Reorganization Agreement
                                   By & Among
                AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware corporation,
                      and Lorilei Communications, Inc., a
                               Florida corporation

                                Table of Contents

Article I:     Plan of Reorganization

1.1      Definitions
1.2      Reorganization
1.3      Effect of the Reorganization
1.4      Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws
1.5      Directors and Officers
1.6      Maximum Shares to Be Issued & Effect on Capital Stock
1.7      Exchange of Certificates
1.8      No Further Ownership Rights in Lorilei's Securities
1.9      Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Certificates
1.10     Tax Consequences and Accounting Treatment
1.11     Taking of Necessary Action & Further Action

Article II:    Lorilei's Representations and Warranties

2.1      Organization of Lorilei
2.2      Lorilei's Capital Structure
2.3      Subsidiaries
2.4      Authority
2.5      Lorilei's Financial Statements
2.6      No Undisclosed Liabilities
2.7      No Changes
2.8      Tax and Other Returns and Reports
2.9      Restrictions on Business Activities
2.10     Title of Properties, Absence of Liens and Encumbrances & Condition of
2.11     Intellectual Property
2.12     Agreements, Contracts and Commitments
2.13     Interested Party Transactions
2.14     Governmental Authorization
2.15     Litigation
2.16     Accounts Receivable
2.17     Minute Books
2.18     Environmental and OSHA
2.19     Brokers' and Finders' Fees
2.20     Labor Matters
2.21     Insurance
2.22     Compliance with Laws
2.23     Complete Copies of Materials
2.24     Binding Agreements & No Default
2.25     Regulation SB Disclosure Document
2.26     FIRPTA
2.27     Employee Benefit Plans
2.28     Distribution Agreements
2.29     Disclosure to Lorilei's Stockholders
2.30     Representations Complete

Article III:    AmeriNet's Representations and Warranties

3.1      Organization, Standing and Power
3.2      Capital Structure
3.3      Authority
3.4      Exchange Act Reports & AmeriNet's Financial Statements
3.5      Broker's and Finders' Fees
3.6      Ownership of Lorilei's Common Stock
3.7      Litigation
3.8      Limited Activities
3.9      No Undisclosed Liabilities
3.10     No Changes
3.11     Tax and Other Returns and Reports
3.12     Environmental and OSHA
3.13     Representations Complete

Article IV:     Conduct Prior to the Closing

4.1      Conduct of Business of Lorilei
4.2      No Solicitation
4.3      Conduct of Business of AmeriNet

Article V:      Additional Agreements

5.1      Report on Form 8-K
5.2      Consent of Lorilei's Stockholders
5.3      Access to Information
5.4      Confidentiality
5.5      Expenses
                                      Page 35

5.6      Public Disclosure
5.7      Consents
5.8      Affiliate Agreements
5.9      Legal Requirements
5.10     Blue Sky Laws
5.11     Best Efforts, Additional Documents and Further Assurances
5.12     Employment Agreements
5.13     Investment by AmeriNet in  Lorilei
5.14     Board of Directors
5.15     Additional Covenants by Lorilei

Article VI:     Conditions to The Reorganization

6.1      Conditions to Obligations of Each Party to Effect the Reorganization
6.2      Additional Conditions to Obligations of Lorilei
6.3      Additional Conditions to the Obligations of AmeriNet

Article VII:   Survival of Condition Subsequent, Representations and Warranties,
               Covenants and Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow

7.1      Survival of Condition Subsequent, Representations and Warranties &
7.2      Escrow Arrangements

Article VIII:   Termination, Amendment and Waiver

8.1      Termination
8.2      Effect of Termination
8.3      Amendment
8.4      Extension & Waiver

Article IX:     General Provisions

9.1      Interpretation
9.2      Notice
9.3      Merger of All Prior Agreements Herein
9.4      Survival
9.5      Severability
9.6      Governing Law
9.7      Indemnification
9.8      Dispute Resolution
9.9      Benefit of Agreement
9.10     Further Assurances
9.11     Counterparts
9.12     License


Schedule 1.4         Lorilei's Constituent Documents
Schedule 1.7(C)      Lorilei's Final Stockholder Data
Schedule 2           Exceptions to Lorilei's Representations & Warranties
Schedule 2.5(A)      Lorilei's Financial Statements
Schedule 2.10(A)(1)  Real Property
Schedule 2.10(C)     Equipment
Schedule 2.11        Intellectual Property
Schedule 2.12        Contracts, Agreements & Commitments
Schedule 2.14        Governmental Authorization
Schedule 2.15        Litigation
Schedule 2.20        List of Employees
Schedule 2.21        Insurance
Schedule 2.27        Employee Benefit Plans
Schedule 2.28        Distribution Agreements
Schedule 4.1         Exceptions to Prohibited Pre- Closing Actions
Schedule 5.7         Consents
Schedule 5.8         Affiliates
Schedule 5.12        List and Summary of Employment Agreements
Schedule 5.13-1      Detailed Three Year Projections
Schedule 5.13-2      Use of Proceeds


Exhibit 2.25      Regulation SB Disclosure Document
Exhibit 3.4       AmeriNet Draft Annual Report
Exhibit 5.8       Affiliate Agreements
Exhibit 5.12      Copies of Contracts, Agreements & Commitments
Exhibit 6.2(D)    AmeriNet Legal Opinion
Exhibit 6.3(E)    Lorilei Legal Opinion
Exhibit 6.3(K)    Confidentiality Agreements
Exhibit 7.2       Escrow Allocation Information

                                      Page 36

Reorganization Agreement

     This Reorganization Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by
and among AmeriNet,  Inc., a publicly held Delaware corporation with a
class of securities  registered  under Section 12(g) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  as amended  ("AmeriNet"  and the  "Exchange  Act,"  respectively);
Lorilei  Communications,  Inc.,  a Florida  corporation  ("Lorilei");  Gerald R.
Cunningham, a Florida resident ("Mr.  Cunningham");  and, Leigh A. Cunningham, a
Florida resident and Mr. Cunningham's spouse ("Mrs. Cunningham;" Mrs. Cunningham
being hereinafter  collectively referred to with Mr. Cunningham as either "Mr. &
Mrs.  Cunningham or as the "Former  Lorilei  Stockholders"  and generically as a
"Former  Lorilei  Stockholder");"  AmeriNet,  Lorilei  and  the  Former  Lorilei
Stockholders  being  sometimes  hereinafter  collectively  referred  to  as  the
"Parties" or generically as a "Party").


         WHEREAS,  the boards of directors of AmeriNet and Lorilei believe it is
in the best interests of each corporation and their respective stockholders that
Lorilei  become a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  AmeriNet  and,  in  furtherance
thereof, have approved the Reorganization; and

         WHEREAS,  pursuant to the terms of the  Reorganization,  as hereinafter
set forth, among other things, all of the outstanding and reserved securities of
Lorilei (the  "Lorilei's  Securities")  will be exchanged for between 90,839 and
1,145,037 shares of AmeriNet's common stock, $0.01 par value ("AmeriNet's common
stock"), depending on Lorilei's EBITDA during the fiscal period starting on July
1, 2000 and ending on June 30, 2003 and certain contingencies involving disputed
Lorilei accounts payable, as hereinafter described; and

         WHEREAS,  the Parties intend that AmeriNet invest up to $500,000 within
180 days after  completion  of the  Reorganization  and the  filing of  required
reports  with  the  United  States  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  (the
"Commission"); and

         WHEREAS,  Lorilei,  AmeriNet and the Former Lorilei Stockholders desire
to  make  certain   representations  and  warranties  and  other  agreements  in
connection with the Reorganization  and their subsequent  operating and business
relationships; and

         WHEREAS,  the Parties intend,  by executing this Agreement,  to adopt a
plan of  reorganization  within  the  meaning  of  Section  368(a)(1)(B)  of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"):

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  covenants,  promises  and
representations set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration,
the Parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:


                                    Article I

                             Plan of Reorganization

1.1      Definitions

         The following terms,  whether or not initially  capitalized,  will have
the meanings set forth below:

                                      Page 37

(A)  1999 10-KSB:   AmeriNet's  report on Commission  Form 10-KSB for the fiscal
                    year ended June 30, 1999.

(B)  Accredited Investor:

                    A  person  or  entity   that   meets  the  asset  or  income
                    requirements   for  treatment  as  an  accredited   investor
                    specified in Rule 501 of Commission Regulation D promulgated
                    under the Securities Act

(C)  Affiliate:     An entity or person that  controls,  is  controlled by or is
                    under common control with another person.

(D)  AmeriNet Financial Statements:

                    Financial  statements,  including all related  schedules and
                    the notes  thereto,  of  AmeriNet  included in the report on
                    Commission  Form 10-KSB for the period  ended June 30, 1999,
                    as amended;  the  reports on  Commission  Form 10-QSB  filed
                    subsequent to June 30, 1999 and the financial statements for
                    subsidiaries  subsequently  acquired by AmeriNet included in
                    current reports on Commission Form 8-K filed since the dates
                    of the Subsequent Quarterly Reports (the "Subsequent Current
                    Reports");  all such financial  statements being hereinafter
                    collectively  and  generically  referred to as the "AmeriNet
                    Financial Statements,"

(E)  AmeriNet Schedules:

                    The schedules referenced by the Section designations of this
                    Agreement as to which they apply,  annexed at the  direction
                    of AmeriNet to this  Agreement and  constituting  a material
                    component of this Agreement.

(F)  (1) Brashear Escrow:

                    The  special  escrow   arrangement   established  using  the
                    Brashear Escrow Shares.

     (2) Brashear Escrow Agent:

                    Mr.  Brashear and any  successors  in interest as the escrow
                    agent for the Brashear Escrow Shares.

     (3) Brashear Escrow Shares:

                    376,176 of the initial  572,519 shares of AmeriNet's  common
                    stock  issuable  to  Lorilei's  Stockholders  at the Closing
                    Bruce  Brashear,  Esquire,  as escrow  agent for the Parties
                    pending  determination  of certain  contingencies  involving
                    Lorilei  following  the  Closing,  as  provided  for in this

     (4) Mr. Brashear:

                    Bruce Brashear,  Esquire,  a Florida  attorney who serves as
                    legal  counsel  to the  Lorilei  Declarants  but who will be
                    acting as escrow agent for the Parties with reference to the
                    Brashear Escrow.

(G)  Capital Stock: The generic term used for equity securities, whether common,
                    preferred or otherwise.

(H)  Closing:       The  event  at  which  the  exchange  of all of the  Lorilei
                    securities  will be exchanged for the initial 572,519 shares
                    of AmeriNet's common stock.

(I)  Closing Date:  The date that the Closing takes place.

(J)  Commission:    The United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

                                      Page 38

(K)  Code:          The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

(L)  Commercial Software Rights:

                    Packaged commercially  available software programs generally
                    available to the public  through  retail dealers in computer
                    software  which have been licensed to end-user  licenses and
                    which are used in the licensee's  business but are in no way
                    a component  of or  incorporated  in any of its products and
                    related trademarks, technology and know-how.

(M)  EBITDA:        Earnings   before   interest,    taxes,   depreciation   and
                    amortization, determined in accordance with GAAP.

(N)  (1) Escrow Agents:

                    The persons or entities  acting as escrow agents pursuant to
                    the  terms  of this  Agreement,  including  Yankees  and Mr.

     (2) Escrow Funds:

                    The accounts  maintained by the Escrow Agents for the Escrow
                    Shares and related distributions.

(O)  (1) Escrow Shares:

                    The collective  term for all shares of AmeriNet common stock
                    held by the Escrow Agents in the Escrow Funds.

     (2) Escrow Terms:

                    The periods of time during which the Escrow  Agents hold the
                    Escrow Shares.

(P)  Exchange Act:  The Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

(Q)  Exchange Act Reports:

                    All reports filed by AmeriNet with the  Commission  pursuant
                    to the Exchange Act, including all exhibits filed therewith,
                    and the Draft Annual Report included as Exhibit 3.4.

(R)  Exchange  Agent:

                    The person or entity responsible  following the Closing, for
                    issuing  and  delivering  the  initial   572,519  shares  of
                    AmeriNet's  common stock to Lorilei's  Stockholders  and the
                    Escrow Agents.

(S)  Exchange Ratio:

                    The quotient obtained by dividing the initial 572,519 shares
                    of  AmeriNet's  common  stock by the 111 shares of Lorilei's
                    common stock.

(T)  GAAP:          Generally  accepted  accounting   principles,   consistently

(U)  Initial Funding Installment:

                    The sum of  $100,000  payable  to the  order of  Lorilei  in
                    satisfaction of AmeriNet's  commitment under Section 5.13(A)
                    (i) of this Agreement but to be expended  solely as provided
                    for in Schedule 5.13-2.

(V)  IRS:           The United States Internal Revenue Service.

(W)  Knowledge:     When used to qualify a representation or warranty,  the word
                    "knowledge"  or  any  derivations  or  variations   thereof,
                    whether in the form of a word or phrase, will mean knowledge
                    after reasonable  inquiry by a senior  executive  officer of
                    the legal entity on whose  behalf the  assertion is made and
                    will include  information that such legal entity should have
                    had in the exercise of reasonable diligence.

                                      Page 39

(X)  Lorilei Declarants:

                    Lorilei,   Mr.  Cunningham  and  Mrs.   Cunningham,   acting

(Y)  Lorilei's Financial Statements:

                    Lorilei's  unaudited  financial  statements (balance sheets,
                    income statements and related schedules and footnotes) as of
                    and for the  fiscal  year  ending  December  31,  1999,  the
                    calendar quarter ended March 31, 2000 and Lorilei's  balance
                    sheet as of the day  preceding  the date of this  Agreement,
                    all prepared in conformity with GAAP.

(Z)  Lorilei Schedules:

                    The schedules referenced by the Section designations of this
                    Agreement as to which they apply,  annexed at the  direction
                    of Lorilei to this  Agreement  and  constituting  a material
                    component of this Agreement.

(AA) Material:      When used to qualify a representation or warranty,  the word
                    "material" or any derivations or variations thereof, whether
                    in the form of a word or phrase,  will mean a variance  that
                    could have  negatively  affected a decision by a  reasonably
                    prudent person to engage in the transactions contemplated by
                    this Agreement, and will be measured both on the occasion in
                    which  such term is  referenced  as well as on an  aggregate
                    basis with other similar matters.

(BB) NASD:          The National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc., a
                    Delaware   corporation  and  self  regulatory   organization
                    registered with the Commission.

(CC) OTC Bulletin Board:

                    The over the counter  electronic  securities market operated
                    by the NASD.

(DD) Performance  Shares:

                    Up to 572,518 shares of AmeriNet's common stock to be issued
                    to  Lorilei's  Stockholders  in  the  future,  based  on the
                    performance of Lorilei during the period starting on July 1,
                    2000 and ending on June 30, 2003.

(EE) Projections:   The detailed  projections  of Lorilei's  income and expenses
                    during the fiscal period starting on July 1, 2000 and ending
                    on  June  30,  2003  included  as  Schedule  5.13-1  to this

(FF) Securities Act: The Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

(GG) Subsequent Current Reports:

                    AmeriNet's  reports on  Commission  Form 8-K filed after the
                    Subsequent  Quarterly  Reports but prior to the date of this

(HH) Subsequent Exchange Act Reports:

                    AmeriNet's  reports  filed with the  Commission  pursuant to
                    requirements  of the  Exchange  Act  prior  to the  date  of
                    Closing on this Agreement.

(II) Subsequent Quarterly Reports:

                    AmeriNet's   reports  on  Commission  Form  10-QSB  for  the
                    quarterly  periods  following the 1999 10-KSB filed prior to
                    the date of this Agreement.

(JJ) Substantial Compliance:

                    Compliance  which the Party  for whose  benefit  or at whose
                    request  an act is  performed,  or for whose  benefit  or at
                    whose  request  an act is  refrained  from  could  under the
                    circumstances  be  reasonably  expected  to  accept  as full

                                      Page  40

(KK) Tax:           For  the   purposes   of  this   Agreement,   a  "Tax"   or,
                    collectively,  "Taxes,"  means any and all  federal,  state,
                    local and foreign taxes,  assessments and other governmental
                    charges,  duties,  impositions  and  liabilities,  including
                    taxes  based upon or  measured  by gross  receipts,  income,
                    profits,  sales,  use and  occupation,  and value added,  ad
                    valorem,   transfer,   franchise,    withholding,   payroll,
                    recapture,  employment,  excise and property taxes, together
                    with all  interest,  penalties  and  additions  imposed with
                    respect  to such  amounts  and  any  obligations  under  any
                    agreements  or  arrangements  with  any  other  person  with
                    respect to such amounts.

(LL) Ten-Day Average:

                    Price: The average closing  transaction  price of a share of
                    AmeriNet's  publicly  traded  common  stock for the ten most
                    recent days that  AmeriNet's  common stock has traded ending
                    on the  trading  day  prior  to the  date  in  question,  as
                    reported on the OTC Bulletin Board.

(MM) Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Number:

                    The 114,504 shares of AmeriNet's common stock held in escrow
                    as a means of  generating  funds that may be required to pay
                    for  undisclosed  liabilities of Lorilei or to rectify other
                    violations of Lorilei's obligations under this Agreement.

(NN) Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Agent:

                    The Yankee Companies,  Inc., a Florida corporation,  or such
                    other  person  designated  for such role by  AmeriNet  (also
                    sometimes  referred  to in  roles  other  than as an  escrow
                    agent, as "Yankees").

(OO)      Additional  defined  terms  are  specified  in  certain  sections  and
     subsections  below  and  are  characterized  by the use of  initial  letter

1.2      Reorganization

(A)  The Reorganization.

     (1)  At the Closing on this  Agreement  all of the  Lorilei's  Stockholders
          will exchange all of their Lorilei  securities,  being an aggregate of
          111  shares of common  stock,  $0.01 par value  (the  remaining  1,889
          shares being unreserved treasury or authorized but heretofore unissued
          shares of common  stock),  for up to  1,145,037  shares of  AmeriNet's
          common stock, as called for by this Agreement.

     (2)  The initial  572,519 shares of AmeriNet's  common stock will be issued
          by the Exchange Agent following the Closing and will be distributed as

          (a)  376,176  shares will be issued to Bruce  Brashear,  Esquire  (who
               serves as legal counsel to the Lorilei Declarants but who will be
               acting as escrow agent for the Parties as to this matter),  to be
               released as follows:

               1.   As soon  after June 30,  2001,  as  Lorilei's  EBITDA can be
                    definitively   determined  based  on  the  annual  audit  of
                    AmeriNet, 286,260 of the shares will be transferred to:

                    A.  Mr. & Mrs. Cunningham, as tenants  by the  entirety,  if
                        Lorilei's EBITDA for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2001
                        is at least $250,000; or

                                      Page 41

                    B.   To AmeriNet  if Lorilei's EBITDA for  the  fiscal  year
                         ended June 30, 2001 is less than $250,000.

               2.   At such time as a final,  legally binding  determination  is
                    made as to the amount,  if any, payable to HGTV based on the
                    liability currently being challenged by Lorilei,  then a pro
                    rata portion of the  remaining  80,916  shares being held in
                    escrow by Mr.  Brashear  shall be  transferred to Mr. & Mrs.
                    Cunningham,  as tenants by the  entirety,  representing  the
                    portion of such  liability  that was not payable  (e.g.,  if
                    only 50% of the  liability  was payable,  then 40,458 shares
                    would be  transferred  to Mr. & Mrs.  Cunningham),  with the
                    balance, if any, transferred to AmeriNet.

          (b)  114,504  of the shares  will be issued to The  Yankee  Companies,
               Inc. (a Florida  corporation that serves as AmeriNet's  strategic
               consultant and which, unless replaced by AmeriNet, is expected to
               serve as the Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow Agent),  to be used
               from time to time to discharge undisclosed liabilities of Lorilei
               or other violations of its obligations  under this Agreement,  as
               described in Article Seven, with the balance, if any, transferred
               to Mr. & Mrs.  Cunningham,  as tenants by the  entirety,  at such
               time as  AmeriNet's  audited  financial  statements  for the year
               ended June 30, 2001 are filed with the Commission.

          (c)  90,839 of the shares will be issued to Mr. & Mrs. Cunningham,  as
               tenants by the entirety (Lorilei's Stockholders, in proportion to
               their holdings of Lorilei common stock  immediately  prior to the

     (3)  (a)  In addition to the initial  572,519  shares of AmeriNet's  common
               stock, 572,518 shares of AmeriNet's common stock, $0.01 par value
               (the "Performance Shares") will be reserved by the Exchange Agent
               following  the  Closing,  to be  issued  to  the  Former  Lorilei
               Stockholders, on the following terms and subject to the following

               (i)  If Lorilei  attains EBITDA of at least  $500,000  during the
                    period starting on July 1, 2000 and ending on June 30, 2001,
                    then Lorilei's  Stockholders  will be issued an aggregate of
                    114,504 of the Performance Shares;

               (ii) If Lorilei attains EBITDA of at least $1,400,000  during the
                    period starting on July 1, 2001 and ending on June 30, 2002,
                    then Lorilei's  Stockholders  will be issued an aggregate of
                    305,343 of the  Performance  Shares  (including  the 114,504
                    that  either  were or could have been  earned as of June 30,

              (iii) If Lorilei attains EBITDA of at least $2,900,000  during the
                    period starting on July 1, 2002 and ending on June 30, 2003,
                    then  Lorilei's  Stockholders  will be issued all 572,518 of
                    the  Performance  Shares  (including the 305,343 that either
                    were  or  could  have  been  earned  as of June  30,  2002);
                    however,  all  rights to any of the  Performance  Shares not
                    earned as of such date will thereupon expire.

          (b)  The  Performance  Shares will be  allocated  among the  Lorilei's
               Stockholder's,  pro rata,  based on their  ownership of Lorilei's
               common stock immediately  preceding the Closing, will be reserved
               for future issuance immediately following the Closing and will be
               issued within 30 days after  completion  and filing of AmeriNet's
               audit for the subject  fiscal year  confirming  the  calculations
               called for, with the Commission.

                                      Page 42

(B)      As  promptly as  practicable  after the  satisfaction  or waiver of the
         conditions  set  forth in  Article  VI,  the  Parties  will  cause  the
         Reorganization  to be  consummated  by  effecting  the  exchange all of
         Lorilei's  common stock for the initial  572,519  shares of  AmeriNet's
         common stock.

(C)      The Closing  Date and time of the  Reorganization  will be the date and
         time  on  which  the  Closing  of  this  Reorganization   Agreement  is

(D)      (1)   At  the   Closing   the  Parties   will   exchange   all  closing
               documentation, certificates, resolutions, exhibits, schedules and
               opinions called for by this Agreement, and

                  (a)      All  stockholders of Lorilei will have repaid Lorilei
                           all debts theretofore owed by them to Lorilei (either
                           in the form of loans to  stockholders  or advances to
                           employees, consultants or independent contractors);

                  (b)      All of Lorilei's outstanding securities (being solely
                           111 shares of its  common  stock)  will be  exchanged
                           with AmeriNet for 572,519 shares of AmeriNet's common
                           stock; provided that delivery of the certificates for
                           the initial 572,519 shares of AmeriNet's common stock
                           will be made directly to Lorilei's  Stockholders  and
                           the Escrow Agents by AmeriNet's  stock transfer agent
                           after the Closing; and

                  (c)      AmeriNet  will  arrange to wire the  Initial  Funding
                           Installment  to Lorilei's  account at AmSouth Bank in
                           Ocala, Florida; provided that, if Closing takes place
                           after normal banking hours, the wire will be arranged
                           at the opening of business on the following  business

1.3      Effect of the Reorganization.

         At the Closing, the effect of the Reorganization will be that Lorilei's
will become a wholly owned  subsidiary of AmeriNet and that the  stockholders of
Lorilei immediately prior to the Closing will become stockholders of AmeriNet at
the Closing,  with no further rights,  title or interest in Lorilei,  other than
indirectly as stockholders of AmeriNet.

1.4      Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws.

         Unless otherwise  determined by AmeriNet prior to the Closing Date, the
articles of incorporation  and bylaws of Lorilei will be amended to conform with
those included in Schedule 1.4.

1.5      Directors and Officers.

         Subject  to the  requirements  of Section  5.14(A),  the  directors  of
Lorilei will continue in office  following  the Closing  until their  respective
successors are duly elected or appointed and qualified,  in accordance  with the
requirements of this Agreement.

1.6      Maximum Shares to Be Issued & Effect on Capital Stock.

(A)      The  number  of  shares  of  AmeriNet's  common  stock to be  issued in
         exchange  for  all of the  Lorilei  Capital  Stock  (the  only  Lorilei
         securities to be  outstanding or reserved at the Closing) will be up to
         1,145,037,  572,519  of which  will be  issued  by the  Exchange  Agent
         following  the  Closing,  and up to  572,518  additional  shares may be
         issued subject to Lorilei's  EBITDA during the period  starting on July
         1, 2000 and ending on June 30, 2003 (as hereinbefore established).

                                      Page 43

(B)      Adjustments to Exchange Ratio.

         The Exchange  Ratio (as provided in the  foregoing  paragraph)  will be
         adjusted to reflect fully the effect of any stock split, reverse split,
         stock dividend  (including any dividend or  distribution  of securities
         convertible  into AmeriNet's  common stock or Lorilei's  common stock),
         reorganization,  recapitalization  or other like change with respect to
         AmeriNet's  common stock or Lorilei's  common stock occurring after the
         date hereof and prior to the Closing.

(C)      Fractional Shares.

         No fraction of a share of AmeriNet's  common stock will be issued,  but
         in lieu  thereof  each holder of shares of  Lorilei's  common stock who
         will  otherwise  be  entitled  to a fraction  of a share of  AmeriNet's
         common stock (after  aggregating  all  fractional  shares of AmeriNet's
         common stock to be received by such holder) will be entitled to receive
         from AmeriNet a whole share of AmeriNet's common stock.

1.7      Exchange of Certificates.

(A)      Exchange Agent.

         Unless modified by AmeriNet prior to the Closing Date, Liberty Transfer
         Co., Inc., of Huntington, New York, AmeriNet's current  transfer agent,
         will serve as the Exchange Agent.

(B)      AmeriNet to Provide Common Stock.

         Promptly  after  the  Closing,  AmeriNet  will  make  available  to the
         Exchange  Agent for  exchange  in  accordance  with this  Article I the
         shares of AmeriNet's  common stock issuable  pursuant to Section 1.6 in
         exchange for all of the outstanding shares of Lorilei's common stock.

(C)      Exchange Procedures.

         (1)      All  certificates for shares of Lorilei's  outstanding  common
                  stock  will be  tendered  to  AmeriNet  at the  Closing,  with
                  medallion signature guarantees or otherwise in proper form for
                  immediate  transfer  to  the  order  of  AmeriNet,   whereupon
                  AmeriNet  will issue  instructions  to the  Exchange  Agent to
                  issue shares of AmeriNet's common stock, in the quantities and
                  names set forth in Schedule 1.7(C), subject to Brashear Escrow
                  and the Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow requirements of Article

         (2)     (a)       As  soon  as  practicable  after  the   Closing,  and
                           subject to and in accordance  with the  provisions of
                           Article  VII  hereof,   AmeriNet  will  cause  to  be
                           distributed  to the  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow
                           Agent a certificate or certificates representing that
                           number of shares of AmeriNet's  common stock equal to
                           the Undisclosed  Liabilities Escrow Number which will
                           be  registered   in  the  name  of  the   Undisclosed
                           Liabilities Escrow Agent.

                  (b)      The shares  registered in the name of the Undisclosed
                           Liabilities  Escrow Agent will be beneficially  owned
                           by the  holders  on whose  behalf  such  shares  were
                           deposited in the Undisclosed  Liabilities Escrow Fund
                           but will be  available  to  compensate  AmeriNet  for
                           certain damages as provided in Article VII.

         (3)      (a)      As  soon  as   practicable  after  the  Closing,  and
                           subject to and in accordance  with the  provisions of
                           Section 1.2(A)(2)(a)  hereof,  AmeriNet will cause to
                           be  distributed  to  the  Brashear   Escrow  Agent  a
                           certificate or certificates  representing that number
                           of shares of  AmeriNet's  common  stock  equal to the
                           Brashear  Escrow  Number which will be  registered in
                           the name of the Brashear Escrow Agent.

                                      Page 44

                  (b)      The  shares  registered  in the name of the  Brashear
                           Escrow  Agent  will  be  beneficially  owned  by  the
                           holders on whose behalf such shares were deposited in
                           the  Brashear  Escrow but will be  available  for the
                           purposes described in Section 1.2(A)(2)(a).

(D)      Transfers of Ownership.

         If any  certificate  for  shares of  AmeriNet's  common  stock is to be
         issued in a name other than that in which the  certificate  surrendered
         in exchange  therefor  is  registered,  it will be a  condition  of the
         issuance  thereof that the certificate so surrendered  will be properly
         endorsed and  otherwise in proper form for transfer and that the person
         requesting  such  exchange  will  have  paid to  AmeriNet  or any agent
         designated by it any transfer or other Taxes  required by reason of the
         issuance of a certificate for shares of AmeriNet's  common stock in any
         name  other  than  that of the  registered  holder  of the  certificate
         surrendered,  or established to the  satisfaction  of AmeriNet,  or any
         agent designated by it, that such Tax has been paid or is not payable.

(E)      No Liability.

         Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary in this Section 1.7,  neither
         the Escrow Agents, the Exchange Agent,  AmeriNet,  Lorilei or any other
         person will be liable to a holder of shares of AmeriNet's  common stock
         or Lorilei's  Capital  Stock for any amount  properly  paid to a public
         official  pursuant to any  applicable  abandoned  property,  escheat or
         similar law.

1.8      No Further Ownership Rights in Lorilei's Securities.

(A)      All shares of  AmeriNet's  common stock issued upon the  surrender  for
         exchange of shares of  Lorilei's  common stock in  accordance  with the
         terms hereof will be deemed to have been issued in full satisfaction of
         all rights  pertaining to such shares of Lorilei's  common  stock,  and
         there will be no further  registration  of  transfers on the records of
         Lorilei,  of shares of Lorilei's  Capital Stock which were  outstanding
         immediately prior to the Closing.

(B)      If, after the Closing,  Certificates are presented to Lorilei,  for any
         reason, they will be canceled and exchanged as provided in this Article

1.9      Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Certificates.

         In the event any  certificates  evidencing  shares of Lorilei's  common
         stock  will have been lost,  stolen or  destroyed,  Lorilei's  transfer
         agent or share  registrar  will,  prior to the Closing,  have issued in
         exchange  for such lost,  stolen or  destroyed  certificates,  upon the
         making of an affidavit of that fact by the holder thereof,  such shares
         of its common stock as may have been required  pursuant to Section 1.6;
         provided,  however,  that  AmeriNet  may,  in its  discretion  and as a
         condition  precedent to the issuance of the shares of AmeriNet's common
         stock to be exchanged therefor,  require the owner of such lost, stolen
         or  destroyed  certificates  to  deliver  a bond in such  sum as it may
         reasonably  direct as  indemnity  against  any  claim  that may be made
         against AmeriNet or the Exchange Agent with respect to the certificates
         alleged to have been lost, stolen or destroyed.

1.10     Tax Consequences and Accounting Treatment.

(A)      It is intended by the Parties that the Reorganization will constitute a
         reorganization  within the meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(B) of the Code
         and  the  Parties  agree  that if  modification  of the  terms  of this
         Agreement  in a  non-material  manner to attain such  qualification  is
         necessary,  they will  negotiate  in good  faith to make such  required

                                      Page 45

(B)      The Parties  understand that because of the inclusion of  contingencies
         in determining the quantity of AmeriNet's  common stock being exchanged
         for Lorilei's  common  stock,  the  reorganization  may not qualify for
         accounting as a pooling of interests  but rather,  may be accounted for
         under the purchase method.

1.11     Taking of Necessary Action: Further Action.

         If, at any time after the Closing,  any further  action is necessary or
         desirable  to  carry  out the  purposes  of this  Agreement  including,
         without  limitation  the vesting in  AmeriNet of full right,  title and
         possession to all of Lorilei's  Capital  Stock or  compliance  with the
         requirements of Code Section  368(a)(1)(B);  the officers and directors
         of  AmeriNet  and  Lorilei  are fully  authorized  in the name of their
         respective corporations or otherwise to take, and will take, all lawful
         and necessary action.

                                   Article II
                    Representations and Warranties of Lorilei

         The Lorilei  Declarants hereby represent and warrant to AmeriNet,  as a
material  inducement  to its entry  into  this  Agreement,  subject  only to the
exceptions specifically disclosed in Schedule 2, as follows:

2.1      Organization of Lorilei.

(A)      Lorilei is a corporation  duly organized,  validly existing and in good
         standing under the laws of the State of Florida.

(B)      Lorilei has the corporate power to own its property and to carry on its
         business as now being  conducted  and as proposed  to be  conducted  by

(C)      Lorilei is duly  qualified  to do  business  and in good  standing as a
         foreign  corporation in each jurisdiction in which the failure to be so
         qualified would have a material adverse effect on the business,  assets
         (including  intangible  assets),  financial  condition,  or  results of
         operations of Lorilei.

(D)      Lorilei  has  delivered  a true and  correct  copy of its  articles  of
         incorporation  and bylaws (or similar governing  instruments),  each as
         amended to date, to counsel for AmeriNet.

2.2      Lorilei's Capital Structure.

(A)      The  authorized  Capital  Stock  of Lorilei consists of 2,000 shares of
         common stock, $0.01 par value;

(B)      There are 111 shares of Lorilei  common stock  issued and  outstanding,
         held by the persons, and in the amounts, set forth on Schedule 1.7(C).

(C)      All  outstanding  shares of Lorilei  common stock are duly  authorized,
         validly  issued,  fully  paid  and  nonassessable  and not  subject  to
         preemptive rights created by statute,  the articles of incorporation or
         bylaws of Lorilei or any  agreement  to which  Lorilei is a party or is

(D)      Lorilei has no other  outstanding  or securities  reserved for issuance
         for  any  purpose,   there  being  no  other  obligations  directly  or
         indirectly  obligating  Lorilei to issue any of its  securities  to any
         person for any purpose,  there are no other options,  warrants,  calls,
         rights,  commitments or agreements of any character to which Lorilei is
         a party or by which it is bound obligating  Lorilei to issue,  deliver,
         sell,  repurchase or redeem,  or cause to be issued,  delivered,  sold,
         repurchased  or redeemed,  any shares of the Lorilei  Capital  Stock or
         obligating  Lorilei  to grant,  extend or enter  into any such  option,
         warrant, call, right, commitment or agreement.

                                      Page 46

2.3      Subsidiaries.

         Lorilei  has no  subsidiaries  or  affiliated  companies  and  does not
         otherwise  own any  shares of stock or any  interest  in,  or  control,
         directly   or   indirectly,   any   other   corporation,   partnership,
         association, joint venture or business entity.

2.4      Authority.

(A)      Lorilei has all requisite  corporate  power and authority to enter into
         this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

(B)      The execution and delivery of this  Agreement and the  consummation  of
         the transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized by all
         necessary corporate action on the part of Lorilei.

(C)      This  Agreement  has been duly  executed and  delivered by Lorilei and,
         subject to the proper  authorization  of this  Agreement by  AmeriNet's
         board of directors  and its due  execution  and delivery by AmeriNet to
         Lorilei, constitutes the valid and binding obligation of Lorilei.

(D)      The execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by Lorilei does not, and
         the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby will not,
         conflict with, or result in any violation of, or default under (with or
         without  notice or lapse of time, or both),  or give rise to a right of
         termination,  cancellation or acceleration of any obligation or loss of
         a  material  benefit  under  (i)  any  provision  of  the  articles  of
         incorporation  or  bylaws of  Lorilei  or (ii) any  material  mortgage,
         indenture,  lease,  contract or other agreement or instrument,  permit,
         concession,  franchise, license, judgment, order, decree, statute, law,
         ordinance,  rule or regulation  applicable to Lorilei or its properties
         or assets.

(E)      No  consent,  approval,  order or  authorization  of, or  registration,
         declaration  or  filing  with,  any  court,  administrative  agency  or
         commission   or  other   governmental   authority  or   instrumentality
         ("Governmental  Entity"),  is required by or with respect to Lorilei in
         connection  with the  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement or the
         consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby,  except for such
         consents,    approvals,    orders,    authorizations,    registrations,
         declarations  and filings as may be required under applicable state and
         federal securities laws (e.g.,  notification on Form D) and the laws of
         any foreign country.

2.5      Lorilei's Financial Statements.

(A)      Schedule 2.5(A) includes Lorilei's Financial Statements.

(B)      Lorilei's Financial Statements are complete and correct in all material
         respects  and have been  prepared in  accordance  GAAP  throughout  the
         periods indicated.

(C)      Lorilei's  Financial  Statements present fairly the financial condition
         and operating results of Lorilei as of the dates and during the periods
         indicated therein, subject to normal year-end audit adjustments,  which
         will not be material in the aggregate.

(D)      The unaudited  balance sheet of Lorilei as of the day prior to the date
         of this  Agreement is  hereinafter  referred to as  "Lorilei's  Balance

(E)      Lorilei's  financial  statements can and will be audited,  at Lorilei's
         expense,  as  required  to comply with the  requirements  for  material
         acquisitions under Commission Regulation S-B and in a manner permitting
         AmeriNet to comply with its obligation under the Securities Act and the
         Exchange Act in conjunction therewith.

                                      Page 47

2.6      No Undisclosed Liabilities.

         Lorilei does not have any material  liabilities or obligations,  either
accrued or  contingent  (whether or not  required to be  reflected  in financial
statements in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles),  and
whether due or to become due, which  individually or in the aggregate,  (i) have
not been reflected in the Lorilei Balance Sheet (including the notes thereto) or
(ii) have not been  specifically  described in this  Agreement or in the Lorilei

2.7      No Changes.

         Since the date of Lorilei's  Financial  Statements  there has not been,
occurred or arisen any:

(A)      Transaction by Lorilei except in the  ordinary  course  of  business as
         conducted on that date;

(B)      Capital expenditure by Lorilei, either individually or in the aggregate
         exceeding $5,000;

(C)      Destruction,  damage  to,  or loss  of any  assets  (including  without
         limitation  intangible  assets) of Lorilei  (whether  or not covered by
         insurance), either individually or in the aggregate, exceeding $5,000;

(D)      Labor  trouble  or  claim  of  wrongful discharge, sexual harassment or
         other unlawful labor practice or action;

(E)      Change in  accounting  methods or  practices  (including  any change in
         depreciation or amortization  policies or rates, any change in policies
         in making or reversing  accruals,  or any change in  capitalization  of
         software development costs) by Lorilei;

(F)      Declaration,   setting  aside,  or  payment  of  a  dividend  or  other
         distribution  in  respect to the  shares of  Lorilei,  or any direct or
         indirect redemption, purchase or other acquisition by Lorilei of any of
         its shares;

(G)      Increase  in the  salary  or other  compensation  payable  or to become
         payable by Lorilei to any of its officers,  directors or employees,  or
         the declaration,  payment,  or commitment or obligation of any kind for
         the  payment,  by  Lorilei,  of a bonus or other  additional  salary or
         compensation to any such person;

(H)      Acquisition, sale or transfer of any asset of  Lorilei  except  in  the
         ordinary course of business;

(I)      Formation,  amendment or termination of any  distribution  agreement or
         any  material  contract,  agreement  or license  to which  Lorilei is a
         party, other than termination by Lorilei pursuant to the terms thereof;

(J)      Loan by Lorilei to any person or entity,  or guaranty by Lorilei of any
         loan except for expense  advances  in the  ordinary  course of business
         consistent with past practice;

(K)      Waiver or release of any material right or claim of Lorilei,  including
         any write-off or other compromise of any material account receivable of

(L)      The notice or,  to  Lorilei's  Knowledge,  commencement  or  threat  of
         commencement of any governmental proceeding against or investigation of
         Lorilei or its affairs;

(M)      Other  event  or  condition  of any  character  that has or  would,  in
         Lorilei's reasonable  judgment,  be expected to have a Material Adverse
         Effect on Lorilei;

(N)      Issuance,  sale or redemption by Lorilei of any of its shares or of any
         other of its securities  other than issuances of shares of common stock
         pursuant to outstanding Options and Warrants;

                                      Page 48

(O)      Change in pricing  or  royalties  set or charged by Lorilei  except for
         discounts  extended in the ordinary course of business  consistent with
         past practice;

(P)      Any event that if occurring or  undertaken  during the interim  between
         the execution of this Agreement and its Closing or earlier termination,
         would have required disclosure to AmeriNet pursuant to Section 4.1; or

(Q)      Negotiation  or agreement by Lorilei to do any of the things  described
         in the preceding  clauses (A) through (Q) (other than negotiations with
         AmeriNet   and   its   representatives   regarding   the   transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement).

2.8      Tax and Other Returns and Reports.

(A)      Tax Returns and Audits.

         (1)      Lorilei has accurately  prepared and timely filed all required
                  federal,   state,   local  and  foreign  returns,   estimates,
                  information statements and reports ("Returns") relating to any
                  and all Taxes  relating  or  attributable  to  Lorilei  or its

         (2)      The Returns are true and correct in all material  respects and
                  have been completed in accordance  with  applicable law in all
                  material respects.

         (3)      Lorilei  has timely  paid all Taxes  required  to be paid with
                  respect to such Returns and has  withheld  with respect to its
                  employees all federal and state income Taxes,  FICA,  FUTA and
                  other Taxes it is required to withhold.

         (4)      The accruals for Taxes on the books and records of Lorilei are
                  sufficient  to  discharge  the Taxes for all  periods  (or the
                  portion of any period) ending on or prior to the Closing Date.

         (5)      Lorilei has not been  delinquent in the payment of any Tax nor
                  is there any Tax deficiency outstanding,  proposed or assessed
                  against  Lorilei,  nor has Lorilei  executed any waiver of any
                  statute  of  limitations  on or  extending  the period for the
                  assessment or collection of any Tax.

         (6)      (a)      No  audit  or  other  examination  of  any  Return of
                           Lorilei is presently in progress.

                  (b)      Lorilei  does  not have any  liabilities  for  unpaid
                           federal,  state,  local and  foreign  Taxes,  whether
                           asserted or unasserted,  known or unknown, contingent
                           or  otherwise  and  Lorilei has no  Knowledge  of any
                           basis  for  the  assertion  of  any  such   liability
                           attributable to Lorilei,  or their respective  assets
                           or operations.

                  (c)      Lorilei  is not (nor has it ever  been)  required  to
                           join  with  any  other  entity  in  the  filing  of a
                           consolidated Tax return for federal Tax purposes or a
                           consolidated  or combined  return or report for state
                           Tax purposes.

         (7)      Lorilei is not a party to or bound  by any Tax  indemnity, Tax
                  sharing or Tax allocation agreement.

         (8)      Lorilei has provided,  or made  available,  to AmeriNet or its
                  legal  counsel  copies of all  federal,  provincial  and state
                  income and all sales and use Tax  Returns  of Lorilei  for all
                  periods since its date incorporation.

         (9)      There are (and as of  immediately  following  the Closing Date
                  there will be) no liens on the assets of Lorilei  relating  to
                  or attributable to Taxes.

                                      Page 49

         (10)     Lorilei has no Knowledge of any basis for the assertion of any
                  Tax claim  which,  if  adversely  determined,  would result in
                  liens on the assets of Lorilei.

         (11)     Lorilei  has no  property  which is being  sold,  conveyed  or
                  transferred  pursuant to this Agreement  which in the hands of
                  AmeriNet would be treated as being owned by persons other than
                  AmeriNet pursuant to Section 168(f)(8) of the Internal Revenue
                  Code of 1954 as in effect  immediately  prior to the enactment
                  of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, or any analogous  provisions of
                  any state law.

         (12)     None of the assets of Lorilei are treated  as  "Tax-exempt use
                  property" within the meaning of Section 168(h) of the Code.

         (13)     There  is  no  contract,   agreement,   plan  or  arrangement,
                  including but not limited to the provisions of this Agreement,
                  covering  any  employee or former  employee  of Lorilei  that,
                  individually or  collectively,  could give rise to the payment
                  of any  amount  that  would  not  be  deductible  pursuant  to
                  Sections 280G, 162 or 404 of the Code.

(B)      No Penalty.

         Lorilei is not subject to any  penalty by reason of a violation  of any
         order,  rule or regulation of, or a default with respect to any return,
         report or  declaration  required  to be filed  with,  any  Governmental
         Entity  to  which  it  is  subject,   which   violations  or  defaults,
         individually or in the aggregate,  would have a material adverse effect
         on Lorilei.

2.9      Restrictions on Business Activities.

         There is no agreement,  judgment,  injunction,  order or decree binding
upon  Lorilei  which has or could  reasonably  be expected to have the effect of
materially prohibiting or materially impairing any business practice of Lorilei,
any  acquisition of property by Lorilei or the conduct of business by Lorilei as
currently conducted or as currently proposed to be conducted.

2.10     Title of Properties, Absence  of Liens and Encumbrances &  Condition of

(A)      (1)      Schedule  2.10(A)(1)  sets  forth  a true and complete list of
                  all  real  property  owned  and  leased  by  Lorilei  and  the
                  aggregate  annual  mortgage,   rental  or  other  fee  payable
                  therefor or under any such lease.

         (2)      All real  property  owned  by  Lorilei  is held in fee  simple
                  absolute,   and  is   subject   to  no  liens,   encumbrances,
                  assessments,  obligations  running  with  the  land,  charges,
                  pledges,  security  interests or other impediments to transfer
                  of title by full warrant deed without  exceptions  of any kind
                  or nature whatsoever.

         (3)      All deeds, titles,  leases and mortgages are in good standing,
                  valid and effective in accordance with their respective terms,
                  and there is not with  respect  to  Lorilei  under any of such
                  deeds,  titles,  leases or mortgages,  any existing default or
                  event of default (or event which with notice or lapse of time,
                  or both,  would  constitute  a default and in respect of which
                  Lorilei has not taken  adequate  steps to prevent such default
                  from occurring),  except where the lack of such good standing,
                  validity and effectiveness or the existence of such default or
                  event of default would not have a material  adverse  effect on

(B)      Lorilei  holds  good and  valid  title  to,  or,  in the case of leased
         properties  and  assets,  valid  leasehold  interests  in,  all  of its
         tangible  properties and assets,  real, personal and mixed, used in its
         business,  free and  clear of any  liens,  charges,  pledges,  security
         interests  or other  encumbrances,  except as  reflected  in  Lorilei's
         Financial  Statements  and except for such  imperfections  of title and
         encumbrances, if any, which are not substantial in character,

                                      Page 50

         amount or extent,  and which do not materially  detract from the value,
         or interfere with the present use, of the property  subject  thereto or
         affected thereby.

(C)      (1)      The  equipment  owned  or  leased  by  Lorilei  is  listed  in
                  Schedule 2.10(C) (the  "Equipment"),  except individual pieces
                  of equipment owned by Lorilei with an individual value of less
                  than $100.

         (2)      The Equipment is, taken as a whole:

                  (a)  Adequate for the  conduct  of  the  business  of  Lorilei
                       consistent with its past practice;

                  (b)  Suitable for the uses to which it is currently employed;

                  (c)  In good operating condition;

                  (d)  Regularly  and  properly  maintained, reasonable wear and
                       tear excepted; and

                  (e)  Not   obsolete,   dangerous  or  in  need  of  renewal or
                       replacement,  except  for  renewal or  replacement in the
                       ordinary course of business.

2.11     Intellectual Property.

(A)      (1)      Lorilei owns, or is  licensed to use, all patents, trademarks,
                  trade names, service  marks,  copyrights, and any applications
                  therefor, maskworks, net  lists, schematics, technology, know-
                  how,  computer software  programs or applications and tangible
                  or intangible  proprietary information  or material (excluding
                  Commercial Software Rights as defined in paragraph  [B] below)
                  that are used or currently proposed to be used in the business
                  of Lorilei as currently conducted or as currently proposed  to
                  be conducted ("Lorilei's Intellectual Property Rights").

         (2)      Schedule  2.11  sets  forth a  complete  list of all  patents,
                  trademarks,  registered and material unregistered  copyrights,
                  trade names and service marks, and any applications  therefor,
                  included  in  Lorilei   Intellectual   Property  Rights,   and
                  specifies  the  jurisdictions  in which  each  such  Lorilei's
                  Intellectual  Property  Right has been issued or registered or
                  in which an application for such issuance and registration has
                  been  filed,   including  the   respective   registration   or
                  application  numbers and the names of all  registered  owners,
                  together  with a list of all of Lorilei's  currently  marketed
                  software  products and an indication  as to which,  if any, of
                  such  software  products  have been  registered  for patent or
                  copyright  protection with the United States Office of Patents
                  and Trademarks or the United States  Copyright  Office and any
                  foreign offices and by whom such items have been registered.

         (3)      (a)      Schedule 2.11 also sets forth a complete  list of (i)
                           any requests Lorilei  has  received to  make any such
                           registration, including the identity of the requestor
                           and the item requested  to be so registered, and  the
                           jurisdiction for which such request has been made and
                           (ii) all licenses,  sublicenses and other  agreements
                           as to which Lorilei is  a party and pursuant to which
                           Lorilei or any other person is authorized  to use any
                           Lorilei's Intellectual Property Right or  other trade
                           secret material to Lorilei, and includes the identity
                           of  all  parties thereto, a description of the nature
                           and subject  matter  thereof, the  applicable royalty
                           and the term thereof.

                  (b)      Lorilei  is not,  nor will it be as a  result  of the
                           execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  or the
                           performance   of  its   obligations   hereunder,   in
                           violation  of any  license,  sublicense  or agreement
                           described on such list.

                                      Page 51

         (4)      Lorilei is the sole and  exclusive  owner or licensee of, with
                  all right, title and interest in and to (free and clear of any
                  liens or encumbrances),  Lorilei Intellectual Property Rights,
                  and has sole and  exclusive  rights (and is not  contractually
                  obligated  to pay  any  compensation  to any  third  party  in
                  respect  thereof) to the use thereof or the  material  covered
                  thereby in connection with the services or products in respect
                  of which Lorilei Intellectual Property Rights are being used.

         (5)      To the Knowledge of Lorilei, no claims with respect to Lorilei
                  Intellectual   Property  Rights  have  been  asserted  or  are
                  threatened by any person, nor, to the Knowledge of Lorilei, is
                  there any valid  grounds  for any bona fide  claims (i) to the
                  effect that the  manufacture,  sale,  licensing  or use of any
                  product as now used,  sold or licensed  or  proposed  for use,
                  sale or license by Lorilei infringes on any copyright, patent,
                  trade mark, service mark or trade secret, (ii) against the use
                  by Lorilei of any  trademarks,  trade  names,  trade  secrets,
                  copyrights, patents, technology, know-how or computer software
                  programs  and  applications  used  in  Lorilei's  business  as
                  currently  conducted or as proposed to be conducted,  or (iii)
                  challenging the ownership, validity or effectiveness of any of
                  Lorilei Intellectual Property Rights.

         (6)      All  trademarks, service  marks and copyrights held by Lorilei
                  are valid and subsisting.

         (7)      To the Knowledge of Lorilei, there is no material unauthorized
                  use,  infringement  or  misappropriation  of  any  of  Lorilei
                  Intellectual Property Rights by any third party, including any
                  employee or former employee of Lorilei.

         (8)      Lorilei  has not been sued or  charged as a  defendant  in any
                  claim,  suit,  action or proceeding  which involves a claim of
                  infringement  of  any  patents,  trademarks,   service  marks,
                  copyrights   or   violation  of  any  trade  secret  or  other
                  proprietary  right of any  third  party and which has not been
                  finally  terminated  prior to the date hereof nor does it have
                  any  Knowledge  of any such charge or claim,  and there is not
                  any infringement liability with respect to, or infringement or
                  violation by, Lorilei of any patent, trademark,  service mark,
                  copyright, trade secret or other proprietary right of another.

         (9)      To  Lorilei's  Knowledge,   none  of  Lorilei's   Intellectual
                  Property  Rights or  products  is subject  to any  outstanding
                  order, judgment,  decree, stipulation or agreement restricting
                  in any manner the licensing thereof by Lorilei.

         (10)     There is no outstanding order, judgment, decree or stipulation
                  on  Lorilei,  and  Lorilei  is not  party  to  any  agreement,
                  restricting in any manner the licensing of Lorilei's  products
                  by Lorilei.

         (11)     Lorilei has not entered into any  agreement  to indemnify  any
                  other  person  against  any  charge  of  infringement  of  any
                  Lorilei's Intellectual Property Right.

         (12)     Each current and former  employee of and consultant to Lorilei
                  has  signed  a  confidentiality   agreement  substantially  in
                  Lorilei's standard form as certified by Lorilei,  delivered to
                  AmeriNet and included in Schedule 5.8.

(B)      (1)      To  Lorilei's   Knowledge,  Lorilei   has   not   breached  or
                  violated  the  terms  of  its  license,  sublicense  or  other
                  agreement relating to any Commercial Software Rights and has a
                  valid right to use such  Commercial  Software Rights and has a
                  valid right to use such  Commercial  Rights under such license
                  and agreements.

         (2)      Lorilei  is not,  nor will it be as a result of the  execution
                  and  delivery  of this  Agreement  or the  performance  of its
                  obligations hereunder, in violation of any license, sublicense
                  or agreement relating to Commercial Software Rights.

                                      Page 52

         (3)      No claims with respect to the Commercial  Software Rights have
                  been asserted or, to the Knowledge of Lorilei,  are threatened
                  by any person against Lorilei, nor to the Knowledge of Lorilei
                  is there any valid grounds for any bona fide claims (i) to the
                  effect that the  manufacture,  sale,  licensing  or use of any
                  product as now used,  sold or licensed  or  proposed  for use,
                  sale or license by Lorilei infringes on any copyright, patent,
                  trade mark, service mark or trade secret, (ii) against the use
                  by Lorilei of any  trademarks,  trade  names,  trade  secrets,
                  copyrights, patents, technology, know-how or computer software
                  programs  and  applications  used  in  Lorilei's  business  as
                  currently  conducted or as proposed to be conducted,  or (iii)
                  challenging the validity or  effectiveness of any of Lorilei's
                  rights to use Commercial Software Rights.

         (4)      To the Knowledge of Lorilei, there is no material unauthorized
                  use, infringement or misappropriation of any of the Commercial
                  Software  Rights by Lorilei or any employee or former employee
                  of Lorilei during the period of their employment.

         (5)      To the Knowledge of Lorilei,  no Commercial  Software Right is
                  subject   to  any   outstanding   order,   judgment,   decree,
                  stipulation  or  agreement  restricting  in any manner the use
                  thereof by Lorilei.

2.12     Agreements, Contracts and Commitments.

(A)      All  of  Lorilei's  currently  effective   agreements,   contracts  and
         commitments  are listed in  Schedule  2.12,  including  the name of the
         contracting part, date of execution and termination,  and copies of all
         such  agreements,  contracts and commitments are annexed as exhibits to
         schedule 12.

(B)      Lorilei does not have, is not a party to nor is it bound by:

         (1)      Any collective bargaining agreements;

         (2)      Any agreements that contain any  unpaid severance  liabilities
                  or obligations;

         (3)      Any  bonus,  deferred  compensation,  incentive  compensation,
                  pension,  profit-sharing  or  retirement  plans, or  any other
                  employee benefit plans or arrangements;

         (4)      Any employment or consulting agreement, contract or commitment
                  with an employee or individual  consultant or  salesperson  or
                  consulting or sales  agreement,  contract or commitment with a
                  firm or other  organization,  not  terminable  by  Lorilei  on
                  thirty days  notice  without  liability,  except to the extent
                  general  principles  of  wrongful  termination  law may  limit
                  Lorilei's ability to terminate employees at will;

         (5)      Any  agreement or plan,  including,  without  limitation,  any
                  stock  option  plan,  stock  appreciation  right plan or stock
                  purchase plan, any of the benefits of which will be increased,
                  or the vesting of benefits  of which will be  accelerated,  by
                  the occurrence of any of the transactions contemplated by this
                  Agreement or the value of any of the benefits of which will be
                  calculated   on  the   basis   of  any  of  the   transactions
                  contemplated by this Agreement;

         (6)      Any fidelity or surety bond or completion bond;

         (7)      Any lease of personal property having a value  individually in
                  excess of $2,000;

         (8)      Any agreement of indemnification or  guaranty not entered into
                  in the ordinary course of business;

                                      Page 53

         (9)      Any  agreement, contract or commitment containing any covenant
                  limiting  the  freedom  of  Lorilei  to  engage in any line of
                  business or compete with any person;

         (10)     Any  agreement,  contract  or  commitment  relating to capital
                  expenditures  and involving  future  obligations  in excess of
                  $2,000 in any single instance or $10,000 in the aggregate;

         (11)     Any  agreement,   contract  or  commitment   relating  to  the
                  disposition  or  acquisition  of  assets  not in the  ordinary
                  course  of   business  or  any   ownership   interest  in  any
                  corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture  or other  business

         (12)     Any  mortgages,   indentures,   loans  or  credit  agreements,
                  security   agreements  or  other   agreements  or  instruments
                  relating to the  borrowing  of money,  extension  of credit or

         (13)     Any  purchase  order  or  contract  for  the  purchase  of raw
                  materials or acquisition of assets involving $1,000 or more in
                  any single instance or $10,000 or more in the aggregate;

         (14)     Any construction contracts;

         (15)     Any distribution, joint marketing or development agreement;

         (16)     Any other  agreement,  contract or commitment  which  involves
                  $1,000 or more in any single  instance or more than $10,000 in
                  the aggregate and is not  cancelable  without  penalty  within
                  thirty  (30) days other than  standard  end-user  licenses  of
                  Lorilei's  products  and  services in the  ordinary  course of
                  business consistent with past practice, or

         (17)     Any   agreement  which  is  otherwise  material  to  Lorilei's

(C)      (1)      Lorilei  has  not  breached,  or received  any claim or threat
                  that it has  breached,  any of the terms or  conditions of any
                  agreement,  contract  or  commitment  to  which  it  is  bound
                  (including  those set forth in any of  Lorilei  Schedules)  in
                  such  manner  as would  permit  any  other  party to cancel or
                  terminate the same.

         (2)      Each  agreement,  contract  or  commitment  required to be set
                  forth in any of Lorilei  Schedules is in full force and effect
                  (assuming such agreement, contract or commitment has been duly
                  authorized,  executed  and  delivered  by the  other  party or
                  parties  thereto)  and,  except  as  otherwise   disclosed  or
                  defaults  fully  remedied or  resolved,  is not subject to any
                  material default  thereunder of which Lorilei has Knowledge by
                  any party obligated to Lorilei pursuant thereto.

2.13     Interested Party Transactions.

         No  officer,  director  or  stockholder  of  Lorilei  (nor any  parent,
sibling, descendant or spouse of any of such persons, or any trust, partnership,
corporation  or other  entity  (provided,  that  ownership  of no more  than one
percent of the outstanding  voting stock of a publicly traded  corporation  will
not be deemed an "interest in any entity" for purposes of this Section  2.13) in
which any of such persons has or has had an interest),  has or has had, directly
or indirectly:

(A)      An interest in any entity  which  furnished  or sold,  or  furnishes or
         sells,  services or  products  which  Lorilei  furnishes  or sells,  or
         proposes to furnish or sell;

(B)      Any interest in any entity  which  purchases from or sells or furnishes
         to, Lorilei, any goods or services; or

(C)      A beneficial  interest in any  contract or agreement required to be set
         forth in Schedule 2.12.

