Effective July 8, 1999

                                                     Exhibit 3(c)
                                                      Idaho Power

                          B Y - L A W S


                       IDAHO POWER COMPANY

                           As Amended


           SECTION 1.  The annual meeting of the shareholders  of
the Company for the election of Directors and the transaction  of
such  other  corporate business as may properly come before  such
meeting, shall be held at Boise, Idaho, or at such other place as
the Board of Directors may designate, such place to be stated  in
the  notice  of meeting, on the first Wednesday in  May  in  each
year,  unless  such day is a legal holiday, in  which  case  such
meeting shall be held on the day following.

          SECTION 2.  Special meetings of the shareholders of the
Company  may  be  called only by the Chairman  of  the  Board  of
Directors,  the President, a majority of the Board of  Directors,
or  the  holders  of  not  less than four-fifths  of  the  shares
entitled  to  vote at the meeting, at such time,  and  at  Boise,
Idaho,  or  such other place, as may be stated in  the  call  and

           SECTION  3.   Notice of the time and  place  of  every
meeting of shareholders shall be mailed by the Secretary at least
ten  days previous thereto, to each shareholder of record at  his
last  known post office address, but meetings may be held without
notice  if  all shareholders are present, or if notice is  waived
before or after the meeting by those not present.

           The Board of Directors are hereby authorized to fix  a
day,  not  more than fifty days prior to the day of  holding  any
meeting  of  shareholders, as the day as  of  which  shareholders
entitled  to  notice  and  to  vote at  such  meetings  shall  be
determined  and  only  shareholders of record  at  the  close  of
business on such day shall be entitled to notice of or to vote at
such meeting.

           SECTION 4.  The holders of shares of the capital stock
entitling them to exercise a majority of the voting power must be
present in person or by proxy at each meeting of the shareholders
to  constitute  a  quorum, less than a  quorum  having  power  to

          SECTION 5.  Certificates of stock shall be of such form
and  device  as the Board of Directors may elect,  and  shall  be
signed  by the President or a Vice President and by the Secretary
or  Assistant  Secretary,  but  where  any  such  certificate  is
manually signed by a transfer agent or by a registrar other  than
the  Company  itself  or an employee of the  Company  serving  in
either of those capacities, the signatures of any such officer or
officers and the seal of the Company upon such certificate may be
facsimiles, engraved or printed.  The stock of the Company  shall
be  transferable or assignable on the books of the Company by the
holders in person or by attorney or surrender of the certificates
therefor.   The  Board  of  Directors may  appoint  one  or  more
transfer agents and registrars of the stock.  The books  for  the
transfer  of  the  stock of the Company may be  closed  for  such
periods before and during the payment of dividends, not to exceed
thirty days, and the holding of meetings of shareholders, not  to
exceed  forty  days, as the Board of Directors may from  time  to
time  determine,  and no transfer of stock  made  during  such  a
period shall be binding upon the Company.

           SECTION 6A.  The number of Directors constituting  the
Board  of  Directors of the Company shall be fixed from  time  to
time  exclusively  by  the  Board  of  Directors  pursuant  to  a
resolution  adopted  by affirmative vote  of  two-thirds  of  the
Continuing  Directors (as defined in Article 8  of  the  Restated
Articles of Incorporation), but the number of Directors shall  be
no  less  than 9 and no greater than 15.  The number of Directors
may be increased or decreased, beyond the limits set forth above,
only by an amendment to the Restated Articles of Incorporation of
the  Company  pursuant to Article 10 of the Restated Articles  of
Incorporation  of  the  Company.  Six members  of  the  Board  of
Directors  shall constitute a quorum for the transaction  of  all
business  except  (1) the election of members  of  the  Executive
Committee,  for which purpose a majority of all of the  Directors
shall  constitute a quorum, and (2) the filling of  vacancies  in
the Board of Directors, which provision is set forth below.

