WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                  QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                           EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC.

MARYLAND                                                         13-2711135
(State or other jurisdiction                                  (I.R.S. Employer
of incorporation or organization)                            Identification No.)

JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI                                                    39201
(Address of principal executive offices)                              (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number:  (601) 354-3555

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. YES (x) NO ( )

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a large  accelerated  filer, an
accelerated  filer, or a  non-accelerated  filer. See definition of "accelerated
filer and large  accelerated  filer" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange  Act.  (Check

   Large Accelerated Filer (x) Accelerated Filer ( ) Non-accelerated Filer ( )

Indicate by check mark whether the  Registrant is a shell company (as defined in
Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). YES ( ) NO (x)

The number of shares of common stock, $.0001 par value, outstanding as of August
7, 2006 was 22,214,935.

                           EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC.

                                    FORM 10-Q

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS
                       FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 2006


Item 1.   Financial Statements

          Consolidated  balance sheets,  June 30, 2006  (unaudited) and December
          31, 2005                                                                                         3

          Consolidated  statements  of income for the three and six months ended
          June 30, 2006 and 2005 (unaudited)                                                               4

          Consolidated  statement of changes in stockholders' equity for the six
          months ended June 30, 2006 (unaudited)                                                           5

          Consolidated  statements  of cash flows for the six months  ended June
          30, 2006 and 2005 (unaudited)                                                                    6

          Notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited)                                           7

Item 2.   Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
          of Operations                                                                                   13

Item 3.   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk                                      23

Item 4.   Controls and Procedures                                                                         24


Item 1A.  Risk Factors                                                                                    24

Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders                                             24

Item 6.   Exhibits                                                                                        24


Authorized signatures                                                                                     25

                           EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC.
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                     June 30, 2006        December 31, 2005
  Real estate properties........................................................    $     945,511                  943,585
  Development...................................................................           89,360                   77,483
                                                                                        1,034,871                1,021,068
    Less accumulated depreciation...............................................         (217,524)                (206,427)
                                                                                          817,347                  814,641

  Real estate held for sale.....................................................                -                      773
  Unconsolidated investment.....................................................            2,626                    2,618
  Cash..........................................................................            1,526                    1,915
  Other assets..................................................................           45,353                   43,591
    TOTAL ASSETS................................................................    $     866,852                  863,538


  Mortgage notes payable........................................................    $     342,339                  346,961
  Notes payable to banks........................................................          135,548                  116,764
  Accounts payable & accrued expenses...........................................           20,875                   22,941
  Other liabilities.............................................................           10,441                   10,306
                                                                                          509,203                  496,972

Minority interest in joint ventures.............................................            2,062                    1,702

  Series C Preferred Shares; $.0001 par value; 600,000 shares authorized;
    no shares issued............................................................                -                        -
  Series D 7.95% Cumulative Redeemable Preferred Shares and additional
    paid-in capital; $.0001 par value; 1,320,000 shares authorized and issued;
    stated liquidation preference of $33,000....................................           32,326                   32,326
  Common shares; $.0001 par value; 68,080,000 shares authorized;
    22,214,449 shares issued and outstanding at June 30, 2006 and
    22,030,682 at December 31, 2005.............................................                2                        2
  Excess shares; $.0001 par value; 30,000,000 shares authorized;
    no shares issued............................................................                -                        -
  Additional paid-in capital on common shares...................................          392,500                  390,155
  Distributions in excess of earnings...........................................          (69,787)                 (57,930)
  Accumulated other comprehensive income........................................              546                      311
                                                                                          355,587                  364,864

  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY....................................    $     866,852                  863,538

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                           EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC.
                      (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT PER SHARE DATA)

                                                                                   Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                                                        June 30,                    June 30,
                                                                                   2006          2005          2006          2005
  Income from real estate operations.........................................   $  33,187       30,464        65,808         59,882
  Equity in earnings of unconsolidated investment............................          65          127           139            289
  Other......................................................................          15          100            34            170
                                                                                   33,267       30,691        65,981         60,341
  Expenses from real estate operations.......................................       9,287        8,582        18,321         16,800
  Depreciation and amortization..............................................      10,310        9,540        20,760         18,370
  General and administrative.................................................       1,636        1,795         3,444          3,693
  Minority interest in joint ventures........................................         136          114           273            243
                                                                                   21,369       20,031        42,798         39,106

OPERATING INCOME.............................................................      11,898       10,660        23,183         21,235

  Interest income............................................................          21           85            43            209
  Interest expense...........................................................      (6,397)      (5,832)      (12,732)       (11,770)
INCOME FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS ...........................................       5,522        4,913        10,494          9,674

  Income from real estate operations.........................................          38          221           159            619
  Gain on sale of real estate investments....................................          16          754         1,084          1,131
INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS .........................................          54          975         1,243          1,750

NET INCOME...................................................................       5,576        5,888        11,737         11,424

  Preferred dividends-Series D...............................................         656          656         1,312          1,312

NET INCOME AVAILABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS..................................   $   4,920        5,232        10,425         10,112

  Income from continuing operations..........................................   $     .22          .20           .42            .39
  Income from discontinued operations........................................           -          .04           .06            .08
  Net income available to common stockholders................................   $     .22          .24           .48            .47

  Weighted average shares outstanding........................................      21,932       21,755        21,907         21,326

  Income from continuing operations..........................................   $     .22          .20           .41            .39
  Income from discontinued operations........................................           -          .04           .06            .08
  Net income available to common stockholders................................   $     .22          .24           .47            .47

  Weighted average shares outstanding........................................      22,237       22,073        22,222         21,638

Dividends declared per common share..........................................   $    .490         .485          .980           .970

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                           EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC.
                             IN STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY

                                                                              Additional    Distributions       Other
                                                      Preferred     Common     Paid-In        In Excess     Comprehensive
                                                        Stock       Stock      Capital       Of Earnings       Income        Total
BALANCE, DECEMBER 31, 2005..........................  $  32,326          2      390,155        (57,930)           311       364,864
  Comprehensive income
   Net income.......................................          -          -            -         11,737              -        11,737
   Net unrealized change in fair value of
    interest rate swap..............................          -          -            -              -            235           235
     Total comprehensive income.....................                                                                         11,972
  Common dividends declared, $.98 per share.........          -          -            -        (22,282)             -       (22,282)
  Preferred stock dividends declared, $.9938
   per share........................................          -          -            -         (1,312)             -        (1,312)
  Stock-based compensation, net of forfeitures......          -          -        2,212              -              -         2,212
  Issuance of 3,413 shares of common stock,
   dividend reinvestment plan.......................          -          -          160              -              -           160
  Other.............................................          -          -          (27)             -              -           (27)
BALANCE, JUNE 30, 2006..............................  $  32,326          2      392,500        (69,787)           546       355,587

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

                           EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC.
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                                                         Six Months Ended
                                                                                                             June 30,
                                                                                                     2006                 2005
  Net income..............................................................................     $    11,737               11,424
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization from continuing operations..............................          20,760               18,370
    Depreciation and amortization from discontinued operations............................             182                  488
    Minority interest depreciation and amortization.......................................             (75)                 (70)
    Amortization of mortgage loan premiums................................................            (215)                (148)
    Gain on sale of real estate investments from discontinued operations..................          (1,084)              (1,131)
    Stock-based compensation expense......................................................             766                  809
    Equity in earnings of unconsolidated investment net of distributions..................              (9)                  41
    Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
      Accrued income and other assets.....................................................          (1,777)                (342)
      Accounts payable, accrued expenses and prepaid rent.................................            (563)               1,452
NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES.................................................          29,722               30,893

  Real estate development.................................................................         (30,392)             (25,587)
  Purchases of real estate................................................................               -              (23,891)
  Real estate improvements................................................................          (6,125)              (5,077)
  Proceeds from sale of real estate investments...........................................          18,541                5,795
  Repayments on mortgage loans receivable.................................................               -                6,750
  Distributions from unconsolidated investment............................................               -                6,645
  Changes in other assets and other liabilities...........................................          (2,812)                 101
NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES.....................................................         (20,788)             (35,264)

  Proceeds from bank borrowings...........................................................          80,856               71,417
  Repayments on bank borrowings...........................................................         (62,072)             (69,798)
  Principal payments on mortgage notes payable............................................          (4,359)              (7,935)
  Debt issuance costs.....................................................................            (119)                 (85)
  Distributions paid to stockholders......................................................         (22,912)             (22,028)
  Proceeds from common stock offering.....................................................               -               31,597
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options.................................................             972                1,218
  Proceeds from dividend reinvestment plan................................................             160                  183
  Other...................................................................................          (1,849)                (376)
NET CASH PROVIDED BY (USED IN) FINANCING ACTIVITIES.......................................          (9,323)               4,193

DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS.....................................................            (389)                (178)
  CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD........................................           1,915                1,208
  CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD..............................................     $     1,526                1,030

  Cash paid for interest, net of amount capitalized of $1,976 and $1,069
    for 2006 and 2005, respectively.......................................................     $    12,518               11,413
  Fair value of debt assumed by the Company in the purchase of real estate................               -               26,057
  Common stock awards issued to employees and directors, net of forfeitures...............           3,284                1,007

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



     The accompanying  unaudited financial  statements of EastGroup  Properties,
Inc.  ("EastGroup"  or "the Company") have been prepared in accordance with U.S.
generally   accepted   accounting   principles   (GAAP)  for  interim  financial
information and with the  instructions to Form 10-Q and Rule 10-01 of Regulation
S-X.  Accordingly,  they do not include  all of the  information  and  footnotes
required by GAAP for complete financial statements. In management's opinion, all
adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) considered necessary for a
fair presentation have been included. The financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the 2005 annual report on Form 10-K and the notes thereto.


