Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 (Amendment No.   )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:
[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                            HUGHES SUPPLY, INC.
              (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

           Maguire, Voorhis & Wells, P.A., counsel to Registrant
                 (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1),
     14a-6(i)(2) or Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
[ ]  $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange
     Act Rule 14a-6(i)(3).
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules
     14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
     1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

     2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

     3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
          the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined:

     4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

     5)   Total fee paid:

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
     was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
     statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount Previously Paid:

     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3)   Filing Party:

     4)   Date Filed:

                            HUGHES SUPPLY, INC.
                           20 North Orange Avenue
                                 Suite 200
                           Orlando, Florida 32801


                          To Be Held May 23, 1995

To the Shareholders:

     NOTICE  IS HEREBY  GIVEN that  the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders of
Hughes  Supply, Inc.,  a  Florida corporation,  will be  held  at Sun  Bank
Center,  Park Building,  Sun Room,  Third Floor,  200 South  Orange Avenue,
Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday, May 23, 1995, at 10:00 a.m.,  local time, for
the following purposes:

     1.   To elect 3 of the 10 directors of the Company;

     2.   To approve the  stock award provisions of the  Senior Executives'
Long-Term Incentive Bonus Plan;

     3.   To transact such other  business as may properly come  before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The Board  of Directors has fixed  the close of business  on March 24,
1995, as the record date for the determination of  the holders of shares of
the  Company's common stock entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting of Shareholders.

     Whether or  not you  expect to  attend the meeting,  you are  urged to
complete,  sign, date  and  return  the  enclosed  proxy  in  the  enclosed

                              By Order of the Board of Directors,

                              Robert N. Blackford, Secretary
Orlando, Florida
April 17, 1995


                            HUGHES SUPPLY, INC.
                           20 North Orange Avenue
                                 Suite 200
                           Orlando, Florida 32801

                              PROXY STATEMENT

                       Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                          To Be Held May 23, 1995

     This Proxy Statement  and the accompanying form of proxy are furnished
in connection  with the  solicitation of proxies  by and  on behalf of  the
Board of  Directors  of  the Company  for  use  at the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders to be held on May  23, 1995, or any adjournment thereof.   The
Company's  Annual Report to shareholders for  the fiscal year ended January
27, 1995, accompanies  this Proxy Statement.  This  Proxy Statement and the
accompanying Notice of  Annual Meeting of Shareholders,  form of proxy  and
the Annual Report have  been sent or given  to shareholders of the  Company
beginning approximately April 17, 1995.

     The enclosed proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
the Company.  It may be revoked by the shareholder at any time before it is
exercised  by attending and  voting in person  at the meeting  or by giving
written notice  of revocation to the  Company provided that such  notice is
actually received  by the Company  prior to the date  of the meeting.   Any
shareholder of record on the record date attending  the meeting may vote in
person  whether or not such shareholder has  previously filed a proxy.  All
shares represented by  properly executed proxies received  in time for  the
meeting will be voted as directed by the shareholders.

     Solicitation of proxies  will be made by mail.   The total expenses of
such   solicitation  will  be  borne  by   the  Company  and  will  include
reimbursement  paid to  brokerage  firms and  others for  their  expense in
forwarding solicitation material regarding the Annual Meeting to beneficial
owners.  Following the original  solicitation by mail, further solicitation
in  person or by telephone or telegraph,  may be made by certain directors,
officers  or  regular  employees  of  the  Company  who  will  not  receive
additional compensation for soliciting proxies.

     On  March 24, 1995, the record date  for shareholders entitled to vote
at the Annual Meeting, there were  6,153,424 shares of the Company's common
stock outstanding.  Each such share is entitled to one vote.

                           ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Company's Board of  Directors is divided into  three approximately
equal   classes  of   directors   serving   staggered   three-year   terms.
Approximately one-third  of the Board  is elected  at each annual  meeting.
Three of  the Company's ten  directors have been nominated  for election at
the 1995 Annual Meeting.  The present  term of office of each of the  other
seven directors continues after the 1995 Annual Meeting.

     The present  term of  office of  each  of the  directors in  Class  II
expires at the 1995 Annual  Meeting. The affirmative vote of a  majority of
the shares entitled to vote at the 1995  Annual Meeting is required for the
election of the  directors to fill the terms of the  directors in Class II.

The following persons, each of  whom is presently serving as a  director in
Class II, have been selected by the Board of Directors to  be nominated for
election as directors in Class II.  

Nominees for Election as Directors

          Class II (term of office expiring May, 1998)

                              John D. Baker II
                             Clifford M. Hames
                            Herman B. McManaway

     A listing of the positions held in the Company, principal occupations,
the year and month service as a director began, and the  shares of stock in
the  Company  beneficially  owned  by  each  nominee  is  set  forth  under
"Directors and Nominees for Election as Directors of the Company" following
this section.

     It  is the intention of the persons  named in the accompanying form of
proxy  to nominate, and unless otherwise directed, to vote such proxies for
the election of the nominees named above as directors in Class  II.  In the
event that any of  the persons named above  should become unable to  accept
nomination for election,  proxies will be  voted for  the election of  such
other person or persons as the Board of Directors may recommend.  The Board
of Directors has no  reason to believe that any substitute nominees will be

Directors and Nominees for Election as Directors of the Company

     The following table lists  by class each person named as a nominee for
election  as director and each director  whose present term continues after
the  1995 Annual  Meeting.   The  table also  includes  the age,  principal
occupation  and business experience for the  past five years, positions and
offices held with the Company, month and year service as a director  began,
and  the number and  percentage of  shares of  common stock of  the Company
beneficially owned  as of  March 24, 1995,  for each  such person.   Unless
otherwise indicated by footnote, directors  have sole voting and investment
power with respect to shares shown in the table as beneficially owned.

    Name, Age,       Occupation and                      Shares of Stock
   Positions and        Business                          Beneficially       Percent
   Offices Held      Experience for      Served as         Owned as of         of         
 with the Company    Past Five Years   Director Since    March 24, 1995       Class

                                     Directors Class I
                            Term of Office Expires:  May, 1997

 Robert N.           Attorney,Maguire,   December,           21,437(5)        ---(6)
 Blackford, 58,      Voorhis & Wells,    1970
 Secretary,          P.A.

 A. Stewart Hall,    President of the    March, 1994         59,372(7)        1.0(6)
 Jr.52, President,   Company (March,                              (8)
 Director(1)         1994-Date);
                     Executive Vice
                     President of the
                     Company (January
                     1988-March, 1994)

 Russell V. Hughes,  Vice President of   May, 1964           313,920(7)       5.1(6)
 69, Vice            the Company                              (8)(10)

 Donald C. Martin,   Consultant to the   August, 1993        274,397(5)       4.5(6)
 58, Consultant,     Company (July,                               (8)
 Director(11)(12)    1993-Date);
 (13)                President,
                     Inc. (1963-June,

                                    Directors Class II
                            Term of Office Expires: May, 1995*

 *John D. Baker      President,          March, 1994         6,500(5)         --(6)
 II, 46,             Florida Rock
 Director(11)        Industries, Inc.
 (12)(14)            (May, 1989-Date)

 *Clifford M.        Retired (Since      February, 1972      20,544(5)        --(6)
 Hames, 69,          January, 1989);
 Director            formerly Vice
 (3)                 Chairman of the
                     Board, Sun Bank,

 *Herman B.          Retired (Since      October, 1985       29,500(5)        --(6)
 McManaway, 69,      January, 1988);
 Director            formerly Vice
 (2)(3)(15)          President of
                     Corporation &
                     President of
                     Investment Co.

                                    Directors Class III
                             Term of Office Expires: May, 1996

 John B. Ellis,      Retired (Since      November, 1986      24,500(5)        --(6)
 70, Director        January, 1986);
 (2)(11)(12)(16)     formerly Senior
                     Vice President-
                     Finance and
                     Genuine Parts

 David H. Hughes,    Chairman of the     August, 1968        333,074(7)       5.4(6)
 51, Chairman of     Board and Chief                         (8)(10)(18)
 the Board, Chief    Executive
 Executive           Officer
 Officer and         (November, 1986-
 Director            Date); President
 (1)(9)(17)          of the Company
                     (April, 1972-
                     March, 1994)

 Vincent S.          Vice President      April, 1966         333,070(7)       5.4(6)
 Hughes, 54, Vice    of the Company                          (8)(10)(18)
 Director (1)(9)

*    Nominee  for election as  a director  in Class  II at the  1995 Annual
     Meeting; present term of office as a director expires on May 23, 1995.

(1)  Member Executive Committee.

(2)  Member of Directors' Stock Option Plan Committee.

(3)  Member of Audit Committee.

(4)  Mr. Blackford is a member of a law firm which the Company has retained
     during  the last  fiscal  year and  currently retains.    See "Certain
     Transactions with Management."

(5)  Includes the  number of shares  subject to  options granted under  the
     Directors'  Stock Option  Plan for  nonemployee directors  as follows:
     Robert N. Blackford,  17,500; Donald C. Martin,  2,500; John D.  Baker
     II,  2,500; Clifford  M. Hames, 17,500;  Herman B.  McManaway, 17,500;
     John B. Ellis, 17,500.

(6)  Calculated on the  basis of 6,153,424 shares  of the Company's  common
     stock outstanding and with respect to each Director who holds options,
     the shares subject to options granted to such director which have been
     deemed  outstanding  for  the  purpose  of  computing his  percentage.
     Figures  shown only for those  directors whose beneficial ownership of
     shares exceeds  1% of the  common stock  outstanding or  deemed to  be
     outstanding for this calculation.

(7)  The  number  of  shares  shown  following  the  name  of  each  person
     identified below  in this footnote  may be  deemed to be  beneficially
     owned by such person  and is included in the number of shares shown to
     be  beneficially owned  by  such  person  in the  above  table.    The
     following  listing sets forth the number  of shares subject to options
     respectively held by each of the following persons under the Company's
     1988 Stock  Option Plan:   A.  Stewart Hall,  Jr., 43,570;  Russell V.
     Hughes,  22,625; David H.  Hughes, 44,970; Vincent  S. Hughes, 26,175.
     The  aggregate number of shares credited  to the accounts of each such
     person under the Company's  Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP")  is
     as follows:   A. Stewart Hall,  Jr., 2,499; Russell  V. Hughes, 1,249;
     David  H. Hughes,  4,210;  Vincent S.  Hughes, 2,768.    The indicated
     persons are considered to have sole voting power and shared investment
     power with respect to the shares credited to  their accounts under the
     ESOP.  Such persons are also beneficiaries under the Company's Cash or
     Deferred Profit  Sharing  Plan  ("Profit Sharing  Plan")  which  holds
     30,499 shares  as  unallocated  assets  of the  Plan.    Such  persons
     disclaim beneficial  ownership of any of  the shares held by  the Plan
     and none of  such shares are included  in the table above  as owned by
     such persons.

(8)  The number of shares shown in the above table to be beneficially owned
     includes  shares  held  subject  to  shared  voting  power  or  shared
     investment  power  as follows:  (i)  shared voting  power:  Russell V.
     Hughes, 273,516; Donald  C. Martin, 56,569; David  H. Hughes, 129,070;
     Vincent S. Hughes, 147,033; (ii)  shared investment power: A.  Stewart
     Hall,  Jr., 2,499;  Russell  V.  Hughes,  274,765; Donald  C.  Martin,
     56,569; David H. Hughes, 133,280; Vincent S. Hughes, 149,801.