           The  Board  of Directors shall be divided  into  three
classes as nearly equal in number as may be.  The initial term of
office  of each Director in the first class shall expire  at  the
annual  meeting  of  shareholders in 1990; the  initial  term  of
office  of each Director in the second class shall expire at  the
annual  meeting of shareholders in 1991; and the initial term  of
office  of each Director in the third class shall expire  at  the
annual  meeting of shareholders in 1992.  At each annual election
commencing  at the annual meeting of shareholders  in  1990,  the
successors to the class of Directors whose term expires  at  that
time shall be elected to hold office for a term of three years to
succeed  those whose term expires, so that the term of one  class
of  Directors shall expire each year.  Each Director  shall  hold
office  for  the  term for which he is elected or  appointed  and
until  his successor shall be elected and qualified or until  his
death, or until he shall resign or be removed; provided, however,
that  no person who will be seventy (70) years of age or more  on
or  before the annual meeting shall be nominated to the Board  of
Directors,  and any Directors who reach the age of  seventy  (70)
shall be automatically retired from the Board.

           In  the  event  of  any increase or  decrease  in  the
authorized number of Directors, (i) each Director then serving as
such  shall nevertheless continue as a Director of the  class  of
which he is a member until the expiration of his current term, or
his  earlier resignation, removal from office or death, and  (ii)
the newly created or eliminated directorships resulting from such
increase  or  decrease  shall  be apportioned  by  the  Board  of
Directors among the three classes of Directors so as to  maintain
such classes as nearly equal in number as may be.

          Newly created directorships resulting from any increase
in  the  authorized number of Directors or any vacancies  in  the
Board of Directors resulting from death, resignation, retirement,
disqualification,  removal from office or other  cause  shall  be
filled by a two-thirds vote of the Directors then in office, or a
sole  remaining  Director,  although  less  than  a  quorum,  and
Directors so chosen shall hold office for a term expiring at  the
annual meeting of shareholders at which the term of the class  to
which  they have been elected expires.  If one or more  Directors
shall  resign from the Board effective as of a future date,  such
vacancy  or  vacancies shall be filled pursuant to the provisions
hereof, and such new directorship(s) shall become effective  when
such resignation or resignations shall become effective, and each
Director  so chosen shall hold office as herein provided  in  the
filling of other vacancies.

           At  a special meeting of shareholders called expressly
for that purpose, the entire Board of Directors or any individual
Directors may be removed (i) without cause, by the unanimous vote
of  the  outstanding shares entitled to vote for  Directors,  and
(ii)  for  cause,  by the affirmative vote of two-thirds  of  the
outstanding shares entitled to vote for Directors.  Except as may
otherwise  be  provided  by  law,  cause  for  removal  shall  be
construed  to exist only if:  (x) the Director whose  removal  is
proposed has been convicted, or granted immunity to testify where
another  has been convicted, of a felony by a court of  competent
jurisdiction and such conviction is no longer subject to  appeal;
(y)  such  Director has been grossly negligent in the performance
of  his  duties  to  the Company; or (z) such Director  has  been
adjudicated  by a court of competent jurisdiction to be  mentally
incompetent,  which  mental  incompetency  directly  affects  his
ability as a Director of the Company, and such adjudication is no
longer subject to appeal.

          Any Directors elected pursuant to special voting rights
of  the 4% Preferred Stock or Serial Preferred Stock, without par
value,  voting as a separate class, shall be excluded  from,  and
for  no  purpose  be counted in, the scope and operation  of  the
foregoing provisions.