     The  consolidated  financial  statements  include the accounts of EastGroup
Properties,  Inc. (the Company or EastGroup),  its wholly-owned subsidiaries and
its  investment  in any joint  ventures in which the  Company has a  controlling
interest.  At December 31, 2005,  the Company had a controlling  interest in one
joint venture:  the 80% owned University  Business Center. At June 30, 2006, the
Company  had a  controlling  interest  in two  joint  ventures:  the  80%  owned
University  Business Center and the 80% owned  Castilian  Research  Center.  The
Company records 100% of the joint ventures'  assets,  liabilities,  revenues and
expenses  with  minority  interests  provided for in  accordance  with the joint
venture  agreements.  The equity  method of accounting is used for the Company's
50% undivided  tenant-in-common interest in Industry Distribution Center II. All
significant  intercompany  transactions  and accounts  have been  eliminated  in


     The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with GAAP requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities  and revenues and expenses  during the reporting  period,
and to disclose  material  contingent  assets and liabilities at the date of the
financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


     Certain  reclassifications  have been made in the 2005 financial statements
to conform to the 2006 presentation.  These amounts include reclassifications in
the accompanying statements of cash flows. These  reclassifications,  which were
$1,076,000  for the six months  ended June 30,  2005,  resulted in a decrease in
cash flows from operating activities and corresponding  increases of $195,000 in
investing   activities   and   $881,000   in   financing    activities.    These
reclassifications were immaterial to the prior period presented.


     EastGroup  has  one  reportable   segment - industrial  properties.   These
properties are primarily  located in major Sunbelt regions of the United States,
have similar  economic  characteristics  and also meet the other  criteria  that
permit  the   properties  to  be  aggregated   into  one   reportable   segment.
Geographically,  the Company's  investments  are  concentrated  in major Sunbelt
markets  of the  United  States,  primarily  in the  states of  Florida,  Texas,
California and Arizona.  The Company  reviews  long-lived  assets for impairment
whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of
an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of assets to be held and used is
measured  by a  comparison  of  the  carrying  amount  of  an  asset  to  future
undiscounted  net cash flows  expected  to be  generated  by the  asset.  If the
carrying  amount  of an asset  exceeds  its  estimated  future  cash  flows,  an
impairment  charge is recognized  by the amount by which the carrying  amount of
the asset exceeds the fair value of the asset.  Real estate  properties held for
investment  are  reported  at the lower of the  carrying  amount or fair  value.
Depreciation of buildings and other  improvements,  including personal property,
is computed  using the  straight-line  method  over  estimated  useful  lives of
generally 40 years for buildings and 3 to 15 years for improvements and personal
property.  Building  improvements are capitalized,  while maintenance and repair
expenses  are  charged to  expense  as  incurred.  Significant  renovations  and
improvements  that  extend  the  useful  life  of  or  improve  the  assets  are
capitalized. Depreciation expense for continuing and discontinued operations

was $8,703,000 and $17,506,000 for the three and six months ended June 30, 2006,
respectively  and $8,205,000 and  $15,969,000  for the same periods in 2005. The
Company's real estate  properties at June 30, 2006 and December 31, 2005 were as

                                                                      June 30, 2006     December 31, 2005
                                                                                (In thousands)
        Real estate properties:
           Land................................................       $     152,284              152,954
           Buildings and building improvements.................             654,082              656,897
           Tenant and other improvements.......................             139,145              133,734
        Development............................................              89,360               77,483
                                                                          1,034,871            1,021,068
           Less accumulated depreciation.......................            (217,524)            (206,427)
                                                                      $     817,347              814,641


     Real estate  properties that are held for sale are reported at the lower of
the  carrying  amount or fair  value  less  estimated  costs to sell and are not
depreciated  while they are held for sale.  In  accordance  with the  guidelines
established  under Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards (SFAS) No. 144,
the results of operations  for the  properties  sold or held for sale during the
reported  periods are shown under  Discontinued  Operations on the  consolidated
income statements.  No interest expense was allocated to the properties that are
held for sale or whose  operations  are included under  Discontinued  Operations
except for Lamar  Distribution  Center II, the mortgage of which was required to
be paid in full upon the sale of the property in 2005. Accordingly, Discontinued
Operations  includes  interest  expense of $32,000 and $64,000 for the three and
six months ended June 30, 2005.  At December 31, 2005,  the Company was offering
for sale 6.4 acres of land in Houston with a carrying  amount of $773,000.  As a
result of a change in plans by management,  this land was  transferred  into the
development portfolio during 2006.


     Upon  acquisition  of real  estate  properties,  the  Company  applies  the
principles of SFAS No. 141, Business  Combinations,  to determine the allocation
of the purchase price among the  individual  components of both the tangible and
intangible assets based on their respective fair values.  The Company determines
whether any financing  assumed is above or below market based upon comparison to
similar  financing  terms for  similar  properties.  The cost of the  properties
acquired may be adjusted based on  indebtedness  assumed from the seller that is
determined to be above or below market rates.  The allocation to tangible assets
(land,  building and improvements) is based upon  management's  determination of
the  value of the  property  as if it were  vacant  using  discounted  cash flow
     Factors  considered  by  management  include an estimate of carrying  costs
during the expected lease-up periods  considering  current market conditions and
costs to execute similar leases. The remaining purchase price is allocated among
three  categories of intangible  assets  consisting of the above or below market
component  of in-place  leases,  the value of  in-place  leases and the value of
customer  relationships.  The  value  allocable  to the  above or  below  market
component of an acquired  in-place  lease is  determined  based upon the present
value  (using a  discount  rate which  reflects  the risks  associated  with the
acquired  leases) of the difference  between (i) the  contractual  amounts to be
paid  pursuant  to the lease  over its  remaining  term,  and (ii)  management's
estimate  of the  amounts  that would be paid using fair  market  rates over the
remaining  term of the lease.  The amounts  allocated  to above and below market
leases are included in Other Assets and Other Liabilities,  respectively, on the
consolidated  balance  sheets  and are  amortized  to  rental  income  over  the
remaining terms of the respective  leases. The total amount of intangible assets
is further  allocated  to in-place  lease  values and to  customer  relationship
values based upon  management's  assessment of their  respective  values.  These
intangible  assets are  included  in Other  Assets on the  consolidated  balance
sheets and are amortized over the remaining term of the existing  lease,  or the
anticipated  life of the  customer  relationship,  as  applicable.  Amortization
expense for in-place lease intangibles was $634,000 and $1,374,000 for the three
and six months ended June 30, 2006, respectively and $565,000 and $1,000,000 for
the same  periods in 2005.  Amortization  of above and below  market  leases was
immaterial for all periods presented.
     The Company  periodically reviews (at least annually) the recoverability of
goodwill and (on a quarterly basis) the  recoverability of other intangibles for
possible impairment. In management's opinion, no material impairment of goodwill
and other intangibles existed at June 30, 2006 and December 31, 2005.


     A summary of the Company's Other Assets follows:

                                                                                           June 30, 2006    December 31, 2005
                                                                                                     (In thousands)
     Leasing costs (principally commissions), net of accumulated amortization.......      $      14,507             13,630
     Straight-line rent receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts..........             13,320             12,773
     Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful accounts....................              2,561              2,930
     Acquired in-place lease intangibles, net of accumulated amortization
       of $3,738 and $3,580 for 2006 and 2005, respectively ........................              4,688              6,062
     Goodwill.......................................................................                990                990
     Prepaid expenses and other assets..............................................              9,287              7,206
                                                                                          $      45,353             43,591


     A summary of the Company's Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses follows:

                                                                                 June 30, 2006    December 31, 2005
                                                                                          (In thousands)
        Property taxes payable............................................      $       8,002               8,224
        Development costs payable.........................................              2,984               2,777
        Dividends payable.................................................              3,045               2,363
        Other payables and accrued expenses...............................              6,844               9,577
                                                                                $      20,875              22,941


     Comprehensive  income is comprised of net income plus all other  changes in
equity from nonowner sources.  The components of accumulated other comprehensive
income for the six months  ended June 30, 2006 are  presented  in the  Company's
Consolidated  Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Equity and for the three and
six months ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 are summarized below.

                                                                                   Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                                                        June 30,                    June 30,
                                                                                   2006          2005          2006          2005
                                                                                                   (In thousands)
        Balance at beginning of period....................................      $    452          258            311           14
            Change in fair value of interest rate swap....................            94         (239)           235            5
        Balance at end of period..........................................      $    546           19            546           19


     Basic  earnings per share (EPS)  represents  the amount of earnings for the
period available to each share of common stock outstanding  during the reporting
period.  The Company's basic EPS is calculated by dividing net income  available
to  common  stockholders  by  the  weighted  average  number  of  common  shares
     Diluted EPS represents  the amount of earnings for the period  available to
each share of common stock  outstanding  during the reporting period and to each
share that would have been  outstanding  assuming the issuance of common  shares
for all  dilutive  potential  common  shares  outstanding  during the  reporting
period.  The Company  calculates diluted EPS by dividing net income available to
common  stockholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding
plus the dilutive effect of nonvested restricted stock and stock options had the
options  been  exercised.  The  dilutive  effect  of  stock  options  and  their
equivalents  (such as  nonvested  restricted  stock)  was  determined  using the
treasury stock method which assumes  exercise of the options as of the beginning
of the period or when issued,  if later,  and assumes proceeds from the exercise
of options are used to

purchase   common  stock  at  the  average   market  price  during  the  period.
Reconciliation  of the numerators and  denominators in the basic and diluted EPS
computations is as follows:

                                                                                   Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                                                         June 30,                   June 30,
                                                                                   2006          2005          2006          2005
                                                                                                   (In thousands)
          Numerator-net income available to common stockholders............     $    4,920       5,232        10,425       10,112
          Denominator-weighted average shares outstanding..................         21,932      21,755        21,907       21,326
          Numerator-net income available to common stockholders............     $    4,920       5,232        10,425       10,112
            Weighted average shares outstanding............................         21,932      21,755        21,907       21,326
            Common stock options...........................................            139         169           154          168
            Nonvested restricted stock.....................................            166         149           161          144
               Total Shares................................................         22,237      22,073        22,222       21,638


     The Company adopted SFAS No. 123 (Revised 2004),  Share-Based  Payment,  on
January 1, 2006.  The new rule required that the  compensation  cost relating to
share-based payment  transactions be recognized in the financial  statements and
that the cost be  measured  based on the fair value of the  equity or  liability
instruments issued. The Company's adoption of SFAS 123R had an immaterial impact
on its  overall  financial  position  and  results of  operations.  Prior to the
adoption of SFAS 123R, the Company had,  effective January 1, 2002,  adopted the
fair value recognition  provisions of SFAS No. 148,  "Accounting for Stock-Based
Compensation-Transition   and   Disclosure,   an  amendment  of  SFAS  No.  123,
'Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation'," prospectively to all awards granted,
modified, or settled after January 1, 2002.

