Exhibit 10(e)

                          IDACORP, INC.

I.   Purpose

     The  purpose  of  the  IDACORP, Inc. Non-Employee  Directors
     Stock  Compensation  Plan  is to provide  ownership  of  the
     Company's  stock  to non-employee members of  the  Board  of
     Directors  and  to  strengthen the commonality  of  interest
     between directors and shareholders.

II.  Definitions

     When  used  herein,  the  following  terms  shall  have  the
     respective meanings set forth below:

     "Annual Retainer" means the annual retainer payable  by  the
     Company  to  Non-Employee  Directors  and   shall   include,
     for purposes of this Plan, meeting fees,  cash     retainers
     and any other cash compensation  payable  to    Non-Employee
     Directors by the Company for services as a Director.

     "Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders" means the annual meeting
     of  shareholders  of  the  Company  at   which  directors of
     the Company are elected.

     "Board" or "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors
     of the Company.

     "Committee"   means  a  committee  whose  members  meet  the
     requirements of Section IV(A)  hereof, and who are appointed
     from time to time by the Board to administer the Plan.

     "Common  Stock"  means the common  stock, without par value,
     of the Company.

     "Company"  means  IDACORP, Inc., an Idaho  corporation,  and
     any successor corporation.

     "Effective Date" means May 17, 1999.

     "Employee"  means any officer or other  common  law employee
     of the Company or of any Subsidiary.

     "Exchange  Act"  means the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934,
     as amended.

     "Non-Employee  Director" or "Participant"  means  any person
     who  is elected or appointed to  the  Board  of Directors of
     the Company and who is not an Employee.

     "Plan"  means  the  Company's  Non-Employee  Directors Stock
     Compensation Plan,  adopted by the Board on May 5, 1999,  as
     it may be amended from time to time.

     "Plan Year" means the period commencing on June 1 and ending
     the next following May 30.

     "Stock Payment" means that portion  of  the  Annual Retainer
     to be paid to  Non-Employee  Directors  in shares of  Common
     Stock rather than cash for services rendered  as a  director
     of the Company, as provided in Section  V  hereof.

     "Subsidiary"  means  any corporation  that is a  "subsidiary
     corporation" of the Company, as  that  term  is  defined  in
     Section 424(f) of the Internal  Revenue  Code  of  1986,  as

III. Shares of Common Stock Subject to the Plan

     Subject  to Section VII below, the maximum aggregate  number
     of  shares  of Common Stock that may be delivered under  the
     Plan  is  10,500 shares.  The Common Stock to  be  delivered
     under the Plan will be made available from treasury stock or
     shares of Common Stock purchased on the open market.

IV   Administration

     A.   The Plan will be administered by a committee  appointed
          by  the  Board,  consisting  of  two or  more  persons.
          Members  of the  Committee  need not be members of  the
          Board. The Company shall pay all costs of administration
          of the Plan.

     B.   Subject  to  and  not  inconsistent  with  the  express
          provisions  of  the  Plan, the Committee  has  and  may
          exercise such powers and authority of the Board as  may
          be  necessary or appropriate for the Committee to carry
          out its functions under the Plan.  Without limiting the
          generality  of the foregoing, the Committee shall  have
          full power and authority (i) to determine all questions
          of  fact  that  may  arise  under  the  Plan,  (ii)  to
          interpret the Plan and to make all other determinations
          necessary  or advisable for the administration  of  the
          Plan  and  (iii) to prescribe, amend and rescind  rules
          and   regulations  relating  to  the  Plan,  including,
          without  limitation,  any  rules  which  the  Committee
          determines are necessary or appropriate to ensure  that
          the  Company  and the Plan will be able to comply  with
          all  applicable  provisions of any  federal,  state  or
          local  law.   All  interpretations, determinations  and
          actions by the Committee will be final and binding upon
          all    persons,   including   the   Company   and   the

V.   Determination of Annual Retainer and Stock Payments

     A.   The  Board shall determine the Annual Retainer  payable
          to all Non-Employee Directors of the Company.

     B.  Each   director   who   is   a   Non-Employee   Director
          immediately following the date of the Company's  Annual
          Meeting  of Shareholders shall receive as a portion  of
          the  Annual Retainer, payable to such director on  June
          1,  or  on the first business day thereafter,  a  Stock
          Payment of $6,000 in value of Common Stock.  The number
          of  shares granted shall be determined based on (i) for
          treasury  stock, the closing price of the Common  Stock
          on the consolidated transaction reporting system on the
          business day immediately preceding the date of payment,
          and  (ii)  for open market purchases, the actual  price
          paid  to purchase the shares.  A certificate evidencing
          the  shares  of  Common  Stock constituting  the  Stock
          Payment  shall  be  registered  in  the  name  of   the
          Participant and issued to each Participant.   The  cash
          portion  of the Annual Retainer shall be paid  to  Non-
          Employee Directors at such times and in such manner  as
          may be determined by the Board of Directors.