           B.(i)   Obligation  to Indemnify.  The  Company  shall
indemnify any person (and his heirs, executors, administrators or
other  legal  representatives) who was or  is  party  to  (or  is
threatened to be made a party to) or was or is a witness  in  (or
is threatened to be made a witness in) any threatened, pending or
completed  action, suit or proceeding, whether  civil,  criminal,
administrative or investigative (including without limitation any
suit,  action or proceeding by or in the right of the Company  to
procure  a judgment in its favor) by reason of the fact  that  he
(or  his  testator  or intestate) is or was a Director,  officer,
employee  or  agent of the Company, or is or was serving  at  the
request  of the Company as a Director, officer, trustee, partner,
fiduciary, employee or agent of another corporation, of any  type
or  kind, domestic or foreign, or any partnership, joint venture,
trust, pension or other employee benefit plan or any other entity
or  enterprise,  against  expenses (including  attorneys'  fees),
judgments,  fines  and  amounts paid in settlement  actually  and
reasonably  incurred by him in connection with such action,  suit
or  proceeding or any appeal therein; provided, however, that  no
indemnification shall be made pursuant to this Subsection (i) (a)
if  a judgment or other final adjudication adverse to such person
shall  have established that such person did not act honestly  or
in  the reasonable belief that his actions were in or not opposed
to  the Company's or its shareholders' best interests; or (b)  in
an  action  or  proceeding by or in the right of the  Company  to
procure  a judgment in its favor in which that person is  finally
adjudicated  to  be liable to the Company; however,  the  Company
will indemnify that person in the suits described in (b) for such
amounts as the court in which the action, suit or proceeding  was
brought shall determine in view of all the circumstances  of  the
case the person to be fairly and reasonably entitled.

           (ii)  Advancement of Expenses.  The Company shall  pay
any  expenses incurred by a Director, officer, agent or  employee
of  the  Company in defending any such action, suit or proceeding
in advance of the final disposition thereof if a majority vote of
a   quorum  of  disinterested  Directors  or  a  board-designated
independent   counsel   determines  that   the   person   seeking
indemnification  has  not  acted  dishonestly,   or   without   a
reasonable belief that his actions were in or not opposed to  the
Company's or its shareholders' best interests and upon receipt of
(a)  an undertaking by or on behalf of such person to repay  such
advances  to the extent of the amount to which such person  shall
ultimately  be  determined  not  to  be  entitled,  and  (b)   an
affirmation  that the person has met the standard of conduct  set
forth above.

           (iii)   Nonexclusivity.  The rights to indemnification
and  to  the  advancement  of expenses  and  any  other  benefits
provided by, or granted pursuant to, Subsections (i) and (ii)  of
this Section shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to
which a person seeking indemnification or advancement of expenses
may  be or hereafter become entitled whether contained in  (a)  a
resolution  of the shareholders of the Company, (b) a  resolution
of  the  Board of Directors, or (c) an agreement, duly authorized
by  the  Board  of Directors, providing for such indemnification;
provided, however, that no indemnification contemplated  by  this
Subsection  (iii)  may be made if such indemnification  would  be

          (iv)  Insurance.  The Company may purchase and maintain
insurance  on  behalf of any person who is  or  was  a  Director,
officer,  employee or agent of the Company, or is or was  serving
at  the  request of the Company as a Director, officer,  trustee,
partner,  fiduciary,  employee or agent of  another  corporation,
partnership,  joint  venture, trust, pension  or  other  employee
benefit  plan  or  any  other entity or  enterprise  against  any
liability  asserted against him and incurred by him in  any  such
capacity,  or arising out of his status as such, whether  or  not
the  Company  would have the power to indemnify him against  such
liability under this Section 6B.

          (v)  Insurance Offset Against Indemnity.  The Company's
indemnity of any person who is or was a Director, officer,  agent
or  employee of the Company, or is or was serving in any capacity
in  any other entity or enterprise at the request of the Company,
shall  be  reduced  by  any amounts such person  may  collect  as
indemnification (a) under any policy of insurance  purchased  and
maintained on his behalf by the Company, and (b) from such  other
entity or enterprise.

