Independent Contractor Agreement

     This Independent Contractor Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered
into by and between Vista Vacations  International,  Inc., a Florida corporation
("Vista");  and,  Karyn  McKnight,  a resident of the State of Washington  whose
social security number is ###-##-#### (the "Independent  Contractor";  Vista and
the Independent  Contractor being  hereinafter  collectively  referred to as the
"Parties" and generically as a "Party").


     WHEREAS,  Vista is  engaged  in  providing  the  travel  services  industry
specializing  in cruise  package  development,  promotions  and sales  through a
network of home based agents  communicating  with Vista and with Vista's clients
through the Internet; and

     WHEREAS,  the Independent  Contractor has substantial  business experience,
acumen  and  contacts,   and  desires  to  be  included  among  the  independent
contractors  engaged  by Vista,  from time to time,  in  rendering  services  to
Vista's agents and clients; and

     WHEREAS,  Vista is willing to use the Independent Contractor in conjunction
with Vista's provision of services to Vista's clients,  on the terms and subject
to the conditions hereinafter set forth:

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the Independent Contractor's agreement
to render the hereinafter described services as well as of the premises, the sum
of TEN ($10) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged,  the Parties,  intending to be legally
bound, hereby agree as follows:


                                   Article One
                        Independent Contractor's Services

1.1      Description of Services

(A)      The Independent Contractor's areas of expertise and the services it she
         is to provide to Vista and through Vista, to its agents and clients are
         more  particularly  described in exhibit 1.1 annexed  hereto and made a
         part hereof (the "Areas of Service").

(B)      (1)   The Independent  Contractor shall make its services  available to
               Vista's clients solely through Vista.

         (2)   The Independent Contractor's  compensation shall an annual fee of

(C)      The Independent  Contractor hereby represents and warrants to Vista and
         Vista's  clients  that  it is  subject  to no  legal,  self  regulatory
         organization or regulatory impediments to the provision of the services
         called for


         by this Agreement,  or to receipt of the compensation  called for under
         this  Agreement  or  any  supplements  thereto;  and,  the  Independent
         Contractor hereby irrevocably covenants and agrees to immediately bring
         to the  attention  of Vista any facts  required  to make the  foregoing
         representation and warranty  continuingly  accurate throughout the term
         of this Agreement, or any supplements or extensions thereof.

1.2      Fiduciary Obligation to Vista and its Clients

(A)      The  Independent  Contractor's  primary duties shall be to Vista and in
         the event of a conflict,  perceived or actual,  between the Independent
         Contractor's  obligations to Vista and Vista's clients, the Independent
         Contractor's duties to Vista shall be controlling.

(B)      In  rendering  its  services,  the  Independent  Contractor  shall  not
         disclose to any third  party any  confidential  non-public  information
         furnished  by Vista or its  clients or  otherwise  obtained  by it with
         respect to Vista or its clients.

1.3      Limitations on Services

(A)      The Parties  recognize that Vista is a subsidiary of a publicly  traded
         company  required  to file  periodic  reports  with the  United  States
         Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission") and that certain
         responsibilities  and  obligations  are  imposed by  federal  and state
         securities  laws and by the applicable  rules and  regulations of stock
         exchanges,   the  NASD,   in-house  "due   diligence"  or  "compliance"
         departments of brokerage  houses,  etc.;  accordingly,  the Independent
         Contractor agrees that the Independent Contractor will not:

         (1)   Release any financial or other material information or data about
               Vista without the prior consent and approval of Vista;

         (2)   Release or make  available  any  information  or data about Vista
               clients to any selected or limited person(s), entity, or group if
               the Independent Contractor is aware that such information or data
               has not been generally released or promulgated.

(B)      The Independent Contractor shall not take any action which would in any
         way adversely affect the reputation,  standing or prospects of Vista or
         Vista's  clients or which  would  cause  Vista or its  clients to be in
         violation of applicable laws.