(9)  Each  of the indicated directors is  an executive officer and director
     of, and  owns  a  one-third  equity interest  in,  Hughes,  Inc.,    a
     corporation  to which  the  Company makes  payments for  the  lease of
     certain properties.  See "Certain Transactions with Management."

(10) Includes 40,645 shares held by Hughes, Inc., the corporation described
     in footnote (9) above.  Russell V. Hughes, David H. Hughes and Vincent
     S. Hughes  are considered to  share voting  and investment power  with
     respect to such shares and  all such shares are reported in  the table
     above as beneficially owned by each such person.

(11) Member 1988 Stock Option Plan Committee.

(12) Member of Compensation Committee.

(13) Mr.  Martin  provides  consulting  services  to  the  Company  under a
     Consulting  Agreement  and  leases property  to  a  subsidiary  of the
     Company  under a  Lease  Agreement.   See  "Certain Transactions  with

(14) Mr. Baker is also a director of Florida Rock Industries, Inc., and FRP
     Properties, Inc.

(15) Mr. McManaway is also a director of Versa Technologies, Inc. 

(16) Mr. Ellis is also a director of Interstate/Johnson Lane, Inc., Flowers
     Industries, Inc.,  Oxford  Industries, Inc.,  Scotty's, Inc.,  Genuine
     Parts Company, and Intermet Corporation.  

(17) David H. Hughes is also a director of SunTrust Banks, Inc.

(18) Includes the  following shares held  by trusts  with respect to  which
     David H. Hughes  and Vincent S. Hughes  are co-trustees together  with
     Sun Bank, N.A.: 29,377 shares held by the Pauline B. Hughes Charitable
     Lead Trust;  28,565 shares held  by the  Vincent S. Hughes  Generation
     Skipping  Trust;  and  28,565 shares  held  by  the  David  H.  Hughes
     Generation Skipping Trust.  All of the shares held by these trusts are
     included  in the table  above as beneficially  owned by each  David H.
     Hughes and Vincent S. Hughes.

Vote Required for Election as a Director

     The affirmative vote of  a plurality of the  votes cast by the  shares
entitled to vote at the 1995 Annual Meeting is required for the election of
the directors.

     The  Board  of Directors  recommends  a  vote FOR  the  election  as a
director of each  of the above  nominees and all  proxies will be voted  in
favor  thereof unless a contrary specification is  made on the proxy by the

Ownership of Securities by Certain Beneficial Owners

     As of March  24, 1995, there  were 6,153,424 shares  of the  Company's
common stock outstanding.   The following table sets forth information with
respect to each person believed by  management to have been the  beneficial
owner of more  than 5% of the outstanding common stock of the Company as of
March  24,  1995, based  upon  the  statements filed  by  such  persons and
referred to in  the footnotes to the table.   Unless otherwise indicated by
footnote,  such persons have sole voting  and investment power with respect
to shares shown in the table as beneficially owned.

   Name and Address of      Amount and Nature of          Percent of
     Beneficial Owner       Beneficial Ownership           Class(1)
 David H. Hughes
 20 North Orange Avenue
 Suite 200
 Orlando, Florida            333,074 Shares(2)                5.4

 Vincent S. Hughes
 20 North Orange Avenue
 Suite 200
 Orlando, Florida            333,070 Shares(3)                5.4

 Russell V. Hughes
 20 North Orange Avenue
 Suite 200
 Orlando, Florida            313,920 Shares(4)                5.1
 SunTrust Banks, Inc. 
 25 Park Place, N.E.
 Atlanta, Georgia            443,857 Shares(5)                7.2

 The Employers'
 Retirement Plan of
 Consolidated Electrical
 Distributors, Inc.
                             921,062 Shares(6)               15.0
 Dimensional Fund
 Advisors, Inc.
 1299 Ocean Avenue                    
 11th Floor                  330,150 Shares(7)               5.4 
 Santa Monica, Ca.

(1)  Based upon total  outstanding shares of 6,153,424  at March 24,  1995,
     and  with respect  to the  beneficial owners noted  in the  table, the
     shares  represented by options  have also been  deemed outstanding for
     the purpose of computing such beneficial owner's percentage.  

(2)  Mr. David  H. Hughes reported  to the  Company aggregate ownership  of
     333,074 shares.  Of such shares, 204,004 shares were reported as owned
     with sole  voting power, 129,070  shares were  reported as owned  with
     shared  voting power, 199,794 shares were  reported as owned with sole
     dispositive  power, and  133,280 shares  were reported  as  owned with
     shared  dispositive power.   As to the  shares subject  to sole voting
     power,  130,038 shares  were held as  Trustee of  the David  H. Hughes
     Trust,  1,540 shares  were held  as custodian  for Patrick  C. Hughes,
     22,246 shares  were held  as trustee of  the Kristin E.  Hughes Trust,
     1,000 shares were held as custodian for Shelby L. Hughes, 4,210 shares
     were held by the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP"),
     and  44,970 of  such  shares were  represented by  unexercised options
     under the Company's 1988  Stock Option Plan.   The shares reported  as
     owned with  sole dispositive power  included all  of the shares  owned
     with sole voting power except the  4,210 shares held by the ESOP.   As
     to the shares subject to shared  voting power, 29,377 shares were held
     as  co-trustee of the Pauline B.  Hughes Charitable Lead Trust, 28,565
     were  held as co-trustee of the  Vincent S. Hughes Generation Skipping
     Trust,  28,565 shares were held  as co-trustee of  the David H. Hughes
     Generation Skipping Trust, 1,918   shares were held by the wife of Mr.
     Hughes, and 40,645 shares were held  by Hughes, Inc., a corporation of
     which  Mr. Hughes  is a  director, executive  officer and  a one-third
     equity owner.   The shares reported as  owned with shared  dispositive
     power  included  all  of the  shares  owned with  shared  voting power
     together with the 4,210 shares held by the ESOP.

(3)  Mr.  Vincent S. Hughes reported to  the Company aggregate ownership of
     333,070  shares.   Of the  333,070 shares  reported in  the Amendment,
     186,037 shares were  reported as owned with sole voting power, 147,033
     shares were reported as owned with shared voting power, 183,269 shares
     were reported as owned with sole dispositive power, and 149,801 shares
     were reported  as owned  with shared  dispositive  power.   As to  the
     shares  subject  to  sole voting  power,  98,613 shares  were  held as
     trustee of the Vincent S. Hughes Trust, 28,977 were held as trustee of
     the Vincent K. Hughes Trust, 29,504 shares were held as trustee of the
     Megan R. Hughes Trust, 2,768 shares were held by the ESOP, and  26,175
     of such  shares  were represented  by  unexercised options  under  the
     Company's 1988 Stock Option Plan.   The shares reported as  owned with
     sole  dispositive power  included all  of the  shares owned  with sole
     voting power  except the  2,768 shares held  by the  ESOP.  As  to the
     shares subject to shared voting power, 29,377 shares  were held as co-
     trustee of the  Pauline B. Hughes Charitable Lead Trust, 28,565 shares
     were  held as co-trustee of the  Vincent S. Hughes Generation Skipping
     Trust, 28,565 shares  were held as co-trustee  of the David  H. Hughes
     Generation Skipping Trust, 19,881 shares were  held by the wife of Mr.
     Hughes, and 40,645 shares were held by  Hughes, Inc., a corporation of
     which  Mr. Hughes  is a  director, executive  officer and  a one-third
     equity owner.   The shares reported as  owned with shared  dispositive
     power  included  all  of the  shares  owned with  shared  voting power
     together with the 2,768 shares held by the ESOP.

(4)  Mr. Russell V.  Hughes has reported to the Company aggregate ownership
     of 313,920 shares.  Of the 313,920 shares reported, 40,404 shares were
     reported with sole voting power, 273,516 shares reported as owned with
     shared voting  power,  39,155 shares  as owned  with sole  dispositive
     power, and 63,157  shares owned with shared  dispositive power. As  to
     the shares subject  to sole voting power,  16,530 shares were held  as
     Trustee of the Russell V. Hughes Trust, 1,249  shares were held by the
     ESOP,  and  22,625  of such  shares  were  represented by  unexercised
     options  under  the  Company's 1988  Stock  Option Plan.    The shares
     reported  as owned  with sole  dispositive power  included all  of the
     shares owned  with sole voting power  except the 1,249 shares  held by
     the ESOP.   As to  the shares subject  to shared voting  power, 40,645
     shares were held by Hughes, Inc., a corporation of which Mr. Hughes is
     a  director, executive  officer and a  one-third equity  owner, 21,263
     shares are held jointly with Mr. Hughes' wife, and 211,608 shares were
     held as co-trustee of the Russell S. Hughes Trust.

(5)  Excludes the following  shares held by Sun  Bank, N.A. as  co-trustee:
     29,377 shares  held in the  Pauline B.  Hughes Charitable Lead  Trust;
     28,565 shares held in the Vincent S. Hughes Generation Skipping Trust;
     and  28,565 shares  held in  the David  H. Hughes  Generation Skipping
     Trust; and 211,608 shares held  in the Russell S. Hughes Trust.   Also
     excludes  4,210 shares, 2,768  shares and  1,249 shares, respectively,
     held  for  the accounts  of  David H.  Hughes,  Vincent S.  Hughes and
     Russell V.  Hughes in the  ESOP by  Sun Trust Bank,  as trustee.   See
     Notes  (2), (3) and (4) above.  The reported shares are held by one or
     more bank  subsidiaries  of  Sun  Banks, Inc.  and  Trust  Company  of
     Georgia,  subsidiaries of SunTrust  Banks, Inc.,  in various fiduciary
     and  agency capacities.    In Amendment  No. 9  to Schedule  13G dated
     January 26, 1995,  filed with the Securities  and Exchange Commission,
     SunTrust  Banks,  Inc.  reported  aggregate  beneficial  ownership  of
     750,199 shares;  sole voting  power  with respect  to 306,703  shares;
     shared voting power with  respect to 211,608 shares; sole  dispositive
     power with  respect to  396,017 shares;  and shared  dispositive power
     with  respect  to  139,867 shares.    SunTrust  Banks,  Inc.  and  its
     subsidiaries disclaim any beneficial interest in  the shares reported.
     The  shares reported by SunTrust Banks,  Inc. are believed to include,
     among others, shares beneficially owned by David H. Hughes, Vincent S.
     Hughes,  the  Company's  Cash  or  Deferred  Profit  Sharing Plan  and
     Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

(6)  Amendment No.  13 to Schedule  13D dated January 27,  1995, filed with
     the  Securities and Exchange  Commission by  The Employees' Retirement
     Plan  of  Consolidated  Electrical Distributors,  Inc.  (the  "Plan"),
     reported aggregate  beneficial  ownership of  921,062  shares. Of  the
     shares reported, the 214,926 shares were  reported as held by the Plan
     with  sole  voting  and dispositive  power,  and  706,136 shares  were
     reported as held with shared voting and dispositive power.

(7)  Schedule 13G  dated January 30,  1995, filed  with the Securities  and
     Exchange Commission by Dimensional Fund Advisors,  Inc.. reported sole
     voting power  with  respect to  228,900 shares;  and sole  dispositive
     power with  respect  to  330,150   shares  and  no  shared  voting  or
     dispositive power with respect to any shares.
Ownership of Securities by Officers and Directors

     The following table indicates the beneficial ownership of common stock
of the Company as of March 24, 1995 of the Chief Executive Officer, each of
the Company's  four most highly  compensated executive officers  other than
the Chief  Executive  Officer, and  all directors  (including nominees  for
election as directors) and officers of the Company as a group.

