Adopted by the Board of Directors
			       March 15, 1995

Purpose.  The  Hughes Supply, Inc.  Senior Executives'  Long-Term Incentive
Bonus Plan (the "Long-Term Plan") was  adopted by the Board of Directors on
March 15,  1995 as an  on-going performance  based incentive bonus  plan to
permit the Board to provide for incentive compensation to reward key senior
executives for achieving specified Company performance goals adopted by the
Operation of the Plan.   Under the  Long-Term Plan  the Board, in  its sole
discretion,   may  establish  separate   performance  plans   for  separate
performance  periods,  establish  performance goals  for  such  performance
periods,  designate the  participants  to participate  in such  performance
plans, and establish the performance plan bonus payments to be made to such
participants if the required performance goals are achieved.  

Performance Periods.     The Board may establish  a performance plan  under
the Long-Term Plan  for any performance  period consisting  of one or  more
fiscal years of the Company.  Any such performance plan shall be designated
by reference to the  final Company fiscal  year included in the  applicable
performance  period  so that,  for example,  the  performance plan  for the
performance period including  the Company's  three fiscal years  up to  and
including the  1997 fiscal year is  designated under the Long-Term  Plan as
the "1997 Performance Plan."

Performance  Goals.  With respect to any performance plan adopted under the
Long-Term Plan, the  Board shall determine Company  performance goals which
must  be met  during the  performance period  of that  performance plan  to
entitle  a  participant  in that  performance  plan  to  the  payment of  a
performance plan bonus payment.  Such performance goals may be defined with
respect to earnings criteria, return on investment, or any other measure of
Company performance deemed by the Board to be relevant to the Board's long-
term goals for the overall operation of the Company.

Plan Participants.  The  Board shall designate the participants  under each
performance  plan  from among  the  Company's  senior executive  management
employees  which  the  it  considers  most instrumental  in  achieving  the
required performance goals.  

Bonus Payments.   In establishing a performance  plan the Board shall  also
establish the amount of, or method  for determining the amount of, and form
of  payment of,  any  performance plan  bonus  payment which  would  become
payable to each  participant under  that performance plan  if the  required
performance goals are met.  

Form  of Bonus  Payments.   Under the  Long-Term Plan,  as approved  by the
Board, the  Board may specify that all or any portion of a performance plan
bonus  payment may  be in  shares  of common  stock  of the  Company.   The
provision  of the  Long-Term Plan  that permits  such payment in  shares of
common stock  (the "Stock Award Provision")  is subject to the  approval of
the shareholders  at  the 1995  Annual  Meeting.   In  the event  that  the
shareholders do not approve  the Stock Award Provision, the  Long-Term Plan
will be deemed to be  amended to permit the  payment of a performance  plan
bonus payment only in cash.

Bonus Payment Shares;  Value.   Subject to the  requirement of  shareholder
approval  of the  Stock Award  Provision, the  maximum aggregate  number of
shares of  common stock which  may be paid  to participants as  performance
plan bonus  payments under  performance plans  adopted under  the Long-Term
Plan shall be 100,000 shares.   For any payment of a performance plan bonus
payment in shares  of common stock,  such common stock  shall be valued  at
fair market  value determined as the  closing price of the  common stock on
the New  York Stock Exchange  on the  last trading day  of the  performance
period for the subject performance plan.  

Anticipated Tax  Treatment.  Under federal  income tax laws the  payment of
any  amount as a  performance plan  bonus payment  will result  in ordinary
employment earned income  taxable to  the recipient and  deductible by  the
Company.  Prior to any such payment, the designation of a participant under
a  performance plan will not be taxable  to the recipient nor deductible to
the Company.   During the  performance period  of any performance  plan the
then  contingent  cost,  if  any,  to  the  Company,  determined  from  the
application  of the  performance criteria  of the  performance plan  to the
Company's performance to date, is accrued as a liability of the Company.

Term  of Plan.   The term  of the  Long-Term Plan  shall be deemed  to have
commenced with its adoption by the Board on March 15, 1995 and shall end on
the final day of the  Company's 2003 fiscal year unless terminated  earlier
by action of the Board.  No performance plan may be adopted under the Long-
Term Plan which shall extend beyond  the stated term of the Long-Term Plan.
The Board  may terminate the Long-Term  Plan at any time  provided that any
performance plan adopted prior to such termination shall continue in effect
until the end  of the applicable performance period and  the payment of any
performance plan bonus payment required thereunder. 

Comparable Prior Plans; Incorporation.   The Long-Term has been  adopted by
the  Board  based, in  large measure,  upon  its favorable  experience with
similar ad  hoc plans adopted in prior years.  Because it is anticipated by
the Board, although not required, that additional performance plans adopted
under the Long-Term Plan will be comparable to these prior plans, the Board
hereby expressly incorporates herein the existing 1997 and 1998 Performance
Plans referred to  below.  By incorporating  these existing plans  into the
Long-Term  Plan the Board it is the intention of the Board that approval by
the shareholders of  the Stock Award Provision  of the Long-Term Plan  will
also constitute  shareholders' approval  of the  stock award  provisions of
these existing plans and that the aggregate limitation of 100,000 shares of
common  stock for  bonus payments  under the  Long-Term Plan  shall include
bonus payments of shares under these existing plans.

1997  and 1998  Performance  Plans   On May  24, 1994  and March  15, 1995,
respectively, the Board established  senior executives' long-term incentive
bonus plans for the three fiscal year performance period ending on the last
day of the fiscal year to be ended January 24, 1997 (the  "1997 Performance
Plan") and for the three fiscal year performance period ending  on the last
day of the fiscal year to be ended January  30, 1998 (the "1998 Performance
Plan")  (collectively, the "existing plans").  Each of these existing plans
is incorporated into the Long-Term Plan.

     Each of the existing plans has been established with performance goals
which  require continuing growth in the Company's earnings per share during
the  applicable performance  period.   The Board  has designated  the Chief
Executive  Officer,  the  President,  and the  Chief  Financial  Officer as
participants under each of the existing plans.  

     Under each of the existing plans the plan participants would receive a
performance plan bonus payment,  depending upon the Company's  earnings for
the applicable performance  period, of from 25% to 100%  of base salary for
the final  year of such  performance period.   Such performance  plan bonus
payment,  if  any, would  be  paid 50%  in  cash and  50%  in common  stock
following the end of the final year  of the performance period.  The number
of shares of common stock applicable to such possible aggregate performance
plan bonus payments would be the number of shares, at the then current fair
market  value, represented by 50% of the maximum estimated aggregate amount
of such performance plan bonus payments.

Registration of Plan Bonus Shares.  Subject to approval by the shareholders
of  the Stock  Award  Provisions  of the  Long-Term  Plan, the  shares  for
issuance as bonus shares  under the Long-Term Plan will be registered under
the  Securities Act  of 1933  if such  registration is  determined, in  the
opinion of  management of the Company and its legal counsel, to be required
or  advisable.  It  is also  the intention of  the Company to  register the
shares on the New York Stock Exchange.

Cash  Plan  in the  Absence  of Shareholder  Approval.   In  the  event the
shareholders  do not  approve the  Stock Award  Provision of  the Long-Term
Plan, the Plan  will be  deemed to  be amended  to require  that any  bonus
payment  under the  existing performance  plans or  any  future performance
plans adopted under the Long-Term Plan will be paid entirely in cash.