(C)      In the event that the Independent Contractor is an entity rather than a
         natural person, then the following provisions shall apply:

         (1)   Karyn McKnight, a principal of the Independent  Contractor (e.g.,
               its president,  director,  stock holder,  partner,  member, etc.;
               sometimes  hereinafter  referred to as "Mr. Ms. McKnight") shall,
               unless  otherwise  consented to by Vista,  be the person  through
               which  the  Independent  Contractor  provides  all  its  services

         (2)   In the event that Ms.  McKnight  becomes  disassociated  from the
               Independent  Contractor,  then  Vista  shall  have the  option of
               terminating  this  Agreement and requiring Ms.  McKnight,  at Ms.
               McKnight's  election,  of either  personally  or  through a legal
               entity controlled by Ms. McKnight


               through which Ms.  McKnight can  personally  provide the required
               services,   to  perform  the   obligations  of  the   Independent
               Contractor for the balance of the term, or then operative renewal
               term, of this Agreement;

         (3)   In the event that the  responsibilities  for fulfilling the terms
               of this Agreement  devolve on Ms.  McKnight  personally,  then it
               shall  be   presumed   that  the   Independent   Contractor   has
               correspondingly assigned to Ms. McKnight all rights to receipt of
               compensation associated with such services;

         (4)   In all  instances in this  Agreement to the provision of services
               by the  Independent  Contractor  or the death of the  Independent
               Contractor,  or the  inability of the  Independent  Contractor to
               provide  services,  or pertaining to conduct  justifying  earlier
               termination of this Agreement,  such references shall include any
               such events, actions or failures to act by Ms. McKnight.

                                   Article Two
                      Term, Renewals & Earlier Termination

2.1      Term.

     This Agreement shall be for an initial term of one year,  commencing on the
date of its complete execution by all Parties,  as evinced in the execution page

2.2      Renewals.

     This  Agreement  shall be renewed  automatically,  after  expiration of the
original  term, on a continuing  annual  basis,  unless the Party wishing not to
renew  this  Agreement  provides  the other  Party  with  written  notice of its
election not to renew ("Termination  Election Notice") on or before the 30th day
prior to termination of the then current term.

2.3      Earlier Termination.

     Vista  shall  have  the  right to  terminate  this  Agreement  prior to the
expiration of its Term or of any renewals thereof,  subject to the provisions of
Sections 2.4 and 2.5, for the following reasons:

(a)      For Cause:

         (1)      Vista may terminate this Agreement at any time for cause.

         (2)      Such termination  shall be evidenced by written notice thereof
                  to the Independent Contractor,  which notice shall specify the
                  cause for termination.

         (3)      For purposes hereof, the term "cause" shall mean:

                  (A)      The inability of the Independent Contractor,  through
                           sickness or other incapacity, to discharge her duties
                           under this Agreement for 30 or more  consecutive days
                           or for a total  of 60 or more  days  in a  period  of
                           twelve consecutive months;


                  (B)      The  failure  of  the   Independent   Contractor   to
                           follow the directions of Vista's board of directors;

                  (C)      Dishonesty; theft; or conviction of a crime involving
                           moral turpitude;

                  (D)      Material   default   in   the   performance   of  the
                           Independent  Contractor's  obligations,  services  or
                           duties required under this Agreement  (other than due
                           to illness) or material  breach of any  provision  of
                           this Agreement, which default or breach has continued
                           for ten days after written  notice of such default or

(b)      Deterioration or Discontinuance of Business:

         (1)      In  the  event  that  Vista   experiences   material  business
                  reversals or fails to meet the operational  criteria reflected
                  in its  projections or business  plans,  then,  subject to the
                  provisions  of  Section  2.4,  at the  option of  Vista,  this
                  Agreement  shall terminate as of a date selected by Vista with
                  the  same  force  and  effect  as if such  date  was the  date
                  originally set as the termination date hereof.

         (2)      In the event that Vista  discontinues  operating its business,
                  this Agreement shall terminate as of the last day of the month
                  on which it ceases operation with the same force and effect as
                  if such  last  day of the  month  were  originally  set as the
                  termination   date   hereof;   provided,   however,   that   a
                  reorganization  of Vista shall not be deemed a termination  of
                  its business.