           (vi)  Affiliates; Mergers; Etc.  For the  purposes  of
this  Section,  references  to the "Company"  shall  include  any
subsidiary  or  affiliated corporation, any  predecessor  of  the
Company   and   all  constituent  corporations  absorbed   in   a
consolidation  or  merger as well as the resulting  or  surviving
corporation so that any person who is or was a Director, officer,
employee or agent of such a constituent corporation or is or  was
serving  at  the  request of such constituent  corporation  as  a
Director, officer, trustee, partner, fiduciary, employee or agent
of   another  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust,
pension  or  other  employee benefit  plan  or  other  entity  or
enterprise  shall stand in the same position under the provisions
of  this  Section 6B with respect to the resulting  or  surviving
corporation  as  he  would  if he had  served  the  resulting  or
surviving corporation in the same capacity.

           (vii)   Contract Right.  All rights to indemnification
and to the advancement of expenses granted under Subsections (i),
(ii) and (iii) of this Section 6B shall be deemed to arise out of
a  contract between the Company and the Director, officer,  agent
or  employee  of the Company who serves in such capacity  at  any
time   while  these  By-laws  are  in  effect.   No   repeal   or
modification  of  these  By-laws  shall  affect  any  rights   or
obligations theretofore existing.

            (viii)    Limitation.   Nothing  contained  in   this
Section  6B,  or  elsewhere in these By-laws,  shall  operate  to
require   the   Company  to  indemnify   any   person   if   such
indemnification  shall be for any reason contrary  to  applicable

           C.   The provisions of each paragraph or subsection of
6A or 6B of these By-laws shall be separable and if any provision
or  portion  thereof  shall  for any reason  be  inapplicable  or
ineffective, this shall not affect any other provision or portion
or the application, validity or effectiveness thereof.

          SECTION 7.  Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be
held at the time fixed by resolution of the Board or upon call of
the  President or Vice President or Chairman of the  Board.   The
Secretary or officer performing his duties shall give five  days'
notice of all meetings of Directors, provided that a meeting  may
be held without notice immediately after the annual election, and
notice need not be given of regular meetings held at times  fixed
by  resolution of the Board.  Meetings may be held  at  any  time
without notice if all the Directors are present, or if those  not
present waive notice, either before or after the meeting.

           SECTION  8.    The  Chairman of  the  Board  shall  be
selected  by and from the members of the Board of Directors.   He
shall  conduct all meetings of the Board of Directors  and  shall
perform all duties incident thereto.

          The Board of Directors shall also select a President, a
Vice  President, a Secretary and a Treasurer and such  additional
Vice Presidents, Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers  and
other officers and agents as the Board of Driectors from time  to
time  may  deem advisable.  If the Board of Directors wishes,  it
may  also elect as an officer of the Company the Chairman of  the

           SECTION 9.  The Board of Directors, as soon as may  be
after  the  election  in each year, shall  appoint  an  Executive
Committee  to consist of the Chairman of the Board, the President
and  such number of Directors as the Board may from time to  time
determine.  Such Committee shall have and may exercise all of the
powers  of  the Board during the intervals between its  meetings,
which  may be lawfully delegated, subject to such limitations  as
may be provided by resolution of the Board.  The Board shall have
the  power at any time to change the membership of such Committee
and  to  fill vacancies in it.  The Executive Committee may  make
rules  for  the  conduct of its business  and  may  appoint  such
Committees  and assistants as it may deem necessary.   The  Board
may  from  time  to time determine by resolution  the  number  of
members  of such Committee required to constitute a quorum.   The
Chairman  of  the  Board shall be the Chairman of  the  Executive

           During  the  intervals between  the  meetings  of  the
Executive Committee, the Chairman of the Board shall possess  and
may exercise such of the powers vested in the Executive Committee
as  from time to time may be conferred upon him by resolution  of
the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

