.  Executors, administrators, trustees, etc.
                        should so indicate when signing, giving full title
                        as such.  If signer is a corporation, execute in full
                        corporate name by authorized officer.  If shares
                        are held in the name of two or more persons, all
                        should sign.)