(c)      Death:

     This Agreement shall terminate  immediately on the death of the Independent
Contractor;  however,  all accrued  compensation  at such time shall be promptly
paid to the Independent Contractor's estate.

2.4      Severance Payments and Alternatives to Termination

     In the event this  Agreement is terminated for reasons other than for cause
as  described in Section  2.3(b)  above,  the  Independent  Contractor  shall be
entitled to either thirty days prior written notice or to a severance payment in
a sum  equal to the fee that  would  have been  paid had 30 days  prior  written
notice been provided; provided, however, that in lieu of termination,  Vista may
offer to continue this Agreement under modified  compensation  arrangements,  if
such  arrangements  are  reflected  in the  written  notice and  accepted by the
Independent Contractor prior to the end of the 30 day notice period.

2.5      Final Settlement.

     Upon  termination  of this  Agreement and payment of all amounts due to the
Independent   Contractor   hereunder,   the   Independent   Contractor   or  his
representative  shall  execute and deliver to the  terminating  entity on a form
prepared by Vista,  a receipt for such sums and a release of all claims,  except
such claims as may have been  submitted  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement
and which  remain  unpaid,  and,  shall  forthwith  tender to Vista all records,
manuals  and  written  procedures,  as may be  desired  by it for the  continued
conduct of its business.


                                  Article Three

3.1      Compensation.

     As  consideration  for the Independent  Contractor's  services to Vista the
Independent Contractor shall be entitled to:

(a)       An  consulting  fee in the  aggregate  gross sum of $25,000 (the "Base

(b)       Incentive stock options complying with the requirements of Section 422
          of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as  amended,  or  successor
          provisions   thereto  (the  "Options"),   permitting  the  Independent
          Contractor  to  purchase  up to  12,740 of the  931,000  shares of the
          common stock of AmeriNet,  Inc., a publicly  held  Delaware
          corporation with a class of securities  registered under Section 12(g)
          of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  as amended  (the  "Exchange
          Act"),  which  holds  of  all  of  Vista's  capital  stock  and  other
          securities ("AmeriNet"),  that AmeriNet reserved for issuance to Vista
          employees  and  qualifying   consultants   in  conjunction   with  the
          Reorganization  Agreement  pursuant to which AmeriNet  acquired all of
          Vista's securities (the "Independent  Contractor's Option Shares"), on
          the following terms and subject to the following conditions:

         (1)   The Independent  Contractor's  rights to the Options will vest as

                  (A)      If Vista earns net,  pre tax profits,  determined  in
                           accordance with GAAP, of at least $400,000 during the
                           period  starting  on July 1, 2000 and  ending on June
                           30, 2001, then the Independent  Contractor shall have
                           the  right  to  purchase  1,820  of  the  Independent
                           Contractor's Option Shares.

                  (B)      If Vista earns net,  pre tax profits,  determined  in
                           accordance with GAAP, of at least  $1,200,000  during
                           the  period  starting  on July 1, 2000 and  ending on
                           June 30, 2002, then the Independent  Contractor shall
                           have the right to purchase  5,460 of the  Independent
                           Contractor's   Option  Shares  (including  the  1,820
                           shares first referred to above) and

                  (C)      If Vista earns net,  pre tax profits,  determined  in
                           accordance with GAAP, of at least  $2,800,000  during
                           the  period  starting  on July 1, 2000 and  ending on
                           June 30, 2003, then the Independent  Contractor shall
                           have the  right to  purchase  all of the  Independent
                           Contractor's   Option  Shares  (including  the  5,460
                           shares first referred to above).

         (2)      If  Vista  fails  to  attain  the  earnings  requirements  for
                  exercise of the Options  during a measuring  year,  all of the
                  Independent    Contractor's    rights   to   the   Independent
                  Contractor's  Option  Shares that would have become  vested on
                  such year shall lapse and be of no further force or effect.

         (3)      The Options will be exercisable at a price of $1.875 per share
                  for a period  commencing  on the date of vesting and ending on
                  the earlier of June 30, 2005 or the 90th day after termination
                  of this Agreement.


