TO:       Our Institutional Shareholders

FROM:     Bruce Smith

SUBJECT:  March 28 Letter from the Flannery Group

DATE:     April 3, 1996

You may recently have  received  another  letter  from  the Flannery Group dated
March 28, 1996, which found fault with  the  recommendation  from  Institutional
Shareholder  Services,  Inc.  (ISS).   ISS  recommended that its clients support
Tesoro management in the consent  solicitation  initiated by the Flannery Group.
Although the ISS recommendation speaks for itself, we would like to  respond  to
certain statements which were made in Mr. Flannery's letter.

First,  the  letter  claimed  that ISS "has merely accepted at face value Tesoro
Management's oft-repeated promise that 'we will do better in the future.'"

     ISS spent  considerable  time  with  representatives  from  both  sides and
     thoroughly reviewed the issues that have been debated.  The Flannery  Group
     had  the  opportunity to correct any misstatements of fact before the final
     draft was issued; however, it did not respond to the ISS request to correct
     any factual misstatements.

Second, the letter stated,  "Regarding  Mr.  Burke's  severance payment of $4.25
million...  We are unable to see how the company was obligated to pay the amount
under this agreement," and Mr. Flannery offered to  share  this  agreement  with

     This  document has been publicly available to everyone since it has been on
     file with the SEC.  There is  no question that Tesoro was legally obligated
     to pay a cash termination  payment  of  approximately  $2.5  million.   The
     remainder represents gain from the exercise of options granted to Mr. Burke
     on the date he was hired as an incentive to increase Tesoro's stock price.

And  third,  the  letter  claims  that "then-Chairman of the Executive Committee
Steven Grapstein told  us:   Mr.  Smith  held  out  for  $130 million (including
approximately $30 million in receivables from Tennessee Gas, then covered  by  a
court-ordered bond), whereas Tennessee Gas had offered to settle for 'only' $100

     Tesoro  and  Tennessee  Gas  had proceeded far enough into negotiation of a
     settlement to enter into the documentation phase.  There was no "hold out."
     Both parties agreed in principle to  an amount which was subject to various
     approvals and final documentation which never was obtained due to Tennessee
     Gas' decision to suspend  negotiations.   And  as  a  point  of  fact,  Mr.
     Grapstein was never chairman of the Executive Committee.

We welcome your questions and comments with regard to these or any other issues.
Please call Tesoro's Investor Relations Department at 800/837-6768.


                                   Bruce A. Smith