     The  Company  has a  management  incentive  plan which was  approved by the
shareholders and adopted in 2004 (the 2004 Plan),  which authorizes the issuance
of up to  1,900,000  shares of common stock to employees in the form of options,
stock  appreciation  rights,  restricted  stock  (limited  to  570,000  shares),
deferred stock units, performance shares, stock bonuses, and stock. Total shares
available  for grant were  1,747,674  at June 30, 2006.  Typically,  the Company
issues new shares to fulfill stock grants or upon the exercise of stock options.
     Stock-based  compensation expense was $518,000 and $1,116,000 for the three
and six months ended June 30, 2006, respectively, of which $190,000 and $350,000
were capitalized as part of the Company's  development  costs. For the three and
six months ended June 30, 2005,  stock-based  compensation  expense was $556,000
and $1,004,000,  respectively, of which $98,000 and $195,000 were capitalized as
part of the Company's development costs.

Restricted Stock
     The purpose of the  restricted  stock plan is to act as a retention  device
since it allows  participants  to benefit  from  dividends  on shares as well as
potential  stock  appreciation.  Vesting occurs from three to ten years from the
date of the grant for nonperformance  based grants.  Restricted stock is granted
to executives upon the satisfaction of annual and multi-year  performance  goals
with  vesting  from  three  to  four  years.  Under  the  modified   prospective
application method, the Company continues to recognize compensation expense on a
straight-line basis over the service period for awards that precede the adoption
of SFAS 123R. The expense for performance-based  awards after January 1, 2006 is
determined  using the graded vesting  attribution  method which  recognizes each
separate  vesting  portion of the award as a separate  award on a  straight-line
basis over the requisite service period.  This method  accelerates the expensing
of the award  compared to the  straight-line  method.  Awards that only  require
service are expensed on a straight-line basis over the service period. The total
compensation  expense for service and performance based awards is based upon the
fair  market  value of the  shares on the grant  date,  adjusted  for  estimated
     During the restricted  period,  the Company accrues dividends and holds the
certificates for the shares;  however,  the employee can vote the shares.  Share
certificates  and  dividends  are  delivered to the employee as they vest. As of
June 30, 2006, there was $4,087,000 of unrecognized compensation cost related to
nonvested restricted stock compensation that is expected to be recognized over a
weighted  average  period of 2.53  years.

Following  is a  summary  of the  total  shares  that  will vest by year for the
remainder of the vesting periods as of June 30, 2006.

Remaining Shares Vesting Schedule              Number of Shares
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Remainder of 2006.........................          63,538
2007......................................          89,265
2008......................................          74,312
2009......................................          34,870
Total Nonvested Shares....................         261,985

     Following  is a summary of the total  restricted  shares  granted,  issued,
forfeited and  delivered to employees  with the related  weighted  average grant
date fair value  share  prices for the six months  ended June 30,  2006.  Of the
shares that vested in 2006,  571 shares were  withheld by the Company to satisfy
the tax  obligations  for those  employees  who elected this option as permitted
under the  applicable  equity  plan.  The fair value of shares that were granted
during the six months ended June 30, 2006 was $494,000; there were no grants for
the three  months  ended June 30, 2006 or for either  period in 2005.  As of the
vesting  date,  the fair value of shares that vested during the six months ended
June 30, 2006 and 2005 was  $1,472,000  and  $829,000,  respectively;  no shares
vested for either  three-month  period  ended June 30, 2006 or 2005.

Restricted Stock Activity:

                                            Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended
                                              June 30, 2006                June 30, 2006
                                                      Weighted                      Weighted
                                                       Average                      Average
                                           Shares    Grant Date       Shares       Grant Date
                                                     Fair Value                    Fair Value
Nonvested at beginning of period....       261,985      $ 28.50       177,444         $ 23.01
Issued (1)..........................             -            -       107,823           37.25
Granted (2).........................             -            -        10,511           47.01
Forfeited...........................             -            -        (1,480)          22.04
Vested..............................             -            -       (32,313)          34.91
                                        -----------                 -----------
Nonvested at end of period..........       261,985        28.50       261,985           28.50
                                        ===========                 ===========

(1) Issued shares are shares granted in prior years that were awarded during the
period upon satisfaction of performance conditions.
(2) During the  quarter,  the  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors
approved  a plan to issue  shares  contingent  upon the  attainment  of  certain
performance  goals.  At June 30,  2006,  the  number of shares  estimated  to be
awarded was 36,949 shares at a weighted  average grant date fair value of $43.83
per share. Compensation expense related to this grant is included in stock-based
compensation expense for the three and six months ended June 30, 2006.

Employee Stock Options
     The  Company  has not  granted  stock  options  to  employees  since  2002.
Outstanding  employee  stock  options  vested  equally  over a two-year  period;
accordingly,  all  options  are now  vested.  The  intrinsic  value  realized by
employees  from the exercise of options was  $1,175,000  and  $1,731,000 for the
three and six months ended June 30, 2006, respectively and $225,000 and $347,000
for the same periods in 2005. Following is a summary of the total employee stock
options granted, forfeited,  exercised and expired with related weighted average
exercise  share prices for the three and six months  ended June 30, 2006.

Stock Option Activity:

                                            Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended
                                               June 30, 2006                June 30, 2006
                                                        Weighted                     Weighted
                                           Shares       Average          Shares      Average
                                                        Exercise                     Exercise
                                                         Price                        Price
Outstanding at beginning of period...      231,155     $   19.87         251,075    $   19.80
Granted..............................            -             -               -            -
Forfeited............................            -             -               -            -
Exercised............................      (38,499)        14.58         (58,419)       16.08
Expired..............................            -             -               -            -
                                        ------------                  -----------
Outstanding at end of period.........      192,656         20.93         192,656        20.93
                                        ============                  ===========

Exercisable at end of period.........      192,656         20.93         192,656        20.93

Employee outstanding stock options at June 30, 2006, all exercisable:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Weighted Average
                                          Remaining            Weighted Average     Intrinsic
Exercise Price Range       Number      Contractual Life         Exercise Price        Value
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 $  17.92-25.75           192,656         2.11 years               $ 20.93         $4,908,000

     The  Company  has a director  equity  incentive  plan that was  approved by
shareholders and adopted in 2005 (the 2005 Plan),  which authorizes the issuance
of up to 50,000 shares of common stock through  awards of shares and  restricted
shares granted to nonemployee  directors of the Company.  The 2005 Plan replaced
prior plans under which directors were granted stock option awards.  Outstanding
grants under prior plans will be fulfilled  under those  plans.  In 2005,  1,200
common  shares of stock were issued to  directors.  In  addition,  481 shares of
restricted  stock at $41.57 were granted,  of which 120 shares were vested as of
June 30, 2006.  The  restricted  stock vests 25% per year for four years.  As of
June 30, 2006,  there was $15,000 of unrecognized  compensation  cost related to
nonvested restricted stock compensation that is expected to be recognized over a
weighted average period of 3.0 years. In 2006, 3,402 common shares of stock were
issued to directors. There were 44,917 shares available for grant under the 2005
Plan at June 30, 2006.
     Stock-based  compensation expense for directors was $13,000 and $27,000 for
the three and six months ended June 30, 2006, respectively and zero for the same
periods in 2005. The intrinsic  value realized by directors from the exercise of
options was zero and $70,000 for the three and six months  ended June 30,  2006,
respectively and $338,000 and $669,000 for the same periods in 2005.
     Following  is a  summary  of the  total  director  stock  options  granted,
exercised and expired with related  weighted  average  exercise share prices for
the three and six months ended June 30, 2006.

Stock Option Activity:

                                            Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended
                                               June 30, 2006                June 30, 2006
                                                        Weighted                     Weighted
                                           Shares       Average          Shares      Average
                                                        Exercise                     Exercise
                                                         Price                        Price
Outstanding at beginning of period....      51,500      $  22.93         53,750      $  22.58
Granted...............................           -             -              -             -
Exercised.............................           -             -         (2,250)        14.58
Expired...............................           -             -              -             -
                                        ------------                -------------
Outstanding at end of period..........      51,500         22.93         51,500         22.93
                                        ============                =============

Exercisable at end of period..........      51,500         22.93         51,500         22.93

Director outstanding stock options at June 30, 2006, all exercisable:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        Weighted Average
                                           Remaining           Weighted Average     Intrinsic
Exercise Price Range       Number       Contractual Life        Exercise Price        Value
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 $  19.375-26.60           51,500          4.62 years              $ 22.93         $1,209,000


     In  July  2006,  the  Company  signed  an  application  on a  $78  million,
nonrecourse  first mortgage loan secured by 17 properties.  The loan is expected
to close in  mid-October  2006 and will have a fixed  interest rate of 5.97%,  a
ten-year term and an amortization schedule of 20 years. The proceeds of the note
will be used to repay a maturing $20.5 million  mortgage and to reduce  floating
rate bank borrowings.


