Amendment to IEC Electronics Corp.
                           Savings and Security Plan


     The undersigned hereby certifies that the following resolutions have not
been modified or rescinded as of the date hereof:

     WHEREAS, the Employer did establish a defined contribution plan for its
employees known as the IEC Electronics Corporation Savings & Security Plan (the
"Plan"), Taxpayer ID# 13-3458455, Plan Number 001, effective October 1, 1985

     WHEREAS, after appropriate discussion and due consideration, the Employer
has decided to amend the Plan effective April 1, 2002, as follows:

     Plan Participants, including those who are employed or who have previously
separated from service with the Employer, are no longer required to furnish
spousal consent to the Administrator, as a condition for receiving payment under
the Plan. Payment under the Plan includes loans, in-service withdrawals before
and after age 59 1/2 as well as distribution payments to terminated
Participants. In addition, the annuity payment option and under the Plan is
hereby removed with this amendment. Lump Sum and installment payment options are

     Eligibility will be limited to employees at least 21 years of age.

     Participants may enroll in the plan the first of the following quarter upon
completion of six (6) months of service. Participants who do not enroll and have
not signed an acknowledgement to refuse enrollment, will automatically be
enrolled at a deferral percentage of 1%.

     Participants shall have a vested percentage in his or her matching 401(k)
contributions using a graded vesting schedule of 20% per completed year of
service to reach 100% after 5 years.

     Effective April 1, 2002 deferral percentages and contributions may only be
changed on a quarterly basis, effective the first payroll period of each

     FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper officers of the Employer are hereby
authorized and directed in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation, to
execute and deliver such amendment, and to execute any documents which may be
otherwise deemed necessary and proper in order to implement the foregoing

     -----                                              --------------------
                                                        Employer's Signature


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