                            Shares and Nature of
     Beneficial Owner       Beneficial Ownership       Percent of Class

 David H. Hughes                   333,074(1)               5.4(2)

 A. Stewart Hall, Jr.               59,372(1)               1.0(2)
 Jasper L. Holland, Jr.             27,562(3)                __(2)

 Clyde E. Hughes III                26,366(4)                __(2)

 Vincent S. Hughes                 333,070(1)               5.4(2)

 All Directors and
 Officers as a Group (17
 persons)(1)                     1,414,581(5)              21.7(9)

(1)  See "Directors and  Nominees for Election as Directors of the Company"
     for information  concerning the beneficial ownership of  shares of the
     Company by each director and nominee for election as a director.

(2)  Calculated on the  basis of 6,153,424 shares  of the Company's  common
     stock outstanding and with respect to each of the persons noted above,
     the  shares subject to options granted  to such person which have been
     deemed  outstanding  for  the  purpose  of  computing his  percentage.
     Figures shown  only for  those persons  whose beneficial  ownership of
     shares exceeds  1% of  the common  stock outstanding  or deemed to  be
     outstanding for this calculation.

(3)  Includes 2,492  shares held by  the Company's  ESOP and 22,610  shares
     represented by  unexercised  options under  the  Company's 1988  Stock
     Option  Plan. Mr.  Holland  is considered  to have  sole  voting power
     investment power with respect to  25,070 shares, and shared investment
     power with respect to 2,492 shares.

(4)  Includes 1,851  shares held by  the Company's  ESOP and 14,000  shares
     represented by  unexercised  options under  the  Company's 1988  Stock
     Option Plan (Mr. Hughes disclaims beneficial ownership with respect to
     6,000 of these shares which are subject to options not  exercisable in
     1995). Mr. Hughes is considered to have sole voting power with respect
     to 25,633 shares, sole investment power with respect to 23,782 shares,
     and shared investment power with respect to 2,584 shares.

(5)  Includes the following shares held by trusts of which  David H. Hughes
     and Vincent S.  Hughes are co-trustees and with  respect to which they
     share voting and  dispositive power: 29,377 shares held by the Pauline
     B. Hughes Charitable Lead  Trust; 28,565 shares held by the Vincent S.
     Hughes Generation Skipping  Trust; and 28,565 shares held by the David
     H.  Hughes Generation  Skipping Trust.    Also includes  40,645 shares
     owned by Hughes, Inc., a corporation of which David H. Hughes, Vincent
     S. Hughes and  Russell V.  Hughes are the  officers and directors, and
     in which each owns a one-third interest.   David H. Hughes, Vincent S.
     Hughes  and Russell V. Hughes share  voting and dispositive power with
     respect to the shares owned by Hughes, Inc.  The multiple reporting of
     beneficial  ownership by  the foregoing  persons with  respect to  the
     shares held by the several trusts and the shares owned by Hughes, Inc.
     set forth in the tabular information under "Ownership of Securities by
     Certain Beneficial Owners" and "Directors and Nominees for Election as
     Directors  of the Company" elsewhere in  this Proxy Statement has been
     eliminated in the table above.

(6)  Includes an  aggregate of 277,723 shares subject  to unexercised stock
     options  under the Company's 1988 Stock  Option Plan held by directors
     and officers of the  Company as a group  and 75,000 shares subject  to
     unexercised stock options under the Company's  Directors' Stock Option
     Plan held by nonemployee directors of the Company as a group.

(7)  Includes an  aggregate of 18,568  shares credited  to the accounts  of
     directors and officers of the Company under the ESOP.

(8)  Sole voting power  with respect to 975,457 shares, shared voting power
     with respect to  439,124 shares, sole investment power with respect to
     956,889 shares  and shared  investment power  with respect  to 457,692

(9)  Calculated on  the  basis  of 6,506,147  shares,  including  6,153,424
     shares of the  Company's common stock  outstanding and 352,723  shares
     subject to options  which have been deemed outstanding for the purpose
     of computing such percentage.

Board of Directors' Meetings and Attendance

     During the last  fiscal year, the  Board of Directors  of the  Company
held a total of seven meetings.  No member of the Board attended fewer than
75% of the aggregate  of (1) the total number  of meetings of the  Board of
Directors,  and (2) the total number of  meetings held by all committees of
the Board on which he served.

Family Relationships Between Certain Directors

     The following  family  relationships exist  between  directors of  the

     David H.  Hughes and Vincent  S. Hughes  are brothers; and  Russell V.
Hughes is a first cousin of David H. Hughes and Vincent S. Hughes.

Committees of the Board of Directors

     The  Board of Directors of the  Company has standing Executive, Audit,
Compensation, 1988  Stock  Option Plan,  and Directors'  Stock Option  Plan
Committees.  Members of the standing committees of the  Board are indicated
by the footnotes to the table under "Directors and Nominees for Election as
Directors of the Company"  above.  The Company  does not have a  nominating

     The Executive  Committee has authority  to act  on matters of  general
corporate governance  when the  Board  is not  in session.   The  Executive
Committee did not meet during the last fiscal year.

     The Audit Committee met six times during the last fiscal year.  At its
meetings,  the Committee made its recommendation  to the Board of Directors
with respect to the terms of engagement and  the selection of the Company's
independent  auditors  for  the fiscal  year  ended January  27,  1995, and
considered the recommendations of  the Company's independent auditors  with
respect to internal accounting control, reviewed management's actions taken
in response to  such recommendations, reviewed the reports of the Company's
internal audit staff  with respect to internal  controls, and reviewed  the
professional  services provided by  the independent  auditors together with
the range of audit and nonaudit fees.

     The Compensation Committee  met four times during the last fiscal year
and  reviewed  and  made recommendations  to  the Board  of  Directors with
respect  to  the  compensation  of  members  of  the   Company's  executive
management  group.      Information  with   respect   to  the   Committee's
recommendation for  the last  fiscal year  is set forth  elsewhere in  this
proxy   statement  under  "Compensation   Committee  Report   on  Executive

     The 1988 Stock  Option Plan Committee  met two times  during the  last
fiscal year and made recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect
to grants of options under the Plan.

     The Directors'  Stock Option Plan  Committee met  one time during  the
last fiscal  year and made  recommendations to the Board  of Directors with
respect to the  amendment of the Directors' Stock Option  Plan as voted and
approved by the Shareholders at the 1994 Meeting of Shareholders.

Cash Compensation of Directors

     Nonemployee directors of  the Company  receive an  annual retainer  of
$15,000  and attendance fees of  $1,000 for each  Board meeting attended in
person or  $250 for each  Board meeting  attended by conference  telephone.
For each  meeting of a  committee of the  Board such nonemployee  directors
receive an attendance  fee of  $500 for attendance  in person  or $250  for
attendance by  conference telephone.   Directors who  are employees of  the
Company do not  receive directors'  or committee  members' fees.   John  D.
Baker II, Robert N. Blackford, John B. Ellis, Clifford M. Hames, Herman  B.
McManaway and Donald C. Martin served as nonemployee directors and received
nonemployee director's fees  during the fiscal year ended January 27, 1995.

Directors' Stock Option Plan

     The  Company's Directors' Stock Option Plan presently provides for the
granting to nonemployee directors of options (which are not incentive stock
options within  the meaning of Section  422A of the Internal  Revenue Code)
for the purchase of an aggregate of up to 135,000 shares of common stock of
the Company.   Under the  terms of the  Plan, options for  the purchase  of
12,000 shares were granted as of January 24, 1989, the date of adoption  of
the Plan, and options for an additional 12,000  shares were granted at each
of the annual meetings  of the Board of Directors following the 1990, 1991,
1992 and 1993 annual meetings of the shareholders. Options for the purchase
of 15,000  shares  were granted  at  the annual  meeting  of the  Board  of
Directors  following the 1994 annual meeting  of shareholders.  The options
granted in  1989, 1990, 1991,  1992, 1993 and  1994 were granted  at option
prices of $17.625  per share, $15.00 per  share, $12.625 per  share, $12.00
per share, $16.25 per share, and  $25.375 per share; respectively, and were
divided equally  among the nonemployee directors participating on each such
grant date. Options have been granted with respect  to 75,000 of the shares
authorized  for options  under  the Plan.  Options granted  under  the Plan
expire  10 years  after the date  of the grant  or earlier in  the event of
termination   of  service  as   a  nonemployee  director   or  under  other
circumstances set forth in  the Plan.  Options are granted for the purchase
of  shares at a purchase price  of 100% of the current  market value of the
Company's common stock on the date of the grant. 

     The  following table  sets forth  the aggregate  numbers of  shares of
common  stock  of   the  Company  subject  to  stock  options  granted  and
outstanding as of March 24, 1995, under the Directors' Stock Option Plan to
the named participants and to all such participants as a group, the average
per  share exercise prices  applicable to such  shares, and the  net values
(market  value less  exercise price)  for such  shares realized  during the
fiscal year ended January 27, 1995.

                       Aggregate                    Net Value
                       Number of       Average    Realized During
                    Shares Subject    Per Share    Fiscal Year
Name of Person or   to Options at     Exercise     Year Ended
Identity of Group  January 27, 1995     Price    January 27, 1995

John D. Baker II       2,500            $25.38         None

Robert N. Blackford   17,500             16.23         None

John B. Ellis         17,500             16.23         None

Clifford M. Hames     17,500             16.23         None

Donald C. Martin       2,500             25.38         None

Herman B.             17,500             16.23         None

All Participants      75,000             16.84         None
as a Group 
(6 persons)


Executive Officers

     Executive  officers are  elected annually  by the  Board of  Directors
following the Annual Meeting  of Shareholders to serve for a  one-year term
and until their successors are elected and qualified.   The compensation of
the  Company's executive officers is established  by the Board of Directors
after receiving  the recommendation  of the  Compensation Committee  of the
Board.  The following sets forth the name  of each executive officer of the
Company and the principal positions and  offices he holds with the Company.
Unless otherwise  indicated,  each  of  these officers  has  served  as  an
executive officer of the Company for at least five years.

Name                          Information About Executive Officers

David H. Hughes               Chairman  of the  Board  and Chief  Executive
                              Officer of  the  Company.   Until  March  24,
                              1994, Mr. Hughes also  served as President of
                              the Company.  He is 51 years of age.

A. Stewart Hall, Jr.          President  of the  Company.  Until  March 24,
                              1994,  Mr.  Hall  served  as  Executive  Vice
                              President of the Company.  He is  52 years of

Jasper L. Holland, Jr.        Vice President and a Regional Manager of  the
                              Company.  Mr. Holland is 53 years of age.

Clyde E. Hughes III           Vice President and a Regional  Manager of the
                              Company.  Until  June  1,  1994,  Mr.  Hughes
                              served as Regional Manager for the Electrical
                              Region  of the Company.   He  is 47  years of

Vincent S. Hughes             Vice  President  of  Utility  Sales  for  the
                              Company.  Mr. Hughes is 54 years of age.

Russell V. Hughes             Vice President of the Company.  Mr. Hughes is
                              69 years of age.