                                      Page 54

2.14     Governmental Authorization.

(A)      Schedule 2.14 accurately lists each material  federal,  state,  county,
         local or foreign governmental consent, license, permit, grant, or other
         authorization issued to Lorilei:

         (1)      Pursuant  to  which  Lorilei  currently  operates or holds any
                  interest in any of its properties; or

         (2)      Which is required  for the  operation  of its  business or the
                  holding  of  any  such  interest   (hereinafter   collectively
                  referred to as the "Lorilei Authorizations").

(B)      Lorilei  Authorizations are in full force and effect and constitute all
         the material  authorizations  required to permit  Lorilei to operate or
         conduct its business or hold any interest in its properties.

2.15     Litigation.

(A)      Schedule 2.15 annexed hereto  accurately  lists all suits,  actions and
         legal,   administrative,   arbitration   or   other   proceedings   and
         governmental  investigations  and all  other  claims,  pending  or,  to
         Lorilei's   Knowledge,   threatened  or  which  Lorilei   expects  will
         ultimately be threatened or commenced.

(B)      None of such suits, actions, proceedings, investigations or claims seek
         to prevent the consummation of the Reorganization.

(C)      There is no judgment,  decree or order enjoining Lorilei in respect of,
         or the effect of which is to  prohibit,  any  business  practice or the
         acquisition of any property or the conduct of business of Lorilei.

(D)      Schedule  2.15  also  lists  all  suits  and legal actions initiated by

2.16     Accounts Receivable.

(A)      All receivables of Lorilei arose in the ordinary course of business and
         the  aggregate  amounts  thereof  are the best of  Lorilei's  Knowledge
         collectible  (except to the extent  reserved  against as  reflected  in
         Lorilei's Financial Statements) and are carried at values determined in
         accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles  consistently

(B)      To Lorilei's  Knowledge,  none of the receivables of Lorilei is subject
         to any claim of offset,  recoupment,  setoff or counterclaim  and there
         are no facts or  circumstances  (whether  asserted or unasserted)  that
         would give rise to any such claim.

(C)      No receivables  are contingent  upon the  performance by Lorilei of any
         obligation  or contract  except for Lorilei's  maintenance  obligations
         under its maintenance agreements (although no customer has claimed that
         Lorilei has failed to perform its maintenance obligations).

(D)      No person has any lien,  charge,  pledge,  security  interest  or other
         encumbrance on any of such  receivables  and no agreement for deduction
         or discount has been made with respect to any of such receivables.

2.17     Minute Books.

         The minute  books of Lorilei  made  available  to counsel for  AmeriNet
contain a  complete  and  accurate  summary of all  meetings  of  directors  and
stockholders  since  the time of  incorporation  of  Lorilei,  and  reflect  all
transactions referred to in such minutes accurately in all material respects.

                                      Page 55

2.18     Environmental and OSHA.

(A)      Hazardous Material.

         (1)      As of the Closing  Date,  no material  amount of any substance
                  that is regulated by any Governmental  Entity or that has been
                  designated  by  any  Governmental  Entity  to be  radioactive,
                  toxic,  hazardous  or  otherwise  a danger  to  health  or the
                  environment,  including,  without limitation,  PCBs, asbestos,
                  urea-formaldehyde  and all substances  listed  pursuant to the
                  United   States    Comprehensive    Environmental    Response,
                  Compensation,  and Liability Act of 1980, as amended from time
                  to  time,  and  the  United  States   Resource   Recovery  and
                  Conservation  Act of 1976,  as amended from time to time,  and
                  the regulations and publications  promulgated pursuant to said
                  laws (a "Hazardous Material"),  is present, as a result of the
                  actions of Lorilei (excluding failure of Lorilei to remedy the
                  presence of a Hazardous Material resulting from the actions of
                  any previous owner or occupier of Lorilei's  Property of which
                  presence  Lorilei does not have Knowledge) in violation of any
                  law in effect on or before the Closing  Date,  in, on or under
                  any property, including the land and the improvements,  ground
                  water and surface  water  thereof,  that Lorilei or any of its
                  past or present subsidiaries has at any time owned,  operated,
                  occupied or leased (collectively, "Lorilei's Property").

         (2)      In any event,  Lorilei  does not know of the  presence  of any
                  Hazardous  Material in, on,  under,  adjacent to or in any way
                  effecting any Lorilei's Property.

(B)      Hazardous Materials Activities.

         At no time prior to the Closing Date has Lorilei  transported,  stored,
         used,  manufactured,  released  or exposed its  employees  or others to
         Hazardous  Materials in violation of any law in effect on or before the
         Closing  Date,  nor has Lorilei  disposed  of,  transferred,  sold,  or
         manufactured any product containing a Hazardous Material  (collectively
         "Hazardous  Materials  Activities")  in violation of the  Comprehensive
         Environmental  Response,  Compensation  and  Liability  Act of 1980, as
         amended, the Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, the Toxic
         Substances  Control  Act of 1976  and any  other  applicable  state  or
         federal acts  (including  the rules and  regulations  thereunder) as in
         effect on or before the Closing Date.

(C)      Permits.

         Lorilei currently holds no environmental approvals,  permits, licenses,
         clearances  and  consents  and none are  necessary  for the  conduct of
         Lorilei's Hazardous Material Activities and other businesses of Lorilei
         as such activities and businesses are currently being conducted.

2.19     Brokers' and Finders' Fees.

         Lorilei has not incurred,  nor will it incur,  directly or  indirectly,
any  liability  for  brokerage or finders'  fees or agents'  commissions  or any
similar   charges  in  connection   with  this  Agreement  or  any   transaction
contemplated hereby.

2.20     Labor Matters.

(A)      Lorilei is in  compliance  in all material  respects with all currently
         applicable laws and regulations respecting  employment,  discrimination
         in  employment,  terms and conditions of employment and wages and hours
         and occupational safety and health and employment practices, and is not
         engaged in any unfair labor practice.

(B)      Lorilei has not received any notice from any Governmental  Entity,  and
         to the  Knowledge of Lorilei,  there has not been  asserted  before any
         Governmental  Entity, any claim,  action or proceeding to which Lorilei
         is  a party or   involving  Lorilei,  and   there  is  neither  pending
         nor, to  the Knowledge  of  Lorilei,   threatened,   any  investigation
         or  hearing  concerning  Lorilei  arising  out  of or  based  upon  any
         such  laws, regulations or practices.

                                      Page 56

(C)      Lorilei has not  received  notice of and to the best of its  Knowledge,
         there  are  no  pending  claims  against   Lorilei  under  any  workers
         compensation plan or policy or for long term disability.

(D)      To Lorilei's  Knowledge,  it has complied in all material respects with
         all   applicable   provisions  of  the   Consolidated   Omnibus  Budget
         Reconciliation  Act of 1985 and has no obligations  with respect to any
         former employees or qualifying beneficiaries thereunder.

(E)      Schedule  2.20 lists all current employees of Lorilei and their current
         salary and vacation accruals.

2.21     Insurance.

(A)      Schedule 2.21 lists all insurance  policies and fidelity bonds covering
         the  assets,  business,  equipment,  properties,  operations,  software
         errors and omissions,  employees,  officers and directors of Lorilei as
         well as all claims made under any insurance policy by Lorilei since its

(B)      There is no claim by  Lorilei  pending  under any of such  policies  or
         bonds as to which coverage has been  questioned,  denied or disputed by
         the underwriters of such policies or bonds.

(C)      All premiums  payable  under all such policies and bonds have been paid
         and Lorilei is otherwise in  compliance  in all material  respects with
         the terms of such  policies  and bonds  (or  other  policies  and bonds
         providing substantially similar insurance coverage).

(D)      Such  policies  of  insurance  and bonds are of the type and in amounts
         customarily  carried by persons conducting  businesses similar to those
         of Lorilei.

(E)      Lorilei  does not know of any  threatened  termination  of or  material
         premium increase with respect to any of such policies.

(F)      Lorilei has never been denied insurance  coverage nor has any insurance
         policy of Lorilei ever been canceled for any reason.

2.22     Compliance with Laws.

         Lorilei has not received  any notices of violation  with respect to and
to the best of its Knowledge  has complied in all material  respects with and is
not in violation in any material respect of any federal, state or local statute,
law or regulation with respect to the conduct of its business,  or the ownership
or operation of its business,  assets or  properties.  2.23  Complete  Copies of

         Lorilei has  delivered or made  available  true and complete  copies of
each document (or summaries of same) which has been requested by AmeriNet or its

2.24     Binding Agreements: No Default.

         Each of the contracts,  agreements and other  instruments  shown on the
Exhibits and Schedules referred to in this Agreement to which Lorilei is a party
is a legal,  binding and  enforceable  obligation in favor of or against Lorilei
(assuming that such  contracts,  agreements and  instruments  are binding on all
other parties  thereto,  Lorilei having no reason to believe that they are not),
in accordance with its terms, and no party with whom Lorilei has an agreement or
contract is, to Lorilei's  Knowledge,  in default thereunder or has breached any
material terms  or  provisions  thereof (subject to  all applicable  bankruptcy,
insolvency, reorganization and other laws applicable  to  creditors'  rights and
remedies and to the exercise of judicial discretion in  accordance with  general
principles of equity).

                                      Page 57

2.25     Regulation SB Disclosure Document

(A)  The information  supplied by Lorilei  responding to each Item in Commission
     Regulation S-B (other than Items 201, 501, 502, 506, 512 and, to the extent
     of audit  requirements,  Item  310)  annexed  hereto as  Exhibit  2.25 (the
     "Regulation S-B Disclosure Documents"), part of which must be included in a
     current  report on  Commission  Form 8-K to be filed by AmeriNet  within 15
     days after the Closing Date, as well as in all other reports which AmeriNet
     files  thereafter  pursuant  to the  Exchange  Act,  will not  contain  any
     statement which, at such time and in light of the circumstances under which
     it is made,  is false or misleading  with respect to any material  fact, or
     will  omit to  state  any  material  fact  necessary  in  order to make the
     statements  made  therein  not  false or  misleading  or omit to state  any
     material fact necessary to correct any statement  which has become false or

(B)  If at any time prior to the Closing  Date any event  relating to Lorilei or
     any of its  affiliates,  officers  or  directors  should be  discovered  by
     Lorilei  which  should  be set  forth  in  the  Regulation  S-B  Disclosure
     Document,  Lorilei will promptly provide such  information to AmeriNet,  in

2.26     FIRPTA.

         Lorilei is not,  and has not been at any time,  a "United  States  real
property  holding  corporation"  within the meaning of Section  897(c)(2) of the

2.27     Employee Benefit Plans.

(A)  Schedule 2.27 lists all employee  benefit plans [as defined in Section 3(3)
     of the  Employee  Retirement  Income  Security  Act of  1974,  as  amended,
     "ERISA"] and all bonus, stock option, stock purchase,  incentive,  deferred
     compensation,  supplemental retirement,  severance and other similar fringe
     or employee  benefit plans,  programs or  arrangements,  and any current or
     former  employment  or  executive  compensation  or  severance  agreements,
     written or  otherwise,  for the benefit of, or relating to, any employee of
     Lorilei,  any trade or business  (whether or not  incorporated)  which is a
     member or which is under common control with Lorilei (an "ERISA Affiliate")
     within the meaning of Section 414 of the Code, or any subsidiary of Lorilei
     (together, the "Employee Plans").

(B)  (1)  None of the Employee  Plans  promises or provides  retiree  medical or
          other  retiree  welfare  benefits to any person  except as required by
          applicable law, including but not limited to COBRA;

     (2)  (a)  To Lorilei's  Knowledge:  all Employee Plans are in compliance in
               all material respects with the requirements prescribed by any and
               all applicable statutes  (including ERISA and the Code),  orders,
               or governmental  rules and  regulations  currently in effect with
               respect  thereto  (including  all  applicable   requirements  for
               notification to participants or  beneficiaries  or the Department
               of Labor, the IRS or Secretary of the Treasury),  and Lorilei has
               performed in all material respects all obligations required to be
               performed by it under,  is not in default  under or violation of,
               and has no  Knowledge  of any default or  violation  by any other
               party to, any of the Employee Plans;

          (b)  Each Employee  Plan  intended to qualify under Section  401(a) of
               the Code and each trust  intended to qualify under Section 501(a)
               of the Code either has received a favorable  determination letter
               with respect to each such Employee Plan from the IRS or still has
               a remaining period of time under applicable Treasury  Regulations
               or IRS  pronouncements in which to apply for such a determination
               letter and to make any amendments necessary to obtain a favorable

                                     Page 58

          (c)  No  Employee  Plan is or  within  the  prior  six  years has been
               subject to, and Lorilei has not  incurred  and does not expect to
               incur any  liability  under,  Title IV of ERISA or Section 412 of
               the Code; and

          (d)  To Lorilei's Knowledge, nothing in any Employee Plan precludes or
               interferes with AmeriNet's  ability to cause Lorilei to terminate
               (or  consolidate,  at AmeriNet's  option) any Employee Plan after
               the Closing Date;  provided  that:  (i) the Employee Plans may be
               terminated  prospectively  only,  subject  to rights  accrued  by
               Lorilei's  employees at the time of such termination and (ii) not
               more than sixty days notice may be required to terminate  certain
               Employee Plans.

     (3)  None of the  following  now exists or has existed  within the six-year
          period ending on the date hereof with respect to any Employee Plan:

          (a)  Any act or  omission  by  Lorilei  constituting  a  violation  of
               Section 402, 403, 404 or 405 of ERISA;

          (b)  Any act or omission by Lorilei  which  constitutes a violation of
               Sections  406 and 407 of ERISA and is not exempted by Section 408
               of ERISA or which  constitutes a violation of Section  4975(c) of
               the Code and is not exempted by Section 4975(d) of the Code;

          (c)  Any act or  omission  by  Lorilei  constituting  a  violation  of
               Section 503, 510 or 511 of ERISA;  or (IV) any act or omission by
               Lorilei  which could give rise to liability  under Section 502 of
               ERISA or under Sections 4972 or 4975 through 4980 of the Code.

     (4)       (a)  Each  Employee  Plan  has  been  maintained  in  substantial
                    compliance with its terms, and all  contributions,  premiums
                    or  other   payments   due  from   Lorilei  or  any  of  its
                    subsidiaries  to (or under) any such Employee Plan have been
                    fully  paid  or  adequately  provided  for  on  the  audited
                    Lorilei's  Financial  Statements for the most recently-ended
                    fiscal year.

               (b)  To Lorilei's  Knowledge,  all accruals  thereon  (including,
                    where appropriate proportional accruals for partial periods)
                    have  been  made  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted
                    accounting  principles  consistently applied on a reasonable

               (c)  There  has  been no  amendment,  written  interpretation  or
                    announcement  (whether  or  not  written)  by  Lorilei  with
                    respect to, or change in employee  participation or coverage
                    under, any Employee Plan that would increase  materially the
                    expense  of   maintaining   such   plans  or   arrangements,
                    individually or in the aggregate, above the level of expense
                    incurred  with respect  thereto for the most  recently-ended
                    fiscal year.

     (5)  Lorilei has provided to AmeriNet complete, accurate and current copies
          of all Employee Plans and all  amendments,  documents,  correspondence
          and  filings  relating  thereto,  including  but  not  limited  to any
          statements,  filings,  reports or returns filed with any  governmental
          agency  with  respect  to the  Employee  Plans at any time  within the
          three-year period ending on the date hereof.

                                     Page 59

2.28     Distribution Agreements.

         Schedule 2.28 discloses the names,  addresses,  telephone numbers,  fax
numbers,  e-mail addresses and federal Tax identification  numbers of each third
party or  parties  who have the right to  distribute  Lorilei's  products  or to
market its services, together with a summary of the agreements pursuant to which
Lorilei's products are distributed or its services are marketed.

2.29     Disclosure to Lorilei's Stockholders

         Each of Lorilei's  Stockholders hereby represents and warrants that he,
she or it:

(A)      Has  had  access  through  the   Commission's   Internet  web  site  at,  in the  EDGAR  Archives  sub-cite,  to all of  AmeriNet's
         reports filed with the Commission during the past two fiscal years, has
         reviewed  all such  reports  and has,  either  directly  or  through  a
         representative,  been granted access to all of AmeriNet's  officers and
         directors,  and to all officers and directors of  AmeriNet's  operating
         subsidiaries,  for purposes of providing all disclosure  required under
         applicable  federal and state  securities laws in conjunction  with the
         exchange contemplated by this Agreement;

(B)      Has been advised that:

         (1)      The  securities  to be issued to them by  AmeriNet in exchange
                  for  their  shares of  Lorilei's  common  stock  have not been
                  registered  under the Securities  Act, the Exchange Act or any
                  comparable state securities laws, but rather, are being issued
                  in  reliance  on the  exemption  from  registration  under the
                  Securities Act provided by Section 4(2) thereof;

         (2)      All certificates  for their shares of AmeriNet's  common stock
                  will  bear  legends  restricting  any  transactions   therein,
                  directly or indirectly, unless they are first registered under
                  applicable  federal and state  securities laws or the proposed
                  transaction is exempt from such registration requirements, and
                  such facts are  demonstrated  to the  satisfaction of AmeriNet
                  and its  legal  counsel,  based  on  such  third  party  legal
                  opinions,   affidavits  and  transfer  agency   procedures  as
                  AmeriNet will reasonably require or have in place generally;

         (3)      AmeriNet's  transfer  agent  has been  instructed  to  decline
                  transfers  of  certificates  for their  shares  of  AmeriNet's
                  common stock, unless the foregoing  requirements have been met
                  and  have  been  confirmed  as  having  been  met  by  a  duly
                  authorized officer of AmeriNet.

(C)      Has independently determined through his, her or its own legal counsel,
         that all  requirements  of their states of domicile for the issuance of
         the shares of AmeriNet's common stock called for by this Agreement have
         been  met,  or will  have been met,  prior to  Closing,  by such  legal
         counsel acting on behalf of the Parties to this Agreement.

2.30     Representations Complete.

         None  of the  representations  or  warranties  made by  Lorilei  or its
stockholders,  nor any statement  made in any Schedule,  Exhibit or  certificate
furnished  by Lorilei  pursuant to this  Agreement,  when read in its  entirety,
contains or will contain any untrue statement of a material fact at the time the
Closing takes place,  or omits or will omit to state any material fact necessary
in order to make the statements contained herein or therein, in the light of the
circumstances under which made, not misleading.

                                     Page 60

                                   Article III
                   Representations and Warranties of AmeriNet

         AmeriNet represents and warrants to Lorilei as a material inducement to
its entry into this Agreement,  subject to the exceptions specifically disclosed
in the AmeriNet Schedules or in AmeriNet's Exchange Act Reports, as follows:

3.1      Organization, Standing and Power.

(A)      AmeriNet is a corporation duly organized,  validly existing and in good
         standing under the laws of the State of Delaware.

(B)      AmeriNet has the corporate  power to own its properties and to carry on
         its  business  as now  being  conducted  and is  duly  qualified  to do
         business  and is in good  standing  in each  jurisdiction  in which the
         failure to be so  qualified  would have a  material  adverse  effect on
         AmeriNet taken as a whole.

(C)      A true and correct copy of its articles of incorporation and bylaws, as
         amended to date,  are  available  at the  Commission's  web site in the
         EDGAR archives, filed as exhibit's to the report on Form 10-KSB for the
         year ended June 30, 1999 and any future  modifications  thereof will be
         filed with the Commission and will also be available at such site.

3.2      Capital Structure.

(A)      (1)      The  authorized   stock  of  AmeriNet  consists of  20,000,000
                  shares  of  common  stock,  par value  $0.01  per  share,  and
                  5,000,000  shares  of  Preferred  Stock,  $0.01  par value per
                  share,  the attributes of which are to be determined on a case
                  by case basis by AmeriNet's board of directors.

         (2)      AmeriNet had  approximately  11,722,410 shares of common stock
                  issued and  outstanding  as of March 31, 2000 and no shares of
                  Preferred Stock have ever been issued.

         (3)      As of March 31, 2000,  AmeriNet had reserved  7,273,815 shares
                  of common  stock  (excluding  those  issuable  pursuant to the
                  terms  of  this   Agreement)  for  issuance  as  described  in
                  AmeriNet's  annual  report on Form  10-KSB  for the year ended
                  June 30, 1999 and the quarterly reports on Form 10-QSB for the
                  calendar  quarters  ended  September 30, 1999 and December 31,
                  1999 and any Subsequent Current Reports or Subsequent Exchange
                  Act Reports.

         (4)      There  are  no  other  options,   warrants,   calls,   rights,
                  commitments  or agreements of any character to which  AmeriNet
                  is a party  or by which it is  bound  obligating  AmeriNet  to
                  issue,  deliver,  sell,  repurchase or redeem,  or cause to be
                  issued,  delivered,  sold, repurchased or redeemed, any shares
                  of the Capital  Stock of AmeriNet  or  obligating  AmeriNet to
                  grant,  extend or enter into any such option,  warrant,  call,
                  right, commitment or agreement,  other than as may be required
                  in  conjunction  with other  acquisitions  under  negotiation,
                  rights  granted  to  investors  under  common  stock  purchase
                  warrants  since  December  31,  1999 and as  disclosed  in the
                  Exchange Act Reports.

         (5)      AmeriNet's articles of incorporation permit their amendment by
                  action of AmeriNet's  board of directors  without  stockholder
                  approval to increase the amount of authorized Capital Stock.

(B)      All of AmeriNet's  shares of common and preferred  stock have been duly
         authorized,  and all of their issued and  outstanding  shares of common
         stock have been validly issued,  are fully paid and  nonassessable  and
         are  free  of any  liens  or  encumbrances  other  than  any  liens  or
         encumbrances created by or imposed upon the holders thereof.

                                     Page 61

(C)      Subject to the Lorilei  Declarants'  compliance with their  obligations
         under this  Agreement,  the  shares of  AmeriNet's  common  stock to be
         issued pursuant to the Reorganization will be duly authorized,  validly
         issued, fully paid, and nonassessable.

3.3      Authority.

(A)      AmeriNet has all requisite  corporate power and authority to enter into
         this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

(B)      The execution and delivery of this  Agreement and the  consummation  of
         the transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized by all
         necessary corporate action on the part of AmeriNet.

(C)      This  Agreement  has been duly  executed and delivered by AmeriNet and,
         subject to having also been  approved by  Lorilei's  board of directors
         and properly executed and delivered by Lorilei, constitutes a valid and
         binding obligation of AmeriNet.

(D)      The  execution  and  delivery  of  this   Agreement  do  not,  and  the
         consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not, conflict
         with, or result in any violation of, or default (with or without notice
         or lapse of time,  or both),  or give  rise to a right of  termination,
         cancellation or acceleration of any obligation or to loss of a material
         benefit under:

         (1)      Any  provision  of  the articles of incorporation or bylaws of
                  AmeriNet; or

         (2)      Any mortgage, indenture, lease, contract or other agreement or
                  instrument, permit, concession,  franchise, license, judgment,
                  order,  decree,  statute,  law, ordinance,  rule or regulation
                  applicable to AmeriNet or its properties or assets, other than
                  any  such  conflicts,   violations,   defaults,  terminations,
                  cancellations  or accelerations  which  individually or in the
                  aggregate  would  not have a  material  adverse  effect on the
                  ability   of   AmeriNet   to   consummate   the   transactions
                  contemplated hereby.

(E)      No  consent,  approval,  order or  authorization  of, or  registration,
         declaration or filing with, any Governmental  Entity, is required by or
         with respect to AmeriNet in connection  with the execution and delivery
         of this  Agreement by AmeriNet or the  consummation  by AmeriNet of the
         transactions contemplated hereby, except for:

         (1)      Such    consents,    approvals,    orders,     authorizations,
                  registrations,  declarations  and  filings as may be  required
                  under applicable  state and federal  securities laws (a Form D
                  Notification  Statement) and the laws of any foreign  country;

         (2)      Such other consents,  authorizations,  filings,  approvals and
                  registrations  which if not  obtained or made would not have a
                  material   adverse  effect  on  the  ability  of  AmeriNet  to
                  consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

3.4      Exchange Act Reports; AmeriNet Financial Statements.

(A)      All  materials  required  to be filed by AmeriNet  with the  Commission
         pursuant  to  Sections 13 or 15(d) of the  Exchange  Act since  current
         management  took office  starting in November of 1998,  have been filed
         and are available on the Commission's  Internet web site at
         in its EDGAR Archives sub-site.

(B)      To the best of AmeriNet's Knowledge, the Exchange Act Reports comply in
         all material  respects with the requirements of the Exchange Act and do
         not contain any untrue  statement of a material fact or omit to state a
         material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
         statements made therein, in  light  of  the circumstances in which they

                                     Page 62

         were  made,  not   misleading,  except  to  the  extent  corrected by a
         subsequently  filed document with  the  Commission  or  by  information
         provided by AmeriNet to Lorilei.

(C)      The  AmeriNet  Financial  Statements  comply as to form in all material
         respects with applicable accounting requirements and with the published
         rules and regulations of the Commission with respect thereto, have been
         prepared in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles
         consistently  applied  and fairly  present the  consolidated  financial
         position of AmeriNet at the date thereof and of its operations and cash
         flows for the  period  then  ended,  subject  to normal  year end audit

(D)      There has been no change in AmeriNet  accounting  policies or estimates
         except as described in the notes to AmeriNet's  Financial Statements or
         in subsequently filed Exchange Act Reports.

(E)      AmeriNet has no material obligations, other than:

         (1)      Those   set   forth   in   AmeriNet's   Financial   Statements
                  (obligations  not  required  to be  set  forth  in  AmeriNet's
                  Financial   Statements  under  generally  accepted  accounting
                  principles being deemed not material);

         (2)      Those  resulting  from ongoing  acquisition  activities  which
                  developed  after the date of AmeriNet's  Financial  Statements
                  but are not yet  definite  enough  to  require  filing  in the
                  Exchange Act Reports;

         (3)      Those pertaining to confidential letters of intent; or

         (4)      Those disclosed by AmeriNet to Lorilei in writing.

(F)      The information  provided by AmeriNet in the Current Report on Form 8-K
         pertaining to this Reorganization (excluding information provided by or
         on behalf of Lorilei,  as to which  AmeriNet  makes no  representation)
         will not contain any statement  which, at such time and in light of the
         circumstances  under which it will be made, is false or misleading with
         respect to any material  fact,  or will omit to state any material fact
         necessary  in  order  to make  the  statements  therein  not  false  or

(G)      If at any time prior to the Closing Date any event relating to AmeriNet
         or any of its affiliates, officers or directors should be discovered by
         AmeriNet  which  should be set  forth in a current  report on Form 8-K,
         AmeriNet will promptly inform Lorilei.

(H)      AmeriNet  makes no  representation  or  warranty  with  respect  to any
         information  supplied  by  Lorilei  which  is  contained  in any of the
         foregoing documents.

3.5      Broker's and Finders' Fees.

         Except as  disclosed  in the  Exchange  Act  Reports,  AmeriNet has not
incurred,  and will  not  incur,  directly  or  indirectly,  any  liability  for
brokerage  or finders'  fees or agents'  commissions  or any similar  charges in
connection  with  this  Agreement,   the   Reorganization   or  any  transaction
contemplated hereby.

3.6      Ownership of Lorilei's Capital Stock.

         As of the date of execution of this  Agreement,  AmeriNet  does not own
any shares of Lorilei's Capital Stock.

                                     Page 63

3.7      Litigation.

         There are no suits,  actions or legal,  administrative,  arbitration or
other proceedings or governmental investigations against AmeriNet pending or, to
AmeriNet's Knowledge, threatened, which (i) if determined adversely to AmeriNet,
could be  expected  to  result in a  material  adverse  effect on the  financial
condition  or results of  operations  of  AmeriNet,  or (ii) seek to prevent the
consummation of the Reorganization.

3.8      Limited Activities

(A)  AmeriNet is a holding  company with no material  operations or assets other
     than the shares of its subsidiaries common stock and operations  pertaining
     to supervision  and  coordination  of the  activities of its  subsidiaries,
     provision of support  services for its  subsidiaries,  acquisition  related
     activities  and  compliance  with  applicable   laws,   including   federal
     securities and internal revenue laws.

(B)  AmeriNet  currently has three operating  subsidiaries,,  Inc.,
     Trilogy International,  Inc., and Vista Vacations International,  Inc., all
     Florida corporations, and is a party to letters of intent to acquire Custom
     Software Systems,  Inc., a Virginia corporation currently  headquartered in
     Houston,  Texas,  and,   Inc.,  a  Florida  corporation  being
     organized (collectively referred to for purposes of this Section 3.8 as the
     "AmeriNet Subsidiaries and Acquisition Candidates").

(C)  Lorilei,  through its officers, has become familiar with the operations and
     prospects  of  AmeriNet  and  the  AmeriNet  Subsidiaries  and  Acquisition
     Candidates,  to the extent that information concerning them is available to
     AmeriNet or has been filed by AmeriNet with the Commission.

3.9      No Undisclosed Liabilities.

         AmeriNet does not have any material liabilities or obligations,  either
accrued or  contingent  (whether or not  required to be  reflected  in financial
statements in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles),  and
whether due or to become due, which  individually or in the aggregate,  (i) have
not been  reflected in the AmeriNet  Financial  Statements  (including the notes
thereto) or (ii) have not been  specifically  described in this  Agreement or in
the Exchange Act Reports.

3.10     No Changes.

         Since the date of its latest  Exchange  Act Report  there has not been,
occurred or arisen any:

(A)      Destruction,  damage  to,  or loss  of any  assets  (including  without
         limitation  intangible assets) of AmeriNet or its subsidiaries (whether
         or not covered by insurance),  either individually or in the aggregate,
         exceeding  $30,000,  other than losses by  subsidiaries in the ordinary
         course of business.

(B)      Labor trouble or claim of  wrongful  discharge,  sexual  harassment  or
         other unlawful labor practice or action;

(C)      Change in  accounting  methods or  practices  (including  any change in
         depreciation or amortization  policies or rates, any change in policies
         in making or reversing  accruals,  or any change in  capitalization  of
         software development costs) by AmeriNet or its subsidiaries;

(D)      Declaration,   setting  aside,  or  payment  of  a  dividend  or  other
         distribution in respect to the shares of AmeriNet or its  subsidiaries,
         or any direct or indirect redemption,  purchase or other acquisition by
         AmeriNet or its subsidiaries of any of their shares;

(E)      Other  event  or  condition  of any  character  that has or  would,  in
         AmeriNet or its subsidiaries'  reasonable judgment, be expected to have
         a material adverse effect on AmeriNet or its subsidiaries;

                                     Page 64

(F)      Negotiation or agreement by AmeriNet or its  subsidiaries  to do any of
         the things  described  in the  preceding  clauses (A) through (F) other
         than   negotiations   with  AmeriNet  or  its  subsidiaries  and  their
         representatives   regarding  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this
         Agreement or other acquisitions.

3.11     Tax and Other Returns and Reports.

(A)      Tax Returns and Audits.

         (1)      AmeriNet and its  subsidiaries  have  accurately  prepared and
                  filed all required federal,  state, local and foreign returns,
                  estimates,  information  statements  and  reports  ("Returns")
                  relating  to any and all Taxes  relating  or  attributable  to
                  AmeriNet  or its  subsidiaries  or their  operations  and such
                  Returns are true and correct in all material respects and have
                  been  completed  in  accordance  with  applicable  law  in all
                  material respects.

         (2)      AmeriNet  and its  subsidiaries  have  timely  paid all  Taxes
                  required  to be paid with  respect  to such  Returns  and have
                  withheld  with respect to its  employees all federal and state
                  income taxes,  FICA, FUTA and other Taxes they are required to

         (3)      The  accruals  for Taxes on the books and  records of AmeriNet
                  and its subsidiaries are sufficient to discharge the Taxes for
                  all periods (or the portion of any period)  ending on or prior
                  to the Closing Date.

         (4)      AmeriNet and its subsidiaries  have not been delinquent in the
                  payment of any Tax nor,  except as  disclosed  in the Exchange
                  Act Reports, is there any Tax deficiency outstanding, proposed
                  or  assessed  against  AmeriNet or its  subsidiaries,  nor has
                  AmeriNet  or  its  subsidiaries  executed  any  waiver  of any
                  statute  of  limitations  on or  extending  the period for the
                  assessment or collection of any Tax.

         (5)      Except as disclosed in the Exchange Act Reports:

                  (a)      No audit  or  other  examination  of  any  Return  of
                           AmeriNet or its subsidiaries is presently in progress

                  (b)      AmeriNet  and  its   subsidiaries  do  not  have  any
                           liabilities  for  unpaid  federal,  state,  local and
                           foreign Taxes, whether asserted or unasserted,  known
                           or unknown,  contingent or otherwise and AmeriNet and
                           its  subsidiaries  have no Knowledge of any basis for
                           the assertion of any such liability  attributable  to
                           AmeriNet  or its  subsidiaries,  or their  respective
                           assets or operations.

         (6)      AmeriNet  and  its subsidiaries are not parties to or bound by
                  any tax indemnity, tax sharing or tax allocation agreement.

         (7)      AmeriNet and its subsidiaries have provided, or made available
                  to  Lorilei  or its  legal  counsel  copies  of  all  federal,
                  provincial  and state income and all sales and use Tax Returns
                  of AmeriNet or its  subsidiaries for all periods since January
                  1, 1999.

         (8)      There are (and as of  immediately  following  the Closing Date
                  there  will be) no  liens on the  assets  of  AmeriNet  or its
                  subsidiaries relating to or attributable to Taxes.

         (9)      AmeriNet and its  subsidiaries  have no Knowledge of any basis
                  for  the  assertion  of any  Tax  claim  which,  if  adversely
                  determined, would result in liens on the assets of AmeriNet or
                  its subsidiaries.

                                      Page 65

         (10)     There  is  no  contract,   agreement,   plan  or  arrangement,
                  including but not limited to the provisions of this Agreement,
                  covering  any  employee or former  employee of AmeriNet or its
                  subsidiaries  that,  individually or collectively,  could give
                  rise to the payment of any amount that would not be deductible
                  pursuant to Sections 280G, 162 or 404 of the Code.

(B)      No Penalty.

         Neither  AmeriNet  nor its  subsidiaries  are subject to any penalty by
         reason of a violation of any order, rule or regulation of, or a default
         with respect to any return,  report or declaration required to be filed
         with, any Governmental Entity to which it is subject,  which violations
         or defaults,  individually  or in the aggregate,  would have a material
         adverse effect on AmeriNet or its subsidiaries.

3.12     Environmental and OSHA.

(A)      Hazardous Material.

         (1)      As of the Closing  Date,  no material  amount of any substance
                  that is regulated by any Governmental  Entity or that has been
                  designated  by  any  Governmental  Entity  to be  radioactive,
                  toxic,  hazardous  or  otherwise  a danger  to  health  or the
                  environment,  including,  without limitation,  PCBs, asbestos,
                  urea-formaldehyde  and all substances  listed  pursuant to the
                  United   States    Comprehensive    Environmental    Response,
                  Compensation,  and Liability Act of 1980, as amended from time
                  to  time,  and  the  United  States   Resource   Recovery  and
                  Conservation  Act of 1976,  as amended from time to time,  and
                  the regulations and publications  promulgated pursuant to said
                  laws (a "Hazardous Material"),  is present, as a result of the
                  actions of AmeriNet or its subsidiaries  (excluding failure of
                  AmeriNet  or its  subsidiaries  to remedy  the  presence  of a
                  Hazardous  Material resulting from the actions of any previous
                  owner or occupier of AmeriNet or its subsidiaries' property of
                  which  presence  AmeriNet  or its  subsidiaries  do  not  have
                  Knowledge)  in violation of any law in effect on or before the
                  Closing Date, in, on or under any property, including the land
                  and the improvements,  ground water and surface water thereof,
                  that  AmeriNet or its  subsidiaries  own,  operate,  occupy or

         (2)      In any event, AmeriNet and its subsidiaries do not know of the
                  presence of any Hazardous Material in,  on  or  under  any  of
                  their property.

(B)      Hazardous Materials Activities.

         At no time prior to the Closing Date has  AmeriNet or its  subsidiaries
         transported,  stored,  used,  manufactured,  released  or  exposed  its
         employees or others to  Hazardous  Materials in violation of any law in
         effect  on or  before  the  Closing  Date,  nor  has  AmeriNet  or  its
         subsidiaries  disposed  of,  transferred,  sold,  or  manufactured  any
         product  containing  a  Hazardous  Material  (collectively   "Hazardous
         Materials Activities") in violation of the Comprehensive  Environmental
         Response,  Compensation  and  Liability  Act of 1980,  as amended,  the
         Resource  Conservation  and Recovery Act of 1976, the Toxic  Substances
         Control  Act of 1976 and any other  applicable  state or  federal  acts
         (including  the rules and  regulations  thereunder)  as in effect on or
         before the Closing Date.

(C)      Permits.

         AmeriNet  or  its   subsidiaries   currently  holds  no   environmental
approvals, permits, licenses, clearances and consents and none are necessary for
the conduct of AmeriNet or its subsidiaries'  Hazardous Material  Activities and
other  businesses  of  AmeriNet  or its  subsidiaries  as  such  activities  and
businesses are currently being conducted.

                                      Page 66

3.13     Representations Complete.

         None of the  representations  or  warranties  made by  AmeriNet  or its
subsidiaries,  nor any statement  made in any Schedule,  Exhibit or  certificate
furnished by AmeriNet or its subsidiaries pursuant to this Agreement,  when read
in its  entirety,  contains or will  contain any untrue  statement of a material
fact at the  Closing  Date,  or omits or will  omit to state any  material  fact
necessary in order to make the statements  contained  herein or therein,  in the
light of the circumstances under which made, not misleading.

                                   Article IV
                          Conduct Prior to the Closing

4.1      Conduct of Business of Lorilei.

         During the period from the date of this Agreement and continuing  until
the earlier of the termination of this Agreement or the Closing,  Lorilei agrees
(except to the extent that AmeriNet will otherwise consent in writing):

(A)      To carry on its business in the usual,  regular and ordinary  course in
         substantially  the same  manner as  heretofore  conducted  and,  to the
         extent  consistent  with  such  business,  use all  reasonable  efforts
         consistent with past practice and policies to preserve intact Lorilei's
         present  business  organizations,  keep  available  the services of its
         present  officers and key  employees and preserve  their  relationships
         with customers,  suppliers,  distributors,  licensors,  licensees,  and
         others  having  business  dealings  with it, to the end that  Lorilei's
         goodwill  and  ongoing  businesses  will be  unimpaired  at the Time of
         Closing; and

(B)      Not to:

         (1)      Enter into any commitment or  transaction  not in the ordinary
                  course of business  (i) to be performed  over a period  longer
                  than six (6) months in  duration,  or (ii) to  purchase  fixed
                  assets for a purchase price in excess of $1,000;

         (2)      Grant  any  severance  or  termination  pay to  any  director,
                  officer or  employee  except (i)  payments  made  pursuant  to
                  standard written agreements  outstanding on the date hereof or
                  (ii) in the case of  employees  who are not  officers,  grants
                  which  are  made  in  the  ordinary   course  of  business  in
                  accordance with Lorilei's standard past practices;

         (3)      Except for licenses granted to end-users pursuant to Lorilei's
                  standard license agreements,  transfer to any person or entity
                  any rights to Lorilei's Intellectual Property;

         (4)      Enter into or amend any agreements pursuant to which any other
                  party is granted  exclusive  marketing  or other rights of any
                  type or scope with respect to any products of Lorilei;

         (5)      Violate, amend or otherwise  modify  the  terms  of any of the
                  contracts  or  agreements  required to be set forth in Lorilei

         (6)      Commence any litigation;

         (7)      Declare   or  pay  any   dividends   on  or  make  any   other
                  distributions  (whether in cash, stock or property) in respect
                  of any of its Capital Stock,  or split,  combine or reclassify
                  any of its Capital Stock or issue or authorize the issuance of
                  any  other  securities  in  respect  of,  in  lieu  of  or  in
                  substitution  for  shares  of  Capital  Stock of  Lorilei,  or
                  repurchase or otherwise acquire,  directly or indirectly,  any
                  shares of its Capital  Stock  except  from  former  employees,
                  directors  and   consultants  in  accordance  with  agreements
                  providing  for the  repurchase of shares at cost in connection
                  with any termination of service to Lorilei;

                                      Page 67

         (8)      Issue,  deliver or sell or authorize or propose the  issuance,
                  delivery or sale of, or purchase or propose the  purchase  of,
                  any  shares of its  Capital  Stock or  securities  convertible
                  into,  or  subscriptions,   rights,  warrants  or  options  to
                  acquire,  or other  agreements or commitments of any character
                  obligating  it to issue any such  shares or other  convertible

         (9)      Cause  or  permit  any     amendments   to   its  articles  of
                  incorporation or bylaws;

         (10)     Acquire or agree to acquire by merging or consolidating  with,
                  or by purchasing a substantial portion of the assets of, or by
                  any  other   manner,   any   business   or  any   corporation,
                  partnership,  association  or other business  organization  or
                  division thereof, or otherwise acquire or agree to acquire any
                  assets which are material,  individually  or in the aggregate,
                  to the business of Lorilei;

         (11)     Sell,  lease,  license  or  otherwise  dispose  of  any of its
                  properties  or assets which are material,  individually  or in
                  the  aggregate,  to the  business  of  Lorilei,  except in the
                  ordinary course of business;

         (12)     Incur any  indebtedness  for borrowed  money or guarantee  any
                  such  indebtedness  or issue or sell  any debt  securities  of
                  Lorilei or guarantee any debt securities of others;

         (13)     Adopt or amend any employee  benefit  plan,  or enter into any
                  employment   contract,   pay  any  special  bonus  or  special
                  remuneration  to any  director or  employee,  or increase  the
                  salaries or wage rates of its employees;

         (14)     Revalue  any  of  its  assets,  including  without  limitation
                  writing  down the value of  inventory  or writing off notes or
                  accounts  receivable  other  than in the  ordinary  course  of

         (15)     Pay,  discharge or satisfy in an amount in excess of $1,000 in
                  any one case any claim,  liability  or  obligation  (absolute,
                  accrued,  asserted or  unasserted,  contingent or  otherwise),
                  other  than the  payment,  discharge  or  satisfaction  in the
                  ordinary  course  of  business  of  liabilities  reflected  or
                  reserved  against in Lorilei's  Financial  Statements  (or the
                  notes thereto);

         (16)     Make or change  any  material  election  in  respect of Taxes,
                  adopt or change  any  accounting  method in  respect of Taxes,
                  file  any  material  Return  or any  amendment  to a  material
                  Return, enter into any closing agreement,  settle any claim or
                  assessment in respect of Taxes, or consent to any extension or
                  waiver of the  limitation  period  applicable  to any claim or
                  assessment in respect of Taxes; or

         (17)     Take,  or agree in writing or  otherwise  to take,  any of the
                  actions  described in Sections  4.1(C)(1)  through  4.1(C)(16)
                  above,   or  any   action   which   would   make  any  of  the
                  representations   or   warranties   or  covenants  of  Lorilei
                  contained in this Agreement materially untrue or incorrect.

(C)      To promptly notify AmeriNet of any event:

         (1)      Or occurrence or  emergency  which, in the reasonable judgment
                  of Lorilei, is  not  in  the ordinary  course  of  business of
                  Lorilei; and

         (2)      Which could, in the reasonable  judgment of  Lorilei,  have a
                  material adverse effect on Lorilei.

4.2      No Solicitation.

(A)      Prior to the Closing  Lorilei will not (nor will Lorilei  permit any of
         Lorilei's officers, directors, stockholders affiliated with any officer
         or director or Lorilei's  agents,  representatives  or  affiliates  to)
         directly or  indirectly,  take any of the  following  actions  with any
         party other than AmeriNet and its designees:

                                     Page 68

         (1)      Solicit,   encourage,   initiate   or   participate   in   any
                  negotiations  or  discussions  with  respect  to, any offer or
                  proposal  to acquire  all or  substantially  all of  Lorilei's
                  business and  properties  or Capital  Stock whether by merger,
                  purchase of assets, tender offer or otherwise;

         (2)      Except as required by law and except for  disclosures  made to
                  financial  institutions  and others in the ordinary  course of
                  business,  disclose any information not customarily  disclosed
                  to any person other than its  attorneys or financial  advisors
                  concerning  Lorilei's business and properties or afford to any
                  person or entity access to its  properties,  books or records;

         (3)      Assist or  cooperate  with any person to make any  proposal to
                  purchase all or any part of Lorilei's  Capital Stock or of its
                  assets (other in the ordinary course of business).

(B)      In the event  Lorilei  receives  any  offer or  proposal,  directly  or
         indirectly, of the type referred to in Section 4.2(A)(1) and (3) above,
         or any request for  disclosure or access  pursuant to clause  4.2(A)(2)
         above,  Lorilei  will  immediately  inform  AmeriNet  thereof  and will
         cooperate with AmeriNet by furnishing any information it may reasonably

4.3      Conduct of Business of AmeriNet.

         During the period from the date of this Agreement and continuing  until
the earlier of the termination of this Agreement or the Closing, as the case may
be, AmeriNet agrees (except to the extent that Lorilei will otherwise consent in
writing),  that AmeriNet will promptly notify Lorilei of any event or occurrence
or  emergency  which is not in the  ordinary  course of business of AmeriNet and
which is material and adverse to the  business of AmeriNet and its  subsidiaries
taken as a whole.

                                    Article V
                              Additional Agreements

5.1      Report on Form 8-K.

(A)      Within  fifteen days  following  the Closing Date,  AmeriNet,  with the
         assistance and  cooperation of Lorilei's  current  officers,  auditors,
         employees and legal counsel,  will prepare and file with the Commission
         a current report on Commission  Form 8-K (the "8-K Report")  disclosing
         the  Reorganization  and  containing   information  concerning  Lorilei
         required by Commission  Regulation  S-B,  except for audited  financial
         statements that may be filed within 75 days after the Closing Date.

(B)      Within  sixty days  following  the  Closing  Date  Lorilei,  at its own
         expense,  will  provide  AmeriNet  with  audited  financial  statements
         prepared in accordance  with GAAP and meeting all  requirements  of the
         Commission  for reports of material  acquisitions  under the Securities
         Act and  the  Exchange  Act,  including  the  requirements  imposed  by
         Commission Regulation S-B.

(C)      AmeriNet  and  Lorilei  will use  their  best  efforts  to  secure  the
         Commission's  acceptance of Lorilei's audited financial statements,  as
         complying  with the  requirements  of Regulation  S-B, and Lorilei will
         make any  modification's to its financial  statements  suggested by the
         Commission;  and, if required, will use best efforts to secure required
         extensions  from the  Commission of time in which to provide  materials
         complying with Commission Regulation S-B.

                                     Page 69

5.2      Consent of Lorilei's Stockholders.

         Because each Lorilei Stockholder has independently made the decision to
exchange  all of his,  her or its Lorilei  Securities  for shares of  AmeriNet's
common  stock,  no formal  stockholder  action by Lorilei  will be  required  in
conjunction with authorization of this Agreement or the Closing;  however,  each
Lorilei Stockholder must have become a party to this Agreement.

5.3      Access to Information.

(A)      Lorilei  will afford  AmeriNet and its  accountants,  counsel and other
         representatives,  reasonable access during normal business hours during
         the period prior to the Closing to all:

         (1)   Of its properties, books, contracts, commitments and records; and

         (2)   Other   information  concerning   the  business,  properties  and
               personnel of Lorilei as AmeriNet may reasonably request.

(B)      Lorilei agrees to provide to AmeriNet and its accountants,  counsel and
         other representatives  copies of internal financial statements promptly
         upon request.

(C)      No information or Knowledge  obtained in any investigation  pursuant to
         this Section 5.3 will affect or be deemed to modify any  representation
         or warranty  contained  herein or the conditions to the  obligations of
         the Parties to consummate the Reorganization.

5.4      Confidentiality.

(A)      From the date hereof to and  including  the Closing  Date,  the Parties
         will  maintain,  and  cause  their  directors,  employees,  agents  and
         advisors to  maintain,  in  confidence  and not disclose or use for any
         purpose, except the evaluation of the transactions  contemplated hereby
         and the accuracy of the  respective  representations  and warranties of
         the Parties contained herein,  information concerning the other Parties
         and  obtained  directly  or  indirectly  from  such  Parties,  or their
         directors,  employees,  agents or advisors, or as was in the possession
         of such Party prior to obtaining such information from such other Party
         as to which the fact of prior  possession  such  possessing  Party will
         have the burden of proof and such information as is or becomes:

         (1)      Available to the non-disclosing Party from  third  parties not
                  subject to an undertaking of confidentiality or secrecy;

         (2)      Generally available to the public other than as a  result of a
                  breach by the non-disclosing party hereunder; or

         (3)      Required to be disclosed under applicable law.

(B)      In the event  that the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  will not be
         consummated,  all such  information  which will be in  writing  will be
         returned  to the party  furnishing  the same,  including  to the extent
         reasonably practicable,  copies or reproductions thereof which may have
         been prepared.

5.5      Expenses.

         Whether or not the Reorganization is consummated, all expenses incurred
in connection with the  Reorganization and this Agreement will be the obligation
of the Party incurring such expenses.

                                     Page 70

5.6      Public Disclosure.

         Unless  otherwise  required  by  law,  prior  to the  Closing  Date  no
disclosure  (whether or not in response to an inquiry) of the subject  matter of
this Agreement will be made by any Party unless approved by AmeriNet and Lorilei
prior  to  release,  provided  that  such  approval  will  not be  unnecessarily
withheld,  subject, in the case of AmeriNet,  to AmeriNet's obligation to comply
with applicable securities laws.

5.7      Consents.

         AmeriNet and Lorilei will promptly apply for or otherwise seek, and use
their best efforts to obtain, all consents and approvals required to be obtained
by them for the  consummation  of the  Reorganization,  and Lorilei will use its
best  efforts  to  obtain  all  consents,  waivers  and  approvals  under any of
Lorilei's  agreements,  contracts,  licenses,  leases or  mortgages  in order to
preserve the benefits  thereunder  for Lorilei and otherwise in connection  with
the  Reorganization;  all of such  consents  and  approvals  being  set forth in
Schedule 5.7.

5.8      Affiliate Agreements.

(A)      Schedule  5.8 sets forth those persons who are, in Lorilei's reasonable
         judgment, Affiliates of Lorilei.

(B)      Lorilei  will  provide  AmeriNet  such  information  and  documents  as
         AmeriNet will reasonably request for purposes of reviewing such list.

(C)      Lorilei  will use its best  efforts to deliver or cause to be delivered
         to AmeriNet,  concurrently with the execution of this Agreement (and in
         any case  prior to the  Closing  Date) from each of the  Affiliates  of
         Lorilei,  an executed Affiliate Agreement in the form annexed hereto as
         Exhibit 5.8.

(D)      AmeriNet  will  be  entitled  to  place  appropriate   legends  on  the
         certificates  evidencing any AmeriNet's  common stock to be received by
         such Affiliates  pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,  and to issue
         appropriate  stop  transfer  instructions  to the  transfer  agent  for
         AmeriNet's  common stock,  consistent  with the terms of such Affiliate
         Agreements,  in addition to the legends and stop transfer  instructions
         placed  and  issues  on all  certificates  to be  issued  to  Lorilei's
         stockholders  in  conjunction  with  the  Reorganization  based  on the
         Parties reliance on Section 4(2) of the Securities Act

5.9      Legal Requirements.

         AmeriNet  and Lorilei  will take all  reasonable  actions  necessary to
comply  promptly with all legal  requirements  which may be imposed on them with
respect to the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement
and  will  promptly  cooperate  with and  furnish  information  to any  Party in
connection  with  any  such  requirements  imposed  upon  such  other  Party  in
connection  with  the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement  and will take all  reasonable  actions  necessary to obtain (and will
cooperate with the other Parties in obtaining) any consent,  approval,  order or
authorization  of,  or  any  registration,   declaration  or  filing  with,  any
Governmental  Entity  or  other  person,  required  to be  obtained  or  made in
connection with the taking of any action contemplated by this Agreement.

5.10     Blue Sky Laws.

         Legal  counsel to Lorilei has taken such steps as may be  necessary  to
comply  with the  securities  and blue sky laws of all  jurisdictions  which are
applicable  to the issuance of  AmeriNet's  common  stock to the Former  Lorilei

                                     Page 71

5.11     Best Efforts: Additional Documents and Further Assurances.

(A)      Each of the  Parties  to this  Agreement  will use its best  efforts to
         effectuate  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and to fulfill  and
         cause to be fulfilled  the  conditions  to the  Reorganization  and the
         condition subsequent under this Agreement.

(B)      Each Party,  at the request of another Party,  will execute and deliver
         such other instruments and do and perform such other acts and things as
         may be reasonably  necessary or desirable for effecting  completely the
         consummation  of  this  Agreement  and  the  transactions  contemplated

(C)      The Parties  acknowledge  that  allocation of AmeriNet  overhead to its
         subsidiaries   will   constitute  a  material   aspect  of   AmeriNet's
         subsidiaries ability to meet applicable Projections,  and consequently,
         the management of AmeriNet, Mr. Cunningham and Mrs. Cunningham will use
         their best  efforts as soon  following  closing as possible to persuade
         AmeriNet's board of directors to pass a resolution  defining the method
         for allocation of AmeriNet's overhead among its subsidiaries.

5.12     Employment Agreements.

(A)      The  individuals set forth on Schedule 5.12 will as of the Closing Date
         be parties to the employment  agreements  included in composite Exhibit
         5.12 hereto (the  "Employment  Agreements"),  which will  supersede all
         prior employment  agreements or arrangements with any such persons, and
         which will conform to the forms of employment agreements established by
         AmeriNet  for  use  by all  material  employees  of  AmeriNet  and  its

(B)      (1)      AmeriNet  will,  immediately  following  the Closing,  reserve
                  335,378 shares of its common stock for future issuance through
                  incentive  stock  options  (as  defined in Section  422 of the
                  Code)  granted  in  certain  of  the  Employment   Agreements,
                  provided,  however, that rights to such shares will vest on an
                  annual basis,  subject to Lorilei's  having  complied with its
                  obligations under this Agreement, the subject employees having
                  complied  with  their   obligations   under  their  employment
                  agreements  with  Lorilei and  Lorilei's  having  attained the
                  following EBITDA:

                  (a)      If Lorilei attains EBITDA of at least $500,000 during
                           the  period  starting  on July 1, 2000 and  ending on
                           June  30,  2001,  then the  first  67,976  shares  of
                           AmeriNet's  Common stock reserved for issuance in the
                           event of  exercise  of the  subject  incentive  stock
                           options will vest;

                  (b)      If  Lorilei  attains  EBITDA  of at least  $1,400,000
                           during the period starting on July 1, 2000 and ending
                           on  June  30,  2002,   then  all  rights  to  179,769
                           (including the 67,976 shares vested,  if any, on June
                           30,  2001) of the shares of  AmeriNet's  Common stock
                           reserved for issuance in the event of exercise of the
                           subject incentive stock options will vest; and

                  (c)      If  Lorilei  attains  EBITDA  of at least  $2,900,000
                           during the period starting on July 1, 2000 and ending
                           on June  30,  2003,  then  all  rights  to all of the
                           335,378 shares  (including the shares vested, if any,
                           on June 30,  2001 and  June 30,  2002) of  AmeriNet's
                           Common  stock  reserved  for issuance in the event of
                           exercise of the subject  incentive stock options will

         (2)      All  rights to the  incentive  stock  options  in the  subject
                  employment  agreements that have not vested as of July 1, 2003
                  will  expire on such date,  and no further  rights of any kind
                  thereto or to the underlying shares of AmeriNet's common stock
                  reserved  for  such  purpose   will  exist   thereafter,   the
                  reservation therefor terminating on such date.

                                     Page 72

         (3)      The vested Options will be exercisable during the three fiscal
                  year  period  after they vest at a price of $1.3125 per share,
                  provided  that as required by Code  Section 422, all rights to
                  or  under  the  Options  will  expire  within  90  days  after
                  termination of the Employees' employment by Lorilei.

(C)      AmeriNet acknowledges that pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the Employment
         Agreements, Mr. & Mrs. Cunningham are each entitled to the following:

         (1)    Annual salaries of $60,0000;

         (2)    Annual cash bonuses in an amount equal to 2.5% of Lorilei's net,
                pre-tax profits;

         (3)    Benefits not to exceed $12,000 per fiscal year; and

         (4)    Election to Lorilei's board of directors.

(D)      The Parties acknowledge that Lorilei provides its employees,  including
         Mr. & Mrs. Cunningham, with paid vacations based on the length of their
         employment with Lorilei, as follows:

         (1)  One week paid  vacation at normal weekly salaries after completion
              of one full year of employment; and

         (2)  Two weeks paid vacation at normal weekly salaries after completion
              of three full years of employment.

(E)      The Parties acknowledge that notwithstanding the foregoing, none of the
         expenses  referred  to in this  Section  are to be paid using  proceeds
         obtained from AmeriNet's investment in Lorilei but rather, will be paid
         solely from operating income generated by Lorilei.

5.13     Investment by AmeriNet in  Lorilei.

(A)      Based  on  Lorilei's  attainment  of the  Projections  and  subject  to
         Lorilei's  substantial  compliance with its material  obligations under
         this  Agreement,   including,   without  limitation,   those  involving
         provision of audited  financial  statements  for its operations for the
         time period and in the form required by Commission  Regulation  S-B for
         purposes of material acquisitions, AmeriNet hereby covenants and agrees

         (1)   To provide the  following  funds,  to be expended  solely for the
               purposes set forth in Schedule 5.13-2, to Lorilei:

               (a)  The Initial Funding Installment ($100,000);

               (b)  Within 60 days after the audited  financial  statements  for
                    Lorilei required  pursuant to Commission  Regulation S-B for
                    material acquisitions have been provided to AmeriNet,  filed
                    with  the  Commission   and  not  found   deficient  by  the
                    Commission  (the  "Funding   Trigger  Date"),   the  sum  of

               (c)  Within 120 days after the Funding  Trigger Date,  the sum of

               (d)  Within 150 days after the Funding  Trigger Date,  the sum of
                    $100,000; and

               (e)  Within 180 days after the Funding  Trigger Date,  the sum of

                                     Page 73

         (2)   To  use  diligent  efforts  to  assist  Lorilei  and  Mr.  & Mrs.
               Cunningham  to refinance  current  liabilities  guaranteed by its
               principals  and  their  affiliates  in  a  manner  removing  such
               personal guarantees, provided that, if such efforts have not been
               successful prior to December 31, 2000,  Lorilei will be permitted
               by  AmeriNet  to enter  into an  agreement  with such  guarantors
               guaranteeing  direct  payment of such  obligations  and to secure
               such  guarantee  with an  additional  mortgage on the real estate
               owned by Lorilei.