         (4)      All  other  terms   pertaining   to  the  Options  are  hereby
                  incorporated  by reference from those  contained in AmeriNet's
                  Non-Qualified  Stock Option & Stock Incentive Plan,  Effective
                  as of  January  1 , 2000  filed by  AmeriNet  with the  United
                  States Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission"),
                  a copy of which is annexed  hereto  and made a part  hereof as
                  exhibit  3.1(B)(2),  except to the  extent  that they would be
                  inconsistent  with  the  specific  terms in this  Section  3.1
                  unless such  inconsistency  is required by the  provisions  of
                  Code Section 422.

3.3      Indemnification.

     Vista will defend,  indemnify and hold the Independent  Contractor harmless
from all  liabilities,  suits,  judgments,  fines,  penalties  or  disabilities,
including expenses associated directly, therewith (e.g. legal fees, court costs,
investigative  costs,  witness fees, etc.) resulting from any reasonable actions
taken by him in good  faith on  behalf  of Vista,  its  affiliates  or for other
persons or entities at the request of the board of  directors  of Vista,  to the
fullest extent legally  permitted,  and in conjunction  therewith,  shall assure
that all required  expenditures  are made in a manner making it unnecessary  for
the  Independent  Contractor  to incur  any out of  pocket  expenses;  provided,
however,  that the Independent  Contractor permits the majority  stockholders of
Vista to select and supervise  all per sonnel  involved in such defense and that
the Independent  Contractor  waive any conflicts of interest that such personnel
may have as a result  of also  representing  Vista,  its  stockholders  or other
personnel  and agrees to hold them  harmless  from any  matters  involving  such
representation, except such as involve fraud or bad faith.

                                  Article Four
                                Special Covenants

4.1      Confidentiality, Non-Circumvention and Non-Competition.

     During the term of this Agreement, all renewals thereof and for a period of
two years after its termination,  the Independent  Contractor hereby irrevocably
agrees to be bound by the following  restrictions,  which  constitute a material
inducement for Vista's entry into this Agreement and for AmeriNet's agreement to
provide shares of its common stock as the securities underlying the Options:

(a)      Because the Independent Contractor will be developing for Vista, making
         use of, acquiring and/or adding to, confidential information of special
         and unique  nature and value  relating to such matters as Vista's trade
         secrets, systems, procedures,  manuals, confidential reports, personnel
         resources,  strategic and tactical plans, advisors,  clients, investors
         and funders; as material inducement to the entry into this Agreement by
         Vista,  the Independent  Contractor  hereby covenants and agrees not to
         personally  use,  divulge  or  disclose,  for any  purpose  whatsoever,
         directly or indirectly, any of such confidential information during the
         term of this Agreement,  any renewals thereof,  and for a period of two
         years after its termination.

(b)      The Independent Contractor hereby covenants and agrees to be bound as a
         fiduciary of Vista, as if the Independent  Contractor were a partner in
         a partnership bound by the partnership  opportunities doctrine, as such
         concept has been judicially and legislatively developed in the State of
         Florida, and consequently,  without the prior written consent of Vista,
         on a specific,  case by case basis,  the Independent  Contractor  shall
         not, among other things, directly or indirectly:

         (1)   Engage in any activities,  whether or not for profit, competitive
               with Vista's business.


         (2)   Solicit or accept any person providing services to Vista, whether
               as  an  employee,   consultant  or  independent  contractor,  for
               employment or provision of services.

         (3)   Induce any client or customer  of Vista to cease  doing  business
               with Vista or to engage in  business  with any person  engaged in
               business activities that compete with Vista's business.