Kenneth H. Stephens           Vice President and a  Regional Manager of the
                              Company.  Mr. Stephens is 54 years of age.

Sidney J. Strickland, Jr.     Vice    President    of    Purchasing     and
                              Administration  of the Company.  Until August
                              17, 1994,  Mr. Strickland served  as Director
                              of Corporate Services of the Company.  Mr.
                              Strickland is 45 years of age.

Gradie E. Winstead, Jr.       Vice  President and a Regional Manager of the
                              Company.  Until  June 1,  1994, Mr.  Winstead
                              served as Regional Manager for the Industrial
                              Water  & Sewer  Region of  the Company.   Mr.
                              Winstead is 45 years of age.

Peter J. Zabaski              Vice President and a  Regional Manager of the
                              Company.   Until June  1,  1994, Mr.  Zabaski
                              served   as   President   of   a   subsidiary
                              operation.  Mr. Zabaski is 47 years of age.

J. Stephen Zepf               Chief Financial Officer  and Treasurer of the
                              Company.  Mr. Zepf is 45 years of age.

Report and Graph Not Incorporated in Previous Filings

     Notwithstanding anything to  the contrary set  forth in the  Company's
previous  filings under  the Securities  Act of  1933, as  amended, or  the
Securities Exchange Act  of 1934, as amended, that might incorporate future
filings, including this proxy statement, in whole or in part, the following
Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation and the Performance
Graph  on page ___  shall not  be incorporated  by reference into  any such

          Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation


     The  compensation  of  the  Company's  executive  management group  is
established   annually  by  the   Board  of   Directors  acting   upon  the
recommendation of  the Compensation Committee of the Board.  The members of
the  Committee are nonemployee directors appointed  to the Committee by the
Board immediately following  the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.  Since the
1994 Annual Meeting, the  members consisted of John B. Ellis, John D. Baker
II and  Donald C.  Martin.   During  the last  fiscal year,  the  executive
management  group included the eleven executive  officers (five of whom are
also regional  managers) and  the chief executive  officers of four  of the
Company's major  subsidiaries.  The  recommendations of the  Committee with
respect to executive  management compensation for the last fiscal year were
made by the Committee  and adopted by the Board on March  24, 1994, May 24,
1994 and August 17, 1994.

Compensation Policy and Committee Recommendation

     The goal of the Company's executive compensation policy is to attract,
retain and  motivate  qualified executive  management  under a  competitive
compensation  program which  rewards individual  performance and  increases
shareholder  value.   To  achieve this  goal, the  Committee  evaluated the
respective  positions, the competitive  market for  the required management
skills,  individual  performance  and  potential,  and  the  potential  for
motivating Company  and  individual  performance.   Before  finalizing  its
recommendation the  Committee  also considered  the  recommendation of  the
Company's Chief Executive  Officer with respect to the compensation of each
of the other members of the executive management group.

Compensation Program

     The main components of the Company's executive management compensation
program are base salaries, annual and long-term performance based incentive
bonus plans, stock  plans, and retirement plans.  Each  of these components
is discussed in the remainder of this report.  

     Information with  respect to  the compensation paid  to the  Company's
Chief  Executive  Officer  and  the  other  four  most  highly  compensated
executive officers of  the Company for the last fiscal year and for each of
the two previous  fiscal years, descriptions of certain of the compensation
plans  referred to  in this  report, and  a performance  graph illustrating
cumulative share return with respect to the Company's common stock  are set
forth elsewhere in this proxy statement following this Committee report. 

     Base Salaries.   Base salaries  are intended  to establish a  level of
compensation  which, together with the other components of the compensation
program, will help the Company attract and retain the talent needed to meet
the  challenges of  the  competitive industry  in which  it  operates while
maintaining  an acceptable  level of  fixed labor  costs.   The Committee's
recommendation with respect to base salaries was based upon the Committee's
evaluation of the  responsibility and scope of each position,  the level of
pay  for comparable positions  in the  industry and,  with respect  to each
member of the  executive management group, his performance over an extended
period of time, and the value and potential to him of other elements of the
Company's compensation program. 

     Annual  Incentive Plans.    The Company's  annual incentive  plans are
intended  to motivate and  reward short-term performance  by providing cash
bonus payments based  upon results of operations  determined by applying  a
percentage, fixed  in accordance with  the Company's  profit plans, to  the
base  salaries of the  participants.  The  designation of the  annual bonus
plan participants,  the operations of the Company which will be measured to
determine  the bonus  payments to  the participants,  and the  profit plans
which will be applicable to such operations are established annually by the
Board of Directors upon the recommendation of the Committee.  

     With  respect to each  specific bonus plan,  the Committee recommended
ambitious performance goals  which are sufficiently achievable to provide a
meaningful   incentive  for   superior  performance   and  recommended   as
participants,  those executives who  are in positions  most responsible for
the success of the Company.  Each of the members of the Company's executive
management group  was recommended by  the Committee  and designated by  the
Board  as a participant  in a  specific annual  bonus plan during  the last
fiscal year.

     Long-Term  Incentive Plans.   The  Company's Chief  Executive Officer,
President,  and Chief Financial Officer  also participate in certain senior
executives' long-term  incentive plans which  are intended to  motivate and
reward sustained performance.  Under each of these plans an incentive bonus
is  paid  if  the  designated  Company earnings  goal  is  met  during  the
designated performance period  of three or more  fiscal years.  Such  bonus
payments, in each case, are determined by applying a percentage, based upon
achievement  of the Company's applicable profit  plan, to the base salaries
of the participants.

     During the last fiscal year the  Board, upon the recommendation of the
Committee, adopted a senior executives' long-term incentive plan for fiscal
year 1997 which specified the three fiscal year  period up to and including
the Company's fiscal year  to be ended January  24, 1997 as the  designated
performance period  of the  plan.  Under  this plan each  participant would
receive a bonus equal to a percentage of his base salary for the final year
of the performance period if, and to the extent, the Company's earnings per
share during the performance period reach or exceed the required goal.  Any
such bonus would  be payable in cash  and common stock.   The stock payment
provision  of this  plan is  subject to  shareholder  approval at  the 1995
Annual  Meeting as  a part  of the  Senior Executives'  Long-Term Incentive
Bonus  Plan.   During the  last fiscal  year the  designated officers  also
participated  in  similar  senior  executives'  long-term  incentive  plans
adopted in previous fiscal years.

     Stock Plans.   The Company's stock plans in the executive compensation
program,  including  the  1988 Stock  Option  Plan and  the  Employee Stock
Ownership Plan, are intended as incentives to enhance shareholder values by
providing to plan  participants an opportunity to benefit from increases in
the value of the Company's common stock.  

     Participation  under the  1988  Stock Option  Plan is  limited  to key
employees of the Company and its subsidiaries.  Under the plan options  are
granted to  key  employees of  the  Company and  its subsidiaries  who  are
recommended by the Board's 1988 Stock Option Plan Committee and approved by
the Board.   Selected members  of the  executive management group  received
options under the plan during the last fiscal year.  

     The  Employee Stock  Ownership Plan  is  a broad  based  plan for  the
employees of  the Company and certain  of its subsidiaries.   The Company's
contribution to the plan  for the last fiscal  year is allocated among  the
plan participants.

     Retirement  Plans.   The retirement plans  in the  Company's executive
compensation program, including the Supplemental Executive Retirement  Plan
and the Cash or Deferred Profit Sharing Plan, are intended to encourage and
reward long-time employment with the Company.

     The  Supplemental Executive Retirement  Plan was  adopted on September
30, 1986.  Six of the executive officers, all  of those who were fifty five
years of  age  or  younger  on  the  date of  adoption  of  the  plan,  are
participants under the plan.  No  action was taken by the Committee or  the
Board with respect to the plan during the last fiscal year.  

     The Cash  or Deferred Profit Sharing  Plan is a  contributory plan for
the benefit of  substantially all employees  of the Company.   Each of  the
members of the executive management group  is a participant under the plan.
Participants  may  make limited  contributions  under  the  plan by  salary
reduction.   Contributions  by  the Company  under the  plan  include those
required to match a portion of a participant's contribution and may include
limited additional within  the discretion of the  Board of Directors.   The
Company did not make any  discretionary contribution under the plan for the
last fiscal year.

Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer

     Mr. David  H.  Hughes,  the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer,  is
eligible to participate  in the same components of the executive management
compensation  program  available to  the  other  members of  the  executive
management group described above and the recommendation of the Compensation
Committee with respect  to Mr. Hughes' compensation  was determined in  the
manner outlined above  with respect to the executive management group.  For
the  last fiscal  year  his cash  compensation was  $315,000.   Performance
driven incentives accounted for 33% of this amount.   Mr. Hughes had a base
salary  of $210,000, which the Committee  believes is a conservative salary
in comparison to  his peers in the  industry.  Mr. Hughes'  base salary was
increased from $180,000 during  the last fiscal year to compensate him in a
manner more consistent with his responsibilities.  

     Submitted by  the Compensation  Committee  of the  Company's Board  of

                                   John B. Ellis - Chairman
                                   John D. Baker II
                                   Donald C. Martin

Summary of Executive Compensation

     The Company's compensation  program for executive management  includes
base salaries,  annual  and  long-term performance  based  incentive  bonus
plans, stock  plans,  and  retirement  plans.   The  compensation  of  each
executive  officer is established by the Board of Directors acting upon the
recommendation  of  the  Compensation  Committee.   With  respect  to  each
executive  officer,  base  salary  and  selected other  components  of  the
compensation package are  integrated on an individual basis in an effort to
carry out the Company's executive compensation policy.

     The following table  sets forth the annual  and long-term compensation
for the Company's Chief Executive  Officer and each of the other  four most
highly compensated executive officers  (the "named executives") during  the
last fiscal  year, as well  as the total  annual compensation paid  to each
individual for the two previous fiscal years.

                         Summary Compensation Table

                                                       Long-Term Compensation
                                                                              All Other 
                               Annual Compensation          Awards  Payouts   Compensation
Name/                    Fiscal  Salary    Bonus   Other     Options  LTIP      
Principal Position       Year     ($)       ($)     ($)       (#)     ($)       ($)(1)
David H. Hughes/Chairman 1995   210,000   105,000    -0-      -0-     -0-       256,303
of the Board, and Chief  1994   180,000    90,000    -0-      -0-     -0-       115,701
Executive Officer        1993   156,000    62,400    -0-      -0-     -0-        29,956

A. Stewart Hall, Jr./    1995   180,000    90,000    -0-      -0-     -0-       243,200
President and Chief      1994   150,000    75,000    -0-      -0-     -0-       111,472
Operating Officer        1993   135,000    54,000    -0-      -0-     -0-        35,701

Jasper L. Holland, Jr./  1995   120,000    72,000    -0-      -0-     -0-        64,940
Vice President           1994   106,423    52,923    -0-      -0-     -0-        30,079
                         1993    99,640    50,000    -0-      -0-     -0-        27,208

Clyde E. Hughes III/     1995   115,000    69,000    -0-      -0-     -0-         3,735
Vice President           1994       (2)       (2)    (2)      (2)     (2)           (2)
                         1993       (2)       (2)    (2)      (2)     (2)           (2)

Vincent S. Hughes/       1995   115,000    57,500    -0-      -0-     -0-        62,579
Vice President           1994   105,000    52,500    -0-      -0-     -0-        31,471
                         1993   100,000    40,000    -0-      -0-     -0-        30,151

(1)   Includes for the fiscal years indicated below: (i) the cost of  premiums paid by the
      Company for life insurance  provided to the named executive, (ii) amounts accrued in
      the Company's  financial  statements under  Supplemental  Executive Retirement  Plan
      ("SERP") agreements, (iii) contributions made to the accounts of the named executive
      in  the  Cash   or  Deferred  Profit  Sharing   Plan,  (iv)  Company   discretionary
      contributions to the Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP"), and (v) amounts accrued
      in the  Company's  financial  statements  under the  long-term  incentive  plans  as
      calculated with respect to that period.