(B)      The Parties hereby acknowledge that Code Section  368(a)(1)(B) does not
         permit stockholders of the corporation whose stock is being acquired to
         receive any consideration  therefor other than voting equity securities
         of the  corporation  acquiring  their common stock;  consequently,  the
         Lorilei  Declarants  hereby  covenant  and  agree  that  no part of the
         proceeds to be invested by AmeriNet in Lorilei  will be used,  directly
         or  indirectly,  to make any payments to the persons who were Lorilei's
         stockholders  immediately  prior to the Closing,  including  any of the
         payments  required under  Employment or other  agreements with Lorilei,
         all such  obligations  to be funded  solely  from  Lorilei's  operating

5.14     Board of Directors.

         Subject  to  Lorilei's   substantial   compliance   with  its  material
obligations under this Agreement, including, without limitation, those involving
provision of audited financial statements for its operations for the time period
and in the form required by Commission  Regulation  S-B for purposes of material
acquisitions;  and,  subject to continuing  compliance by Mr. & Mrs.  Cunningham
with their obligations  under their employment  agreements with Lorilei and with
their fiduciary obligations to AmeriNet:

(A)   (1) AmeriNet hereby covenants and agrees that it will maintain  membership
          on the board of  directors  of Lorilei  in the  following  ratio:  two
          thirds of the members will be nominees of Mr. & Mrs Cunningham and one
          third will be nominees of AmeriNet, provided that:

          (a)  Lorilei  cumulatively  attains EBITDA during the following fiscal
               periods equal to the following amounts:

               1.   During each quarter in the fiscal period starting on July 1,
                    2000 and  ending  on June 30,  2001,  EBITDA  of at least at
                    least 70% of $125,000;

               2.   During each quarter in the fiscal period starting on July 1,
                    2001 and  ending  on June 30,  2002,  EBITDA  of at least at
                    least 70% of $225,000; and

               3.   During each quarter in the fiscal period starting on July 1,
                    2002 and ending on June 30, 2003,  EBITDA of at least 70% of
                    $375,000; and

          (b)  Lorilei and the Former Lorilei  Stockholders must comply with all
               of their  obligations  under this Agreement,  including,  without
               limitation,   those  involving  provision  of  audited  financial
               statements  for Lorilei's  operations  for the time period and in
               the form  required by Commission  Regulation  S-B for purposes of
               the Reorganization.

      (2) Notwithstanding the provisions in Section 5.14(A)(1):

          (a)  The initial determination by AmeriNet as to the attainment of the
               minimum  acceptable  EBITDA  will not be made until two  complete
               fiscal quarters have passed since the Closing Date;

                                     Page 74

          (b)  After the first year  following  the  Closing  Date,  the minimum
               acceptable  EBITDA  may be  modified  periodically  by  unanimous
               action (including the affirmative votes of all AmeriNet nominees)
               of the board of  directors  of Lorilei;  provided  that after the
               third year,  unless new minimum  acceptable EBITDA are agreed to,
               the minimum  acceptable  EBITDA will increase annually to 150% of
               the EBITDA projected for the immediately preceding year;

          (c)  In the event that the right of Mr. & Mrs. Cunningham to designate
               two thirds of the  membership on Lorilei's  board of directors is
               suspended due to failure to meet the minimum  acceptable  EBITDA,
               such right will be reinstated  at such time as the  deficiency in
               meeting the minimum acceptable EBITDA, on a cumulative basis, has
               been cured.

          (d)  As a continuing condition to the right of Mr. & Mrs. Cunningham's
               designees on Lorilei's  board of directors to take any  corporate
               actions,  such  action  may  not  violate  any of  the  following
               restrictions  or  requirements  and any action not in  conformity
               with such continuing conditions shall be void:

               1.   The  members  of  Lorilei's  board of  directors  serving as
                    nominees  of Mr. & Mrs.  Cunningham  must fully  comply with
                    their  fiduciary   obligations  to  AmeriNet  and  Lorilei's
                    Stockholders and with applicable laws;

               2.   A quorum for  meetings of the board of  directors of Lorilei
                    and  action by such  board of  directors  will  require  the
                    participation  of AmeriNet's  nominees;  provided that, if a
                    meeting deemed to involve  material  issues is adjourned due
                    to the  inability  to  attain  a quorum  as a result  of the
                    absence of the  AmeriNet  nominees,  then,  upon  receipt of
                    written notice from Lorilei's  board of directors,  AmeriNet
                    must  assure  that its  nominees  (or  their  successors  if
                    AmeriNet  elects to  replace  them)  attend  the  reconvened
                    meeting,  which will be held by  telephone  conference  at a
                    time during a business  day  designated  by AmeriNet  within
                    three days  after  AmeriNet  is  provided  with the  written
                    notice of the adjourned meeting; and

               3.   The board of  directors  of Lorilei  will not for so long as
                    Lorilei remains a subsidiary of AmeriNet, without AmeriNet's
                    prior written consent specifying the action  authorized,  be
                    authorized to:

                    A.  Engage  in any material change in Lorilei's business not
                        contemplated by the Projections;

                    B.  Sell a material  portion of Lorilei's assets outside the
                        normal course of business;

                    C.  Issue any securities;

                    D.  Authorize  the  borrowing  of any funds or pledge of any
                        assets; or

                    E.  Confess  any  judgment  or  settle any material claim of

(B)      Subject to Lorilei's  attainment of at least 70% of its EBITDA  targets
         set forth in the  preceding  subsection,  AmeriNet  will nominate Mr. &
         Mrs.  Cunningham  for  election to  AmeriNet's  board of directors on a
         continuing  basis for a period of not less than  three  years and shall
         use  its  best   efforts  to  secure  their   election  by   AmeriNet's

                                     Page 75

5.15     Additional Covenants by Lorilei

         As of Closing  all  accrued  obligations  by Lorilei to its  employees,
consultants  and  independent  contractors  involving  payments due for services
rendered, whether in the form of salaries,  bonuses, benefits, benefit plans, or
other  fees  or  consideration  of any  kind,  will  be  fully  and  irrevocably
discharged,  except  for  approximately  $25,000  in  accrued  salary  involving
obligations for the most recent pay period and accrued vacation costs.

                                   Article VI
                        Conditions to the Reorganization

6.1      Conditions to Obligations of Each Party to Effect the Reorganization.

         The  respective  obligations  of each party to this Agreement to effect
the  Reorganization  will be  subject  to the  satisfaction  at or  prior to the
Closing Date of the following conditions:

(A)      No Injunctions or Restraints: Illegality.

         No temporary restraining order,  preliminary or permanent injunction or
other  order  issued  by any  court of  competent  jurisdiction  or other  legal
restraint or prohibition  preventing the consummation of the Reorganization will
be in effect,  nor will any proceeding  brought by an  administrative  agency or
commission  or other  governmental  authority  or  instrumentality,  domestic or
foreign,  seeking any of the foregoing be pending;  nor will there be any action
taken, or any statute, rule, regulation or order enacted,  entered,  enforced or
deemed  applicable to the  Reorganization,  which makes the  consummation of the
Reorganization illegal.

(B)      Lorilei Information Required by Commission Regulation S-B

         The provision by Lorilei on a timely basis in full  compliance with the
requirements  of Commission  Regulation  S-B for material  acquisitions,  of all
information   concerning  its  past  operations,   including  audited  financial
statements,  will  constitute  a  condition  subsequent  to the  obligations  of
AmeriNet  under this Agreement and in the event of the failure of such condition
subsequent, then, at AmeriNet's sole option:

         (1)      The Reorganization may be rescinded, and all funds advanced by
                  AmeriNet  to Lorilei  will be  repaid,  with  interest  at the
                  annual  rate of 8%,  to  AmeriNet  within 30 days  after  such
                  rescission; or

         (2)      The  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow  Shares  will be  deemed
                  defaulted   to  AmeriNet  and  the   Reorganization   will  be
                  restructured in a manner  complying with AmeriNet's  reporting
                  and other  obligations  under the Exchange Act,  including the
                  sale by AmeriNet of Lorilei.

6.2      Additional Conditions to Obligations of Lorilei.

         The  obligations of Lorilei to consummate and effect this Agreement and
the transactions  contemplated  hereby will be subject to the satisfaction at or
prior to the Closing Date of each of the following conditions,  any of which may
be waived, in writing, exclusively by Lorilei:

(A)      Representations, Warranties and Covenants.

         The  representations  and warranties of AmeriNet in this Agreement will
         be true and correct in all  material  respects on and as of the Closing
         Date as though such  representations and warranties were made on and as
         of such time and  AmeriNet  will have  performed  and  complied  in all
         material respects  with all covenants, obligations  and  conditions  of
         this Agreement  required  to be performed and complied with by it as of
         the Closing Date.

                                      Page 76

(B)      Certificate of AmeriNet.

         Lorilei will have been provided  with a certificate  executed on behalf
         of AmeriNet by its President and its Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer
         or officer  exercising  such  functions to the effect  that,  as of the
         Closing Date:

         (1)      All representations and warranties made by AmeriNet under this
                  Agreement are true and complete in all material respects; and

         (2)      All covenants, obligations and conditions of this Agreement to
                  be  performed  by AmeriNet on or before such date have been so
                  performed in all material respects.

(C)      Satisfactory Form of Legal Matters.

         The form,  scope and  substance  of all  legal and  accounting  matters
         contemplated  hereby  and all  documents  and  other  papers  delivered
         hereunder  prior  to  and  on  the  Closing  Date  will  be  reasonably
         acceptable to counsel to Lorilei.

(D)      Legal Opinion.

         Lorilei  will have  received  a legal  opinion  from  legal  counsel to
         AmeriNet, substantially in the form of Exhibit 6.2(D) hereto.

(E)      No Material Adverse Changes.

         There will not have occurred any event,  fact or condition that has had
         or reasonably  would be expected to have a material  adverse  effect on

(F)      Tax Opinion.

         (1)      The Lorilei  Declarants  will have received a written  opinion
                  from their  legal  counsel or tax  advisors to the effect that
                  the Reorganization will constitute a reorganization within the
                  meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(B) of the Code.

         (2)      In rendering  such  opinion such legal  counsel or tax advisor
                  may  rely on  (and  to the  extent  reasonably  required,  the
                  Parties  and  Lorilei's  stockholders  will  make)  reasonable
                  representations related thereto.

6.3      Additional Conditions to the Obligations of AmeriNet.

         The obligations of AmeriNet to consummate and effect this Agreement and
the transactions  contemplated  hereby will be subject to the satisfaction at or
prior to the Closing Date of each of the following conditions,  any of which may
be waived, in writing, exclusively by AmeriNet:

(A)      Representations, Warranties and Covenants.

         (1)      The   representations   and  warranties  of  Lorilei  in  this
                  Agreement will be true and correct in all material respects on
                  and as of the Closing Date as though such  representations and
                  warranties  were made on and as of such time and Lorilei  will
                  have performed and complied in all material respects with all

                                      Page 77

                  covenants,   obligations  and  conditions  of  this  Agreement
                  required to be  performed  and  complied  with by it as of the
                  Closing Date.

         (2)      AmeriNet   will  have  no  remedy   against  the   Undisclosed
                  Liabilities Escrow Fund in respect of an untrue representation
                  or warranty if prior to the Closing Date  Lorilei  delivers to
                  AmeriNet in accordance with Section 9.2 a written statement:

                  (a)      Advising  AmeriNet  that an event (a  "Post-Execution
                           Event") has occurred (specifying in reasonable detail
                           such event)  subsequent  to the date of  execution of
                           this Agreement  that would render any  representation
                           or warranty made by Lorilei in this Agreement  untrue
                           if such  representation  or warranty  were made as of
                           the Closing; and

                  (b)      Confirming that such  representation or  warranty was
                           true as of the date of execution of this
                           Agreement, and

                  (c)      AmeriNet  subsequently  waives the failure to satisfy
                           the  condition  set  forth  in  Section  6.3(A)  with
                           respect  to  such  representation  or  warranty,   in

(B)      Certificate of Lorilei.

         AmeriNet will have been provided with a certificate  executed on behalf
         of Lorilei by its President and Chief  Financial  Officer to the effect
         that, as of the Closing Date, all:

         (1)      Representations  and  warranties  made  by  Lorilei under this
                  Agreement are true and complete in all  material respects; and

         (2)      Covenants,  obligations and conditions of this Agreement to be
                  performed  by  Lorilei  on or  before  such  date have been so
                  performed in all material respects.

(C)      Third Party Consents.

         Any and all consents, waivers and approvals required from third Parties
         relating  to the  contracts  and  agreements  of  Lorilei  so that  the
         Reorganization  and  other  transactions  contemplated  hereby  do  not
         adversely  affect the rights of, and  benefits to,  Lorilei  thereunder
         will have been obtained.

(D)      Satisfactory Form of Legal and Accounting Matters.

         The form,  scope and  substance  of all  legal and  accounting  matters
         contemplated  hereby  and all  documents  and  other  papers  delivered
         hereunder  prior  to  and  on  the  Closing  Date  will  be  reasonably
         acceptable  to  AmeriNet's   counsel   (provided   that  the  condition
         subsequent concerning the compliance of information provided by Lorilei
         with the requirements of Commission  Regulation S-B, on a timely basis,
         will survive the Closing).

(E)      Legal Opinion.

         AmeriNet  will have  received a legal  opinion  from  legal  counsel to
         Lorilei, in substantially the form of Exhibit 6.3(E) hereto.

(F)      No Material Adverse Changes.

         There will not have occurred any event, fact or condition which has had
         or reasonably  would be expected to have a material  adverse  effect on

                                      Page 78

(G)      Affiliate Agreements.

         AmeriNet will have  received from each of the  Affiliates of Lorilei an
         executed Affiliate Agreement which will be in full force and effect.

(H)      Employment Agreements.

          The Employment  Agreements  will have been duly executed and delivered
          and will be in full force and effect.

(I)      Minimum Net Worth.

         Lorilei  will on the Closing Date have net  tangible  assets  (tangible
         assets in excess of liabilities) based on replacement cost valuation of
         not less than  $300,000;  no net  current  payables  (excess of current
         payables over current  receivables),  a total of not more than $280,000
         in long term payables;  at least $162,000 EBITDA for calendar year 1999
         based on revenues of at least $1,100,000,  with a pre-tax net profit of
         approximately  $20,000;  and,  projected  EBITDA for the  fiscal  years
         ending  June  30,  2001,  2002  and  2003  of  $500,000,  $900,000  and
         $1,500,000, respectively.

(J)      Tax Opinion.

         (1)      AmeriNet will have received a written opinion from its general
                  counsel to the effect that the Reorganization  will constitute
                  a reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(B) of
                  the Code.

         (2)      In  rendering  such  opinion,  counsel may rely on (and to the
                  extent   reasonably   required,   the  Parties  and  Lorilei's
                  stockholders  will make)  reasonable  representations  related

(K)      Confidentiality Agreements.

         Each current  employee,  consultant  or other person  having  access to
         Lorilei's confidential information will have executed a confidentiality
         agreement in the form annexed hereto as Exhibit 6.3(K).

(L)      Non-accredited Investors.

         Except  as  disclosed  in the  Lorilei  Warranty  Exceptions  listed in
         Schedule  2,  there  will be no  stockholders  of  Lorilei  who are not
         Accredited Investors.

(M)      Obligations to Lorilei Personnel

         All   obligations  by  Lorilei  to  its  employees,   consultants   and
         independent  contractors  involving  payments due for services rendered
         will have been fully discharged, as of the Closing date.

                                      Page 79

                                   Article VII
        Survival of Condition Subsequent, Representations and Warranties,
                   Covenants & Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow

7.1      Survival of Condition Subsequent, Representations and Warranties &

         All  conditions  subsequent to the  Reorganization  and covenants to be
performed  after the Closing,  and all  representations  and  warranties in this
Agreement or in any instrument delivered pursuant to this Agreement will survive
the  Closing  and  continue  until  the date the audit of  AmeriNet's  financial
statements for the year ending June 30, 2001 has been completed and AmeriNet has
received  a  signed  opinion  from  its  independent  auditors  certifying  such
financial statements (the "2001 Audit Date").

7.2      Escrow Arrangements.

(A)      Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Fund.

         (1)      As soon as  practicable  after the Closing  Date, a portion of
                  the  shares  of  AmeriNet's  common  stock to be issued in the
                  Reorganization  equal to the  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow
                  Number plus any  additional  New Shares (as defined  below) as
                  may be issued in  respect  thereof  after  the  Closing  Date)
                  (collectively,  the "Undisclosed  Liabilities Escrow Shares"),
                  without any act of any stockholder,  will be registered in the
                  name of Yankees,  AmeriNet's strategic planning consultant, or
                  such other person or legal entity as may otherwise be selected
                  by  AmeriNet  prior  to the  Closing,  as  escrow  agent  (the
                  "Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Agent"), and will be deposited
                  with a financial  institution  acceptable  to AmeriNet and the
                  Agent [as defined in Section 7.2(H)  below)],  such deposit to
                  constitute an escrow fund (the "Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow
                  Fund") to be  governed  by the terms set forth  herein  and at
                  AmeriNet's sole cost and expense.

         (2)      (a)      The  portion  of   AmeriNet's   common  stock  in the
                           Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow Fund  contributed on
                           behalf  of each  stockholder  of  Lorilei  is  listed
                           opposite such stockholders' name on Exhibit 7.2.

                  (b)      The  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow  Fund  will  be
                           available to compensate  AmeriNet and its  affiliates
                           for any  claim,  loss,  expense,  liability  or other
                           damage,  including  reasonable  attorneys' fees, that
                           such person has  incurred or  reasonably  anticipates
                           incurring by reason of the successful  assertion by a
                           third  party of any  claims  for  liabilities  of the
                           Lorilei   Declarants   that  were  not  disclosed  as
                           required  pursuant  to this  Agreement  ("Undisclosed
                           Liabilities"),  but  only  to the  extent  that  such
                           Undisclosed Liabilities exceed $20,000.

                  (c)      AmeriNet  and  Lorilei  each  acknowledge  that  such
                           Undisclosed  Liabilities,  if any,  would  relate  to
                           unresolved  contingencies  existing  at the  Time  of
                           Closing  which if resolved at the Closing  would have
                           led to a reduction  in the total  number of shares of
                           AmeriNet's common stock AmeriNet would have agreed to
                           issue in  connection  with the  Reorganization  or to
                           AmeriNet's decision not to acquire Lorilei.

         (3)      Nothing  herein  will  limit  the  liability  of  the  Lorilei
                  Declarants  for any  misrepresentation  or breach of  warranty
                  except that resort to the Undisclosed  Liabilities Escrow Fund
                  will be the  exclusive  contractual  remedy  of  AmeriNet  for
                  recovery  of  monetary   damages   resulting   from  any  such
                  undisclosed liability;  provided, however, that nothing herein
                  will  limit any  noncontractual  remedy for fraud or relief in
                  the form of remedies other than recovery of monetary damages.

                                     Page 80

         (4)  (a)   Subject  to  the  following  requirements,  the  Undisclosed
                    Liabilities  Escrow Fund will remain in existence  until the
                    2001  Audit  Date  (the  "Undisclosed   Liabilities   Escrow

              (b)   Upon the expiration of such Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow
                    Period,   the  Undisclosed   Liabilities  Escrow  Fund  will
                    terminate with respect to all Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow
                    Shares;  provided,  however,  that the number of Undisclosed
                    Liabilities Escrow Shares which, in the reasonable  judgment
                    of AmeriNet,  subject to the  objection of the Agent and the
                    subsequent  arbitration of the matter in the manner provided
                    in Section  7.2(G)  hereof,  are  necessary  to satisfy  any
                    unsatisfied  claims  specified in any Officer's  Certificate
                    delivered to the Undisclosed  Liabilities Escrow Agent prior
                    to the  expiration  of the  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow
                    Period with respect to facts and  circumstances  existing on
                    or  prior  to  the  2001  Audit  Date  will  remain  in  the
                    Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow  Fund (and the  Undisclosed
                    Liabilities Escrow Fund will remain in existence) until such
                    claims have been resolved.

              (c)   As  soon  as  all  such  claims  have  been  resolved,   the
                    Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow  Agent will  deliver to the
                    Former Lorilei  Stockholders all AmeriNet's common stock and
                    other  property  remaining  in the  Undisclosed  Liabilities
                    Escrow Fund and not required to satisfy such claims.

              (d)   Deliveries of AmeriNet's  common stock and other property to
                    the Former  Lorilei  Stockholders  pursuant to this  Section
                    7.2(A)  will be  made  in  proportion  to  their  respective
                    original contributions to the Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow

(B)      Brashear Escrow Fund.

         (1)   As soon as  practicable  after the Closing Date, a portion of the
               shares  of   AmeriNet's   common   stock  to  be  issued  in  the
               Reorganization  equal  to the  Brashear  Escrow  Number  plus any
               additional  New  Shares  (as  defined  below) as may be issued in
               respect  thereof  after  the  Closing  Date)  (collectively,  the
               "Brashear  Escrow  Shares"),  without any act of any stockholder,
               will be registered in the name of Bruce  Brashear,  Esquire,  the
               Lorilei  Declarants' legal counsel, or such other person or legal
               entity as may  otherwise be selected by the Parties  prior to the
               Closing as escrow agent (the "Brashear  Escrow Agent"),  and will
               be deposited with a financial institution  acceptable to AmeriNet
               and the Agent [as defined in Section 7.2(H) below)], such deposit
               to constitute an escrow fund (the  "Brashear  Escrow Fund") to be
               governed  by the terms set forth  herein and at  AmeriNet's  sole
               cost and expense.

         (2)   (a)  The  portion  of  AmeriNet's  common  stock in the  Brashear
                    Escrow Fund  contributed  on behalf of each  stockholder  of
                    Lorilei  is  listed  opposite  such  stockholders'  name  on
                    Exhibit 7.2.

               (b)  The Brashear Escrow Fund will be held and distributed in the
                    manner   and  for  the   purposes   set  forth  in   Section

         (3)   The Brashear Escrow Shares will constitute  AmeriNet's  exclusive
               monetary  remedy  for  damages  resulting  as  a  result  of  the
               contingencies  involved;  provided,  however, that nothing herein
               will limit any  noncontractual  remedy for fraud or relief in the
               form of remedies other than recovery of monetary damages.

(C)      Protection of Escrow Shares.

         The Escrow  Agents will hold and safeguard the Escrow Shares during the
         Escrow  Terms,  will  treat  the  Escrow  Shares  as a  trust  fund  in
         accordance  with the terms of this Agreement and not as the property of
         the  Parties  and will hold and  dispose of the Escrow  Shares  only in
         accordance with the terms hereof.

                                     Page 81

(D)      Distributions; Voting.

         (1)     (a)       Any  shares  of  AmeriNet's  common  stock  or  other
                           equity  securities issued or distributed by AmeriNet,
                           including  shares  issued  upon a stock  split or any
                           stock  dividend  or  distribution  ("New  Shares") in
                           respect  of  AmeriNet's  common  stock in the  Escrow
                           Funds  which have not been  released  from the Escrow
                           Funds will be added to the Escrow  Funds and become a
                           part thereof.

                  (b)      New Shares  issued in respect  of  AmeriNet's  common
                           stock which have been  released from the Escrow Funds
                           will not be added to the  Escrow  Funds,  but will be
                           distributed to the holders thereof.

                  (c)      When and if cash dividends on AmeriNet's common stock
                           in the Escrow Funds will be declared  and paid,  they
                           will be added to the  Escrow  Funds and become a part

         (2)      Each  stockholder  of Lorilei  will have  voting  rights  with
                  respect to the shares of AmeriNet's  common stock  contributed
                  to the Escrow Funds on behalf of such  stockholder (and on any
                  voting securities added to the Escrow Funds in respect of such
                  shares of  AmeriNet's  common stock) so long as such shares of
                  AmeriNet's common stock or other voting securities are held in
                  the Escrow Funds.

(E)      Claims Upon Escrow Funds.

         (1)      Subject to the  objection  procedure  established  below,  the
                  Undisclosed  Liabilities Escrow Agent will deliver to AmeriNet
                  out of the Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Fund, as promptly as
                  practicable, shares of AmeriNet's common stock or other assets
                  held in the Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow Fund in an amount
                  equal to the funds  required to recover the  monetary  damages
                  resulting from such Undisclosed Liabilities, provided that

                  (a)      A written claim of loss has been provided by AmeriNet
                           to the  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow Agent at any
                           time on or  before  the last  day of the  Undisclosed
                           Liabilities   Escrow   Period   in  the   form  of  a
                           certificate  signed by any  officer of  AmeriNet  (an
                           "Officer's Certificate"), with a copy to Lorilei:

                           1.       Stating that AmeriNet has  paid  or properly
                                    accrued  or  reasonably anticipates  that it
                                    will  have to pay or  accrue  as a result of
                                    such Undisclosed Liabilities, and

                           2.       Specifying   in   reasonable    detail   the
                                    individual  items of  included in the amount
                                    so stated,  the date each such item was paid
                                    or properly  accrued,  or the basis for such
                                    anticipated liability, and the nature of the
                                    misrepresentation,  breach  of  warranty  or
                                    claim to which such item is related.

                  (b)      For the purposes of determining  the number of shares
                           of  AmeriNet's   common  stock  to  be  delivered  to
                           AmeriNet out of the  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow
                           Fund  pursuant  to Section  7.2(E)(1),  the shares of
                           AmeriNet's common stock will be valued at the average
                           closing   transaction   price  therefor   during  the
                           preceding  ten  trading  days,  as  reported  on  the
                           highest   rated   securities   market  or  securities
                           exchange on which AmeriNet's common stock is actually

         (2)    (a)        Shares  will  be  delivered from  the Brashear Escrow
                           in the manner and at the times  specified  in Section
                           1.2(A)(2)(a),  subject to the provisions set forth in
                           Section   7.2(E)(2)(c),   within  thirty  days  after
                           presentation  to the Brashear Escrow Agent of written
                           evidence that  the event requiring  distribution  has

                                     Page 82

                           occurred and  indicating the number of shares or cash
                           to be distributed and the  basis for such calculation
                          (the "Delivery  Date" and  the  "Brashear Distribution
                           Notice," respectively).

                  (b)      Within   three   business   days   after  a  Brashear
                           Distribution  Notice  is  received  by  the  Brashear
                           Escrow Agent, the Brashear Escrow Agent shall forward
                           a copy thereof to the other potential claimant with a
                           written  notice  advising  such other  claimant  that
                           unless  written   objections  to  such   distribution
                           specifying the basis for such objections are provided
                           to  the  Brashear  Escrow  Agent  on  or  before  the
                           Delivery   Date   (the   "Notice   of   Objections"),
                           distribution as requested will be made.

                  (c)      In the event a Notice of Objection  is  provided, the
                           Brashear Escrow Agent  will  refrain  from making the
                           requested  distribution  and will provide the Parties
                           with written  notice that unless the Parties mutually
                           agree to  a  distribution or initiate action pursuant
                           to the g eneral dispute resolution procedures of this
                           Agreement  within ten  business  days,  the  Brashear
                           Escrow Agent will initiate an action in the nature of
                           an  interpleader  in the Circuit Court sitting in and
                           for Alachua  County,  Florida  and  will  deposit the
                           shares or funds in  controversy  in  the  registry of
                           such court, whereupon the Parties will be required to
                           determine ownership  thereof,  with  all  expenses of
                           litigation for the Parties  and  the  Brashear Escrow
                           Agent  to  be  charged  and  awarded by such court to
                           against the non-prevailing Party or Parties.

                  (d)      If  an  action   pursuant  to  the  general   dispute
                           resolution  procedures of this Agreement is initiated
                           within ten business days,  the Brashear  Escrow Agent
                           will   continue  to  hold  the  shares  or  funds  in
                           controversy  during the  pendency of such  proceeding
                           and will  thereafter  distribute  them in  accordance
                           with the final award therein.

(F)      Objections to Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Claims.

         (1)      At the time of delivery of any  Officer's  Certificate  to the
                  Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Agent, a duplicate copy of such
                  certificate  will be  delivered  to the Agent [as  defined  in
                  Section  7.2(H)]  and for a period of thirty  (30) days  after
                  such delivery,  the Undisclosed  Liabilities Escrow Agent will
                  make no delivery to  AmeriNet of shares of  AmeriNet's  common
                  stock,   pursuant  to  Section  7.2(E)(1)  hereof  unless  the
                  Undisclosed   Liabilities  Escrow  Agent  will  have  received
                  written authorization from the Agent to make such delivery.

         (2)      After the  expiration  of such  thirty  (30) day  period,  the
                  Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Agent will make delivery of the
                  shares of  AmeriNet's  common  stock or other  property in the
                  Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Fund in accordance with Section
                  7.2(F)  hereof,  provided that no such payment or delivery may
                  be made if the Agent will object in a written statement to the
                  claim made in the Officer's  Certificate,  and such  statement
                  will have been delivered to the Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow
                  Agent prior to the expiration of such thirty day period.

(G)      Resolution of Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Conflicts; Arbitration.

         (1)      (a)      In  case  the  Agent  will  so object in  writing  to
                           any   claim   or   claims   made  in  any   Officer's
                           Certificate,  the Agent and AmeriNet  will attempt in
                           good faith to agree upon the rights of the respective
                           Parties with respect to each of such claims.

                  (b)      If  the  Agent  and  AmeriNet   should  so  agree,  a
                           memorandum  setting  forth  such  agreement  will  be
                           prepared  and  signed  by both  Parties  and  will be
                           furnished  to  the  Undisclosed   Liabilities  Escrow

                                     Page 83

                  (c)      The  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow  Agent  will be
                           entitled   to  rely  on  any  such   memorandum   and
                           distribute shares of AmeriNet's common stock or other
                           property from the Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Fund
                           in accordance with the terms thereof.

         (2)      (a)      If  no  such  agreement  can  be  reached  after good
                           faith  negotiation,  either AmeriNet or the Agent may
                           demand arbitration of the matter unless the amount of
                           the damage or loss is at issue in pending  litigation
                           with a third party, in which event  arbitration  will
                           not be commenced  until such amount is ascertained or
                           both Parties agree to arbitration; and in either such
                           event  the  matter  will be  settled  by  arbitration
                           conducted by three arbitrators.

                  (b)      AmeriNet   and   the   Agent  will  each  select  one
                           arbitrator,  and the two arbitrators so selected will
                           select a third arbitrator.

                  (c)      The  arbitrators  will set a limited  time period and
                           establish  procedures designed to reduce the cost and
                           time for  discovery  while  allowing  the  Parties an
                           opportunity,  adequate  in the sole  judgment  of the
                           arbitrators,  to discover  relevant  information from
                           the opposing  Parties about the subject matter of the

                  (d)      The  arbitrators  will rule upon motions to compel or
                           limit discovery and will have the authority to impose
                           sanctions, including attorneys fees and costs, to the
                           extent as a court of competent law or equity,  should
                           the  arbitrators  determine that discovery was sought
                           without  substantial  justification or that discovery
                           was  refused  or  objected  to  without   substantial

                  (e)      The  decision of a majority of the three  arbitrators
                           as to the  validity  and  amount of any claim in such
                           Officer's  Certificate will be binding and conclusive
                           upon   the   Parties   to   this    Agreement,    and
                           notwithstanding anything in Section 7.2(E)(1) hereof,
                           the  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow  Agent  will be
                           entitled to act in accordance  with such decision and
                           make  or  withhold  payments  out of the  Undisclosed
                           Liabilities Escrow Fund in accordance therewith.

                  (f)      Such  decision  will be written and will be supported
                           by written  findings  of fact and  conclusions  which
                           will set forth the award,  judgment,  decree or order
                           awarded by the arbitrators.

         (3)      (a)      (i)      Judgment  upon  any  award  rendered  by the
                                    arbitrators may  be  entered  in  any  court
                                    having jurisdiction.

                           (ii)     Any such arbitration will be held in Broward
                                    County,  Florida,  under the  rules  then in
                                    effect   of   the    American    Arbitration
                                    Association to the extent such rules are not
                                    inconsistent with this Section 7.2(G).

                  (b)      For   purposes  of  this  Section   7.2(G),   in  any
                           arbitration  hereunder  in  which  any  claim  or the
                           amount thereof stated in the Officer's Certificate is
                           at  issue,   AmeriNet   will  be  deemed  to  be  the
                           Non-Prevailing   Party   in  the   event   that   the
                           arbitrators  award  AmeriNet less than the sum of 50%
                           of  the  disputed  amount  plus  any  amounts  not in
                           dispute;  otherwise,  the Former Lorilei Stockholders
                           as  represented by the Agent will be deemed to be the
                           Non-Prevailing Party.

                  (c)      The Non-Prevailing Party to an arbitration  will  pay
                           its own expenses, the fees of  each  arbitrator,  the
                           administrative  fee   of   the  American  Arbitration
                           Association,  and  the  expenses,  including  without
                           limitation,  reasonable  attorneys' fees  and  costs,
                           incurred  by the other  party to the arbitration.

                                     Page 84

(H)      Agent of the Stockholders: Power of Attorney.

      (1)  (a)  (i) Gerald R. Cunningham is hereby irrevocably  appointed as the
                    agent   and   attorney-in-fact   (the   "Agent")   for  each
                    stockholder  of  Lorilei,  for and on behalf  of the  Former
                    Lorilei  Stockholders,  to  give  and  receive  notices  and
                    communications,   to  authorize   delivery  to  AmeriNet  of
                    AmeriNet's  common stock or other  property  from the Escrow
                    Funds in  satisfaction  of claims by AmeriNet,  to object to
                    such  deliveries,   to  agree  to,  negotiate,   enter  into
                    settlements and  compromises of, and demand  arbitration and
                    comply with orders of courts and awards of arbitrators  with
                    respect to such claims, and to take all actions necessary or
                    appropriate in the judgment of Agent for the  accomplishment
                    of the foregoing.

               (ii) Such   agency  may  be   changed   by  the  Former   Lorilei
                    Stockholders  from time to time  upon not less  than  thirty
                    (30) days prior  written  notice to AmeriNet;  provided that
                    the Agent may not be removed  unless holders of a two-thirds
                    interest of the common stock  comprising  the subject Escrow
                    Fund  agree  to  such  removal  and to the  identity  of the
                    substituted agent.

              (iii) No bond will be  required  of the Agent,  and the Agent will
                    not receive compensation for his or her services.

               (iv) Notices  or   communications  to  or  from  the  Agent  will
                    constitute  notice  to or from  each of the  Former  Lorilei

           (b) The  Agent  will  be  entitled  to  submit  a claim  and  receive
               reimbursement   from  the  Escrow   Funds  for  all   reasonable,
               documented  out-of-pocket  expenses  incurred  by the  Agent as a
               result of his acting as the Agent;  provided,  however, that such
               right to reimbursement  will be subordinate to AmeriNet's  claims
               on the Escrow Funds, if any, and will be paid only after all such
               claims have been satisfied.

           (c) Any  such  reimbursement  will be paid in  shares  of  AmeriNet's
               common stock out of the Escrow Fund.

           (d) For purposes of such reimbursement of the Agent only, such shares
               will be valued at the average of the closing prices of AmeriNet's
               common  stock for the ten trading days ending on the day prior to
               the date the  Undisclosed  Liabilities  Escrow  Agent  pays  such
               reimbursement amount.

      (2)  (a) The  Agent  will  not be  liable  for  any act  done  or  omitted
               hereunder as Agent while acting in good faith and in the exercise
               of reasonable judgment.

           (b) The  Former  Lorilei  Stockholders  on  whose  behalf  shares  of
               AmeriNet's  common stock were  contributed  to the subject Escrow
               Fund  will  severally  indemnify  the  Agent  and hold the  Agent
               harmless against any loss,  liability or expense incurred without
               negligence  or bad faith on the part of the Agent and arising out
               of or in connection with the acceptance or  administration of the
               Agent's  duties  hereunder,  including  the  reasonable  fees and
               expenses of any legal counsel retained by the Agent.

                                     Page 85

(I)      Actions of the Agent.

         (1)      A  decision,  act,  consent or  instruction  of the Agent will
                  constitute a decision of all the  stockholders for whom shares
                  of  AmeriNet's  common  stock  otherwise  issuable to them are
                  deposited in the Escrow  Funds and will be final,  binding and
                  conclusive  upon  each of such  stockholders,  and the  Escrow
                  Agents  and  AmeriNet  may rely upon any such  decision,  act,
                  consent  or  instruction  of the Agent as being the  decision,
                  act, consent or instruction of every such stockholder.

         (2)      The Escrow  Agents and AmeriNet are hereby  relieved  from any
                  liability  to  any  person  for  any  acts  done  by  them  in
                  accordance with such decision,  act, consent or instruction of
                  the Agent.

(J)      Third-Party Claims.

         (1)      In the event  AmeriNet  becomes aware of a  third-party  claim
                  which  AmeriNet  believes  may result in a demand  against the
                  Undisclosed  Liabilities Escrow Fund, AmeriNet will notify the
                  Agent of such  claim,  and the  Agent and the  Former  Lorilei
                  Stockholders   will  be  entitled,   at  their   expense,   to
                  participate in any defense of such claim.

         (2)      AmeriNet will have the right in its sole  discretion to settle
                  any  such  claim;  provided,  however,  that  except  with the
                  consent of the  Agent,  no  settlement  of any such claim with
                  third-party  claimants  will  alone  be  determinative  of the
                  validity  of any claim  against  the  Undisclosed  Liabilities
                  Escrow Fund.

         (3)      In the  event  that  the  Agent  has  consented  to  any  such
                  settlement,  the  Agent  will  have no power or  authority  to
                  object  under any  provision of this Article VII to the amount
                  of any claim by AmeriNet  against the Undisclosed  Liabilities
                  Escrow Fund with respect to such settlement.

(K)      Escrow Agents' Duties.

         (1)    (a) The Escrow Agents will be obligated only for the performance
                    of such duties as are specifically set forth herein,  and as
                    set  forth in any  additional  written  escrow  instructions
                    which the Escrow  Agents may receive  after the date of this
                    Agreement which are signed by an officer of AmeriNet and the
                    Agent,  and may rely and will be  protected  in  relying  or
                    refraining from acting on any instrument reasonably believed
                    to be genuine  and to have been signed or  presented  by the
                    proper party or Parties.

                (b) The  Escrow  Agents  will not be liable  for any act done or
                    omitted  hereunder  as Escrow  Agents  while  acting in good
                    faith and in the exercise of  reasonable  judgment,  and any
                    act done or omitted  pursuant to the advice of counsel  will
                    be conclusive evidence of such good faith.

         (2)    (a) The  Escrow  Agents  are  hereby  expressly   authorized  to
                    disregard  any and all warnings  given by any of the Parties
                    or by any other person,  excepting only orders or process of
                    courts of law, and is hereby expressly  authorized to comply
                    with and obey orders, judgments or decrees of any court.

                (b) In case the  Escrow  Agents  obey or comply  with any order,
                    judgment or decree of any court,  the Escrow Agents will not
                    be liable to any of the  Parties  or to any other  person by
                    reason of such compliance,  notwithstanding  any such order,
                    judgment or decree being  subsequently  reversed,  modified,
                    annulled,  set aside,  vacated or found to have been entered
                    without jurisdiction.

                                     Page 86

         (3)      The Escrow Agents will not be liable in any respect on account
                  of the identity,  authority or rights of the Parties executing
                  or  delivering  or  purporting  to  execute  or  deliver  this
                  Agreement or any  documents or papers  deposited or called for

         (4)      The Escrow Agents will not be liable for the expiration of any
                  rights under any statute of  limitations  with respect to this
                  Agreement or any documents deposited with the Escrow Agents.

         (5)      The Escrow  Agents may resign at any time upon giving at least
                  thirty (30) days  written  notice to AmeriNet and the Agent to
                  this Agreement;  provided,  however,  that no such resignation
                  will become  effective  until the  appointment  of a successor
                  escrow agent which will be accomplished as follows:

                  (a)      AmeriNet and the Agent will use their best efforts to
                           mutually  agree upon a successor  agent within thirty
                           (30) days after receiving such notice.

                  (b)      If the Parties fail to agree upon a successor  escrow
                           agent within such time,  AmeriNet will have the right
                           to appoint a successor  escrow agent authorized to do
                           business in Florida.

                  (c)      The successor  escrow agent selected in the preceding
                           manner  will   execute  and  deliver  an   instrument
                           accepting such  appointment  and it will thereupon be
                           deemed the subject Escrow Agent hereunder and it will
                           without  further acts be vested with all the estates,
                           properties,   rights,   powers,  and  duties  of  the
                           predecessor  Escrow Agent as if  originally  named as
                           Escrow Agent.

                  (d)      Thereafter, the  predecessor  Escrow  Agent  will  be
                           discharged  for  any  further  duties and liabilities
                           under this Agreement.

                                  Article VIII
                        Termination, Amendment And Waiver

8.1      Termination.

         This  Agreement may be terminated and the  Reorganization  abandoned at
any time prior to the Closing Date, as follows:

(A)      By mutual consent of Lorilei and AmeriNet.

(B)      By AmeriNet if it is not in material  breach of its  obligations  under
         this   Agreement   and  there  has  been  a  material   breach  of  any
         representation,  warranty,  covenant  or  agreement  contained  in this
         Agreement  on the part of  Lorilei  and such  breach has not been cured
         within fifteen days after notice to Lorilei.

(C)      By  Lorilei  if  it  is  not  in  material  breach  of  its  respective
         obligations  under this Agreement and there has been a material  breach
         of any  representation,  warranty,  covenant or agreement  contained in
         this  Agreement  on the part of  AmeriNet  and such breach has not been
         cured within 15 days after notice to AmeriNet;

(D)      By any Party if:

         (1)  The Reorganization has not occurred by May 31, 2000;

         (2)  There will be a final nonappealable order of a  federal  or  state
              court in effect preventing consummation of the Reorganization;

                                     Page 87

         (3)      There  will  be  any  action  taken,  or  any  statute,  rule,
                  regulation or order  enacted,  promulgated or issued or deemed
                  applicable to the  Reorganization  by any Governmental  Entity
                  which would make consummation of the  Reorganization  illegal;

         (4)      There  will  be  any  action  taken,  or  any  statute,  rule,
                  regulation or order  enacted,  promulgated or issued or deemed
                  applicable to the  Reorganization by any Governmental  Entity,
                  which would:

                  (a)      Prohibit   AmeriNet's   or  Lorilei's   ownership  or
                           operation  of  all  or  a  material  portion  of  the
                           business of Lorilei, or compel AmeriNet or Lorilei to
                           dispose of or hold separate all or a material portion
                           of the business or assets of Lorilei or AmeriNet as a
                           result of the Reorganization; or

                  (b)      Render AmeriNet  or  Lorilei unable to consummate the
                           Reorganization,   except   for  any   waiting  period

(E)      Where  action is taken to  terminate  this  Agreement  pursuant to this
         Section 8.1, it will be sufficient  for such action to be authorized by
         the board of directors (as applicable) of the Party taking such action.

8.2      Effect of Termination.

         In the event of  termination  of this  Agreement as provided in Section
8.1, this Agreement will forthwith become void and there will be no liability or
obligation  on the part of  AmeriNet  or Lorilei or their  respective  officers,
directors or stockholders, except if such termination results from the breach by
a Party of any of its representations,  warranties,  covenants or agreements set
forth in this Agreement (it being  understood that termination of this Agreement
because of failure of  Lorilei  to satisfy  the  condition  set forth in Section
6.3(A) as a result  of the  occurrence  of a  Post-Execution  Event  will not be
deemed to be a termination  resulting  from such a breach of  representation  or

8.3      Amendment.

(A)      This  Agreement  may be  amended by the  Parties at any time  before or
         after approval of matters  presented in connection  with the Closing by
         the  stockholders  of those Parties  required by  applicable  law to so
         approve but, after any such stockholder  approval, no amendment will be
         made which by law requires the further  approval of  stockholders  of a
         party without obtaining such further approval.

(B)      This  Agreement  may  not be amended except by an instrument in writing
         signed on behalf of each of the Parties.

8.4      Extension & Waiver.

(A)  At any time  prior to the  Closing  any Party may,  to the  extent  legally

     (1)  Extend the time for the performance of any of the obligations or other
          acts of the other Parties;

     (2)  Waive any inaccuracies in the  representations  and warranties made to
          such party  contained  herein or in any  document  delivered  pursuant
          hereto; or

     (3)  Waive  compliance  with any of the  agreements or  conditions  for the
          benefit of such Party contained herein.

(B)  Any  agreement on the part of a Party to any such  extension or waiver will
     be valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing  signed on behalf of
     such Party.

                                     Page 88

                                   Article IX
                               General Provisions

9.1      Interpretation.

(A)      When a reference  is made in this  Agreement  to Schedules or Exhibits,
         such  reference  will be to a Schedule  or  Exhibit  to this  Agreement
         unless otherwise indicated.

(B)      The words  "include,"  "includes" and "including" when used herein will
         be  deemed  in  each  case  to  be  followed  by  the  words   "without

(C)      The table of contents and headings  contained in this Agreement are for
         reference  purposes  only and will not affect in any way the meaning or
         interpretation of this Agreement.

(D)      The captions in this Agreement are for  convenience  and reference only
         and in no way  define,  describe,  extend  or limit  the  scope of this
         Agreement or the intent of any provisions hereof.

(E)      All pronouns and any variations  thereof will be deemed to refer to the
         masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the
         Party or Parties,  or their  personal  representatives,  successors and
         assigns may require.

(F)      The Parties agree that they have been represented by counsel during the
         negotiation and execution of this Agreement and,  therefore,  waive the
         application  of any law,  regulation,  holding or rule of  construction
         providing  that  ambiguities  in an agreement or other document will be
         construed against the party drafting such agreement or document.

9.2      Notice.

(A)      All notices, demands or other communications given hereunder will be in
         writing  and will be  deemed  to have  been  duly  given  on the  first
         business day after  mailing by United  States  registered  or certified
         mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:

         (1)      To AmeriNet:

                            AmeriNet, Inc.
        Crystal Corporate Center; 2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225-C;
                           Boca Raton, Florida 33431
                      Attention: Michael Jordan, President
               Telephone (561) 998-3435, Fax (561) 998-4635; and,
                e-mail; with a copy to

                    George Franjola, Esquire; General Counsel
                            AmeriNet, Inc.
                   1941 Southeast 51st Terrace; Ocala, Florida
            34471 Telephone (352) 694-9182, Fax (352) 694-1325; and,

         (2)      To Lorilei:

                          Lorilei Communications, Inc.
                  Post Office Box 770787; Ocala, Florida 34477
                7325 Southwest 32nd Street; Ocala, Florida 34474
                   Attention: Gerald R. Cunningham, President
                  Telephone (352) 861-1350; Fax (352) 861-1339;
                 e-mail; with a copy to

                                      Page 89

                             Bruce Brashear, Esquire
                              Brashear & Associates
          920 Northwest 8th Avenue, Suite A; Gainesville, Florida 32601
                  Telephone (352) 336-0800; Fax (352) 336-0505;
                       and, e-mail;

         (3)        To Mr. Cunningham:

                              Gerald R. Cunningham
                   18498 Northwest 24th Avenue; Citra, Florida
           32113 Telephone (352) 595-3834; Fax (352) 595-0807; e-mail

         (4)       To Mrs. Cunningham

                               Leigh A. Cunningham
                   18498 Northwest 24th Avenue; Citra, Florida
           32113 Telephone (352) 595-3834; Fax (352) 595-0807; e-mail

         (5)      To the Undisclosed Liabilities Escrow Agent:

                           The Yankee Companies, Inc.
         Crystal Corporate Center; 2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225;
                           Boca Raton, Florida 33431
                   Attention: Leonard Miles Tucker, President
               Telephone (561) 998-2025, Fax (561) 998-3425; and,

         (6)       To the Brashear Escrow Agent:

                             Bruce Brashear, Esquire
                              Brashear & Associates
          920 Northwest 8th Avenue, Suite A; Gainesville, Florida 32601
               Telephone (352) 336-0800; Fax (352) 336-0505; and,

         or such  other  address  or to such  other  person  as any  Party  will
         designate to the other for such purpose in the manner  hereinafter  set

(B)      At the request of any Party,  notice will also be provided by overnight
         delivery,   facsimile   transmission   or  e-mail,   provided   that  a
         transmission receipt is retained.

(C)     (1)       The  Parties  acknowledge  that  Yankees serves as a strategic
                  consultant  to  AmeriNet  and has acted as  scrivener  for the
                  Parties in this  transaction but that Yankees is neither a law
                  firm nor an agency subject to any  professional  regulation or

        (2)      Because  of  the  inherent  conflict  of  interests  involved,
                  Yankees has  advised all of the Parties to retain  independent
                  legal and accounting  counsel to review this Agreement and its
                  exhibits and incorporated materials on their behalf.

         (3)      The  decision  by any Party not to use the  services  of legal
                  counsel in conjunction with this transaction will be solely at
                  their own risk, each Part  acknowledging that applicable rules
                  of the Florida Bar prevent AmeriNet's general counsel, who has
                  reviewed,  approved  and  caused  modifications  on  behalf of
                  AmeriNet, from representing anyone other than AmeriNet in this

                                     Page 90

9.3      Merger of All Prior Agreements Herein.

(A)      This  instrument,  together  with the  instruments  referred to herein,
         contains all of the  understandings  and agreements of the Parties with
         respect to the subject matter discussed herein.

(B)      All  prior  agreements  whether  written  or oral are merged herein and
         will be of no force or effect.

9.4      Survival.

         The several  representations,  warranties  and covenants of the Parties
contained  herein will survive the execution  hereof and the Closing and will be
effective regardless of any investigation that may have been made or may be made
by or on behalf of any Party.

9.5      Severability.

         If any  provision or any portion of any  provision  of this  Agreement,
other than one of the conditions precedent or subsequent,  or the application of
such provision or any portion thereof to any person or circumstance will be held
invalid or  unenforceable,  the  remaining  portions of such  provision  and the
remaining  provisions of this Agreement or the  application of such provision or
portion of such  provision  as is held  invalid or  unenforceable  to persons or
circumstances  other  than those to which it is held  invalid or  unenforceable,
will not be affected thereby.

9.6      Governing Law.

         This Agreement will be construed in accordance with the substantive and
procedural laws of the State of Delaware (other than those  regulating  Taxation
and choice of law).

9.7      Indemnification.

(A)      Each Party hereby  irrevocably  agrees to indemnify  and hold the other
         Parties  harmless from any and all liabilities  and damages  (including
         legal or other expenses incidental  thereto),  contingent,  current, or
         inchoate  to which  they or any one of them  may  become  subject  as a
         direct,  indirect  or  incidental  consequence  of  any  action  by the
         indemnifying   Party  or  as  a  consequence  of  the  failure  of  the
         indemnifying  Party to act,  whether  pursuant to  requirements of this
         Agreement or otherwise.

(B)      In the event it becomes  necessary to enforce this indemnity through an
         attorney,  with or without  litigation,  the  successful  Party will be
         entitled to recover from the  indemnifying  Party,  all costs  incurred
         including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  throughout  any  negotiations,
         trials or appeals, whether or not any suit is instituted.

9.8      Dispute Resolution.

(A)      In any action  between  the Parties to enforce any of the terms of this
         Agreement  or  any  other  matter   arising  from  this  Agreement  any
         proceedings   pertaining  directly  or  indirectly  to  the  rights  or
         obligations  of the  Parties  hereunder  will,  to the  extent  legally
         permitted, be held in Broward County, Florida, and the prevailing Party
         will  be  entitled  to  recover  its  costs  and  expenses,   including
         reasonable  attorneys'  fees  up to  and  including  all  negotiations,
         alternative dispute resolution proceedings, trials and appeals, whether
         or not any formal proceedings are initiated.

(B)      Except for the arbitration  procedures outlined in paragraphs 7.2(G)(2)
         and 7.2(G)(3)  which will govern any arbitration  proceeding  described
         therein,  in the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement,  or
         the negotiation thereof or inducements to enter into the Agreement, the
         dispute  will,  at the request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
         through the following procedures:

                                     Page 91

         (1)     (a)       First,  the  issue  will  be  submitted  to mediation
                           before a mediation service in Broward County, Florida
                           to be  selected  by lot from six  alternatives  to be
                           provided, three by AmeriNet and three by Lorilei.

                  (b)      The  mediation  efforts will be concluded  within ten
                           business  days  after  their  initiation  unless  the
                           Parties  unanimously  agree to an extended  mediation

         (2)      In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of
                  the dispute then at the request of any Party, the Parties will
                  submit  the   dispute  to   binding   arbitration   before  an
                  arbitration  service located in Broward County,  Florida to be
                  selected by lot, from six  alternatives to be provided,  three
                  by AmeriNet and Three by Lorilei.

         (3)      (a)      Expenses  of  mediation  will be borne equally by the
                           Parties, if successful.

                  (b)      Expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys' fees, of
                           mediation, if unsuccessful,  and of arbitration, will
                           be borne by the  Party or  Parties  against  whom the
                           arbitration decision is rendered.

                  (c)      If the terms of the arbitral award do not establish a
                           prevailing  Party,  then the expenses of unsuccessful
                           mediation  and  arbitration  will be borne equally by
                           the Parties involved.

9.9      Benefit of Agreement.

         The terms and  provisions  of this  Agreement  will be binding upon and
inure  to the  benefit  of the  Parties,  their  successors,  assigns,  personal
representatives,  estate, heirs and legatees but are not intended to confer upon
any other person any rights or remedies hereunder.

9.10     Further Assurances.

         The Parties agree to do,  execute,  acknowledge and deliver or cause to
be done,  executed,  acknowledged  or delivered and to perform all such acts and
deliver all such deeds, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney,
assurances,  stock certificates and other documents,  as may, from time to time,
be required herein to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.

9.11     Counterparts.

(A)      This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.

(B)      All executed counterparts will constitute one Agreement notwithstanding
         that all  signatories  are not  signatories to the original or the same

(C)      Execution by exchange of facsimile  transmission will be deemed legally
         sufficient  to bind the  signatory;  however,  the  Parties  will,  for
         aesthetic  purposes,  prepare a fully executed original version of this
         Agreement which will be the document filed with the Commission.

9.12     License.

(A)      This  form of  agreement  is the  property  of  Yankees  and  has  been
         customized for this  transaction  with the consent of Yankees by George
         Franjola, Esquire, AmeriNet's general counsel.

(B)      The use  of  this form of agreement by the Parties is authorized hereby
         solely for purposes of this transaction.

                                     Page 92

(C)      The use of this form of agreement or of any derivation  thereof without
         Yankees' prior written permission is prohibited.

     In Witness Whereof, AmeriNet,  Lorilei, the Former Lorilei Stockholders and
the Escrow Agents (with respect to the Escrow Agents, as to matters set forth in
Section  1.2(A)(2)(a)  and Article VII only) have  caused this  Agreement  to be
executed by themselves or their duly authorized  respective officers,  all as of
the last date set forth below:

Signed, sealed and delivered
         In Our Presence:

                                                        AmeriNet, Inc.
_________________________________                       (A Delaware corporation)

_________________________________         By:      /s/ Michael H. Jordan
                                                    Michael H. Jordan, President
Dated:   May 11, 2000
                                          Attest:  /s/ Vanessa H. Lindsey
                                                   Vanessa H. Lindsey, Secretary
State of Florida           }
County of Marion           } ss.:                               (Corporate Seal)

         On this 11th day of May,  2000,  before me, a notary  public in and for
the county  and state  aforesaid,  personally  appeared  Michael  H.  Jordan and
Vanessa  H.  Lindsey,  to me  known,  and  known to me to be the  president  and
secretary of AmeriNet, Inc., the above-described  corporation,  and to
me  known  to  be  the  persons  who  executed  the  foregoing  instrument,  and
acknowledged  the execution  thereof to be their free act and deed, and the free
act and deed of AmeriNet,  Inc.,  for the uses and  purposes  therein

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial
seal the day and year in this  certificate  first above  written.  My commission
expires the ___day of ______________, ____.

         {Seal}                                    /s/ Leslie Quinn
                                                           Notary Public

                                                    Lorilei Communications, Inc.
_________________________________                        (a Florida corporation)

_________________________________         By:      /s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
                                                 Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Dated:   May 11, 2000
                                          Attest:  /s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
                                                  Leigh A. Cunningham, Secretary
State of Florida           }
County of Marion           } ss.:                             (Corporate Seal)

         On this 11th day of May,  2000,  before me, a notary  public in and for
the county and state  aforesaid,  personally  appeared  Gerald R. Cunningham and
Leigh A.  Cunningham,  to me  known,  and  known to me to be the  president  and
secretary of Lorilei Communications,  Inc., the above-described corporation, and
to me known  to be the  persons  who  executed  the  foregoing  instrument,  and
acknowledged  the execution  thereof to be their free act and deed, and the free
act and deed of Lorilei Communications,  Inc., for the uses and purposes therein

                                     Page 93

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial
seal the day and year in this  certificate  first above  written.  My commission
expires the ___day of _______________, ____.

         (Seal)                                        /s/ Leslie Quinn
                                                         Notary Public

                                                     Former Lorilei Stockholders

- ---------------------------------
                                                  /s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ---------------------------------                  -----------------------------
                                                          Gerald R. Cunningham

Dated:   May 11, 2000
- ---------------------------------
                                                   /s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ---------------------------------                  -----------------------------
                                                           Leigh A. Cunningham

Dated:   May 11, 2000

State of Florida           }
County of Marion           } ss.:

         On this 11th day of May,  2000,  before me, a notary  public in and for
the county and state  aforesaid,  personally  appeared  Gerald R. Cunningham and
Leigh A. Cunningham,  to me known, and known to me to be the former stockholders
of Lorilei  Communications,  Inc., the  above-described  corporation,  and to me
known to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument,  and acknowledged
the execution  thereof to be their free act and deed,  for the uses and purposes
therein mentioned.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial
seal the day and year in this  certificate  first above  written.  My commission
expires the ___day of _______________, ____.

                                                   /s/ Leslie Quinn
                                                             Notary Public

                                     Page 94

                                The Escrow Agents

         Executing  this  Agreement  solely  with  reference  to the  provisions
specifically pertaining to the performance of their duties as Escrow Agents:

                                                      The Yankee Companies, Inc.
_________________________________                        (a Florida corporation)

_________________________________          By:     /s/ William A. Calvo, III
                                           William A. Calvo, III, Vice President
Dated:   May 11, 2000
                                           Attest:  Vanessa H. Lindsey
                                                   Vanessa H. Lindsey, Secretary
State of Florida           }
County of Marion           } ss.:                              (Corporate Seal)

         On this 11th day of May,  2000,  before me, a notary  public in and for
the county and state  aforesaid,  personally  appeared William A. Calvo, III and
Vanessa H. Lindsey,  to me known,  and known to me to be the vice  president and
secretary of the Yankee Companies, Inc., the above-described corporation, and to
me  known  to  be  the  persons  who  executed  the  foregoing   instrument  and
acknowledged  the execution  thereof to be their free act and deed, and the free
act and deed of the  Yankee  Companies,  Inc.,  as the  Undisclosed  Liabilities
Escrow Agent, the uses and purposes therein mentioned.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial
seal the day and year in this  certificate  first above  written.  My commission
expires the ___day of _______________, ____.