     EastGroup's  goal is to  maximize  shareholder  value by being the  leading
provider  in  its  markets  of  functional,   flexible,   and  quality  business
distribution  space for  location  sensitive  tenants  primarily in the 5,000 to
50,000  square  foot  range.  The  Company   develops,   acquires  and  operates
distribution  facilities,  the  majority  of which are  clustered  around  major
transportation  features  in  supply  constrained  submarkets  in major  Sunbelt
regions.  The  Company's  core  markets  are in the  states of  Florida,  Texas,
California and Arizona.
     The Company primarily generates revenue by leasing space at its real estate
properties.  As  such,  EastGroup's  greatest  challenge  is  leasing  space  at
competitive  market rates.  During the six months ended June 30, 2006, leases on
2,183,000 square feet (10.2%) of EastGroup's  total square footage of 21,339,000
expired,  and the Company was  successful in renewing or re-leasing  80% of that
total. In addition,  EastGroup  leased 638,000 square feet of other vacant space
during this period.  During the six months ended June 30, 2006,  average  rental
rates on new and renewal leases increased by 10.0%.
     EastGroup's  total  leased  percentage  increased to 94.8% at June 30, 2006
from 93.2% at June 30, 2005.  Leases  scheduled  to expire for the  remainder of
2006 were 4.8% of the  portfolio  on a square foot basis at June 30,  2006,  and
this figure was  reduced to 3.6% as of August 7, 2006.  Property  net  operating
income  from same  properties  increased  3.4% for both the  quarter and the six
months  ended June 30, 2006 as  compared to the same period in 2005.  The second
quarter of 2006 was  EastGroup's  twelfth  consecutive  quarter of positive same
property comparisons.
     The  Company   generates  new  sources  of  leasing   revenue  through  its
acquisition  and  development  programs.  There were no  acquisitions  of income
producing  properties  during the first six months of 2006.
     EastGroup  continues to see targeted  development as a major contributor to
the Company's  growth.  The Company  mitigates risks associated with development
through  a  Board-approved  maximum  level of land held for  development  and by
adjusting  development start dates according to leasing  activity.  During 2006,
EastGroup acquired 17.7 acres of development land in Phoenix for $5,828,000. The
Company expects to begin development of approximately 270,000 square feet in the
Sky Harbor Commerce Center before the end of the year.
     During the six months ended June 30,  2006,  the Company  transferred  four
properties  (248,000  square feet) with aggregate  costs of $17.5 million at the
date of transfer from  development to real estate  properties.  These properties
are all 100% leased. The Company expects to transfer five additional  properties
to the  portfolio  during  the last half of the year.  The  Company  anticipates
approximately $90 million in new development starts during 2006.
     The Company sold four  properties in Memphis (a noncore market) and several
parcels of land during the six months  ended June 30, 2006 for a net sales price
of  $18.7  million,   generating  combined  gains  of  $1.3  million,  of  which
approximately   $200,000  was  deferred.   These  dispositions   represented  an
opportunity to recycle capital into  acquisitions  and development  with greater
upside potential.
     The  Company  primarily  funds its  acquisition  and  development  programs
through a $175  million line of credit (as  discussed  in Liquidity  and Capital
Resources).  As market  conditions  permit,  EastGroup issues equity,  including
preferred equity, and/or employs fixed-rate,  nonrecourse first mortgage debt to
replace the short-term bank borrowings.
     In  March  2006,  the  Company  signed  an  application  on a $38  million,
nonrecourse first mortgage loan secured by properties  containing 778,000 square
feet.  The  loan is  expected  to  close in  August  2006 and will  have a fixed
interest  rate of 5.68%,  a ten-year  term and an  amortization  schedule  of 20
years.  In July  2006,  the  Company  signed an  application  on a $78  million,
nonrecourse  first  mortgage  loan secured by  properties  containing  1,316,000
square  feet.  The loan is expected to close in mid October 2006 and will have a
fixed interest rate of 5.97%, a ten-year term and an amortization schedule of 20
years.  The proceeds of these notes will be used to repay maturing  mortgages of
approximately $35.5 million and to reduce variable rate bank borrowings.
     Tower Automotive, Inc. (Tower) filed for Chapter 11 reorganization in early
2005.  Tower,  which leases  210,000  square feet from  EastGroup  under a lease
expiring in December  2010,  is current with their rental  payments to EastGroup
through August 2006.  EastGroup is obligated  under a recourse  mortgage loan on
the property for $10,195,000 as of June 30, 2006.  Property net operating income
for 2005 was  $1,374,000 for the property  occupied by Tower.  Rental income due
for 2006 is $1,389,000 with estimated  property net operating income for 2006 of
$1,366,000. Property net operating income for the six months ended June 30, 2006
was $687,000.
     EastGroup  has  one  reportable   segment - industrial  properties.   These
properties are primarily  located in major Sunbelt regions of the United States,
have similar  economic  characteristics  and also meet the other  criteria  that
permit  the  properties  to be  aggregated  into  one  reportable  segment.  The
Company's chief decision makers use two primary measures of operating results in
making decisions:  property net operating income (PNOI),  defined as income from
real estate operations less property operating expenses (before interest expense
and  depreciation  and  amortization),  and funds from  operations  available to
common stockholders  (FFO),  defined as net income (loss) computed in accordance
with GAAP,  excluding  gains or losses  from sales of  depreciable  real  estate
property,  plus real estate related  depreciation  and  amortization,  and after
adjustments for  unconsolidated  partnerships  and joint  ventures.  The Company
calculates  FFO based on the  National  Association  of Real  Estate  Investment
Trust's (NAREIT's) definition.
     PNOI is a supplemental  industry reporting measurement used to evaluate the
performance of the Company's real estate investments.  The Company believes that
the exclusion of depreciation and amortization in the industry's  calculation of

provides a  supplemental  indicator  of the  property's  performance  since real
estate values have historically risen or fallen with market conditions.  PNOI as
calculated  by the  Company  may  not be  comparable  to  similarly  titled  but
differently  calculated  measures  for  other  REITs.  The  major  factors  that
influence  PNOI  are  occupancy  levels,  acquisitions  and  sales,  development
properties  that  achieve  stabilized  operations,   rental  rate  increases  or
decreases,  and the recoverability of operating expenses.  The Company's success
depends  largely upon its ability to lease space and to recover from tenants the
operating costs associated with those leases.
     Real estate income is comprised of rental income,  pass-through  income and
other real estate income including lease  termination fees.  Property  operating
expenses  are  comprised of property  taxes,  insurance,  utilities,  repair and
maintenance  expenses,  management  fees,  other  operating  costs  and bad debt
expense.  Generally,  the  Company's  most  significant  operating  expenses are
property taxes and insurance. Tenant leases may be net leases in which the total
operating  expenses are recoverable,  modified gross leases in which some of the
operating  expenses  are  recoverable,  or gross leases in which no expenses are
recoverable  (gross leases represent only a small portion of the Company's total
leases).  Increases in property  operating  expenses are fully recoverable under
net leases  and  recoverable  to a high  degree  under  modified  gross  leases.
Modified gross leases often include base year amounts and expense increases over
these  amounts are  recoverable.  The Company's  exposure to property  operating
expenses is primarily due to vacancies and leases for occupied  space that limit
the amount of expenses that can be recovered.
     The Company  believes  FFO is an  appropriate  measure of  performance  for
equity real  estate  investment  trusts.  The Company  believes  that  excluding
depreciation  and  amortization in the  calculation of FFO is appropriate  since
real estate  values have  historically  increased or  decreased  based on market
conditions. FFO is not considered as an alternative to net income (determined in
accordance with GAAP) as an indication of the Company's  financial  performance,
nor is it a measure of the Company's  liquidity or indicative of funds available
to  provide  for  the  Company's  cash  needs,  including  its  ability  to make
distributions.  The Company's key drivers  affecting FFO are changes in PNOI (as
discussed above), interest rates, the amount of leverage the Company employs and
general  and  administrative   expense.   The  following  table  presents  on  a
comparative  basis for the three and six  months  ended  June 30,  2006 and 2005
reconciliations of PNOI and FFO Available to Common Stockholders to Net Income.