           SECTION 10.  A Director of this Company shall  not  be
disqualified by his office from dealing or contracting  with  the
Company, either as vendor, purchaser or otherwise, nor shall  any
transactions or contract of this Company be void or  voidable  by
reason  of  the fact that any Director, or any firm of which  any
Director is a member, or any corporation of which any Director is
a  shareholder  or  Director, is in any way  interested  in  such
transaction  or  contract, PROVIDED that any such transaction  or
contract  is or shall be authorized, ratified or approved  either
(1)  by  vote of a majority of a quorum of the Board of Directors
or  of the Executive Committee, without counting in such majority
or quorum any Director so interested, or being a member of a firm
so interested, or a shareholder or a Director of a corporation so
interested,  or  (2) by vote at a shareholders'  meeting  of  the
holders of shares of the capital stock entitling them to exercise
a  majority  of  the  voting power, or by a writing  or  writings
signed  by  such  holders; nor shall any Director  be  liable  to
account  to  the Company for any profit realized by him  from  or
through  any transaction or contract of this Company, authorized,
ratified or approved as aforesaid, by reason of the fact that he,
or  any firm of which he is a member, or any corporation of which
he   is  a  shareholder  or  Director,  was  interested  in  such
transaction  or contract.  Nothing herein contained shall  create
any  liability  in  the  events above described  or  prevent  the
authorization,  ratification or approval  of  such  contracts  or
transactions in any other manner provided by law.

           SECTION 11.  The term of office of all officers  shall
be  one year, or until their respective successors are chosen and
qualified, but any officer may be removed from office at any time
by the Board of Directors.

           SECTION  12.  The officers of the Company  shall  have
such duties as usually pertain to their offices respectively,  as
well  as  such  power  and duties as may from  time  to  time  be
conferred by the Board of Directors.

           SECTION 13.  The shareholders may alter or amend these
By-laws (except as set forth in the next sentence) by affirmative
vote of the holders of shares of the capital stock entitling them
to  exercise  a  majority  of the voting power,  irrespective  of
class,  at  any  annual  meeting or upon notice  at  any  special
meeting.   However, Section 2 of these By-laws  may  be  altered,
amended, changed or repealed only by the affirmative vote of  the
holders  of at least four-fifths of the voting power of the  then
outstanding voting stock of the Company, provided that such four-
fifths  vote shall not be required for any amendment, alteration,
change or repeal recommended to the shareholders by two-thirds of
the  Continuing  Directors  (as  defined  in  Article  8  of  the
Company's Restated Articles of Incorporation).

           SECTION  14.   In  the  event of emergency  conditions
following  a  catastrophe or disaster, the  following  provisions
shall  apply,  other provisions of these by-laws notwithstanding:
In  the  case  of  any  vacancy or  vacancies  in  the  Board  of
Directors, the remaining Directors, although less than a majority
or  a quorum, by affirmative majority vote, may elect a successor
or successors to hold office until the next annual meeting of the
shareholders  of  the Company and until his or  their  successors
shall be elected and qualified.  If only one Director remains, he
shall  forthwith appoint two additional Directors, and the  three
shall  thereupon fill the remaining vacancies.  The Directors  so
appointed  and elected shall fill any vacancies which  may  exist
among  the  officers of the Company, including the  President,  a
Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, and shall also fill  any
vacancies  which  may  exist  on the Executive  Committee.   When
deemed  necessary  during any such emergency conditions,  notices
may be given and Directors and members of the Executive Committee
may  vote  and  act by telephone, mail or other means  of  direct
communication, but meetings shall be held and Directors  and  the
Executive  Committee shall vote and act in the regular manner  if
reasonably practicable.  In the event that a quorum of either the
Board  of Directors or the Executive Committee cannot readily  be
convened,  then  all  the  powers and  duties  of  the  Board  of
Directors  shall vest in an Emergency Management Committee  which
shall  consist of all readily available members of the  Board  of
Directors  and the officers of the Company who are not Directors,
but  the  Emergency  Management Committee  shall  act  only  when
necessary,  at  times  when the Board of Directors  or  Executive
Committee  cannot readily be convened or act as  hereinabove  set
forth;  provided,  however,  that  if  the  Emergency  Management
Committee shall take action in good faith, such action  shall  be
valid  as  if  taken  by  the  Board of  Directors  or  Executive
Committee although it may subsequently develop that at  the  time
such action was taken the conditions requisite for action by  the
Emergency Management Committee did not in fact exist.