         (4)   Divert  any  business  opportunity  within the  general  scope of
               Vista's  business and business  capacity,  to any other person or

4.2      Special Remedies.

     In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would undoubtedly occur to
Vista as a result of a breach by the Independent  Contractor of the covenants or
agreements  contained  in this  Article  Four,  and in  view  of the  lack of an
adequate remedy at law to protect Vista's interests,  the Independent Contractor
hereby  covenants  and agrees  that Vista  shall have the  following  additional
rights and remedies in the event of a breach hereof:

(a)      In addition to and not in limitation  of any other rights,  remedies or
         damages  available to Vista,  whether at law or in equity,  it shall be
         entitled to a permanent  injunction  in order to prevent or to restrain
         any such breach by the  Independent  Contractor,  or by the Independent
         Contractor's partners, agents,  representatives,  servants,  employers,
         employees, affiliates and/or any and all persons directly or indirectly
         acting for or with him and the Independent  Contractor  hereby consents
         to the issuance of such a permanent injunction; and

(b)      Because it is  impossible  to ascertain or estimate the entire or exact
         cost,  damage or injury which Vista may sustain  prior to the effective
         enforcement  of such  injunction,  the  Independent  Contractor  hereby
         covenants and agrees to pay over to Vista, in the event he violates the
         covenants and agreements  contained in Section 4.2 hereof,  the greater

         (1)      Any  payment  or  compensation  of any  kind  received  by the
                  Independent Contractor or by persons affiliated with or acting
                  for or  with  the  Independent  Contractor,  because  of  such
                  violation before the issuance of such injunction, or

         (2)      The sum of One  Thousand  ($1,000.00)  Dollars per  violation,
                  which sum shall be liquidated damages,  and not a penalty, for
                  the injuries  suffered by Vista as a result of such violation,
                  the Parties hereto agreeing that such  liquidated  damages are
                  not intended as the  exclusive  remedy  available to Vista for
                  any breach of the covenants and  agreements  contained in this
                  Article Four,  prior to the issuance of such  injunction,  the
                  Parties  recognizing  that the only adequate remedy to protect
                  Vista  from  the  injury  caused  by such  breaches  would  be
                  injunctive relief.

4.3      Cumulative Remedies.

     The  Independent  Contractor  hereby  irrevocably  agrees that the remedies
described in Section 4.2 shall be in addition to, and not in limitation  of, any
of the rights or remedies to which  Vista is or may be entitled  to,  whether at
law or in equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.


4.4      Acknowledgment of Reasonableness.

(a)  The Independent  Contractor  hereby  represents,  warrants and acknowledges
     that having  carefully  read and  considered the provisions of this Article
     Four,  the  restrictions  set forth herein are fair and  reasonable and are
     reasonably  required for the  protection  of the  interests  of Vista,  its
     officers, directors and employees;  consequently,  in the event that any of
     the  above-described  restrictions shall be held unenforceable by any court
     of competent  jurisdiction,  the Independent  Contractor  hereby covenants,
     agrees  and  directs  such  court to  substitute  a  reasonable  judicially
     enforceable limitation in place of any limitation deemed unenforceable and,
     the Independent Contractor hereby covenants and agrees that if so modified,
     the covenants  contained in this Article Four shall be as fully enforceable
     as if they had been set forth herein directly by the Parties.

(b)  In determining the nature of this  limitation,  the Independent  Contractor
     hereby  acknowledges,  covenants  and  agrees  that it is the intent of the
     Parties that a court  adjudicating a dispute  arising  hereunder  recognize
     that the Parties desire that these covenants not to circumvent, disclose or
     compete be imposed and maintained to the greatest extent possible.

4.5      Unauthorized Acts.

     The Independent  Contractor  hereby  covenants and agrees not do any act or
incur any  obligation  on behalf of Vista except as  authorized  by its board of
directors or by its stockholders  pursuant to duly adopted stockholder action or
reasonably inferred therefrom.

                                  Article Five

5.1      Notices.

(a)      (1)   All notices,  demands or other communications  hereunder shall be
               in writing,  and unless  otherwise  provided,  shall be deemed to
               have been duly given on the first  business day after  mailing by
               registered or certified mail, return receipt  requested,  postage
               prepaid, addressed as follows:

                                          To the Independent Contractor:

                                 Karyn McKnight
              10020 A Main Street, Suite 177; Bellevue, Washington
              98004 Telephone (425) 957-3561; Fax, (425) 641-1248;

                                    To Vista:

                       Vista Vacations International, Inc.
                      Attention: Teri E. Nadler, President
                  5653 Northwest 29th Street; Margate, Florida
           33063 Telephone (954) 975-0898; Fax (954) 975-8447; e-mail
            ; with a fax copy to