                                                /s/ Leslie Quinn
                                                         Notary Public

                                                          Brashear & Associates

- ---------------------------------

_________________________________          By:    /s/ Bruce Brashear
                                              Bruce Brashear, Esquire, Principal

Dated:   May 11, 2000

State of Florida           }
County of Marion           } ss.:

         On this 11th day of May,  2000,  before me, a notary  public in and for
the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared Bruce Brashear, Esquire, the
duly  authorized  principal of Brashear & Associates,  a Florida law firm, to me
known,  and known to me to be person  described as the Brashear  Escrow Agent in
the  foregoing  instrument  and to me known to be the  person who  executed  the
foregoing instrument,  and acknowledged the execution thereof to be the free act
and deed of Brashear & Associates, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial
seal the day and year in this  certificate  first above  written.  My commission
expires the ___day of _______________, ____.

                                                        /s/ Leslie Quinn
                                                          Notary Public

                                    Page 95

Schedule 1.4 can be found as Exhibit 3.5 and 3.6 to this 8-K.

                      Schedules to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
               Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                       SCHEDULE 1.4 CONSTITUENT DOCUMENTS

1.       Amended Articles of Incorporation
2.       Amended Bylaws

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
               Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                     SCHEDULE 1.7(C) FINAL STOCKHOLDER DATA

No.      Date              Name                               No. Shares
01       7/1/94            Gerald Cunningham and              100
                           Leigh Cunningham, Ten. by Ent.

02                         Void

03       5/16/98           John B. La Torraca Trans. to
                           Cert. 04, 05

04       12/29/99          Arlene Butters Trans. from Cert.
                           03, Trans. to Cert. 06

05       12/29/99          Gerald Cunningham and Leigh        5.5
                           Cunningham, Ten. by Ent. Trans.
                           from Cert. 03

06       12/29/99          Gerald Cunningham and Leigh        5.5
                           Cunningham, Ten. by Ent. Trans.
                           from Cert. 04

Total Shares Outstanding to date:  111

In  accordance  with  Article  IV of  the  Articles  of  Incorporation,  Lorilei
Communications,  Inc. is authorized to issue 7,500 shares of ONE DOLLAR  ($1.00)
par value common stock, which shall be designated "Common Shares".

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 96

                     Schedules to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


The consent  letter from Small Business Loan Source that is attached to Schedule
5.7 is hereby disclosed as an exception.

To the knowledge of Lorilei's officers, there is no destruction, damage, or loss
to any assets in accordance with paragraph 2.7(C).

The past due account receivable for in the amount of $132,543.30 is
a not collectible debt. This amount will be written off to bad debt prior to the
closing of this transaction.

The past due account  receivable  for Citrus  Hills  Marketing  in the amount of
$1,388.60 is not  collectible  debt. This amount will be written off to bad debt
prior to the closing of this transaction.

Currently,  not on the books of Lorilei is a debt in the amount of $21,420.00 to
HGTV.  The reason why this debt is not on the books is because we are  disputing
the validity of the spots aired on behalf of our client.  Trade industry reports
made  allegations  that HGTV covered network spots on the local system level. In
other words,  HGTV apparently  inserted  national spots in the local break slots
that they say our  client's  spot ran.  To date,  they have not  provided us any
proof that our client's spots were run properly.

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 97

March 16, 2000

Ms. Bonnie L. Krabbenhoft
Credit Manager
P O Box 50970
Knoxville, TN 37950

          Re: Quiltingly Yours

Dear Ms. Krabbenhoft:

I am in receipt of your letter dated February 25, 2000.  Army  Court-faxed  this
letter to me on  3/15/00.  Your  break  down of the aired  information  does not
satisfy our needs.  We still have no proof from HGTV or the cable  systems  that
they  did not  insert a  national  spot in the  local  break  slot  that you say
Quiltingly Yours ran. We have no affidavit  supporting this information and that
is the proof that we need before any type of payment is made.  Keep in mind that
this issue would of never been  brought up if no  allegations  were made against
HGTV for inserting national spots in local breaks.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

/s/ Mary A. Lee
Business Manager

                        Home & Garden Television Network
                                 P O. Box 80970
                           Knoxville, Tennessee 37950

February 25, 2000

Mary A. Lee, Business Manager
Firm Multimedia
P, 0. Box 770787
Ocala, FL 34477-0%87

                 re: Quiltingly Yours

Dear Ms. Lee:

     Attached  you will find a  breakdown  of all  spots  aired by your  company
compared to actual times that local  inserts were placed. As you will note,  all
times from your three  invoices fell outside of the local insert breaks and were
never in question.  If you have any questions  regarding this  analysis,  please
call me at 423-470-3946.

                               Bonnie L. Krabbenho
                                 Credit Manager

cc- Steve Gigliotti, Sr. VP, Ad Sales
    Elaine McCall, Director of Revenue

                                      Page 98

November 16, 1999

Mr. Steve Newman
Senior Vice President, Ad Sales
P U Box X0970
Knoxville, TN 379>0

Dear Mr. Newman:

Thank you for your response to our  correspondence  regarding  discrepancies  in
scheduling  our client's spots on HGTV.  While we appreciate  your review of the
times our spots  aired,  the  information  supplied in and of itself is no proof
that the spots actually aired on all your affiliate cable systems.

In order to resolve  this matter you need to furnish us with a breakdown of when
the network takes national breaks, and when it takes affiliate breaks. With this
information  sue can then at lest make some  determination  of whether or not an
adjustment to our invoice is warranted.

/s/ Mary A. Lee
Business Manager


November 3, 1999

Ms. Mary A. Lee
Business Manager
The Firm Multimedia
P. 0. Box 770787
Ocala, FL 34477

Dear Ms. Lee:

     Thank you for your letter of October 26.  Although many of the  allegations
in the article were unfounded, the audit firrn of Deloitte & Touche has reviewed
our accounting  procedure.  In some cases, it has been ascertained that national
spots ran in local breaks and, in all cases, we are contacting those clients and
offering makegoods to reconcile the discrepancies.

     While I can certainly appreciate your concern; I have reviewed your account
and find that no part of your advertising schedule fell into the local avails. I
have enclosed a spot placement report to verify your commercial placement.

     I trust the enclosed is proof of the validity of your advertising schedule,
Please don't hesitate to call if you have questions.

Warm regards,
Steve Newman
Senior Vice President, Ad Sales



Mail: PO Box 50970 o Knoxville TN 17950 o Ship: 9701 Madison Avenue,
Knoxville TN 37932 o (423) 691.2700 o Fax (423)

                                      Page 99

October 26, 1999

Home & Garden Television Network
P O. Box 80970
Knoxville, Tennessee 37950
Attention: Accounts Receivable Manager


                Re:  Account 100654


We are deeply concerned regarding recent trade industry reports with allegations
that your network  covered  network  spots on the local system  level.  The most
recent report in Electronic  Media verifies that your company is readying itself
for make-goods or refunds.

As our buy was for the full network,  we are  concerned  that ours is one of the
accounts affected by policy.

We cannot in good conscience process your invoices further until this dispute is
resolved.  Please provide us with a proposal to adjust our outstanding  balance,
or with clear and  convincing  proof that our spots  cleared at the local  cable
system level.


/s/ Mary A. Lee
Business Manager

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                      SCHEDULE 2.5(A) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.       Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss as of May 10, 2000
2.       Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss quarter ending March 31, 2000
3.       Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss year ending December 31, 1999

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 100

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                 Profit and Loss
                         January 1 through May 10, 2000

                                                      Jan 1 - May 10, '00
Ordinary Income/Expense Inc
4500 - Fee Income
4500-02 - Retainer                                        20,000.00
4500-03 - Video Production                                68,517.41
4500-04 - Graphics
4500-20 - Printing                                         7,223.41
4500-21 - Layout & Design                                 13,346.00
4500-23 - General Graphics                                10,302.00
Total 4500-04 - Graphics                                  30,871.41

4500-09 - CD-Rom Authoring                                12,995.00
4500-10 - Web Design                                       2,260.00
4500-12 - Still Photography                                  800.00
4500-13 - Audio Production                                   436.00
4500-14 - Pre-Press                                          629.00
4500-16 - Website Maintenance                              5,100.00
4500-17 - Website Hosting                                    455.00
4500-18 - Client Promotions                                5,590.00
4500-19 - Shipping Revenue                                 6,719.03
4500-05 - Commercial Leased Access                       228,226.00
4500-25 - Spot Airtime                                   146,226.90
4500    - Fee Income - Other                              38,796.50
Total 4500 - Fee Income                                  567,622.25

4530 - Reimbursed Expenses                                    15.86
Total Income                                             567,638.11

Cost of Goods Sold
6230 - Commercial Leased Access
6230-31 - Rockford Press                                  19,265.56
6230-30 - Harry Browne CLA                                 5,818.96
6230-29 - Snappy Lock                                      2,858.54
6230-27 - Ocala News Tonight                              16,119.05
6230-26 - CareerTV.Com                                    16,275.95
6230-23 - Fairbanks Construction                             433.73
6230-14 - Pennbrooke Fariways                               (618.72)
6230-19 - Class 1                                            772.90
6230 - Commercial Leased Access - Other                     (120.21)
Total 6230 - Commercial Leased Access                     60,805.76

6231 - Spot Airtime                                       60,633.37
6237 - Airtime-Program                                     1,870.00
6232 - Client Promotions                                  16,598.37
6233 - Internet Fees                                         656.16
6234 - Outdoor Advertising                                22,414.50

6260 - Graphics
6260-03 - Printing                                        19,355.02
6260-05 - Supplies                                            56.92
6260-06 - Service Bureau
6260.07 - Film Output                                        180.00
Total 6260-06 - Service Bureau                               180.00

6260-07 - Shipping Costs                                   1,443.04
6260-08 - Pre-Press Supplies                               1,169.01
Total 6260 - Graphics                                     22,203.99

6265 - Production
6265-01 - Tapes                                            2,502.76
6265-02 - Production Equipment                             1,271.72
6265-04 - Talent Fees                                        275.00
6265-05 - Staging & Props                                      2.96
6265-07 - Shipping Costs                                   3,057.80
6265-08 - VHS Sleeves                                      1,522.50
6265-09 - Tape Duplication                                19,667.06
6265 - Production - Other                                     21.19
Total 6265 - Production                                   28,320.99

                                      Page 101

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                Profit and Loss
                         January 1 through May 10, 2000

                                                        Jan 1 - May 10,2000

Total COGS                                             213,503.14
Gross Profit                                           354,134.97
4540 - Sales Tax                                           358.14

6105 - Advertising
6105-02 - Personnel Advertising                          2,981.67
6105-03 - Telephone Book Advertising                       337.50
6105-04 - Press Release                                    (50.00)
6105-06 - Print Advertising                                938.00
Total 6105 - Advertising                                 4,207.17

6115 - Automobile Expense
6115-01 - Fuel                                           6,327.40
6115-02 - Auto Maintanence                                 279.64
6115-05 - Auto -Volvo Lease                              1,268.82
Total 6115 - Automobile Expense                          7,875.86

6125 - Bank Service Charges                                120.87

6140 - Communications
6140-01 - Internet fees                                  2,446.31
Total 6140 - Communications                              2,446.31

6150 - Company Fees
6150-01 - Non Compete Fees                                  90.00
6150-04 - Other Fees                                       692.75
6150-05 - NDC Payment System Fees                          366.84
Total 6150 - Company Fees                                1,149.59

6165 - Dues and Subscriptions                              892.72

6170 - Employee Moving Expenses                            500.00

6175 - Equipment Rental                                    503.50

6185 - Insurance
6185-01 - Auto Insurance                                 2,991.70
6185-02 - Building/Property Insurance                    1,703.50
6185-04 - Work Comp                                        950.40
6185-05 - Life Insurance                                   446.60
Total 6185 - Insurance                                   6,092.20

6205 - Interest Expense
6205-01 - Finance Charge Late charges                    3,991.38
6205-01 - Finance Charge - Other                         2,228.69
Total 6205-01 - Finance Charge                           6,220.07

6205-02 - Loan Int.-Capital Leases                       7,454.40
6205-03 - Mortgage - Interest                            8,994.06
6205 - Interest Expense - Other                          3,697.81
Total 6205 - Interest Expense                           26,366.34

6220 - Janitorial / Maintenance
6220-02 - Supplies                                          57.06
6220-03 - Sanitation                                       556.80
6220-04 - Pest Control                                     106.00
Total 6220 - Janitorial / Maintenance                      719.86

6235 - Licenses and Permits                                 45.10
6306 - Office Rent
6306-01 - Jacksonville Rent                                418.00
Total 6306 - Office Rent                                   418.00

6255 - Postage and Delivery
6255-01 - Postage (USPS)                                   713.81
6255-02 - Shipping (Unishippers)                         2,567.74
6255-03 - Shipping (UPS)                                   976.84
6255-04 - Shipping (Airborne)                              114.00
Total 6255 - Postage and Delivery                        4,372.39

                                      Page 102

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                Profit and Loss
                         January 1 through May 10, 2000

                                                        Jan 1 - May 10, '00
6275 - Professional Fees
6275-01 - Accounting                                       1,987.00
6275-03 - Legal Fees                                       1,291.39
6275-05 - Personnel                                          337.61
Total 6275 - Professional Fees                             3,616.00

6305 - Repairs and Maintenance
6305-01 - Building Repairs                                   114.55
6305-02 - Computer Repairs                                   256.00
6305-03 - Equipment Repairs                                1,044.11
6305 - Repairs and Maintenance - Other                        60.26
Total 6305 - Repairs and Maintenance                       1,474.92

6345 - Telephone
6345-02 - Cellular Telephones                              1,505.33
6345-03 - Local Telephone Service                          2,545.39
6345-04 - Long Distance                                    3,048.86
6345-05 - Paging                                             457.43
Total 6345 - Telephone                                     7,557.01

6355 - Travel
6355-05 - Meals                                              177.83
6355-06 - Tolls & Parking                                     92.35
6355 - Travel - Other                                        428.65
Total 6355 - Travel                                          698.83

6395 - Utilities
6395-01 - Electric                                         1,660.27
Total 6395 - Utilities                                     1,660.27

6540 - Miscellaneous                                         675.34

6550 - Office Supplies
6550-01 - Printing                                         1,213.13
6550-02 - Grocery                                            562.33
6550-04 - Video Production Supplies                          354.08
6550-05 - Graphic Supplies                                   423.55
6550-06 - Film Processing                                     58.14
6550-07 - Audio Production Supplies                           14.82
6550 - Office Supplies - Other                             2,198.41
Total 6550 - Office Supplies                               4,824.46

6560 - Payroll Expenses
6560-01 - Medical Insurance                                7,468.66
6560-02 - FUTA                                               949.76
6560-03 - SUTA                                               784.93
6560-04 - Officer's Salaries                              23,833.36
6560-05 - Salaries & Wages                               128,850.90
6560-06 - Commission Wages                                14,345.60
6560-07 - Federal Payroll Taxes-Company                   12,837.68
6560 - Payroll Expenses - Other                              782.85
Total 6560 - Payroll Expenses                            189,853.74

6610 - Sales Expenses
6610-01 - Misc. Expenses                                       3.00
6610-03 - Sales Incentives                                   486.04
6610-04 - Direct Mail                                        661.98
Total 6610 - Sales Expenses                                1,151.02

6640 - Taxes
6640-01 - Federal                                            112.00
6640-02 - Intangible / Tangible                              229.00
6640-03 - Leases - Personal Property                         917.42
6640-04 - Real Estate Taxes                                4,640.46
6640-06 - State                                              455.29
6640-06 - Personal Property                                5,631.74
Total 6640 - Taxes                                        11,985.91

7006 - Bad Debt
7006-01 - Adjust Client Acct.                              1,942.79
7006 - Bad Debt - Other                                  134,409.77
Total 7006 - Bad Debt                                    136,352.56

Total Expense                                            415,918.11
Net Ordinary Income                                      (61,783.14)
Net Income                                               (61,783.14)

                                      Page 103

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                  Balance Sheet
                               As of May 10, 2000
                                                        May 10, '00

Current Assets
1015 - Amsouth - Operating Account                        2,767.36
1030 - Petty Cash                                            49.11
Total Checking/Savings                                    2,816.47

Accounts Receivable
1200 - Accounts Receivable                              211,663.27
Total Accounts Receivable                               211,663.27

Other Current Assets
1475 - Electric Deposit                                     400.00
Total Other Current Assets                                  400.00

Total Current Assets                                    214,879.74

Fixed Assets
1575 - A/A - Organizational Cost                           (585.00)
1570 - Organizational Costs                                 585.00
1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd St
1590-01 - Sign                                            1,560.00
1590-02 - Studio Drape                                    2,989.20
1590-03 - Canopies                                        2,400.00
1590-04 - Land                                           25,000.00
1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd St - Other               214,964.60
Total 1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd St                 246,913.80

1600 - Office Furniture
1600-01 - Cost                                           30,324.10
1600-02 - Office Furniture -Staples                       7,874.46
1600 - Office Furniture - Other                             890.44
Total 1600 - Office Furniture                            39,089.00

1700 - Equipment
1700-01 - Computer Equipment                             78,054.79
1700-02 - Production Equipment                          254,159.85
1700-03 - Office Equipment                               24,084.20
1700-04 - Trade Show Booth                                5,011.65
1700 - Equipment - Other                                  2,352.60
Total 1700 - Equipment                                  363,663.09

1710 - Automobiles                                       65,611.63
1800 - LESS -Accumulated Depreciation                  (324,616.00)

Total Fixed Assets                                      390,661.52
TOTAL ASSETS                                            605,541.26

Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable
2000 - Accounts Payable                                204,489.03
Total Accounts Payable                                 204,489.03

Other Current Liabilities
2100 - Payroll Liabilities                               5,003.31
2200 - Sales Tax Payable                                (1,535.25)
2250 - Working Capital Loan -Amsouth                    30,975.77
2251 - Mountaineer Loan                                 19,795.08
2252 - Volvo Loan                                       24,852.13
2275 - Loan from Shareholders                           45,301.28
2280 - Loan from Shareholder- JLT                       49,785.01

Total Other Current Liabilities                        174,177.33
Total Current Liabilities                              378,666.36

                                      Page 104

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                  Balance Sheet
                               As of May 10, 2000
                                                          May 10, '00

Long Term Liabilities
2486 - Preferred Capital Corporation                     14,265.53
2450 - Freedom Capital                                    4,961.35
2300 - Associates Leasing Inc.                            1,720.02
2320 - Colonial Pacific Leasing #2                       11,816.65
2380 - Credential Leasing Corporation                     7,122.46
2385 - The Manifest Group-Interactive                     1,782.40
2419 - FINOVA - Imagesetter                              14,319.17
2420 - ORIX - Scanner                                     6,384.94
2421 - ORIX - Voice M/Comp.                               5,765.68
2422 - Colonial Pacific-Production Equ                    5,939.16
2423 - Colonial Pacific, Inc./Off. Equ                    3,440.14
2440 - Colonial Pacific/Harbour Capita                    1,257.76
Total Leases                                             78,775.26

2395 - Chrysler Financial - Caravan                      11,605.93
2400 - Small Business Loan Source                       189,115.52
Total Long Term Liabilities                             279,496.71
Total Liabilities                                       658,163.07

3100 - Common Stock                                         111.00
3900 - Retained Earnings                                  9,050.33
Net Income                                              (61,783.14)
Total Equity                                            (52,621.81)
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                              605,541.26

                                      Page 105

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                 Profit and Loss
                           January through March 2000

                                                          Jan - Mar '00
Ordinary Income/Expense
4500 - Fee Income
4600-02 - Retainer                                         11,100.00
4500-03 - Video Production                                 51,378.00
4600-04 - Graphics
4500-20 - Printing                                          6,028.41
4500-21- Layout & Design                                  10,366.00
4500-23 - General Graphics                                 10,190.00
Total 4600-04 - Graphics                                   26,584.41

4500-09 - CD-Rom Authoring                                 12,995.00
4600-10 - Web Design                                        2,260.00
4600-13 - Audio Production                                    436.00
4600-16 - Website Maintenance                               4,620.00
4500-17 - Website Hosting                                     120.00
4500-18 - Client Promotions                                 5,590.00
4600-19 - Shipping Revenue                                  5,562.82
4600-06 - Commercial Leased Access                        167,444.00
4600-26 - Spot Airtime                                     96,202.75
4500 - Fee Income - Other                                  34,649.29
Total 4600 - Fee Income                                   418,942.27

4530 - Reimbursed Expenses                                      3.32
Total Income                                              418,945.59

Cost of Goods Sold
6230 - Commercial Leased Access
6230-31 - Rockford Press                                   19,265.56
6230-30 - Harry Browne CLA                                  2,583.20
6230-29 - Snappy Lock                                       2,858.54
6230-27 - Ocala News Tonight                               10,446.50
6230-26 - CareerTV.Com                                     16,275.95
6230-23 - Fairbanks Construction                              433.73
6230-14 - Pennbrooke Fariways                                (618.72)
6230-19 - Class 1                                             772.90
6230 - Commercial Leased Access -Other  (120.21)
Total 6230 - Commercial Leased Access                      51,897.45

6231 - Spot Airtime                                        33,111.54
6237 - Airtime-Program                                      1,870.00
6232 - Client Promotions                                   16,598.37
6233 - Internet Fees                                          376.16
6234 - Outdoor Advertising                                 19,800.75
6260 - Graphics
6260-03 - Printing                                         10,120.02
6260-06 - Supplies                                             56.92
6260-06 - Service Bureau
6260.07 - Film Output                                         180.00
Total 6260-06 - Service Bureau                                180.00

6260-07 - Shipping Costs                                      276.72
Total 6260 - Graphics                                      10,633.66

6266 - Production
6266-01 - Tapes                                             1,729.96
6266-02 - Production Equipment                              1,059.95
6266-04 - Talent Fees                                         150.00
6266-06 - Staging & Props                                       2.96
6265-07 - Shipping Costs                                    2,541.68
6265-08 - VHS Sleeves                                       1,522.50
6266-09 - Tape Duplication                                  8,747.44
6266 - Production - Other                                      21.19
Total 6265 - Production                                    15,775.68

Total COGS                                                150,063.61

                                      Page 106

                               The Firm Multimedia

                                Profit and Loss
                           January through March 2000

                                                        Jan - Mar '00

Gross Profit                                              268,881.98
4540 - Sales Tax                                              648.24

6105 - Advertising
6105-02 - Personnel Advertising                               354.31
6105-03 - Telephone Book Advertising                          234.75
6105-04 - Press Release                                       (50.00)
6106-06 - Print Advertising                                   688.00
Total 6105 - Advertising                                    1,227.06

6115 - Automobile Expense
6115-01 - Fuel                                              4,486.51
6115-02 - Auto Maintanence                                    244.64
6115-05 - Auto - Volvo Lease                                1,268.82
Total 6115 - Automobile Expense                             5,999.97

6125 - Bank Service Charges                                   110.87

6140 - Communications
6140-01 - Internet fees                                     1,397.95
Total 6140 - Communications                                 1,397.95

6150 - Company Fees
6150-01 - Non Compete Fees                                     60.00
6150-04 - Other Fees                                          534.00
6150-05 - NDC Payment System Fees                             286.84
Total 6150 - Company Fees                                     880.84

6165 - Dues and Subscriptions                                 455.17
6170 - Employee Moving Expenses                               500.00
6175 - Equipment Rental                                       302.10

6185-01 - Auto Insurance                                    1,080.50
6185-02 - Building/Property Insurance                       1,210.50
6185-04 - Work Comp                                           692.80
6185-05 - Life Insurance                                      338.10
Total 6185 - Insurance                                      3,321.90

6205 - Interest Expense
6205-01 - Finance Charge Late charges                       3,041.22
6205-01 - Finance Charge - Other                            1,229.27
Total 6205-01 - Finance Charge                              4,270.49

6205-02 - Loan Int.-Capital Leases                          6,099.22
6205-03 - Mortgage - Interest                               7,131.19
6205 - Interest Expense - Other                             2,564.44
Total 6205 - Interest Expense                              20,065.34

6220 - Janitorial / Maintenance
6220-02 - Supplies                                             41.72
6220-03 - Sanitation                                          281.00
6220-04 - Pest Control                                        106.00
Total 6220 - Janitorial / Maintenance                         428.72

6235 - Licenses and Permits                                    45.10
6306 - Office Rent
6306-01 - Jacksonville Rent                                   418.00
Total 6306 - Office Rent                                      418.00

6255 - Postage and Delivery
6255-01 - Postage (USPS)                                      516.82
6255-02 - Shipping (Unishippers)                            2,459.83
6255-03 - Shipping (UPS)                                      284.04
6255-04 - Shipping (Airborne)                                 114.00
Total 6255 - Postage and Delivery                           3,374.69

                                      Page 107

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                 Profit and Loss
                           January through March 2000

                                                        Jan - Mar '00

6275 - Professional Fees
6275-01 - Accounting                                          137.00
6275-03 - Legal Fees                                          869.50
Total 6275 - Professional Fees                              1,006.50

6305 - Repairs and Maintenance
6305-01 - Building Repairs                                    114.55
6305-02 - Computer Repairs                                    256.00
6305-03 - Equipment Repairs                                   916.91
6305 o Repairs and Maintenance - Other                         60.26
Total 6305 - Repairs and Maintenance                        1,347.72

6345 - Telephone
6345-02 - Cellular Telephones                                 980.78
6345-03 - Local Telephone Service                           1,646.00
6345-04 - Long Distance                                     1,792.83
6345-05 - Paging                                              350.09
Total 6345 - Telephone                                      4,769.70

6355 - Travel
6355-05 - Meals                                               163.14
6355-06 - Tolls & Parking                                      92.35
Total 6355 - Travel                                           255.49

6395 - Utilities
6395-01 - Electric                                          1,198.86
Total 6395 - Utilities                                      1,198.86

6540 . Miscellaneous                                          664.90
6550 - Office Supplies
6550-01 - Printing                                            693.17
6550-02 - Grocery                                             363.18
6550-04 - Video Production Supplies                           302.49
6550-05 - Graphic Supplies                                    361.42
6550-06 - Film Processing                                      58.14
6550-07 - Audio Production Supplies                            14.82
6550 - Office Supplies - Other                              1,739.88
Total 6550 - Office Supplies                                3,533.10

6560 . Payroll Expenses
6560-01 - Medical Insurance                                 4,358.56
6560-02 - FUTA                                                691.16
6560-03 - SUTA                                                591.11
6560-04 - Officer's Salaries                               14,895.85
6560-05 - Salaries & Wages                                 80,808.51
6560-06 - Commission Wages                                  7,628.78
6560-07 - Federal Payroll Taxes-Company                     7,941.57
6560 - Payroll Expenses - Other                               477.85
Total 6560 - Payroll Expenses                             117,393.39

6610 - Sales Expenses
6610-01 - Misc. Expenses                                        3.00
6610-03 - Sales Incentives                                    477.03
6610-04 - Direct Mail                                         661.98
Total 6610 - Sales Expenses                                 1,142.01

6640 - Taxes
6640-01 - Federal                                             112.00
6640-02 - Intangible / Tangible                               229.00
6640-03 - Leases - Personal Property                          854.53
6640-04 - Real Estate Taxes                                 4,640.46
6640-05 - State                                               284.35
6640-06 - Personal Property                                 5,631.74
Total 6640 - Taxes                                         11,752.08

7005 - Bad Debt
7005-01 - Adjust Client Acct.                                 779.20
7005 - Bad Debt - Other                                       477.87
Total 7005 - Bad Debt                                       1,257.07
Total Expense                                             183,496.77
Net Ordinary Income                                        85,385.21
Net Income                                                 85,385.21

                                      Page 108

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                  Balance Sheet
                              As of March 31, 2000

                                                            Mar 31, '00


Current Assets
1015 - Amsouth - Operating Account                        13,657.99
1030 - Petty Cash                                              2.35
Total Checking/Savings                                    13,660.34
Accounts Receivable
1200 - Accounts Receivable                               307,530.88
Total Accounts Receivable                                307,530.88
Other Current Assets
1475 - Electric Deposit                                      400.00
Total Other Current Assets                                   400.00
Total Current Assets                                     321,591.22
Fixed Assets
1575 - A/A - Organizational Cost     (585.00)
1570 - Organizational Costs                                  585.00
1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd St
1590-01 - Sign                                             1,560.00
1590-02 - Studio Drape                                     2,989.20
1590-03 - Canopies                                         2,400.00
1590-04 - Land                                            25,000.00
1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd  St - Other               214,964.60
Total 1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd St                  246,913.80
1600 - Office Furniture
1600-01 - Cost                                            30,324.10
1600-02 - Office Furniture -Staples                        7,874.46
1600 - Office Furniture - Other                              890.44
Total 1600 - Office Furniture                             39,089.00
1700 - Equipment
1700-01 - Computer Equipment                              78,054.79
1700-02 - Production Equipment    254,159.85
1700-03 - Office Equipment                                24,084.20
1700-04 - Trade Show Booth                                 5,011.65
1700 - Equipment - Other                                   2,352.60
Total 1700 - Equipment                                   363,663.09
1710 - Automobiles                                        65,611.63
1800 - LESS - Accumulated Depreciation                  (324,616.00)
Total Fixed Assets                                       390,661.52
TOTAL ASSETS                                             712,252.74
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
2000 - Accounts Payable                                  153,621.61
Total Accounts Payable                                   153,621.61
Other Current Liabilities
2100 - Payroll Liabilities                                 5,789.76
2200 - Sales Tax Payable                                  (1,340.27)
2250 - Working Capital Loan -Amsouth                      32,654.85
2251 - Mountaineer Loan                                   20,091.20
2252 - Volvo Loan                                         25,213.67
2275 - Loan from Shareholders                             45,301.28
2280 - Loan from Shareholder- JLT                         49,785.01
Total Other Current Liabilities     177,495.50
Total Current Liabilities                                331,117.11

                                      Page 109

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                  Balance Sheet
                              As of March 31, 2000
                                                               Mar 31, '00

Long Term Liabilities
2486 - Preferred Capital Corporation                            14,492.80
2450 - Freedom Capital                                           5,213.78
2300 - Associates Leasing Inc.                                   2,377.54
2320 - Colonial Pacific Leasing #2                              12,346.41
2380 - Credential Leasing Corporation                            7,370.18
2385 - The Manifest Group-Interactive                            1,959.87
2419 - FINOVA - Imagesetter                                     14,644.85
2420 - ORIX - Scanner                                            6,801.54
2421 - ORIX - Voice M/Comp.                                      5,894.23
2422 - Colonial Pacific-Production Equ                           6,507.39
2423 - Colonial Pacific, Inc./Off. Equ                           3,586.48
2440 - Colonial Pacific/Harbour Capita                           1,370.39
Total Leases                                                    82,565.46
2395 - Chrysler Financial -Caravan                              12,141.98
2400 - Small Business Loan Source                              189,277.65
Total Long Term Liabilities                                    283,985.09
Total Liabilities                                              615,102.20
3100 - Common Stock                                                111.00
3900 - Retained Earnings                                        11,654.33
Net Income                                                      85,385.21
Total Equity                                                    97,150.54
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                                     712,252.74

                                     Page  110

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                 Profit and Loss
                          January through December 1999

                                                        Jan - Dec '99
Ordinary Income/Expense Income
4500 - Fee Income
4500-01 - Commission Income                               5,341.63
4500-02 - Retainer                                       34,580.00
4500-03 - Video Production                              267,212.12
4500-04 - Graphics
4500-15 - CD Laser Art                                      350.00
4500-20 - Printing                                       84,166.59
4500-21 - Layout 8 Design                               123,831.32
4500-22 - 3D Animation                                   11,461.68
4500-23 - General Graphics                                5,873.25
Total 4500-04 - Graphics                                225,682.84
4500-06 - Fee Income - Other                                (54.11)
4500-07 - Public Relations                                4,910.00
4500-09 - CD-Rom Authoring                                4,999.00
4500-10 - Web Design                                     11,735.00
4500-13 - Audio Production                               23,943.64
4500-14 - Pre-Press                                       1,621.00
4500-16 - Website Maintenance                             4,971.00
4500-17 - Website Hosting                                 5,093.00
4500-18 - Client Promotions                              10,850.00
4500-19 - Shipping Revenue                               15,029.06
4500-05 - Commercial Leased Access                      276,334.00
4500-25 - Spot Airtime                                  165,787.00
4600 - Fee Income - Other                                35,216.04
Total 4600 - Fee Income                               1,093,251.22
5010 - Program Airtime                                    8,489.00
4530 - Reimbursed Expenses                                  588.89
Total Income                                          1,102,329.11
Cost of Goods Sold
6230 - Commercial Leased Access
6230-26 - CareerTV.Com                                      152.50
6230-25 - WSA Marketing                                     575.65
6230-23 - Fairbanks Construction                          1,035.10
6230-01 - The Firm Multimedia                               307.00
6230-14 - Pennbrooke Fariways                            24,047.45
6230-15 - Strawn Chevrolet                                  982.40
6230-16 - Leary Management                                3,708.86
6230-18 - Quiltingly Yours                               13,179.28
6230-19 - Class 1                                         1,820.28
6230-21 - Citrus Hills Marketing                          2,971.50
6230 - Commercial Leased Access - Other                     (37.50)
Total 6230 - Commercial Leased Access                    48,742.52
6231 - Spot Airtime                                      42,676.08
6237 - Airtime-Program                                    3,655.00
6232 - Client Promotions                                 29,204.84
6233 - Internet Fees                                      1,712.23
6234 - Outdoor Advertising                               61,000.25
6260 - Graphics
6260-01 - Graphics Equipment                                313.99
6260-02 - Photos                                            275.59
6260-03 - Printing                                       69,972.48
6260-05 - Supplies                                          441.36
6260-06 - Service Bureau                                      0.00
6260-07 - Shipping Costs                                  4,672.35
Total 6260 - Graphics                                    75,675.77
6265 - Production
6265-01 - Tapes                                           4,695.44
6265-02 - Production Equipment                              616.28
6265-04 - Talent Fees                                     4,320.00
6265-05 - Staging & Props                                   968.54

                                      Page 111

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                 Profit and Loss
                          January through December 1999

                                                         Jan - Dec '99

6266-07 - Shipping Costs                                  13,695.54
6265-08 - VHS Sleeves                                        503.44
6265-09 - Tape Duplication                                32,500.58
6265 - Production - Other                                     62.54
Total 6265 - Production                                   57,362.36
Total COGS                                               320,029.05
Gross Profit                                             782,300.06
6156 - Amortization Expense                                   58.00
4640 - Sales Tax                                             169.38
6106 - Advertising
6105-02 - Personnel Advertising                            4,166.80
6105-03 - Telephone Book Advertising                       3,250.09
6105-04 - Press Release                                       50.00
6105-06 - Promotion Advertising                            5,970.02
6106-06 - Print Advertising                                2,408.00
6106-09 - Firm Misc. Advertising                             428.06
6106 - Advertising - Other                                   296.00
Total 6105 - Advertising                                  16,568.97

6115 - Automobile Expense
6116-01 - Fuel                                            12,027.35
6115-02 - Auto Maintanence                                 3,171.09
6115-03 - Vehicle Registration                                78.20
6115-04 - Mercury Mountaineer Lease                        1,347.52
6116-05 - Auto -Volvo Lease                                2,834.76
6115 - Automobile Expense - Other                            170.66
Total 6115 o Automobile Expense                           19,629.58
6126 - Bank Service Charges                                  378.11
6140 - Communications
6140-01 - Internet fees                                    4,203.38
Total 6140 - Communications                                4,203.38

6160 - Company Fees
6150-01 - Non Compete Fees                                   160.00
6150-02 - Documentation Fees                                 553.65
6160-04 - Other Fees                                       1,150.25
6150-06 - NDC Payment System Fees                            513.77
6150 - Company Fees - Other                                  180.00
Total 6150 - Company Fees                                  2,557.67

6160 - Education                                              81.05
6161 - Conventions                                           750.00
6166 - Dues and Subscriptions                                949.50
6170 - Employee Moving Expenses
6170-01 - Moving Van Rental                                1,531.00
6170-02 - Fuel                                               407.27
6170-03 - Lodging                                            135.57
Total 6170 - Employee Moving Expenses                      2,073.84

6176 - Equipment Rental                                    3,502.77
6186-01 - Auto Insurance                                   2,184.92
6186-02 - Building/Property Insurane                       1,383.94
6185-03 - Media Liability Ins.                             5,605.13
6185-04 - Work Comp                                        3,460.60
6185-05 - Life Insurance                                   2,009.09
6185 - Insurance - Other                                  (7,910.93)
Total 6185 - Insurance                                     6,732.75

6205 - Interest Expense
6205-01 - Finance Charge Late charges                      4,778.62

                                     Page 112

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                 Profit and Loss
                          January through December 1999

                                                        Jan - Dec '99

6205-01 - Finance Charge - Other                           5,550.72
Total 6205-01 - Finance Charge                            10,329.34
6205-02 - Loan Int.-Capital Leases                        14,054.89
6205-03 - Mortgage - Interest                             18,713.31
6205-04 - Loan Interest-John B. LaTorraca                    200.00
6205 - Interest Expense - Other                            5,171.75
Total 6205 - Interest Expense                             48,469.29
6220 - Janitorial / Maintenance
6220-02 - Supplies                                           494.71
6220-03 - Sanitation                                         818.00
6220-04 - Pest Control                                       421.90
6220 - Janitorial I Maintenance - Other                       25.39
Total 6220 - Janitorial / Maintenance                      1,760.00

6235 - Licenses and Permits                                  481.05
6306 - Office Rent
6306-01 - Jacksonville Rent                                1,063.88
Total 6306 - Office Rent                                   1,063.88
6255 - Postage and Delivery
6255-01 - Postage (USPS)                                   3,072.43
6255-02 - Shipping (Unishippers)                           4,652.07
6255-04 - Shipping (Airborne)                                 52.00
6255-06 - Shipping - FedEx                                    89.07
6255 - Postage and Delivery - Other                           25.00
Total 6255 - Postage and Delivery                          7,890.57

6275 - Professional Fees
6275-01 - Accounting                                       6,992.16
6275-03 - Legal Fees                                       2,966.23
6275-04 - Talent                                             109.50
6275-05 - Personnel                                        3,427.78
6275-06 - Collection Agent Fees                              299.71
Total 6275 - Professional Fees                            13,795.38

6305 - Repairs and Maintenance
6305-01 - Building Repairs                                 1,916.33
6305-02 - Computer Repairs                                 5,426.15
6305-03 - Equipment Repairs                                3,819.70
6305 - Repairs and Maintenance - Other                       266.04
Total 6305 - Repairs and Maintenance                      11,428.22

6345 - Telephone
6345-02 - Cellular Telephones                              2,338.29
6345-03 - Local Telephone Service                          5,349.09
6345-04 - Long Distance                                    8,655.76
6345-05 - Paging                                             791.59
6345 - Telephone - Other                                     374.78
Total 6345 - Telephone                                    17,509.51

6355 - Travel
6355-01 - Airline Travel                                   2,557.50
6355-02 - Car Rental                                          69.32
6355-03 - Entertainment                                      840.25
6355-04 - Lodging                                          2,951.99
6355-05 - Meals                                            4,445.18
6355-06 - Tolls & Parking                                    621.16
6355 - Travel - Other                                        206.50
Total 6355 - Travel                                       11,691.90

6395 - Utilities
6395-01 - Electric                                         4,586.91
Total 6395 - Utilities                                     4,586.91

6540 - Miscellaneous                                       2,689.75

                                    Page 113

                              The Firm Multimedia
                                 Profit and Loss
                         January through December 1999

                                                            Jan - Dec '99
6660 - Office Supplies
6550-01 - Printing                                         3,529.71
6550-02 - Grocery                                             (9.73)
6660-03 - Refrigerator                                         0.00
6650-06 - Film Processing                                    111.68
6650-07 - Audio Production Supplies                          538.55
6650-08 - Graphics Equipment                                 223.83
6650-09 - Interactive Supplies                               396.94
6650 - Office Supplies - Other                             5,820.82
Total 6660 - Office Supplies                              10,611.80

6660-06 - Graphic Supplies
6660.01 - Pre-Press Supplies                               4,365.59
6550-06 - Graphic Supplies - Other                         3,553.04
Total 6660-06 - Graphic Supplies                           7,918.63

6660-04 - Video Production Supplies
6660.02 - Tapes                                            2,143.04
6660-04 - Video Production Supplies - Other                1,814.53
Total 6660-04 - Video Production Supplies                  3,957.57

6660 - Payroll Expenses
6660-01 - Medical Insurance                                8,261.91
6660-02 - FUTA                                             1,206.85
6660-03 - SUTA                                               660.14
6660-04 - Officer's Salaries                              68,520.91
6660-06 - Salaries & Wages                               294,521.19
6660-06 - Commission Wages                                34,075.96
6660-07 - Federal Payroll Taxes-Company                   30,543.82
6660 - Payroll Expenses - Other                            2,147.17
Total 6660 - Payroll Expenses                            439,937.95

6680 - Refunds -Client                                     2,945.33
6610 - Sales Expenses
6610-01 - Misc. Expenses                                     528.59
6610-02 - Trade Shows                                      3,013.63
6610-03 - Sales Incentives                                   968.56
6610-06 - Lead Referral Source                             1,290.16
Total 6610 - Sales Expenses                                5,800.94

6640 - Taxes
6640-01 - Federal                                        (2,413.76)
6640-02 - Intangible / Tangible                             377.48
6640-03 - Leases - Personal Property                      1,564.85
6640-06 - State                                           1,651.86
Total 6640 - Taxes                                        1,180.43

7006 - Bad Debt
7006-01 - Adjust Client Acct.                             8,827.93
7006 - Bad Debt - Other                                  11,364.27
Total 7006 - Bad Debt                                    20,192.20

Total Expense                                           671,566.31
Net Ordinary Income                                     110,733.75
Other Income/Expense
Other Income

7016 - Interest Income                                        11.67
Total Other Income                                            11.67
Other Expense

6166 - Depreciation Expense                               86,319.00
Total Other Expense                                       86,319.00
Net Other Income                                         (86,307.33)
Net Income                                                24,426.42

                               The Firm Multimedia
                                  Balance Sheet
                             As of December 31, 1999
                                                             Dec 31, '99

Current Assets
1015 - Amsouth - Operating Account                                 989.63
1030 - Petty Cash                                                   27.59
Total Checking/Savings                                           1,017.22
Accounts Receivable
1200 - Accounts Receivable                                     187,932.67
Total Accounts Receivable                                      187,932.67
Other Current Assets
1475 - Electric Deposit                                            400.00
Total Other Current Assets                                         400.00
Total Current Assets                                           189,349.89
Fixed Assets
1575 - A/A - Organizational Cost                                  (585.00)
1570 - Organizational Costs                                        585.00
1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd St
1590-01 - Sign                                                   1,560.00
1590-02 - Studio Drape                                           2,989.20
1590-03 - Canopies                                               2,400.00
1590-04 - Land                                                  25,000.00
1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd St - Other                      214,964.60
Total 1590 - Building - 7325 SW 32nd St                        246,913.80
1600 - Office Furniture
1600-01 - Cost                                                  30,324.10
1600-02 - Office Furniture - Staples                             4,949.46
1600 - Office Furniture - Other                                    890.44
Total 1600 - Office Furniture                                   36,164.00
1700 - Equipment
1700-01 - Computer Equipment                                    78,054.79
1700-02 - Production Equipment                                 246,931.90
1700-03 - Office Equipment                                      24,084.20
1700-04 - Trade Show Booth                                       5,011.65
1700 - Equipment - Other                                           332.60
Total 1700 - Equipment                                         354,415.14
1710 - Automobiles                                              40,038.44
1800 - LESS - Accumulated Depreciation                        (324,616.00)
Total Fixed Assets                                             352,915.38
TOTAL ASSETS                                                   542,265.27
Current Liabilities

Accounts Payable
2000 - Accounts Payable                                        91,263.61
Total Accounts Payable                                         91,263.61
Other Current Liabilities
2100 - Payroll Liabilities                                      4,494.78
2200 - Sales Tax Payable                                       (1,454.06)
2250 - Working Capital Loan - Amsouth                          33,704.66
2251 - Mountaineer Loan                                        20,964.97
2275 - Loan from Shareholders                                  33,062.28
2280 - Loan from Shareholder- JLT                              49,785.01
Total Other Current Liabilities                               140,557.64
Total Current Liabilities                                     231,821.25
Long Term Liabilities

                                      Page 115

                               The Firm Multimedia

                                  Balance Sheet
                             As of December 31, 1999
                                                          Dec 31, '99

2486 - Preferred Capital Corporation                          15,069.55
2450 - Freedom Capital                                         6,166.03
2300 - Associates Leasing Inc.                                 3,332.54
2320 - Colonial Pacific Leasing #2                            14,384.28
2350 - The Manifest Group                                      1,626.37
2380 - Credential Leasing Corporation                          8,097.50
2385 - The Manifest Group-Interactive                          2,471.06
2419 - FINOVA - Imagesetter                                   16,230.73
2420 - ORIX - Scanner                                          7,995.37
2421 - ORIX - Voice M/Comp.                                    6,273.56
2422 - Colonial Pacific-Production Equ                         8,115.40
2423 - Colonial Pacific, Inc./Off. Equ                         4,419.75
2440 - Colonial Pacific/Harbour Capita                         2,099.45
Total Leases                                                  96,281.59

2395 - Chrysler Financial - Caravan                           12,669.64
2400 - Small Business Loan Source                            189,727.46

Total Long Term Liabilities                                  298,678.69
Total Liabilities                                            530,499.94

3100 - Common Stock                                              111.00
3150 - Add'I Paid in Capital                                  60,400.00
3900 - Retained Earnings                                     (73,172.09)
Net Income                                                    24,426.42
Total Equity                                                  11,765.33
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                                   542,265.27

                                     Page 116

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                       SCHEDULE 2.10(A)(1) REAL PROPERTY

1.   Commercial  lease dated  September  1, 1999  between  Corporate  Investment
     International,  Inc. and The Firm.  Property  located at 1999 West Colonial
     Drive,  Suite 205,  Orlando,  Florida.  Lease term is for one year expiring
     August  31,  2000.  Rent  is  $371.00  per  month  and is a  trade-out  for

2.   Mortgage  with Small  Business  Loan  Source for  property  at 7325 SW 32nd
     Street, Ocala, Florida 34474. Loan amount $194,000.00. Fluctuating interest
     rate,  currently at 11.75%.  Mortgage  payment is $2,025.00 per month.  The
     current balance is $189,277.65. Supporting documents to follow are:

         a.       Settlement Statement
         b.       Notice of Commencement
         c.       Note with Exhibit A
         d.       Agreement Regarding Closing of Loan with Exhibit A
         e.       Financing Statement with Schedule
         f.       Security Agreement - Commercial
         g.       Affidavit of No Adverse Change
         h.       Borrowing Affidavit
         i.       Guaranty
         j.       Acknowledgements
         k.       Certificate of the Secretary of Lorilei
         l.       Notice of Entire Agreement
         m.       Authorization and Loan Agreement
         n.       Compensation Agreement
         o.       Environment Certificate
         p.       Borrowing Certificate
         q.       Letter to Publicize
         r.       Acknowledgement Insurance and Financials
         s.       Certification as to Child Support
         t.       Affidavit Regarding Business Permits
         u.       Financial Agreement
         v.       Assignment of Life Insurance Policy
         w.       Curington Contracting, Inc. Construction Agreement

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 117

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                           SCHEDULE 2.10(C) EQUIPMENT

         Attached to this schedule is a complete  equipment  inventory list. Any
item without a * is owned outright by Lorilei Communications, Inc.
                               Equipment Inventory

                                Reception Office

Computer                   AST Adventure 686 16mb Ram
Monitor                    AstVision 4
Keyboard                   Ast
Typewriter                 Display 900 Dictionary
Postage Meter              Neopost Model 9512
Scale                      Pelouze PS2R1-P
Facsimile                  Canon CFX-L4000 Plain Paper
                           Reception Desk
                           4 Guest Chairs w/ 2 Tables


                           Table w/ 4 Chairs
                           Framed Art Work
                           Coke Machine
                           Coffee Pot

                                 Business Office

Computer                   24X Max Pentium 32mb Ram
Monitor                    AstVision 7L
Keyboard                   Windows
Printer                    Cannon LBP 460
Shredder                   Fellowes Powershred P540
Calculator                 Casio HR 150LB
                           2 Guest Chairs
                           1 Corner Plant

                                Sales Department

Computer                   Packard Bell Legend Supreme
Monitor                    Samsung
Keyboard                   Packard Bell
Scanner                    Microtek Scanmaker 11SP
Misc.                      Polaroid Sprint Scan 35
Lap Top                    3 Toshiba SAT 2515CDS P266MMX 4.3G 32MB Computer
                           Networkcard for all notebooks
Projector                  Panasonic LCD Projector*
                           Model PT-L5
                           Serial Number 7-91871-11035-5
                           Value $2,695.00
Leasing Co.                Freedom Capital
                           11 Merrill Drive
                           Hampton, NH 03842
                           Framed Art Work

                                      Page 118

                          Project Coordinator's Office

Computer                   Authentic AMD 32mb Ram
Monitor                    Max Tech
Keyboard                   Windows
Facsimile                  Canon B640 Plain Paper Fax
                           Sharp UX-1000 Plain Paper Fax

                               Media Buyer Office

Computer                   Pentium 32mb
Monitor                    Max Tech
Keyboard                   Windows

                                 Conference Room

Television                 Magnavox
VCR                        Sharp
                           Conference Table 6 Chairs
                           Framed Art Work

                                 Leigh's Office

Computer                   Ast Advantage Adventure 824 Pentium 16mb
Monitor                    Samsung
Keyboard                   Ast
Printer                    HP DeskJet 600
Printer                    HP DeskJet 612C
Lap Top                    Vaio PCG-F340 Sony Lap Top*
Leasing Co.                *Preferred Lease
                            P.O. Box 41598
                           Philadelphia, PA 19101-1598
                           Lease #716-0388449-001
                           2 Guest Chairs
                           1 Corner Plant
                           JVC Radio/CD
                           Framed Art Work
                                 Gerry's Office

Computer                   Compaq Pentium 64mb
Monitor                    Compaq Presairo
Keyboard                   Compaq
Printer                    Canon BJC-4300 Color BubbleJet
Shredder                   Fellowes Powershred P540
File Cabinet               4 Drawer Vertical File Cabinet
                           2 Drawer Vertical File Cabinet
                           2 Guest Chairs
                           1 Corner Plant
                           JVC Radio/CD

                                      Page  119

                               Graphics Department

Computer                   Mac G3* Power PC 8100 Power Computing 132 PowerMac G3
                           350MT*** PowerMac G3 400 MT***
Keyboard                   Power Computing
                           Apple *
                           2 Power Mac Keyboards***
Monitor                    OptiQuest V773*
                           Maglnnovatinos (2)
                           .26MM 66HZ Monitor***
Printer                    Lexmark Optra R
                           Epson Stylus 600 Color**
Drives                     External Zip Drive (3)
                           LaCie HD
                           Smart Storage Solutions External HD
                           External Jaz Drive
                           AVA 2906-SCSI Card***
                           CD-Rewritable Drive***
Misc.                      Dynatek CE Burner
Scanner                    Astra Color Scanner
Leasing Co.                *Bank Vest Capital Corp. AKA ORIX and FINOVA
                           200 Nickerson Road
                           Marlboror, MA 01752
                           Lease #047011-001
                           Lease #047011-002
                           Lease #047011-003
                           **Colonial Pacific Leasing
                           P.O. Box 2090
                           Portland, Oregon 97208-2090
                           Lease #108025002
                           Lease #108025003
                           Lease #108025004
                           ***Freedom Capital
                           30423 Canwood Street, Suite 207
                           Agoura Hills, CA 91301
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months
                           CD Photo Library
                           Medium Format Still Camera w/ lenses
                           Still Photo Lights and Stands
                           Light Box

                                      Page 120

                                Pre Press Office

Computer                   Mac G3*
Keyboard                   Apple*
Monitor                    Spectrum 7GLR*
Printer                    3M Rainbow*
                           Agfa 9800*
Misc.                      Agfa Rapidline 43 Film Developer*
Leasing Co.                *Bank Vest Capital Corp. AKA ORIX and FINOVA
                           200 Nickerson Road
                           Marlboror, MA 01752
                           Lease #047011-001
                           Lease #047011-002
                           Lease #047011-003
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                               General Office Area

Printer                    HP LaserJet 4
Copier                     Minolta EP 4233
Binder                     GBC Image Maker 1000

                        Animation/Website Artist's Office

Computer                   Power Mac 6500*
                           Power Mac G3
Hard Drive                 6-GIG External*
Monitor                    Nokia 17"*
                           Optiquest 17"
Keyboard                   Apple*
Scanner                    UMAX Astra 610 S Flatbed*
                           Screen DT-S101S Drum
CD Writer                  Yamaha CRV4260*
Camera                     Olympus D-500L Digital
Leasing Co.                *The Manifest Group
                           100 East Saratoga
                           Marshall, MN 56258-1714
                           Lease #556150
                           Lease #624826
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                                      Page 121

                       Production - Master Control Office

1.       IBM PC 386
2.       Sony Monitor
3.       Generic Keyboard
4.       HP DeskJet 500C
5.       Compuvideo/Wave Form Monitor
6.       Panasonic 13" Monitors (5)
7.       Panasonic 21" Monitors (2)
8.       Sony Speakers (2)
9.       Amiga 4000 Computer with Video Toaster System
10.      Amiga Keyboard
11.      Mackie CR1604-VLZ Audio Mixing Board
12.      Sony FXE-100 Video Editing/Switcher System
13.      Intercom System
14.      Radio Shack Amplifier
15.      LabTech LCS-150 Computer Speakers (2)
16.      UVW 1800 Sony Beta Cam Deck (2)**
17.      Sony VO-9800 3 1/4 Umatic SP
18.      Video Patch Bay
19.      Tascam Patch Audio Bay
20.      Alesis 3630 Compressor
21.      Pioneer PD103 CD Player
22.      Tascam DA-20 Digital Audio Tape Players
23.      JVC RX 212 AM-FM Receiver
24.      Sony EVO-9850 HI 8 Video Deck***
25.      Panasonic RCUWV-RC36 Remote Control Unit
26.      NADY Receiver - 4 Channel
27.      Video Tek VDA-16 Black Burst Generator***
28.      Zip Drive 100
29.      Kinyo Beta Tape Rewinder
30.      Horita CSG-50 Bars/Tone Generator
31.      Serial Port Switch Box
32.      Sony EVO-9850 3/4 Tape Deck ****
33.      Sony CMA****
34.      Quasar VHQ 830 VCR
35.      Production Desk with Shelves
Leasing Co.                **Colonial Pacific Leasing
                           P.O. Box 2090
                           Portland, Oregon 97208-2090
                           Lease #108025002
                           Lease #108025003
                           Lease #108025004
                           ***Associates Leasing Inc.
                           P.O. Box 6229
                           Carol Stream, IL 60197-6229

                                      Page 122

                           Lease #0006581-000
                           ****The Manifiest Group
                           100 East Saratoga
                           Marshall, MN 56258-1714
                           Lease #556150
                           Lease #624826
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                   Production - Back Office in Master Control

1.       Power Mac 7200/75
2.       Apple Keyboard
3.       NEC Multi Scan Monitor
4.       Microtech Scan Maker 2 HR
5.       Sony CDP-XE 500 CD Player
6.       Power Mac 7200/75
7.       Interex Keyboard
8.       Portrait Pivet 1700 Monitor
9.       2 Workstation Desks
                       Production - Edit Room - Station 1

1.       Sony 21" TV
2.       Media 100 System - Power Mac 8100/80 with Apple Keyboard and Supermatch
         17" Monitor*
3.       Seagate 2047M Drive (1)*
4.       Seagate 8669M Drive (2)*
5.       Micropolis 8681M Drive (1)
6.       Media 100 Digital Video Editor**
Leasing Co.                *Bank Vest Capital Corp. AKA ORIX and FINOVA
                           200 Nickerson Road
                           Marlboror, MA 01752
                           Lease #047011-001
                           Lease #047011-002
                           Lease #047011-003
                           **Colonial Pacific Leasing
                           P.O. Box 2090
                           Portland, Oregon 97208-2090
                           Lease #108025002
                           Lease #108025003
                           Lease #108025004
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                                      Page 123

                       Production - Edit Room - Station 2

1.       *PCI System Media 100 Nubus $8999.95
         *Purchased by Media 100
         *Power Mac G3/G4 DIMM PC $379.00
         *Remus Lite Disk Array Software $129.00
         *Adobe After Effects Production Bundle $1,399.00
         *18.2 GB Barracuda $505.00
         *Adobe Photoshop Software $589.00
         *Data Silo DS 100 $429.00
         *Data Silo Cable Kit $149.00
         *Tech Tools Pro Software $89.00
         *Power Domain SCSI $349.00
         *17" E773 Monitor $299.01
Leasing Co.       Preferred Capital Corporation
                  P.O. Box 41598
                  Philadelphia, PA 19101-1598
                  Lease #716-0388449-001
2.       Micro Tek 2 HR Scanner
3.       Sony Speakers (2)
4.       Samsung TV/VCR 13" Combo
5.       Panasonic 13" Monitor
6.       LabTech CS-900 Computer Speakers (2)
7.       APC-UPS 450 Battery Back Up
8.       Panasonic PV-S 4480 Super VHS Deck
9.       GE VG4056 VCRS (2)
10.      GE SV4053 VCRS (2)
11.      Symphonic 6480 VCRS (2)
12.      16 Port Video Patch Bay (2)
13.      Neutrik Audio Patch Bay
14.      Technics SLPG350 CD Player
15.      Tascam DA20 Digital Audio Tape
16.      JVC RX - 212 FM/AM Receiver
17.      Sony UVW 1800 Beta SP Deck
18.      Mackie 1202-VLZ Mixing Board
19.      Panasonic WVF 300 Camera*
Leasing Co.                *Colonial Pacific Leasing
                           P.O. Box 2090
                           Portland, Oregon 97208-2090
                           Lease #108025002
                           Lease #108025003
                           Lease #108025004
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                                      Page 124


1.       Sears TV
2.       Rid Lowcost Teleprompter System (2) 1*
3.       Panasonic 300 CLE WFV 300 Video Cameras (2)
4.       ITE Pedastals (2) 1
5.       HI 8 Video Camera (2)
6.       Bogen Tripod (3) 1 ***
7.       Anton Battery Charger***
8.       Sony UVW 100 w/ Lens ***
9.       Sony PVM 8020 AC/DC Monitor $712.00***
10.      Sony PVM 8042 Color Monitor***
11.      Sony UVW 100 Camera w/ Lens ****
12.      Sony BC 1WD Charger w/ Batteries
13.      K-3 Camera 16MM
14.      Sony 8800 3/4 VTR
15.      Metal Desk
16.      2 Lowell Lighting Kits
17.      10 Wireless Mikes
18.      1 Studio Light Grid
19.      Studio Lights and Stands
20.      Metal Storage Reels
21.      Sets, Background and Bluescreen
22.      Misc. Set and Building Tools
Leasing Co.                *Bank Vest Capital Corp. AKA ORIX and FINOVA
                           200 Nickerson Road Marlboror,  MA 01752 (800)532-7317
                           Lease #047011-001 Lease #047011-002 Lease #047011-003
                           ***Colonial  Pacific  Leasing P.O. Box 2090 Portland,
                           Oregon  97208-2090   (800)444-1738  Lease  #108025002
                           Lease  #108025003 Lease #108025004 **** The Manifiest
                           Group  100  East  Saratoga  Marshall,  MN  56258-1714
                           (507)532-9558 Lease #556150 Lease #624826

PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                                      Page 125

                                Office Furniture

1.       8 Leather Chairs
2.       3 Desks
3.       2 Returns
4.       3 Hutch
5.       1 Storage Unit
6.       8 Steno Chairs
7.       1 Work Center
8.       7 4 PC Work Centers
9.       2 2 Drawer File Cabinet

                                  Audio Studio

1.       Roland DM-800 Workstation
2.       Roland 6-800 Synthesizser
3.       Samsung 13" TV
4.       Technics CD Player SL-P1200
5.       Tascam 32 Reel to Reel Tape Deck
6.       Sony A-6 Digitial Tape Deck
7.       Neutek Patch Bay
8.       2 Rolls Mike Compressor Leg HRIIC
9.       Behringer Composer Compressor MDX 2100
10.      ART Dual Compressor
11.      JVC R-K22 Tuner/Amplifier
12.      Fischer CRW683 Dual Cassette Deck
13.      TM Century Music Library
14.      Realistic Eraser
15.      2 AK6 D3800 Mikes
16.      CD Stand
17.      Copy Holder
18.      2 Rolls Headphone Amps
19.      Koss Pro 4 AA Headphones
20.      Roland Boss U7-1 - Voice Transformer*
21.      Music Software Systems
22.      Music Bakery Discs
23.      Midiator
Leasing Co.                *Bank Vest Capital Corp.  AKA ORIX and FINOVA
                           200 Nickerson Road
                           Marlboror, MA 01752
                           Lease #047011-001
                           Lease #047011-002
                           Lease #047011-003
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                                      Page 126

                                  Phone System

1.       Samsung Digital Telephone System*
Leasing Co.                *Creditial Leasing Corp.
                           1501 Corporate Drive
                           Suite 280
                           Boynton Beach, FL 33426-6654
                           Lease #0354401
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                                Voice Mail System

1.       Minitel 128 Voice Mail System*
Leasing Co.                *Bank Vest Capital Corp. AKA ORIX
                           200 Nickerson Road
                           Marlboror, MA 01752
                           Lease #047011-001
                           Lease #047011-002
                           Lease #047011-003
PP Tax                     Paid over 12 months

                               Ocala News Tonight

1.       (3) Leightronics Event Controller/Switcher $2,833.40
         Purchased from Markertek and by Credit Card
2.       4 Sony VP 9000 S/N
         2 Sony 7600 Umatic S/N
         Purchased from Hi-Tech Enterprises $3,845.58
3.       4 Secretarial Chairs & One Lap Top Table $200.00
         Purchased from Staples
5.       Media 100 System Nubus Component Suite Deal w/ Mac 8100/80 AV
6.       Sony VO 5800 VCR $600.00
         Audio Visual Consultants - Paid MC
7.       Police Scanner $300.
8.       31 avalier mikes $350.00
9.       3 corded mikes $225.00
10.      Assorted cables and wires $200.00

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 127

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                      SCHEDULE 2.11 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

1.       Attached is a schedule of Trademarks and Copyrights.

Lorilei Communications, Inc.