                                                                                   Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                                                        June 30,                    June 30,
                                                                                   2006          2005          2006          2005
                                                                                      (In thousands, except per share data)
Income from real estate operations............................................  $  33,187       30,464        65,808       59,882
Expenses from real estate operations..........................................     (9,287)      (8,582)      (18,321)     (16,800)
PROPERTY NET OPERATING INCOME.................................................     23,900       21,882        47,487       43,082

Equity in earnings of unconsolidated investment (before depreciation).........         98          164           205          363
Income from discontinued operations (before depreciation and amotization).....         63          468           341        1,107
Interest income...............................................................         21           85            43          209
Other income..................................................................         15          100            34          170
Interest expense..............................................................     (6,397)      (5,832)      (12,732)     (11,770)
General and administrative expense............................................     (1,636)      (1,795)       (3,444)      (3,693)
Minority interest in earnings (before depreciation and amortization)..........       (174)        (149)         (348)        (313)
Gain on sale of nondepreciable real estate investments........................          6            -           655            -
Dividends on Series D preferred shares........................................       (656)        (656)       (1,312)      (1,312)

FUNDS FROM OPERATIONS AVAILABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS........................     15,240       14,267        30,929       27,843
Depreciation and amortization from continuing operations......................    (10,310)      (9,540)      (20,760)     (18,370)
Depreciation and amortization from discontinued operations....................        (25)        (247)         (182)        (488)
Depreciation from unconsolidated investment...................................        (33)         (37)          (66)         (74)
Minority interest depreciation and amortization...............................         38           35            75           70
Gain on sale of depreciable real estate investments...........................         10          754           429        1,131

NET INCOME AVAILABLE TO COMMON STOCKHOLDERS...................................      4,920        5,232        10,425       10,112
Dividends on preferred shares.................................................        656          656         1,312        1,312

NET INCOME....................................................................  $   5,576        5,888        11,737       11,424

Net income available to common stockholders per diluted share.................  $     .22          .24           .47          .47
Funds from operations available to common stockholders per diluted share......        .69          .65          1.39         1.29

Diluted shares for earnings per share and funds from operations...............     22,237       22,073        22,222       21,638

The Company analyzes the following performance trends in evaluating the progress
of the Company:

     o    The FFO change per share  represents  the  increase or decrease in FFO
          per share from the same  quarter in the current  year  compared to the
          prior year.  FFO per share for the second quarter of 2006 was $.69 per
          share  compared  with $.65 per share for the same  period of 2005,  an
          increase  of  6.2%.  The  increase  in FFO  was  mainly  due to a PNOI
          increase of  $2,018,000,  or 9.2%.  The increase in PNOI was primarily
          attributable to $501,000 from 2005  acquisitions,  $735,000 from newly
          developed  properties  and $736,000  from same  property  growth.  The
          second quarter of 2006 was the eighth consecutive quarter of increased
          FFO as compared to the previous year's quarter.

     o    Same property net operating income change represents the PNOI increase
          or decrease for operating  properties  owned during the entire current
          period  and prior year  reporting  period.  PNOI from same  properties
          increased 3.4% for the quarter ended June 30, 2006. The second quarter
          of 2006 was the twelfth  consecutive quarter of improved same property

     o    Occupancy is the percentage of total leasable square footage for which
          the lease term has commenced as of the close of the reporting  period.
          Occupancy at June 30, 2006 was 94.0%;  occupancy has ranged from 91.0%
          to 94.3% for thirteen consecutive quarters.

     o    Rental rate change  represents the rental rate increase or decrease on
          new and renewal leases compared to the prior leases on the same space.
          Rental rate increases on new and renewal leases averaged 11.1% for the
          second quarter of 2006.


     The Company's  management  considers the following  accounting policies and
estimates to be critical to the reported operations of the Company.

Real Estate Properties
     The Company  allocates  the purchase  price of acquired  properties  to net
tangible and identified intangible assets based on their respective fair values.
The allocation to tangible  assets (land,  building and  improvements)  is based
upon  management's  determination  of the  value of the  property  as if it were
vacant using  discounted  cash flow models.  Factors  considered  by  management
include an estimate of  carrying  costs  during the  expected  lease-up  periods
considering  current market conditions and costs to execute similar leases.  The
remaining  purchase  price is allocated  among three  categories  of  intangible
assets consisting of the above or below market component of in-place leases, the
value of  in-place  leases and the value of  customer  relationships.  The value
allocable to the above or below market  component of an acquired  in-place lease
is determined based upon the present value (using a discount rate which reflects
the risks associated with the acquired leases) of the difference between (i) the
contractual  amounts to be paid pursuant to the lease over its  remaining  term,
and (ii)  management's  estimate  of the  amounts  that would be paid using fair
market  rates over the  remaining  term of the lease.  The amounts  allocated to
above  and  below  market   leases  are  included  in  Other  Assets  and  Other
Liabilities,  respectively, on the consolidated balance sheets and are amortized
to rental income over the remaining  terms of the respective  leases.  The total
amount of intangible assets is further allocated to in-place lease values and to
customer  relationship  values  based  upon  management's  assessment  of  their
respective  values.  These intangible assets are included in Other Assets on the
consolidated  balance  sheets and are amortized  over the remaining  term of the
existing  lease,  or the  anticipated  life  of the  customer  relationship,  as
     During the industrial  development stage, costs associated with development
(i.e.,  land,  construction  costs,  interest  expense during  construction  and
lease-up,  property  taxes and other direct and indirect costs  associated  with
development)  are  aggregated  into the total  capitalization  of the  property.
Included in these costs are management's  estimates for the portions of internal
costs (primarily personnel costs) that are deemed directly or indirectly related
to such development activities.
     The Company  reviews its real estate  investments  for  impairment of value
whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of
an asset may not be  recoverable.  If any real estate  investment  is considered
permanently  impaired,  a loss is recorded to reduce the  carrying  value of the
property to its estimated fair value. Real estate assets to be sold are reported
at the lower of the  carrying  amount or fair  value  less  selling  costs.  The
evaluation  of real estate  investments  involves  many  subjective  assumptions
dependent  upon future  economic  events that affect the  ultimate  value of the
property.  Currently,  the Company's  management is not aware of any  impairment
issues nor has it experienced any significant impairment issues in recent years.
In the event of  impairment,  the  property's  basis  would be  reduced  and the
impairment  would  be  recognized  as a  current  period  charge  in the  income

Valuation of Receivables
     The  Company is  subject to tenant  defaults  and  bankruptcies  that could
affect the  collection of  outstanding  receivables.  In order to mitigate these
risks, the Company  performs credit reviews and analyses on prospective  tenants
before  significant  leases are  executed.  On a  quarterly  basis,  the Company
evaluates  outstanding  receivables  and  estimates  the  allowance for doubtful
accounts.   Management   specifically   analyzes  aged   receivables,   customer
credit-worthiness,  historical  bad  debts  and  current  economic  trends  when
evaluating  the adequacy of the  allowance  for doubtful  accounts.  The Company
believes  that  its  allowance  for  doubtful   accounts  is  adequate  for  its
outstanding  receivables  for the  periods  presented.  In the  event  that  the
allowance  for  doubtful  accounts  is  insufficient  for  an  account  that  is
subsequently  written off,  additional bad debt expense would be recognized as a
current period charge in the income statement.

Tax Status
     EastGroup,  a  Maryland  corporation,   has  qualified  as  a  real  estate
investment trust under Sections 856-860 of the Internal Revenue Code and intends
to continue to qualify as such. To maintain its status as a REIT, the Company is
required  to  distribute  at least  90% of its  ordinary  taxable  income to its
stockholders.  The Company has the option of (i)  reinvesting the sales price of
properties  sold  through  tax-deferred  exchanges,  allowing  for a deferral of
capital  gains on the sale,  (ii) paying out capital  gains to the  stockholders
with no tax to the Company,  or (iii)  treating the capital gains as having been
distributed to the stockholders,  paying the tax on the gain deemed  distributed
and  allocating  the tax  paid as a  credit  to the  stockholders.  The  Company
distributed  all of its 2005 taxable income to its  stockholders  and expects to
distribute  all of its taxable  income in 2006.  Accordingly,  no provision  for
income taxes was necessary in 2005, nor is it expected to be necessary for 2006.


     EastGroup's  assets  were  $866,852,000  at June 30,  2006,  an increase of
$3,314,000  from  December  31,  2005.   Liabilities  increased  $12,231,000  to
$509,203,000  and  stockholders'  equity  decreased  $9,277,000 to  $355,587,000
during the same period.  The  paragraphs  that follow  explain  these changes in


Real Estate Properties
     Real estate  properties  increased  $1,926,000  during the six months ended
June 30, 2006 primarily due to the transfer of four properties from  development
with total costs of $17,543,000,  as detailed below. These increases were offset
by the transfer of four properties with a carrying amount of $23,281,000 to real
estate held for sale, which were subsequently sold.

        Real Estate Properties Transferred from                                                 Date            Cost at
                  Development in 2006                   Location              Size          Transferred         Transfer
                                                                          (Square feet)                     (In thousands)
        Southridge V............................     Orlando, FL               70,000         01-01-06        $    4,458
        Executive Airport CC II.................     Fort Lauderdale, FL       55,000         02-01-06             4,522
        Palm River South II.....................     Tampa, FL                 82,000         03-31-06             4,897
        Southridge I............................     Orlando, FL               41,000         04-01-06             3,666
                                                                          -------------                      ---------------
              Total Developments Transferred....                              248,000                         $   17,543
                                                                          =============                      ===============

     The Company  made  capital  improvements  of  $6,073,000  on  existing  and
acquired properties (included in the Capital Expenditures table under Results of
Operations).  Also,  the Company  incurred  costs of $1,745,000  on  development
properties that had transferred to real estate  properties;  the Company records
these  expenditures as development  costs during the 12-month  period  following

     The investment in development at June 30, 2006 was $89,360,000  compared to
$77,483,000 at December 31, 2005.  Total capital invested for development in the
first  six  months  of  2006  was  $30,392,000.  In  addition  to the  costs  of
$28,647,000  incurred  for the six months ended June 30, 2006 as detailed in the
development  activity  table,  the  Company  incurred  costs  of  $1,745,000  on
developments  during the  12-month  period  following  transfer  to real  estate
     During 2006,  EastGroup  acquired 17.7 acres of development land in Phoenix
for $5,828,000  which is included in the development  activity table below under
Prospective   Development.   The  Company   expects  to  begin   development  of
approximately  270,000 square feet in the Sky Harbor  Commerce Center before the
end of the year.
     In the fourth quarter of 2005, 55 Castilian, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of EastGroup,  acquired  Castilian  Research  Center in Goleta (Santa  Barbara),
California for $4,129,000. As originally contemplated, during the second quarter
of 2006,  55  Castilian  sold (at cost) a 20%  ownership  interest  to an entity
controlled  by its  co-developer  partner  who is  also  a 20%  co-owner  of the
Company's University Business Center complex in the same submarket.  The partner
contributed  $350,000  and  EastGroup  contributed  $1,400,000  as capital to 55
Castilian.  EastGroup  will loan 55  Castilian  the  remaining  acquisition  and
construction  funds.  Castilian,  which  contains  35,000  square  feet  and  is
currently  vacant, is being  redeveloped into a  state-of-the-art  incubator R&D
facility with a projected  additional  investment of approximately  $3.2 million
for a total investment of over $7 million.
     The Company  transferred four  developments (all 100% leased at the date of
transfer) to real estate  properties  during the first six months of 2006 with a
total  investment  of  $17,543,000  as of the  date  of  transfer.  The  Company
transferred  into  development  two parcels of land  formerly held for sale with
costs of $773,000.