 Executive    Fiscal       Insurance    SERP        Matching     ESOP          LTIP
              Year         Premium                Contribution  Contribution
 David H.     1995         $1,152       $ 94,422     $ 4,275      $ 2,168(3)   $ 154,286                           
 Hughes       1994            696         38,277       3,636        2,425         70,667                                           
              1993            696         26,920       2,340          -0-            -0-
 A. Stewart   1995          1,152        105,456       2,489        1,858(3)     132,245                                           
 Hall, Jr.    1994          1,152         46,598       2,608        2,114         59,000                                           
              1993            696         32,755       2,250          -0-            -0-                                           
 Jasper L.    1995          1,152         60,089       2,460        1,239(3)         -0-                                           
 Holland,     1994          1,152         24,963       2,346        1,618            -0-                                           
 Jr.          1993          1,152         24,336       1,720          -0-            -0-
 Clyde E.     1995            348            -0-       2,200        1,187(3)         -0-                           
 Hughes III   1994            (2)            (2)         (2)          (2)            (2)
              1993            (2)            (2)         (2)          (2)            (2)                                           

 Vincent S.   1995          1,152         57,859       2,381        1,187(3)         -0-                                           
 Hughes       1994          1,152         26,627       2,175        1,517            -0-          
              1993          1,152         27,504       1,495          -0-            -0-  

(2)   Mr. Hughes became an executive officer on June 1, 1994.

(3)   Contribution estimated as  named person's prorata plan interest, as last calculated by the plan trustee, applied to the
      Company's aggregate contribution of $500,000 for the fiscal year ended January 27, 1995.

Bonus Plans

     The  Company  has annual  bonus  plans for  members  of  its executive
management, and for its sales, branch and department managers and other key
employees.   Bonuses are awarded  under the annual  bonus plans in  amounts
determined by applying a percentage, fixed in accordance with the Company's
profitability, to the base salaries of members of its executive management.
Individual bonuses may  also be awarded  to executive management  and other
key employees by the Board of Directors based upon job performance or other
criteria within the discretion of the Board.

     The  Company also  has long-term incentive  bonus plans  for the Chief
Executive Officer, the President, and the Chief Financial Officer.  Each of
these plans is a long-term performance based incentive bonus plan providing
for the payment of  an incentive bonus at the end of the performance period
if the Company earnings criteria in the plan are met. 

     The  long-term  incentive bonus  plan  for the  fiscal  year  1995 was
adopted  on May  28,  1991  and  provided for  bonus  payments  based  upon
cumulative  growth in  the  Company's earnings  per share  during  the four
fiscal year period up  to and including the  fiscal year ended January  27,
1995.  No amount was earned under this plan.

     The senior executives' long-term incentive  bonus plan for fiscal year
1996 was adopted on August 24, 1993.  The plan  provides for payments based
upon cumulative growth in the Company's earnings per share during the three
year period  commencing with  the fiscal  year ended  January 28, 1994  and
ending with the fiscal year to be  ended January 26, 1996.  Under the plan,
each of the participants would receive a bonus of from 25%  to 100% of base
salary for the final year of the three year  period if the Company achieves
the  required earnings per share for the period.  Any bonus earned would be
paid in cash and shares of the Company.  Since fiscal 1994, the Company has
accrued  $350,000 in its financial statements  for possible payouts in cash
and shares under the plan. 

     The senior  executives' long-term incentive bonus plan for fiscal year
1997 was adopted  on May 24, 1994.   The plan  provides for payments  based
upon cumulative growth in the Company's earnings per share during the three
year period  commencing with  the fiscal  year ended  January 27,  1995 and
ending with the fiscal year to be ended January 31, 1997.  Under  the plan,
each of the  participants would receive a bonus of from 25% to 100% of base
salary for the final  year of the three year period if the Company achieves
the required earnings per share for the period.   Any bonus earned would be
paid in cash and shares  of the Company.  The stock award  provision of the
plan is subject to approval at the 1995 Annual Meeting of Shareholders as a
part of the Senior Executives' Long-Term Bonus Plan.   If such provision is
not approved by the  shareholders, any such bonus would be paid entirely in
cash.  In fiscal  1995, the Company  has accrued $175,000  in its financial
statements for possible payouts in cash and shares  or solely in cash under
the plan. 

     The following table provides  information concerning estimated  future
payouts to  the  Company's  Chief  Executive Officer  and  the  only  other
participant  among  the  Company's  other  four   most  highly  compensated
executive officers under the  senior executives' long-term incentive  bonus
plans for fiscal years 1996 and 1997.  If  fully diluted earnings per share
falls between the minimum earnings requirement for a bonus  payment and the
earnings  requirement for the maximum permissible bonus payment, the amount
of the bonus  payment is prorated between  the minimum ("threshold")  bonus
payment and the maximum permissible bonus payment.

           Long-Term Incentive Plans - Awards in Last Fiscal Year

                                                           Estimated Future Payouts under Non-Stock
                                                                  Price-Based Plans             

                                  Performance or
                     Number of    Other Period            Threshold                      Maximum
                     Shares       Until Maturation           ($)         Target            ($)            
      Name            (#)         or Payout                  (3)           ($)             (3)                                   
 David H. Hughes     N/A          2 years(1)               64,800          (4)           259,200
                                  3 years(2)               69,984          (4)           279,936                                 

 A. Stewart Hall,    N/A          2 years(1)               54,000          (4)           216,000  
 Jr.                              3 years(2)               58,320          (4)           233,280 

(1)   Senior executives' long-term incentive bonus plan for the fiscal year 1996.
(2)   Senior executives' long-term incentive bonus plan for the fiscal year 1997.
(3)   Based on estimated base salary levels for final year of performance period.
(4)   If earnings per  share fall  between the required  threshold level  and the  maximum
      award level, the amount of the award is prorated accordingly.

     Amounts accrued in the subject year for payments under these plans are
shown in the  Summary Compensation Table under  "All Other Compensation."  
To date there have been no payouts under either of the plans.

1988 Stock Option Plan

     The Company's 1988 Stock Option Plan presently authorizes the granting
of options, in addition to those presently outstanding, for the purchase up
to  640,658  shares  of  the  Company's  common  stock  to  key  executive,
management, and sales employees.  Under the Plan, options may be granted at
prices  not less  than market value  on the  date of grant,  but prices for
incentive  stock options granted to employees who  own more than 10% of the
Company's common stock are at least 110% of such market value.  Options may
be granted  from  time to  time  through May,  1998.  Such options  may  be
exercisable for up to 10 years from  the date of grant, except in the  case
of employees owning  more than 10% of the Company's  common stock, for whom
incentive stock options may be exercisable only up to 5 years from the date
of grant.  The  Plan permits the granting  of both incentive stock  options
and  nonincentive  stock  options and  the  granting of  options  with cash
surrender  rights comparable to  stock appreciation  rights ("SAR's").   No
options have been  granted under the Plan as nonincentive  stock options or
as options with SAR's. A total of 50,000 options were granted to  executive
officers of the Company during the last fiscal year.

     The  following  table   sets  forth  certain  information   concerning
options/SARs granted during the last fiscal year:

                   Options/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year
                                                                      Potential Realizable
                                                                        Value at Assumed
                                                                     Annual Rates of Stock
                                                                      Price Appreciation
                                                                       For Option Term
                     Number of    % of Total      
                     Securities  Options/SARs
                     Underlying  Granted to     Exercise or
                    Options/SARs Employees in   Base Price   Expiration 
Name                  Granted     Fiscal Year   ($/Share)       Date      5% ($)    10% ($)
David H. Hughes              -0-        0 %
A. Stewart Hall, Jr.         -0-        0 %
Jasper L. Holland,Jr.        -0-        0 %
Clyde E. Hughes III       10,000    10.00 %        20.25     8/17/04 (a) 127,351  322,733
Vincent S. Hughes            -0-        0 %

(a)  Options become  exercisable  in  increments of  2,000  shares  on  8/17/94,  8/17/95,
     8/17/96, 8/17/97 and 8/17/98.

    The  following table summarizes  options and  SARs exercised during the
fiscal year ended January  27, 1995 and  presents the value of  unexercised
options and SARs held by the named executives at fiscal year end.

           Aggregate Option/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and
                     Fiscal Year-end Option/SAR Values

                                                             Value of                                                              
                                          Number of          Unexercised
                                          Unexercised        In-the-Money
                                          Options at         Options at
                       Shares             January 27, 1995   January 27, 1995
                     Acquired    Value             (#)                ($)
                    on Exercise Realized  Exercisable (E)/   Exercisable (E)/
      Name               (#)        ($)   Unexercisable (U)  Unexercisable (U)
David H. Hughes          -0-       -0-    37,470     (E)     213,570      (E)
                                           7,500     (U)      42,188      (U)

A. Stewart Hall, Jr.     -0-       -0-    36,070     (E)     205,170      (E)
                                           7,500     (U)      42,188      (U)
Jasper L. Holland, Jr. 3,460    61,848    18,610     (E)     105,660      (E)
                                           4,000     (U)      22,500      (U)

Clyde E. Hughes III      -0-       -0-     2,000     (E)      11,250      (E)
                                           2,000     (U)      11,250      (U)

Vincent S. Hughes        -0-       -0-    22,175     (E)     127,050      (E)
                                           4,000     (U)      22,500      (U)

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

     The Company has a  noncontributory, trusteed Employee Stock  Ownership
Plan  ("ESOP")  covering  employees of  the  Company  and  certain  of  its
subsidiaries who  have attained  the age of  21 and  completed at least  12
months of service.   SunTrust Banks is  trustee of the  ESOP.  The ESOP  is
administered by  an  administrative committee  appointed  by the  Company's
Board of Directors.   Contributions by  the Company, which  may consist  of
cash,  stock of the Company,  or other property  acceptable to the trustee,
are made at the discretion of the Company's Board of Directors, but may not
exceed  the  maximum amount  deductible  for federal  income  tax purposes.
Allocations  of   contributions  are  made   to  the  accounts   of  active
participants on  the basis of  their compensation.   Vested percentages  of
their  accounts (valued  in accordance  with the  ESOP) are  distributed to
participants upon termination of employment.   Vested percentages are based
upon periods of service, as follows:  less than  3 years, 0%; 3 years, 20%;
4  years, 40%;  5 years,  60%; 6  years, 80%;  7 years  or more,  100%.   A
contribution of $500,000 was made by the Company to the ESOP for the fiscal
year ended January 27, 1995.

Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan

The Company has Supplemental  Executive Retirement Plan Agreements  entered
into on September 30, 1986 with certain of its executive officers providing
for the payment  by the Company to each such executive officer in the event
of such  executive officer's employment with the  Company until retirement,
or  until the  date  of  disability  preceding  disability  retirement,  of
supplemental retirement compensation in  addition to any compensation  paid
under  the  Company's  other  benefit  programs.   Supplemental  retirement
compensation will  be  based  upon  such executive  officer's  salary  (not
including bonuses or  other compensation), for the final year of employment
prior to retirement,  or final year  of employment prior to  the disability
preceding disability  retirement,  ("final  salary") and  will  be  payable
monthly following such retirement for a  period of 15 years.  The  rate per
annum of supplemental  retirement compensation in the case of retirement or
disability retirement at age  65 shall be equal to 35%  of final salary or,
in the  case of early  retirement or early  disability retirement  with the
approval of the  Company prior to age 65 but not  earlier than age 55 shall
be  reduced  proportionately  to  from 96%  of  35%  of  final salary  upon
retirement at age 64  to 60% of 35% of final salary  upon retirement at 55.
Death benefits are  payable under each  of the Agreements  in the event  of
death while employed by the Company prior to retirement or during continued
disability which commenced while in the employ of  the Company but prior to
disability  retirement.  Death benefits are payable monthly for a period of
10  years after  death at  the rate per  annum equal  to 35%  of final base

     Benefits under the  Supplemental Executive Retirement  Plan Agreements
are totally nonvested, unfunded retirement and death benefits; however, for
accounting  purposes,  amounts  are  accrued  in  the  Company's  financial
statements for the Company's liability under the Agreements.

Cash or Deferred Profit Sharing Plan

The Company has  a contributory, trusteed Cash  or Deferred Profit  Sharing
Plan for the benefit  of substantially all employees of the Company and its
subsidiaries.  Sun Bank, National Association is trustee of the Plan.   The
Plan  is  administered by  an  administrative  committee  appointed by  the
Company's Board  of Directors.   Eligible employees  may contribute to  the
Plan by salary reduction, and before imposing federal income taxes, from 2%
to 15%  of their cash compensation  up to a  maximum of $7,000 per  year as
adjusted for inflation ($9,240  for 1995).  On employee contributions of up
to 3%  of the employee's cash  compensation, the Company will  contribute a
matching contribution  of 50% of  the employee's contribution.   Additional
discretionary contributions  by the Company,  which may  be either a  fixed
dollar amount or a  percentage of profits, may be  made to the Plan  at the
discretion of   the  Company's  Board of  Directors, but  all employee  and
Company  contributions  may not  exceed the  maximum amount  deductible for
federal  income  tax  purposes.    Allocations   of  discretionary  Company
contributions are made to the accounts  of active participants on the basis
of their compensation.  The full amounts credited to their accounts (valued
in accordance  with the Plan)  are distributed  to participants upon  their
death or retirement.  For  participants who cease to be employees  prior to
death or retirement,  the amounts distributed are 100% of the participant's
contribution account and the vested percentage of the participant's Company
contribution  account based  upon the  participant's period  of service  as
follows:  less than 3 years,  0%; 3 years, 20%; 4 years, 40%; 5 years, 60%;
6 years, 80%; 7 years or more, 100%.  For the fiscal year ended January 27,
1995,  all contributions  by the  Company to  the Plan  were made  to match
contributions by employees  and no discretionary  contribution was made  by
the Company to the Plan for the period.

Other Benefits

     The Company provides  $250,000 life insurance policies  for members of
its executive management,  and $100,000 life  insurance policies for  other
key employees.

Shareholder Return

     The following graph compares during the five year period ended January
27, 1995, the  yearly percentage change in the cumulative total shareholder
return on the  Company's common stock with  the cumulative total return  of
the S&P Mid Cap Index, the S&P SmallCap 600 and the cumulative total return
of an industry group consisting of those peer group companies identified in
the graph  which have been selected  by the Company  as reporting companies
whose lines of business  are comparable to those of  the Company.  The  S&P
SmallCap  600 has been selected to replace  the S&P Mid Cap Index primarily
because  the S&P SmallCap  600 contains a greater  number of companies with
more comparable market capitalization.

                        Total Return - Data Summary

                                        Cumulative Total Return
                                1/90   1/91   1/92   1/93   1/94   1/95  
Hughes Supply, Inc.              100     77     75     89    157    115
PEER GROUP                       100     68     76    119    149    144
S & P MIDCAP 400                 100    112    158    176    203    193
S & P SMALLCAP 600               100     90    134    155    184    168

Industry Peer Group:

Davis Water & Waste Ind.
Noland Company
Watsco Inc.
Wilcox & Gibbs, Inc.

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation in Compensation

     Mr.  Donald   C.  Martin,  a  nonemployee   director  member   of  the
Compensation Committee, provides consulting services to the Company under a
Consulting  Agreement  and leases  property  under a  Lease  Agreement with
Electrical Distributors,  Inc., a subsidiary  of the Company.   Information
with respect to  the Consulting Agreement  and the  Lease Agreement is  set
forth under "Certain Transactions with Management" in this Proxy Statement.

     As  indicated  in  the  Compensation  Committee  Report  on  Executive
Compensation set forth  elsewhere in this proxy statement, David H. Hughes,
the Chief Executive  Officer of the Company,  consulted with the  Committee
with  respect to  the compensation  of the  executive management  group and
submitted to the Committee his recommendation for compensation of the other
members of the group.  Mr. Hughes, who is not a member of  the Compensation
Committee, consulted with the Committee  and provided his recommendation at
the Committee's request.

Certain Transactions with Management 

     A number of  the buildings and properties occupied  by the Company and
certain of  its subsidiaries  are leased  from Hughes, Inc.,  a company  of
which David  H. Hughes, Vincent  S. Hughes, and  Russell V. Hughes  are the
officers and directors, and in which each owns a one-third interest.  Under
leases in effect during the fiscal year ended January 27, 1995, the Company
and  its subsidiaries  made  rental payments  to  Hughes, Inc.  aggregating
$1,373,838  and paid real estate taxes and building insurance on the leased
properties  in  the  aggregate   amounts  of  approximately  $252,456   and
approximately $27,631, respectively.   Maintenance repairs which were  paid
for  by the Company  during the last  fiscal year were  not substantial and
were, in  the opinion of  management, normal  for the  types of  properties

     The table below  sets forth the location,  use, size, expiration  date
and annual rental for properties leased by the Company and its subsidiaries
from Hughes,  Inc.  under leases  in effect  during the  fiscal year  ended
January 27, 1995 or  approved by the Board  of Directors during the  fiscal
year ended  January 27, 1995,  to take effect  thereafter.  All  properties
listed  in the  table are  located in  Florida unless  otherwise indicated.
Under  the  leases,  the Company  pays  for repairs  other  than structural
repairs, real estate taxes and insurance on the leased properties.  

                          LEASES WITH HUGHES, INC.

                         Approximate Area (sq. ft.)
                                Lease Terms

Facility         Use of               Parking   Expiration   Annual
Location         Premises Building    & Storage    Date      Rent $ 

Clearwater        Sales     21,000    59,500     3/31/98      47,250

Daytona Beach     Sales     23,000    68,000     3/31/98      80,500

Fort Pierce       Sales     30,000    60,000     3/31/98      67,500

Gainesville       Electric  29,507 1.9 acres     3/31/02      95,880(1)                                                            
                  & Tool Sales

Lakeland          Sales     34,000    43,700     3/31/98      85,250(2)                                                            

Leesburg          Sales     20,000    37,000     3/31/98      32,400

Orlando           Electric 108,000    87,000     3/31/98     270,000

Orlando           Plumbing  64,000   105,000     3/31/98     160,000

Orlando           Vehicle   14,000   100,000         (3)      42,000(3)                                                            
                  Garage and
                  Truck Terminal

Orlando           Utility   30,000    90,000     3/31/98      73,500

St. Petersburg    Sales     43,000    41,000     3/31/98      96,750

Sarasota          Sales     37,500    38,000         (4)     132,900(4)                                                            

Tallahassee       Sales     37,750 2.4 acres     3/31/02      81,180(1)                                                            

Valdosta,         Sales     12,693 1.4 acres     3/31/02      31,728(1)                                                            
Georgia           Outlet

Venice            Sales     15,000    54,500     3/31/98      45,000

Winter Haven      Sales     24,000    46,000     3/31/98      32,000
(1)  Annual rent  under lease executed  March 11,  1992.  Indicated  annual
     rental rate is applicable April 1, 1992, through March 31, 1997; April
     1, 1997, and each  April 1 thereafter during the term of the lease the
     annual rental rate  shall be increased  by a  percentage equal to  the
     percentage  increase in  the  Consumer Price  Index compared  with the
     previous  year, subject  to  a maximum  rental rate  increase  of five
     percent for any such year.

(2)  Includes  properties under 2  separate leases  with annual  rentals as
     follows:  27,000 square foot facility - $60,750; and 7,000 square foot
     facility - $24,500.

(3)  Previous  term lease  with expiration  date of  November 30,  1991, by
     mutual consent of the parties extended from month to month at the same
     rental rate  and  on substantially  the  same other  terms  applicable
     during the term.

(4)  Includes  properties under 2  separate leases: 10  year lease executed
     June  1, 1987  for 17,500  square foot  plumbing and  electrical sales
     facility at annual rental of $62,900; and 10 year lease executed March
     31,  1988 for  20,000  square foot  sewer and  water  and construction
     materials facility at annual rental of $70,000.

     During the fiscal  year ended January  27, 1995, the  Company and  its
subsidiaries also made  rental payments  to Hughes,  Inc. of  approximately
$190,846 for the use of an aircraft belonging to Hughes, Inc.

     Donald  C. Martin, a member of the  Board of Directors of the Company,
under the terms of the Acquisition Agreement dated June  30, 1993, pursuant
to  which  the  Company  acquired  Electrical  Distributors, Inc.  ("EDI"),
entered into  a Consulting Agreement with the Company and a Lease Agreement
with respect to the facilities occupied by EDI.

     Under the Consulting Agreement,  Mr. Martin provides and  will provide
consulting services to  the Company as  required for the  five year  period
beginning  on July 1,  1993 for  annual compensation  of $50,000.   Under a
supplement to  the  Consulting  Agreement Mr.  Martin  receives  additional
consulting compensation  in the amount  of approximately $1,901  per month.
The Company  paid  consulting  fees  to Mr.  Martin  under  the  Consulting
Agreement and the supplement of $67,112 during the last fiscal year.

     Two buildings located  in Atlanta, Georgia are  leased by the  Company
from  Mr. Martin.   Under  leases in  effect during  the fiscal  year ended
January  27,  1995,   the  Company  made  rental  payments  to  Mr.  Martin
aggregating  $152,035 and paid real estate  taxes and building insurance on
the leased properties in the aggregate amounts of approximately $11,039 and
approximately  $3,585, respectively.   Maintenance repairs  which were paid
for  by the Company  during the last  fiscal year were  not substantial and
were, in  the opinion  of management,  normal for  the types  of properties

     One of the  buildings leased from Mr.  Martin is utilized by EDI  as a
sales  outlet. Under  the  terms  of the  Lease  Agreement, EDI  leases  an
approximately 32,780 square foot building with  approximately 60,000 square
feet of outside  parking and storage  space. The Lease  Agreement is for  a
term of five years at a rental rate of $106,535 per year until July 1, 1995
and  $122,925 per  year thereafter  through June  30, 1998.   EDI  pays for
repairs  other than structural repairs, real  estate taxes and insurance on
the leased property.  