Trademarks and Copyrights

Mark                       Serial #      Date           In Force      Abandoned
- ----                       --------      ----          -------------  ---------
THE FIRM MULTIMEDIA        75/335702     8/13/98           X
WE CREATE DEMAND           75/335756     9/1/98            X
CREDIT NOW                 75/364030     7/1/98            X
CREDIT NOW                 75/364030     3/2/99                           X
SELL-O-VISION              75/109714     5/24/96           X

- ------------
CREDIT NOW                 PA 860-881    7/15/97
COOL IDEAS                 PA 860-887    7/15/97

*    The owner of each trademark and copyright is Lorilei  Communications,  Inc.
     with and address at 7325 SW 32nd Street, Ocala, Florida 34474

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 128

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


1.   Amsouth  Bank - Line of  Credit.  Balance  is  around  $32,650.00.  Monthly
     payments are around $1,000.00 per month. Account opened 12/97. This account
     is a line of  credit  therefore,  there is no  termination.  Copies  of the
     application have been requested to Amsouth.

2.   Amsouth  Bank - Auto  Loan  on Ford  Mountaineer.  Balance  is  $20,091.20.
     Monthly payments are $463.55. Execution of this loan is 9/30/99 and the end
     of the loan is 9/30/04.

3.   Bank of  America - Auto  Loan on  Volvo.  Balance  is  $25,213.67.  Monthly
     payments are $503.37.  Execution of this loan is 3/10/00 and the end of the
     loan is 3/10/05.

4.   Chrysler  Financial  Group  -  Auto  Loan  on  Dodge  Caravan.  Balance  is
     $12,141.98. Monthly payments are $363.08. Execution of this loan is 5/29/98
     and the end of the loan is 6/13/03.

5.   Promissory  Note  to  John  and  Marcia  LaTorraca  Trust  for  $46,143.00.
     Principal  balance is $46,143.00  with interest  accruing at 8.5% per annum
     since 12/31/98.  In 1999, two interest  payments of $200.00 ($400.00 total)
     were made.  As of 4/26/00 the balance of note,  principal  plus interest is
     $50,922.91. The principal amount was used for working capital. Execution of
     this Promissory Note is 12/31/98 and there is not termination date.

6.   Leigh and Gerry  Cunningham,  the  officers/shareholders,  have  loaned the
     company $45,301.28.  This money has been loaned over the course of years in
     business.  This money was used for working  capital.  The beginning date of
     the  officers/shareholders  loaning money to the company was 10/29/98.  The
     termination date is unknown.

Attached are supporting documents for the above referenced.

The following is a list of equipment  leases.  These leases are attached to this
schedule. Each lease provides term, amount per month and equipment description.

1.   The Associates - Monthly  Payment  $357.52,  Balance  $3,018.31

2.   Colonial  Pacific  Leasing  #108025002 - Monthly Payment  $768.35,  Balance

3.   Colonial  Pacific  Leasing  #108025003 - Monthly Payment  $378.20,  Balance

4.   Colonial  Pacific  Leasing  #108025004 - Monthly Payment  $200.67,  Balance

5.   Colonial  Pacific  Leasing  #108025005 - Monthly Payment  $148.40,  Balance
     $1,589.09  6.  Credential  Leasing  -  Monthly  Payment  $347.43,   Balance
     $7,615.24 7. FINOVA Financial - Monthly Payment $483.15, Balance $16,230.73
     8.  Freedom  Capital - Monthly  Payment  $442.03,  Balance  $5,460.33 9 The
     Manifest Group AKA Flex Lease #556150 - Monthly  Payment  $595.95,  Balance
     $1,626.37 10. The Manifest  Group AKA Flex Lease #624826 - Monthly  Payment
     $212.80,  Balance  $1,782.40  11. ORIX Credit  Alliance  #02324-7 - Monthly
     Payment  $574.78,  Balance  $6,801.54 12. ORIX Credit  Alliance  #02325-4 -
     Monthly Payment  $188.27,  Balance  $5,894.23 13. Preferred Lease - Monthly
     Payment $506.36, Balance $15,149.17

2.12 (B)

Under this section only the following items apply:

#4 - Refer to Exhibit 5.12 for a copy of New Position Offer for Sheryl Wolf.
#12 - Refer to Schedule 2.10(A)(1) for mortgage information

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                    Page 129

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
               Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


1.  Fictitious Name Registration - Ocala News Tonight, Ocala, Marion County, FL
2.  Fictitious Name Registration - The Firm Multimedia, Ocala, Marion County, FL
3.  State of Florida, Marion County Drinking Water System Operating Permit
4.  Marion County Occupational License 1999-2000
5.  Florida Department of Revenue Certificate of Registration to Collect Sales
    and Use Taxes for State of Florida

Attached are supporting documents to the above referenced.

Note:     The  fictitious  name  registration  for "THE  FIRM" has  expired  and
          Lorilei will not be renewing.

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                            SCHEDULE 2.15 LITIGATION

We agree to all statements as detailed in Schedule 2.15, in the above  mentioned
document entitled "Litigation," with the following exceptions:

2.15 (D):  Lorilei may file a collection suit against in the amount
           of  $132,543.30  plus  interest  and late fees for failure to fulfill
           it's contractual obligation.

Attached is a copy of the contract  with  and a copy of a standard
channel lease agreement with one of the cable systems.

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 130

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                        SCHEDULE 2.20 LIST OF EMPLOYEES

Attached  to  this  schedule  is a list  of  all  employees,  current  salaries,
vacation,  personal time,  and comp time accruals.  Prior to the date of closing
this transaction,  comp time accruals will no longer be allowed.  Comp time that
has been  previously  accrued  has to be used  within 6 months  from the date of
accrual. Otherwise, comp time is forfeited.

 Lorilei Communications, Inc. d/b/a The Firm Multimedia d/b/a Ocala News Tonight
                    Employee Information May 15, 2000

         Employee                          Salary             Vacation            Personal            Comp Time
                                                              Time Hours          Time Hours             Hours

1.       Bryan Allen                       $13,800.00          0                   0                   0
2.       Richard Andrews                   $17,400.00          0                   40                  0
3.       Kim Avery                         $21,900.00          40                  37
4.       Melissa Barfield                  $12.50/hour         0                   0                   0
5.       Bountham Chanthalansy             $22,400.00          0                   31                  0
6.       Gerry Cunningham                  $60,000.00          0                   0                   0
7.       Leigh Cunningham                  $60,000.00          0                   0                   0
8.       Stacey Dolezal                    $30,000.00          0                   40                  0
9.       William Fraker                    $9.00/hour          0                   0                   0
10.      Patricia Gale                     $24,000.00          0                   40                  0
11.      Jeanne Harding                    $6.50/hour          0                   0                   0
12.      Leslie Kinney                     $22,800.00          40                  31.50               17
13.      Mary Lee                          $31,200.00          6.50                0                   0
14.      Dustin McCollum                   $25,200.00          0                   24
15.      Nadyne McDonald                   $14,400.00          0                   40                  0
16.      John Miller                       $10,800.00          0                   0                   0
17.      Debbie Tilton                     $7.33/hour          0                   0                   0
18.      Penny Tomberlin                   $18,180.00          32                  45.50               0
19.      Brian Trahan                      $35,100.00          0                   13.75               0
20.      Lawrence Uelmen                   $25,000.00          0                   0                   0
21.      Kim Ullery                        $17,520.00          0                   40                  0
22.      Sheryl Wolf                       $21,000.00          13                  0                   0

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 131

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                            SCHEDULE 2.21 INSURANCE

1.       Workers Comp Insurance -  Hanover Insurance

2.       Auto Insurance - Hanover Insurance

3.       Commercial General Liability  Insurance - Hanover Insurance

4.       Professional Liability Insurance - Scottsdale Insurance Company

5.       Health Insurance - HealthPlan Southeast

6.       Schedule of Life Insurance for Officers

7.       Westfield Life Insurance - For Officers Only

8.       Lincoln Benefit Life Insurance - For Officers Only

9.       Midland National Life Insurance  - For Officers Only

10.      First Penn Pacific Life Insurance - For Officers Only

11.      Copies of letters to First Penn Pacific, Midland National, Westfield
         Life, requesting additional policy information.

Note:     We are in the process of formulating an errors and omissions policy on
          Ocala News Tonight.

Attached are supporting documents to the above referenced.

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                      SCHEDULE 2.27 EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS

1.   Currently, there are no employee benefit plans in place.

2.   Lorilei  Communications,  Inc. pays $85.00 per month towards the employee's
     health insurance  premium.  Lorilei pays entire premium for officers of the

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                    Page 132

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


We agree to all statements as detailed in Schedule 2.28, in the above  mentioned
document entitled "Distribution Agreements," with the following exception:

2.28A We have posted blocks of commercial leased access airtime for sale through
Ad,  a  broker  in the  advertising  space,  time and  banner  sales
business.  Ad Outlet marks up our gross sale price to  compensate  itself with a
sales  commission.  Potential  sales  generated  by Ad  Outlet  are  subject  to
Lorilei's final approval. No sales have been generated under this plan thus far.
There is no contract between Lorilei Communications, Inc. and

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


We agree to all  statements as detailed in Schedule 4.1, in the above  mentioned
document entitled "Conduct of Business of Lorilei," without exception.

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                    Page 133

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                             SCHEDULE 5.7 CONSENTS

The current  mortgage  holder on the building and real estate at 7325  Southwest
32nd Street,  Ocala,  Florida 34774 is Small Business Loan Source (SBLS) located
at 5333 Westheimer,  Suite 840, Houston,  Texas 77056. This is an SBA guaranteed
type 7a loan.

Exhibit  A of the  mortgage  stipulates  that if the  property  or a  beneficial
interest  in the  property  is  transfered  without  Mortgagee's  prior  written
consent, the mortgage may then be accelerated. A copy of the Mortgagee's written
consent is attached.

Other Notices

The  mortgage  specifies  that 3 weeks prior notice of  prepayment  is required,
otherwise  Mortgagor  will be  required  to pay 3 weeks  interest  on the unpaid
prinicpal as of the date of prepayment.

A commercial security agreement exists as part of the mortgage and is attached.

Under part F "other  provisions" of the SBA  Authorization  and Loan  agreement,
item #7 limits annual  expenditures  for acquisition of fixed assets to $10,000,
however part 6 of the borrowing  certificate sets this amount at $25,000 without
Lender's prior approval, approval of which will not be unreasonably withheld.

Although  the deed  restrictions  (attached)  Airport  Industrial  Park call for
underground utilities,  the developer has given us a verbal "no action" inasmuch
as the general contractor  neglected to run underground  electrical service from
the street to the building.

The Airport  Industrial Park is in the process of being annexed into the City of
Ocala from  Marion  County and will soon have city water  service.  Lorilei  has
received notice  (attached) that an assessment of  approximately  $536.00 impact
fee and a meter  installation  charge based on the meter size for  connecting to
the service,  plus construction  costs of running the line for the connection at
$8.50 per front foot on the road.  Some of this cost may be  mitigated  by lower
fire insurance premiums due to the proximity of a working fire hydrant.

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                            SCHEDULE 5.8 AFFILIATES

         Gerald R. Cunningham
         Leigh A. Cunningham

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                    Page 134

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


1.       List of Employees can be found in Schedule 2.20
2.       Non Compete Agreements
3.       Talent Releases
4.       New Position Offer for Sheryl Wolf
5.       Employment Agreement for Gerald R. Cunningham
6.       Employment Agreement for Leigh A. Cunningham

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                          SCHEDULE 5.13-1 PROJECTIONS

1.    Attached to this schedule is the projection for years ending 2000 to 2001.
Lorilei Communications, Inc FY ending 6/30/2001

                                 July    Aug     Sep    Oct     Nov    Dec     Jan    Feb     Mar    Apr     May    June    Total

Commission                       2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000   24,000
ONT Ad sales                    18,000  18,000 22,000  24,000 30,000  27,000 24,000  24,000 28,000  30,000 33,000  30,000  308,000
Retainer                         5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,500  6,500   6,500   67,500
Video Production                35,000  35,000 30,000  34,000 32,000  60,000 32,000  30,000 40,000  40,000 45,000  40,000  453,000
Graphics                        30,000  30,000 30,000  30,000 35,000  35,000 35,000  30,000 30,000  30,000 40,000  40,000  395,000
Pre-press                        1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Airtime                         75,000  75,000 75,000  50,000 50,000  50,000 40,000  40,000 60,000  65,000 75,000  65,000  720,000
Brokered Spot airtime           10,000  20,000 20,000  10,000  7,000  20,000  7,500   5,000 12,000  40,000 40,000  50,000  241,500
Fees-Misc                        2,500   2,500  2,500   6,000  6,000   6,000 10,000   6,000  6,000   8,000  6,000  22,000   83,500
Web Design                       3,000   3,500  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  6,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   5,000   49,500
Still Photography                  800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    9,600
CD-Rom                           5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000  10,000   65,000
Audio Production                 1,000   1,000  1,000   7,500  4,000   6,500 10,000   6,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000   57,000
Public Relations                 2,000   2,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000   34,000
Client Promotions                5,000   5,000  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500   35,000
Web Maintenance                  1,300   1,300  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   2,000  2,000   2,500  2,500   3,450   22,550
Shipping Revenue                 2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000   24,000
Total Income                   198,600 209,100 207,300188,300 190,800231,300 188,300169,300 209,300247,300 273,300288,250 2,601,150

Cost of Goods Sold

Spot Airtime                     6,600  13,200 13,200   6,600  4,620  13,200  4,950   3,300  7,920  26,400 26,400  33,000  159,390
CLA                             33,750  33,750 33,750  22,500 22,500  22,500 18,000  18,000 27,000  29,250 33,750  29,250  324,000
Program Airtime                  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,000  1,000   1,000    800     800  1,200   1,300  1,500   1,300   14,400
ONT CLA                          4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500   54,000
Total                           46,350  52,950 52,950  34,600 32,620  41,200 28,250  26,600 40,620  61,450 66,150  68,050  551,790

                                    Page 135

Client Promotions                1,750   1,750    875     875    875     875    875     875    875     875    875     875   12,250
Internet Fees                      429     429    495     495    495     495    495     660    660     825    825   1,139    7,442

Total                            2,179   2,179  1,370   1,370  1,370   1,370  1,370   1,535  1,535   1,700  1,700   2,014   19,692


Photos                             150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    1,800
Printing                        15,000  15,000 15,000  15,000 17,500  17,500 17,500  15,000 15,000  15,000 20,000  20,000  197,500
Pre-press supplies                 250     250    250     250    250     250    250     250    250     250    250     250    3,000
Misc Supplies                        0       0    225       0      0     225      0       0    225       0      0     225      900
Total                           15,400  15,400 15,625  15,400 17,900  18,125 17,900  15,400 15,625  15,400 20,400  20,625  203,200

Video Production

Tapes                            1,000   1,750  1,500   1,700  1,600   3,000  1,600   1,500  2,000   2,000  2,250   2,000   21,900
Software/equipment                 500     500      0       0      0       0      0       0      0     140      0     427    1,567
Printing                         3,000       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0    3,000
Talent Fees                        700     700    600     680    640   1,200    640     600    800     800    900     800    9,060
Staging & Props                    350     350    300     340    320     600    320     300    400     400    450     400    4,530
Rentals                            350     350    300     340    320     600    320     300    400     400    450     400    4,530
Shipping                         1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800   21,600
Tape Duplication                 3,850   3,850  3,300   3,740  3,520   6,600  3,520   3,300  4,400   4,400  4,950   4,400   49,830
Total                           11,550   9,300  7,800   8,600  8,200  13,800  8,200   7,800  9,800   9,940 10,800  10,227  116,017

Total COGS                      75,479  79,829 77,745  59,970 60,090  74,495 55,720  51,335 67,580  88,490 99,050 100,916  890,699

Gross Profit                   123,121 129,271 129,555128,330 130,710156,805 132,580117,965 141,720158,810 174,250187,335 1,710,452

Firm Expenses

Prod/Office personnel              750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    9,000
CD Dup/Printing                      0   2,400      0       0  2,500       0      0       0  2,000       0      0       0    6,900
Yellow Pages                       300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Print                              600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Misc. Firm Advertising             300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Total Advertising                1,950   4,350  1,950   1,950  4,450   1,950  1,950   1,950  3,950   1,950  1,950   1,950   30,300


Maintenance                        450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    5,400
Caravan payment                    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     363    4,367
New ONT vehicles                   400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Mercury                            464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    5,568
Volvo                              504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    6,048
Fuel                             1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500   18,000
Vehicle Registration                 0       0    200       0     79       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      279
Total Automobile                 3,682   3,682  3,882   3,682  3,761   3,682  3,682   3,682  3,682   3,682  3,682   3,681   44,462

Bank Charges                        35      35     35      35     35      35     35      35     35      35     35      35      420

Contributions                        0   1,000      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0    1,000

Company Fees

Copyright/Trademark                245       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      245
Internet Fees                      375     375    425     425    425     425    550     550    550     550    550     550    5,750
Dues and Subscriptions             366     365    252     153     45      63    110       0      0      95      0       0    1,449
Education                          183       0      0       0      0      82      0       0      0       0    100       0      365
Equipment Rental                   101     101  1,200     101    757   1,695    575     101      0     101    101     101    4,934
NDC Payment Systems                150                                                                                308      458
Misc. Fees                           0       0    544       0    963       0      0      85    215     167    599       0    2,573
Total Company Fees               1,420     841  2,421     679  2,190   2,265  1,235     736    765     913  1,350     959   15,774


Auto                               450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    5,400
Building/Property                  275     275    275     275    275     275    275     275    275     275    275     275    3,300
Health                           1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Media Liability                    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Addlt Liability                    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Life Insurance                     175     175    175     175    175     175    175     175    175     175    175     175    2,100
Worker's Comp                      300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Total Insurance                  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700   32,400

                                    Page 136


Late charges                       300     300    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    2,100
Finance Charges                    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    5,400
Loan Int-Capital leases          2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000   24,162
Mortgage Interest                1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800   21,600
Other interest                     200     122      0     121    235     115      0     113    111     182    107     564    1,870
Lines of credit                    200       0    266       0      0     253    265     437      0     309    300     250    2,280
Total Interest                   4,950   4,672  4,666   4,521  4,635   4,768  4,665   4,950  4,511   4,891  4,807   5,214   57,250


Pest Control                        50       0     50       0     50       0     50       0     50       0    172       0      422
Cleaning/Supplies                  156     109    227     114    179      62    256     194     67      21    238     150    1,773
Sanitation                           0       0      0       0    189      44     44      44     44      44     44      44      497
Total Janitorial/Maintenance       206     109    277     114    418     106    350     238    161      65    454     194    2,692

Licenses and Permits                 0       0      0       0    150       0      0      11      0     191      0      60      412


Audio Visual                       379     450    277     280    284     288    291     295    299     303    307     311    3,764
Computer Equip                   1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200   14,400
Phone System                       328     328    328     328    328     328    328     328    328     328    328     328    3,936
Production Equip                 3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500   42,000
Total Leases                     5,407   5,478  5,305   5,308  5,312   5,316  5,319   5,323  5,327   5,331  5,335   5,339   64,100

Lines of Credit

AmSouth                          1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100   13,200
Total-Lines of credit            1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100   13,200

Office Space

Mortgage principal                 200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Jax Office rent                    209     209    209     209    209     209    209     209    209     209    209     209    2,508
Orl Office rent                    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Total Office Mort/Rent             809     809    809     809    809     809    809     809    809     809    809     809    9,708

Non-COGS Supplies

Office Supplies                    695     800    400     700    650     350    400     300    600     800    650     550    6,895
Graphics software/equipment        700     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,900
Video software/equipment         1,250   1,250    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    7,500
Interactive software/equipment     200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Printing                           942       0     86     628     34      46     34      95    754     218    201     532    3,570
Grocery                             25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25      300
Video Production Supplies          300     300    400     400    500     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,700
Graphic Supplies                   595       0    400      72    392     100    373       0    130       0      0      30    2,092
Film Processing                     58       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0      28     15       0      101
Pre-Press Supplies                 100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    1,200
Audio Supplies                       0       0    108     352              0      0      83      0       0      0       0      543
Total Office supplies            4,865   2,875  2,419   3,177  2,601   1,921  2,232   1,903  2,909   2,471  2,291   2,537   32,201


Officers                        10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000  120,000
Staff                           32,000  32,000 34,000  35,000 35,000  36,000 38,000  38,000 38,000  38,000 38,000  38,000  432,000
FUTA/SUTA                          320     320    340     350    350     360    380     380    380     380    380     380    4,320
Commissions                      9,930  10,455 10,365   9,415  9,540  11,565  9,415   8,465 10,465  12,365 13,665  14,413  130,058
Federal/Fica Tax                 7,980   7,980  8,360   8,550  8,550   8,740  9,120   9,120  9,120   9,120  9,120   9,120  104,880
Staff incentives                   100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    1,200
Total Payroll                   60,330  60,855 63,165  63,415 63,540  66,765 67,015  66,065 68,065  69,965 71,265  72,013  792,458

                                    Page 137

Postage and Delivery

USPS                               325     325    325     325    325     325    325     325    325     325    325     325    3,900
Unishippers                        470     470    470     470    470     470    470     470    470     470    470     470    5,640
Other                               25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25      300
Total Postage & Delivery           820     820    820     820    820     820    820     820    820     820    820     820    9,840

Professional Fees

Accountant                       1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Consulting                         150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    1,800
Legal                              400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Collection Agent                   993   1,046  1,037     942    954   1,157    942     847  1,047   1,237  1,367   1,441   13,006
Personnel                            0       0      0   1,000      0       0  1,000       0      0   1,000      0       0    3,000
Total Professional Fees          2,543   2,596  2,587   3,492  2,504   2,707  3,492   2,397  2,597   3,787  2,917   2,991   34,606

Repairs and Maintenance

Computer repairs                   250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    4,500
Equipment repairs                  450     450  1,500     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    6,450
Building repairs                   150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    1,800
Total Repairs & Maintenance        850   1,100  1,900   1,100    850   1,100    850   1,100    850   1,100    850   1,100   12,750

Sales Expenses

Sales Recruitment                  500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Direct Mailers                     400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Sales contest/bonus                100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    1,200
Misc. Sales Expenses               100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    1,200
Total Sales Expenses             1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100   13,200


Personal property  Firm              0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0  5,000       0      0       0    5,000
Real Estate                          0       0      0       0      0       0      0   5,000      0       0      0       0    5,000
Sales Tax - Firm                   205     286    465     493    366     314    333     200      0   1,190    438     200    4,490
Intangible/Tangible                  0       0     98     280      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      378
Personal property Leases            41     351     41     233     41      41    312      41     41      41    292     184    1,659
State                                0       0      0       0      0     110      0     106    138     126      0      90      570
Total tax                          246     637    604   1,006    407     465    645   5,347  5,179   1,357    730     474   17,097


Cellular                           400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Local service                      350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    4,200
Long Distance                      650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    7,800
Paging                              75      75     75      75     75      75     75      75     75      75     75      75      900
Other                               25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25      300
Total Telephone                  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500   18,000


Car Rental                          55      55     55      55     55      55     55      55     55      55     55      55      660
Airfare                            250     250    250     250    250     250    250     250    250     250    250     250    3,000
Entertainment                      120     120    120     120    120     120    120     120    120     120    120     120    1,440
Travel other                       120     120    120     120    120     120    120     120    120     120    120     120    1,440
Lodging                            225     225    225     225    225     225    225     225    225     225    225     225    2,700
Meals                              225     225    225     225    225     225    225     225    225     225    225     225    2,700
Tolls/Parking                       50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Total Travel                     1,045   1,045  1,045   1,045  1,045   1,045  1,045   1,045  1,045   1,045  1,045   1,045   12,540


Electric                           500     500    500     475    475     400    400     350    350     375    375     400    5,100
Total Utilities                    500     500    500     475    475     400    400     350    350     375    375     400    5,100


Non compete fees                    40      10     20      10      0      10      0      30     10      10     10      30      180
Misc. Expenses                       0       0      0      79    329     368    127     150      0      60      0       0    1,113
Total Miscellaneous                 40      10     20      89    329     378    127     180     10      70     10      30    1,293

Bad Debt                         3,575   3,764  3,731   3,389  3,434   4,163  3,389   3,047  3,767   4,451  4,919   5,189   46,821

Gross Profit                   123,121 129,271 129,555128,330 130,710156,805 132,580117,965 141,720158,810 174,250187,335 1,710,452
Total Expenses                  99,673 101,577 102,536101,506 104,165105,095 104,460106,388 111,232109,708 110,044111,239 1,267,623
Pre-tax Profit*                 23,448  27,694 27,019  26,824 26,545  51,710 28,120  11,577 30,488  49,102 64,206  76,095  442,829

EBITDA                                                                                                                     500,277
                                                                                                   GPM        66%

*Does not include depreciation
Certain expense items covered under use of investment proceeds are not included

                                    Page 138

Lorilei Communications, Inc. FY ending June 30, 2002

                               July    Aug     Sep    Oct     Nov    Dec     Jan    Feb     Mar    April   May    June    Total

Commission                       6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000   72,000
ONT Ad sales                    25,000  25,000 30,000  32,000 36,000  34,000 34,000  34,000 38,000  38,000 40,000  40,000  406,000
North County Ad sales           15,000  25,000 25,000  30,000 30,000  35,000 30,000  28,000 35,000  40,000 45,000  45,000  383,000
Retainer                         5,000   5,500  5,500   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,500   6,500  7,500   7,500  7,500   7,500   77,000
Video Production                40,000  40,000 45,000  50,000 55,000  60,000 45,000  50,000 55,000  50,000 65,000  60,000  615,000
Graphics                        40,000  40,000 40,000  40,000 40,000  45,000 45,000  45,000 45,000  40,000 45,000  50,000  515,000
Pre-press                        1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500   18,000
Airtime                         60,000  60,000 65,000  65,000 70,000  60,000 65,000  55,000 70,000  70,000 75,000  70,000  785,000
Brokered Spot airtime           25,000  25,000 30,000  25,000 30,000  30,000 25,000  20,000 30,000  35,000 40,000  40,000  355,000
Fees-Misc                        2,250   2,250  2,250   3,000  3,000   8,500 10,000   8,500  9,000  10,000 10,000  10,000   78,750
Web Design                       6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500 10,000   6,500  6,500   7,000 10,000   7,000  7,000   8,000   88,000
Still Photography                1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200   14,400
CD-Rom                          12,000  12,000  6,500   8,000 10,000   8,000  7,000   7,000  8,000  10,000 10,000  10,000  108,500
Audio Production                 2,000   2,000  2,000   4,000  6,000   7,000  6,000   7,000  7,000   7,500  8,000   8,000   66,500
Public Relations                 3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  4,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  4,000   4,000  4,000   5,000   46,000
Client Promotions                2,500   5,000  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500   42,500
Web Maintenance                  3,800   3,500  3,500   3,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,500   53,300
Shipping Revenue                 3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000   36,000
Interest Income                    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    1,800
Total Income                   254,400 267,100 280,100291,850 320,350323,350 303,350291,850 338,850339,350 376,850374,350 3,761,750

Cost of Goods Sold

Spot Airtime                    16,500  16,500 19,800  16,500 19,800  19,800 16,500  13,200 19,800  23,100 26,400  26,400  234,300
CLA                             27,000  27,000 29,250  29,250 31,500  27,000 29,250  24,750 31,500  31,500 33,750  31,500  353,250
Program Airtime                  1,200   1,200  1,300   1,300  1,400   1,200  1,300   1,100  1,400   1,400  1,500   1,400   15,700
ONT CLA                          5,200   5,200  5,200   5,200  5,200   5,200  5,200   5,200  5,200   5,200  5,200   5,200   62,400
North County CLA                 6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500   78,000
Total                           56,400  56,400 62,050  58,750 64,400  59,700 58,750  50,750 64,400  67,700 73,350  71,000  743,650

Client Promotions                  875   1,750  1,225   1,225  1,225   1,225  1,225   1,225  1,225   1,225  1,225   1,225   14,875
Internet Fees                    1,254   1,155  1,155   1,155  1,485   1,485  1,485   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,815   17,589
Total                            2,129   2,905  2,380   2,380  2,710   2,710  2,710   2,875  2,875   2,875  2,875   3,040   32,464


Photos                             150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    150     150    1,800
Printing                        20,000  20,000 20,000  20,000 20,000  22,500 22,500  22,500 22,500  20,000 22,500  25,000  257,500
Pre-press supplies                 375     375    375     375    375     375    375     375    375     375    375     375    4,500
Misc Supplies                        0       0    355       0      0     355      0       0    355       0      0     355    1,420
Misc. Shipping                     500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Total                           21,025  21,025 21,380  21,025 21,025  23,880 23,525  23,525 23,880  21,025 23,525  26,380  271,220

Video Production

Tapes                            2,500   2,500  3,000   3,500  3,000   3,500  2,250   2,500  3,000   3,000  3,250   3,000   35,000
Software/equipment               1,000     500  1,000     500      0       0      0       0      0     140      0     500    3,640
Printing                         3,000       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0    3,000
Talent Fees                        750   1,000  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,800  1,200   1,200  1,800   1,200   14,950
Staging & Props                    500     600    800   1,000    800   1,200    900   1,200  1,000   1,000  1,500   1,200   11,700
Rentals                            400     400    450     500    550     600    450     500    550     500    650     600    6,150
Shipping                         2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700  2,700   2,700   32,400
Tape Duplication                 4,400   4,400  4,950   5,500  6,050   6,600  4,950   5,500  6,050   5,500  7,150   6,600   67,650
Total                           15,250  12,100 14,100  14,900 14,300  15,800 12,450  14,200 14,500  14,040 17,050  15,800  174,490

Total COGS                      94,804  92,430 99,910  97,055 102,435102,090 97,435  91,350 105,655105,640 116,800116,220 1,221,824

Gross Profit                   159,596 174,670 180,190194,795 217,915221,260 205,915200,500 233,195233,710 260,050258,130 2,539,926

Firm Expenses

                                    Page 139

Ocala News Tonight               2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500   30,000
Prod/Office personnel              750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    9,000
CD Dup/Printing                      0   3,000      0       0  3,000       0      0   3,000      0       0  3,000       0   12,000
Yellow Pages                       450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    5,400
Promotions                         300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Print                            2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000   24,000
Direct - Infomercials            3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000   36,000
Misc. Firm Advertising             500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Total Advertising                9,500  12,500  9,500   9,500 12,500   9,500  9,500  12,500  9,500   9,500 12,500   9,500  126,000


Maintenance                        600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Caravan payment                    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     364    4,368
New ONT vehicles                   400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Mercury                            464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    5,568
Volvo                              504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    6,048
Fuel                             1,750   1,750  1,750   1,750  1,750   1,750  1,750   1,750  1,750   1,750  1,750   1,750   21,000
Vehicle Registration                 0       0    200       0     79       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      279
Total Automobile                 4,082   4,082  4,282   4,082  4,161   4,082  4,082   4,082  4,082   4,082  4,082   4,082   49,263

Bank Charges                        40      40     40      40     40      40     40      40     40      40     40      40      480

Contributions                        0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0        0

Company Fees

Copyright/Trademark                245       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      245
Internet Fees                      900     900    900     900    900     900    900     900    900     900    900     900   10,800
Dues and Subscriptions             366     365    252     153     45      63    110       0      0      95      0       0    1,449
Education                          200       0      0     300      0     300      0     300      0     300    100     300    1,800
Equipment Rental                   101     101  1,200     101    757   1,695    575     101      0     101    101     101    4,934
Employee Moving Expenses           500     500      0     500      0     500      0       0    500       0    500     500    3,500
NDC Payment Systems                150            100            100            100            100            100     308      958
Misc. Fees                         300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Total Company Fees               2,762   2,166  2,752   2,254  2,102   3,758  1,985   1,601  1,800   1,696  2,001   2,409   27,286


Auto                             1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Building/Property                  425     425    425     425    425     425    425     425    425     425    425     425    5,100
Health                           2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000  2,000   2,000   24,000
Media Liability                    700     700    700     700    700     700    700     700    700     700    700     700    8,400
Addlt Liability                    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Life Insurance                     300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Worker's Comp                      400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Total Insurance                  5,125   5,125  5,125   5,125  5,125   5,125  5,125   5,125  5,125   5,125  5,125   5,125   61,500


Late charges                        50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Finance Charges                    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    5,400
Loan Int-Capital leases          2,200   2,200  2,200   2,200  2,200   2,200  2,200   2,200  2,200   2,200  2,200   2,200   24,162
Mortgage Interest                1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800   21,600
Other interest                     200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Lines of credit                    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Total Interest                   4,900   4,900  4,900   4,900  4,900   4,900  4,900   4,900  4,900   4,900  4,900   4,900   58,800


Pest Control                        50       0     50       0     50       0     50       0     50       0    172       0      422
Cleaning/Supplies                  156     109    227     114    179      62    256     194     67      21    238     150    1,773
Sanatation                          44      44     44      44     44      44     44      44     44      44     44      44      528
Total Janitorial/Maintenance       250     153    321     158    273     106    350     238    161      65    454     194    2,723

Licenses and Permits               150       0      0       0    150       0      0      11      0     191      0      60      562

                                    Page 140


Audio Visual                       379     450    277     280    284     288    291     295    299     303    307     311    3,764
Computer Equip                   1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200   14,400
Phone System                       328     328    328     328    328     328  1,500       0      0       0      0       0    3,468
Production Equip                 5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000   60,000
Total Leases                     6,907   6,978  6,805   6,808  6,812   6,816  7,991   6,495  6,499   6,503  6,507   6,511   81,632

Lines of Credit

AmSouth                          1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100   13,200
Total-Lines of credit            1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100   13,200

Office Space

Mortgage principal                 200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Jax Office rent                    209     209    209     209    209     209    209     209    209     209    209     209    2,508
Orl Office rent                    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Tampa Office rent                  400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
S. Florida Office rent             500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Total Office Mort/Rent           1,709   1,709  1,709   1,709  1,709   1,709  1,709   1,709  1,709   1,709  1,709   1,709   20,508

Non-COGS Supplies

Office Supplies                    695     800    400     700    650     350    400     300    600     800    650     550    6,895
Graphics software/equipment        700     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,900
Video software/equipment         1,250   1,250    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    7,500
Interactive software/equipment     200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Printing                           942       0     86     628     34      46     34      95    754     218    201     532    3,570
LAN Equip                          100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    1,200
Acct Software                        0       0  1,000       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0    1,000
Grocery                             25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25      300
Video Production Supplies          500     500    500     500    500     400    500     400    500     400    500     500    5,700
Graphic Supplies                   600       0    650      72    600     100    600       0    600       0    600     600    4,422
Film Processing                     95             95       0     95       0     95       0      0      95      0      95      570
Pre-Press Supplies                 300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Audio Supplies                      50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Total Office supplies            5,457   3,425  4,106   3,275  3,254   2,271  3,004   2,170  3,829   2,888  3,326   3,652   40,657


Officers                        10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000  120,000
Staff                           42,000  42,000 42,000  42,000 42,000  42,000 44,000  44,000 44,000  44,000 44,000  46,000  518,000
FUTA/SUTA                          420     420    420     420    420     420    440     440    440     440    440     460    5,180
Commissions                     15,264  16,026 16,806  17,511 19,221  19,401 18,201  17,511 20,331  20,361 22,611  22,461  225,705
Federal/Fica Tax                 9,880   9,880  9,880   9,880  9,880   9,880 10,260  10,260 10,260  10,260 10,260  10,640  121,220
Staff incentives                   500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Total Payroll                   78,064  78,826 79,606  80,311 82,021  82,201 83,401  82,711 85,531  85,561 87,811  90,061  996,105

Postage and Delivery

USPS                               350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    4,200
Unishippers                        550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    6,600
Other                               50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Total Postage & Delivery           950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950   11,400

Professional Fees

Accountant                       1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Consulting                         400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Legal                              550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    6,600
Collection Agent                 1,272   1,336  1,401   1,459  1,602   1,617  1,517   1,459  1,694   1,697  1,884   1,872   18,809
Personnel                            0       0      0   1,000      0       0  1,000       0      0   1,000      0       0    3,000
Total Professional Fees          3,222   3,286  3,351   4,409  3,552   3,567  4,467   3,409  3,644   4,647  3,834   3,822   45,209

Repairs and Maintenance

Computer repairs                   250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    4,500
Equipment repairs                  450     450  1,500     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    6,450
Building repairs                   200     150    200     150    200     150    300     150    300     150    300     150    2,400
Total Repairs & Maintenance        900   1,100  1,950   1,100    900   1,100  1,000   1,100  1,000   1,100  1,000   1,100   13,350

Sales Expenses

Sales Recruitment                  600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Direct Mailers                     650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    7,800
Sales contest/bonus                200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Misc. Sales Expenses               200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Total Sales Expenses             1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650   19,800

                                    Page 141


Personal property  Firm              0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0  6,000       0      0       0    6,000
Real Estate                          0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0   6,000      0       0    6,000
Sales Tax - Firm                   530     530    530     530    530     530    530     530    530     530    530     530    6,360
Intangible/Tangible                  0       0     98     280      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      378
Personal property Leases            41     351     41     233     41      41    312      41     41      41    292     184    1,659
State                                0     500      0       0      0     110      0     106    138     126      0      90    1,070
Total tax                          571   1,381    669   1,043    571     681    842     677  6,709   6,697    822     804   21,467


Cellular                           550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    6,600
Local service                      500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Long Distance                      800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    9,600
Paging                              85      85     85      85     85      85     85      85     85      85     85      85    1,020
Other                               50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Total Telephone                  1,985   1,985  1,985   1,985  1,985   1,985  1,985   1,985  1,985   1,985  1,985   1,985   23,820


Car Rental                         300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Airfare                            500     500    700     700    700     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,600
Entertainment                      300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Travel other                       300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Lodging                            500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Meals                              350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    4,200
Tolls/Parking                      100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    1,200
Total Travel                     2,350   2,350  2,550   2,550  2,550   2,350  2,350   2,350  2,350   2,350  2,350   2,350   28,800


Electric                           600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Total Utilities                    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200


Non compete fees                    30      30     30      30     30      30     30      30     30      30     30      30      360
Misc. Expenses                     150     150    150     150    400     400    150     150    150     150    150     150    2,300
Total Miscellaneous                180     180    180     180    430     430    180     180    180     180    180     180    2,660

Bad Debt                         4,579   4,808  5,042   5,253  5,766   5,820  5,460   5,253  6,099   6,108  6,783   6,738   67,712

Gross Profit                   159,596 174,670 180,190194,795 217,915221,260 205,915200,500 233,195233,710 260,050258,130 2,539,926
Total Expenses                 137,033 139,293 139,172138,983 143,101140,741 142,671140,837 149,444149,627 149,710149,522 1,720,133
Pre-tax Profit*                 22,563  35,377 41,018  55,812 74,814  80,519 63,244  59,663 83,751  84,083 110,340108,608  819,793
EBITDA                                                                                                                     900,060
*Does not include depreciation                                                                             GPM        68%
Certain expense items covered under use of investment proceeds are not included
                                                                                                           NPM        22%

                                    Page 142

Lorilei Communications, Inc. FY ending June 30, 2003

                               July    Aug     Sep    Oct     Nov    Dec     Jan    Feb     Mar    April   May    June    Total

Commission                       7,000   7,000  7,000   7,000  7,000   8,000  8,000   8,000  8,000   8,000  8,000   8,000   91,000
ONT Ad sales                    40,000  40,000 45,000  40,000 50,000  45,000 45,000  40,000 45,000  50,000 55,000  50,000  545,000
North County Ad sales           40,000  40,000 45,000  40,000 50,000  45,000 45,000  40,000 45,000  50,000 60,000  50,000  550,000
Inland Empire Ad sales          10,000  15,000 20,000  20,000 25,000  25,000 30,000  30,000 35,000  40,000 45,000  45,000  340,000
Retainer                         8,000   8,000  8,000   8,000  8,000   8,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000  108,000
Video Production                60,000  60,000 70,000  70,000 65,000  60,000 65,000  55,000 65,000  65,000 80,000  65,000  780,000
Graphics                        45,000  45,000 45,000  45,000 50,000  45,000 45,000  45,000 45,000  45,000 45,000  45,000  545,000
Pre-press                        1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500   18,000
Airtime                         75,000  75,000 80,000  85,000 85,000  80,000 80,000  70,000 90,000  85,000 95,000  95,000  995,000
Brokered Spot airtime           40,000  40,000 40,000  45,000 50,000  50,000 50,000  40,000 45,000  45,000 45,000  40,000  530,000
Fees-Misc                       10,000  10,000 15,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000   8,000  9,000  10,000 12,000  10,000  124,000
Web Design                       8,000   8,000 10,000   8,000 10,000   8,000  8,000   7,000 10,000   8,000 12,000   8,000  105,000
Still Photography                1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200   14,400
CD-Rom                          10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000  120,000
Audio Production                 4,000   4,000  7,000   5,000  8,000   5,000  6,000   4,000  5,000   5,000  8,000   6,000   67,000
Public Relations                 5,000   5,000  6,000   5,000  5,000   4,500  5,000   4,500  5,000   5,000  6,000   5,000   61,000
Client Promotions                4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000   48,000
Web Maintenance                  5,500   5,500  5,500   5,500  5,500   5,500  5,500   5,500  5,500   5,500  5,500   5,500   66,000
Shipping Revenue                 4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000   48,000
Interest Income                    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Total Income                   378,500 383,500 424,500414,500 449,500420,000 433,500388,000 443,500452,500 507,500463,500 5,159,000

Cost of Goods Sold

Spot Airtime                    26,400  26,400 26,400  29,700 33,000  33,000 33,000  26,400 29,700  29,700 29,700  26,400  349,800
CLA                             33,750  33,750 36,000  38,250 38,250  36,000 36,000  31,500 40,500  38,250 42,750  42,750  447,750
Program Airtime                  1,500   1,500  1,600   1,700  1,700   1,600  1,600   1,400  1,800   1,700  1,900   1,900   19,900
ONT CLA                          4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500  4,500   4,500   54,000
North County CLA                 6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500   78,000
Inland Empire CLA                6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500  6,500   6,500   78,000
Total                           79,150  79,150 81,500  87,150 90,450  88,100 88,100  76,800 89,500  87,150 91,850  88,550 1,027,450

Client Promotions                1,400   1,400  1,400   1,400  1,400   1,400  1,400   1,400  1,400   1,400  1,400   1,400   16,800
Internet Fees                    1,815   1,815  1,815   1,815  1,815   1,815  1,815   1,815  1,815   1,815  1,815   1,815   21,780
Total                            3,215   3,215  3,215   3,215  3,215   3,215  3,215   3,215  3,215   3,215  3,215   3,215   38,580


Photos                             200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Printing                        22,500  22,500 22,500  22,500 25,000  22,500 22,500  22,500 22,500  22,500 22,500  22,500  272,500
Pre-press supplies                 425     425    425     425    425     425    425     425    425     425    425     425    5,100
Misc Supplies                        0       0    500       0      0     500      0       0    500       0      0     500    2,000
Misc. Shipping                     600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Total                           23,725  23,725 24,225  23,725 26,225  24,225 23,725  23,725 24,225  23,725 23,725  24,225  289,200

Video Production

Tapes                            2,500   2,500  3,000   3,500  3,000   3,500  3,250   2,750  3,000   3,000  4,000   3,250   37,250
Software/equipment               1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Printing                         3,000       0      0       0      0       0  3,000       0      0       0      0       0    6,000
Talent Fees                        750   1,000  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,200  1,200   1,800  1,200   1,200  1,800   1,300   15,050
Staging & Props                  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500  1,500   1,500   18,000
Rentals                            750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    9,000
Shipping                         3,600   3,600  3,600   3,600  3,600   3,600  3,600   3,600  3,600   3,600  3,600   3,600   43,200
Tape Duplication                 6,600   6,600  7,700   7,700  7,150   6,600  7,150   6,050  7,150   7,150  8,800   7,150   85,800
Total                           19,700  16,950 18,750  19,250 18,200  18,150 21,450  17,450 18,200  18,200 21,450  18,550  226,300

Total COGS                     125,790 123,040 127,690133,340 138,090133,690 136,490121,190 135,140132,290 140,240134,540 1,581,530

Gross Profit                   252,710 260,460 296,810281,160 311,410286,310 297,010266,810 308,360320,210 367,260328,960 3,577,470

Firm Expenses

Ocala News Tonight               2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500  2,500   2,500   30,000
North County News Tonight        3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500  3,500   3,500   42,000
Prod/Office personnel              750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    9,000
CD Dup/Printing                      0   3,000      0       0  3,000       0      0   3,000      0       0  3,000       0   12,000
Yellow Pages                       650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    7,800
Promotions                         300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Print                            4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000  4,000   4,000   48,000
Direct - Infomercials            5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000  5,000   5,000   60,000
Misc. Firm Advertising             750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    9,000
Total Advertising               17,450  20,450 17,450  17,450 20,450  17,450 17,450  20,450 17,450  17,450 20,450  17,450  221,400

                                    Page 143


Maintenance                        600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Caravan payment                    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     364    364     364    4,368
ONT vehicles                       400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
North County news vehicles         400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Mercury                            464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    464     464    5,568
Volvo                              504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    504     504    6,048
Fuel                             2,600   2,600  2,600   2,600  2,600   2,600  2,600   2,600  2,600   2,600  2,600   2,600   31,200
Vehicle Registration               300       0    300       0    300       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      900
Total Automobile                 5,632   5,332  5,632   5,332  5,632   5,332  5,332   5,332  5,332   5,332  5,332   5,332   64,884

Bank Charges                        60      60     60      60     60      60     60      60     60      60     60      40      700

Contributions                        0       0      0   1,000      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0    1,000

Company Fees

Copyright/Trademark                245       0      0       0      0     245      0       0      0       0      0       0      490
Internet Fees                      950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950   11,400
Dues and Subscriptions             200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Education                          300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Equipment Rental                   101     101  1,200     101    757   1,695    575     101    101     101    101     101    5,035
Employee Moving Expenses           500     500      0     500      0     500      0       0    500       0    500     500    3,500
NDC Payment Systems                150            100            100            100            100            100     308      958
Misc. Fees                         300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Total Company Fees               2,746   2,351  3,050   2,351  2,607   4,190  2,425   1,851  2,451   1,851  2,451   2,659   30,983


Auto                             1,600   1,600  1,600   1,600  1,600   1,600  1,600   1,600  1,600   1,600  1,600   1,600   19,200
Building/Property                  600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Health                           3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000   36,000
Media Liability                  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Addlt Liability                    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Life Insurance                     300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Worker's Comp                      700     700    700     700    700     700    700     700    700     700    700     700    8,400
Total Insurance                  7,700   7,700  7,700   7,700  7,700   7,700  7,700   7,700  7,700   7,700  7,700   7,700   92,400


Late charges                        50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Finance Charges                    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    5,400
Loan Int-Capital leases          2,400   2,400  2,400   2,400  2,400   2,400  2,400   2,400  2,400   2,400  2,400   2,400   24,162
Mortgage Interest                1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800   21,600
Other interest                     200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Lines of credit                    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Total Interest                   5,100   5,100  5,100   5,100  5,100   5,100  5,100   5,100  5,100   5,100  5,100   5,100   61,200


Pest Control                        50       0     50       0     50       0     50       0     50       0    172       0      422
Cleaning/Supplies                  200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Sanatation                          88      88     88      88     88      88     88      88     88      88     88      88    1,056
Total Janitorial/Maintenance       338     288    338     288    338     288    338     288    338     288    460     288    3,878

Licenses and Permits               150       0      0       0    150       0      0      11      0     191      0      60      562


Audio Visual                       500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Computer Equip                   1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800  1,800   1,800   21,600
Phone System                       300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Production Equip                 6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000  6,000   6,000   72,000
Total Leases                     8,600   8,600  8,600   8,600  8,600   8,600  8,600   8,600  8,600   8,600  8,600   8,600  103,200

Lines of Credit

AmSouth                          1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100   13,200
Total-Lines of credit            1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100  1,100   1,100   13,200

Office Space

Mortgage principal                 200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Jax Office rent                    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Orl Office rent                    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Tampa Office rent                  400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
S. Florida Office rent             750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    9,000
North County Studio/office       3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000  3,000   3,000   36,000
Total Office Mort/Rent           5,350   2,350  2,350   2,350  2,350   2,350  2,350   2,350  2,350   2,350  2,350   2,350   64,200

                                    Page 145

Non-COGS Supplies

Office Supplies                    695     800    400     700    650     350    400     300    600     800    650     550    6,895
Graphics software/equipment        700     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,900
Video software/equipment         1,250   1,250    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    7,500
Interactive software/equipment     200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Printing                           942       0     86     628     34      46     34      95    754     218    201     532    3,570
LAN Equip                          100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    1,200
Acct Software                        0       0  1,000       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0    1,000
Grocery                             25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25     25      25      300
Video Production Supplies          500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Graphic Supplies                   600       0    650      72    600     100    600       0    600       0    600     600    4,422
Film Processing                     95             95       0     95       0     95       0      0      95      0      95      570
Pre-Press Supplies                 300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Audio Supplies                      50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Total Office supplies            5,457   3,425  4,106   3,275  3,254   2,371  3,004   2,270  3,829   2,988  3,326   3,652   40,957


Officers                        10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000 10,000  10,000  120,000
Staff                           52,000  52,000 52,000  52,000 52,000  52,000 52,000  52,000 52,000  52,000 52,000  52,000  624,000
FUTA/SUTA                          520     520    520     520    520     520    520     520    520     520    520     520    6,240
Commissions                     22,710  23,010 25,470  24,870 26,970  25,200 26,010  23,280 26,610  27,150 30,450  27,810  309,540
Federal/Fica Tax                11,780  11,780 11,780  11,780 11,780  11,780 11,780  11,780 11,780  11,780 11,780  11,780  141,360
Staff incentives                   500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Total Payroll                   97,510  97,810 100,270 99,670 101,770100,000 100,810 98,080 101,410101,950 105,250102,610 1,207,140

Postage and Delivery

USPS                               350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    4,200
Unishippers                        550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    6,600
Other                               50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Total Postage & Delivery           950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950    950     950   11,400

Professional Fees

Accountant                       1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Consulting                         400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    400     400    4,800
Legal                              550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    6,600
Collection Agent                 1,893   1,918  2,123   2,073  2,248   2,100  2,168   1,940  2,218   2,263  2,538   2,318   25,795
Personnel                            0       0      0   1,000      0       0  1,000       0      0   1,000      0       0    3,000
Total Professional Fees          3,843   3,868  4,073   5,023  4,198   4,050  5,118   3,890  4,168   5,213  4,488   4,268   52,195

Repairs and Maintenance

Computer repairs                   250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    250     500    4,500
Equipment repairs                  450     450  1,500     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    450     450    6,450
Building repairs                   200     150    200     150    200     150    300     150    300     150    300     150    2,400
Total Repairs & Maintenance        900   1,100  1,950   1,100    900   1,100  1,000   1,100  1,000   1,100  1,000   1,100   13,350

Sales Expenses

Sales Recruitment                  600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Direct Mailers                     650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    650     650    7,800
Sales contest/bonus                200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Misc. Sales Expenses               200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
Total Sales Expenses             1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650  1,650   1,650   19,800


Personal property  Firm              0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0  6,000       0      0       0    6,000
Real Estate                          0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      0   6,000      0       0    6,000
Sales Tax - Firm                   600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    600     600    7,200
Intangible/Tangible                  0       0     98     280      0       0      0       0      0       0      0       0      378
Personal property Leases           200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    200     200    2,400
State                                0     500      0       0      0     110      0     106    138     126      0      90    1,070
Total tax                          800   1,300    898   1,080    800     910    800     906  6,938   6,926    800     890   23,048

                                    Page 146


Cellular                           550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    550     550    6,600
Local service                      750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    750     750    9,000
Long Distance                    1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Paging                             125     125    125     125    125     125    125     125    125     125    125     125    1,500
Other                               50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50     50      50      600
Total Telephone                  2,475   2,475  2,475   2,475  2,475   2,475  2,475   2,475  2,475   2,475  2,475   2,475   29,700


Car Rental                         300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Airfare                          1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000  1,000   1,000   12,000
Entertainment                      300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Travel other                       300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    300     300    3,600
Lodging                            500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    500     500    6,000
Meals                              350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    350     350    4,200
Tolls/Parking                      100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    100     100    1,200
Total Travel                     2,850   2,850  2,850   2,850  2,850   2,850  2,850   2,850  2,850   2,850  2,850   2,850   34,200


Electric                           600     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    9,400
Total Utilities                    600     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    800     800    9,400


Non compete fees                    30      30     30      30     30      30     30      30     30      30     30      30      360
Misc. Expenses                     150     150    150     150    400     400    150     150    150     150    150     150    2,300
Total Miscellaneous                180     180    180     180    430     430    180     180    180     180    180     180    2,660

Bad Debt                         6,813   6,903  7,641   7,461  8,091   7,560  7,803   6,984  7,983   8,145  9,135   8,343   92,862

Gross Profit                   252,710 260,460 296,810281,160 311,410286,310 297,010266,810 308,360320,210 367,260328,960 3,577,470
Total Expenses                 178,254 176,642 179,223177,845 182,255177,316 177,895174,977 184,714185,249 186,507180,447 2,161,319
Pre-tax Profit*                 74,457  83,819 117,588103,316 129,156108,994 119,116 91,833 123,647134,962 180,754148,514 1,416,151
EBITDA                                                                                                                    1,500,399
*Does not include depreciation                                                                             GPM        69%
Certain expense items covered under use of investment proceeds are not included
                                                                                                           NPM        27%

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 147

                      Schedule to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                Amerinet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                        SCHEDULE 5.13-2 USE OF PROCEEDS

Attached are the Use of Proceeds

Use of Proceeds

     Set forth  below is  Lorilei's  anticipated  use of the cash  available  to
Lorilei after deduction of estimated remaining offering expenses of $12,500.

     Pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement. Lorilei would receive $487,500 of
net proceeds  from this  reorganization  after  deduction of the expenses of the
reorganization. The net proceeds of this offering will be used:

     To pay existing  accounts  receivable and personal property and real estate
taxes.;  To repair  existing  equipment  and  purchase  new  equipment To employ
additional  support staff To pay advertising and marketing costs, and to provide
working capital.

     The amounts and timing of  expenditures  for each purpose is subject to the
broad discretion of the management and will depend on factors such as the amount
of net  proceeds  available to Lorilei and the effects of  competition,  many of
which are beyond Lonlei's control.

  Accounts Payable and Taxes                                        $198,854.00
  Equipment                                                            8,000.00
  Salaries                                                            30,646.00
  Advertising/Marketing                                              100,000.00
  Working Capital                                                    150.000.00
  Total                                                             $487,500.00

     The  initial  $100,000  payment  made  to  Lorilei  will  be  used  to  pay
approximately  $42,000 of the accounts  payable and taxes with the balance being
use to pay  equipment,  salaries and working  capital.  The  remaining  four (4)
payments of $100,000 w-ill be applied pro rata among the balance of the accounts
receivable, advertising/marketing and working capital.

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 148

                      Exhibit to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


         Attached  to this  exhibit  is the  supporting  document  for the above

Exhibit 2.25      Regulation SB Disclosure Documents

Item 101. Description of Business

Lorilei Communications,  Inc., a Florida corporation ("Lorilei"),  was organized
in July of 1994 by Gerald R.  Cunningham,  its current  president,  and Leigh A.
Cunningham,  its  current  secretary/treasurer.  Lorilei is the  successor  to a
Florida general partnership doing business as "The Firm."

Lorilei is a  full-service  advertising/marketing  company  under the trade name
"The Firm  Multimedia".  Lorilei  offers an array of  advertising  and marketing
services  including in-house  production of video,  audio,  internet  authoring,
interactive CD-Rom,  graphics,  and pre-press.  We believe our pricing market is
companies  wishing to enter the direct response and e-commerce  markets,  rather
than traditional "image" advertisers.

Lorilei  was  formed to  provide  advertising  services  to  regional  and local
advertisers,  as well as marketers who needed an incremental program. We believe
that Lorilei's  ability to provide  production  services in-house as a result of
new lower cost  technology  provides it with  competitive  advantages  in speed,
quality and price over larger advertising agencies and marketing companies which
subcontract most of their production.

