One Market, Steuart Tower, Suite 1800, San Francisco, California 94105
                                 (415) 421-9360

                                 CODE OF ETHICS

The following Code of Ethics is in effect for the Registrant:

        With respect to non-affiliated Directors and all other access persons
        to the extent that they are not covered by The Capital Group
        Companies, Inc. policies:

        1.      No Director shall so use his or her position or knowledge
                gained therefrom as to create a conflict between his or her
                personal interest and that of the Fund.

        2.      Each non-affiliated Director shall report to the Secretary
                of the Fund not later than ten (10) days after the end of each
                calendar quarter any transaction in securities which such
                Director has effected during the quarter which the Director then
                knows to have been effected within fifteen (15) days before or
                after a date on which the Fund purchased or sold, or considered
                the purchase or sale of, the same security.

        3.      For purposes of this Code of Ethics, transactions involving
                United States Government securities as defined in the Investment
                Company Act of 1940, bankers' acceptances, bank certificates of
                deposit, commercial paper, or shares of registered open-end
                investment companies are exempt from reporting as are
                non-volitional transactions such as dividend reinvestment
                programs and transactions over which the Director exercises
                no control.

                                     * * * *

                  In addition, the Fund has adopted the following
         standards in accordance with the requirements of Form-CSR
         adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to
         Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 for the purpose
         of deterring wrongdoing and promoting: 1) honest and ethical
         conduct, including handling of actual or apparent conflicts of
         interest between personal and professional relationships; 2)
         full, fair accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in
         reports and documents that a fund files with or submits to the
         Commission and in other public communications made by the
         fund; 3) compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules
         and regulations; 4) the prompt internal reporting of
         violations of the Code to an appropriate person or persons
         identified in the Code; and 5) accountability for adherence to
         the Code. These provisions shall apply to the principal
         executive officer or chief executive officer and treasurer
         ("Covered Officers") of the Fund.

        1.      It is the responsibility of Covered Officers to foster, by their
                words and actions, a corporate culture that encourages honest
                and ethical conduct, including the ethical resolution of, and
                appropriate disclosure of conflicts of interest. Covered
                Officers should work to assure a working environment that is
                characterized by respect for law and compliance with
                applicable rules and regulations.

        2.      Each Covered Officer must act in an honest and ethical manner
                while conducting the affairs of the Fund, including the ethical
                handling of actual or apparent conflicts of interest between
                personal and professional relationships. Duties of Covered
                Officers include:

                o        Acting with integrity;
                o        Adhering to a high standard of business ethics;
                o        Not using personal influence or personal
                         relationships to improperly influence
                         investment decisions or financial reporting
                         whereby the Covered Officer would benefit
                         personally to the detriment of the Fund;

         3.     Each Covered Officer should act to promote full, fair,
                accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and
                documents that the Fund files with or submits to, the
                Securities and Exchange Commission and in other public
                communications made by the Fund.

                o        Covered Officers should familiarize themselves with
                         disclosure requirements applicable to the Fund and
                         disclosure controls and procedures in place to meet
                         these requirements.

                o        Covered Officers must not knowingly misrepresent, or
                         cause others to misrepresent facts about the Fund to
                         others, including the Fund's auditors, independent
                         directors, governmental regulators and self-regulatory

        4.      Any existing or potential violations of this Code should be
                reported to The Capital Group Companies' Personal Investing
                Committee.  The Personal Investing Committee is authorized to
                investigate any such violations and report their findings to
                the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Fund.  The Chairman
                of the Audit Committee may report violations of the Code to the
                Board of Directors or other appropriate entity including the
                Audit Committee, if he or she believes such a reporting is
                appropriate.  The Personal Investing Committee may also
                determine the appropriate sanction for any violations of this
                Code, including removal from office, provided that removal
                from office shall only be carried out with the approval of the
                Board of Directors.

        5.      Application of this Code is the responsibility of the Personal
                Investing Committee, which shall report periodically to the
                Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Fund.

        6.      Material amendments to these provisions must be ratified by a
                majority vote of the Board of Directors. As required by
                applicable rules, substantive amendments to the Code must be
                filed or appropriately disclosed.