     The other building leased from Mr. Martin and is  utilized by EDI as a
sales  outlet. Under  the  terms of  the  Lease  Agreement, EDI  leases  an
approximately 22,400 square foot building with  approximately 30,000 square
feet of  outside storage  space.  Annual  rental under  the two year  lease
executed July 1, 1994 is $78,000 from July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1996.

     Mr. Robert N. Blackford, Secretary and a director of the Company, is a
member of  the law firm of Maguire, Voorhis  & Wells, P.A., which serves as
general counsel to the Company.

     The  Company believes  that  the transactions  described above  are at
least as favorable to the  Company as those which could have  been obtained
from unrelated parties.

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     Section  16(a) of  the Securities  Exchange Act  of 1934  requires the
Company's directors, executive officers,  and persons who own  beneficially
more  than  ten percent  of  a registered  class  of  the Company's  equity
securities, to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC")
and the New York Stock Exchange initial reports of ownership and reports of
changes in  ownership of common  stock and other  equity securities of  the
Company.    Directors,  executive  officers  and  greater than  ten-percent
shareholders are  required by SEC  regulation to  furnish the Company  with
copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file.

     To the Company's knowledge,  based solely on  review of the copies  of
such  reports furnished to the Company  and written representations that no
other reports were required, during the fiscal year ended January 27, 1995,
its directors,  officers  and greater  than  ten-percent beneficial  owners
complied with all applicable Section 16(a) filing requirements.


     Shareholders  at the 1995 Annual Meeting  of Shareholders will also be
asked to consider and act on approval of the stock  award provisions of the
Hughes Supply, Inc. Senior Executives' Long-Term Incentive Bonus  Plan (the
"Long-Term  Plan").    The  Long-Term Plan  was  adopted  by  the  Board of
Directors  on March  15, 1995  as an  on-going long-term  performance based
incentive  bonus plan  which would  permit the  Board to  provide incentive
compensation  to  reward  key  senior  executives  for achieving  specified
Company performance goals adopted by the Board.  

     Under  the  Long-Term  Plan the  Board,  in its  sole  discretion, may
establish  separate performance  plans  for  separate performance  periods,
establish  performance goals  for such  performance periods,  designate the
participants  to participate in  such performance plans,  and establish the
performance plan  bonus payments  to be  made to  such participants  if the
required performance goals are achieved.  

     The Board may  establish a performance plan  under the Long-Term  Plan
for any performance period  consisting of one or  more fiscal years of  the
Company.  Any such performance plan shall be designated by reference to the
final Company fiscal  year included in the applicable performance period so
that,  for  example,  the  performance  plan  for  the  performance  period
including  the Company's three  fiscal years up  to and including  the 1997
fiscal year is designated under the Long-Term Plan as the "1997 Performance

     With  respect to  any  performance  plan,  the Board  shall  determine
Company  performance goals which must be  met during the performance period
to  entitle a  participant in  that performance  plan to  the payment  of a
performance plan bonus payment.  Such performance goals may be defined with
respect to earnings criteria, return on investment, or any other measure of
Company performance deemed by the Board to be relevant to the Board's long-
term goals for the overall operation of the Company.

     The Board shall designate the participants under each performance plan
from among the Company's senior executive management employees which the it
considers most instrumental in achieving the required performance goals.  

     In establishing a  performance plan the Board shall also establish the
amount of, or method for determining the amount of, and form of payment of,
any bonus payment which would become payable to each participant under that
performance plan if the required performance goals are met.  

     Under the  Long-Term Plan,  as approved  by the  Board, the  Board may
specify that all or any portion of a performance plan bonus payment may  be
in shares  of common stock of the Company.   The provision of the Long-Term
Plan which permits such payment in shares of common stock (the "Stock Award
Provision") is  subject to  the approval  of the shareholders  at the  1995
Annual Meeting.   In the  event that the  shareholders do  not approve  the
Stock Award Provision, the Long-Term  Plan will be deemed to be  amended to
permit the payment of a performance plan bonus payment only in cash.

     Subject to the  requirement of shareholder approval of the Stock Award
Provision, the maximum aggregate number of shares of common stock which may
be  paid  to   participants  as  performance  plan   bonus  payments  under
performance plans adopted under the Long-Term Plan shall be 100,000 shares.
For any payment  of a performance  plan bonus payment  in shares of  common
stock, such common stock shall be valued at fair market value determined as
the closing price of the common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the
last  trading day  of the  performance period  for the  subject performance

     Under  federal  income  tax  laws  the  payment  of  any  amount as  a
performance plan  bonus payment will  result in ordinary  employment earned
income taxable to the  recipient and deductible by  the Company.  Prior  to
any such payment, the designation of a participant under a performance plan
will not be taxable to the recipient nor deductible to the Company.  During
the performance period of any performance plan the then contingent cost, if
any, to  the Company, determined  from the  application of the  performance
criteria of the performance plan  to the Company's performance to  date, is
accrued as a liability of the Company.

     The term of the Long-Term Plan shall be deemed to have commenced  with
its  adoption by the Board on March 15, 1995 and shall end on the final day
of  the Company's 2003 fiscal  year unless terminated  earlier by action of
the Board.   No performance  plan may be  adopted under the  Long-Term Plan
which shall extend beyond the stated term of the Long-Term Plan.  The Board
may terminate the Long-Term Plan at any  time provided that any performance
plan  adopted prior to such termination  shall continue in effect until the
end of the applicable performance period and the payment of any performance
plan bonus payment required thereunder. 

     It is  anticipated,  although not  required,  that future  performance
plans  adopted by the Board under the  Long-Term Plan will be comparable to
the  existing 1997  and 1988 Performance  Plans referred  to below.   These
existing  plans  have  been  incorporated  into  the  Long-Term  Plan  and,
therefore, the approval by the shareholders of the Stock Award Provision of
the Long-Term Plan will also constitute shareholders' approval of the stock
award  provisions  of these  existing plans.   A  similar single  year plan
designated as  the "Senior  Executives Long-Term  Incentive Bonus Plan  for
Fiscal  Year 1996"  was approved  by  the shareholders  at the  1994 Annual

     On May  24, 1994 and March  15, 1995, respectively, the  Board, acting
upon the  recommendation  of the  Compensation  Committee, established  the
senior executives' long-term  incentive bonus plan for the fiscal year 1997
with a three  fiscal year performance period ending on the  last day of the
fiscal year to be ended January 24, 1997  (the "1997 Performance Plan") and
the  senior executives' long-term incentive bonus  plan for the fiscal year
1998 with a  three fiscal year performance period ending on the last day of
the fiscal year to be ended January 30,  1998 (the "1998 Performance Plan")
(collectively, the "existing plans").  Each of  the existing plans has been
incorporated into the Long-Term Plan.

     Each of the existing plans has been established with performance goals
which require continuing  growth in the Company's earnings per share during
the  applicable performance  period.   The Board  has designated  the Chief
Executive  Officer,  the  President, and  the  Chief  Financial Officer  as
participants under each of the existing plans.  

     Under each of the existing plans the plan participants would receive a
performance plan bonus  payment, depending upon the  Company's earnings for
the applicable performance period, of  from 25% to 100% of base  salary for
the final  year of such  performance period.   Such performance  plan bonus
payment,  if any,  would  be paid  50%  in cash  and  50% in  common  stock
following the end of the final year of  the performance period.  Management
estimates  that the maximum aggregate amount  of any performance plan bonus
payments would  be approximately $525,000  under the 1997  Performance Plan
and approximately $550,000 under the 1998 Performance Plan.   The number of
shares of  common stock  to  be included  in each  such possible  aggregate
performance plan bonus  payment would be the number of  shares, at the fair
market  value on the  final trading day  of the performance  period of such
performance  plan, represented  by 50% of  the maximum  estimated aggregate
amount of such performance plan bonus payment.

     The benefits or amounts  that will be  received by or allocated  under
the  Long-Term  Plan,  including benefits  that  will  be  received  by  or
allocated  under the existing plans incorporated  therein, are set forth in
the following table:

                             New Plan Benefits
             Senior Executives' Long-Term Incentive Bonus Plan

                         Performance     Dollar
 Name and Position           Plan        Value            Number of
                             Year        ($)(1)             Shares 

 David H. Hughes             1997       $220,500            --(2)
 Chief Executive Officer     1998        231,500            --(2)

 A. Stewart Hall, Jr.        1997        189,000            --(2)
 President                   1998        198,500            --(2)

 All Current Executive       1997        515,000            --(2)
 Officers                    1998        540,000            --(2)

 All Current Directors       1997         -0-               -0-
 Who are not Executive       1998         -0-               -0-

 All Employees Who are       1997         -0-               -0-
 not executive officers      1998         -0-               -0-

(1)  Benefits, if  earned, will  be determined over  the three year  period
     ending  January  of  the  Performance  Plan  Year based  upon  minimum
     required  earnings per share for  the period and estimated base salary
     level  for  fiscal  year  of  performance  period.    See   "Executive
     Compensation and  Other  Information  -  Bonus Plans"  in  this  Proxy
     Statement.  Figures shown in table above are estimated amounts for the
     three year period covered by the performance plan.
(2)  If the plan is approved by the shareholders 50% of any award under the
     plan  will be paid  in shares of  common stock  of the Company  at the
     current market value  as of the end of the performance period.  If the
     plan is not approved by the shareholders any award under the plan will
     be paid solely in cash.

     The shares, if  any, to  be issued under  the Long-Term  Plan will  be
registered under  the  Securities  Act  of 1933  if  such  registration  is
determined, in the opinion of management, to be required or advisable.  The
Company also  intends to seek  listing of any  such shares on  the New York
Stock Exchange.  Shareholder approval  of the Stock Award Provision  of the
Long-Term Plan is a requirement for listing of such shares  on the New York
Stock Exchange.   In the  event the shareholders  do not approve  the Stock
Award Provision any  bonus earned will be  paid 100% in cash  and no shares
will be issued under the plan.  Management of the Company believes that the
Stock  Award Provision makes the Long-Term  Plan a more effective incentive
for  improved  performance  by  increasing  the  participant's  proprietary
interest in the Company and its long term prospects. 

Vote Required  for Approval of  the Stock  Award Provisions  of the  Senior
Executives Long-Term Incentive Bonus Plan.

     Approval of the  stock award provisions of the Senior Executives Long-
Term Incentive Bonus Plan will require  the affirmative vote of the holders
of  at least a majority of  the shares represented and  entitled to vote at
the 1995 Annual Meeting.

     The  Board of Directors  recommends a vote  FOR approval of  the stock
award provisions of  the senior executives long-term  incentive bonus plan,
and  all  proxies  will  be  voted  in  favor  thereof  unless  a  contrary
specification is made on the proxy by the shareholder.

                               OTHER BUSINESS

     Management knows of no business which will  be presented for action at
the meeting other  than as set forth  in this Proxy  Statement, but if  any
other matters properly come before the meeting, it  is the intention of the
persons named in the  accompanying proxy to vote such proxy on such matters
in accordance with their best judgment.

Shareholder Proposals

     Proposals of shareholders  intended to be presented at the 1996 Annual
Meeting  of Shareholders  must  be received  by the  Company,  for possible
inclusion  in the Company's  Proxy Statement and form  of proxy relating to
that meeting, not later than January 5, 1996.  Shareholder proposals should
be  made in compliance with applicable  legal requirements and be furnished
to the President by certified mail, return receipt requested.

