Dear Stockholder:

Please accept our thanks for sending in your Revocation of Consent Card.

To avoid the possibility of  the  validity  of  your Revocation of Consent being
challenged or disqualified for the reason(s) indicated below, we are  requesting
that  you  sign,  date and mail the enclosed new Revocation of Consent Card with
the correction indicated below in  the self-addressed envelope provided for your
convenience.  This Revocation of Consent will automatically revoke any  previous
revocation when it is returned to us.

 / / Your previous Revocation of Consent was unsigned.  (If signing as attorney,
     executor,  administrator,  personal representative of the estate, corporate
     officer, partner, trustee, custodian or guardian, please sign and give your
     full title as such.)

 / / Your previous Revocation of  Consent  was  undated.  (Please date, sign and
     return the new Revocation of Consent Card in the enclosed envelope.)

 / / Your previous Revocation of Consent omitted your title or  authority.   (If
     signing  as  attorney,  executor, administrator, personal representative of
     the estate, corporate  officer,  partner,  trustee,  custodian or guardian,
     please sign and give your full title as such.)

 / / Your previous Revocation of Consent, as signed, did not conform to the name
     shown on the Revocation.  (Please date and sign this Revocation of  Consent
     Card  exactly as the registration appears on the revocation, including your
     full title if  signing  other  than  in  an  individual  capacity.)  If the
     registration is in the name of a custodian for the benefit of a minor,  the
     custodian  must sign and indicate their capacity.  If you are a beneficiary
     18 years or older, you may sign as long as you indicate your age.

 / / Your previous Revocation of  Consent  was  not  signed by all joint owners.
     (If shares are registered in the name of more than one  person,  each  such
     person  should  sign  the Revocation of Consent Card.  If a joint tenant is
     deceased, please indicate that you are the surviving joint owner.)

 / / Other ____________________________________________________________________

Since time is of the essence,  we  would greatly appreciate your signing, dating
and mailing the enclosed Revocation of Consent Card as soon as possible.  Please
mail it in the envelope provided for your convenience.  Once again,  we  greatly
appreciate your support.