                                                                                       Costs Incurred
                                                                          Costs           For the        Cumulative     Estimated
                                                                       Transferred       Six Months        as of          Total
DEVELOPMENT                                                 Size        in 2006(1)      Ended 6/30/06     6/30/06        Costs(2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        (Square feet)                         (In thousands)
  Sunport Center VI, Orlando, FL...................        63,000      $      -               466           3,800          4,200
  Techway SW III, Houston, TX......................       100,000             -               160           4,556          5,700
  World Houston 15, Houston, TX....................        63,000             -             1,530           3,957          5,800
  World Houston 21, Houston, TX....................        68,000             -               933           3,025          3,800
  Southridge IV, Orlando, FL.......................        70,000             -             1,165           4,595          4,900
  Santan 10 II, Chandler, AZ.......................        85,000             -             2,015           4,888          5,600
  Arion 14, San Antonio, TX........................        66,000             -             1,538           3,189          3,700
  Arion 17, San Antonio, TX........................        40,000             -             1,294           2,622          3,500
  Oak Creek III,  Tampa, FL........................        61,000             -             2,416           3,358          3,900
  Southridge II, Orlando, FL.......................        41,000             -             1,347           2,803          4,700
Total Lease-up.....................................       657,000             -            12,864          36,793         45,800

                                                                                       Costs Incurred
                                                                          Costs           For the        Cumulative     Estimated
                                                                       Transferred       Six Months        as of          Total
DEVELOPMENT                                                 Size        in 2006(1)      Ended 6/30/06     6/30/06        Costs(2)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        (Square feet)                         (In thousands)
  Castilian Research Center, Santa Barbara, CA.....        35,000             -               379           4,570          7,300
  Oak Creek V,  Tampa, FL..........................       100,000         1,389               783           2,172          6,400
  Southridge VI, Orlando, FL.......................        81,000         2,580             1,152           3,732          5,700
  Beltway Crossing II, III & IV, Houston, TX.......       160,000         2,388                 -           2,388          8,900
  Southridge III, Orlando, FL......................        81,000         1,532                 -           1,532          5,900
  World Houston 23, Houston, TX....................       125,000         1,274                 -           1,274          8,400
Total Under Construction...........................       582,000         9,163             2,314          15,668         42,600
  Phoenix, AZ......................................       400,000             -             6,119           7,280         31,300
  Tucson, AZ.......................................        70,000             -                 -             326          3,500
  Tampa, FL........................................       364,000        (1,389)            1,254           4,736         18,900
  Orlando, FL......................................       652,000        (4,112)            2,646           7,119         47,500
  West Palm Beach, FL..............................        20,000             -                68             622          2,300
  Fort Myers, FL...................................       126,000             -               216           2,297         10,900
  El Paso, TX......................................       251,000             -                 -           2,444          9,600
  Houston, TX......................................     1,098,000        (2,889)            1,553          10,178         59,100
  San Antonio, TX..................................        65,000             -               192           1,192          5,200
  Jackson, MS......................................        28,000             -                 -             705          2,000
Total Prospective Development......................     3,074,000        (8,390)           12,048          36,899        190,300
                                                        4,313,000      $    773            27,226          89,360        278,700
  Southridge V, Orlando, FL........................        70,000      $      -              (214)          4,458
  Executive Airport CC II, Fort Lauderdale, FL.....        55,000             -                38           4,522
  Palm River South II, Tampa, FL...................        82,000             -               862           4,897
  Southridge I, Orlando, FL........................        41,000             -               735           3,666
Total Transferred to Real Estate Properties........       248,000      $      -             1,421          17,543  (3)

(1) Represents costs transferred from Prospective Development (principally land)
to Under Construction during the year and $773,000 that was transferred from the
category "held for sale."
(2) The  information  provided  above  includes  forward-looking  data  based on
current construction schedules,  the status of lease negotiations with potential
tenants and other relevant factors currently available to the Company. There can
be no  assurance  that any of these  factors  will not change or that any change
will not affect the  accuracy of such  forward-looking  data.  Among the factors
that could affect the accuracy of the forward-looking  statements are weather or
other  natural   occurrence,   default  or  other  failure  of   performance  by
contractors,   increases  in  the  price  of   construction   materials  or  the
unavailability  of such  materials,  failure  to  obtain  necessary  permits  or
approvals from government  entities,  changes in local and/or national  economic
conditions,  increased  competition for tenants or other  occurrences that could
depress rental rates, and other factors not within the control of the Company.
(3) Represents cumulative costs at the date of transfer.

     Accumulated  depreciation on real estate properties  increased  $11,097,000
primarily due to depreciation  expense of $17,506,000 on real estate properties,
offset by accumulated  depreciation of $6,340,000 on four properties transferred
to real estate held for sale in 2006 as discussed below.
     Real  estate held for sale,  consisting  of two parcels of land in Houston,
Texas,  was $773,000 at December  31, 2005.  As a result of a change in plans by
management,  this land was  transferred  into the development  portfolio  during
2006.  Four Memphis  properties,  Senator 1, Senator 2,  Southeast  Crossing and
Lamar 1, were  transferred  to real estate held for sale in the first six months
of 2006 and were  subsequently  sold during the same  period.  The sale of these
properties  continues  to reflect the  Company's  plan of reducing  ownership in
Memphis,  a  noncore  market,  as  market  conditions  permit.  See  Results  of
Operations for a summary of the gains on the sale of these properties.
     A summary of the  changes  in Other  Assets is  presented  in Note 8 in the
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.


     Mortgage  notes payable  decreased  $4,622,000  during the six months ended
June 30,  2006,  primarily  due to  regularly  scheduled  principal  payments of
$4,359,000 and mortgage loan premium amortization of $215,000.
     Notes  payable to banks  increased  $18,784,000  as a result of advances of
$80,856,000 exceeding repayments of $62,072,000. The Company's credit facilities
are described in greater detail under Liquidity and Capital Resources.
     See Note 9 in the  Notes to the  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  for a
summary of changes in Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses.


     Distributions  in excess of earnings  increased  $11,857,000 as a result of
dividends on common and preferred stock of $23,594,000  exceeding net income for
financial reporting purposes of $11,737,000.

(Comments  are for the three and six months ended June 30, 2006  compared to the
three and six months ended June 30, 2005.)

     Net income  available to common  stockholders  for the three and six months
ended  June 30,  2006 was  $4,920,000  ($.22 per basic and  diluted  share)  and
$10,425,000  ($.48 per basic and $.47 per diluted share)  compared to $5,232,000
($.24 per basic and diluted share) and  $10,112,000  ($.47 per basic and diluted
share) for the three and six months  ended June 30,  2005.  Diluted  EPS for the
second quarter of 2005 included a $.03 per share gain on the sale of real estate
     PNOI increased by $2,018,000,  or 9.2%, due to increased  average occupancy
and new  acquisitions  and  developments.  The Company's  percentage  leased and
occupied were 94.8% and 94.0%, respectively,  at June 30, 2006 compared to 93.2%
and 91.8% at June 30, 2005. The increase in PNOI was primarily  attributable  to
$501,000 from 2005  acquisitions,  $735,000 from newly developed  properties and
$736,000 from same property growth.
     The following  table  presents the  components of interest  expense for the
three and six months ended June 30, 2006 and 2005:

                                                                         Three Months Ended                  Six Months Ended
                                                                               June 30,                          June 30,
                                                                                          Increase                         Increase
                                                                     2006       2005     (Decrease)     2006     2005     (Decrease)
                                                                                (In thousands, except rates of interest)
Average bank borrowings........................................   $ 123,218    87,922      35,296     121,032     96,087     24,945
Weighted average variable interest rates.......................       6.07%     4.33%                   5.85%      4.09%

Variable rate interest (excluding loan cost amortization)......   $   1,866       949         917       3,509      1,947      1,562
Amortization of bank loan costs................................          89        89           -         178        178          -
Total variable rate interest expense...........................       1,955     1,038         917       3,687      2,125      1,562

Fixed rate interest (excluding loan cost amortization).........       5,381     5,249         132      10,793     10,489        304
Amortization of mortgage loan costs............................         118       113           5         228        225          3
Total fixed rate interest expense..............................       5,499     5,362         137      11,021     10,714        307

Total interest.................................................       7,454     6,400       1,054      14,708     12,839      1,869
Less capitalized interest......................................      (1,057)     (568)       (489)     (1,976)    (1,069)      (907)

TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE.........................................   $   6,397     5,832         565      12,732     11,770        962

(1) Does not include  interest  expense of $32,000 and $64,000 for the three and
six  months  ended  June 30,  2005 for  Lamar II which  was sold in 2005 and the
operations  of  which  are  included  in  discontinued  operations  for the same
periods.  The mortgage for this  property was required to be repaid in full upon
the sale of the property.