Independent Accountants

     The  firm  of Price  Waterhouse  served  as the  Company's independent
auditors  for the  year ended  January 27,  1995. Representatives  of Price
Waterhouse  are  expected   to  be  present  at   the  annual  meeting   of
shareholders, where  they will have an  opportunity to make  a statement if
they  desire to  do so,  and will  be available  to respond  to appropriate

     On May 24, 1994, the Board of Directors appointed  Price Waterhouse as
auditors for  the three fiscal  year period  commencing with the  Company's
fiscal  year  ending January  27,  1995 succeeding  the  previous auditors,
Coopers &  Lybrand, whose term of  engagement expired at the  conclusion of
the fiscal year ended January  28, 1994.  Price Waterhouse was  selected by
the Board  upon  the    recommendation of  the  Audit  Committee  following
consideration of proposals submitted at the Committee's request by a number
of independent accounting firms including,  among others, Coopers & Lybrand
and Price Waterhouse.   The reports of Coopers  & Lybrand on the  financial
statements of  the Company for the fiscal years ended January 29, 1993  and
January 28,  1994  did not  contain  any adverse  opinion, disclaimer    of
opinion, qualification or  modification, as to uncertainty, audit scope, or
accounting principle and  there was no disagreement between the Company and
such auditors on any matter of accounting principles or practices which, if
not resolved to their satisfaction would  have caused such auditors to make
a reference thereto in their report on  the financial statements for either
of such years.


                        By Order of the Board of Directors,

                        Robert N. Blackford, Secretary
Orlando, Florida
April 17, 1995


                            HUGHES SUPPLY, INC.
                              Orlando, Florida

            May 23, 1995               BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF

     The  undersigned shareholder of  HUGHES SUPPLY,  INC. (the "Company"),
revoking previous  proxies, acknowledges receipt  of the  Notice of  Annual
Meeting  of Shareholders  and  Proxy Statement  dated April  17,  1995, and
and each  of  them,  the true  and  lawful  attorneys and  proxies  of  the
undersigned,  with full power of substitution  and revocation to attend the
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  of the  Company to  be held  at  Sun Bank
Center,  Park Building,  Sun Room,  Third Floor,  200 South  Orange Avenue,
Orlando, Florida, on Tuesday, May 23, 1995, at  10:00 a.m., local time, and
at any adjournment or adjournments thereof, with all powers the undersigned
would possess  if  personally  present.   The  undersigned  authorizes  and
instructs said proxies  to vote all of  the shares of stock  of the Company
which the undersigned  would be entitled  to vote if personally  present as

     1.   Election of Directors 

              Class II (Term of Office will expire May, 1998)

          Nominees:      John D. Baker II
                         Clifford M. Hames
                         Herman B. McManaway

          (MARK ONLY ONE)

          [    ]    VOTE FOR all nominees listed above, except
                    vote withheld from the following nominee (if


          [    ]    VOTE WITHHELD from all nominees

     2    Approval  of Stock Award  Provisions of  Senior Executives' Long-
          Term Incentive Bonus Plan

          (MARK ONLY ONE)

          [      ]  VOTE FOR approval

          [      ]  VOTE AGAINST approval

          [      ]  ABSTAIN from voting

     3.   In their  discretion, upon  such other business  as may  properly
          come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

This Proxy, when  properly executed, will be  voted in the manner  directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  If no direction is made, this Proxy
will be voted FOR the election of each of the nominees as directors and for
approval of items 2, and 3 above.  The Board of Directors favors a vote FOR
such election and FOR approval of each of such items.

                         _______   ______________________________
                         No. of

                                   Signature(s) of Shareholder(s)

                                   Dated __________________, 1995
c/o American Stock 
Transfer & Trust Co.
40 Wall Street 46th Floor
New York, NY  10005
                                        IMPORTANT:  Please date this
                                        proxy and sign exactly as
                                        name(s) appear hereon.  If
                                        stock is held jointly, signa-
                                        tures should include both
                                        names.  Executors, administra-
                                        tors, trustees, guardians, and
                                        others signing in a represen-
                                        tative capacity should give
                                        full titles.



                            HUGHES SUPPLY, INC.
                     Adopted by the Board of Directors
                               March 15, 1995

Purpose.  The Hughes  Supply, Inc.  Senior Executives'  Long-Term Incentive
Bonus Plan (the "Long-Term  Plan") was adopted by the Board of Directors on
March 15, 1995  as an on-going  performance based incentive  bonus plan  to
permit the Board to provide for incentive compensation to reward key senior
executives for achieving specified Company performance goals adopted by the
Operation of the Plan.   Under  the Long-Term Plan  the Board,  in its sole
discretion,  may   establish  separate   performance  plans   for  separate
performance periods,  establish  performance  goals  for  such  performance
periods, designate  the  participants to  participate  in such  performance
plans, and establish the performance plan bonus payments to be made to such
participants if the required performance goals are achieved.  

Performance Periods.     The Board  may establish a  performance plan under
the Long-Term  Plan for any  performance period consisting  of one or  more
fiscal years of the Company.  Any such performance plan shall be designated
by reference  to the final Company  fiscal year included in  the applicable
performance  period so  that,  for example,  the performance  plan  for the
performance period  including the Company's  three fiscal  years up to  and
including the 1997 fiscal  year is designated  under the Long-Term Plan  as
the "1997 Performance Plan."

Performance Goals.  With respect to  any performance plan adopted under the
Long-Term Plan, the  Board shall determine Company  performance goals which
must be  met during  the  performance period  of that  performance plan  to
entitle  a  participant  in that  performance  plan  to  the payment  of  a
performance plan bonus payment.  Such performance goals may be defined with
respect to earnings criteria, return on investment, or any other measure of
Company performance deemed by the Board to be relevant to the Board's long-
term goals for the overall operation of the Company.

Plan  Participants.  The Board shall  designate the participants under each
performance plan  from  among  the Company's  senior  executive  management
employees  which  the  it  considers  most  instrumental in  achieving  the
required performance goals.  

Bonus  Payments.  In establishing  a performance plan  the Board shall also
establish the amount of,  or method for determining the amount of, and form
of  payment  of,  any performance  plan  bonus payment  which  would become
payable to  each participant under  that performance  plan if the  required
performance goals are met.  

Form  of Bonus  Payments.   Under the  Long-Term Plan,  as approved  by the
Board, the Board may specify that all  or any portion of a performance plan
bonus payment  may be  in  shares of  common stock  of  the Company.    The
provision  of the Long-Term  Plan that  permits such  payment in  shares of
common stock (the  "Stock Award Provision")  is subject to the  approval of
the  shareholders at  the  1995 Annual  Meeting.   In  the  event that  the
shareholders  do not approve the Stock  Award Provision, the Long-Term Plan
will be  deemed to be amended to  permit the payment of  a performance plan
bonus payment only in cash.

Bonus Payment  Shares; Value.   Subject to  the requirement of  shareholder
approval  of the  Stock Award  Provision, the  maximum aggregate  number of
shares  of common stock  which may be  paid to participants  as performance
plan  bonus payments  under performance plans  adopted under  the Long-Term
Plan shall be 100,000 shares.  For  any payment of a performance plan bonus
payment  in shares of  common stock, such  common stock shall  be valued at
fair market value determined  as the closing price  of the common stock  on
the New York  Stock Exchange  on the last  trading day  of the  performance
period for the subject performance plan.  

Anticipated Tax  Treatment.  Under federal  income tax laws the  payment of
any amount as  a performance  plan bonus  payment will  result in  ordinary
employment earned  income taxable to  the recipient  and deductible by  the
Company.  Prior to any such payment, the designation of a participant under
a performance plan will not  be taxable to the recipient nor  deductible to
the Company.   During the  performance period of  any performance plan  the
then  contingent  cost,  if  any,  to  the  Company,  determined  from  the
application  of the  performance criteria  of the  performance plan  to the
Company's performance to date, is accrued as a liability of the Company.

Term  of Plan.   The term  of the  Long-Term Plan  shall be deemed  to have
commenced with its adoption by the Board on March 15, 1995 and shall end on
the final day of  the Company's 2003 fiscal year unless  terminated earlier
by action of the Board.  No performance plan may be adopted under the Long-
Term Plan which shall  extend beyond the stated term of the Long-Term Plan.
The Board may terminate  the Long-Term Plan at  any time provided that  any
performance plan adopted prior to such termination shall continue in effect
until  the end of the applicable performance  period and the payment of any
performance plan bonus payment required thereunder. 

Comparable  Prior Plans; Incorporation.  The  Long-Term has been adopted by
the  Board based,  in  large measure,  upon its  favorable  experience with
similar ad hoc plans  adopted in prior years.  Because it is anticipated by
the Board, although not required, that additional performance plans adopted
under the Long-Term Plan will be comparable to these prior plans, the Board
hereby expressly incorporates herein the existing 1997 and 1998 Performance
Plans referred  to below.  By  incorporating these existing  plans into the
Long-Term Plan the  Board it is the intention of the Board that approval by
the shareholders  of the Stock Award  Provision of the Long-Term  Plan will
also  constitute shareholders'  approval of the  stock award  provisions of
these existing plans and that the aggregate limitation of 100,000 shares of
common  stock for  bonus payments  under the  Long-Term Plan  shall include
bonus payments of shares under these existing plans.

1997  and 1988  Performance Plans    On May  24, 1994  and March  15, 1995,
respectively, the Board established  senior executives' long-term incentive
bonus plans for the three fiscal year performance period ending on the last
day  of the fiscal year to be ended January 24, 1997 (the "1997 Performance
Plan") and for the  three fiscal year performance period ending on the last
day of the fiscal year to be ended January 30, 1998  (the "1998 Performance
Plan") (collectively, the  "existing plans").  Each of these existing plans
is incorporated into the Long-Term Plan.

     Each of the existing plans has been established with performance goals
which require continuing  growth in the Company's earnings per share during
the  applicable performance  period.   The Board  has designated  the Chief
Executive  Officer,  the  President, and  the  Chief  Financial Officer  as
participants under each of the existing plans.  

     Under each of the existing plans the plan participants would receive a
performance plan bonus  payment, depending upon the  Company's earnings for
the applicable performance period, of  from 25% to 100% of base  salary for
the  final year  of such performance  period.  Such  performance plan bonus
payment,  if any,  would  be paid  50%  in  cash and  50%  in common  stock
following the end of the final year of the performance period.   The number
of shares of common stock applicable to such possible aggregate performance
plan bonus payments would be the number of shares, at the then current fair
market value, represented  by 50% of the maximum estimated aggregate amount
of such performance plan bonus payments.

Registration of Plan Bonus Shares.  Subject to approval by the shareholders
of  the Stock  Award  Provisions of  the  Long-Term  Plan, the  shares  for
issuance as bonus shares under the Long-Term Plan will be registered  under
the  Securities Act  of 1933  if such  registration  is determined,  in the
opinion of management of  the Company and its legal counsel, to be required
or advisable.   It is  also the  intention of the  Company to  register the
shares on the New York Stock Exchange.

Cash  Plan in  the  Absence of  Shareholder  Approval.   In  the event  the
shareholders  do not  approve the  Stock Award  Provision of  the Long-Term
Plan, the  Plan will  be deemed  to be amended  to require  that any  bonus
payment under  the existing  performance plans  or  any future  performance
plans adopted under the Long-Term Plan will be paid entirely in cash.