As a result of seeking  solutions  for direct  response  clients and in order to
further  enhance its  capabilities,  Lorilei has used  commercial  leased access
(CLA) to cable systems and has been instrumental in the formulation of FCC rules
regulating CLA.

Through CLA, Lorilei has the capacity to offer clients cable access for 1/2 hour
or longer  television  programming on a full-time or part-time basis,  including
cable access in  prime-time.  Through a proprietary  database  developed  over a
four-year  period,  Lorilei  has the  ability to place  television  programs  on
virtually any cable television system in the United States. Under FCC rules, the
cost of CLA access is only the minimal fees  determined  by the FCC's  "implicit
fee"  formula,  plus any actual costs of tape  playback or satellite  reception.
Therefore,  Lorilei  believes it is positioned as a resource for direct response
airtime placement as rates which are regulated by the Federal government, and as
a  result,  are  significantly   lower  than  the  rates  charged  by  broadcast

In  January,  2000  Lorilei  started a venture  under the trade name "Ocala News
Tonight" (ONT). ONT is a half-hour advertiser-supported  television news program
featuring local news, weather and sports cablecast at 6:30 PM and again at 10:30
PM to approximately 73,000 cable households in the Marion County,  Florida area.
This geographic area is part of the Orlando, FL television ADI, however the area
receives very little local  television  news  coverage from the distant  Orlando
television outlets.

ONT is the prototype of a concept  Lorilei  intends to replicate in other market
areas with similar characteristics across the nation.  Utilizing efficiencies in
desktop video, and new  technological  innovations in "prosumer"  cameras,  this
concept  allows  television  news to be  produced  at a much lower cost than was
previously possible, allowing for profitability on a community basis.

Lorilei  maintains web sites under each of its trade names.  The Firm Multimedia
web site features  video/audio clips demonstrating our work, as well as examples
of graphic  design  and links to  authored  web  sites.  Our web site is a major
source of client lead generation for the company.  Ocala news tonight also has a
website used primarily as an interactive  focal point for the viewing  audience.
It includes  content updated on a daily basis with highlights from the newscast,
as well as viewer opinion polls. Advertising is accepted at the ONT website.

Lorilei currently employs  approximately 22 persons and anticipates adding up to
ten additional staff in the near term, primarily in sales, marketing and support
functions.  Lorilei  leases  field sales  offices in  Jacksonville  and Orlando,
Florida, and intends to open additional offices in the Tampa Bay and Boca Raton,
Florida areas within the year 2000.

Currently  Lorilei does not have any material portion of its assets,  operations
or  customers  located  outside  of  the  United  States.  Substantially  all of
Lorilei's  revenues are from customers  within the United  States,  where all of
Lorilei's services are provided.

                                    Page 149

Industry Overview

Domestic  advertising  expenditures were estimated at $308.9 Billion in 1999. Of
this sum, 57.1% or $176.5  Billion is devoted to some form of direct  marketing,
up 7.2% over 1998. The market for direct marketing  overall is highly fragmented
across direct mail and telephone  marketing  which account for about half of the
total,  however direct response  television (DRTV), a $20.4 Billion market, is a
much  less   fragmented   segment   and  is  growing  at  a  faster   pace  than
directmarketing  overall.  DRTV  expenditures  increased  by 58%  in the  period
1994-1999  versus overall direct marketing which increased by 46%. DRTV predates
the Internet in  empowering  the consumer  with the ability to purchase  direct.
With $1.5  trillion in goods and services  expected to be sold over the Internet
by 2003  (Bear  Stearns  E-volve  report)  DRTV is a  natural  means of not only
converting television viewers into website browsers,  but adding the capacity to
demonstrate  features and abilities of the website. The same Bear Stearns report
estimates spending on Internet infrastructure tools to expand to over $4 billion
by 2003,  up from $600  million in 1999.  One of the key issues is the  pressure
from companies and consumers for increased  bandwidth.  As general  bandwidth to
access the Internet expands, video via Internet, with utilization of interactive
application software already available, becomes more and more viable.

Strategic Plans
Operating Strategy

Lorilei's  mission for The Firm  Multimedia is to provide  high-quality  content
that creates demand for client's products and services;  to offer candid,  solid
consultative  advice  that  results in  increase  sales;  to provide  avenues of
exposure such as CLA that are  effective  and that are not easily  duplicated by
potential  competitors;  to embrace and anticipate  opportunities  made possible
byemerging  technology and to rapidly focus on ways and means for our clients to

Lorilei's  mission for Ocala news tonight is to present  content that is focused
on local news, weather, and sports in a style which both appeals to and reflects
the community, thus making ONT a staple choice in our viewing area and providing
results and value for our advertisers.  By accomplishing these goals with ONT we
will be able to  replicate  our  format and  business  approach  in our  planned
expansion markets.

Lorilei has  formulated  a strategy to meet these goals with the  businesses  we
have built under both of the above trade names,  resulting in profitability  and
dividends for our shareholders.

Lorilei's management believes that:

Increased  sales volume will result in economies of scale which will enhance The
Firm   Multimedia  and  Ocala  news  tonight's   profitability.   We  intend  to
aggressively  recruit  professional inside and outside salespeople and launch an
intensive  advertising and marketing  campaign for both trade names. A wealth of
potential  business  exists  in  B2B  website  promotion.   We're  finding  many
relatively large companies with websites but without an Internet strategy. These
companies  will  eventually  be compelled to rely on companies  such as The Firm
Multimedia for assistance or go out of business. Our advantage is we can develop
the strategy,  the message,  and provide the media.  Brick and mortar  retailers
will be forced to seek non-traditional  revenue streams in order to compete with
e-retailers.  One of the best ways to accomplish this is through  establishing a
strong  e-commerce  website and supporting it with DRTV;  resulting in telephone
orders as well as orders from the website.

Comprehensive Brand Strategy

For The Firm Multimedia, we will launch a multi-pronged advertising/marketing
campaign utilizing:
- -National DRTV print and directory ads
- -Regional business publication print ads
- -Keyword-driven Internet banner ads
- -Business to business ("B2B") direct mail
- -B2B telemarketing
Our goal is to develop top of mind awareness for The Firm Multimedia as a
company and to develop a lead generation system for our
inside and outside salespeople.

For Ocala news tonight, (and as a prototype for expansion markets) we will
launch an advertising/marketing campaign consisting of:

- -100 showing of metro area poster outdoor over a 3 month period
- -High frequency cable spot on the systems we service
- -New creative for our existing bartered radio campaign
- -Vinyl signs on ONT vehicles
- -Direct mail revenue-generating promotion campaign with a four-color prize
 mailer (we intend to include Vista and Trilogy in this
- -B2B direct mailer announcing the campaign as a lead generation source for our
 outside salespeople.
- -On-going revenue-generating co-promotions featuring ONT personalities
 on-location at client locations.

                                    Page 150

Growth Strategy

Lorilei's plan for growth is  multifaceted.  The company intends to grow through
recruiting  additional  professional   salespeople  in  the  specialized  market
segments the company intends to service, and to open additional sales offices in
geographically  targeted areas. The company also intends to establish additional
news operations similar in structure to Ocala News Tonight, in areas of the U.S.
which demonstrate an abundant advertiser base, community identity,  and that are
either  under-served  by broadcast  television news due to the large size of the
television  ADI,  due to  geographic  boundaries  or terrain  which  segment the
market, or in some cases, markets with a substantial Spanish-speaking population
which is not served by Spanish Language television news. Lorilei also intends to
grow by acquisition of companies we feel are synergistic with its operations.

Investment in Technology

Lorilei has made an investment in emerging  technology  through its history as a
company and has, as an example, made the transition to digital, non linear video
editing versus the older tape-based linear tape editing.  We expect to invest in
high definition video equipment as distribution  facilities and HDTV sets-in-use
increases  to  critical  mass.  We intend to position  ourselves  as the company
offering  advanced  solutions  to the latest  Internet  applications,  including
Internet broadcasting.  We also intend to produce content for the Internet which
may be offered to other Internet broadcasters for a fee.

Economies of Scale and Best Practices

Lorilei's  management  believes  that it will achieve  significant  economies of
scale as gross sales levels increase.  This is possible through  performing most
of the work at the Ocala  headquarters  due to lower cost of living,  beneficial
quality of life, and resultant moderate  salaries,  plus productivity gains made
possible through  benchmarking  employee  compensation to productivity,  revenue
management  processes,   increased  vertical  integration  resulting  maximizing
customer revenues by extending projects through multiple content platforms (i.e.
graphics clients become video clients), etc.

Expansion Through Acquisitions

Beginning  in 2001,  Lorilei  will seek to  acquire  marketing  and  advertising
companies  in  order  to gain  market  share,  increase  overall  sales  volume,
geographic  reach  and  add   complimentary   services  (i.e.   direct  response
fulfillment).  These  acquisitions  could  also  include  companies  which  have
developed a specific  product or service which management feels has considerable
profit potential utilizing our marketing methods and capabilities.

Company Services

Lorilei currently offers its services  primarily in the United States.  The Firm
Multimedia  clients may be located in any geographic  area with the  transaction
facilitated by Internet, fax, courier, or in some cases in-person sales calls to
the client location.  In some cases the client travels to Lorilei's offices. Our
plan is to continue to extend our physical  presence by adding  additional sales
offices,  first in Florida,  then regionally and nationally.  Ocala news tonight
clients are primarily  located in Marion  County,  Florida.  As additional  news
markets are added the clients for each news  operation  will also  primarily  be
located in the community of service.  Sales  facilities for The Firm  Multimedia
will be co-located with each news facility,  including field content acquisition
support personnel where practical. Raw content will be shipped or transmitted to
the Ocala production facility for post-production.


Lorilei provides clients with a turn-key  e-commerce  approach by both authoring
the website and providing  marketing and advertising  services to drive traffic.
The company  provides  clients with  consultative  advice across a wide range of
issues including  domain names and  registration,  input on competitive  content
items such as pricing, placement,  inventory, target marketing, and demographic,
qualitative and perceptual customer research.

The company  utilizes  the latest state of the art  software  including  "Flash"
"Shockwave"  and Quicktime  video to author  client  websites with rich content.
Each website is custom-authored according to the client's specifications and may
include specialized  applications such as database access. Lorilei believes rich
content  websites,  including  sites  featuring  video and audio,  will become a
critical  component in commercial  website  development  as  competition  on the
Internet  continues  to drive  more  complex  websites.  The  company  envisions
becoming a leader in the e-commerce web development business.


The company  offers a  comprehensive  solution  for direct  response  television
marketers including concept, scripting,  infomercial and spot production,  media
planning and placement, as well as an array of direct response-related  graphics
services. The fact that Lorilei offers a wide breadth of services, with in-house
facilities  and staff,  sets it apart in the DRTV  industry and is a significant
competitive advantage for those clients seeking a turn-key solution. Most of the
company's past and current clientele is direct, rather than agency business. The
company intends to continue on this course.


Lorilei has contacts at major cable networks and broadcast stations, and has the
ability  to buy  airtime  competitively  on a  supply  and  demand  basis.  Most
half-hour  infomercial time is limited to  non-productive  spot revenue time for
the  broadcaster  or  cablecaster.  Typically  these  blocks  of  time  are  not
productive  for spot revenue due to a low level of households  using  television
(i.e. overnights, early mornings).

Lorilei's  ability to purchase  half-hour  airtime in  prime-time  viewing hours
through channel leasing, on a  market-targetable  basis gives it a primary niche
in the DRTV  business.  This is a highly  profitable  business due to government
regulation  keeping the price fixed  according  to an FCC  formula,  rather than
floating  with  supply and  demand.  Our goal is to  increase  awareness  of our
offerings in this segment at the agency and buying-service level and to increase
business with the DRTV trade, as well as from direct to client business.

Channel Leasing

Lorilei  has  pioneered  the use of channel  leasing  options  mandated by cable
deregulation  and  through  petitions  filed  with  the  Federal  Communications
Commission  has  played a major  role in  shaping  the rules  under  which  this
capacity is available  (see  "Lorilei" at  The company has developed a
proprietary  database of cable  systems,  enabling it to make channel  leasing a
viable  option for its  clients  with the  ability to  accurately  quote  rates,
household  counts,  and in some cases channel position in the individual  system
lineup, all in a format which meets the criteria of the client. No other company
that we are aware of has the ability at this time.  Lorilei  intends to continue
development  of the  database to increase  both the  quantity and quality of the
available information.

Channel  leasing is available on both  part-time and full-time  levels up to the
set-aside  capacity  of the cable  system.  Up to the present  time  Lorilei has
focused on part-time  channel  leasing,  however  management feels the timing is
right  to  begin  marketing  a  full-time  channel  leasing  service  to  larger
advertisers and marketers. Under the rules, a cable operator must open a channel
for use with as little as an eight-hour daily commitment for a one-year period.

With the advent of the  Internet,  large  companies are beginning to alter their
strategies  as they  relate  to  reaching  prospects  and  converting  them into
customers.  The  Internet  offers an  interactive  24/7  portal to  connect  the
prospect or customer directly to the company,  however it is somewhat limited in
content due to bandwidth limitations.

Lorilei   management  feels  there  are  companies  that  are  searching  for  a
competitive  edge in reaching  the consumer on a long-form  basis in  persuasive
ways the  Internet  cannot yet offer.  Channel  leasing is an option  most large
companies are not aware of, therefore  Lorilei intends to focus a portion of its
marketing effort to increase  awareness and market channel leasing as a tool for
these  companies.  This effort could have a substantial  impact on the projected
revenues for the company as landing even one full-time channel leasing client in
a  moderate  number of markets  would  easily  quadruple  or  quintuple  current
projections for both gross revenue and net profit.

Governmental Regulation

Lorilei's  success is dependent in part on the existence of federal  regulations
which  require cable  operations to lease cable access at low rates  pursuant to
FCC rules promulgated under the 1992 Cable Act. A change in the Cable Act or the
regulations  promulgated  thereunder could  significantly  impair our ability to
successfully compete against larger advertising companies.

The statutory framework for commercial leased access was established by the 1984
Act and  amended by the 1992 Cable Act.  The 1984 Cable Act  established  leased
access to assure  access to the  channel  capacity  of cable  systems by parties
unaffiliated  with the cable operator who want to distribute  video  programming
free  of  the  editorial  control  of  the  cable  operator.  Channel  set-aside
requirements  were  established  in  proportion  to a system's  total  activated
channel  capacity,  in order to "assure  that the widest  possible  diversity of
information  sources are made  available  to the public from cable  systems in a
manner  consistent  with the growth and  development of cable  systems." A cable
system  operator was permitted to use any unused leased access channel  capacity
for its own  purposes,  until  such  time as a  written  agreement  for a leased
channel use was obtained.  Each system operator  subject to this requirement was
to establish the "price,  terms,  and  conditions of such use which are at least
sufficient  to assure  that such use will not  adversely  affect the  operation,
financial condition, or market development of the cable system."

The only exception to the leased  commercial  access channel set-aside under the
1984 Cable Act that up to 33 percent of a system's  designated leased commercial
access  channel  capacity  may be used for  qualified  minority  or  educational
programming  from  sources  that may or may not be  affiliated  with  the  cable
operator.  The qualified  minority or educational  source may be affiliated with
the operator.

The 1992 Cable Act  amendments  broadened the statutory  purpose to include "the
promotion  of  competition   in  the  delivery  of  diverse   sources  of  video
programming,"  and the Commission was provided with expanded  authority:  (1) to
determine the maximum  reasonable  rates that a cable operator may establish for
leased access use, including the rate charged for the billing of subscribers and
for the  collection of revenue from  subscribers  by the cable operator for such
use;  (2) to  establish  reasonable  terms and  conditions  for  leased  access,
including those for billing and collection;  and (3) to establish procedures for
the expedited  resolution of leased access disputes.  The legislative history of
the 1992  amendments  expresses  concern  that  some  cable  operators  may have
established unreasonable terms or may have had financial incentives to refuse to
lease   channel   capacity   to   potential   leased   access   users  based  on
anti-competitive motives, especially if the operator had a financial interest in
the programming services it carried.


Any person  aggrieved by the failure or the refusal of a cable  operator to make
commercial  channel  capacity  available  or to  charge  rates  as  required  by
Commission  rules may file a petition for relief with the  Commission  within 60
days of the alleged  violation.  In order to enforce  its rights  under the 1992
Act, we have filed a number of such petitions with varied  results.  In order to
merit relief,  the petition must show by clear and convincing  evidence that the
operator  violated the leased  access  statutory  or  regulatory  provisions  or
otherwise  acted  unreasonably  or in bad  faith.  Relief  may be in the form of
refunds, injunctive relief or forfeitures.  The Commission encourages parties to
use alternative  dispute resolution  procedures such as settlement  negotiation,
conciliation,   facilitation,   mediation,   fact   finding,   mini-trials   and
arbitration. The 1992 Cable Act provides for both judicial and Commission review
of leased commercial access disputes

Ocala News Tonight

This trade name is a program  concept  whereby  the  company  produces a nightly
advertiser-supported  news  program  dedicated  to a targeted  geographic  area,
similar  to the  familiar  news/weather/sports  format  utilized  by most  local
broadcast  television  stations.  The prototype program is produced six days per
week and airs twice  nightly,  at 6:30 PM and 10:30 PM seven days per week.  The
company chose Ocala/Marion County,  Florida as the prototype for the concept due
to the fact that the area met certain  criteria and that  production  operations
were already established at The Firm Multimedia.

The criteria utilized to determine whether an area is viable includes but is not
limited to, market composition,  market geography,  market identity, presence of
local television news coverage,  available  advertising revenues (estimated as a
percentage of total retail sales), and cable television penetration.

In Ocala news tonight's  case, the  Ocala/Marion  County area met the guidelines
management  has  developed.  While  the area is part of the  Orlando  television
market it receives very little local news  coverage  from the Orlando  stations,
and minimal coverage from Gainesville stations located 35 miles away. Due to its
distance from Orlando and Gainesville,  and with the Gainesville market's strong
identity with the  University of Florida,  it is highly  unlikely any television
station  from either area would make a  concentrated  effort to compete with the
program. The area has a local identity apart from either Orlando or Gainesville,
sufficient  retail sales exists to provide a local  advertiser  base,  and cable
television penetration meets the company's minimums.

Economies  realized  through new  technology  including  desktop  video and high
quality  prosumer  cameras have lowered the cost of production to a level making
the concept  feasible.  Fewer crew  members are  required  for  production,  and
inexpensive prosumer cameras offer acceptable quality for news gathering.

Lorilei's  experience  in channel  leasing is utilized in order to acquire prime
airing times on cable  television.  In ONT's situation,  a network of four cable
systems are utilized to reach over 73,000 households in the area.

Management has  identified two expansion  markets for the concept and expects to
launch the first additional  operation in July, 2001, with the second additional
operation  coming online in July, 2002. These cost of launching these additional
operations  may be funded  from  Lorilei  cash flow or from  additional  capital

Beginning in July, 2003, Lorilei intends to launch two additional operations per
year for the next three years.

Sales and Marketing

Lorilei has used a combination  of inside and outside sales  representatives  in
the past for The Firm  Multimedia  and intends to expand the use of inside sales
representatives  in two areas (1) to  support  outside  sales  with  appointment
setting,  and (2) to sell DRTV to dot com and e-commerce  companies and the DRTV
trade.The  company  also  intends to expand its field  sales  offices to include
locations in South Florida, Tampa Bay, and Atlanta in the near term. Field sales
offices will also be co-located with additional ONT-type news operations.

In  the  past,   The  Firm   Multimedia  has  employed   generalist-type   sales
professionals,  expending  considerable time in training the person to represent
the company  across its many  services.  Management  feels this  approach  needs
specificity,  therefore  it  anticipates  altering  the approach to employ sales
professionals   proficient  in  four  major  specialty  areas:  Print  graphics,
DRTV/Video, Internet/e-commerce, Agency services.

Under this plan,  the company will generate  specific  leads in under one of its
specialty  areas and  utilizing a  consultative  selling  approach will identify
other specialty areas where it might be of service,  bringing in that particular
salesperson at the appropriate time. Management believes the result will be less
time in training and higher sales revenues.

The company utilizes a mix of marketing tools, including an infomercial produced
to generate  business to business leads, as well as direct mail,  telemarketing,
trade and business  publication print,  Internet  advertising,  as well as trade
show displays.

Ocala news tonight  utilizes  outside  sales  representatives  who call on local
business.  Direct mail and on-air ad  solicitation,  as well as telemarketing by
the outside reps is utilized to generate leads.



The  advertising  industry is highly  fragmented  with low  barriers to entry to
establish an advertising  agency.  Advertising  production is also  competitive,
however capital  investment is still a barrier to entry.  Lorilei  competes with
other advertising agencies, television and radio stations, other direct response
television   companies,   and  directly  with  cable  television  providers  and
television  broadcast  in  advertising  sales for Ocala  news  tonight.  Lorilei
competes for customers based on service,  price,  quality,  specialized in-depth
knowledge,  and  creativity.  Most DRTV  competitors are located in Western U.S.
states, making West coast-based business a challenging.


As of  April  1,  2000,  Lorilei  had 20 full  time  employees  and 3  part-time
employees.  Lorilei requires that all full-time employees sign a non-competition
and  confidentiality  agreement  as  a  condition  of  employment.  No  employee
contracts  currently  exist and all  employment  is at will.  No  employees  are
currently  represented by an labor unions.  Lorilei  believes its relations with
employees to be good, however additional  employees will need to be recruited to
meet its growth projections.  Management believes that required personnel can be
recruited on acceptable terms.

Item 102.  Properties

Lorilei's  principle place of business is located at 7325 Southwest 32nd Street,
Ocala,  Florida,  34474. This is an industrial park type setting where the other
businesses  are  warehouse or light  manufacturing  businesses.  The building is
approximately  5,000 square feet in total space,  with 3,500 square feet devoted
to  office/production  space and 1,500 square feet devoted to studio space.  All
space is  air-conditioned  and heated.  The  property is  encumbered  by a first
mortgage  in the  original  principal  amount of  $194,000.00  in favor of Small
Business  Loan Source.  The loan bears  interest at the rate of 11.75% per annum
and is  payable  over a term of 25 years.  The  property  is in the  opinion  of
Lorilei's management adequately covered by insurance.

Management  believes the current facility to be adequate for anticipated  growth
through the 2003 fiscal year.  Management  cannot,  however,  guarantee that the
square  footage will be sufficient  for all  production  operations.  Additional
construction or additional leased space could be required, either of which could
result in additional unanticipated expense.

As part of  expansion,  additional  sales  offices in targeted  major cities are
contemplated.  Rental costs of this additional  space are expected to be minimal
"office suite" type space and will expand with sales volume.  However,  if sales
volume becomes  substantial in a given  metropolitan area it could result in the
requirement of considerably  more square footage in leased office space than has
been projected.

Item 103.  Legal Proceedings

Lorilei  is not a party  to any  pending  legal  proceedings.  However,  Lorilei
presently  owes real and personal  property taxes to the state of Florida in the
amount of  $10,272.20.  Lorilei has also declined to pay  $21,420.00 to Home and
Garden Television (HGTV) pending confirmation of sums due.

Item 201. Market for Common Equity and Related Stockholder Matters

No market exists for Lorilei's common stock. There are two holders of the common
stock. Lorilei has not paid dividends during 1998, 1999 or 2000.

Item 202.  Description of Securities

Lorilei's  Articles of  Incorporation,  as amended,  authorize it to issue 2,000
shares of common  stock,  $0.01  par  value  per share and  1,000,000  shares of
preferred  stock,  par  value  $.01.  As of  the  date  of  this  reorganization
agreement,  111 shares of the common  stock were  outstanding  and no  Preferred
Shares were  outstanding.  This  description  of the capital stock of Lorilei is
qualified by and subject to the Florida  Business  Corporation Act and Lorilei's
Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, copies of which Articles and By-laws have
been  provided  as  exhibits  hereto  and to  which  reference  is made  for the
provisions thereof which are summarized below.

Common Stock

The holders of common stock are entitled to one vote per share on all matters to
be voted upon by the shareholders and have no cumulative voting rights.  Holders
of common stock are entitled to receive ratably such  dividends,  if any, as may
be declared  from time to time by the Board of  Directors  out of funds  legally
available therefor. In the event of liquidation,  dissolution,  or winding up of
Lorilei, the holders of common stock are entitled to share ratably in all assets
remaining  after payment of  liabilities.  The common stock has no preemptive or
conversion  rights or other  subscription  rights.  There are no  redemption  or
sinking fund provisions  applicable to the common stock. All outstanding  shares
of common stock are fully paid and nonassessable, and the shares of common stock
offered  hereby will also be fully paid and  nonassessable.  The  Articles  also
recognize the obligation of the Corporation's  stockholder  AmeriNet,
Inc. to elect  members to the  Corporation's  Board of  Directors  in the manner
reflected in the Reorganization Agreement between Lorilei and AmeriNet.


Undesignated Preferred Stock

The authorized but unissued  preferred stock (1,000,000 shares) may be issued in
series,  and shares of each series will have such rights and  preferences as are
fixed by the Board of Directors in the  resolutions  authorizing the issuance of
that particular  series. In designating any series of preferred stock, the Board
of Directors may, without further action by the holders of common stock:

- -fix the  number of  shares  constituting  that  series,  and -fix the  dividend
- -rights,  dividend rates, conversion rights, voting rights (which may be greater
or lesser than the voting rights of the common  stock),  and -fix the rights and
terms of redemption (including any sinking fund provisions), and the liquidation
preferences of the series of Undesignated Preferred Stock.

The holders of any series of preferred stock,  when and if issued,  are expected
to have priority claims to dividends and to any distribution upon liquidation of
Lorilei,  and they may have  other  preferences  over the  holders of the common

The Board of Directors may issue series of preferred stock without action by the
shareholders  of  Lorilei.  Accordingly,  the  issuance of  preferred  stock may
adversely affect the rights of the holders of the common stock. In addition, the
issuance  of  preferred  stock may be used as an  anti-takeover  device  without
further action on the part of the shareholders.  Issuance of preferred stock may
dilute the voting power of holders of common stock One example of this  dilution
would be the issuance of preferred stock with super-voting  rights. The issuance
of preferred stock may render more difficult the removal of current  management,
even if such removal may be in the shareholders'  best interest.  Lorilei has no
current plans to issue any additional preferred stock.

Lorilei has issued one promissory note for $46,143.00 to John B. LaTorraca which
bears  interest at the rate of 8.5% per annum for which a total of $51,084.16 is
presently owed.

Item 303.  Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation


We provide  businesses  with  advertising and marketing  services.  Our services
include creative  production and placement in both new and old media. We believe
that our  ability  to  place  half-hour  infomercials  on  cable  television  in
prime-time  through  commercial  leased  access will  enable us to offer  direct
response  television  services  to a majority  of  companies  striving  to drive
e-commerce  business.  In 1998,  Direct  Response  Magazine  reported  that $844
million  ($844M)  was spent on  television  infomercials  which  contributed  to
generating over $759 billion ($759B) in consumer spending. By way of comparison,
industry authority International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that consumers
will  purchase only $16 billion  ($16B) in goods from the Internet in 2000.  The
e-commerce  market is  projected to hit $3.2  Trillion  ($3.2T) by 2004 in North
America (Forrester Research).


We classify revenues into the following major  categories:  Commission/retainer,
Video production,  Graphics, Web, and Commercial Leased Access/Spot Airtime. The
following discussion does not include revenues for a new 2000 category, News.

Revenue Drivers

The principal factors that propel our revenues are detailed below.

Commission/retainer:  Income from  traditional  commissioned  ad agency time and
space  business as well as ad agency  monthly  retainers,  promotions and public

Video production:  Includes income from both video and audio projects, including
brokered duplication.

Graphics:  Income from all graphics projects  including  traditional  layout and
design, brokered printing, pre-press as well as new
media-related projects such as animation.

Web:  Includes  income from web design,  maintenance,  hosting,  and interactive

Commercial  Leased  Access/Spot and program  airtime:  Income from brokered time
sales (as  contrasted  with  traditional  ad agency 15% commission on time/space

News will generate  revenues from  advertising  sales beginning in 2000 and will
increase as new market  operations  are  incrementally  rolled out.  The initial
operation is based at our Ocala, Florida headquarters.

We expect Commission/retainer income to decrease as business looks for a broader
solution to advertising  and marketing  challenges.  Our goal is to replace this
income with project income in the other revenue driver categories.

Video production will increase due to our expanding  direct response  television
business and increased demand fueled by web-based video applications.

Graphics income will vary by the client mix of the company during a given fiscal
period with  printing as the major  variable.Print-intensive  clients can have a
large impact on this revenue driver. Our goal is to seek this type of client and
enhance their usage of print with electronic media opportunities while servicing
their core advertising media.


Web-based revenue will increase dramatically as we increase our Internet hosting
capacity  and  implement  new  business   plans  for  the  Internet,   including
development of a 15C2-11 website, as well as webcasting capacity.

Commercial  Leased  Access/spot and program airtime  revenues will  dramatically
increase  in the  coming  years  as  more  business  discovers  direct  response
television  and as the trend toward  tightening  of  Infomercial  availabilities
increases.  For example,  Turner  Broadcasting  recently ceased making half-hour
timeslots available.

Cost of Goods and Services

Costs are  classified  with the revenue  stream to which they are  related.  The
major factors (exclusive of labor) associated with our costs are listed below:

- -Printing costs associated with graphic print jobs
- -Capitalized media
- -Commercial Leased access and brokered spot airtime
- -Videotape and videotape duplication
- -Shipping costs

Results of Operations

Revenues from our business categories are as follows:

Year Ended December 31, 1999 Compared to Year Ended December 31, 1998


Total  revenues  increased  $109,468,  or 11% to  $1,102,329  for the year ended
December  31, 1999 from  $992,861 for the year ended  December  31,  1998.  This
increase  was  attributable  to the  growth  of  Commercial  leased  access  and
spot/program airtime sales.

Commission/retainer  revenue  decreased  by $185,794 or 67.1% to $90,897 for the
year ended December 31, 1999 from $276,691 for the year ended December 31, 1998.
This is due mainly to client churn, however management believes this follows the
trend in the advertising industry.  Middle market companies are now turning away
from traditional ad agencies toward project-based companies such as ours.

Video production  revenue increased by $29,616 or 11.3% to $291,156 for the year
ended December 31, 1999 from $261,540 for the year ended December 31, 1998. This
increase is due in part to an on-going agreement with Advent Product development
for spot production.

Graphics revenue  decreased by $105,599 or 31.7% for the year ended December 31,
1999 from  $332,903  for the year ended  December  31,  1998.  This  decrease is
partially  due to client  churn and  partially  due to a  decrease  in  brokered
printing  projects.  This is a revenue category that is especially  sensitive to
our client mix and will vary accordingly.

Web revenues  increased  by $10,055 or 60% for the year ended  December 31, 1999
from  $16,743  for the year ended  December  31,  1998.  This is due to increase
demand for web design, hosting, maintenance and interactive services. Management
expects this trend to continue into the foresable future.

Commercial leased  access/spot and program airtime increased by $404,614 or 879%
to $450,610 in the year ended  December  31, 1999 from $45,996 in the year ended
December  31, 1998.  This  increase is due to  increased  demand for  prime-time
infomercial  airings and in part due to  capitalized  Television  and Radio spot
media. Management expects this category to continue to increase substantially in

Cost of Goods and Services

Costs of goods and services increased by $77,574 or 32% to $320,029 for the year
ended December 31, 1999,  from $242,455 for the year ended December 31, 1998. As
a percentage of revenues, cost of goods and services for the year ended December
31, 1999 was 29%,  compared with 24% for the year ended  December 31, 1998.  The
increase was due to an increase in capitalized  agency billings resulting from a
shift in our agency client mix.

Payroll Expense

Payroll expense,  including officer's salaries,  increased by $28,136 or 6.8% to
$439,938 for the year ended  December 31, 1999 from  $411,802 for the year ended
December 31, 1998. As a percentage of revenues,  payroll  expense  declined from
41% in the year ended December 31, 1998 to 39.9% for the year ended December 31,
1999.  While overall  payroll expense is expected to increase in 2000 due to new
hires in sales and for the news  operation,  management  believes  payroll  will
remain close to 1999 levels as a percentage of revenues.

Depreciation Expense

Depreciation  expense  increased by $14,979 or 21% to $86,319 for the year ended
December 31, 1999 from $71,340 for the year ended December 31, 1998. This is due
to new equipment going into service in 1999.


Item 304.  Changes in and  Disagreements  with  Accountants  on  Accounting and
           Financial Disclosure

During  Lorilei's  two most  recent  fiscal  years and during the year 2000,  no
principal independent  accountant or accountant for a significant  subsidiary of
Lorilei on whom the principal  accountant  expressed  reliance in its report has
resigned  ,  declined  to stand  for  reelection,  or was  dismissed.  Lorilei's
financial statements during this period were not audited.

Item 306.  Audit Committee Report

This item is not applicable inasmuch as no audit report has been received and an
audit committee has not been appointed.

Item 310.  Financial Statements

Financial statements will be supplied following closing as required by Form 8-K.

Item 401.  Directors, Executive Officers, Promoters and Control Persons

(a) Officers

Gerald R. Cunningham,  age 48, has served as president,  chief executive officer
and a member of the board of directors  of Lorilei  since its  incorporation  in
July of 1994, and as a partner in its predecessor, a Florida general partnership
operating under the fictitious name "The Firm," organized by Mr.  Cunningham and
his wife  during  1993.  In 1991 Mr.  Cunningham  obtained a bachelor of science
degree in business administration from Pacific Western University located in Los
Angeles, California. In 1968 he received a third class radiotelephone operator's
permit from the United States  Federal  Communications  Commission  and began an
on-air radio  broadcasting  career with major market stations through 1982, when
he  entered  radio  advertising  sales and  sales  management,  specializing  in
improving  sales at newly  established  stations  or  stations  whose  sales had
declined. Mr. Cunningham is not currently a director in any other company.

Leigh A. Cunningham, age 32, is Vice president, Secretary, and has been a member
of the board of directors of Lorilei  since its  incorporation  in July of 1994,
and was a partner in its predecessor,  a Florida general  partnership  operating
under the  fictitious  name "The  Firm,"  organized  by Ms.  Cunningham  and her
husband during 1993. Ms.  Cunningham  attended San Diego State  University,  San
Diego,  California  during 1986 and became a marketing  coordinator  for Pacific
Southwest Airlines' Executive Flyer Club in 1987. In 1988 Ms. Cunningham began a
career in radio  broadcasting as a traffic manager,  later moving into sales and
sales management.  She was first elected Vice president,  Secretary/Treasurer on
July 1, 1994. Mr. Cunningham is not currently a director in any other company.

(b) Significant Employees

Mary Lee,  age 32, has served as  business  manager of Lorilei  since  October ,
1998.  From April,  1994 to September  1998 she was Office Manager with Simmons,
Hart and Sheehe, an Ocala, Florida law firm.

Brian Trahan,  age 37, has served as production  manager since  December,  1998.
From  July,  1998  to  December  1998  he  was  employed  by  Zebra  Publishing,
Gainesville,  Florida, as Production manager.  From June 1995 to July 1997 Brian
was Creative Director for Belk's Florida and the South Georgia group office, and
from March 1994 to June 1995 Brian was Graphics coordinator at Bear Archery.

(c) Family relationships

Gerald and Leigh Cunningham are husband and wife.

(d)  Not applicable.

None of the  following  events  have  occurred  with  regard  to the  directors,
executive officers, promoters or control persons of Lorilei during the last five

1. Any bankruptcy petition filed by or against any business of which such person
was a general partner or executive  officer either at the time of the bankruptcy
or within two years prior to that time;

2. Any conviction in a criminal proceeding or being subject to a pendingcriminal
proceeding (excluding traffic violations and
                  other minor offenses);

3. Being subject to any order,  judgment, or decree, not subsequently  reversed,
suspended or vacated,  of any court of competent  jurisdiction,  permanently  or
temporarily enjoining, barring, suspending or otherwise limiting his involvement
in any type of business, securities or banking activities; and

4. Being found by a court of competent  jurisdiction  (in a civil  action),  the
Commission  or the  Commodity  Futures  Trading  Commission  to have  violated a
federal or state  securities or  commodities  law, and the judgment has not been
reversed, suspended, or vacated.


Item 402  Executive Compensation

Lorilei's  Articles of  Incorporation,  as amended,  authorize it to issue 2,000
shares of common  stock,  $0.01  par  value  per share and  1,000,000  shares of
preferred stock,  par value $.01. As of the date of this prospectus,  111 shares
of the common stock were outstanding and no Preferred  Shares were  outstanding.
This  description of the capital stock of Lorilei is qualified by and subject to
the Florida Business Corporation Act and Lorilei's Articles of Incorporation and
By-laws,  copies of which  Articles and By-laws  have been  provided as exhibits
hereto  and to which  reference  is made for the  provisions  thereof  which are
summarized below.

Common Stock

The holders of common stock are entitled to one vote per share on all matters to
be voted upon by the shareholders and have no cumulative voting rights.  Holders
of common stock are entitled to receive ratably such  dividends,  if any, as may
be declared  from time to time by the Board of  Directors  out of funds  legally
available therefor. In the event of liquidation,  dissolution,  or winding up of
Lorilei, the holders of common stock are entitled to share ratably in all assets
remaining  after payment of  liabilities.  The common stock has no preemptive or
conversion  rights or other  subscription  rights.  There are no  redemption  or
sinking fund provisions  applicable to the common stock. All outstanding  shares
of common stock are fully paid and nonassessable, and the shares of common stock
offered  hereby will also be fully paid and  nonassessable.  The  Articles  also
recognize the obligation of the Corporation's  stockholder  AmeriNet,
Inc. to elect  members to the  Corporation's  Board of  Directors  in the manner
reflected in the Reorganization Agreement between Lorilei and AmeriNet.

Undesignated Preferred Stock

The authorized but unissued  preferred stock (1,000,000 shares) may be issued in
series,  and shares of each series will have such rights and  preferences as are
fixed by the Board of Directors in the  resolutions  authorizing the issuance of
that particular  series. In designating any series of preferred stock, the Board
of Directors may, without further action by the holders of common stock:

- -fix the  number of  shares  constituting  that  series,  and -fix the  dividend
rights,  dividend rates,  conversion rights, voting rights (which may be greater
or lesser than the voting rights of the common  stock),  and -fix the rights and
terms of redemption (including any sinking fund provisions), and the liquidation
preferences of the series of Undesignated Preferred Stock.

The holders of any series of preferred stock,  when and if issued,  are expected
to have priority claims to dividends and to any distribution upon liquidation of
Lorilei,  and they may have  other  preferences  over the  holders of the common

The Board of Directors may issue series of preferred stock without action by the
shareholders  of  Lorilei.  Accordingly,  the  issuance of  preferred  stock may
adversely affect the rights of the holders of the common stock. In addition, the
issuance  of  preferred  stock may be used as an  anti-takeover  device  without
further action on the part of the shareholders.  Issuance of preferred stock may
dilute the voting power of holders of common stock One example of this  dilution
would be the issuance of preferred stock with super-voting  rights. The issuance
of preferred stock may render more difficult the removal of current  management,
even if such removal may be in the shareholders'  best interest.  Lorilei has no
current plans to issue any additional preferred stock.

Item 403  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

Prior to May 11, 2000,  none of the  officers ,  directors  or key  employees of
Lorilei worked purusant to written  employment  agreements.  During the previous
three fiscal  years,  the officers  and  directors of Lorilei have  received the
following compensation:



     Name and
    principal      Year

       (a)         (b)        Annual compensation                   Long-term compensation
                                                                                              All other
                                          ther annual                                          compen-
                          Salary  Bonus   ompensation                                          sation
                           ($)     ($)   O    ($)                                                ($)

                           (c)     (d)        (e)               Awards            Payouts        (i)
                                                       Restricted      lying
                                                          stock      options/       LTIP
                                                        award(s)       SARs       payouts
                                                           ($)          (#)         ($)

G. Cunningham    1999    37375           15000         NA          NA           NA          NA
L. Cunningham    1999    31146           15000         NA          NA           NA          NA
G. Cunningham    1998    38625           12000
L. Cunningham    1998    32188           12000
G. Cunningham    1997    38475            8000
L. Cunningham    1997    30663            8000

No dividends have been paid to any shareholder  since inception.  Since December
31, 1999,  Gerald  Cunningham has received total cash compensation or $13,383.72
and Leigh Cunningham has received total cash compensation of $10,764.18. No long
term compensation was awarded to either during that period.  Since the inception
of  Lorilei  a  total  of  $57,677.72  loans  has  been  repaid  to Mr.  And Ms.
Cunningham.  Lorilei  provides  child  care  for  the  children  of Mr.  And Ms.

Item 403  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

The following  tables set forth  certain  information  regarding the  beneficial
ownership of Lorilei's common stock as of May 3, 2000, for each person (or group
or affiliated  persons)  known to Lorilei to be the
- -beneficial  owners of more than 5% of its common  stock,
- -each  director of Lorilei,
- -each of Lorilei's executive officers, and
- -all of the directors and officers as a group.


                                 Common Stock Owned by Principal Shareholders, Officers and Directors
                                                              of Lorilei

                                            Common Shares               Common Shares
                                            Beneficially Owned Prior Beneficially Owned After
                                            to Reorganization           Reorganization
Shareholder Name,
Corporate Office,
and Address                                 Number   Percent            Percent
Gerald Cunningham.                   111*      100%                       0%
Director, Chairman of the
Board, President, Chief
Executive Officer
7325 S.W. 32nd Street
Ocala, Florida 34474

Leigh Cunningham  .                  111**      100%                      0%
Director, Vice-President
7325 S.W. 32nd Street
Ocala, Florida 34474

All Directors as a Group.            111        100%                      0%

1) Owned as tenants by the entireties with Leigh Cunningham
2) Owned as tenants by the entireties with Gerald Cunningham

Item 404.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

         Lorilei provides child care for Mr. and Ms. Cunningham.

Item 405.  Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act

Lorilei does not have a class of equity  securities  registered  pursuant to the
Exchange Act..

Item 503.  Summary Information and Risk Factors

(a) Summary

Lorilei   Communications,   Inc.  operates  under  two  trade  names,  The  Firm
Multimedia, a full-service advertising agency, and Ocala News Tonight, a nightly
half-hour newscast.

Lorilei  was  founded  in  1993  and  incorporated  as a  Florida  subchapter  S
corporation in July, 1994. Gross sales in 1999 surpassed $1.5 million, with 1999
billings of approximately $1.1 million and EBITDA of approximately $162,000.

The company projects  substantial sales increases,  with an adjusted to AmeriNet
fiscal year billing  target of $2.5 million and an EBITDA target of $500,000 for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001. The company projects billings to exceed $5
million with EBITDA of $1.5 million in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003.

The Firm Multimedia is an advertising  agency,  which offers  business  services

- -full  advertising  agency  services  including   consulting  on  marketing  and
 advertising issues
- -graphic layout, design, and printing
- -video and audio production
- -media planning and placement
- -internet web design and web site promotion
- -interactive CD-rom design
- -long and short-form direct response television production
- -long and short-form direct response placement
- -placement of long-form  television  programming  under commercial leased access
 FCC rules

Lorilei  management  believes it can accomplish its goals through  expanding its
marketing and advertising efforts,  establishing a solid sales organization with
regional sales offices in major Florida and Southeastern  U.S.  cities,  through
development of its commercial leased access abilities,  and through acquisitions
of synergistic companies.

Commercial  leased access (CLA) is a segment of  communications  law mandated by
Congress   in  cable   television   deregulation.   Enforced   by  the   Federal
Communications  Commission (FCC) rules,  CLA affords  programmers not affiliated
with the cable  operator the  opportunity of purchasing  minimum  half-hour time
increments in substantially better time periods than offered through traditional
commercial  venues.  The amount paid by the  programmer is also regulated by the
FCC, making CLA a unique entity.

Lorilei intends to continue and expand its proprietary database of cable systems
nationwide,  enabling the company to easily offer CLA as a alternate  for direct
response television (DRTV) marketers, as well as other types of programming.


One example of other types of  television  programming  that can be  established
under CLA is Ocala News  Tonight  (ONT).  ONT  debuted  in  January  2000 and is
produced by The Firm Multimedia with its own news staff and producers.  ONT is a
traditional  news,   weather,   and  sports  half-hour   newscast  available  to
approximately  73,000 television  households  targeting Marion County,  Florida.
This advertiser-supported program fills a local news niche left open by Orlando,
Florida  broadcasters.  These broadcasters cover a very wide geographic area and
are unable to devote  either  airtime or personnel  to cover their  service area
market by market.  Viewers of ONT receive  information not available  elsewhere,
including the local newspaper.

The company  expects to use ONT as a prototype for additional news operations in
additional  markets.  The Firm Multimedia will co-locate a sales office with the
ONT-type operation in each market.

(b)  Address and telephone number

Lorilei Communications, Inc.            (352) 861-1350
P.O. Box 770787                         fax (352) 861-1339
Ocala, Florida 34477                    General email:
                                        Officer email:
(Courier only)
7325 S.W. 32nd St.
Ocala, Florida 34474

(c) Risk Factors

The  statements  contained  in this  Report that are not purely  historical  are
forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities
Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  including
without  limitation  statements  regarding  Lorilei's   expectations,   beliefs,
intentions or strategies  regarding the future. All  forward-looking  statements
included in this document are based on  information  available to Lorilei on the
date   hereof,   and  Lorilei   assumes  no   obligation   to  update  any  such
forward-looking  statements.  The  forward-looking  statements involve known and
unknown risks,  uncertainties  and other factors which may cause actual results,
experience  and the  performance  or  achievements  of Lorilei to be  materially
different from those  anticipated,  expressed or implied by the  forward-looking
statements. In evaluating Lorilei's business, the following factors, in addition
to the Risk  Factors set forth  below and other  information  set forth  herein,
should  be  carefully  considered:  successful  deployment  and  integration  of
systems;  factors affecting internal growth and management of growth; success of
marketing, integration and operational initiatives, including Internet marketing
initiatives;  dependence on  technology;  labor and technology  costs;  cost and
availability of advertising and promotional efforts;  success of the acquisition
strategy and  availability  of  acquisition  financing;  success in entering new
segments of the  advertising  industry and new geographic  areas;  dependence on
commercial leased access rules;  risks associated with the advertising  industry
generally;  seasonal  and  quarterly  fluctuations;   competition;  and  general
economic  conditions.  In  addition,  Lorilei's  operating  strategy  and growth
strategy involve a number of risks and challenges, and there can be no assurance
that these risks and other  factors will not have a material  adverse  effect on

Management of Growth; Factors Affecting Internal Growth.

Lorilei expects to grow internally, through increase in number of sales offices,
news operations,  and national sales.  Lorilei expects to spend significant time
and effort  exploring  this  endeavor.  There can be no assurance that Lorilei's
systems; procedures or controls will be adequate to support Lorilei's operations
as  they  expand.   Any  future  growth  also  will  impose   significant  added
responsibilities  on  members  of  senior  management,  including  the  need  to
identify, recruit and integrate new senior level managers and executives.  There
can be no  assurance  that such  additional  management  will be  identified  or
retained by Lorilei.  To the extent that  Lorilei is unable to manage its growth
efficiently  and  effectively,  or is unable to  attract  and  retain  qualified
management,  Lorilei's  business,  financial condition and results of operations
could be materially  adversely  affected.  While Lorilei has experienced revenue
and earnings  growth thus far in its'  history,  there can be no assurance  that
Lorilei will continue to experience  internal growth comparable to these levels,
if at all.  Factors  affecting  the ability of Lorilei to continue to experience
internal  growth  included,  but are not  limited  to,  business  acceptance  of
Lorilei's  services,  the ability to sell  advertising time to support its' news
operations,  the ability to recruit and retain  qualified  sales  personnel  and
continued access to capital.

Risks related to Lorilei's acquisition strategy.

Acquisitions  involve a number of  special  risks,  including  possible  adverse
effects on Lorilei's  operating  results,  diversion of management's  attention,
failure to retain key personnel,  risks associated with unanticipated  events or
liabilities and amortization of acquired intangible assets, some or all of which
could have a material adverse effect on Lorilei's business, financial condition,
and results of operations. Customer dissatisfaction or performance problems at a
single  acquired  company could also have an adverse effect on the reputation of
Lorilei.  Further,  there can be no  assurance  that  businesses  acquired  will
achieve  anticipated  revenues and  earnings.  In  addition,  to the extent that
Lorilei  intends to  increase  its  revenues,  expand the  markets it serves and
increase its service offerings through the acquisition of additional  companies,
there can be no assurance  that Lorilei  will be able to identify,  acquire,  or
profitably  manage  additional  businesses or  successfully  integrate  acquired
businesses into Lorilei without  substantial costs,  delays or other operational
or financial problems. Increased competition for acquisition candidates may also
develop, in which event there may be fewer acquisition  opportunities  available
to Lorilei, as well as higher acquisition prices. As of the date of this report,
Lorilei is not party to a binding agreement with respect to any acquisition.

Risks Related to Acquisition Financing and Possible Need for Additional Capital

Lorilei plans to finance future acquisitions by using shares of the Registrant's
common stock ("AmeriNet Stock") for all of the consideration to be paid. In some
cases,  however it is  probable  that  Lorilei  would be  required  to make cash
investments  in the  acquired  businesses,  as  AmeriNet  is making in  Lorilei.
Lorilei would be charged against  earnings for any AmeriNet Stock used to effect
acquisitions, consequently, it must take care to assure that the benefits of the
acquisitions  exceed the costs of the AmeriNet Stock used as  consideration  and
the cash investment required,  if any. In the event that the AmeriNet Stock does
not maintain a sufficient market value, or potential acquisition  candidates are
otherwise  unwilling to accept AmeriNet Stock as  consideration  for the sale of
their businesses, Lorilei may be required to utilize more of its cash resources,
if  available,  in order to maintain  its  acquisition  program.  If Lorilei has
insufficient  cash  resources,  its growth could be limited unless it is able to
obtain  additional  capital  through debt or equity  financing.  There can be no
assurance  that  AmeriNet  will make  required  capital  available or that other
financing  will be available on terms  Lorilei deems  acceptable.  If Lorilei is
unable to obtain financing  sufficient for all of its desired  acquisitions,  it
may be unable to fully  implement  its  acquisition  strategy.  In addition,  to
maintain  historical  levels  of  growth,  Lorilei  may need to seek  additional
funding.  Adequate  funds for these purposes may not be available when needed or
may not be available on terms acceptable to Lorilei. If funding is insufficient,
Lorilei may be required to delay,  reduce the scope of or eliminate  some or all
of its expansion programs.

Dependence Upon Technology

Lorilei's  business is currently  dependent  upon  computer-based  technology in
order to produce the majority of its services.  Because technological change has


been extremely  dynamic,  technological  obsolescence has become an increasingly
important  decision  when making  capital  expenditures.  No  assurances  can be
provided  that the state of the arts  systems  utilized  by Lorilei  will remain
state of the art for a period sufficient to amortize their expenditure.

Lorilei's  strategy  is to  incrementally  add  equipment  piece by piece to its
operations  as prices  for new  technology  decrease  and as  production  demand
increases,  so as to consistently add new, better,  faster  computers,  cameras,
scanners, etc. to its available equipment inventory.

There can be no assurance,  however,  that new advances in  technology  will not
hasten  the  obsolescence  of  Lorilei's  equipment,   resulting  in  additional
necessary  capital expense which could be  substantial.  In this event Lorilei's
management  envisions the  utilization  of leases,  financing,  or an additional
capital investment in order to satisfy these requirements.

Additional equipment expense of approximately $200,000 will also be necessary to
establish anticipated news operations in each additional market.

Risks Associated with the Advertising Industry; General Economic Conditions

Lorilei's results of operations are dependent upon factors  generally  affecting
the  advertising  industry.  Lorilei's  revenues  and  earnings  are  especially
sensitive  to events that affects  businesses  plans to expand into new markets,
develop  marketing  plans for new products or  services,  or seek new streams or
revenue.  A number of factors could result in the overall  decline in demand for
advertising including a decline in general economic conditions,  extreme weather
conditions,  armed  hostilities,  or excessive  inflation.  These type of events
could have a material adverse effect on Lorilei's business,  financial condition
and results of operations.

Reliance on Key Personnel.

Lorilei's operations are dependent on the efforts,  experience and relationships
of Gerald R.  Cunningham,  Leigh A.  Cunningham  and Lorilei's  other  essential
staff. Furthermore, Lorilei will likely be dependent on the senior management of
any businesses acquired in the future. If any of these individuals become unable
to continue in their role  Lorilei's  business or  prospects  could be adversely
affected. Although Lorilei has entered into an employment agreement with each of
Lorilei's  executive  officers,  there can be no assurance that such individuals
will continue in their present capacity for any particular period of time.

Reliance on FCC Rules.

Lorilei utilizes FCC rules mandated by Section 612 of the  Communications Act in
order to gain access to cable  systems.  If these rules are repealed or modified
by  Congress,  or in the event the FCC  drastically  alters  its rules on leased
access, these events could have a material adverse effect on Lorilei's business,
financial condition and results of operations.

Control of Existing Management

Pursuant to the terms of the  reorganization  agreement  between Lorilei and the
Registrant, Lorilei's current management will have the right to elect a majority
of the members of its board of  directors  for the  foreseeable  future,  unless
Lorilei fails to attain at least 70% of its EBITDA projections. Such requirement
may prevent or delay  AmeriNet  from  taking  actions to correct  problems  with
Lorilei's   management  and  such  inability  may  materially  impair  Lorilei's

Item 504.  Use of Proceeds

Set forth below is Lorilei's  anticipated  use of the cash  available to Lorilei
after deduction of estimated remaining offering expenses of $12,500.

Pursuant to the Reorganization Agreement,  Lorilei would receive $487,500 of net
proceeds  from  this  reorganization  after  deduction  of the  expenses  of the
reorganization. The net proceeds of this offering will be used:

  To pay existing  accounts  receivable  and  personal  property and real estate
         To repair existing equipment and purchase  new equipment
         To employ additional support staff
         To pay advertising and marketing costs, and
         To provide working capital.

The amounts and timing of expenditures  for each purpose is subject to the broad
discretion  of the  management  and will depend on factors such as the amount of
net proceeds available to Lorilei and the effects of competition,  many of which
are beyond Lorilei's control.

                  Accounts Payable and Taxes                   $198,854.00
                  Equipment                                       8,000.00
                  Salaries                                       30,646.00
                  Advertising/Marketing                         100,000.00
                  Working Capital                               150,000.00

                  Total                                        $487,500.00

The initial $100,000  payment made to Lorilei will be used to pay  approximately
$42,000 of the  accounts  payable  and taxes with the  balance  being use to pay
equipment,  salaries and working  capital.  The  remaining  four (4) payments of
$100,000 will be applied pro rata among the balance of the accounts  receivable,
advertising/marketing and working capital.


Item 505.  Determination of Offering Price

The  reorganization  price for Lorilei's  common shares was established  through
arms-length  negotiations between AmeriNet and Lorilei,  taking into account the
market value of similar  publicly held companies and the effect of the increased
resources available to Lorilei following the reorganization.

Item 507.  Selling Security Shareholders

         This information is combined with disclosure in response to Item 403.

Item 508. Plan of Distribution

No securities  are being  offered  (except to the two existing  shareholders  of
Lorilei) in connection with the Reorganization.

Item 509. Interest of Named Experts and Counsel

No experts or counsel  have been hired on a  contingent  basis or will receive a
direct or indirect  interest in Lorilei or was a promoter,  underwriter,  voting
trustee, director, officer or employee of Lorilei.

Item 510.  Disclosure of Commission  Position on Indemnification  for Securities
           Act Liabilities

The right of the  shareholders  to sue any director for misconduct in conducting
the affairs of Lorilei is limited by its Articles of  Incorporation  which limit
Director's  liability to the extent allowed by law.d Section 607.0850 FLA. STAT.
(1999),  permits   indemnification  against  expenses  actually  and  reasonably
incurred  by a  director,  officer,  employee  or agent to the extent  that such
person  has  been   successful   in  the  defense  of  a  matter   eligible  for
indemnification under the statute. Under certain circumstances,  expenses may be
paid by a corporation  in advance,  subject to  repayment,  unless the defendant
ultimately is determined to be ineligible for indemnification.  In addition, the
statute  permits a  corporation  to indemnify  directors  and  officers  against
certain  liabilities and to purchase and maintain director and officer liability
and reimbursement insurance against liabilities,  whether or not the corporation
would have the power of indemnification against such liabilities.

Insofar as indemnification  for liabilities  arising under the Securities Act of
1933,  may be permitted to directors,  officers or persons  controlling  Lorilei
pursuant to the  foregoing  provisions,  Lorilei has been  informed  that in the
opinion of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  such  indemnification  is
against public policy as expressed in such Act and is therefore unenforceable.

Item 511. Other Expenses of Issuance and Distribution

Lorilei has estimated the legal,  accounting and filing fees associated with the
Reorganization to be approximately $12,500.

Item 601. Exhibits

(1) Underwriting agreement
(2) Plan of acquisition, reorganization, arrangement, liquidation, or succession
(3) (i)Articles of Incorporation
         3.1 Articles of Incorporation
         3.2 Articles of Amendment Dated May 11, 2000 and Restated Articles.
      (ii) By-laws
         3.3 By-Laws
(4) Instruments defining the rights of holders, incl. Indentures
(5) Opinion re: legality
         5.1 Opinion of Brashear & Associates, P.L. dated May 11, 2000.
         5.2 Opinion of George Franjola dated May 11, 2000.
(8) Opinion re: tax matters
(9) Voting trust agreement
(10) Material contracts
         10.1 Mortgage and Promissory Note dated September 18, 1996 to Small
              Business Loan Source.
         10.2 Employment Agreement with Gerald Cunningham dated May 11, 2000.
         10.3 Employment Agreement with Leigh Cunningham dated May 11, 2000.
(11) Statement re: computation of per share earnings
(13) Annual or quarterly reports, Form 10-Q
(15) Letter on unaudited interim financial information
(16) Letter on changes in certifying accountant
(18) Letter on change in accounting principles
(21) Subsidiaries of the registrant
(22) Published report regarding matters submitted to vote
(23) Consents of experts and counsel
(24) Power of attorney
(25) Statement of eligibility of trustee
(26) Invitations for competitive bids
(27) Financial Data Schedule
(99) Additional Exhibits

Item  701.  Recent  Sales  of  Unregistered  Securities;  Use of  Proceeds  from
            Registered Securities

Eleven  shares  were  sold On May 16,  1998  Lorilei  sold 11  shares to John B.
LaTorraca for $25,000.  The issuance of the shares was exempt from  registration
pursuant to Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933.


Item 702. Indemnification of Directors and Officers.