                                 Scott B. Ugell
                 155 North Main Street; New City, New York 10956
   Telephone (914) 639-7011; Fax (914) 639-7088; and, e-mail


         (2) In each case, copies of notices will also be provided to:

                            AmeriNet, Inc.
                          The Crystal Corporate Center;
       2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225-C; Boca Raton, Florida 33431
 Telephone (561) 998-3435, Fax (561) 998-3425; and, e-mail
                Attention: Michael Harris Jordan, President; and

                            AmeriNet, Inc.
                1941 Southeast 51st Terrace; Ocala, Florida 34471
  Telephone (352) 694-9182; Fax (954) 694-1325; and e-mail
                    Attention: Vanessa H. Lindsey, Secretary;

         (3)   Copies of notices will also be provided to such other  address or
               to such other  person as any Party shall  designate  to the other
               for such purpose in the manner hereinafter set forth.

(b)      (1)   The  Parties  acknowledge  that The  Yankee  Companies,  Inc.,  a
               Florida  corporation  ("Yankees")  has acted as scrivener for the
               Parties  in this  transaction  and that  Yankees is neither a law
               firm nor an agency  subject  to any  professional  regulation  or

         (2)   Yankees  has  advised  all of the  Parties to retain  independent
               legal and  accounting  counsel to review this  Agreement on their
               behalf since it cannot provide any Party with legal advice.

         (3)   This  Agreement  shall not be  interpreted  more or less strictly
               against any Party based on its authorship.

5.2      Amendment.

(5)      No  modification,  waiver,  amendment,  discharge  or  change  of  this
         Agreement  shall be valid  unless the same is in writing  and signed by
         the Party against which the enforcement of said  modification,  waiver,
         amendment, discharge or change is sought.

(6)      This Agreement may not be modified without the consent of a majority in
         interest of Vista's and AmeriNet's stockholders.

5.3      Merger.

(a)      This instrument contains all of the  understandings  and  agreements of
         the Parties with respect to the subject matter discussed herein.

(b)      All prior agreements  whether  written or oral, are  merged herein  and
         shall be of no force or effect.

5.4      Survival.

     The  several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the  Parties
contained  herein  shall  survive the  execution  hereof and shall be  effective
regardless of any investigation  that may have been made or may be made by or on
behalf of any Party.


5.5      Severability.

     If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement,  or the
application  of  such  provision  or  any  portion  thereof  to  any  person  or
circumstance  shall be held invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining portions of
such provision and the remaining provisions of this Agreement or the application
of  such  provision  or  portion  of  such  provision  as  is  held  invalid  or
unenforceable to persons or  circumstances  other than those to which it is held
invalid or unenforceable, shall not be effected thereby.

5.6      Governing Law and Venue.

     This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State
of  Florida  but any  proceeding  arising  between  the  Parties  in any  matter
pertaining or related to this Agreement  shall, to the extent  permitted by law,
be held in Broward County, Florida.

5.7      Litigation.

(a)      In any action  between  the Parties to enforce any of the terms of this
         Agreement  or  any  other  matter  arising  from  this  Agreement,  the
         prevailing  Party shall be entitled to recover its costs and  expenses,
         including   reasonable   attorneys'   fees  up  to  and  including  all
         negotiations,   trials  and  appeals,  whether  or  not  litigation  is

(b)      In the  event of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
         negotiation  thereof or inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the
         dispute shall,  at the request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
         through the following procedures:

         (1)      (A)      First,  the issue  shall  be  submitted  to mediation
                           before  a  mediation   service  in  Broward   County,
                           Florida,  to be selected by lot from six alternatives
                           to be provided,  two by Vista's majority stockholder,
                           two by Vista and two by the Independent Contractor.

                  (B)      The mediation  efforts shall be concluded  within ten
                           business  days  after  their  initiation  unless  the
                           Parties  unanimously  agree to an extended  mediation

         (2)      In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of
                  the  dispute  then at the  request of any Party,  the  Parties
                  shall  submit the  dispute to  binding  arbitration  before an
                  arbitration  service located in Broward County,  Florida to be
                  selected by lot, from six alternatives to be provided,, two by
                  Vista's  majority  stockholder,  two by  Vista  and two by the
                  Independent Contractor.