     C.   No  Non-Employee Director shall be required to  forfeit
          or  otherwise return any shares of Common Stock  issued
          as a Stock Payment pursuant to the Plan notwithstanding
          any  change  in  status  of such Non-Employee  Director
          which   renders  him  ineligible  to  continue   as   a
          Participant  in the Plan.  Any person  who  is  a  Non-
          Employee  Director immediately following the  Company's
          Annual  Meeting  of Shareholders shall be  entitled  to
          receive  a Stock Payment as a portion of the applicable
          Annual Retainer.

VI.  Adjustment For Changes in Capitalization

     If the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company are
     increased, decreased or exchanged for a different number  or
     kind  of shares or other securities, or if additional shares
     or   new  or  different  shares  or  other  securities   are
     distributed with respect to such shares of Common  Stock  or
     other securities, through merger, consolidation, sale of all
     or  substantially  all  of  the  property  of  the  Company,
     reorganization or recapitalization, reclassification,  stock
     dividend, stock split, reverse stock split, combinations  of
     shares,  rights  offering, distribution of assets  or  other
     distribution with respect to such shares of Common Stock  or
     other  securities or other change in the corporate structure
     or  shares  of  Common Stock, the maximum number  of  shares
     and/or the kind of shares that may be issued under the  Plan
     shall  be  appropriately adjusted  by  the  Committee.   Any
     determination  by  the Committee as to any  such  adjustment
     will  be final, binding and conclusive.  The maximum  number
     of  shares issuable under the Plan as a result of  any  such
     adjustment shall be rounded down to the nearest whole share.

VII. Amendment and Termination of Plan

     The  Board will have the power, in its discretion, to amend,
     suspend or terminate the Plan at any time.

VIII.     Effective Date and Duration of the Plan

     The  Plan will become effective upon the Effective Date  and
     shall remain in effect, subject to the right of the Board of
     Directors  to  terminate the Plan at any  time  pursuant  to
     Section VIII, until all shares subject to the Plan have been
     purchased or acquired according to the Plan's provisions.

IX.  Miscellaneous Provisions

     A.   Continuation of Directors in Same Status

          Nothing in the Plan or any action taken pursuant to the
          Plan  shall  be  construed as creating or  constituting
          evidence of any agreement or understanding, express  or
          implied,  that  the Company will retain a  Non-Employee
          Director as a director or in any other capacity for any
          period  of  time or at a particular retainer  or  other
          rate   of   compensation,  as   conferring   upon   any
          Participant any legal or other right to continue  as  a
          director  or  in  any other capacity, or  as  limiting,
          interfering  with or otherwise affecting the  right  of
          the  Company to terminate a Participant in his capacity
          as  a director or otherwise at any time for any reason,
          with or without cause, and without regard to the effect
          that  such  termination  might  have  upon  him  as   a
          Participant under the Plan.

     B.   Compliance with Government Regulations

          Neither the Plan nor the Company shall be obligated  to
          issue  any shares of Common Stock pursuant to the  Plan
          at   any   time   unless  and  until   all   applicable
          requirements   imposed  by  any   federal   and   state
          securities  and  other laws, rules and regulations,  by
          any  regulatory agencies or by any stock exchanges upon
          which  the  Common Stock may be listed have been  fully
          met.   As  a  condition precedent to  any  issuance  of
          shares  of  Common Stock and delivery  of  certificates
          evidencing such shares pursuant to the Plan, the  Board
          or  the Committee may require a Participant to take any
          such  action and to make any such covenants, agreements
          and  representations as the Board or the Committee,  as
          the  case may be, in its discretion deems necessary  or
          advisable  to ensure compliance with such requirements.
          The  Company shall in no event be obligated to register
          the  shares of Common Stock deliverable under the  Plan
          pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  or
          to qualify or register such shares under any securities
          laws of any state upon their issuance under the Plan or
          at  any time thereafter, or to take any other action in
          order to cause the issuance and delivery of such shares
          under  the Plan or any subsequent offer, sale or  other
          transfer  of such shares to comply with any  such  law,
          regulation    or    requirement.    Participants    are
          responsible  for complying with all applicable  federal
          and   state  securities  and  other  laws,  rules   and
          regulations in connection with any offer, sale or other
          transfer of the shares of Common Stock issued under the
          Plan   or   any  interest  therein  including,  without
          limitation,    compliance   with    the    registration
          requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as  amended
          (unless  an exemption therefrom is available), or  with
          the  provisions of Rule 144 promulgated thereunder,  if
          applicable,  or any successor provisions.  Certificates
          for  shares  of  Common Stock may be  legended  as  the
          Committee shall deem appropriate.

     C.   Nontransferability of Rights

          No Participant shall have the right to assign the right
          to  receive  any  Stock Payment or any other  right  or
          interest under the Plan, contingent or otherwise, or to
          cause  or  permit any encumbrance, pledge or charge  of
          any  nature  to  be imposed on any such  Stock  Payment
          (prior to the issuance of stock certificates evidencing
          such Stock Payment) or any such right or interest.

     D.   Severability

          In  the  event that any provision of the Plan  is  held
          invalid,  void  or unenforceable, the  same  shall  not
          affect, in any respect whatsoever, the validity of  any
          other provision of the Plan.

     E.   Governing Law

          To  the  extent not preempted by Federal law, the  Plan
          shall  be  governed by the laws of the State of  Idaho,
          without regard to the conflict of law provisions of any