The right of the  shareholders  to sue any director for misconduct in conducting
the affairs of Lorilei is limited by its Articles of  Incorporation  which limit
Director's  liability to the extent allowed by law.  Section 607.0850 FLA. STAT.
(1999),  permits   indemnification  against  expenses  actually  and  reasonably
incurred  by a  director,  officer,  employee  or agent to the extent  that such
person  has  been   successful   in  the  defense  of  a  matter   eligible  for
indemnification under the statute. Under certain circumstances,  expenses may be
paid by a corporation  in advance,  subject to  repayment,  unless the defendant
ultimately is determined to beineligible for indemnification.  In addition,  the
statute  permits a  corporation  to indemnify  directors  and  officers  against
certain  liabilities and to purchase and maintain director and officer liability
and reimbursement insurance against liabilities,  whether or not the corporation
would have the power of indemnification against such liabilities.

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                    Page 164

                      Exhibit to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


         Attached  to this  exhibit  is the  supporting  document  for the above

The AmeriNet  Annual  Report will be filed with the  Commission as soon as it is

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                      Exhibit to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                        EXHIBIT 5.8 AFFILIATE AGREEMENTS

         Attached  to this  exhibit  is the  supporting  document  for the above
referenced for:

1.       Gerald R. Cunningham
2.       Leigh A. Cunningham

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 165

Affiliate Agreement

     This Affiliate Agreement (this "Agreement") is made and entered into by and
between Lorilei Communications,  Inc., Inc., a Florida corporation  ("Lorilei"),
AmeriNet,  Inc., a publicly held Delaware  corporation with a class of
securities  registered  under  Section 12(g) of the  Securities  Act of 1934, as
amended ("AmeriNet" and the "Exchange Act," respectively), and person identified
in the signature page of this Agreement as the Affiliate (the "Affiliate").


     WHEREAS,  concurrently  with the execution of this  Agreement,  Lorilei and
AmeriNet have entered into a  Reorganization  Agreement dated May 11, 2000, (the
"Reorganization Agreement") which contemplates that Lorilei will become a wholly
owned  subsidiary of AmeriNet and all outstanding  capital stock of Lorilei will
be converted into AmeriNet common stock (the "Merger"); and

     WHEREAS,  the  Affiliate  is either an officer or director of Lorilei or is
the  beneficial  owner (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act) of such
quantity of common stock in Lorieli as requires  that the Affiliate to be deemed
an  "affiliate"  of Lorilei  (within the meaning of Rule 405  promulgated by the
Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission")  under the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act"), as a result of which the Affiliate
will be subject  to  restrictions  on  disposition  of the shares of  AmeriNet's
common stock received as a result of the Reorganization; and

     WHEREAS,  the  determination  of the  accounting  and tax  treatment of the
Reorganization  will  depend,  in part,  upon the  accuracy  of  certain  of the
representations and warranties made by the Affiliate in this Agreement,  as well
as upon the  Affiliate's  compliance  with certain of the  agreements  set forth
herein; and

     WHEREAS,   Affiliate  and  AmeriNet   further  desire  to  provide  for  an
arrangement under which Affiliate will grant to AmeriNet an irrevocable proxy to
vote all of the  Affiliate's  shares of  Lorilei's  common stock in favor of the
Reorganization  at a special  meeting of the  stockholders of Lorilei to be held
for the purpose of voting on the Reorganization.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:

                                     Page 166

                                    Article I
                           Agreement to Retain Shares.

1.1      Transfer and Encumbrance.

(A)  As used herein, the term "Determination Date" shall mean the earlier of:

     (1)  The date AmeriNet shall have publicly  released a report including the
          combined  financial results of AmeriNet and Lorilei for a period of at
          least thirty (30) days of combined operations of AmeriNet and Lorilei;

     (2)  The date the Reorganization  Agreement shall be terminated pursuant to
          Article VIII thereof.

(B)  The Affiliate agrees not to transfer,  sell, exchange,  pledge or otherwise
     dispose of or encumber the Affiliates Lorilei common stock or the shares of
     AmeriNet  common  stock  received in  exchange  therefor as a result of the
     Reorganization  (collectively or generically hereinafter referred to as the
     "Shares") or any New Shares (as defined in Section 1.2) acquired or to make
     any offer or agreement relating thereto:

     (1)  At any time prior to the Determination Date;

     (2)  Except  in  full  compliance   with  the   requirements  of  Rule  144
          promulgated  by  the  Commission   under  authority   granted  by  the
          Securities Act;

     (3)  Except in full compliance with the  requirements of Sections 13 and 16
          of the  Exchange  Act,  including  requirements  pertaining  to timely
          filing of Commission Forms 3, 4 and 5 or Schedule 13-D; and

     (4)  In  full  compliance  with  the  procedures  established  by  AmeriNet
          (including  requirements  imposed upon its  transfer  agent) to assure
          compliance with the foregoing.

1.2      New Shares.

     The  Affiliate  agrees  that any  shares of  capital  stock of  Lorilei  or
AmeriNet that Affiliate  purchases or with respect to which Affiliate  otherwise
acquires  beneficial  ownership  after the date of this Agreement ("New Shares")
shall be  subject  to the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement  to the same
extent as if they constituted Shares.

                                     Page 167

                                   Article II
                            Agreement to Vote Shares.

2.1      Voting

     At every meeting of the  stockholders of Lorilei called with respect to any
of the  following,  and at every  adjournment  thereof,  and on every  action or
approval by written  consent of the  stockholders of Lorilei with respect to any
of the  following,  the  Affiliate  shall vote the  Shares  and any New  Shares,
including,  with respect to stock  options held by  Affiliate,  only those stock
options immediately exercisable:

(A)  In favor of approval of the  Reorganization  Agreement  and any matter that
     could reasonably be expected to facilitate the Reorganization; and

(B)  Against  approval of any proposal made in opposition to or competition with
     consummation of the Reorganization  and against any merger,  consolidation,
     sale of assets,  reorganization or  recapitalization,  with any party other
     than AmeriNet and its affiliates and against any  liquidation or winding up
     of  Lorilei  (each  of  the  foregoing  is  hereinafter  referred  to as an
     "Opposing Proposal").

2.2      Actions

     In  amplification  of  the  obligations  assumed  by  this  Agreement,  the
Affiliate agrees not to take any actions contrary to Lorilei's obligations under
the  Reorganization   Agreement  or  the  Affiliate's   obligations  under  this

                                   Article III
                               Irrevocable Proxy.

     Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement,  the Affiliate agrees to
deliver  to  AmeriNet  a proxy in the form  attached  hereto  as  Exhibit A (the
"Proxy"),  which shall be  irrevocable to the extent  permissible  under Florida
law, with the total number of Shares beneficially owned (as such term is defined
in Rule 13d-3 under the Exchange Act) by the Affiliate set forth therein.

                                   Article IV
                                 Tax Treatment.

     The  Affiliate  understands  and  agrees  that  it  is  intended  that  the
Reorganization will be treated as a "reorganization"  within the meaning of Code
Section 368(a)(1)(B) for federal income tax purposes.

                                     Page 168

                                   Article V
            Reliance Upon Representations, Warranties and Covenants.

(A)  The Affiliate  has been  informed that the treatment of the  Reorganization
     for federal income tax purposes requires that a sufficient number of former
     stockholders of Lorilei maintain a meaningful  continuing  equity ownership
     interest in AmeriNet after the Reorganization.

(B)  The  Affiliate   understands  that  the  representations,   warranties  and
     covenants  of the  Affiliate  set  forth  herein  will  be  relied  upon by
     AmeriNet, Lorilei and their respective legal counsel and accounting firms.

                                   Article VI
             Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Affiliate.

     The Affiliate represents, warrants and covenants to AmeriNet as follows:

6.1      Power and Authority.

     The Affiliate has full power and  authority to execute this  Agreement,  to
make the  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  herein  contained and to
perform Affiliate's obligations hereunder.

6.2      Shares Owned.

     Set forth following the Affiliate's signature below is the number of Shares
owned by the Affiliate,  including all Shares as to which the Affiliate has sole
or shared  voting or  investment  power and all rights,  options and warrants to
acquire Shares owned or held by the Affiliate.

6.3      Restrictions on Transfer.

     The  Affiliate  will not sell,  transfer,  exchange,  pledge  or  otherwise
dispose of, or make any offer or agreement relating to any of the foregoing with
respect to, any shares of common stock of AmeriNet (the "AmeriNet Common Stock")
that the Affiliate may acquire in connection with the Merger,  or any securities
that may be paid as a dividend or otherwise  distributed thereon or with respect
thereto or issued or delivered in exchange or  substitution  therefor  (all such
shares and other securities of AmeriNet are sometimes  collectively  referred to
as "Restricted Securities"), or any option, right or other interest with respect
to any Restricted Securities, unless:

(A)  Such transaction is permitted  pursuant to Rule 145(c) and 145(d) under the
     Securities Act;

(B)  (1)  Legal  counsel  representing  the  Affiliate  (which legal  counsel is
          reasonably satisfactory to AmeriNet), shall have advised AmeriNet in a
          written opinion letter  satisfactory to AmeriNet and AmeriNet's  legal
          counsel,  and upon which AmeriNet and its legal counsel may rely, that
          no  registration  under  the  Securities  Act  would  be  required  in
          connection with the proposed sale,  transfer or other  disposition and
          that all requirements  under the Exchange Act,  including  Sections 13
          and 16 thereof have been complied with; or

                                     Page 169

     (2)  A registration  statement under the Securities Act covering AmeriNet's
          Stock  proposed to be sold,  transferred  or  otherwise  disposed  of,
          describing  the manner and terms of the  proposed  sale,  transfer  or
          other  disposition,  and containing a current  prospectus,  shall have
          been  filed  with  the   Securities  and  Exchange   Commission   (the
          "Commission") and made effective under the Securities Act; or

     (3)  An authorized  representative  of the  Commission  shall have rendered
          Lorilei  written  advice to the  Affiliate  (sought  by  Affiliate  or
          Affiliate's  legal counsel,  with a copy thereof and all other related
          communications   delivered   to  AmeriNet)  to  the  effect  that  the
          Commission  would take no action,  or that the staff of the Commission
          would not recommend that the Commission take any action,  with respect
          to the proposed disposition if consummated.

6.4      No Present Plan of Disposition.

(A)  The  Affiliate  has,  and as of  the  Effective  Time  (as  defined  in the
     Reorganization  Agreement)  will have,  no  present  plan or  intention  (a
     "Plan")  to sell,  transfer,  exchange,  pledge or  otherwise  dispose  of,
     including by means of a distribution by a partnership to its partners, or a
     corporation to its stockholders,  or any other transaction which results in
     a  reduction  in  the  risk  of  ownership  (any  of  the  foregoing  being
     hereinafter  referred to  generically  as a "Sale") of any of the shares of
     AmeriNet common stock that the Affiliate may acquire in connection with the
     Merger,  or any  securities  that may be paid as a  dividend  or  otherwise
     distributed thereon with respect thereto or issued or delivered in exchange
     or  substitution  therefor,  which,  when taking into account those Lorilei
     stockholders  who  dissent  from  the  Merger,   will  reduce  the  Lorilei
     stockholders'  ownership of AmeriNet Stock, in the aggregate,  to less than
     fifty (50%) of the number of shares of AmeriNet  Common Stock issued in the

(B)  (1)  The  Affiliate is not aware of, or  participating  in, any Plan on the
          part of  Lorilei  stockholders  to  engage  in Sales of the  shares of
          AmeriNet Stock to be issued in the Reorganization.

     (2)  For  purposes  Section  6.4(B)(1),  Shares  with  respect  to  which a
          pre-Reorganization  Sale occurs in a Related  Transaction  (as defined
          below),  shall be  considered  to be  Shares  that are  exchanged  for
          AmeriNet Stock in the Merger and then disposed of pursuant to a Plan.

     (3)  A Sale of AmeriNet Stock shall be considered to have occurred pursuant
          to a Plan if,  among  other  things,  such  Sale  occurs  in a Related

     (4)  For purposes of this Section 6.4, a "Related Transaction" shall mean a
          transaction  that is in  contemplation  of, or related or pursuant to,
          the reorganization or the Reorganization Agreements.

                                     Page 170

(C)  If any of the Affiliate's  representations  in this Section 6.4 cease to be
     true at any time prior to the Effective Time, the Affiliate will deliver to
     each of  Lorilei  and  AmeriNet,  prior to the  Effective  Time,  a written
     statement to that effect, signed by the Affiliate.

6.5      Consultation with Counsel.

(A)  The  Affiliate  has  carefully   read  this  Agreement  and  discussed  its
     requirements  and other applicable  limitations upon the sale,  transfer or
     other  disposition  of AmeriNet  Shares to be acquired by  Affiliate in the
     Reorganization,  to the extent the  Affiliate  felt  necessary,  with legal
     counsel for the Affiliate.

(B)  The Affiliate has carefully read the Reorganization Agreement and discussed
     its  requirements  and  its  impacts  upon  Affiliate's  ability  to  sell,
     transfer,  encumber,  pledge or otherwise dispose of the AmeriNet Shares to
     be acquired by Affiliate  in the  Reorganization,  to the extent  Affiliate
     felt necessary, with legal counsel for Affiliate.

6.6      Ownership of Shares.

     The Affiliate is the record owner of the Shares shown on the signature page
hereto,  which at the date  hereof  and at all times up until the  Determination
Date will be free and clear of any  liens,  claims,  options,  charges  or other
encumbrances;  does not  beneficially own any shares of capital stock of Lorilei
other than such Shares;  and, has full power and  authority to make,  enter into
and carry out the terms of this Agreement and the Proxy.

6.7      No Proxy Solicitations.

     The  Affiliate  will not, and will not permit any entity under  Affiliate's
control to:

(A)  Solicit  proxies or become a  "participant"  in a  "solicitation"  (as such
     terms are defined in Regulation 14A under the Exchange Act) with respect to
     an Opposing  Proposal or otherwise  encourage or assist any party in taking
     or planning any action that would compete with, restrain or otherwise serve
     to  interfere  with or  inhibit  the timely  consummation  of the Merger in
     accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement;

(B)  Initiate a stockholders' vote or action by consent of Lorilei  stockholders
     with respect to an Opposing Proposal; or

(C)  Become a member of a "group" [as such term is used in Section  13(d) of the
     Exchange Act] with respect to any voting securities of Lorilei with respect
     to an Opposing Proposal.

                                     Page 171

                                  Article VII
                    No Limitation on Discretion as Director.

     This Agreement is intended solely to apply to the exercise by the Affiliate
in his individual  capacity of rights attaching to ownership of the Shares,  and
nothing  herein  shall be  deemed to apply  to,  or to limit in any  manner  the
discretion  of the  Affiliate  with respect to, any action which may be taken or
omitted by him acting in his fiduciary capacity as a director of Lorilei.

                                  Article VIII
                               Rules 144 and 145.

     From and after the Effective  Time and for so long as is necessary in order
to permit the Affiliate to sell AmeriNet's  Stock held by Affiliate  pursuant to
Rule 145 and,  to the  extent  applicable,  Rule 144 under the  Securities  Act,
AmeriNet will use its  reasonable  efforts to file on a timely basis all reports
required to be filed by it pursuant to Sections 13 or 15(d) of the  Exchange Act
referred to in paragraph  (c)(1) of Rule 144 under the Securities  Act, in order
to permit the  Affiliate  to sell  AmeriNet's  Stock held by it  pursuant to the
terms and conditions of Rule 145 and the applicable provisions of Rule 144.

                                   Article IX
                                Limited Resales.

     The Affiliate  understands  that, in addition to the  restrictions  imposed
under Section 6 of this Agreement,  the provisions of Rule 145 limit Affiliate's
public resales of Restricted Securities,  in the manner set forth in subsections
(a), (b) and (c) below:

9.1      Rule 145(d)(1).

(A)  Unless and until the restriction  "Cut-off" provisions of Rule 145(d)(2) or
     Rule  145(d)(3)  set  forth  below  become  available,  public  resales  of
     Restricted  Securities may only be made by the Affiliate in compliance with
     the requirements of Rule 145(d)(1).

(B)  Rule 145(d)(1) permits such resales only:

     (1)  While  AmeriNet  meets the  public  information  requirements  of Rule
          144(c);  (iii) in  brokers'  transactions  or in  transactions  with a
          market maker; and

     (2)  Where the aggregate  number of Restricted  Securities sold at any time
          together  with  all  sales  of  restricted  AmeriNet  Stock  sold  for
          Affiliate's  account during the preceding  three-month period does not
          exceed the greater of

          (a)  One percent (1%) of AmeriNet's Common Stock outstanding; or

          (b)  The average weekly volume of trading in AmeriNet  Common Stock on
               all  national  securities  exchanges,  or  reported  through  the
               automated   quotation   system   of   a   registered   securities
               association, during the four calendar weeks preceding the date of
               receipt of the order to execute the sale.

                                     Page 172

9.2      Rule 145(d)(2).

     The Affiliate may make unrestricted sales of Restricted Securities pursuant
to Rule 145(d)(2) if:

(A)  The  Affiliate  has  beneficially  owned (within the meaning of Rule 144(d)
     under the Securities  Act) the Restricted  Securities for at least one year
     after the Effective Time of the Merger;

(B)  The Affiliate is not an affiliate of AmeriNet; and

(C)  AmeriNet meets the public information requirements of Rule 144(c).

9.3      Rule 145(d)(3).

     The Affiliate may make unrestricted sales of Restricted Securities pursuant
to Rule 145(d)(3) if the Affiliate has beneficially owned (within the meaning of
Rule 144(d) under the Securities Act) the Restricted Securities for at least two
years and is not,  and has not been for the three months  preceding  the date of
sale, an affiliate of AmeriNet.

9.4      Acknowledgment.

     AmeriNet  acknowledges that the provisions of Section 6.3 of this Agreement
will be  satisfied  as to any sale by the  holder of the  Restricted  Securities
pursuant to Rule 145(d),  by a broker's letter and a letter from the undersigned
with respect to that sale stating that each of the above-described  requirements
of Rule 145(d)(1) has been met or is inapplicable by virtue of Rule 145(d)(2) or
Rule  145(d)(3);  provided,  however,  that AmeriNet has no reasonable  basis to
believe that such sales were not made in compliance with such provisions of Rule

                                    Article X

(A)  The Affiliate also  understands and agrees that stop transfer  instructions
     will be given to  AmeriNet's  transfer  agent with respect to  certificates
     evidencing the  Restricted  Securities and that there will be placed on the
     certificates  evidencing  the  Restricted  Securities  legends  stating  in

                                     Page 173

     "The shares  represented  by this  certificate  were  issued  pursuant to a
     business  combination  which was  structured  to  comply  with the tax free
     reorganization provisions of Section 368(a) of the Internal revenue Code of
     1986, as amended (the "Code") and was not  registered  under the Securities
     Act of 1933,  as amended (the  "Securities  Act") in reliance on applicable
     exemptions therefrom and from comparable  provisions of the securities laws
     of the recipients state of domicile, and may not be sold, nor may the owner
     thereof  reduce his or her risks  relative  thereto in any way,  until such
     time as AmeriNet, Inc. ("AmeriNet"),  has published the financial
     results covering at least thirty (30) days of combined operations after the
     effective  date of the merger  through which the business  combination  was
     effected.  In addition,  the shares represented by this certificate may not
     be sold,  transferred or otherwise disposed of except or unless (1) covered
     by an effective  registration  statement  under the Securities  Act, (2) in
     accordance  with Commission Rule 145(d) (in the case of shares issued to an
     individual who is not an affiliate of AmeriNet) or Commission  Rule 144 (in
     the case of shares issued to an individual who is an affiliate of AmeriNet)
     of the rules and regulations of such act, or (3) in accordance with a legal
     opinion  satisfactory to counsel for AmeriNet that such sale or transfer is
     otherwise exempt from the registration requirements of such act."

(B) (1)   Upon  the  request  of  the   Affiliate,   AmeriNet  shall  cause  the
          certificates  resenting the Restricted  Securities to be reissued free
          of any legend  relating to  restrictions  on transfer by virtue of ASR
          130 and 135 as soon as practicable  after the  requirements of ASR 130
          and 135 have been met.

    (2)   In  addition,  if the  provisions  of Rules 144 and 145 are amended to
          eliminate   restrictions   applicable  to  the  Restricted  Securities
          received by Affiliate  pursuant to the Merger, or at the expiration of
          the restrictive  period set forth in Rule 145(d), or upon registration
          of my such shares, AmeriNet, upon the request of Affiliate, will cause
          the certificates representing the Restricted Securities to be reissued
          free of any legend relating to the restrictions set forth in Rules 144
          and 145(d).

                                   Article XI
                            Miscellaneous Provisions.

11.1     Further Assurances.

     The Parties agree to do,  execute,  acknowledge  and deliver or cause to be
done,  executed,  acknowledged  or  delivered  and to perform  all such acts and
deliver all such deeds, assignments, transfers, conveyances, powers of attorney,
assurances,  stock certificates and other documents,  as may, from time to time,
be required herein to effect the intent and purpose of this Agreement.

11.2     Consent and Waiver.

     The  Affiliate  hereby gives any  consents or waivers  that are  reasonably
required for the consummation of the Merger under the terms of any agreements to
which Affiliate is a party or pursuant to any rights Affiliate may have.

                                     Page 174

11.3     Binding Agreement.

     This  Agreement  will  inure  to the  benefit  of and be  binding  upon and
enforceable  against the Parties and their  successors  and  assigns,  including
administrators,  executors, representatives, heirs, legatees and devisees of the
Affiliate and any pledgee holding Restricted Securities as collateral.

11.4     Waiver.

     No waiver by any party  hereto  of any  condition  or of any  breach of any
provision of this Agreement  shall be effective  unless in writing and signed by
each party hereto.

11.5     Governing Law.

     This Agreement shall be governed by and construed, interpreted and enforced
in accordance  with the laws of the State of Delaware,  except for any choice of
law  provisions  that  would  result in the  application  of the law of  another
jurisdiction,  and  except  for laws  involving  the  fiduciary  obligations  of
Lorilei's officers and directors, which shall be governed under Florida law.

11.6     Third Party Reliance.

     Legal counsel to and  accountants for the Parties shall be entitled to rely
upon this Agreement.

11.7     Amendments and Modification.

     This Agreement may not be modified, amended, altered or supplemented except
upon the execution and delivery of a written agreement executed by the Parties.

11.8     Specific Performance: Injunctive Relief.

     The Parties  acknowledge that AmeriNet will be irreparably  harmed and that
there will be no adequate  remedy at law for a violation of any of the covenants
or agreement of Affiliate  set forth  herein;  therefore,  it is agreed that, in
addition to any other  remedies  that may be available to AmeriNet upon any such
violation,  AmeriNet  shall  have  the  right  to  enforce  such  covenants  and
agreements  by  specific  performance,  injunctive  relief or by any other means
available to AmeriNet at law or in equity.

11.9     Notices.

     All notices,  requests,  claims, demands and other communications hereunder
shall be in writing and sufficient if delivered in person, by cable, telegram or
telex, or sent by mail (registered or certified mail,  postage  prepaid,  return
receipt  requested) or overnight courier (prepaid) to the respective  Parties as

                                     Page 175

     (1)      To the Affiliate:

At the contact  information  provided to the  registrar of  Lorilei's  shares of
common stock and, after the Reorganization,  at the contact information provided
to and maintained by AmeriNet's transfer agent.

     (2)      To AmeriNet:

                            AmeriNet, Inc.
         2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
                   Attention: Michael Harris Jordan, President
            Telephone (561) 998-3435, Fax (561) 998-3425; and, e-mail
         ; with a copy to

                        George Franjola, General Counsel
                            AmeriNet, Inc.
                1941 Southeast 51st Terrace; Ocala, Florida 34471
               Telephone (352) 694-9182, Fax (352) 694-1325; and,

         (3)      To Lorilei:

                          Lorilei Communications, Inc.
                   7325 Southwest 32nd Street, Ocala, Fl 34474
                   Attention: Gerald R. Cunningham, President
           Telephone (352) 861-1350, Fax (352) 861-1339; and, e-mail,
                     thefirm@callthe; with copy to

                             Bruce Brashear, Esquire
            920 Northwest 8th Avenue, Suite A; Gainesville, FL 32601
               Telephone (352) 336-0800, Fax (352) 336-0505; and,

         (4)      To Yankees:

                           The Yankee Companies, Inc.
         2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225; Boca Raton, Florida 33487
                   Attention: Leonard Miles Tucker, President
               Telephone (561) 998-2025, Fax (561) 998-3425; and,

         or such  other  address  or to such  other  person as any  Party  shall
         designate to the other for such purpose in the manner  hereinafter  set
         forth, except that notices of change of address shall only be effective
         upon receipt.

11.10    Interpretation.

(A)  When a reference is made in this  Agreement to Schedules or Exhibits,  such
     reference  shall be to a  Schedule  or  Exhibit  to this  Agreement  unless
     otherwise indicated.

                                      Page 176

(B)  The words  "include,"  "includes" and "including" when used herein shall be
     deemed in each case to be followed by the words "without limitation."

(C)  The headings  contained in this  Agreement are for reference  purposes only
     and  shall not  affect in any way the  meaning  or  interpretation  of this

(D)  The captions in this Agreement are for  convenience  and reference only and
     in no way define, describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or
     the intent of any provisions hereof.

(E)  All pronouns  and any  variations  thereof  shall be deemed to refer to the
     masculine,  feminine,  neuter,  singular or plural,  as the identity of the
     Party or Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns
     may require.

(F)  The Parties  agree that they have been  represented  by counsel  during the
     negotiation  and  execution of this  Agreement  and,  therefore,  waive the
     application  of any  law,  regulation,  holding  or  rule  of  construction
     providing  that  ambiguities  in an  agreement  or other  document  will be
     construed against the party drafting such agreement or document.

11.11    Merger of All Prior Agreements Herein.

(A)  This instrument, together with the instruments referred to herein, contains
     all of the understandings and agreements of the Parties with respect to the
     subject matter discussed herein.

(B)  All prior agreements whether written or oral are merged herein and shall be
     of no force or effect.

11.12    Survival.

     The  several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the  Parties
contained  herein shall survive the execution  hereof and the Closing hereon and
shall be effective  regardless of any  investigation  that may have been made or
may be made by or on behalf of any Party.

11.13    Severability.

     If any provision or any portion of any provision of this  Agreement,  other
than one of the conditions  precedent or subsequent,  or the application of such
provision  or any portion  thereof to any person or  circumstance  shall be held
invalid or  unenforceable,  the  remaining  portions of such  provision  and the
remaining  provisions of this Agreement or the  application of such provision or
portion of such  provision  as is held  invalid or  unenforceable  to persons or
circumstances  other  than those to which it is held  invalid or  unenforceable,
shall not be affected thereby.

                                     Page 177

11.14    Indemnification.

(A)  Each  Party  hereby  irrevocably  agrees  to  indemnify  and hold the other
     Parties harmless from any and all liabilities and damages  (including legal
     or other expenses incidental thereto), contingent,  current, or inchoate to
     which they or any one of them may become  subject as a direct,  indirect or
     incidental  consequence  of any  action by the  indemnifying  Party or as a
     consequence  of the  failure  of the  indemnifying  Party  to act,  whether
     pursuant to requirements of this Agreement or otherwise.

(B)  In the event it becomes  necessary  to enforce  this  indemnity  through an
     attorney,  with or  without  litigation,  the  successful  Party  shall  be
     entitled  to  recover  from the  indemnifying  Party,  all  costs  incurred
     including reasonable attorneys' fees throughout any negotiations, trials or
     appeals, whether or not any suit is instituted.

11.15    Dispute Resolution.

(A)  In any action  between  the  Parties  to  enforce  any of the terms of this
     Agreement or any other matter arising from this  Agreement any  proceedings
     pertaining  directly  or  indirectly  to the rights or  obligations  of the
     Parties  hereunder  shall,  to the  extent  legally  permitted,  be held in
     Broward  County,  Florida,  and the  prevailing  Party shall be entitled to
     recover its costs and expenses,  including reasonable attorneys' fees up to
     and  including  all  negotiations,  trials and appeals,  whether or not any
     formal proceedings are initiated.

(B)  Except for the arbitration  procedures outlined in paragraphs 7.2(G)(2) and
     7.2(G)(3) which shall govern any arbitration  proceeding described therein,
     in  the  event  of  any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or  the
     negotiation thereof or inducements to enter into the Agreement, the dispute
     shall,  at the request of any Party,  be exclusively  resolved  through the
     following procedures:

     (1) (a)   First,  the  issue  shall  be  submitted  to  mediation  before a
               mediation  service in Broward  County,  Florida to be selected by
               lot from six  alternatives to be provided,  two by the Affiliate,
               two by AmeriNet and two by Lorilei.

         (b)   The mediation efforts shall be concluded within ten business days
               after their initiation unless the Parties unanimously agree to an
               extended mediation period;

     (2)  In the  event  that  mediation  does not lead to a  resolution  of the
          dispute then at the request of any Party, the Parties shall submit the
          dispute to binding  arbitration before an arbitration  service located
          in  Broward   County,   Florida  to  be  selected  by  lot,  from  six
          alternatives to be provided, two by the Affiliate, two by AmeriNet and
          two by Lorilei.

     (3)  (a)  Expenses of mediation  shall be borne equally by the Parties,  if

          (b)  Expenses of mediation,  if unsuccessful and of arbitration  shall
               be borne by the Party or  Parties  against  whom the  arbitration
               decision is rendered.

                                      Page 178

          (c)  If the terms of the arbitral  award do not establish a prevailing
               Party,   then  the  expenses  of   unsuccessful   mediation   and
               arbitration shall be borne equally by the Parties involved.

11.16    Benefit of Agreement.

     The terms and provisions of this Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure
to  the  benefit  of  the   Parties,   their   successors,   assigns,   personal
representatives,  estate, heirs and legatees but are not intended to confer upon
any other person any rights or remedies hereunder.

11.17    Counterparts.

(A)  This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.

(B)  All executed  counterparts  shall constitute one Agreement  notwithstanding
     that  all  signatories  are not  signatories  to the  original  or the same

(C)  Execution by exchange of  facsimile  transmission  shall be deemed  legally
     sufficient to bind the signatory; however, the Parties shall, for aesthetic
     purposes, prepare a fully executed original version of this Agreement which
     shall be the document filed with the Commission.

11.18    License.

(A)  This form of agreement  is the property of Yankees and has been  customized
     for this  transaction  with the  consent  of  Yankees  by George  Franjola,

(B)  The use of this form of  agreement  by the  Parties  is  authorized  hereby
     solely for purposes of this transaction.

(C)  The use of this form of  agreement  or of any  derivation  thereof  without
     Yankees' prior written permission is prohibited.

11.19    Information Concerning the Affiliate's Share Ownership.

(A)  Shares beneficially owned:

     (1)      111       shares of Lorilei Common Stock; and

     (2)      0         shares of Lorilei Common Stock subject to options,
                        warrants or other rights.

                                     Page 179

                                 Execution Pages

     In Witness Whereof, the Affiliate,  AmeriNet,  and Lorilei have caused this
Agreement  to be  executed by  themselves  or their duly  authorized  respective
officers, all as of the last date set forth below:

Signed, sealed and delivered
    In Our Presence:

                                                                   The Affiliate

- ----------------------------                            /s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
                                                        /s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------                            ------------------------

Dated:   May 11, 2000
                                                                 Print name

                                                        AmeriNet, Inc.

- ----------------------------

____________________________                   By: /s/ Michael H. Jordan
                                                    Michael H. Jordan, President

         (Corporate Seal)
                                               Attest: /s/ Vanessa H. Lindsey
                                                  Vanessa H. Lindsey, Secretary

Dated:   May 11, 2000

                                                    Lorilei Communications, Inc.

- ----------------------------

____________________________             By:     /s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
                                                 Gerald R. Cunningham, President

         (Corporate Seal)
                                         Attest: /s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
                                                 Leigh A. Cunningham, Secretary

Dated:   May 11, 2000

                                     Page 180

                                   Exhibit "A"
                                Irrevocable Proxy

     The  undersigned  stockholder  of Lorilei  International,  Inc.,  a Florida
corporation  ("Lorilei"),  hereby  irrevocably to the extent provided by Florida
law)  appoints the  directors on the Board of Directors of AmeriNet,,
Inc., a Delaware  corporation  ("AmeriNet"),  and each of them,  as the sole and
exclusive  attorneys  and  proxies  of  the  undersigned,  with  full  power  of
substitution and resubstitution,  to the full extent of the undersigned's rights
with respect to the shares of capital stock of Lorilei beneficially owned by the
undersigned,  which  shares  are  listed on the final  page of this  Proxy  (the
"Shares"),  and any and all other  shares or  securities  issued or  issuable in
respect  thereof on or after the date  hereof,  until such time as that  certain
Reorganization dated February 28, 2000"), among AmeriNet,  and Lorilei, shall be
terminated  in  accordance  with its terms or the  Reorganization  Agreement  is


1.   Upon the execution hereof,  all prior proxies given by the undersigned with
     respect to the Shares and any and all other shares or securities  issued or
     issuable in respect  thereof on or after the date hereof are hereby revoked
     and no subsequent proxies will be given.

2.   This proxy is  irrevocable  (to the extent  provided  by Florida  law),  is
     granted  pursuant  to the  Affiliate  Agreement  dated as of May 11,  2000,
     between AmeriNet, Lorilei, and the undersigned stockholder, (the "Affiliate
     Agreement"),  and is granted in consideration of AmeriNet entering into the
     Reorganization Agreement.

3.   The  attorneys  and proxies named above will be empowered at any time prior
     to termination of the  Reorganization  Agreement in accordance with Article
     VIII thereof to exercise all voting and other  rights  (including,  without
     limitation,  the power to execute and deliver written consents with respect
     to the Shares) of the  undersigned  at every  annual,  special or adjourned
     meeting of Lorilei's stockholders,  and in every written consent in lieu of
     such a meeting,  or otherwise,  in favor of approval of the  Reorganization
     Agreement  and any matter that could  reasonably  be expected to facilitate
     the  Reorganization,  and against any  proposal  made in  opposition  to or
     competition  with the  consummation of the  Reorganization  and against any
     merger,  consolidation,  sale of assets, reorganization or recapitalization
     of  Lorilei  with any party  other than  AmeriNet  and its  affiliates  and
     against any liquidation or winding up of Lorilei.

4.   The  attorneys and proxies named above may only exercise this proxy to vote
     the  Shares  subject  hereto  at  any  time  prior  to  termination  of the
     Reorganization  Agreement in accordance  with Article VIII thereof at every
     annual,  special or adjourned meeting of the stockholders of Lorilei and in
     every written consent in lieu of such meeting,  in favor of approval of the
     Reorganization  Agreement and any matter that could  reasonably be expected
     to facilitate the  Reorganization,  and against any merger,  consolidation,
     sale of assets,  reorganization  or  recapitalization  of Lorilei  with any
     party other than AmeriNet and its  affiliates,  and against any liquidation
     or  winding up of  Lorilei,  and may not  exercise  this proxy on any other

                                     Page 181

5.   The undersigned stockholder may vote the Shares on all other matters.

6.   Any  obligation  of the  undersigned  hereunder  shall be binding  upon the
     successors and assigns of the undersigned.

7.   This proxy is irrevocable and coupled with an interest.

8.   Stockholder Data:

     A.  Full name:
                  Gerald                    R.                  Cunningham
                  Leigh                     A.                  Cunningham
                  _________________         _______________     _____________
                    First                     Middle            Last

     B.  Tax identification number:   Social Security number is not listed
                                      due to privacy issues.

     C.  Domicile Address:            18498 NW 24th Ave. Citra, FL 32113

     D.  Telephone, fax and e-mail:   (352) 595-3834 (352) 595-0807

     E.  Shares Information:

        (1)   Number of Lorilei Shares owned or controlled as to voting matters:


Signed, sealed and delivered
    In Our Presence:


- ----------------------------
                                                        /s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
                                                        /s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
____________________________                      By:  _________________________

Dated:   May 11, 2000

                                    Page 182

                      Exhibit to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


         Attached to this  exhibit  are the  supporting  document  for the above
referenced for.

1.       Non Compete Agreements
2.       Talent Releases
3.       New Position Offer for Sheryl Wolf
4.       Employment Agreement for Gerald R. Cunningham
5.       Employment Agreement for Leigh A. Cunningham

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                      Page 183

                            NON-COMPETITION COVENANT

THIS  AGREEMENT,  dated  this  day of  day of ,  2000  by  and  between  Lorilei
Communications,  Inc.  d/b/a  THE  FIRM  MULTIMEDIA  d/b/a  OCALA  NEWS  TONIGHT
(hereinafter  referred  to  as  "Employer")  and  (hereinafter  referred  to  as


WHEREAS,  Employer desires to employ Employee; and WHEREAS,  Employee has agreed
to be employed by Employer.  NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the employment
by the  Employer,  and the sum of $10,  the  Employee  agrees  to the  following

1. DURING TERM OF AGREEMENT.  Employee shall not conduct or operate, directly or
indirectly,  or be employed by or be associated in any way with any advertising,
marketing,  public relations,  video production,  or business other than that of
the Employer,  furnish any  information  as to Employer's  methods of operation,
trade practices,  procedures,  training,  advertising,  publicity or promotional
ideas, or any other information  relative to the Employer's  business.  Employee
shall  comply  with the  terms,  conditions  and  procedures  of  employment  as
determined  by the  Employer,  and  shall  abide  by all  governmental  laws  or
regulations governing the Employer's business.

2. UPON  TERMINATION.  Employee  consents  and  agrees  that his  employment  is
terminable  with or without cause and notice by Employer.  Employee  agrees that
upon  termination  Employee  shall return to Employer  all customer  advertising
lists, equipment,  tapes, manuals,  materials and property belonging to Employer
which is in the Employee's  possession.  Employee also agrees not to divulge any
information  regarding  the  Employer's  use and  trade  practices,  methods  of
procedure, training,  advertising,  publicity or promotional ideas, or any other
information relative to the Employer's business.

3. AFTER TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT.  The employee acknowledges the name "THE FIRM
MULTIMEDIA",  the  business  reputation  associated  with it,  the  methods  and
technique  employed by employer,  the training  instruction to be provided under
the  agreement,  the knowledge of the services and methods of employer,  and the
opportunities,  associations,  and  experiences  established and acquired by the
employee  under  the  agreement  and  as an  employee  of  the  employer  are of
considerable  value. For a period of six (6) months following the termination of
this  agreement,  employee shall not perform in any capacity the same or similar
function  or job  which  was  performed  for  employer  in a 75 mile  radius  of
employer's  business  location in Ocala,  Florida,  nor shall employee engage in
work on any project or contract  for the  purpose of business  solicitation  any
client in any market  currently  doing business with THE FIRM  Multimedia.  This
covenant  not to  compete  is  limited  to  the  advertising,  marketing,  video
production  (including  television and cable  broadcasting) and public relations

A. The  parties  hereto  recognize  there is no  adequate  remedy  at law if the
employee accepts other employment in violation of this agreement.  The employee,
therefore,  consents the employer shall be entitled to injunctive  relief in any
court of competent  jurisdiction  if the employee  violates the  non-compete  or
non-disclosure covenants in this agreement.

B. All the terms,  conditions,  and provisions of this agreement,  including the
restrictive  covenant,   have  been  fully  explained  to  employee,  who  fully
understands  and agrees to them as evidenced by the  execution of his  signature

C. The venue for any  litigation  to  enforce  the terms of  employment  of this
agreement, shall be Marion County, Florida.

D. In the event of litigation to enforce this  agreement,  the prevailing  party
shall  be  entitled  to  an  award  of   attorneys   fees  and  costs  from  the
non-prevailing party.

E. This  agreement may only be modified by writing  signed by both  parties.  No
oral  representations  have been made by either party which would  conflict with
this agreement.

                                        GERALD CUNNINGHAM, PRESIDENT
                                        Lorilei Communications, Inc. d/b/a THE
                                        FIRM MULTIMEDIA d/b/a OCALA NEWS TONIGHT



                                      Page 184

                                Talent Release

Date:           _____________________
Production:     ________________________________________________

I do hereby give, grant,  assign,  transfer,  release and set over,  forever, to
you, your successors and assigns.

a) All  rights of every  kind and  character  whatsoever  in and to all work and
results  thereof I have created and done for you in the  production of the above
subjects, including all literary, dramatic,  dramatic-musical and motion picture
creations, ideas, compositions,  arrangements,  drawings,  paintings and devices
(whether copyrightable or otherwise);

b) All works, acts, plays, poses,  translations,  gags, continuities,  synopses,
scenarios or appearances I have  heretofore  done or given to you concerning the
above production;

c) The right to use all or any part of the  foregoing  as, if and in the  manner
you  desire,  as  well as all  copies,  versions,  reproductions,  duplications,
recordings,  interpretations and prints of the same,  including (but not limited
to) the right to reproduce in any manner  whatsoever any recordings  made by you
of my  voice  and any  musical,  instrumental  or other  sound or sound  effects
produced by me.

d) Without  limiting the foregoing  and in addition  thereto,  I hereby  further
grant to you,  your  successors  and  assigns,  the right to use my name  and/or
photograph,  still or  moving,  in any  manner  you  desire  and/or the right to
reproduce  and record my voice and other sound  effects  made by me and I hereby
consent to the use of my name and/or said photographs, likeness and reproduction
thereof and/or the  recordations  and  reproductions of my voice and other sound
effects in portraits, pictures,  photographs, motion pictures, on television and
by any other means,  method and device now or  hereafter  known,  discovered  or
invented  and without  limiting  the  generality  of the  foregoing,  to record,
amplify and  reproduce  my voice  and/or  musical,  instrumental  or other sound
effects made by me,  completely or in part,  for any  advertising,  publication,
promotion or any commercial or informative purpose  whatsoever.  I further grant
to you the right to substitute a double in my place to simulate my voice.

I hereby  represent  that I am over the age of twenty-one  years and attest that
all statements made by me are true and correct.

Print Name
and Address:_________________________________________________________



Print Name:___________________________________________________________

 Lorilei Communications, Inc. d/b/a The Firm Multimedia d/b/a Ocala News Tonight
                          Employee Executed Agreements

      Employee                     Non-Compete                 Talent Release

1.    Bryan Allen                      X                           X
2.    Richard Andrews                  X                           X
3.    Kim Avery                        X
4.    Melissa Barfield                 X                           X
5.    Bountham Chanthalansy            X
6.    ***Gerry Cunningham
7.    ***Leigh Cunningham
8.    Stacey Dolezal                   X                           X
9.    William Fraker                   X                           X
10.   Patricia Gale                    X                           X
11.   **Jeanne Harding
12.   Leslie Kinney                    X                           X
13.   Mary Lee                         X                           X
14.   Dustin McCollum                  X
15.   Nadyne McDonald                  X                           X
16.   John Miller                      X                           X
17.   *Debbie Tilton
18.   Penny Tomberlin                  X                           X
19.   Brian Trahan                     X                           X
20.   Lawrence Uelmen                  X
21.   Kim Ullery                       X                           X
22.   Sheryl Wolf                      X                           X

Note:   An X indicates that the agreement is executed by the employee.

*    Debbie  Tilton is a child care  provider to the son of officers.  She works
     from her home.

**   Jeanne Harding is a child care provider to son of officers.  She works from
     her home. She also cleans the office on Sundays.

***  Leigh and Gerry Cunningham are officers and shareholders of the company.


February 16, 2000
To:                    Sheryl Wolf
Fr:                    Leigh Cunningham
Re:                    New position offer
Position:               General Sales Manager--Ocala News Tonight


We are pleased you have chosen to accept the position of General  Sales  Manager
for Ocala News Tonight, effective February 16, 2000. Below is an outline of what
the position entails and your compensation plan.

Market Trading Area:

Central  Florida to include Marion County,  Citrus County,  Lake County,  Sumter
County, Hernando County, Pasco County, etc.


General Sales Manager Responsible for recruiting,  hiring, training and managing
all sales reps as well as personal  sales.  Responsible  for  achieving  station
sales goals and  personal  sales goals as outlined in Projected  Sales,  Y2K. As
part  of this  agreement,  you  will be  required  to sign  and  honor a 6 month
"non-compete" agreement.

Office Goals by aver:

1 st quarter, 2000 (January-March):                                    $ 80,000
2nd quarter, 2000 (April-June):                                        $ 90,000
3rd quarter, 2000 (July-September):                                    $ 90,000
4th quarter, 2000 (October-December:                                  $ 120,000

Total sales goal, Year 2000:                                           $380,000

Sales Duties

Prospecting for new business,  including  telemarketing and appointment setting,
need analysis,  creating and presenting  proposals,  negotiating deals,  closing
sales,  servicing  accounts,  and  communicating  with project  coordinator  and
production  staff in Ocala.  Attending sales meeting in Ocala office.  Assisting
with collections for all accounts.


Management duties:

Recruit,  hire, train, and manage sales people.  Includes  reporting progress to
corporate  on  a  weekly  basis,   reaching  sales  goals,   creating  packages,
negotiating promotional and trade relationships,  assisting sales people on four
legged calls, setting individual goals and monitoring sales process.

We will provide you an office in Ocala and all required support staff. The way I
would like to structure additional sales people is as follows:

Once you are covering  your monthly draw (which would  require a monthly base of
$12,000 in sales). I would like you to add a sales person. When they cover their
draw,  add  another,  and so on until you feel you have a good team to cover the
market. Each rep you hire would work directly for you.

Compensation Plan

$21,000 annual base draw against commission
15% commission on gross profit of personal collected sales (above draw amount)
2% override on all monthly collections up to $30,000 for Ocala News Tonight
sales reps based on gross profit (excluding your personal account collections).
4% override on all monthly collections over $30,000 for Ocala News Tonight based
on gross profit (excluding your personal account collections).

Bonus program:

      1 st quarter, 2000:
          Collected quarterly sales  exceeding $ 96,000:  $1000 bonus
          Collected quarterly sales exceeding $108,000: $1500 bonus

      2nd quarter, 2000:
          Collected quarterly sales exceeding  $108,000:  $1000 bonus
          Collected quarterly sales exceeding $120,000: $1500 bonus

      3rd quarter, 2000:
          Collected quarterly sales exceeding  $108,000:  $1000 bonus
          Collected quarterly sales exceeding $120,000: $1500 bonus

     4th quarter, 2000:
          Collected quarterly sales exceeding  $144,000:  $1000 bonus
          Collected quarterly sales exceeding $156,000: $1500 bonus

     Incentive Program

If you achieve your office's  quarterly goal for two quarters in a row, you will
be provided a company car (not to exceed a monthly  payment of $400.).  However,
if you fail to reach your  quarterly  goal two  quarters  in a row,  the monthly
payment  amount of the car (not to exceed $400. per month) will be deducted from
your  compensation  until  such  time as you  achieve  quarterly  goals  for two
consecutive quarters.


Gas card ($200.00 per month  allowance)
Cell phone ($75.00  monthly  allowance)
Notebook computer for presentations
Reasonable  reimbursed expenses (receipt must be provided to business office)
Up to $85.00 per month paid toward health insurance
One week paid vacation after one year
Two weeks paid vacation after three years (and each year thereafter)
Five paid personal/sick days per year

/s/ Sheryl Wolf

/s/ Leigh Cunningham:

Date:  2/18/00

                                      Page 188

Executive's Employment Agreement

     THIS EXECUTIVE'S  EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into by
and among Gerald R. Cunningham,  an individual  residing in the State of Florida
(the  "Executive");   Lorilei   Communications,   Inc.,  a  Florida  corporation
("Lorilei";  Lorilei and the Executive being sometimes hereinafter  collectively
to as the "Parties" or generically as a "Party".


     WHEREAS, Lorilei's board of directors is of the opinion that in conjunction
with  effectuation of Lorilei's  future plans it must  memorialize,  confirm and
assure itself of the  continuing  the services of the  Executive,  who currently
serves as a member of Lorilei's  board of  directors  and as its  president  and
chief executive officer; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Executive is  thoroughly  knowledgeable  with all aspects of
Lorilei's operations and plans; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Executive  is  agreeable to serving as a member of Lorilei's
board of directors  and as its  president and chief  executive  officer,  on the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth:

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual  promises,  covenants and
agreements hereby  exchanged,  as well as of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and
other good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt  and  adequacy of which is
hereby acknowledged, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as


                                   Article One
                       Term, Renewals, Earlier Termination

1.1      Term.

     Subject to the  provisions  set forth herein,  the term of the  Executive's
employment hereunder shall be deemed to commence on the date of this Agreement's
execution by all of the Parties and shall continue until June 30, 2001.

1.2      Renewals.

(a)      This Agreement shall be renewed automatically,  after expiration of the
         original term, on a continuing  annual basis,  unless the Party wishing
         not to renew this  Agreement  provides  the other  Party  with  written
         notice of its election not to renew ("Termination  Election Notice") on
         or before the 30th day prior to termination of the then current term.

(b)      Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Executive may not elect not to renew
         this Agreement until after June 30, 2005,  unless Lorilei has defaulted
         in its  obligations  under this  Agreement or termination is called for
         pursuant to other specific provisions hereof.

                                      Page 189

1.3      Earlier Termination.

(a)      For Cause:

         Lorilei shall have the right to terminate this  Agreement  prior to the
         expiration  of its  Term or of any  renewals  thereof,  subject  to the
         provisions of Sections 1.4 and 1.5, for the following reasons:

         (1)   Lorilei  may  terminate  the  Executive's  employment  under this
               Agreement at any time for cause.

         (2)   Such termination  shall be evidenced by written notice thereof to
               the   Executive,   which  notice  shall  specify  the  cause  for

         (3)  For purposes hereof, the term "cause" shall mean:

              (A)   The inability of the  Executive,  through  sickness or other
                    incapacity, to discharge his duties under this Agreement for
                    30 or more  consecutive  days  or for a total  of 60 or more
                    days in a period of twelve consecutive months;

              (B)   The failure of the  Executive  to follow the  directions  of
                    Lorilei's board of directors;

              (C)   Dishonesty;  theft; or conviction of a crime involving moral

              (D)   Material  default  in the  performance  of  the  Executive's
                    obligations,   services  or  duties   required   under  this
                    Agreement  (other than due to illness) or material breach of
                    any provision of this Agreement, which default or breach has
                    continued for ten days after written  notice of such default
                    or breach.

(b)      Deterioration or Discontinuance of Business:

         (1)      In  the  event  that  Lorilei  experiences  material  business
                  reversals or fails to meet the operational  criteria reflected
                  in its  projections or business  plans,  then,  subject to the
                  provisions  of Section  1.4,  at the option of  Lorilei,  this
                  Agreement  shall  terminate  as of a date  selected by Lorilei
                  with the same  force  and  effect as if such date was the date
                  originally set as the termination date hereof.

         (2)      In the event that Lorilei discontinues operating its business,
                  this Agreement shall terminate as of the last day of the month
                  on which it ceases operation with the same force and effect as
                  if such  last  day of the  month  were  originally  set as the
                  termination   date   hereof;   provided,   however,   that   a
                  reorganization of Lorilei shall not be deemed a termination of
                  its business.

(c)      Death:

     This Agreement shall  terminate  immediately on the death of the Executive;
however,  all accrued  compensation  at such time shall be promptly  paid to the
Executive's estate.

(d)      Material Default by Lorilei:

     In the event of a material  default by  Lorilei in its  obligations  to the
Executive  pursuant to this Agreement that is not attributable to the actions or
inaction of the  Executive,  then, the Executive  shall provide  Lorilei and its
principal stockholder of such default, in writing,  specifying the nature of the
default  and the  curative  action  required,  and if such  default is not cured
within thirty days afer  Lorilei's  principal  stockholder  receives the subject
notice,  then,  during the ensuing ten day period,  the  Executive may terminate
this Agreement; provided, however, that if the Executive does not terminate this
Agreement, the default will be deemed waived.

                                      Page 190

1.4      Severance Payments and Alternatives to Termination

     In the event this Agreement is terminated by Lorilei for reasons other than
for cause as described in Section 1.3(b) above,  the Executive shall be entitled
to either  thirty days prior written  notice or to a severance  payment in a sum
equal to the salary that would have been paid had 30 days prior  written  notice
been provided; provided, however, that in lieu of termination, Lorilei may offer
to continue this Agreement  under modified  compensation  arrangements,  if such
arrangements  are reflected in the written  notice and accepted by the Executive
prior to the end of the 30 day notice period.

1.5      Final Settlement.

     Upon  termination  of this  Agreement and payment of all amounts due to the
Executive  hereunder,  the  Executive or his  representative  shall  execute and
deliver to the terminating  entity on a form prepared by Lorilei,  a receipt for
such sums and a  release  of all  claims,  except  such  claims as may have been
submitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and which remain unpaid,  and,
shall forthwith tender to Lorilei all records,  manuals and written  procedures,
as may be desired by it for the continued conduct of its business.

                                   Article Two
                               Scope of Employment

2.1      Retention.

     Lorilei  hereby hires the Executive and the Executive  hereby  accepts such
employment,  in accordance  with the terms,  provisions  and  conditions of this

2.2      General Description of Duties.

(a)      The Executive  shall be employed as the  president and chief  executive
         officer of Lorilei and perform the duties generally associated with the
         position of president and chief executive officer thereof.

(b)      Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Executive shall
         have  exclusive  control  of  all  aspects  of  Lorilei's  day  to  day
         operations, subject only to compliance with the directions of Lorilei's
         stockholder,  its board of  directors,  applicable  laws and  fiduciary

(c)      The  Executive  covenants to perform the  employment  duties called for
         hereby  in  good  faith,  devoting  substantially  all  business  time,
         energies and  abilities to the proper and  efficient  management of the
         business of Lorilei.

2.3      Status.

(a)      Throughout the term of this  Agreement,  the Executive shall serve as a
         member of the board of  directors of Lorilei and as its  president  and
         chief executive officer.

(b)      In the event that the Executive is not elected to such positions, then,
         at the option of the Executive, this Agreement may be deemed terminated
         effective as of the earliest time that it can be reasonably  determined
         that such election will not take place, provided that written notice of
         such election is provided to Lorilei  within 30 days after it failed to
         elect the Executive to the required office.

                                      Page 191

2.4      Exclusivity.

     All of the  Executive's  business time shall be devoted  exclusively to the
affairs of Lorilei.

                                  Article Three

3.1      Compensation.

     As  consideration  for the  Executive's  services to Lorilei the  Executive
shall be entitled to:

(a)      (1)   An annual salary in the aggregate gross sum of $60,000 (the "Base
               Salary"); plus

         (2)   An annual  bonus equal to 2.5 of  Lorilei's  net pre tax profits,
               payable  within 30 days after an annual  audit of Lorilei  (or of
               Lorilei's   parent   corporation)   is   completed,    permitting
               determination thereof (the "Annual Bonus").

(b)  Incentive stock options  complying with the  requirements of Section 422 of
     the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended,  or successor  provisions
     thereto (the "Options"), permitting the Executive to purchase up to 167,689
     of the 335,378  shares of the common stock of AmeriNet,  Inc., a
     publicly held Delaware  corporation  with a class of securities  registered
     under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
     "Exchange  Act"),  which holds of all of Lorilei's  capital stock and other
     securities  ("AmeriNet"),  that  AmeriNet  reserved for issuance to Lorilei
     employees in  conjunction  with the  Reorganization  Agreement  pursuant to
     which  AmeriNet  acquired all of  Lorilei's  securities  (the  "Executive's
     Option  Shares"),  on the  following  terms and  subject  to the  following

         (1)      The  Executive's  rights to the Options will vest on an annual
                  basis,   subject  to  Lorilei's   having   complied  with  its
                  obligations under the Reorganization  Agreement, the Executive
                  having complied with his obligations under this Agreements and
                  Lorilei's having attained the following EBITDA:

                  (a)      If Lorilei attains EBITDA of at least $500,000 during
                           the  period  starting  on July 1, 2000 and  ending on
                           June  30,  2001,  then the  first  33,988  shares  of
                           AmeriNet's  common stock reserved for issuance in the
                           event of  exercise  of the  subject  incentive  stock
                           options will vest;

                  (b)      If  Lorilei  attains  EBITDA  of at least  $1,400,000
                           during the period starting on July 1, 2000 and ending
                           on  June  30,   2002,   then  all  rights  to  89,885
                           (including the 33,988 shares vested,  if any, on June
                           30,  2001) of the shares of  AmeriNet's  Common stock
                           reserved for issuance in the event of exercise of the
                           subject incentive stock options will vest; and

                  (c)      If  Lorilei  attains  EBITDA  of at least  $2,900,000
                           during the period starting on July 1, 2000 and ending
                           on June  30,  2003,  then  all  rights  to all of the
                           167,689 shares  (including the shares vested, if any,
                           on June 30,  2001 and  June 30,  2002) of  AmeriNet's
                           Common  stock  reserved  for issuance in the event of
                           exercise of the subject  incentive stock options will

                                      Page 192

         (2)      All rights to the incentive stock options that have not vested
                  as of July 1, 2003 will  expire on such  date,  and no further
                  rights  of any kind  thereto  or to the  underlying  shares of
                  AmeriNet's  common stock  reserved for such purpose will exist
                  thereafter, the reservation therefor terminating on such date.

         (3)      The vested Options will be exercisable during the three fiscal
                  year  period  after they vest at a price of $1.3125 per share,
                  provided  that as required by Code  Section 422, all rights to
                  or  under  the  Options  will  expire  within  90  days  after
                  termination of the Executive's employment by Lorilei.

         (4)      All  other  terms   pertaining   to  the  Options  are  hereby
                  incorporated  by reference from those  contained in AmeriNet's
                  Non-Qualified  Stock Option & Stock Incentive Plan,  Effective
                  as of  January  1 , 2000  filed by  AmeriNet  with the  United
                  States Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission"),
                  a copy of which is annexed  hereto  and made a part  hereof as
                  exhibit  3.1(B)(2),  except to the  extent  that they would be
                  inconsistent  with  the  specific  terms in this  Section  3.1
                  unless such  inconsistency  is required by the  provisions  of
                  Code Section 422.

3.2      Benefits.

     During the term of this Agreement,  the Executive shall also be entitled to
the following benefits:

(a)      Two weeks paid vacation per year.

(b)      Automobile, insurance and child care benefits not to exceed $12,000 per
         fiscal year; and

(c)      All  other  benefits  of  employment  generally  available  to  all  of
         Lorilei's employees,  provided that such benefits have been approved by
         Lorilei's  stockholders  and are not  duplicative  of  those  otherwise
         reflected in this Agreement.

3.3      Indemnification.

     Lorilei will defend,  indemnify  and hold the  Executive  harmless from all
liabilities,  suits,  judgments,  fines,  penalties or  disabilities,  including
expenses  associated   directly,   therewith  (e.g.  legal  fees,  court  costs,
investigative  costs,  witness fees, etc.) resulting from any reasonable actions
taken by him in good faith on behalf of  Lorilei,  its  affiliates  or for other
persons or entities at the request of the board of directors of Lorilei,  to the
fullest extent legally  permitted,  and in conjunction  therewith,  shall assure
that all required  expenditures  are made in a manner making it unnecessary  for
the Executive to incur any out of pocket expenses;  provided,  however, that the
Executive  permits the majority  stockholders of Lorilei to select and supervise
all  personnel  involved  in such  defense  and that  the  Executive  waive  any
conflicts  of  interest  that  such  personnel  may  have  as a  result  of also
representing  Lorilei,  its  stockholders  or other personnel and agrees to hold
them harmless from any matters  involving  such  representation,  except such as
involve fraud or bad faith.