         (3)      (A)      Expenses  of  mediation  shall  be borne by Vista, if

                  (B)      Expenses  of  mediation,   if  unsuccessful   and  of
                           arbitration  shall be borne by the  Party or  Parties
                           against whom the arbitration decision is rendered.

                  (C)      If the terms of the arbitral award do not establish a
                           prevailing  Party,  then the expenses of unsuccessful
                           mediation and  arbitration  shall be borne equally by
                           the Parties.


5.8      Benefit of Agreement.

(a)  This Agreement may not be assigned by the  Independent  Contractor  without
     the prior written consent of Vista.

(b)  Subject to the  restrictions on  transferability  and assignment  contained
     herein,  the terms and provisions of this  Agreement  shall be binding upon
     and  inure  to the  benefit  of the  Parties,  their  successors,  assigns,
     personal representative, estate, heirs and legatees.

5.9      Captions.

     The captions in this Agreement are for  convenience  and reference only and
in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or the
intent of any provisions hereof.

5.10     Number and Gender.

     All pronouns  and any  variations  thereof  shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.

5.11     Further Assurances.

     The Parties hereby agree to do,  execute,  acknowledge and deliver or cause
to be done,  executed or  acknowledged or delivered and to perform all such acts
and deliver  all such  deeds,  assignments,  transfers,  conveyances,  powers of
attorney, assurances, recipes, records and other documents, as may, from time to
time, be required herein to effect the intent and purposes of this Agreement.

5.12     Status.

(a)      Nothing in this  Agreement  shall be  construed  or shall  constitute a
         partnership,    joint    venture,    employer-employee    relationship,
         lessor-lessee relationship, or principal-agent relationship.

(b)      In amplification of the foregoing,  the Independent Contractor shall be
         responsible  for  providing  the  Independent  Contractor's  own office
         facilities  and  supporting  personnel  and  payment  of  all  expenses
         associated with provision of services and shall generally determine the
         time and  place for the  performance  of the  Independent  Contractor's
         services under this  Agreement,  provided that such time and place must
         be reasonable  under the  circumstances  and  acceptable to the Vista's
         client involved.

(c)      Consequently,  throughout the term of this  Agreement,  the Independent
         Contractor  shall  serve an  independent  contractor,  as that  term is
         defined,  without  limitation,  by the United States  Internal  Revenue
         Service, and in conjunction therewith,  shall be responsible for all of
         the Independent Contractor's tax reporting and payment obligations.

(d)      The  Independent  Contractor  agrees not to enter into any contracts or
         take other action  which binds or  obligates  Vista and at all times to
         hold  itself out and conduct  itself as an  independent  contractor  of

5.13     Counterparts.

(a)      This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.

(b)      Execution by exchange of facsimile transmission shall be deemed legally
         sufficient  to bind the  signatory;  however,  the Parties  shall,  for
         aesthetic  purposes,  prepare a fully executed original version of this
         Agreement,  which shall be the document  filed with the  Securities and
         Exchange Commission.


5.14     License.

(a)      This Agreement is the property of  Yankees  and the  use  hereof by the
         Parties is authorized hereby solely for purposes of this transaction.

(b)      The use of this form of agreement or of any derivation thereof  without
         Yankees' prior written permission is prohibited.

     In Witness Whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement,  effective as
of the last date set forth below.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
         In Our Presence

                                                      The Independent Contractor

- --------------------------
                                                        /s/ Karyn McKnight
- --------------------------                            --------------------------
                                                                  Karyn McKnight

Dated:   March 12, 2000

                                             Vista Vacations International, Inc.
                                                          a Florida corporation.
- --------------------------

__________________________                  By:      /s/ Teri E. Nadler
                                                      Teri E. Nadler, President

                                           Attest:  /s/ Alicia Torrealba
                                                    Alicia Torrealba, Secretary

Dated:   March 12, 2000