     Interest costs incurred  during the period of  construction  of real estate
properties are  capitalized  and offset against  interest  expense.  Higher bank
borrowings were attributable to increased  acquisition and development  activity
during 2005 and 2006. The Company's weighted average variable interest rates for
the second quarter of 2006 were significantly  higher than in the same period of
2005 due to increases in short-term rates.
     Mortgage  interest expense for the three and six months ended June 30, 2006
showed a small  increase  from the same period of 2005.  Increases are primarily
due to the new  mortgages and assumed  mortgages on acquired  properties in 2005
detailed in the table below. The Company recorded premiums  totaling  $1,282,000
to adjust the mortgage loans assumed to fair market value.

These premiums are being  amortized over the lives of the assumed  mortgages and
reduce the contractual  interest  expense on these loans. The interest rates and
amounts  shown below for the assumed  mortgages  represent the fair market rates
and values, respectively, at the dates of assumption.

     NEW AND ASSUMED MORTGAGES IN 2005                                 INTEREST RATE         DATE            AMOUNT
     Arion Business Park (assumed)................................         4.450%          01/21/05        $21,060,000
     Interstate Distribution Center - Jacksonville (assumed)......         5.640%          03/31/05          4,997,000
     Chamberlain, Lake Pointe, Techway Southwest II
        and World Houston 19 & 20.................................         4.980%          11/30/05         39,000,000
     Oak Creek Distribution Center IV (assumed)...................         5.680%          12/07/05          4,443,000
                                                                       -------------                    ----------------
       Weighted Average/Total Amount..............................         4.910%                          $69,500,000
                                                                       =============                    ================

     These increases were offset by regularly  scheduled  principal payments and
the repayment of five mortgages totaling $18,435,000 during 2005 as shown in the
table below.

     Westport Commerce Center............................       8.000%         03/31/05         $ 2,371,000
     Lamar Distribution Center II........................       6.900%         06/30/05           1,781,000
     Exchange Distribution Center I......................       8.375%         07/01/05           1,762,000
     Lake Pointe Business Park...........................       8.125%         07/01/05           9,738,000
     JetPort Commerce Park...............................       8.125%         09/30/05           2,783,000
                                                            -------------                     --------------
       Weighted Average/Total Amount.....................       8.014%                          $18,435,000
                                                            =============                     ==============

     Depreciation and amortization for continuing  operations increased $770,000
and  $2,390,000 for the three and six months ended June 30, 2006 compared to the
same periods in 2005. This increase was primarily due to properties  acquired in
2005 and properties transferred from development during 2005 and 2006.
     NAREIT has recommended  supplemental  disclosures concerning  straight-line
rent,  capital  expenditures  and  leasing  costs.  Straight-lining  of rent for
continuing  operations  increased  income by $353,000 and $717,000 for the three
and six months ended June 30, 2006,  compared to $583,000 and  $1,070,000 in the
same periods in 2005.

Capital Expenditures

     Capital  expenditures  for the three and six months ended June 30, 2006 and
2005 were as follows:

                                                                         Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                                              June 30,                    June 30,
                                                        Estimated    ----------------------------------------------------
                                                       Useful Life       2006          2005          2006          2005
                                                                                         (In thousands)
        Upgrade on Acquisitions...................        40 yrs       $    45           37            108           54
        Tenant Improvements:
           New Tenants............................      Lease Life       1,842        1,278          3,861        2,121
           New Tenants (first generation) (1).....      Lease Life         128          162            280          410
           Renewal Tenants........................      Lease Life         244          498            393          633
           Building Improvements..................       5-40 yrs          341          509            856          764
           Roofs..................................       5-15 yrs          353          113            487          127
           Parking Lots...........................       3-5 yrs            32          647             95          801
           Other..................................        5 yrs             15          141             45          167
              Total capital expenditures..........                     $ 3,000        3,385          6,125        5,077

(1)  First  generation  refers  to space  that has  never  been  occupied  under
EastGroup's ownership.

Capitalized Leasing Costs

     The Company's leasing costs  (principally  commissions) are capitalized and
included  in Other  Assets.  The  costs  are  amortized  over  the  terms of the
associated  leases and are included in depreciation  and  amortization  expense.
Capitalized  leasing  costs for the three and six months ended June 30, 2006 and
2005 were as follows:

                                                                         Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                                              June 30,                    June 30,
                                                        Estimated    ----------------------------------------------------
                                                       Useful Life       2006          2005          2006          2005
                                                                                         (In thousands)
        Development..............................       Lease Life     $   524          448            759          800
        New Tenants..............................       Lease Life         678          612          1,370          954
        New Tenants (first generation) (1).......       Lease Life          35            -             75           49
        Renewal Tenants..........................       Lease Life         447          449            942          814
              Total capitalized leasing costs....                      $ 1,684        1,509          3,146        2,617

        Amortization of leasing costs (2)........                      $   998        1,017          2,062        1,889

(1)  First  generation  refers  to space  that has  never  been  occupied  under
EastGroup's ownership.
(2) Includes discontinued operations.

Discontinued Operations

     The results of operations,  including interest expense (if applicable), for
the properties sold or held for sale during the periods reported are shown under
Discontinued  Operations on the consolidated  income  statements.  The following
tables  present the  components of revenue and expense for the  properties  sold
during the three and six months ended June 30, 2006 and 2005.

                                                                   Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                                        June 30,                    June 30,
        Discontinued Operations                                    2006          2005          2006          2005
                                                                                   (In thousands)
        Income from real estate operations....................   $    97          730           587         1,656
        Operating expenses from real estate operations........       (34)        (230)         (246)         (485)
        Interest expense......................................         -          (32)            -           (64)
        Depreciation and amortization.........................       (25)        (247)         (182)         (488)

        Income from real estate operations....................        38          221           159           619
            Gain on sale of real estate investments...........        16          754         1,084         1,131

        Income from discontinued operations...................   $    54          975         1,243         1,750

     A summary of gains on sale of real  estate  investments  for the six months
ended June 30, 2006 and 2005 follows:

                                                                             Date           Net                Deferred   Recognized
     Real Estate Properties                Location            Size          Sold       Sales Price    Basis     Gain        Gain
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                        (In thousands)
Madisonville land....................   Madisonville, KY     1.2 Acres     01/05/06      $    804          27      175         602
Senator I & II/Southeast Crossing....   Memphis, TN         534,000 SF     03/09/06        14,870      14,466        -         404
Dallas land..........................   Dallas, TX            0.1 Acre     03/16/06            66          13        -          53
Lamar Distribution Center I..........   Memphis, TN         125,000 SF     06/30/06         2,979       2,951       18          10
Deferred gain recognized from
    previous sale....................                                                                                           15
                                                                                         $ 18,719      17,457      193       1,084
Delp Distribution Center II..........   Memphis, TN         102,000 SF     02/23/05      $  2,085       1,708        -         377
Lamar Distribution Center II.........   Memphis, TN         151,000 SF     06/30/05         3,710       2,956        -         754
                                                                                         $  5,795       4,664        -       1,131


     The Company adopted SFAS No. 123 (Revised 2004),  Share-Based  Payment,  on
January 1, 2006.  The new rule required that the  compensation  cost relating to
share-based payment  transactions be recognized in the financial  statements and
that the cost be  measured  based on the fair value of the  equity or  liability
instruments issued. The Company's adoption of SFAS 123R had an immaterial impact
on its overall financial position and results of operations.  See Note 12 in the
Notes to the Consolidated  Financial  Statements for more information related to
the Company's accounting for stock-based compensation.


     Net cash  provided by  operating  activities  was  $29,722,000  for the six
months ended June 30,  2006.  The primary  other  sources of cash were from bank
borrowings  and the sale of real  estate  properties.  The  Company  distributed
$21,600,000 in common and $1,312,000 in preferred stock dividends during the six
months  ended  June 30,  2006.  Other  primary  uses of cash  were for bank debt
repayments,  construction and development of properties, capital improvements at
various properties and mortgage note payments.
     Total debt at June 30, 2006 and  December 31, 2005 is detailed  below.  The
Company's bank credit  facilities have certain  restrictive  covenants,  and the
Company was in  compliance  with all of its debt  covenants at June 30, 2006 and
December 31, 2005.

                                                           June 30, 2006    December 31, 2005
                                                                     (In thousands)
        Mortgage notes payable - fixed rate.........       $     342,339            346,961
        Bank notes payable - floating rate..........             135,548            116,764
           Total debt...............................       $     477,887            463,725

     The Company has a  three-year,  $175  million  unsecured  revolving  credit
facility  with a group of nine banks that matures in January  2008.  The Company
customarily  uses this line of credit for  acquisitions  and  developments.  The
interest  rate on the facility is based on the LIBOR index and varies  according
to  debt-to-total  asset value ratios,  with an annual  facility fee of 20 basis
points.  EastGroup's  interest  rate under this  facility is LIBOR plus 95 basis
points; except that it may be lower based upon the competitive bid option in the
note (the Company was first  eligible under this facility to exercise its option
to  solicit  competitive  bid  offers in June  2005).  The line of credit can be
expanded by $100 million and has a one-year extension at EastGroup's  option. At
June 30, 2006,  the  weighted  average  interest  rate was 6.15% on a balance of
$132,700,000.  The interest rate on each tranche is currently reset on a monthly
basis.  At August 7,  2006,  the  balance on this line was  comprised  of an $84
million  tranche  at 6.35%  and  $43.7  million  in  competitive  bid loans at a
weighted average rate of 5.88%.
     The Company has a one-year $20 million unsecured  revolving credit facility
with PNC Bank,  N.A.  that  matures in November  2006.  This credit  facility is
customarily  used for working cash needs.  The interest  rate on the facility is
based on LIBOR and varies according to debt-to-total  asset value ratios;  it is
currently  LIBOR plus 110 basis points.  At June 30, 2006, the interest rate was
6.43% on $2,848,000.
     As market conditions permit,  EastGroup issues equity,  including preferred
equity,  and/or employs  fixed-rate,  nonrecourse first mortgage debt to replace
the short-term bank borrowings.
     In  March  2006,  the  Company  signed  an  application  on a $38  million,
nonrecourse first mortgage loan secured by two properties.  The loan is expected
to close in August 2006 and will have a fixed interest rate of 5.68%, a ten-year
term and an amortization  schedule of 20 years. In July 2006, the Company signed
an application on a $78 million,  nonrecourse  first mortgage loan secured by 17
properties.  The loan is expected  to close in mid October  2006 and will have a
fixed interest rate of 5.97%, a ten-year term and an amortization schedule of 20
years.  The proceeds of these notes will be used to repay maturing  mortgages of
approximately $35.5 million and to reduce variable rate bank borrowings.