                                      Page 193

                                  Article Four
                                Special Covenants

4.1      Confidentiality, Non-Circumvention and Non-Competition.

     During the term of this Agreement, all renewals thereof and for a period of
two years after its termination,  the Executive hereby  irrevocably agrees to be
bound by the following restrictions,  which constitute a material inducement for
Lorilei's  entry into this  Agreement  and for  AmeriNet's  agreement to provide
shares of its common stock as the securities underlying the Options:

(a)  Because  the  Executive  will be  developing  for  Lorilei,  making use of,
     acquiring and/or adding to, confidential  information of special and unique
     nature and value  relating  to such  matters as  Lorilei's  trade  secrets,
     systems,  procedures,  manuals,  confidential reports, personnel resources,
     strategic and tactical plans, advisors,  clients, investors and funders; as
     material  inducement  to the entry  into this  Agreement  by  Lorilei,  the
     Executive  hereby  covenants and agrees not to personally  use,  divulge or
     disclose, for any purpose whatsoever,  directly or indirectly,  any of such
     confidential  information  during the term of this Agreement,  any renewals
     thereof, and for a period of two years after its termination.

(b)  The  Executive  hereby  covenants  and agrees to be bound as a fiduciary of
     Lorilei,  as if the Executive were a partner in a partnership  bound by the
     partnership opportunities doctrine, as such concept has been judicially and
     legislatively developed in the State of Florida, and consequently,  without
     the prior written  consent of Lorilei,  on a specific,  case by case basis,
     the Executive shall not, among other things, directly or indirectly:

     (1)  Engage in any activities,  whether or not for profit, competitive with
          Lorilei's business.

     (2)  Solicit or accept any person providing services to Lorilei, whether as
          an employee,  consultant or independent contractor,  for employment or
          provision of services.

     (3)  Induce any client or customer of Lorilei to cease doing  business with
          Lorilei or to engage in business  with any person  engaged in business
          activities that compete with Lorilei's business.

     (4)  Divert any business  opportunity within the general scope of Lorilei's
          business and business capacity, to any other person or entity.

4.2      Special Remedies.

     In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would undoubtedly occur to
Lorilei as a result of a breach by the  Executive of the covenants or agreements
contained in this Article Four, and in view of the lack of an adequate remedy at
law to protect  Lorilei's  interests,  the Executive hereby covenants and agrees
that  Lorilei  shall have the  following  additional  rights and remedies in the
event of a breach hereof:

(a)      In addition to and not in limitation  of any other rights,  remedies or
         damages available to Lorilei,  whether at law or in equity, it shall be
         entitled to a permanent  injunction  in order to prevent or to restrain
         any such  breach  by the  Executive,  or by the  Executive's  partners,
         agents,  representatives,  servants, employers,  employees,  affiliates
         and/or any and all persons  directly or  indirectly  acting for or with
         him  and  the  Executive  hereby  consents  to the  issuance  of such a
         permanent injunction; and

                                      Page 194

(b)      Because it is  impossible  to ascertain or estimate the entire or exact
         cost, damage or injury which Lorilei may sustain prior to the effective
         enforcement  of such  injunction,  the Executive  hereby  covenants and
         agrees to pay over to Lorilei,  in the event he violates the  covenants
         and agreements contained in Section 4.2 hereof, the greater of:

         (1)      Any  payment  or  compensation  of any  kind  received  by the
                  Executive or by persons  affiliated with or acting for or with
                  the Executive,  because of such violation  before the issuance
                  of such injunction, or

         (2)      The sum of One  Thousand  ($1,000.00)  Dollars per  violation,
                  which sum shall be liquidated damages,  and not a penalty, for
                  the  injuries   suffered  by  Lorilei  as  a  result  of  such
                  violation,  the Parties hereto  agreeing that such  liquidated
                  damages are not intended as the exclusive  remedy available to
                  Lorilei  for  any  breach  of  the  covenants  and  agreements
                  contained in this Article Four,  prior to the issuance of such
                  injunction,  the Parties  recognizing  that the only  adequate
                  remedy  to  protect  Lorilei  from the  injury  caused by such
                  breaches would be injunctive relief.

4.3      Cumulative Remedies.

     The  Executive  hereby  irrevocably  agrees that the remedies  described in
Section 4.2 shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any of the rights
or remedies  to which  Lorilei is or may be  entitled  to,  whether at law or in
equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.

4.4      Acknowledgment of Reasonableness.

(a)  The Executive  hereby  represents,  warrants and  acknowledges  that having
     carefully  read and  considered  the  provisions of this Article Four,  the
     restrictions  set forth herein are fair and  reasonable  and are reasonably
     required for the  protection  of the  interests of Lorilei,  its  officers,
     directors and other employees;  consequently,  in the event that any of the
     above-described  restrictions  shall be held  unenforceable by any court of
     competent jurisdiction,  the Executive hereby covenants, agrees and directs
     such court to substitute a reasonable judicially  enforceable limitation in
     place of any  limitation  deemed  unenforceable  and, the Executive  hereby
     covenants and agrees that if so modified,  the covenants  contained in this
     Article  Four shall be as fully  enforceable  as if they had been set forth
     herein directly by the Parties.

(b)  In  determining  the  nature  of  this  limitation,  the  Executive  hereby
     acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees  that it is the intent of the  Parties
     that a court  adjudicating a dispute arising  hereunder  recognize that the
     Parties desire that these covenants not to circumvent,  disclose or compete
     be imposed and maintained to the greatest extent possible.

4.5      Unauthorized Acts.

     The  Executive  hereby  covenants  and  agrees  not do any act or incur any
obligation  on behalf of Lorilei  except as authorized by its board of directors
or by its stockholders pursuant to duly adopted stockholder action or reasonably
inferred therefrom.

                                      Page 195

                                  Article Five

5.1      Notices.

(a)   (1) All notices,  demands or other  communications  hereunder  shall be in
          writing,  and unless otherwise provided,  shall be deemed to have been
          duly given on the first  business day after  mailing by  registered or
          certified mail, return receipt requested,  postage prepaid,  addressed
          as follows:

                                To the Executive:

                              Gerald R. Cunningham
                18498 Northwest 24th Avenue; Citra, Florida 32113
  Telephone (352) 595-3834; Fax (352) 595-0807; e-mail;

                                   To Lorilei:

                          Lorilei Communications, Inc.
                   Post Office Box 77078; Ocala, Florida 34477
                   Attention: Gerald R. Cunningham, President
  Telephone (352) 861-1350; Fax (352) 861-1339; e-mail;
                                 with a copy to

                             Bruce Brashear, Esquire
          920 Northwest 8th Avenue, Suite A; Gainesville, Florida 32601
 Telephone (352) 336-0800; Fax (352) 336-0505; and,e-mail;

              In each case with copies to AmeriNet, Inc.
        Crystal Corporate Center; 2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225-C;
                           Boca Raton, Florida 33431
                      Attention: Michael Jordan, President
                  Telephone (561) 998-3435, Fax (561) 998-4635;
                 and, e-mail; and

                    George Franjola, Esquire; General Counsel
                            AmeriNet, Inc.
                   1941 Southeast 51st Terrace; Ocala, Florida
            34471 Telephone (352) 694-9182, Fax (352) 694-1325; and,

         (2)      Copies of notices will also be provided to such other  address
                  or to such other  person as any Party shall  designate  to the
                  other for such purpose in the manner hereinafter set forth.

(b)      (1)     The Parties  acknowledge  that The  Yankee  Companies,  Inc., a
                 Florida  corporation  ("Yankees") has acted  as  scrivener  for
                 the Parties in this  transaction and that  Yankees  is  neither
                 a  law  firm  nor  an   agency  subject   to  any  professional
                 regulation or oversight.

         (2)      Yankees has  advised all of the Parties to retain  independent
                  legal and accounting counsel to review this Agreement on their
                  behalf since it cannot provide any Party with legal advice.

         (3)      This Agreement shall not be  interpreted more or less strictly
                  against any Party based on its authorship.

                                      Page 196

5.2      Amendment.

(a)      No  modification,  waiver,  amendment,  discharge  or  change  of  this
         Agreement  shall be valid  unless the same is in writing  and signed by
         the Party against which the enforcement of said  modification,  waiver,
         amendment, discharge or change is sought.

(b)      This Agreement may not be modified without the consent of a majority in
         interest of Lorilei's AmeriNet's stockholders.

5.3      Merger.

(a)      This instrument contains all of  the  understandings  and agreements of
         the Parties with respect to the subject matter discussed herein.

(b)      All  prior  agreements  whether  written or oral, are merged herein and
         shall be of no force or effect.

5.4      Survival.

     The  several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the  Parties
contained  herein  shall  survive the  execution  hereof and shall be  effective
regardless of any investigation  that may have been made or may be made by or on
behalf of any Party.

5.5      Severability.

     If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement,  or the
application  of  such  provision  or  any  portion  thereof  to  any  person  or
circumstance  shall be held invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining portions of
such provision and the remaining provisions of this Agreement or the application
of  such  provision  or  portion  of  such  provision  as  is  held  invalid  or
unenforceable to persons or  circumstances  other than those to which it is held
invalid or unenforceable, shall not be effected thereby.

5.6      Governing Law and Venue.

     This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State
of  Florida  but any  proceeding  arising  between  the  Parties  in any  matter
pertaining or related to this Agreement  shall, to the extent  permitted by law,
be held in Broward County, Florida.

5.7      Litigation.

(a)      In any action  between  the Parties to enforce any of the terms of this
         Agreement  or  any  other  matter  arising  from  this  Agreement,  the
         prevailing  Party shall be entitled to recover its costs and  expenses,
         including   reasonable   attorneys'   fees  up  to  and  including  all
         negotiations,   trials  and  appeals,  whether  or  not  litigation  is

(b)      In the  event of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
         negotiation  thereof or inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the
         dispute shall,  at the request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
         through the following procedures:

         (1)      (A)      First,  the  issue  shall  be  submitted to mediation
                           before  a  mediation   service  in  Broward   County,
                           Florida,  to be selected by lot from six alternatives
                           to   be   provided,   two   by   Lorilei's   majority
                           stockholder, two by Lorilei and two by the Executive.

                                      Page 197

                  (B)      The mediation  efforts shall be concluded  within ten
                           business  days  after  their in  itiation  unless the
                           Parties  unanimously  agree to an extended  mediation

         (2)      In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of
                  the  dispute  then at the  request of any Party,  the  Parties
                  shall  submit the  dispute to  binding  arbitration  before an
                  arbitration  service located in Broward County,  Florida to be
                  selected by lot, from six alternatives to be provided,, two by
                  Lorilei's majority stockholder,  two by Lorilei and two by the

         (3)      (A)      Expenses  of  mediation shall be borne by Lorilei, if

                  (B)      Expenses  of  mediation,   if  unsuccessful   and  of
                           arbitration  shall be borne by the  Party or  Parties
                           against whom the arbitration decision is rendered.

                  (C)      If the terms of the arbitral award do not establish a
                           prevailing  Party,  then the expenses of unsuccessful
                           mediation and  arbitration  shall be borne equally by
                           the Parties.

5.8      Benefit of Agreement.

(a)      This  Agreement  may not be assigned by the Executive without the prior
         written consent of Lorilei.

(b)      Subject to the restrictions on transferability and assignment contained
         herein,  the terms and  provisions of this  Agreement  shall be binding
         upon  and  inure  to the  benefit  of the  Parties,  their  successors,
         assigns, personal representative, estate, heirs and legatees.

5.9      Captions.

     The captions in this Agreement are for  convenience  and reference only and
in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or the
intent of any provisions hereof.

5.10     Number and Gender.

     All pronouns  and any  variations  thereof  shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.

5.11     Further Assurances.

     The Parties hereby agree to do,  execute,  acknowledge and deliver or cause
to be done,  executed or  acknowledged or delivered and to perform all such acts
and deliver  all such  deeds,  assignments,  transfers,  conveyances,  powers of
attorney, assurances, recipes, records and other documents, as may, from time to
time, be required herein to effect the intent and purposes of this Agreement.

5.12     Status.

     Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall  be  construed  or  shall  constitute  a
partnership, joint venture, agency, or lessor-lessee relationship;  but, rather,
the relationship established hereby is that of employer-employee in Lorilei.

                                      Page 198

5.13     Counterparts.

(a)      This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.

(b)      Execution by exchange of facsimile transmission shall be deemed legally
         sufficient  to bind the  signatory;  however,  the Parties  shall,  for
         aesthetic  purposes,  prepare a fully executed original version of this
         Agreement,  which shall be the document  filed with the  Securities and
         Exchange Commission.

5.14     License.

(a)      This Agreement is the  property  of  Yankees  and the use hereof by the
         Parties is authorized hereby solely for purposes of this transaction.

(b)      The use of this form of agreement or of any derivation  thereof without
         Yankees' prior written permission is prohibited.

     In Witness Whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement,  effective as
of the last date set forth below.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
    In Our Presence

                                                               The Executive

- --------------------------
                                                        /s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- --------------------------                            --------------------------
                                                           Gerald R. Cunningham

Dated:   May 11, 2000
                                                    Lorilei Communications, Inc.
                                                        a Florida corporation.

- --------------------------

__________________________                  By:  /s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
                                                 Gerald R. Cunningham, President

                                             Attest:  /s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
                                                  Leigh A. Cunningham,
                                                     Vice President & Secretary

Dated:   May 11, 2000

                                      Page 199

Executive's Employment Agreement

     THIS EXECUTIVE'S  EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into by
and among Leigh A.  Cunningham,  an individual  residing in the State of Florida
(the  "Executive");   Lorilei   Communications,   Inc.,  a  Florida  corporation
("Lorilei";  Lorilei and the Executive being sometimes hereinafter  collectively
to as the "Parties" or generically as a "Party".


     WHEREAS, Lorilei's board of directors is of the opinion that in conjunction
with  effectuation of Lorilei's  future plans it must  memorialize,  confirm and
assure itself of the  continuing  the services of the  Executive,  who currently
serves as a member of Lorilei's  board of  directors  and as its  president  and
chief executive officer; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Executive is  thoroughly  knowledgeable  with all aspects of
Lorilei's operations and plans; and

     WHEREAS,  the  Executive  is  agreeable to serving as a member of Lorilei's
board of directors  and as its  president and chief  executive  officer,  on the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth:

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual  promises,  covenants and
agreements hereby  exchanged,  as well as of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and
other good and  valuable  consideration,  the receipt  and  adequacy of which is
hereby acknowledged, the Parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as


                                   Article One
                       Term, Renewals, Earlier Termination

1.1      Term.

     Subject to the  provisions  set forth herein,  the term of the  Executive's
employment hereunder shall be deemed to commence on the date of this Agreement's
execution by all of the Parties and shall continue until June 30, 2001.

1.2      Renewals.

(a)      This Agreement shall be renewed automatically,  after expiration of the
         original term, on a continuing  annual basis,  unless the Party wishing
         not to renew this  Agreement  provides  the other  Party  with  written
         notice of its election not to renew ("Termination  Election Notice") on
         or before the 30th day prior to termination of the then current term.

(b)      Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Executive may not elect not to renew
         this Agreement until after June 30, 2005,  unless Lorilei has defaulted
         in its  obligations  under this  Agreement or termination is called for
         pursuant to other specific provisions hereof.

                                      Page 200

1.3      Earlier Termination.

(a)      For Cause:

         Lorilei shall have the right to terminate this  Agreement  prior to the
         expiration  of its  Term or of any  renewals  thereof,  subject  to the
         provisions of Sections 1.4 and 1.5, for the following reasons:

         (1)   Lorilei  may  terminate  the  Executive's  employment  under this
               Agreement at any time for cause.

         (2)   Such termination  shall be evidenced by written notice thereof to
               the   Executive,   which  notice  shall  specify  the  cause  for

         (3)  For purposes hereof, the term "cause" shall mean:

              (A)   The inability of the  Executive,  through  sickness or other
                    incapacity, to discharge his duties under this Agreement for
                    30 or more  consecutive  days  or for a total  of 60 or more
                    days in a period of twelve consecutive months;

              (B)   The failure of the  Executive  to follow the  directions  of
                    Lorilei's board of directors;

              (C)   Dishonesty;  theft; or conviction of a crime involving moral

              (D)   Material  default  in the  performance  of  the  Executive's
                    obligations,   services  or  duties   required   under  this
                    Agreement  (other than due to illness) or material breach of
                    any provision of this Agreement, which default or breach has
                    continued for ten days after written  notice of such default
                    or breach.

(b)      Deterioration or Discontinuance of Business:

         (1)      In  the  event  that  Lorilei  experiences  material  business
                  reversals or fails to meet the operational  criteria reflected
                  in its  projections or business  plans,  then,  subject to the
                  provisions  of Section  1.4,  at the option of  Lorilei,  this
                  Agreement  shall  terminate  as of a date  selected by Lorilei
                  with the same  force  and  effect as if such date was the date
                  originally set as the termination date hereof.

         (2)      In the event that Lorilei discontinues operating its business,
                  this Agreement shall terminate as of the last day of the month
                  on which it ceases operation with the same force and effect as
                  if such  last  day of the  month  were  originally  set as the
                  termination   date   hereof;   provided,   however,   that   a
                  reorganization of Lorilei shall not be deemed a termination of
                  its business.

(c)      Death:

     This Agreement shall  terminate  immediately on the death of the Executive;
however,  all accrued  compensation  at such time shall be promptly  paid to the
Executive's estate.

(d)      Material Default by Lorilei:

     In the event of a material  default by  Lorilei in its  obligations  to the
Executive  pursuant to this Agreement that is not attributable to the actions or
inaction of the  Executive,  then, the Executive  shall provide  Lorilei and its
principal stockholder of such default, in writing,  specifying the nature of the
default  and the  curative  action  required,  and if such  default is not cured
within thirty days afer  Lorilei's  principal  stockholder  receives the subject
notice,  then,  during the ensuing ten day period,  the  Executive may terminate
this Agreement; provided, however, that if the Executive does not terminate this
Agreement, the default will be deemed waived.

                                      Page 201

1.4      Severance Payments and Alternatives to Termination

     In the event this Agreement is terminated by Lorilei for reasons other than
for cause as described in Section 1.3(b) above,  the Executive shall be entitled
to either  thirty days prior written  notice or to a severance  payment in a sum
equal to the salary that would have been paid had 30 days prior  written  notice
been provided; provided, however, that in lieu of termination, Lorilei may offer
to continue this Agreement  under modified  compensation  arrangements,  if such
arrangements  are reflected in the written  notice and accepted by the Executive
prior to the end of the 30 day notice period.

1.5      Final Settlement.

     Upon  termination  of this  Agreement and payment of all amounts due to the
Executive  hereunder,  the  Executive or his  representative  shall  execute and
deliver to the terminating  entity on a form prepared by Lorilei,  a receipt for
such sums and a  release  of all  claims,  except  such  claims as may have been
submitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and which remain unpaid,  and,
shall forthwith tender to Lorilei all records,  manuals and written  procedures,
as may be desired by it for the continued conduct of its business.

                                   Article Two
                               Scope of Employment

2.1      Retention.

     Lorilei  hereby hires the Executive and the Executive  hereby  accepts such
employment,  in accordance  with the terms,  provisions  and  conditions of this

2.2      General Description of Duties.

(a)      The Executive  shall be employed as the  president and chief  executive
         officer of Lorilei and perform the duties generally associated with the
         position of president and chief executive officer thereof.

(b)      Without  limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Executive shall
         have  exclusive  control  of  all  aspects  of  Lorilei's  day  to  day
         operations, subject only to compliance with the directions of Lorilei's
         stockholder,  its board of  directors,  applicable  laws and  fiduciary

(c)      The  Executive  covenants to perform the  employment  duties called for
         hereby  in  good  faith,  devoting  substantially  all  business  time,
         energies and  abilities to the proper and  efficient  management of the
         business of Lorilei.

2.3      Status.

(a)      Throughout the term of this  Agreement,  the Executive shall serve as a
         member of the board of  directors of Lorilei and as its  president  and
         chief executive officer.

(b)      In the event that the Executive is not elected to such positions, then,
         at the option of the Executive, this Agreement may be deemed terminated
         effective as of the earliest time that it can be reasonably  determined
         that such election will not take place, provided that written notice of
         such election is provided to Lorilei  within 30 days after it failed to
         elect the Executive to the required office.

                                      Page 202

2.4      Exclusivity.

     All of the  Executive's  business time shall be devoted  exclusively to the
affairs of Lorilei.

                                  Article Three

3.1      Compensation.

     As  consideration  for the  Executive's  services to Lorilei the  Executive
shall be entitled to:

(a)      (1)   An annual salary in the aggregate gross sum of $60,000 (the "Base
               Salary"); plus

         (2)   An annual  bonus equal to 2.5 of  Lorilei's  net pre tax profits,
               payable  within 30 days after an annual  audit of Lorilei  (or of
               Lorilei's   parent   corporation)   is   completed,    permitting
               determination thereof (the "Annual Bonus").

(b)  Incentive stock options  complying with the  requirements of Section 422 of
     the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended,  or successor  provisions
     thereto (the "Options"), permitting the Executive to purchase up to 167,689
     of the 335,378  shares of the common stock of AmeriNet,  Inc., a
     publicly held Delaware  corporation  with a class of securities  registered
     under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
     "Exchange  Act"),  which holds of all of Lorilei's  capital stock and other
     securities  ("AmeriNet"),  that  AmeriNet  reserved for issuance to Lorilei
     employees in  conjunction  with the  Reorganization  Agreement  pursuant to
     which  AmeriNet  acquired all of  Lorilei's  securities  (the  "Executive's
     Option  Shares"),  on the  following  terms and  subject  to the  following

         (1)      The  Executive's  rights to the Options will vest on an annual
                  basis,   subject  to  Lorilei's   having   complied  with  its
                  obligations under the Reorganization  Agreement, the Executive
                  having complied with his obligations under this Agreements and
                  Lorilei's having attained the following EBITDA:

                  (a)      If Lorilei attains EBITDA of at least $500,000 during
                           the  period  starting  on July 1, 2000 and  ending on
                           June  30,  2001,  then the  first  33,988  shares  of
                           AmeriNet's  common stock reserved for issuance in the
                           event of  exercise  of the  subject  incentive  stock
                           options will vest;

                  (b)      If  Lorilei  attains  EBITDA  of at least  $1,400,000
                           during the period starting on July 1, 2000 and ending
                           on  June  30,   2002,   then  all  rights  to  89,885
                           (including the 33,988 shares vested,  if any, on June
                           30,  2001) of the shares of  AmeriNet's  Common stock
                           reserved for issuance in the event of exercise of the
                           subject incentive stock options will vest; and

                  (c)      If  Lorilei  attains  EBITDA  of at least  $2,900,000
                           during the period starting on July 1, 2000 and ending
                           on June  30,  2003,  then  all  rights  to all of the
                           167,689 shares  (including the shares vested, if any,
                           on June 30,  2001 and  June 30,  2002) of  AmeriNet's
                           Common  stock  reserved  for issuance in the event of
                           exercise of the subject  incentive stock options will

                                      Page 203

         (2)      All rights to the incentive stock options that have not vested
                  as of July 1, 2003 will  expire on such  date,  and no further
                  rights  of any kind  thereto  or to the  underlying  shares of
                  AmeriNet's  common stock  reserved for such purpose will exist
                  thereafter, the reservation therefor terminating on such date.

         (3)      The vested Options will be exercisable during the three fiscal
                  year  period  after they vest at a price of $1.3125 per share,
                  provided  that as required by Code  Section 422, all rights to
                  or  under  the  Options  will  expire  within  90  days  after
                  termination of the Executive's employment by Lorilei.

         (4)      All  other  terms   pertaining   to  the  Options  are  hereby
                  incorporated  by reference from those  contained in AmeriNet's
                  Non-Qualified  Stock Option & Stock Incentive Plan,  Effective
                  as of  January  1 , 2000  filed by  AmeriNet  with the  United
                  States Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission"),
                  a copy of which is annexed  hereto  and made a part  hereof as
                  exhibit  3.1(B)(2),  except to the  extent  that they would be
                  inconsistent  with  the  specific  terms in this  Section  3.1
                  unless such  inconsistency  is required by the  provisions  of
                  Code Section 422.

3.2      Benefits.

     During the term of this Agreement,  the Executive shall also be entitled to
the following benefits:

(a)      Two weeks paid vacation per year.

(b)      Automobile, insurance and child care benefits not to exceed $12,000 per
         fiscal year; and

(c)      All  other  benefits  of  employment  generally  available  to  all  of
         Lorilei's employees,  provided that such benefits have been approved by
         Lorilei's  stockholders  and are not  duplicative  of  those  otherwise
         reflected in this Agreement.

3.3      Indemnification.

     Lorilei will defend,  indemnify  and hold the  Executive  harmless from all
liabilities,  suits,  judgments,  fines,  penalties or  disabilities,  including
expenses  associated   directly,   therewith  (e.g.  legal  fees,  court  costs,
investigative  costs,  witness fees, etc.) resulting from any reasonable actions
taken by him in good faith on behalf of  Lorilei,  its  affiliates  or for other
persons or entities at the request of the board of directors of Lorilei,  to the
fullest extent legally  permitted,  and in conjunction  therewith,  shall assure
that all required  expenditures  are made in a manner making it unnecessary  for
the Executive to incur any out of pocket expenses;  provided,  however, that the
Executive  permits the majority  stockholders of Lorilei to select and supervise
all  personnel  involved  in such  defense  and that  the  Executive  waive  any
conflicts  of  interest  that  such  personnel  may  have  as a  result  of also
representing  Lorilei,  its  stockholders  or other personnel and agrees to hold
them harmless from any matters  involving  such  representation,  except such as
involve fraud or bad faith.

                                      Page 204

                                  Article Four
                                Special Covenants

4.1      Confidentiality, Non-Circumvention and Non-Competition.

     During the term of this Agreement, all renewals thereof and for a period of
two years after its termination,  the Executive hereby  irrevocably agrees to be
bound by the following restrictions,  which constitute a material inducement for
Lorilei's  entry into this  Agreement  and for  AmeriNet's  agreement to provide
shares of its common stock as the securities underlying the Options:

(a)  Because  the  Executive  will be  developing  for  Lorilei,  making use of,
     acquiring and/or adding to, confidential  information of special and unique
     nature and value  relating  to such  matters as  Lorilei's  trade  secrets,
     systems,  procedures,  manuals,  confidential reports, personnel resources,
     strategic and tactical plans, advisors,  clients, investors and funders; as
     material  inducement  to the entry  into this  Agreement  by  Lorilei,  the
     Executive  hereby  covenants and agrees not to personally  use,  divulge or
     disclose, for any purpose whatsoever,  directly or indirectly,  any of such
     confidential  information  during the term of this Agreement,  any renewals
     thereof, and for a period of two years after its termination.

(b)  The  Executive  hereby  covenants  and agrees to be bound as a fiduciary of
     Lorilei,  as if the Executive were a partner in a partnership  bound by the
     partnership opportunities doctrine, as such concept has been judicially and
     legislatively developed in the State of Florida, and consequently,  without
     the prior written  consent of Lorilei,  on a specific,  case by case basis,
     the Executive shall not, among other things, directly or indirectly:

     (1)  Engage in any activities,  whether or not for profit, competitive with
          Lorilei's business.

     (2)  Solicit or accept any person providing services to Lorilei, whether as
          an employee,  consultant or independent contractor,  for employment or
          provision of services.

     (3)  Induce any client or customer of Lorilei to cease doing  business with
          Lorilei or to engage in business  with any person  engaged in business
          activities that compete with Lorilei's business.

     (4)  Divert any business  opportunity within the general scope of Lorilei's
          business and business capacity, to any other person or entity.

4.2      Special Remedies.

     In view of the irreparable harm and damage which would undoubtedly occur to
Lorilei as a result of a breach by the  Executive of the covenants or agreements
contained in this Article Four, and in view of the lack of an adequate remedy at
law to protect  Lorilei's  interests,  the Executive hereby covenants and agrees
that  Lorilei  shall have the  following  additional  rights and remedies in the
event of a breach hereof:

(a)      In addition to and not in limitation  of any other rights,  remedies or
         damages available to Lorilei,  whether at law or in equity, it shall be
         entitled to a permanent  injunction  in order to prevent or to restrain
         any such  breach  by the  Executive,  or by the  Executive's  partners,
         agents,  representatives,  servants, employers,  employees,  affiliates
         and/or any and all persons  directly or  indirectly  acting for or with
         him  and  the  Executive  hereby  consents  to the  issuance  of such a
         permanent injunction; and

                                      Page 205

(b)      Because it is  impossible  to ascertain or estimate the entire or exact
         cost, damage or injury which Lorilei may sustain prior to the effective
         enforcement  of such  injunction,  the Executive  hereby  covenants and
         agrees to pay over to Lorilei,  in the event he violates the  covenants
         and agreements contained in Section 4.2 hereof, the greater of:

         (1)      Any  payment  or  compensation  of any  kind  received  by the
                  Executive or by persons  affiliated with or acting for or with
                  the Executive,  because of such violation  before the issuance
                  of such injunction, or

         (2)      The sum of One  Thousand  ($1,000.00)  Dollars per  violation,
                  which sum shall be liquidated damages,  and not a penalty, for
                  the  injuries   suffered  by  Lorilei  as  a  result  of  such
                  violation,  the Parties hereto  agreeing that such  liquidated
                  damages are not intended as the exclusive  remedy available to
                  Lorilei  for  any  breach  of  the  covenants  and  agreements
                  contained in this Article Four,  prior to the issuance of such
                  injunction,  the Parties  recognizing  that the only  adequate
                  remedy  to  protect  Lorilei  from the  injury  caused by such
                  breaches would be injunctive relief.

4.3      Cumulative Remedies.

     The  Executive  hereby  irrevocably  agrees that the remedies  described in
Section 4.2 shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any of the rights
or remedies  to which  Lorilei is or may be  entitled  to,  whether at law or in
equity, under or pursuant to this Agreement.

4.4      Acknowledgment of Reasonableness.

(a)  The Executive  hereby  represents,  warrants and  acknowledges  that having
     carefully  read and  considered  the  provisions of this Article Four,  the
     restrictions  set forth herein are fair and  reasonable  and are reasonably
     required for the  protection  of the  interests of Lorilei,  its  officers,
     directors and other employees;  consequently,  in the event that any of the
     above-described  restrictions  shall be held  unenforceable by any court of
     competent jurisdiction,  the Executive hereby covenants, agrees and directs
     such court to substitute a reasonable judicially  enforceable limitation in
     place of any  limitation  deemed  unenforceable  and, the Executive  hereby
     covenants and agrees that if so modified,  the covenants  contained in this
     Article  Four shall be as fully  enforceable  as if they had been set forth
     herein directly by the Parties.

(b)  In  determining  the  nature  of  this  limitation,  the  Executive  hereby
     acknowledges,  covenants  and agrees  that it is the intent of the  Parties
     that a court  adjudicating a dispute arising  hereunder  recognize that the
     Parties desire that these covenants not to circumvent,  disclose or compete
     be imposed and maintained to the greatest extent possible.

4.5      Unauthorized Acts.

     The  Executive  hereby  covenants  and  agrees  not do any act or incur any
obligation  on behalf of Lorilei  except as authorized by its board of directors
or by its stockholders pursuant to duly adopted stockholder action or reasonably
inferred therefrom.

                                      Page 206

                                  Article Five

5.1      Notices.

(a)   (1) All notices,  demands or other  communications  hereunder  shall be in
          writing,  and unless otherwise provided,  shall be deemed to have been
          duly given on the first  business day after  mailing by  registered or
          certified mail, return receipt requested,  postage prepaid,  addressed
          as follows:

                                To the Executive:

                               Leigh A.Cunningham
                18498 Northwest 24th Avenue; Citra, Florida 32113
  Telephone (352) 595-3834; Fax (352) 595-0807; e-mail;

                                   To Lorilei:

                          Lorilei Communications, Inc.
                   Post Office Box 77078; Ocala, Florida 34477
                   Attention: Gerald R. Cunningham, President
  Telephone (352) 861-1350; Fax (352) 861-1339; e-mail;
                                 with a copy to

                             Bruce Brashear, Esquire
          920 Northwest 8th Avenue, Suite A; Gainesville, Florida 32601
 Telephone (352) 336-0800; Fax (352) 336-0505; and,e-mail;

              In each case with copies to AmeriNet, Inc.
        Crystal Corporate Center; 2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225-C;
                           Boca Raton, Florida 33431
                      Attention: Michael Jordan, President
                  Telephone (561) 998-3435, Fax (561) 998-4635;
                 and, e-mail; and

                    George Franjola, Esquire; General Counsel
                            AmeriNet, Inc.
                   1941 Southeast 51st Terrace; Ocala, Florida
            34471 Telephone (352) 694-9182, Fax (352) 694-1325; and,

         (2)      Copies of notices will also be provided to such other  address
                  or to such other  person as any Party shall  designate  to the
                  other for such purpose in the manner hereinafter set forth.

(b)      (1)     The Parties  acknowledge  that The  Yankee  Companies,  Inc., a
                 Florida  corporation  ("Yankees") has acted  as  scrivener  for
                 the Parties in this  transaction and that  Yankees  is  neither
                 a  law  firm  nor  an   agency  subject   to  any  professional
                 regulation or oversight.

         (2)      Yankees has  advised all of the Parties to retain  independent
                  legal and accounting counsel to review this Agreement on their
                  behalf since it cannot provide any Party with legal advice.

         (3)      This Agreement shall not be  interpreted more or less strictly
                  against any Party based on its authorship.

                                      Page 207

5.2      Amendment.

(a)      No  modification,  waiver,  amendment,  discharge  or  change  of  this
         Agreement  shall be valid  unless the same is in writing  and signed by
         the Party against which the enforcement of said  modification,  waiver,
         amendment, discharge or change is sought.

(b)      This Agreement may not be modified without the consent of a majority in
         interest of Lorilei's AmeriNet's stockholders.

5.3      Merger.

(a)      This instrument contains all of  the  understandings  and agreements of
         the Parties with respect to the subject matter discussed herein.

(b)      All  prior  agreements  whether  written or oral, are merged herein and
         shall be of no force or effect.

5.4      Survival.

     The  several  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  of the  Parties
contained  herein  shall  survive the  execution  hereof and shall be  effective
regardless of any investigation  that may have been made or may be made by or on
behalf of any Party.

5.5      Severability.

     If any provision or any portion of any provision of this Agreement,  or the
application  of  such  provision  or  any  portion  thereof  to  any  person  or
circumstance  shall be held invalid or unenforceable,  the remaining portions of
such provision and the remaining provisions of this Agreement or the application
of  such  provision  or  portion  of  such  provision  as  is  held  invalid  or
unenforceable to persons or  circumstances  other than those to which it is held
invalid or unenforceable, shall not be effected thereby.

5.6      Governing Law and Venue.

     This Agreement  shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State
of  Florida  but any  proceeding  arising  between  the  Parties  in any  matter
pertaining or related to this Agreement  shall, to the extent  permitted by law,
be held in Broward County, Florida.

5.7      Litigation.

(a)      In any action  between  the Parties to enforce any of the terms of this
         Agreement  or  any  other  matter  arising  from  this  Agreement,  the
         prevailing  Party shall be entitled to recover its costs and  expenses,
         including   reasonable   attorneys'   fees  up  to  and  including  all
         negotiations,   trials  and  appeals,  whether  or  not  litigation  is

(b)      In the  event of any  dispute  arising  under  this  Agreement,  or the
         negotiation  thereof or inducements  to enter into the  Agreement,  the
         dispute shall,  at the request of any Party,  be  exclusively  resolved
         through the following procedures:

         (1)      (A)      First,  the  issue  shall  be  submitted to mediation
                           before  a  mediation   service  in  Broward   County,
                           Florida,  to be selected by lot from six alternatives
                           to   be   provided,   two   by   Lorilei's   majority
                           stockholder, two by Lorilei and two by the Executive.

                                      Page 208

                  (B)      The mediation  efforts shall be concluded  within ten
                           business  days  after  their in  itiation  unless the
                           Parties  unanimously  agree to an extended  mediation

         (2)      In the event that  mediation  does not lead to a resolution of
                  the  dispute  then at the  request of any Party,  the  Parties
                  shall  submit the  dispute to  binding  arbitration  before an
                  arbitration  service located in Broward County,  Florida to be
                  selected by lot, from six alternatives to be provided,, two by
                  Lorilei's majority stockholder,  two by Lorilei and two by the

         (3)      (A)      Expenses  of  mediation shall be borne by Lorilei, if

                  (B)      Expenses  of  mediation,   if  unsuccessful   and  of
                           arbitration  shall be borne by the  Party or  Parties
                           against whom the arbitration decision is rendered.

                  (C)      If the terms of the arbitral award do not establish a
                           prevailing  Party,  then the expenses of unsuccessful
                           mediation and  arbitration  shall be borne equally by
                           the Parties.

5.8      Benefit of Agreement.

(a)      This  Agreement  may not be assigned by the Executive without the prior
         written consent of Lorilei.

(b)      Subject to the restrictions on transferability and assignment contained
         herein,  the terms and  provisions of this  Agreement  shall be binding
         upon  and  inure  to the  benefit  of the  Parties,  their  successors,
         assigns, personal representative, estate, heirs and legatees.

5.9      Captions.

     The captions in this Agreement are for  convenience  and reference only and
in no way define,  describe,  extend or limit the scope of this Agreement or the
intent of any provisions hereof.

5.10     Number and Gender.

     All pronouns  and any  variations  thereof  shall be deemed to refer to the
masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural, as the identity of the Party or
Parties, or their personal representatives, successors and assigns may require.

5.11     Further Assurances.

     The Parties hereby agree to do,  execute,  acknowledge and deliver or cause
to be done,  executed or  acknowledged or delivered and to perform all such acts
and deliver  all such  deeds,  assignments,  transfers,  conveyances,  powers of
attorney, assurances, recipes, records and other documents, as may, from time to
time, be required herein to effect the intent and purposes of this Agreement.

5.12     Status.

     Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall  be  construed  or  shall  constitute  a
partnership, joint venture, agency, or lessor-lessee relationship;  but, rather,
the relationship established hereby is that of employer-employee in Lorilei.

                                      Page 209

5.13     Counterparts.

(a)      This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.

(b)      Execution by exchange of facsimile transmission shall be deemed legally
         sufficient  to bind the  signatory;  however,  the Parties  shall,  for
         aesthetic  purposes,  prepare a fully executed original version of this
         Agreement,  which shall be the document  filed with the  Securities and
         Exchange Commission.

5.14     License.

(a)      This Agreement is the  property  of  Yankees  and the use hereof by the
         Parties is authorized hereby solely for purposes of this transaction.

(b)      The use of this form of agreement or of any derivation  thereof without
         Yankees' prior written permission is prohibited.

     In Witness Whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement,  effective as
of the last date set forth below.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
    In Our Presence

                                                               The Executive

- --------------------------
                                                        /s/ Leigh A.Cunningham
- --------------------------                            --------------------------
                                                          Leigh A. Cunningham

Dated:   May 11, 2000
                                                    Lorilei Communications, Inc.
                                                        a Florida corporation.

- --------------------------

__________________________                  By:  /s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
                                                 Gerald R. Cunningham, President

                                             Attest:  /s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
                                                       Leigh A. Cunningham,
                                                     Vice President & Secretary

Dated:   May 11, 2000

                                      Page 210

                      Exhibit to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                    EXHIBIT 6.2(D) AMERINET'S LEGAL OPINION

                            AmeriNet, Inc.
                      A publicly held Delaware corporation

Michael Harris Jordan                                1941 Southeast 51st Terrace
President & Chief Executive Officer                         Ocala, Florida 34471
                                                        Telephone (352) 694-6714
David K. Cantley                                              Fax (352) 694-9178
Vice President, Treasurer                          e-mail,
& Chief Financial Officer
                                                        Crystal Corporate Center
Vanessa H. Lindsey                        2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225-C
Secretary                                              Boca Raton, Florida 33431
                                                        Telephone (561) 998-3435
George Franjola, Esquire                                      Fax (561) 998-4635
General Counsel                                    e-mail
                                                Respond to Boca Raton address

Michael Harris Jordan   G. Richard Chamberlin
Anthony Q. Joffe        Saul B. Lipson
Edward C. Dmytryk       Teri Nadler
J. Bruce Gleason        Michael A. Caputa
Carol A. Berardi        Dennis A. Berardi
Vanessa H. Lindsey      Scott B. Ugell
           Board of Directors

                      , Inc.

      245 North Ocean Boulevard, Suite 201; Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441
                  Telephone (954) 360-0636; Fax (954) 943-4046
                       Web site and e-mail

                           Trilogy International, Inc.
               526 Southeast Dixie Highway; Stuart, Florida 34494
                  Telephone (561) 781-7278; Fax (561) 781-7282
                   Web site and e-mail;

                       Vista Vacations International, Inc.
               5653 Northwest 29th Street; Margate, Florida 33063
                  Telephone (954) 975-0898; Fax (954) 975-8447
                   Web site and e-mail

                             Operating Subsidiaries

May 11, 2000

Mr. Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.
7325 S.W. 32nd Street
Ocala, Fl. 34474

         Re:   Legal  Opinion  of  Counsel  Regarding  Proposed   Reorganization
               Between   AmeriNet   Group,   Inc,,  a  publicly   held  Delaware
               corporation  with a class of securities  registered under Section
               12(g) of the Securities  ("AmeriNet") and Lorilei Communications,
               Inc., a privately held Florida corporation ("Lorilei")

Dear Mr. Cunningham:

     This  opinion is given  pursuant  to Section  6.2(D) of the  Reorganization
Agreement  between  AmeriNet  and  Lorilei.  The  proposed  reorganization,   as
reflected in the terms of the Agreement, contemplates that Lorilei will exchange
all its common stock,  its only  authorized  securities,  for shares of AmeriNet
common  stock,  its only class of voting  stock.  This  opinion will address the
stock  being  issued to  Lorilei  and the  applicability  of  federal  and state
securities  laws to the  issuance  of such  stock.  It will not  address the tax
consequences,  under  either  federal  or state law  arising  from the  proposed

     This opinion has been  prepared and is to be construed in  accordance  with
the Report on Standards for Florida Opinions dated April 8, 1991, as amended and
supplemented,  issued by the  Business  Law Section of the  Florida  Bar, 46 The
Business Lawyer, No. 4, hereby incorporated by reference into this opinion; and,
is predicated on:

1.       The  actual  information  contained  in the  Reorganization  Agreement,
         including  its  exhibits and  schedules,  in which a draft form of this
         opinion is included as an exhibit.

                                      Page 211

2.       My examination of the originals and  copies  of  corporate instruments,
         certificates, resolutions of the board of directors and other documents
         of AmeriNet.

3.       My communications with Michael Jordan, President of AmeriNet.

4.       My communications with  Bruce Brashear, Esquire, attorney for Lorilei.

5.       My current legal understanding of the Delaware General Corporations Law
         the   Florida  Securities   and   Investor   Protection  Act,  and  the
         Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act").

     The undefined terms of art used in this opinion which are  characterized by
consistent use of initial capitals are defined in the  Reorganization  Agreement
and such definitions are incorporated by reference herein.

                                Factual premises

     In forming my opinions, I have relied on all factual information  contained
in the  Reorganization  Agreement and the Exhibits and Schedules attached to it,
and I have assumed the genuineness and accuracy of the information contained and
summarized therein.  Likewise,  I have relied on the following facts as conveyed
to me by Michael Jordan:

1.        The AmeriNet shares being issued to the Lorilei  shareholders have not
          been registered.

2.        There have been sales of AmeriNet stock to less than 10 non-accredited
          investors during the last year.

3.        AmeriNet  did not  advertise  or  engage  in any form of  solicitation
          concerning the subject transaction.

4.        This  transaction is not a scheme or device to avoid  registration  of
          the stock.

5.        A standard restrictive legend will be placed upon the shares issued to
          the Lorilei  shareholders  and the  transfer  agent will be given stop
          transfer instructions.

     In addition to the foregoing,  I have relied on a  representation  by Bruce
Brashear,  Esquire, the attorney for Lorilei, that you and your wife, Leigh, the
sole Lorilei shareholders,  are not "accredited investors" within the meaning of
federal securities laws and regulations.


         The capital stock

     The Delaware  General  Corporations  Law  addresses the issuance of capital
stock in Section 152, Issuance of stock, lawful consideration; fully paid stock,
which states, in relevant part, as follows:

                  The consideration  ..... for subscriptions to, or the purchase
                  of, the capital stock to be issued by a  corporation  shall be
                  paid in such form and in such manner as the board of directors
                  shall  determine.In  the absence of fraud in the  transaction,
                  the  judgment  of  the  directors  as to  the  value  of  such
                  consideration shall be conclusive. The capital stock so issued
                  shall be deemed to be fully paid and  nonassessable  stock, if
                  (1) The entire amount of such  consideration has been received
                  by the  corporation  in the form of cash,  services  rendered,
                  personal property, real property, leases of real property or a
                  combination thereof...........

     The  consideration  supporting this transaction is stated in Section 1.2 of
the Reorganization Agreement:

                                      Page 212

                  ...[A]ll  of the Lorilei  Shareholders  will  exchange  all of
                  their Lorilei  securities  being an aggregate of 111 shares of
                  common  stock,  $0.01 par value (the  remaining  1,889  shares
                  being   unreserved   treasury  shares  or   unauthorized   but
                  heretofore  unissued  shares  of  common  stock),  for  up  to
                  1,145,037 shares of AmeriNet's  common stock, as called for by
                  this Agreement.

     The  resolution  adopted by the AmeriNet  board of  directors  approved the
terms of the  Reorganization  Agreement,  including the  foregoing  Section 1.2.
Furthermore, Section 3.2 (C) of the Reorganization Agreement provides that:

                  Subject  to the  Lorilei  Declarants'  compliance  with  their
                  obligations  under this  Agreement,  the shares of  AmeriNet's
                  common stock to be issued pursuant to the Reorganization  will
                  be  duly   authorized,   validly   issued  ,  fully  paid  and

     As such,  the  shares of stock to be issued to the  Lorilei  shareholdersif
issued in compliance with the requirements of the Reorganization Agreement, will
be fully paid and nonassessable capital stock of AmeriNet.

         The securities laws: The 1933 Act

         Section 4(2) of the Securities Act provides as follows:

                  ....  The  provisions  of  section  5 shall  not apply to ....
                  transactions by an issuer not involving any public offering.

     Section 4(2) provides a private  offering  exemption from  registration and
prospectus  requirements,  applying  to  transactions  by an issuer  that do not
involve any public  offering.  The  exemption was enacted to permit an issuer to
make a specific or isolated sale of its securities to particular persons without
incurring  the  expense  of  registration,  and is  used  in a wide  variety  of
transactions,  including  here, the  acquisition  of a closely held  corporation
where all of the consideration is securities of the acquiring corporation .

     Whether  the  transaction  is one not  involving  any  public  offering  is
essentially  a question  of fact and  necessitates  a  consideration  of all the
surrounding  circumstances,  including such factors as the relationship  between
the offerees and the issuer, as well as the nature, scope, size, type and manner
of the offering.  An important factor to be considered is whether the securities
offered  have  come to rest in the  hands  of the  initially  informed  group or
whether the  purchasers  are merely  conduits  for a wider  distribution.  It is
essential that the issuer of the securities take  precautions to assure that the
purchasers do not acquire the securities  with a view to  distribution.  In this
transaction,  the share  certificates  being issued to the Lorilei  shareholders
will  bear a  restrictive  legend  indicating  that  the  shares  have  not been
registered  under the 1933 Act and may be  offered  and sold only if  registered
pursuant to the provisions of that Act or if an exemption from  registration  is
available.  Furthermore,  AmeriNet  will issue stop-  transfer  instructions  to
prevent the transfer of the securities  unless registered or unless an exemption

     Except to the extent that  objective  standards  for  claiming  the private
offering  exemption are now provided under current Regulation D, Section 4(2) of
the  1933  Act  has  been  delineated   through   administrative   and  judicial
interpretations.   Factors  considered  in  determining  whether  a  transaction
involved a "public  offering"  were  first  discussed  in detail in Release  No.
33-285  (1935),  which  held  that  all  surrounding  circumstances  had  to  be
considered.  Noting that an offering of securities to an "insubstantial  number"
of persons had previously been described as not involving a public offering, and
that  though  under  ordinary  circumstances,  an  offering  to not more than 25
persons  presumably  did not involve a public  offering,  the question was never
determined exclusively by the

                                      Page 213

number of offerees.  Factors discussed in Release No. 33-285 included the number
of offerees and their  relationship to each other and to the issuer,  the number
of units offered, the size of the offering and the manner of the offering.

     In  addition  to  the  four  factors  above,   subsequent   intrepretations
emphasized the importance of information  available to make informed  decisions,
even where the investors were  financially  sophisticated.  Cases have held that
the private  offering  exemption  afforded by Section  4(2) only  applies if the
offerees are given access to the kind of  information  that  registration  would
disclose.  In this transaction,  the Lorilei  shareholders have represented that
they have had access to all of AmeriNet's periodic filings with the SEC, as well
as other  information  made  available  directly  byofficers of AmeriNet and its
current subsidiaries.

         Florida Law

     A  safe   harbor  for   compliance   with  the   requirements   of  Section
517.061(11)(a)3,  Florida  Statutes,  is established by Florida Rule 3E-500.005.
Among other things, it provides the following guidelines:

     The  determination  as to whether sales of securities  are part of a larger
offering [(i.e.,  are deemed to be integrated)]  depends on the particular facts
and circumstances.  In determining whether sales should be regarded as part of a
larger  offering  and thus should be  integrated,  the facts  described  in Rule
3E-500.01 should be considered.

     The requirements of Sections  517.061(11)(a)3,  Florida Statutes, that each
purchaser or his  representative  be provided with or given reasonable access to
full and fair  disclosure of all material  information is deemed to be satisfied
if, a) all material books and records of the issuer;  b) all material  contracts
and documents  relating to the proposed  transaction;  and c) an  opportunity to
question  the  appropriate  executive  officers or partners are provided to each
investor. In addition, in the case of an issuer that is subject to the reporting
requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
provisions of paragraph (5)(b) of the rule are deemed satisfied by providing the

         (a)   The information  contained in the annual report required to be...
               any  reports  or  documents  required  to be filed by the  issuer
               pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
               of 1934,  since the filing of such annual report or  registration
               statement; and,

         (b)   A brief  description of the securities being offered,  the use of
               the proceeds from the offering,  and any material  changes in the
               issuer's  affairs  which  are  not  disclosed  in  the  documents


     On the basis of the  foregoing  discussion,  I am of the  opinion  that the
shares of stock  being  issued to the  Lorilei  shareholders  are fully paid and

     This  opinion is limited by the facts  cited  above,  and is for use by the
Parties solely in conjunction  with closing  contemplated by the  Reorganization
Agreement. No other person is entitled to rely upon this opinion.

                               Very Truly Yours,

                            AmeriNet, Inc.

                              /s/ George Franjola
                            George Franjola, Esquire
                                General Counsel

                                      Page 214

                      EXHIBIT 6.3(E) LORILEI LEGAL OPINION

Brashear & Associates, P.L.
926 N.W. 13th Street
Gainesville, Florida 32601

May 11, 2000

Board of Directors
AmeriNet Group, Inc.
Crystal Corporate Center;
2500 North Military Trail, Suite 225
Boca Raton, Florida 33431

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

     We have acted as special counsel to Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida
corporation (the "Company"),  in connection with reorganization  contemplated by
that certain Reorganization  Agreement,  between AmeriNet Group, Inc. (AmeriNet)
and the  Company  dated May 11,  2000 (the  "Agreement")  pursuant  to which the
outstanding  shares of the Company have been transferred to AmeriNet in exchange
for ), for up to 1,145,037  Aminet common shares..  All  capitalized  terms used
herein and not otherwise  defined shall have the  respective  meanings  given to
those terms in the Reorganization  Agreement. This opinion is being furnished to
you pursuant to Section 6.2(E) of the Reorganization Agreement.

     In  connection  with  this  opinion,   we  have  examined  a  copy  of  the
Reorganization Agreement, the Company's Certificate of Incorporation, as amended
to date,  its  By-laws,  as  amended  to  date,  and  such  other  certificates,
agreements  and other  documents as we have deemed  necessary as a basis for the
opinions  hereinafter  expressed.  As to certain matters of fact, we have relied
upon a  certificate  of  officers  of the  Company.  In our  examination  of the
aforesaid documents,  we have assumed,  without independent  investigation,  the
genuineness of all  signatures,  the legal capacity of all  individuals who have
executed any documents,  the  authenticity  of all documents  submitted to us as
originals,  the conformity to the original documents of all documents  submitted
to us as  certified,  photostatic,  reproduced  or  conformed  copies of validly
existing  agreements  or  other  documents  and  the  authenticity  of all  such

     In rendering the opinions  expressed  below,  we have assumed that: (i) the
parties  to  each   document   related  to  or  necessary  to  the   transaction
("Transaction  Documents")  other than the Company have the power,  corporate or
other,  to enter into and perform all  actions  thereunder;  (ii) that each such
party  other than the  Company  has duly  authorized  by all  requisite  action,
corporate or other,  the  execution and delivery of such  Transaction  Document;
(iii) that such  Transaction  Document has been duly  executed and  delivered by
such party; (iv) and that each Transaction Document constitutes the legal, valid
and binding agreement of each of the parties to such Transaction  Document other
than the Company, enforceable against such parties in accordance with its terms;
(v) the representations  and warranties made in the Reorganization  Agreement by
you are true and correct; (vi) any wire transfers,  drafts or checks tendered by
you will be honored;  (vii) there are no facts or circumstances  relating to you
that might  prevent  you from  enforcing  any of the rights to which our opinion
relates;  and (viii) there are no extrinsic  agreements or understandings  among
the parties to the  Transaction  Documents  that would modify or  interpret  the
terms of the  Transaction  Documents or the respective  rights or obligations of
the parties thereunder.

     The  qualification of a statement or opinion herein by the phrase "known to
us," or "to our knowledge," or any similar phrase means the actual  knowledge of
the  attorneys of this Firm with  primary  responsibility  for the  preparation,
review and negotiation of the Transaction  Documents.  We have not undertaken or
conducted any  independent  factual  investigation  to determine the accuracy of
statements or opinions herein qualified as described in the preceding  sentence,
and any limited inquiry  undertaken by us during the preparation of this opinion
letter should not be regarded as such an  investigation;  no inference as to our
knowledge  of any  matters  bearing on the  accuracy  of any such  statement  or
opinion should be drawn from the fact of our representation of the Company.

     This  opinion  relates  solely  to the laws of the  State of  Florida,  the
General Corporation Law of the State of Florida and the federal securities laws,
and we express no opinion with respect to the effect or application of any other
laws. We express no opinion  whatsoever as to the compliance or noncompliance by
the  Company  or any  person  involved  in the  subject  transactions  with  the
antifraud or information  delivery  provisions of state and federal laws,  rules
and regulations concerning the offer, sale or issuance of securities.

     Based upon our  examination  of and reliance upon the foregoing and subject
to the limitations, exceptions, qualifications and assumptions set forth herein,
we are of the opinion that as of the date hereof:

     1. The Company is a corporation validly existing and in good standing under
the laws of the  State  of  Florida,  with the  requisite  corporate  power  and
authority  to own its  properties  and to  conduct  its  business  as  presently

     2. The Company has the requisite  corporate power and authority to execute,
deliver  and perform  its  obligations  under the  Transactions  Documents.  The
execution,  delivery and performance of the Transaction Documents have been duly
authorized by all necessary  corporate action of the Company and the Transaction
Documents have been duly executed and delivered by the Company. Each Transaction
Document  constitutes  a legally  valid and binding  obligation  of the Company,
enforceable  against  the  Company  according  to its terms,  except as (i) such
enforceability   may  be   limited   by   applicable   bankruptcy,   insolvency,
reorganization,   moratorium,  liquidation  or  similar  laws  relating  to,  or
affecting  generally,  the enforcement of creditors'  rights and remedies,  (ii)
rights of acceleration and the availability of equitable remedies may be limited
by  equitable   principles  of  general   applicability   and  (iii)  rights  to
indemnification  and contribution  under the Investor's  Rights Agreement may be
limited by public policy.  The Certificate of Designation has been duly executed
and filed with the Florida Secretary of State.

     3. The 111 shares of the Company"s  common stock have been validly  issued,
fully paid and are nonassessable.

     4. The Company's  Board of Directors has adopted a resolution  adopting the
Reorganization Agreement.

     5. Based in part upon the representations made by you in the Reorganization
Agreement,  the exchange of shares contemplated by the Reorganization  Agreement
is exempt from the registration  requirements  under Section 5 of the Securities
Act of 1933,  as amended  and the  registration  requirements  of  Chapter  517,
Florida Statutes.

     6. The execution  and delivery of the  Transaction  Documents  does not (i)
violate  any  provision  of any law,  rule or  regulation  believed  by us to be
generally applicable to transactions of the type contemplated by the Transaction
Documents  or  (ii)  violate  any  provision  of the  Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation or Bylaws.

     7. The  execution,  delivery  and  performance  of the  obligations  of the
Company under the  Transaction  Documents do not require any consent,  approval,
permit,   order  or  authorization  of,  or  any  qualification,   registration,
designation,  declaration  or filing  with,  any  federal or state  governmental
authority on the part of the Company.

     8. To our knowledge,  there is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation
pending or  threatened  against  the  Company  before any court or  governmental
agency (i) that questions the validity of the Transaction Documents or the right
of the  Company  to enter  into  the  Transaction  Documents  or (ii)  that,  if
determined adversely,  would be likely to result in a material adverse change in
the financial condition or business of the Company.

     The opinions expressed herein have been rendered solely for your benefit in
connection with the transactions  contemplated by the  Reorganization  Agreement
and may not be relied upon by you in any other  manner or by any other person or
entity  in any  manner  or for  any  purpose,  and may  not be  communicated  or
published by you to any other person or entity for any purpose without our prior
written approval in each instance. We do not assume any continuing obligation or
responsibility  to  advise  you  of  any  changes  in  law,  or  any  change  of
circumstances  of which we become  aware,  which may affect any of the  opinions
contained herein or to update,  revise or supplement any such opinion herein for
any reason whatsoever.

                                Very truly yours,

                           Brashear & Associates, P.L.

                               /s/ Bruce Brashear
                                 Bruce Brashear

                                      Page 215

                      Exhibit to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation


         Copies of Non Compete Agreements are attached to Exhibit 5.12

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                      Exhibit to Reorganization Agreement
                                  by and among
                AmeriNet, Inc., a Delaware Corporation
              Lorilei Communications, Inc., a Florida Corporation

                         EXHIBIT 7.2 ESCROW ALLOCATION

         The portion of AmeriNet's  common stock in the Undisclosed  Liabilities
Escrow  Fund  contributed  on behalf of each  stockholder  of  Lorilei is listed
opposite such stockholders name below:

                                                     Stock Escrow
Stockholder                                          Allocation

Gerald R. Cunningham                                 57,252 Shares
Leigh A. Cunningham                                  57,252 Shares

I attest the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my

/s/ Gerald R. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Gerald R. Cunningham, President
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

/s/ Leigh A. Cunningham
- ----------------------------------
Leigh A. Cunningham, Vice President Sales
Lorilei Communications, Inc.

                                    Page 216