The  parties  to  this  agreement  are  Frontline  Processing   Corporation
("Frontline"), Michael Umile and Bruce Gleason.

     The  purpose  of this  agreement  is to  resolve  an  outstanding  debt for
services for which Mr. Umile and Mr. Gleason are personally responsible,  in the
amount of $2,315.33. These services were rendered to American Internet Technical
Center, Inc. ("AITC"), of which Mr. Umile and Mr. Gleason were principal owners.
AITC was a subsidiary  of AmeriNet  ("AmeriNet")until  it merged with, Inc., a current subsidiary of AmeriNet.

     The board of  directors  of AmeriNet  has  resolved to pay the debt owed to
Frontline in AmeriNet stock, calculated at the value of the stock at its closing
on January 8, 2001,  namely $.30 per share. Mr. Umile and Mr. Gleason  represent
and warrant that the attached  copy of the board  resolution is true and correct
and accurately reflects official action by the board of directors of AmeriNet.

     Frontline  understands  that the stock is restricted and cannot be sold for
one year.

     In  consideration  of the mutual  promises  herein,  the  parties  agree as

         1.    Frontline   hereby   accepts   the   agreement   of  AmeriNet  in
               satisfaction of the outstanding debt.

         2.    Frontline  agrees to release Mr. Umile,  Mr. Gleason and AmeriNet
               from  all  liability  related  to  this  debt in any  way,  to be
               effective upon delivery of the AmeriNet stock.

         Done this 15th day of April, 2001.

                                          FRONTLINE PROCESSING CORPORATION

/s/ Michael Umile                         By: /s/ Ron Reavis
    Michael Umile
                                       Title: CEO

/s/ Bruce Gleason
    Bruce Gleason