Contractual Obligations
     EastGroup's  fixed,  noncancelable  obligations as of December 31, 2005 did
not  materially  change during the six months ended June 30, 2006 except for the
increase in bank borrowings discussed above.

     The Company  anticipates  that its current  cash  balance,  operating  cash
flows,  and  borrowings  under  its  lines of credit  will be  adequate  for (i)
operating  and  administrative  expenses,  (ii)  normal  repair and  maintenance
expenses at its properties,  (iii) debt service obligations,  (iv) distributions
to stockholders,  (v) capital improvements,  (vi) purchases of properties, (vii)
development,  and (viii) any other normal  business  activities  of the Company,
both in the short- and long-term.


     Most  of  the  Company's   leases   include   scheduled   rent   increases.
Additionally,  most of the Company's leases require the tenants to pay their pro
rata share of operating expenses, including common area maintenance, real estate
taxes and  insurance,  thereby  reducing the Company's  exposure to increases in
operating expenses resulting from inflation.  In addition,  the

Company's leases  typically have three to five year terms,  which may enable the
Company to replace  existing leases with new leases at a higher base if rents on
the existing leases are below the then-existing market rate.
     Interest rates are rising, thereby increasing the costs the Company pays on
bank borrowings and potential new mortgages.  Development  costs,  including the
costs of construction and construction  materials,  are increasing.  The Company
has been able to  increase  rental  rates in all of its  development  markets to
achieve acceptable yields on investments.


     The Company is exposed to interest  rate  changes  primarily as a result of
its lines of credit and long-term debt maturities. This debt is used to maintain
liquidity and fund capital  expenditures  and  expansion of the  Company's  real
estate investment portfolio and operations. The Company's objective for interest
rate risk management is to limit the impact of interest rate changes on earnings
and cash  flows  and to lower  its  overall  borrowing  costs.  To  achieve  its
objectives,  the Company  borrows at fixed  rates but also has several  variable
rate bank lines as discussed  under Liquidity and Capital  Resources.  The table
below presents the principal  payments due and weighted  average  interest rates
for both the fixed rate and variable rate debt.

                                           2006      2007      2008      2009     2010    Thereafter    Total      Fair Value
Fixed rate debt(1) (in thousands)...     $ 40,463   23,398     9,609    39,596    7,904    221,369     342,339      342,568(2)
Weighted average interest rate......        6.02%    7.36%     6.40%     6.69%    6.11%      6.18%       6.31%
Variable rate debt (in thousands)...     $  2,848        -   132,700         -        -          -     135,548      135,548
Weighted average interest rate......        6.43%        -     6.15%         -        -          -       6.15%

(1) The fixed rate debt shown  above  includes  the Tower  Automotive  mortgage,
which has a variable  interest rate based on the one-month LIBOR.  EastGroup has
an  interest  rate swap  agreement  that  fixes the rate at 4.03% for the 8-year
term.  Interest and related fees result in an annual effective  interest rate of
(2) The fair value of the  Company's  fixed rate debt is estimated  based on the
quoted market prices for similar issues or by discounting expected cash flows at
the  rates  currently  offered  to the  Company  for debt of the same  remaining
maturities, as advised by the Company's bankers.

     As the table above  incorporates  only those  exposures  that existed as of
June 30, 2006,  it does not  consider  those  exposures or positions  that could
arise after that date. The ultimate impact of interest rate  fluctuations on the
Company will depend on the  exposures  that arise during the period and interest
rates. If the weighted  average  interest rate on the variable rate bank debt as
shown above changes by 10% or  approximately  62 basis points,  interest expense
and cash flows would increase or decrease by approximately $834,000 annually.
     The Company has an interest  rate swap  agreement  to hedge its exposure to
the variable interest rate on the Company's  $10,195,000 Tower Automotive Center
recourse  mortgage,  which is  summarized  in the  table  below.  Under the swap
agreement,  the Company  effectively pays a fixed rate of interest over the term
of the agreement  without the exchange of the underlying  notional amount.  This
swap is designated as a cash flow hedge and is considered to be fully  effective
in hedging the  variable  rate risk  associated  with the Tower  mortgage  loan.
Changes  in the  fair  value of the swap are  recognized  in  accumulated  other
comprehensive income. The Company does not hold or issue this type of derivative
contract for trading or speculative purposes.

                            Current         Maturity                                         Fair Value       Fair Value
     Type of Hedge      Notional Amount       Date        Reference Rate      Fixed Rate     at 6/30/06      at 12/31/05
                        (In thousands)                                                             (In thousands)
          Swap              $10,195         12/31/10       1 month LIBOR         4.03%          $546            $311


     In  addition to  historical  information,  certain  sections of this report
contain  forward-looking  statements  within the  meaning of Section  27A of the
Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
such as those  pertaining to the Company's hopes,  expectations,  anticipations,
intentions,  beliefs, budgets,  strategies regarding the future, the anticipated
performance  of  development  and  acquisition  properties,  capital  resources,
profitability  and portfolio  performance.  Forward-looking  statements  involve
numerous risks and uncertainties.  The following factors, among others discussed
herein,  could cause actual results and future events to differ  materially from
those set forth or contemplated in the forward-looking  statements:  defaults or
nonrenewal of leases,  increased interest rates and operating costs,  failure to
obtain necessary outside  financing,  difficulties in identifying  properties to
acquire  and in  effecting  acquisitions,  failure to  qualify as a real  estate
investment   trust  under  the  Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as  amended,
environmental  uncertainties,  risks  related  to  disasters  and the  costs  of
insurance to protect from such disasters, financial market fluctuations, changes
in real estate and zoning laws and  increases in real  property  tax rates.  The
success of the Company also  depends  upon the trends of the economy,  including
interest  rates and the  effects to the  economy  from  possible  terrorism  and
related world events,  income tax laws,  governmental  regulation,  legislation,
population  changes and those risk  factors  discussed  elsewhere  in this Form.
Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements,
which reflect management's analysis only as the date hereof. The Company assumes
no  obligation  to update  forward-looking  statements.

See also the Company's reports to be filed from time to time with the Securities
and Exchange Commission pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.


(i) Disclosure Controls and Procedures.

     The Company  carried out an evaluation,  under the supervision and with the
participation  of  the  Company's  management,  including  the  Company's  Chief
Executive  Officer and Chief  Financial  Officer,  of the  effectiveness  of the
design  and  operation  of the  Company's  disclosure  controls  and  procedures
pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule  13a-15.  Based upon that  evaluation,  the Chief
Executive  Officer and Chief  Financial  Officer  concluded that, as of June 30,
2006, the Company's  disclosure controls and procedures were effective in timely
alerting them to material  information  relating to the Company  (including  its
consolidated subsidiaries) required to be included in the Company's periodic SEC

(ii) Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting.

     There  was no change  in the  Company's  internal  control  over  financial
reporting  during the Company's  second fiscal  quarter ended June 30, 2006 that
has  materially  affected,  or is reasonably  likely to materially  affect,  the
Company's internal control over financial reporting.



There have been no material changes to the risk factors disclosed in EastGroup's
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005.


     On May 31, 2006, the Registrant held its Annual Meeting of Shareholders. At
the Annual  Meeting,  D. Pike Aloian,  H.C.  Bailey,  Jr.,  Hayden C. Eaves III,
Fredric H.  Gould,  David H. Hoster II,  Mary E.  McCormick,  David M. Osnos and
Leland R. Speed were elected  directors of the  Registrant,  each to serve until
the 2007 Annual Meeting. The following is a summary of the voting for directors:

                                                Common Stock
        Nominee                          Vote For     Vote Withheld
        D. Pike Aloian                  20,701,969         183,662
        H.C. Bailey, Jr.                20,473,146         412,485
        Hayden C. Eaves III             20,815,204          70,427
        Fredric H. Gould                20,785,415         100,216
        David H. Hoster II              20,768,017         117,614
        Mary E. McCormick               20,736,021         149,610
        David M. Osnos                  20,114,933         770,698
        Leland R. Speed                 20,752,974         132,657


     (a) Form 10-Q Exhibits:

          (31) Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a)  Certifications (pursuant to Section 302
               of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)

               (a)  David H. Hoster II, Chief Executive Officer
               (b)  N. Keith McKey, Chief Financial Officer

          (32) Section  1350  Certifications  (pursuant  to  Section  906 of the
               Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002)

               (a)  David H. Hoster II, Chief Executive Officer
               (b)  N. Keith McKey, Chief Financial Officer


     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of  Section  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date:  August 8, 2006

                              EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC.

                         By:  /s/ BRUCE CORKERN
                              Bruce Corkern, CPA
                              Senior Vice President, Controller and
                              Chief Accounting Officer

                         By:  /s/ N. KEITH MCKEY
                              N. Keith McKey, CPA
                              Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer,
                              Secretary and Treasurer